Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1889, Part II, Page 14, Image 14

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    XJ _ - X *
b _ _
No ulvofllflcinrntH will lie taken foi
Ilirun colittnnH After ISittO p. m.
Terms Cash In mlvnncc.
Ao > erttw > Tntt tinder thl head 10 cents p i
too for tna flrit uuertlon.7 centa for each sub
qnfnt Inncrtlon , and tIM per Una per month
Mo advertisement taken for lcs than 26 cmti
t&et flrnt Iniertlon. Seven words will be counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively nnd
oust be paid In ADVANCE. All advrrtlso-
teents must be bunded m before 12-TO : o'clock p ,
Ki. , and under no circumstances will they t *
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Ffcrtles advertltlnn In th so columns and bar-
fcif tbolr Answers addressed In care of Tun Dm
will pleofie tisk for a chock to cnnblo them to gel
tbelr intent , on none will be delivered cxcepton
rresentnllon of chock. All answers to Kdvar-
IlBements should be enelosoo ln envelopes.
All advertisements In those coliimnH nro pub.
Milled In both morning nnd evening editions o (
TUB lire , the circulation of which aggregates
more than 1H.OOO papers dully , ntid gives thu ad
vertisers the Benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of TIIK llFt. but nlso of Council Illuffs.
Lincoln nnd other titles nnd towns throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising for those columns will be taken
n the above conditions , at the following busl <
BCSS bouBes. who nro ni thorlzod agents for Tim
JIBE special notices , and will quote tbo sum *
rates as can bo bad at tbo main oulco.
JOHN W. HELL , Pharmacist , KM Boutb Tenth
/1HA8H & BODY. Stationers and Printers , 113
\J Bouth ICth Htroet ,
' list 2115 Cum-
. FARN8WOHTI1,1'barmt ,
§ log Street.
J. HUGIins , I'lmrnmclst. G21 North ICtb
i Street.
G HO. W. 1'AIUl , I'hnrmaclst. 1809 Bt , Mnry'a
Avtnua ,
_ _
OKHMAN lady , musical , with best of to
fere-nccs , wants position ns governess 01
ladles' companion ; could assist in sew lug 01
lion&oliold duties , Address X 70 lice ofllcc.
r\\/'AN'l / IU ) lly a boy of 1(1 ( , largo , heultny nn <
1 T Blrouc , a place to learn a trade , ihosi
"knowing of a vacancy for apprenticeship In tmj
trade will oblige by adfUesslULr Alrrcdllowo ,
IBiKCorbyst. - 4-M
WANTKD Situation where a sober , ox
pcrlonccd , educated , tmcrgetic snlcsmat
can use horse and buggy and earn good wages
Address P. O. box 75. . 709-5J
WANTKD Employment by yoimzmnn am' '
wlfowlthono child , on farm or in prlv nle
fumlly.AdiIresi _ A 10. lleo. wuft
WANTKD SHuatlon ns stonognipner am !
typewriter by a youni ? lady. He-slot rut
f rcnces. Address A 0. llou onico. Ol'J-'i
ft'NaAGKMEN'IS to do diMsmaElms m fam
JLUllles BOlIcltcd.Mlss bturdy017 Lcnvnnnortl
201 m ; i2 *
TJAHTIKS desiring experienced stenographer'
JL can obtain just the party w anted without
delay or inconvenience from the Western Men
ograpblc agency , Lincoln , Neb. M-.Mnil
ANTED-Solicltor for Norfolk ; live man
JIS per week ; M icnulrod. 0.1' . It. Kills
SOI Sbeely block. 70M *
WANTKD A good-sized boy to take care o :
store and mnko himself generally useful
H. O. Joyce. \ l N. liith Ht. 714-5
WANTED Two travelling salesmen. Wll
pay cood'alary ; must deposit for sam
plos. Call on or address luv ) Is & Shahan , 541
Hnmge building. 751 M
$ r , WKEIvLY Heprosentatlvo wanted h
. every c-omniunlty. Goods staple and sell 01
tgb.t. Absolutely now ; household necessity
" No canvassing. Elite Mfg Co. , Pullman build
ing , Chicago , ill. 750
TV-ANTED Agents to Ptll Hie Pitiless clothe'
TT line ; the only line over Invented that hold'
the clothes without pins ; u perfect success
patent recently Issued ; sold only by agents u
whom the exclusive light Is given ; on lecolpt 01
40 cents vvo willsond a sample Hue by mall ; al
circulars , price list and tout's to agents ; hocun
your territory nt once. Address Worcestoi
Unless Clolhca Line Co , , 17 Hermonstor \
„ coster , Muss. 7550 *
WANTKD Agents Puzzle watch charm
most taking novelty out ; exact imltatloi
< " 'ot "Pigs in Clover. " slzo of nickel , gold plated
* - Bamplulfic. two SSic. dox. 81 : stamps taken
ui-pUynor A. Co. , Prov ) denc o , H. I 76 i J it
GOOD salesmen can mane fi to $10 per da'
cam unslng and have steady w ork in legl
tlmatu business ) no books. Call after 0 o clocl
at 1001 Bpcncer Bt. 728-5 *
"WANTED A competent machinist to lak <
T T charge of a manufacturing establishment
* references leniiiioei. Emiulro Room 14. Cliam
ber of Commerce. 723-5
WANTED Two neat youn ? men to tnki
room and boaid ; best location lu Omaha
accommodations tlrst class ; private family
onlv those w ho can give llrst-class references
need apply ; prlco moderate. Address A 21 Uei
oillce. TJ1-3
W PANTED Energetic man of business
ability , to take branch onico In Knnsa-
City ; f 100 per month nnd commission ; ? ire re
i quired. Addn-ss A 25 lloo olllce , 701-6 *
WANThU Man and wife ng cook in first-
class holol , $75 ; man nnd wife for private
family as cook and coachman ; no washing , J40 ,
Mrs , flrega , J14'H. . 15th Bt. 7575
WANTElT itnn an < l wife fo7small Hotel ,
man to cook and woman to wait on table ,
t5Q. Mrgnrega.ail _ _ i81utli. ThjJJ
WANTED Two wire workers to work 01
channel Iron work at good pay and stead j
* work. Address tne Sioux City wire works ni
J Once. 7ia--
t f \OA.f Maker Wanted First-class coat maker
t vyGerman preferred , emnlojinentovory dav
s , ln the year. Must be steady nnd icllablo
write or telegraph at once 10 Altshuler t
* BcnlcslnRcr , opera houBO tailors , Sac City , lu.
; i
WANTED first-class barber , must besobei
with good nifeiunce , none others need up
ply. Good wages paid. Hugh S. Kelly. MU
ourl Valley , la. * ( HU-OJ
"TOTANTEO lly n large and reliable clgnr fac
, TT tory , several Unvoting sales men t mount
Missouri nnd NebiasKn to carry our specla
brand , "Comninnder-ln-Clilof , Wiirnur , '
Havana60 cigar , with privilege ot carrying om
full line on commission. Only these conlrolllni
.trade among groceis , dinggibts and jjenera
lores neoduprly , Al rofercnce-i roiiulied. I
. , Goldsmith 6c Hros , llandu Ueaiboinst , Chi
cugo. 111. 71'iJij
' A GENTS Wanted ; General and local ageiiti
-n. to handle the now patent chomlcal ini
erasing pencil ; greatest novelty ever produced
cranes Ink lu two seconds ; no abranlon o
1 > nper : 200 to 50J per cent proilt ; sells ot tight
errltory absolutely fine ; salary to good men
lamplo U , > cents by mall ; for teiIIIK and full par
iculais addroKs , 'Jho Momoo Eiasei Co ,
La Crosse , \ \ Is. 739-7 *
\\7ANTEp-Tho Grand Union Tea Co. . o
T T Omaha , waula n tiosentatlve in oven
tow n or city within Jivi mlfos of Omaha , Musi
bet horoughly acquainted and lellablo. Kltlwi
lady or gentleman can nil this position ami
mate fair wages. Address W. 1C. Dnval ,
Manager. 748-U
GOOD caiiv as ers. Can make S3 to J7 per day
Woik light unrt agreeable for lady. Cal
foienoon. 1UOI Ppjiieerst. , Monday. 727-6J
ANTED-Allistilaes lee cream maker
apply Harry HnlUSIouxCity.Jii. Tu79t " _
WAN'IKI ) Salusman for teas , cigars nnd i
few Riocei's hpoi lulilus. Must iuidoist.ini
lllngclgairt nnd to s esiiedally , nnd have '
seed , reliable and cstabled in eb l ! kn
CharActer nnd ability must bo beyond question
We want push and grit. Can commence Juiii
lor July L Address A 7 , live olllce. o < Ji ,
- J A portrait urtlit. Call on ttti
doctor , 132:1 : Howard ot. Oil 6'
\lANlEI-'ll ) ' llablo can raisers for Omaiii
TT and Lincoln ; also good salesmen for thi
. road. Call or address , lii.medlutoly , A7 | N. 1JU
t. . Omalui. ( , 'jJ l
c WANTKD Hoe-femon. tlemakcTs.tjiaderH or.i
, traikluyurn for Washtnclon leiiltoiy
teady voiit and good vvugei. At Albilghfi
I.aborAuency _ , 11 _ l arnaiu sj. aii
( SX'Ll.SMKN WnntVa-nVo travoUiiB aTea
Omen : salary nnd es.ic-ni-e ) ; no exp. m-ces
jary. Ad , with Btamu Palmer Ic Co. , wlnonn
Minn. ( ao-f , .
ID OVsf Am. Dlst , Tcl.Co. . 1,104 Doueias. _
"AljK'f5 vv'ui'd oh SSnrfjfTe' ' ' ' * "rer mouth
AKiul e\peciea paid , nuy a1 live mun or wo
mnii to ndl our goods by cumplu and llvon
home , talnrj uald pioir.ptly nud u\p un Hli
advance. 1 ull parVcuIiiis und t.nmnle CHI.
free. We mean jut vvhut wo suy. Addiesi
Btnnduid Bllveiuuia Co. , llostoL , fla'ia.
* * fvi * 9 11 4145 ijtjpji rtccntlj
. - - . appointedccnaial n ant by the' old Nav
York Uf liiHui.iiicti lompaiiy , for theStutao
( t Hobniskii. J dofclru tn employ HetlMt , encrgetli
Cent * to nprcsi-tit ihu cumpany In every towt
and county In the uli-.te. Coriesjioudniue wil
ba netit ooiillrltfiitlal If dosliod. I'leuEtcal
ressJ. vDCKII. . Ouu'l Agt . U. f.
ijTj Omiiha Nulu liSKn. Ml-5
. . . . . . . . ) I'aporhatipBrs to ceF'prlfni o !
c- . ' . i ° \ ' ° ' Wltl1 l" " Wr and borders at 4ir
B. Uth t. , Humce blot-fc. ! M7 7'
every 8ir.e.k rbuvslllirri : ( In nlndorralii !
lt la/Ms / a liretliiukampla 15.- , two f-jr2T.c , rioei
t , II ; by mull ; Mawin taken , btayuer X i'o.
C 'i'tovldcnct 11.1 , 17V-ma.
WANTED-Two clothing solicitors to 1
custom inndoclotnlnit : goodmonoy for tin
right mail. Address A II llee. fl'Jflfi
WANTlTiT Kncrgctlctnen nndlromeh every
where for a gonloel , money-making bu i
n ss , Wl weekly prolli Buarnnteed easier thai
MO monthly olfiorwlse. Experience absolute ! ]
unnecessary. Pcrmnment position and cxclue
ivererrltoryasaured. f2 samples free. Write fo
particulars. Address with stamp , Merrill Mf'g
Co. It M Chicago 714 mlgj
JALK8V1KN We vvlihnfow men to urn oui
O goods by sample to wholesale nnd retal
trade. I-nrgcM manut'rs In our line. Unclosi
2cent stamp. Wages M pel day , 1'crmaccn
position. No postals answered. Money ad
vanced for wages , advertising , etc , Ccntcnnla
Mnn'f'K Co. Cincinnati. O. M4 _
\VANTKD Mc-ntosollclt ; must deposit 13.
TT nnd give security for money collected
Fnlary In lo 8100 per month. Call on or nd
dress Oeo. H.Clint-Cll lirst Nntlonal bank. 47
\\7ANTKD-4 good cooVsTprlvato family ;
T waitresses , m week : 2chamber mnlds ; !
plrls country hotel ; S nursn girls lit city ; i
laundry women , f in month ; 1 laundry woman
CMr ; > ) girls goncrnl house work. Girls don'i
have to vv.vlt forulacos at this onico. Omalu
Hmploynvnt bureau , 119 N. 10th st. 742-ro
WANTED A lady book keeper ; must be ox
pcrlcncod ; ono who writes short hand pro
ferrcd. A adrcss X fo , lleo olllco. 7"iO-3
ANTKD-trwo sales Indies at 1122 Caplto
nvo- " -LeB- 754-uJ
_ _ _
WANTKD A good dressmaker ntut an np
prontlco to lenrn dressmaking , 2l"i Noitli
SBth st. 753 fit
\VANTKD-AVnlst and skirt Ilnlshers , 1BK
T V Douglas street , up stairs. 71 OJ
\\7\NTiTT-HTrl : vvTio con sew nicely To take
TT cnre of b.aby and bo.\rd nt 1st class hotoli
nlso .I competent second girls who are good
waitresses , rt cooks lu pilvnto families , $1 lo Jfi
no washing ; girl for ollhcis' tnmlly nt Forl
Robinson , t-'O ; same in Fort Nlobnua , IHUH
drcsRcs for South Omaha tind Seward , to girl'
lor ( .eneial housework , Mrs Iliega , HI1 } S 15th
W ANTED GUI for general housework , i
small children , good wages , southwosl
corner ir.'d and Csllfornla sts. ( l'J7 0
WANTKD-Kxpciionccd girl for tin
TT kitchen , s\v cor.22dand Lakost. 701 Bt
ANKD-GIrl : general housework , liu
Virginia av e. _ Os2 S *
WA N T K D G 111 for general housnwork. gooi
cook and lamiate" * , in family of thieo :
only two monls n day. 13IH a 2t.Hi . st. tf7fi-r >
WANTCD-Olrl for housowoiklo : > 7 1'urk av
070 Ct
WTNlrTn-Glrl. small family , good wages
Apply 111JS. lUth st. inVl
ANTlilutton oo hands. Omalm
Hhlrt factory , 1'JOi ) Fnrnam st. 5.-1
_ . . . ) Flr&l-class vvulst llnlshor. Mi
Anson , KiO Eighth ave , Council llluils.
( kW O
A girl for general housework UT
South Mh. Oil )
\\rANTKD-Auoodgirl for general house
M work ; German or llano prefcned ; 101.
Douglas street. C17-ii. )
W ANTED An o\perlencoil gill for house
VVfANThD Lady i'gents for our new skirl
substitute for bustlu , baby diaper sup-
porter. etc. ; our Iowa I alls ( la. ) agent made $1.
in ono day. Ladies' Supply Co. , 247 W. Wash
1TIOR HKNT Nicely , newly furnished , al
J modern convunlencos 2210 Douglas. IB
IjTOH SALE Good work team , wagon and bar-
JL' ness ; set carpenter tools and chest ; full sat
-jrglcal instiuments , nearly now ; household
goods , etc. On easy pnj mcnls J. J. Wilkinson ,
nl7 ! Farnnmst. 4S4 ;
ftimished n-room cottage for rent
NIOKLY of J. M. French , fit j I'axton building
TJ1OH SALK or trade One ot the bet located
JL ? rcUauranU in the city : outlltnow anj coni'
plele. $ itM. ( .1. 11. Evans , Harber lllk. .L.M
> -S M. Shine , fashionable dressmaking ,
modern 1 3 pi ices ; cuUlui ; und Ilttlu ; al-t
done. .117 N. lO'li. ' 5CO .11 *
\ \ ILL receive ; bids for erection ot four cot
I tages up to Tuesday noon. J. A. Linnhan
room 606 ravton block. 749-0
AMKft-Drcssmaklng , by the day , ii
families , thoroughly experienced , gooi
reference ; Miss J. L. , IMl N. 14th st. 713 5 $
A second-hand Remington type
WANTEB ; as good as new. XU > , Ueo. 4j5
TX7"ANTKD Any ono alllicted with eny prl
TT vnto or chronic blood disease to call 01
the National Hemedy Co. , 1414 Uodgo st. and In
v ebtlg.ate their trealraor.t for private disorders
ANTED A new furniture stoio at 1 rlem
ANT KD-Cottnge of Hvo rooms In good lo
cation with stable. Inquire 2.J11 Cumiug
75 7 *
_ _ _
to rent by family of two , an un
fuiulshod cottage In good condition con
tnlnlng n or 7 rooms ; roust have terms and lo
cation to recclv o any attention. Address U 55
lice. 'J.3
HBNT Fiat of six rooms ; f multure for
FOH ; good location ; lease given to right
paity. Address All llee. 091 lot
T710H HKNT- elev en-room house. 2215 Call
JC fonilast. 7lf-18t
FOH HBNT Nice , comfoitable homo , fltst
class nolRhboihood , all modern conven
ience. " , close to cjir line , moderate rent. Tnauln
of Oeo. N. HlckB. llarker block. _ 770-U
T71OH BENT Elegant residence. In Hanscon
JO riace. inaulio Geo. N. Hicks , llarker block
TT1OH HKNT 2 splendid Hats In brick block
-U etch 0 rooms , 7 closets , private halls , all
modem conveniences , well located , $ i7pei mo
T. C. Ilrunnei , loom 1 , Ware block. 7iW I )
I710H HKNT New house of 0 rooms ; watei
JL' ana gas ; east front ; good location. Apply
to Jaa. Btockdale. H. 19. Arlington blk. 094
TTIOK HKNT A nicely furnished house : flue
JL1 neighborhood ; cablo. Alex Mooie , yoi biioel )
block. ( ino fit
THOH KENT An h-room house ; city water ,
JO bath , lanjo lot , llns nululiuoihood , near ca.
Ilkline. . Ales. Moore , 3J1 Hlieely block. 004 5'
TjlOlFlfK.NT room cottage , nlc ynid ani
JU em cur line , 810. Co operative Land Ic Lol
Co. , 205 N lUh it. LI7 6
TTIOH HKNT good homes icmti ally located ,
JL ; suitable for looming and hoarding houses
or private dwclllugn , f multure In them iorsalf
leasounblp. Cooperative Laud X Lot Co. , 8t' ' (
N. llith l. 047 6
rOH HKNT LaVgo basement under the Laugc
b'ok ' , Uth and Jackson , M sinmre ft lloor
2 stoiago cellars , will bo titled for tenant on ont
yoar'n leaje ; elevator if desired : rent low ;
Bteumheut. when needed. E.F.Cook,1007 1 armisr
TT1OH HUNT A now 10 room house , all laiest
K improvumbuts ; cor of Musou and 19th st ; In
qulio L. Ltivl , C1U Bouth 1 jth st. CK.V5-
POH HKNT Cottages , fi rooms , 2KO Charles
st. und 152iS 15th si. Inniiiie nt room -'U'
Bheol } block. 471
_ _
FOH HKNT Neat 7. loom house cor iMtli
nnd Woolvvorth ave. Inquire of G , U
T hclm cl : . I lee olllce. _ 64 i
FOH HENT-A flat in the Her building ; 1
ruoraa. Hteam boat , giis und bath. Applj
lo A. C. Huyiue- ? , hardware , luth and Jackson ,
_ _ _ _ _
FUUNISHKU cottage for tent ; fi rowns , close
to busliiOHs. 'lerms ni No. 1UKI S. inch st.
_ 4jJ-W _
" 171OH HKN'l 3rojm houte ; lentrnlly localodi
J. modern ( mpiovomunu1. ,1 , L' , llailiiii. aoli
C'upllol avo. _
O NICE 7-room coit ioi ; good cellars , cisterns ,
i well , good bum ; tonvenl'nt to sclKol unO
< burch ; aj i > di month for the summer. Apply
ntone. 0. F , llrrririoii , MerchantH' Nat'l bunk ,
_ ! HI4
| T OH HUNT lli.o 7-loom Hat ; all mocloin
JL , convoulcncos ; centrally located ; FW pm
mouth to good party. L , A , B , HeJtal ncency.
loom JIO bhcely blot ! : . to )
TflOH lllitVrMy Kanmm st , reJliience com-
JL ? plotoly ruin'.she.l , with llrdt-cluss ecrv.vntsi ,
It desired , for four eir llv a mouths ; fnmllyro-
liiB iiwuv. It. CVl'iiUerson , .IIRj l'-tli Ht. Ki
" 17MJH Hi.NT : 7-room IhU. all nlOvU-rn lOHTen-
JL.1 fences , isooil 101 atiou. cheap lo good iiurty.
K X h. AKAiicy , room J10 , l-healy block.
, _ _ _ mii2 _
' 17011 HI'.NT One ten-room and oio elchr
X 100:11 house , all modain conveniences , llesl
p lt of ' I'y and vvtthlii ft rnlnnt- * wall : of pout-
o'lico. _ Nutban hUelton , IWi Knrniuu st. " U4J _ _
noutewitl :
.L' modern Improvements , splwidld loiatlon ,
Apply at once , 0. F , HmaUon. Mer. Xdt. il'k.
_ . _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ t _ M
IC-oii i KN"r-i i4j 1-oiupn aT v ) . * u , .io"ii\tji !
JL1 uiulj I ii | r iiioEi h. ) t.Hiv > i !
! ? W .jvvl li"l . -w ii-ljuifljunk : . w.
Oil HBNT U room Tirick dwelling , all con
F \tnlences. 21UN. mint. eO ?
rtltTnENT A large fnrnlshod front room , con
JLctilcnt to cable , horse cars nnd eloctrti
mofor line , ( J per week , isa Corby gt. TTil-51
lJ 10KLY furnMhea largo front room will
JU modern conveniences , J15 n month , ail' '
Douglas su 711 5J
) room , with nil convenience , clc
gant location ; board If desired , 1811 Caplto
avo. 70:1 : ti *
I furnished room , 1810 Grace.
QNE W ! 9
TjlOU lU'.NT Kurnlnhed rooms ! all inodcrr
JJ conveniences , alia Douglas st. fl l c ;
TTMJHNIPnfeD room I.nrpo , southeast fronl
JU room for two cents or gentleman and wife ,
18.S1 rnrnam , coumr lith. _ ( M-fl
FOH HKNT Ono largo newly furnished front
room. * IO per month , for 'i gentlemen ; lK > an !
If dcslied. i.'d door south ot Pierce , on nth.
71U-6 *
_ _
" 171011 HUNT lileiiant furnished front room
JJ for gentleman only , ltd Cuss. 737t
FOH HUNT Two Inrgo rooms \\lth closets ,
comfortably furnished , IJUi N. llitb M.
70 St
F OH HKNT Nicely furnlshod front b"d room
111 cottage , W per month , 400 William sttept
lir.NT Two furnished roomo , suitable
foi light housekeeping ; cheap. IJO Chailu :
street. 747-6 *
_ _
TTIUHNlSllr.n room with board , only * l poi
JL1 _ w etk. WIT , N. U'Oth st. _ U70- *
ICETjV FUKNlSIIEO-Hooms for rent al
1XX Douglas st , Urel lloor , rent low. TU
NICKLY furnished south front room. Ever }
convenluce. 2210 Douglas st. 077
FOR HKNT-Front parlor nicely furnished ,
fi08 N 17th St. M.7 Ot
inOR RENT-Newly furnlsned room , vvltli
JL ? bonrd. nut 8. 22nd. 582 5"
FOH RENT A pleasant room , only n minutes
walk from business center , all model n con-
vcnlcncos , cor St. Maiy's avo. and 2uth or O.-O S ,
20lh , biick residence. 001
FfRNISHKDiooms by day or month , wltn
or w Ithoiit boaid at lowest rates. Central
House , lliondway , near watei works. Council
Hitiirs. coi vt
INK or two furnished looms , N , K. cor. Tap
o imm and 28th ave 6U1) ) 6 *
T71OR HKNT Some nicely furnished rooms ,
JL ! Apply 1U11 Davenpoit st. 027 8 *
IOH HENT llnndsomo furnished roomswltl ;
F all ! modern iuipiovumonts,220J Dodge. 018 81
RO'IM nnd boaid cheap for two in private
family , 2218 Hurt st. 0205
'IWO largo uowly furnished fiont rooms , also
JL small bcdioom , suitable for gentleman :
modem convc-nlonces ; boaid it destrod. 220c
Farnam st. 670 7 *
TjUH RENT Two fuinlshod rooms , light
JL ; housekeeping. 2020 St. Mary'a avenue.
Wll fi ?
HENT-3 rooms. 1712 Jackson streot.
( X)7 ) 8
UHNISlIED rooms - 22 N. VJth st.
F 68S-7t
or unfurnished rooms for rent
in I'ark Terrace , odposlto Ilnnscom park ;
all riodern conveniences. Inquire I.oo j
Nichol , bth and I.eav cnvv orth , 473
fmnlshed rooms , modern conven'
SUITotU blocks fi om P.O. ; private family ,
A. Hospo , jr. , 1511 Douglas. 4"i
IOH HKNT Front rooms at 1S21 Farnam.
FURNISHED rooms By day , week , or month ,
St. Clalr hotel , cor Utn nnd Dodge , 478
TniTRNlSIIED rooms , slnglo or en suite , ball ]
JL1 nud steam ; for gents only. 1510 How ard.
47 ! )
FOH HEN1 Elegantly furnished rooms with
all modern Improvements , at ojt S. 1 Ith st
FIRST-CLASS rooms , homo board. 1718 Dodge
FRONT rooms , $1 up winds , on car line ; Ult
_ _ -Nl8tll. _ _ 448
NICELY furnished rooms with board. Hef
eronces exchanged. i > ! 0 St. Mary's avo.
" DOOMS and board. 1812 Chicago.
JLX 43tf-m27 *
TJOOMS and board , 1010 Webster st.
J.V 782 m4t
CiURNlSHED rooms with llrst-class board a
JL7 201J Douglas st. 371 lot
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms centrally lo-
oaledwllhor without boaicl , prlco reason
able. 001 S. 11th. J17-ni25 *
f ) NICK south fronfrooms with eveiy conven
i ience ; telephone in house. 1908 Capitol av ,
T ARGE frontroom with bcd-ioom adjoining ,
JLJhandsomely furnUhe-d , gas and heated bj
steam , with use of bath room , in one of the
handsomest lesldcncos In the city , vvlthoul
board. Iiiiiulre n. vv. cor , lUth aud Leav cuw orth
WOH HKN'l Furnished rooms single or on
JU sulle. 1009 Dougla . 71J
T3OOM with or without board. 1813 Dodge ,
It ( U-i
, IU S 20th st.uea
\XrANTED-Nurso girl , 2225 Farnam.
T > 345
A OH 5 unfurnished rooms for housekeeping
'xior man and wife m N 17tb st. .147 lot
"fiVR HKNT Suite of 4 rooms unfurnished ,
JL ; with ull modern Improvements , bath room ,
closet , etc. , hot and cold water , gas fixtures , tc
family w Ithout children. Reference lenulred ,
704 noith 17lh til. Prlco J25. COS
HKNT 12 unfurnished rooms ; call al
FOH Farnam st ; cheap to light parties.
0:14 : Bj
HKNT Kitchen and dining room on
Ilrst lloor , uufurnlshBd , desirable location ;
innge , extension HKTI Farnam. C44 0 *
FOK HKNT An elegant suit of rooms foi
family use In ono of tbo most desirable ro-
bldlng localities In thn city , over my haidwnre
gtoie , 1021Hovvaid. W. F. StOBtzel. SIJ )
F OUH looms , t'L WJ S. Uth , near Dorcas ,
"IjlOHHENT AlmndgD-no suite of three un-
JO furnished rooms with bathroom and
closets , ut IM Sherman avo. 882
HKNT 2 olc-ftant platu frontbilck stoics
FOR ! . A splendid opening for a good erocerj
and n good drug ttore. Will make rent for the
coiner $10 , and inside 1)0 per mo. to good par
ties. T. C , Hrunner , room 1 , Ware blk , Omaha ,
Neb. 72U6
ITIOR HKNT Hoom for barber shop and two
JL ? bath tubs ; water supplied from laundry
10th ami Cans. 77.-5J
STORK for rent. 22x4S , suitable for hardware ,
etc , no opposition ; inquire UU3 Sherman uve.
OUI5 *
OH HKNT 2 lloors 22x60 each , in brick buildIng -
Ing , with clovntor , close to express olllco ,
c-hoap lent , just the thing for wholesaling , good
location. Apply to Geo. lleyu , HUH Farnam .
OR HENT-htore 22x00 ; 1118 Jackson et.
Enquire 1114 Jackson. 4-41
"I I/I'AILKHS atlentlon Tne storeroom , 1003
J iliuvaul HI. , will bn for runt May Int.U&
H , Rental agency , room UIO Sheoly block. 5)1
TJ10II RKN'lStore and living rooms on Cum-
JL ? Ing street ; r.lso bouso on Cass tit. Harris H.
K. X L , Co . Hoom III 1st Nat. bank. 814
HKNI7"-'Ihe brick with
TjlOH - 4 story building
J.1 or vvltho it pouur. now occupied by The lloo
I'ublUhliii ; Co . Uli ! Farnam st. The building
lus , i ( liopioof cemented basement , complete
btonm heating tlxturo' , water on all the lloors ,
ens , elc. Apply at the onico of Tno Uoo. 015
5ORE ( > 37 with baKHiuont , Rumge bldg. In"-
( iulrn Frank J. Huiuga. C
riENTLEMAN'Sdilvlng horse for sole and
VJtopped ( ; olumba ! buguy , all in ilrst-clnsa
Kluipv. Will soil clieap , UK owner U leaving "
linmirc it ! Gue'h b table , Iftu and CasH. 75
"IpOIt HUNT line of Knubo piano for an hour
JL' or morn pe.-day. b > the monUi ; location and
room Htrtrtb" tlrxt class. Tarnib very reasoua.
lile. Add tun * X bf llea olllco. Jj7 _
TJ OIt HUNT Wlie-u jouwlth to rent a housn ,
JL' sterner I'lHcocnll on UK. II. E , Cole , room u ,
Continental blk , 474
IF YOlFwant to lent vnurliouMe cull on'llar
i in , H. K. X L Co , room 411 , li > t Nut'l. bank.
! J 48i
_ _ _ _ _ _
GF.O J. I'AUL , 1(03 ( FATiTanr Bt. , liouses ,
htou-H , etc. . for rent. 4iv (
\j1OB HhNT-liouses In all paitTof the cltyT
JU j , J. uibaou , No. U , CTcli'Uiou block. 1 T
JFOU wnnt to liny , sefltrrnt or oxchtnge
c ll on or address G.ilTp'emidorff , roomi
017 and 31 * , First NallonaUtoiy building. 48
WK Rho speclal aticiUion'to ' renting am
collectltis rents ; list wltn ns. II. E. Cole
room n , Continental block , 4 i
J. oTlfSON'8 new nyntklmof rentinj
hotiHCji , No. ! > , Crclghlpn Ijlock. 487
_ _ _ . _ _ _
S f KAT markernAxcl M mt % back mlilsole
1J1 stand , 2.M1 Cumlng st , where ho will bi
pleated to BOO his friends. KO-6J
TUN Itooflng. spontintr. Clifton , \alleys am
shoot iron work send faaiJjhavoge.prRCtlca
tinsmith , 4J23 Cumlng st. ; Rpod work nnd cheap
banjo taught asari\irt > by Oeo V. Gel
lenbeck. Appjy nt Uee olllco. _ 1)50
\roil that aro"sulTorliiit from private illsor
X dors w lit Ilnd the National Itomrdy at 141
Dodge st , where you can get scientific treat
mciit and a cure guaranteed. _ 211
Iluy and soil second band ttirnlturo ant
stoves ; bottles bought and polil. _ 150-iuJ
TT8E ot Knabo piano for rent one hour 01
VJ more per day , by the month ; location nm
room strle tly llrst class. Terms very rcasona
bio. Addrcsft X 40 , lleo olllce. > K7
JHIVATK course in fencl ng , lx > xiug or tnnci
club svv Inglng , $1U. Address T 14 , lleo olllco
\\nMj take horses lo pasture at Gllmore
TT Prlco W per mo. D. A.VoungGllmoreNob
WANTED-Hoom and board in privati
family for man nnd wife no children. IX
not object to going out a llttlo way. Would bi
permanent. Host of loforcnccs given. Atldrcsi
A 15. llee. 721s" > i
IO unreservedsal _ < Tof mother pearl pictures
Yourself and lady are ln\ lied to attend UK
big unreserv ed sale of mother pearl pictures
commencing Saturday evening , May 4 , at 7:11 :
p m. Bhnrp illfi So. 14th si. , opposllo Murraj
Iiote-1 ; will bo nloascdto have you come and ex-
imlno the goods whcthti you purchase or not
Col. I. A. Cain , auctioneer. o78-5t
pKH&ONAL-U75 will buy a iiiTo liangint
JL lamp with decorated shade' , nt Aloody'p , ao ;
Noitbluth st , 7 H 5
A QUIET , rellned gentleman of 40 , gooil
habits and some means , desires to correspond
spend with a lady not over ; is , having the snmi
good qualitlc" , with a view to matrimony. Ad
dress A 2J , llee. 7tO-5J
buy a decorated din
JL nor sot of IU pieces , square shapes , ni
Moody 'selling Hlore , .KUKortu ICth st. 7.J4 f >
TjlKATIlKRS cleaned and curled ; hats prossot
JL ? and bleached , at F. M , Scbadell. 21b N.
L ( TSTSn"tuFday night , between lloyd's open
house and Crclghlon college , --tiiped Indli
shawl. Return to 0. K. Yost , Republican otllce1
and receive reward. 074-5 *
TOST Ono brown stallion , llneo years old :
JLJono bro\vn gelding 7 } eais old ; leave Infer
matiou iiiou Hurt Bt. es'i-r < j
TO RAGE at low lates at 11J1 Farnam st
' Omaha Auction and btorago. 48S
milACKAOE , storaRO , lovvost rates.V. . M ,
JL Ilushman , 1 HI Lcavonworth. 4 U
BRANCH 4CO. . , storage'i2H Hovvaul.
DH. NANNIE V. WAHHEN.Clnlrvoyantmed
leal and business medium. ITemale diseases
u specialty. HUN. Ibthst .rooms" and J. 491
ELECTHIC Telegraph School ; thorough an
practical inbtructlon oy competent teach
ers. t-end for circular or cull 100 t. 10th. 717-5 ?
VJIIOHTHAND and typo writing. Omaha bii ?
lOlm-ss college , cor. Capitol ave. i IBth. btan
dard methods laught by C. CLwlng of San
I'ranelsco , Iho best leachor on tbo 1'acllc const ,
Munson's revised of "Ml a specialty ; new plan ;
blackboard lliustiatlon ; ' day und evening
classes ; call or vv i lib for torniHji CJ7
7nIfiStandTird | ShorThcTnd ScTiool , havlng puF
X chased Valentino's Shorthand Institute , Pax
ton "block. Is now the largest ; ' Dcst ert.ulppell
exclusive Bhortlmnd achoul In tbo west , IK
graduiilcs In good sltuallons. The school Is it
charge of Mr. 11. A. biultli , a verbatim report
erandleacher of many joars practical expo
rlonccasslbtcd by a corps of olllclent toacliers ,
Use Hemlnglou typewriters. Shorthand sup
plies for sale Send for circulars , 708
"l/t7IllTa'77ES"KV'S snorlhand school , SI liar
T V ker block , a monlh's course , tW.
ANTEb Uilck sand and buTldlng ma-
lerlal of all kinds for cash , mortgages ,
lots , otc. W. J. Paul , 1009 Farnam. 7 < .y 6
WANT to buv or tiado for two-seated car
I rlagcW. . H , Parks , 2il 3 Caldvv ell. T.Z 5J
\\Y ANTKD Ono hundred yearlings , ono nun
T > died two years steeis ; and one hundred
two j car colts ; for spot cash. AldenJ. lllothen ,
Minneapolis , Minn. 04' 5
WANTED To buy good commeiclal paper.
H. C. Palterson. ! 118 b. 16th at _ jtcj
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and
hotisanold goods of all kinds. Omaha
Auction & btoraso Co , ll-'l 1'arnam. _ 41)3 )
OH SALE Second-band typewriters. AH
makes ; bargains. Western Typewriter
Exchange , 710 Ollv e St. , St. Louli , M o. 7J7-5 ?
T71OH SALE Hamblotonlan 5-year-old driving
JL ; mare , registered , sound , gentle aud fast ,
together with bimpson road wagon , J , L. Klcc
Co. 737-0"
"TJIOH SALE Cheap for cash , ono gasoline
JL.1 htovo , ono No , 8 cook stove , 1 ice client , itcj
Cess st. 7.W-7 ?
horse , sound and gentle , diives double
GOOD single cheap. Huckeyo barn , 10th and
Ilarnoy , or address A 27 , llee. 707-7J
OH BALK Cheap , household furniture , fi-
room house for rent , tM. 1509 California st.
oui u
OH SALK A good horfio and imggyTprlce
tit ) ' . Cooperative Land Is Lot Co..UiN.
ICthbt. 047 fi
P OH hALE SriM tons Ice. Adam ilodor ,
lllalr , Neb. I'Ci ' misj
FINE Cabinet Grand rosewood case up
A right piano for il9.fiO ; cost vvhon notv $ IOJ ;
onlyusod one year ; must bo sold at once ; will
give time on Dirt of it if desired. Address V
U5. care Omaha lleo. Wim 18
"IjlOH SALE " .Miller" hack , good as now , in
JL ! flrst clasj condition , run only six montns ;
veiy cheap ; on easy toims If desired. Also
hack harness , Adnress A U lleo. 099-10 ?
TTIOH SALK One team of mules , team of
JL ? horses , harness and hack , D E Johnson ,
Hoom 5.15. Paxtonblk. _ OM ) 7
TTIOH SALE Good noise , buggy and harness
JU forS75 ; cheap. Address , A , llee. ftjU-l *
"IjlIHST-CLAbS piano , walnut cuso ; no llnor in-
JL1 Btrument in city ; used only 0 months ; at
bargain for few days ; easy1 terms if deslied.
Address .V 71. Hoo. . r ' _ 816 8T
8ALI5 Sccond-haiicl tyuewrltcrs. All
FOB . Western T. W. lixclunge , bt. Louis ,
Mo _ . L 7a'"Bl _ . .
| IUH 8ALE--lraft ) horseii : lmgy horses and
JL. mnall dellveiy mules , IVooxls' Sale Htable ,
1610 Calif 01 Ida.,0. _ . _ 490
iH SALE 1 palrhonvy draftdioriej , youn
F 1 pair largo mu'es ; 4 yoilnrri Hordes ; " line
COWB ; wagons , huriiess , Imm-Tlen saddles , etc. ;
1 largo dining ball , furnished op , unfurnished.
To rent ,
First building noi th of fairgrounds ; 1 family
hotel , furnished , line ground attached. J. T.
Crott. i 457-6t
_ _
OH SALE 1 work teani , wagon and harness -
ness complete , vary elieaiv for cash , 610
I'Bxion blk. . 840
_ j _
171OH 8AI < K Horse and .UOKgy. liuiuuo A.
JL ; llospe , 1513 Douglas Ht. 015 mil
" iTtLA ND Guaraniee & Trust Co. , 1WB Far-
num. Complete abstracts furnished & . titles
toi eul estate examined , pui tcctod & guaranteed.
A HbTHAOTh Llnohan i. Moiioney , roonVTiw
XJ.l'a ton block. 408
MAIIA Abstract Company , IBlli Farnam st.
Mobt connileto and carefully prepared net of
abstract books and plats pf ull real property in
the city ot Omaha and Douglas counly. 4'J9
txio to loan nil llrnt mortgage , a , K. Thoinp.
son , 212 Bheoley block. 700
1 OWKST ratc-fc oncnolco city loaim In omaha ,
JJC uuell Illullx , or Lincoln. Leiitral Loan
and Tiu > t Co. i.Ui I'ariiam ti. _ irr.-U |
"rilTV"l'iiia"5cl7ii agency "w'lTl loan you moiiey
Uon liorsei. furniture , jewelry or seoiirltltu of
wjyklud. 1J03 Howard t , urnier 8. Jthiit.
MJ a 11 ;
1.100 Kpcclnl money ) apply at . ones. C. 1' ,
> Harrison , Merchants' Nntl
MONEY toloan ou short time. Pecured paper
bought. F. E. Alexander , 1503 Fnrnam st.
Oil j st
/I F. HARRISON loan * mousy , lovvost rates.
ONKY to loin. O. F. Dav Is Co , real estate
and loan agents , 15051-nrimm st. ( )
in 1,1)1 NO loans. 1) . V. Suoloi , 210 Tlrt Nft
tlonal bank. . 613
, room 210 , First Nat'l bank , before
Omaklng your loans. 6U
MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J ,
W. Squire. 1210 Farnam ot , , First National
panic building. 6JI
MONEY to loan In large sums nt the lovvost
rates ; no delay. H. 0. Patterson. 1)18 ) S. 15th.
T OANS made t > n real cstalo nnd mortgngfi
JLJbought , LevTls 8. Heed & . Co. , H 14 Ilonrelol
Trade , cm
MONHV to Loan Wo are ready for applica
tions for loans In amounts from J.1H ) to tin , .
000 on Improved Omaha or Douglas county roil
estnte , lull information as to rate . 1,0111 a
promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased
liyus. Call upon us or wrlto. 'JhoMcCnguc
Investment Co.
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses.
wagons , etc. , or collaterals until jou MOD
C. II. Jacobs. 410 First National bank building.
Pim.ADKIiPHlA Mortgage. J. Trust Co. fur-
nlsh cheap eastern money to boriowers ;
purchase securities , pel lect tflles , acce-pt loins
lit their w estern oilloo. George W.I' . Coatcs ,
rooni 7 , Hoard of 1 ratio. lui
MONKY to Loan Low est rates. Loans closed
promptly II. Ii Colo. H.o.Contlnenlal block.
W A NTIID First-class Initdo loins. lowest
lates. Call und NOO us. Mutual Invest-
incut Co , 11.1. llarker blk.liith , & . Fnrniim. iVJfi
Hi : . COL13 , loan agent.
Bl'IMHNG loans n specially. W. M. Harris ,
Uoom'JU , Kioii7er Illock , opposido I' . O.
NK11UA31CA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you u
loan on household goods ,
hoi sos , wngons ,
land contracts ,
line Jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
\Mthout publicity , at reasonable lutes.
Hoom 7. How loy Illock , South Omaha.
Hoomsr.lBGlti , i'axton llloctr , Omaha , Neb.MI
MONKY loaned foi .10 , 00 or l J days on any
kind of clmllcl security ; roasoimblo inter
est ; businessconlldontlal. J. .1. Wllkiiison,1417
1 ai iiivm st. r > U4
PJO YOU want money ? If so. don't boriovv
-LSbeforoRatting mviates , which are the low
est onimv sum from f ID up to JlO 00 J.
1 mnko loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , wagons , warehouse re-
tolpts , Iiouseri.Io.ise9 , etcIn the
lowest possible into * , without publicity 01 10-
moval of propel ty.
Iioans can bu made for one to six : months and
you can pay n part at any time , reducing both
princlpil ami Internal , if jou ewe a. balance
on jour furniture or horses , or have a loan on
them , 1 w ill take it up and carry it for you as
long as you desire.
J r j ou need money you vv ill find It to j oui ad
vantage to see mo before borrowing.
11. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthncll building , 16th
and Ilaruey. 600
T CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel
JLsecui Itles nt reasonable rates. W. K. I'otler ,
room 10 , llarker blk. 507
Gl'13H CKNT money to loan-Cash on hand.
W. M. Hairh , , H20 , Fronzer block , opp. 1' . O.
TT K , COLE , loan agent.
$ * To loan on farms and city property.
$81 . J. rani , 100'J 1'arnam st. iou
MONI2Y to loan on improved property at flrst
hands. No application senl aw ay for ap
proval , fcccuilty and titles examined free of
charge to boirowers. Ixnubaid Investment
Company , 30'J S. Uth st. 610
PiOI'lE'S : Flnaiicial nxchnngo The fairest ,
quietest and most llbeinl money exchange
in the city ; money loiuud without delay or
publli Itv , In any amount , laigo or small , at tno
lowest rates of Intelest , on liny nvnllnblo se
curity ; loans may bo paid at any time or renewed
nt original rates. O. llouscnren , 5Igr. , room
&iii. llmker block , 15th nnd Fainam. Ml
Pl-OIAIjtnnd of Jld.OOJto loan at reduced
rates on furniture , hoibusnud wagons. City
Loan Co. , US 8 1 Ith st. 618
lOPLE'S Financial Exchange Largo nnd
small loans for long and short time , ut low
est rates of interest , on ieul estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
nnd jc\vuliy. Don't fall to cnll if you want fair
md cheat ) accommodations. O. Hotiscaren ,
Mgr. , loom M [ ' : , barker elK , 15th and Farnam ,
FIItST mortgage loans nt low rates nnd no
delay. D. V. Sholcs , i-'ll ) First National bnnk.
MONEY to loan. Harris H. K. i. Loan Co. ,
room 411 , Fliht National bank. 615
BUILDING loans. Unahan & Mahoney.ulfl
c F. HAItHISON loans money , lowest rates.
* 617
$1 1500,00) ) to loan at 6 per cent. Llnalmn & Mahoney -
honey , Hoom MO , l'a\ton block. 510
MONKY to loan on fiiinlturo , horses , wagons ,
etc1. , or on any approved security. J. W.
Hobblns , H.2UO , Shocly blk , 16th and llownid.
rilHE Central Loan and Tuist Co. No. 1.W5
JFarnam street , have a spocl il fund of J.yooo
on band to be loaned in sums of Sli < to J10 000
at very low nuts on choke Inside icsldenco
or business properly. C. A. blarr , manager.
JU 5
"VT ; ANTED Applications for loans on unim-
TT proved lots well located. Odoll llros. &
Co , JU So. loth st. _ 885
MONKY ! money ! money ! to loan on horses ,
wagons , mules , houshold goods , pianos , or
gans , diamonds , etc , at lowest rates.
The tlrst organized loan ollica In the city.
Will make loans for thirty to three hundred
nnd sixty-live days , which can bo paid lu part
or whole , at any time , thus lowering the prin
cipal and interest Call aud BOO us when > ou
want money , and wo can asnlst you promptly
and to jour advantage without removal of
property or publicity.
Money always on hand and no delay in mak
ing loans. C. F. Heed .V Co , ,119 South Mth st. ,
ovei Illngbam & . Sons commission house.
W. PECK loans money on Omaha real estate
G Ilulldlng loans a specialty. H4 , Frcniurb Ik
1 ' .i II mis *
ONEY loaned on unimproved insldo Omaha
M real estate. G. W. Peck.H. 4 , Fren/oi block.
UIO mis *
LOANS-We will buv Int. or pay
BUILDING , onyotir lot and build foi you ;
small cash payment , balance In onsy monthly
pnymimts : in case of death vvo canciil the en
tire indebtedness. M. 1C. iT. . Trust Co . Fli st
National bank building. 8 i-m ] " >
UJLDINO LOANS At7 per cunt net , no ad- charges for commissions or uttoi-
nejs' fees. W. 11. Melklo , Flru Nat. bauKbldg.
TTNIMPROVED and Improved property ;
U loans made promptly ; money on liauu. F.
M. Richardson , a w cor Uth und Do.iglas.
ONEY Loans negotl-itod at low rati s with
M out delay , nnd purchase goods , lommoiclal
paper nnd mortgage notes , ti. A , Slomau. cor.
Uth and Farnam , 511
notes , Miort or long nine , unsecured
GOOD mortgage , bought any vv hi6 luNnb.
or In , Quick loans , city or I arm. Cull or willo
W. L , Selby , 11.1) , ll'd. Trade. BW
IJi ASTERN trust funds to loan on improved
JLUreul estate in Omah ilar u loans proiorrod.
E. B. HlKbee , First National batiK building.
M AH A Chattel Loan Co. , room 4. , Marker
block. iro-m'i
ifil.OOO TO 11080 on ImprovB'l city property ;
Pcau be paid In montnly installments ; rteot
canoe-Hod In case of death : will loan M rooo per
cent of cash v aluatlon. M. K. fc T. Tmst Co. ,
I'lrHt NatlpnaIbani building IVMnl'i
xl'iuflKNGEl ) hote-1 man vvantedwllhJI.OOU
cash , for ono ot the best located hotels In
Omaha Adi OM Jlox Til' , city. 715-7 *
Partner , e-stabllshed buslneiB
WANTED . Htato previous utiklncsi ux-
pcrleiice P. O. box 7W. ' 5J
THOR BALE A good , paying iihotouriph gal-
JL ? Icry. v cry cheap , as partv iutemts to luavo
town. Willteae-h a buyer the biuluc- . Ad-
drest A 22 , llee olllce. ' TfOfi *
TI'promptly taken , tJ.OW.v IllHU-urti m h bust-
JL noia ( monopoly ) , absuuilely donbllmrcapital
live times nial jear. 'Ihiiso leudy to lain bu/il- /
ness. j\ddrens A JU , thU olllce. . iM-7 *
7 1 K1AiThtoiu in tno IieaU of thu o.ty , rent. MO
v > invtlco i'rice ' , confectlonciy anil baCnry ,
lee cream paMur und fcoiU fountain , all ( lolui :
nlco biHlne-Hs and w ull loialed ; "itrop-u Jiowl
nicely turnlahod uud well lO'-ated ; ul < o hutola
InloMiand Neorusika towns ; novoral roHim-
ranis , feed store , price $ : w , I o ojuratlve Land
i. Ixit Co. , 3) ' N. H th Ht. tli 5
A pirtnar eitherai-tlvo or xllaut ,
WANTED fUnblUhuil scul biHlness. wlt'i u
large slock of all Until i if ! t'Id iiocnl ; lapllul re-
iimudtVJiU to * m.t0.ii ! ) ; hple-nnjd onportnnlty
for the ilirht nun Addrei * JA * > . \ \ . l [ ? | f.
Gi envvood , Aebi. , Uof U ,
HOTEL for f ulej now , good location , doln ;
BoodbuslnesB , for Rale atnbnrgnln Prf
ent proplftor intends chanulng business on ae
count of 111 health of his wife. Addreis .lohl
M. Cotton , Lincoln , Neb. 7515
BALTt 1 share Collsnutn stock With ad
FOH ticket , at a bargain. Address A Ii
lice olllce. Cot ) 5T
W ANTE ? ) -To loll i Interest InVwolfMtal
llshcd business ; purchaser to take an ac
tlvopartnt salary. A llrst class opportunlt'
for the right man. Address A i' . lice. ifll-iu
WANTED Partner to establish Rood paylni
business ; will clear tl&Opcr month ; capl
tnl required , K > OJ. Addrc's A , 'M lice.
H 8ALK Grain nnd lumber business
Addrc a Alt ) lleo. 74011 *
FOR SALK-A well established cigar am
tobacco sloro , good location , on N.litli-M
Apply at 151 > Farinvm st. 775 OJ
W OHTlPI of "your attention. Now belli )
completed on L-ith st , . north ot I.eave-n
wotth st , two houses couvcnlnt to business
very roomy , giato , mantel , turnnco , gas. bath
toilet , 2 vvnterUoscts , stationary wash tubs
hot mid cold water , live bedrooms.-io closet *
on1yjv.roo on terms to suit. Tolopiioi.o 227 o
W. T. Seaman Omaha's largest vni loty of vv ac
ons carriages , etc. , east sldo irth st , noith o
Nicholas st. Ml
AD R U Gill Srvvllh cash looklnir tor n"gooi
location , will do well to nddiosi It. 14
Capps. tulbcrtboi ) , Neb , , or lluist V Co , Hast
Ings , Nob. 217m 2:1 : ?
mi,0X ; ) to JVXJ ) wanted to put Into a good busi
P ness ; llrst class security and good rat o o
Inloiost paid fur short or louij time. Or wll
take partner. For particulars addioss U IJ
lloo olllce. 14J
QALOON for sa'.o in one ot the best busluos :
'centers In Oimihnchuap. Reason for soiling
1 must leave the city. Address V Ii lice
M'V ) EXCHANGE For genciiil morchandlsi
JL1.TOO foot Kinias City piopuity , valued n
S.'H.IKIO , nnd l.llJOncres Knnsns Intnl. vnlile-d n
r .WO. All clear. Gnylind V Hnrcley , tillers
Kansas City , Mo. 741-t )
A FEW second mortgages for hoiscs ormor
chandlse. 11. K. Cole , hundqliarters for bin
gains and easy terms. Room 0 , ConttnnnUl blk
WANTED Lands for lots , houses , etc. W
J. Paul , KIM Fnmam st. T ) I fi
FOR KXCHANGE-A good business li
Omaha stsck nnd tlxtiires about 14.000 fo :
h to > i will take coed city property : bntnnci
cash. Address. A 18 , lleo olllce OA'i 10
rpo EXCHANGE 2 10 loom tlals for n genera
JL stock of merchandise * , can use fiom 55,10 ,
to Jlii.dOD stock , WA bponcer , room , l , Hush
man block. t , 8 n
' 'O TRADE for stock of dutgs , 40acres im
proved lown land , clear , SOncics Impiovci
Nebraska land lightly encumberoa ; HOIIK
Omaha property , part clear. Address at once
A 17 , lleo olllce. b'JO Ct
I WILL tiado a good 100 acre farm , locator
south of the Republican rlv e-r , moi tga ged tc
Atchlson Ixian Co for $7,0 , for a Inige tnmil ]
horse and carriage , must bo n llrst class ilp ,
C. A. Starr. 1.W3 Farnam st. t71 8
lot lo tnido for good drl\lne nor e.
V-'Co-opeiathe hand A , Lot Co. , UU3 N. st ,
TWO coed faims in Nebraska to trade foi
Oiinlalots , Cooperutl\o Land A , Lot Co. ,
avi N 10th ht. 0 7-5
good hotels for tiado In this ami
- neighboring tow us ; some luerchandlso nnd
the bdllclltiffs containing it in good towns to
tradn for city property or land. Co operuth e
Laud & Lot Co . & ) ' N. i 17- ' )
T'O EXCHANGE aJIncios good farmland ir
J. Toxus , pialilo and timber , for real estate It
I'lO'-lda. itox 4 ! , Vllllsta , In. 7'JO 5J
CASH nnd the following to trudo for mei
chandKeor Inside property : lroom l > house
nnd full lot on leann worth st , clear of nil in-
ciimbranco ; price t4r > X ) . Co-operative ) Liiiid A ,
Lot Co. . 'Xi N. llith st. _ til r-r >
TjiOH Omaha property , stock groc-Tios , el ni'
JL1 hotel , lentliiR at r > 0 per inontn , clear lot- <
f or i > ei onnl property. HutclilusonVtMd,15M
Douglas M. G4l G
WA NTi : I ) To trade for house and lot in
good location ; will assume light liicjm-
bianco. Aildiuss A t ! lleo olllco. tJ
FOH nxniANGEKlRhty acres of the llnest
timber land In Wisconsin , clear of encum
brance. Whathavo jou tootrerG. . .1 Stems-
dorir , looms JIT and J18 , 1 irst National bank ,
FOH KXCHANGi : Dakota , Hand rounty-
\Vbathavoyou to olfcr for n good lartn
here , slightly oucumberedi' ' Dakota lands nte
rising in % nine and its destiny cannot bo dis
puted. Will take vacant lots or lmpro\ ino-
and assume some encumbinnce. O. J.
twrasdorir , rooms J17 audJiarirst National
bank building. _ /i.8 /
T710H GXOHANGI3 For desirable residence
A- property In Omaha , any or all of following ;
4(1 ( choice Inside residence lots in Hastings.
JUO lots In Lincoln.
(140 acres line tanning land , Lancaster county ,
1 Ine rcblduncn property , Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence , corner , Ixs Angole" .
A neat residence pioporty In ilnnscom place.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location and price ot piop
erty , J. U. U. , care Uaum lion Co , 1J17 Leaon -
' . \orlli. _ Ml
(1U ( > 10 1JOYS a lo't in Uothwell. II. U. Colo.
U ) , 751) )
pU. lltUV. Spcclilnaigaln3. [
Lots7 and f , blk 8. A. S. I'atiick'a add. .
comer . t 3.000
Lot 1 1 , liuclt's sub , , on Hamilton near
ITJtli . S.CiO
U Kb II. Mayor. Hlcbard&TIldcu'suda l.f )
L 1. , b. o. Patrick's 'd add . S'TO
" , 44 or 1C ft frontage on Saundcrs st ,
opp. Hamilton , at a bargain , or will
U C , b. 4 , KounUe & HuthV , near Ht.
Maiy's a\e. , racing 1-tli and 19th , im
proved . 11.000
Money loaned on Impiovcd and unimproved
property lu Patrick's add. Mortgage nnper <
jought. Frenzer blic . opp P. O. _ 715-u
' bo sold at once Lots 17 and 18 , block
15 ; lots 24 , X > , ! aud27 , block II ; lot'J7 ,
ulo k 13 ; lots : . ' ! and 2\ block 17 : lots fi. 0 und 7 ,
ilock 1 ? , Otchnrd Hill addition to Omaha , Nob.
Addtoss Hen S. Claike , Ashlunu , Nub.
FOH SALE ftlxllZ , Cass , near KJuf a bargalnT
J. 11 i\nns.llnrKerblociC. : G7'J-il
' 8ALK On oas paymsnt8 , fi , 7 and 8
loomed hou es , small cush payment down ,
md balance monthly piymvnti. J. 11. .lolm-
ion , 51H nild 513 1'iixtoil block. 2 J
FOH UAIilJ On very easy piymcnts , a now
r.-inoiu cot t ago. fiout , ue'.t p&rcof Minis-
: om 1'lace , n'.tw. .1. J ) . Hums , Darker block.
POH 8ALK 7-room housn. city water , gas ,
bain. Hlindf ) ti OOH , etc , lot nuxl * ) reot on
Capitol ave neir the High school. Must be Hold
it oncu. U Is north ilUOJD ; can bold. . If
akon at once , for il iM. K ) cash , bnlanco 1
md i jcari. 'J hn ground alone is vvoitb the
uonoy. ( ! . U iiiUB titlist. n > x
lesldonco proi.erty cor.'J7rd
ichoinnoi tr.icltrio pioperty ,
Miith night to ten thoiiHiml dolUrs C. 1' . liar-
ison , Met r hams' Nat. ban ! : . .10
IT'OH HALIC runr-inoin lioiine , new lurgo lot ,
L r.iBt front , C'lUr , well.munmy train tvvlio
lally ; v\lll la n norse and Ijilggy in trade. Ad-
lioss , II. 1 , , l'raQiin , l'.t llllon , Nob. fljl-i )
Biuli UY8 11 fotliTnotliwcTl. II. M. Coin.
< P 7o 7
LMXTFI'.NTH St. , near Cnmlni- , per ft , Si7fl.
- 3Viilnnl Hill , oust ot lli-U Line , * l , ) ( l.
Oichiul Hill , bouth front , conior , fMX ) .
1'lalnvlew , Houth rront. ( X.n r , * l.a .
IlutcliiiiHon i. Woad , 15il Douglas st. 040 0
h.VLlNu.o now it-room IIOIHO. barn fur
FOX I , well ami ciitorn ; evnrythlug tint.
lass : full lot , In lleilford Place , J i ) feat from
> tiito street ( Wh rt ) , SJ.MO , Ji | i mh , u.tlanco 1.
! nini ! i 5 .irn : 01 tQM. tl,4Hi cash , bilaum 6
reau , M , A. Upton Company , 10 Ui aud I'atuam.
\ T A sacililcsI'8tl51 ft , cast und noith
ci.T , jilt , lorntr HJtli and bts.ono
ilociv rtcstof I'CIO'K and Klrkondall's line resi-
lence' , two blocks from pitvud sticot ; two
jlocKi south ot i'liruuin hi. ; jttstthlnk of I' ,
UilxIM ) it. ri'rt a coinei nt that , and onlv * lMXl.
J. K. lleltui , room i > , s. w , cor. ICihand jinuglas
iTuuillAl.i : Thi > Mnsitt lesfdoaci ) lto In West
I Omiilm ; Just -uiithof rmuamon ijth Minot ;
i cnrnei1 lijUH , with IB7 foct .rontagu on
uved dtiota and Ji tului ; the hamlso.iiu
lencoof Klik ndu11 on the oust , aud llnuly ,
l Martin on Cio outli : it peifect gem
ind iiaidtn jpot foi an uleicant homo ,
llurnuyuii'I.Jlbt ' > > treelH. iixti7 | ! , on pavement
iVlthlu tfiroo oloi Us of Ilia I'uuit house loom
'in ievon Jltio lidutci that woi.ld rent as lapld-
y.isco nplct-rt. A aplendlil poiniiiueiil Invest-
nsnt ,
I'nrnam t-ml fc'il stiei-ts. 60x1 e. with new
liroe-btoij brick store lnid < llnr , rented to good
icrmanent tcuuuti. Moutil jocelpts J4/JO per
Sixteenth rtrijet near Nicholas , frontngo Cl
'set to alley ; good b.if > lnesn property.
raumm tUrr-ei , bitn ecu .bill mid iiJtli , front-
ige 4orivixl ( ti to alloy , south front , i bk.-t
'mm tuvomrnt and sUuutmrs ,
1'nrk dv enuu , uiiposlto llansuim p&rk , MxUO ,
irJoa J..icxi ; easy ( truis.
I'uildocU plactr t . e , Wxll. , COflO ! | easy
tilth street south of Vlnton st , lot lor sulo or
rmlu fi.rmUM ) , or good lurm lund.
B. A , tlcniKi1J01 ! i'ainum ut. Vfl.
v3J * iTb1ock ( IS ,
Oll nnscom Mnro ; call nd get price.
Ix > t it. block R Isnao ft Kelden's add. 51,700.
l.ot M , liurr Oak , on 1'Art nvc. ,
Knst front In LoVnta 1'lace. cheap. g t price1.
Hpeclal bargains in Hillside No. 1 , Wlndsot
Plnco and I/o\vo's ndd.
If > ou want a house built In Hillside on easy
terms , call and neo m , M , 0. Maclfod , Mil
rnrnnm nt. room 1. _ _ Cttt-a
1T10H HAliB-Academv of MustobulldlDft and
A1 two business lots. Grand Island. Nebraska.
ground UxlU feet , building brick , two storloa
high and stonct b&somonts , all in good repair I
terms easy ; price IIR , K ) . Knrmlraot TUompsoa
llros. . GraiKl Island , Nebraska. TolmU *
To ilUVsTiotln Uothwell , H. K. Cede.
$ 7M)7 )
_ " "
Ilcautlful residence Slt s.
Hnestin Hie cltr
Wo are now ready to show ud oltor forsai
tno choicest rosldcnco sites In the cltv ot
Omaha , locntrd In "llemls 1'nrk , " comprising
the sixty acres bounded by T.'d St. , on tbo east ,
HMlt or I'lemant st. on the west , Hamilton st ,
on the north , and Ciimlng st. ou the south ,
'I his park has been planned , and Is being laid
put by Mr. Alfred It. iigorton lone of the bist
landscape nrtlsts of Now York ) , Into > f , ; < c , ' 4
nnd ncro lots , and sovoial acres are laid out Into
smnllpaik * . ornamental giounds , and lakes fed
by natural springs. The plane Include a per *
lect system ot grading , pnvlng , * owerngc.wnterj
oltctun lighting , etc. , nud an oxpendlturo ut ftl
least Jlixi.ux ) for such Improvements
'I his cholco property Is located w ituln the US
inlksr.ultnulu little north by west ) from the
postollko 1 1 lies east of the r < scrv nlr and of the )
i-li'g int residences of Dr. Mercer and i : W ,
N'aHh , and n little north of east ot proposed rcs-
IdencoofGuy C. llnrlon nud if llshoi > O Con *
iiorsrosldeiipo nnd Academy of Sacred Hcntt.
Hcasonablo prices nnd terms vvlll bo given to
thosowho will Imlld ii'sldcnces costing Ji.lHJO
and upvvaids Tor further imrtlculais npplv
M olllco of ' 1 ho llemls I'nrkCo. rooms 15 anil
10 Continental block , l&th ami Douglai ! > ts.
_ . , m7
t B
SOl'TH OMflA l havu n number of good
- lots In various additions that must bo m > ltl
at once mid cim bo bought nt pilcco that will
suit j on. (1 , l. Stornsilorll , rooms J17 and dia
Tiist National bnnk bullillng. _ 5M
W13 have bnrgnltis In land and Imnrovoil
farms In all parti ) of the i ountt v that , ran
not bo excelled.o ncll ami exchnngo for
Onmhii nud Council lllutts property. Wo wane
to buy about lots In Omaha , InMdo the llnlS
lino. In ono 01 two ti acts. V.xielslor Laud nud
He-ill Kstato Co , , ill ! ) Soutli 15th at , Omaha.
fl ll U cosiest homo In OmOin , 0 looms , laig
Xilosets , city vvnlor , gas und Miwor , botli
cable and hoi su cars. l'ilcol,40a. TeimsfkU
to if."i 0 cash , bnliuco vc-ry easv. H. 13. Coli ,
hoadiuartors for baiciuna nnd oiuy teims.
I loom G , Coutlnenlnl Illoct. ; r 0
BOrilWKLU the futuio metropolis ot Wy
omlni : , 4 ralhonds , coil , lu the contorof the
W joining oil belt. ' 10 lots nt $10 nch They
won't lust long H E. Cole , hcndqunuors for
gains nnd easy terms. H. U , Continental.
758 7
E. ( OLE Will Trade Cholco. finely 1m-
provou forms In western Ne brnska , light
ly Incumbored , to trade for Omulm property ,
Imiirovod or unlmrovod. ]
Clear lot , 20th and Vlnton , for house lu west-
rn part of the city preferred.
! M oem lionsu ami full lot , clear , foi vacant
iiiblde le-sldenco lot.
II. E. Cole , headquarters for bargains and
easy terms. Room 0. Continental block. 7.M4
KTiu ) YS n lot lu Hotbwoll. H. K. Cole.
$ 75'J 7
"VTOCASH payment , Wi nor month , Including
J- > Interest , will buy nlco o-ioom , 1'i-stoiy
houses convenient tocabl nud horse cars.
II. E. Cole1 , beadqunrteis for bargains and
oasyleims. Room 0 , Continental block.
7M 0
bargain-Lot 3 , block 10. Or
Ochaid Hill , one third cash , balance to suit ;
south front nnd good eleatlon. . A J , lleo olllce.
K ! > 11
TTVOs/VL : Nine room MOIISLliaru nirdTot
JL In Hanscom pluco ; also 'J bouses and lots m
Bnnii } Mdo. Hurils , room 411 , 1st N at'l bank.
POH SAL13 or exchange- Improved stock ;
f arm of M I acres In cable-in JxubrasVn , nc-ir
marlcet ; r.Ko now 1- loom housu with nil cou-
vtnlcnccH In desliabloieslduncopxitloiiof Orn.i *
hn. Andrew llev In * , attorney , i and 4.M I'.ix-
ton block , Umiilia , Neb. G ' 0
lOHUYSa lot In Hotnvoll. l.
7ni 7
-.nft1 1(1 foot building front In lot 3. block 7
$ bouth Omaha ; lot 150 feat deep ; nonu foi sale
In the block less than JUI w-r root. Dfm't let
this bargain slip. L street \ Induct w 111 soon bo
completed. D. D. hmeaton. Humor blk.Oumha.
_ _ _ _ , " ' ' 7. _ - .
TT < OU BALK South and east corner iflxKu. In ,
JJ the nelphuoi hood of the Milton Holers
oropoity. vvest 1'ainam street , very sightly
This Is cholco property In u cholca neigl\bor- \
hood and will be sold t lump. It will pay you to
Investigate the locality nnd this particular
piece of ground. C. F. Harrison , ilorctmuti' bank. til5 !
I3B ' 1 HIS Full lot Til Hlllsldo. No""l , $ .1JJ ta
liVUIesstliHiiadjolngpiopeity. lor I0da > ;
nddrons X dlleo. . CsJ-tlO
FOH SALU-Chcap ; not for trndo ; Bl 1.7flacics
land ( sec n-l.'fl ) , two milea from Munpielte ,
Hamilton county. Nebraska Frame bou&ista
ble. .tui ) acres undi-r good hnib-wlii ) fence/ ,
round cedar posts , tvvo ht.iy * , llv Ilia water , > .U *
foot cliaiinei. 2 woll"10 bairol tank , ,
self-feeder , a natuial stock ranch , in a line i om
1'rlce . Cfi.oco
Jashln hand . . ' ,7r > U
2 years' time. 0 per cent . . 1-JSO ;
< lo and look over land. Address o\vnci , F. 1C.
Atkins , 150J Laiiiiier _ _ t. Donver. Col. fij'l
MOI OH on Nonh S4th Htroat WehavoMi fuot
eastfioncin Koiulall's addition for tl.oK ) .
M. A. Upton. Company , join and Farnam.Ml
HUYS a lot in llothwoll. H
$10 '
_ i1'L _ _
irilt ( SA I.KU no most pleasant ami best Io3o ?
-U ted llttlo homo in town , suitable for a mail
with asmall fiimily who wants soniethlni ! voiy
choice and not too oxnonslvo. Has imvcr bouu
wt on the market bofoio and will undoubtedly
bo sold noon. It will payyou to Investigate thli
promptly. C , F. Harrison. Merchants Nat , It'lr.
_ _ _
L AND-l'hnvelO. 000 acres of choice farming
hinds In eastern and middle. Nobi.isk i.w lili ii
I w 111 sell at from 1 to II J per acre. Will muka
Rpcclal price for the whole 19,000 acron if takfti
nuhimp. Gco. H. 1'utorsoil , 1IU blllhst. ,
48 mil
FOH SALR Or exchunRO for Omaha piopor
ty , ( * ) acres , sultablo for platting ; will
nako 400 loU.all elisai ; big money In It for some
3110 who cinjmsh tUlh ; located just outside the
Mty limits of Council llluils. Inquire George J ,
Stcnifidorir , iooma.117 nud SIR , Firs ; National
bank building. : M
NO cash payrannt roqulrod. Will sell yoii
lull lot In SattniloiM .It Hlmebiugn's add
or$0ji ) and take moitgago for full nmouiu due
niivflirsonca-idltlon that you iiulld u hotna
oco-it not less than ? j)0. ) Cf. K. Hotter , roomi ,
S W comer 15th and Douslns , 4iJ
( h0 | 1IUY8 a lot In llotbvvell. 11. E. Cole.
UJ 7D97
NhW 2-suated niKicairlngoor top nuwj for
moitnago eily 01 county vv an until , or any
3001 ! unsecuied notes. W.L Hclby.H 1 1 ll'd Trad *
_ ; _ < J7
( f/iOH bALE HI acres , coiner Ihiueoiitti and
H Noith Btroots. Desirable for pUttl-ig. 0.
jood. Good blouk , DBS Molnus. In. MOinJI
r N K'-a'TG .vfinFmT-Tot iflxua oii iim >
Lilftto between -4th and 2" > ti stteots ; I-iooni
louse , largo consoi vatoiy , Bower In alloy ; only
. ' .COD ; I.VW cash ; balun-o 1 , . ' . II and 4 yo irrf.f. .
\ . Uptn company , 10th and Farnam. 220
NO CASH , and payment of fj > per montli , in
cluding Intel ust buys a mtat Htoiy-and-
i half o room house , convenient ta both cahl *
nd horse cat a. It. K. Cole , headquarters for
) ? .ijains and eiisy terms , U6Contlnoiital lllo-k. ;
' 1H8 0
_ _ _
POH SATTis On easy te-rms.'BrTaiTTTioomea
liousen , with small cah payment down mid
mlance monthly. J. II. JolmM > n. 6H and 513
' cic.
'pWENTIK'Ht street Is wived to Centur and
JLpiiveintint oid rtd to Vlnton ; 20th gtrc-ut Ii
.he ( .online Htrect south. Jtifi ull graded ulcur
ytnHprini ; l.aKo pnik Wo have 17 ftet uciir
Mnithu with n llriUcluHS l-ioom houst. lot nt
{ inde. for HOW. M. A. L'ptou Company. I'ltli
mil Farnnm. W7
* 10 liu VBa * lot In Ilotlivvolli il. K. W . "
" 75J 7
If OK SALK 5-room cottage on . nt. bet.
1 Centur and Dcrcan , lot , l3xlfi7 , tS.Htt. easy
trms ; this ii a bargain. M. A. Upton Co. . IttU
md I nuiam. col
DII.LOOKlioio ! An east trout , 61 ft lot , on
. i'i'5J1" ' ' ! hOIIt1 , ! "t ll'H'lette ' ; voiy Hue vje-vr
'M-II.MW. How' that. M A. Upton Comnaay ,
(1th ( and I utnani , 'J ) ,
I710H HALI5-A beautiful itii' once lu Ilinn-
eoml'lure , eautnnntvn ; rlt\rtt. jcwt lontli
) f Poppleton uye , lot 6)rH ) , fj irrud. 1 | | By ;
iiirdiiuoly Kuldul ; SIOOIH IIOIIH. % luth. hot
md cold wutor. itas. * awor. uleetrlc Imiu , Imrdl
voodllnlib. IftttKaii at once will mil t'llw flno
iomo lor amount much balnw iti valuo. No
ili r : . lfhborh'Wd In tun cl v To thono th it
iirun liulmin vva would Jiko to show this
iroiiorly. We Af.ll mika thu pilyn u/.i/t. / M
\ . Upton Company , luth atitj Furnaui. JJ4
n I llAIM iltGATN TbaVe for sale n'nlco
LJ htory ntiU u iislf cottugo on Grant nt. .
7th. lioutl ; front. J blouks from tno street car
HIM and J from the mnUir lino. Small cam
iBvinmitaiidbataiuneaMy , r will tnko KO no
a * ilrst payment. Prku ll.oou ; vvoitU
(5rove-r6teyeiif , 610 and 637 Paxton blocit.