! * MumMm KMiii.mi THE OMAHA. DAILY BBB SATURDAY MAY 4 , 18801 CONE WITH A HANDSOMER MAN A Lincoln Woman Plcvya It Sharp on Her Huaband. WARDEN HOPKIN'S REPORT Condition nftlioI'oMltcnf InrjNiinibcr ol" Convicts , Ktc. A Cltl/.on In Trouble fur I'lnBliInu n Hull DOR. i UUIIBAU op TUB OMIHA. 1029 1' STIIKRT , Ltxcot.x , May a. I I'otor Johnson , who has lived nt 411 North ttcnth street for over n year past , packed his earthly possessions yesterday nfternoon and prepared to remove to Marcngo , Ta. , his old home. Ho Intended to start iu the evening , Overland , In the conventional nr.\lrle schooner , but when the hourarrlved his wife suggested tbftt It would bo well for him to defer the utart and spend the night In the south part ot the city with old friends. All objections TTsro reasoned nway and ho consented , nnd doubtless passed n pleasant night. Ills wlfo nnd child ren were to stay In the wagon to guard the property. How long they tarried Iniay never bo known , for on Johnson's re turn this morning ho found them gone , with the exception o'f n crippled , helpless child , Who was left ns the only legacy of an erst while happy homo. Mrs. Johnson had Hod , taking all their worldly effects nnd two chll- Urcn. Tlio crippled child was left with scanty cover , and had It not been for the neighbors , tvho discovered the situation , would doubtless - loss have suffered from the chilling nlr of the night. Hut , in a word , Mrs. Johnson schemed to got pos cession of the property of her husband , that nlio might bo nblo to skip with n younger and handsomer man , and was successlul. Mr. Johnson is Blxt.y years of age , but ho takes the desertion In a philosophical way , and ns yet has made no effort to discover the destination of his tvife und her partner In crime. Ho is qulto poor , but says ho Is able to care for himself nnd the crippled child , and will proceed lo do so. Ills team was worth ? 200 and his house- Iibld effects probably as much moro. 'iho ' old limn says , "Fortunately , I have the pocket-book , and it contains several odd dollars lars for ix rainy day. " \Vnnlcii Hopkins' Hoport. May 1 Warden Hopkins reported the fol lowing status nt the ponttcntiary to the board of public lands and buildings for the month ending April 80 : . .Number of convicts In prison April 1 , 349 ; Minbcr received from the courts , 10 ; num- ! per of escaped convicts recaptured , 1 ; total i BOO. Number whoso term expired , 15 ; total iuumhcr In charge , ! )51. ) With Intent to Kill. Ike Johnson , charged with a state offense , Was given a preliminary Hearing before W. & . Stewart , county ) udce , this afternoon at I 4 o'clock. WcstonJohnson | charged him with I assault with hitent to kill. Although pos- I Bossing iho same name , the parties were [ neither "kith or Kin. " The complaint recited I that "Ikoy" was something moro than play- I ful In the manner ho hold a "thirty-eight I Jjulldog'1 covering his vital regions ; that , iu I ( act , with premeditation and malice , ho hold I ) t there to kill and murder , ami In the name I pi the state ho prayed that pimlshmcdt might I fee hictcd out to him. Judging from the num- I JJer of witnssses to bo examined it will bo | midnight bolero Judgment is passed , if I then , lltey Is white and the prosecuting li Vritness colored. I ! Paul Doggo , on a transcript from the police I court will also have u hearing before his I lionor , on the charge of obtaining goods of I ' ( the vuluo of $15 under false pretenses. . H. f O. Tullls files the complaint and is the pro- I Eccutlng witness. The judge will probably I not roach Dopgo'a case to-day , ana it rmi.y bo i continued over to-morrow on account of the JTiUsimmons preliminary , which will bo I palled at 0 o'cloek.in the morning. f Investment nnd Crcninory Companion I Articles Incorporating the Capital Loan & [ investment company and the Huttlo Creek { Jrcamory & Llvo Stocfc were filed in the , flco of the secretary of state to-day. May 1 , 18S9 , dated business commencement I of the investment company , nnd it continues eighteen years thereafter unless sooner dis solved according to law. Tlio company will transact n general loan nnd Investment busl- POSH. Its principal ofllco of business Is lo cated at Lincoln , and the authorized capital Block Is $1,000.000. Incorporators : John T. . Englehardt , Harry R Albers , A. J. Mini- ken , S. U. Pound , W. W. W. Jones , Frank [ f ) . McClusky and John J. Wall. I The creamery company commences busl- k boss as soon as $1,000 of the $20,000 anthor- i izotl capital stock has been subscribed and I paid up. The purpose of the corporation Is to deal In and manufacture milk products and llvo stock ; principal place of business Battle Creek , Madison county. Incorpora tors : L. U. Baiter , George S. Hurford , flphn T. Tridgen , Herman Hogrofe , H. A. Polack , Henry F. Ulckenberg , Henry Moss- pmn , Fred Urcchler nnd George Ximmer- nan. Kiiprcina Court Proceedings. i The supreme court of Nebraska mot .yes terday and handed down the following opln- I1 ions , and adjourned to May 1G : 7 Welton vs Do Yarmon. Error from the ' * , fllotrlct court of Holt county. Afllrmed ; ' 1 r'plnlon by Justice Maxwell. F" Wi.srt vs Nowntnoy. Error from Iho dis trict court of Cass county. Affirmed : opln- I fen by Justice Cobb. I Gillllan vs Kendall. Error front the dis trict court of Lancaster county. Affirmed ; ( pplulmi bv Justice Maxwell. PJiimmcrvs Hummel. Appeal from the fllstriit : court of Frontier county. Reversed , I . nnd decree for plaintiff ; opinion by Justice JMnxwell. Jones vs Froln. Error from the district court of Hcd Willow county. Afllrmed ; opin ion by Justleo Maxwell. [ Dunn vn Dunn , Error from the district \ pourt of Clay county. Hovcrsod nnd cause I dismissed ; opinion by Justice Maxwell. I State ex rol Noble vit Sheldon. Manda- I pius. Writ allowed ; opinion by Justice I Jtfaxwoll. I Lewis vs Owrn. Error from the district I court qf Greoloy county. Reversed and ro- I inandod ; opinion by Justice Maxwell. I Hoard of Equalization. I The board of equalization , consisting of I Governor Thayer , Treasurer Hill nnd Audi- 1 tor Hcnton , will go over the roads and view It'i the property of each before levying any of lltho tax assessments. It is learned that the If Fremont , Elichorn & Missouri Valley railway I system , r.orth of the Vlatlo , will como In for inspection llrst. The party starts on next & Suosday , unu will go to the terminus of the IV road In tills state , thonro over the Crolghton \m \ and Albion brunches. On the return , h'ow- Lp over , the governor will go Into Keya Palm W county to see what can bo done toward proaklni ; up the gangs of horse and cuttle m iklou's \vUicli Infest that country , Prnirlo Fire. I AUcstnictlvo pralrlo lira raged , three miles I Wrest of the city , during the entire afternoon , I Pftvut Franklin hail 100 tons ot hay burned , I und u barn nnd some out-bulldlugs. Loss , I f 1,200 ; no insurance. I City NOWB nnd Notes , I Colonel Al Falrbrothor will leave for I Washington and Now Yoric Sunday morning I on A Uirco Week's junketing trip , \ Thomas , the man who tried the chccli raokHt hero a few weeks aso , was captured at Etcrltng yesterday by Oflleor Pound. He I had hfs preliminary hearing before Judge Pi Jlouston to-day , and was oound over to jiuswr to the district court. H Atuirney General Leoso wont to Kewari ! yoatclMay to spend a day at his old home , MO returned homo to-day at noon , I Ciml tur fur sale by iho slnglo burrol Or iu car load lots. Address Sioux CITY GAS LIGHT Co. , m Sioux City , In. * iolll Shipped to Kuroiii * , Niw YORK , May a. Gold burs to the | jimoui.t of t , & 00,000 were ordered for ship , to Europe to-day. A DBfeTltUOXIVH FIIII3. The Gasoline Steve Kccelves Another flood Credit Mntk. The building owned by Senator Mandor- son near the northwest corner of Sixteenth nnd California streets , was the scene of n destructive llro yesterday. Tlio blaze Btarlcd in the back room of Henry Jaeger's tailor shop and was caused by n gasoline stovo. The gasoline had not been well turned oil the evening before and had been leaking all night. Jaeger applied a match to It with out examining to BOO if everything was nil right , nnd Iho gasoline that hnd accumulated on the tin sheet blazed up nnd set llro to his bed nnd board partition. In fright , Jorgensen rushed out doors , leaving the door open , nnd ns a good brccro was coming from the street , In nn Incredibly short time the whole block was n sheet of flume , .lames McLcanoy , who runs the confectionery store Just north of Jncgcr'8 tailor shop , was aroused by n burnIng - Ing timber fulling on him , nnd hurriedly Jumping Into nls clothes broke the front door op'cn , rushed Into the street and gave the alarm. The fk-o department responded promptly , but by the time they reached the sccno everything in Jaeger's tailor shop nnd McLeanoy's store was burned or ruined. The flames had also played havoo with the rooms in the story above , occupied by Hey Hendcr- iihot , burnlnc up about ? i)00 ) worth of furni ture nnd f500 worth of clothes. The two rooms Immediately to the rear of thnso were rented by the Esmond Cafe company nnd were occupied by aomo of their employes. The damage done to their furniture will not reach $100but LlllioKIng nndlSnimn Devote , two of the waiter girls , lost their trunks nnd contunls. Llllio hud f'J5 in money , which she had been saving for some time. The damage Oono lo iho building is about ? 2.000. The house will have to bo torn down. It was Insured , The dntnago to Jaeger's slock is $2,700 , with 3.000 insurance. Me- Lenny's loss is about fGOO , with no insur ance. _ Kluctrlonl Opening. Tlio Nebraska Electric company ( H. A. Kinncy and A. JI , Xounor ) will open their now store at 1621 Furnam to-mor row. row.Thoy extend an Invitation to "tho ladles as well as tlio gentleman to call , promising everybody will bo well plnasod and interested iu their exhibit. They will have on exhibition : Phonographs , Pumpolly storage bat teries , electric call bolls , annunciators , incandescent electric lighting , electric motors for sowing machines , dental motors , ventilating fans , burglar alarms , combination electric light and gas lixtures , und fine electric fittings of all kinds. _ THE DISTRICT COUIITS. I'rcpnrltiK for Iho ' 1'rln.l of Dornllc Election OHlonra. Marshals , clerks , Janitors and everybody else In and about the United States court , are manifesting moro signs of activity at this time than they have for a long tlmo. This is duo to the fact that court convenes ono week from next Monday. Cases must consequently bo ready by that time. Albln Frank and Judge Hartlott are hard at work getting the trial and equity dockets ready for the printer. The first will contain something1 like ono hundred and seventy and iho lallor over two hundred cases. The most Important suits , however , to como up for hearing at this term involve a number of Omaha citizens indicted by the federal grand Judge last fall for complicity in the election fraud of that timo. The indicted people are as follows : John Mulvihlll , interfering with Judges of elec tion In the discharge of their duties ; Charles E. Ucdtlold , William Holmes , Henry Drun- ning , Thomas Nolan , John Donnelly , Joseph Gustus , Frank Solon , Thomas Crosby , P. McAudrows , Fred Her/ko , Hans Schanboo , James Trnccy , R. H. Pickard , W. J. Roul- ledge , C. M. O'Donovan ' , James Henderson , Patrick McCaffry nnd Henry Jensen for ward Gordraan , John E. Gustus , D. D. O'Connoll , Albert Uccd , Theodore F. Benter - tor , Patrick Dovitt for neglect of their duty as clerks of election. Judge Brewer will not bo hero until about the 20th , but Judge Dund.v proposes to go ahead with the business. > Erastus A. Henson filed n petition yester day iu the district court against W. H. French to foreclose n mortgage on a lot in Urlgg's place , claiming that it was executed to him to secure the payment of three notes for $1,351. C. H. Sloman sued N. J. Edholm for $150 , alleged to bo duo on a promissory note. Jennie M. McCann , administratrix of the cstnlo of Patrick John McCunn , commenced suit against the Union Pacific railway com pany to ro'cover J5.000 damages for the kill ing of her husband , who was in the employ of the company , last October. McCann was a carpenter and bridge builder. Ho met-his death on October 2 , at Buford Station , Wyo. , by being run into by an engine. The following transcript of cases tried in Justice court were filed yesterday in the dis trict court : J. G. Allonos vs. the Paxton & Vicrling iron works , for labor performed ; Hill & Young vs. William R. Goodall , for re plevin of steve ; Salothol Faucott vs. Valentino tine Lipp , for luhor performed. Comity Court The county attorney commenced action yesterday In the county court in behalf of the county against Peter Christiansen for $313 , This suit is brought In accordance with the action of the county commissioners , which requires all persons who have Indigent relatives in county institutions to provide for their fupport. The county also sued Maurice Sullivan for $141 for the support of a woman named Mrs. Donahoc. Those cases will bo tried in Juno , and are test suits. The Mny Jury men. Sheriff Coburn , Clerk Moores , Mlko La- hey , Dorsey B. Houck and Lewis Grebe hold a meeting and from the list of names furnished them several days ago by the couuly commissioners , drew thirty-six Jurymen lo servo at the May term of the dis trict court , which convenes ono week from next Monday. Tlio following is a list of the lucky citizens : Wyllo Dlckaon , George S. Eastman , George Undo , R. D. Poirronot , David Young , John P. Hcrtzman , John Hluin , Thoo. Slupcnhorst , A. J. Harmon , C. H. Fitch , C. B. Luighton , James Connolly , L. J. Mallutt , John Urandt , Ed Cassldv , M. C. Moanoy , John Bell , C. H. Grlflln , Harris Olinstoad , Thomas O'Connor. Lewis Simp son , Isano Wilt , J. J. Wear , F. D. Motions , Poti'r Cassldy , Thomas Harrington , Eld- rlgo Mcssoiiiwr , Henry Eicke , Peter Clark , P. J. Qucaloy , Frank Wilcox , John O'Rouke ' , George D. Phillips , E. F. Carpenlor , A. J. McDnucal and Joseph Mlchal. I'nld tlio DntniiRCH. Thu Union Pacific Railroad company filed a stipulation In the district court confessing Judgment in favor of Jennie M. McCann for ? 1SOO. On the second day of last October her husband , Patrick J. McCann , an employe of this corporation , was run over near Buford , Wyoming , and so badly injured that ho dlod , leaving her In poor circumstances. She brought suit for dam. ages In the HUIII stated , und by permission of the court defendant at once consented to set tle , and handed Clerk Mores a blgnod voucher for the amount. Drink Moxie , for nervousness. ( licensed to Went. The following list of man-iaga licenses were issued yesterday in the county court : Name and Residence. Ago j William A. Kerr. Omaha 20 1 Haimn J. W. Tozcr , Elk City , Neb 21 I James Plckrcw , Omaha 29 I Eva V. Pledge , Omaha 18 I Ole Jensen , Omaha , 23 I Sofia 4orgon8en , Omaha ! ) . : j Christian NiolsonOmaha. . . . 23 I Anna Gotsczar , Omaha sa A Coii-octlon. Tlio Item in Thursday's BEE accusing the Otnnim Loan und Trust company of being plaintiffs in n chattel mortgage suit against A. F. Llndquest , should have road the "Omaha Mortgage Loan company. " They arc entirely distinct corporations. The former is managed by lion. A. U , Wyman , and does not do a chattel mortgage business. THERE IS NO DISCRIMINATION Omaha Competing With Chicago In the Black H1119 Trade. RATES ON THE FREMONT ROAD. Officials nml McrclinnM Claim They Arc Pnvorablo to This City Xho Proposed Union De pot Hallway Notes. Not Discriminated Against. A morning paper , speaking editorially of Lho recent trip made by the bonrcl of trndo to tlio Block Illlla , said that the excursion would bo ol no nvnil , and declared , In short , that the Fremont , Klkhorn & 'Missouri Ynt < Icy was discriminating npnlnst Omahn , and in favor of Chicago and Sioux City. Mr. Dudley Smith , of the D. M. Steolc company , said that this is not true ; that upon the other hand , the Fremont is the only road running out of Omalm which does not ninko such discrimination. "With thcmt" said hove stand upon tin equality with Chicago , Sioux City , Fremont and all other Jobbing cities. The rate from Omaha to Wliltcwood , first class , " ho continued , "Is f 1.0'J , and ttio rata from Omaha to Chicago is 75 cents , the rate from Chicago to Whitewood - wood Is the sum of these two rates , or (3-il , placing us upon un equality with Cbiuago. rs'o , thcro is nothing in that , moro than an * other fling from the paper in oucstion at the board of trade. " "What's the matter with that paper , any- wayl" asked Mr. Clmpman of the same house. There's nothing in this thing. Tuko this statement for Instance : The Omaha board of trade may oxcurse till the cows come homo mid nothing with a dollar mark will como of It. They may malco personal friends and enjoy banquets , and drink champagne , and wax eloquent , but they cannot induce the north to patronize Omaha until Omaha can put its goods nt the doors of the north at the price for which they ciin be secured from other cities. " Now. that is ridiculous , ns it can bo proven that Omaha sells to the merchants of the Hlack Hills nine-tenths of all the goods pur chased by them. Then the idea of comparing Sioux City and Fremont us equal markets with Omaha 1 Fremont lias ono wholesale grocery house. The Sioux City and Fremont rates to Whitewood nro the same as the rate from Omaha to Whltcwood. " Speaking on the same subject an attache of the general freight department of the Fre mont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley said : "That Is all bosh , Omaha , like Sioux City , has the Missouri river point rate from Chi cago. Fremont has a higher rate than cither. On tlrst and second-class freight Omaha and Sioux City have a differential over Fremont of 5 cents per 100 ; third and fourth-class , 4 cents , and all other classes 8 cents. Now , you can seq this is favorable to Omaha when its distance in difference from Chicago is only thirty-seven miles. "Now , on freight from Omaha to points west of Norfolk on the Elkhorn road , the rate is the same as from Sioux City al though the haul from Omaha is much longer than that from Sioux City. At Norfolk the rates equalize and so continue westward. Norfolk is seveuty-ftvo miles from Sioux City while it is 119 from Omaha , thereby giving Omaha the benefit of an equal rate with Sioux City , although the haul Is forty- four miles longer. Is that inimical to Omaha ? "Then again , on freight shipped to points in the territory in question from Chicago the rate is based on the sum of the two locals. For instance , a Chicago house ships freight to a house in Lincoln or any point west of the Missouri river. The rate on that freight would bo composed 01 the local rate between the Missouri river and Chicago and the local rate between the Missouri river and the point of destination. This you see puts Omaha on an equal footing with Chicago as regards the rail rates. It would bo neither reasonable nor prudent for western roads to discriminate against its homo institutions in the interests of foreien ones , and with the present rate schedule all Omaha wholesalers need do to secure the patronage of the dis puted territory is to become acquainted and then reach out for its business. And lot mo say , to my own positive knowledge , this has been done to a largo extent within the past year. " Omaha's Union Depot. KANSAS CITT , Mo. , May 3. ( Special Telegram to THE DEE. ! Plans ana specifica tions for the new union depot to bo erected in Omaha were received by Van Brunt & Howe , architects of this city , this morning. They are , however , subject to modification and alteration. In an interview with your correspondent this morning Mr. Howe said that the Union Pacific and B. & M. railroads wore those principally interested at present but in his opinion the now enterprise would be of such magnitude that all other roads centering in Omaha would take advantage of the facilities it would afford. The proposed union depot will bo located near the present site of the old depot at Tenth and Mason streets. The plan most In favor are for a three-story building , 450x60 feet , fronting on Mason street , to cost from 5350,000 to 1500,000. The railway tracks will be on the north side of the building and the Tenth street viaduct will bo readied by a stairway at the northwest corner of the depot. It will also bo connected with the viaduct bv a bridge twenty-two feet wide. A largo cloclc tower is to bo located at the north end of the depot. While the depot proper is to cover 4fiOx < iO foot of ground , rail way tracks , driveways , etc. , will occuny a space COO or 700 feet long by 300 feet wide. * Mr. Howe said that the plans received by him were hut ono sot of half a dozen laid be fore the Union Pacific officials. Ho expects a letter with full instructions In a few days. Grant ! Island and tlio Union Pacific. The committee- from Grand Island , referred forred to in theeo columns Thursday , waited on Vice President Holcomb , of the Union Pacific , in behalf of the shop employes and train facilities at that place. The committee advanced some strong arguments as to why the force In tlio shops should bc'rcstored to its original strength , the principal being that the great number of the employes were men of families , and had invested their earnings in homos and property at that place. As to train arrangements they asked that the direct connection and immediate service between that point and Omaha bo main tained. Vice President Ho'comb ' , after hearing the complaint , assured the committee - tee that tlio Union Paciito would net with all fairness In the matter to ward Grand Island and nil other points , and that no change would bo made in any respect spect that was unwarranted. The Union Pacific Hliops at Grand Island is the port whcro the greater part of painting and varn ishing of passenger rolling Block is done , but owing to the mildness of the winter this class of work lias largely decreased. Itnlos Adnptctl. The Trans-Missouri association in session at Kansas City has adopted a set of rules regulating tlio making of rates by roads ol that association , and ulso setting the data of meeting of tlio freight commiUeo the first Tuesday of each month. Under tlio now rules two-thirds of the membership of the association constitutes a quorum , and any action taken makes it binding on any and all roads of the associationwhether represented at that meeting or not. Ho'oro any line can niaho a rate to moot that of u competitor the consent of the nhatrman of the association must bo obtained. This is arranged for the purpose of preventing independent action by uuy of the roads of the association. Tlio Now 'Irnln Solipilnlo. The press reports sent out frdm Chicago concerning the action of the Chicago roads In connection with the now time card bnlng arranged , do not correspond with tbo reports received by the railway oOlcials in this city. The former cites that tbo Chicago roads failed to agree upon the connection tiino with the Union Pacltiu at Council HlufTs. Assistant - ant General Manager Dickinson , of the Union Pacillo. bus revolved a telegram stat ing that the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul and the Chicago & Northwestern hud aurocd to the connecting tiuio of tlio Union Pacific at Council muffs on its fast train , the Union Pacillo to arrive at 0 p. in. , and the Chicago lines to make the tlrno of the departure ol their trains cnst-bound from Council Dluffs at U40 ; p. m. , arriving Jn CbliviRo nt2 p. m. , the next day , Mr. Dickinson also stated that in all probability nil the roads would assent to the proposed train schedule. The Wisconsin Central lu-n p. CHICAGO , May 8. [ Special Telegram to Tun HBE. | Of twelve Chicago railroad of- flcla'ls , spoken to on the subject of the lease of the Wisconsin Central , not ono thought it was a profitable transaction for either road. The popular opinion was expressed by Vico- President MoMullon , of the Alton : "I don't see whcro olthcr road will gam any direct benefit. " ho said , "On the other hand , the natural tendency will bo for nil the other roads to combine against the now system In favor of the Manitoba or Union Pacific. " Tlio deal was almost invariably compared with tlio disastrous effect on the Santa Fo , consequent on Its acquiring entrance into Chicago. A Sleeping Cm * Contract. CHICAGO , May 3. [ Special Telegram to Tun Unit. ] The Pullman company to-day completed contracts by which it will carry all the Hock Island and Hlo Grnndo's second ; class passengers who patronize sleepers. The above roads were the only two west of Chicago cage which had not previously adopted the Pullman second-class sleepers. llailroatl Motes. Engine 710 on the Union Pacific caino in from the west In a disabled condition. The Atlantic express on the Union Pacific was thirty minutes late yesterday owing to a heavy train. It was composed of four teen cars ladcncd with passengers and bag gage. C. P. Converse , secretary to Vice Presi dent Holcomb of the Union Pacific , has re signed and Is succeeded by Mr. Van Horn , of Denver. The finest leu crenm In the city at Shiillcross' , liiO N. 16th st. ANGHY EMPLOYES. Those or the County Kxpcricnclng a . Delay In Pay Day. The commissioners have stirred up n deep feeling of indignation among people who draw salaries from the county treasury. In the heat of passion and thirst for revenge , which 1ms at various times characterized certain members of the board , they saw fit to pass n resolution that all bills bo illcd and held ten days before being paid. As a consequence - sequence , employes cannot draw their stipends before the week after next and some of them are furiously put out about it. Their monthly bills have come due , the grocery men nro after them , they hare no money to pay with and can't got credit. Consequently the situation is a seri ous ono. The board meets to-day , when nil bills will bo read , but , under the now rule , they can not bo collected under ten days. O'KeolTo's llrst resolution , with reference to this matter , excluded salaries , but Ander son would not vote lor it unless everything was included , therefore , in their eager efforts to put each other into a tight hole , the board 1ms invited left-hand ed compliments and incurred universal en mity. _ Ice cream , wholesale and retail , at Shiillcross' , 120 No. 15th st. The Don Killed the Cat. Hcrr Faust and Ileri Bango , both neigh bors at Second and Williams , were the op posing principals in n case In the police court , Range claimmcr that Faust's dog hid killed his cat. Eleven witnesses were called to prove and disprove this allegation , but the witnesses for the prosecution outnumbered those for the dcfcnseand.it was decided that Faust's dog was guilty and must die. The owner of the canine was found guilty of keeping a cross dog and was assessed a fine of S3. _ _ _ _ _ ( /ImntaiKjua Meeting. The Rev. Hobcrt L/ . Wheeler presided at the Chautauqua meeting in the Presbyterian church , Thursday -'evening. J. H. Harkncss , manager 'of the Council I51ufTs Chautauqua assembly , explained the work done , the expenses incurred , the high standard of the instructors engaged and the costs amounting to $5,000. Remarks wore made by Messrs. Lane , Van Duson and Dr. Slabaugh , and Uevs. Eddlobluto and nosers , and Mesdames Van Alton and Lane. Tickets are for sale by all the preachers. Pozzoni's Complexion Powder pro duces u soft and beautiful skin ; it com bines every element of beauty and purity. Dead by the Iloiulsidc. While Mr. G. H. Kuhn , who lives at 1210 Capitol avenue , was driving into the city from Florence yesterday afternoon ho dis covered the body of a dead man lying in an open field near the road , about one-quarter of a milo this side of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha track. The dead man seemed to be about thirty-live years of ago. Ho was attired as a laborer. Knropenn Excursions To ttio capitals of five European coun tries , $2(50. ( Longer tours , $350 and $450. All expenses included. Send for itineraries. M. , T. Wood & Co. , 1223 Fnrnam St. , Omaha , Nob. .Toilet Qnarrynicn Strike. .TOLIET , 111. , May 8. About seven hundred quarrymen in the various quarries near this city , wont on a strike yesterday for an ad vance of S3 cents per day in wages. It is be lieved the matter will bo settled to-day. IJuslncss TroublcH. MAIIUIOHOUOII , Mass. , May 3. C. L. & L. T. Frye , shoo manufacturers , have assigned. Liabilities $30,000. Two hundred hands are thrown out of employment. Dined Hy Younjj llUnmrck. BKIILIX , May 3. Count Herbert Bismarck gave a dinner this evening to the commis sioners of tlio Samoan conference and the members of the American and British lega tions. FUTVIU3 W Embryonic Orators In their Interest- Inir Cnllcclntc Contests. As ono of the Judges on delivery , Mr. J. C. Cowln attended the nnnual Inter-stntc oratorical torical contest at the Iowa college , In Grin- noil. He has returned home , hnd speaking of the nffalr said that It Was ono of the most Interesting contests ho hnd over witnessed. Nebraska was represented in the contest by A. V , House , of Donne college , Crete.who spoke on the subject of "HomeHulo In Ire land , " and was marked fourth In the score on excellence. Only three prizes , however , were given. Ed H , Hughes , from Wesloynn university , Delaware , O. . won the llrst , hla subject being "Tho Philosophy of In equality. " "It was , " says Mr. Cowin , "a magnificent and masterly effort , " .Tames A. Blnlsdell , of Hololt , WIs. , took the second prize , with his discussion of "Hiot and Revolution , " and James A. Wlikcrson , the third , "Na tional Unity , " being the topic on which ho discoursed. R Dan forth Dlukcnson , of the Minnesota university ; O. H. Patrick , of Parson's college , Falrflcld , la. ; ArthurW. Urowster , Wasburn college , Topekn , Knn , ; and F. W. Wheeler , Wcsleynn university , liloomlngton , * 111. , were the other contestants. Judge Joan T. Phillips , of Missouri and Hon. W. N. Horner , of Illinois , were with Mr. Cowln on the committee of Judges. Pears' soap Is the most elegant toilet adjunct. HOW WAS IT DONK ? A Uoinarknblo Card Trick That Was Itrccntly Performed In Cincinnati , The guests of the Grand hotel were recently discussing u card trick that was performed therd that takes the palm for originality and that iu its per formance is almost beyond belief , says the Cincinnati Commercial-Guzetto. Shortly hoforo dinner last evening tv party of gentlemen , among whom were Mr. Vonzoy. William McCammon , Oharles II. Kellogg. Jr. , and Govern ment Detective Kopmoier , got in a dis cussion about aplritualibin. Mr. Voazey took llio position that the mysterious workings of mediums were hut tricks. Mr. Kellogg thought 'ditterontly , and Mr. Voazoy offered tovagor that ho could perform a. card trick that would mystify thpso present and one which they could in no manner explain , Mr. Kollocg accepted the wagar and Mr. Veazuy told him to procure a deck of cards. Mr. Kollogtr. who is ono of the host "Boston" players in the city mid well versed in all card games , wont out and purchased a new deck of cards. Ko- turning to the room Mr. Vcazoy turned his back and told him to shuflle th * cards thoroughly. This was done by Mr. Kellogg and then Mr. Vcazoy told him to spread the deck out on the table , bclcct a card , and show it to those pres ent. Kellogg drew a card and after looking at it handed it to Mr. Kop moier. It was the four of clubs. With his back still turned Mr. Vcazoy told Kellogg to replace the card in the deck and then put them in his pocket. The cards being out of sight Voazoy now turned and said : Telegraph to any frioml you have in any part of the United States ( New York , San Fran cisco , St. Louis , Chicago , or any other place ) and ask him what card you have drawn from the deck. " The company present looked amazed at this proposition and Kellogg at first toolc it as a joke. Ho was assured by Veazoy that ho meant just what ho said. In order that thcro could bo no possible collusion , Vcazey agreed to remain with some of the guests until Kellogc should go out and send the dispatch , und until an answer was returned. Kellogg , in stead of telegraphing from the hotel , walked to the Western Union telegraph ofllce. On the way ho tried to think of some friend who lived at a distance , and the name of the lion. Emmet Tompkins suggested itself. Knowing that a dis patch would reach Mr. Tompkins if di rected in euro of the Neil house , Colum bus , Mr. Kellogg wont to the telegraph ofllce and indited the following message : "Tun HON. EMMET TOMTKIXS , Columbus , O. : I have drawn u card from a deck. Tele graph mo immediately what it was. "CiiAitLEs H. KKLI.OOO , Jn. " After sending the dispatch Mr. Kellogg logg returned to the hotel and rejoined the party , but at no time divulging the nanio of tlio person to whom ho had sent the message. The affair got noised about and a number of the guests joined the party and breathlessly awaited the answer. Just at 10 o'clock a rap at the parlor door startled the guests , and a waiter entered , accompanied by a telegraph mc&songcr. It was a dispatch for Mr. Kollogg. and that gentleman's hand trembled perceptibly as ho signed the .receipt. The guests gathered around him and ho tore open the onvelono. Drawing out the dispatch ho glanced nt it and then was seen to turn palo. During all this time Mr. Vcazoy fiat idly by , paying no attention whatever to what was going on. Mr. McCammon took the dispatch from Kcllogg's hands and read as follows : "C'OMJJim'S , O. , April 12 , 1889. Charles H. Kellogg , Jr. , Grand Hotel. You drew the four of clubs. "EMMBT TOMPKINS. " For several seconds no ono spoke n word and then ejaculations of ' 'marvol- OUB , " "marvelous , " were heard from those present. Mr. Kellogg , who is a devout spiritualist , was completely stag gered und ho could say nothing. There was certainly no collusion with Mr. Tompkins , for ho is not known to Mr. Veazoy , and if ho was the latter had no opportunity to Bond him a dispatch , for ho remained with a number of gentlemen - mon until the answer returned. If any ono can explain it ho is wcl- como to it. For Bilious and Nervous Disorder ! , such ac Wind and Pala In the Stomach , Sick Headache , Giddiness , Ful ness. and Swelling after Meals ; Dizziness and Drowsiness , Cold Chills , Flushlnns of Heat. Loss ot Appetite , Shortness ol Breath. Cosliy ness , Scurvy , Blotches on the Skin. Disturbed Sleep , Frightful Dreams , and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations , &c. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Jlila Is no fiction. Every sufferer la earnestly invttod to try ono Vox. ot them , Tills , and they will b9 ucknnwlndeod to bo a irnmirr/Wl MnlMne. liEIXIUAM'a 1'ILLS , talton OB directed , will quickly restore fctnnlea to complete health. Tor a WEAK STOMACH ; : IMPAIRED DIGESTION ; DISORDERED LIVER ; they ACT LIKE MAGIC : fr\t > ilotn will -work wonders upon the Vital Organs ; Strengthening lha muscular System ; restoring lone-lost Complexion : bringing back the keen edge of appetite , ami nrouBlne with tbo ROSEBUD OF HEALTH tbo ir/.o/onfij/ifral / e eri7i/of the bunian fruino. Thcau nro " fuels " admitted byUu > u nnd . In nil clnBKon cif Bocfoty : and onoof the boat RUnrmitoos to Iho cnnc..l , ls tlmt BEECHAM'S PILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PATENT MEDICINE IN THE WORLD , Full directions with oocli Uoz. _ , , , Prepared only'by THUS. ni'.ECU All , 8t. Helcim , I anenililro , lrwlniuJ. ? , , ' ! ] > n'0tll t > grnrratlu. B. F. ALLEN U CO. , 3GB and 3U7 Canal St. , New York , faolo Asonta for the Unlto < ] buuoa , ii'lio ( j { jyoiir druggist doca not keep them , ) WILL HAIL BEECHAM'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. R. R , R. RADWAY'S ' READY RELIEF T11K MOHT CICHTAIN AND SAPK ' ' " CONQUEROR , OF FAIN. . . , , , - . nnlckly , Inwardly 20 1 ° < * > ( Irons in half iv tumbler of water. 60 cents a bottle : old by all l > ruajlsK ( WITH KAWVAVd PILLS there Is NO UKl'IUlt CUltK Oil PKBVENTJON of lJVBU or AGUK $10 Commencing , Tuesday , April 30tli , We will place on sale some of the Greatest Bargains in Men's and Youth's Sack and three-button cutaway Suits ever seen iu Omaha , For the Uniform Price of $10 Other stores will ask for the same class of goods $15 and $18. The great favor with which our make of Clothing has met with by the consumer is a convincing fact that we can give our patrons no music so charming as low prices for fine clothing , and that it is the kind of music we intend to pour into the ears of the Appreciative people of Omaha. You will see Samples of These Bargains Displayed in our Fifteenth street window. These goods are all new and fresh from our own factory. Remember our motto : Money Cheerfully refunded if goods do not suit. S. W. Corner 15th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha Mail Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention. DUST WASHING will give your cut glass that clearness and brilliancy which produces such beautiful prismatic effects. 1ST Cot a Free Sample at your Grocery and try It.TSS " ( Jolit Diint Wntililiii ; 1'omlrr" IN pincly veKPlablc , dlssolvcH instuntly In hard orreifi , hot or feW water ; vslll not Inline tlio fliiext murlc ; In soft niul snothtnu to the thin , and ( or biilli , laundry , WHulilni ; ilUhco , or scrubbing and cleaning of uny Jclud , "Otld Dust" utanda without un ciiual , MADE ONLY BY N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. , ST. LOUIS. PS. . Fairbank's " Fairy , " the great Toilet Soap. > , I "For neatly a raontli I wasSiot able to Bleep , "out CEI.KKY COMPOUND lor two any a , la- Honinla nod and strength return ed. " E. 0 , BMITII , Claimcn , 8. C. ' I liavo taken only a part of a bottle of I'alao'a Celery Com pound , and It lias entirely rell&\ed me of Blreplesniss , from which I liavo suffered greatly. " . Hits , n AUTOLIIT , 1'eortn , III I'nlno'fl tviery Compound produces hound and rofrcRJtlni ; Hlovn. A iiliytticion'B prescription , it does not vontnln ouo huriiifuldru . I Ikouotli- Ini : ely > , it Ha cuarantcfd euro for Blrcplfss- ueaj , It direction * tire ralllirully followed. ll.vi. Mix for s oo. llruj-TflbtH. \VKI.I.il , IIICIUHIMON&CO. , IlllrllngtOB , Vt. " For a lone tlmn 1 was ao nervous and wor out that I could not , work , I tried many uivdl- riiu-fl , but none cave mo relief until I nicd IMIne'H C'olery Compound , wtilch ar. onoa Htreniflliciicd and Invigorated my i\rr\f-u. \ " lUniKV HIIMIUAN , liurllngtou , Vt , Paine's Celery Compound quickly qulcta am ) MrenRtbcns thoncrvei , whca Irrltatud o , ' wcnkrnvd by overwork , nxcccttoi , dlxciuu , or plmck. U rur.sa ncrvnusucas. head ache , dyspepsia , tlceiiles-Miefa , melancholia , and oilier ionlcrd | of tlio nervous gyntcni. Tones up the Scattered Nerves " For two ycaiu I wasa sufferer from Jicrvoua drbllltr , and I Hi.ink Coil and tlio dlKCovorcrof tlio valimblii remedy , that I'alne'H celery Com * iwunij cured mo , IM any ono wrlto to mo for advice , " QEOIUIB W , DOUTON , tttnmford , Conn. "rlnlml ami ! rtltMrA Ftnn O'jrtn . ullh WtA . Son. HYPS OHU t//c i njai , „ / VM , imiiniioni. I ri/uu , „ ; „ _ / , „ , / „ , /nranjt W ! "Pure" and Silver Gloss Starch FOR THE LAUNDRY. THE TABUL.