Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    ' 'T * * - r- -V
_ _
Mlclinol Donavnn wns arrested yes
terday for keeping a vicious dog. The
complainant was Fnlonn Conway , who
lives In North Omaha.
A lot of plumber's tools which were
otolon from Doty & Darat's saloon about
September 1 , were found by Dotoctlvo
Ilorrlgan in Broadkoy's pawn shop. A
man Riving the name of II. Bills ,
pawned them there September 27.
People in the north end of town ex
press themselves as being very anxious
to have the electric motor line extended
on Sherman avenue as far as the Chicago
cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis fc Omaha
depot near the fair grounds and over
tures will bo made to Dr. Mercer to run
the line to that place.
Mrs. Grace K. Iliggins yesterday filed
a chattel mortgage with the county
clerk , covering several buggies and a
coupe , a lot of household goods and a
quantity of champagne liquor which nre
now at the lilggitiH residence , 1G10
Lonvon worth street. The mortgage
was given to Dr. .1. W. MeMonamy for
the consideration of $ lli0. ! !
Dr. K. T. Hoot , of Exeter , Neb , Is In the
Ex-Governor Abbott , of Grand Island , Is
at lla 1'iixtoti.
JuilRO Hopowcll , of the Third Judicial ills-
trict , Is in Omtilia nt the Millurd hotel.
Miss Franklo Urlsli , of Mattoon. III. , is
visiting her schoolmate , Mlfls Llz/ioCiuitleld.
of this city.
J. D. Foster hna rcturnud from nn ex
tended trip to Los Angeles.
Mr1 Mel Potora , wife and ( ton , of South
Charleston , O. , arrived yestenlav and will
locate in Omaha. Mr. Peters proposes to
enter the retail hardware and tinware trade ,
in which line ho has been successfully en-
j-'ngnd for .years In Ohio. Ho and family are
the guests of Mr. James Huyncs , G'-4 North
Twentieth struct.
Slt-zcd tlin IlnrHc.
Canan & Co. have tiled an afllclavit of at
tachment against F. H. Kenney for $ fi7.50 ,
and have caused Constable Clnrk to seize a
line black belonging to Kenney , as
they believed ho was about to dispose of his
pioporty to defraud his creditors.
Clcarcil of tlio Cliarce.
The trials of diaries GustalTson and Pat
Shea , who were charged with being the fol
lows who maliciously broke the water main
on Farnam street two woolts ago. were taken
up ucaln yesterday morning and finally re
sulted in a dismissal from lack of evidence.
Called tlio < ) til C a Ijlar.
W. S. LJoll was arraigned for bolng drunk
and In the course of the examination ho
called Juilgo Hcrlca a liar. His honor
brought the trial immediately to a close by
fining Boll 1 and costs for drunkenness and
$15 and costs for contempt of court.
Ice Cronin Festival.
Last evening the members of the Trinity
M. E. church , in Kountzo Place , gave an ice
cream festival. There was a largo turnout
of church people and the evening was an enJoyable -
Joyablo ono. The proceeds , which were
very handsome , were for the beucllt of the
Nor. DlHlioiiOHl but n Poor Manager.
Mr. Jacob Schiller says that Constable
Clark is wrong in his assertions concerning
Mr. Goldman selling to him the store on
Sherman avenue near Ohio to avoid the pay
mcnt of a small bill. Mr. Schiller says that
ho has owned the store himself since It
started , and Goldman has been In his employ
as a clerk. Ho says furtlior that Goldman is
not dishonest , but merely lacks business
\ Linwii Tennis Clul ) .
The young ladies and gentlemen of
ICountzo Place mot recently at Miss Gussio
McAmsIand's and organized The Kountze
Place Lawn Tennis and Archery club. Mr.
Gco. F. Day was elected president and Ed.
Hamilton , secretary and treasury. The
grounds which Mr. ICountzc has kindly given
the club the use of uro on LJirincs and
iTwcnty-ilrst streets , being largo enough for
three courts.
The club will consist of twenty-four mem
bers who will bo exclusively of Kountzo
Place. _
A Hie Thing for Omatin.
The National Life Insurance company of
New York , throuth its agents here , Messrs.
Rocdcr tiros. , will this season erect a hand
some structure to bo used by its onlcos.
It is intended to make this the general
western department of the company , not
alone for its insurance ) business , but also for
its mammoth loaning department , and will
add much to Omaha's Importance as u flnan-
clal centre.
Thn building will bo used exclusively for
company ofilccs and no part of it will bo
rented to outside parlies.
The site has not yet been selected.
Poisoned by Canned Tomatoes.
Richard Howloy , an engineer on the Union
Pacific , who lives at 1309 North Twentieth ,
narrowly escaped death by poisoning from
canned tomatoes. The other members of the
family noticed a peculiar and disagreeable
taste In the tomatoes and refrained from eat
ing them , but Mr. Kowloy ate very heartily
of ttom. In about two hours after the meal
ho was taken violently sick , and Dr. Fiecen-
bnum was summoned , who discovered that
the symptoms worn those duo to poisoning
from stannic chloride , this deadly chemical
combination being caused by the use of mur-
latlo ni'lil In the solder. Proper remedies
were given and Mr. Howloy Is In a fair way
to recover. _
Needed Pavement Itcpalrfl.
A "driver" writes as follows : "Any ono
having occasion to drive over Douglas 3i
street between the bridge and the Millard
hotel , on Eleventh between Douglas and 1
Farnam , und la particular the crossing ut
the corner of Eleventh and Douglas , has
noticed the dangerous and unsightly holes
left since last winter by HID motor company
when laying their track. How much longer
docs the company want to maintain u nut-
Banco along its track , and cause so much
.trouble and danger to the hundreds of
loaded vehicles passing every day ] Is it not
high time the street commissioner , or some
other high olUelul got action la the mulluri"
Wronged Diui'jhtnr null Kntlicr.
The case of the Omaha Loan and Tiust
company versus A. F. Lindguest to fore
close a bogus mortgage given by a scoundrel
named Alexander Miller on LindqucsVs
household property , was heard bofoio Jus
tice Kroegoryesterday afternoon. Limln.uest ,
who Is an Ignorant Swede , testified that
Miller pretended ho wanted an Indorsement
on a paper apply ing for a liquor llcenao anil
thereby Imlucca Lmdiiuest to put his murk
to a document that proved to bo a bill of hale
for all of his furiiituno. With this bill of
falo Mlil'ir secured & > 4 from the Omaha
Loan and Trust company and then skipped.
This Is not the only piece of rascality laid
at Miller's ttoor , for about a month after ills
departure for unknown parts Llndijucst's
pretty fcvontccn-ycar-ohl daughter bccuuio a
mother and she claims that Miller is the
father of the child.
To Dlxlndtro tlio Kncmy ,
AVh'n it takes the form of disease of the kid
neys or bladder , U a tusk \vnll nigh impossi
ble of accomplishment. Honal and vesioal
maladies arc more obstinate than any others.
Counteract , thbretore , tbo carlioit indica
tions of Inactivity of the many organs with
Hostettt'i's Ktcmmcli Hitlers , wblrh pob-
BCSSC-\ among other ovcnllent miulltlcs ,
those of nn eflleicnt diuretic , The auirrce of
stli'iulutlon apparent from its use roaches ,
but never goes beyond , the bounds of safety.
U Invigorates always , * * never Irritates.
Urlk'ht's disease , diabetes , catarrn of the
bladder , are diseases successfully combatted
in tholr mciplcncy with this benign medical
stimulant and tonic. UeslUcs icinforclng
und regulating the kidneys und bladdi * tbo
Hitters is u b-.icalllo for fever and ague , con-
Btlpitlou and dyspepsia.
Jtcnolntloiifl or Tlinuks Adopted by
tbo Hoard f Trade.
Hcforo dispersing to their homes after the
parade of the streets the members of the
board of trade found time at : ho chamber of
commerce yesterday morning to unanimously
adopt the following :
Hcsolvcd , That the thanks of { .ho excur
sion party of the board of trndo of Omaha
are duo and nro hereby tendered to the ofll-
COM and employes of the Fremont , Elkhorn
ft , Missouri Valley railroad company , who
have accompanied us on our trip , for the
uniform attention and courtesy they have
shown us , and for their successful efforts to
make our journey entertaining and pleasant ;
and wo i egret that business engagements
prevented the attendance of General Pas
senger Agent J , H. Huchanan.
\Vo also neknowledco our Indebtedness to
our follow townsman , Hon. James Stephenson -
son , for nn attractive fonturo of our trip in
the coaches and their complete eaulpmoet ,
and In and on which wo have enjoyed so
many delightful rides. When remembering
our "coaching the Hlnck Hills" wo shall
also rctncmbor "Jim" Stophonson.
We further express to tlio representatives
of the press of Omaha , who have accompa
nied us , our appreciation of their service in
reporting the Inrldonts of our Journey and
thulr enterprise In furnishing us with the
Omaha dally papers with nromptncss.
Wo also tnko this opportunity again to ac
knowledge the many nets of courtesy ex
tended tj us by the wide nwalto and enter
prising towns wo have visited , whoso desire
to make our visit tilc.isureublo and whose
warm western hospitality have miido this ex
cursion ono grand continuous ovation.
Furthermore , wo express to the ofllcors of
the board of trade and to the committee on
arrangements for this town our thanks for
their efforts and our approval of tholr acts
to which wo owe the harmony and good feel-
Inc which have marked this excursion.
Our thanks nro duo and are hereby tend
ered to the commandant and oftlcers of Forts
Niobrnra , Hobinson and Mead for receptions
and entertainments tendered at each.
And in conclusion the members of this ox-
cm slon , representing the hoard of trade and
business interests of Omaha , desiring to
bind yet closer by feelings of friendship and
the tics of mutual interest the thrifty com
munities of the north west and the metropol
itan city of Omaha , hereby formally extend
to the cities and towns along the Fremont ,
Klkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad and in
the wonderful Hlaek Hills country an earn
est and urgent Invitation to visit Omaha in
the near future , and afford us the opportun
ity to return in a measure the generous
hospitality they have shown us.
It In n Curious Knot
That the body is now more susceptible
to benclit from medicine than at and
other season. Uenco the importance of
taking Hood's Sarsaparilhi now , when
it will do you the most good. It is
really wonderful for purifying and en
riching the blood , creating an anpotito ,
and giving a healthy tone to the vvholo
sybtom. Bo sure to got Hood' Sarsaparilla -
parilla , which' is peculiar to itself.
Building Permits.
The following permits ivcro issued by
Building Inspector Whitlock yesterday :
E li Pecklmtn. one-story mlultlon to dwell-
liiK. Cnlironilanoar'lhltty-Ilttli streets 150
Ida Hanson , repair to duelling , Twenty-
third and Pacliic streets. . . 1,000
It .M 1'ruyn , mpalr to dualling , Twenty-
llrst and ( Iruto streets . 300
II U Couusmiin , ouu mid a half-story
fratno barn , 1531 North Klglitcunth
stieet . . 100
New Voik and Omalm Land and Trust
company , one ixnd a half-story frame
dwnlliug. Hint and Thlrty-Mxth streets. 2,300
J Shosbiifc , tvo-story fi.irao duelling ,
Wllllnm near Hickory street . 1,000
M V Hays , one-story fiamu dwelling.
Blnncmml near Thirty-fourth street . 1,000
Oeorgo S Durham , ono-wtorv frame barn ,
Lcuvomvortli near T only-fourth
Htieot . . 75
Western Oil Tank line , ono-story ollice ,
buventeenth street and U&M track. . . . 400
Nine permits , aggroc-itlng. . . . , . 8 O.K3
The use of Angostura Bitters excites
the appetite and keeps the digestive
organs in order. Dr. J. G. B , Siegort
& Sons , solo manufacturers. At all
Uio Hold.
W. A. L. Gibbon , cashier of the South
Omaha Savings bank , who was a member of
the board cf trade excursion , speaking upon
the benefits of the trip , said :
The resources of the country visited are
moio valuable than the average Omaha
merchant had any idea of. In fact , an im
pression prevailed , to a considcrabln extent ,
that noith western Nebraska was a barren
sand-hill country , and that the Black Hills
were settleii with worthless adventurers not
worthy of confidence or credit. of our largo wholesale houses ,
acting under those impressions , have not
made an effort to secure the trade of that
The few that have been working that trade
from Omaha have been quietly reaping a fine
This trip will open the eyes of Omaha job
hers agreeably , as all the territory visited is
naturally tributary to Omaha by reason of
shoitcr distance and direct railroad commu
nication. It requires only a strong move on
the part of thci Omaha merchants to drive
Chicago and St. Paul out of the country.
Our past neplect of this ten itory lias cro
atcd a false impression among the merchants
of the Ul.uik Hills country as to Omaha's
importance as a tr.idb center , as to our stocks
and ability to servo them in competition with
other largo markets. The trip will do much
to disabuse them of the erroneous ideas they
may have had , the result of which will be to
Increase our business by securinc new cus
tomers and strengthening our hold upon the
iradu wo already have.
Thn President's Collootlon.
1'residcnt Martin was one of the most
assiduous collectors of curiosities whiles on
the trip , as will appear from the following
lint of at tides obtained : Petrified wood
from Hot Springs , petrified llali from the IJad
Lands , gold and silver spec ! metis and tin ore ,
the last mentioned having been received
from M. il. Day , now of K.ipi.l City ; also a
beautiful specimen of buffalo horn fiom
Hupid City , and ( Uctiotis ) of variegated sand
stone from liuffalo ( lap. In thn collection
also are a number of samples fiom the Homo-
stake und Tornado mines at De.idwood , with
asbestos und tin from Whitcwood and
I Twenty Pieces of Horn1.
My llttlo nclcc , loft mo by her mother. haJ
ono of the worst cases of white swelling I
ever saw. Moiothan twenty pieces of bor.o
came nut of her leg , one piece being about the
slzo of the small end of a walking cane , and
nearly three inches long. The hole left by
taking tticso plorcsout was as large as a good
iii/cd walnut , tiho was not able to walk a
step for eight months , and was afterwards
compelled to use crutches for nearly a year ,
The doctors said there was no cure , and ail-
vised amputation of the limb. This I would
not consent to , but imt her to taking Swift's
Specific ( H. S. S. ) , hiuvlng oft all other treat
ment. It has cuicd hoibiuml and well , and
1 shall never grow wuar.v of speaking Its
praise , Mts. ; ANNIE UBRSU.VO.
Columbus , Ga. , Feu. 11 , Ibi'J ,
CJITV lltPhANH. \ .
To bo CtiBlder < * d ! > > thn Committee
The committee of the council on property
and buildings , consisting of C. L. Clinffeo ,
D. H. V/heoler and Jacob Comismau , will
meet to-day to examine the plans sub
mitted by aichltccts for the new city'hull
building. Twelve different set of plans \\eic ;
received , but ft oin whom they rnme Is un
known , us tho.v'lay m-euiely sealed In Coun
cilman Cuffco's ofllcc , and will be opened
only in the presence of the entire committee ,
All of the most prominent r.rcliltects In
city uro competitor ; ) .
Judgini : from the remarks of Mr. Cnaffio.
chairman of the board , made yesteulny tea
a rcpoiter , the public will not be allowed to
bo present during the meetings of tlio com
mittee ) . Ho does not anticipate u decision in
less than a work's time , unit says that tlio
committee will have nothing to make public-
previous to Itb repot t to the council ,
Flro at Walnut Hill.
At 0 10 yesterday morning tuo cottages
were burned U ) the ground ut Walnut Hill on
Lowe avenue near Hamilton street. Mr.
Nicholson , the saloonkeeper , pulled the
alarm for the patrol wagcm lusteaioftUo
flro department , and when the error wao dis
covered , half an hour latter and the flro do-
lartment promptly responded , It was too late
to siivo the buildings. ' The loss nn both
amounted Jo 2,000 , with no Insurance.
ICntlo Ijn Crolx Having Trouble AVIth
Her Soldier Hoy.
ICatlo La Crolx , a petite brunette ,
yesterday made complaint before Jus
tice Wndo against her husband , a member of
company H nt the fort , known there as licrt
Hubbard. In her complaint Katie alleges
that her husband's real name Is Albert La
Crolx , that oho married him last January.
The orange blossoms that bloomed at her
wedding had scarcely withered before her
Apouso began to treat her ver.y differently
from what ho had promised when ho said ,
"I will love and cherish , " and his treatment
of her finally became so brutal that she was
compelled to leave him and seek parental
protection nt homo. Last Friday , she
alleges , ho came to town and visited her and
because she refused to comply with his
wishes , threatened to itlll her , and exhibited
a murderous looking knife. Katie says her
spouse Is a bad man nil around and Is gen
erally hated by his companions at the fort.
La Crolx or Hubbard. on the other hand
says ho ban not abused her and that so far
from desiring to go near her wishes to keep
us far away aspossiblcnllcgiiig that through
lior ho was made generally unhappy. The
olllcers of Company H anys that Hubbard la
n good soldier and that the only fault they
find uith him is his high temper.
Ono of tlio Victims liately a Visitor In
Ono of the unfortunate victims of the
frightful railway accident at Hamilton , Can
ada , last Sunday , was Mr. Hufus A. Peverly
of Portsmouth , N. H. , a cousin of Mrs.
jcorgo H. Leslie of this pity.
Mr. Poverly had been spending the winter
a California with other relatives of Mrs.
Leslie , and tlio party stopped over hero on
their way east , Mr. Povorly remaining the
guest of Mrs. Leslie for two weeks. He then
eft for Chicago and visited friends there ,
leaving on the fated train for Now York to
participate in the Wnshlnuton centennial fes
tivities before returning to his homo in Ports
Hon. John 13roughton of Portsmouth , who
Is a cousin of Mr. Pcvorly , wires Mr. Leslie
that ho had loft Chicago for New York on
that train und that personal property belong
ing to him had been identified at the scene of
the wreck.
Mr. Leslie received telegrams announcing
tbo sad fact Wednesday night but did not
break the news to his wife until yesj
terday , when further telegrams confirmed
the tlrst reports.
Mr. Povorly made many friends here dur
ing his visit who will bo pained to learn of
his untimely end. Ho was unmarried and
leaves a widowed mother in Portsmouth , to
whom his sudden death must prove a terri
ble bereavement.
The most delicate constitution can
safely use Dr. .l.H. McLean's Tar " \Vino
Lung Balm. It is a sure remedy for
coughs , loss of voice , and all throat and
lung troubles.
County Finances.
The county auditor has nearly completed
the compilation of his yearly report showing
the condition of the county finances for 1888.
It will bo finished as soon as a dispute of
1.000 between the sheriff and county com
missioners is settled. From the general
fund the following amounts were expended :
Court house . S 17,00-1.07
District court . ! M,0J1.3a
County attorney's ofllco . fCi.'jri ( ) ;
Coroner's onico . 1,807.95
Jail . 10,107.aO
Poor farm . 13,484.00
City poor . 17,881.33
Insane boarding and committals. . 579.50
Election . 1/42.20
Agricultural . ' 1,3,0.40
Grading appliances , . 553.20
Hef unded taxes . 055 20
Advertising . 3,207.90
Miscellaneous . 2,272.81
Taxlistand assessment . Ilt72.90
Salaries of county board . 13,312.39
Books , printing , otc . 7,14555
Total . $13S,781.$4 : $
Heports have been received from all county
offices , save the sheriffs. Each ofllco has
turned a balance above expenses into the
treasury. The register of.dceds turned over
$7,4'JS.05 ; county clerk , $23.25 ; county
judge , f'J'JO.99 ; clerk of the courts , 5308.77 ;
county superintendent , $13X01. Tuxes , levied
in ISSb , were :
State fund . $170.021.75
Connty general . 197.0.'iS.45
County road . 74 , 114. 10
Countv bridge . 2-1,70 i 80
County sinking . 12,352.40
County Insane . 0,204.30
Total consolidated taxes
Against the road fund , warrants for
? 02'J14.70 have been drawn , and against the
bridge fund , { ,10,105.57.
Mr. Evan's statement discloses that during
1S38 , County Ticasuror Holln received
"Palno's Celciy Compound Is working out the
loots of un
Old matai ta attael : ,
Dating back to SIcClullun's Chlckahomlny
r/om mi/ own eritertcncc
I am dtanosed to make nn effort to place
J'alno's Celery Compound In the bands of
Of our customers
Tn malat lal i cut'Hif ' ,
With the guarantee of satisfaction or goods
President o J. P. llurnum ifo. . Manufacturing
und dispensing Chemists ,
6U 1'omtli Aumue ,
Louisville , Ky ,
To pinilncn icnl , genuine sleep and chlld-llko
rnpoiititku a llttlo Celery Compoucd on retir
A timely use of I'nlne's CYlery Compound will
keep 11 licit ) family In lolmst health a jcur.
Fact. Try it.
Indigestion , weak fctomuch , Irregularities of
bo well cannot c.lstUuii I'ulne'H Celery Com
pound 11 ti-cd
Tlio vluor of youth for the uped and Infirm Is
in I'nlne'ii Ci'leiy COnipjund. Ort-at Joy to all
, Why bo Mek and alllnj , ' when 1'ftlno's Celery
Compound will dinely LUUI youy Jl.OJuavca big
doctor a blli ! > .
. \ll j our own fault If yon i vimilii hick when you
can K < "l I'alm-.s Celery Compound thut nnvvr
fullc. I'nU.
" 1'nliie'n O'loiy Compound BOOS light to the
spot , lofivshro , ic'Vhvu and cuu-s. " ,1 I'ntttnt ,
IVoblo liullec. aged peiHons.uukly children ,
nil ni ed Tahiti * Ci'lcty Compound , Beu testi
mony ,
mid prostration , I'alno's
( Mcr.v Com pound w II daoudux , I'loMilt by
A U'ooil ttxuifC for sliknehs of youreelt and
fiuml-x ; | Unit \on don't use I'alne'aCtleny Com
I'liliiK'x ttli'iy ( * 'iiipound ( loci not exhaust
und ( U'J-Uo ) ' , but leakuos , ciuufuml miikei new
Ulo d.
, H ( ) per bottle. Six for 13.00.
JJnrliustou , Vt ,
Absolutely Pure.
Tilts powder never varies. A mnrvol of purity
HtreiiRth anil wholesomeness. Moro economical
than the ordinary Kinds , and cannot be sold In
competition with the multitudes of low coat ,
shortuolKhtalumor phospnato powders. Sold
only in cam. lloyal Making Powder Co. . 120
Wullstrcot Now lTorlc
Chicago , Ills. ( Clark at.
'Tlio Regular Old-Established
li still Treating with the Greatest
MAT.T.K . .
Chronic , teens anfl Private Diseases.
Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the eftecti
leading to early decuy and perhaps Consumption 01
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
never-failing Miccrss ,
ST SYPHILISand all bad Blood and Skin Dla-
easeo permanently cured.
WKlDNEYand URINARYcomphlnti.Qleet ,
Qonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Vnricocele and all dUeasci
of the Qenlto-Urinary Organs cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
agNo experiments. Age and experience 1m.
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
05-Send 4 cents postage Tor Celebrated Works oo
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
XW * Those contemplating Mairiage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male ana Female , each
IS cents , both 3 } cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter orcallmay save future sulTer-
ing and shame , and add golden years to life. C3 BooV.
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50cents ( stamps ) . Mediant ,
nd writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays g In la. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark SLe CHICAGO , ILL.
1108 FAHNAM STunr.r , OM UIA. NEB.
( Opposite I'lixton Hotel. )
omco hours. U a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays. 10 n.
m. to 1 p. in.
poclHllsts In Chronic , Nervous. Skin and
lllood Discuses.
t Coiistiltatlon at olllco or by mail freo.
Sleitlclnes sent by mall or express , securely
packed , free from observation , ( jiuiranteoslto
cure niilclclv. safely und uermnnently.
npDTnT'VSl'ermntorrhcea , semi.
TJDDuflllQ '
KhllVUub UbDlLlil nil rxJsses.NlghtEinls
slons Physical Decay , arising from Indiscre
tion , Excess or Indulgence , producing Sleep
lessness , Despondency , I'implos on the face ,
aversion to sot lety , easily ( llscounigod. luck of
conlldence , dull , unlit for study or business , and
llnds life a bunion , t-afoly , permanently and
privately cured. Consult lrs. Uetts If Uctts ,
403 t1 iirnain St. , Omaha , Nob.
Bloofl. and Skin Diseases
results , comrtlctolv eradicated without the aid
of JlHrcurv. Scrofula. 3Jrysp'Uia ! , 1'ever Sores ,
lllotchcs. Ulcers , Pains in the Head a'l'l Jloues ,
Syphilitic Sore Throat , Mouth and Tongue. Ca
tarrh. & .C. permanently cured wliero others
Hurnlng or Bloody Urine. Urlnu hlin col
ored or with milky sediment on standing ,
Weak Hack. Oonnorrluua. Uleet , Cystitis. K.C. ,
1'romptly andSafely Cured , Charges Heasona-
moval complete , without cutting , caustic or
dilatation. Cures oil ectod ut homo bv patient
ulthnuta inomonUpaluor annovanco.
To Yonns Men anil Miuile-AgCu Men ,
A < JITDD TIIDP Tll ° awful ellects of parly
n uUltlJ uUfiti Vice , which lirlngs organic
weakness , < lest jovlnu both mind iwrt bodv , with
nil its drcailod ills , permanently cm uo.
DDTTU Atlioss those who nave Impaired
, DDllO tlu-mselvos by improper liuliil-
cences and solitary habltl , which ruin both
bodv and mind , unlitting them for business ,
study or marriage. ,
MAitniKii .Mh.v. or those entering on that Imp
Py life , awuro of physical debility , quickly ivs
SISto °
is based upon facts , rirst Practical Kxpo.
rlence. Second Kvury case Is especially Htudled ,
thus Btnitlnt' aright. 'Ililid .Medicines are pre
pared in our laboratory exactly to suit each
case , thus uircctlng cures without injury.
fafSeiirt U cents i > ostage for celebrated works
o'n Chronic , Nervous anil Delicate Diseases.
Thousands cured , t3ff A filendly letter or call
may save you future sintering and Hhame , and
add golden jears to life. JVNo letters an-
HW ered unless accompanied by 4 cents in stamps.
n. i Ei * . - ; III"I"1'S.
1108 Farnam Brteut Oinulm , Neb.
MKN unil WUMKN succemfullr truutijl.
fiutrcrlni ; from Ilio < m-cti of roulliful follies nrlmlli
rrutlunit , or urn trmibloU with Wuuknotii , Nervous
Debllltr , l- " i uf Mtmiirr , De | ioiilcnur , Arersluii to
huclfty , Klilnvy Troubli-s or nny dl ea > u of tlio liuiit-
to-UrlimryOiviiiik , inn liuro iliul u i-afu audspojJy
cure. ( 'Imri/c'B ri'uiunublu , opeclally to tlio | ioor.
Tlurattri ) lutuijr troubluilwltli too frequent eracua
tlniKul tlu binililer , ulluii mcouipHiili'd by u IUIit
nuiirllnt ; or burning n'lisntlon , mill wuukonlnK of tlio
nj item In a manner the initlunt cnnnot account for.
On vxamlulnir Ilio nilimry depoiltjit rupy > udlmcnt
Hill oltoii be tiiiiiiil.iiinl Ko'iieilme * particles ( jf all. u-
men Kill appear or tl > u color bu oi a thin , lullklili
huiMuitln cnan < liu to n il rk or torplil apiicnrniuM.
'Jliun ru nianv inc-ii whouioof this dltitculty , litiior
unto : the cuum Mhlcb i > tlio ocnn.l Unite of nomi
nal cukne . 'I ho doctor vrlll k'liarantuu a iierfett
turuluall iich iuu > , und H lioallliy rusUirittloii of
lioKunllo urinary < > . ( oijiultiitlon fruit. Sen !
-tt-nt siauiif | r MVoun ilan's Krlendur OuUo to
edlock , " Ireu 10 n'l. AtWrt-
Main and 12th St. .Kaiibiis City , Mo.
riTMvutlou lliU paper.
aad'rumurs'UIteiu ;
CANCER bw.klrro. uu.UciMIUIi.B.U.
IbO W tasUuv. , cuiuuu , Itu
Clothing House
Price $15 ; Marked down from $20 and S22.
Four new lines have been added to our list of $8 Cheviot Suits. This has been the most popula
bargain line \ve have ever offered.
' ages 13 to
17 yrs.
We will run this popular line , for this week only.
Our special line of Boys' $5 Suits will be found larger this week than
ever before , including many choice designs never offered before ,
Send for samples and fashion plates for any of the above lines and
they will be mailed to your address.
OMAHA Freeland Loomis & ,
BOSTON , * w
DES MOINES Proprietors ;
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets ,
20to60 DAYS.
This is a discnso which lias heretofore
liaflled all Medical Science.
When Mercurv , Todido of Potassium , Sarsapa
rllla or Hot Springs fall , we guarantee a cure.
We hare a Remedy , unknown to anyone In tlio
World outside of our Company , andoue that has
to cure the moat obstinate cases. Ten days In
recent cases does the work. It la the old chronic
deep seated cases that we solicit. We have
cured hundreds w ho hnv ueen abandoned by
1'liyelclann. and pronounced incurable , and we
challenge ! the world to bring us a case that vro
will not cure in less than sixty day * .
Since the history ot meolclna u true specific
tor Byphllls has beau sought tor but uevor
found until our
was discovered , and wo are justified in saying
it is the only Remedy m the World tnat will pos >
itlvely cure , because the latest Medical Works.
published by the best known authorities , nay
there wai never a true speclllc before. Our rem
edy will cure when everything else has failed.
Why waste your time and money with patent
medicines that never had virtue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot cure you , you that have
tried everything else should come to us now and
K t permanent relief , you never can Ret it else
where. Mark what we say. in the end you
must take our remedy or NRVKIt recover and
you that have been aflllcted but a short time
should by all moans come to us now , not one in
ten of riflTT cases over cet permanently cured.
Many cethelp and think they are free from the
disease , but In one. two or tiires years after It
appears ( .gain in a more horrible form.
This is a blood Purifier and will Cure
any Skin or Blood Di&oaso when
Everything Else Fuils.
Boom419 PaxtoBlock.
Health is Wealth
MKNT , a guaranteed specillc for HyMeila , Dizzi
ness , fonvtilhlons , J its , Nurvoim Neuralgia ,
Headache. Nervoi's I'lostratlon caused by the
usuof alcohol i.rtolmc-o. Wakefulne'is ' , Mcnt ill
Depression , Fofunltik' of the llraln resulting In
insanity and loiidlnu to jnUery. uecay and
death. J'reinuturo Old Age , llitrrenncHs , I'OSH ot
I'oiNer in either se. . Involuntary I.OSHOS anil
Sperinntorrhii'a caused by over-exertion f
the oinin , salfaOiisoor over indutgenca , Huch
box rontaliiH on inonOi's treatment , l a box ,
or six boxes forfi , cent by mall prepaid 011 re
ceipt of pricB.
To euro any case. With each order received bv
us for six boxeH , accompanied with t'i. Via will
send the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money if the treatment does not eiruct
a cure. Uunrantees Issued only by ( ioodman
Drug Co. , DruKgMs , Solo Agents. 111U rurnum
btreet Omulm eb.
C Hie Mauor Habit. ToillUrlr < ! nrd
t > j AunilnUierlns Or. llulurc'
( olden Spcellie.
Itcanbe tlveu na cup of colfee or lu arti
cles of food , without tlni knouledgo of the ju-
l ut ; it is ubholiuely harmless , and will [ .
fectu penn.mi'iit untl speedy cur . whether the
patient is a moderate drinker or an alcohol
wreck. IT NKVIiH KAII.S O er ( OO.OOO
ilrunkiifU huvo been mudutempciata inuii who
have taken Oolden Specific in their coffee with
out theirkno ledaand ( today believe they
quit drinking of thela ownucciril 4 ; luga
bool ; of partlcul in free Knhn Ac C'o , auenii
llith and Douglas btH , luth anil Cumlng ftieeti ,
Omaha , Neb ; Council Illuiri. IOWA : Agents , , \ ,
l > . roster& llro.
ArrcsU ( llsctmrgea from the urinary or
giiw in cither hex In 18 hours.
It Is superior to Copallin , cubcta , or
IiiJcctlonB , und free ( ruin all Utd Hucll
or other Inconveniences.
Capiulcn.which liear ( lie miao II
black Itttcn.nlUiout * Mtl4 nuuo tr
They're Limited.
Wo have Fonio Special llargalns In
MEN'S SUITS for you this week.
Itlght at tlio beginning of the aeasou wo
pioposo to do you homo good , and have
made special prices on homo especially
good suits * 7 , $ S 810 and JU. Coino early
ilrst choice.
lias Uo7er-Establlsh9i 1866-Adolph Moyar
General Ayoiils 1'or
and JAS , W , S74RR
Story & Clark and Shonlngcr-Bcll Organs ,
Vrltu for C..tuo'ue. ) (
Tlio 1'itlillo nre not ffm'r.illjr mruro tliat hy
picx'tit niitUi l > iif ruukluti lullr DIIII lialf > u tin
coiroo llmt I > moil Is llirunnawnr in ilia inuu lit
and vruited ( lintuliU cunnoclu 1 wltb tilt * Loinptnr
liavonuccc'Otlcil In ttvlni ; III)1 ) * iriivtu > o itint the 0111-
luiny Ciin ( uruli > li ( nfloo rnudfi of the llue t lava , | iul
iipln imall | " ) rlilln Jim unil WAIIIUMTI * I'LUKmi-
l.v I'l'll' mil nimiMnti'C'l to tin oitlr nli'Mit ( iNK *
IIAI.I' Till' ( O-l' In ( lie coniumer ofciitiiinon i | .
Ice tnlr I'oillnu nufr l nuciici.j wurn prup.irlnj It
Idrllie tkti'uI'rown ' l.lijulJ Cotreo Compuii/
Asl ( Yotir Crocor for
CJtHII'A' JtlQUll ) COl'"FKK.
lIO , JIICADY & CO , ,
Orouut's , - - Oiniilm , Neb
'VI.OETor7AII.INO UAimobl ) ,
Ciair l sod .HEKVOUE ESDJUTV :
W aknei cf Bo < iy r.i5 Minditt/tcU
t c.t Errors or EiccMti in Old or Yair ; .
Vubml. Acl > lt lUMKnUIull , lUiU.fJ llor ! Ktlnri tud
Klt. , .HKU. UKrUXjnMIKlilSS | * lUHlSlf JOIHT ,
. . . . . . . , , .
iii.oiui.i ; ; .iil. Hunt iiunntM-ii.utoi in j. , .
It Ml I ttom U Bill. , , TrnlUrlt ) , > td r > r < l ( > l ii > lflM.
Yft t wrllUl i. * * , f ll lt UtItl , ftftd prebU i tll4
MtUt < U ten. "Hut UII KUICAL CO. . BUlMtO , M. r.
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodffo Sta.
Appllanoo : for Doformltios and Trasso : .
Rest facllltlcB , nppnratus and roniedlen for
/ul tronlnicnt of urerr form ot dmoaie roqulrlof
MadlialorSurelcal Treatment.
Uonrd and attendance ! beat boipltal nccomuiodt >
tUrns Is tuo west.
WiiTtt | roll CIHCULAH3 on Dsrorniltlesaml llracei ,
Trusses , Cluli Kent , Curruturo of the Hplno , 1'llei ,
Tumor * , Vfaiivur. Catarrb , llronchlt ! ? , inliulatlnn ,
Klcclrlclty. riirulrtls , Hi- . . , , Kliln ; r , - .
, < tar , Skin nmf llloodanil allSurxlol nporiitluni
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
MAIUNO A BprciAivrr or
All I'lood Dlioaica succeitfully trentnil.
Tolscn r ojo oa from thu j tcni vtltnout n
Nuw ruitoratlia truatmcat for Ions of Vttnl I'owor.
Penoni uniiblo to T'.sll us may bo treats a nt uoiuo t > f
corrKiiiundcncs. All communications coulliU'iitlftl ,
MuJIcliiL'S or Instruments sent Uy mnll or ojiro | i ,
murolf packed , no marks to IndlcMa contuntf oj
sondor. Onu punonal Interflow preTurrod. Call Hnn
consult HB or oond hlilory of your fuse , mid wo will
sena In plain nrappur , our
Upon Private , Hpeclal or Nurvoun Ulsoasti , ImpOi
tanor.Brptillli , Gleet and V rl'ocule. with gneitlo *
list. Address
Omaliu Medical and Surgical Institute , ot
Oar. JBtt and Dodge BU. , OMAHA , NBD ,
* * " * * TlnfJ-CJf
111 Kuspfln.Qri
cnra Urn follow
Mlo fVin '
rnl und . . . . , TO
ami , KfitiierU
n , J romlillr. . „
tlon , InMiuuiJH.
| lor. | l > l en. . ' " < " /'CVV'V " eirr.ri'Tif"in U
flu S ? " , & " " { or " fT.'nl ' ! > . all lU.o. , .ruin.
luu to tin V , omb or u.nit.l orKini
Jlils U tli * iMTKiTaadnniAiMT It
- nrid uisuiisi or to j | other. . J vorj
lo wiml. llo lflM.t-tUI lo
.j Iqi1 ( in'vjrfiil Hyinoutlicllu
lone , pllnblo notion mill
abeuhitu ilui'.i-
bilHy ; : to years'
record tlio host
{ 'unriui-
tec of ,
thu cxcullcnc-o of tliebo Iristra-
MUnC B/inMCVa"lHrlu' | | < i'vii'"l" > l' ! < M H > . | ( *
lyan 1 falcltrciiroil , l > yjutirri'llA ( . ' I
kuK" ) . Huvoinlrii'ios
ctiu-il ill
fcoxm ( lav'K , Kolil
box it ' lilrn 'tfUts , orliynuil froiu ( Jo
o. lU'VVMlo Bt , N.I' . i'ulilitftlO |