THE OMAHA DAILY BEEfl : TUESDAY. MAY 7. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA * " * i No advertisement * will bo taken Tor ilipnn coltiinnf ) After l-i.'M ) p. in. Xcrnia Cnuli In nctvnnoo. . . . . . . . . | vu..iu . , u uv. this head 10 centfl pet Vine for tno flnt insertion , 7 cent * for each sub * { qnent Insertion , and ll/X ) per line p r month , to advertisement taken for lesi than SO cents he Ortt iiuertlon. Seven words will be counted fco the line : they must run consecutively and * nu t bo paid In ADVANCK. All advertise- iTnonUi must be hAndM in before 13:30 : o'clock p. JD. , and under no circumstances will they b * Bakon or discontinued by toli/plione. PartlM advertlilng In thtse columns and bar- fate their answers addressed lu care of Tim B rill please nmk for n check to enable them to get h lr letters , a * none will be dollveredcxctnton tnresonlntlon of chock. All answers to adver- .lisomontft should be enclononlln envelopes. All advertisements in UIMO columns are pub lished In both mornlne and evening editions of Bun BRR , the circulation ot which aggregates Baoro than 18,000 papers dally , and gives the ad- { rentiers the oenoOt , not only of the city clrrn- Htlon ot TUP. Her , but also of Council Illuffs. f'tncnln und other cities and towns throughout jhis section ot the country. " "BRANCH OFFICESr Advertising for these columns will b § taken n the above conditions , at the following busl- kau houiCB , who are at thorlred agents for TUB Jl E ipeclnl notices , and will quote the sam * jtatea as can bo had at the main olllco. TOHN W. IlBM/ . Pharmacist , 820 South Tenth fJ Htroet. ilA'sE \ - nnn. atatlonen anrt Printers , 113 V/BoutU JM _ ( O H. FAKNrtnOHTH.l'banut (1st , Z11S Cum- > J ingHtitct. _ ' _ _ W.I. IIUOHKS , Phnr'maclst , C2i North 10th . Btroct. _ " " ' "TO. W. PAUIl. Ph'armaclit , 1809 Bt. Mary' * Avonuo. SITUATIONS WANTED. TAT ANTKD lly n young lady of experience T V and best or loferonco , position as cashier. Ajldroag. A ! ! ! ) , The Ileo. 782-7 * AM 11)1)1i ; agedliuiy of culture nnarolluo- mont would like n position as housekeeper or companion for an Invalid ; can speak Ger man. Address , A 30. The Hoc. 781-8 * WANTED Situation as porter by colored man ; 3 yearn' nxporlonco. Address A : o Uco olllce. 800-8t WANTKD-Sltuatlon by a peed all-round baker ; good refornncos. Address A 28 , Boo. 778 0 * TTpNUAOKMKNTS to do dressmaking i n fam Jlillles solicited.JHsa 8turdy'M17 Leovonwortn 201 in : a * IJAllTlKS desiring experienced stenographers can obtain juat the nanyv * anted without delay or Inconvenience from the Western Sten ographic agency , Lincoln , Nob. GCO-mft WANTED MALE HELP. W ANTKD Press bricklayers nt Dundee Place at ( Me ) litty cents per hour ; none but coodhands wanted. I. T. Shannon. 814 Sfa WANTED Two traveling nalosmon. Wilt pay good salary : must deposit for sam ples. Call on or tiddro33 Davis & Sliahun , 510 Itamga building. 812 71 WANTED A canvasser on salary ; apply be tween 12 and 1 o'clock to Harry Franklin , Crestou house , Council Illulfs. 81'i 7 WANT1H ) Klrst-clas ? rrnrbor ( white prefer red ) , must bo temperate , steady Job. Ad' flress. C. C. Fletcher , Hobrou , Nob. 78.VG * WANTED Salesman familiar with grocer or drug trade of this section. Part salary , t > art commission. Address , A 39 , Dee ofllco. TOT W ANTl'.U Vounpr man of good habits for light steady work. Iloom 17 , 220 N ICth. 7W St WANTED Solicitor for Norfolk ; live man ; S18 per week ; $25 required. O. P. It. Hills , DlOIShecly block. 7U.M3 * ' $2i WEEKLY Heprosontatlvo wanted In every community. Goods stnplo and sell bu light. Absolutely new ; household necessity. No canvassing. Klite JUfg. Co. , Pullman build- ) ng , Chicago , 111 , 700 WANTED Agents to soil the Plnless clothes line ; the only linonvor Invented that holds the clothes without pins ; a perfect success ; patent n-ccntly Issued ; sold only by agents to whom the exclusive right Is given ; on receipt of 40 cents wo will send a sample line by mall ; also circulars , price list and terms to agents KJ > ooure your taimory at once : Address Worcester Plnloss Clothes Line Co , , 17 Hermou st. . War- cestor , Mass. 7553 * \KTANTF.O Agents Puzzle watch charm ; VT most taking novelty out ; exact Imitation of "Pigs In Clover. " slxo of nickel , gold plated. Bampleliic. two 2T c. doz. 81 ; stamps taken. ptaynor & Co. , Providence , U. I. 754 jtt WANTED Energetic man of business ability , to taka branch olllco In Kansas City ; 8100 per month and commission ; (150 re quired. Address A 25 IJoe office. 764-6 * "VVTANTED Man and wife for small hotel , VT man to cook and woman to wait on table , 150. lira llroga. BUM a IBtli. 71pJ5 TXTANTED Two wire workers to work on channel Iron Mork at Rood pay and steady work. Address tne Sioux City wire works at onco. 713-1 f\OAT \ 31 aker Wanted First-class coat maker , VQermnn preferred , employment every day In the year. Must bo steady and reliable. Write or telegraph at once to Altshulor & Echlcslngor , opera house tailors , Sao City , la. W"ANTKD nrst-class barber , must bo sonar with good rofcronce , none others need ap ply. Gooil wages paid. Hugh H. Kelly , Mis- ami Valley , la. ' C40-6J AGHNTS Wanted : General and local agents to handle the now patent chemical ink eranlnjf pencil ; greatest novelty ever produced : erases ink In two seconds ; no abrasion of nuper ; 200 to 500 per cent prodt ; solid at night ; La Crosse , Wls. 739-7 * MTANTKO-The Grand Union Tea Co. . of Y T Omaha , wants a rupresoutattve lu every town or city within 200 mlles of Omaha. Must be thoroughly acquainted and reliable. Klthor lady or Rcmlonian can nil thlx position and tnakb fair vragus. Addrtss W. K. Duval , Malinger. 74M3 " 1717 ANTED A llrit class Ice cream maker. Y V apply Harry Hull. Sioux City , la. 7ii7 Dt ANTKD Itollnblo canvassers for Omnna W and Lincoln ; also good salesmen for the road. Call or address. Immediately , 517 N. ICth Bt. . Omaha. Otl2- l WANTED Uockmen. tlemakurK.gradois and tracklayers for Washington teriltory ; ntertdyori and peed wages. At Alorlglit's Labor A coney , llJUFnrnnmHt. _ _ flM B Ore-Am. DUt. Tul.Co. , 1301 Douglas. 471 AORNTB wanted on i-alary , $75 per uiomh , and expends paid , nny active man or wo man tn sell our goods by sample aud live at Lome. KaUry paid promptly and expenses In dvuuce. Full partlcul.UH and sample CHUB free , W mean just what o g.-w. Addicna Standard Ullvonvnro Co. , Iloston , Slass. OJOwlO * \ff ANTED Paperhnugers to net prices on T i job .lots of wr.ll pupur and borders at 407 B. I.Mh Kt. . ItaingB block. 3077 * \ , " AN'J'jSD cigar lighter \ ; Aeents ; magic ; T V every nnok r buys ; lights In wind or rain : lasts n lllntliue : sample 15c , two fnr25c , dozen 1 , by mull ; stampi taken. Starner Si Co. , ITovldonca H. I. 17i-m2j ) WANTED iCuerB tlcmen and women every where for a Runtool , money-maklue binl- ness , too weekly profit guaranteed easier than W ) monthly otfioiwise. Experience absolutely unnecessary. Poimament posltUm and exclus- Ivetoirltoryaisurcd. CJs ampins free. Write for particulars. Addrusi with ntnrnp , Merrill Mf'f. fco. . II M Chit-ago 7IMul-'J ' We wish a few men to soli our SALI'SMKN sampU to wholesale and retail trade. LnrceU manuf'ra In our line. Unclose 2-ccnt stamii. Wages U par day , permanent position. No postals answered. Mouny ad vanced for wacoi , adv rlt iUK , etc. Centennial - - - ' " ; Co. . clucln Men toanliclt ; must deposit Wi and clre security for money collected , Salary ITO to 1100 per mont h. Call on or ad < dre > Uoo.8.Cline.5HFIrat National bank. 470 fc WANTED FEMALE HELP.I \ArANTKD A peed nursn girl ; oud who aho V > can do secoiulr -k and nlaln newiug. Good MUKoa paid , Apply at No. 951 a. 20th bt. 7Ul it Yjnr ANTKD Lady caililnr. li'i per month. Tl UlvoreforoncesamlaildrcM lu own v.rlt- Jne.A _ JdreKSA3i. _ _ , euro llee olllce. 7M 7t JXyANTKD Afiood L'lrl for eaueral house- W work , luqulro of U U Erkksou. SIX N ith , Masonlo block. _ 7 4 T WANTED- once. R good cook aud lauu- Ores * , U Doucloa at. Mrs. F. W. Uray. 7VO 6 SfJlfA'rJTED \ ilrl for gfr.cral houMwork and YY one for upstair * work at tut ) U. 20ih t. " ANiKO A peed conk and a nurse girl for cr.lUlron. KUiVft. Mary'n ave. l J7 * - Udlea at 1323 Capitol WANTED-Tnonalea rn3 3 [ > ANTKD-An experlanred girl for lioiiio- r vcrk2COU poppleiou uv. 038 , STB I > I.r.dy ttuiinn for our n w skirt T titi viiiw. . baby dlnpur * > , .i > i ter , Ktc. ; oar loua t'all ( la.f 14:0111 made 1U ouu duy. luialei' tiupply Co. , ' ii' ! W. f > a > u- lion au. fUilJon. . IU. SXt-tt WANTTID-Oook. 110 : one 155 : waitresses for Fremont. Arlington , Carroll. la. , Man- Ing , la ; fares all paid : 8 nurse girls , ft.50 week : 4 cooks private inmllles , t D nnd to week ; 4 waitresses $1 week ; 3 chnmbormatdi , taco week : ! laundry Tomen. 125 and hoard ; 4 girls for boarding houso. ti week ; 40 Rirls , good work In and out city , Omrfha Cmp , Ilureau , lia N ICth. 801-fit ANTED-Walst and skirt llnisheM. ' 1510 Douglas trootup _ stairs. 712 fij f AUTEDflTrF. amair family , goooTwages. ' Apply 1112 8. loth at. tf > > rANTED-Glrl for ltoisework,10J7 ; Park nv. 610 OS w ANTKD A girl for general housoKoric H3 South _ _ Oth , _ T\7ANTED-Flfst-cias * wnlst nntMier. MM ! V > Anson , WO Eighth ave. , Council Bluffs. "r\7"ANTED"Good wages to competent girl r > for general housework , 509 B 20th st. - * i ( EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. "filOU RENT NIrely. newly furnlihed. all JU modern convenience * , 2210 Douglas. 1T < _ IjlOllHA | j H ( looil work team. wagon and har- J. ness ; sot cnrpontcr tools and chest : full sat surgical Instruments , nearly now ; honseliold coeds , etc. On easy payments. J. J. Wllklnsou. n < IT Farnam at. 4ttt J _ furnished R-room cottage for rent. NICELY of J. M. French , 012 Paxton building. "IflOR BAMCortrado One of the best located J2 restaurant ? In the city : outtltnow and com plete. H.OJU. J. 11. Evans , Barber Hllc. 323 - PRI-SStVl'AKlO. . - _ ' MffB M. Bhlne , fashionable dressmaking , moilorata prices ; cutting imd Ilttlus also clone. HIT N. loth. fifti Jl * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. "I3USINE.SS mnn wants to Invcn Jl.OOO with JLsorvlceRln good business In Om uhn. Address - dross A lU HOB otllco. J 'i ! Board und two unfurnished WANTED a private family fora lady and two children. References exchanged. Address A ffli. Dee olllco. T'.H ' B I WILL receive bids for erection of tour cot- tunes up to Tuesday noon , J , A , Llnahan , room 608 Pnxton block. 740 ' ) - ono allllcted with anyprl- WANTED-Any lilood dlsaaso to call on the National Homody Co. , 1414 Dodge st. and In- \estlgate their treatment for private disorders. ANTED A now furniture store at Friend W Nob. WANTED-TO RENT. WANTED Cottage of five rooms In good lo cation with stable. Inquire 2211 Cutnlng. 7627 * WANTED to rent by family of two , an un furnished cottage In good condition con taining U or 7 rooms ; must nave terms and lo cation to receive any attention. Address U 55 , lice. 220 FOR RENT HOUSES. T71OU 11KNT ( lood house , 0 rooms , modern JL : Improvements. 2017 Leavomvorth at. 803-7 T71OII HUNT A good 5-room cottage , newly JL ? papered , KG S. 18th st. ; city water , well and olstorn. Apply ou premises. 7i)0 ) Bt . . . . RENT One nlco 7-room house nnd barn , line view , nlco location utc. Inquire of C. L. Erlckson.212 N. lOthst. , Masonic block. 7J4-7 RENT Fiat of six rooms ; furnlturo for FOR sale : good location ; lease given to right party. Address A 14 Bee. C9510t fiOH RENT An eleven-room houso. 2215 Call- fornla st. 71P-1ST T71OK KENT Nice , comfortable homo , llrst- JO class nolghborhood , all modern conven iences , close to car line , moderate lent. Inquire of Goo. N. Hicks , Uarker block. 77D-U ion RENT Klegant residence In llanscom Placo. inquire Geo. N. Iliuks , Barker block. 777-B TTIOH HENT-2 splendid Hats In brick block , JL' each 0 rooms. 7 closets , prlvato halls , all modern conveniences , well located , $27 per mo. T. C. llrunncr , room 1. Ware block. 7 30D IT10H KENT New house of fl rooms ; water Jt : ami gas : easj ; front ; good location , Apply to Jas. StockUale , It. 19 , Arlington blk. tat EOll HENT IargB basement under the Langa block , 13th nml Jackson , 200 snuaro ft lloor ; " storage eellars.wlll bo fitted for tenant on nuo year's * loato ; oluvator If desired ; lent low ; steam heat when needed , E.F.Cook,1607 Tarnam CS5 7 * T710H KENT Cottagns , 5 rooms , 2720 Charles JL1 st. und 1524 S 15th st. Inquire at room 212 , Shecly block. 473 T7WR HUNT Neat house cor ZCth J and Woolworth ave. Inquire of G. 11. Tzschuck. Itee onice. 543 TTlOIl HENT-A Hat ID the Her building ; 7 JO rooms. Meam heat , gas and bath. Apply to A. C. Haymer , hardware , Itith and Jackson. T71UHN1SHBD cottage for rent : ft rooms , close JL1 to business. Terms at No. 1000 S. 1'Jth st. 447-K NICE 7-room cottages ; good cellars , cistern1 ! . well , good barn ; convenient to school and churcn ; &U per mouth for the summer. Apply at one. 0. F. Harrlbon , Merchants' Nat'l bank , filOH KENT line 7-roorn Hat ; all modern JO conveniences ; centrally located ; KW per month to good party. L. & S. Hental agency , room 310 Sheely block. Ki'S KENT My Farnam st. residence completely FOU pletely furnished , with first-class servants , if desired , for four or tlvo months ; family KO- ing away. It. C. Patterson. 318 S. lutli st. tZI TjlOK HENT 7-room fiat , all modern convon- J-1 loiices , good location , cheap to good party. L. i S. Hental Agency , room 310 , shooly block. T710U KENT Ono ten-room and one elght- JO room house , all modern conveniences , fiest part of city and within 5 mlnntos walk of post- olllcn. Natuan Shelton , 150i Farnam st. 042 fTtOIl UENr-Ueautlful D-room nouse with JO modern Improvements , splendid location. Apply at oncn , U. F. Harrison , Mer. Nat. U'k.bCO bCO TT10K HENT Good houses atKO. gO.K0KS.20. ! .1 : andll-per month. If you wish to rent call and see me. D. V. bholes. 210 1st Nat'l llauk. 7f9 TTIQIUIENT 14 room brick dwelling , all con- JJ venlenccs , 210 N. lath st. u07 FOR RENT ROOMS-FURNISHED- IjlUHNJSHED rooms In good location , with J. model n conveniences and on car lino. 2 X Leavcuworth. 77U-l f ffToH ifllNT Two nicely turniHhod front .V looms ; boiud if desired , coil N. 17th st. 810-Bt T71URN1BHED roonu-with all convenience , ole J Bant location ; beat d if desired. 1811 Capitol avo. 70J 6 * furnished room , 1810 Grace. ONE 7 ( C * 171011 RENT Furnished rooms : all modern JU _ nonvanluncos. 2312 Dougliu st. 081(1 ( ; "J71URN1SHKD room Largo , southeast front J ? room for two cents or gentleman and wife. 18a FftTimm. comer I'Jth. ' ( M-C T71011 RENT Elegant furnished front room JJ for genllemun only. 182.1 Casd. 7iiB-7t FOR RENT Nicely furnished front bed room In cottage , Mpor month , 4M William .stioot. VTICfil'V FUP.NlSHED-Rooms for rent at -L > IHO1' Douglas at , 3rd flour , lent low. 731 "VflCKLY furnlsliod Bontn front room. Every Jconveulnco. . 2210 Uouula.s ut. 077 1JTOII mTNT-Front parlor nicely f urnhhed , JU 03 N 17th at. fir.7 K THOU RENT A pleasant room , only 0 minutes JL' from bubluass cantor , all modern con- vanlencos , cor at. Mary'i avo. and 2uth or 620 S. 20th , brick residence. CO ) PU11N1SHED rooms by day or month , vrltn or without boanl at Imrmt ratos. Central House , IIroadway , near water works. Council . BT IiMJll UElfT Sonirt nlcnlyTurnfihed roomsl 1 Apply 19)1 ) Davenport 1.1. H27 T71OII UENT-HixnilBoiue furnlsho < l roomn with J all modern lmproyomeiits.2203 Dodge. (118 ( 8t rilWO large nnwly ( uriiuheo jront rooms , nlno JL small bedroom , sultiiblo for gtmtlnmnn ; modem convunlencos ; boaid It du.-Ured. 220J Farnam at. _ _ T710U RK.NT-3 rooms. 1712 Jackson ( treei. _ TJI L'UNISHED rooms S K. Uth st. TDlUltNIbHKDor anfur.ilshoil room.i for rent JD | n Park Terrace , odposlto linuscoin parki all raodent conveniences. lurjulru Lee i ; Nichol. 2Bth mid l.env nxyorth. 473 ) IT of 2 furnished rooms , modern conven iences , U blocks from P. U , ; private fnniDv. A. Ho l' . Jr. , 1513 Douglas. 475 U RENT lYont rooms ut 1S21 Fnrnam. FUI1NI8HED rooms t > r day. wcelr. or mniilh at. Clalr hotel , cor 13th and Dodao. 478 room * , sluclo or atimilte , batU audiUam ; for gents only. 1' Hawanl. 479 J-Oll HENT-Klezautly ruroUUed rooms with L' all modarn Iniproreiaentu , at ovi & l.'th ot roomf , II upwardi , ou car llu ; Ul TVTICEIjY furnished rooms vrlth board. Hot- J-1crencosexchanged. 2.VWSUMary'tave. 387 1700MB and board. 1813 Chicago. t DOOMS and board , 1010 Webster st , f mtf IlNlSItHD rooms with llrst-class board iT L1 201J Douglas t. 371 lot ELEGANTLY furnished rooms contrail ? lo cated with or without board , price reasonable - able , cots. 13th. 317-mSJ * O NICE south front rooms Tf 1th every convon. A ifncoitelephonoln house. 1W3 Capitol ar. 2 < i5 P AtlOE front room with bod-room adjoining , JUhandsomoly furnl hod. K S and heated by itenra , with use of bath room. In ono of Iho landsomest reililencos In the city , without board. Imiulro n. w. cor , 10th and Leavonworth. Zla TT10H KENT Furnished rooms single or en J.1 suite. 1C09 Dotlgla. ' . 713 " T OIl HENT Hoom 1KJI Howanl. "OOOM wither Vilthout board. 18U Dodge , JLV > fi5j "IJIUKNISHEU rooms , J13 S 20tht1n arDoaire ) Yy"ANTED-Nuro gtriT TFArnanvi J7 ( flf 5 unfuriilslioa rooms for housekeeping 4-for man nnd wife , nil ) N 17th st. i 7 IQt T OirilENT-SHlUj of 4 roonw unfurnished , JJ ith nil modern Improvements , bath room. rlosot , etc. . hot and cold water , ROS nxtures. to family without children. Hoferonco rcinitred , 704 north 17th t. Price J23. _ ms _ 'iroinnsNT AiTolozant suit of rooms for JU family use in ono of the mo-it dcslrablo re siding localities In tUo city , over my hardware store. 1C21 Howard. W. F. Stootzcl. 21K ) plOUU rooms , 10. U13 S. UUi.'uear Dorcas. TTlOlt KENT Ahandsomo BUtteot three un- JLA furnlRhod rooms with bathroom and closets , at 1JCO Sherman avo. B82 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. IIAVE for rent t o store rooms , Just va I cated ; have been occupied as hardware and Implonu-nt stoies for the last four years ; no better location lu the city for any kind of bust- ness. For sale by NightingaleUros. . , Loup City , Neb. w3 12 " 171011 RENT 2 lloors ff.'xSO each , in brick build- .JJ lug , with elevator , close to express olllce , cheap rent. Just the thing for wholesaling , good location. Apply to Geo. Hoyn , 1103 Fnrnnm st. RENT Store 22x 0 ; 1118 Jackson st. Enquire 1114 Jackson. 431 attention Tno store room. KKTA1LK11U . , will bo for lent Mav Ist.L. & S. Hental agency. room 310 Slieolv block. Kl 0n UENT-Stoie and living rooms on Cura- JU Ing street ; also house oil Cass st. Harris H. E. & L. Co. , Hoom 411 1st Nat. bauk. 814 HENT-Tho 4 story brick building wither FOU without power , now occupied by The Iloo Publishing Co. . Oil ! Farnam at. The'building has a flie proof cemented basemout , complete f-tonm lieatlnu ttxturoo , water on all Ihe lloors , gai. etc. Apply at the olllce ot Tno Quo. 015 STOKE 407 with basement , llamgo bldg. In quire 1'ranlc .1. Itauico. FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. 1 KNTLEAlAN'S drlvlnt ; howe for sale and JTtopped Columbia buggy , all In npt-class shape. Will sell cheap , as owner Is leaving city. Inquire at Ouo's stable , K-th aud GOSJI. 7K-OJ TIlOll HKNT-Uso of ICnabo piano for an hour JO or more per day. by the month ; location and room strictly llrst class. Terms very loasona- ble. Address X Ii. ' , lee olllce. 3T7 RENTAL AGENCIES. TJ10H KENT When you wish to lent a house , JL3 store or office call on us. II. U. Cole , room 0 , Continental blk , 474 rF YOU want to rent your house rail on liar- L rls , ll. K. & L. Co. , rooui 411 , 1st Nat'l. bank. 482 EO. J. I'AUL , 1C09 Farnam St. , houses , G stores , etc. . for rent. 48- ' ) Rr.NT Houses In all parts of the city. FOU . J. Gibson , No. 3. Crelghton block. 487 TF VOU want to buy. sell , rent or exchange , JL call on or address G. J. Bternsdortf , ropms- 317 and 318 , First National bank building. 48fi give special attention to renting and colFectlug rents ; list vltn us. H. K.Colo , room 0 , Continental block. 4S8 J. GfUSON'S now system of renting houses , No. 3 , Crelghtou block. 487 MISCELLANEOUS. 2oc per dozen , ouoweek , nt 1018 S. PANSIES llth st. 7l'31 ' rPHE SHELTON. 101 SoulnTwonty-nfib street. JL cor. Dodge ; first-class tamlly notol ; board and room , single or ensulte. at reasonable pilcesjrofeiencos required. , lno.Campbollpro p. 6'Jfl 4 * miN Hoonn ? . spoutincr , gutters , valleys and JL shoot Iron work send for E. Sovage.practlcal tinsmith. 4323 fuming st. ; good work and cheap. COS 8t banjo taught as an art by Gee 1' . Gel- TI1IB lenbccK. Apply at lice olllce. I'M ' 'XTOIJ that are sutrorlne from prlvaio dlsor- X dors will llnd the National ilomcdy at 1414 Dodge st. , hero ypu can got scientific treat- incut and a euro guaranteed. 211 . has moved to417 813th , HSONNENSCIir.IN hand furniture and stoves ; bottles bought and sold. 16rt-in21 of Knabe piano for rent one hour or USE per day , by the month ; locution and room strl < tly first class. Terms very reasona ble. Address X 4fi. Hoe onice. 377 IUVATK course In lenclng , boxing or tancy club swinging , 810. Address T14 , Ileo olllco. W ml4 * 1LI , take horses to pasture at Gllmore. W Price J2 peruio , D. A.Vouns.Gllraore.Neb. UlG-mm FOUND. rilAKEN UP Ono sorrel marc , 3 years old , Jl silt in right ear. four miles west of Florence , by J , H. \Vllliuins \ , q-2"J-m 0-1J-2J-27 ? PERSONAL. TSEllSONAL Ladles or gentlemen wishing JL correspondents view to matrimony or amusement , enclose stamp , Mrs. J. J. Ensign , box. 293 , Omaha , Neb. 805-Ot cleaned and curled ; hats pressed aud bleached , at F. M , Schadoll. 218 K. ICth. STORAGE. STOUAGE at low rates at 1121 Fnruam nt ; Omaha Auction and Storage. 483 rPUACICAGK , storage , lowest rates. W. M. JL ilushman , Mil Leaveuwortu , 48'J BUANCH It CO. , storage , 1211 Howard. 4 JO CLAIRVOYANT Bit. NANNIE V. WAItUENclarvoyantmed- ! leal and Inwlnoja medium. 1'cmalo diseases anpoclalty. II'J N. lLthst.rooms2 and3. 431 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINO QHOUTHAND and typo writing , Omaha bus colleiic. ror. Capitol avu. & ICth. Stan- daul r.iethu'la taught by C. C. EwlugofSan Franrifiro. tbe best leather on the 1'aclfc coaut , Muusou'b revised of ' 4V a specialty ; new plan ; black oonr.l Ilitiitratlou ; day and evening clasirs ; call or write for terms , 037 rT lTf ; Standard Shorthand School , having pur- JL i-imned Valrntine's Shorthand Institute , Paxton - ton block , U now the largest , best equipped , exclusive uhortliand Rt-hool la the west. 12. ' uradttates In good situation * . The school Is lu charge ot Mr. U. A. Hiullh , a verbatim report er mid teacher of many years practical expe rience' , nulsti'd by a carp * of elllclent teachers. lls Itomlngton typewriters. Bhorthaud SUD- Ijlliui tor i\lo b'end for circulars. TOd WI t t'l'l'llK It V 'FinorVh nud school. 21 liar- kor block. 3 mouth's course , IW.423m7t 423-m7t | WAHTED TO BUY. \\TANTHn , To buy coed cutumerclal paper. IT H. 0. raltemou. 3l & . ISth at. 4U2 little place on S. lltl worth I..UK ) to I./'OO. C. F , Harrison , M trchanta N t. innk. 788-11 _ T\7ANTKI > rurulture , carpets , stoves and Tf hou hold tiooda of all kinds , Omaha Auction Sc Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam. _ 4U3 FOR SALE-roiSCELLAN EOUS. _ oTl 'SALE Good bneJFy' " ' " > ' : * pe"rfectlj u ntle , welfht 1010 Ibs , lc ! Pork ve. 1710 il BALE Hambletonlanyearold driving J- mare , rec'sterod , sound , gentle and fist toccther with Simpson road wugou , J. U Itlca Co. 7J7-Q * SALX cticap for cash , one gasollni - - Btovo , ono Nil. B cook itoV0. lice cUtut. ixii Cuati. flion BAliT ! Horse R * Vbnggy , Inquire A. L1 Hospe. 1513 Douelosnv M mil Pen 8ALE-2MJ ) lonV. ' Ice. Adam Hoder lllalr. Nob. t-32mis ; A FINE Cabinet OraftU ros6wood case np right piano for : test when now fioh only used oneyear ; mimtlio sold at once ; will rlrotlmoon partot it If { loslrod , Address V wv , care Omaha Ileo. ( 02jm 18 FOll SALE "Miller" Jinck , Root ! M now , In first clasi condition , rnn only nix months ; very cheap ; on easy terms if desired. Also lacl : harness , Address A"12 Hoo. CW-l&t FOll SALV. A full leatu/T / ton carriage , largo and loomy. in tlrst-cliis order , cost JIIRJ ono oar a o ; will sell U fMi$175. Apply at 2215 Webster st. j 784 "I71O11 SAtiK Ono team of mule * , team of JU horses , harness nnd , hack. D E Johnson , Hoom iVH , I'ainon blk. ifefl 7 " 171IHST-CLASS piano , waln\it \ case ; no flucr in- JL1 utrument in city ; used only n mouths ; at jargaln for few days ; easy terms It desired , ddress X 71. llee. 615 81 bll SALK Draft horses. buttey horses nnd JL small delivery mules. Woods' Sale Stable , 1510 California. 4VO FOR BALt : 1 work banm , wagon and har ness complete , very 'clioap for cash , 013 Paxton blk. 840 GOOD horse , sound and nontle , drivedouble and single cheap , lluckcyo barn , ll'th ' and llarnoy , or address A S7 , Hoe. 707-7J SALI5 Cheap , household furnlturp , 5- room liouse for rout , { JO. 1509 California st. mi n ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee * Trust Co. , 1503 Tar- uam. Complete abstracts furnished A : titles ; o real estate examined , portectod & guaranteed. 4U7 LliaTllACTS-Llnahan A : Mahouey , room Paxton block. 403 / \MAHA Abstract Company , 1519 Farnam st. V Most complete and carefully prepared sot of abstract books and pints of nil real property in the city of Omaha and Douglas county. 4UU MONEY TO LOAN. KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. ; loans of UlOto 11,000 ; get our rates before boi rowing and save money ; loan on horses , furnlturo or nny approved security , without publicity ; notes bought : for now loan , renewal of old and low est rates call Koom20d , Shoeloy blook , ICth and llarnoy st. sou d > 000 to loan on llrst mortgage. G. E. Thouip- ii , 212 Shoeloy block. 700 LOWESTratoi on cholco cl y loans in omaha , Council Uluirs. or Lincoln. Central Loan and Trust Co , 120j Farnam st. 07--1J / UTY Financial agency will loan you money V ou horse * , furnlturo , Jewelry or securities of any kind. l.tOO Howard it. , corner 3. 13th st. 23) m 11 ; $1,600 special money ; apply at onco. 303C. . V. _ _ llarrlaou , Merchants' Nat'l bunk. 303 M ONEV to loan on short time. Secured paper bought. F. K. Alexander , 150J Farnain st. 041 J 2 ? O F. HAltltlSON loons money , lowest rates. * - 517 MON15V to loan. 0. F. Davis Co , real estate und loan agents , 1' > 'J5 ' Farnam st. C > 22 MTIT.DING loans. D. V. Shales , 210 First Na- > tlonal bank. 513 EE 210 , First Nnt'lbank , hoforo maklnff your loans. 51J MONEY to loan ; cash tin hand ; no delay. J. W. Bqulre , 12la Farufliu ot. First National banK building. , oa 623 M ONEV to loan Inlarjft sums at the lowest rates ; no delay. H. CVPatterson , 318 S. 15th. litf . 502 T.OANSmadoon roaUostate und mortgages JLJbought. Lewis S. Jleed & Co. . U 13 lloard of Trade. 51 ! > M ONEV to Loan Wo are ready lor applica tions for loans lu amdimts Irom J.IW to $10- OuO on Improved Omaha > or' Douglas county real ostato. Full InforniatlDiij as to rate ; . Loans promptly closed. Good ijoics will bo purchased by us. Call upon us pr write. The McCaguo Investment Co. . 520 DON'T borrow money on furnlturo , horses , agous , etc. , or collaterals until you see C. U. J ft cobs , 410 .First Notional bank building. B , S21 oflRHl'o & ; Trust Co. fur- nHh cheap eastern money to "borrowers ; purclmso securities , perfect titles , accept loans lit their western otllce. 'George W. P. Coates , room 7 , lloard of Trade. 524 MONEY to Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed promptly. ! ! . E. Cole , It. U , Continental block. COO T T'ANTED First-class Inaldo loins. Lowest V > latoa. Call and see us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , U. 1. Uarker blk.,15th & Farnam. u25 HI } . COLE , loan agent. . COO T > TIILDING loons a specialty. W. M. Harris , JD Uoom 20 , Fronzer lllock. opposldo P. O. 501 XTEI1UASICA Moitg. Loan Co. iil make youa J- > loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contracts , flno jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , at reasonable rates. Iloom 7. Itowloy IJlocU , South Omaha. lloonis618-5U ) , Paxton lllock , Omaha , Nob. 503 TVfONKV loaned for 30 , 00 or 90 days on any J-TJ-klud of chattel security ; reasonable Interest " est ; businesscontldontlal. J. J. Wilklusou.1417 Farnam st. 001 DO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow before getting my rates , which are the low est on any sum from J10 up to $10.00J. J make loans on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses , mules , wagons , warehouse re ceipts , houses , leases , etcin any the lowest possible rates , without publicity or re moval of property. Loans can bu made for ono to six months and you can pay a part at any time , reducing both principal and Interest. If you ewe a halanco on your furnlturo or horses , or have a loan on them , 1 will take It up and carry It for you as long as you desire. If you need money you will find It to your ad vantage to see mo before borrowing. 11. F. JIasters , room 4 , Wlthnell building , 15th and Haruoy. 5UO T CANmakoafew loans ou ilrst-class chattel JLsecuritles at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 , Uarker blk. 507 GPEIl CENT money to loan-Cash on hand. \V. M. Harris , 1120 , Frenzer block , opp. P. O. 508 H.K , COLE , loan agent. 000 $ 8 $ * To loan on farms and city property. $ Oeo. J. Paul. 1CUU Farnam bt. SOU T11TONEY to loan oulmprovod property at first J.i-1. hands. No application sent away for ap proval. Security and titles examined free of charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment Compauy , 300 S. 13th st. 510 PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange The fairest , quietest and most liberal money exchange In the city ; money loaned without delay or publicity , In any amount , largo or small , at the lowest rates of Interest , on any available se curity ; loans may be paid at any time or renewed ui original rut vs. O. Ilousrarou , Hun , room coy , Darker block , l&th and Farnam , * 511 SPECIAL fund of to loan at r.edticod rates on furniture , hoi'CUs and wagons. City Loan Co. , II ! ) B 13th st. " - 512 PFOPLR'B Financial Exchange Largo and Ruutll loans for long and short time , at low est rules of Interest , on real estate mortgngo notes , chattels of all klnilti , diamonds , watches and Jewelry , Don't fall to call if you want fair and cheuu accommodations. 0. Ilouscaren , Mgr. , room MM , Uarker hilt , 15th and Faruam. I"- ° 11 " \1 ONBY loaned on unimproved insldo Omaha 11 real estate. G. W. PilckK. 4 , Frenzer block. ijj uiO-mlBt BUILDING IXJANH-\V * will buy Int. or pay Incumnrance on your Jot ana build for you ; small cash payment , bafniice In easy monthly payments ; in case of ileUVH wo cancel the entire - tire Indebtedness. M. KrT. Trust Co. , Fln > t National bauk building' J BS2-ml5 BUILDING LOANS , \t7 per cent net. no ad- dltlonal charges for commissions or attorney - noy ' fees. W. 11. Molkle , First Nat. bankbldg. TTNIMPIIOVED nnd Improved propoity ; U loans made promptly ; money on hanu. F , M. Richardson , s w cor 15th and Douglas. MONEV Loans negotiated at low rated with- out delay , and purchase goods , commercial paper and mortgage notes. 6. A. Slomaii. cor. 131h and Fnrnam. 6H GOOD notes , short or long time , unsecured orwith mortgage , bought any where InNob , or la. quick loans , cltyor farm. Call or write W. L.B lby. U. 13. H'd. Trade. Ma fTiASTlillN trustfuudsto loanon Improved JLUrenl estate In Omahalarge loans preferred. E. a lltsbee. Pint National bank building. gfrnrtlj OMAHA Chattel Jan Co. , room 42. Barker ICO-m'ja block. - 91.000 TO J.'i.lX on Impioved city property : caubepald in monthly ln talljnent ; debt canoulled in case of death ; will loan 60 to 00 per cent of cash valuation. M. K.&T. TruH Co. , BUSINESS CHANCES FOIinra hotel , 710 S loth st A good buslnsi for sale with a email capital. Inquire nt the above hotel. all 13 * _ HOTEL for sale ; new. good location , doing good business , ror calo at n bargain , pay ment not necessary. Present proprietor In- ends changing buMness ou account of III health of his wife. Address , lice onico , Lincoln. Neb. 73 _ 171011 SALE A good , paying photograph gal- X' lery. very cheap , as party Intends to leave own. will touch n buyer the business. Ad- Ircst Aalleooincq. _ E XPBIUENCED hotel man wanted with M.OOO cash , for ono ot the best located hotels tn Omaha. Adro < < s Hex 57U , city. 733-7 ; WANTED A partner either active or silent , In n well established seed business , with a argo stock of all kinds of Hold need ; capital re- nulml $ , \ X ) to JlO.OJi ) ; a splendid opportunity or the right man Address Jas. W. llouk , Ircemvood , Nebr. , llox U. 0iii ANTED -To soli M Interest In a well e tab- llshcd business ; purchaser to take an nc- Ive part at salary. A llrst class opportunity or the right man. Address A I' . Hoc. CS1-10 * "VXTANTED Partner to establish good paying T r business ; will clear $1W ) per month ; capi tal required , * iUO. Addroi-s A , 2U lioe. ' 745-7t FOll SALE Grain and lumber business. AddrowAia Ileo. 740-11 * _ 171011 SALE-A well ostabllshod cigar and JL' tobacco store , good location , on N. IKth st. Apply at 1513 Faruain st. 775-OJ \\7OKTi fi" of your attention , Now being V ' completed on 2Jth St. . north ot Leavon- worth st. two houses convonlnt to business , ory roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , ant. both , lollpt , 2 water closets , stationary wash tubs , lot and cold water , live bedrooms , 10 closets ; only KI.AOJ on terms to suit. Telephone 2.37 or W. T. Seaman. Omahn's largest variety ot wag ons , carriages , etc. , east sldo luth st , north of S'lcholas st. r > 34 _ ' AD llUOQLsrwlth cash looking 'for a good -tx location , will do well to adurom K. n. Japps. uulbertson , Neb , , or Hurst Ic Co , Hast- : ngg , Neb. 247m _ 03,000 to * SOOt ) wanted to put into a good bust- P ncssi'drst class security and good rate of ntorest paid for short or long tituo. Or will : ake partner. For particulars addrosi IT43 , Uoo olllco. 14'i SALOON fur sale In ono of the best busluosa centyrs in omahacheat > . Hoason for soiling , I must leave the city. Address V 18 Iloo. 4'.vm7 : FOR EXCHANGE. \T1CK resldeucolot cor. 23rd and ( Jas s to J- > exchange for warehouse property worth S'.OOO to 810,000. 0. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. bank. 78B-H rpo EXCHANGE A largo list of merchandise , JL live stock , land aud city property In every state and territory , with name and address of owners , la what the Trade Itook contains. Sin gle copy BOc. F. E. Gtxrrott , Pub. Hastings , Neb. mo EXCHANGE For general merchandise Jl.DOO feet Kansas City propsrty , valued nt $33,000 , and 1,1(20 ( acres Knusns land , valued at 813,800. All clear. Gaylord & Uarcloy , tailors , Kansas City. Mo. 741-0 A FEW second mortgages for horses or mer chandise. H. K. Cole , headquarters for bar gains and easy terms. Room 0 , Continental blk. FOR EXCHANGE-A good business la Omaha btsck-nnd lUturoa about J4.0JO for H to Hi will take good city propeity ; balance cash. Address , A 18 , Ileo olllco. 685 10 rpOEXCHANGE-2 I0-roomllats fora general JL stock of merchandise , can use from M.OOO to J10.000 stock. WA Hpencer. room 3 , Ilush- man block. ( 8 it IWILLtiade n good 100 aero farm , located south of the Republican river , mottgagod to Atchlson Loan Co. for $710 , for aim go family horse and carriage , must bo a llrst class rig. C. A. Starr. IJO'i Farnam st. 073 8 IjiOltOniana property , stock groceries , clonr JL' hotel , routing at J. > u per montn , clear lots for personal property. Hutchinson & Wead,152l Douglas st. Oil ) 0 T\7"ANTKD To trade for house nnd lot In M good location ; will assume light incuui- brance. Address A 2 Hoe olllco. G22 FOU EXCHANGE-Eighty acres of the lUiest timber land in Wisconsin , clear or encum brance. Whai have you to offer ? G. ,1'Stoina- dorff , rooms 317 aud'J18 , First National bank. 62(1 T71OII EXCHANGE Dakota. Hand county JJ What have you to otror for n good farm here , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are rising in value , nnd its destlnv cannot bo dis puted. Will take vacant lots or Improved pro- and assume some encumbrance. ( I. J. Serty tnrnsdorir , rooms 317 and 318 First National bank building. 520 FOU EXCHANGE For desirable residence property In Omaha , any or all of follow lug ; 40 cholco Insldo residence lots m Hastings. 100 lots In Lincoln. 040 acres line farming land , Lancaster county , Flno residence property , Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Cholco family residence , corner , Los Angole ? . A neat residence property in Hanscom place. Also , some good mortgage notes. Address , giving location and prlco of prop erty , J. E. B. , care Huum Iron Co. , 1211 Leaven- worth. Ml FOR SALE-HEAL ESTATE YEIIY FINE 8-room' residence in Hauscon Place not far from nark. All modern im provements Including gas , bath , hot and cold water , snlondld furnace. &c. Price Sfl.OOO. C. r. Harrison , Merchants Nat. bank. 787 SPECIAL offer on corner near the Milton Rogers' property , West Farnam St. . till Juno 1st. C. I1' . Harrison , Merchant Nat. bank. T WILL furnish ranchmen from 1,000 to 6,000 JL stock Hlioop , Address , Robt. Hobinson , Cleopatra , Mo. 807-7t UUYS a lot in Bothwoll. II. E. Cole. S10 7637 MUST be sold at once Lots 17 and 18 , block 15 ; Iot324,25 , 20 and 27. block 14 ; lot 27 , block 13 ; lots 21 and ! i' > . block 17 : lots 6. 6 aud 7 , block 18 , Orchard Hill addition to Omaha , Neb. Address lien 8. Clarke , Ashlana , Neb. Neb.702Ot 702-Ot FOR SALE 46x182 , Cass , nearg-'a ; a bargain. J. It. Evans , ItarKer block. GiQ-u FOll BALE On easy paymsnts. 5 , 7 and 8 roomed houses , small cash payment down , and balance monthly payments. J , H , John son , 5l8andCia Paxton block. 2i\3 \ TTUJR BALE Ou very easy payments , a new JL1 6-room cottage , east front , bestpait of Hans- corn Place. * 2. W. J. H. Evans , Darker block. 07'J-O ItUVS a lot In Hothwell , H. K. Cole. $10 7597 I7IOH SALE -Nlconew fi-roora house. Darn for JL' 4 hoi-sin , well and cistern ; everything llrst. class ; full lot. In IloJCord Place , 2 feet from State stieot (30th ( st ) , t.,200 , tim cash , balance 1 , 2and 3 years : or j-.OJO , Jl.tVJ cash , b.ilanco 6 years , M. A. Upton Company , 10th and Farnam. 394 AT A sacrlllco 12rt < cl50 ft. ease and north front , corner 3Jth and Howard ets. , ono block west of Coo's and Klrkendnll'v flue resi dences , two blocks from paved street ; two blocKs south of Farnam nt. ; Justtulnl : of It. 120x160 ft. ui'd a corner at that , nnd only 14,500 , C. K , Hotter. looms , a. w. ror. 15thandDouglaa EIIIST mortgage loans nt low rates and no delay. D. V. Bholes. 210 First National bank. 013 M ONEY to loan. Harris U. B. Ic Loan Co. , room 411. First National bank. CIS ( UILDINU loans. Lluahan & Mahoney. > 610 0 F. HAUIUSON lonnf moaoy , lowest 617 rntea. $ 1500,00J to loanatOpercnut. Llnaliiin Ic Mit ! honey , Uoom 600 , Pitxtou block. 010 MONEV to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. J , W. llobblus , 11.200 , Bheely blk , ICth aud Howard. Til 115 Central Ix > an und 'IVuat Co. , Nc. izo'i Farnam street , h&voa special futidof tvi.no1) ) on hand to be loaned In sums of tl.iXM to tlD.-j' ' ut very low rates on choice Insldo ri-aldwco orbusfnoss pioporty. C. A. St.irr , man i ; r , _ _ _ _ OI'J TiT \ ANTED Application i for IOODS on unini- i proved lots well located. Udell Urns. & Co. . 313 bo. loth st. ii-lj _ _ MONEY ! money ! money ! to lo c on hortioa , wagons , mules , huunhold goods , pUnos , or gans , diamonds , etc. . bt loweit rates. The tlrJStorgauUeji loan olllce 111 the city. Will make loans fur thirty to tnreo hundred and Hlxty-IU o days , which can be p id In part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the prin cipal and interest. Cull and ace us when you want money , aud we nan a * l t you proinutly and to your advantage ivithout removal ol Money always on hand and no 4f lay In male * ing loans. C. V. Jtoo.l & Co , - 1 douiti 13th St. , over lllnL'ham i Son. ) couiinisilou homo. G W. PECK loam money on Omaha real estate llulldlus luani a Declalty , U 4 , I'ren/.orb Ik BARGAIN Lurgu homo nowiy built , al modern ImproTeuiauts. wltli good barn etc. Can tlve Immediate poiaeHMoa. IIIcJcs tooiu 10 Uarker ' ey FOR 8ALEH3EAL ESTATE. AH1O barnam for c h , cholco ten acre tract close to Dolt Line Ity. , West Omaha , splendidly located , will make M lots th at can be sold within three years for from UOO to t MM each ; there Is from f 10.000 to 15UM profit In this. Can oner for n few days at M,500. Hicks , oem 40. Darker block. SU2 fl _ EAST trout lot on Georgia nvo , overlook ing Omaha and Council illuns , (1,800 for n 'ow days. C , F , Harrison , Merchants Nat. jante. 780-11 _ BARGAIN Elegant residence with barn bath , furnace , hot and cold water , cistern , gai , etc. , all complete : lust ready for occu- > any. Call nnd see It. Hicks , r. 4U , Barker blk. 80Cv 0 . , near Cumlna , per ft. . JI75. Walnut Hill , cast ot Holt Line , f l.ojo. Orchard Hill , south front , corner , SW. Plalnvlow , south front , coi-ner , f l.sou. Hutchlusou to Wend , 152t Douglax st , 0(6 n TJIOllSALEOno of the l > est places In or JO around the city to start n small real nnd umber yard nna general grocery builuesM. Situated at the Junction of the licit Line R'y nnd two main streets loading out of the city In West Omaha , CM feet trackage nnd over ( > 00 feet frontage on main thoroughfare used by alltho farmers living south midwest of the city. This Is a splendid chance for n mnn with a moderate amount of money. Goo. N. Hicks , room 40 Barker block. 8030 _ FOR BALE The finest mldonco site tn West Omaha ; Just south of Fnruam onSOtli street ; n corner KVixls ; with 1H7 feet frontage ou Laved street nnd joining the handsome rcM- leiu-oof Klrkehdall on the east , and Brady , Eavon and .Martin on the south : h perfect gem mil Harden spot for an elegant homo. llarnoy ami 2Ist streets , 141x107 , on pavement within three blocks of the court lionso : room for Bovon line houses that would rout as rapid- y as completed. A splendid permanent Invest- Fnrnani and aitl street * . 50x132 , with now tluoo-story brick store bnlldliifr , rontoi * to good permauont tenants. Rental recolpla f 1,200 per I'ear. Sixteenth street near Nicholas , froutago 01 toot to alley ; good business property. Farnnm street , between 3Stn aud ! Nth , frontage - ago 4lorl ) " > tl3itonlli > y , south front , 1 block from pavement aud street cars. Park avenue , opposite Hanscom park , 50x150. price * 2,000 ; easy torma. Paddock place , trackage. 08x112 , 12,000 ; easy ICtli street south of Vlntonst , lot for sale or .rude formdso , or good farmland , 8. A. Sloman. 1J01 Fnrnam st. _ 627. " "iTIOlt f A IjU Splendid ton ncro tract near J ? junction of F. E. A M. V. 11. H. . nnd the Bolt Line It. It. , lu West Omaha ; has house , barn , elegant grove and in n line state ot culti vation ; will make splendid homo or Hue trull or vegetable garden. The property can bo olntted Insldo of throe years Into lltty cholco lots that w 111 soil for S40J to 7500 each , and ro- nllzo from fai.WW to $23,000 for the entire tract ; can oiler for a few days nt flguros that maico It nbnrgaln. Call nnd BOO It. Geo. N. Hicks , Room 10. Raricer block. BOJO _ O you Want n Homo ? Call nnd see the bar gains wo olfor In choice residence property , Hicks , Room 40 , Marker lilocic. _ 802 0 _ FOR HALE Academy of Muslo building and two business lots. Grand Island. Nebraska , pround41xl32 feet , building brick , two stories lilgh aud stouo basements , all In good repair ; terms onsy ; price I18.CXW. Enqulroof Thompson Bros. , Grand-Island , Nebraska. 701ml2 * 10 BUYS a lot in Bothwoll. H. E. Cole. 7697 _ fi Il SALK 7-room house , city water , gas , JU bain , shade trees , etc. . lot Otixl20 reet on Capitol ave near the High school. Must be sold at onco. It Is worth (10.000 ; can bo sold. It taken at once , for t'.GOft , J.1,500 cash , balance 1 nnd 2 years. The ground alone is worth the money. O. U Green. 310 8 15th st COS FOR SALE C40 acres of cholco farm land unimproved in contra ! Nebraska. A bargain If sold soon , Hicks , Room 40 , Uarkor block. 8020 /plHOICE / piece of residence property cor. 23rd V-/nnd Cass for warehouse or trocKago property , worth eight to ten thousand dollars. C. F. Harrison risen , Merchants' Nat. bank. 230 1710It SALE Four-room houso. new large lot , Jtt east front , collar , well , dummy train twice dally ; will take horse aud buigy in trade. Ad dress , II. L. Pai sous , Papllllon , Neb. 051-U FOR SALE-Cnolco live acre tract In West Omaha , close to the Bolt Line R'y , only twenty-live minutes' ride from the postolllco , for sale for a short time , at WfiOO ; hinall cash payment , long time. Geo. N. Hicksliurlcor blk. 3I1.MIS PAHlv. J lleautlful residence Sites. I'luost In the city. We are now ready to show and oltor forsalo tno choicest residence sites lu the city of Omaha , located In "Homls Park , " comprising the sixty acres bounded by 32d St. , on the cast , 38th or Pleasant st. on the vrost , Hamilton at. on the north , and Cumlngst. on the south. This park has bocn planned , and is being laid out oy Mr. Alfred U. Kgcrton ( ono of. the best landscape artists or Now York ) , Into U. M , V and aero lota , and several acres are laid out Into small parks , ornamental grounds , and lakes fed by natural springs. The plans Include a per fect system of giadln ? , paving , seweragewater electric lighting , etc. , aud an expenditure of at least $100ioo ( for such Improvements This choice property Is located within the 1M miles radius ( a little north by west ) from the postoince. It lies oaet of the reservoir and of the elegant residences of Dr. Mercer and E. W , Nash , and a little north of east of proposed res idence of Guy C. Harton and of Ulshop O'Con nor's residence and Academy of Harred Heart. Reasonable prices and terms will bo given to thoTOlio will build residences costing 85WIO and upwards. For further narticulais opplv at ofllco of The Flemls Park Co. . rooms 1" ) aud 1 Continental block , 15th and Douglas is i B A HO A IN Choice business lot. on M htroet , uear27th , South Omaha , for a few days at lllcka , room 4i ) , Uarker block. WWfl OMAHA 1 have a number of good SOUTH lots in various additions that must bo sold at once and can bo bought at prices that will sultjou. O. J. Sternsdorir , rooms .317 and 318 First National bank building. 526 rpHE cosiest home In Omaha , 0 rooms , largo JL closets , city water , gas and sewer , both cable aud horse cars. Prlco SJ.400. Terms frWO to 1500 cash , balance very cosy. H. K. Cole , headquarters for barcalns and easy terms , Hoom e. Continental lllock. 3.r > 0 Foil BALE or exchange Improved stock farm of BOO acres In eastern Nebraska , near market ; also now 12-room house with all con veniences lu deslrablurosldoucoportion of Oma ha. Andrew llevlns , attorney , 422 and 423 Paxton - ton block , Omaha , Neb. 630 ( 10 I1UYS a lot In BothviOll. II. E. Cole. 4 toJ T , , 10 feet building front in lot 3 , block 75 , $2r,09 South Omaha ; lot 16U feet deep ; none for sala In the block less than 125 per root. Don't let this bargain slip. L street viaduct will soon be completed. D. D. Smeaton , Hartor bUc.Omaho. 057 12 FOR SALE South and east corner 03xlii3 , lu the nolgh'borhood of the Milton Itogors pi oparty , west Farnam street , very sightly ThH is cholco property In a choict neighbor hood and will bo sold rheap. It will pay you to InrentiRatB the locality aud thU ntrtlcular phuoof grouud , C. F. Harrison , Merchauts' National banlf. 8 5 QKE TIIIB Full lot In Hlllelde. No. 1. * 3fX ) to O { , ' < ) lent than adjolng property , tor 10 da address X Cii. llee. 6S.I-tlO Foil SALU-Olienp ; not for trade ; 611.70 acres land ( sec 5-12-0) ) . two miles from Marquette , Hamilton county , Nebraska. Frame house , sta ble. S'KI acnis under good barlwlru fence , roind redar noils , two stnv * , living water , 30- font channel , 2 wella , 2VI bairel tunk , coiriil , nelf-feoaer , u natural slock runch , inu lluo corn belt. Price WO" Cuahln hand 2.7&0 2year ' time , 8 per cent 3,2H ) Co and look over land. Address owner , F. K. Atkins , 1502 LaUiw'i" . , Denver. Col. fi U MOTOIt on North 2itlITtruit. We hare fiu feet east front lu Kendall's addition for Jl.dX ) . M. A.JJjton Company. 10th aud Funiam. 2iil ( CIO 11UYH a lot In IJotliwell. H. E. Colo. TNV15ST10ATK Thls-Lot 60x120 on llur- J.dotto bctweou 21th and 2ntli streets ; 4-rooin hoiiHe , large consorvatory. sewer la alloy ; only l..fllK ) ; & 7X ) cash ; balance 1,2. a and 4 year * . Jl. A. Upton company , luth aud ii'aiu tm. 2J ) XTO CASH , and payment of CM pur month , ln > 1 > eluding lutarost buys a n at atory-ond- -half room house , convenient to both cable and inrae cars. H. IS. Cole , headquarters for bargains and eswy terms , U ti.Contlnontal lllock. UJ3 9 ITlOIt OALh On easy term * . 0. 7 and 8 roomed JL' houseii , wltli tuiwll canh pamentdown aim balaucu monthly. J. H , Johuson , 518 and M'J Paxton block. 287 . ' ntraat Is n v il to Ctnur and Diivnment ordered to Viiiton : 20lh street is the coming otraet nouth. It i * all graded nice ly toHpnw ; l.ikn park. Wehavo47 feet near Martha with a first class 4-room house , lot at grade , for 1,000. ii. A. Upton Company , ICtli aud Fainam. * ° 7 A10 BUYS ft lot In Hothwell. II. B. Colo. " 15th t. bet. "IJ10U 8ALK-B-room cottage on Jl' Cat r uml Dorw.s. lot 85xlH. * iWW. easv t rm ; thU is a bargain. 11. A. Upton Co. , liltii ud _ _ _ _ _ SALE A beautiful residence in Ilans- Placa , east front on Kithst. Just iputb ofl'oppleton are , lot 00x143 to graded alley : yard niculy sodded ; 8-room house , bath , hot and cold water , en , itwor. nlectrlo bolls , hard wixlnni h. If taxed atone * will ell tbU One lioiae f ( r amount much btlow IU value , No nicer ntlchborhood in tan city. To thane that mean biuluaii we would Ilk * to ihow thla projwrty. Wa will make the prlco right. U , 'A. " " " ' . noumComp nyl6tU FOR SALE-REAL JI3T ATE. An east f rent , M ft lot. on . , Konth of Ilurdette : very nno vloir or 11,800. How * that , M , A. Upton Company , .6tli nud larutm. wu Y i"TSA ? ' 'lno most Plsa'anTntid best IcW . 'o * " little homo In town , sultablo for a man with anmall family who wants ftoniathlng very choice nnd not too exncnslro. Has never boon mt on the market before MK ! will undoubtedly bo sold soon. It will payyou to InvcstleMo this promptly , c , P. llRrrUou , Merchants Rat. lix )7 ) _ _ _ _ _ I iANl > rlnllvelu'wo c"s ofrholce farmiti ? J- ' ? Js In custom nnd middle Nebraska , which 1 will sell at from $ T to * I3 per acre. Will make ftpoclal price for the whole 1H.OW acwi It taken mi Intuit , Uoo. H. Peterson , 1413 8 inth t- CM mil _ T710H SALK Or exchnnga for OmMin proper- ly'j V Mro1' , B l ' 'lo for plattlnRi will make 4M lot .all clear ; big ntonov lu It for sc-mo one who canmsh this located us utside th . Ooor J. nna TVrOcash payment roantrod. Will aelf you a ' "Illotlu SaundoM A Hlmebaugn' * add or tA and take mortgage for full amount dita n S Team ou condition that you build a house xt cost not lew than MJO. .0. K. Hotter , rooms , B W comer 15th and DouRl.vv tig fclO1WYB n lot In llothwoH. H. B. Colo. 75 T 8ALK-31 acres , corner Thirteenth and -f.1 North streets. Desirahlo for platting. 0. lood. Good block. DM Molnes , I . 243m3J BO'fllWELL. tho"fnturo niolropoHs of Wy- omltiR , 4 railroads , coal , In the ceutor of the U yomlng oil bolt. , M lots at J10 each. Tlioy von't hut long. II E. Cole , hcadnuartots for gains and easy terms. It. 0 , Coutlnontal. 753 T _ HE. COM ! Will Trado-Cholco. nnoly 1m. proven forms In western Nebraska , llght ylncumborxd. to trailo for Omaha property , mwovod or unimproved. Clear lot , 20th and Vluton , for house In western - orn part of the city profeired. -rooiu hotisn niv\ full lot , clear , for \ncant nslde residence lot. II. IX Cole , hondiiunrtcn for bargains and oitsyternis. lloonul , Oontlnoiunl block , 7R3-14 10 UUY8 n lot In Hothwoll. II. K. Colo. 7.VJ . 7 _ " " "M"pOASH piiyment , $ a' > uer month , including -i- > Interest , will buy nlco i-rooiii ) , IH-Btory lousi-j coiivunlsnt to cable and liorso cars. H. K. Cole , headquartora for bargBlui and easy terms , lioom 0. Continental block. _ _ _ _ _ _ 758-9 PKCIAf , bargain-Lot n. block IB. Or chard Hill , one-third raih , balance to autt : south front and good elevation. A a , lluo olllce. ftg-ll _ Won I lno-room nouso , barinTud lot' - - ' In llnnscom place ; also houses and lotH m Bunny Side. Harris , room 411. 1st Nnt'l bank , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KJ8 THE REALTY . _ MAnKjET. _ _ _ , TN8ntt7MBNla ulacaa ou record during JL Tcstenlav. E L JIaulaby to C Cusack , lot 1. Stovou's ' sub , wtl . . . . . 1 KOO ' J I'JIcUaRnuniidnlfotoWKUocK./rViot K bit r > , West CummB add , wd . 400 II KirktMischor and wife to u Klckonschor Ifi ; ) . .15000 1 W y n > Pw > n and v Ifo to J 1C Petty , lot 5. bit 3 , 1'ruyn park , w d . . . . . . GOO I * M olsuian mid husband to J Komlls. lot 2 , Woodlawu , W tl . . . . BOO ' ' D. Inmloson und wife toll Davys , 'lot 'if. blk2 , Itolviilero , wd . . . . , , 330 aw Kllngnmau audIto to ! ' J Person * . lot IS , blk 8 , Jotter's 1st add to So. Omaha , w d 1M ' ' FWDoollttlo and wlfo to K'jtcClary'ot al. part lot H , Uoufleld , wd 300 A 11 loom to C Carlson , w M lot 4. blk 1. Mayno's SA add , w d 001 A l 1-ukey and wlfo to M A Lnnynn , pt blk C , Shlnn's lukl , w d . 1,500 C M Nottleton. lots , blk 1 , Sunrise , wd , A J I'ppplotou and wlfo to the I'opnlptoD I'lxrk imd lluiialiiR association , lot 10 , blk il , Popplotou 1'ark , w d . . . . 039 0 S 1'arrotto niul ulfo to a Ii Duuham , lot , blk 4 , A S Prttrlck'a.add.wd' FEnndJ 1) ) Ulornkto J Kuruii , s H lot's. blkK , Koimt.oidndd : , wa . ! . . . .14000 O W Albilght and wlfo to T TJoirrlos. lotH II and 10 , blk : j , .lolli-los lenlit , w d. . BOO B A Gibson et al to G Bniiinbuwer , lot S , blktl.Vlne .V 1'armuluo's add.wd . . . . CM Omaha UeulKitntoA : Trust Co to M J An- deison. lot W , blk 1 , Biumders \ lllino- baiiKh's add to Walnut 11111. w d . 300 J Chrlsten&cu and husband to J Jl Tay lor. lot 17 , blk U , Saunders & Hlmo- baiigli's add , w d . 700 J E VaudorsooK and husband to J Tide- man , lot 7. blk r . Park Korcbt , W d . 250 J II Thompson to J A Jlllligan , lot 7 , blk 1 , Cherry Hill ndil.wd. . . ; . . . . . . 700 Commercial National bank to K M Horse man , ii ( is ft lot h , blk 117 , Omaha , w d. . . 43.600 J P luvl to J Puucfitt , lot IS , blk 13 , lirlRus place , AV d . BODO N 1) Allen toll \V Pcnnock , lot I ) , blk 15 , Carthage , w d . . 1000 V Streltz to K Alnscom , s H of o X lot ao , llaitmnn'n ndd. qcd . 155 V P Holphrey and wife to OK Woymuhler Jr. o iisw mvl-liV13. < ic d . SOO W a Albright and wife to 0 0 Stanley , lotslnn ( > 17. blk 3. Matthews' sub to So. Omaha , wd . W G Albrii-ht and wlfo tn the Public , sub of let 20 , Albilfhfs cholco.plat . Twenty-seven transfers . $ W,18T ) The following permits wore issued by Building Inspector Wlutlock yesterday : ilnrphy , Wasoy < V Co. . fcstory brick ware- huuso aud Il-wtory brick factory , SpauliJ- inland Holt line . WO.OOO George E. darker , two IVJ-Htory frame dwellliiKa , 2Sth and IlHslol . 2,000 L. W. JlcOraw , 1-story cottage , 31st and Amo % . , . 1,000 Two minor permits . 300 Six permits , aggregating . . . . . . $33,3T > 0 THE HAILWJIY TIME TiSLES , OMAHA.