Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1889, Part II, Page 11, Image 11
THE' ' OMAHA DAILY BEE : SXlJNDAlf , MAY 5. iSb'J-SIXTEEN PAGES. 11 THE POINT NEAREST DEAVEN Among the Cloud Oappod Peaks of the Himalayas. . A LAND OF FEMALE SAMSONS. One ofThoin Cnrrloil a Cottngo Pinno For Twelve Miles Up a Moun tain Iho Wonders or India. Mountain Ollmlilnt ! in Asia. ( Onpl/rfaMtil / IKO liu Frank a. Cctrpentrr. ] DAKJEEMNO , March- , ( Special Corr-ci- nonilcnco of THE linn. ] In the heart of the Hlmaluyns , In tha midst of mountains whoso perpetual snows gUtton lllto diamonds under tha rays of the tropical sun , with oceans of clouds below run , 7,000 feet nbovo the Jungle wlicro the Utter hides , and almost within the sound of the eun of the Kngllsh troops , who nro fighting on the borders of Thibet , I write this letter for my American readers. From ray window I can sec the snow on ICanchan- lutipn , ' . 8,000 nbovo the BC.I , and upon a Thlbltnn pony I galloped this morning twelve miles higher up the mountain to Tiger Hill , and saw the sun gild the snowy summit of Mount Everest , wliloh Is a full thousand feet higher. The top of Mount Everest isof all the world , the nearest point towards heaven , Fujiyama , the snored , Biiow-cappod mountain of Japan , Is not half as high as Mount Everest and , If my memory serve ? mo , the suows of Mount lilnno nro at leas' , 10,000 feet lower. Go to the top of Mount Ulnnc , nscond In a balloon straight up about for two 'mllci , and you have about reached tlio nltltuda of this highest of the Himalaya mountains. It dwarfs every- thine In the Andes and the Alps , niiit It IB a ilttlng king to this noblest range of mountains In the world. Himalaya means the ubodo of snow and thousands of Iho peaks nro crowned with eternal frost tf you could , by rubbing the mir.iclo lamp of nature , have her genii construct n mountain rnnpo from Now Yorlt to Denver , Col. , and make this range as wide as the distance be tween New York and Washington , extoudlns It points to douulo that width , you would have a base somewhat llko that of ttio Hima layas. On this base must bo built two high ranges Of mountains with vast valleys between - tween them malting a double wall between the north and the south. You must through out the distance have the moan elevation of your hills about as high as Mount Hlanc , and forty of thorn must extend more than one milo higher. Every ona of these forty will kisn the sky above any summit of the Andes and In many of these vast valleya you HUO1' Till : WHOLE OF TUB ALI'INK KANGE , and at a distance of ton miles from tbo place wiioro they fell there would bo no perccpti- blo change In the faeo of nature. Talk about the glaciers of Swlt70rlnnd I There are gla ciers in the Himalayas which nro from thirty ID sixty miles In length and there Is ono tlilrtv-tlnco miles long which is flanked on slthor siilo by two peaks over twenty- sweii thousand foot high. Has nny ono over reached tno top of the highest of these mountains ? I should say not. An American attempted it a few months ace and ho left Darjeeling with a staff as long ns himself and enough provisions to last him a month. Ho came back four weolts later and clai.ietl that ho had spent the night nn ICnnchnnJnnga. "It. was ns easy , " said ho , "ns falling off a log. It takes an American to do a thing that . you English fear to attempt. " And ho then ' 'went , jni to describe the glaciers In sproad- eagle colors. Ho told of mountain bears and polar wolves and discoursed for hours In the lancuago of Jules Vorno. The English resi k ilents of Darjeeling cocked their ono-oyo glassrs at him , and some believed and some flid not. . About a week after ho had 16ft tno Himalayas a wealthy English tea planter came to the station and naked the people thcro if they had heard anything of an American named Jones. They replied that Jones was the wonderful man who had iisccndcd KanchnnJanRa and they described his tour. Upon comparison it was found that the date of Jones' starting up the mountain was the day before ho cnmo to visit this tea planter. The planter said , "He talked nothing of the mountains to mo , but I found him u good follow nnd ho stayed with mo full four weeks. Wo played poker three-fourths of the time , ilrauk whisky and soda during the intervals of the game and the remainder of the days Jones spent in rending up my library of mountain literature. He was at this time doubtless thinking how ho would talco in Darjeellng and was making up the Muii- ChauBen story which ho told you. " Most Americans are satisfied with Dar- Jocling. It is ono milo and a half STHAIQIIT Ul' IN TUB A1U above the sea , and If you could pile seven towers like the one Just built atParls , osa on top ot this other , or fasten thirteen Washing ton monuments into ono long , iron cage and run an elevator through the whole you would just about reach this altitude. I doubt whether there is a village in Switzerland BO high as Dnrjoeling , and I am certain thcro is nothing in the Alps to compare with the grandeur of its surroundings. The plains of India send up moisture to the Hlamalayas which gives them a thousand clouds where the Alps have one , and hero you see clouds of all kinds uinl shapes chaslnc each other over the hills below you. You sco them crawling up the Bleep sides of the valleys and climbing to .vonr very feet when they envelope you and for ton minutes the mist is HO thick that you canu-jl sco the horse on which you are rid ing. A moment later the cloud has passed and it floats " onward toward the snows nbovo. At times there are clouds above and below you. You eeo ghostly masses of vapor resting In llttlo hollows in the sides of the mountains us though they had squatted down there for a siesta. At times they take the form of men or beasts and In single Ilia sijom to chase ono another through the air. In the monimp the sun gilds them so that they uro mnssus of Uro and at night the am orous moon throws tier bright tropical ravs around them. Tlio cloud effects and the BUOW effects of the Hlmalnva mountains are Indescribably grund. Tlioy are dlffnrcnt from anything I have seen in travels of hun dreds of miles through the Alps and they are in imray respects uioro interesting , From where 1 write the mountains form a Homl'rlrclo about mo and there are twelve mighty peaks of snow , each of which Is moro than twenty thousand feet high. As for mountains of two miles nnd moro In height I can see dozens of them. 1 nm in the very midst of the Himalayas anil at what the world says Is the bust point to view them , Jinn hero is fully as Interesting as nature nnd wo have servants and guides who are inoro likii the ptoplo of Thibet than India. Thcro Is no seclusion of women hero und OltEAT BT1U1TINO GlltLS dressed In the gaudiest of colors go about witli Hut plates of gold hanging to their ears , each of which Is as big as a tnulo dollar. They have gold on their ankles and bracelets of silver running all the way from their wrists to their elbows. Tholr complexions , originally as yellow as these of the Chlna- roon , are bronzed by the crisp mountain air , until they huvo now the rich copper of the American Indian , lioth men and women look not unllko our Indians. They have the Biuno high cheek bones , the same souil-llat noses and long , straight , black hair. If you will take the prettiest squaw you have over Been you may have a fair typo of the average belle of the mountains. She wears two pounds of Jewelry to the ounce of the sijuaw. however , ana her eyes are brighter , and she U fur moro Intolliticnt. She xvorks Just as h.\rd and the woman of the Himalayas does much of the work of the mountains. I seotwotnen digging in the f.oldi , worklngon the roods , and carrying Immense baskets.each of w i oh Uolds from two to three busholt , full ot dirt Buuiirpducowithoir back. Just ubovotho hotel the road U being ropalicd , nnd a sldo of Xho mountain U being cut uway. The dirt 1 curried for about a quarter of a rallo ana used iu lllling up a hole iu tuo hllUlde. U is all done by women. Two women nre dig ging down the dirt with nick-axes , nnd n half dozen nro shoveling this into the baskets of the gjrls who cnrry It from ono place to the other. These basket rests upon the back nnd shoulders of the girl , and they arc hold there by a wide strap which comes from the basket around nnd over the girl's forehead , They eland with the baskets on their backs while they nro loaded , and ono of the women who is doing the shoveling has n baby n year old tied tight to her back , nnd it bob up mid down ns she throws the dirt from the ground into the basket. These girls carry easily ICO pounds , nnd I was told that ono had carried n cottage piano a distance of twelve miles up the mountain upon her back. This is hard to believe , but nf tor seeing the mighty shoul ders , the well-knit frames , nnd the great calves nnd ankles of the strongest of them , I can believe It. The men nro fully as strong as the women. They nra not BO tall ns the American Indian nnd they nro very fierce-looking. Each wears a great scymcter-llko knlfo In his bolt and they nro Jusl llko the Thibetans whom I saw at Peking. They are notorious ns wife- beaters ami the woman of the Himalayas has , us n rule , n very hard time. Many of the men wear ear-rings nnd the women , both be fore and after marriage , carry their fortunes upon tholr persons. They wear strings of sil ver coins of the sbe of 50 and 10 cents silver pieces In rows nttout their necks so that of ten the whole front of n woman's bust is covered with them and THE rOOKEST WOitKtXO Glllt , has her ear-rings of gold and her nnklcts of silver. It looks strnngo to BCD a woman whoso whole waist Is covered with rupees and who has enough jewelry upon her to keep her for at least three years breaking stone upon roads , and I have , during the past week , seen at least n thousand bnro feet and half bare calves around which were1 silver nnd cold bands which would not form unhandsome - handsome bracelets for our American girls. Many of them nro fond of stone Jewelry nnd it great many torquolscs nro brought from Thibot and sold bore. Ono of these girls carried my trunk for n 5 cent consideration upon her back from the station to the hotel and I sco them plodding up the mountains with great baskuts of wood upon their backs , two of which would form a good load for a mule. They work nil day for what would bo the prlco of n drink in America , nnd their moun tain huts would be considered hard lines fur the establishment of nn American pig. Llttlo low huts thatched with straw and not blegcr than store boxes. They do most of their cooking out of doors , sleep upon tha iloor , cat with tlioif flni'ors , and worship Huildha In a hulf-civlllred way. Some of thorn use the prayer wheel nnd this seems to bo the only invention they havo. The prayer wheel con sists of n motnl box about us big nround as ono which holds boot blacking nnd nbout twice ns deep. Through It n wire is stuck nnd this is fastened into n hnndlo n foot long. Insldo the box thcro is a roll Of pray ers written In Thlbntnn characters arid the worshipper rattles oft prayers at the rate of n hundred n mlnuto by giving the handle u twist und setting the box to rolling. Each roll records a prayer. Every prayer does uway with ono or moro sins nnd puts n brick in the pavement which loads toward heaven. I wisb I could give you this ride UP Tiiitoudu THE OI.OUDS from Calcutta to Darjecling. The trip to the foot of the Himalayas , takes half ullavand the whole of a night and the remainder of the Journey is llko a carriage dnvu llfty miles un the mountain. You are pulled by steam and n dainty llttlo engine riot moro than ten feet long hauls open cars , no higher nbovo the road than a street car , over a two- foot narrow gauge iu and out among the trees in cork-scrow curves up the mountains. You rise at the rnto of sixteen foot n minute nnd go moro than n thousand foot upward every hour. The train winds in nnd out like u snake , nnd ttio cars are so small that they look like the links of a chain. Now the cncine and the tail of the train seem to touch. There nro a dozen horso-shoo curves every milo and you make llguro eights in cllmoing the hills three times during ttio Journey. As you risa you sco the little road In terr.ices on the lulls below , nnd you now shoot under a hill and corno out In a loop nud cross your own track by n bridge over head. The Y system of going up ono lull to rise to n higher is used , nud ttiero arc a num ber of double Y's which elevate yea from ono plain to another. You skirt precipices covered with green , down which you can look for n thousand feet , and float outon , the side of the valleys , which fade away into the broad plains of Hcngal.J This rail along a wagon road which led up to Durjeeling , nnd the speed mndo upon it Is so slow that you can sco as well as though you were riding in a carriage. There are many villages on the way and the train stops und gives you time to pick llowors and ferns. In rising you pass through the torrid , the temperate and land at lust in the frigid zone. At the bottom is the Jungle Into which you dash out nf nco fields and which , with its thick bamboo , its banyan trees , nnd its in terwoven masses of foliage , forms the homo of the tiger. As you go through you can almost sco the bright eyes of this noble Uengal beast shining out of the darkness , and the old residents of India who nro with you will tell you stories of the tiger hunts they have hud , and of accidents that have happened to lone travelers. They will tell you that the tiger is only found .where lives the deer and the wild hog ; that if ho oiico has u tusto of human blood ho is satis- lied with no other. A single ono of these tigers is KNOVTX TO HAVE KILLED 10S people in tnrco years , and another killed eighty persons per annum. One of the agents of the Indian forest department tells mo that about two thousand tigers nro killed In India every year , and in 188'J , 805 men were killed by tigers. The English government gives a reward for tiger killing , and during that year 57,000 was paid for the killing of 1,700 Mirers. Iu a few weeks thcro will bo an immense tiger hunt in India. The viceroy will proba bly attend it. The party will go out upon elephants , and will spend some weeks in the Jungle. As you go up the Himalaya this jungle gives way to huge forest trees , but the branches have long roots and creepers shoot ing from them down to the ground , and tbo trees nro often from ono to two hundred feet high. These trees nre clothed with a luxuriant giowth of mosses and ferns and you see many varieties of orchids fastened to trunks nnd hnnging to their branches. Ah you go up you note the tree fern , n tall , round trunk from ten to twenty feet high with fern leaves Jutting out from its top like these of n palm. The underbrush becomes moro sparse und as you rise the color of the moss on the trees changes from green to silver. This hangs from the branches in clusters , clings to their limbs like u coat , and makes them look at n distunca like a forest of green dusted with silver. As you near Darjeeling you 11 nil many of the hard woods of our American mountains ; the rose begins to bloom nnd thcrti upo tea plantations by the hundreds of acres. TUB TIH Or THE HIMALAYAS Is the in the world nud I would advise American housokeopcis to try Indian tea. There is n tea In Thibot which has the ilavor of milk to such a degree that whnn used 11 has all the properties of n good tea mixed with the most delicious of Jersey cream. This Himalaya tea has the flavor of flowers. It is pure and clear and It Is supplanting the Chinese tea in the English markets. The ten plant grows wild through these Himalaya hills and in some of the regions near hero it attains the dimensions of u largo tree. It was probably introduced from nero into China. Sill ! It U now only about half a cen tury since tflrt r.alturo was commenced In India , and now there are many Indian tea men who prophesy that India tea wilt even tually push ( Jlilnoso tea out of the markets of thn world. Just ten years ago the exports of Indian tea amounted to 3.JOJO,000 pounds , Five yeui s later they had risen to 5s,000OJO pounds , anil u tea planter whom I met hero nt Uarjccling , tolls mo that they nro now milking 100,000,000 pounds of tea u year in India. The exports of Indian tea to the United States have steadily increased nnd wo now talco over a half a million poundi of Indian tea every year. The lower LlllH of these Himalayas are covered with thusa tea plantations. Trio plants look not unlike well-trimmed box-wood hedges , am they rlno in terraces up the sides of the hills. Here and there you may see a gaily-dressod woman picking their leaves , and now and then a low shed In whloh the firing is dono. TUo seeds are sown In nursorlcs Iu Decem ber und Jununvy nnd they nre transplanted between April and July , The ground has to be well drained and I am told that the best ton soil is virgin forest land , which In India is very rich. The plants begin to bear about the third year ana they are at their best when they are ten years * old. The Indian ten planters pet about live pickings a year and often seven. In China anil Japan three pickings la considered good. I note fomo curious uuoiufclics Uc'ro Iu these Aa Himalayas. Many of the rude huts , vhlch nreof the same style as they have been or n thousand years or moroaro roofed with rnlvnnlzotl Iron nnd the sides oi some of them jrc sheeted over with jn'.mro pieces of tin , xtils tin comes from Pniladelphla oil cans , ind some of the mountain hut are lighted jy the Standard OH company's oil. Calico from England is coming into use among the natives und many of the Idols upon being In serted nro found to have sunken into their jrnss bottoms the trade mnrks of the Bir mingham manufactories. Q. CAurr.XTnu , THE SLAVE MARCH. Terrible Trlnln of Coptlvcn in the African Kant Const Irnilc. "Yes. I have soon the terrible slave march , " said Mr. II. F. Moir , who for many years has traveled abroad , spend ing more or less time in Africa. Ho wus sponlcln of the sutTorltips of those cnutlvoa who carry great burdens across the deserts in the African const trade , Mr. Moir Is n resident of Now Yoric i state , and last night in the lobby nt the Grand hotel entertained u few friends with u rcoltal of some of his adventures. "When the slaves nro captured , " ho said , "they are taken to the headquar ters of the east coast traders. Thuro a yoUo is placed about their neck , and is allowed to remain night and day with out being once taken off. The constant rubbing upon the neck chafes the skin , and gradually ugly wounds begin to fester under the burning African sun shine. The men who appear the strong est , and whoso escape is feared , have their hands tied , and sometimes their feet , in such fashion that walking be comes a torture to them. And on their nocks are placed the terrible goroo or taming-sticks. The yoke is a young tree with forked branches. It is tronerally about ilvo or six feet long , and from three to four inches in diameter. Ono which I examined not long ago was about twenty-eight pounds in woightbut I was told that refractory slaves tire often placed in yokes weighing fifty pounds or moro. Through each prong of the fork a hole is herod for the reception ot an iron pin , which , after the neck of the slave has been placed in the fork is secure by a blacksmith. The opposite end is lashed to the corresponding end of another yoke , in the fork of which another slave is hold , and thus the poor creatures havojo march , carrying be sides this intolerable weight , a load of provisions or ivory slung across the center - tor of the pole. Other slaves are in gangs of about a do/on each , with an iron collar lot into a long iron chain. "Are males alone of these captivesV" asked a Cincinnati Enquirer reporter , who was ono of the party. "Noindecd"said 'Moir. "Women , , Mr. . slaves are plentiful. A man with any spirit can scarcely trust himself to look at the starting of ono of the caravans. I accompanied ono which contained many women. They are all fasto'nod to chains or thick bark ropes. Very many of the women in the caravan to which I refer , in addition to their heavy weight of grain or ivory , cnrriod their little brown babies. Thb double weight was almost too much , and still they struggled wearily on , knowing too well that when .they showed signs of fa tigue , not the slaver's ivory , but the living child , would bo torn from them and thrown aside to die. Ono poor old woman I could not help noticing. She was carrying a baby boy who should have boon walking , but whoso thin , weak legs had evidently given way ; she was tottering already ; it was the supreme premo effort of a mother's love and all in vain , for the child , easily recogniz able , was brought into camp a couple o' hours later by ono of our hunters , who had found him on the path. Wo had him cared for , but his poor mother would never know. During three days journey out from Liendwo death freed many of the captives. It was well for them ; still we could not help shudder ing as in the darkness wo heard the howl of the hyenas along the track.and realized only too fully the reason why. The attachment of the children to their mothers and the mothers' determina tion not to bo parted from their chil dren , " continued the traveler , "com bine to carry them along with the slave caravan that is , so long as their poor little legs can bear them. " ' 'How can the slaves keep up under their burdens1" was asked. "Thoy do not do it long , " was the answer. "Thoy inarch all day , and at night , when they stop , a few handfuls of raw 'sorgho' are distributed among them , and this is all their food. As soon as any begin to fail , their conductors approach these who appear to bo most exhausted and deal them a terrible blow on the nape of the nock. A single cry , and the victims fall to the ground in the convulsions of death. Terror for a time inspires the weakest with new strength , but each time ono breaks down the terrible scone is repeated. A friend of mine told mo that once when traveling in Central Africa ho was ob liged to attach himself to an Arab slave gang , and that the drivers deliberately cut the throats of these who could not march. I have also boon informed , " said Mr. Moir , "that in Central Africa these slavo-drivors have boon known to cut off an arm or any limb with ono blow from their swords. " Use Angostura Bitters to stimulate the appetite and keep the digestive organs in order. Dr. J G. B. Siegort & Sons , solo manufacturers. At all drug gists. Fijian HOURCH. The ordinary Fijian house looks out side like a great oblong hay stack , standing on a mound raised some few feet above the surrounding level , with a long ridge-pole extending beyond thereof roof at either gable , its ends sometimes ornamented with shells , says a writer in the Popular Science Monthly. The haystacic has a doorway or two , with a mat suspended in it. Houses with greater pretensions , however , have the walls prettily latticed with mods , and distinct from the roof , which is elabor ately thatched , with great projecting eaves. Inside immense posts , usually of vosi-wood , and a very ingenious framework , support the roof. The in terior decorations of sinnott ( cocoanut fiber ) , always In rectangular patterns for they do not affect curves are BOIIIC- times pretty. The black , squared lin tels of the doors are the stems of tree- ferns. On a great , shelf overhead is stored the family lau , a convenient FiUun word equivalent to the Italian roba. Hero it comprises their fishing gear , huge rolls of tappa' or native cloth , mats , immense pottery vessels , and the liko. The shelves were also handy in war time us a point of vantage whence you could conveniently spear your neighbor as ho ontoren , and before his eyes became used to the subdued light. The Iloor is strewed with mats , onvhich you re cline , and is usually raised a foot or to toward ono end , which enables you to take u graceful attitudeloaning on your elbow. Cooking is done in a little hut outside , or sometimes there is a great lireplaco on the tloor , conllned by four logs , the smoke finding its way out through the , lofty roof. As you enter the house , you liiul the mats being swept , or fresh ones unrolled and laid down. Your traps are brought up from the boat , and , if this happens to have grounded .half a milo from the shore , you have perhaps voureolf boon carried to land by these willing giants. A few words uro exchanged with the village fL J . _ _ _ , or your host fof thetllno being far too few , to my miiHJLcyen for politeness , I ' nm told they dty'np expect It. CRIMEAN BRAZIL. Tlio hax VleVtnkcn \ of It by tlic Mnsirfj'oTiho People. It will throve some light upon tlio chnrnctor of ttQ ) i nimbi tun ts of Fer nando do Noronl Rvto know how crime Is looked upon byttho common people-in Brazil , nnd I Qtvu.-not bettor snow this than by relating ji bit of personal ex perience , says a\wltor in the Popular Science MonthVyV f I liad the mipfqrtuno at one time to wound a Brazilian , laborer in his dig nity. Ho thereupon threatened to take ' my'life , and was by no moans careful to keep his resolutions to himself. As the carrying out of such a determination upon liis part would have caused mo much inconvenience I called upon him in person , with the purpose , if possible , of dissuading him. 1 found that he did not look upon the condition of a crim inal with dread at all. Ho told mo frankly that if ho should succeed in car rying out his designs ho know perfectly well what his career would bo. "At present , " said ho. "I am obliged to work for a living ; if I am sent to Jail my liv ing will bo furnished mo and I shall have nothing to do. If you are dead there will bo no ono to appear against mo in the courts as my accuser , and in the course of a year or less J shall beset sot free , well rested , and with a reputa tion in the community of being u man of courage. In this case I saw to it that ho had the opportunity of enjoying the coveted ottum cum dignltato in jail without having to commit a crime. But in a country where wrong-doing sets so lighllv upon the conscience , and where It so frequently goes altogether unpun ished , the criminal class is large , as wo should ox poet. Many of the prisoners on the convict island wore known among themselves by what scorned to bo very odd names , and I learned that they wore nicknames taken from sorao circumstance con nected with the crimes they were ex piating. Sometimes there was a ghastly sort of humor about these names. One , who had murdered a priest , was called "O Padre , " the priest : anothorwho had murdered a man for his money and had found but half a pataca upon him , was called ' 'Moia Pataca , " half a pataca , about sixteen cents ; another , for a simi lar reason , was called "Quatro Vin- tons , " four cents. These are simply instance of how the minds of these people dwelt constantly upon crime , how they admired crime , and consequently gravitated toward it. About their work in shop or Hold , the daily bread of their minds was to think and'talk of crime in every shape that diseased minds and perverted natures can conjure it up. Ono would enter tain his companions by detailing to them the story of some crime commit ted by himself lOr.cjf which ho had knowl edge , while dwery ono listened atten tively , like so mnnyi exports. The story ended , criticism ended , and each ono would indicate what he considered the weak points Intlio plan and its execu tion , and would suggest improvements hero and there. Ono story led to an other , and , as jnij.rht bo oxpoctcdiniiuls accustomed toithistltitrhly seasoned food soon rejected all other. BROAD A CLUBS. One Formed by tadlea in "nn Intcl- Icctualfy IricUiiod City. " In an intellectually inclined city ( not in the uortliehst ) li club of ladies has lay Harper's Magazine. Sporadic efforts have hitherto been made for the proper treatment of this letter of the alphabet with individual success , especially with those who have beoni in Englander or have known English men and. women of the broad-gauge variety. Discerning travelers have made the American pronunciation of the letter a a reproach to the republic that is to say , a means of distinguishing a native of this country. The true American aspires to bo cosmopolitan , and does not want to bo "spotted" if that word may bo used in society by any peculiarity of speech , that is , by any American peculiarity. Why , at the oottoin of the matter , a narrow a should bo a disgrace , it is not easy to see , but it needs'no reason if fashion or authority condemns it. This country is so spread out , without any social or lit erary center universally recognized as such , and the narrow a has be come so prevalent that oven fashion finds itdiflioult to reform it. The best people who are determined to broaden all their a's will forgot in moments of excitement and fall back into old habits. It requires constant vigilance to keep the letter a flattened out. It is in vain that scholars have pointed out that in the use of this letter lies the main difference between the Eriglish and the American speech ; either Americans generally do not care if this is the fact , or fashion can only work a reform in a limited number of people. It seems therefore nocobsary that there should bo an organized effort to deal with this pronunciation , and clubs will no doubt bo formed all over the country in imitation of the ono mentioned until the broad a will become as common as Hies in summer. When this result is attained it will bo time to attack the sound of u with clubs and mal > o uni versal the French sound. In time the American pronunciation will bccomo as superior to all others as are the Ameri can sowing machines and reapers. In the Broad A club avery/ member who misbehaves that is , mispronuncos is fined a nickel for each oflonso. Of course in the beginning there is a good deal of revenue from this source , but the revenue dipinishos as the club im proves , so that wo have the anomaly of its failure to bo1 self-supporting in pro portion to its excellence. Just now if these clubs ctuildljucldenly become uni- verbal and tho'pofialty bo enforced wo could have the.means of paying oil the national dcbt'in a"year. OMAHA Medical and Surgical Institute , N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. THE LARGEST MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN THE WEST FOH TI1TJ TUKATMKNT OK AM , Chronic and Surgical Diseases and Disoasjs of the Eye and Ear. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO DEFORMITIES , DISEASES OF WOMEN. DISEASES OF THE URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS , PRIVATE DISEASES , DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM , LUNG AND THROAT DISEASES , SURGICAL OPERATIONS , EPILEPSY OR FITS , PILES , CANCERS , TUMORS , Etc. J. W. McMENAMY , M. D. , President , And Consulting Pliystcinu and Surgeon. Organized with a full staff of Skilled Physicians , Snrpns and Trained Nurse ? , This establishment is n permanent medical institution , conducted by thoroughly educated physicians and surgeons of acknowledged skill and experience. The Institute bindings , situated on the northwest corner of Thirteenth and Dodge streets , is composed of two largo three-story buck bindings of over ninety rooms , containing our Medical , Surgical and Consultation Rooms , Drug Store , Laboratory , Offices , Manufactory of Surgical Appliances and braces , and the Boarding Depart ment lor Patients , in charge of competent persons , constituting the hugcstaml the most thoroughly equipped Medical and Surgical Establishment in the West , ono of the three largest in tno United States , and second to none. "Wo have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , performing surgical operations , boarding and nursing patients , which , combined with our acknowledged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute tlio ilrst choice. You can come direct to the Institute , day or night , as we have hotel accommo dations as good and as cheap as any in the city. . AVe make this explanation for the benelit of persons who may feel inclined to go further east for medical or surgical treatment and do not appreciate the fact that Omaha possesses the largest and most complete Medical and Surgical Insti tute west of NewYoik , with a capital of over 8100,000. DEFORMITIES OF THE HUMAN BODY. U a APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMI Q TIES AND TRUSSES. IIIUl Best Facilities , Apparatus and Kerned ION for Successful Treatment ot every form of Disease rcaulrinur MKDICAL or SURGICAL TREATMENT. In this department wo are especially successful. Our claims of superiority over all others are based upon the fact that this is the only medical establishment nian- ufactiniiiK surgical braces and appliances for each individual case. AVe have three skilled instrument makers in our employ , with improved machinery , and have all the latest inventions , as well us our own patents and improvements , the result of twenty years' experience. The treatment of diseases by electricity has undergone great changes within the past few years , and electricity is now acknowledged by all schools of medicine as the great remedy in all chronic , special and nerve diseases , for nervous debility , par alysis , rheumatism , diseases of women , etc. , and in many eye and ear diseases it is the most valuable of all remedies. In order to obtain its full virtues , it is absolutely necessary to have the proper apparatus. We have lately purchased three of tlio largest and most complete batteries manufactured , so constructed as to give the most gentle as well as the most powerful current. Persons treated at this Institute by electricity recognize at once the difference between our expensive and complete electrical apparatus and the common , cheap batteries , in use by many physicians. Over 3,000 dollars invested in electrical apparatus. PRIVATE , SPECIAL , NERVOUS AND BLOOD DISEASES. We claim to bo the only reliable , responsible establishment in the west making a specialty of this class of diseases. Dr. McMenamy was ono of the first thorough ly educated physicians to make a special study of this class of diseases , and Ins methods and inventions have been adopted by specialists in Europe and America. Ho is the inventor of the Clamp Compress Suspensory , acknowledged the best in use. All others are copied after his invention. By means of a simple operation , painless and .safe , recently brought into use , we euro many cases that have been given up as incurable by medical treatment. ( Jicud our look to men , sent free to any address. ) DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. "Wo have had wonderful success in this department in the past year , and have made many improvements in our facili ties for treatment , operations , artilluial eyes , etc. Wo have greatly improved our facilities and methods of _ treating cases by coricspondenco , and are having bettor success in this department than ever before. We are fully up to the times in all tlio latest inventions in medical and surgical operations , appliances and instruments. Our institution is open for investiga tion to any persons , patients or physicians. Wo invite all to correspond with or visit us before taking treatment elsewhere , believing that u visit or consultation will convince any intelligent person that it is to their advantage to place them selves under our care. Si'iiee this advertisement first appeared , many loastiny pretenders and frauds hate come and gone and many more will come and ijo , remembered only by their unfortunate and foolish victims. "A urise man investigates Jlrst and decides afterwards , A fool decides first , then investiyutea , " The Omahn Medical and tiitraical Institute is indorsed by the people and the press. More capital invested , more skilled physicians employed , moro modern appliances , instru ments and apparatus in use , more cases treated and cured , more successful suryical operations performed , than in all other medical establishments in the West combined , 144 : PAGE BOOK ( Illustrated ) SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS ( S.ALHP ) . Part Flmt History , SUCCORS and Advantages of the Omaha Medical nnd Surgical Instttntc. 1'art Second CnitoriH ! DlHKAsrH of the Lungs. Hlonmcli , I.lver , Kidneys , BUn , 1'llos , Cuncer , Caturrh , Ktillcpsy , Hhouniatlsm , Inhulutloii , Tape Worm. Uleotrlclty. Now HomedloH , etc. Part Third iJEKOiuiiTiKH , Curvature of the Splno , Club Kent , Hip Diseases , PurulyulsVry Nock , How Legs , IIuro Lip , BurKlcal Operations. Part Fourth DISEASES or TIIE Kv AMI Hut , Diseases of the Nerves , Cataract , Strahlsmus ur Cross Eyos.PtcryKluni , Umnnlatod Uyol.l'lfi , Inversion of the IIds , Artificial KJOB , etc. Part l lmi DIHEABKS OK WOUKN , Lcucorrliata , Ulcorutlon , Displacement ! ! , 1'rolapaus , Flex- Ions und VcrsloW , Tumors , Lacerations and Cancer of the Womb. Part Nlxjli UISBASKS or MEN , Private , Special und Norvoux Diseases , Bnormntorrlucu ( Sumliml WoukneBi ) , Imixitcucy , Varlcouclo , Btrlcturo , Uleet , Byphllls , und all dlvouscB of the Uuulto Uriuiiry Organs. rtlQE'ACirC f\Cf lA/mUICTM A BI-FCMI.TV. Wr. HAVE I/ATKI.V UlotiAcktiO 1/r Wv/IVIbiN AUI.EU A LVINO-IN U < ci-AitTiiEt.T roi WOUCN Uuitixu CONVINKUKNT. ( Strictly Prhuto ; , Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES. All niood Diseases Buccotsfully treated. Syphilitic Polfon removed from tlio system without mercury. New Kealorutlvo Tieatment forLoea of Vital Power. J'atlcntaunublo to visit us may bo treated at homo by corrcspoudunco. All communications confident lul. Medicines or Instru ments sent by mull or express securely packed , no murks to Indlciito contents or sender. Ono i > er BonullBt < * rvlow preferred. Cull und consult us or bend history of jourcaho , and wo will send In- plain wrapper , our 1IUOIC ' ! ' ( ) niKN , KKBIii UiKin Private , Special or Nervous UUcueei , linpo- Icncy , Syphilis , Oleet und Vnrlcoccle , wltli ( juesUon list , Address , OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE , uuil SCrrcU , Omitim , Noli. IELARKE ESTABLISHED 1351 I 180 8o.i , Chicago , Ilia , I ClarkStj * Tbfl Regular Old-EsUbllsliei PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON liitNl Treating with the Grtttt * MJLL ajidJOCCESS Chronic , Neryons and Private Diseases , ! TNERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood , Celling Memory , Exhausting Drains , TcrrlbU Dreamt , Head and Back Ache and all the effects ( tiding to early decuy and peih | 'i Consumption 01 Insanity , treated ncicnllfically by new neliiodi with litver-fallmR nucctu , SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and SklnDls. caaeB permanently cured. * -KIDNUYanJURINARY mpUlntiQlt t , Oonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocela and all tlkeiies of the Uenlto-Uriniry Organi cured promptly without Injmy to Stomach , Kldneyt or oOier Org n . OSNo experiments. Age and experience lm portant. Ccniulutlon free > nd sacred. flWStnd 4 ctntt pottage for Celebrated Works 09 Chronic , Nervoua and Delicate Di ea . Ctf-Thoip conlcmpllting MaiTKCe itnd for Dr. Clnrke'o celebrated guide Male and Female , each ts ccnti , both 9 ; ccnt < ( ttnmin ) . Conmlt the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call may ve future uTcr ( Ing nnd ihimc , anil add c ldenean to life. A7Ilooh "Life'sSecret ( ) Errori"soc < nliil mpi ) . MrdlclM and willinRi tent ererywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8. Sunday * 9 to 11. Addre , F. D. CLARKE , M. D. . \ 186 So. Clark 8U OHICAQO , ' WHEN purchasing n fine \ Shoe it is natural to so- Icct thnt which is pleasing to the eye in style anci finish ; the material must bo of the finest texture , and when on the foot the shoo must combine beauty and comfort. : The Ludlow Shoe Possesses this Feature , IF YOU TRY ONE PAIR You Will Wear No Other Mako. 9 Sold by ov r 100 Opaf.'ni In Clilcneo. and the bott tr.ido thmnxlioiittho United Stntc . t Bee That They Ape Htiini | > ed "I.UHI.OW. " IkUCTOK G. M. Jordan Lnto of the University ot New York City tind llowardt'nlvcrslty.Wush- lim-ton. D.C. HAS OFriCR ? No. iHUaniUUl "Corner Klttecuth and Hac iney sts. , Umalin , Neb. \vheio nil rnrnblo ease nro treated with gun CObS. > . -.x.n , AHTHMV , livsi-iu-aiA , DEAF- KltKUMATlSM , Attj NUUVOUS AND SKIM rHTUIItll UItKI ) . CONSULTATION nt ofllco or by mall , II. Ollico hours llto 11 a. in.'to4 p.m. , 7 to8p. m. , Sundavolllce hours from U n. in. , to 1 1 > . in. M an v diseases arc treated successfully by Dr. Jordon tlirounn the intitls.iuul It Is tniis possible for those unable to make a Journey to obtain SUCCESSFUL HOSPITAL T1USATM KNT AT ! THKllt 1IOMKS. , , . Send for book on Diseases of Nose , T .roat. Lungs nnd K r.s M. M. llnmlln , I'hu'iilx Ins. Co. S. A Orchard , Carpet Dealer. John Shelby , Oroccr. John Hush , City Treasurer Dii.K.0. WEST'S NEHVB AND DauN TIIEA * . guarantee J spoclllc for Hysteria , Dtzzl- ness , O.mvuMnns , I its. Nervous Neuralgia , Heartache , Nervous 1'rostratlon caused by th use ot alcohol or tobacco. Wakofuluoss , Mental Depression , Softening of the Drain , resultlnela lusiinltv and leadluuto misery , decay and death. I'lemnture Old Ago. llarrenness. Loss of Tower In either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spermat- orhcca caused by over-exertion of the brainself- abuse or overindulgence. Kach box contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box , or six boxes forSri.Ul.sent by mall prepaid on receipt otprlct. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by UB for six boxes , accompanied with fu.OO , wo wlfl send the purchaser our wrlttjn guarantee to re fund the money if the tio.itment does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by Goodman Drug Co. , Druggists , Sole Agents , 1110 Karnara etreet , Omalm Nob. COLLARS , WHEN YOU BUY A CIGAR ! i * * SEE THAT THE * * , "RED LABEL IS ON THE BOX. JA > IIS : uiciiAitns. ( ! . 1. UJ VKir.LK. RICHARDS & CO. , Contractors and Builders Room 25 , Omaha National Bank Bu'lding ' , OMAHA , . . NIUWABIJA' DR , BAILEY , DKNT1ST , Ttelh citrsctoil wltliout ptln or diiniiurjj \ a n > r ' ' u'o'ld dad Alloy rlllliixi at loffeat ratoa. Bound ruuti i fuil l > r cruvrnliu , All lllMni. " r ' < l i"rt'U Icir Inliiru refi I'nxlcn lllnoL , inih and I'.iri Ulllco opoii fiom 7 to H uvcii / _ . . . . . tSMW 0MAHAScad Scad for Collcgii JounioL > Corner C'upltol Avc. and JUtli gt HESS .CURED iiMl MIIMSIMIUO ollrcly ov foia * I T UR CUSHIONS l ukttu. Kurrr.iful lfr ll cllitr mneflr , MI , . Half oaiv til F. HIBPOX , USU llruBdwiir. | .or.lfl ! < .r > 0 > vV rk. CILLnVKntfi , HUM I ) BUUU u I twit. CUf I VO AOUIT * With Hucceii'ol Kitierloin : * lor 1 DAiAUIK , JlOt'K. p " AT OMIK. Blatlnu , VnUCVR | > Ddall urinary troubles ea Uy , u.ulo' < MUNll I ly anil Hnfelvcuiod by UOCTI/1U ( ; . * > > KererulcuKes cured In su/en clxvi , SoM ll.Wpor box , all ( trusslitf , er by mal ll fen in Ud umifi'-v. luwuuu i > i. ti.x , i'jiill