Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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DMlr ( Morning IMIllon ) Including SUNDAY
lur. Ono VVnr , . . . 10 00
For Fix Month * . 6 00
KorThroo Months . . . . . . . . . 350
TUB OMAHA HUNIIAV EK , mailed to any
iwldrtss , Ono Venr . . . 300
WKKKI.Y llr.r , One Year . . . " 00
OMAIIAOmCE.NoS.lHnnd)10t'AHNAH8TnSET. ! ! )
CiiicAOOO Kicf : , i : HOOKBHY liuir.pixa.
NKW ronK orntK. ItooMsH ANI 1ft TiuiiuNit
ituii.niNd. WAHIIINOTON QUICK , No. 618
Alt communlcntlons rolHttnit to news find cdl-
Jo 1 1 nl matter uliould be&ililri8 edtotuo I.uiton
nUHIN..S3 . , .
All bnslncBi luttcra neil romlttixncM snomd bo
nddreuod to TIIK llrp. ] > iMii.t iiiNti COMPANY.
OMAHA , Jlrnfti , cherss ami prtitolllctortlors to
be mauo payable to the onlor of the company
Vic BOB Publishing Company , Proprietors ,
E. ROSEWATEU , Editor.
Kworn Statement ot'Ciratihitton.
Btntc of NebwOcn , I „ ,
County of Douglas , f "
flcoruoll.Tzsrhuck , ( secretary of The Ile Pilb-
llnhliigCoimiany , docs solomniy sworir tlmt the
ncntuTcirculation of Tun UAIW llr.K for the
\\eck tiullDK April Ti. lbU. was as follows :
Mindnv. AprllBI K88S
Montlnv. AprllS ! } JJ'J ' !
TucMlav. AwrllSI { * ? '
Wednesday , April 21 . ]
Tlinisilav. Aprlta lV > n.
irlilAV. April un 1S.MH
Baturtlny , April ' 7 Wit
JA vcntjTO 18,017
Sworn to he fora mo nnd subscribed to la my
croflence tlilaUTtli day of April. A. I ) . 1831.
Seal. N. 1' . I'KlL. Notary Public.
Blnto of Nohrnski , I
County of DoiiKlns. I1" '
< Jeono II. Tzticimclc , heliiR duly sworn , do-
] KWnml Bnyftthat ho 15 secretary of tlio Ileo
I'libllMilUK company , tlmt the uctual averaco
dally circulation ot Tin : luu.v IIKK I for tfio
month of April. IBM , 18,744 copies ; ; for Mny. 1888.
lf.18'1 topics ; for .luno , I8i > n , ) , JMcopli-s : : for
July , ! ? * ! * , 18. HcepIes ; for AtlKliit , IMS. 18.183
copies : for September. 188. IH.I'il copies ; for
October. 1888. 1H.IW4 Copies ; for November. 1888 ,
] ? , tifO copies ; for December , 1H88. 18-JSl copies ;
for January , IB'-0,18,1174 copies ; for February ,
Ib8& 18.K1I copies ; for Mnrch. l i. K8S4 cople .
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my
piescnco this 1Mb dny of April , A. 1) . . IKSO.
N. V. Full , , Notary Public.
PADDY KVAX , tlio ex-clnunplon , in
cidentally collided with n reporter in
San Francisco. I'uddy was rescued by
friends and tenderly curled to the hos
Tun Chicago roads nnd the Union
Pacific have been unable to connect
their fast traint on n now schedule , and
the result will he a. free-for-all race for
business in the west.
TltK clay is near at hand wnon the in
dustries for which Omaha lias superior
natural advantages tlio conversion of
lior raw products into manufactured ar
ticles will force competition from her
ATTOitXKY-GixiitAL Lnrcsi : lias
given the railroads in the state to un-
dcrblnnd that u road on paper has no
rights which the law is hound to ro-
Bpcct. In his own words railroads must
"either fish or cut bait. "
Rid'OUTSlrom the ranges ot Wyoming
and Montana are most favorable. Tlio
per cent of loss hns been trilling , the
calf crop large , nnd the herds are now
in splendid condition. Tlio only shadow
on tlio prospect of : i profitable season is
the scarcity of soring rains.
PnisiDBXT noiiKUTS , of the Ponnsyl-
ynnin railroad , has inaugurated a rigid
policy of economy in the management
of that powerful system. Hut ho lias not
found it necessary to cut down wages ,
nnd that is whore ho shows himself a
railroad manager and financier of the
first order.
ALL attempts to confuse Parnoll and
connect him with the violent section of
Irish nationals hns. solar , proved a total
failure. The man who united Ireland
as it hnd never boon united before , who
forced the great English liberal party
to accept his terms , who crushed cal
umny with his heel , can not bo out
witted by a pettifogging lawyer.
TIIK first shipment of catllo direct
from Nebraska to Scotland is reported
1 from Kearney. This is an industry
whioh , from its peculiar Bignillcance ,
will create considerable interest. Since
the development of the dressed beef
trade the business of sending live stock
abroad hns fallen into disuse. It is
likely that the industry may revive ,
and in that event Nebraska domon-
ntratos hoi1 ability to take the initiative.
SucuiiTAiiY BrAixis returned to his
desk in the state department yesterday ,
and the dispatches report tlmt ho looked
I well , showing no traces of his recent ill
if ness. Incidental to his rotuni to duty
was tlio formal presentation to the pres
ident of the now British minister.
There lias doubtless boon a great deal
of exaggeration regarding the physical
condition of Mr. Blaine , whoso prostra
tion was iluo , doubtless , simply to the
strain of olllolal duties , which has been
fiomowhat severe over since ho wont
into the state department ,
OMAHA is ono day nearer northern
[ t Nebraska , southern Dakota and the
L lllaclc Hills than St. Paul. Everything
clsoholng equal , the jobbers of this
city hnvo a decided advantage over St.
Paul mndiofippod , us it wore , for the
trade of this territory. Omaha's rjval
for the control of the business of this
region is Ohicngp. Despite the udvnn
Uigcti possessed by that city in certain
lines of trade , Omaha has boon virtual-
lj"ablo to drive Chicago out of Iho gro
cery business of northern Nebraska.
What has boon done in the grocery line
can with persistent effort bo done in
ether branohos of trado.
IT is but a question of time when the
loading insurance companies of the
country , following the example of the
New York LUo , will mahoOmahiv thoii-
permanent division ' headquarters by
the erection of mnss'ivo olllr.o and Htoro
buildings. As a bafa and profUnl le
Hold for Invcbtmont this city olTorti ox-
coplioiml ( ulvuntagcB , which those coir-
Borvatlvo companies are quick to rccog-
iili-.o. They have already established
their agencies , both for ( nsm-tinco and
loaning , and it remains for them to
make their home in our midst. The
probabilities that the National Life In-
Eurnnco Company of Vermont will croct
its own ofllco building this season arc
most promising. Tills is u most on *
couruglnp sign.
The appointment of Mr. George II.
Bates , of Delaware , as one of the Amor-
lean commissioners to the Berlin con
ference on the Snmoan question , was
made on the ground of fitness. Ho had
glVon the question long and careful
study , and was known to bo ns well i n-
formctl regarding it as any man in the
country. Before his appointment ho
had written an article on Samoa for the
CVnfiov/ , which the publishers of that
mngnzino had accepted , and which was
published soon nftcr its author was ap
pointed commio.sioncr , although it is
understood ho asked to have it sup
pressed. It reflected sharply upon Gor
man methods in Samoa , and vigorously
maintained the attitude and claims of
the United States. It was unquestiona
bly the sandid and honest judgment of
Mr. Bates , and being such ho should
have adhered to it.
But ono of the first nets of Mr. Bates
after his arrival in Berlin was to apolo
gize to Count Herbert Bismarck for
what ho had said in that article , and if
ho hns been correctly reported
the apology was of the most
abject and humiliating character.
An explanation of the circumstances
under which the nrticlo was written
and published , would have boon proper ,
but there was no demand upon the com
missioner to debase himself by stating
that the article was written by "a pri
vate and uninformed person , " and that
ns a consequence it had "lost all point. "
IIo could not have put himself In amore
moro humiliating and contemptible
position than ho was placed by this con
fession , and when in addition ho pro
fessed the utmost esteem for Germany
it is impossible to doubt that Count Bis
marck felt for him the contempt which
his abject attitude deserved.
OI course whatever value may have
bcforo been given the views of Mr.
Bates as expressed in this article , has
boon destroyed by his disclaimer , and
this result has by no means improved
the btanding or worth of that gentle
man as a representative of the United
Stales at Berlin. No conlldcnce can bo
felt in him there or in his own country.
His solf-stultillcation has destroyed his
usefulness , nnd ho can hardly bo regarded -
garded with respect by any member of
tlie commission , and least of all , by the
representatives of Germany. IIo will
doubtless stand with his American col
leagues in support of whatever con
ditions they may agree upon , but ho
will exert no influence upon the de
liberations of the conference.
Evcrv suggestive thought on the
question of how to deal with trusts
should receive careful consideration.
This-question is at present commanding
wide and serious discussion. It is prom
inent in the minds of publicists nnd people -
plo in Europe and Canada , as well as in
the United States. The disastrous collapse -
lapse of the copper syndicate in Franco
lias mndo the subject of such combina
tions ono of great interest there. In
Germany the government has been
called upon to consider what shall bo
done to arrest tlio growth of syndicates ,
whoso policy is believed lo bo largely
responsible for the financial and indus
trial depression in In
England the formation of trusts lias at
tracted the attention of statesmen , and
tlio Canadian government has been
considering what action it shall taUo to
suppress combinations there. Thus the
subject has become of nearly universal
interest , and nowhere is it of greater
concern to the people than in the United
States , whore the now form of monopoly
hns its largest and most aggressive de
A leading lawyer of Philadelphia , in
a communication to the Jfrco ? A of that
city , lucidly points out the methods
within the power of the stales for curb
ing the injurious operation of trusts
and for preventing their future forma
tion. IIo remarks that the corncr-stono
of the now structure is the legal capac
ity of ono person becoming the solo
owner of all the property ihcro is , or
can bo produced , in tlio world. For
this , English and American law has
suggested no remedy. Us impractic
ability is tlio protector , and the only
one , ngainst such an evil. The impos
sibility of any one man controlling , by
ownership , all the property , oven of ono
species , in tlio world wheat , corn ,
sugar , etc. is a sulllciont protection for
the present. The result of the atlcmpt
at monopolizing any one product is so
uniformly ruinous that mon having the
moans that might justify tlio hope of
success , are too well trained to make
the attempt. In this direction , says tlio
writer from whom wo quote , lies the
remedy that should bo applied.
The remedy proposed is to prohibit
the use of these artificial contriv
ances that have been given to
the commercial world by the state
to relieve it from the dangers in
cident to the use of merely natural
powers. Passing over partnerships
as being natural agencies whose dan
gerous * powers are restricted by the
perils attendant on their exorcise , there
are two modern contrivances by whioh
men nro enabled to combine for power
almost Indefinitely and yet limit the
stake. These are charters and limited
partnerships. It is hold that these arti
ficial creatures of the state actually op
press the community , that the moan's of
oppression to an Indcilnito oxlont are
actually presented to all who HOC fit to
ube them , and tlmt without this machin
ery the evil could not have oxlstod.
It is in limited partnerships , but moro
especially charters , that the danger lies ,
and ono o ! tlio measures suggested is
Ihe making of all stockholders liable as
partners for ail transactioiid by or for ac
count of the corporation not authorized
by Iho charter. Tlmt is , apply the law
of partr.orrihip to them. Another mcus-
uro is to create liability for all
acts in the corporate name and de
stroy all rights arising out of such
contracts , hi addition mnko all con
tracts by which factories owned by ono
sot of persons can bo controlled by
another , as to working or lying iilloj or
being COMnoctoil in dealings , prima facie
proof of an illegal combination. These
are the vulnerable points of attack and
the weapons that nro in the hands of
the community , and * Very likely they
would bo found effective in accomplish
ing ) thu end diisirod if the state would
co-oporato In employing thorn. Such
co-oporntlon is necessary to the success
of nnymovomcnt against tlio trusts , nnd
it presents a practical difficulty tlmt
tnny not bo easily overcome.
The nssanlts of tlio Now York Times on
Paul Vnndorvoort nro not of anything ItUo
so much importance as the fact that ho holds
the ofllco of chief of the railway mall ser
vice nt Omaha. The truth about Vandor-
voort Is tlmt ho Is the most tenacious of
friends and the bitterest of enemies. Ho
navcr ceases laboring for these he likes or
against those ho hates. Ills dismissal years
npo was secured by his enemies purely as n
mutter of politics. Gresham removed him
bccauso ho had fought Grcshnm , and this
action was sustained by the Van \Vyclc ele
ment of Nebraska politics bccauso Vandor-
voort had fought them.
The nickname of Vanderbum Riven Vnn-
dervoort by Tun DUE Is slanderously malig
nant. There Is no man In llni country farther
from the bum than Paul Vnndorvoort , whenever
never drinks , and whoso associates nro not
nt all of the rowdy order.
Perhaps It would have boon wiser In
Colonel Hoscwator not to Imvo meddled with
Pnul Vnndorvoort's aspirations. Mr. Vnn
dorvoort is In ofllco after all , and as he Is lo
cated In Omaha now , ho may bo perniciously
active In local politics In the future , much to
Colonel Uoscwator's disgust. licindillcnn.
Paul Vmmei'voort is not chief of the
railway mail service at Omaha. IIo has
nothing whatever to do with the rail
way mail service. The position ho
holds is a sinecure created for him
under the tltlo of superintendent of
mails , which , translated into plain En
glish , means chiof-portor-of-mail-sacks
and that
hauls the mail sacks from the depot to
the postoflicc. Botwcon that menial
service and the position of ponoral
superintendent of the railway mail Service -
vice of the whole United States , to
which Vandervoort had the sublime
gall to aspire , there is a very marked
But Vandorvoort should never have
boon appointed oven to this very sub
ordinate place , bccauso ho is unlit for
any public service and because his ap
pointment stultifies the head of the
postoflico department. A man with
Vnntlorvoort's habits and malodorous
record should never bo permitted to
hold any position in the civil service ,
and especially in the postal service.
The New York 'ZYulcs is not the only
paper that has denounced Vandorvoort's
restoration to the postal servico. The
Now York Evening Post and other
leading journals huvo characterized his
rcappoiutmont to a minor position as a
precedent that c\nnot fail to demoralize
the postal service and reflect seriously
upon the administration.
This protest against Vandorvoort is
not bccauso ho has been assigned to a
prominent position , but because his
previous record in the service should
have barred him out.
Vandervoort was not dismissed by
Judge Gresham bccauso ho had fought
Grcsham. As postmaster-general , Mr.
Gresham had nothing to fight over with
Vandervoort , who was a more railway
clerk at Omaha. But Postmaster-
General Gresham dismissed Vandor
voort because ho had been insubor
dinate ; had made false re
ports to the department , and
had been absent from his post of duty at
Omaha ! J5 ( ! days in ono single year. It
was only after ho had been dismissed
in.disgrace that Vandervoort fought
Grcshnm , as well as his first assistant ,
General Frank Ilatton.
Vandervoort is an inveterate brag
gart and liar. Ho magnifies himself
and has made uses of his connection
with the Grand Army for base ends.
Ho sought to use the Grand Army
club over the heads of Gresham and
Ilatton , but utterly failed to intimidate
them by his threats. The nickname of
"Vandorbum" is not a slander. It is a
matter of common notoriety that Van-
dcrvoort's associates , when ho was
chief clerk , wore ward bum
mers , roustabouts and rowdies of
the lowest degree. It is
notorious that ho often detailed railway
mail clerks from the service to assist
him in packing ward caucuses and
lighting at political primaries , and sub
stituted for those regular mail clerks
irresponsible vagabonds -and bummers
who wore transported in the mail cars
in charge of the mails without oven
taking the oath ,
It is notorious that Vnndorvoort was
hired and paid by the Union Pacific
railroad for conducting the legislative
oil-rooms at Lincoln with their drunken
orgies and vile methods of decoying
members into corruption by downright
These facts wore all known to the
Nebraska delegation in congress , at
whoso instance Paul Vandorvoort has
boon made a pensioner on the govern
ment. And it does not rollcct credit
upon their judgment that among so
many deserving republicans this loader
of bummers and political strikers should
be glvon preference for position.
PiuirWundorvoort's pernicious activity
in local politics is not looked to with ap
prehension. But the question is
whether Postmaster-General Wann-
mnkor has made a place for Vandorvoort
to give Him a chnnco to use Ills posi
tion in the postal sorvico. for packing
prlmarios and conventions , or whether
the department will compel him to at
tend to his mail sacks and leave the
manngomont of local politics to citizens
who nro not on the nostolllco pay roll.
GKNUIIA& GuKKiA'of the signal ser
vice intends tosond out weather predic
tions three days ahead of time , This is
a contract liable to bankrupt the
weather bureau.
The examination of Mr. Parnoll before the
commission has thus far elicited nothlncr to
strengthen the catiso of the prosecution , or
which Is , in the toast dogrco , detrimental to
the character , policy and purpose of the
great Irish louder. Alt efforts to connect
Purnoll with illegal methods and with
measures of violence , oltliur as an'actlvo par'
tlclpant or sympathizer , Imvo utterly failed-
but they have given him the opportunity to
show moro clearly and forcibly to the world
the uprightness of his course and tlio patriot
ism of his alms. Ho has boon enabled to
dfttnonstruta that his purposa 1ms boon ro-
fornmtory , rather than revolutionary , that
ho IIIIH sought to wrest nothlncr from the
UritUh empire , but simply to obtain Justice
for Ireland. Ho has shown that his counsel
and Influence Imvo boon steadily and con-
slstently exerted iu opposition to oxtrouio
measures outsMo of the law , and no candid
man will doubt tlmt to him Is duo the credit
of having maintained amone the Irish people
what , under thd toxnsporatlng circumstances ,
must bo regarded as n mont remarkable re
spect for peace and order. The vindication
of Partiall Is Yilroady complete , but when
this Investigation Is ended the result will
present htm as a man whoso wisdom , patriot
ism , forberirnnco and unseltlMi davotlon to
the causa ho champions , entitle him to an
Illustrious plnco among the greatest who
Imvo striven for , the rnjhts of the people
against the oppression and Injustice of thotr
The financial And indusUlnl condition of
Germany at present appears to bo that of ex
treme doprossion. A correspondent nt Bur-
Hn of an English journal thinks the present
economical situation in Germany should bo
made the special study of national econ
omists. Ho bollox'09 that many of thorn
\vuuld bo Induced to revise theories which
they now defend with much skill. Ho Insists
that the distribution , not the accumulation ,
of wealth is the llfo-blood of commerce , ami
while wealth accumulates at present In Gor-
nmny In largo amounts In the banks of com
bined capital , it Is far from being properly or
profitably distributed. Ho next proceeds to
draw n comparison between Herlln , on the
ono hand , and London and Paris on the
oilier , In order to Illustrate the enormous
difference between accumulation and distribu
tion of wealth In Ucrhn. While speculation
is assuming vast proportions the commercial
classes , especially the shop-keepers , complain
that business Is slow and profits small. Only
the venders of cheap and shoddy articles are
prosperous. So , ho claims , that the growth
of the Merlin stock exchange does not Indi
cate n corresponding Increase In national
wealth. On the ether Imnu , ho contends
that while In Paris , London and Hrussola the
retail trailers are not at their case , yet it Is
admitted that money circulates moro freely
anil In incomparably larger amounts in the
commercial channels of these cities that It
does In the cities of Germany. This writer
concludes that the stagnation In the circula
tion of money in Germany , and the further
fact that the quality of goods boucht and
sold In that country is Inferior to these
bought and sold elsewhere , nro largely duo
to the system of conventions and syndicates
which work exclusively for the benefit of a
small number of producers , while it restricts
the spheres of commerce and thus fails to
promote the solid and general prosperity of
the people.
The death of Crown Prince Rudolph
caused the discontinuance this year of the
ceremony of footwashing which had bcforo
boon annually performed by the cmpuror of
Austria , This is the llrst time during the
emperor's reign of forty years the function
has not boon discharged by his majesty. Homo
years years ago the empress ceased to per
form her part in the yearly ceremony owing
to fulling health , but last year the emperor
went through thaformallty of washing the
foot of twelve old men. The religious ser
vice of the footwashlng was instituted in the
middle ages ash lesson of humility to the
proud emperors of the Hapsburg dynasty ,
and every year for the last four centuries ,
with occasional exceptions , as in 1843 , the
reigning emperor 1ms washed the feet of
twelve old incn' ' w hllo his consort has performed
formed the same ofllco for twelve old women.
The present emperor has always ofllclatcd at
this ceremony with a remarkable and touch
ing reverence , but there is no denying that
the function had somewhat outgrown popular
reverence , and was no longer in keeping with
what strong-minded people call "tho spirit of
the ago. " The twelve old men and the twelve
old women who had been selected , ns usual ,
from among the poor of Vienna to liguro in
this year's ceremony have received the cus- *
soniarv bounties that is , each a complete
suit of clothes , a purse full of gold and sil
ver coins , and a dinner of four courses , with
a silver cover , a goblet , and a wine jug.
* *
Under the repeated punishments inflicted
upon them by British troops the natives of
West Africa will at length realize that it is
dangerous to interfere with the march of
trade. The destruction of the chief town
of the Wondab tribe , in the Interior , north
east of Sierra Leone , is the latest practical
lesson taught them. Of late years a great
impetus has been given to commerce iu this
region by the tribes converted to Moham-
mcdanUm , who have welcomed Europeans
on the coast and nave become the Intorme-
uTaries between thorn and the negroes of
the interior. These" latter , however , resent
the Intrusions and encroachments of the
traders ana thnlr go-betweens , and Imvo for
generations been in the habit of blucicmaillng
and plundering travelers. Occasionally also
they have attacked the trading stations.
While commerce doubtless does not appear
as sacred in African oycs as in European , yet
the progress of trade is unquestionably that
of civilization , nnd wherever the sway of
white men extends the horri'jlo natives' prac
tices of beheading and of making human sac
rifices by the hundreds are checked or abol-
ishod. The advance of European civilization
also diminishes slavery. American merchants
are interested in these movements , there being -
ing a growing use or American proaucts In
West Africa.
* *
Tlio pork packers of tlio United States will
bo interested in the stitemont that Russia is
making an attempt to got a hold of the trade
in salt pork , which Is a now export for that
country. Papers on the curing of pork ,
ham and bacon are being road at different
towns by experts who Imvo been sent abroad
to study the subject. "Theoretically , " says
the English consul at Tagganrog , "this new
industry snoms easy to Introduce , but its es
tablishment on a practical basis in south
Russia is doubtful. The economic condition
of the Inhabitants must first bo raised con
siderably before any care xvill bo bestowed
by farmers on cattle , which at present are
sadly neglected mm miserably fed , as is
shown by tno meat selling ; in tlio market.
Renorts show tlmt'tho trial shipment of salt
pone ( twcnty-tlfnco railway wagonioads ) ,
made from Elot | wbro very successful , but
later experts fropi ether points loft a mar
gin of profit , whfel will nlono dotur Russian
traders from sorlo'usly taking up this branch.
The govorninent however , Is fostering this
Industry. ' The imperial banks are empow
ered'to make advances of r 0 to 00 per cent
on the value , and -10,000 rubles Imvo boon assigned -
signed for the construction of a slaughter
house , etc. , at GrijJi. " At present there Is a
very general want of the knowledge and skill
necessary for establishing a successful trade ;
nnd although In the southeastern provinces
there ura largo numbers of pigs suitable for
certain qualtiltes , , pf export , there is not
much prospect otBonous competition In the
near fulurofroni'Itussla.
* *
The now constitution of Japan , which pro
vides for representative government , Is
likely to produce great changes In tlmt
country. At the present time there are In
Japan SS.1,517 uersons who pay over $10 , an
nually , In taxes , of whom 803,805 have the
right both of voting and of baing elected to
the local assemblies , In which 2,17.2 members
sit. It U calculated that about OXt.ODO natives
will vote for national ropreientatlves. These
experiments In local uovornmont havn boon
carrlou on about tun yours , and have proved
reasonably succoisful , bealdai being goad
training schools. The day of national elec
tion Is llxoil for July 1 , annually , and Ills
highly probable that pirtle * will nt ones ba-
Kin to form , Urn voting lisls ua tnatlc , and
the diet bo called to moot in tlio now build-
Ings already begun in Totdo , by December 1 ,
1890. ConsiderlnRthatin its central principle ,
the now constitution roots itself In all the past
of Japan , nnd that the provisions for popular
suffrairo are but the expression , in the form
of ordered law , of the claims , of the men
who , in leading the national movement in
ISftS , did but embody the doslro of centuries ,
there scorns every reason for hope of suc
cess ,
* *
The shah cf Persia , who has loft Teheran
for Europe , Is expected at the Russian
frontier about May 12 , ana will bo received
with great ccromony. Ho will remain in
Russia till the tnlddlo of Juno , and than pro
ceed to Berlin. Ho will travel thence , via
Belgium nnd Holland , to England , wiioro ho
will remain some time. Ho will bo in Paris
part of August nnd September , nnd Is not
expected In Vienna before the end of Septem
ber or the beginning of October. Special
political Importance Is to bo attached to the
shah's Journey. Upon the impressions ho
receives this time will depend the future
policy of Persia , which Is n far more Im
portant factor In eastern affairs than Is
generally supposed. The shah Is not de
ceived as easily ns is the sultan of Turkey.
Ho Is moro thoughtful , nnd has a bolter bal
anced mind.
The recovery of King William III , of
.Holland , from what was believed to bo a
fatal illness has sadly disarranged the plans
of tlioso who had expected to benefit by his
death. The disappointment falls most
heavily upon Bismarck , who foresaw In the
expected event an opportunity of accom
plishing the transfer of Holland Into the
German Confederation on the same footing
as Bavaria. The possession of the grand
duchy of Luxemburg would nt least Imvo
been easy , nnd the absorption of the Nether
lands might have followed In duo time. But
"tho best laid schemes o' mice nnd man
gang aft agleo , " ami the chancellor must
lllo away his possession co.up for a future ,
Walt for the Union depot.
There nro six million dollars' worth of im
provement in sight in Omnlm at the present
time , yet Hitchcock Insists that progress is
wailing and lamenting on the Planter's
house corner. The delay in unloading his
lots on the government seriously affects his
Omaha is all right , and marriage is a howl
ing success. Fifteen permits to wed issued
in ouo day is a wholesome sign of domestic
The Sixteenth street genius who peddled a
combination of acid and water for milk , de
serves the full benefit of the law. Infring
ing on the patent rights of professional
dairymen cannot bo too severely snt upon.
The street car companies will overdo the
job. Competition is n good thiug for the
public , within reasonable bounds , but
the competition of rival companies
for the highways to Fort Omaha
shows that the managers do not
care for cxponso if another consolidation can
bo effected. If the stockholders can stand
t , the public nave no right to complain.
Slippery L. M , Anderson has given his
opinion of the reporters. If the latter were
privileged to give their opinion of Anderson ,
the public would have a life-size portrait of
the smoothest schemer in the county
Litieation grows apace. Two thousand
cases are already docketca for the next term
of court. Such a largo and varied display
of summer suits insure a busy season for
Douglas county's judicial quartette. Seasons
come and go , but the courts grind on
Peru people are planning a larga hotel on
Wilbur is passing the hat for J3.000 to put
the race track in working order.
North Bend has a saloon keeper with the
appropriate name of A. Soukup. Ho is not
the only sponge in town.
Wahoo Is troubled with a temporary
drought. All the saloons Imvo been corked
pending an appeal to the courts.
.ludgo Untidy held n ono day session of the
United States court in Norfolk. Finding the
game was not worth .tho powder , ho ad
journed to Oumha.
The Y. M. C. A. of Beatrice has organized
a club to pound BOIIIO piety into the 'national
panic. The members adpoar to rcali/o the
sphere of usefulness.
A pair of ragged crooks took nn inventory
of a jcwolrv store in Oxford recently and
credited themselves wiUHPSOO worth of gems.
They wore captured nnd Jailed but the bootv
was not recovered.
"What a fall there was , my countrymen' ' "
Nebraska democratic napor.s now publish
half-Inch vlgnottcs of Cleveland , while n few
months ago double column cuts wore the
proper caper. Probably they have taken his
right inoasuro at last ,
Kx-Soimtor John Shorwln has donned iho
mayoralty robes In Fremont. The retiring
mayor delivered a touching Valedictory ns ho
throw the cares nnd trials of otilco on John's '
shoulder and closed with the fervent perora
tion , "May God hnvo mercy on your soul. "
\ \ Illlnm Brago , a farmer ncnrCentrnl Oily ,
was dragged to death by hl.s team n few days
ago. It Is supposed that he throw the lines
over his shoulders wlillo guiding the plow ,
and was uimblo to disentangle hlmsblf when
tltn horses became unmanageable and ran
Wo nro receipt of the sixth annual cata
logue of the Luther academy , located ut
Wahoo. The Institution Is evidently In i
flourishing condition , ns Iho president glco
fully cxchUms : "Hcrron hallo' sin hand
nkyddnndo ofvur vnr skola och valslgno doss
verksDinhet till vart folks hnsta ochs silt
namns nral"
There appears to bo n solid growth of Iu
nncy down in Nebraska city. Ben Knight ,
n burly black tbugh , ferociously assaulted
nnd nearly killed J. B. Nortlicutt. Ho is
now working Iho Insanity dodge , and thcro
nro a few fccblo-inlndcd people who believe
him. Knight deserves Romelhing bolter
than tlio nsyiutn. The penitentiary Is about
his size.
Notwllhstanding Iho painful pleas of pov
erty recently uttered by the Burhncton nnd
the Union Pacific , the managers prouoso to
do somobulldlng this year. The Union Pa
cific will extend the ( Jhoycnno it Northern
to n junction with the Elkhorn Vnlloy road
at or near Douglas. Manager Iloldrcgo
gave it out in Lincoln that thn road graded
up the Frenchman Valley two years ago
wilt bo Ironed and operated this season.
This will connect Culuortson , Neb. , ana
Holyoke , Col.
Crete entertained a largo congregation of
Boston tenderfoot hist wcok nnd successfully
worked them for suvurnl thousand dollars.
The Crete Improvement company , cup'tal '
§ 1,0(0.000 ( , was argani7od. The bean enters
nlso took n ? 5,000 block of stock In the lablo
cutlery factory. The contract for the water
works has been signed nnd the contraclor
hurried cast for piping and material. Crete
Is one of the smoothest town In tlio state ,
and appears to bo getting to the front at u
ii:10 : gait.
Nebraska mhecd It by n few weeks. Had
the hand of death been stayed we should
hnvo nddcd ono to the long list of centennial
men who had hobnobbed with the father of
his country nwav back in the whlskurod
past. Isaac Davis , an Otoo county
veteran , who passed hence nt ninety-
four , clasped hands with Washington ,
nnd exclaimed with the ardor of a
six-year-old , "Well , George , I'm dinged
glad to sco you ; put it there 1" Tlio incident
occurred at Gordon county. New York , thir-
Icon months before Washington's death.
town IlrniH.
Thieves are tiding a rushing business In
town and country ,
The Davenport library contains 5,00(5 ( vol
umes and had 15,57:1 : visitors the past yoar.
Thcro are now 400 inmutcs , big and lilllc ,
in the soldiers' orphans' homo in Davenport.
Mrs. Xoralda Y. Wallace , mother of the
author of "Bcn-Hur , " is lecturing in Iho
state ,
Mrs.'Mary Roberta , of Cedar Rapids , was
given naturalization papers last week. She
is thought to bo Iho first lady over naturalized
in this state.
Captain James II. Coo , of Lewis , Cnss
county , is dead. Ho was captain of Com
pany I , Twenty-third Iowa infantry , during
the rebellion.
Jcsso Mann , n Clinton boy , is hopping
around homo on ono foot. The doctors man
gled tlio other while searching for a load of
buckshot planted there.
In regard to the epidemic of ccrebro-spliml
meningitis that has raged in the vicinity of
Hull the past six weeks , the Index says thcro
have been 293 cases of the disease and seven
Whileassisllnghcrsubordinalos in drilling
Iho pupils of the Eleventh avcnuo public
school , Monday afternoon , nt Clinton , for the
centennial exorcises , Principal Mary Crauo
fell dead from apoplexy. She had taught
thcro for over twenty years and was well
The Iowa commissioners have completed
their revised schedule of coal freight rates ,
to go into effect May 13. The main change is
on the short haul , the rate on the llrst live
miles being reduced on soft lump and nut
from S5 to ! ! 5 cents per ton. Tbo reduction
continues up to seventy miles. Beyond sev
enty miles the change is slight.
The oatmeal trust , which had its head
quarters at Cedar Rapids , has collapsed.
When the pool was formed , nearly three
years ago , iho mills at Yonlters , N. Y. ,
Joliet and Rocliellc. 111. , and DCS Molncs ,
Cedar Falls and Sioux City , In. , were given
n bonus as high as $13,000 a year in some
cases to remain idle , and oatmeal went up
from 3. Z per b.irrel to $5.r > 0. There were
fifty-one mills In the United Stales at Iho
time , but the number has increased to llfty-
livc , and the tax on the operating mills had
become so burdcnscmo that they refused
longer to pay Ihe former bonus , but offered n
smaller consideration. This was refused by
the owners of iho Idle mills at DCS Moines
nnd Cedar Falls , and the latler will begin
operations Independent of the trust.
Si/nply / Ity/allible. /
nflllcted Itli tbe worst ca s
fif eczema c\er Been by the doctoral
, who treated her. Bhe was literally
'i covered from head to fuot n llh Acabn.
' Theno plijblcjr.nii tiled Ihelr host to
. cure lici , but I bclle\o they were
( inly experimenting. They Lept on
experimenting forotcrton monthi ,
but , Instead of ( 'eltlng better , the
child got worec , and I did not know
unit course topurnun. My ulfotook
tier , after wo bail paid all va could
afford for medical trintmcnl , to a
medical college wheia there wcie
erne twenty ur tblity doctori n .
semblod , but Iho co bafiled them
all. My MIfo had to RO every day ,
and Mmcllni' ' " tir.'ioadjy. In fict ,
the mcdlclno they 2 u- fair did not
bate time to act , won If there wns
any virtue In It , It wn cb.uiKcd so oftun by orders of
the dnctom , The latter p irt of iTinniry : , after every
thing hnd fiilM , ni d jialli-nrn and money wcro both
cxhauttcd , I nndu ui my mind lo < ) ult all duetnrlngand try Iho
CimcuitA ItEiiriiira. I did no , nd now I can any tint my
ilauglitcr U cured. Bound Iu health , and v > ell , lo the nrprl c of
Tlio driiKl-'lKl. Mr. II. M. ICrueger , corner Chantcau nnd
Ewlng.\\enues , who ootd u > the OirncuriA HK > IIIIIES : , In as much nitnuUhdl m any of im. TlioC'UTi-
cum ItEMEUIES have worked n coiujilcte cure , nud wo h.uuuned Lilt n Illllo inoru than llueo fourtlu
of u botllo of CUTICUUA. RESOLVENT , and a projiurllon.iin nmnuut of Ct'Ticunx ' nnd CUTICUUA BOAP.
I um ready nt any tlmo to mala ulhdaUt tlmt my ilitifliler Imd thn worit c.ino of ec/cma , nn Ibo
dottoM all admit , ever seen In this clly.nud tlmt > bi > hat teen cured nolely by the Cl'Tlcmu ItKUR.
DIC9nflvr the beet | ibalclaii4 nnd lemedlen failed-
I Khali bo glad to ha e any onci-all njion or ivrllcinu \ \ \ > a hiinrldld Almll.irly nfllleted , ar nuy ( icr-
eon who li troubled with a skin di ea e , that ho may eo for lilmnelf whiljour Cumuli * JIEUKIIIKI
hue done. I do this In gratitude for Ibo euro Hut l..u been effected hi my child' * caie.
CIIAH II. 11UUNOLI ) , 2005 Orutlot Street , H - l-oul , TJu.
For cleantlng , purlf ) Ing , and benutifjlngiheikln , and curh'K < ncry recle of nt-oul/ing , Inimlllatlng ,
Itching , burning , aly , and pimply dl ea e of Ibo SHIN , SCAI r , and ISI.OOD , nhd bumor , lilottlie" ,
crunlloni , orc , icak-n , cnnti , ulccnitlom , ( trilling ! , lAuttttet , luniori , nnd lr. of . ' .jlr , whether
ihr.ple or ecrofulou , the CL'TIUUJIA HrMKiiir.s arn Iniplj lufillllilo.
CUTICUHA , the great ekln cure , luiUMly nll.iyiIho i'io t nijoidzlng Itching nnd Inflammation , clrart
thn pLIn and tealji of ocry trace of dUc.-ue , ) i al ulceri" nnd norm , renmves cniiitt nnd i.ilrj , nnd >
rertorrii the hair , CuTRUHA HOAP , tboxrealc't of nkln b ulhlvrt , It Indlipnimhlo In Irei'.lc ; ikln
dl eare and baby humor * . II produces the nfiltr < t , rlcareit Mn and Hoftofl liandi , free from pimple ,
rpotor blcinlth. CVTICURA Ur.ioi.viNT , tbe now blood | iurlflvr , tltitiueii the blu'id of till Impuritli-t
and polnoiiouii clemenU , and thiu remo\o thn rAt'SK , Ci'Tici'tn HfinilEH nro the only Infilllblu i-ura.
tires for ei rry form of fkin and Wood dUe-ne , from plnipli to ncrofub.
Ctrricun * KEM KIIIES ore mild by druggl'linnd ibemUiii throughout Ihn world. I'rlre : Ci/ncunA ,
60 cent * per box ; CUTICURA PIIAP,8S cenl § ; CitavnA ltE i > i.VK.NT , . } 10 l' r bolllo , I'rt-panU by
rorrrn Dnua AND CIIBMICAI. CoiirnitATios , HUSTON , MASK.
JUT } * Send for " How to Cure Bkln DlM-nirn , " ol hagci , 60 Illiulrnlloiu , 100 te llmoila' : ' < .
, reilrouihrliiijiedaiid ; | Ml Sinn Butl. rhllr , and free from chapi mid
"llyuLltiprou'nt b > CumuiiAHIIAI- . HANUOrv.daV.Miy'
Klnpit ninlrho.iic"t | Mont rinvnurliiiblock f rSouH |
Made DUlie * ntul S uce . As licet Ten , "mi Invnlim
tie tonic. " Anmiul iinlo 8.UWUI JIIM ,
Gemilnonnlr wlthfur-Minlloot Justus von I.lob
nlenntiiro In tilnn ncrovi laiiol.
Bolil liy Stim'keeiior' , llroi'nrt nni > UniaclM
r.llSIIIIl 8 KXTIIAUT OF M12AT l' < > . , l.'lil ,
Bold by Itlrlinnlsou lltuz Co. . ninl llluko.llrura
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated by tlio legislature in liM , fo
Kilucntlonnl ntul Charitable purpoioq , nnd Its
franchise iniuli' a purl of tlio present State Con
slltHtlou , In 1879 , by an overwhelming popular
Vliu'MAMMOTH DKAWINdS tnko pluco Sonil-
Annually ( Juno ntul December ) ninl Its ( ! HAND
SINOIiBNUMiliH"lllA\VINIS"tnku : ( place in
each or the other ten mouths of tliu yenr , nuil
are all < lriu\n in public , at the Aciulouiyof
Music , Now Orleans Ln.
For Integrity oJta Di'aiuini/s anil
Prompt J'di/incnt of 1'rizcs.
"Wo ito hereby certlty that wo supervise the
amuiKuincuti ! for all the Monthly imti Seml-Au-
niial Linnvlntis of the Louisiana StiUo Lottery
Company , and Iu person manage and control
tlio Drawings themselves , nnd tlmt the RIIIIIO
are conducted wllh honesty , fairness , and in
good faith townrd nil pnrtlea , and wo nuthorlzu
the company to use tills certificate , with fac
similes ot our signatures attached , Iu lls adTor-
Wo , the undersigned Ranks nnd Hankers , will
pay all Prizes drawn Iu the Louisiana Stutu
Lotteries which may bo presented at our 061111-
ters :
II. M. WALMRLKV. Pro * . Louisiana Nat. Hank
PIIilUlK LANAMX. Pros. State Nnt. Ilauk.
A. 11ALDWIN , Pros No - Orleans Nat , Hank
CAUL ICOIIN. Pros Union Natlonal.llauk.
At the Aoadomy of Music , Now Or *
loans , Tuesday , May 14th ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000
100,000 Tickets nt Twenty Dollura oa oh
Halves , $10 ; Quarters , 85 ; Tunths , $ U
Twentieths , $1.
i PKIZR OP fcinanoo IH . noo.000
i PIU/.K OK i/ouoa ( / is . 100,1x10
i I'ltizi : OP no , < wiB . i. < ioo
i pitizn OP 2.ioooin . ai. ou
2pm/is OP lo.iwois
0 I'RIKKS OP 5,000 Is
apiti.Rs OP i.wxiis .
son PIII/.RS OP imonre . M . . . no.oou
WO I'UIZISS OP 200 are . Kxi.OOO
100 Prizes of f,7X ) nro . $ M.OOO
100 Prizes of TOO are . iW.OlXI
10Q Prizes of UMnrc . : ,0oa
. . , TKIIMlMI.l-llly.Bfl.
OOt ot 110) nru . tOT.OOO
IW'Jl ' of 8100 me . W.OOI1
8.KII Prizes , amounting to . Jl.Oll.KOO
NOTr. Tickcts draw in Capital Prizes are not
entitled totermlnul prlxi'M.
rr r < ) K CI.ITII ItATKK.or any further Informa.
Ion doiilrcil , write Iculbly to the undersigned
clcnrly xtallnc your residence , with State. Luun
ty. Street nnd Numuer. Moro tnpld retutn mull
delivery will bo assincd by your or.cioiliiBtiij
envelope bc.irlnc your full nddrois.
Address M A. DAUPHIN , NewOileans , Ia.
r M. A. DAUPHIN , Wiuihlngtoa , D , 0.
Ity onllnnry lottorcoutalnfnir Nlonoy Order
Issued by all Uxpress Coiiijmnios , Now Yolk
Kxdmni ; ! ; , Draft or Postal Note , Wo pay
hnraos on Currency cut to us by UK-
PI uss lii sums ot S5 or dvor.
Address RoBis.eroi Letters Containing Our-
rcny to
Now Orleans , La.
I 1 1VI C. IVI D d Ft ot the plU''s H
Nt'irOilomiH and thu tickets nro fdjncd by Ilia
President of mi Institution ulioso charioted
rtfjlitsiiio locoftnlKid n hlKhpst courts : thnro-
foie , IjfWiru of nil liultulloim or nnonymoiil
ONI ! OOLI.AIt Is the price of the smallest purl
or fraction of n Hckut IBSUUI ) I1Y IIHlnaiiy
dnmliiB. Anything In our imiuo oirerwl for lew
li nn on ilollui' IK a swlndio
D.MIIIit.d | ln
. . , , . . , . .
- - - Tt < > j ' 'rt'tj i u run fit Bi | * f Ari BrLI rcilOr *
ftri l- : AJ : " ( " " " " " l o..WJl" . KlS ? U
SiT ' - * ' " ' " " " ' " ' f rpiftiifs , oio.iL
LTl ' ff- . . . . , , ( , tl. t.H up. WorilrVi.l ftr-
B ? MliU f"t'vr.Vh 7"t"- ) 1"1 'in" .o .
_ 8AHlJEMElKCr 1000.lnill.iil.llBi.cnJOA00.1Jl
S7S.BS. 10 Win 00 A MONTH cnn ha
p I Ui IV OfJUi luiulB worklnu for u .
AKBIIIH iirefeuod who n furnUb a liorao und
give their ttlioio tlmt ! to the ijimine * * . fjimia
moinunta may he protllnblv omploy.'d . also A
few vacnilclPMln IOHIIN uiidclllc' ) . II. I' . JOHN-
HUM A. CO. lUWtUliiHt . Ulolmiciilil. Vo
* > r return wnit full deicrlptlira clr
iiimyRtyle.tonnyini'rtsurofor Iftdy or child
Uarinvms Kuarantaed to fit perfect tt'll/miit / fr ; .
nail Ohio"8' ' W100DY & oo. , cinoln-