THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY MAY 4 1889. 3 Unfavorable Wonthor Boports In fluencing Transactions. RAIN NEEDfcD IN THE NORTHWEST I'rlccB of Ornln , AH Aronn < l , Some what StifTci- Than on Tlinrstlny Cnltlo Killing Mark edly Higher. CHICAGO E MAHKKTS. CHICAGO , May 3. [ Special Telegram to TnnUr.B.l The wheat market Imdn stronger nnd healthier lone , to-day , and prices aver- ngcd better than those of yesterday. The enumeration of now factors nnd Influences includes Uio following : Weather reports , public nnd private , note unseasonably cold weather throughout Kansas and Nebraska , nnd sections of Illinois nnd Indiana ; nnd dispatches were received from Kansas chron icling "a killing frost" last night over con siderable areas. This latter wns the most sensational Item of weather news In circula tion , It excited the bears and bulls moro than anything else. The northwest poured in stories of dry ness , nnd reflected serious nppichcnslonsof damage , nhotild generous rains fail to fall within the next three weeks. To nllay this sentiment , however , the weather bureau advises the approach of n lower barometrical urea In the northwest , Indicating poislblo rains to-morrow. Winter wheat districts supply n diversified crop of reports. From southern nnd central Illinois , Indiana nnd Ohio nro heard a great num ber of complaints of dangerous drouth nnd of developments of Insect llfo to nn alarming oxtcnt. Locally , the demand for cash wheat is quite urgent. The blackboard gives the quantity Inspected yesterday nt 140,000 bush els nnd well defined reports were In circula tion Into to-day that an order for lOJ.OOO bush els was In process of being llllcd. Spring wheat finds the inrvrkct 2@tc : nbovo the Mny priucs. so reliable people say. Wheat in Min neapolis continues to bo quoted 5@Tc nbovo Chlcngo lor similar grailcs and the feellrg there wns llrm to-day. Liquidation for the northwestern account has been heavy for thrco or four days , yesterday particularly , nnd thnopinlon was held in well posted circles to-day that "light-waist ed" holders had been pretty generally forced inleaving only heavy weights , whoso property bears , up in tlmt section , did not fuel snfo in "gunning for , " nnd who would not bo likely to bo forced to lot go. The indefinable pressure from the northwest , which has been hanging over the market like a wet blanket for several weeks , was there fore measurably lifted to-day , nnd the snap nnd moderate-buoyancy observable was , In part , duo to that cause. July wheat opened this morning at 77 > c , having sold down to 77 > 0 on the curb yesterday afternoon. The mantel was not long traveling up to 77Vc. It sold off to 77J < f ( < i77c later , but rallied to 77J c ana did not get below that figure. Twice it broke from 8a back to 77J c , but It went up again with u click and snap , indicating genuine strength. Once , between 12 nnd 1 o'clock , the price got to 7bJ8'e , and during the last fifteen minutes of the session the strength becnino still more pronounced , the prlco going to 7Sc , with urgent demand from the shorts ns well as for investment ac count. The closing quotation was 78'tfc. Juno wheat opened nt b % < ; ranged from VSiJ/c to SOJtfo nnd closed ntbOifo. May rested nt bOo nominal. Heavy withdrawals of com from store and active shipping inquiry were stimulating causes of the strength shown by the market. Cables were only mildly oncourag ing , but begin to nssumo a more fnvorabio tone. The low prlco is evi dently encouraging free buying among the consumers , the unccrtainticsol the next crop being also , of course , n governing feature. Receipts wcro less than looked for and to morrow's ' estimated arrivals were still smaller , being figured at 2fiO cars. The sea board markets wet o firmer ana tbo demand lor export reported tlienco was good. The icportcd frosts In Kansas andlhdintmhclncd to stiffen the market at the opening , prices starting nt an improvement of about } { c over yesterday's final quotations. The firmness of the wheat market lent sorno sentimental strength to corn , and the nn "jip strength wns well maintained all day , with closing figures showing an im provement over yesterday of from ) ( to % i\ Oats wcro quiet , verging to dullness in the speculative way. The volume of now busi ness was not largo , though there was consid erable disposition shown to change Mny into moro deferred deliveries. The selling was stronger under nn absence of pressure to jell and the difference between this and the two following months was very small. Fair outside trading orders in Juno and July were noted , with clique houses desiring to sell May nnd nuy Juno nt Jjo difference. Mny opened strong and sold up to 22 { c , or % c improvement , with July touching 2c : ) , and later ruling slightly easy. Car lots to go to store were dull , with 2.3o paid for No. 2 , and most of the cash business was In samples. The urcvision trade was in a slow condi tion. For cash property the demand showed a marked incrcaso , but in the line of specula tion , nn unusually uninteresting day was ex perienced. Acknowledged loaders gnvo the market littla or no attention , and with the general class of attendants in tbo pit , there was no disposition to branch out. From the start the speculative operations fell under oven the ordinary average , and there was no ilovclopometit to attract attention. During the morning the bear side was assisted a lit tle by advices received from the stock yards , but the weakness suffered was moro than re covered subsequently as a rule , compared with yesterday's last quotations. At the adJournment - Journmont prices showed nn advance of M@ Cc , while short ribs were unchanged to 2 > c higher , and lard the same to 2J < | 0 lower , CHICAGO IjIVIS STOCK. CHICAGO , May 3. [ Special Telegram tc TUB UIB. : ] In cattle there was n brlsli movement in the market to-day , and prices wcro 10@lBo higher than yesterday. The general market showed an advance of lOc and some of the eholco light and meiliuir weights sola Ific higher. The small supply was what gave lifo to the trado. Tao mar ket was very active nt these prices and tin small supply was soon cleared. Of course hundreds of strong telegrams wcro sent t ( the country. Choice to extra beeves sold a' ' (4.4004CO ; medium to good stcors , 11150 t < 1500 Ibs , * 3.00@4. ! ) ; 1200 to 1850 Ibs , $3.60(0 ( 8.8A ; 050 to 12UO Ibs , f3.40@i.GO : ; stockers am feeders , f2.flO.G5 ; ) ; cows , bulls and mixed 1,1X(33.M ) ) ; bulk , I3.40t32.80 ; Texas steers CI.OOYji.7U. ! ( ; lions The market opened n llttlo shnk.i but steady , gradually worked firm , then suit donly weakened , and toward the finish tbi punktirs , who by this tlma bad obtained con trol of the market , filled the balance of the ! orders nt OQTKo lower , gonornltrado closlni In a very unsatisfactory condition , The bull of hogs thut were ready for sale previous ti 0 o'clock , and this number consisted of noarlj two-thirds of the day's supply , changed fron first bonds ut full yesterday's prices , but tin late arrivals and the speculators' holding had to ba sold at fully tie reduction. Tli early sales wcro mainly at f4t05@4.07i fo good heavy , ranging from 14.110 to $1.70 mixed , 4.60 to $4.7 , principally at * 4.ft5i ( 4.0TW. and light sorts suitable for New York t4.7f > . Toward the finish $4.00 was markei for good packing grades , M.C2 ( @ 4.C5 fo desirable mixed and I4.7 ; ! } Q4.75' tor sortei light. FINANCIAL. Nr.w YOIIK , May 3. [ Special Telcgrar to TUB Use. I STOCKS The stock markc opened with fair activity and fair strength and less attention was given to specialties The strongest stocks of yesterday , were no In the lead to-day , and the Uurllngton , afte opening ? better at 07 > { , went off to W > , o } ( under lost night. Lacka\vanna moved u at one ? to 139 , but fell back to 133K befor the end ol an hour. Missouri Pacific aete In the sniiio way , going to 73 and off to 73J < The gains at the opening were } g to % eve tbo close , and souio further luiprovcmoii wns shown at first , but the advances wcr generally lost halt an hour later , Ulcbmon Kiid West Point was regarded as a feature followed by Atchlspn , St. Paul , Union Pi clflc nnd the sloclts first named. Chicago , St Louis find Plttsburg pained 1 | > cr cent. The entire list acted heavy toward noon , with prices about the Rnmo an at the open ing. Liitcr In the Jay a bullish fecllnc was noticed lit stocks. After 13 o'clock price * mndo gains all through the list. Uurllngton was nirnln the leader and showed n net gain of over 2 jicr cent on top of a similar ndvunco yesterday. The top was 09's nnt the clone 09. Union Paclflo was In great contrast with yesterday , and gained 1 \ ( for the day , Other gain * were \ \ In Missouri 1'nclflo and Northern 1'aclflo preferred , } { In Atchlson , % m St. Paul and there was n loss of4 \ In Chicago Qas. Pullman sold at 103 and off to 1SU , closing nt 102 , or 1 per cent lower for the day. Tno total sales lor the day were 371,103 shams , Including llur- llngton andQulucy , ay.OOOj leading , 25 , ( > 00 ; St. Paul , 23,000 ; Union Pacific , 13,000 , and Laclcawannn , 13,200. The following were the closlnt ? quotations : U. 8.4s rctfiilnr. 12IU Northern I'ncine. 2.5J. U. H. 4i coupons . . .12.i > 4 | doprofeired "I'j U.8.45sroKitl ! r. .1007. 0.&N. . W. . . . . . 107JS U. H. 4 jjs coupons. , ion do preferred . . . .in U I'aclilctitof 'Hi . 12) ) N.V.l'ontral 107H Ontrn.1 I'arinc. I'.D.&K 21 } , I'arinc.on. . . , . 1SJ Hook Island HSU , Clilcai-o.llurllnt'toii M \r v j 11 fiO'i " ' " ° \yulncy . lH' "lo preferred' ! . . 11XS ) ! ! > . . I , . , v\V. . JMJ St.l'nuliVOnmlm. . : il > i Illinois Crntrnl . . . .114 doproferrcd. . . ' . . . tU1 * I. , II. A ; w . J5 IJiUon raclllo fllU W..St. L.i : r IS'i l.nku Shore doprofiirred . . . Bi ) ! Michigan Central Western Union Ni ) MO.NBY Easy ut 2@4 per cent. PIIIMB MCIICANTILI : PAI-KII 3X@54 per cent. STKIIMNO ExciMN-nn Quiet but firm ; slxtj'-day bills , $1.87 ; demand , S4.SSX' IMtODUCK MiYlUCIiTS. CHIOAOO , May a. 1:15 : p. m. close Wheat Firmer ; cash , SOc ; Juno bO ) c ; July , i c. Corn Steady : cosh , JHJsc ; June , U4 5-lUu ; July , 35c. Oats Steady ; cash , 225fe ; June , 23c. Kyo 4ofe , May. J3arloy Nothing doing. Prime Timothy S1.30. Flux-fU > 7. Whlslcy-Jl.02. Pork Higher ; cash , tll.57J4 ; July , $11.70. Lurd Firm ; cash , JO.SO ; July , SO.STJtf. SC.90. Flour Steady nnd unchanged , Dry Salt Aleats Shoulders , $ , " > .23J5.50 ( ! ; short clear , fO,23(3(5.37K ( ( ; short ribs. So.OO @ < 5.00. Uuttor Lower ; creamery , lo(321c ( ; dairy , Utiucse Dull ; full cream Cheddars and Jlata , 7K(38 ( > 'c ; Younc Americas , SQflo EKRS Firm nnd higher ; fresh , ll@llj c. Hides Unchanged ; heavy and lightgrcon salted , 5)fc ) ; salted dull , 4 > c ; grcon salted calf , Cc ; dry ( lint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ; dry calf , 7 ( < ? bc ; deacons , 2. o each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4c ; No. 2 , 3 ; c ; cuke , 4 } < c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour 12,000 10,000 Wheat 12,000 140,000 Corn ! lC.r ,000 Wtt.OOO Oats 224,000 118,000 New York , May 3. Wheat Receipts. 2,000 ; exports , 10,000 ; spot , quint and J i J-Jo higher nnd strong : No. 2redS5o m store ; 8 ® SMJ c alloat ; W4@S.1c f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , 77c ; ungraded rod , 70J @S4 c ; options dull and hlghor ; May S3c. Corn Hccolpts , lll'.OOO ; exports , 71,000 ; snot , moderately active and stronger ; No. 2 , 42@llc ! In elevator ; 4lJ(544'iV ! ( afloat ; No. 3 , 42 c : ungraded mixed , -iKi r c ; options moderately active nrut stronger. Oats Kecoipts , 92,000 ; exports , 000 ; spot , quiet but firmer ; options , firmer and fairly active ; May , 2S fc ; July , 23.Jffo ; spot , No. 2 , white , 34 e ; mixed western. 2S@ii2c. Coffee Outions steady nnd 5 to 10 points up ; sales , 41,2.r)0 bags ; May , S1C.80@IO.S5 ; July , S17.10@17.1G ; spotUio , hteady ; fair car goes , $ lS.7i5. Petroleum Dull ; united closed nt S5 ? e. Eccs In fair domana and firmer ; western , 12f@18c. Pork Quiet ; now , S13.00@13.2S. Lard Stronger ; western steam , ? 7.17J < i ; May { 7.15. Uutter Easier ; western 10@2-lc. Cheese Firm ; western , 0@Uc. St. ) xmlH , May a. Wheat Cash , Ti c ; July , 74@74 } c. Corn Higher ; cash , 30c ; June , 82@32i c : July , 32c. Oats Hichor ; cash , 23Kc ; June , % < Pork-Dull nt * 12.00. Lard Nominal at it ) CO. Whisky Steady at $1.02. Butter Easy ; creamery , 20@21c ; dairy , May 3. Wheat Firm ; cash , 77j c ; July. 78j c. Corn Firm ; No. If , 34c. Oats Dull ; No. 2 , white , SCJ c. Hye Firm ; No. 1,43 c. Provisions Firm ; pork , $11.25. Mliiiioiipolln , Mays. Sample wheat dull nnd shade firmer ; receipts , 17licars ; shipments (11 ( cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , May , DOe ; July , 08c ; on track , OSCiZlKJo ; No. 1 northern , May , 871 p ; July , StS o ; on track , SSJif ® 89o ; No , l northern , May , 78 % ; July , 78 o ; on track , 78c. Cinclniinti , May 3. Wheat Dull ; No. 2 red , 8 Ic. Corn Steady ; No. 2mixed , ! )7c. ) Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 27e. Whtsky--Firm ut $1.0J. KuiiHas City , Mny 3. Wheat Weak ; No. 2 red , cash , 70c ; July , 02c No. 2 soft , cash , 77c ; July , (55c. ( Corn Quiet ; No. 2 cosh , 2lc bid ; July , 25J < o bid ; No. 2 white , cash , 25o bid. Outs No. 2 , cash , sales at 1'Je. STOCK. Chlcnco , May 2. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Kecelpts , 0,000 ; market strong nnd higher ; beeves , W.40@4.CO ; steers , l.40@ 4.UO ; stockcrs and feeders , $ J,50@3.05 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.90g3.50 ( ; Tuxua cattle , Hogs Hecolpts , 18,000 ; market lower : mixed , .55@J.72 > ; heavy , f4.55@4.72V ; light , S4.004.S.skips ; , $0.50(34.30. ( Sheep Receipts. 0,00 J ; market steady ; natives , j.00@5.20 ; ! ; westerns , Sl.40i34.80 ; Texans , $3.25 ® I.M ; lambs , * 4.7. > @ 5.bO. ICiinmiH Oily , May 8. Cattle Steady ; bcof and shipping steers , strong and lOa higher ; : good to choice corn-fed , f3.65@4. 10 ; common to medium , $3.UO@3.75 ; stackers and feeding steers , steady at fJ.OOQ3.00 ; cows , steady at J1.75@3.00. Hogs Ueceiptslu,700 ; shipments , 1,000 ; market steady to a shade lower ; common to choice , 4.25 ( ! i.0. Slcwx City , May 3. Cattle Receipts , 257 ; shipments , 85 ; market stoauy : fat stoors. fi.OOiji.TO ; ( : ; stockers , S2.40@2.00 ; feeders , f.50ai. ( ! IS ; canners and bulls , $1.00 @ 1.75 ; veal calves , f2.00d4.00. | Hogs Hocelpts , 1,800 ; market steady ; light and mixed , $4.U2 @ 4.37K ; heavy , fJ.35 @ 4.40. National Stock Ynrdu , Knrtt fit. LiuulH , May U. Cattle Kecoipts , 1100 ; shipments , IJOO ; market stronger ; choice heavy native steers , $3.80@4.40 : lair to good , fa,00 ( < ji.lHstockurs : ; and feeders , $2.10@3.00 ; rangers , corn-fed , f3.70Q3.50 ; grass-fed , * 1.1KJ @ 2.bO. Hogs Uecolpts , 2,000 ; shipments , 3,100 : market stronger ; choice heavy nnd butchers' ' selections , f4.nodi4.C5 ; packing , fi.40M4.60 ; light grades , f4. 15@4.GO. OMAI1V IjlVK STOOIC. Cuttle. Thursday , May 3. 1SSO. It was a decided relief after the dull mur kot ot the past few days to BOO the trade higher and active. The buyers , botli pack era und Nhipuors , took hold with more viii and the beef shipping steers changed hand ! mostly before midday. The prices paic were 5@10o higher than yesterday , the amount of the udvanco depending Inrgclj upon the kind und quality of the cattle. Foi that reason some did not call the markcl over 60 higher while others looked upon the trade ai fully lOo hlghor. The steers sold in a range of $ U.2i@4.00 , but mostly at l.50u 3.60. Quito a large bunch wont at $3.05 butchers' stock , such as desirable cows and heifers , were In light supply and good do raand at strong prices. There were no loadi bore that could bo compared In quality wltli the cows and heifers which sold yesterday a fV.3. ! The cows sold mostly at $2.50@3.00 The ftupply of stackers und fucdora was quiti lartro und a good many changed hands. Souit good uutivo § lockers sold at $ iU'C(83.20 ( , * 110U8 The hog market opened active and cxcitod and n good iimny lioi ; sold early at $4,50 but It was all a spurt and when luo xuott ur gent orders were filled the trade fell flat , I Salesmen who were not nblo to unload durIng - I Ing the excitement found themselves bffercd $1.40 for good hogs. At midday there were sovcn loads unsold and the buyers did not ! talk much us If they wanted them at any prlco. In the end they bought them alt up paying f-I HJ Crt , 1.45 for the last. Other uolnts reported no advance nnd the bulge In prices hero was duo entirely to the strength of the local demand. Sheen. Thcro were n few sheep hero which soldnt prices not materially different from ycstci- day. _ Receipts. Cattle . 1,200 Hogs . 2bOO Sheep . . . 470 I'rovallliiK 1'rtccs. The following Is ntablo of prlco paid In this market for the grades of stock men tioned : Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 lbs..M.70 @ 4.00 Good steers , 12.V ) to 14.W Ibs. . . 3.CO (33.05 ( Good steers. 1050 to 1300 Ibs. , . 3.50 ( . (3.75 Ordinary to fair cows . 1.75 ( tf2.40 Falrtogood cows . 2.40 & { 2.W > Good to choice cows . 2.00 f'2.tO ' Choice to fancy cows , heifers. . 2.bO o3.2o Fair to good bulls . 2,00 ( it 2.50 Good to choice bulls . 3.50 C 3.00 Light , stockers nnd feeders . . . . 2.70 ( iiS.OO Good feeders , 050 to 1100 Ibs. . 8.00 ( rta.35 Fair to choice light hogs . 4.45 ( jj-l.50 Fair to eholco heavy hogs . 4.45 Fair to choice mixed hogs . 4.42 Fair to medium native sheep. . 4.00 ( M.i5 : / Good to choice native sheep , . . 4.50 Ml. 75 Fair to choice western sheep. . 3.00 © l.7 Shorn sheep . 3.00 ( tfl.OO Ili'prosoniiitlvo Sales. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. b75 $1.25 10 . 13S1 $3.00 14 . 1001 3.40 11 . 1121 3.GO 20 . 1120 3.40 18 . 1154 11.110 14 . 1033 3.40 22 . 1120 3.110 18 . 001 3.40 82 . 1145 3.0.0 29 . 091 3.40 20 . 1207 JI.GO 87 . 1032 3.45 21 . 1198 3.00 10 . 1039 3.45 12 . 1205 8.05 18 . 1174 3.45 20 123 JJ.05 23 . 1217 3.50 13 1215 .1.05 1 . 1120 3.50 80 1409 3.05 18 . 1448 3.50 11 1101 8.70 3 . 1280 3M 57 1271 3,70 15 . 1142 3.50 10 1415 3.75 89 . 1137 8J > 5 8 1255 3.75 11 . 1101 8.55 87 . 1314 8.75 12 . 075 8.55 3D 18(13 ( 3.80 10 . 094 3.55 84 . 1401 8.05 1(3 ( . 038 8.1X ) 1 . 17UO 4.00 84 . 1170 3.00 cows. 4 012 2.00 5 OSS 2.05 8 000 2.0J 12 705 2.75 17 857 2.1)0 ) 4 1100 2.75 1 050 2.25 4 1003 2.85 0,17 2.45 0 030 2.85 llbO 2.50 5 908 2.85 4 1005 2.50 3 1048 2.00 0 077 2.50 3 1107 2.00 1 1070 2.110 17 093 2.00 30 800 2.00 3 1070 2.90 IWi'J 2.05 1 020 8.00 035 2.05 1 1510 8.00 O'.O 8.05 1175 3.25 1018 2.G5 1430 3.25 HULLS. I . 850 2.25 3 lit" 2.C.O II . 12SO 2.25 4 1043 2.70H 8 . 1475 2.40 1 10SO 2.S5 1 . 15bO 2.50 STOCKEUS. 8 . S20 3.20 1 SSO 3.00 18 . COl ) 2.90 04 577 3.15 1 10M 300 1 . 1590 3.25 1 1470 3.25 iiririus. : 10 030 2.SO 9 . 541 2.15 OAXXUllS. 0 830 1,50 MIXCU. 3 1253 8.40 . . .w STAGS. 1930 3.00 3.00CALVES. CALVES. 150 8.75 3 . 103 4.00 FEEDERS. 10 733 3.15 STEKUS , WESTEIINS. 10. 1010 3.20 STEKUS ASH HEIFEIIS , YCAICMXOS. 49. 903 8.30 34 873 3.30 HOOb. No. Av. Shit. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 05. . . .250 804.45 110. . .239 200 $4.47K 00. . . .245 bO 4.45 137. . .2(10 ( 200 4.50 M. . . .200 120 4.45 CO. . .274 SO 4.50 r > . . . .243 80 4.15 03. . . 249 4.50 05. . . .253 100 4.45 73. . .239 200 4.50 08. . . .210 80 4.45 71. . .223 80 4.50 05. . . . 272 10 ! ) 445 CO. . . . 203 100 4.50 71. . . .241 1150 4.45 CO. . .250 80 4.50 03. . . . 280 230 4.45 02 . .293 ' 4.50 50. . . .200 80 4.45 72. . . .218 120 4.50 07. . . .230 80 4.45 53. . . .303 40 4.50 07. . . .2111 40 4.45 73. . . .274 ICO 4.50 72. . . .279 4.45 00. . 200 80 4.50 04. . . . 274 100 4.45 05. . . .277 40 4.50 00. . . .200 100 4.45 55. . . .302 160 4.50 CO. . . . 212 - - 4.47K 58 . . .234 bO 4.50rj OX. . .199 ICO 4.47 . .205 80 S11CEP. No. Av. Pr. 103 Nebraskas . 70 $8.GO 107 Western woolcd . 103 4,50 Live .Stock Notes. Cattle higher. Hogs sold wild. J. W. Scott wus In from Palmyra with cat- tlo. tlo.St. St. Paul was represented.iy Ira Griffin with cattle. O. W , Pcrley had cattle in from Cedar Bluffs. S. H. Neff was in from Arlington with a car of hogs , Hogs went up quick , but they came down quicker. C. M. Avery , of Chicago , was at the Ex change. Sheriff J , C. Eikenborry , of Plattsmoutu , was looking over the yards. J. W. Crawford , of Hod Oak , In. , wason the market with horses , Howard nnd N. J. Calkins were in from Moudy , with each a car of cuttlo. U. J. Tierney was in from Alnswortb with Uvo cars of cattle and one car of hogs. . Sam Gosnoy has returned from Chicago , where ho has occn spending n few days. Lincoln received to-day 530 hoes ; St. Paul 800 ; Cincinnati 1,000 ; Indianapolis 3,500 , and St. Joe 750. Chrlstoohcr Scow , of Palmyra , had two cars ot cattle of his own feeding on the market. J , M. Jnnett was in from Sclo with five cars of cattle , nnd cot $3.95 , the top prlco for a bunch. George C. Dock , of Indianapolis , Ind. , a commission man , is hero Joouing over tbo yards with the intention of establishing a branch commission bouse. Secretary A. L. Lott , of the Live Stock Exchange , has sent out notices that tho.noxt regular mooting of the exchange will bu holi ! Monday afternoon , May 0 , at 2:30 : o'clock , OMAHA. MAUKKTS. Produce , FrultN , Etc. DUTTEII Table dairy , 10@15o ; uackors stock , 3@llc. Creamery prints , fancy , " choice , 20@2Jc ; solid packed , 20 ® * Eons Strictly fresh , 9@10c. Citi5isK Young America , full cream , l.lo twin flats , 12o ; off grades , S@He ) ; Van Itos som Edam , $11.50 per dozen ; sap sago , lOo brick , 15c ; lunburgor , 12c ; domestic Swiss 14c ; skims , 4Qiu ( ; cheese safes. bronze medal No. 8 , $2.75. I'ouivrur Live hens per dozen , $3.25J ( 3.60 : roosters , $3.00 ( 3.25 ; turkeys , 10 ( < illo per Ib. AITI.ES Gonltans , per bbl , $2.50 ; Wino- saps , per bbl , $3.75 ; N. Y. Hulil wins. per bbl , $2.75@3.00 ; common. $1,75@2.25. CiuNiiKiuiiK.s Hell and Bugle , per bbl $7.00 : Hell and Cherry , per bbl , $0.00 ; Jer fioy , per bushel box , $2.50. STUAWIIEHBIES Per case , 2-4 qts , $0.00 ® 0.00. 0.00.OiusdKS OiusdKS Fancy Washington navels , $5.00 ( S5.25 ; Riverside , $3.00 ® 8.25 j fancy paper rind St. Michaels , $8.75@4.25 ; fancy Duarte Mediterranean sweets , JJ.75(5it3.25j ( fancy bright mountains , $2.25(33.75 ( ; Los Augoles ( choice ) , $2.25(32.50. ( LEMONS Choice , $3.50Q3.75 ; fancy , $4.00 ® 4.60 , . Coco INUTS Choice Ruatans , per 100 , $ ! . 50 less than 100 , $5.00. IUXANAS According to slzoof bunch , $1,50 03.00. EAUI.T VEGETABLES Lettuce , per dozen heads , 35@4Du * radishes , tier dozen bunches ; green onions , 1215o ; parsley , 25 ® 80o ; soup bunches , .T5a4 ( ( cj beoU , carrots , 'lOQMc ; turnips , 53 ( < J55o ; oyster plant , 80 ( < T > 35c celery , 85cf l.uu : cauliflower , $1.75@2.CS ; cucumbers , gao@f1.ou ; green peas , liu boxes , $2.0003,25 ; hiring beans , m box , $1.50 ( < n.75 ; tomnWel , J bu , $1.75dC 2.00 ! nspnragui , per Ib , lOoU''c : pie plant , tor Ib , 3c < f5c ; now potatoes , per Ib , 2ij ( 3c ; abbago , 2 f < tSc. Fnr.aii FISH White fish * frozen , per Ib , "c ; herrings , frozen , per Ib , 5o ; trout , fresh caught , per Ib. Oowhlto ; porch , fresh caught , per Ib , 7c : buffalo , fresh caught , per Ib , 7o : ) Ickercl , fresh caught , poylb , So ; black bass , rcsh caught , per Ib , lie. GAMK .lack snlpo , } 1.00il,25 ( ; plover. 5cC < fl.UO ; mallard ducks , f2.50K3.00 ; teal , Sl.0001.25 : mixed , f 1.0001.25. llnvNs Choice hand plt/kod navy , $2.25 ; choice hand picked medium , $3.00 ; eholco innd picked country , $1,75@1IH ) ; clean coun- rv , $1.60 1.05. POTATOES Choice , sacked , per bu , 2580c. Oxioxs-Per bu , 25@)0c. : ) Vuu/ Choice , medium size , 7@Soi choice , heavy , 4@0c. PEI.TS , TAJ.I.OW , ETC Green salted ildcs , r.Jtfo ; dry salted hides , Cc ; dry Hint lidos , So ; calf hides , SJ GiGcT ; damaged hldiM 2o less ; sheep pelts , green , each 25 ( sheep pelts , dry , per Ib , 9@12c ; wool , aver age , 14i$18o ( $ ; tallow , No. 1 , 4@lK < j ; tallow , No. 2 , 3j8 ( ? jfe : grease , white , 4 > iyl fc ; grease , yellow , 2j | Ai'i't.i : BUTTCU 7c. ClDEH-Hbls , $5 : hf bbls , f3. Ht'TTnitiNi : 14 16c per It ) . AUri.n SfdAH rJ fifilAu per Ib. Hoxitv K5i l7c per Ib. PiinsciivES Ol @ ! 0c per Ib. JELLIES ! IKd4c per Ib , Groceries. HAOS American A , seamless , $17.25 ; Jnlon Square paper , discount , 85 per cent ; Mikado hi iu uro p.ipur , discount , 85 per cent. UANNIII FIIVITS Apples , per gal , $2.15 : jlackberries , 8 Ib , 75c ; blueberries , 2 Ib. 75c ; blueberries , 2 Ib , $1.50 ; cherries , rod , 2 Ib. )5c ) ; cherries , white , 2 Ib , $1.55 ; i > res. figs , 1 b , $2..H ) ; gooseberries. 2 Ib , $1.10 ; pineapples , J Ib , $2,75 ; pine apples , 2 Ib , $2.50 ; plno- uiples , 2 Ib , $2.25 ; pineapples , 2 Ib , $1.00 ; strawberries , 8 Ib , S1.15 ; strawberries , pros. , J Ib , M.OO ; raspberries , 8 Ib (10 ( y syrup ) , $1.20 ; peaches , R. & R , , extra yellow , 3 Ib , $3.00 ; R. & R. , yellow , sugared , 3 Ib , $3.00 ; Kcnnett imperial yellow , U Ib , $1.90 ; Orecht's standard , 8 Ib , $1.75 ; Monitor seconds , 3 Ib , $1.85 ; Atlantic , 3 Ib , $1.80 ; Booth's pies , 8 Ib , $1,10 ; Credit's , 3lb , Sl.OO ; Myers' , 0 Ib , v ' CA'XXUD FISH Brook trout , 3 Ib , $2.50 ; sal mon trout,2 Ib , $2.35 ; clams , 1 lb$1.25clnms ; , J Ib. $2,00 ; clam chowder , 81b , $2.85 ; devilled crabs , 1 Ib , $2.25 ; devilled crabs. 8 Ib , $8.50 ; codfish balls , 8 Ib , S1.75 ; caviar , Ib , $8.25 ; eels , 1 Ib , $3.25 : lobsters , 1 Ib. $2.00 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; lobsters , devilled , M Ib , $225 ; mackerel , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; makcrcl mustard sauce , 3 Ib , $2.00 ; mackerel tomato sauce , 8 Ib , $ J.OO : mackerel tomato pauco , 3 Ib , $3.40 ; mackerel mustard sauce , 3 Ib , $ .1.40 ; oysters , 1 Ih , S5c ; oysters , 2 Ib , $1.50 ; salmon , C. R. , 1 Ib , $2.10 ; salmon , C , H. 2 Ib , $3.10 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.85 ; salmon , Alaska , 8 Ib , $2.90 ; shrimps , 1 Ib , $ J.(15. ( CANDLES Star , 8s. 10 07 , per Ib , 9c ; Star , Ss , 14 07 , per Ib , Oc : Stcarlc , wax , 10 oz , Cs , per Ib , lie ; Slearic , wax , 14 oz. Cs , per Ib , lie ; half boxes , > e cxtru. CAXIIV 0)18Xo per Ib. CHOCOLATE ASH Cocov 24i39c ( per ib. COFFEE Roasted , etc. Arbucklo's Ariosa , Ib packages , 219/c ; Oil worth's Standard , 1 Ib packages , 24fc ; McLaughlln's XXXX , 1 Ib packages. 84y o ; Lion , 1 Ib paekugos , 24c ; German , 1 Ib packages , 24J. c ; Mo- kaska , 1 Ib packages , 24Jfu ; Tomson's es sence in tins , per gross , , j-2.50 ; essence , in bulk , half bbls , per Ib , 5c ; essence , 1 Ib papers , 50 Ibs in box , per Ib , Cc ; Frunck's German cbickory red , be. Corrcns Green Fancy old golden rio , 24 c ; Fancy old pcaberry , 23o ; Rio , eholco to fancy , 22c ; Rio , primq , 81c ; Rio , good , 20o ; Mocha , 23c : Java , fancy , Mandehlmg , 87o ; Java , good interior , 24c. t CouuAor.ASDTwixc Manilla rope , basis % in , 17c : Sisal rope , 13 > e ; Good's New Process rope , 9J < Jc ; cotton rope , } { , ? jj and % in , lOc ; cotton twine , line 4-ply , Bibb , 22c ; do medium , 20c ; do course , 18c ; hemp twine , No. 103 , 28u ; ( lax twine , No. 18 , 20c ; cotton inoi)9. 8 Ib , per doz , $1.50 ; candlewick , 23c ; sail twine , B , 3-ply , 22c. Cn ( CKCiis AM CAKES G } @lSc per Ib. Duuos ( Grocers' ) alum , 4c ; borax , lie ; copperas , 2u ; Epsom salts , 3c ; flour sulphur , 4c ; salpetro , Oc. DUIEU FHUITS Per Ib , apricots , 14@17c. Apples , Mich. , 49 c ; stars , Cc ; aldons , 0 % @ 8c. Peaches , Oil. Y , peeled , 17@20c ; fancy unpcelcd , ll ( ! 13o ; sun dried , 0) ) 0 ; Salt Lake , Cc. Prunes , Cal. R C , 7X@10oJ . Cur rants , 5@7c. Turkish prunes , 4J c. Citron peel , 23c. Lemon peel , lie. Fard dates , lOc. Figs , 0t210c. ( Raisins , malnga bunch , dehc- sas , $5.00 per box ; viiloncias , per Ib , 7c ; Cal. G. & S. , $2.40 per box. Dried grapes , 5c. Blackberries , 5Jfo. Pitted cherries. 17c. Pitted plums , 0 ( < 511c. Raspberries , 21c. Nectarines , 13@14c. Giiifer , Jamaica , pts , $ . ' ( .00 per doz. FAUIXACEOUS GOODS Barley , 3@3 c ; far ina , 4Xc ; peas , 8c ; oatmeal , 5J @ 5 > c ; maca roni , H.KO ; vermicelli , HHc ; rice , 4yi > 7o ; sago and tapioca , 07c. FISH Salt Dried codfish , OX ( .8 } o hali but , 12c : scaled herring. 25o per box hal. herring , dom , 50c ; Hamburg spiced herring , $1.00@1.10 : imp. hoi. herring , 70c@1.00 ; mackerel , nlf bbls , No. 1 , $13 50 ; largo fam ily , 812.50 per 100 Ibs : white fish , No. 17.85 ; family , $3.50 ; trout , 55.25 ; salmon , $8.60 ; an chovies , 10 Ib pails , SOc. LYE S1.75@l.50. NUTM Almonds , 10ai8c ( ; Brazils , Oc ; fil berts , 12c ; pecans , illc : walnuts , 13c ; pea nuts cocks , 8c ; roasted , lOc. OiLS-Keroseno P W , lOc ; W W , 12Kc ; headlight , 13c ; salad oil , $2.85@7.00 per dozon. PICKLES Medium , cer bbl , $5.00 ; small. $0.00 ; gherkins , $7.00. WUAITIXO PAPEU Straw , per Ib , 2Kc ; rng , 3 } c ; manilla B , Co ; No. 1 , Oc. SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb pkgs , $8.70 ; do 100 8-lb pligs , $2.00 ; do 00 5-lb pkgs , $2.50 ; do 23 10-lb pkgs , $2.40 ; Ashton , bu bags , 50 Ib , 85c ; do4bubaf.'B , 224-lb , $8.40 ; do M S A , 50-lb bags , 55c ; loose , per bbl , $1.35. SEEDS-Bird , 4K(30c. ( SALSODA ! < © 2 c per Ib. STAUCH 5Jf ® "o per Ib. STOVE POLISH $2.00@ 5.87 per gross. SHOES Whole , per Ib Allspice , 12c ; Cassia China , lllc ; cloves , Zanzibar , 25c ; nutmegs. No. 1 , 70o ; pepper , 20c. SmiAiisGranulated , OgO.Jfc ; confection ers A. 89c ; standard , extra C , 8@S-o ! ; yellow C , 7)ijo ) , powdered , 0 @ 10J c ; cut loaf , 10 } < fo ; cubes , 9X@10c. Svitui-s Per gal , 274c ( ! : N. O , molasses , 35@4Sc. VINEQAU Per gal. Dry Gooilfl. COTTOX FIAXXELS 10 per cent trade dis count. Unbleached LL , 5Kc : CC , CVo ; SS , 7 fo ; EE , 8c : GG , OJfo ; XX , lOJtfc ; 'oo , like ; NN , 12Jifo ; AA , 14o ; DD , 15) c ; TT 10J < c : YY , 18c ; UB , 19o ; bleached. 2J. 8 0 f,0 , li ! ) c. Brown and slate , 50 , Oc ; 00. ' 12 > < 00. lOo ; 70 , 12 0. CAitrEr WAiti' Bibb , white , 19c ; colored , 22c. 22c.BATTS BATTS Standard , 8c ; Coin , lOc ; Beauty. 12 0 ; Boone , llo ; B , cased , $0.50. pjtiXTS Solid colors-jAtlantic , flo ; Slate , Oo , Berlin oil , 0 } o ; Garner oil. 0@7c. PniNTs Pink and Robes Allen. Oc ; River point , 5 0 ; Steel RIv'or , 0 > o ; Richmond , 0 > c ; Pacific , 7c. PIIIXTS Dress Charter Oak , 5) o ; Rum- npo , 4c ; Lodl , S'/c ; Alien , Oo : Richmond , Oc ; Windsor , 0 > fo ; Eddystono , 0 > ie ; Pacinc , 0 | c. . j'mXTb Indigo Bliie-St. Ledger , 5 c ; Arnold , 0 > c ; American , O c ; Arnold C , Jont' cloth , Oo ; Arnold'U , long cloth , lOMc ; Arnold , Gold Seal , lUUc ; Stoifol A , 18oj Windsor , Gold Ticket , . lOj c ; Arnold A. 12e. Plunkot chocKS , OKc ; Whitton- ton , OJ u ; York , o ; Ngfinandf dress , 7Hc ; Renfrew dress , 8 @ 12 oj Whlttenton. ' c ; CAMIIUICH Slater , 5p ; Woods , i5o ; Stand ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c. BLIACIIII ; > SHEETISOI Ellerton , 7Kc ; Housekeeper , 8'c ; Now Candidate , 8J/o ; Byrkoley cambric , No. CO , 0 > < fo : Best Yet , 44 , O o ; Buttcrcloth , OO , 4 c ; Cubnt. dale , 6Kc ; Now York Mills , lOc ; Pcpperell , 42 In. 10 > o ; Pepperoll 40 in , ll o ; Popper- ell , 0-4 , 14Ko ; Pepnerell , 8-4. 20o ; Pcuporcll , 0-4 , 22c ; Pepporell , 10-4. 84c ; Canton , 4.4 , 8J/c ; Canton. 4-4 , OKc ; Triumph , Oc ; SVam- sutta , lie : Valley , So. Bitowx SiiEiTixa Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7Ko ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantlo D , 4-4 , OJ o ; At- lantio P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora Ll. . , 4-4 , tie ; Aurora C , 4-4 , 4Jfo ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 0/o ; Hoosler LL , 4-4. Oo ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ; Lawrence - renco LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5Ko ; Pcpperell E , 40-ln , 7Jfo ; Pepporell , 8-4 , 17o ; Peiiperoll , 0-4. 21e ; Pcpperell , 10-4 , 22o Utloa C , 4-4. 4Jfo ; Wachusett , 4-4 , 7e\ \ Au rora R , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora B. 4-4 , OJ c. Piax.NELs , PLIID Hnftsnien,8Uo ; Goshcn , 82 > < c ; Clear Lake , StJloc ; Irou Mountain J22 , 0- G H No. 1. r. 2CKc ; H H No. 2 , 22 > fo ; 1J U No. 1 , * i , 30c ; Qiu'chco. No. 1 , } ( , 48ct Quo- cheo No. 8 , o4,37lVQiiecheoNo.3 ; , ff,32Sc ; Anawnn , 3'J'je ; Windsor , 28' < & KLisxr.i , , REDC , 24-lncn. 15iQ } U , 24- noli , 21V5 O Q 24 Inch , bocHAr ; , ? * , 25c ; J R P , ? J , 27c ; O. 4 , 25c. Coitsr.T JKIXS Androscogpin , 7fc ; Kenr- nch , 12 c ; York , 32-lnch. 13 > o ; Swift liver , 8c ; Thorndiko OO , 8 rfc ; Thorndlko CF , 8 0 : Thorndlko 120 , tijfn : Thorndlko \X , 15c ; Cordls No. 5 , 0ic ; Cordls No. 4 , . DF.XIMS Amoskeafr , 0 or , 10)Vc ) ; Everett , 7 oz , 13J < c : York , 7oz. 13Kc ; Haymaker , 8 0 : luffre.v.XX , HKo : JulTroy , XXX , 12Kc ; itauvcr Creek , AA. 12c ; Beaver Creek , BU , Ho ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOc. KKXTUCICT JDAXS Memorial , 15c ; Dakota , Sc ; Durham , 27 } < o : Hercules , ISo ; Lcam- ngton , 82 > ( fc ; Cottswold , 27K 5 Melville , .Joe. .Joe.CHASH CHASH Slovens' B , rtfc ; Slovens' ' B , iloachcd , 7c : Slovens' A , 7c ; Slovens' A , Reached , 8c ; ' Stevens' P , 7 c ; Slovens' P. ilcnched , 8 foj Slovens' N , b c ; Stevens' \ , bleached , OKc ; Slovens' SRI' , ll { c. DUCK West Point , 29-Inch , 8 oz , lOJ c ; do , 10 oz. 12j < c ; do , 13 oz , 15c ; do , 40-inch , 11 oz , lOo. Mislons nml Timber. 12 ft 14 ft 10 ft IS ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft 2x4. . . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.1)0 ) 10.00 20.00 JxO. . . . $15.00 15.0) 16.0J 10.00 10.00 10.0020.00 2x8. . . . $15.00 15.CO 15.0010.0010.0010.0080.00 JxlO. . . $15.fl ( 15.011 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 CO.OO Jx2. ! . . $15.03 15.00 150010.0010.0019.003000 4x4Sx8.$10.0 ! 10.00 10.00 17.00 18.00 10.0020.00 Fr.xcixo No. 1. 4 nnd 0 Inch , 12 nnd 14 ft , rough , $10.00@10.50 ; No. 1 , 4 and 0 Inch , 10 ft , rough , $17.00@17.50 ; No. 8,4 nnd 0 Inch , 13 nnd 14 ft , rough. $13.50@14.00 ; No. 3 , 4 uul 0 inch , 10 ft , rough. S15.0'c ) 10.00. Fixtsiiixos First and 2d clear , IJ Inch s 3s$40.00@51.03 ; 1st nnd 3d , clear , IK nnd 8 nch , s 3 s , f47.00@50.00 ; 3d. clear , llf inch , s J s , $43.00(310.00 ( ; 3d , clear.l and 3 inch , s 3 s , $48.00 ( < 240.00 : H select , 1' . 1 } nnd 2 inch , s3h , W7.UOfi38.00 ( ; 1st and 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s 2 s15.00 ; 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s 3 M , $88.00 ; A select , 1 inch , s2 s$34.00 ; B select , 1 inch , s 3 B , $81.00. Fi.oonixa First com. 0 Inch white pine , $34,00 ; 2d com. 0 inch white nine , $31,00 : 3d com. 0 Inch wliita plno , $20.00 ; D , 0 Inch whlto pine , $2i.OO ; c < ir.i. 4 nnd 0 inch , yellow line , $15.011 ; star , 4JRicli yellow pine , $18.00 ; 1st and 2d clear yc/tow pine , 4 and 0 inch , $20.00. Poi'Hn LtiMiiEH Clonr poplar box bds , % n , sBs , $35.00 ; clear poplar , J In panel , $30.00 ; clear poplar , s In panel , $25.00 ; clear toplar , > In panel , stock wide , s 2 s , $23.00 ; clear poplar currugatcd ceiling , % > $30.00. POSTS White cedar , 0 in. halves , 12c ; white clear , 5 % in. halves and 8 in quarters , lie ; white clear , 4 in round , lOc ; Tennessee red cedar , split , lOc ; split oak , ( white ) So ; sawed oak , ICc. SHIXOLES , LATH Pen M XX clear , $8.20 ; extra , * A3.SO ; standard A , ? 2.CO ; G inch , clear. $1.00ful.0 ; 0 inch clear , ? 1.75 ( < ? 1.SO ; No. 1. $1.10@1. 15 ; California red wood , di mensions widths , $4.50 ; cypress , clear heart , $3.40 ; lath , $ J 50. Sim1 LAP No. 1 plain , 8 and IS in , $17.55 ; No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 in , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O G , $18.00. SIDIXO First com and 10 ft , $22.00 ; 2d com and 1C ft , $10.00 ; 3d com and 10 ft , $1500 ; fence com nnd 10 ft , $13.00. STOCK Boutns A 12 in s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft , 10.00 ; B 12 in s 1 s 12. 14 and 10 ft , $41.00 : C 18 in s 1 B 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $30.00 ; D 12 in s 1 s 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft , $23.00 ; No. 1 com 12 in s 1 s 12 ft , $18.00 ; No. 1 com 12 in B 1 s 14 and 10ft , $17.50 ( < T > 18.50 ; No. 1 com 13 in si s , 10 , 18 nnd 80 ft , $19.50 ; No. 8 com 12 in s Is 14 nnd 10 ft , $17.00. CEILIXU AND PAUTITIOX 1st com J in white plno partition , $32 ; 2nd. com Km whlto pine partition , $ ' . clear. % in yellow pine coiling , $20 ; clear ? A in Norway , $14.50 ; iind com % in Norway , $13. Bo vims No 1 com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $19 ; No 2 com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 1C ft , $10.50 ; No 3 com s 1 s 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft , $14.50 ; No 4 com sis 13 , 14 and 10 ft , ( shipping cull ) , $15. Add 50 cents per M ft for rough. BVTTP.NS , WELL Tuiuxo , PICKETS O G baits , 2 } inch. COc ; OG batts , Kx3 , SIS , 35c ; 3 inch well tubing , D & M and , bev $23 ; pickets , D & H flat , S20 ; pickets , D & H square , $19. LIME , ETC Quincy white lime , best , OOc ; English nnd German Portland Cement , $3.50 ; Milwaukee and Louisville , $1.30 ; Michigan and Fort Dodge plaster , $2.25 : Blue Rapid Blaster , $1.95 ; hair , 20c ; sash , 00 and 10 per cent dis. ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50 per centdis. ; tarred felt , per cwt. , $2.00 ; straw board , $1.C5. and CheinicnlB. Acin Sulphuric , per Ib , 2c ; citric , per Ib , GOc ; oxalic , per Ib , lUc ; tartaric , powdered , per Ib , SOc. AI.U.M Per Ib , 3 } c. AM.MOSIA Carbonate , per Ib , 15c. AituowiiooT Hermunda , per Ib , 40& BALSAM Copaiba , per Ib , ( We. Hoiivx Hefined , per Ib , 12c. CALOMEL Am , per Ib , b2c. CASSU Uuns Per Ib , ISc. Ciii.oiioroitM Per Ib , 47c. Coimosivi : SDIILIM VTK Per Ib , 72c. Cni\M : TAKTAII Pure , per Ib12c. . EXTRACT LOOHOOD liulk , per Ib , lOc. GLICEKINI : Bulk , per Ib , 23c. GUM Anunc Select , per Ib , 51.00. AssrocTiDA Per Ib , 18c. CAMriion Per Ib , .Kc. OiML'M Per Ib , $3.23. IODINE Hcsubllmated , per or , $3.60. LKAVES Uuchu , short , per Ib , 15c , senna , Alex , per Ib , 33c. OILS Linseed , raw , 5Cc ; Unseed , boiled , fi9o ; castor , per gal , $1.20 ; IJergnmot , San derson's , per Ib , $3.15 ; iemon , Sanderson's per Ib , $2.25 ; peppermint , per Ib , $2.f,0 ; win- tcrgrecn , per ib , $2.25 ; olive , Malaga , per gal , $1.15. POTASS Uromlde , per Ib , 44o ; iodide , per Ib S3.00. QUINIA Sulph. , per oz , COe. Sunns Canary , per Ib , 4 ( ( ? 5c : Castile , mottled , per Ib , 8@10c ; Castile , white , per Ib. 13@15e. Si'iniTB NITIIE Sweet , per Ib , 35c. SnnciiNiA Crystals , per oz. $1.10. SuLi'ii. CINCHONA Per ot , ISc. WAX White , per Ib , 55@03. Mntnls. BLOCK Tix Eng. Rof'g , small pig , 2Sc ; bar , 29e. COITEII Planished boiler sizes , 32c ; cold rolled , 80c ; sheathing , 30c ; pltts. 30c ; flats , SOc. SOc.GALVAXUED GALVAXUED SHEET Inox Juniata , CO per cent discount. PATEXT PLAXIHHEH Iitox No. 24 to 27 , A quality , per Ib , 10 } c ; No. 24 to 87 , B quality , sheets , $18.50. Sili'.bT Iitox No. 20 , $3.40 ; No. 27. $8.50. SoLi > ii ! ! Hoyt Mctul Co'f half and half in 1 Ib cuscs , pcrlb , lOc ; commercial half und half , 15c ; No. 1 In bars , 14c. TIN PLATE ( Host Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets , $0.50 ; IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets , $8,25 ; 1C , 12x12. 225 Hhccts , tO.50 ; 1A , 12x12 , 825 Hheots , $8.25 ; 1C , 14\20 , 112 shoots , $0.50 ; IX , 14x20 , 112 shoots. $3.25 ; IXX , 14x20 , 113 sheets , $10 : 1XXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $11.75 ; 1C , 2x23 , 112 shoots , $13.20 ; IX , 2x28 112 sheets , $17 ; IXX , 2x23,112 sheets , $20.50. CoKB KJ , 104 , 225shents , $0 ; IlxO , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $1 ; 1C , 10x20 , 125 sheets. $9.50 ; steel nulls , $2.20 ; steel wire nails , $2.05. SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank. t OS South lJth ! Street , . Oiiialm EUROPE ! DDR CONDUCTED PARTIES SSSiTS/.Si'r.ftfi ' fHOS. COOK d SON. 18 Ho. Ciark bt. , Dooto _ and Shoos. " " * JOffES ACO. . , J , Jones tc Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes AecnU for Ilotlon HubbcrSlioo Co. 1IIO. 1104 and 11W llarney 8tr ct , Omaha. Nbr > \ * . Brovvors. STORK , t 1LER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1B1 Worth Klehlcoath street. Omaha. N . Cornloo. EAOLE CORN WE WORKS , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice Window-caps anil metallo skyllRhts. John Kpeneter , proprietor. 11W and llu South 101U street. Office Flxturpa. " S/ATMONDS" NUFA cfuitlNQ CO. Mnnufncturors of Baulf , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Uantlcn , Sldoboarils. Hook Ca os , Drun HHurf. W il Oan .rarlltlons. Italllntii.Countcrr , llroranil Wine Coolprj. Mlrrori , KtcKartnr ; nnd onici1KW and 173J boutli Uth St. . Umalia. Tclfphono 1H4. Pnpor Boxos. JOHN L. W1LKIE , Proprietor Omaha Pancr Box factory , Nus. 1317 adil 1.1ID Ooiiflaj Mroct , OunUH , Neb. Sosh , Doors , Eto. sr. A. Disunow , t co. , \Vliolfji\lo mannfncturcrA of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Brunch 'jPcr , UtU and liunl street Oniulia , Neb. UOIIN MANVl'ACTt'ltlNG CO. , Mannfectnrers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding" , Mnlr-Kork nnd Interior hanl wood llnlsh. N.K. corner 8tli nnd I.eavomu rib streets , Omaha , > ob. S too rvi FttjjB8 [ , Pu m pa , Etc. STlt.lXO .t CLAIIK STKAM 1IHATIXU CO Pnmiis , Pines anfl Engines , Bteam , water , rnllnar nn < l mining supplies , eto. PiO. Vt and tB4 Karnnm street. Omaha. U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. , Steam and Wate : Supplies , Itai1day wind rnlll * . 919 and C2) Jones BU , Omaha. ( ! . K. Itoss , acting /unuaKSr. UROWNELL A CO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , IbeoMron work , nteam pumps , saw mills. 1213-1211 LcikTenworth street , Omaha. STEAM UOILVR WORKS , Carter A Son , l'rop > . MnnufHcturcrsof nil kinds Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron Work Works South VUtli anil lljot. crossing. Tol. 1415 JPAXTON A VIERLJNO IRON WORKS , Wrought anfl Cast Iron BnUing Work , XnKlnos , brass work , conurnl fnunilrr , mnrhlnc and blaclsrnltU work. Oftlco and worn , U. 1 * . Ur , and lull struct , Oiuabn. OMAHA WIRE , t IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk rails , window cunrds , llowcr Maml * . wlrcslans , etc. la North luh streetOmaha. . OMAHA SAFE Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Vault * , Jnll work , Iron shutters and fire escapes. G. Androen , prop'r. Cor. Htli and Jackson BU. SOUTH OMAHA . UNION STOCK i'ARDS CO. , Of Omaha , Limited , Julm F. Buj'il. - ' TEEL PENS Are the B t , IN T1IK ESSKNTJAI QUALITIK8 OF Durability , Evenness of Point , and Workmanship. IVISON , BLfiKEMflN & CO , , Wi run CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y. The licst Iloule from Omnlm and Council IllulTs to EAST TWO THA1NS DAII.V 11ETWI5BN OMAHA AN1 > COUNCIL UI.UFFB Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. 1'aiil , MliincapolLs , Cedar Kiuiids , Hock Islimd. Frccport , Itockford , Clinton , Dulniquc , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janes lllo , Ituloit , SVinoim , La Crossc , And all other Important points Kast , NortUe t anfl boutbeast. For through tickets , call on tbo ticket agent ntlVH Kurii Mutruetlu llurkur Ulock.or at Union 1'nrlllu Depot. Pullman Sleepers and tbo finest Ulnlne Tars In th world aroru non the main Una of the Chtcnito , Mil. nnukoo A hi. 1'nul Urtllwnr. und overBtleutlon ll pain to iiasiunKer * by courteous eiuployei of the companr. II. .Ml I , I , Kit , Ueneral Manager. J. K. TUCKICU , AnlstanUk'nurnl Manavcr. A. V. H. UAllfliNTlCH , Ugnurol I'HJivncer AD9 Ticket A vent. ( ! 1C ( ) . K. lIKAPtonD.Aiilitant nenemll'aiiencer nnd Ticket Auent. T.J. CIMltK , General BuperlDtendoot. NKUVOUS , L'HIIONIO nnd I'lllV.Vi'l ) IIISUASHJ - > f MUM amiYOJIU.S incceiifullr trcatoJ. YOUNG MEN BurTerlntf frurn the oiTectn of TOtithrul ( ullk'n or Itulli cretlonn , or nro troubled nitrt Wi'iikncn , Nc'rvuU * Debility , UIM of .Mciiiorr , DuspnnilunrArcrtUm to HocletyI'lney Truublun ur any tllieuiu of Clio liunl- tO'l'tinir ; UruHim , can liure tln < l a t.ifu niul ipeu'ly ' uirt CliarK''i ruamnable , t > p < 'clalr ! to the p'lur. ' MIDDLE-AGED MEN 'Ilitre ant ninny troubled with tuo IrtMiueiit Of actin tlous ut tun bla'iitur ' , uflon uccnuipiinlcil by n slight murllnu or burnlni ; aT Ion , ntiil wc'ikenlnu o ( thu yitein In H muiiuer the patient carinut aetountfor un uaiiinlnlriK tbu urinary ileioilt | > n ropy "odlriuml nlll oIK-u liu round , and a ) iigUinen partlclci ( if alliu. men will appear ur Ibu rolur bu ol a ililn , nillkltli line , aualD clitiwluk in a rtnrK or torpl J upiiuarnntn , ' 1 hern are irianr tncn * rho ilid of ibis Ultllvilly , liriiur * ant o ! tbe cause. wnl < I ) I * ilia flcconil stauo of aunil * rial wciini'Bi. 'I Un doctor nlll unarnnteu H perfuct cure In all iu-li nuci , and a healtby restoration of tlie ffnao-ur'.nfiry ii'itnut. Coiouliullon iren. Send / cent tinmiuor "Vouni Man's l-'ileuil , or ( iuldolo Wedlock , " lr e to all. Ait'lnsn D3a. SPINNEY & CO. Main und 12tli St. .Kansas Clt.v , Mo , pr.Mntloa tlilf puper. 100 BOOK-AGENTS WANM IWW MUU 0rNMt , | ; | , oUB Ktttll.CO Wllli 8ucc Mfll VtearUnefor IiKW P10TOKIAL BALAill-bl BOOK , f A I M flit AiTdre. . . AT O.NOK , .lullim XBI AKY "I'B < ! tH . . ir il nr.i , UnufQIH H turct * * , tc , .D.THaMfSnHHHCO..U10flaalit. , ST.lOUISiMO. o lntl' wurldKentrttloa t'Uctrio i Mugnttfo iuratlv. Oil . . M * * * 7Yl 6 riV" ! * * * * * * " * * ' .s > DC.O At. aOHhE. laruiw. Ittl WAUSH AYCCKIUSO. . ARrlotilturnt Implements. CllUltClULL , Dealeriii Agricultnral Implements , Wagons Carriages and hucglM. Jonc strrot. between Mb ana _ lutb. Omaha. .Ncbmua. _ L1N1NOER , t METOALV CO. , Agricnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages Wholetalf. Omaha. Nebraska. PARLIN , ORENDORF A MARTIN CO/ Wholesale I > ea1en la AgricnltnralIinplementsWagons&BnggiGS , Ml , tttt , nUnnilWT Jonci street , Omaha. ' MOLIXE , MILHURNASIODDARD CO. , Manufacturers and Jobbers In Wagons , Bnggies , Rales , Flows Eta Cor.Pth ana I'aclflc streets , Omaba. Artlato' Matorlola. 1. HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , U13 Douglas street Omaba , Nebrmka. Booto nnd Shoos. ir. r. MORSE , v do. , Jotes of Boots end Shoes , 1101 , llOt , HUG DnuBlits street. Omaha. Manufactory , Summer slroct. lloiton. Conl , Coke nnd Llmo. OMAUA COAL , COKE , t LIME CO. , Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal , 809 South 1.1th street , Omaha , Nebraska. FUEL CO. , s of Coal a d Coke , 214 Soutli nth St..Omnha. Neb. JtlDDELL & RIDDELL , Storao-e and Coininission Merchants , Specialties Ilnllor. CKC * . chco o , iioiiltrr , gam * . IHUIimiml Uroot Dmiihii. Nch. Dry Goods nnd Notions. M. K. SMITH A CO. , Dry Goods , Fimiisiiiut Goods and Nolions 11(8 ( mill 1104 Douglm. cor , llth itro t.Omaha , Nab. KH.PATRWK-KOC11 DRY OOOVS CO. , Importers and Jobte in Dry Goods , Notions < ) nt ' lutDlthliiR good * . Corner llth nnd Homer ttreeti , Om ha , Nabr k . " 1IEL1N , THOMPSON A CO. , Importers and Jobbori of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , 817 HoutU 15th street. Furniture. r , t STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture Knrnam street , Ornalia , Nebraska. OUARLES SU1VE1UGK , Furniture , Cranha Nebrnikft. Groceries. PAXTOX , QALLAtfllKR & CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 70S. TUT. TO ) an J TllBoulli IDtli at. . Omnhn. Neb. MoUOItD , UliADYJc CO. , Wholesale Grocers' 13th nna i-earenworth streetsOmaha , Ncbrnika. Hardware w. J. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Sprlnei , wagon itork , hardware , lumber , etc. 1203 aud 1211 llarnox Btruet , Omaba. LEE , CLARKE , ANDKEESEN HARD WARE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Motali , hMt Iron , etc. Agent * for llowo tcalii , Miami pomleraml Lynian barbed wlru , HIMEnAUQII ATAYLOR. . Build PS' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' tool ) nnd nntralo ifalca. 1(05 alreut. Onmlia. Nab. a. HARDY & co. , Jabbars of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , Hoate farnlshlnK good , clilMren's currlmgcs , ZI1CJ l' ruam street. OmiibftJfak. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wliolcsale Refineil anfl Lubricating Oils , Axle Ereaie. eto , Omaba. A. II. Illshop , Manairer , Paper. CARPENTER "PAPERCO. , Wliolcsale Paper Dealers , Carry a nice stock of printing , wrapping : and writing paper. Upecial attention glrt'ii to car load ordora. Lumber. JOJJNA. WAKKFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported and Amsrloan Portland cament. , B in fcr Ullnnukco hydrnullo cement nd ) ( Julncy wuitullina. i OH AH R. L.EE , ' ' Dealer iu Harflwoofl Lumber , Wood carpet * and pnrquet flooring , tltli and [ Xlujlaa streets , Omnbn , N b. _ i OMAHA LUilJfE'R CO. , AllKinfls of BnillllBg Material at Wliolcsale , 18th Street and Union 1'aclilc Track , Om.iha , _ ' LOUIS URADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasb , Doors , Bte , Yards- Cornet 7th and Douglas. Corner 10th and Doutilui ; Lumlier , Limu Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner Ctb and Douvlas Hts , Omaha , C. ff. DIET/ : . Dealer in All Kinfls of Lumber , 13tb and California iitrcets , Omaha , Ncbnuka. _ NUIllnory Qiul Notion a. _ / . OltEnVKLDKn & CO , , InmorlBB & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions KM , 21UauJ'.iHr-onlli 11th Urool. _ N oil one. _ J , T. ROlllKKON NOTION CO. , Wholesale notions and Furnishing ( M , _ _ _ _ VU suit Wi BtBtu lOtli street. Omaba. " NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK u. s. DErcsiroitY , OM/.SA , was , Capital . 9100,003 Surplus .Tan. Iht , 1889 OITll'lIllH AND IIUNKV W. VATIW , I'lVililvnl , LUVVIH H. Httttlt , Vlcn I'reiluuu : , A. -rODXAI.lrt. . W , V. MOII K. JOHN fc.CXlUJNS. rt. ( J. ( UKIIINIi. J.N. M. 1'ATU1UI { : W. | | H. MUt ) UK ? , Caihler THE IRON BANK , Corner I''tli anil I'.irtiarr St . A Genonil ( Uoce&afillly used niouthly ujruter IO.OX ) kV wI ulU'H. Arufti/e. Xtfcctuulan-l I'Uamnt y 81 ixrbor lijrmall.or nt rtruirBlsu. H' - J'lt-tlculttri 3 [ MMUtgn Muiiipg. Ailil Tus Lviuuu CunutcAi , Co. , Uutiien , Mi For sale and by mall b ) Uoctlindu L'ru Uoujnmy ,