Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    7mm . . t r . iy.V .frt * . . . '
* +
Wheat Breaking Badly Uudor Q
Largo May Delivery.
A Consldcrulilo Activity In Export
AVIicnt nnrt Mour Wnll Street
Not Pnrllculnrly Active Clil-
cnjo Provisions Down.
CniOAao , May 2. [ Special Telegram to
THE Bnn.l The wheat market was hulled
hard and easily to-day. To begin with ,
nbout 32,000 bushels of Rlump-tatl wheat in
New York was delivered out In May con-
tracts. Most of it was sold right out again 1
making n lck market there. Chicago sym
pathized nnd sold off , nnd the weakness
everywhere demoralized Minneapolis , which
broke lS3c. ( The northwest Is getting a bad
"roasting" these days , nnd a great amount of
wheat that has been clung to , with dcspcrata
tenacity , nil the way down , is slipping
through exhausted hands. The price Is still
fiQ'c higher In Minneapolis than In Clilaairo ,
and the principal holders continue In a delimit
attitude , but It is noticed that the product Is
being crowded into consumption ou both
Bides of the Atlantic nt considerable conces
sions. Kor Instance , an attempt was made ,
only this morninu' , to make a little bull capi
tal out of the sale of 10,000 sacks of Hour for
export by a Minneapolis milling llrm. Later
it was learned that an offer of that line of
flour at a decided concession had boon
"accepted , " and the bears conceded that such
nn Item of news could not bo twisted lute a
bullish construction.
On the break In Now York the foreigners
picked up considerable wheat and the wires
brought reports of a largo quantity worked ,
ranging trom twenty to twenty-eight boat
loads. Uight on the heels of this , it was
learned that 05,000 bushels had been worked
for export here , and St. Louis reported
40,000 bushels xvprkcd. The northwest , also ,
had a good deal to say about unfavorable
weather , but , at the snmo time , a strong sus
picion took root that the northwestern
parties wnro soiling wheat. Later this sus
picion was confirmed , though the statement
was made , and staunchly adhered to , that
Boms of the larger orders that cauio in from
. fMIhneapolts and Dtiluth originated in Chicago
cage , and that the soiling was for account of
Chicago bears , nnd not for northwestern
longs. This conflicting gossip Is given for
what it is worth. There was good buying In
this market , early , by usually Inlluontlal
parties , Linn , Hoam and Cuduhy leading ,
nnd Butchlnson chipping In. But the offerIngs -
Ings from some source wore very heavy , nnd
prices could not bo sustained. July opened
at 78c , sold off sharply to 77J < c , worked
book to " ! & % ! , nnd was active and steady ut
78 > .fo for an hour or more. During the last
half hour or so , however , the feeling was
that of great weakness , induced by heavy
tolling , supposedly for the northwest , nnd
the price broke to 77fe. } The close was 77 °
a shrinkage of IMo on the day.
May wheat closed , yesterday , at 81e. It
rested to-day at 78e. Juno closed yester
day at 81 JiJc. It opened to-day at SlJ e and
' closed ut78.Jfc. ( The latter month wuiqulto
'nctivo at times und was especially sluinpy.
Outside markets were as sick as Chicago ;
St. Louis and Now York loading in tills re
gard. Perhaps , though , the demoralization
was the most pronounced in Minneapolis.
Tlio possible effects of bad weather on the
next crop will not piece out the exhausted
market. Bad weather is not proving the best
of collateral.
The corn market was firmer to-day. Re
ceipts were considerably less than yoster-
uuy's estimates , and wet weather was ex
pected to restrict deliveries. In the mean-
lime the Liverpool market was quoted weak
and lower , nnd the export clearances were
light. Thcro was n good demand for export
reported from Now Yorit nnd Inquiry for
shipment hero was quite active. The opening
prices were nn improvement of about Kc on
the closing prices of the duv before , and thm
was practically well maintained to-day. The
estimated receipts for to-morrow being : t25
cars hud a steady effect and the weakest
feature of the surrounding circumstances
was the lower tendency of the price of
wheat. Outward inspection from bore , as
noted above , was very heavy and good in
quiry foi vessel room was reported , indicat
ing a continuance- the present liberal rate
of shipment. The market was not very
nctivo after the first hour , but was fairly
maintained In the midst of weak surround
ings. The closing prices were at about Jge
Improvement over those of the previous day.
Oats were moderately nctivo in a spccula-
1 tlvo way , ruling % @ } i& higher after a llrm
opening , nnd later averaging moro quiet.
Deliveries ou May sales did not provo so
largo as anticipated by some operators and
there was no special anxiety to soli , with
good buying orders noted , Including some
from the country. May sold up to2 @ 'JWo
nnd Juno was nbout premium , with July in
moderate favor. Kcceipts were again liberal ,
with a largo proportion passing into contract
grades , and number 2 oats to go to store
were about the same as May.
In < provislons , trndo followed rather nn un
certain course. Early In the day the market
was depressed by a largo run of hogs re
ported , and the free soiling which the same
encouraged. Prom the morning's best prices
pork suffered n break , before any reaction
occurred , of 17K ° ! lurl * ° f K ° ! and short
ribs of Cc. As the day advanced , however ,
the weakness witnessed was supplanted by a
sharp upward turn. The product having
fold off to a point to make covering , or ro-
Auction of short lines , advisable , Cudahy ,
6lngor , Baldwin , and many of the smaller
boars beean to buy with mor6 or less liber
ality. They entered the pit In sufliclont
force , nt any rate , to make their influence
felt , nnd In a brief time the ground lost
ground the opening was moro than recovered.
Pork on the rebound sold up to ! } fu ; lard
ntTjijCj and short ribs at lOe ; and nil closed
higher than yesterday. In pork the actual
advance established was ; in lard ,
J5) ® 5c % ; and in short ribs , Co.
Cnioxno. May 2. fSpecIal Telegram to
Tun BKI : . ] CATTLE The market was
heavily supplied to-day. The receipts made
the run for the week show an Increase In
toad of a decrease , compared with last
wock. Heavy cattle were most abundant
nnd there were many common rough lots
among the offerings.
Buyers itartcd out to got n heavy reduc
tion , and bids were generally lOo lower.
During the forenoon the situation Improved
somewhat , and fat , light and medium
weluht cattle were nearly steady ; but the
f heavy grades were about fKjJlOj lower und
at a late hour SOUKS heavy cattle wore un
sold. Native steers sold at S3.00 ( 4.30 ; bulk
at $3.fl5@4.0U-avuraRlnK U'K ' ) to 1500 Ibs. ,
and native cows fl.0@i.l5. | : Texas cattle
rJ.0rtj3.W ( ) for bulls nnd * J.OO ; 1.70 for
Bteors , Stock cuttle ? 'i.S5@U.iiO ,
Bous 'Market npunod slow and barely
Bleady at yesterday's closing prices or 6 and
JO cents lower than early \Vcdiio4day , or ,
the general bulk of tint transactions c' Tues
day. Sales nt the start were largely around
$1.05 for good heavy , und $ l.70 ( < $4. < 5 for
choice llijht. Later the trade developed
both activity and strength , closing in sound
condition with the supply well bought up ,
good heavy hogs nmking $ l.05i-i.07 > f ;
choice up to $4.70 : nnd sorted light largely ut
11,75 ; singeing selections commanding M.60
with but few sales at the latter price.
New VOHK , May 2 , [ Spcclul Telegram
to TUB DEE. ) STOcKt-Tlie. much antici
pated holidays are past , and the tlmo has
como when all the hopeful bulls , and not a
Tow conservative operators , In Wall street ,
predicted a return of activity and strength
iucb as will work wonders in the list. The
11 rut hours of the day brought some strength ,
little activity and much disappointment. Thcro
was not that eager buying of stocks ontlct-
patud. Business opened with a very moiler-
Bto volume , but with the list ruling % to %
per cent over Saturday's figures , while Atoa-
Jsoii showed a gulu of ? { . Interest was dis
played In a few ttocks , in thl order : Atch-
ison , Northwestern , Burlington , Hock Island ,
Heading , Oregon Trancontlnontal nnd Louis
ville. Thcro was some Improvement from
the opening prices. Pullman was nn excep
tion , nnd moved up 1J < . Later In the hour
tlicro was a yielding from the best prices ,
led by Union Pacific , Chicago Gas nnd Read
ing , which were we.iK from the first. At
11 o'clock the marKet was heavy , though a
trine better thnn the first figures. Before
noon there Was a return of strength , nnd
oven bettor prices than these of the llrst
hour were touch ed. Burlington , which sold
at Oljf early , advanced quite rapidly to 00 ;
Chicago Gns regained Its loss , but Union Pa
cific was heavy. At noon the list was dull ,
but was sustained at the best prices.
The expected strength In the stock market
was moro apparent after 12 o'clock. The
grangers were most active and showed the
best gains. Burlington led all other western
stocks , making a not gain of 2'f ' per cent for
the day. The other gains wnro Lacitawanna ,
1 per cent ; Louisville , * { ; Missouri Pacific ,
IK ; Northwestern , I'd ; Atchlson , % \ Hock
Island , lf ! ; St. Paul , / . The Union Pacific
lost Jf per cent.
The total sales woro24V > 60 shares.
The following were the closing quotations !
. S. 4s regular. 12li'Nortli'jrn ) ' I'RclQo. . 2- ' > ?
, 8. 4a coupon * . . .l.J'4 doproforred lU
. . . . . &N. W 107 ? ;
ii coupons..His do preferred I'JS'j
'aclilcilMot ' 'U5 . . . .l-'l N.V.IVntrnl 10714
: ntrnl 1'nclllc .T , I'.n.ArU 2I'4
. , _ . Alum . . .133 UodclHlaml lilH
lilcaiolliirllnut ; < > n U. . M. .V St.l' itt
" doprofurrad 100
SU'nul&llmalm. . :
lllnoliContrni HIM' ' doprorerrcd 8'4U
, , U. tic W. , H'j.U.ilon ' . I'aclllc 01
lansnsdcToxn'i. . . . I'.Hi.8t. . L. \ V V\k \
, ako Shore I"1 * ) doproforred - 'i
llchlKAii Central.7 Western Union. . . . . fcO
tUKOurll'RCItlc. . . . TSUI
MONKV Easy at 2S'Ji ( per cent.
Pimm MKUCAXTILI : PATCH 3Ji@ . " > % per
STUHLINO ExciuNan Strong and active ;
Ixty-day bills , $4.87 ; demand , r
CIIIOAOO , May 2. Wheat \Vcak and
ewer ; cash , 73Jfc ; Juno 73JsC ; .fuly , 7Xc.
Corn Firm ; cash , US c ; July. 1)4 ) l.'t-lUu.
Oats Steady ; cash , ; July , 22 11 ,
Co.Hyo 40 ; e.
Barley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy $ l.10@1.31. !
Pork Blgher ; cash , fll.52 } < ; July ,
Lora'-Klrmer : cash , JO.S2U ; .Iulv , , { C.S7K-
Flour Steady and unchanged.
Dry Suit Meats Shoulders , $5.35(33.50 ( ;
hort clear , W.23@0.a7W : short ribs , fo.lK )
e)0. ( ( )
Butter Koasy ; creamery , ! C.vZ22c ; dairy ,
Cheese Slow ; full cream choddars. S@3o ;
ats , 7 > a@3VJc ; fancy Young Americas , 8
Eggs Firm ; fresh ,
Bides Unchanged ; heavy und llghtgrcsn
nltcd , CJ o ; salted dull , 4 e ; green salted
alf , Oc ; dry Hint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ;
'ry calf , 7Sbc ( ; deacons , 25c each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
e ; No. 2 , U > fo ; cake , 4J. c.
Receipts. Shipments.
'lour ai.OOO 5,000
Vlicat 14,000 20,000
Corn 250,000 SSO.OOO
Oats 238,000 231,000
Now York , May 2. Wheat Receipts.
00 ; exports , 103,01)0 ) ; spot , fairly active ,
voalt and lower ; No. 2 red , S2Jie in store ;
' . 'fi@S4 > o nlloat ; 84 , ' @SIc f. o. b. ; tin-
Traded rod. 8rtJ.i@S4J.ic ; options active and
ewer ; May b2UjC.
Corn Receipts , 152,000 ; exports , 33,000 ;
snot , fairly active , otrong and higher ; No. 2 ,
2K@lc ! ! in elevator ; 43o afloat ; No. 2 white ,
( S > < rc ; No. : i , do Me ; ungraded , 41@50o ; op-
ions dull and steady.
Outs Receipts , 102,000 ; exports , 70 ; spot ,
airly active and stronger ; options , active
ind flrmor ; May , 23J.Cc ; July , 2SJ. o ; si > ot ,
o. 2 , white , 33J4@)4e ; mixed western , 23 ©
Coffee Ontions steady and 20 to flO points
up ; sales , 74.2.10 bags ; May , SlC.7o@10.SO ;
uly , $10.'j@t7.00 ; sj > ot Rio , fair cargoes ,
Petroleum Dull ; united closed nt Sfie.
Kggs In fair demand ; western , 12@l4c.
Pork Moro active ; now , $ l.00@Ui.25. ! )
Lard Lower nnd steady ; western steam ,
$7.17K ; May 57.17.
Butter Lower ; western 10@22c.
Cheese Stronger and in bettor demand.
St. IjoulN , May 2. Wheat Lower ; cash ,
Uc ; May , 77i < fc.
Corn Firm ; cish , SOJ c ; July , '
Oats Bettor ; cash , 2Jc ; July , 23c'
Pork Dull at $12.00.
Lard Nominal nt 0 CO.
Whisky $1.02.
Butter Dull ; creamery , 20@21c ; dairy ,
.titlwatikRi > , May 2. Wheat Weak ;
cash , "OJic ; July , 77) 0.
Corn Kasier ; No. a , 33J c.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2. white , 20@20) )
llyc Finn ; No. l,43 c.
Barley Easy : No. 2. .lie.
Provisions Firm ; pork , $11.55.
IMiiuioapoliH , Alay 2. Wheat Lower ;
receipts , 1111 cars ; shipments , 02 cars. Clos
ing : No. 1 hard , May , OOc ; July , 97 } c ; on
track , 07c ; No. 1 northern , May , SOj 'o ; July ,
i)5J ) < fc ; on traclt , 8900c ( ; No. 2 northern ,
May nnd July , 77 > < e ; on track , 78@SOc.
Clnciiinnti , Aluy 2. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 red , Sic.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 37c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 20fiJ3fl o.
Whisky Steady at tl.OJ.
Kansas Oily , May 2. Wheat Weaker ;
No. 3 red , cash , 70o bid ; August , 02e ; No. 3
soft , cash , 78c.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 2"o bid ; No. 2
white , cash , 25 } c.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 20c asked.
Ghlcnco , May 2. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 15.000 ; market ( weak nnd
lower ; steers , f.'i.00@4.0 ! ! ; Texas cattle ,
$2.50 ( 3.70 ; stock cattle , $2.85@a.tiO.
Hogs Receipts , 17,000 ; market active and
higher ; heavy and iniictl.
liRht , | 4.60@4.B5.
Sheep Receipts , 0,001 ; market wean
and 5 to lOo lower ; natives , $ . ' 1.25S0.10 ;
western . 10' < j 5.0U ; lambs , $1.73 ( $5.75.
Sioux City , May 2 Cattle Receipts
531 ; shipments , 210 ; market steady : fat
steers , S.0ti ! ( < ftl. 0 ; stoekors , S3.-IOrtJ2.00 ;
feeders , S2.5U4i3.00 ; nannors and bulls , $1.00
01.75 ; veal calves , * 2.1K1@.00. |
Hogs Receipts , 2.10J ; market lower ; llghl
and mixed , $ I.BOg4.37)jf ( ( ; heavy , f J.35@4.-10 ,
National Htoulc VnriN , lOast Ht
IJOIIIH , May 2. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ;
market steady ; choice ho.ivy native steers ,
S3.SOa-4.40 ; falrto good , f3.l)0@4.00 ) ; stockers
and Jcedcrft , $2.03yi3.15 ! ; rangers , corn-fed
l3.70fiS3.15 ; grass-fed , * 1.03ft3. { > 0.
Hogs Receipts , Il.bOO ; slow ; cholcu heavy
and butchers' BOlections , f4.50M4.00 ; packing ,
W,35@l,50 ; light grades , ? M5@4.GO.
KUIIHUH City , May 2. Cattle Receipts
3,200 ; shipments , 1.IKXJ ; market slow ant !
weak for dresMod bcof and shipping steers ,
which were 10 ( < ? l&o lownr ; good to choice ,
corn-fed , $3bO ( > 4,15 ; common to medium ,
IX ( ) ( < } . ' ! ,05 : stockurs and feeding steers ,
steady ut fJ.0033.iK ) ; cows , steady ut * 1.75@
Jlogs Receipts 7,200 ; shipments , 3,000
market strung , active and higher : common
to choice , f4.23@4.50.
Wednesday , Ma.v 8. 1680.
Although the rccolpts were light salesmen
found It uupOHslblu to maintain prices In the
Inco of the very discouraging reports from
eastern market * . The shippers were practi
cally out of the market and the pacKers were
by no means frco buyers. The movement of
cattle was very slow at a decline of 6jf ( lOc
and In many cases fully lOc. The dressed
beef and uhlpping steers sold at a ranyo of
i.30 < rt3.75 , but mostly ut R5003.70. Hutch-
em stock was not very plenty but even It
\v-a slow and weak. Choice little heifers
a nit cows sold qulto well but salesmen In
so mo cases found heavy cows rather slow ,
The prices paid for cows ranged mostly from
t2.25&3.75 , with considerable trading at
tf.OO , and one bunch of very choice stuff at
{ 3.25. There was considerable Inquiry for
Mockers und feeders and the supply was
somewhat moro liberal than has been the
rule of lato. ( Jood native feeders sold at a
range nf | 3.033.85.
Tht buyer * get out this morning to buy
their hefts lower and they succeeded In pot
ting the price down on some. Toward the
close , the inarkrt showed some strength on
account of thcro not being enough hogs to
nil all the onion nnd the last few loads sold
higher , f 1,45 being paid for some. Taking
the marxct M n whole it was n little cosier
thnn yesterday , there not being so largo a
proportion of the sales nt 14.40 nnd M.45 , but
still there was not much difference , lioston
was n buyer for n limited number of peed
heavy heirs nt f .40 < 3 J.4'y < . There was "also
n small demand for Now York sorts which
old at M.43 , the same ns yesterday.
Ono load ot fair light Nebraska owes was
cccivtd and sold.
Itccciptft *
Cattle ' . 1,200
Hogs 3,000
Sheep 123
1'rovnllliiR Prices.
The following Is atablo of prices paid In
.his market for the grades of stock men-
loncd :
, 'rimosteers , 1300 to 1600 lbs.$3.GO (33.90 (
Good steers , 1250 to 1450 Ibs. . . 3.50 ( rf3.feO
Good steers. 1050 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.50 ® n.OO
Ordinary to fair cows 1.75 ( 2.40
Fair to eood cows 2.40 ( jj2.X ( )
Good to'cholco cows 2.00 Q(2.)0 ! )
Jholco to fancy cows , heifers. . 2.SO ( 3.25 !
j\ilr to good bulls 3.00 2.60
Good to choice bulls 2.50 dt 3.00
'Jght stockcrs and fcedors. . . . 2.70 ( tf.'UH )
Good feeders , 050 to 1100 Ibs. . 3.00 ( K.3.35
7alr to ehoico light hogs 1.40 et4.45
" "air to choice heavy hogs 4.40 ( i4.4 >
' 'air ' to choice mixed hogs 4.35 ( Vt4.40
'air to medium imtlvo ahccp. . 4.00 GS4.I15
Good to choice native shenp. . . 4.6'J W4.75
Fair to choice western sheep. . 3.0. ) @l.75
Shorn sheep 3.00 ( $4.00
llslresontH vo S
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2. . . . . . ,10'JO ' $3.15 20 1207 53.50
0. . . . . . . 603 3.21) 21 1200 3.50
. . . . . . . 20 3.80 IS 111)3 ) 3.50
20 . . . . . .10S7 3.MO 10 101)2 ) 3.50
JO. . . . . . .1017 ' 13 1154 3.5) )
. . . . 000 il'ittj 34 12(17 ( 3.55
. . . .1112 1105 3.55
. . . .1112 iud 18 12.)3 ) 3.55
. . . .1170 3.45 ID 1111) ) 3.55
1. . . . . 10117 3 45 18 121 r 3.57
.11. . . . .1370 3. 5 IS 1051 8.11 ! )
20. . . . .1131 3.45 21 1247 3.m >
5. . . . .1227 3.5 ! ) 10 1204 3.05
5. . . . .1270 3.50 38 1253 3.05
0. . . . .1201 3.50 30 1451) ) 3.70
0. . . . .1221 3.50 24 V.U'tt & 70
3. . . . .1121) ) 3.50 10 2-100 3.70
8. . . . .1177 3.50 17 1571 3.75
5. . . . .1302 3.GO
CO\V8. <
845 2.00 1. .1010 2.05
2.25 12. .1IS3 2.70
! l275 2.25 1. .1110 2.70
. ' .MO 2.45 1. .11X10 2.75
.1127 2.5 ! ) 4.o . .1087 2,75
.1110 2.5(1 ( 4.T .1140 2.75
. b'JO 2.50 T ! . 7 > 0 2.75
. 80J 2.55 i. .1150 2.75
.1030 2.55 4. .1283 3.00
. 010 2.00 35. .121)7 ) 3.00
.1021 2.5 ( ! ( i. .1253 ! ! .00
.1010 2.05 1'J. ' .1273 3.23
1 1400 1.00 .1530 2.40
2 . . .1050 2.20 1400 2.50
1 14-10 225 .2J10
1 1720 3.ISO .1(130 (
1 1010 2.40 1 I'M 2.7
riui > r.its.
.1111) ) 3.05 17 SOli 3.20
. 750 3.10 14 1071 3.25
. 857 3.15 14 bUt ) 3.35
.12fiO 1.1)5 1 810 2.00
. b ! 1.05 4 042 2,10
. 010 2.00
.1528 2.S7K 1 1SOO 3.15
.1550 3.10
. 130 4.00 1 ISO 4.50
. 140 4.25
.1148 2.00 2 2140 3.15
.1055 3.00 4 732 3.20
No. Av. Silk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
70. . . .240 120 54.35 t5. ! . .274 SU fl.4U
( U. . . .278 100 4.35 G3. . .205 . . -1.4)
37. . . .272 40 4.35 (11. ( . .284 101) ) 4.40
Oil. . . .19(5 ( 100 4.35 ti5. . .255 SO 4.40
Kt. . . .257 240 4.35 ( VS. . .243 4.40
111. . .255 280 4.37H 53. . 120 8.40
18 . . .21(5 ( . . 4.37J4 .05. . lf > 0 4.40
52. . 230 200 4.H7K 5. . . .271 bl ) 1.40
05. . . .238 40 55. . . .307 bO 4.40
01 . . .255 40 71. . . .237 80 4.40
72. . . .240 120 4.37K (11. ( . . .203 120 4.40
OU. . . .259 120 4.37 X 82. . . .213 * 4.40
07. . . .251 SO 4.37 01. . . .2113 46 4,40
40 . .272 101) ) U9 . . .243 SO 4.40
ii ! ) . . . .201 40 4.37 > < f 103. . ' ' 120 4.40
52. . . .235 40 4.37M 07. . . . 274 100 4.42' ' < f
00. . . .273 80 4-37K 33. . ' OJj ( J , | 1 >
71. . . .251) ) SO 33. . . 2s3
55. . . .209 40 4.40 51) ) . .30:1 : SO
( ill. . . .218 100 4.40 70. . .251
11) ) . . . .20.1 120 4.40 55. . .2U4 12'j *
31) ) . . . .277 SO 4.40 O'i. . .231 11s
70. . . .223 4.40 02. . .272 40 4.45
50. . . .200 120 4-10
30. , . .18'J 4.45 17 .177 4.45
23. , . .188 4.45 10. .Ib4 445
smir. : :
No. Av. Pr.
123 Nebraska natives. 04 3.00
Monthly Statement.
Showing the ofllcial receipts and shipments
of live stock during the month of April ,
18b9 , nnd the number of head consumed at
South Omaha :
re o
C. , M. 8t. ] ' . H'y. . 1.70J 1.717
O. A ; St. 1 , . H'y 1,111) ) 1.341
Mo. Vac. H'y SI.12S 3'JIH KJ7
U.I' . H'y. . . . K.4r\ \ 7tK- ) VJjl
C.&N. w.u'y 1,0 a
II. A.M. H'y 14,870
a , ii. &Q. u'y NX ) ,
o , , it..ttV , H'y 1.0(1 1.80S III
C.St.l'M. & ( > . H'y. . . . 3.7K. - ' . . ( II. . . . .
F. K , &M. V. H'y 0 03 13tXW or
Driven In 4114 tiSl
Oraniltotttl 477 ( K1.73S 1S. < KH 5\ \
Live Stock
Cattle lower.
P. F1. Mahoney had two cars of cattle in
from Bruno.
Gcorgo Cliilds , of Wnkellcld , was on the
marKet with two cars ot cattle.
S. 1) . Turner , of Alnsworth , was in with
two cars of cattle ,
J , Harvny Is in from Burwoll with cattle.
F. U. Nowbacker was In from Burwell ,
with u cur of cattlo.
The commission flrm of Hurko AFrazior Is
putting In a line desk and ofllco furniture.
D. S. Kcnbollo , of Pomona , la. , was In with
Mr. ICngol , of Engel Si Mustardof Onawa ,
U. , was In with two ears of cattle.
Henry Lemon , of Humphrey , is m with six
cars of cuttle.
H. C. Ltifnor was in from Springfield visit.
Ing the yard.
A. L. Spearman , of Springfield , was on the
market with cattle ,
H. B. Fisher and J. Buttcrflold , of Brock ,
wore in with cattle.
Samuel Huas , ot Council Bluffs , was In
looking after two ears of cat vie and ono
car of hogs.
F. O , Judkins was In from Fullertou with
V. StoJdard , of Red Oak , la. , was looking
over the yards.
Charles B. Reynolds , of Lincoln , was intbo
market looking after cutt'.e.
Indianapolis received 2MO bogs to-day ;
Cincinnati , 2,000 ; SU % ] 3,500 , nnd St.
L. E. Furry was In from Franklin wltb
Louis Burke , of North PlaUo. was shaking
hrtnds with his numorouv friends nt the
Bogs opened lower but closed higher.
The genial larry Nash Is back /com
Produce , Frttltn , Ktc.
BUTTKH Table dairy , IpdMScs Backers'
stock , 8@llc. Creamery prints , fancy , 8-1
< 7t20o ; choice , iWQ'J-'c ; solid packed , UO ®
8. c.
Eons Strictly fresh , 9@-l"Oc.
Ciiausn Young America , full cream , 13c {
twin flats , 12c ; oft grades , SQlOej Vnn Hos-
som Edam , fll.CO per dozen ; sap sago , lUc ;
brick , 15c ; limbunrcr , l2c ! ; domestic Swiss ,
I4c ; skims , -tQOu ; cheese safes , brotuo medal ,
No. S , $2.75.
Puui.Tiir Ltvo hens per dozen , W.2. @
3.50s roosters , $3.003.'J5 ; turkeys , 10 < $ Uc
per Ib.
AiTi.r.s Gonltnns , per bbl , f2.fiO : Wine-
saps , per bbl , $3.75 ; N. Y. Bnldwlnspor bbl ,
$2.7Cii3.00 ( ! ; common. $
Cu\xniuitics Bell und Bugle , per bbl ,
? 7.00 : Boll nnd Cherry , per bbl , $0.00 ; Jersey -
soy , per bushel box , JJ.50.
STitAWimnniEs Per case , 24 qts , $0.00 ®
Oiusons Fancy Washington navels , $5.00
015.25 ; Ulvcrsldc , $3.00(13..15 ( ; fanny paper
rind St. Michaels , ? : ! ,75@ 1.2. * ) ; fancy Duarte
Mediterranean sweets , $ J.7 ( < { 3. ' . ! . " > ; fancy
bright mountains , J.J.2.jfiZ2,75 ; Los Angeles
( choice ) , § 2.'J.'iK2.GO. (
Lr.Moxs Choice , $3.50 1.3.75 ; fancy , $4.00 ®
COCOAXIJTS Choice Uuatans , per 10Jf 1.50 ;
less than 100 , 5.00.
According to sizeof bunch , ? 1.50
KAIII.V VEOIJTAIII.KS Lettuce , per dozen
heads , . " ) ( V4'Ju > radishiis , per dozen bunches.
20)2 ( ) * > c ; green onions. 12jcl5c ; parsley , So ®
30e ; soup bunches , 3."iJiilOo ( ; beets , 53ii UOu ;
carrots , 50 55o ; turnips , 50@"j5e ; oyster
plant. 3'C ! < W ; > ccolorv ; ! , S5cC < ? $ l-OU ; iMulifluxvcr ,
fi.75@2.25 ; cucumbers. { )5f@Jl.OU ; green
peas , bu boxes , $ ! ; string beans , '
bu box , $ I.G3C'gl.T5 ; tomatoes. i bu , $1.75ig (
2.00 ; uspur.igus , per Ib , 10fl''o : pie plant ,
per Ib , 3fi5o ( ; now potatoes , pur Ib , 2 } ( Vf.o ! ;
cabbage , 'J '
FHIJSII FISH White fish , frozen , per Ib ,
7e ; herrings , frozen , per Ib , 5c ; trent , fresh
caught , per Ib , Ucwhito ; purch , fresh caught ,
per Ib , 7c ; buffalo , fresh caught , per Ib , 7o ;
pickerel , fresh caught , pev Ib. So ; black bass ,
fresh caught , pur Ib , lie.
GA.MI ; Jack snipe , S1.00u ( > 1.25 ; plover.
75cCrfl.UO ; mallard ducks , S2.50t3.00 ( ; teal ,
$ l.H ( ) < 1.2."i ; mixed , ? 1.00 ( < fl.25.
Bi\Nb : Choice hand picked navy , $2.25 ;
choice hand picked medium , $2.00 ; choice
hand picKcd country , § 1.75@1.)0 ! ) ; clean coun
try , yi.nOft'l.lM. '
POTATOES Choice , sacked , per bu , 23@nOc.
ONIOSMPer bu , 25)0i : ) : .
Vii : , Choice , medium size , 7(2Sc ( ; choice ,
heavy , 4hUc. (
lliur.s , PEI.TS , T.M.I.OW , KTC Green salted
hides , 5J < | C ; dry salted hides , Gc ; dry Hint
hides , So ; calf hides , 5 } ( < ( ( ic ; damaged hides
2e loss : sheep polls , green , each 25ijJl.JO ;
sheep pelts , dry , per Ib , ! ) ( < i > 12 ( ! ; wool , aver-
iige , 14lSc ( ; tallow , No. 1 , 4 ( $ ! } < ' . tallow ,
No. 2 , 3 @ 35.fc ; grouse , white ,
crease , ynlluw. 2j.C@2 ' 'jO. '
Arri.i : BUTTKU 7c.
Ciucn-Bbls , W : hf bbls , $3.
BrTTKiiiNi : 14 ( < gl c per Ib. .
Mu'i.i : SriiAit 121rfC"-'l' > c per Ib.
Iloxcv 1017o per Ib. . , ' - ,
PiiEsuitvns U'ift ' JOc par 10.
Groc ! i-lp. < < . "
BAOS > American A , sbamless , $17.25 ;
, , , .
blueberries , 2 Ib , $1.50 ; cherries , red , 2 Ib ,
95c ; chiirrics , white , 2 Ib , $1.55 ; pros , figs , 1
Ib. $2..H ) ; gooseberries. 2 Ib , si. ID ; pineapples ,
2 Ib , S2.75 ; pine apples , 'Jib , $ J.5U ; pine-
unples , 2 Ib. $2.25 ; pineapples , 'J Ib , $1.,0 ( ;
strawberries , 2 Ib , § 1.15 ; strawberries , pros. ,
2 Ib , $2.0. ) ; raspberries , 2 Ib (10 ( 1) ) nyrup ) ,
CANXID FISH Brook trout , 3 Ib , JU.50 ; sal
mon trout.'i lb , . * 2.5 : ! ; clams , 1 lbSI.2. > ; ulums ,
2 Ib , & .UO ; clnm chowder , iilb , $2.25 ; devilled
crabs , 1 Ib. 5J.S5 ; devilled crabs. 2 Ib , $ ; ! . : , ( ) ;
codlish balls , 2 Ib , $1.75 ; caviar. > , f Ib , 4-2.25 ;
eels , 1 Ib , $3.25 ; lobMcrs , 1 Ib , S2.UO ; lobstora.
lib , $1.00 ; lobsters , devilled , } $ Ib , $225 ;
mauUerel , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; nuikcrol niustaril bunco ,
3 Ib , $2.00 ; mackerel tomato suuro. 3 Ib , SJ.'JO ;
maclierol tomato paiu-e , 3 Ib3.40 ; mackerel
mustard sauce. 3 Ib , $ 'J.4l ) ; oysters , 1 Ib , i > . " > o ;
oysters , 2 Ib , fl.50 ; salmon , C. H. . 1 Ib , $2.10 ;
salmon , C , H. 2 Ib. $3.10 ; salmon. Alaska , 1
Ib , . M.S'K salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , S2.'JU ; shrimps ,
I Ib , S2.li5. !
CANIILKS Star , Ss , 10 oz , per Ib , Oc ; Star ,
8s , 14 o/ , per Ib , Oc : Stuarlu , wax , Iti oz , tin ,
pur Ib , llo ; Stearic. wax , 14 oz. ( is , per Ib ,
Hi : ; half boxes , ' o cxtrn.
CANDY ( .iKi'iil2J < o per Ib.
CIIOCOI.ATI : AND CIICOA 2l&39c per lb.
CoFfiii : Ho.istod , etc. Arbiicklc's Ariosa ,
lib packages , 2l9ic ; Dllworth's Standard ,
1 lb packages , 244c ; MeLaughlin'b XXXX ,
1 lb packages. ' - % ; Lion , 1 lb puclcnuos ,
24c ; Gorman , 1 lb packages , 2)J.tfV ) ; Mo-
kasku , 1 lb packages , 24J e ; Tomson's es
sence in tins , per gross , -2.50-/essence , in
bulk , half bbls , per lb , Oo ; cs-jonuo , 1 lb
papers , 50 Ibs in box , pur lb , Uc ; Franck's
Uerinan uhlcikor.v red. Su.
COITIIS : : Green Fancy old golden rio ,
24o ; Fancy old peaburry , 23c ; Hio , choice to
fancy , 22c ; Kio , prime , 21c ; iiio , good , 20u ;
Mocha , 2 0 : Java , fancy Mundchliug , 27u ;
Java , good interior , 2lc.
CoitDAfii : ANDTwjxc Manilla rope , basis
M in. 17u : Sisal rope , lie ; Good's Now
Process rope , 0 > ; Jc ; cotton ropo. Jf , % nnd %
In , Hie ; notion twine , line 4-ply , Bibb , B2o ;
do medium.Uc ; do course. ISc ; hemp twine ,
No. 103 , 22u ; llax twine , No. IS , 2i'c ; cotton
mous. 6 lb. per do$1.50 ; caudlewiek , 23e ;
sail twine , B , 3-ply , 22c.
Citvcuint-i AND CAKIS (5 ( } ® 18e per lb.
Dituos ( Grocers' ) al im , 4e ; borax , llo ;
copperas , 2u ; Epsom salts , 3c ; Uour sulphur ,
4c ; salpetre , Oc.
DUIKD FHUITS Per lb , ni > ricots , 14@l7c.
Apples , Mich. , 4c : stars , lie ; ulduns , ( % " ( < §
Sc. Peaches. Cal. Y , peeled , 17@2Uc ; fancy
unpcclcd , 110D13c ; sun dried , ( % o ; Salt
Lake , tlu. Prunes , Cal. HC , 7K@IOeJ < . Currants -
rants , 5i ( 7e. Turkish prunes , 4'4e. Citron
peel. 23i\ Lemon peel , 14e. Fard date ? , JUc.
Figs , ' .iftilOc. J uislii9 , mnlaga bunch , dehe-
sas , 15.00 per box ; valcncius , per lb , 7c ; Cal.
G. & S. , $2.40 | > er box. Dried grapes , no.
Blackberries , tr a. Pitted cherries. 17o.
Pitted plums , ilillu. ( Raspberries , 21c.
Noctannes , I8 ( < gl4c. Gliifcr , Jamaica , '
pts , $3.00 per doz.
FAitiSACEora GOODS Barley , 3(33 ( 0 ; far
ina , 4 } o : peas , 3o ; oiitmealJ5J4i5Jfc ( ! ; maca
roni , llJu ; vcrmluelll , llj-ab ; rico , 44i < i)7c ) ;
sago and tapioca , ( i@7c. '
FISH Salt Dried codflMf. OK S e hali
but , 12o : scaled herring , 2-ic pur box Ifal.
herring , dorn. 50c ; Hamburg ; spiced horrlng ,
$1.00@1.10 ; imp. hoi. herring , 70c@1.0U ;
NliTti Almonds , lOcaiSoi' Brazils , Oo ; 111-
bcrts , 12o ; pecans , ilio'i walnuts , 13o ; pea
nuts cocks , Sc ; rousted , IPtV
On.s-Koroscne-P W , lOp ; W W , 12 o ;
headlight , ISo ; salad oil , : 12.65(37.00 ( per
dozon. '
PICKLES Medium , perv. bbl , 15.00 ; small ,
tfl.OO ; gherkins. $7.00. , ,
Wu-iri'iNO PAI-EH Straw , per IbX@
2Kc ; rag. 3 } < e ; manlllu B.'Oo ; No. 1 , Oo.
SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb pKg'a , f2.70 ; do 100
3-lb pkgo , I2.1M ) ; dolWC-lb'pkgs , $2.50 ; do 28
10-lb pkgs , f..40 ; Ashton , bu bags , 50-lb , Kiu ;
do 4 bubals , 22Mb , ft.40 : do M S A , 60-lb
bags , 55u ; loose , per bbl , (1.35.
SEEDS-BIrd , 4KfflOc.
SALSOUA l fS2c ( per Ib ,
STAKCII 6)i ) yo per Ib.
STOVE POLISH $2.00@5.87 per gross.
SI-ICES Whole , per Ib Allspice , 12o ;
Cassia China , lOo ; olovcs , Zanzibar , 5o ;
nutmegs , No. 1 , 70o ; pcppor. 20o.
, SUOAIIS Granulated , V@'J/4'o ' ; confection-
era A , 8K@'Jo ; Btundurd , extra C , 8 @ 8j o ;
yellow C , 7 o ; powdered , 810 > fo ; cut
loaf , 10 > o ; cubes , 9K@10c.
Svuui'8 Porgal , 27Mtrto ; N , O. molasses ,
35iJ4So. (
Per gal. 13@30o.
Dry Goods.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls
; i Y , I6o ; BB , 19o ; bleached , SO ,
SO , 13c. ! Bro\vn and slate , 50 , Oo ; CO , 13'fo
W ) . lOc ; 70 , 12 > Vc
CAIH-ET WAiir Bibb , whlto , 10c ; colored ,
BATTS Standard , Sc ; Gem , lOc : Beauty ,
12Uc ; Boone , 14o ; B , cased , J0.50.
PIIINTS Solid colors Atlantic , Co ; Slnto ,
Cc , Berlin oil , 0 > c ; Garner oil. 07c.
PIIINTS Pink and Hobcs Allen , Oo ; Hlvor
point , 5c ; Steel Hlvcr , GKcj Ulchmond ,
0 > ( c ; Pacinc , 7c.
PIIINTS Dress Charter Oak , 6fo } ; Hum-
npo , 4o ; Lodl , B | c ; Allen , Oc ; Itlohmond , Oo ;
Windsor , OJ c ; Eddystono , 0 05 I'acinc ,
Indigo Blue St , Ledger ,
Arnold , 0 > fe ; Amorlnnn , fl.ltfc ; Arnold C ,
long cloth , V > o ; Arnold B , long cloth ,
Art-old , Gold Seal , lOKo ; Stclfel A , 12c ;
Windsor , Gold Ticket , lOXo : Arnold A , 12c.
GiNtiitAM Plunkct checiw , OVc ; Whlttcn-
ton , OJ < o ; Yorit , 7 > tfc ; Nonnuiulf dress , 7Uc ;
Renfrew dress , 8&J12s'c ( ; Wblttcnton , 7 c ;
Calcutta , 7.fc. !
CAMIIHICS Slater , 60 ; Woods , i5o ; Stand
ard , 5o ; Peacock , Be.
Bi.nACiint ) SIIHCTINO Ellorton , 7Kc
Housokeeper. 8 > j'e ; New Candidate , 8'je ;
Berkeley cambric , No. CO , ii' o ! Boat Yet ,
44 , 0o : Buttercloth , OO.4J.fc : Cabot , "Ho ;
Fnrowell half bleached , 8405 } Fruit of Loom ,
Sjtfc ; Green G , Oc ; Hope , 7' e : King Phillip
cnmbrlu , lOc : Lonsdale cambric , lOc ; Lous-
dale , 8&e ; Now York Mills , lOo ; Peppcrell ,
43 in , lOXo ; Pepperell 40 in , llj c ; Pepper-
_ . .
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantic 1) . 4-4 , Kc ; At
lantic I' , 4-4 , lie ; Aurorn LL , 4-4 , tic ; Atirorn
C , - 11ijfe ; Crown XXX , 4-1 , C c ; Hoosler
LL. 4-4 , tic ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ! ; Law
rence LL. 4-1 , tic ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , fijifo ;
Pepperoll E , 40-in. 7Kc ; Pepporell , S-l , 1'c ;
Pcpperoll , y-4. 2Ic ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 22o ;
Utica C , 44IJ c ; Wnchusett , 4-4 , 7J4C ; All-
rorn U , 4-1 , 7o ; Aurora B14 , tl.'tfe. '
FLANNELS , PLAID Iaftsincii,2iic ; Goshcn ,
! )2 ) ; c ; Clear Lake , 30Uo ; Iron Mountain ,
FLVNNKI.S. WIIITE-G HNo. 2 , , ' , 22Kc :
G II No. 1. f , 20 0 ? B 11 No. 2 , 22'c ; H H
No. 1 ' . 3'Jc ' . No. ' . '
, 5j' ; Qiii'cheo. 1 , , I''c ; Quc-
chco No. 2 , ? j , 37H'c ; Qucchco No. 3 , * { , 32 jo ;
AiKiwan , 32 ! ; c ; Windsor. 22 } e.
FI.ANNI-.LS , HKDC , 21-Inch. 15'rfo ; E. 21-
inch , 21'ir ; a G 24 inch , 20o ; H A F. Jf ,
25c ; J H F , Jtf , 27e ; G. 34' , 25c.
COUSET JEANS Androscoggin , 7,3fc ; Koar-
sage , 7fc ; Kockport , G c ; Conestogn , ( IV c ;
TICKS Oakland , A , I'rfv Intenmlionnl ,
YY,8c ; Shctucket , S , S' < , c ; witrren. No. 87(1 ( ,
Ilk- ; Berwick , BA , ISc ; Acme , lc ; ) ; York , 3) .
inch , 12' ' Jc ; York , 32 inch. ISttfe ; Swift
Kiver. Sc ; Thorndiko OO , SK ! 'J'horndiuo '
EF. 8 > < jc : Thorndiko 120 , 11 Thorndiko :
XX. 15c ; Cordis No. 5 , UKc ; Cordis No. 4 ,
Amoskeag , 0 oz , IC' c ; Everett , , 7
oz. 13J < Jc ; York , 7 oz , 13 ! e ; Hu.vmnkcr , SUc :
Jaffivy , XX. ll o : Jutfroy , XXX , 12 Ue ;
Beaver Creek , AA 12o ; Beaver Creek , BB ,
lie ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOc.
KENTI-CKV JEANS Memorial , 15c ; Dakota ,
ISc ; Durham , 27Kc ; Hercules , ISc ; Leam
ington , % ; Cottswold , 27 > c ; Melville ,
t)0iCUASII Stevens' B , 5 } c ; Stevens' B ,
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7e ; Slovens' A ,
bleached Sc Stevens' P. Stevens' P
, ; . 7J c ; ,
bleached , SJ c ; Stevens' N , t c ; Stevens'
N. blenched , UJ e ; SICVOIIK' SH'J' , llj < ic.
DUCK West Point , 2'J-incii ' , S oz , 10' ' < ; c ;
do , 10 oz. 12.4c ' ; do , 12 oz , J5c ; do , 40-inch , 11
oz , lOo.
Iliinptislons and Timber.
12 ft It ft 10 ft IS ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4.$15.i ; < ) 15.00 15.110 Itl.OO Irt.'O 1'J.OO 2(1.00 (
2xi. ( . . . $15.00 150) ) 15.0. ) 10.00 1(5.00 ( HI.0020.CO
2x8. . . . $15.00 15.CO 15.00 1(1.00 ( 1(1.00 ( 10.0020.00
2x10. . . $15.10 15.0. ) 15.CO 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00
2x12. . . $15.0) 15.00 15 OJ li.O' ( ' ) lli.IO ( 1'J.OJ 20.00
4x4SxS.10.(0 ( 10.00 Hi 00 17.00 18.00 Id. 00 20.00
FENUNO No. 1.4 mid ( i inch , 12 and 14 ft ,
rotuih , $ li.00 < jJ > l(1.50 ( ; No. 1 , 4 and ( i inch , K !
fl , rough , $ t7.UO ( < ? l7.50 ; No. 2I nnd 0 inch ,
12 and 14 ft , rough , $13.5@H.OO ( ) ; No. 2 , 4
and 0 inch. 10 ft , rough , $15.0. ) < lli.0i ) .
FiNiHinxfis First and 2d clear , 1 } > ) inch s
2s$4'J.OOC 51.0J ; 1st and ld ! , clear , IK and 2
inch , s 2 s. ? 47.0l'50. < )0 ) ; 3d. clear , I'i inch , s
2 s. $ l3.00.i4H.OJ ; 3d , cloar.l and 2 inch , s 2
s , S43.0 ( ) < rMil.iO ( : B select , 1H , ! Jmid 3 inch ,
s3s , * 37.UK'N.Oi ! : ( ; 1st and 'Jd. clear , 1 inch ,
s 2 s , & 15.0J ; 3d , clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , $38.00 ;
A select , 1 itich , s2 s$34.00 ; B select , 1 inch ,
s2s , ? 31.0v ) .
FI.OOIIINO First com. 0 inch white pine ,
$31.00 ; 2d com , li incli white nine , $31,00 : 3d
com. G inch white ; D , 0 inch
white pine , J2'K ( ) ; com. 4 nnd ( i inch , yellow
pine , $15.011 ; star , 4 inch yellow pine , $18.00 ;
1st and 2 > 1 clear yellow pine , 4 und 0 inch ,
? 2I.OO. (
Poi'i.AU Lr.MiiEii Clear poplar box bds , %
In , s 2 s , $35.00 ; clear poplar , % in panel ,
$30.00 ; clcnr poplar , % in panel , $2..00 ; clear
poplar , } in panel , stock widri , s 2 Sj $2S.OO ;
clear poplar currugatcd coiling , % . 3.UO. ( )
POSTS White cedar , ( i in , halves , I2c ;
white clear , 5J in. halves and S in quarters ,
lie ; white , 4 in round. lOc ; Tennessee
red cedar , split , IGc ; split oak , ( white ) So ;
sawed oak , llic.
SHINOI.I : ! ! , LATH PER M XX clear , $3.20 ;
extra , A * , $3.80 ; standard A , 2.1)0 ; 5 inch ,
clear , $ l.iOi(1.70 ( ; 0 Inch clear , $1.75(581.80 ( ;
No. 1. $1.10cv 1.15 ; Cullfornin red wood , di
mensions widths , $4.50 ; cypress , clear heart ,
S3.40 ; lath , ? 2 50.
blur L.\r No. 1 plain , S and 18 In , $17.55 ;
No. 2 plain , S nnd 10 in , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O G ,
SIDINO First com und 10 ft , $22.00 ; 2d
coin and Hi ft , Sl'.l.OO ; 3d mm nnd 10 ft ,
$15 HO ; fence com and 10 ft , jit.OO. :
STOI-K BOAIIDS A 12 in s 1 s 12. 14 and 10
ft , $ ! G.t)0 ) ; B 12 ins 1 s 12. 14 and Hi ft , $11.00 ;
C 12 In s 1 B 12 , 14 und 10 ft , $30.00 ; 1) 12 in s
1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $23.00 ; No. 1 com 12 in s
IH 12 ft , $18.00 ; No. 1 com 12 in s 1 s 14 and
10 ft , S17.50cJH.5 ( ? ( ) ; No. 1 com 12 in s 1 s , 10 ,
18 and 2t ) ft , $ l'.i.50 ; No. 2 com 12 in B Is 14
tnd Hi ft , $17.CO.
while pine partition. ? 3'i ; 2nd , com Jf in
while pine partition , 27 ; clear , % in yellow
liino ceiiing , $2il ; clear ) in Norway , $14.50 ;
.ind . com ; 'H In Norway , $13.
BOAHUS No 1 com sis 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$1U ; No 2 coin a 1 a 13 , 14 and 111 ft , $1.50 ( ! ;
No 3 com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 111 ft , $14.50 ; No 4
com sis 12 , 14 and 10 ft , ( shipping cull ) , $15.
dd 50 cents per M ft for rough.
balls , t'X inch. COc ; O G balls , } x3 , SIS ,
35o ; 3 inch well tubing , I ) & M nnd , bcv $22 ;
pickets , D & II Hat , $20 ; pickets , D & H
im re , $ l'.l.
LIME , ETC Quincy white lime , best , OOc ;
Ens-'llsh und German 1'ortland Cement , $3.5(1 ( ;
Milwaukee and Louisville , $1.30 ; Michigan
und Fort Uodgo phuter , $2.25 : Blue Hupld
plaster , $1.05 ; hair , 20c ; Rash , GO ami 10 per
cent dis. ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50 per
cent dls. ; tarred felt , per cwt. , $2.00 ; straw
board , $1.05.
Drugs nnd ChiMiilcnlH.
ACID Sulphuric , per Ib , 2c ; citric , per Ib ,
f > 0c ; oxalic , per Ib , 13c ; tarturlc , powdered ,
per Ib , CJc.
AI.U.M Per Ih , 3Kc.
AMMONIA Carbonate , per IB , 15c.
AHWWHOOT Biu-inunda , per Ib , 40c.
BALSAM Copaiba , per Ib , ( We.
BOUAX Holincd , per Ib , 12c.
CALOMEL Am , per Ib , 82c.
Clli.oitnrniiM- Ib , 47c.
CoituosivE SUIII.IMATI : Per Ib , 72c.
CUKAM TAUTAH Pure , per Ib , 42c.
EVTIIACT LOOWOOD Bulk , per Ib , lOc.
GLVCEHINE Bulk , peril ) , 2So.
GUM AUAIIIU Select , per Ib , § 1,00.
AssroF.TiDA Per Ib , 18c.
CAMIMIOU Per Ib , ! t'c.
OI-IUM Perlb , ? 3.25. *
IODINE Kesubliimited , pnr oz , $3,80 ,
Li'.AVts Buchu , sliort , per Ib , 15c , sennit ,
Alex , per Ib , ! tf. : !
OILS Linseed , raw , .r > 0c ; linseed , boiled ,
50u ; castor , pur gal , fl.20 ; Bergamot , San
derson's , per Ib , $3.15 ; lemon , Sanderson's
per Ib , $2.25 ; peppermint , per Ib , $2.50 ; win-
tcrgreen , per Ib , $2.25 ; ollvo , Malaga , per
gal , $1.15.
POTASS Bromide , per Ib , 44c ; iodide , per
Ib * 100.
QUINIA Sulph. , per oz , 50c.
SEEDS Canary , per Ib. 4 > @ 5c : Castile
mottled , per Ib. 8 ( .10c ; ; Castile , white , per
Ib , 1301156.
KriniTs NITIIE Sweet , per Ib , 85c ,
STIUCIINI A Crystals , i > or oz. $1.10.
Sui.i'11 , CINCHONA Per oz , 18o.
WAX White , per Ib , 65V1J3. ( (
BLOCK TIN Eng. Hef'g , small pljf , 2Sc
bar , 2tlo.
Coi'i-Kn Planished boiler sizes
, 32c ; coli
rolled , iiOcj ghcathiug , . ' ! 0o ; pltlB. 'Me ; Hutu
cent discount.
quality , per Ib , lOKo ; ffo. 21 to 27 , B quality
OKc. For le&s than bundle add \ < c per Ib ,
HoorjJi-o ( Beat Charcoal. ) JCr , 14x20 , 113
Miccts , J5.78 ; IX , UxOO , 113 sheets , $7.00 ; 1C.
3)x3r , 113 sheets , fll.oo ; IX , tttlsSVJia
sheets , fia.50.
SllEbT IltoN No. 20 , $ .1.40 ; No. 27 , t3.fO.
SOLDEH Hoyt Metal Co'f half and halt in
1 Ib cases , per Ib , Iftc ; commercial half mid
half , 15cj No. 1 in burs , 14o.
sheets , fS.25 ; 1C , 14s20 , 113 sheets , ? 3.50 ; IX ,
14x20 , 113 sheets , $8.25 ; IXX. 14x20. 113
sheets , JIO ; 1XXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $11.75 ;
1C , 2x2S. 112 shoots , f 13.80 ; IX , Dx23 113
Bheets , f7 ! ; IXX , 8x28 , 112 sheets , $20.W.
COKE 1C. 104 , 225 shoots , $0 ; llxC. 14x20 ,
112 sheets , $ J : 1C , 10x20 , 125 sheets , fi.50 ; ;
steel uails , $3.20 ; steel wire nails , $2.05 <
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
O5 Soutli litlli Struct. . Onuiliu
Cities , Counties , School Districts , Witcr Com
panies , &c. M'c nrc in the iunrlct for the
puiclmsc ofroiiinl ninoiuitsorsuch boiutt ,
Correspoinlence solicited ,
N , W. HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
115-117 Monroe Street , CHICAGO.
CG Dovonshlro Stront. BOSTON *
\Vfl iloftl In I.nnil VnminU anil Hcrli.
to ( liiM'iiinifiit l.aiul , nnil Transact a
Correspondence Solicited.
Boots and Shoos.
BucecMors to lice.l , Jonc < t Co.
Wholesale Mannfactorers of Boots & Sntcs
/gents for llonton llubbc'r Shoe Co , 11U ? , 1101 aiid 11M
lUrnor btt f t , Omalm , Nebraika.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1UI North Hlghtccntli ( treat , Umaha , N b.
EAOLE coA/(7 ; (
HaniractnrersofGalyaiiized Iron Cornice
Window-raps nnd metnlle skyl'qhu. ' John Kpcnutcr ,
proprietor. 11M and llu Minlh lutli etreot.
Office Fixtures. .
Manufacturers of
LM , Office and Saloon Hxlnres ,
Mantles , Slilelumrdi. Hook Cnics. Driin Fixture' , Wail
CUSPS , rhrtltlons. llnlllnin , Counters , Heernnd Wine
u ° " ! ; . " . " ? * ' Kl l' ' | lU" " " 'I onice,17x ; > und 1733
South latli St. , Omabi. : Telephone 1131.
Paper Boxes.
JO//A' L. W1LKIE ,
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nua. ri7 add 1S10 DoiiBtns etrcol , Omabn , eb.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DIHURO\V \ A CO. ,
Wliolujnlo manufuctuiers of
Sash , Doors. Blinds and Mouldings ,
nrauch Mace. 12th nnd Iiard street Oinnha. Neb.
Maniif.clnrers of Sasli , Doors , Blinfls ,
tlouMlnr" . Ftnlr-irnrSt anil Interior hard noo.l flnltli.
N. IS. corner Slh nml LCRVCIIWI rtli airtots ,
IJi'.iaha , Neb.
i Pumps , Etc.
STll.lXli , t ( I , US It 8THA.M IlKA'l'lXU CO
Fnmrs , Piiiss and Engines ,
iteam , Tralor , rnihTny nnd mining filinpllea. ete *
_ UUiCSandlf.4 ! t'lirniim > tiv t , Oina'ia.
Steam and Wate Supplies ,
Jl : iW r mlllr. PIS and 12) ) Jones St. . oumba.
_ U. K. lien , acting AiatuiKur.
Engines , Boilers and General Mscliliiery ,
IhucMron work , Btram | iuni'f , law lullli , 1213-1315
Iron Works.
Carter V Sun , I'nip'H , Mnnufiirtiirur" of all klwli
Steam Boiler , Tanks and Sheet Iron Wort
WnrUt South 'Will unit II. & M. cni MiiK. Tol. HI'i
Wrought and Cast Iron Bni ding fork ,
Snplncs. tirasi wnrk , noncrnl foundry , rnuclilnc and
blucjoiallh vrtirk. Olllco uiul worXs , U , 1' , It/ ,
ami Kth direct , Omalm.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iroj Railings
Desk rallc , window guards , flower Btiuid' . wlro
etc. 1X1 North street , Omnlia.
Hanl'rs ' of Fice and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vunlls , jnll work. Iron shuttprt ami ( Ire csctipci.
O. Andrcen , prop'r. Cor. llth HmlJncktoaSti.
uxiox STOCK rAiins co. ,
Of Omalia , Limitcil ,
Julin K. Uuydbup lonrcnt ! ,
S , W , Corner Farnam anil 15th Sts.
I'alil In Capital . § 500,000
O. K. IMIIKKIt , I'roMdent.
U. illKltll nVIJIt , Vloi I'roildunt.
I' . ] l. JOIIhSON. Canhler.
W. S. HHirt'OH , Assistant Cinlilor.
U. I , . HmuiowiMi , ( 'IMS. Mr.r/ ,
K. 11. JOMNKdN , ,1. N. C'OnMSII , Wll.LIAM.S , J. Jj. Mll.r.rt ,
S. It.JOIINKON , . \V. ClIOV ,
( Ir.O. I'ATTKIISD.V , 1) , Cl/'NNINdllAM.
Accounts of bankers , merclmntx unillu'llrid-
uali rccolviMl on the most favorable terms-
Cnpllal $500,000
Surphii ll ( ) > ,000
HBUMAN KOUNT/IJ. Prill lent.
JOHN A. CIIKinil'J-iJN , V ice
V.h. OAVlti. Utlilur.
\V. n. MUGWlKAsilitant Custiler
! lMl > mulloUt ! > UICIISHIOIti
. , n. i.i diiiiuiiii. i ; nr iiait.
fl > < r ll < l l. < r , : lK I. < /llr.iu HI..Il lc4 I ( * ' < '
Agricultural Imptomonts.
DcalBplii AgricuKnral Iniplomcnts , Wagons
CsrrUiiei find tmgr < tl * . Jon * it trot , between 9th nnfl
* * *
10th , Umnh
Agricnlt' ' Implements , Wagons , Carriage !
e. Wholesale. Oninh * . Nebr k > . _
Wholesal * l > cal ni la
Agricnllnral Implements , WagonsS Boggles
roi , XlKBamUOTJonet tlrtet , Omnht. _
wnnufacturort and jobbers In
Rntnrip ? BaVot Plows Pff
Dll luS
, itdiUS , rlOnS mu ,
Cor. 9th KDil I'aclQo ilreoti , Omiti * .
Artists' Materials.
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Douglns itreel Omaha , Nebrnskn.
r" " " 1 * * *
- 1
BootB pnd Shoos.
" W. V. MOWSE A ? O. , *
Jokers of Boots end Slices ,
1101 , lien , 11(15 ( Dongln * utrort. Ornnlm. MnunUctom
Hummer Mrect , lUnton.
Goal , Coke nnd Llmo.
Jokers of Hard and Son Coal ,
anaSouth Ulli ilri'ot , Onmlm , Nabrnsk * .
XERRASKA FUEL CO. , . of Coal a'dCoKe ,
JH South 15th St.OmMm , Nab.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Spcclnltlci - llnilrr , cue" , rlicoup , poultry ,
lll.UIonnnl street Onmlm.Nob.
Dry Goods nnd
M. K. SMI'TH'A do. ,
Dry Goods , Fnriiisning Goods and Notions
1103 and 1101 Douglm , cor. llth street , Oronlin , Neb.
Importers and Jolliers in Dry GooflsNotions ,
fi nt > ' futnlshlni ; unndn. Corner llth nnd Ilarntr
Bin-oil , Onmlm , Nubrnikn.
Importers nnd jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
SIT BoutU IStli Blroot.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre
Karnam street , ( jumliu. N'sbrnsk * .
Furniture ,
Cumha Nebrnttt * .
C r o c r o B
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705 , 707. 7UJ nntf 711 South luth t. . Omaha. Neb.
JoeCORD , liUADY & CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers'
13th and ocnvcnworlh strccti , Umaha , Nobtaika.
W. J. llttOATCH ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Spring' , nncon stock , hnrdwnro , lumlior , etc. 12C1
n itiul 1511 llarnoj lri'at , Omabit.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
liot&ls. Rhcrt Iron. olr. Accnt for TIowo Rcalei.
Altninl powder ami Lymati bnrbuU wlroi
Build rs1 flatware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' tool * mid llnlfulo nrak . UOJ DouglM
Btrcut. Onmlm , Nob.
H. HARDY A co. ,
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Home furnUhliiK xool , ahllrlron'i , rnrrl uc3 ,
I1UJ t'sruam itrt'ta. Oi
Wholesale Refined and Lnhricating Oils ,
Axle iroasc , etc. , Oainlm. A. II. llliboii , ilnnaccr.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
nrrynnlco tlock of printing , wrapping and writing
{ taper. KpeclKl attention Klvt'ii to cur lonil orders ,
WUolcsalc Liimlier , Etc ,
and AmerlcRn 1'ortland cainent. BUM ,
C9Btcr Ullwnukuu Djdmullo cement infl )
Qnlucr wliltu Ilintt.
Dealsr in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood carp-sti uncl parquet llnorlnK. ! > tl > a
Uoet .
AHKinflsofBDililing Material ai Wholesale ,
Ifitli Street nnl Unlun I'aclllc Truck , Ouialia ,
Dealer in Liiinber , Lath , Lime , Sasli ,
toori , Bte , YnrduCornm 7th ami Uoujiliu , Corner
lUlh and Duuijlmi _
Luniter , Linn ; Ccmcnl , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Ctb and DouKlui Hl . , OnmliH.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmlier ,
13tli anil CullfurnlH Btri'Kta , Omaha ,
_ _ Nlllllnory and Notion . _ _
/ . QllEllFHLOKIl AUQ , ,
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
Att. 21U and 212 Kuutli lltli itrodt.
Wnolesalc Notions anil FiiriiisMiia Goods ,
Wl iDd W f.oitti IDtli itrctt ,
Capital . . . . .
Surplus Jim. Ist , 18S9 . W.OOJ
oi'nor.iw AND nniKf
IIBNMtV W. VATIW , I'lvsldont.
UWIS : S. ltiii : > . Vice I'rc-Kld
A. li. TiMl/Al.lfl ,
w. v. iioitsi : ,
11.CIJHI ( 1 1 NO.
W. II S. IIUuTucs ,
l.'orner llh uiul Sta.
A ( jcnvrul .i
WEAK ultirlfitctromtlif * f
? vcl > of joulUfgl IT
B „ i ui i it J lori.mly ili'iJiy , lo.t
la > liiiuKi , fto. I1 > f irl ruluatff lc IU. < rl lnl )
rciiUlnInf full prUcuMf ( fur boint cKr , 1-19 ci