Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    o THE OMAHA DAILY BfiSfc : FJKIDAY. 31AV 13 , 1889
I'ellmedlir carrier In Any Purl of lie City rx
'IwMity Cents I'cr Week. . . „ „ , .
JlfMNr.sR OFFICE No. 43.
N. V. Plumbln Co.
Extensive preparations nro bolng mode for
the grand opening of the Hotel do Mnnawa
on Tuesday , the 7th.
A large number of the Knights of Labor
of Omaha , last evening , came over to visit
Union Pucllio mscmbly , No. 1300. They had
a special train and Itvus loailod to the fullest
News IIM Juit been received In this city of
the appointment of T. II. Baldwin , until re-
ccntly of this cltv , as resistor of the land
ofllco at ITolsoin , Now Mexico. "Tom" Is n
hustler and merits tils success in the land of
the horned toud.
J. .T. Fcaron , the Main street grocer , lias
purchased u twenty foot lot on Uroadxvay ,
near the Ololie olllco , and will erect n hand-
Bomo tlirco story brlclt business block thereon
In the near future. The price paid for the
lot was Sfl.SOO , or $ : HO a front foot.
The reports of the city auditor and chief
of police for the month of April arc ready to
ha submitted at the next meeting of the
council. The former shows nn expenditure
of StlM.7l ) ; , and the latter Rives the causes
ot Ibll arrests made during the month.
One anti-prohibition tax was received m
police court this morning. Four VIIRS , who
were arrested for breaking into a scaled car
In the Rock Island freight yards , had their
cases continued until It could bo ascertained
whether or not they had stolen anything.
The board of directors of the recently In
corporated Co-oper.itlvo Store company have
elected the following ofllcers1 President , J.
U. Grason ; vice-president , G. II. Cook : secretary -
rotary , A. 12. Mitchell ; treasurer , O. .1. Kast-
Innd ; manager , A. N. Scrihner. Business
will probably bo commenced In about three
Members of W. C. A. will bear In mind the
necessity of being at the regular monthly
meeting on next Monday , May 7 , ut the resi
dence of Mrs. L. W. HOSB. Special and ur
gent business will bo transacted , the nature
of which is of such importance as to demand
considerable attention , consequently the
meeting will bo called to order promptly at
2 o'clock. Mrs. M. C. Galucs , corresponding
M. North was arrested yesterday on a war
rant sworn out in Justice Barrett's court by
K. C. Harris , charging him with obtaining
money under false pretences. It seems that
North borrowed $ JO of E. H. Sheafe , loan
agent , and gave a mortgage on a team , wagon
and harness. It now developes that the
State Savings bank holds a mortgage for
(121.75 on the same property. The case will
be heard to day.
The case against Frank Peterson , who
was arrested about a week ago for robbing a
man of $30. was tried yesterday , before
Squire Ilendrlcus. Edwin Allard was the
prosecuting witness. The evidence was not
very clear , and the prosecution was not
pushed very vigorously , and the court
deemed It msufllclcntto warrant binding over
the prisoner to the grand jury , and he was
accordingly discharged.
The fences at o being rebuilt around the
watcrwoi Its canal and subsidiary basin to
keep cattle and horses out of the water.
This work Is usually delayed until after the
fipring rise of the Missouri , but , there was no
material ilso this spring , as there was no
snowfall of any amount during the winter ,
and the spring rains have not bean heavy.
The annual hlch water occurs in .Tune , wheu
the snow Is molting at the headquarters in
the mountains.
W. F. Sapp , jr. , has plans nearly com
pleted for n handsome four-story business
block at the corner of Scott and Broadway.
It will bo of pressed bride , with stone ami
terra cotta trimmings , and will cost $10 , ( XX ) .
It will be one of the llncst business blocks in
the city. The public will bo glad to learn
that the old landmark that has so long dis
graced that corner Is to bo replaced with a
structure more modern and more in keeping
with the rest of the city.
The improvement craze is noticeable on
Middle Broadway in the number of new
plate glass fronts that are being put into the
business blocks. The entire fronts of tno
liroadway house , Globe olllco. and the build
ing formerly occupied as the Palace saloon ,
have all been torn out and will soon bo re
placed with front elevations of the most
modern stylo. A few more such changes as
these would completely change the appear
ance of this principal thoroughfaie.
The now Broadway bridge over Indian
creek is completed and opened to the public.
The new structure is the full width of the
utreet and the floor is paved with cedar
blocks , the same as the street on either sido.
Two wide driveways afford ample room for
four carriages to pass at a time , and at the
same time leave tnc double car track unob
structed. It is a very decided Improvement
over the old one , and one that the traveling
public ciinnot full to appreciate.
Tno entertainment of the Acme club , at
Masonic temple , last evening , was a grand
success. Two amusing farces , "Tho Scape
grace" and "Thirty Minutes for Refresh
ments , " were presented by local talent , in a
manner highlv creditable to those taking
part. The latter part of the evening was
given up to dancing , nn enjoyable pro
gramme of twelve numbers having been pro-
pared. The hall was well illled , and the
ladles of the club netted a neat sum for the
benefit of St. Paul's. '
Another change In the hotel business oi
the city was consummated yesterday , b.\
which Mr. U. S. Ulchardson , formerly of tlu
Kovero house , assumes the entire control nni
management of tbo Metropolitan hotel ni
lower Hroud way. Air. A. P. Langmado , re
tires from the hotel business , and it is under
stood that it will bo permanently. Mr
Richardson Is an oxborlcnced hotel man , anO
will nmko several Important changes In tlu
establishment. Ho will undoubtedly receive
his full share of public patronage.
The second evening of the grand opening
ni Mueller's music hall witnessed anothc
large crowd passing through the attractive
furnished rooms of this mammoth uiusica
establishment. Over forty pianos , of tlu
best known maimfncturors , were opened am
n exhibition , as well as a large number o
organs and nn almost endless amount o
gin a ! I or Instruments and musical supplies
The rooms wore brilliantly illuminated , am
the scone was u most pliusing one. A flm
musical programme was rendered. Dalboy'j
orchestra will be In attendance to-night am
to-morrow nlglit.
The weekly racing programme that was t
have been given at Union park touiornn
Afternoon has been postponed until the lit !
Just. , ns the management was unable to sc
cure the harness that Is to bo pivon as i
prise In the roadster rare , by that time
There will bo two roadster races , trottln
and pacing , open to Omaha and Councl
Bluff hoises , owners to drive. The llrs
prizes will bo line sots of harness , and th
second prizes a laprobe for pacers and a tin
suit of iiummcr horse clothing for the trol
torn. There will bo several other Interest
ing rnces.
Council UlulTs Lodge No. 270 ( Loynl
A. O. U. W. , meets In G. A. U. fml
very Friday ovoninp ut 8 o'clock.
G. B. Wild s worth & Co. loun 11101103
I'f rsoiml
Ralph Wilrox and Charles Wilcox steppe
over nero yesterday as the guests ol Mr. an
Mrs. I1. A. Clurk. They hove been ou n tr !
to California , and nio now en route for the !
New VorK homo. They left last ovcmrii
intending to stop over at Khcnanuoab t
visit an uncle.
NJxtm Waterman went to Creston las
evmilng to attend the golden wcddta ? of. hi
parents , Mr. unit Mrs. \Vntormau , of tuu
ctly , liu will return this morning ,
L. H. Josulvii returned last evening froi
Juiu'svillc , Wig , , and will remain hero son :
tunn with his daughters , Mra. H. W. Til to
and Mra. P. M. Pryor.
Money loaned ut L. 13. Craft's & Co.
loan olllco on furiiituro , pianos , lior ui
wairons , iiorbonul property of nil Uludi
and all other articles ot vuluu , withoi
mnovnl. All business strictly cent
J. G. Tiptoa , reul estate , 627
Some Improvements Noted In a
Brlof Mornlngf Drive.
They Put in the Day In Convention
A Unrated Stnntl I'lno
Pnrflonnls and
A Morning Drive.
THE Br.n accepted the invitation ot En
gineer Blrktnblno , of the water works com
pany , yesterday mornlnir , to take n drlvo
through the western part of the city , and
note the Improvements now In progress. It
was surprising to see the changes made in
even n few weeks. Sixty-four now roofs
were to bo counted within a radius of half n
mile of Streotsvlllo , and foundations were
laid for half as many more , This work has
nil been done In the past two months.
The reporter was shown the extensions
recently mndo in the mains of the water
works company , connections having been
made with the Broadway main at all the
principal cross streets. Several now 1110
hydrants have been located , and nil of the
manufactories recently located In that part
of the city now have llrst-eiass lire nrotec-
tlon. A brief stop was made at the pumping
station on the river bank , and certain minor
changes now being made were Inspected.
The pump house Is situated on the verge of
the bank , and n few foot below rolls the
muddy and restless Missouri. "You have no
idea , " said Mr. Blrklnblnc , "what a capri
cious and nltotrclhcr 111-mnnnored stream
that is. It is never satisfied , but is con
stantly encroaching on somebody's rights or
property. Now you see whore this pump
house Is right on the very edge , and it will
soon have to bo moved back n few feet or It
will dump Into the river. A year ago , that
house was thirty-four feet farther nortn than
It is now , on a bank eight feet above the
water. That whole strip , thirty-four feet
wide. Is now a tiart of the bed of the river ,
and is covered with twenty feet of water.
The water kept cutting and washing , and
there is no telling when or where it will
stop. "
The drive was then resumed , and the
Broadway pumping station was the objective
point. Just before reaching there , a largo
stone , about eighteen Inches square , was
observed lying on the ground. "That is a
government corner-stone , " said the engineer ,
"and it is probably the most nomadic of any
similar bound in this nart of the country.
When 1 first saw It , It was located over there
by that fence , about one hundred yards to
the west of when ! It now is. It has been
moved repeatedly , and the surveyors always
use it in finding the lines of Ferry addition.
One of these days there will bo a howl over
mistaken lines , and the cause will bo traced
back to that identical stone. On one occa
sion nn enterprising squatter loaded it upon
his wagon and started homo with It , but the
wagon broke down before ho had gone far
and the stone was loft where It foil. It was
partially buried originally , but it came to the
surface and now stands there on end inviting
somebody to carry it a ways further. "
After n short stop ut the works the trip
was continued eastward , and the busy
suburb , with its countless plies of lumber ,
brick and mortar , was left behind to grow as
rapidly as possible Into metropolitan appear
Blank books made to order. Can fur
nish patent binding for parties wishing
the suinc. Call and see samples at room
1 , Everett block , Pearl street.
If you have no time to call at my office
to buy a home , send your address to C.
B. Judd , (5015 ( Broadway.
For Sale or Trade.
$15,000 stock of merchandise. For par
ticulars inquire of George Mctcalf , 10
Pearl"st. , Council Bluffs , la.
Sunday Schirol Worker * .
The eighteenth annual convention of the
Sunday schools of Pottawattainio county was
held yesterday at the Presbyterian church in
.his city. The attendance was very fair ,
nearly all the schools soadlntr delegates.
The convention was called to order at 9:30 :
o'clock. Devotional exercises were conducted
by Kov. D. C. FranitHn , of tbo Broadway M.
church. An address of welcome was de-
ivercil by Rev. Dr. Phelps , pastor of the
Presbyterian church , to which several of
ho delegates responded. After the roll call
of ofllcers and delegates , Ruv. George
Wright , of Carson , and G. P. Williams , of
this city , addressed the convention on "The
Value of Early Religious Impressions. "
Just before adjourning for dinner the re
port of the county secretary , Dr. P. J.
Montgomery , and the Sunday school mis
sionary report , were road.
In the afternoon theconvention opened
with u song service led by Joseph Wells.
Prayers loilowed by Messrs. Williams and
A committee , consisting of Dra. Phelps ,
Whet/.ol and Mr. Cokor , was appointed as a
nominating committee , to bring m a list of
ofllccrs for the ensuing year.
The reports of the delegates from the var
ious schools wore then hoard ,
A committee on rcsolu Ions , consisting of
Rev. Thickstun and Messrs. Chamberlain ,
Cokcr and Slovens , and Mesdames Allen ,
Orcutt and Arthur , was then appointed.
The committee on nominations reported a ;
follows : President , Rev. D. H. Cooley , D
U. ; vice-president , Rev. G. W. Crofts ; see
i clary. Mr. Joseph Wells ; treasurer , Dr. H
J. Montgomery ; executivecommitteo.'Rev. D
C. Frunklln , Mr. D. T. Snow and Mr. E. M
On motion thonamoof Rev. George Wrlghi
was substituted in place of Rev. G. W
Crofts , and Henry Rishton in place of D. i' ,
Snow. The report as" amended was ndontcd
The question box was then opened by Rev
G. W. Crofts. The following questions won
discussed at length :
Which Is the best tltno for a mission Sun
day school morning or afternoon i" "Wouli
you advise turning cranks ) " "Can a Sunda ;
school bo a success without a live teachers
nice-ling ) " "Ouu-lit non-professing Christian
over to become teachers in the Sunda ;
School ? " "Would you attempt to keep up t
Sunday school , conducted by non-professor
of religion I" "Is It best to always teach tin
quarterly review , or to sometimes supplomen
It with the missionary or temperance lessonV
"Is there u Sunday school register pub
llshcat If so , whoroi" "What would yoi
eay of a Sunday school teacher who oo :
from tbo school to play croquet ( " "Who 1 ;
the proper loader of the teachers' meeting ) '
"Ii it necessary to read the lesson In th
class ) " "Does thn convention oppose telllni
the chlldro.n stories to illustrate the lesson ! '
"Will an organ increase the interest of i
Sunday school1 ) "What more can bo don
than lius been done to get parents intorcstei
In the Sunday school ! " "Do you think i
lecture after the school necessary ) " "Win
should appoint tbo teachers In the Sunda ,
school ! "
"How can wo get the pupils to study th
lesson ! " "How far should teachers urg
personal religion upon their scholars , an
now urge serious ones to unite with th
church i"
Rev. Mr. HnrH.-t then delivered an nddrcs
on "How to make Sunday nchool work a sue
coss. "
Rev. G. P. Williams spoke on "Picking u
the crumb ? . "
Rev. Mr. Girder , of Ilarlan , addressed th
convention on "The Council Hluilu an
Omaha "
A resolution WM passed looking to a cor
vcntlun of the variout Sunday schools of th
district of western Iowa ut the Chautauqu
grounds from the 20th to the 115th of August
In the evening , Hov. Charles Wholzel , c
Avocn , delivered the ch'Mng address o
"The book wo teach , and lu influence on th
World , "
Mho convention was a very successful OIK
and will prove of great bcHellt to the Sunda
school workers of the city and county ,
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lura , cults and shirts by Cabcado Luun
dry company.
Dr. C. C. Ila/en , dentist , Opera hous
Too Mnuli Water.
The now Ktand-plpe Just erected on Bryan
street tot the use of the utrcat sprinkle ;
proved too weak to stand the enormous pres
sure of the water , and yesterday morning
the upper part of It was blown off , A three-
Inch stream of water rose In the nlr to n
height of over sixty foot , being considerably
higher than the flag start on the city Jail , and
continued to How for nearly halt an hour ,
until the pressure could be shut off from the
Bryant street main.
The sidewalk m the immediate vicinity
w&s washed out , ana the tmvlng under
mined near the storm sewer opening , but the
total damage will not exceed $10. The water
had to bo shut oft at the corners of Vine ,
Washington avenue and Broadway , before
the discharge was stopped. Much stronger
couplings will have to bo secured before the
pipe can Do repaired , and the water turned
nn again. In the meantime the street
sprinklers will use the lira hydrants the
same as heretofore.
Is Mr. Ragan nn Irishman'/ Guess ,
I liavo twenty houses , all now , nearly
finished in Mynstor , Mill , Beers' and
Evan's additions for sale on monthly
payments from $950 to $2,000 ; and $10 to
Sail per month. C. B. Judd , 000 Broad
Attention , Firemen.
Meeting of the Council BltilTs Flremens'
association at the city building this evening
at 8 o'clock sharp. A full attendance Is de
sired , as there Is business of Importance to
bo transacted. By order of President P.
Lacy. 1. W. , Sec'y.
Mr. Rngitn will present views
of the Council BlulT and Omaha Cliau-
tauqua grounds Saturday evening.
Night I'rowlcrs.
The residence of J. McMlllen , carpenter
and contractor , corner Klcvcnth street and
Fourth avenue , was entered hi' burglars
Wednesday nlpht. They effected nn en
trance through r rear window , and entered
Mr. MeMiller.'s sleeping room. They secured
his pantaloons and adjourned to the back
yard , where they Investigated. The search
was fruitless , for there was nothing of value
in the pockets. They then hung the garment
on the clothes line and departed , possibly
sadder , probably wiser , and certainly no
richer than when they cauio.
Stop paying rent and buy iv homo on
monthly payments of C. B. Judd , 0015
No one interested in the Chautauqua
movement should miss Ragan's leeturo
Saturday evening. Course tickets 81.50 ;
single tickets 50 cents.
Notice !
I have removed my barber shop from
No. 18 North Main street to No. 8 Pearl
street , whore I am bettor prepared than
over before to give satisfaction to my
customers. Purr/
Another Chanac.
The Reflector changed hands again yester
day , passing Into the hands of H. P. Barrett ,
until recently the Lincoln correspon lent of
the Omaha Herald , and H. E. Grimm , mana
ger of the Council Bluffs department of the
World. The paper will bo continued as a
society paper , but In a few days certain
changes will be made , making it loss dis
tinctively a society paper. A company to bo
known as the Reflector Publishing company
will soon be organlrcd. several business men
o f this city becoming identified with it.
All aboard for Ragan's excursion
around the world. Ho starts for Spain
and Morocco Saturday evening from
Dohany's depot.
Money loaned on fuinituro , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
For 82-3.00 The N. Y. Plumbing Co.
will put a lead service pipe mid hydrant
in your yard ; also 50 feet extra hose.
Call at once ut 114 Main street.
fllny Services at St. Frnnala' .
During the present month services will beheld
held daily at St. Francis Xuvier's church.
Devotions every morning after S o'clock
mass , consisting of prayers to the Blessed
Virgin Mary for her intercessions in our behalf -
half with her Divine Son ; the singing of the
litany of the Blessed Virgin by the school
clrls , and other hymns appropriate to such
In the evening the services will bo at 7:80 :
for crown people who cannot come to the
devotions In the morning , consisting of pray
ers , hinging and music , and conclude with
the benediction of the Most Holy sacrament.
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clotlios. Cascade Laundry Co.
Rooms to rent in the Merriam block.
S. B.Wadsworth & Co..230 Main street.
c n
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Hldesjallow , Pelts , Wool & Fuis ,
Highest market prices. Prompt retmns. No. K )
anil K. . ' Maln-bt. , Council lllutrn , lovwi.
. . . . . .
Jjxcept Saturday. iKxcuut Monday.
No.6 . . , . . . . .WMOa. m.'No.V ' .
No.8 . 1(15 p. in. No. a . U01u. ; lu
No.4 . U:4UD. : in. No. 6. , , . , , , . .0np. : m
A No. S . 0:40 : a. m , A No. 1 . : &n u. m
A No. 4 . . . . 7OQl > . m. A No.U . 7 : 10 p. in
IIIjU J * ro.
A. No.2. . . , . 9aa. : . m. A No.U . , .fl:10u. : in
A No.4 , , . ' tcJJji.m. A No.l . tlr-Sp-m
A No. 10. . . .7U3 : a. m. A No. . . . , . . .8:5. : a. m
A No. U , . . 7:0) n.m. A No.U . '
OMAIfA & bT. 1.0U18.
A No.8 . . . .till P.III. A No.7 . 12tW in
A tlullyj li dally except Hatimlay : Ouxcopi
Sunday ; 1) except Monday ; * fast mull.
The llniti K'veu ' aoore la for Transfer , tnen
being team U e to teu mtnutci between Trans
v and local d pou.
l\TANTno-IIr"a yo"nng InJy. sltuntloii as
TT stenographer nnd typo writer. Hatwa"-
oryrefotoncfs given. Aanrcis Stenographer ,
K7 ! 1'ourth street , Count ; ) ! illuirs.
A NV one \vantlnp flncchnnca to manufnctnro
j-cnn secure Imllcllnp , power , etc. , nt ix bargain
> yjuiarc8slng Main * tr ot Meixt Market ,
XOK 010 tons for solo. Lanrcmlorfor k
trohhchn , Mam street Meat Market. _
WANTIJU A comnotont glFl I6"0o goncrnl
honsouork. Apply nt iilfl lllutr St. , Coun
cil Illutls. _ _ .
FOU ItKNT-Ofllce rooms over S. A. I'lercc's ,
corner Main nnd Vint live. Front room ,
roomVpor month. A. . I , Stepliouson.
Qmj7TTICN"vuintea--As bookkeeper or In an
O olllce. ( looil references. Address U. H. a ,
Ice olllco , Council HlulTs.
fOH SAtiK My residence. Inquire John G.
L Woodward , alii Fourth avonne. _
\\7ANTKD-A first-class coo * , thoroURhly
T ' iinilcrstandlnK his mulness. Unod wnucs
mlcl. Apply Immediately In person to Henry
V. llnthort , superintendent Deaf anil Dumb In
stitution , Council Illuire , la.
WANTI'.D-At the mtt nntl Dumb Institu
tion , Council Illuir-t , n Ilowor gardener. Ap-
ily In person or by mall to the .superintendent ,
T7WII 11KNT Two dwelling houses. 8 anil 10
J- rooms , nml two centrally located unices In
Council Illnirs. Horace i\orctt. :
FOR HUNT I.arco double olllco over Krnnk
I.evln'sclgnr , 6M Ilrouduay. Inquire
of Prank I.evln.
Dd Rice'sHeraral ' Sypport ,
The only iierfcct abdominal support for rhll-
Iren nml iiiinlts. Successfully cures the WOUST
( 'ASUS OF HUltNIA. Address
No. 27 Main Street ,
Over Jacqucinlii'fl Jewelry Store.
Tuos. OFFICER. W. H. M. Pusur
Corner Main and Broadway ,
Dealers In foreign f.nd domestic exchange.
Collections made and Interest imltl on tlina uo-
posits. ,
103 Main Street.
H5E35H O
Grand Opening !
May ist , 2d , 3d , and 4th , 1889 ,
The finest assortment of PIANOS and ORGANS. Music and songs every evening. The besl
artists and musicians have kindly offered their services : of Omaha , Mrs. Fanny Kellogg-Bach-
art , Miss Lillie Chamberlain , Mrs. Rcgina Atwater , Mrs. L. A. Mocller , Prof. Butler of Coun
cil Bluffs ; Miss Bella Robinson , Miss Maigurite Liddel , Prof. Charles Baetons , Mr. Marshall
Treynor , Mr. Sam. Noble , Mr. Ernest Thornton , Mr. F. L. Hayden , Mrs. M. Dillon.
Strike und Blass Lust Club , Prof. Dalbie's Band and Orchestra , Prof.
Heiser's Orchestra.
All will unite to make the event a pleasant one. YOU ARE INVITED.
In order to make room for the immense arrival of now goods , which arc arriving
daily , and our dress goods stock being overloaded have decided to
make a gvcat slaughter in prices , the like never being heard of in
this part of the country. Now is the time to secure a dress
at less than half the price it can bo bought for any
where clso. To road this advertisement only
gives you a faint idea of the immense
bargains to be had. Come and
inspect the goods and judge
for yourselves.
This great dress goods sale will only last one
week , commencing to-morrow ,
Don't wait until the end ot the week , but got around bright and early and sccuro
the choice of the bargains , as some of the lots are limited.
For Co aynrd , 150pieces Doboiges , Cash- For83caynrd.1G-inoh All Wool Hen
mo res , etc. , worth from lOc to 25c. rietta , Sillt finish , worth 60o.
For ! ) c a , yard , UU-inch Cashmere Twill ,
worth 18c. For ! 19c a.vard. SO-inch All Wool Tri
cots , French Coutll Suitings and Illuminated
For IVo n yard , Double Fold , All Wool
. luminated mixtures , worth 05c.
Suitings , worth Me.
For 2Qc a yard , 80-inch All Wool Suit For .We a yard , 62-inch All Wool Broad
ings , worth 60c. ,4 cloth , worth 0/ic. /
For 33o n yard , 80-1 n oh All Wool Flan For flOoo yard , -10-inch All Wool Hen
nels in plains and mixtures , worth oOc. rietta , worth Sl.Ol ) .
.Tubt received , a full line of Sateens in all shades , also the celebrated Gilbert's
Flint Black Henrietta Sateen at ic ! ) a yard , worth 33c.
Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices ,
4O1 Broadvyay , : : Council Bluffs , la.
Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates
H . i Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown
Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
NO/ " * UI IDV Justice of tho.Peace. Olllco over American Express , No. 11
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