Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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mil hffid lOcenti pet
llao for the flrst Insertion , 7 cents for each mil ) .
eqnont Insertion , and US/ ) per line per month ,
Mo advertisement taken for lesi tbnn 2,1 cents
the first Insertion. Seven words will tie counted
to the line ; they must ran consecutively and
ttUBt bo paid In ADVANOK. All advertlse-
xncntii must > > lunded in before 12'IO : o'clock p.
. , and under no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued liy telephone.
I Artlea advertising In these columns and bnr >
tog their answers addressed in cars of TUB II KM
trill please iisk for a. check to ennbla them to get
Ehalr letters , as none will be delivered except on
presentation of rhcck. All answers to adver-
moments should be cnclooaln | envelopes.
All advertisements In those columns are pub
lished In both morning and evnnlng editions of
QPilK HUB , the circulation of which aggregates
more than ! ? , ( ) papers dally , ana given tb ad-
{ rentiers the Dcmml. not only of the city clrcu-
latlon of TIIK HKK , but nlso of Council illufft.
Lincoln und other cities and towns throughout
bit section of the country. '
Advertising for thoie columns will be taken
n the above conditions , at the following busi
ness housed , who are ai thorlzed ngcnts for TUB
XtfK special notices , and will quote tu > saiut
rates as can be liad at the main oUlco.
I'"ha7niiicl triiao SoutU Tenth
/1HABK&HOOY. Stationer ! anfl Printers , 113
\J South ICth Street ,
S YTTARNSWOKTII , I'harmf (1st. 2116 Cum-
ing Htreot.
.1. HUailKS , Pharmacist. 021 North 10th
G EO. W."pABIl , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary'a
A ( liil.MAN : lady musician \\Ithlnt of rafcr-
JLrncos wants position as governess or ladles'
companion : could a * lst In feouingorhoiiHehold
ilutlos. Address .V (0 ( lice olHCe. tOI J.t
girl desires a Hltuatlon fpr
light house worn , wages no object , Address
A I. Dec. Oil ) 4
WANTHD-Hltuatlon by two reliable young
men from the cast : willing to work , Ad-
drces L" . W. BlmmonB , K.3 South 10th st. , dtv.
6U1 V"
WJVNTF fill Tlie goiitlcman desiring nliousc-
k up r und lusldlng on a farm nuar Hol-
dredge , Neb. , to scud hlH address to X7" , llee.
_ _ _ _ _ _ 013 jJt
Al'TllST ciasK Danish tmrbcr who Fs conFcT
xantwlth American methods , desires a posi
tion in an American shop ; will start on small
nullify. Address 13. N. llerg , (111) ( ) I.uavouw orth ,
( by Stock's saloon ) . _ _ Kj9 gj
SITUATION wanted in some wholesale House ,
drugs or notions preferred ; four years ex
perience In retail drug business. Oood rnfcr-
ences. ' Address X 4H. Ilee. _ _
to do dreismiElng m fam
llies solicited. Miss Sturdy.'On Leavenworth
; _ _ -Ml m : t | * _
iAHTl KB desiring experienced uTnographers
CM\ obtain Ju t the party wanted without
delay or luconvenlenro from tue Western bten-
ographlc agency , Lincoln , Neb.
At linco a VOUIIK man for light
work , lloom 17 , : OJ if. ICth. _ MB a *
' '
WAI TKO Man to cain-as's'l'iattsmouth and
surroundlni ! < ouiitry : J18 per week : IKj
reaulred. O. U. K. iills : , ilJl .Slice ley block.
\\rANTKH-Kor 1'olnt , Neb. , a llrst-r.lass
' ' barber ; 110 per week ; utoady work forgood
man. Address U. 1) . Livingstone. West I'olut ,
Nob. C.TO-1
WANTRD F.xpenoncod porter ; 4 experi
enced men to caulk boats , &S.W per day.
Mrs. llrega. UI4H H irnh. o-'u : ij
" \\7'ANTKO Oood canvasfcer.s to maku 85 to
T ' $10 per day. Call after G o'clock at 1'JOl
Bpencor st. uUl "t
WANTED A Urst-class Balesman ; also ox
perleiiced driver for Krocety storo. Appli-
cants must htato former nositlon , ago aud mi-
tlonullty. Address X to , lieu. GBO 2J
\A7ANT'JD A Hrst-cliiBS barber nt once.
T > I'rltz lieruliardl. 13 North Main ht , Council
' i , la. J173-3
W Ast. . NTUD-Carrlage painters ; 1GH Ctimlag
WANTED A good blacksmith n general
jobbing and wagotiork at Muldoon's
' ; v ] iiip. lOHCmulng st. 670-U ;
irANTJ5D-A good solicitor , good chimcofor
t right mini , UUl Sheely block. f.UJ Ut
HD 000 men for railroad work in
Wushiugton territory ; good wages and
.etcadv work. Apply at Albright's labor agency ,
3120 Farnam t. 470
B OYS-Am. Dist. Tel. Co. . 1301 Douglas.
CiKNTS wanted on talary , $75 per month ,
aud expenses pala , nny active man or wp-
mc.n to sell our goods by Bample and live at
home. Salary i > alu promptly und expenses in
Kdrnuco. Full purtlculara and xample case
Iree. We mean Just what we soy. Address
Btuuuiird Silverware Co. , iloatou , Jlntw.
m m-19 *
* \17ANTED ? Agouts Having boon recently
TT appointed general ugent by the old New-
York I Jfo Insurance coiniiauy. for the State of
to ropresunt the company in every town
nud county in tue state. Correspondence will
be Kppt coulldeutlal if desired. I'leusj ) ) call
upon or address J. W. itrau. Gen'l Agt. , II. B.
HimK ImlliilU ) , ' . Omaha. Nebraska. _ _
"l 1 ANTEU- Coat juakers and taiiois to go to
country. Apply Iluliii d Thompson. 317 B
JBt i. Will pay Omaha prices 650-jt :
'X/irANfKlT ' / A TieTdToolk forhotol
T > must understand the business. Adrtrets
xixi.Uce oiiice. _ taty _ _
\A7 ANTKD Papcrhangers to get prices on
' * job lots of wr.ll paper and borders at 107
fi. 16tli st. , Hamge block. _ 3077 *
* "
10 KOo"a covutcomaWors , 1 good
> i'uttcr. for Ogdsu. Utalu Apply at Western
CornlcoworLs bet. 4 and 5 p. in , C. Specut.
QAjTESM AN wunted. One or two good sales'
, KJmoi ; , side line. Htandunl article. No sain
pleji required. Address , Drawer 33Knlnmazoo ,
ftlcli. Mil 4 *
VAi" ANTr.D-Ageuts : maglu cigar llgutor ;
V V very Binoker buys ; lights In wind or rain ;
lasts a lifetime ; sample 1C- , two formic , dozen
II , by mull ; Htanij > a taken. Staynpr it Co. ,
.Pnnldence It. 1. ITtf-ui'ii *
T for young man or lady.
I Tequlied. G. E.'JJiompson , u
t > hecly _ block. _ V3i
t\\f ANTED rtnergetlo men aud women every-
V > whore for n genteel , niouey-mnklnc bunl-
S , ? < W weekly prolll giiaruutced isisier than
too. monthly tiimu wise. Experience absolutcl )
iiunoceHbary , I'ermaincnt position and exclim-
Jvatenitory assured. fiinuiploDfrna. WrlLofor
artlctilars. Addrc-ns with sunup , Merrill Mi"g
o. . II M Chicago _ 711-ml'JJ
kJALKSMi : ? ! w e wlshji few men ton/ill our
O goods by ( ample to wholesale and retal
Wade. Largest nuiuuf'ra In our line. Enclose
f-cont Mamii. Wages ti per day. Permanent
Cltlon. No jiostuls answered. Money ad
it-cd for wauep. advertlf-mg , etc. Centennial
M uu't'tt Co. . ( Jnclnnmi. O. nu
rANTKii Men toboliclt ; must deposit , ih-.i
andglvn Recurlty for money collected.
ry75tollO\i per raontb. Cnll on or ad-
.ieo. S.Cllne.SH First National bank. 470
\\7 ANTKlTAfc'iuta to nail the I'lis Puzzle ;
? everybody cruzy to get ono : namplo by
moll IV ; Htamps taken , A , A. Austin & Co. ,
n. 1'rovlaencp. U.I. a Jni2J
WANTlSD-tiood c/jolc knd laumlius * . At )
ply XU Douglas ft. COD 2
B ) \\rANTKD--A young colored glil for dluinjs-
f Vl room work. 1514 god cart.C2J 2
VrANTiiWomcn ; cooks. ISO to 110 ; Zlaun-
* dresses , 4 nuro girls , cliambcnnnltjH , girl
torCnmliy going to California , dglrU for olli-
c y. fauiillei. * 1S toik'Irl over J to uurso a
baby Rud board at the I'axton hot l , V ) jood
roiiiurti-iit glch for genernl housework. Mrs ,
r u . I4J tf. luth , _ KH-3J
WANTUD-An nxperleneed till for houtu-
work ; > i < 4 Popplutonay. (
TJl7'A > 'Tr.D-Joo rt girl fo"ii slbt in "g
f > liousvwork. 122 b. I'.il1 , corner Uouul &s ,
VJ/ANTKn-A girl about llfteon years , to .
ist wlthlliJit noiise\vi > rk. Apply at til
8. ritli nvc , , c j-uur I.cuvi'UWorUi. MS 2 :
\\TANTIU : fompi-ttr.t glrTTor fiuullyof two
\ ul HoWth it/ 7f , : i
\\ANTK U * rttiijnjr room girl * n ArcaTe
f > hotel , lili Jongl 6 bt , ; wug's Ist ixr month.
-A good girl for
work , iSlTliivenpojrt fctreet. C'/l 2 *
it\ANTl'J--Ulrl to toke care of vl.lld two
> t years old. Anply 1415 Jones t. 5l-2
' 01 KI. fat houseugrk * itTeuIi family :
eoort M nirui' . irXl llomml t. MS Vf
1717 ANTBD Lady ivgeut * fur our new t > klrt
VT substitute tor Imitio , baby diaper sup
porter , etc. ; oar IQW.I j'alls ( Jo. ) agent made 112
in t > tie day , I.artle * ' Supply Co. , sj ; W , Wnbh-
i.t . .k.i otM I'lil fii o 111. n.M.B *
tugtoa , ae-7t
- lrHTAiiUlilior : yeuiMrl I'.otiseuorl : , 3 in
J > rUiilly.J71JLMM. ! _ _ _ _ _ J
ANTKI ) A good clil tor
Apply t e comer Jt-nos and
fit. , twwoen I-civtaxyorilj tcdSt. Jl r/'u \ .
MnsruUUHA.'canadlairrlmproThce , 314V * 8
ICth. Kefercnce Oniahn National bank.
"VMAHACmp. bureau. llONlCtn : es'tabllsHed
\Js years. Most reliable In city. 11.J3. Whlto.
S M. 8hlne , fanhlonablo dressmaking ,
moderate prices ; cutting and fitting also
lone , 317 N. 10th. tCO ai
* \\7 > IMniilmnln wanted , foreign and natives ,
> > to supply a zoological garden at DCS
lolne * . Iowa. Wanted , one elephant. Send
Icscrlptlon nno prices. I . M , Mann.Dc.s Molncs ,
owa , 8X1 1 *
TTTANTKD A geeomMiand HemlnRton typo
Tf writer ; ns good as new. Xftf , Uoo. 4i5-o
ANTii : Any.ono aullctti. wltt npr
veto or chronic blood dl.senso to call on
ho National Itemedy Co. , 1414 Dodge Bt , and In-
ve.stlgato their treatment for prlvatu disorders.
WANTKD A now furniture storo'at Trloml
Nob. KtmSlT
WTTNTKD lly nermariunt teniuit cottage , ff
rooms : no children ; will refer to present
ondlcrd , Olvo doscrljitlon. location end price
to eccuro attention. Hooui 41 $ , I'axton nlock.
sua gt
ANTKD To rent 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms
by gentleman tind wife lu deslrnblo locall-
y.ncurBtrcctcurs. Address F , II. U.,1U2 llarnoy ,
078 2j
WANTED to rent by family of two , nn un
furnished cottage In good condition con-
alnlng 0 or "rooms ; must have terms and lo
cation to rocelvo any attention. Address II V > ,
lieo. tt."J
ITIOH HBNT New house of 0 rooms ; water
U ana gas : east front ; good lutllLlIJll. Apply |
to Inu . Ut1rlllllA . U. IV ( , Arlington > iltfCWI . U
" " [ TlOlt ItRNT To smairtamlly , references re-
JL nulrcd , new house , : i rooms , hal ! , 2 closets ,
paniry , all lurgo , liard and soft water. SI4 ; cor
liith and I'aclllc fit. U. 1 Copson. GtH-39
171OH HKNT A nuw 10-room house , all latest
-L improvements ; cor ot Mason and luth st : In-
liilro L. l.evl , 3It ! South iith : st. nKi-5 *
FOlt HUNT Cottagns , G rooms. 8788 Charles
Ht. and 162 { H 10th Bt , Inquire at room 212 ,
jhcoly block , 47V
FOR HUNT Ncnt 7 room house cor 0th
nml Woolworth avo. Inquire ot 0. 11.
rzscbuck , Ilee olllco. C42
1T1OII HENT-A llat In the Her building ; 7
JO rooms. Mteum heat , gas and bath. Apply
to A. C. Hayiuer , hardware , lutli nud Jackson.
FOU KENT C rooms , summer kltcnen and
closets , furnished in part , tfv.'tj St. Jlnry's
avo. 6flO 2 *
PITHN'ISHKD cottage for rent ; fi rooms , close
to business. Terms ut No. 1000 S. lllth st.
[ 71OH ItllNT 8 room house ; ccutrally located ;
L ? modern iiuprovomeuts. J. i' . Ilurton. 2niu
Capitol nvu. 1117-St
S ) NICI7-room ! cottages ; good collars. clstorhs.
i < well , good barn ; convenient to school and
churcn ; s0 ! pi-r month for the summer. Apply
at oue. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bunk ,
FOll 11KNT Vine 7-room llat : all modern
conveniences ; centrally located ; 8'iO per
month to good party , li. K 8. lleutal ugcucy ,
room 310 Sheoly block. wi
T71OH HKNT ( iood house , centrally located.
JU luqiirre 712 N. lllth . - *
"T71OK HKNT ono 4-room llat ana ono base-
JU incut lu Lange block ; enquire 812 S. Uth t.
710U UKNT My Farnam st. residence completely -
_ - pletely furnished , with rlrst-cluss servants ,
if desired , for four or nve mouths ; family go-
lug away. K C. Patterson , 318 S. ISth st. 22 <
"I OIt KENT 7-rooin Hat , all modern conven
JU leiices , good location , cheap to k'ooil party.
L. & S. Hental Agency , room ulO , Sheely block ,
FOR lin&'T Ono ten-room and ono eight-
room house , all modern conveniences. Hcst
part of rlty und within 5 mlmUsx walk of post
olllce. Niithun Slieltnn , l.'iOi raruainjit. Ul'i
fjlOI' UKNi' lloautlfnl 8-room nouse with
JL' modern improvemeutb , eplcudld location.
Apply at OUCH , C. V. Harrison , iier. Nat. ll'k.
rOU KENT Oood houses atJV ) . S40.fnO.J25.f2d ,
unJtli per month. If you wish to rent call and
set > ; uo. D. V. fcholes. 210 1st Nat'l Hank. 7fJ
TJ1OH ItEN'i * ? ? room brick dwelling , all ron-
JO veuieuces. 2lii N. latli t. o07
TTiritNlSHED rooms by day or month , with
JU or without board ut lowest rates. Central
House , Uroiidway , near water works , Council
UltlllS. 601 W
NICELY furnished fi-room cottage for rent.
Inquire of J. Jl. I'lonch , 5)2 ) Paxtou building.
O INE or two furnished rooms , N. E. cor. Far-
nam and 2tth ave 6W G
_ H 11KNT Some nicely furnished rooms.
Apply 1U11 Davenport St. 027 8 *
T710H UENT Ilandsoiuc furnished rooms with
-13 all nioaerii Improvements.03 Dodge. 018 8t
K OOM and board cheap for two In prlvata
family , SJ18 Hurt * t. tt l 6
fWO large newly furnished trout rooms , also
JL small bedroom , suitable for gentleman :
modern conveniences ; board it desired. Ji-Di
Fanium st. 670 Tc
TT'oH ' HKNT Two furnished rooms , light
JLJ housekeeping. tMIfljit. Mary's avenue.
( KM 5 *
UUNT-3 rooms. 1712 Jackson street.
t07 3
F UHNISHF.D looms ! N. 19thst.
T7IUKNISHED front room for rent at 015 N.
Jb 10th st. Ml Ut
iriOH KENT Newly furnlstied room , with
U board. 618 8. Siud. 583 3 *
rp WO nicely furnlsnod rooms for light house-
-L keeping. IniruuelHKi Webster bt. 6072-
T710H KENT Furnished sleeping rooms ; 807
J ? iindMW Howard nt , ; ? 1.75to S3.60 week. Mi-it
TTIUHNISIIEI ) or uufurnlKlicd rooms for rent
JUjn Park'J'crrace , oilposite llunraom park ;
nil modern conveniences. Inquire Lee
Nichol , Ufctli and Leavenworth. 47'J
SUIT of B furnished roouiH. modern conven
iences , 3 blocks from P.O. ; private family.
A. II031)0 , jr. , loW llougla . 47.3
HUNT Front rooms at 1821 Farnam.
by day. wopk. or iiiontli.
St. Clalr hotel , cor 13tli and Dodge. 47S
FIJHNlSHr.l ) rooms , single or on suite , h ath
and Bteain ; tor gents only. 151 U Jlovainl.
FOH UKNT Klrgantly furnlshod roojns with
all modern Improvements , atuyi ! ? . lUth st.
" 4 < SH41
TniltST-CLAQS rooms , home board. 1718 Dodge
JL ? 4 i-3 )
FHONT rooms. II upwards , on rar line ; 1J1
N Ibth. 4 > H
O rUUNISIIKU roonis. all modern convoi
i lences , 1011 Dougluft nt. : O7-2 *
"VI KWijY furnlbhod roomi , with or without
1 > board , 1721 IMvouport. iJUI-U
GJliKUl"l7)i : ) roomr wltU board , lu private
family , naudiomeiy nUimted ; roforancoa.
VTICKIA' furnished rooms with board , lief-
Jeteacax exchangud , uast. ilary'a avo.
1700M8 aud board. If 12 Chicago.
-IV 13t-m27 ) *
am lloor , for two or
four ; modem cor.veoltaccd ; 1S11 Capital Ave.
ROOXH and boatil , 1010 W b t r st. :
rniHtNISHKD rooniaitli llrst-clasj board
13 MlouiUs \ ) st , U7J lOt
iJ. ; AS ANT rooms , very cheap. 619 J'leasant
ll JlKNT-l'iirnUhbd room , with lx > arcl
-L1 s-iltii'jle tor twoRoiitlemeu : 1611 Uougla.3 st.
EriEtiANTirrttirnltheit roaiiuj centrally lo
cate-I utthur witlunit boara , pritui leasou
able. aiy. Utli. ai7-m'ri >
f ) S it'll BOiith Ciont rooms vrlth every convcn
+ J Ipiicw ; tulephonu'.u home. ItMo Capitol av
LAitOl ! front room \ritli bed-room adjoining
handsomely furiiUhed , gas and heated by
sttiiuu , with nte ot bath room , lu one of tbo
liundjDinujt ro ldenoei lu the city , nltliou
) x > nr > t. luriulre u. w. cor. IVtU and Lcavcuwortli
UENT Nicely , newly fnrnlshed. al
inadfrn conTenlencaa , fciiu DouKlm , Its
HKKT-l'.ooui 1CS1 Uow rd.
"I7IOH RF.Nt Furnished rooms tingle or an
JU suite. 100J .Dotigla. * . 713
1OOM with or without board. 1813 Dortiru ,
J-V 035
IU S 20th stnovr ( Dodgo.
42 < as *
Uroom for light housekeeping , OV5W N. 1'th.
010 it
RHHI JIKNT Kitrhen und tllnlng room on
Jllrst lloor. unfurnished , desirable location :
ange , extension. IK ! 3 Farnam. Ht ft *
_ _
jTpliTtl5NT- ; oTogant iult of rooms for
JL family use In one of the most desirable ro-
Ullng localities In thn city , over my hardware
Btore , Id-'l Howard. JiV. F. Stoetzcl. _ 2W
moult rooms. $ fl. 1S13 8 13th , near Dorcas ,
_ _
4 OH G unfurnished rooms for housekeeping
for man and wife , am N 17th at. 347 3t _
l7Uinri5NT- rooms for small family.
- I118 Chicago St. 313 ilj
TI10UHI3NT Ahandsomo suite of three un-
J- ' furnished rooms with bathroom and
closets , nt 1300 Shormnn avo. 852
iron UF.NT 2 lloors 22xSO each , in brick build-
JIng. . with elevator , clo'O to express olllce ,
chi'np rent. Just the thing for wholesaling , good
ocntloti. Apply to Oco. iloyn , 11U3 Farnam st.
Foil HKNT-Storo 2-'xOO : 1118 Jackson st.
Knuulro 1114 Jackson. i _
"OF.TAII.RUS nttPiiUon i'na storeroom , livfi
1.1 Howard st .will bo foriont Mav lbt.Ii. &
8. Kental agency , room .110 Sheoly block. 6" > 1
T710H HCNT Store and living rooms on Cum-
Jint ? street : also house on Cass st. Harris U.
E. 4 : 1. . Co. . lioom 111 1st Nat. bank. BU
T710H HF.NT The 4 story brick building with
J.1 or without power , now occupied by The Hee
Publishing Uo. . 1 Farnam st , The building
ms a ilro proof cemented basement , complete
steam licntlng fixtures , water on all the lloors ,
jns. etc. Apply at the olllco of Tno Hoe. Ul. '
_ .
TOHi : 407 with basnmeut , liamgo bldg. In-
'quire. ' Frank J. liamgo. tlr > 9
THOH HUNT Use of ICimbe piano for an hour
JL1 or morn per day , by the month ; location and
room Urletjy llrst class. Terms very reasona
ble. Address X ( ft , Hee olllco. 377
TT10U 11ENT When you wish to rent a liousn.
-L store or office call onus. H. U. Cole , roomO.
Continental blk , 471
'F YOU want to rent your house call on Har-
> . ils , 11. K. .V L. Co. , room 411 , 1st Nut'l. bank.
IF YOU want to buy. sell , rent or cxrhango ,
call on or address (3. .1. Sternsdorll' , rooms
317 aud 3l ! < , First National bank building. 481
G F.O. J. PAUL , K03 Farnarn St. , houses ,
stores , etc. . f orient. 4S5
\7 E give special attention to renting aud
collecting rents : list with us. 11.K. Co'e. '
room 0 , Continental .liloctc. 4Si )
FOH HUNT Houses In all parts of the clt
.1 , J. Olbsou. No. 3. Creighton blo k. 4S1
J. OIHSON'S new system of renting
houses , No. 3 , Creighton block. 7
to the Public Husincss men and
others are hereby warned not to trus-t my
wife for good * bought on mv credit , as I will
not bo responsible for uny of her debts from
this date. Ferdinand Sauer. Omaha , May " , IhSl * .
010 2
finiN Hooflnjr , spouting , gutters , valleys end
-L sheet Iron work send for K. S-avage.practlcal
tinsmith , 43i3 Cuming st. ; good work and cheap.
LOS bt
ilK banjo taught as un art by Oeo V. Gel-
IcnbecK. Apply at lieo olllco. IflO
"V7"OU that are sullorlns from private dtsor-
JL dors will IInd the National itoinedy at 1414
Dodge St. , where you can got .scleutillc treat
ment and a cure guaranteed. -11
HSONNKNSCHF.IN has moved to 417 S 13th ,
Uuy and sell second hand furniture and
stoves ; bottles bought and sold. luC-iu'Jl
lAlbL take horses to pasture at Glluiore.
V Price 42 per mo. D. A. I'ounsr.Gllmore.Neb.
rPHE SHELTON , 101 SoutnTwonty-nfth street ,
J-cor. Dodge ; llrst-class family hotel ; board
and room , single or cnsulte. At reasonable
iirlcesrefelences ; renuirod. Juo.Campbell.prop.
G'JO 4
PEHSONArl'artles wishing correspondents
In view of matrimony or amusement , en.
closeEtainp. Mrs. J. J. Eiulgu , lloxAM. Ouioha-
OJ1 a *
AKY ItElS nolds her divorce from John
M Keis. _ 07
F1 ATHKHS cleaned and curled : bats-pressed -
and bleached , at F. M , iicluidell , 1.18 N. 10th.
TTSE of Knabe piano for rent one hour or
{ J more per day , by the month ; location and
roomstrluly tlrst class. Terms very reasona
ble. Address X 40 , Ilee oilico. 37 !
) HIV ATE course In fencing , boxluft or tancy
club swinging , 810. Adilnisd U. ' 14 , Heo ollice.
T OST The man that picked up the 810 on 20th
-LJaiid Dodne 6ts. on the morning of.May 1 will
please return same to room 01 , Itamgu build'
iu - , and receive reward. 617 2 *
LOST In or near the Grand Opera Housp ,
Wednesday. May 1 , pair of pearl and gold
onera .glasses iii un old gold plush bag. Finder
please return to Miss iiuustor. tUlU Chicago St. ,
Omaha. UH St
QTHAYED Darkbay horse , weighs about 900
Olbs. . from corner 21st and south Klin utreet.
Finder please return to Charles Anderson and
rcelve proper ro\yard.
3TOHAGE at low rates at IU'1 Farnam st ;
3 Omaha Auction aud Storage. 48S
rilKACKAiH. storage , lowest rates , W. M ,
X llushmun , 1311 Leavenworth. 4S9
B UANCII x CO. , storage , 1211 Howard.
Dlt. NANNIK V. WAHHKN , clulrvoyant.jned-
leal and business medium. IVnialu diseases
a specialty. Ill ) N. ItitUst. , rooniaa and U. 4VI
/l IIE Standard Shorthand School , having piir-
Xriiaued % faleutlue's Shorthand Institute.Pajc-
ton blocic , opp , public library , is now the larg
est , oest oijuluped , exclusive shorthand school
lu Uio west , fci graduutes in good situations
Theechool is lu charge ot Mr. It. A. Smith , a
stenographer uud teacher of many years prac
tical experience. Twelve No. 2 Itemlngton typewriters -
writers in use. Bend for circulars. 411
SHOHTHANI ) and Type-writing ttupht th
mostiiractical way at ( lie Omaha Commercial
Collec" . llenn Pitman sysK-m and UtimluRton
lype-wrltorti ! xtudeuU compU-t menuallutwo
vtt'eks , and write from CU to 100 wordn per mill-
ute in three mouths ; prartlral olllr drill made
a specialty. Instruction In Kriunmar. spelling
anil writing free. Address ItohrbouKh llroi. ,
OmaltH for circulars. M
w IKTTI.K8KVS snorthand school , 21 liar-
Jeer block. U month's course. 120.
WANTKD-Cheap light socoim-huud side-
bar buggy ; KldressX 04 , Hee. W-3t
WANTKD To buy good commercial paper.
It. C. I'attorson , 318 b. 15th t. l'.U
WANTKU Furniture , carpets , stoves ana
household jood ? of all kinds , Omaha
Auttion & Storage Co. , 11-1 1'Hrnaui. 4U3
T711H&T-CLASS piano , walnut case ; no finer In-
JL blrinneut ju city ; used only 0 months ; at
bargain for few days ; easy terms if desired.
Address X 71. Ilee. 615 t
IJTOIt ftAUJ Draft horses , buggy horses and
JL1 miall dollrci-y mules. Wood * ' Halo Stable ,
1910 fitllfonila. 41K1
T7\OH SALK J pilr heavy draft hordes , young
J ? 1 pair large mules ; 4 young hones ; U llue
cows ; wagons , Imruest , buggies , saddles , etc. ;
1 large dining hall , luruished or unfurnished.
To rent.
First building north o ! fair grounds : 1 family
hoti'l ' , furnished , line ground attached. J.T.
Cro Jt. 457-K
F I 6 It 8AM--2tO : ) tons Ice. Adam jloder ,
lllar Keb. l-Ji nits ;
EALK 1 work team , wagon and liar-
complete , very cheap ( or caih. 619
'top olUCB de. k ud
cualr. iuqulrb * . e. cor , 11 aud llamny uu.
A FINK Cabinet OfCfTCl rosewood case np.
right plnno fortKH.fiO ; cost when now tlOi
only used oneyour : mtst bosotd at oncos will
RlTo time on nart ot irlr de lr J. Address V
w > . care Omaha Deo. Kim is
IjlOHSALB-aoodwoiii team , wagon and har-
Jl1 no | set carponter.ttfoU and chest : full sot
. Instruments , bqurly uew ; household
poods , etc. On easy payments. j. j. Wilkinson ,
nil ? Furnam st. > , n 4013
TT1OH SALU Horse Ahd Uuggy. inqmfo A ,
-I ? llospa. 1513 Doiiclivm. Cfimll
fflFiAND minranWHjTTrust Co. . KAT Far-
nain. Complota ab'flK.'Acls furnished A : titles
to real estate examined j > prtccted& guaranteed.
nr 497
A HSTllACTS Llnahak & JInhoney , room HW
-cXi'axton block. ton
OMAHA Abstract Company. 16in Fnrnain st.
Most complete ana carefully prepared set of
abstract books and plats ot all real property In
the city of Omnlia and Douglas county. 419
7TTnTA ltHlSON loan * money , rates.
ONKY to loan. U. 1' . Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , moa Farnam st. P22
UILDINd loans. J ) . V. Sholes , 210 First No-
tlonal bank. C13
SRK Slioles , room CIO. First Nat'lbank. before
making your loans. 51J
MONKY to loan : cash on hand : no delay. J.
\V. Squire. 1SIB Farnam ot. . First National
panic building , 63
IOAN8 made on real estate iiud mortgages
bought. Lewis 8. Heed A : Oo. , H 111 ilonrd of
Trade. till )
MONUV to Loan Wo are ready for appllca-
lions for lo.uii in amounts from MX ) to tin , .
Out ) on Improved Omiilm or Douglas county real
estate. Full Information as to rates. Loatm
promptly closed. Good note * will bo purchased
by us. Call upon us or write. ThoMcCague
Investment Co. [ M
T\ON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
-L/ wagons , ote. , or collaterals until you see
C. 11. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building.
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. Mr-
lilsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ;
purchase securities , perfect titles , nrcept loans
at their western olllce. George SV. 1' . Coates ,
room 7 , llourd of Trade. KM
M ONKY to Ijoan Lowest rates , l.oaus closed
promptly. H. 11. Cole , it. 0Coutluoutul block ,
" 'TV/'ANTEI ' ) First-class inside loins. Lowest
T > lates. Call and .nee us. Mutual Invest
ment Co , , | t. 1 , Uarjcer bik.luth & Fariium. 545
"D M. C0LU , loan agVm.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ BOO
UILDING loans a specialty. W. M. Harris ,
> ltoom20 , Fronzer block , opposlde P. O.
MONKY to loan'lu largo sums at the lowest
rates ; uo delay. It , 0. Patterson , 318 S. l"ith.
N'KIiltASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a
loan on liousehoid t't > od ,
Jiorses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
llue Jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Hoom7. Howler Ulock , South Omaha.
Hwuis 618-519. Paxtou lllocK , Omaha , Neb.M)3
M)3 )
MONKY loaned for30 , 00 or 'JO days on any
kind of chattel se urltv ; reasonable inter
est ; business couUdential. ' J. J , Wllkmson.1417
I'arnam st. 604
DO YOU want money'If ' so , don't borrow
before getting my mips , which are the low
est oil any sum from iMO up to glO.UOJ.
1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or-
gaui , horses , mules , wiigons , warehouse r -
celpts , houses , leases , etciu any the
lowest possible rates , wTthout publicity or re
moval of property.
Loans can bts made for 0110 to six months and
you can pay n part at any time , reducing both
principal and Interest. If you owe a balance
on your furniture or horSVs , or have a loan on
them , 1 will take It up und carry it for you as
long as you desire ,
It you need money mid It to your all-
vantage to see me before borrowing.
H. F. Masters , room 4 , Witbucll building , 15th
and Haruey. &UU
I CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel
securities at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter ,
room 10 , liarker blk. &U7
JPKH CRNT money to loan-Cash on hand.
W. M. Harris. U a ) , Frenzer block , opp. P. O.
' . . K , COLE , loira Agent. \i
. ! 000
$ $ $ $ To loan on farms and city property.
Ueo. J. Paul. 1GO"J Farnam et. fiOU
MOKKY to loan on Improved property at first
bauds. No application neiit away for ap
proval. Security uud titles examined free of
charge to borrowers. Lombard Jnvnstmeut
Company. 309 S. loth st. 010
T > KOIM.n'S FJnaiTclal Exchange The fairest ,
L quietest aud most liberal money exchaugu
in the city ; money loaned without delay or
publicity , iu any umouut.large or small , at tno
lowest rates of interest , on any available bo-
curlty ; loans may bepald at anytime orreuowed
at original rates , O. HouBcareu , Mgr. , room
5Hi ( , Darker block , 15th and Farnam. Cll
QPl'.CIALfund oTTlivxiO tcTToan at reduced
Orates on furniture , heroes and wagons. City
Loan Co. , US S liitli st. 512
PKOPLK'S Financial Exchange Largo and
small loaux for long and short time , at low
est rates ot interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and jewelry. Uoa't full to call if you want fair
und cheat ) accommodations. /touscaren ,
Mgr. , room GU } , liarker bl < c , 10th and FArniim.
FlilST mortgiigo loans nt low rates aud uo
delay , i ) . V. .Sholes. X'10 First National bank.
TVTONEV Loans negotiated at Ipw rates with-
aJJLont uelay , and purchiihu goods , cainiD z z\ \
paper and mortgage uotosj. 5. A. Sloman cor
13ui and I'urnaa. " KU
XEY to loan. Harris II. B. ic Loan Co. ,
-room 411 , First National bank , 510
JJUILDING loans. Linahan&Mahoney.
OF. IIAHU1SON loans money , lowest ratos.
_ J
$510,00) ) to loan at 0 per cent , Llnahun & I'lu-
houey , ItoouiiiOfl. Paxton blocK. filG
$ 1,000 special money ; apply at once. C. 1' .
. Harrison. Merchants' Jiatrl bank. 3C5
Central Loan and Trust Co. . No. 120.1
JL Karnam street , have u jieclal fund of $ ' > 0,000
on hand to be loaned in sums ot ilU ) ) to $10.00. )
at very low rates on choice inside residence
or business property , C. A. Starr , manager.
\ \ , ANTED Application B for loans on unun-
proved lots well located. Odell Hros , &
Co. , UI2 So. ISth at. B J
MuNEVl moneyl moneyl to loan on horses ,
wagons , mules , housliold goods , pianos , or-
pans , diauiouda , etc. , ut lowest rates.
'i'he 11 ret organized loan otllce in the city.
Will make loans for thirty to three hundred
andnlxty-ilve diyx. which can be paid lu part
or whole , at any tliuo , thus lowering the prin
cipal and interest. Call and aee us when you
want money , and we cad aiol.M you promptly
and to your advantagewithout removal ot
property or publicity.
Money always on han < Vand { no delay in mak
ing loans. C. F. Heed &lfo. , 319 South 13th St. .
over liliigham & Sons ccwimliision bouse.
J | Ji24m !
GW.PRCIC loausmoneyon Otnahareal estate
llulldlng loans a ouuelalty , U i , FrenEerb Ik
711 ONliV loaned on unWprovod inside Omaha
IL leal estate. O. W. ttlk.ti. " 1 , Freuzer bToclc.
MUNKV to loan at lovest ratns of interest on
real estate in Omittm aud South Omabi.
Titles ana property Bxnmtnod by u and loans
made at once. Cosh onAfand. llfttej , Bmlth k
Co. room 2QJ Itamge bloag. 810-mi :
/11TV Financial aKency wIll loan you money
\Jm\ horse * , fnrulturcf-Jywelry or securities of
nykind. U03 Ilowardjt * . , corner S. 13th st.
231 mitt
UNIHl'ltOVRI ) an ( llmprove < l property ;
loans made promptly I money on hanu. J * .
M. lUcliardsou , a w cor Uth and Douglas.B30
GOO ! ) notes , short or long time , unsecured
or with mortgage , boughtanywnere in Nob.
or la. Quick loans , city or Turin. Call or write
W. USclby , It. 13 , U'd. Trade. a
IX > ANBTWovill buy lot. or pay
lncuinoranoeourour lot and build for you ;
Bin&ll caaU imyineut. batauco in oiyiy inonthly
payments : In ciise of death we cancel the en
tire indebtedness. M. K. ti'f. Triwt Co. . First
National bank building. _ ayi-mlj
I'IIIIN(1 ( I.OANB-AtT per cunt net. no ad-
dltional charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. ft , Slelkle , first Nat. bans bldg.
A NV amount * loaned on fnrnltura , pianos.
-fVteaius , etc. Notoj bought at less than usual
rates , monthly paymeut-i reduce interest. Key-
itone Mortgage Co. , room 'Mi Sheely blk , B. 15iu
_ _ _
EASTIiltN trust funds to loan on improved
real estate in Omaha ; large loans preferred.
E.-B. Dbueo , ilrkt NaUonal bauic UuUdlnjr.
loans at 41(1 ( Sheely build-
/uiE at eight per cent atralgnt. EAmuel Tat .
1.000 TO J.VOOO on Improved city propertyi
Venn bo paid in monthly installments ; doot
cancelled in case ot death ; will loan 60 to
' " " " " " ' " ' " "
cent'of "cRSh"vn"luati6n.'M" . ic""f. Trust Co. ,
First Natlona Ibaux building , V > 2-ml5
OM AUA Chattel Ix > an Co. , room 42. Marker
block. ltM-m23
" \VANTKU-A pirtner either active orellont ,
In a well established seed business , with a
large Htnck of all kinds of Hold peed | capital ro-
nnlrfd t.\wo to 110,000 ; a Kplonilld opportunity
for the right man. Address JasV. . Houk ,
Greenwood , Ncbr. , Dox II. CK
WOUTIiy" your attention. Now being
completed on Win st. . north ot Lcavon-
worth at. two houses convonlnt to business
very roomy , grate , mantel , turaaco , gas. bnth ,
tollot , 3 water Closets , ttntldnary wash tubs ,
hot and cold water , live badrooms , Iflclojets ;
only ( VGOO on terms to suit. Telephone 227 or
\V. T. Seaman. Omaha's largest variety of w ag.
ons , carriages , etc. , east sldo 10th st , north of
Nicholas st. 631
"J7KW 8AI1 | { A private bank in southern
X1 Nebraska. Address to M. Catudal , Camp
bell , Nob. UtU mB
TTIoirSAt.K An old established drug'store In
J.1 a Krowlng county seat of P.OiW population ;
sales 1 10,000 a year , profits ( rood , buslnoss sue-
cousfnl , stock will be reduced to suit purchaser.
Hood masons for selling. Address U. A. Pease
Drug Co. , Fair bury. Nob. 370 3
A OliuaOlSTwlth cash looking for a good
location , , will do veil to address R. K.
Capps , culbertson. Neb. , or Hunt * < "o. . Hast-
inirs Neb. B47nia > t
WANTr.D-l'artles wishing to soil their
business to list with the Co-Oporatlvn
Land & IxitCo. , no charges unless sale is made.
205 N. 18th St. 3J2 2
1TUK SALK or trade One of the best located
Jt : restaurants In the city : outllt now and com
plete. * J , W. J. . ICvnns , llarber lllk. JCJ
a 3ooo to i IVWJ wanted to put Into a good business -
P ness ; tlrstclas ) security and good rate of
Interest paid fur short or loui ? time. Or will
take partner. For particulars uddrosi U 43.
Hep olIIce. _ 143
QAI.OON' fur sale In one of the best buslnos $
CJconters in Heason for solllug ,
I must leave the city. Address V Id Use.
WANTKU To traJo for house and lot In
good location ; will assume light inctnu-
brance. Address A - lieo olllce. U !
rpo KXCHANOE-im acres of laud , no liicum-
JL brance. 4 miles from county seat , for stock
of goods. Address M. C. Farber , llolyoke. Colo.
012 41
FOH EXCHANGE-Klghty acios of the finest
timber laud In Wisconsin , clcur of encum
brance. What liavo you to oiler ? Q. .1' Sterns-
dorll , rooms : I17 aud JIB , First National bank ,
TJTOa KXCIlANOE-Dakota , Ilaud rounty-
JL What have you to oiler for a good farm
bore , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands uro
rising m value , audits destiny cannot bo dis
puted. Will take vacant lots or improved pro
perty dnil assume some ancuinlirance. C. . J.
SUT'isdorir. rooms 317 aud 318 FJrot National
batik building. 5 3
TTIOK EXCHANQK-For desirable reslrtenco
-L property in Omaha , any or all of following ;
4u cholco inside roaldonco lot.s in Hastlugs.
100 lots In Lincoln.
( HO acres llue tarnilng land. Inucaster comity.
Fine residence propcrtv , Lincoln.
Good rental nrojicrty , Lincoln.
Choice family rosldunce. corner. Los Angolcs.
A neat residence property in Honscom place.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location and price of property -
erty , J. K. U. , care Hauui Iron Co. , 1"17 LCOA en-
worth. ' Ml
SPECIAL bargain Lot 3 , Mock in. Or
chard 11)11 ) , ouo-thlrd cash , balance to suit ;
south front and good elevation. A 3 , Hee oilico.
FOH SALi : 2 lots In Uenson , $ l j each , uloto
in South Omaha , $ - " > each. 1 lot In Murphy's
addition. { 3 0. 1W acres railroad land , lilncolu
county , Jut'O. 10,1-acro Improved farm , Cherry
county. StW. Ii Savage , -ktiJCurniUK 8t. UOJ l *
S"Ki : TlIIS-Kull lot In Hlllsdale , Ko. 1 , 8.WJ to
f.VJU lof a than adjoins property , for ID days ;
address X 03. Hew. G33-7t
FOR SALE Cheap : not for trade ; r.4j.70 : acres
land ( sec ft-12-U ) . two miles from Slaiquette ,
Hnmlltou county , Nebraska. Frumu house , sta
ble. ! JJJ ucrua undiu- good barb-wiro fence ,
round cellar posts , two eUvyd , living water. 30-
foot channel , a wells , "VJ baiTel tank , corral ,
self-feeder , a natural stock ranch , In u line corn
Price . J ,000
hand . if.750
2yoars' timo.,0per cent . 3a50
Goana loot pvor laud. Address owner , F. 1C.
Atkins , luK ( Larimer st , Denver , Col. 5 'a
SOUTH OMAHA 1 have n number of good
lots in various additions that innat be Bold
nt oiice aud can bu bought at prices that will
miltj on. G.J. Sterusctoril , rooms 317 aad31t >
First National bank building. ten
T7KH BALE The linest residence site in West
-L ; Omaha ; jtiHt houth of Karii.imonliiith Urout ;
a corner 1(13x187 ( with 1H7 feet frontage on
paved street and joining the huudsomo resl-
ileucu of Klrkendall on the east , aud Hrady ,
jKnst-ou und Mai tin on the .south ; ji perfect gem
niul earden spot for an rleguut home.
Hurnuvunu aist Mreetf , 141x107 , uu pavement
within tlireu blocks of the rourt house : room
fur seven line houses that would runt as rapid
ly tin completed. A splendid pormauout iuvest-
luent ,
Famam and -"d streets , , fiOxl33 , with now
three-story brick store building , renteto good
permanent tenants. Keutul receipts H.XM per
Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 61
feet to alley ; good property ,
Farnam Htrcut. between Item aud S'Jth , frontage -
ago orttr > xiK ; to alley , south front. 1 block
tro nvsnicr.t U.l otroat cars.
1'ark aveuuo , opposite iiauscom Dark , COxluO ,
price W.O'K ) ; easy ( enns.
Paddock place , trackage , CflxllK.OOO ; easy
terms ,
ICth street south of A'lnton st , lot tor sale or
tradoforimlHo. or good farmland.
8. A. Slomau , 1301 Faruoiu st. K7.
FOlt SALK Nine-room house , burn and'lot
in Iiauscom place ; also 1'houhes iiud lots in
Sunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat'lbank.
| fra
T71OH SAL12 or oKChaugo-lraproved stock
.1 ? farm of boil acres in eastern Nebraska , near
murUet ; also now 12-rooui house with all con
veniences In desirable residence portion of Oma
ha. Andrew Itevlns , attorney , 42J and I1M Paxton -
ton blocK , Omaha , Neb. MO
FOU BALK Or excliimgo for Omaha proper
ty , bo acres , siiltablo for platting ; will
make 400 lots.ull clear ; big money lu it for some
one who o injnish this ; located Just outside the
city limits of Council Illulls. Innulre George J.
Bternsdorir , rooms 317 uud 31P , First National
bonk building. Ktt
FOH SALB-Nlco level building lots. 60x125
feet , 3 miles from postolllce , U nillr from
North Omaha ilepot , $101) ) each ; * - " > casti : bal
ance J" > per month. These lots will double in
value in less than two years.
10-room lioiihfl , all modern Improvement * ,
south front , full lot. In Kount'/e pluco , 7yoo ;
tl.tiOUcaHh , balance I , " , 3 und 4 years.
The llneat residence site In Omaha , tM fret ,
south front , on Nicholas street , by 1" > 0 feet , cait
fronton Lowe avenue , price t.W'M : terms to
suit purchaser.
Now it-room cottages , tlnlshed In hard wooj ,
city water , cesspool , cemented collar.valk ,
fences and outbuildings , all complete , on
monthly payments. Will take c * > oJ vacant
building lots ivs tlrst payment.
Thi ) cheapest , house In Walnut Hill , only ouo
block from Dr. Mercer's elegant residence ; 10
rooms , ail modern improvements , full lot ;
price * SWO. terms Jl.DOO cash , balance $ .15 riar
A beautiful south front lot lu Orchard Hill.
For a person that wants it tor a homo I will
build u IIUUKO on this lot and sell It on easy
terms at cent m lot aud improvements.
Full lot. 00x140 it. , with nice cottage in filric-
wood , east front.UOJ. . half cash. This l. < A
bargain. Only one block from lOlli ft. motor
line ! W. It. Jioniuiu room 0 , Fruiizor block ,
FOH BALE ( m easy poyhisnts. ft , 7 aud H
rooimxl houses , ninull ( iisli payment dowu ,
and balance inonthly payment * . J. 11. John
son , DIHanUOl'J P.ixton block. 2 a
fi HOI C IT pTe ce of residence property cor.Inl
v/andCassf or warehoiine or tracKugu property ,
worth eight to ten thousand dollars , C , F. Harrison
risen , Merchants' Nut. bunk. -fj
"i7iOH"SALir Siuth uud ca-it corner yjxIS rin
JL the neighborhood ot the .Milton Hogcrs
property. West M i * * until street , very otuiiirt ' " j
This Is cliolco property In a cliolca neiglibor-
hood and will be sold cheap. It will pay you to
investigate the locality and this particular
piece of ground. C. I' , llanisou. Merchant * '
National bank. bu ( !
AT A BacrlUce-liflKlM ft. 'ast and north
trout , corner UJth and Howard ts. . ono
block west of Coo's and KlrkenduU'n Hue resi
dences , two blocks from paved street ; two
blocc * Boutlt of Farimm > > ( . ; justtnluk of it.
Iftxl&U it. ami a corner nt that , and only , r0.
C. i : . Itolter. room D , e , w. cor. IGth anil jmuslas
fht *
r Pit ACKAJK-l't'feet on Hth. near NUholaa
JL for vale at a bargain. Will take foino trade
drover Steveni , 61' ' ) uud 617 1'axtim bloitk
telephone 1115. 433-1
MMIE cosiest home In Omalia , 0 rooms , targ
1.closets , city wator. gas and Hewer , both
cable and horau ears , 1'rioe ? I.WJ. 'JVnuMM l
to * > OJ cash , balance very -jiny. H. K. Coir ,
headquarter * for bargains and cuiy terioa ,
0V )
" "
TtKATTlAHtlAlN-- for sale ft
story and n naif cottsga on Grant St. , near
7th , ftouth front , 3 blocks from two strnat car
lines and 3 from the motor line , Small cash
payment and balance rasy , or will take some
horses as first payment. Trice 1,000 | worth
< 1 rover Steven ; , 10 and 527 Faxton bloce ,
telephone 1I . va-4
TTIOIl SALE Acnnomy of.Music building nod
J- two business lots , ll rand Island. Nebraska ,
ground mm teat , bulldlug brick , two stories
high and stone basements , nil In good repair i
u > rm rnnyj prlro tlHuu. Kmiulra of Thompson
llros. . Grand Island , Nebraska. 701ml2 *
9 IIA110A1NS-4U ft on Cass near 22nd , t , tXXi !
* ) ft , cor Davenport at grade , tS.OJO. .1. 11
Kvaus , ilarkcr block. 6.19-a
BiMlS 1'AHK.
lleautlful rcsldonco Sites.
t'lnest In the city ,
Wo are now ready to show and offer forsale
tnc choicest residence lts in the city of
Oniahn , located In "llnmls I'ark , " comprising
the sixty acres bounded by 32d st , , on the east ,
'Uth or I'loasaut st. on the west , Hamilton st.
.on the north , and Cuming st. on the south.
71 This park has been planned , and Is being laid
out by Mr. Alfred It. Unorton ( one of the best
landscape nrtlsU of Now York ) , into M , K. ! i
and acre lots , and several acres are laid out into
small parks , ornamental grounds. and lakes fed
by natural sprlugt. The plans Include a per
fect system ot grading , paIng , sewerage , water
electric lighting , etc. , and an expenditure ot at
loa t f KHi > X ) for such Improvement !
This choice property is located within the Ui
tulles radius ( u llttlo north by west ) from the
postortlro. It lies cast of the reservoir and of the
elegant residences of Dr. Mercer nud 12. V > ' ,
Nath , and a llttlo north ot cast of proposed res
idence otOnyO. Harton und of lllshop O'Con
nor's residence and Academy of Sacred Heart.
Reasonable price * and termn will bo given to
tlinsowho will build residences costing ifo.OOO
find upwards. For further particulars npplv
nt olllco of The llemH Turk Co. , rooms 15 and
It ) Continental block , loth and Douglas sts.
Douglnb County Abstracts.
1507 Farnam Street.
Just put on market lots Inside city limits ,
beautiful location , surrounded by tiuw houses
and just the spot for a
Delightful Homc.
Lots soil at KM each and arc to desirable that
adjoining land is Hulling for twice wtiat wo ask.
All you need do Is to bee this ground , Its loca
tion , the houses being built on it aud you will
buy. Terms we make are very moderate , bolUR
Fifteen Dollars
down , balance 710 u mouth , and by this easy
method of payment hundreds now own homes
that otherwise could never secure them.
always on hand to show these lots , which are
nil we claim for them , as you will admit when
you sco the place. Tills is no experiment : hun
dreds have been benotlttod aud bought homes
in this way
Come and sou what you can do.
4.'i4-i Amos. 1&Q7 Farnam St.
rOTOIl on North S4th street. Wo have &n feet
IHeastfiontln Kendall's addition for Jl.OiK ) .
M. A. Upton Company , Itith aud Farnam. all
171011 SALK 'ine most pleasant aud best loca-
-I ? ted little homo lu town , suitable for a niun
with a small family who wants something very
cholco nml not too expensive. Has never been
put on the market before and will undoubtedly
be Bold-soon. It will pay you to investigate this
promptly. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nnt , ll'k.
LAND I havelO.OOO acres of cholco farming
land.s lu eastern and middle Nobrasko.whlch
I will sell at from 85 to 81S per acre. Will make
special price for the whole 10,000 acres If takeu
in u lump. Uoo. H. Peterson , 141'J S Kith st. ,
C4S mil
I7IOH SALE -Nice new 5-room liouso. barn for
JJ 4 horse * , well and cistern : everything tlrst.
class ; full lot. in Uodford Place , 2JO feet from
State street (30th ( Bt ) . * . ' ,200.1100 cash , balance 1.
Sand ! I years : or S2.000 , tlt&0 cash , balance b
years. JI. A. Upton Company , IGth audFarniun.
NO cash payment required. Will sell you a
i nil lot In Saundofj k Hlmobaugn's add
for JiJX ) and take mortgage for full amount duo
inOyears on condition build a house
to coat not less than KOO. C. E. Ucltor , room 6 ,
S W corner Uth and Douglas. 43
"VfEW 2-seatod One carriage or top Duggy for
J- > mortgage city or county warrants , or any
good uns > ucured notes.W.L.SolbyH 13 U'd Trade
THOU SALE 31 acres , corner Thirteenth and
JL' North streets. Desirable for platting. 0.
Good. Good block , Dos Molnes , la. '
TN\'E : > lrl73 ATM Tnls-Lot WxlM on Hur-
f-detto between ' . ' 4th and i'lth streets ; -1-room
hous , largo conservatory , sewer in alloy ; only
. ' ,000 ; f. > OJ cash ; balance J , . 3 and 4 yearn. M ,
A. Upton company , 10th und 1'urnam. J
NO CASH , and payment of $33 per month , in
cluding interest buys a neat story-and-
a-halfO-room house , convenient to both cable
und norse cars. 11. E. Cole , headquarters for
bargains nud easy terms , It tl.Coutlnoutal lilock.
318 0
T710K SAL15 On easy terms , G , 7 and 8 roomed
-A. houses , wltlfsmall cash payment down ana
balance monthly. J. U. Johnson , 513 and l ; >
Paxton blocic. 2S7
rpWENTIKTH street Is paved to Center and
-L pavement ordered to Vlutou20t'j ; street is
the coming street south. It is all graded nice
ly to Spring I > HICO park. We have 47 feet near
Martha with a Ilrst class 4-room hojse , lot at
grade , for 8J.OOO. M. A. Upton Company. 10th
and Farnam. Q7
FOU SALE 5-room cottage on Ifitli st. bet.
Center and Dorcas , lot 113x157 , * , ' , & 00 , easy
terms ; this is a bargain. M. A. Upton Co. . llUh
and 1'arnum. Ofil
OH. LOOKhorel An cast front. 50 ft lot , on
ath st. , south of liurdotte ; very line view
for 11,500. How's that. M , A. Upton Company ,
ICth and I''aruaui. ' UJ4
TTIOH SALE A beautiful residence ill Hans-
JU com Place , oist front on OTth st. Just south
of Poppleton uve , lot 60x143 to graded alloy ;
ynnl nicely sodded ; 6-rooni house , bath , hot
uud cold water , gas , sewer , electric bolls , hard ;
woodjUnlsh. If taken at once \ li aii-H'tlTs fiuo
' " " .ysr amount mucu below its value. No
nicer ualcbborhood in tlin city. To those that
mean business we would like to show this
property. Wo will make the price right. M.
A. Upton Company , 18th and Farnain. ilJi
Depot 10th and .Maivy eta. Omaha. Omaha.
Pacltlc Express T:5o p m 7:10 : a m
Cheyenne Express . . 1:5.3 p 1 : ' < p m
Denver Expniss 10:0) : a m 3:45 : p m
Kansas City , Lincoln &
Jieatnco Express 5:0.3 : n m 1120p m
Papllllon Passenger ' 5:00 p m 7:10 : a m
Allabovetralnsriaily. 'I
_ C..KT. P. . M. .V ( I. Arrive
Depot 15thVobstersts. . Omaha. Omaha.
Sioux City Express 1 : UO p m 1:00 pm
Kmorbon Accommodat'u SflO u m G:15 : pin
Oakland Accommod'u. . B:0) ) p ra 8:35 : u in
Bt. Paul Limited 8:45 : a ui 7:01) : p in
"Florence 1'asrteiiEor. . . . 7I a m ( i41 ; a m
I'loieuce Passenger fi W p in firii ) p m
tKlorence Passenger. . . . 10iO ; a in U.l ) a m
i:20 p m 1:34 p m
nally Except Sunday ,
C. A ; K.-\vri < 71T Leave Arrive
Depot 10th anuMarcy s' . Omaha. Omaha.
No.O l > : ir a ni
Ko.t > . \rortlbule 3:41 : p m1
No. 4 lully except fcat'dy ti:15 : p in
Xojl Dally iixcept Mond'y 10:00 a m
No , 7. V > tlbule , 10UJ : a m
No.5 , , JU5 p in
' '
Depot ] 0th and .Mason sts. Omaha. Oiuutia ,
Chicago Vestibule Ex. . . . 4UW p in 'JM : a m
Chicago Mall VW a m flfri p m
Chicago Local. . 04.r ; p iu JHM : a in
] ( nver Vestibule Ex. . . ; ior ) > a m : i:15 p in
Lincoln & Concordia Lo'l u15 a m 0:0) p m
Colorado Mrvil 7 : . ' p in v:40 : u m
Kansas City Express. , , . lCK ) : ) a in fl:45 n m
Kanias City Express. . . . H'iO : p m mm
Except Saturday , Ilixcspt Monday ,
F. . B. * M.V.H. R. Laava
Depot 15th Ic Webster ats. Omaha.
Hastings ft Hlk H'.lii pns tiW ; a m 4:43 p ci
5:16 : p in 10:15 : a m
DepotlUh ti Wrb tori > ta. Omaha. Otnabit
Day Kxpre , 10:3 > i a m A:30 : a u >
Might Kiprois : ! pinl 8Qj : p ir
O. . M. AST. PAUL. I.fl.lV * Arrive
I ) pot l ti and Jl arcy vtx. Omaha , Omaha ,
h'o.V. . 0115 a m
No. * . . : Ui p
No. 1. . 7:15 : a in
No. U. . 1M p in
0. , A. I. ft P. Leav * ArrlT *
Depot loth .a3 Mfcrcy eti. Omaha. Omati * .
DcvMoines Accpmmod'n t:4i a ra 8:80 p u
Atlantic Kxpreif lU a in 8:00 p IB
Fast V stlbutetl xpre 4:16 : p n 8:30 a u
Night * 4:1S p m 9X ( > a u
Iinpot Uta and Webster. Omitia ,
Bt. Pul Eiprcji . . . . . . . 7:00 : p m tain
\TAHASI1 W 8TK N. Lear * Arrive
Depot Mb sud tdsj-cy at * , Ouiaha.
Ko. S BU U Jtop. lJailr.7. ; 18 p u
A 1'oimlnr Krror Wliloli line
Snuotloncil by Art 1st.q.
I know the musters or nnintinir from
GuUlo , in his wonilor/ul / "Kcco llotiio , "
down to the present Urno have iloplolod
the crown that rested unon the hond o (
our cruclflod Saviour as a twisted branch
of bnro thorns , BAVB n writer In the Now
York Llorahl , ntid that IB , so fnr M I
know , universally accepted as the true
crown ,
Seine yours ago nn inoidout that oc
curred in the holy land causud mo to
think that this popular belief may bo a
nlstake. A party of us who were
iournoyinir tow.iru .Jerusalem at this
season of the year , which is identical
ivith the passion aud death ot the Mas
ter , had stopped to rest and lunch just
\ftor ontoruijr the hill country , some
miles beyond Kamloh\vhoti a lady of the
party , who was tailoring the beautiful
lowers that covered the landscape on
all sides , wreathed an o.xqulbllo spray ,
and 1'oldlncr it up exclaimed : "Tho
Crown of Thorns ! "
Our party was dollphtod with the
iVroath. and upon examining it wo
: ound that long , sharp thorns woio con
cealed by the lovely pink ( lowers. Wo
wore convinced that this was the true
crown , and nso advanced toward
Torusalom wo suw that the whole coun
try , oven to the walls of the city , was
covered with the llowering thorn.
The plant and llowor are similar to
what wo commonly call the iloworing
ilniond , with the addition of the thorn ,
i'ho bloom is tliiolc , so that by merely
entwining a branch a wreath is made ,
wmlo the long , sharp thorns Hot out at
: 'ighl angles , about an inch apart , make
it a painful crown to wear upon the
liutnan brow.
When wo remember that the soldiera
who dressed our Savior with the purple
obo and crown did it us a mockorv , it
is rciibonnblo to believe that thev
this plant , which was so nccessiblo rtid |
would make a beautiful appearance ,
whilonttho same time wounding Ills
: ioly brow.
Many who have visited Palestine at
: his season of the year have doubtless
mid this suggested to them , yet I have
leversoen any comment on it in any
uook of travels.
Itollnblc Tu'Uimoity ,
Among those who testify to tlio merits of
Ward Hccchcr , Hon. Samuel J. Jiumlall ,
Cyrus W. Mold , Jr. , Hon. Jnuics W. Hustod ,
Charles U. FredricUs , Heury Kintr , iuanagor
Seaside Sanitarium , Hon. K. L. Pitts , Gen
eral R U , Spinola , Gcorpo Augustus Snla ,
Murion Hnrlaml and Sisters of Charity ,
Providence hospital , Washington , D. C.
Uownro of Imitations , mid do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Al.r-
COCK'S , und let no rxplunntion or sollullatlou
Induce you to accept u substitute.
Christ Inns in South Africa.
The interesting discovery of many
years ugo of Jewish colonips in western
China is now well supplemented by the
discovery of Christian clans or sects in
Africa , south of Abyssinia. Thesa
wholly isolated people have retained
SQUID forms of Christian belief and wor
ship since the early centuries when
Egypt and the lands of the south were
in the hands of the followers of Jesus.
Mohammedanism arising in the sev
enth century cut oIT this section , iiiid
has obliterated Christianity to the north
of them. What is left , however , of the
better fnith is now so thoroughly de
generated that it is not worth the pny
serving. Africa is full of wonders.
Have you rheumatism ?
Have you dinhctcsV
Have you Bright's disease ?
ifaye you any kiduuy trouble ?
Have you gravel ?
Have you any bladder difficulty ?
Have you dropsy ?
Have you dyspepsia ?
Ilavo you any skin or blood disease ?
Ar you a victim of alcoholism ?
Are you weak and debilitated ?
If so , the Almighty has provided in
the waters of Excelsior Springs , Tilo.j a
pure free remedy , that as a diuretic and
tonic , will more nearly prove infallibla
for your case than any other agency
you can ( ind on earth.
"The Elms1 at Excelsior Springs , is
nowhere surpassed among ,
hotels. All charges very reasonable.
Every comfort and convenience. Sur
roundings attractive. Climate delight
ful and healthful. Twenty-six miles
from Kansas City , Mo. , on tiie C. , M. &
St. P. railroad.
The Ilomp S miners r ? AiVion.
A new and curious sect has recently
grown up in Africa , tlio Honn-IUuinbu
or "Sons of Hemp,1' faocicty of hemp
smokers who , calling themselves
"friends , " nro bound together by ties
of mutual hospitality. It has had some
new light thrown upon it in the Account
of Ca journey up the Kasal by Charles
Somerville Bate man : "Its initiatory
rites are a proiound and unfuthouablo
myfetery. and whether to describe it as
a secret brotherhood , a religion , or ti
society for the propagation of licen
tiousness I am uncertain. Sonr as iho
smoking of Ihiarnba [ hemp ] itself is con
cerned , there can be no reasonable
doubt but that the Matchtoko intro
duced it primarily for the purpose of
fraud , since persons under the influence
of that poisonous narcotic are tomnor-
arily insane , and therefore at the
mercy of the first cruel and crafty
trader that came across thorn. " An
other authority , hoxvovor , thinks that
the society grow out of a political revo
lution among the Dasuilonge people in
1870 , when the progressist party broke
down commercial barriers , and the cus
tom of bhang or hemp smoking was in
troduced from Zanzibar to become "ono
of the most baneful institutions in Cen
tral Africa. "
The following from tlio pen of Mr. L.
P. Bard well , editor of the Marion ( la. )
Pilot , wjll , wo believe , bo of interest to
many. TIe says : "It is with pleasura
that J certify to the real merits of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I have
Vised it in my family for years and have
always found it most excellent , and es
pecially for colds , croup and sore throat i
It is safe and eltectivo. For sale bjrfall
Not Inn.
The Hoard of Public Lands and llulldlnzi will
recu'VH ' bids nt any lime before May 14. 1SW at a
p. m. tor putting up tlrtxweapei forlnsuuo Jios *
pltal ut IluhtlUKi , m-braska ,
Asylum at Norfolk.
IjmuMrlul Home , Mllford ,
Industrial School , Kcnrney.
lliHtltntn for l''e bl Mlnilud Youth Bon trice ,
ami Institute for Illlnd , Nebraska Cltr.
1)1(1(1 ) nr. will furulxh thrlrown plan * und speci
fication * . ( tight reserved to i eject < uir or all
liy order nt tut Hoard. . ,
April . van. 0. li. r , \ w * .
a'J ) d 6 1 _ Bccretitry.
Notice to Contractors ,
Beul od bids will bo received by tlio board of
publu lands anil lnilltllnic Ht uny time butora
Miiy HI , I8s'.i at 'i p. m , for fumUbuiK all inutvrlal
and doln ; ; nil ivorlc necoisury to crnnplvtu boiler
bou e itnu engine room. nmcVo stark and tunnul
forl/'apltul bulldlnu at Lincoln. Nebraska.
AUo at thu sumo time and plnco bids will be
recelvod for work und inauinal to comjdeU
lioller lioimeand wclu room , mnolte uUck nd
tunnel for Insane Asylum at Ilaatliitr . Neb-
. both contract * to be done according to
pmns.iipeulnctitlona and aetHlled dmvrlnv now
on Ilia u 1th the Couiialsvlonor of 1'ubllo I Audi
and . , ,
1'aymenu to b made on monthly estimates
furul hd by the bupt\rlut nilvut of Oouauriic-
tion. li i > rx cent to be raurvcd till completion
of the work ,
ItlBhtreaerrodto reject any or Ml bia . Bf
order of Itou-d. U. L. tAWB , S crel ry.
April .