Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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An Important Decision by the Iowa
Another Jjnrfio Quantity of Whisky by tlio Constnhlc A
Trninp's Atrocious Act
Suicide ol'n Hrldc.
A ictory Kor I'ort Mot.vns , In. , Mny 3. [ Special Tel
cffrnm to Tun DEB. ! Tlio rnllroud cominls-
nlonors , this nftornoon , matlo thnlr order In
the somewhat famous cnso of the city efFort
Fort DodRO vs the tcs Molnes & l ort
DodRO railway company , that built , nnd the
Koolc Island company , that now lenses nnd
operates , the road from here to there. It Is
ordered that the DCS Molncs ft Fort DodRO
railway company rebuild nnd restore Its road
between Turn stntlon and fort Dod o by ro-
BtorliiR the road-bed , replnclna the bndos (
and rolnviiiK its track ; that the company
enter upon tlio work of reconstruction not
Inter than Juno 15 , 18M , and uomnlcto the
same by the 1st day of November , lollowitiK !
that pending the completion of such worlc ,
the UhlcuBO , Hock Island & 1'iicillc railway
company , lessee of the DCS Momcs & Fort
Doilgo rallxvay , bo rciinlrod nnd directed to
operate ono passenger train a day. each way ,
botwnon Fort Dodge nnd Ues Molncs , nnd
ono freight trnln , with passenK r accommo
dations , n ilay , oncli way , between Port
DodRO and DCS Molncs. As the Dos Molnos
& Port Dodco company Is bankrupt nnd un
able to build the six tnilos of road , it Is lllcnly
that there will bo much lltlgntlon It the coin.
miBsIonura undertake to enforce their order.
Kloctlnc Hullrond O Ulcers.
Dns MOINT.S , In. , May ! ) . fSpcclal Tolo-
1 gram to Tun UBI : . ] Tbo ntinunl mooting of
the Colorado & Texas railway construction
company Is being held In this city , and the
following directors nnd officers have boon
elected : N. P. Dodge , president : L. M.
Mnrtln , secretary nnd treasurer ; .1. H. IJrlns-
nicad , nsslstnnt secretary ; Horace Sceloy ,
vice president ; A. H. Cummins , It. C. Mar
tin and George P. Wright directors. The
annual nicotine of the Pnnhnndlo construc
tion company is also bclne hold , nnd the fol
lowing directors nnd oftlcors have boon
elected : George P. Wright , president ;
Horace Sceloy , vlco president ; L. M. Mar
tin , secretary nnd treasurer ; J. M. Miller ,
assistant secretary.
A lilqiiur Seizure * .
Dr.3 Moixiis , In. , May 3. | Special Tele
gram to Tiiu BEL : . ] Uucn a search warrant
issued by Justice Johnson , Constable Hamil
ton mailo a searoli of the store rooms of the
American nnd United Stntcs express compa
nies this forenoon. In the former ho found
135 cases of liquors , principally whisky , nnd
nt the United States express ofllco , or rather
in the collars , ho secured twcnty-thrco cases
of whisky. The ontlro quantity was marked
"O. O. D. , " but had been stored from six
months to a year. The liquor wns from J.
B. Lynch , of Hock Island , 111. , and consigned
to various parties.
Fall uro nc Hamburg.
IlAMiitma , In. , May 3. [ Special Telegram
to Tni ; 13ni ; . | F. L. Thompson , ono of the
loading merchants of this place , made an as
signment in favor ot his creditors to-day.
The stock of goods In In charge of a repro-
sontntlvo of James H. Walker & Co. , of Chicago
cage , who hove the largest claim. The lia
bilities are $11,000 ; assets 514,000. Mr.
Thompson attributes his failure to a too ex
pensive credit business. the short crous last
year rendering the farmers who nro his
principal debtors , unnblo to pay.
A Tramp's
Dns iMoiNcs , la. , May 3. [ Special Tel
egram to TUB BnE.l An unknown tramp
called at U. Lillibridgo'3 farm , four miles'
southeast of Holland , nnd demanded some-
-tliliifi-'to oat. Mrs. Lillibridgo gave him some
graham bread. This scorned to anger him ,
nnd ho sought revenge by setting their barn
on lire , burning four horses , a few cattle ,
several stacKs of hay nnd several other arti
cles. The tramp , giving his naino as John
Smldt , has been arrested and lodged in jail at
Grundy Center.
Sulclilo < > 1 * n Bride.
Dns MoiXEfl , la. , May 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun KEI : . ] Mrs. Bcntly , a bride of
ix week , committed suicida at Mnquoktn by
, taking strychnine last Wednesday. Despond
ency was the cause of the act , her husband
having loft her the day ho was forced to
marry her. His whereabouts arc now un
Flro nt Ynlc.
DBS Moixiis , In. , May 3. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK Uun.l A flro ntYule this
morning destroyed the dry goods store of H.
B. Westloy , the implement house of M. V.
Younp. nnd the hardware store of N. W.
Eastwood. The total loss it , § l3,000 ! ; insur
ance 31,000.
An Opera Hous" llurucd.
iNDni'ENDBScn , la. , M J , [ Special Telegram -
gram to THIS TJni ; . ] A nro this morning at
Hagloton , nina miles south of hero , destroyed
the T.unopera house , Oscar Tuttlo'a dry
goods Htoru and the rcsldonco and store of O.
A. Uates. Loss , 20,000.
They I'nsn Throuirh Otunlia F.u Houio
to Alunka.
The Unltoa States senate committee on
"Canadian Uolntlons" passed through Omaha
lustnifjlit , on route to Alaska. But live of
the soy ; n occupied the two special cars ,
which loft this city , attached to the over
land train. They will proceed to Alaska ,
taking in the Ciui.ullaii towns on the western
Int BiirUlck Slashes Hick Stevenson
\Vith a Kill Te.
An Interesting row took place in a saloon
opposite the Coliseum last night. "I.u" Bur-
dlclcnnd ' [ licit" Stevenson furnished the
entertainment. Hurdlck Is the man whn had
some trouble with Kelt , the bleyuJlst , Thurs
day night , and Stevenson Is aald to be the
brother o ! the man sent "over the road"
Borne months ugo for his actions In regard to
an Ouialm woman ,
The two mot last night nnd began discussIng -
' Ing the bloyclo riders. Their minds ran in
different channels , nnd the result wis n row.
Burdlck drew a pookeHinifo nnd rushed
t Stovcnson , who tried to got out of
the door. A man named O'Connor prevent
ed his oscapu. accidentally , It Is presumed.
and the result was that Hurdiuk stabbed
Bte veu son twice , once in the loft arm nnti
onoo in the stomach. Noltlior of the wounds
umountod to much , although Stovtnson
called a physician to dress them. The affair
was not roportcd to the pollco and the
chances are that Burdlck will not ho arrest
ed unless the wounds provo serious.
The Old Story
A party of movers wont through Omaha
yesterday , went over to Council Hlnffa and
encamped at Lake Manawa. About 10
o'clock last evening a man and woman u'ont
II to the Hock Island depot , and alter finding
that the train for Kansas City had loft they
disappeared , returning , it Is thought , to this
city. The Omaha iwlico were notified th it
they nro doing tha clopcuiout act , the man
being one Baglor. ngod \ , and the charming
flotnsol , Ada Welds , aged U Thoy.nre being
looked for.
DamaRpiJ by Fire.
_ The building nt tbe corner of Can * aad
Blxtrcnth street , occupied , by P. P. O'BHon.
the lower part as a saloon and the upper
M a boarding house , wns damaged bv lire to
ta amount of f ao. yesterday afternoon.
The bulldlDK la owned by Halo I'errlne. Mr.
O'Urlau had | . > ,600 , lusurauco on his stock.
A Bplcntllil Exhibition of Wheel AVork
by tiio Foinnlo Bykcrn.
The lady blcyclo riders nt the Coliseum
were nt their best last night nnd gave the
largo crowd present n splendid exhibition of
wheel work. In the first hour the record
wns fifteen miles snd nix laps , or thrco laps
better than has bcin made by anybody on
the Coliseum track. The contest fttlll lies
between Onkos , Woods nnd Baldwin , with
Ml s Woods ono lap In the lend. She inndo
several desperate efforts to incrcaso her lend
last night , but could not shako plucky Onkcs
nnd the Beauty. The record ftt the close
was :
Miles Laps
Woods 291 0
Oakes 2'Jt 3
Baldwin 21U 7
Brown 203 'J
Lowls 293 1
Armalndo 1TI U
Oninhrt vs. DCS ntolnos.
The DCS iiloincs team will bo here
this afternoon for throe games with the
Omahas , The teams will play In the follow
ing positions :
Omaha. Position. Dos Molnes.
Strauss..i , , , .HIght > llUot , }
Cleveland Third Connell
Crooks , , , > . < . . . > < - . . Second , Photon
Andrews First Smith
Mcssltt Middle Hnrt
Nnglo Catch Traflloy
Cnnavnn Left Mnsitroy
Walsh Short Mncullnr
Clarke Pitch . .Brynan
AlcGnrthyVi StrlnR.
McCarthy , the San Francisco youth who
owns n string of horses , passed through
Omaha yesterday , wild his stock. Ho goes
to Louisville and will take In ns many of the
eastern races ns possible. Among the horses
ho owns is O W Todd , tlio winner of the
American Derby two years ago.
Tlio NchriiHka liorso Hrccdnrri.
The Nebraska Horse Breeders' associa
tion hold n mooting at the Pax ton hotel last
night , nntt arranged for a meeting to bo held
at Hustings ou August 21 , 22 and 23.
The National
Ixni VSAI-OLIS , May 3. Result of to-dny's
game :
Indianapolis..0 4
Pittsburg 2 2002043 13
Base hits Indianapolis S , Pittsburg 14 ,
Errors Indianapolis 3 , Pittsburg 1. Pitchers
Gctzciu and Stanley. Umpire Lynch.
CLEVELAND , May 3. Kesult of to-day's
game :
Cleveland 0 00000000 0
Chicago 0 0020101 * 4
Base hits Cleveland 0 , Chicago 12. Errors
Cleveland 1 , Chicago 4. Pitchers Bakely
and Hutchlnson. Uuuiire Barnum.
WASiiixOTOS1 , May 3. Uesult of to-day's
game :
Washington 0 10000005 0
Boston 1 * U
Base hits Washington 8 , Boston 8. Errors
* -Washington 5 , Boston 4. Pitchers Healy
nnd Madden. Umpire McQnnde.
PHILADELPHIA , May 3. Uesult of to-day's
game :
.hiladolphlo. . . . ? 00000200 9
N'ow York 0 4
Base hits Philadelphia 0 , Now York 0.
Errors Philadelphia 4 , New York 5. Pitch
ers Bufllnton nnd Crano. Umpires Fes-
icndcn and Curry.
American Association.
BUOOKLTX , May 3. Uesult of to-day's
game :
Brooklyn 1 3233001 0 12
Athletic. 0 6
KANSAS CITV , May 3. Uesult of to-day's '
game :
Kansas Clty..O 4100001 4 10
St. Louis 0 00100020 3
Cor.UMuus , May 3. Itesult of to-day's
nine :
Columbus 2 7
Baltimore 0 00001001 2
Illegal HtislncsH.
CHICAGO , May 8. Judge-Clifford is hear
ing arguments iu the [ case o'f the people
ngainst the Western Manufacturers' Mutual
Insurance company , of Chicago , for doing
business for the Wisconsin Mutual Insur
ance company , a foreign corporation un
licensed by the state of Illinois.
Flro Itecord.
Louisvu.t.B , Ky. , May 8 , The Kentucky
Feeble Mlniled institute at Frankfort burned
to-day. The inmates , 125 in number , were
nil got out without accident ; loss $70,000 ; in
surance $ ? 5,000.
ROCIIRSTKH , N. Y. , Mny 3. A lire at Leroy -
roy to-night , destroyed Matthews & , Go's ,
largest malt house and contents ; loss
$200,000 , covered by Insurnnco.
Declared a Dividend.
NEW YOIIK , May 3. The directors of the
Chicago & Eastern Illinois railroad have de
clared a quarterly dividend of 1 } per cent
ou preferred stock , payable Juno 1.
The Kniry's W ell.
'Tho Fairy's Well" is an unusually inter
esting Irish drama , and people who appreci
ate plays in which nro mixed all the elements
of every day llfo , should not inlss nn oppor
tunity of seeing it. Last night this produc
tion was iirescntcd for the llrot tlmo
in Omaha , at Boyd's opera house ,
by W. II. Powers' company , and created a
very favorable impression. Being so simple
in story , feasible in plot nnd introducing the
most natural characters , it could not bo
otherwise thau interesting. There was the
proverbially herolu Irish lad and his sweet
heart , the iniscrlyold | villain , the aristocratic
Hconndrols , the persecuted heroine of high
birth , the ancient nmtrqn and tha aged
servant , all cither having their innocent
fun or plotting to ruin uomebody. Smith
O'Brien and cilia Hosebinl impersonated
very cleverly the llrst two characters , and.T.
A. Daily enacted the part of Dan Cnrmody ,
the villain , most effectively. Miss Junnlo
IClbon , Miss Alice Smith , Llttlo Zclla , Leighton -
ton Baker. Alfred W. P. Fremont and W. A.
Mac ) : , nil enacted their various roles
to the entire satisfaction of everybody.
Singing nnd dancing was u pleasing feature
of each act , and with his ballad , "I'm sav
ing it nil for MnryMr. . Mack made quite u
hit. A waterfall scone in the uct was
ono of the most realistic illustrations that
has over boon witnessed on uu Omaha tuugu.
The engagement nnds to > iight | < , with a repe
tition ol the perfo rinuncc.
Advice to Mothon.
Mrs. Wlnslow's ' Soothing'Syrup should al
ways bo used for children teething. It soothes
the child , softens thh gums , allay 9 all pain ,
cures wind colic , nud Is the best remedy for
diurrhcuu. 25can ts a bsttto.
'Iho Street s\voi nnr'H Complaint.
Charles Fanning , the city contractor for
sweeping the streets , flloa a complaint yes-
tordav with the city otllcltils against tlio
motor car company. It soouis that in grad
ing Fifteenth street for the use of their
tracks , the motor company has been using
Leavonworth street on which to curry off
the dirt , The result has been that from one-
half to one and a half inches of dust lias
born dronpcd on Leaven worth street
from Fifteenth to the city limits.
Thn dust which sifts from the carts became
so obnoxious to tha residents of Leaven-
worth street that an application wns made
to have It swept each night. Mr. Fanning
rlalms that If tlio motor company is made to
haul the dirt over some ungraded street It
will not bo necessary to swco ! > I.cavenwurth
street , and ho Illos his roquyjt with the
mayor In his own tntcrcvit nn'tl for the com
fort of those who Urn on tha street In ques
Dr. Cluck eye tuid ear , Barker blk.
Itnn Away Jiut -"or run ,
Charles Whcelor , a little colored boy not
mere than povcn years old , Was anew arrival
In Omaha lastnight. . He ran away from hU
home in Katun ? City "Just for fun , " as no
said , when taken to the police stutlou. Ills
friends have been noitlioiiof his arrival here.
Thn Kvlduncu Wa
Gcorgo W. Foster , the waiter arrested a
few days ago nt the Instance of u chop house
proprietor on the charge of using threatening
; uid nbuslvo language , we * before Judgu
Merita i'eatevilay , who xlismissod the
The Accidents , Flros and Orlmos or
Tivo Hoys Done to Doitth Gossip team
Ncllult Inccmlliirlsiu1 In Falls
City Now Court llouso
nc Nelson.
Incendiarism lit li'nlls City.
FALLS Cur , Nob. , titny 3. [ Socclnl Tolo-
grain to Tun IJnn.J At about 10:30 : this
evening , tlio city wns nlnrmcd by a cry of
fire. Investigation showed thut tlio now
cottngo of W , D. Easloy was rapidly golnt ?
uu In Btiioko. The building wns not quite
cotnploicd , and tlio origin of tlio flro is a
mystery. Thcro is a wolMoundod sunplclon
that it was of Incendiary origin and was
fired for tlio purpose of Jobbery. The buildIng -
Ing cost when completed $2,000 , and will bo
a total loss , as there was no Insurance. The
flro company did gfeod worlc , and but for Its
efforts , sBvorul adjnculit residences , would
have suffered llko fate.
Socoml District Spoils.
CutnnnrsoNNob. . , May 3. [ Special to
Tun HUB. ] The republicans of tlio Second
congressional district are very indignant at
the attempt of John W. Jacobson to control
the patronage In Laitd's dhtricU Thcro was
n letter sent to Hon. James Laird and marked
"personal. " Mr. Jucobson answered It and
and Informed the writer thereof that It was
useless to mark anything personal , as ho
( .lacobson ) was attending to all of Laird's
business. The friends of Mr. Lnlrd want to
know why matters are thus. They all sym
pathize with him In his present condition. It
Is remarked bv many that none but the
friends of Jacobson need apply , as all other
applications were suppressed and wore never
examined by Mr. Laird. Your correspond
ent docs not believe that Mr. Laird would ,
for one moment , keep Mr. Jacobson as his
private secretary if such was the case. I
think this rumor was started by disappointed
aspirants , but should these cbarRos bo true
it will provo disastrous to Mr. Laird in the
future , as his friends have a right to demand
his personal attention to their anuhcattons.
A fin Irs nt Ncllgh.
Nnuon , Nob. , May 3. [ Special to THE
Bnn.l NollRh is having no bboui , but Is hav
ing a steady , healthy growth. Several now
buildings are now in progress and prepara
tions are being maOo for a two-story brick
next to the postofllco building , with a Ma
sonic hall on the second floor. Real estate is
changing htriids some , and everything looks
encouraging for a bountiful harvest. There
Is an elegant opening hero for some one to
start a manufactory of some kind. Ncllgh
has ample water power and the citizens
stand ready to help anyone who will come
and talk business on an enterprise of any
kind that will give employment to laboring
Falls City Is .Democratic.
FALLS CITV , Neb. , May -Special [ Tele
gram toTHE UKE. ] The new council hold
a meeting to-night and made several Import
ant appointments to city offices. The now
administration Is entirely democratic. John
H. Noonan , Frank Martin , Dennis McCarty
and II. Clay.DavIs. all democrats , wore ap
pointed marshal , city attorney , street com
missioner and water commissioner , respect
ively. Mayor Clegg believes in.rewarding
.lonest partisan service oven if ho was elect
ed by a nou-purtisan vote and without oppo
The Beatrice Occupation-Tax.
BEATJIICE , Neb. , May 3. [ Special to THE
Hun. ] The mayor Is agaia after the insur
ance companies for an occupation tax of $10
from each for the year beginning May 1.
Most of the companies are paying the tax ,
with the understanding that -tboc ordinatico
will bo repealed without delay. Alosfc of the
companies paid tlio tax last year , doing it
under a protest , anil are followlrig the same
plan this year. Two agents wore arrested
yesterday for writing insurance policies with
out having paid the tax.
AVniit a Now Court House.
NEI.SOM , Neb. , May 3. [ Special to Tnn
. At a largo mooting of citizens last
night from every portion of the country , it
was rcsojved that the county needs a new
court house , and it was ttio sense of the meet
ing that ono to cost $50,000 would about meet
the wishes of the eltuens. Stops were taken
to call a special meeting of tbo'sloii-
ers of the county to present a proposition to
bond the county for the sum of ? 30,000.
* An Unnatural Kntlirr.
AUHORA , Nob. . May 3. [ Special to TUB
Dun. " ) William Hixson , living near Mar-
quctte , this county , was before Judge Nor-
val , yesterday , charged with attempting to
rape his ten-year-old daughter. The mother
and child both testilied uguinst the father ,
and the Jury wore out Just six minutes , re
turning with a verdict of guilty. Ho was
sentenced to the penitentiary for two years
ulid cloven months.
Killed By a Clod Pulverizer.
RUSIIVILI.E , Nob. , May 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THE DEE. ] A nlno-ycar-old son of
S. D. Pottibone , n prominent farmer jiear
Uushvlllo , mot with an accident to-day , re
sulting in his death. The child wns driving
n heavy clod pulverizer when a sudden Jeflc
of the horses throw him in front of the
machine , which rau over him , causing in-
btantancous death.
An Olil UcHlclont Dead.
GIUNT , Neb. , May 3. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] Mrs. Joslo Woolman , wife of
C. M. C. Woolman , an early pioneer and
prominent ulti/.on of this place , died here
last night. The remains woru taken to
York , Nob. , to-day , for interment.
Death of an Old Citizen.
FAI.I.S CITV , Nob. , May 8. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : UEE.J A. L. Easloy , an old
cltlrou of this place , and father of W. D.
Easloy , whoso house was destroyed by lira
to-night , died at 430 ; this uvenlug.
A Pine Hound-un By tlio Police.
A fine and speedy piece of pollco worlc wo ?
done on Friday by Marshal Miilonpy and
Oflieoi1 Hodmoud. Twoof the thlovos who
took fourteen billiard balls belonging to II.
ilolil , ana a pipe belonging to John Prior ,
from Mr. Hohl's naloon , on Twenty-fourth
street , are in Jail , and all of the property
stolen is recovered. The lop robe stolen from
John J , Ucals was also recovered , as was a
VftlUo and contents stolen froth Morris Don
ation , at hlb c'ainp. John Madden and John
Kelly , alms John Clara , were uvrestod near
William bang's , on Twenty-fourth street , by
Marshal Mnlouey and Oniocr Uedmond , and ,
on taking them to Mr , IJohl's , they were
Identitlcd. A violin , coat and vent , and auto
graph album wnro found ' 14 tfj S' Burner's
saloon. Nine of the billiard balls worn found
In a hay stack at Snvngo's 'crossing and flvo
of them on H street , between Twenty-
seventh and Twenty-eighth strpptj.
Nulci About tlio dity.
A. L. Dennett ban gona to Omaha.
Frank Haitou is very sick with pleurisy.
There I a boy at George Stotynrt's nlid a\l \
in well , , , * - . .
O. II. Rich , of the Stockman , wjl { sttirt fbr
Chicairo Saturday.
The Salvation army has abandoned the
Soutli Omaha field. ' * .
Frank Desmond will leave Saturday morn
ing for Pooollo , Wyo.
Edward Dillon , of Crclghtou , has' bought
Charles Uark's saloon ,
The brickwork on St. Agnes.1 church was
commenced on Friday.
John Gorman hus removed from tjio Third
ward to Twenty-fourth and Ii stress.
Miss Maggie Cotton , of Omaha , was the
guest of South Omaha friends Friday.
The board of trade will hold a meeting
Huturduy ovoulutr iu President Doe's ofllco
under the Nebraska Savings bunk. A full
attendance Is uWrcd , ni business of Import
ance will bo nctoa'in. '
J. J. Spltzcr .lias.1 vacated the Hardy mill
and Will cnntlmfn the building business.
James Kennedy " .will to-day remove from
the Third wnriUoiJTwontlotb and N streets.
John T. Carrollils DUCK to buslnoRi again ,
nnd has opened up-In the Clark building on
N street.
George W. Mlvkepeaco has removed to
South Twenty-sixth street , over Francis
Uaylls' store. ' ' '
The drug llrtifo'f. A. L. Dennett & Co. h&s
been dissolved , Dr. IJ. F. Johnson continuing
the business. t f
John Klccknor , < > f the rendering works ,
who has boon risUlng his mother la Dos
Molncs , has returned.
The ClgarmalrerB1'union will hold a moot
ing at the ICnlghta' of Labor ball Sunday
morning at 10 o'clock.
William Bomnnnn , ono of the best cutters
and mo t reliable tailors In the city , has ac
cepted n position with Can'an & Co.
Olive Li ranch lodge , No. 83 , ' Uohomlnn.wlll
give nn nproa party , dance and reception In
National hall , Sunday evening , May D.
Michael P. O'Donnell , who was called
homo to Ottawa , III. , ton days ago to attend
the funeral of his aged father , has returned.
Jacob Phillips resumed the position of
night yardmastcr nt the stock yards railroad
in place of A. Donohue , who goes on the day
H. C. Mnrih , ono of the leading citizens of
Parker , Dak. , Is In the city visiting his son ,
T. C. Marsh , wclghmastcr at Union stock
yards scales No. 1.
If tlio men can get off , the first game of
ball between the Omaha and South Omaha
switchmen will bo played In this city Sun
day afternoon In the Third ward park.
Enterprise ledge No. 70 , Knights of
Pythias , has sent , out Invitations for n re
ception , entertainment and ball Thursday
evening , May 10. The invitations are very
Charles II. Mechlins been economizing and
reducing the stock yard's railroad force as
much as possible. Only ono engine and
crow are kept on duty now on Sundays and
Sunday nights.
Mrs. II. A. Tlllottson , of Marshall , Mich. ,
who has boon visiting her daughter In Kear
ney , arrived In the city Friday , and will
spend a month visiting her daughter and
son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Saxo.
Robert Parks , of Chicago , has arrived and
will commence the plumbing business In the
room formerly occupied as the police head
quarters. Until his mother arrives Mr.
Parks will reside with his brother , George
The postal telegraph company will estab
lish an ofllco at once in the Clark building ,
N street. In part of the room occupied by
the Magic City restaurant. The ofllco will
bo In charge of W F. Judon and Frank C.
Mrs. L. H. Mount , who started some days
ago from Springfield , 111. , to meet her hus
band hero , stopped at Kansas City to visit
relatives and while there was taken ill and
has not yet recovered BO as to continue her
John Callihan , of the stock yards switch
crow , was married last Wednesday in Chicago
cage tu Miss Sadlo Moore , and has returned.
Mr. and Mrs. Callihan will reside in Omaha ,
and are receiving the congratulations of
many friends.
Home of the Qertnr Blocks Found to.
Bo In VerysPoor Condition.
Mr. Balcombe , the president o the board
of public works , 7)xjmincd ) some of the cedar
blocks yesterday jH t were laid on Farnam
street between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-
eighth streets , two years ago. He says the
condition of the blocks shows that they were
not in proper condition when they were put
down. The piu'fe'ufont ' is supposed to last
seven years , but the blocks used in the pav
ing on the s'reuts'm'entioncd are not good
for four years. Tim chairman of the board
of public works tliliiks that either the inspec
tor was direlect in His duty or is unable to
distinguish botwe6a good and bad blocks.
Frederick T pberts , M. D. . physi-
cittn to the royjiliCollogo of surgeons !
university of LondonEng. , says : "Loss
of appetite , loss/of eyesight , dyspeptic
symptoms , irregularities of the bowels ,
are some of the 'symptoms of advanced
kidney disease. Warner's Safe Cure
cures those troubles , because it removes
the cause , and putting the kidneys in a
healthy condition , enables them to ex-
uol the poisonous or waste matter from
the system. This is why Warner's Safe
Cure cures so many symptoms that are
called diseases. "
Tlio Bar KrcoiplH Aligning.
The receipts of the Murray hotel bar
for Thursday.amountlngto SG3 , are still miss
ing. They were reported to have been
stolen from the dining hall after the bar
tender had turned them over to the night
cleric. No arrests have been made In the
Will Bo Sentonocd To-Day.
Pat Sweeney , convicted of highway rob
bery , and Frank Davis , found guilty of
ounjlary , will bo sentenced to-day before
Judge Groff.
Tlio TrniiMcnupiaii Railway.
Russia evidently docs not intend to
allow the Transcaspian railway to bo a
more toy , says the London Telegraph.
Already , according to its chief promoter -
tor , it is defraying its working ex
pense ? . Not only troops , olllcials and
tourists tire being convoyed along its
line , hut ordinary merchandise in con
siderable quantities. As a trade route
to India from central Asia , it is said to
ho largely adopted at present. For the
future , ambitious plans are on foot. A
soliomo lias boon launched for a vast
mercantile combination , to ombnieo
eastern Europe and contra ! Asia , inclu
sive of Persia and Afghanistan. The
principal traders of the whole vast re
gion are alleged to have signified thoii
adhesion. Its backbone and its lovci
will bo the Transcaspiivn railway , nni
thoyaro to requite its sorvics by becom
ing its feeders and ugonts. Everything
is being made smooth lor the now road
oven to llscal tariff * , in which Husaiar
governments tire habitually the most
rigid and obdurato.
linrd Woott.
Twelve and fsixtecn-innh hard wood
MOUNT & Giiirrix , 213 S. 14th St.
Oho Cary Sinters' Sycnniura Tree.
By the Hamilton turn pike , in Hamil
ton county. OiiiOj'und ' on tlio way from
Cottage Hill , dfuflds a largo sycamore
tree that wasplnji jd there in 1832 by
Alice and Phoebe Cary , says the Pitts-
burg Dispatch.x'/l'hoy were then six
and twelve yenwold , nnd cotr.lng homo
from school oncP'day they saw a small
tree a farmer hud grubbed and thrown
away in the rod , This they planted
and oared for as children will , and now
the tree llourlBhchf and every ono who
pnesos by stopf under it for a moment's
shade , ami whondvor the Cary sisters
wont to that part of tlio country they
paid a visit to th'oir tree.
The Missouri 'Pnfiillo Is throwing ou
feelers by threatening to build the gup be
twoou Crete and irdnlnga , A liberal bonus
would undoubtedly t/bkle the umnugcm iui
mensoly. ;
Positively cured by
these Lfttlo Pills.
They also relieve Dis
tress Iro.-ft Dyspepsia , In
ITTLE digestion and Too Heart ;
IVER Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness , Nausea ,
PHILS. DrovTulnes ? , Had Taste
In the Mouth , Coated
Tongue , Pain Iu the Side ,
regulate the Bowels , inircly Vegetable.
Tholr I.nok of Oourtofly null Ahsniioo
of Ktiaucttc.
The Dulco of Wellington used to toll
a story ot Louis XVIIt. , kingot Franco ,
ivys tno Now York Journal. The tluko
vita taking a family dinner with the old
dnjj and the princesses of his court ,
ho Uuchoss of Anpoulomo nnd tlio
) uchbss of Herri. Upon the lablo , at
losort , was placed a dish of early straw-
jorrleB. The klnpf flollboratoly poured
.ham . nil out into his own plato , covered
, hcm with cream mid supnr and ate
horn , with/Jin offering' nny to the ladies '
or apologizing for not doing so.
Lord Million , the historian , on hoar-
tig the duke relate this anecdote ,
capped it with another. William III. ,
ting of England , dining ono day with
iis wife , Queen Mary , and Princess
Antio , aflonvnrd Queen Anne , ate the
contents of a dish of early peas without
a word ol apology to the two ladies. The
) uko of Wellington laughed and said :
'Aye , I hope it is not a royal custom. "
lis guests must have known what ho
nottnt by this remark. Uo had recently
gone through many troublesome and
some disgusting experiences with that
very vulimr and disreputable king ,
George IV. , of whom the duke after-
vtird said that "ho really could net llko
i gentleman for llftoan niinutesl"
There are no "nobles" more proud
if tholr ancient lineage and duo brood-
rig than those of Spain. Wellington ,
vho lived among them several years ,
said that they formed a little coterie
ibout the court at Madrid , never lived
ipon their estates , had no public life ,
and valued nothing but the potty dlst-
tinetions of the court circle. Ho de
scribes them as very good-natured
> eoplo , of crude and primitive man-
iors. but "complete liars , and destitute
of principle or high fooling. "
Tlio real aristocracy of a country con
sists of these who take the lend in
itrongthoning ; teaching and improving
t. Ancient birth has nothing to do
vlth the true aristocracy , not oven in
, ho comparatively unimportant matter
of poll to demeanor. Some of the greatest
jlackguards now living on the earth
uid unexceptionable grcat-grand-
athors , and some of the most consum
mate gentlemen have made tholr way ,
unaided , from the lowliest homos , or
still inhabit them.
Ilohert r. Porter's Work.
Superintendent Porter expects iu a
short time to have 100 clerics engaged
on the preliminary work of the eleventh
census. Ilq will have 1,000 at work
next year , out the smaller number will
borvo until the actual work of onumora-
, ion is-ncarcr at hand. He says that
: io docs not intend to appoint his clerks
aider the civil service rules if ho can
lioln it , and ho does not believe the
secretary of the interior will interfere
with him in this. lie intends , ho says ,
io appoint his subordinates as ho would
in a newspaper ofllco , according to their
Itness for special lines of worlc , and it
is fair to say that ho seems to have fol
lowed this policy in the few appoint
ments already made.
A Straiif-o Ciiso or Aphasia.
A case of aphasia is reported from
Paris , which came under the treatment
of Prof. Charrot , the celebrated physi
cian for nervous disorders , says the
London Standard. A man , aged sixty ,
strong and apparently in full health ,
suddenly lost all power over his vocab
ulary , and some curious phases were
noticeable. The patient was mas-
tor of three languages , hla native
French , English , learnt during a rosl-
dance of flovontoon years in North
America , nnd Spanish , through his
marriage with n native of that country.
Ho lost his command of thcso several
languages In the Inverse chronological
order of tholr acquisition , as follows :
Spanish do-sorted him first , English lie
only retained in snatch phrases , Fronoh
remained in his memory so as to serve
him fairly , but the last two were fre
quently mixed , like Latin and English
in the mind of Dr. Wendell Holmes'
celebrated "lato Latin tutor. " The nf-
'fllction was ascribed to a softening in
the region of the third loft lobe of thp
brain. Through methodical praotico If !
conversation , the patient regained his
normal power week by week , recover
ing his languages in the following
order : French , English , Spanish.
15tit a Healthy Child That Menus to
Ijlvo mill ( iron- .
John Ziegler , an expressman living at
649 West Fifty-fourth street , had a gen
uine surprise on Good Frldiiy , says the
Now York Herald. Ho had boon'out of
employment for some tlmo and wontout
that morning to perform some commis
sions for his wife , who was not feeling
well ,
On his return ho heard a faint cry ,
such as ho hud hoard on six previous
occasions , covering a period ot nine
years , but this cry was the weakest that
had over saluted him. A good-natured
woman living in the house had nursed
Mrs. Xioglor , and showed the aston
ished husband a fomnlo baby only six
inches long and weighing but thirteen
I called nt the house last evening and
the mother smiled as she showed mo
her latest addition. The mite was tak
ing its nourishment at the time , and
raised "Cain" at being interrupted.
The mother said the child wns per
fectly healthy , and she has no tloubt
whatever of raising it. Beside the
mother was another child a big ,
strong , healthy girl of two years and
Mrs. Xlegler told mo that all her other
children were big and strong.
It IMrulc Him Tiroil.
The small son of a broker wns being
instructed in the proper form of pre
ferring requests at the table , says the
Boston Courier , but Hlco many another
small man ho found much dilliculty in
adapting himself to the requirements of
otiqiujtto , Ho was continually saying :
"I will take" this or that ; and as' con
stantly his father Would suggestively
return "If V" whereupon the neces
sary "if you please" would in duo
course follow.
The little follow bore it for a time
with oxombhtry patience , but at length
one day , when ho was hungry , ho mot
his father's suggestive interpolation
with the exclamation , made doubly pa
thetic by the despair of his tone and
tno tragic \vay in which ho laid his
hands upon his empty stomach :
"O. that 'if' 'makes "
. papa , mo pain !
The Dcgonornto British Tar. _ _
The British consul at Havre says that
the complaints of shipmasters
against the British tars are constant.
IIo has heard captains say frequently ,
"Givo mo Norwegians , S\yodes , or Ger
mans , but no English sailors for mo. "
They have their old-time ability as sea
men , but are drunken and insubordi
8 3a
On the question of real economy IIood'3 Bnranpa-
rllla la BO far ahead of other iiroparntloni as to pluco
tlicm entirely out of tlio race us competitors Hero
are facts In rcgunl to tills pooulur medicine , easily
Kiucoptlblo of conclusive proof :
TiJKitMoito than nny othercoiiiiiotlns proparntlon ,
bccnubO It | s uioro lilulily concentrated and contains
more ronl mudlclnnl value.
2. iT.CObTS Tin : JomiKii MOHE , us a consequence
of the fact just stated , n.
Hood's Sarsapnrllla.
COSTS THE KCTAii , DuuooiST Moiiu. for jho same
reason as can culily bo lonrncd by Inquiry , llcnuo
Die ilcsiro of some retailers to sell tholr own prepiira-
tlon , wlilch cost them less , nnd for which they nut tlio
stuno price , thus ninklnc more monry. Hut
J. Ii Cosrs nil ) Cos'HL'MKii l.KSS than any other
tneillcliic , because of It * concentrated ntrcntftli. and
the iitiantlty In each bottle , and because is the only
ot which eon truly bo said , " 100 DOSKS ONI : DOI.I.AIU"
On tills platform Hood'x Sarsaparlllu stands ubsoln-
tels beoond the approach of competitors. Tlieycopy
nr methods of ndrertlsini ; , they use our lu
they steal our headlines , lint they do not.THBY CAN
NOT , copyloproducoour preparation , Ilood'a Snrsa
arl lli.
Klrst , HECAUSB IT COSTS TOO MUCH to do It profit
Second , THE CoMiiiN'ATioy , Pitot'ORTlov ASCII
PnocEVIn ) prppiirlnc llooJa Sarsuparllli are pccu-
lliu In Itselt , and competitors cnnnot llnd tlio secret
by which llils medicine nccurcs Us real merit , nnd
In consequence of which It olTccts rcmurkable cures
wucrcotlicr prep.irntlom fall.
A Point For You
When you buy your sprlriK mejlclno , you vtnnt tbo
bO't. Auk for llooi's S.irparllln , and Inslnt upon
having II. Uo not let nny nrAiimcnt or persuasion
lulluenro you to buy n hat you do not Ho-u ro
tocct the 1 leal sprint ; medicine , Hood's Hanmp irllli.
"J/nst uprlnu'I was completely fitKited out. My
strenKth loft mo and I felt sick nnd inlseniblo all
the tlnio , so tlint 1 coulJ hardly attend to my bus !
ness. I procured ono bottle of Hood's burfapHrllla ,
and It cured mo. " H. C. lintioi.c , UJItor KnterprHe ,
llpllevue , Mleh.
" . \ooirHtiarh.iparllla Is the chomnisl inedlumo I
can bur. " I'.It. HIKIILI. . llollovllle , III.
Sold by all druenlsts. 31 ; six for S3. Prepared only Sold by all druggists. II ; six for $ J. 1'rcp.ireJ pnl
by C.I. HOOD.t CO. , Lowell , MMH. I by C. 1. IlOUD&CO. , Loncll , Masa.
1OO Doses Ono Dollar I 10O l > ocs Ono Dollar
Belts !
The Q'andosl Triumph ot Electric Sclonco Sci
' enllflsall/ Made and Practically Applied-
Gentlemen's fl tit
nn. noonc's memo-mi ] ,
. XKTIC IULT pniltlrrlr cnr
only ono In tha world generatlnz
acoullnnoui NtcMo t * Hasnciu
Eioctricitjr. uiMimrr.iu the
" ' ] ' '
a"u'cilc.LKiiMonl'i-t'a ] tb
ALSO KLKOTHIO JIEI.TH roil niauAuea. ifSiajUT rS lrtei BuiponiT'iltiTfr.o Will Mala IlnlU.
r.EFEHENCESi Any bank , cjmmtrcln.1 K ncT crAyolillioBut cumpKiilm witlinunr Ho i * 8 ftnd vrortl.
hol.iivlo houio In Chicago * wliulriile cl'Jagiilii,3 nirt , irolutloci. UI1CTU10 Trasir. ' ! ftin UUrTLltK.
rancl oand'Jblc Ku. K.OCO tarwl ( Jcnilt lip r rlllujtritoj r JMDPblrt.
J. HORNE , Inventor . . , . 191 Wabash Avenue , Chicago.
i ! - ni i ii ir.i i in ii i IH g - - ' < ! mif | 'Mi | gT'lcB | * * * 'ayTt
1513 Douglas SL Oinaha , Ncliraslo.
Hardware and Cutlery ,
Meclwnlc * ' 2 oofs , Fine flronve liiiUilen' Ooi li < tnl : Jiu.'fn'.o
1405 Douglas St. , Omaha.
, J , llanhui ,
1O1 S. 10th St. , Corner Dodge Street , Oinalm.
Guns , Ammunition , Fishing Tackle , Lawn Tennis , Base Dall ,
General Athletic und Sporting goods , All kinds
Send for CaTalaguo.
Managers ,
Omaha , Neb ,
Buy , Sell and Exchange Reat
Estate and Personal Proper
ty of every description. Have
the largest list of property
of any firm in the city. If
you have anything to sell or
exchange , come and see us.
We enumerate a few special
bargains which it will pay
you to investigate.
No. 20G Choice lots In Omnlm View for less
niouoy than Hioy can biv bought of nny otlwr
tigency In Omnlm. If yon are looking for nn In
vestment , you will iniiKo a mistake If you do not
lecognlzo tills ns you pass by.
No. SOT ijotTblocklWi , Soutl ) Onmlia. This
is a very desirable lot and will be sold clioiip.
Come soon 1C j ou e.xpoct to get It.
No. 'MS Houses ami lots InSontliOmahnncar
Armour * . Will bo sold on such terms us will
enable laboring men to imichasii nnd make pay
mentHubontas tliowoulrtpay rent. Tlio great- chance over ollered to own your own houto
No. 209 TilxIiQ foot ou llth street Jnbt north of
Nicholas forsnlo nt it bargain. This piece ot
property Is situated In a p.irt of the city which
Is looming with llfo and will bo required for
business purposes In a wry shoit tlmo. 1'rlco
jU'JO ; ImlL'eabh , balance in one , two-anil three
No. B7fl We have n number of good lots , all
clear. In ono of Iho best lo\\ns \ la Nubrabka ,
\\lilchwocnn exchange for land and assume
some L ncmnb rnucu. This is the snappiest
snnp that lias budded this spring.
No. 70" Smokers , lend us your ears. Tour
hundred thousand cigars to trade for anything
No. 209 A fi-rooin house In Qmalm View. Per
a. fcwdayo we can , owing to the short bank ac
count ot a rprtnln party , oiler nuospi-clally rare
bargain In this plwo of property If you urn
Inclined to Invest In that pint of the city , Just delays orn dangerous.
No. TOO We have listed n fi-room cottage In
Mlllard S ; I'ahlw oil's addition nt u price HO loiv
as to Insuio a customer lu a short time. Who
Is tno lucky many
No. 210-A large number of lots In ono of tha
best additions to Council ( Hulls. At the prlcu
the jo Is in on. ' money to be made on this prop-
01 ty than an ) thing on the maikot today within
lour lulled or the Omnlm ! ' . o.
No. WV1--A gooil IIOIIHH and lot In Momontli
Park which wo will hell rhcap or exchange for
other good in opci ty. Do not glance at thu map
and hay : ' ' < jhi to Jar out. " Let us tell you
Homctlifng. Momontli I'm I ; will Inivo rlty
water , KIIS and street cars this snmmor. Now
Is the tlmo to buy , thus getting tno boaollf of
tlincuit.ilii advance which IB soon to takojilaeu
In this propertv.
No 010 Aii8-inom liimsn In that line nddlt-
! on , Idlewlln. Wowlll inaku somebodv happy
with this piece of propony If they will coimi
mid toe us.
No. r > sii Ai-roomsijuuio hniiHe on a beauti
ful lot In MnthimH Mib. of Albrljihts ( 'holco
So uh Umiiha Wo nro p'Cparod tooUt-rspeclul
liuliuvmeiitson tills.
No. filll'O ncicsot land In Htunton county ,
fori.alo 01'exrli'inge for otlu-r good pioperty
No. All. A house ami lot in I'attoiron'H nub.
of West fldo. 'IhU place will Iju hold cm easy
torniH to some ono who wltlmi to imrchiiso u
Kinall. comfiiitabla homo. It la bin three blocks
tirU'i t'luVe t riiilu belt line dopot.
No. III ) . A stock of furniture and hardware
for buln le.txonablc. Will ulso sell fitorn unlld-
Ini , ' , intlilunco and barn , Homo good real estate
will b tnktin In pnrt payment. To some ona
wlbhlng to i ; ° Into bimlaeas In u llvu town wo
cnn ulvo iitryoil ileul ,
No. IX1. niO acres Improved Inml In Itnwlmi
roimtVi Kmi. , no.irly tloar. to Irndo for mer-
ciiumllnu or live Mock.
No. 1(15. ( Ul'lacratof Improved land In [
for lively utoi' ) : , wwhitinlMo or live ntucic.
N'i. li'l , Artt'i'jkuf fumlturuto oxch&iigo for
cattle or horses.
No , "SI'S. A "I'loomliotel in ems ot tlio bent
cltli'M or lo'.va to tr.Ml'j toruttern lumla.
lloiiue nil fuinlshi'il una dotni ; n good liuslnuxi.
No. II. OIIH of the best Improved farms In
IOM a In oM'liango for rraldoiao In Omaliii ,
( loiiHon and lots in all pnits of UmaliD. for
sale ou 'it-ny , tvrms or cxchunjju for oilier prop-
If you have anything to sollj If you wish to i
buy iinytblcft ; If you v/ant tomakn any Jtiudot '
liniln. eolim lo ll . Wo lmjjlinut fiW ugnti
sriitteri-il nil over the west and i-au niaUotrudes
anil ( H "iH > lea where others would iftiL lie-
- - - - - - -
{ ii ylato.
Room 14 , Cliamto of Commerce