Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1889, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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Pay Tribute by Their Patronage to
And the ir prices have captured the buyers of the city , and the country buyers , too , for they are coming from all the surrounding towns , and when you read the prices
quoted below , you will see why Bennison Bros. ' store Monday will crowded from stem to stern.
Monday Wash Goods. CHAMBRAY 1 CASE FINE
1 case ofTall du Nerds , in stripes . and solid colors. Prints 5
2 cases fine Zephyr Ginqhams. Novelty ,
1 case of Heavy Cheviost ,
All In one lot and take your choice Monday ,
On Monday wo offer 2BOOO 15
Vards of Brown Crash , 18 inches 7
only. wide , worth 12c. On Monday Oc Yard.
Shoe Blacking Case ,
100 Upholstered She c Blacking CIIHOS ,
lilto cut , only 03c. They are cheap ,
Qon't ' fail to got ono.
Muslin Underwear,50c
75c , 98c.
On Monday we will offer some great
bargains in Ladies' Muslin Underwear
nt 60c , 75c and 98c each. See our La-
"dies' Night Gowns atCOc.
Curtain Shades , 5Oc.
2,000 Opaque Curtain Shades , with
Beautiful Dado nnd Best Spring Roller ,
nnd made up complete , ut only 50o
each. Worth 81.00.
Ladies' Kid Gloves , 68c
These arc no trash , but nice , good ,
straight goods , nnd really worth $1.00 ;
. Jn brown , black , tans and greys ; narrow
embroidered backs. Only C8c pair.
Silk Sun Umbrellas ,
'On Monday wo place on sale 200 24-
Iheh Ladles' Sillc Sun Umbrellas. For
one day only , $1.48. Worth $2.50. I
mi\o Charge Fitzsimmona Wilt
Answer nt the May Torm.
Aiulltor lien ton'a Statement The
Main lyre Jlivoroo Cnso The Table
Clun Penitentiary Pointers
1023 P SCIIBKT ,
Fitzsimmons will answer to the district
court on the charge of murder In the first
degree. The young man had his preliminary
bearing this morning before Judge Stewart ,
and the story of the horrible tragedy at
Wnvcrly , in which William Heed was killed
by a blow fiom a billiard cue in tbo hands of
the accused , was vividly retold by the wit
nesses for the state. The testimony simply
confirmed the story already Known. FiU-
slmmons and the deceased , with many
others , attended a bull ac Wavcrly ou the
night of March 17th , when , In heat of pas-
bloii and wildly drunlr , the accused struck
the fatal blow. Tbo prisoner's friends , some
of thorn , say that the blow xvas struck in self
defense , but no testimony was Introduced to
confirm this statement. An older
brother hud got the worst of It lu
a sot to with a Swede , and to
revenge his brother's defeat Uichard took a
bund In the deal utter quiet hnd been ro-
sloreu , with the sad result already known.
The lawyers for the state nnd the prisoner's
counsel had a squabble over the grade of the
ciime. Tbo prisoner's attorney contended
thut it was manslaughter , and hence a bulla
bio offense. But the court abruptly ended
the dispute by uronotinclng it "murder in the
first dogrcoo , " under the testimony adduced ,
and remanded the prisoner to the county Jail
without b.ill. FiUsimmons will probably bo
put on trial for his lifo durlug tha term of
court commencing May 0.
State K.xponilltuios.
Auditor Ucnton has prepared a statement
of the appropriations of the last legislature.
Tlio total amount was J3,3SO,8iiS.8S. For now
buildings and repairs , 110,240. Of this $ SO , .
000 Is for the homo for fallen women at Mil-
ford. ThU was tbo only now building pro-
vidnd for. Two years ago the appropriations
for now buildings amounted to &ajT01.65.
The appropriations for salaries of members ,
officers and employes of the legislature was
Jl'M.CSO.Gi ' ) . For miscellaneous expenses of
the legislature , J ! , 125.1H ) . Tbo Judiciary und
library receive ? -2JSU > .70. Executive departments -
partmonts , fl69'J > 4 ; miscellaneous , KiS.-
407.04 ; incidental , $1 , 93,4S8.U.
1'eiittontlary Mown.
* The state penitentiary now has moro in
mates than over bcforo during the history of
the Institution. "Thoro arc 1159 , all told , "
said Warden Hopkins to TUB 13en ropro-
bcntatlvc , thlji" morning ; of these IttO are
convicts and tlireo "safe keepers. " Since
tbo report for April 1 have received four
uow i-risoners , who were scut up for terms
ranging from two to three yearn. Otoo
county furnished till * grist of precocious
rascals. Two of the number were sentenced
for stealing hoisos from General Van Wyolt
and two for burglary. I expect four ID nro
from Aurora , Hamilton county , In a day or
two , Tlu.t number are now under sentence )
from that county. I luring tlu current
month there will bo but nine expirations
and a month hence a tnucn. lo number. 1
] udgo that the | > en will soon bo In a crowded
condition , if I may base an opinion ao to this
upon the late kcntcmjei and the number of
criminal cases In tha court * in different parts
of the stato. By the by. the "safe keepers"
nre from Box Butte , Hall And Ouster coun
ties. The anthoiltica were afraid of "neck
tie" parties if these gentlemen were not
looked alter with solicitous care. Tbo Box
Butt * man is in for lioreo stealing , tbo Hall
\ \ count/ man for barn burning and hcr o
Waling , and the Custer county man for
jnurdtr. Ho U Uu > p ry who ehot aud idl'.ed
Large Size Hamper 75c
Just what every Imly wants.
Blouse Waists , $2.98.
Ladios'.Mlssos' and Children's French
Flannel Blouse Waists , in liijht and
dark colors , fancy figures , stripes , and
all nt one price , only 82.98 each. Worth
French Woven Corsets ,
75c ,
Just arrived , 2 caeca Ladles' Fine
French Woven Corsets , in white and
drab. On sale Monday , only 7oc pair.
Worth $1.25.
ers , 15c Pair.
250 pairs loft of children's well made
Muslin Drawers , 2 to Gyears. All atone
price , only loc pair. Don't miss this
Knit Shawls , $ l.OO.
10 dozen Ladies' Zophvr Knit Shawls
Monday only $1.00 each. Worth $2.00.
Beaded Wraps , $5.0O.
On Monday wo will offer some great
bat-Rains in Ladies' Beaded Wraps ,
with solid beaded net sleeve , only 8.5.00.
Ilenl value , $10.00.
Beaded Wraps , & 10.OO.
A Wonderful Bargain 1 Ladies'Brown
Beaded Wraps , with solid net Sleeve ,
bought by us at Uoc on the dollar , and
our customers can have thorn Monday
at the low price of $10.00. Actual value ,
lie two school directors up there a few
months ago. They are a precious trio , " and
vitH this sentence the warden loft Tin : BBB
cribo to his own reflections.
Mclntyro vn Molntyre.
Eatclla Mclntyro vs James Mclntyre was
ho title of a divorce case tried in the dis-
rict court of Otoo county this week. Interest
centers in this case when it is stated
bat James Mclntyre is the party who kid
napped the two children , three miles south
of this city , about six wooka ago , the partic
ulars of which was chronicled by Tns Bun
nt the time Mrs. Mclntyro was then em-
iloycd by Merchant Newman. When she
learned that her children had been stolen
from her , she at once sought legal ndvico ana
commenced suit for divorcement and the
care and custody of her little girl and boy.
Why suit was instituted at Nebraska City is
unknown. Word reached hero to-day that
the "writing" had been granted the plucky
mother , and that she was on trucx of the
children , with good prospects of again se
curing possession of them. Mr. and Mrs.
Mclntyro were prominently connected nt
their Iowa homo , where they were married ,
the husband having served a term in the
state legislature. The domestic troubles of
this couple nnva been sad , indeed , the inside
history of which will probably never bo
known. It is said that Mrc. Mclntyro vrill
make Lincoln her future home.
College FrntornltloB.
The chapters of the Phi Delta Theta fra
ternity situated In the colleges and uni
versities of the western states constitute ono
division or province of that fraternity , and
representatives from tlicso college chapters
have been in session in the halls of the
University of Nebraska chapter siuco Fri
ll ay morning. Most of the business trans
acted has been do no with closed doors. The
elected officers of the province association
for the ensuing year are : Con way McMillan ,
University of Minnesota , president : Ed F.
Worloy , Iowa Wcsleyau college , vice-presi
dent ; William A. White , University of Kan
sas , secretary. The province is a strong ono ,
and well represents the college secret
society clement lu the west. The Phi Delta
Tlicta fraternity Is the largest of all college
fraternities , and numbers President Benja
min Harrison uinong its prominent mem
Tim delegates are bolng shown over the
city tills afternoon by the local chapter men ,
and will be tendered a banquet this evening.
A largo Hug , bearing the Greek symbols of
the fraternity , lloats over the session halls.
Hoiuul Taliie Club.
Prominent cducatorct of the state held r.n
informal convention at the olllcoof the super
intendent of public instruction , to-day , for
the purpose of organizing aj"Hound Table
club. " It is the purpose of the projectors
to "gather live teachers into a fold" for the
purpose of discussing methods of instruction ,
manuscript grading , commencement * and
such other themes us are of < xnnii"i inter
est to the fraternity. Meetings will be hold
three or four tunes each year , froi.i place to
pluco , to suit the best purposes of Vho or ru
uatloii and Intmro that degree ol interest
necessary to do the greatest good to the
greatest number. The initiatory mooting
was quito well attended. Among the prrmi-
ticnt educators present TUB Bei : reprcs'jnla-
live noticed the following : Superintu iu > nt
Hciirtyof ! , Lincoln ; Superintendent Coroctt ,
of Aurora : Principal Watson , of Valparaiso ;
Principal Dubnuy , of Mead ; Principal Fair
banks , of WMUJII , and Superintendent T. II ,
Bradbury , of Wulioo.
Goixl ttt Burundi.
About two weeks ago n young l Jy entered
the store room of II. U. NUslcy ft Co. , mid
after looking over the linn's stocii of wraps ,
nsUcd credit for ono priced to her at t'J , giv
ing her name as Hurah Anderson , residence
at 122U N street , and modcitly Iked upon
May 1 as the time for payment. The genial
salesman who waited on her , wai only too
t'lad to do this , and tbo account wu kecked.
A few hours later Uin lady rvturrad and said
ho would like to oxeliatifo her purcliute foi
a bettor one. "All right. " said tun obliging
clerk , and the book accourt vras madu 115 in
stead of II May 1 fame and the bill col
lector called at the place indicated , and
learned thut uu such person llvea lucre , and
uaver hnd. A little Ur.tec.aive work was then
A Kitchen Outfit , 75c.
For the entire corahination , consisting of Wooden Spoon , Butter Ladle , largo
Butter Bowl , Potato Masher , Rolling Pin , Flour Scoop , Bread Board and
Sieve , all for Too. Where can you duplicate it ?
Children's Hose , 17c. Torchon Laces , 6c , lOc ,
A great line , full regular made , all 15c ,
colors , all sizes. None worth less than The greatest values over offered in
40c. Your choice Monday , 17c pair. Linen Laces , all widths , all kinds , in 3
lots. Worth 5 times the prices asked.
Chantilly Flouncing Ladies' Po.cket Books ,
$1.25. I9c.
4 pieces Black Silk Chantilly Lace We have too many of this lot. They
Flouncing , 42 inches wide. It is worth were bought to sell at 25c. 30c and 35c.
just $2.00. You can b uy it Monday at We want to close them , hence the low
$1.25 yard. price Monday , I9c each.
Curtain Stretcher $ . ,75
Ladies' ' Jersey Children's ' Jersey
Ribbed Vests , RiM Vests
AH colors hnnrtsnmoljr 17c ,
trimmed , line quality.
\Ve have no competition This Is a big bargain.
on our Wo ) vests. Com Child's Jersey itlbbod
pare them vUtli others . Vest , long sleeves , ouly
? 6c. ITc.each.
Will Save you Money , Time and Labor.
toy lady coo operate them. \
lone , and Miss Anderson was found to have
Joon a domestic at the Tremont house , but
; tmt she skipped for Omaha , last week.
Modesty ana a pretty face thus aid Nissley
& Co. to the tune of $15.
Upbraided Her Lloqo.
The Old Soldiers saloon was the scene of
a lively little fracas last night. This resort
Is located in tbo basement of the Potvln
block. Joe Phillips , who keeps a saloon on
O street , was the hero , and his wife was tbo
heroine , that is , providing such scenes have
such characters. By some hitch of fortune
the husband ana wlfo happened to meet in
tha wine rooms of this well known resort ,
and they at once commenced to upbraid each
other. Airs. Phillips accused her husband of
undue familiarity with "chippies" and other
horribly naughty thiugs , wnon ho proceeded
to do her up a la Sullivan , which bo did in
the most approved stylo. Ha knocked bis
wife down , turned over tables and carried oa
like a crazy man. No arrest 1 And this is the
city of churches and universities.
A Font ilun.
A train of sixteen cars , loaded with fine
steers , passed through this point last eve at
5:55 : p.m. The stock was destined to Glas
gow , Scotland , from Kearney , Neb. Tbo
run was mudo from Hastings to Lincoln , a
distance of nlnoty-sovon miles , in 3 hours and
30 minutes , including two stops. Conductor
Frank Socor has charge of the train , with
Engineer Green in the cab and Brakoracn
Dunlap and King on the hurricane declc.
This run lowers the previous record twenty
minutes , and is considered by the railroad
fraternity a fast run.
The governor to-day appointed Dr. W. M.
Stone , of Wahoo , superintendent of the
asylum for the incurable insane at Hastings ;
also J. W. Liivcringhouso , of Grand Island ,
steward of the same institution.
City News imcl Notes.
Prof. H. It. Edwards , j > f Bcnkclman ,
Dundy county , is in Lincoln for a few days.
Tbo street car line to Bethany Heights is
insured at an parly date , andonaof the finest
county seats in tho- state will bo In close
communication with the city. Bethany
Heights Is the silo of the now Christian uni
C. A , Johnson got a flno of WOO and costs
for assaulting Webster Johnson with intent
to kill. Juilco Stewart thought a nominal
line the thing , and sensible people are of the
saino opinion.
KnlghtH of the grip interested In the Juno
outing are requested to meet at the Capital
hotel to-morrow afternoon at S:30 : o'clock.
This will oo the most important meeting of
the committees before the event , and mem
bers arc requested to bo on hand at the hour ,
Tno ladies of St. Paul's M. E. church will
glvo an entertainment , shortly , called "Tbo
Crowning of the Queen of Famo. " Ilo-
hcarsals are the order now. It is said that
thn entertainment will not only bo unique
but full of Interest and pleasantry.
lluycr Brothers' base ball team went to
Grand Island this morning to moot the -club
of that pluco on the bloody sands. Llncom
pcoplo expect a good report from the boys on
their first trip out.
Tha Omaha .Shorthand association will hold
Its meeting In Valentino's hall ( Paxton build-
Inc ) , Tuesday , May 7 , at 8 o'clock p. in. An
earnest invitation is extended to the short
hand fraternity and the public in general ,
and wo trust that them will bo a largo num
ber in attendance. A very interesting pro
gramme has been arranged for. Mr. Hell , of
the Mercury , will address the meeting , and
Buvc-ral essays will bo read by the members
of the association.
The 1)1triot Court.
The district court virtually adjourned yes
terday to Mny 13 , when tbo May term of
that tribunal opens with a docket of about
two thousand civil cases.
A i'nliof Wlfu Bcntri-3.
Two men chnrecd with beating their wives
are locked up at the police station. Samuel
Hurcc'ss it QUO and K , Burga tbo other.
Their ctmcs will come up Monday ,
Some of the Improvements Soon to
Bo Made in Omaha.
The Stationary Engineers' Union Still
Lives and Flourishes Other
Matters Pertaining to
Day laborers and skilled workmen will
have no difficulty in obtaining employment
hi Omaha during the summer and fall and
throughout next year. There will bo plenty
of work then for followers of all the trades ,
not only for those now in the city but for
hundreds of others.
A leading architect , speaking of the situa
tion yesterday , said that everything in
dicated a most prosperous season for Omaha
"There is a vast amount of work
in the hands of the architects and contract
ors. This year is going to bo a busy ono , but
next year , let mo tell you , there
is going to bo an enormous build
ing boom here. This year many pri
vate enterprises will bo consummated , but
as to tbo larger public buildings to bo
erected they will only bo fairly gotten under
way. Next season work ui > ou thorn
will bo in full blast , and then , -with
the addition of tbo other buildings bound to
follow , will , as I told you , inuko it a great
boom year. " Hut , if fieurcs don't lie , this
present season will aporoach the boom high-
water murk in actlvfty. A reporter this
week visited many of tbo improvement cen
ters , and , as a result , Tnn BEK is to-day ena
bled to givtfworkingmon at homo and abroad
an adequate Idea of the building and improve
ment to bo done hero.
Nine of the leading architects were visited ,
and the proposed cost of the work for which
they were- preparing plans , aggregated
$ ,402,000 , divided as follows : Business
blocks , $1,0 > 3,000 : manufactories and ware
houses , W21,000 , and residences (309.000. Of
course some of these will not bo built they
are only projected , but there will bo others
to take the place ot those ttiat fall out and
the figures will remain practically the same.
These figures , however , are exclusive of the
city hall , to cost 150,1)00 , tbo building of
which will commence this full ; the Commer
cial bank building , 175.000 ; the Pacific Ex
press company's building , $ ( S3,0H ( ) . The now
government building , $1500,000 , and the Union
depot , estimated to cost $150,000 , construc
tion of which will bo commenced before the
year is out. -
'JLlio fact that1 these buildings are actually
to bo erected bus been estab
lished and ! tUcso figures , added to
those giver ) , Jjy tbo architects , brings
the sum to bo expended on now buildings
this year , as Indicated by the work In the
bands of architects and contracts already
madu , up to $1,000.000. Add to this sum
$3-10,000 for new public school buildings and
the grand brought up to $4UIO,000.
Work upon nearly all of those- will begin
within the next few weoks. A committee of
the council Is ucttv examining the plans pre
pared for the now city hall , and as soon as
they dccldo upon the plans to bo adopted ,
bids will bo advertised for and work begun.
This will tuku but six or seven weeks at the
maximum. Work upon tbo excavations for
the Commercial bank building has already
commenced. It U the intention of the Pa
cific Express company to commence the con
struction of its now building as soon as pos
sible , and this Is true of tna > companies in
terested in the construction ot the new
union depot. It may bo late in the
summer before work upon tbo new
government building will be started , but
there will bo plenty of employment furnished
upon the construction this year.
The erection of a union depot will call for
a new viaduct across tbo trucks on South
Tenth utreot and the changing of tracks ,
which will cause a further expenditure of
money and give employment to hundreds of
men.Tbo secretary of the board of public works
estimates that (800,000 will bo expended by
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed
Vests. 14c.
It is the best in town. No ono can
match it at the price , He each.
kLadies' Lisle Gloves.Sc.
Wo have them in blacks and colors ,
nnd they are worth 25u. You can got
tticm Monday , 8c pair.
Ladies'Silk Mitts , 8c.
These are in black only , nnd the
price for Monday is , just for fun , only
8c pair.
Ladies' Fancy Stripe
Hose , 23c.
Just ono more day Ladies' Pin
Stripe Hose. These are worth 40c.
They go Monday at 23o pair.
Ladies' Fancy Stripe
Hose , 43c.
Those are a lot of fancy high colors ,
wide and narrow stripes and fancy
block patterns. Wo maUo the price
43c for ono day ouly.
the city this year in paving , $50,000 in laying
mam sewers , $00,000 in laying district sewers
ers and $50,000 for gradiag , or a total of
$700.000. With the expenditures of tbo
county in grading and paving within the city
limits , the total will reach $1,000,000. .
The gas company will expend a largo
amount In improvements , while the water
works company expects to devote between
000,000 and { 700.000 in extending its system
hero and in Florence.
The Omaha Motor company will build at
least twenty miles of now road this season ,
and tbo consolidated lines will construct as
much , if not more. .
From these figures it is safe to estimate
the improvements to bo made in Omaba this
year at over eight millions of dollars.
Following is an estimate of
Union depot and viaduct . $1,000,000
Street railway extensions and
equipment . 1,500,000
Postofllce building and site . 1,200,000
Business blocks , factories , ware
houses aud residences projected. . 2,473,000
City hall . aOO.OOO
School buildings anil sites . 300,000
Paving , grading , curbing , sewers ,
etc . 1,000,000
Commercial National bank . JOO.OOO
Methodist church . 65.000
Pacilic express headquarters . 00,000
Gas company , plant and extensions. 75,000
Waterworks , extensions , etc . 750,000
Parks ana boulevards . 00,000
Grand total . $3,832,000
To approximate the number of men neces
sary tu do this work In the allotted time
would bo a very dlfllcult task , but the num
ber will mount into the thousands.
Labor Notes.
The Union Pacific has been employing men
this week to repair tracks In tha switch
The wrecking crow of ttie Union Pacific
are Ending fault with a recent order which
requires them to nttond to all wrecks ,
whether occurring night or day. They claim
this is two days' work for ono day's pay ,
The cheap Italians who wont to work on
the railroad at Emerson , a fonr days ago , In
the place of the men who struck when wages
were reduced to tl.25 a day , returned to
Omaha Thursday. Even they found the
work more than the wages paid ,
W. E. Hardy , of Lincoln , is at tbo Mlllard.
W. H. Mungcr , of Fremont , Is in the city.
Mr. Ernie Urandels loaves for Now York ,
Miss M , T. Carny , of Now York , is at the
Hav Nye and wife , of Fremont , are at the
J. C. Fuller , of Cedar Kaplds , is stopping
at the Murray.
S. M. liarkcr , of Sliver Crook , was in the
city yostorduy ,
Mrs , U. A. 13. Mnpcs is visiting friends In
Atchlson and otticr Kansas points.
Colonel J. S. Tllford and wife and Master
nnd Miss Dean , of Fort Hoblnson , are guests
at the Paxton ,
Dr. F. W. Uollloy , of tbo Chicago Dally
News , and John J , Knickerbocker , also of
the Windy city , are at the Paxton.
Hufus 1) . Kellogg , Mrs. ICelloLfg and two
children , from Green Day , Win , , and Miss
Elizabeth Fiont , of Milwaukee , is a party at
the Murray.
Miss McLennan , of Chicago , III. , will bo in
Omuba Monday. Two of her plctuiusaro
on exhibition in Hosa liros' . window , on
Dodge street. The lady corner vo ry highly
recommended as an artist of ability.
Held to the DlHti-lot Court.
George- . Smith , of Slxtoonth and Dorcas
streets , was arrested yuitertliiy afternoon on
the charge of obtaining money under false
pretenses. Tnu complaint was died In Jus
tice Wiulo's court by H , 1C ilonjeo , who
alleges that Smith got ? 120 on a chattel
mortgacro covering two span of horsus. har
ness ana \\aguns. Ho claims thut Smith
gave tbo mortgage with the Intent of du-
frauding bun , as the horses and wagons were
already mortgaged to the mau from whom
they were originally purchased.
Bmitu was arraigned before Judge Wade
and held to tbo district court in the sum of
* 1,000. The bond was furnished.
Ladies' Dressing
Sacques , $1.00.
Ladles' Dressing Sacques , made of a
nice , line white sheer Ituvn. tucked
front and alcoves , well made , only $1.00.
Worth 31.76 to $2.00.
Ladies' Pin Stripe Hose
This is the line that others sell at25c.
Our price is only 14e pair.
Ladies'Fast Black Hose
Every pair warranted absolutely fast
blaclc and an clogunt quality , worth. GOo.
They go ut 40c pair Monday.
Children's Fast Black
Hose , 25c.
Wo have nil sizes yet , and warrant
them to bo absolutely fast black. All
si'/.os , only 25c pair.
Baby Cloaks , $1.25.
Look at this bargainl For ono day
only , about 100 InfanlsxLoiir { Cashmere
Cloaks , in red only ; wo have only this
color left and want to clean them out , so
bo on hand Monday and got ono. Only
$1.25. Worth up to $5.00.
Contracts for Street Paving Awarded
Final Estimates Approved.
The board of public works mot yesterday
and passed flual estimates In favor of J. E.
Kiloy , $102.10 , for paving Fifteenth between
Ilarnoy aud Jackson , nnd C. F. Ilamann for
paving South Pacific. The amount of ? 91.13 ,
tbo expense incurred by the breaking of the
water plpo In Forest Hill a few days atjo ,
was also allowed. The board asked the
chief of police , through resolution , to enforce
the ordinance about hauling earth in loose
wagons over paved streets.
An application was made by the Omaha
Street Hallway company to extend a double
track from Thirty-sixth street west to the
city limits. No action was taken in the
I3ids were opened for a good deal of street
paving. Contracts were awarded to the
lowest bidders , as follows :
Sioux Falls Granite James Forrcstal ,
$2.75 per square yard.
Colorado Sandstone Kansas Paving &
Construction company , & 3.17.
Woodruff , Kan. , Sandstone .lames and
Patrick Fox. $2.10.
Cedar Blocks on Sand and Plank--J. E.
Kiloy & Co. , Sl.31 } .
Cedar mocks ou Concrete J. Hyan & Co. ,
Cypress Blocks on Sand and Plank E. E.
Nnuglo , $1.39.
Cypress Hlocks on Concrete J. Uyan &
Co. , $1.02.
Sheet Asphaltum Barber Asphalt com
pany , only trader , $2.93 , $ i03 and $2.43.
Vltrifiod Urlck on Concrete "Galcsburg , "
Kansas Paving & Construction company ,
$1.03 ; Atchlson , saino company , $1.90.
Alloys Sioux Falls granite , James For
rcstal , at 5J.37 ; Colorado sandstone , Kansas
Paving company , $3.17 ; Woodruff sandstone ,
James and Patrick Fox , $3.2 ! > .
The Kansas Paving company was awarded
the contract with Colorado sandstone at 75
cents pnr foot , and the liaruer stone curbing
was given to 13. Smith & Co. at 09 cents per
Ills Name IN IiowlB , Not Wilson , an at
Ffrst Reported.
The name of the army chaplain arraigned
in the police court yesterday , for drunken
ness , wiis not Uov , Vaughn Wilson , but Key.
J. H. Lewis. This mistake WOH duo to the
olllccrs In the police court , who gave the
wrong name to the reporter. Of course , the
career accredited to Wllnun , rnally Is that of
Lovvis. Tbo drunken chaplain bus been adJudged -
Judged Insane and will probably bo taken to
\VaKhlugton Lo-Jay.
Oid n JOndorHi-H Orolf ,
The .following resolutions In relation to the
candidacy of Judge Or off for the intcr-stato
commission were passed by the Ogdcn cham
ber of commerce :
Whereas , This board has learned of the
resignation of tbo Iloti , A , F. Walker us a
member of the inter-s'.ato oouimorco com
mission ; and
Whereas , This board is of tliu opinion thut
the vacancy should bo lled ! ! by u resident of
the country west of the Missouri river who
is conversant with the requirements of lha
great west ; therefore bo It
Resolved , Tnnt this board heartily en
dorses the Hon. A. L , . Groft , of Omulm. an a
gciiUcuiun of high reputation , ntrict integ
rity , acknowledge ability and thoroughly
qimflllcd fur the dutlci of the Important po *
Blllou und earnestly recommends his ap
pointment. _
ForBollInKlolun Glotlios.
Frank Lalloy was arrested yesterday
afternoon on tbo ch rgo of telling some
clothes said to have been stolen from a South
Eleventh street boarding liouiie.
Railfimd Go lj ) ,
The aunouiisomor.t in TUB BKK that C. J ,
fiuilth , Kcnorai land comumslouor of the
Union 1'acillc , had bo u decided upon to suc
ceed W. 1L Hoicomb as general maniger "of
tbo Union Pacific , create J conitdbrabto com
motion in railway clrclM , Tiiero had been
numerous speculations ns to rrl'o would bo
Itui lucky man , iiono of tlui speculators , how
ever , entertained the idea that tha little tax
auditor of the UaU > n i'aolrio was a
Ladies' Dressing
Sacques , 69c.
Ladies' White. Dressing Sacques ,
made of a nice , line Sheer Lawn , nicely
made and trlimnod. Monday Oilhr G9o
each. Worth 81.25.
Children's Lace Bon"
nets , lOc.
An odd lot ; to close wo mOlto the
price Monday lOu each.
Children's Lace Bon
nets , 25c.
For 25o wo will show you the hand
somest line of Lace Bonnola over
olTcred in Oimiha. Ask to see this lino.
Children's Lace Bon
nets , 48c. ,
None in this lot worth less than 7fic ;
you can get them Monday ut 48o each.
Children's Jerseys25c
Hero wo are aoraln ! UOO Children'
all wool Jerseys , all colors , all s i/.cs , ril
at ono price Monday , 2-5c each. Worth
strong candldnto in the race. The
fact that bo will bo named at u
meeting of the directors of that company
soon to bo held , is universally concluded.
Since being decided upon for that position it
transpires thut the victor In the struggla
for this position is a relative of Elijah
Smith , president of that company. It was atone
ono time decided to put G. M. Cumlng in as
general manaeor , that is as Inr as tbo Union
Pacific was concerned , uut President Smith
said no , and gave as his reason that ho desired -
sired to put C. J. Smith In thatplaco. Henca
the sequel to the lattor's appointment.
On May 15 , at Chicago , the past policy of
President Parkins and the management of
the Chicago , Burlington & Qumoy Will bo
laid before the stockholders of that company
In annual session What a different report
will bo submitted to the stockholders as com
pared with that ot ono year ago , vrtion a
handsome dividend was declared 'and tha
stock of the Burlington was the favorite df.
Wall street. Now the stock lias dwindled
down and iu fact is loss active than many a
subsidised The question is what will
tbo stockholders do as rpcards the policy of
the present management. Consarvnnvo
thinkers nro of the opinion that General
Manager Stone will bo decapitated , while
others hold that the blame lor the anginpcri'
strike and demoralization of the Burlington
'stork will bo luid upon the shoulders ot
President Perkins nnd that that gentleman
will bo requested to explain the Intricate
points to a horde of disgusted stockholders.
However , thu opinion is prevalent among
the Burlington man hero that no change will
be madu In its management.
"Tho trip of Dr. Sowoll Webb in o gorj
gcous train of Wucncr vestibule cars moans
something moro than a tour of pleasure , "
said a well-known railroad odlclal the other
day. "Now mark wiiut I say. It will not belong
long before jou will bear of some big deal
whereby the Wagner pcoplo will uudermlua
the Pullman company. This may appear
mystical , but wait and watch for substantia
tion or disproof of my assertions. It is evi
dent that the Pullman company appreciates
the situation from the fact that It is keeping
tab on Sowall Webb at every point ou hi *
Journey. " _
How to Dross.
The lecture on "Correct and Artlstlo
Dross , " to bo delivered by Mrs. Annie
Jcnncss-Mlllur in the V. M. U. A. hall on
Tuesday , May 7 , nt 8 o'clock , promises to ba
ono of the finest entertainments ever offered
to the laulos of Omaha.
During the lecture Mrs. Miller exhibits
costumes for every occasion , costing from
HO to $1,000 , among which is tbo ono madu
bv Worth and called 'jy him thu "Miller Tea
Gown. "
Omaha Is very fortunate In securing her
for one afternoon , and the ball should bo
puckcd. Tickets now on sain ut tbo Woman's
Exchange , 1015 and 1(517 ( Furnam street.
A lironoli ot'l'roiiilHo 8ult.
Late yesterday afternoon Emma Rublcy
commenced .suit against Charles Isaumly for
$10,000 damages. The suit was filed m the
district court by bur attorneys. The girl
claims that she hacamo engaged to Haumly
la t December , and that they were to have
bcnu marrioJ nn EuHtor Sunday. When tbo
day rarno around MUs Uubloy requested her
betrothed to fulfil his promise , but ho ra-
fused to do to. Consequently atio wants
$10,000 damages to repair her Uccratou foul-
A Sioux City Culnliratlnn ,
The Scandinavian residents of Sioux City
will celebrate the anniversary of the inde
pendence of Norway and Sweden on 'May 17.
Several dolegatlomt from lowu and Nobnuka
will visit the celebration. Horiaan Andor-
nan , the former ealtor of a SivedUh paper ,
will deliver an address ,
An Klopuinnnt.
Jamoi Swcasoy and Miss Nellie Fitzger
ald , both of wbora are employed ID tb * Non
pareil bindery In the' Bluffs , came to thU
city and were married , The young lady's '
parents objected to the match , and the cere
mony was performed without their IraowU
IIaril Wooil.
Twelve and sixtoen-lnnh hard vrcoj
MOUST it Gjun'iNUi3 fl , tu St.