THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FHIDAY MAY 34 1839. THE DAILY BEE. DIORN1NO. TKIUIB OF BUH8CHITTION. DMIy ( Morning Kdlllon ) Including SUNDAT JlKr , On rear . 110 00 or Six Months . . . . . . . . 500 StorThroa Months . . . . . . 2M miK UMAIIA BIINIIAT H r moiled to nny nddresi , One Year . ZOO ftTMKMr lir.K , Ono Year . 200 fMAiiA Orncit. Nog.t > 14 nnd V10 PAltNAM BTIIBKT. I ciiiCAnoUrricK , no : HooKinr iiuii.niNn. I HKW YonK Orricn , HOOMSII ANII 15 TIJIHON i WASHINGTON UDTICK , No. 613 1 FOUIltr.ENTI ! BTItr.KT. COnilKSl'ONDKNOB. All eoramnnlcAtions relating to n wg and cdl- ( otlnl matter should boaddrcsscdtotue KDITOB All bnstneM letters ami remlttftncoa should be MddreMod to TUB HKK I'uitusiumi Coui-ANf , OMAHA. Dratts , chcrks and postnlUc * orders to be made payable to tlio order ot the company. 11 Sid Bee PflWIsliInE Company , Proprietors , E. ROSEWATER , Editor. THE DAIliY 111212. Sworn Rtntcmcnt of Circulation. J5t te of Nebraska , I , . County of Douglas , f " " Oeorpell.Tzsrhuck , secretary of Too nee Pub- llshitiRComna ny , does nolommy swear that tlio actual circulation of TIIK DAILY HKK for the week ending April J.7. 1S89. was as follows : Fundnv. Aiirll2l WomlttV. Aprllffi Tuesday. Anril 21 Wednesday , April 31 . J8.R.VJ Thursday. April Si . 18.&G7 nidny. April . . . 18.MH I Buturduy. vr Avantgo . 1 8 , (147 uiiounr. n. TZSCHUOIC. Bworn to before mo and subscribed to In my prrscnco UiUSTlh day ot Apt II. A. I ) . J831. Seal. N. 1' . KK1U Notary 1'ubllc. Btato of Nolirauku , I . . Comity of Douglas. fB3 > OuorRO II. Tzhcmick , bolng duly sworn , de pones and nays that lin Is secretary of tno Ileo JMibllshliiK company , that the actual average lally tlrcnlatloii ot TUB DAILY IIKI : for the month of April. IBS. ' , 18,714 roples ; for May. 188S. 38,1gi : j'onles : for .luno , IB8H , 10,813 copies : for July , IsisA , 13,0X1 copies ; for August , 18S3 , 18.IS3 oopk-s : for Septontbor , isss. 1H.I5I copies ; for Octolior. IRSi. 18.1K4 copies ; for Noveinfoor , IBtw. Iti6fi copies ; for December , 188s. lHi ! ) copies ; for January , 18M , 18,574 copies ; for February. 1&89 & , 18.WO copies ; for March. IR89. 1H.8T 4 copies. GKUIUIK II. T/.SimudlC. Bworn to before mo mid subscribed In my presence this ICth day of April , A. IX , 1BTO. N. P. 1'KIU Notary Public. IN the words of ono of the excursion ists the trip to Dctidwood is the best thing the board of tnido htut done for our commercial Interests for some time. A SCHKMK is on foot to consolidate the rolling mills of Chicago. If this bo brought about it is likely to create a powerful competitor to the stool and iron mills of Pennsylvania. TIIK shipment of two hundred thous and head of cattle from Wyoming into Montana is a feature of the cattle in dustry which will attract considerable attention , Two Americans were refused admit tance to the Berlin exhibition because they did not wear dress coats. Lot the Samoan conference stop short until the now indignity heaped on our country men bo explained. A pieoTKST has boon filed by several local railroads in Iowa with the state railroad commissioners clamoring for relief from the low rates imposed. It is safe to say , however , that their threat ened bankruptcy was never brought on by the commissioners' schedule. True drunken orgies which disgraced the centennial ball prove that the pre- tonlious four hundred of New York are a beastly sot. Fine apparel and lojig pedigrees do not make men. They iiro usually a mask for depravity , the thin Tonocring of human dross. DUIIIXO the month of April the public debt was decreased some thirteen mil lions. At this rate tha debt will de crease over ono hundred and llfty mil lions this year , and the whole interest bearing debt would bo wiped out within six years. And that brings up the ques tion , what securities will the national banks substitute for their United States bonds in the national trousury vaults ? Tins fund'for the proposed confeder ate soldiers' homo amounts to fifty thousand dollars. About otic-third of this sum was subscribed in the north. Subscriptions in the south do not meet the expectations of the managing com mittee , and it now looks as if the move ment will bo a failure. There is a sur plus of sentiment and a paucity of cash. The south might profitably follow the example of the north in providing and maintaining state homes for indigent and disabled veterans. HKTUUNS from the pork packing centers - tors of the country for the past week show a slight increase over the preced ing week , but the number of hogs mark eted is considerably loss than for the corresponding woolc last year. The total for the season from March 1 ex ceeds by 200,000 the total for the same period last year. Omalia maintains third place among the packing Centura of the country. Ouu dispatches report that the Chicago cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis A ; Omaha line has a corps of surveyors on the field between Hurtington and Yank ton with the prospects that the gup of twenty-four miles will bo covered in tlio near ( uturo. Jf this bo true it will bo good news to the people of Northern Nebraska and Southern Dakota anxious for direct railroad communication with Omaha. Whether this short line is to bo immediately constructed or not , the oniciuls of tlio Omaha road cannot long delay It. Rivals are anxious to tap this promising territory from the south , and any move in this direction is certain to stir up the St. Paul & Omaha road in completing its VanlUon short lino. ROIIKHT P. i'OHTKit , the newly ap pointed superintendent of the census , lias bvon tukan to task us being biased for the work of collecting the national centus. Ho is accused of being a high protectionist and that his theories will Induce him to warp facts and figures to sustain liis protection theories , Mr. Porter comes to his own defense and an8vors his critics in a straight-forward manner. Ho points out that the posi tion of superintendent of the census is in a measure u judicial ono , and a man who would dare manipulate tha Ilguros in the interest of any preconceived theories he might have , would bo guilty as the judge who would , after his elec tion to the bench , decide a cuso in favor ot a friend in direct contradiction to the evidence. The now superintendent should proceed in his work on the high piano on which he has plaanod it. IIAILIIOAD ASSESSMENTS. The state board ot equalization is ex pected during the present month to rnnko its annual assessment of the rail roads and railroad property. The method which 1ms heretofore been pur sued in making these assessments is , to say the loa t , decidedly perfunctory. The board takes the returns furnished l > y the railroad companies as to mileage of main tracks and side-tracks , right-of- way , depot grounds , rolling stock and all other chattels. The roadbed right- of-way and all improvements are dumped , together with the rolling stock , Intoa mileage pro-rata estimate , and the assessment is equalized and certified to , to the respective counties. This way of assessing and equalizing property of an unknown quantity is very much like buying u. pig in n poke. The board has never somuch as inspected any of the stations , depots , bridges , water tanks , machine shops or other improvements. It has not the remotest idea of the condition In which any of the roads keep their locomotives , cars and other rolling stock. They do not know whether the side-tracks returned extend over ton miles or a hundred on any of the roads , and what is worse , the members of the board have never tried to acquire definite knowledge on this subject. Their work as assessors and equalizers is done mechanically as a more matter of form , and their conclu sions are arrived nt chiefly by the asses- ment made by the preceding board. Now we do not want the railroad com panies to pay any greater proportion of taxes than is paid by any other class of property owners. Nor do wo want thorn to pay any less than their proper share of the taxes. What the people of this state have a demand and insist upon is that the state board shall view the property of the railroads and appraise - praise it in the same manner that the precinct assessor does the property of the farmer , the merchant or the la borer. It is the duty of the board to inspect the railroad tracks and Improvements , so as to got an approximate idea of the condition of each of the roads and the relative value of the right of way and the improvements made thereon at each station. This may DO a severe task , but it should be undertaken at least once every two years. The road should furnish the board with proper facilities for making the inspection , so that when the board has listed the property the assessments may bo made something more than a roaring farce. THE RAILWAY MAIL SEHVICE. On the first of this month the civil service rules wore extended to the rail way mail service. The order providing for thia.was issued near the close of the administration of President Cleveland , and after careful consideration Presi dent Harrison decided that it should bo enforced. Meantime there has been great activity on the part of the super intendent of the railway mail service in re-organizing it , chiotly by restoring the more olllciont and valuable olllcials and clerks who were removed for poli tical reasons by the last administration. There is as yet no data showing howex- " tensivoly this has boon done , but the impression is that very few of the old clerks who had good records have failed to bo reinstated , and undoubtedly the service will bo improved thereby. That It had very materially deteriorated is unquestionable. A very largo number of the men who had boon appointed be cause they wcro democrats were not qualified to moot the exacting duties of the service , and very likely many of them could never have attained the standard of ofliciency that should bo required. Apart from all political considerations , therefore , it was the duty of the department to got rid of these men and replace thorn with the experienced and capable clerks whom they had succeeded. In extending the civil service rules to the railway mall service , the two good results to bo expected are a higher class of clerks to fill vacancies that shall hereafter occur , and a secure tenure for those who are faithful , dili gent and ollicicnt. Until now the ser vice has supplied to the politicians a moans of paying olt in part their politi cal debts , and when it is ild that the service requires some five thousand em ployes , it has obviously boon a material assistance to the politicians in clearing away their obligations. Hereafter it will not be available for this purpose. When clerics are wanted for the railway mail service they will bo furnished by the civil service commission. It is a departure which ox-Postmastor-Gonoral James , and others having practical experience - porionco in the administration of postal affairs have long urged as absolutely necessary to per fect tlio railway mail service , which has grown to bo the most essential and im portant part of our postal system. It la understood to be the of the de partment to institute such changes and reforms in the service as shall appear from time to time to ba desirable and necessary to its improvement , and it is not doubted that those can bo best ef fected with the service free from all political interference. A perfectly or ganized and thoroughly ofilelont rail way mall service is a consummation to bo desired by the whole people , and especially by the buslncsd intoroHln of the country. KASTWIX SriU'l'VliH IWJ2HKSTED. The interest excited by the recent de cision of the Intor-stiUo commerce com mission , in the ease brought against the Grand Trunk railroad , of Canada , and the apparently wull > conccrted move ment looking to u restriction of the competition of Canadian with Amer ican railroads , is not confined to west ern shippers , Those of the east are also manifesting a good deal of concern in the mutter , and it is probable that the special senate committee investi gating our conuioruiiil relations with Canada , with the transportation ques tion as a prominent part of the inquiry , will encounter quite as much opposi tion from eastern as from western ship pers to any plan for seriously interfer ing with the competition of fa'ia ! < lian railroads , The Botton Advertiser , in referring to the matter , ; -cniarls that there Deems but little doubt that the bo&l inluosts of Boston and Now England merchants generally demand that no unjust or un fair discrimination bo exercised against the Grand Trunk road , or any of its Now England branches. The fact that the Canadian railways by their compe tition have reduced transportation charges , scorns to the Advertiser not only no good reason for their being dis criminated against , but n strong claim for their support by the shippers of that section. It maintains that the Canadian roads have boncflttod the United States and that to destroy their competition on the ground that th'oy divert trade from American lines would bo an unwar ranted discrimination which would operate greatly to the disadvantage of the northeast and the northwest. There is unquestionably < \ wide-spread sympathy with this view among the shippers of the west and northwest , and those will bo found ready tostrikc hands with the shippers of Now England in opposing any radical measure designed to entirely shut out the Canadian competition. The expe diency of requiring that the foreign corporations doing business within our territory , as in the cuso of the Grand Trunk , shall conform to our laws , is not questioned , but any stop beyond this intended to destroy all competition will certainly meet the protest of a largo body of American shippers. The ques tion presents obvious dilllcultics that will not bo cosily disposed of , and the solution of which can not fail to have an important bearing upon the future of the railroad interests of this country subjected to the Canadian competition. SO UTIIERN M'AXUFA CTURERS. The manufacturers of the south are showing a disposition to make them selves hoard and felt. In this they are to bo commended. The more the people plo of that section can bo brought to dis cuss their industrial and commercial relations with the rest of the country the bettor it will bo for thorn and for the general welfare. There are very marked indications of growth in this direction. The rapid strides of some of the southern states in in dustrial progress and prosperity have aroused quite generally in that section a strong and earnest interest in practical questions. Especially the people of the states most favored with resources , having discovered the value of their possessions , are manifesting an eager desire for their development , oiroring inducements to capital and labor to enlist in the work. Those of other states , whose resources are loss abundant , are being spurred by example - ample to use their best efforts in turn ing to the beat advantage what they have , and , as far as practicable , to emu late the more fortunate communities in all forms of improvement and progress. Thus the south , generally , under the influence of a vigorous industrial growth , is fixing its attention , more than over before , on practical affairs , and thorS is pretty sure to bo continued procrcss along this line. A "solid south , " having for its ob ject the promotion of the nation's for eign commerce and the restoration of its merchant marine on the ocean , would bo a condition certain to secure vastly more respect and advantage for that section than can ever possibly como from n solidarity in that interest of any political party. It would be an evidence of patriotic con cern for the welfare of the country , and of genuine devotion to national pro gress and prosperity , not to be afforded in any other way. There is a possibil ity that the south , or a largo part of it , will bo found solid , regardless of poli tics , in demanding a policy designed to extend the foreign commerce of the country , restore its practically destroyed shipping interests , and once more send its flag , covorinc the products of farm and factory , into every port whore its merchants and manufacturers have trade. There is the suggestion of this in the expression of sen time nt by the Southern Manufacturers' association in session at Augusta. The president of the associa- ation said in his address that wo should control the markets of South America and Mexico , that our flag should float over every bale of cotton that leaves our ports , and the association adopted reso lutions to memorialize congress in favor of government aid in establishing steam ship lines to Central and South Amer ica. It is not necessary to agree with the method proposed in order to commend the spirit of these expressions. They are in the right vein , and the source they proceed from gives them especial force and interest. The American people are beginning to earnestly realize the necessity of extending their markets. The vast and increasing productive forces of the country require a broader field of distribution than at present. There is no subject of greater impor tance demanding immediate attention , and it IB of equal concern to all sections of the country. With a general awak ening to its consideration the methods necessary to attain the desired result may bo agreed upon without great dif ficulty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IN an address delivered before the Harvard Finance club , Judge Cooley , of tha intor-btato commerce commis sion , for the first time to our knowl edge , has given his public expression to the dangers of pusses on railroads , IIo points out that the act to regulate commerce undertook , so far as federal law could do , to bring the abuses of the pass Hystom to an end. It would ap pear , however , that the act has only in part accomplished the purpose. This lias boon duo chielly to the fact that it has not the co-oporuti\o support of rail road managers nor has the evil boon sufilciontly antagonized by public-senti ment. The divided authority , state and national , has afforded the oppor tunity for evasions and the opportunity has boon taken advantage of by the railroads. Judge Cooley compares the pass system to the spoils system of poll- tics , where its practice is both vicious and corrupting. Like the wrong of the spoils system , the wrong of free trans portation con si s ts in the failure to recognize the fundamental principle in all just government , that public func tions are publlo trusts , To his mind , then , u public opinion that will correct the wrong must clearly understand this principle an.d must take distinct notice of the wrohjja ns a usurpation. Tno views of Judge Cooley thus expressed can not fail to attract public attention to tile ovlls of iho free pass system as it now exists. For a railroad which can carry a largouiumbor of persons free and fetlll hnvd reasonable revenue , is evidence that its existing rales are ox- ccsslvo. TlU2 county commissioners remind us very much of the man who looked his barn after the horse was stolon. Now that the county hospital has boon found in a tumble-down condition the wise men of the west have passed a resolu tion directing the superintendent to make n full and complcto estimate as far us ho is able to do , of all work done up to date ; the kind of work done and material used ; the percentage still back ; the amount of work , labor , material and cost , it will take to complete the hos pital in accordance with the plans and specifications as required by the build ers' contract with the county. When this much-sought-for information is handed in by the superintendent it will bo placed on file as usual with all the other voluminous papers on county hospital construction. And there it will rest until judgment day. IT is to bo regretted that anything should havp occurred in connection with the cJntounial celebration in Now York to mar the dignity and de corum of that oven t , but the humiliat ing' fact is that the opening ball on Monday night became a most disgrace ful affair , of which the whole country , and Now York especially , has reason to bo ashamed. The regulations seem to have been wholly inadequate to pre vent the invasion of the hall by persons who had no business there , there was no discipline of the waiters and other attendants , the police were incapable of maintaining order , and the ball de teriorated into a drunken orgio , which was only brought to an end by summar ily driving the brutal element away and shutting out the light. It was a deplorable and disgraceful circum stance , which reflects most discredita ble upon those whoso business it was to have provided against it. TIIK good work begun lust year in re placing all break-neck sidewalks in our business thoroughfares with stone flag ging or granolithic concrete , should be vigorously carried forward this spring. There are now only two narrow lots on Farnam , between Eighth and Sixteenth streets , still disfigured by rotten planks. Douglas , Dodge , Harnoy and Howard streets and .the cross streets between them should by all means bo cleared of plank sidewalks this season. The marked improvement in the sidewalks of this city'tho past two years cannot fail to create 'a very favorable impres sion upon yJsltors. But there is yet room for improvement. The sidewalk inspector can render great service to this city by rigidly enforcing the side walk ordinances. SIOUY CiTY'3 loud and persistent boasting reminds us of certain newspa pers that are in want of circulation. Sioux City has to improvise sensations and booms in order to attract attention to her lack of commerce and population. This , of course , sue can only hope to do by detracting from other cities whoso commerce is already on a solid basis. For Omaha to debate with Sioux City as to relative positions ns centres of industrial activity would be very gratifying to the people of that would- be rival , but it would bo about as ridic ulous as a controversy about relative in fluence between Vaughn's Inter-Stale Democrat and TIIK BEH. IF THE proposition to expend seventy- five thousand dollars on an addition to the high school is to bo submitted at nil , wo shall bo pleased to see it sub mitted separately. It will then bo before the people on its own merits. If it is voted down , as wo believe it will bo , the board will consider it as an in struction to remove the lower grades from the high school building and provide - vide proper school facilities for the central school in the neighborhood. Till ! death of William H. Barnum , of Connecticut , chairman of the demo cratic national committee since 1870 , removes ono of the prominent figures from the arena of national politics. Ho was closely identified with the leaders of his party and served his state in both branches of congress for many years. Though not as active during the last campaign as in former years , his advice and executive ability will bo tnissod in democratic counsels. WIIATJSVKK the board of education decides upon with regard to the bond propositions should bo done within the next ten days. The building season is far advanced already and at best it will take sixty days from the time the bond proposition is submitted before active operation ? in'hdiool house building can bo dono. Thbro is no time to bo lost , therefore , if * , W3 are to have any use of the now school'houses during the coin ing school yyar. 'JMjly .intfcaao Tribune. The Tribunfi takes pleasure In presenting an extract from a gcuulno lioston spring poem published lu the Journal of that city last Saturday , 3,1 Is as follows ; Thus souls resurgent In suporntil guise , As bulbs to Jifp of loftier being cllntf , From earth-cludji germ to aua-rayed growth arise- . f Gazing relumcdpntent upon the sides Unfading llower , In u sempiternal spring I The beauty of these lines is thafybu can read them In any way backward , forward , diagonally , prupsldo down without destroy ing their wealth of weaning , and at every twist you givu them you will see something in ore anil more wlcrd , grand anj Uostonlan. Death Kiulml Uln IVIUory. I'liirlda Timtt-Unlan , Colonel Lazarus Flyalmker , of Louisville , is dead. Alas , poor KJysliakor ! A man of Infinite variety ana unmitigated good humor else lieoould never have carried that namu without a murmur to the last. Thuy iNevcr Will Ita CMeaao Time * . The sporting editor Informs the country that the career of Cardiff us a fighter is over , hot many duys slnco another ono of thcso maulers broke his log and ono rtlod of heart disease in the ring , The good time seems to bo in sight nt latt. Flowc-r * nu'il Otisli 'Wasted. Dttrott Fnt IVm. A chap nrrcatcd In Missouri for robbing a clothes-lino confessed to stcaltrii ? thirty horsos'ntul to Uilllnt : five people. They made n hero of him , fed htm high , Indies sent flowers to him in the jail , anil ot the cud ot six weeks discovered that ho was a gigantic liar. An Unfortntinto OvcrslKlit. St , Jjoiils Globt-Ttmocrat. The point of most Importance with regard to Oklahoma seems to bo that the railroads do not provide sufllclont facilities for leav ing the country. Gov. lllll'f ) DlHsolvInc Vlcws- INVir York Hemhl. Governor Hill has no time to devote to matrimony. His guzo Is fixed upon a ma jestic , shadowy flguro In the distance , n figure that keeps retreating. IIITS AND MISSUS. The county board 1ms been reduced to a peace footing. It costs $133,731 to run the machinery of the county for a ycitr and f 100,000 to run the city. Uotwccu the two taxpayers can only throw up their purses and look ploasnnt. A party by the name of Pettlt , who lives off the charity of the city ns keeper of the pest house , rushes into print with a card ad vocating the removal of his plant to the cor ner of Eighteenth and Farnam. The cnange would save him n great deal of harrowing toil In walking to the court house for his pay. 1'ottit is not ns largo n fool ns he looks , oven If ho was pensioned on all fool's day. When December and November gleefully don the matrimonial noose In Omaha , the question , "Is Mnrrmgo a Failure 1" needs no further refutation. STAT13 AND 1'EIUUTOUY. Nebraska Jotllnirs. Bcatrlco will do a largo amount of paving , grading and other street improvements this year. Thrilling noose may bo expected from the cattle thieving section of the Koya Paha county. Fnlrhury has added ono to the many coal prospect holes in the state. No more effec tive way of sinking money can bo found. Aftera long anil persistent struggle Adams county has voted $75,000 lor a county court house and Hastings is correspondingly joyful. Horse lifting as a profession is declining. A few years ago It had a decidedly elevating tendency. Now it is only worth two or three years in the penitentiary. Twenty thousand dollars of Nebraska City school bonds sold for n premium of 2X per cent. They nro 0 per cents and run ten or twenty years , at the board's option. Among the distinguished arrivals in Hast ings arc Oh lie Joyful Swartsmeyer nml Miss Hallelujah Kato Seaborn , cornetootcr and tambourine tickler of the salvation army. There is n general disposition among the organl/cd farmers of the atato to resist the twine trust. Fittcen cents per pound is the highest price they will pay forbindingtwine. The question now is , will the trust coino down or the farmers como up ? Eight hundred thousand to a million trees were planted in Dawes county on Arbor dry. There is much stenifluanco in the state ment. It shows that Nebraska puts in prac tice the beautiful and endearing sentiment which was born within her borders. Dakota. Montrose has withdrawn from the race for the capital of South Dakota. Pulpiteer and politician are alike immersed in the splendors of the future state. The latest scheme in Yankton is a railroad to Bismarck , nlong the Missouri valley. Watcrtown has voted WO.OOO in bonds for a high school and $15,000 for a city hall. Miller nnd St. Lawrence , tiie twin cities of Dakota , tire to be united by street rallwajs. The county seat fight in Mcado county is BO hot that the thermometers cannot register the temperature. The plum orchards in Charles Mix county are in full bloom , and no lovelier sight can be seen In that section. The Grneloy brothers , of Deuol county , are the largest sheep herders in the territory. Their Hock numbers tf.OOO head. Bishop Walker , ot Bistniirclr , recently preached to four governors at ono sitting Mellotte , Pierce , Ordwuy and Church. North Dakota democratic papers unani mously indorse ex-Secretary McConnuck for the nomination for governor on the state ticket. The Pargo Republican says the report that a Cass county prohibitionist refused to ride on u Pullman car unless they put the "porter" off , lacks continuation. The Golden Reward mines of the Black Hills were rightly named. Geologist White , who recently examined the property , reports that there is over $ l0.)00 ! ! ( ) in sight , and the mines are only slightly developed. Eastern Dakota expects a large amount of -railroad building this yeur. Western Dakota , however , has no such flattering prospects. Very little will ho doue In that section until the Indian barriers on the cast are taken down. The Aberdeen land olllce is doing a flour ishing business. During April 115 preemptions tions , seventy-live Umber culture and lifty- seven homestead claims wore Hied. Forty cash entries and fifty-seven homestead proofs were made. Dakotnns are now moving to split the Slv seton Indian reservation , comprising2,000OUO 'ticrcs. Some of the finest farming land in the territory is cmhrucod in this tract , and its opening would ho a repetition of the rush to Oklahoma , without the latter's distress and disappointments. Yankton is enjoying a season of uncommon prosperity. It Is visible in all branches of the building trades , in Increased railroad fa cilities and In other lines. Tlio Press and Dakotlan gives evidence of thn Improvement by indulging In a tasty now dress of the lat est pattern , it ml la greatly Improved In ap pearance. Dakota editors nro a thrifty nnd versatile set. A Planklnton scribe varies the monotony ony of Hfo by preaching on Sunday. Another at Salem , who fattens on riuh ladder , an nounces : "If the parties who have been helping themselves to our huy for the past month will just make themselves known , wu will load tlio wagon up at the stuck .tna haul It down for them. " Wyoming. The Larumlo Sentinel Is rcbcd In a neat- fitting $ 'J5,000 libel suit. The latest sehomo In the torrltory Is to run a pipe from the oil regions to Denver. Choycnno combined the centennial celebra tion and arbor day In ono delightful holiday , Cheyenne pulpits tire hurling paper wads nt the crouching tiger , which nourishes and fattens In the "Magic City.11 It Is now proposed to erect a constitution for the umurvo state which will limit nlllcc holders to two terms. Perhaps it might bo well to first catch your state. A petition signed by every business man in Lurainle has been sent to the management of the Union Pacitiu asking that Charles Clark bo retained as tlio freight and ticket at this point , The Rawhne Journal in opposed to calling a constitutional convention , and assorts that outsidc of Cheycnni ) there is no dcinaml for It. Cheyenne landlords uro hungering fur a cr owd. "Tho news from the ranges this f.priag , " says the Luramio Boomerang , "is the uuit over known. The early spring and dry , sunny weather has 03311 wonderful for tun welt-being and mircnso of the herd * . Tlicro has been a laigo percentage nf calves droupoU this snr'tig , and , owing to tlio good woathor. nearly all have lived. The fri ky little fallow * may bo suea evurywharu in our valleys and among our hill * . Coivs nml young hcifortt ute In cx tlloiit condition , dud the calves are fat. StocKtmm think the calf crop will on larger thla yu r than it has bfen for veurs in proportion to the ! zo of our herds. The drouthv iippeatanco of things U , howovi'r , not very Haltering , yet the horda uro profiting romarKaMy by it , : m 1 Uio ' ' " t < > " ' " ranchmen hoiio for rams , snows - ! mote the growth , ' ' " " latnr ou lit" sea- sou. " PAPER RAILROADS MUST GO , They Have No Bights Which the Law Will RospooC. BUILD OR GIVE UP ALL CLAIMS. Altornoy-Gonoral liccso'fl Action In tlio Republican. Vnllcy Cnso Urcnkom Ahcntl For tlio Ijlncotii Council. LINCOI.X orTititO.vuai Unu , ) lOiO I' STUKET , } LINCOLN ; May 2. I The cltlzonsof Palhado , Hitchcock county , and other towns. on the grade of the Repub lican Valley ft Wyoming railroad , hnvo good reason to rejoice nnd bo glad. H will bo re mcmbercd that W. T. Briekoy , editor of the Frenchman Valley Times , visited Attorney- General Lccso a few weeks ago , having been delegated to represent the citizens of that part of the state for the purpose of inquiring into the reason why the In corporators of the road had not "tracked" the bed , nnd repre senting that it kept out other roads that would tap that country , especially naming the Hock Island , which stood ready to do so. The attorney-general gave It as bis opinion that paper railroads had no rights that the laws of the stnto wcro bound to respect , nnd that It must get there or ho would dissolve the cor poration. He so wrote Mr. Holdrcgo , putting tlio matter before him properly , and that Kcnlloimui honored him with a personal visit Tuesday , when the gentlemen came to a mutual understanding , which the following letter fully explains : LINCOLN , Neb. . May 3 , 1839-To W. T. Briekoy , Esq. , Palisade. Nob. Dear Sir : I have had a visit from Mr. G. W. Holdrcgo concerning the graded line of road ithat passes through your place. Ho tells mo tlmt the company has not abandoned the road , and Intends to complete it just ns soon ns they can arrange to get the money to do so ; that money in the east Is very close , especi ally BO In railroad circles sot apart Jor build ing purposes ; that ho will visit the whole line from Culbertson to Holyoke - eke , nnd report the condition of crops and the people's necessities to the company , and ho also says that ho will como and see mo again. The next session of the supreme court will bo hold In September , and as I can not do much good boioro that time , I hnvo concluded it will bo best to wait and give them n chance. I will know just what they intend to do before September , and ns soon as I can learn anything definite , will write you again. The company must cither fish or cut bait. Yours very truly , WILLIAM LCKSB. Thus It will be seen that the attorney- general Is again moving for the people. In Contempt , The opinion seems to exist in Lincoln , and not without reason , that the city council and Mr. Hamilton arc In contempt. It will be remembered that the latu legislature passed a law that in the event of the dissolution of an injunction by a courtof conpctcnt Jurisdic tion , the party enjoining could keep an In junction in force by appealing to a higher court and filing a supcrccdcus bond. In the case of Webster vs. The City Coun cil el al , in which the later were enjoined from issuing Hamilton a cerllflcato of - election tion as councilman from the Fourth ward en titling him to a scat in council meetings , the injunction was dissolved by Judge Field. The cause was at once appealed and the nec essary bond filed. But , notwithstanding this , Hamilton upon proper certillcate , having filed his bond , sought admission to the meetings of the council and. was not. only admitted , but took his seat as a member , and engaged in its deliberations nnd was duly recognized by the mayor and the other mcniocrs of the council as such. This has created n deal of talk. Hamilton had been enjoined from taking his .seat. His opposition had complied with the act of the legislature , providing for such cases. Itvr.S ignored and there is talk that tlio city coun cil and mayor will bo taken In hand for con tempt of court. "In n word , " said Mayor Graham to-day , ' I do not relish tlio Idea of spending a season in the county Jail , and retreat may be the hotter part of valor. But such an order has not been made and may not bo. This matter is jubt a little squeamish and perplexing. " And this is the general opinion. Some of Hamilton's friends state , however , that the matter will bo fought ou'thls Hue , and there will bo no backing down from the position. A. StrniiKi ! Case. The cause of the insanity of Mrs. A. D. Cox , who was adjudged insane- few days ago and takea to the asylum , perplexes the doctors of mcdicino of Lincoln in a remark able degree. It is said that the testimony before the commissioners tended to show that she became insane on the subject of re ligion. This , in fact , is all that was known about it until to-day. It seems that before the examination for commitment to the asylum was held , Mr. Cox called in u num ber of the best physicians of the city , hoping to bo able to give her treatment that would restore her reason without necessitating her removal to tlio hospital. ISO two of the phy sicians could agree as to the cause. It seems , however , that Dr. Hatch has succeeded in diagnosing the case , and bases It upon scien tific piinciples tlmt the mouical fraternity ac cepts without n word. Although but thirty-three years of npo , Mrs. Cox has passed tlio change of life. It is well known that this rarely occurs under the age ot forty-flvo. Dr. Hutch says that the change was attended by an unnatural rush of blood to the head , and that because it failed to find an outlet it settled In clots upon her brain , producing tlio sad result bo- fora fttntod. In discussing the matter , the doctor also said : "When the chance occurred Mrs. Cox WAS reading religious boolcs ami history. The matter she gleaned was natur ally In tnlnd when slio lost her ronmi , hence her Incessant talk upon those subjects since. I am frco to state now that the cuuso of her Insanity Is subject to perfect demonstration , The youngest change of lito on record , which was attended by n like result , was tlilrty-ono. Results , under Ilko circumstances , could hardly bo otherwise. " After n I'orjror. OlUeor Pound went to Sterling to-day to return n man named Thomas , who Is wanted hero for forgery. Word came to this city last night that the man was there. U seems that Thomas is an old olTondor , nnd If caught will servo a term nt Hopklnsvlllo for hla shortcomings. Ho did a number of Lincoln's merchants a few weeks ago on the "cheek racket" In sums aggregating considerably over $100 , and the ovlilonco connecting him with the deed 1s said to bo porfoct. Sniuo Hallway Statistics. The returns of the different railroads on flto la the ofllco of the auditor of publlo ac counts , show n largo increase In their busi ness ns compared with previous years. As nn Illustration , the lines operated by the U. & M. railroad In IS37 , show gross earnings , $7,503,300 , nnd operating expenses M.trtr , . 1110.111 , leaving a not earning of $ JIui5U30.71. : The above Is on n mileage of U,03J.l.ri mllos. In ISbS the same Hoes had u mlle.igu of ' , l"0 , being nn increase of 87.85 mlles , nnd their gross earnings wore S7,03J , 3a71 ; operating expenses , $ , 1,070,17fi. 14 , leaving not earnings { IUIir > 7.r. ! H will bo seen from the nbovu that , whllo the gross earning duorousod over one-half million , the operating oxpuusos In creased over $1,000,000 , decreasing the not earnings over $1,000,000. This showing Is the same proportionately on all lines in the state with perhaps two exceptions. In ono case the in crease being (30J per milo in not earnings , nnd In the other f'J per mile. The returns of the above road , B. & M. , show that only thrco earned unougti to pay the interest on their bonds , and seven did not earn their op erating oxpcnses. This is accounted for partially from tno reduction In rates , and mainly from the fact that the larger part ol last year's crop has not as yet been mar keted. The roads nro complaining of thu high assessment of previous years , nnd in support of that fact , hnvo gathered statistics showing that the average assessment In tha state is l per cent , and this is vo rill oil by nflldavits from over one-half the counties in the state , which affidavits hnvo been Hied with the board. They claim that railroad property is assessed at 40 per cent , which brings their property to one-sixth of the value of all property in the state , fl'ho board has not reached any final action ns yet , and nro considering the matter thoroughly , la order that justice may bo dono. City NCWH nml Notes. Suit In mandamus was commenced in the supreme court to-day. The ease is entitled the State of Nebraska ox rol. George W. Farmer vs. the Grand Island i Wyoming Central Railroad company. A warrant was issued to-day for the arrest of Richard Fitzsuumous for the murder of William Rood , of Wuvorly , on the 17th of March. Until this daw Fitzslmmons was held on the verdict of the coroner's jury. Ho will have his preliminary hu.tring to-morrow. Four drunks and two vags was the sum total of the police roundup last night. It has been dull , oven in the eily's retreats of wick edness , during the past day or two. Representatives Baker , Sweet anil Ullbert were in Lincoln to-day. Clerk Slaughter was also here to-day. * THE DKA.LI CONSUMMATED. The PnciHo Exproas Company Will Build Its llcnlitiartora. Some days ago THE BKE made an an nouncemenlof the negotiations that wcio pending for the purchase by the Pacific Ex press company from the Commercial Na tional bank of a portion of the lot on which the old city hall stood , at the corner of Six teenth and Farnam. The deal was consummated Wednesday the cxprebs company paying $4U,500 for o front age of 5S feet on Sixteenth street adjoining the alley and ( i(5 ( feet deep. Since the deal was first talked of the Commercial National bank has lieen olTurcd Jf5'J,000 ' for the proper ty but the express company's option prevented - vented the acceptance of the odor. The express company paid foi Its acquisition * nt the rat of $745 per front foot , or more for their llfty eight feet frontage on Sixteenth street tluir the entire corner , OtixlU feet , bold for foui years ago. It is the intention of the purchasers u build , us soon us possible , n hcadquarUjri building , to bo tiscdoxcltisivclyforthoPaoiHi Express company. The building will hi built witli the bank wall on the south side , and will ho of not less than llvo stories , ot brlcic. with stone front , and will cost not loss than ftW.CO : ) . The ground floor will bo used for the local business of the Pacific company with tha United SUUcs cxurcss company's local ofllco. The four upper stories will .ho for the oxclu flivo use of tno company , nnd will contain the ' auditor's and president's , mana ger's o dicers and the forces necessary foi the operation of the company's extensive business. The Puoillc Kxprcss company was organ ized in IS70 and now operates all of tha Union Pacific , Missouri Pacific aim Wabash linea , with the Texas Pncillu in Texas , to. guther with a number of leased liuoi. Thu company employs in tha general ofllccn here 94 men and ! M in the local work , a total of lib. This is the first venture of tlio com. puny In making an investment for permanent headquarters , and tlio city Is to bo congratu lated upon being chosen us the location of tlm headquarters bringing ns It will the cnUm operating force of tlio cornpauy hero. THE SULTAN. A Sultan sat liy Danube's tide Hut in literate must move about , And sore distressed ahud he cried ; Uy scornful finijcrs pointed out. " While like the wa'crz to the fiev : "Not so , " the noble stranger cried * . down both fast and fice. ' 'I ' have " His tears /.in a piece and will divide , A passing i < ti-anucr said : " i\ly friend , And from his coat-tail pocket drew Why do those trar * so fast dcsrend ? " A cake and broke it fair in two. "Alas I" he sobbed , "I've lost all hope ; Then rosb in joy toe Sultan gray , I've lost my cake of IVORY SOAT. An- ' , made that man a Turkish Bey , No more in pride through tywn I'll go , \Vith servants kind and Visiers uxc , With garments clcaa and white M tnow ; And fifty wives to cheer his age. A WORD OK WARNING. There ara many while soaps , cacti represented to be "just as good as the 'Ivory' | " they ARE NOT. 'out like all counterfeits , lack Ihu peculiar and remarkable qua'itisj ' of the poauhe. AtA for " Ivory " Soap ard Insist upon getting It , I8.SC , i.y Procter & UaubU.