- „ - 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SATURDAY. MAY 4. 1889 THECITY. _ _ A permit \vtvo to-dny granted the horse cnr compnny to oxtonu its line on Twenty-fourth street from Spencer to Mnndorson. John Rowland , of the Omnhn Snnd nnd Stone compnny , hns closed n con tract with the American Waterworks , company to supply them with 176,000 square yards broken stone for concret ing the basins at Florence. Alfred Williams , of Kansas City , writes to Chief Sciivov , comulatninp that Harry Brandels , the proprietor of the Gormania house , on Tenth street , in this city , ishdldinp his satchel with out just cause. Complaints nro made at the police headquarters to the effect that a dog , Uopt by a family at Oil North Twonty- flfth avenue , is a menace to trie safety of all passers-by. The owner is to bo arrested. W. 11. Cennlson , in hftlnp n heavy ice chest yesterday , sprained his haclc and in consequence , will bo laid up ivt his residence fora week. D. McCarthy , a well-known brooder of fast horses at San Francisco , passed through Omaha on the Burlington to day , on route to Now York , witli three cars loaded with thoroughbreds. The Young Men's Christian associa tion will give its first annual athletic exhibition at the opera house on the overling of the 23d of'May , the proceeds to bo devoted to furnishing the athletic grounds. f The Onmlia Coke , Coal and Lltno company filed amended articles of in corporation ycstoaday with the county clerk. The authori'/cd capital stock is S.10,000. The incorporators are James A. and Lester T. Sundorland and John F. Pollock. Theodora Campbell , a Minneapolis youth who ran a way from home , was ar rested in Omaha yesterday on the strength of n telegram from Chief of Police Brackott. Ho is at the police station waiting for an escort from the Flour City. Personal Paragraph ) * . Dr. C. S. Turnbull , of Philadelphia , Is in the oily. Watson Pickoroll , Beatrice , is at the Murray. Mrs. Free , at Glenwood , la. , is a guest at the Murray. W. II. Power , wife and son , of the Fairy Well compnny , are at the Mlllard. Jnmcs A. Owen , Loup City , Nob. , regis tered at the Murray yesterday. C. 13ovcn Oldfiold and W. G. Ilarcourt , VernoQ , la. , are ut the Paxton. C. Cusach , A. Crawford and M. Dowllng. of North licnd , registered at the Millnrd last night. Mr. William Booth , of Now York , general manager of the New York Lifo Insurance company , is in the city. ( ToboHoit , adjuster of Indian depredation 1 claims , arrived from Washington yesterday ana will establish his headquarters at the Paxton. Mrs. E. W. Gaylord , of Minneapolis , and Margaret .T. Hvain , of Northfleld , Minn. , stopped at the Paxton yesterday , en route to California. Mr. S. S. Auchmocdy , ex-member of the board of educationis again in the city. Since January 1 ho lias boon in business in the southern part of the state. Hon. Chris Specht has returned from an extended business trip throughout Idaho. Utah and Montana , during which ho secured contracts for the manufacture of $12,000 of cornice. Uojj Day. May 12 Is dog day and all canines without tags on on that day will bo shot by the police. This is the order promulgated by Chief Seavoy. _ l-J l Wants. Tun Bnn is the greatest advertising medium In the Missouri valley. Its want columns are patronized by everybody. Dur ing April Tin : Br.n received pay for and printed 1,334 want advertisements. Board of Public Works. The board of publlo works will open bids to-day for grading and paving a number of streets. Permission was given by the board vestor- day to the stieot railway company to extend Its line four blocks on Twenty-fourth street and north on Spencer street. The Hoe in the Front. Yesterday the Republican contained 24 paid want ads , the Herald 72 , the World yes- tnrday evening 1C3 , and Tun BEG yesterday contained 278 special paid want ads. Tin : LJiu : prints moro than double the num ber of paid want ads printed by all Oiualm dallies combined. _ Tom I3clc finicagi-B In a Fight. Tom Eok , the manager of the bicycle race , and Low Burdlck , a bricklayer , got into a row In a saloon near the Colisnuin , yesterday and a number of blows were oxclmticed. The patrol wagon wus called , but by the time it nriivcd Eclt and Burdlck had disappeared. It is toportcd that Kelt got badly pounded. Homo Robert Patrick arrived homo yesterday from Paris , where ho went with his father , J. II. N. Pat lick , some months ago. The lutter still remains there , Introducing his patent torpedo boat. Uobei t pays ho loft the family In excellent health , enjoying all the pleasures of the time and place. Out on null. Louis Borghoff , who Is familiarly known os "Doc , " and who has boon confined in the county jail for the past two years on the charge of obtaining goods under fulso pretenses tenses , was iclcased fiom prison yesterday afternoon on ball. His bondsman is J. L Ulack. Thp bond was $70 , ) . A Cool Scheme. Jack Lanliam , n Crete contractor , Is In the city making proportions to ship In 3,003 tons of Ice to retail In Omaha. Just how ho can chip It seventy-live miles and then compote with the "local combine , " as ho calls it , ho fused to explain. Ho says ho knows what no Is about , however , and expects to bo doing a lively busluoss in a few daj s. to the C. O. D. A trunk arrived hero a few days ago from Sioux City addressed to a woman named Molllo Kennedy. It was marked "C. O. ] ) . , 150.25 , " which , with the express charges , amounted to &S.25. It scorns the consignee refused to pny the amount duo mid reylov- iacu the receptacle , which la now In the bauds of a constable ) . A glass ol Moxie wlft cause a good night's sleep. Broughtn Co tmfcr .Suit. The case of Dr. James M , Swclnr.m against Arthur Saxe , was on trial yesterday , before Judge Wado. The plaintiff sued to recover for attending Mm. Snxo while sick , In 1685. At tlmttiffioit Is claimed that the doctor , from another p\tlontr communicated puerperal foyer to Mrs. Baxe. On account of this ho was sued for heavy damages , and tuo suit Is now pending la the district court. .Donnelly Thonin * Donnelly , who , with Ins cook , Henry Vupp , was arrested Thursday for soil ing adulterated milk , was discharged yester day. Ho was booked at the station as a 'van and suspicious character , " but as ho is l'i constant employment nothing could bo done with him on that charge. The poliro mill retain thp receipt which he offered to sell to Detective Ormsby and after It IIUH born tin- nl.vzcil boino further action will be taKen la iLo matter , Use II. iV H. for cleaning carpets ; nil Ulndsof silks , woolen goods , bilk and lucb curtnlns , ribbons , neckties , Man ual shirts , etc , For sale by druggists , erocovs and curpot houses , TJIK llOSflTAIj MUDDLE. COO'H Hxnnnnlnit the Structure nnil Ills Cnmlltlncy ni Superintendent. John R Coots , superintendent-elect of the county hospital , Informed Commissioner Mount that he will fllo his oalclal bond with ho bonrd to-morrow and qualify. In the meantime ho Is making an expert exam- nation of the structure , ns the joard Instructed him to do , for the purpose of reporting to that body , all Instances In which .ho contractors have fAlled to comply with .ho plans , and Just what changes may bo deemed necessary , When this report has jccn made out it will bo submitted U > the architect for his ap proval , and then It Is hoped everything will move along smoothly again. O'lCcoffo stated that Coots had said ho would not accept the appointment \vlthout the unanimous vote of the board. "But , " continued Uichard , "I am of the opinion that a majority will bo nil that's needed. I did not vote for him , because I thought wo ought to select some man who Is entirely free from preju dice towards cither the architect or con tractors , pay him S200 a month and lot hltn personally superintend the work. " Mr. Coots has Informed Assistant Superin tendent Keas that another man will take his place. TUB AijMuGHl ) OltAlX TlllCR Ilolcnnihc Ijcnven Tor Minneapolis In Charge ot'uti Olllccr. W. II. Holcombc , the young man arrested Thursday oa the charge of being a fugitive from Justice , returned to Minneapolis last night In charge of Detective Howard. Holcombo still maintains that ho is inno cent of any crime. Ho said yesterday that lie had paid up everything. Ho doesn't know why ho has boon arrested except that ho re fused to appear as a witness against two other men who had been implicated In the case. Detective Howard , who c.tmo after Holcombo , refused to stuto the specific charge on which Holcombo is arrested. 'Didn't ho sell out his saloon and pay oft the amount ho was charged with stealing ! " "No , ho did not. Ho was In the Windsor hotel bar , on North Washington avenue , but , didn't own the saloon , although he sold it for $ . " > ,000. According to the statement made at the tune , Holcombo utolo SlS.OOO worth of wheat. Yes , ho wai at one tlmo In the employ of the Union elevator company , but I don't think the company over offered him a place there after the big steal , although he may say so. " Detective Howard Is the man who came to Omaha for Polo Barrett , who was hanged in Minneapolis a few week's ago. "How about the SJ/JOO reward there was in U.nt cnBo } " asked the reporter. "They've gone to law about that. The street car drivers , xvho offered half of it , now refuse to pay , and the other half that was offered by the city can not bo paid without an act of the legislature. It will uo two years before that can be passed. But I guess it's Jtist as well , for there are fourteen men after the reward , and It will take some moro law to decide who is entitled to it after the money has been secured. " Everything which belongs to pure , healthy blood is Imparted by Hood's Sarsapurilhi. A trial will convince you of its tnorit. AMUSEMENTS. The familiar and beautiful tale of "Ben Hur" was retold to A largo and appreciative audience in the Grand last night. Indeed , the size of the audience was a surprise , and may bo explained only by a consideration of the fact that the "Story of the Christ" has found an abiding place in many hearts In Omaha. There is nothing sensational m the presentation. The entertainment is purely intellectual , there being nothing in it to satisfy these who look for sensational effect , unless It bo the rich and varlgatcd costumes in which the tableaux characters appear. The groupings in the uiuin are admirably made , though at times the attitudes of some of the male characters nro far from sracoful. It is nn open question whether the gentleman who appears as Bon Hur is an ideal exponent of the noble character. Bolter connections' could bo made between the tableaux and the closing words leading up to them , and would greatly support the unity of the story. The reading of Miss Estello H. Schively is clear , unaffected and woithy of appreciation. Drink Moxie , the coming beverage. Army News. Major Vroom. inspector general of the de partment of the Plattc , is to make an inspec tion of Forts Du Chesnu and Douglas , Utah , Bridgcr , Pilot Butte , Washaklc , D. A. Rus sell and Luramie , and the Cheyenne depot , in Wyoming , and Port Sidney , Mob. He will also inspect the accounts of the disburs ing ofllccrs at Salt Lake City and Ogrden , Utah , and at ChoycnneWyo. | About the 1st of July Dr. McParlin , at tending suigeon at tlo department headquar ters , is to be placed on the retired list , being now almost In his sixty-fourth year. Ho will be succeeded by Dr. Hcaitsuff , who comes from the oast. Dr. Brown , surgeon at Fort Omaha , about the same tlmo will bo transferred to Fort Meade and succeeded by Dr. Bales , who also comes from the east. The following from the pen of Mr. L. P. Bui-dwell , editorof the Marion ( la , ) Pilot , will , wo beliovc , bo of interest to many. Ho says : ' 'It is with pleasure that I certify to the real merits of Chiunborhiin's Cough Remedy. I have used it in my family for years and have always found it most excellent , and es pecially for colds , croup and sere throat It is bafo and cffectivo. For sale by all druggists. Chnrjtcd With Perjury. Charles Westergard , the garbage man , was nrrebted yesterday on the charge of perjury. The person filing the complaint is Henry S. Ranchman. It Is alleged that the cilmo was rommittc'l last September , when Ranchman hud a suit in the county couit Against one Hans Hanson. An appeal was taken to the district court and , Wostorgard went on Hanson's bonds , claiming that ho had (14,000 worth of real osttto In Douglas county. Ranchman and his attorney htivo been hunting through the county records and claim that Wcstorgard docs not own a foot of irround In It , and that ho has there fore committed perjury. Wcstergard was Interviewed In regard to the matter , but all lie would say was that the arrest was aicaso of spitoxvork. MAIL OAH 1UUNCKS. Facts About Their Tenure of Office an PnrtlsmiH. There has not been so much clean swoop ing of democrats out ot the railway mall ser vice on this division as the politicians ot that party have boon trying to make- people be lieve. There are 100 men under the control of the Omaha ofHco. At the beginning of Harrison's administration a very largo ma jority of them wore democrats. Througn the opening of several new routes while Cleveland was In ofllco the force was In creased about one-half , and In every Instance n democrat was appointed. It so happens that appointments In this branch of the gov ernment service are first made on probation , or six months' trial. If , at the end of that term the applicant proves himself capa ble , and Is able to pass n satisfactory exam ination , ho receives Ills Html appointment. If not , ho Is dropped. Under that bond a goodly number of clerks has been let out. However - over , not over twonty-llvo removals have boon made , and on the main line of the Union Pacific roaJ , McArdla and Phillips nro the only ones who have been suffered to depart. A majority of these still employed In the division cast their Votes with the dem ocratic party. It Is understood that two or thrco more will soon bo droppol from the list , but hereafter , all appointments will bo subject to the civil service commission. The clerks on thn B. &AI. have not been Inter fered with at all. WILL NOT SLAUGHTER. The New Marshal Sntlafled With the Old Deputies. Brad Slaughter was found In the United States marshal's ofllco with his coat olT , sleeves rolled up , hard at work posting him self on the business lie will bo required to perform when he assumes control of the marshal's ofllcc. Said ho : "I do not pro pose to qualify until near the close of the May term of court , but expect to bo hero all the time from now on. " "Have you selected your deputies yetl" in quired the reporter. "No , and I will not make any changes at ilrst at least not moro than one. In fact , I expect the present force will bo retained. Anyway , nothing will bo done in that matter until I become thoroughly acquainted with the situation. " _ lloiiorlnt ; Clio Soldier1 ? . At a meeting of members of all the G. A. R. posts of Omaha and South Omaha held at the Mlllard hotel , arrangements were made for the proper observance of Decoration day. Colonel J. B , Dennis acted as scretary. The regiment at Fort Omaha nd all the civic societies of the city have been asked to participate in the coremontes of the day. The singing will bo done by n chorus of fifty voices led by Franklin Smith. Rev. H. D. Mott , of Dubuque , will deliver the memorial address. The following committees have been ap pointed to make the necessary arrange ments : On music J. B. Dennis , J. T. Kinsler. Transportation D. G. Rhoads , L. F. Ma- ginn , John Regan , Otto Neiderwoiser. Grounds and decorations S. K. Spalding , J. T. Kinslor , W. L. Allison , C. R. Burgess , E. O. Gideon , George Peabody. Finance J. T. Bell , J. C.Vilcox , S. 1C. Spalding , W. L. Allison , M. P. O'Brien , J. W. Cross. Flowers D. G. Rhoads , J. T. Boll , J. B. Dennis , A. A. Mayowskls , J. W. Cress , E , D. Gideon , George Peabody , Otto Neider- weiser , M. P. O'Brien. Invitation T. S. Clarkson , S. K. Spalding , D. G. Rhoads , John Regan , W. A > Root , M. P. O'Brien. * , , Ex-crclso and programmesT.S. . Clarkson , D. G. Khonas , J. 'B. Dennis W. L. Allison , W. A. Root , M. P. O'Brien. R. A. Gunn , M. D. , dean find professor ser ot surgery of the United States medical college , editor of "Medical Tribune , " author of "Gunn's Now Im proved Hand-book of Hyglono and Domestic ' mestic Medicine , " says d'ver his own signature , in speaking of a severe case of kidney disease : "A chemical and microscopical examination of the pa tient's urine revealed quantities of al bumen and granular tube casts , con firming Briirht's disease. After trying all the othnr remedies in vain , I di rected him to use Warner's Safe Curu. I was greatly surprised to observe a de cided improvement within a month. Within four months no tube casts could bo found , and only a trace of albumen , and as ho expressed it , ho felt perfectly well. " _ Kxport Stoclc. Yesterday fourteen car loads of choice , heavy steurs passed through Omaha on the Burlington , on route to Glasgow , Scotland. The stock is owned by A. J. Snowden , or Kear ney , Neb. , who bus embarked in a now on- lei prise the exporting of beef on the hoof. Ho stated to-day that in all probability the .stock would bo landed in Glasgow with but a slight shrinkage , and that the slaughtering In the place of consumption would undoubt edly result in the creation of a strong and healthy market. InjtmctloiiH In the Way. Residents of the south side have been find ing fault with the motor company of late on account of Its failure to extend Its line across the viaducts and on to South Omaha. When told of this , Dr. Mercer said that ho had Just received the bill of lading for the material for these lines , but that the com pany could make no move to build until the injunctions now held over them are re moved. BEIKIOUS 10 NATURAL FRUiTFUVDRS Csrd liy the Unltcil States Ooxt itnrl lubltc J'o-xl Anal > Ms , an the b. , _ IlaklnK I'omlrr does not contain Ar.i mcn ttaclt , Vanilla , Uiuou , Oraii je , Altnci-.id , PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. . Now York Chlcoao. St. Usuls. STRANG. & CLARK STEAM HEATING CO , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. Tills powrtor never varies. A marvel ot purity utrcngtli and w holusoinouoss. Jloro economical tlmn the ordinary Kinds , unUciumot bo sola In competition with the multitudes ot low cost , Bliortwolghtalunior phosnnato powders. Sold only In cant , lloval IJaklng Powder Co1"(3 ( Wallstrcet Now lork ESTABLISHED 1851 ( ISO So. Ch0ag0) | jn8.1 ciarkst. Iho Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON li ttlll Treating vtlth the Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS Chronic , Neryons and Private Diseases , -NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood , Falling Memory , Exhaustion Drains , Terrible Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the effect ! leading to early decuy and pethaps Consumption 01 Insanity , treated scientifically by Dew methods with ncver-failing success. Iff SYPHILIS and Ml bad Blood and Skin Dla. eaicB permanently cured. * -KIDNEYaiid URINARYcomplalntsGleet , Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocele and all diseases of the Oenlto-Unnary Organs cured promptly without injury to Stomach , Kidneys or cC-her Organs. O3No experiments. ARC and experience Im portant. Consultation free and sacred. 4i-Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Work on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. .aa-Those contemplating Mainage send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each 15 cents , both } $ cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future sutler , ing and shame , and add golden > ears to life. fl-Book "Life's Secret " ) . Mediclns ( ) Errors , socsnts ( stamps nnd writings sert everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to B. Sundays 9 to it. Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , ISO So. Clark : St , . CHICAGO , ILL * DRS. BETTS & BETTS 1108 FAIINAM'STHEET , OMAHA , NEB. ( Opposite Paxton Hotel. ) Ofllco hours , 0 n. m. to tip. in. Sundays , 10 a , m. tolp. m. .Specialists In Cluonlc , Nervous , Skin and Blood Diseases. l3r Constiltntton nt office or ty mail free. Medicines sent by mall or express , securely packed , free from observ atlon. Guarantees to euro ciuiclclv. safely and permanently. NERVOUS DEBILITY Ssr siena , I'ltyslcal Demy , arlslnu from Indiscre tion , Kxcess or Indulgence , producing Sleep lessness , Despondency , Pimples on thp face. aversion to society , easily cllHcouniKed , lack of conlidence. dull , unfit for study or buBlness.and Hnds Hfo a burden , bafely , permanently and privately cured. Consult lr . Kelts At IJetta , 03 1 nrnam St. , Omaha. Neb. Blood and Skin oce. cers , , Syphilitic Sore Throat , Month and Touquo , Ca tarrh. A.C. . permanently cured vliero others have failed. , , , _ , , . tfirltintr TTninnnu and madder Complaints , Kimiev , urinary puintui. Dim-nit joe rre. nuent Burning or Bloody Urine , Urine hlgn col ored or with milky sediment on standing , Weak Hack , OonnorrlKpa , Gleet , Cystitis. Ice. , Promptly andSafely Cured , Clwrpes Keasona- 1)1 6 CjiTrnTrflYBYTTCTM Guaranteed per- i9 J.XuJLV/ . UJCdJui nianunt Cure , re moval complete , without cutting , catts < lo or dilatation. Cures effected at homo bv patient without a moments pain or annovance. To YOIM Men and MiMle-Agcfl Men , A eilBPTHBP The awful effects , of eaily A uUltti Limb Vice , which wings organic weakness , destroying both mind and bodv , with nil Its dipadedllK permanently cured. Adi ess mosownoimTo Impaired HOC ! DOTIHJ Uno , BDllO themselves by Improper imlul- Kences and solitary habltl , which ruin both Codv imd mind , unfitting them for business , r thowonto rim , on that hapPy - Py life , B\\aro of physical doblllty , quickly as Blsten- - OUIl SUCCESS Is based upon facts. First-Practical Expe rience. Second l.very case Is especiallystutlled , thus starting aright. Thlid-.Mudiclnea are pre pared In our laboratory exactly to suit each cas , thus allectingcurcs without injury. Fty'fceud 0 cents postage for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous and Oellooto Diseases. 1 honsands cured. tWA friendly letter or cal maysnvoyou futuie suffeilnc and shame , nnd Bdcl golden > ears to life. r No lettrrs tin- nless accompanied by 4 cents In stamps * ° YtS JCTTS & IIKTTS. 1403 Fnrnam Srteot , Omaha , Neb. GOLD MEDAL , PAIUB , 1078 , BAKER'S AVarrantcd aluoliiteli/ pure Cocoa , from which the excess ol Oil has been removed. Ithastnora than three times the ttrenutli of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrow root or Sugar , and is therefore far innre economical , coitln'jlesi than one tent a cup. It is delicious , noorohmfr , slrerutheninj , easily di > gated , and admirably adapted /or in- w ell as ( ur persons in health. Sold br Grocers etcriwhere. W , BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Mass , T7E. GII-PIN . - , FIRE INSURANCE BROKER , Room 03 Traders' IlulldluSi CHICAGO. VASSAR COLLEGE , KXAMINATIONS for Bdiutsslon to VAS AIl CO1 MCCKwlll te beM In this city during tbo Ur t wuolt of Juno. Apl'lUunti for exuruluutluu should notlf eel'rsident Dclore MAV loth. BEFORE YOU BUY Your Spring Suit or anything olao in our line , ask yourself this question : Is there a [ arger or moro reliable house than the Nebraska Clothing Company ? No city in the West as a larger nor bettor conducted establishment , and what is moro , no city in the Union. lias a store that sells goods as cheap as wo do. We simply invite comparison of our goods and prices with those of any other house. Every day wo servo customers who are amazed at the low figures at which our goods are marked. The Cheviot Imits wo advertised last week ara pronounced by everybody to be the greatest bargain , asid nothing ever shown hero can approach them. The Sacks are nearly all gone , but of Frocks wo show a larger line than last week , having received during the past few days overal big lots , many of which are much finer than these advertised boforo. The now ones re nil with fine silk facing , and make elegant fitting garments. In addition wo will offer * tomorrow a lot of strictly all wool Casaimcro Sack Suits at $4.50. This is the greatest all wool suit ever offered , and wo do not hesitate to pronounce it ahead of any suit for which other houses are asking § 7.50 and moro. It is of a stylish light check , well trimmed and made , and makes a handsome as well as a durable suit. Wo nro pleased to announce thnt wo have again n largo stock oC fchoss fine Englhli Or : kscrow Suits nt $10.00 ncl cnstninors who have been waiting for these suits , can now be supplied This is the most extraordinary bar gain ever offered and the fact that the first big lot was sold in such a short time proves it : Those wo have now are if anything better lined and finer made than the first ones , ns we made such a hit with those suits , we take pride in having them made up "well. Send for a sample of thcho suits , it will do you good to see it. A visit to our new Shoe Department will soon convince you that you have been paying right along too much money for your footwear , We will show you the finest C.il Shoe strictly hand ewod welt , at § 3.90 wh'cli cost you in regular shoe stores ? . " ) .50 to S6.00. Excellent Calf Sho2s , Goodyear welt which is as good as handsowcd afc § 2.75.BThese | are destined fo be the most popular shoes in Omaha. They have neither pegs , wax lliro.ils no taclcs inside to hurt the font , and are a ? flexible ; i > genn'ne ban lsiwe.1 shoes. Tiie identical shoo costs 3011 in an other place from $ i.OO to1.50. . We have thorn m congress and lace , all widths and sizes. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. o&Tw FINE WATCH REPAIRING- A RECEIVES PROMPT ATTENTION. Graceful Form , HEALTH and /COMFORT / Perfectly Combined In InMADAME MADAME FOY'S Skirt Supporting Corset It In nno of tliu mint iiiipiilnrln tba murket umlnoiil y leading ilo lirs In Oniuhn 1'rlco ll.'i > . Fey , Harmon & Chad wick. New Haven , Con GU.VTKrUL COJirOKTId Epps's Cocoa. IIRIUKTAST. "By a thorough knowloJue of tlio nittural laws whicucurerii tbu operations of tlKuitlnn mil niitrl tlun , nnd by utaretulBpiilltatlim ot tliu line iirnpdr tui of wolf selecteiU'oooit , Mr. Kups lias iiruvliluilour breaklmt tublus wltb Bilellciitoly lUvureil bnvcm o Hhlcunmy vo in it-nny lionvy UK tors' bll < His by tbo Ju'llclous uio or urh art cleiof illct tbat ft conslltiitloa mny bo Kruiluu ly built uii until tlrting ciKmdo to resist every teniltiicy to ( ll en o. Hun dreds of sabtlo mnlaillos nro lluutlnir arounU us muly to attacKwhiro ctta rm a e H nolnt. Wo mny OBCBIIO many n falnl batt br keoiilim ourii lv s wufl fortmert will ! pure bloo 1 an I a jiroperly nourlshoJ llnrctte. , , , „ a Hold only In baltpuund tin * by liroci.rs labeled tliun JAMES EPPS & CO. . . ' "jam 'gog ' ! PREXEL & , MAUL , ( Successors to John C , Jacob i. ) Undertakers and Embalmer At theolil Btaml H07 I'ornam St. Older * by t legrni > U BollcHfil nnil jiromiitly attfrnluO. tlfliono ] ) to No. . ' . uffcrlne from thy rf fMi" of joutliful rr rnr . r rlr ilriavl \ t tfi * III KtUbilMaleih - . , ftiful , _ . iw tuu. fuu . ( - * * " ; iiniiiiiiii > i ) > i " PROF. ' F.'c''FOWLER ' , Moodu , Conn , UOODIUOH. ATroHNBir.4 r-lMr . CnicwuifMf ica ttwwt xpencncuj iaeji < ) uUUjr a They're Limited. Wo have Bomo Special Ilnrnatiis In MEIST.S SUITS for you this week. ItiRht at thp beginning of the season wo propoio to tlo ydii 1-01110 good , and have made special pi Ices on seine cspt'olally good suits $7 , $ S , 810 and SIJ. Conto early first choice. The Public nro not itcncrnllf nwnro thitt by tn pri > if"til n.cthoils of conblni ; Hilly one Imlf ot lie cnttVn that 1ft uiteil It * thrown away in the Kruu.ias luul wiiHtcil. Chemists umni'ctul with thin company Imvo nuccccdeil In HU lim Ihli wuntu so Unit tliu torn- imny cnn lurnMi cnitrn mnilo or tin ) tlni.'M.lnvu. put up In siniill imrtnblo jurn mil U'AHIIANrEli I't HhHT- i.v ruin unit i > iiiiriintv < > i to bo < mlv iibout ONK- 1IAI.K TIIK rosl' In tliu Liinsitiui-r ot cominon ml. leu. Only liiiilliif witturU neuili'd whcm prt'imrlni ; It lor the tublcCrown Liquid Cntfuu Compiiny. Aak Your Crocor for GltOU'N JjJOUJJ ) C02WEI1. McCOUI ) , mtADY & . CO. , Wholesale Grocers , - - Onmlm , Neb Over 14 Millions Sold in this Country alone. The Best Fitting and Best Wearing Corset Ever Made , SOJ.D EVERYWHERE. OvnredM by Itio ricstitt u. tlsts to n ettbtr llrroiiptitr * Tartar ? founded IO42 t l ! nctiiUir , I'nu'onJ C ulc > uu tin. UOH & UtALY , Ciltljo , fell AD. til tU U.I. r.iir.i'wTiCsMj- ' it.-Vtt3i .Vi. i. 'tn ' > H. W.COH. I3I1I& DODOE STS , OMAHA , NEB. I Olt TUB TEEATMC.VT OP All. . _ . APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. < Best racllitiss , Apparatus and Remedies forSucceuful Treatment of every form of Disease reauirlnz MEDICAL or SURGICAL TIU3ATMENT. NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS.1 Board & Attendance , Best Accommodation ! \VtsU C7-WRITE FOR CIRCULARS on Deformities and Bracei , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvatures of Spine. Files , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Bronchitis , fnh.lstlon ! DISEASES OF WOMEN . WK lum tin i mmva A ITU IIFIUIIDIFNTIOO W1IBKM ULHIMICUMI\I MT. ( STRICHY PRIVATE Only Rellablo Mcdlcai In Ututo mikinff a GpVcittlty of PRIVATE DISEASES All Illood Dlifaici luctf Mfullj treated. Hynlilliclo folioa remoredfromllioiyilrmnltliout mercury. Krit llr.lorill. . Trt li rnt for LOM of 1 1 m. I on h It. pirllci untble to Tl.lt rjimijlittmtrJnt . homeb ; eorrriponiltiiCG.llrnniniunlet - llon.eoDQilrnllil. Mcrileluetorfnitrumrntnicntlit rualUrcs- I > rciiitcurciruckc | < ln < > iiiirkilr > liii1leatcconlrntiorti [ > < lcr. Oneperioittllnlertliiirprcrcrrrd. C lliio'con.ult uiorift , lilitorr of tour cue , nnd e lll tend la iililn r lcrcur | ROOK TO LY ! M F"EC : uPoa I'm. ' . , , * rciii „ UUUIX IU INCH Ner ) . . ) ouiliic < ci.lntpotcr > ejH/ili. ) Ill , ; Ulest and \arleaeel > , with qarsllonluu Militt OMAHA UKIUOAIi & BUliaiOAI , 1NBTI1UTBL 13th and Bodge StrceU , OHAIU , MKB. EIEOTEIC : BELT WI.X XE rsTjwx aniWMOXi-a' . FAlhNTKD At II. la , IN97. IH1 Illlll II FI1B. 1 , 16S , and euro tlio follow A'1U1 ' stlo fj-jmrlali I.nraljauo. ml anil Herri. . . . libillt7.V tli - nn , Kldiit-r.DU tlon ! Wuttlna'fif tlii - < tr , llsnnkftn . . ' ' ff lotion In Vnuth or M.rrw.ntta . ; ; l 1 , p.rtil'i 'Sf. ' ? V'8iw ' < Vub or " " " 'I or niu ib"i.'ll1TIiil ! OnNwiifHfT. Ha I atlnourrUrtro-O ailli ] Holt. | an I AlMlliinrLt . - < .ll.ri4 | our . 4 ll rvxpltlf In U | . > aill.lirll > .iioTl.lrl/lllM"lrl > l. b Pn. l .tnK , for our rut r IHuitrntM ii.rupliUt. Ti5rlntfii"Vifi.tl'I''l"M" ! } : " .i'iw ir r E - ° ' | ) ' " " " BroadI wa'/8T. L"6 uiti. M O. Imnr ' ' ' ' en nd sli tt sceonlinc to tlw Ixtit'i'ft'tin'lli1