Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1889, Image 1

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The Pension Commissioner is Wear
ing Himself Out
Major Lydcckcr Sentenced to Lose
One Hundred n Month from Hid
Salary PoMofilco Clinngca
In Tins Neighborhood.
'WASHINGTON , D. C. , May n. I
Corporal Tanner , the new commissioner of
pensions , Is going to wear himself out look
ing Into Individual cases If ho continues in
tlio way ho has begun. This Is the opinion
ot every ono who visits the pension ofllco
frequently. Senators and representatives
Imve repeatedly called ttio corporal's atten
tion to the extraordinary amount of work ho
is doing , and the fact that his physical
strength will not permit of it , although ho is
physically nnd mentally a strongman. Every
day thcro nro great throngs of old veterans
pouring Into his ofllco for the purpose of
malting personal appeals on their applica
tions for pensions. To-day a weazen-faced
veteran , small of stature , and shabbily
drcsRcd , with a bundle of clothes
slung over his back by means of
a cane , entered the commissioner's
ofllco and announced that ho had walked ull
the way from northern Pennsylvania for the
purpose of having his pension casu looked up.
The corporal received him with open arms ,
but before a do/en words were spoken it was
Been that the old man's trip of Hundreds of
miles on foot was foolhardy. He had simply
applied for his pension and had furnished
none of the evidence necessary to tnako u
successful case. The corporal is being im-
IHicd on In his generosity and anxiety to pro
vide for the veterans and their widows and
.orphans , and thu extraordinary amount of
work which is being unnecessarily put on
him will only result In u general delay.
LVDEC'Knil'U .
The president has approved the tlnding in
the court martial case apalnst Major Lydeek-
er , charged with neglect of duty in connec
tion with thu Washington aqueduct tunnel.
The court sentences Major Lydecker to bo
reprimanded in orders nnd to have deducted
from his salary $100 for nlno months. In
view of the cnormofls cost to the District of
Columbia growing out of his neglect the
sentence is conddurcd an extremely light
The following Iowa postmasters were ap
pointed to-day : Mrs. J. J. Phillips , Com
merce , Polk county , vice G. M. Wohlger-
nath , resigned ; John Lawler , Dickens , Clay
county , vice El. H. Brownlce , resigned ;
William II. Lean , Gopher , Oftccola county ,
vice Franklin Thoeker , resigned : P. J. Gns-
lafaon , Harcourt , Webster county , vice J.
M. Hcadlund , resigned ; J. W. Tapping , Ros-
eeau , Marlon Bounty , vice John E. Core , re
signed ; Arthur I. Flint. Hyan , Delaware
county , vice Dennis Magee , rcslgnea ;
Toii'ncs Prino , Sioux Center , Sioux county ,
vice H. C. Kutil , resigned.
Sir Julian Says That He Feclh Very
WASHINGTON , May 3. Secretary Blaine
appeared at the state department this morn
ing looking very well and showing no traces
of Ws recent illness. Soon after his arrival
Sli Man Pauncofote , the new British min
ister , came to the department and was intro
duced to Secretary Blaluo. The party then
wont to the white house , where the British
minister was formally presented to the pres
ident. Sir Julian made a short speech , in
the course of which ho said : "My utmost
endeavors will bo devoted to the object
which her majesty and her peoulo have so
much at heart , the maintenance of relations
of peace nnd fricndshio which happily ex-
Bist between Gicat Britain and the United
States , and the strengthening , if possible , of
the many tics which unite those two great
English-speaking countries , destined to exercise -
erciso a most bencllciul influence for the ad
vancement of civilization nnd the promotion
of uanuiuess throughout the world. " Presi
dent Harrison responded , expressing assur
ance on the part of himself and the govern
ment of the perpetuation of the trieudly re
lations between the two nations.
Bcvcial Eastern Roads Show Up
Their Little Lists.
WASHINGTON , May 3. In response to an
order of tha mtor-statc commerce commis
sion , issued last month , calling upon certain
railroad companies to appear before the com
mission and answer questions regarding the
issuance of passes , about thirty-five roads
responded , most of which wera eastern lines.
Tha representatives of most of tbo roads
submitted the lists of oassus given by the
roads , and in some cases thu reasons for
granting the passes. The Malno Central
railroad representative presented an argu
ment taking exceptions to the Jurisdiction of
thu commission in catling for specific ; classes
of passes. The representative of the Now
York Central road presented nn argument ,
selting forth that his company does business
alone In thu state of Now York
nnd has issued many passes to
persons In that state , but has
not Issued them for the purpose of securing
business , and submits that thu commisbion
may not require any further nnswer. The
counsel for the Pennsylvania- explained
the list of passes , mid presented circulars of
the company regulatlni' the Issuance of
passes In conformity with their understand
ing of tha inter-stato net. Technical points
were raised by several of the gentlemen
representing the roads , { regarding the Jurisdiction -
diction ot the commission , etc. , and the commission -
mission wi'l ' , nl some I uturc time , hear the
arguments from them.
The Scntunco Approved.
WASHINGTON May 8. Secretary Tracy hog
approved the findings and the sentence of
the court-martial In the case ot Lieutenant
Commander Gcorgo Bool : , who wna
charged with absenting himself from hi ]
command without leave. He commanded
the Pinto , and left her nt SItka , Alaska , and
catna to Washington to induce the navy de
partment to authorize tlio repairs Decenary
to uinUa tbo vessel serviceable. The court
found him guilty of the charges , mid ns up
proved he stands sentenced 10 ha suspended
for two years from rank and duty , on fur
lough pay , and to retain his orercnt number
on the list o lieutenant coinmanuerb duilne
that time. v
Exulnnlnn.i in Order.
WASIU.NUTO.V , MB. 3. The president anil
tbo secretary of the Interior btvc called uvn |
the United States ofilclals In Oklahoma ,
charged In tbo report of the Inspectors ol
interior department with corrupt practices
In counocUon with the public lands it ; thr.t
territory , for any explanation tboy may do
tire to tr.aUo. in relation thereto ,
Snruhtun Urowlm ? .
WASHINGTON- , May S.-nxperlcifinU lr
growing ui.d manufacturing wruhuai , wil
bo continued this year under the nusidccs 01
the anrleulturul department. Portions K |
tUe i < x | > jrimeiits will Ua repeated at Uic
Grande , . J , J , , Kcnnor , La. , ( Jedt-r ItHpUls.
la. , and several points In Kansas.
PnynuiHter Smith Found.
NKW YonK , Mny 3. Houry It fimllh , pay
master of the United States Corvette Es ur
who disappeared with a sum of money act ! i
portion of the salary ot the crcxr , has bcei
fouuJ , U Is rovr at hi * Blotter's In tbl :
city , too 111 to give any account ot himself or
the 11,200 which hcbnd when ha disappeared.
It is learned that ho went to his mother's
house last Wednesday night In n partly
crazy condition , tha result of heavy drinking.
That same night ho tried to commit suicide ,
but was prevented by his attendants.
Nashville Raccfl.
NASHVILLE , May 3. The attendance was
3,000 , tbo track fast and the weather pleas
ant. Summary , ;
Thrco-ycar-olds and upward , sovcn nna one-
half furlongs Clurii C won , won. J T second
end , Fred Tnral third. Time 1:3Stf.
Three-year-olds nnd upwards , six furlongs
Thankful won , Duhmo second , Fred
Wooloy third , llmo 1:13. :
Maiden two year-olds , one-half mlle Undo
Bob won , Gwendoline second , rtlyrtlo J third.
Tlmo-61 > f.
Three-year-olds nnd upwnrds. ono mile
Big Thrco won , Aristl second , Hornpipe
third. Time 1:42K. :
Ivy Leaf stakes , two-year-old fillies , one-
half mlle Fairy Queen won , Lllllo Williams
ccond , Forever third. Time 50 .
Washington Races.
WASHINGTON , May 3. The weather was
arcatculng , but the track fair. Summary :
Three-fourths of n mlle Brait won In
ilS/ , Tom Hood second , Wild Cherry
Ono nnd one-eighth miles Oriflammo won ,
iordelalso second.
Three-fourths of n mile King Ido won in
; 20) , Newcastle second , lago third.
Ono mlle Panama won In 1IS } , Iceberg
ocond , Blue Line third.
Steeple chase Jake Shlpscy won. Elphin
an a wrong course and no horse took place ,
.lontmoro . refused to Jump and Killnrnoy
ud Lighthouse fell.
Lexington Race .
LEXINGTON , Ky. , May 3. The attendance
vas largo , the weather fine , and the track
good. Summary :
Five furlongs Xclika won , Sllcnco second ,
Teddy Venture third. Tiuio.--l04. ;
Ono nnd ono-slxteenth miles Casslus won ,
March Ma second , Wahsatch third. Time
-1:43. :
Three-year-olds , ono and one-quarter miles
Once Again won , Bootmaker second ,
Sportsman third. Time 2:032/ .
Ono tnilo Brnndolctt won , Insolence sec-
nd , Sallie O. third. Time 1:42 : .
The Chicago Chief of Pollco "Will En
force the Law.
CHICAGO , Mny 3. The chief of police to
day Issued notice to the various precinct
commanders throughout the city calllngthelr
attention to the former orders against pntn-
iling , and announcing that public gaming
will not bo allowed In the city. To-night not
i gambling house Is run nine. A number
invo been fitted up since the recent mun-
cipal election , and some of the more ven-
turcsomo have been doing n rushing busi
ness. In nn interview this evening Mayor
3rcgler hinted nt n wholesale prosecution
Tor vagrancy , Some of the local papers
: iavo asserted that the gambling houses
would before long bo permitted to gradually
resume operations on the same footing as
: hey were on before the vigorous crusade
naugurated by Mayor Rocbo two years
A Lead City Slan Receives n Letter to
That Effect.
LEU > CITV , Dak. , May 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THK BEE. | Alex McKenzie , mana
ger of Georco Hearst's store at this place ,
received a letter to-day announcing that by
the death of a relative in Scotland ho has
fallen heir to an cstnte valued at 520,000,000. ,
Awful Crlino of a Merchant in a
J-ioulsiana Village.
EnocK.Y , Ln. , May 3. At Blair , La. , yes
terday ufternoon , n merchant named Mel-
wick shot his wife and two children , set fire
to his residence and burned the bodies of his
victims with it , and then shot himself.
Poisoned by Wild Parsnips.
SALT LAKE , Utah May 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE.J Four little girls resid
ing at Chester , Sanpek county , were poisoned
by eating wild parsnips. Three of the num
ber died last night. The other is not expected
to live.
A. chilli under two years old was found
drowned in mi irrigating ditch at Ferron ,
Emery county. It is supposed that ho fell in
while trying to cross n foot bridge.
'Grant Pre'scntod to Queen Victoria.
LOXDOV , May 3. Henry White , tbo
American charge d'affaires , to-day presented
at the queen's drawing room Hon. Fred D.
Grant , United States nilmsto rlo Austria , and
Lieutenant Henry D. Burup , United States
army military attache to the American lega
tion at Paris. Countess Bylandt , wife of
the rJethclands' minister to England , pre
sented respectively Mrs. Grunt and Mrs.
Bnrnnni's Funeral Service * .
LIMB Rocir , Conn. , May 3. The funeral
services over the remains of the Hon. Will
iam H. Barnum were held at Trinity church
today. Many prominent politicians from nil
over the state wore present , among them
being n.Y-Pre.sldcnt Cleveland and many
others of noto. The services were per
formed by the Rev. Mr. Putnam.
Serious Gas Explosion ,
POTTSVILLE , Pa. , May , In a gns explosion ,
which occurred at the Lkechwood colliery ,
near this city , to-duy , James Nolan , carpen
ter , had his skull fractured , and his back
and hands burii''d to a crisp. Ho can not
live. Two other minors were taken out un
conscious , but not seriously injured.
'I ho Strike a Failure.
ST. PAUL , May 3. Thn St Paul Street
Railway company Is nt last victorious over
its striking employers. All the strikers who
can got back will return to work at the com-
pani 's terms. The old men who belong to
: ha labor organizations uro not , however , re
quired to sever that connection.
StRiini8lii | ) Arrivals.
At New Yoric The City of Berlin , from
At Liverpool The Nejsmore , from Balti
At Bremen The Weser , from Baltimore.
I'ui Under Bonds.
CHICAGO , May 3. F. S. and 11. O. Loomls ,
manngura ot the Century Book nnd Paper
company , which , it has been charged , ban
been operated ns u swindle in Now York and
Chicago , were held to the criminal court , to
night , in bonds of { 700 each.
Nominated For Ryan's Seat.
EvroaiA , Kan , May 3 , The Fourtn dis
trict republican convention has nominated
Harrison Kellry , of Ooffcy county , as a can
didate for the vacant nat of Congressman
Ryan. Tlio convention has been ! : i session
three dayn , and 21S ballots have bieri taken.
'Ihreo Children llunud.
AsurAiU'LA , O. , May 3. A house occupied
by Portugese fatally named SHvey , bumo d
this morning. The parents had conn out ,
leaving three small children In the house.
One boy Uireo ycnrs old was burned to death
n * > d two others were so badly Injured thm
tUey will die.
Ili-e.f Inspection Defeated.
Jerrcr.sox CITY , Mo. , Mny ? . [ Special
YeU-fnini to Tin BEK. | The senate to-duy
defeated tbo bill providing for the Inspection
of bee ! o.i the hot twenty-four hours before
the pldfo where offered fcr sale.
Bishop Pottcr'p Centennial Hnrnncno
Severely Criticized.
NEW YonK , May 2. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] It will not bo long before
Bishop Potter wakes up to the fact that his
centennial sermon at St. Paul's church Is
Doing severely criticised. People have not
had nn opportunity to talk during the last
day or two , but yesterday they got a little
time to discuss the bishop's tears that the
country was going to the dogs , that practi
cal politics was running the people , nnd his
references to "Jncksonlan vulgarity" bediz
ened nnd tnwdroy Booths nnd ill-bred
throngs. Democrats are greatly Incensed on
account of the references to Jacksonlnn vul
garity , nnd many republicans seem to think
that the sermon was intended , In some re
spects , ns at slap at President Harrison , nnd
there nro n great many people who nro filled
with the Idea that the bishop regards him
self ns oneof those whom Stuyvcsant
Fish called "We , the centennial people , " nnd
they think ho was too eager to show that ho
[ elt hlmsolf souiowhat noovo the common
lublic , Hov. Dr. Robert S. MnoArthur ,
.rnstor of the Cavalry Baptist church , is the
first minister of the gospel who has openly
irltlclsed Bishop Potter's sermon. "Bishop
. 'otter's remarks , " said MncArthur , "are in
many respects deserving of severe criticism.
There is u tendency to unduly deprecate the
present nnd glorify the past. Tlio bishop's
reference to what ho calls 'Jacksonian vul
garity , ' in contradistinction to Washingtonlan
dignity , was certainly In questionable taste.
Possibly , according to Bishop Potter ,
Abraham Lincoln was n typo ot Jacksonian
vulgarity. The whole of the bishop's ad-
ilress Is characterized by an un-American
spirit. It seems to mo that on such nn historic
occasion there might have been n kindlier
spirit manifested In tbo address , and a
brighter hope foreshadowed for the future
of the country. "
Governor Foraker believed that the
bishop's digestion was out of order.
Henry Clews said : "I consider that
jlishop Potter was unnecessarily nustero and
pessimistic. I don't see any deterioration in
the race up to the present time in all walks
of life. "
The Union Pacific and. the Chicago
Itoads Fall to Agree.
CHICAGO , May 8. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE. ] An adjourned meeting of the
general managers and general superintend
ents ot the roads between Chicago nnd the
Missouri river was held fast evening to act
upon tbo proposition of the Union Pacific ,
that Us eastern connections so arrange the
time of their limited trams as to connect
with the limited daily which the Union and
Central Pacific intend to run dally , instead
of the * Golden Gate special weekly train.
The representative of the Union Pacific
stated that all arrangements for running the
train between San Francisco and Council
Bluffs had been completed , and if the roads
cast of the river arranged their schedules to
connect closely with the Union Pacific and
also with the limited trains cast from Chicago
cage , shorter time could be made 'ban ever
before between the Pacific coast and Isow
York. After a long discussion the meeting
adjourned without having reached any con
elusion , leaving it to the discretion of each
road to make the anangemcnt if it so de
Ho Turns Up In San Fran Cisco and
Svu FIUNCISCO , May 3. Samuel Fessen-
den , of Sandwich , Mass. , who was mentioned
in the Boston Traveler's Sandwich special ,
of yesterday , as having disappeared two
weeks ago , is in the city. He arrived here
April 20 , having left Boston tha 10th ult. , to
attend to mining and real estate interests , in
this state. Fessendeu states that his de
parture and his present whereabouts were
known to the company at the time of the
publication of the special , and that the
rumors concerning him are false ; that ho has
never acted in the capacity of treas
urer of the Unitarian church of Sandwich ,
nor has ut any time had in his possession
funds belonging to the Episcopal church.
His family has been on this coast since last
The Day Consumed in Taking Dry
CHICAGO , May 8. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE. ] The people who thronged to
Judge Jamleson's court room to-day in the
hope of hearing moro salacious testimony in
the Carter case were badly fooled. The day
was consumed with the hearing of dry
depositions regarding the fair lady's extrava
gant expenditures at homo and abroad , with
Just a spice of interest in a deposition from aNew
Now Yorker , who told how Mrs. Carter dined
with Kyrlo Bellow and procured boxes at
the theater ad libitum from him , and how ho
saw her off on a steamer for Europe. It is
thought Carter's case will bo finished to
morrow , and that the other side will begin
next week.
They Have Been Hoi ) bln the Liquor
Men of Ohio.
CINCINNATI , May 3. The removal of Brit-
ton , a gauger , upon orders from Washing
ton , based on charges that ho demanded
money from distillers , has caused much ex
citement among internal revenue officers
and whisky men. A special agent has been
sent here upon complaint of W. W. Johnson ,
distiller , that Gauger Goetz had demanded
175 per month from him. Tha agent's re
port has been sent to Washington , but he re
fused to give Its details. The distillers say
it has been the custom for them to pay the
augers certain sums monthly.
An Important Decision.
PCSSACOH , Fin. , May 3. The supreme
court of Florida has rendered a dce.islon of
vital to railroad corporations.
The board of railroad commissioners , In 1887 ,
fixed the rates for tbo Pensacola & Atlantic
railroad company , which , tbo company as
serted , were too low to enable It to earn
enough revenue to pay its operating ex-
yenbcs , and refused to adopt tha rates fixed
by thu commission. The state brought suit ,
against the railroad to recover penalties , and
obtained Judgements for several thousand
dollars. The railroad company appealed ,
and thu supreme court now reverses tha
judgement of the lower court , holding thnt a
reduction by the legislature or commission
of thu rules of a railroad to a point too low
to permit it to earn its operating expenses is
a deprivation of property without the pro
cess of law and without Just compensation ,
and is confiscation and In conflict with the
Mate and federal constitutions. This is the
first decision of tha kind by a court of last
A Town .Nearly Wiped Out.
DIXON , 1.1 , , May 3. Foreston , about
twenty oiiles north of this city , on the TSi-
noib Central railroad , wan swept by n terri-
bio conflagration this morning. Aid was
telegraphed for to tbo surrounding towns ,
and it was promptly given. The ilro was
get under control about noon. It originated
in a grain elevator near tlio depot. Three
business blocks were entirely destroyed.
Loss about f l'5COO.
ThuV uuliei- Indication * .
I'obrnsUu and Dakota ; Fair , followed by
local rains In western portions ; Slightly
cooler ; southerly , shifting to westerly winds ,
lowu : Fair ; warmer in eastern portion ,
rcclcr m western portion ; southerly winds.
' (
shut Dead.
TcxiuKANt , Ark. , May 3. Joe SuitVi was
shot and killed by Robert Alexander , pro
prietor of n restaurant. Smith had insulted
Ho Admits the TolUriff of n Mild Po
litical Fib. ,
The Statement Was Stndoto Mislead
thciloiiHc ; lAui Afraid It Old
Not , lor the Illll Wns
Passctl. "
Cool As an Iceberg.
LONDON , Mny 3. During the cross-exam
ination of Parnoll before the commis
sion ho testified that be had often re
proved William O'Urion , editor of United
Ireland'for violent articles that appeared In
that paper. Ho had not publicly repudiated
the articles because ho did not consider that
to bo the way to effect the alterations ho de
sired In the tone of the articles. Par-
neil said ho considered O'Brien's
teachings to bo In advance of his own. Ho
had never heard of Egan's ' being associated
with "tho Martyr's Fund" for the benefit of
the families of the Phmqlx park murderers.
Ho saw nothing criminal In the fund and
rather thought that it was right to assist the
innocent victims. He could not recollect de
nouncing the outrages between 1873 nnd 1SSI.
Ho believed the outrages perpetrated to have
been the work of small secret societies.
The witness was then asked whether ,
if secret societies adverse to the league
hnd existed , and if the vast majority of the
people had belonged to the league , there
would not have been ample evidence ob
tained to convict the perpetrators of the out
rages. Ho parried the question , saying that
it might or might not have been the case.
Hero occurred n most rerairkablo incident
in the witness' cross-examination : Attorney-
General Webster quoted a statement made
by Parnell , in the house of commons during
the debate on Forster's bill , in 1SSS , suspend
ing the writ of habeas corpus , to the effect
that secret societies had then ceased to exist
in Ireland.
"Did you believe that when you said 111"
asked the attorney-general.
"Ivo , " replied Parnell. "At any rate , It
was n grossly exaggerated statement , "
There was a buzz of surprise throughout
the court room at this response.
"Did you , or did you not , " continued the
attorney-general , "intend to misstate the
fact when you made that statement ) "
"I hnvo no doubt I did.-was the reply.
Attorney-General "Deliberately i"
Parnell "Ves , deliberately. "
Attorney-General "You deliberately
made the statement knowing it to bo un
true ? "
Parnoll "Yes , or If not untrue , very ex
travagant and boastful. "
Attorney-General "You have never since
withdrawn it ? "
Parnell "No , I have not. "
The nonchalcnco with which the witness
made these admissions , astonished the audience -
dienco and elicited hisses.
"Probably , " added Pnrnoll , "the state
ment was made to mislead the house , I am
afraid it did not , for the bill was passed.
My purpose was to exaggerate the otTcct the
league had in reducing the number of secret
societies. The league undoubtedly dimin
ished the number of secret societies , though
it had not swept them away as I stated.1' '
Parnell was next aikJ what had become
of the land league booli , . He explained that
some were London nnd were be
fore the commis ° ibu.v The cash books and
ledgers had disappeared , ho did not know
where. Neither was Treasurer Kenny ,
Egan. or any other of the league officials able
to tell what had become of them. The letter
books and lllea of letters bad also vanished.
Presiding Justice Hnunan here Impressed
upon the witness the fact that the court at
tached great importance to the missing docu
ments , and Parnell promised to try to lind
How Passengers on the Steamer t/ahn
Observed the Centennial.
NEW YOIIK , May 8. [ Special Telegram
toTiic BEE. | Those few unfortunate Amer
ican citizens who were unable to take part in
the centennial either on this side or the other
side of the Atlantic , because they wnro in
mid-ocean , did notafter nil , permit April SO
to ua s without celebration. Thcro wcro a
number of prominent Americans on board
the steamship Latin , which arrived this
morning from Bremen and Southampton ,
and these .vora patriotic sons of their coun
try who celebrated in mid-ocean. On April
30 , centennial day , the Labn was a little over
half way across the ocean. Centennial day
had been tbo topic of conversation in the
cabin of the Latin over since the weather
had been exhausted , and great things had
been promised ; and so IK came about that the
first that the American passengers of the
Lahn heard when they awoke on the mornIng -
Ing of April 30 was "America. "
The steamship was decked out In her great
est glory. Flags waved from every avail
able inch of rigging , and thobridge.onwhlch
stood Captain Hcllmers , was a feast for the
eyes. The early part of the dnv was spent
quietly. At mid-daytho last preparations
were made for celebrating , and the hour ap
pointed was 0 o'clock , right after the 5
o'clock dinner , and tb'o place the great main
saloon. American flags were distributed.
Everything was American at the dinner.
After dinner was over the ceremony was
opened by prayer. Then followed music by
the band , and then jspccchcs were In order.
Mr. J. A. the Standard Oil com
puny , was n passenger on the Lahn. Ho
made tbo principal speech ot the day.
Unit and "Wind 1'lay Havoc In Eastern
RAI.CIQII , N. C. , Miiy. 3. Warsaw , in the
eastern part of this state , was struck by a
terrific gala yesterday. Hail fell will
such rapidity and violence as to lie eight
inches deep In thirty-six seconds. Many
small houses were Dlown away almost
bodily. Largo houses -were torn up so the }
wcro not habitabla , A seminary building
was split open and yearly destroyed. The
Presbyterian church : teas totally demolished
Fences were tonntip nnd scattered like
leaves. No loss of life Is reported , but many
people were seriously hurt by falling tim
bers. Strawberries iire the principal article
of early production 'here ' , and hundreds of
acres wern ruined. Exclusive of thu loss to
tbcso crops the damajro will exceed $13OOU.
rtnrnca With the Moiinc.
BALTiMOHE.May 3.An accident by wblcl
tbo four children of Jharlcs Williams whoso
ages ranged from K : 'to fifteen years were
burned to death , to Ic place last night
Abington , near Ha : ford station , on tbo
Baltimore & Ohio road. Tha family con
sisting of the husbanU and wlfo and five chll
dren retired about 1o'clockJast ( night. An
hour later the neighbors saw nip house burn
ing and made ineffectual efforts to quench
the flames. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and the
baby escaped. They all received burns , anc
those received by the baby will probably re
suit in its death. The house burned to the
ground aud consumed the children , furniture
and all.
Captain Murrell Honorivl.
B.U.TIUOUE , May 8. Captuin Murroll , of
the steamship Missouri , was last night pro
scnted with a gold medal by tbo grand led go
of Masons of Maryland In further rccotrnl
tlon of his service lu rescuing the passengers
of the steamship PanmarJr. A ba'mjue
closed tbo ceremonies of the night.
Personnel of the Fiend * Who Are
DENVER , Colo. , Mny 3. | Special Telegram
o THE BEE. ] There have been no now de
velopments In the Greenlow grnvo robbery
case. The men arrested nro confined In Jail
o nwalt a hearing on Monday. Ono of the
prisoners , Bacon , has been In Denver for
some time ; ho bus occn identified ns the man
vho tried to negotiate with Mrs. Greenlow ,
nnd who called himself Williams. Ho has
been n window-dresser for Daniels ft Fisher ,
nnd nlso for Dcltrlck Munhardt. His gen
eral reputation is said to be bad.
Conrad comes from Pennsylvania , origin-
nlly , but"hnd lived In St. Louis before com-
ng to Denver ; ho is n comparative stranger
McCoy comes from near Indianapolis ; hems
ms been In Denver n year or two.
II. Greouwald has been In the wholesale
grocery business hero for several
years ; but it is said that ho has
reixlly been nn agent for other parties.
Ho Is not now in good financial circumstances ,
as ho Is heavily in debt , nnd recently gave n
jlll of sale for his whole business to P. L.
Liockdngor. A business man who knows him
well says that the arrest of Grconwald for
.his crlmo will not bo a surprise to those who
arc acquainted with him. Ho says that
Grccuwnld has always berne n shady reputa-
tation In financial matters. Grcenwnld's
father-in-law called at police headquarters ,
uut was refused permission to sec the priso
ner ; ho declared that he had no symu.ithy
with Greonwald , and said that ho Is a great
rascal. Greenwald sits In the Jail with his
head buried in his hands. Ho is thtrty-llvo
years of nirc , and is n powerfully built man.
Of the other prisoners , J. C. McCoy , C. C.
Conrad nnd Mrs. Shlnn , little is known. Mr.
Shlnn was released to-day , as It was proven
that ho is not implicated. His wife , however -
over , is held with the other parties ,
An Old Fend Out in Ijaranilo Ends
In Bloodshed.
LAIUMIE , Wyo. , May 3. [ Special Telo-
gratn to THE BEE. ] A feud which arose
four years ago between Ernest T. DUon and
Milton J. Embrce , known as Jack Embreo ,
had a tragical ending yesterday afternoon
nt the former's ranch on Cooper Creek ,
thirty-live mites from Laramio. Early this
morning Dlxon rode Into town and said ho
had killed Embreo nnd gave himself up.
Embreo was only recently released from
Joliet penitentiary , where ho served n four
years' sentence for an nssault on Dixon.
Fora long time they were friends , living to
gether hero nnd at North Park , Colo. They
were together in several questionable tran
sactions , notablv n cattle stealing case at
Fort Collins. Finally they fell out , and Em-
bree , whoso relations with Dixon's wife had
caused some comment , began to make
trouble for her. She , too , cast him off , tbo
trouble ending in Embreo shooting at Dixon
and going to the penitentiary. Then , and
since his return a week ago , ho avowed re
venged upon Dixon. For the last two days
he was seen lurking aronnd Dixon's ranch ,
and yesterday Dixon sent his hired man out
to rpconnoiter ; the latter met Etnbrce , who
fired at him without effect and then ran into
a thick brush. Dixon came up and followed
him into the brush. When ho came upon
him , Embreo raised his revolver , but Dixon
quickly fired twice from his rillo , killing his
enemy Instantly. The authorities have gone
out to investigate.
General lUcrutt Anticipates No
" > '
Further Trouble.
WAsnlNOTON , May 3. The following tele
gram was received by the adjutant-general
from General Merritt , dated yesterday :
"Everything quiet in Oklahoma territory.
I anticipate no further trouble in the coun
try from any cause , but will , in the event of
any disturbance , return at once to Okla
homa. I propose later to withdraw n part of
the troops in the territory. "
Postmaster-General Wanamakor , to-day ,
received a telegram from Postmaster ' Flynn ,
at Uuthrio , Oklahoma , in which h'o says the
daily sale of postage stamps at his office
amounts to about SoU ; that eleven clerks in
the oflice ara kept busy from 5 o'clock In the
morning , until 7 o'clock at night , and when
the mail is ready for delivery there is
usually a line of men naif a nillo long , wait
ing for their mail. About three .thousand
letters and ono thousand newspapers arc de
livered dallv. There are five banks and six
newspapers in operation.
Land-Commissioner Stockslager to-day re
ceived a report from Inspector Hobbs , at
Guthrie , which shows that during the first
week there were 450 entries and forty-two
notices of contest made.
Its Anniversary to be Observed by
Chlcaco Anarchists.
CHICAGO , May 3. To-morrow will bo the
third anniversary of the Haymarket riot , and
that the anarchists of the city prooose to ob
serve the day is evidenced by a printed ad
dress or circular which has been issued from
some secret establishment. Chief of Police
Hubbard found a copy of it in his mail to
day , and another was found lying upon the
pedestal of the Haymarket police monument ,
which is to bo dedicated on the 30th inst.
The circular is of an inflammatory character.
In that It lauds the virtues of the condemned
and executed anarchists and denounces all
of the officers who hud anything to do with
securing their conviction. It , however , does
not counsel a resort to force or the doing of
any avert act. It speaks of meetings to beheld
held on the anniversary of the riot. The
supposition has been that the anarchists
would make some demonstration on the day
of the unveiling of the monument.
Chief Hubbard was Interviewed concern
ing the circular this afternoon. He nays ha
scarcely thinks It possible that the anarchists
will attempt an armed outburst upon the day
the statue is unveiled. He says every precaution -
caution will bo taken to secure the safety of
life and property.
A KolliiiK Mill Combine.
Ciiictoo , May 3. [ Special Telegram to
THU BEE.J It is understood now that the
great combine of the North Chicago Holling
Mill company , Union Steel mill and thu Jo
liet Steel company , will bo consummated
Saturday , and all three merged under ono
management. This is ono of the biggest
deals in years , The capital stock will be
? 25,000UOO. The new company will own
fourteen blast furnaces , with a capacity of
700,000 tons. Jn addition the various inter
ests controlled by the three companies In the
transportation line , coal and iron mines , rollIng -
Ing stock , etc , , will pass under the control
of the combine. It is understood ono of tbo
most Important moves to bo mads by the
now concern is to be the diversification of
the output. At present all are principally
engaged in turning out steel rails and like
work. It is proposed to multiply the num
ber of products. The now company will ar
range to turn out wire nails , cut nails , wire
rods , barbed fence wire , structural iteel
worn and boiler and tin nlate--ln fact ; every
kind of work now dciio in Pittsburg and the
Itynn Met the Fl litinc Editor.
SAX FKANCISCO , May S. ( Special Tele
gram to THE BKE , | Paddy Hyan , ex-champ
ion heavy weight , was knocked out Wed tics-
day night by a newspaper reporter named
Wells , weighing about one hundred ami
fifty pouni2i , Uyun Insulted. Wells , who
knocked him down ut ouca. Uyan was
knocked down thrco times on the sidewalk
nnd was finally rescued by his friends. His
face was so b.tilly bruised that ao ilid not
show up j eitorduy.
McAIIUter Works UN Month.
NEW YOIIK , May 3. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE.I Wnrd McAllister , who reached
the city Thursday , U belnp lionized byThe
Four Hundred , " nnd Is apparently tickled to
dc-Un over the mess the great centennial ban
quet wound up in. Ho U out In n lengthy inter
view this morning , In which ho Insinuates
Lhat the management of brother Fish nnd
tils nssoclntcs was responsible for the whole
trouble. Ho glorifies hlmsolf ; tells what
ought to hnvo been done , nnd how to do It ,
Ho nlso says the great qundrlllo was horri
bly mismanaged , nnd that the nristocrntlo
Indies who participated nro terribly Indignant
at the treatment accorded thorn nil around.
A Coaohlnu Party Utin into Hy a
1' rcl&ht Train.
PHILADELPHIA , May 3 , A conch contain
ing several persons was demolished bv n
: raln on the Pennsylvania road nt Brides-
burg Crossing this morning , nnd two of its
occupants , F. 1C. Womrnth nnd James Dun
can , wcro killed. Thrco others wcro in
The accident occurred shortly nftor 1
o'clock this morning. The coach contained
cloven men. The party were members of
the Masonic fraternity , and were returning
to this city from n visit to Dr. Boyer , of
Bridcsburg , worshipful master of the lodge ,
to which they belonged. Howard Globs ,
one of the injured , did not belong to the
party , but had been overtaken on the rend
nnd allowed to ride with the driver. The
brief delay caused by taking un nn oxtrn
passenger undoubtedly had much to do
with the calamity which followed.
The night was hazy , rendering objects In
distinct , nnd it Is supposed that the freight
train approached the crossing unpereoivcd by
those In the coach. The engineer , when ho
saw what hnd happened , stopped the train as
soon ns possible. Stretched upon the cow-
cntcher , bruised , bleeding nnd Insensible ,
was Johnson , the colored driver. A square
below the crossing his horses were found
dead and dashed to pieces , lying close to
gether. The force of the blow must have
been terrible , for the shoes wcro torn from
the front hoofs of ono of thorn , and the
had a leg cut off close to the
trunk. Further up the track , the coach
dashed to Underwood was discovered in u
heap , and a few feet awav from it wcro the
boaies of Won rnth and Duncan. Close to
them lay their follow passengers , Smith aim
Wllgus , who were quite senseless. The
others , with the exception of Dr. Hulo nnd
Myers , were groaning pitifully. Two of the
injured , Samuel Smith , n wholesale liquor
merchant , and Frank Wilgus , a druggist , are
expected to die. The others Injured , 11 vo In
all , are reported to bo getting along com
An Expert Moots His Bcath By a De
fective Crank Pin.
PUEIILO , Colo. , May 3. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ! A gentleman arrived in this
city , this evening , and told of a most tcrri
bio accident that occurred in the Edward
Leo mine , near Kokoino , yesterday after
John Knox and Frank Kimball went up to
inspect the mine for the owner. They se
cured n small windlass and half-inch rope to
go down into the mine , which is seventy-live
feet deep. Kimball first let Ivnox down and
drew him up with safety. Kimball was then
let down , and , after inspecting the mine ,
Knox started to draw him up. When within
a few feet of the top the pin in the windlass
crank broke , and Kimball fell with great violence
lenco upon the rugged locks at the bottom of
the mine. Assistance was summoned from
men working on the adjoining claims and
Knox was lot down Into the mine. He found
the lifeless form of Kimball mangled lu the
most horrible shape Imaginable.
f _ 'i i ' " f - .
He Issued linens Checks.
CHEYENNE , Wyo , , May 3. [ Special Tele-
.pram to THE BEE.J A number of peoulo
have been victimized by William Constantine
stantino , who has been in the butcher busi
ness hero for the past year. Constantine
has had a prospering trade nnd was making
money. Ho sold out his establishment re
cently. Yesterday morning ho issued a
number of cheeks to pay off his bills and left
town on a Burlington train before the banks
opened. When the holders of the checks
presented them for payment they were as
tonished to Hnd them worthless. Constan
tine had drawn his funds from the bank on
the previous day. The amount of the
swindle will be upward of $ lf > 00. Constan
tine bought a ticket for Holyoke , but it is
thought ho headed for Pennsylvania , where
his wife went a month ago. An effort will
bo made to capture him and have him prose
cuted. Besides the parties imposed upon
here , it is thought ho sent bogus checks tea
a number of produce dealers in Colorado and
An Interesting Caso.
H'uuoN , So. Dak. , May 3. Mandamus pro
ceedings have been instituted against the
board of county commissioners by E. M.
Thomas to show cause why ho should not bo
appointed auditor of Bcadlo county. Thomas
is an honorably discharged union soldier , nnd
fully competent to discharge the duties of
the ofllcc. Ho and Charles O. Morgan wcro
the only applicants for the position , Thomas
claims tbo appointment under the political
code of Dakota , which provides that whcro
an ex-union soldier makes application for an
appointment to : \ territorial , city , ov/n or
village , he shall , all things beintf equal , bo
preferred us against ono who has not so
served in the union army. The case Is at
tracting much attention , and on its decision
depends many moro of u similar character.
* -
Two Thousand .tlon Idle ,
BHVZII. , Ind. , May 2. The Block coal
miners to-day rejected the scale of prices
prepared by the operators. Another meeting
will be held Thursday next to determine
whether the dispute should bo referred to
arbitrators , meanwhile all work at the mines
has been suspended , and . ' .OK ) men are Idle.
The bituminous operators and miners have
been holding n prolonged meeting at Terre
Haute , and to-day It was decided by the
miners to return to work for a month on a
nasis of 05 to 70 cents u ton , pandlng a per
manent settlement.
Dakota Contest.
Sioux F u.s , Dak. , Mny 3. [ Special J'ele-
gram to TUB Br.E ] The second annual oratorical
torical contest of South Dakota colleges took
ulnco to-night. Koprcicntatlvos from Yank-
ton , Kedfleld and Brooklngs agricultural col
leges and the Mitchell and Sioux Falls uni
versities contended. First honor wm given
to K. A. nhase. of Vanktoii , and the second
to | ! ert Itoygon , of Sioux City. The prize
was a polished stub of chalcedony worth $3CU ,
offered by the Drake company ,
Sentenced lo Ilnns ; ,
BIUHIXUIUM , Ala. , May 3. The Jury In
tbo Ilawes trial , this afternoon , after being
out about three hours , returned u verdict of
guilty , fixing the penalty at death , Hnwes ,
who is accused pf murdering his wlfo aud
two children , accepted the verdict as n man
having expressed himself nil t.'io while as
looking upon his conviction as a fnri'gnno
conclusion. The verdict meets with popular
approval , and was expected. The general
opinion union ; ; lawyers here Is that the su
preme court will order a new trial and a
utiicigo of venue.
The Dentil P.rcord.
Lo.Miox , K y 3. Oisna'.ches from Gouth
Africa announce the death there from fever
of Lord V'altcr Campbell , third son of the
Duke of Ar 'i'le aud hro'.hcr'of the Marquis
of Lorno.
Htirr Meyer , the largest Ivory Importer In
the world , uml a broUier-In-l'jw of Hoii , Crl
Scliuruled to-day at Kiel.
Adopted the Australian Hy tni.r
JEFmtJON CITV , Mo. , May a [ Special
Telegram to THE JJtfK.J The house to-aav
passed tbo senate bill embodying the Aus
tralian system of voti'ip. Thn bill as passed
applies only to cities of r > , ( XX > and over. It
liu * passed the senate , aud uo\v fcos ; to the
gove.-i.or for hU signature.
And Is Sued For Allonntluff n Wife's
An Indignant Husband Proposes ta
Mnko It Warm for the Pretender - _ * j
tender Fifteen Families i *
Broken Up.
Women Grazed hy Religion.
CHICAGO , Mny 3. [ Special Telegram ta
THE BBE.J There appears to bo n prospect
of much trouble In the near future for the
Rev. George Jacob Schwolnfurth , of Rockford -
ford , who Is proclaiming himself to bo Jesus
Christ returned to earth. A couple of hus
bands whoso wives have been converted to
Sehwcinfurth's belief lira preparing to go
.after him with n sharp stick. U nppcnrs
that a few months ngo , during somu pro
tracted meetings , held in Park View by
Sohwclnfurth , Mrs. Wllkins , the wlfo of a
Chicago doctor , became a convert to the now
religion and acknowledged her belief that
Schwelnfurth was in reality Jesus Christ.
The conduct of Mrs. Wilklns was such that
her husband had to send her abroad in order
to euro her of her religious mania.
Dr. Wllkins then employed n female de
tective , wlio laid u neat trap to lead astray
the head of the now religious sect. Bat the
schema was n failure , and the doctor is now
about to begin suit against Schwolnfurth lor
something like ? 2.\l'00 for alienating his
wife' * nfTectlons.
This story was made publio to-day , and n
reporter called on Dr. Wllkms this afternoon
to see what there was in it. " es , the story
Is nbout right , " said the doctor. In answer to
the reporter's question. "My wlfo is a con
vert , but I don't think she believes nil the
rest of those people do , "
"Is it true that you are going to bring suit
against Schwoinfiirthl"
"Wo are going to do more than that , for
wo intend to show him up to the public.
There is another man working with mo , and
his story is worse than mine. However , I
cannot say anything about him or his affairs.
Ha will speak for himself when the time
conies. "
"What is it that you will tnako publio
nbout this man Sehwcinfurth that tbo people
do not already know ! "
"Well , ns 1 said , I do not want to say Just
now , but wo will make It hot for him before
long. This much I will say : I can now cell
to mind at least fifteen families which hnvo
been broken up and made unhappy through
this man and his religion. Each of these J
families has a story similar to , if not moro
pitiful , than my own. " i ,
The Capital and Prohibition the Au- '
snrhini ; Questions.
PiEiiitE , So. Dak. , May 3. [ Special to TUB (
BEE. | Within the no\t few months several
Dolltical issues of Mtal importance nro to bo
decided by the people of South Dakota , yet
but little excitement prevails , and , by the -ij
public generally , but n small amount of in
terest is manifested , except in the capital
On the llth of Mny the Sioux Fails consti
tution will bo adopted without a doubt. The
prohibitionistB , at first , feared that tholr |
enemies would fight this , but tholr fears 3
were groundless , for the liquor dealers have , xa
since the question uroso this spring , shown a , j
willingness to support its addition , giving |
as their reason that their opposition , for ob- li
vlous reasons , might delay statehood. But I
now their willingness has pasaed into action. ]
since , at a recent meeting , held at Hurou , ol J
the liquor dealers of South Dakota , they do'J
elded to do nil in their power to aid in tha 1
adoption of the Sioux Falls constitution. |
But they also resolved to do their utmost - 1
most to defeat the prohibition clausa I
when that shall come up bepnratcly to bo do- i I
cidcd by the people. With this issue and I
matters In such u condition , all the blttci I
feelings of the past will spring up and bo ex- I
pcncnced aeain by the hot-blooded advocates 1
of each principle. i
As the weeks roll by the interest In tin 1
capital contest steadily increases , and tha 1
excitement becomes moro intense as each |
candidate in turn presents a new argument I
in her favor. Although there are no fewer ; ]
than eight or ten cities making a vleoroub J
strucglo for the capital honors , yet the principal - i
cipal fight will bo waged between Sioux 1
Falls , Huron and Pierre. These clues are 1
working every conceivable schema to promote - I
mote their chances In tha coming contest. 1
Sioux Falls argues that because shu Is tbo 1
queen city , represents moro oaultal aud I
possesses the most railroads , that she should i
be awaidcd tha prize. But her rivals Insist iJ
that her railroads are not trunk lines aud 11
hence she is not easily reached from sonio 1
important points. 1
Huron claims that she is in the center ol I
population and wealth , that her citl/ens ara „ ]
enterprising , and that she represents the j
greatest wealth of any city in the territory , I
according to her si/c , and lor these reasons I
should have the capital located thcro. I
Pierre simply asserts that she is in the Kfl- , I
ographical center and situated on the only j-l
navigable river In the territory. Whlla I
Pierre is koutln the background by the men , I
who have the management of her campaign . ' I
affairs , these gentlemen uro quietly laying ; ' 1
for a new enterprise , which , when well under - \
der headway , will surprise her most formidable - I
able rivals. _ 11
The Second Day's Proceedings De'I /
vulnp nn New KaoiA. '
DOUGHS , Wyo. , May 3. [ Spenlal Telegram . I
gram to THE BEB. | The second day's pro- I
ccedliigs in the Sheffer murder trial developed - < |
oped no facts other than those adduced at I
thu corouer'K inquest. Dr Martin described I
the nature of thu wound , and * ruvo it us his I
opinion that the bullet which killed Sclden I
was fired from u shotgun. Coroner Chapin , I
of l.arauile county , reviewed the evidence I
given at the inquest held by him , und pro- '
nuced n bullet taken from Selden's body , I
which Dr Martin , who performed the post I
mortem examination , Identified. Numerous J
neighbors ol the inurdcivd man were uxnm- I
inedwhoso evidence was relative to tha time I
of thu shooting , tiio nature of the wound , tha I
coursn of the second bullet fired ut Mrs. ,1
Sclilcn , the deportment of Shatter on the I
night of the killing , etc. The most of them J
testified that they believed that a aliotgunwas I
the weapon used ty the assassin. Tha court > |
is In session this evening , The cast ) Is not I
likely to go to the Jury before llio latter part -.1
of next week The prosecution ha * about I
thirty witnesses yet to examine , and the da. 1
fen BO ten. Shelter was cool and smiling to- , I
day. The court room was crowded with < \
ladles tills afternoon nnd evening. I
Indian * Willing to Blcn , A
CiiAMiiftiti.AiN , Dak. , May 3.i-Speolal [ ta f I
THE BBE , ] The appointment of the Bloux | J
commission is hailed with delight by the people - | > |
plo of South Dakota. The latest reports re- j |
ceived In this city from all the agencies ara 4 |
to the effect that all the Indians uro In favor V ]
of the bill. In an interview with Duck An- % ]
tclope , an influential Inalan from Brulo v l
agency , ho says that ill's Irmlaur at tbat " 1
agency uro going to send out workers to tha * I
other agencies in favor of the bill. I
Ono feature of the celebration of the ono'I
hundredth anniversary * f- the ndoption of ' . I
the constitution hold In this city the iKithwas 11
thi devotional services conducted by Rev * * jl
Luku Wnlfer , n full blood Slnux Indian. -i L 1
Clminbcrliiln caoboasl of b ln tbo only city Trt
In the United Stoics that hud u native Aiuer * t'l
ican to conduct the services , * l
Clark on One * in Kitniiu ky.
PoUmaster-Uener.iUClurUon loft Wrshl'g
ton mst night for Kcn'.uck He l epeeto4
to return