Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The Eooord of Milwaukee on tbo
Omaha Diamond.
Crilllnnt FIcIilliiK of MIC Jloino Team.
tlio Fenturo of the Contest
Kaces nt tlio
Oinnlin ! , Mllwnnlcro it.
Omaha's now pitcher , Kid Nichols , occu
pied the box ngalnst the Mllwaukccs yester
day ond. did very effective WSrit. Although
the Brewers secured eight hits off of him ho
succeeded In scattering them and did flno
twirling when men were on bases , striking
out seven men Just when the visitors needed
lilts. For the Mllwoukccs , Shcnklo and Herr
pitched iiml held Socle's slugcors down to
live hits. The game was a very close one
and was marked by the brilliant fielding of
the homo team. Cannvan , In the loft garden ,
doing prent work , securing snvon long fly
balls. Two of his plnys were of the phenom
enal brand. Strauss made n homo'run In tno
The Mllwnukecs secured a run In the flrit
and two in the third. Both sides drew pooio
CKRB until the eighth , when , with Cooney
and Walsh on bases , Milwaukee's catcher
throw wild to third to catch Coonoy and
both runners scored , ending the run getting
mid winning tlio gutno for Omaha by n score
of 4 to ! t.
The detailed score is as follows :
Runs earned Omaha 1.
Two-baHo hits Shcnklo.
Homu run Strauss.
Double plays Strauss , Cleveland.
Struck out NIcol 7.
1'nsscd balls-Mills 2 , Naglo 1.
Wild pitch Shenklc.
Hascs stolen Poorman 2 , Lowe 2 , Crooks
1 , Canavan 2 , Cooncy 1.
Hit by pitcher Mcssitt.
Hiihcs on balls Shunklo 2 , Hcrr 1 , Nicol 1.
Time 1:50.
Umpire Kelly.
Sioux City 7 , DPR Moliics 0.
DEB MOINES , la. , Muy 2. It took eleven
innings to decide to-dny's game , which Sioux
City captured by sheer Rood lui-k. Emmcrlc
puzzled the corn buskers , but was too wild.
The score :
Earned runs DCS jMoincB 5 , Sioux City 7.
Two-base nits Smith , Cody , Council ,
Genius , Glenn. *
Thrco-baso hits Patton , Muskrcy , Bros-
Double plays Hrosnan to Powell , Brosuan
to Burks , Brosnun to Powell.
Stolen bases Hart Macullar , Patton , Phe-
Ian , Cllno 2 , Genius 2 , Glenn , Uradloy.
Bases on balls Emmerko 0 , Weber 5.
Bases given lor hitting man with ball By
Emmerko 2.
Struck out By Emmerice 2. by Woher3.
Putton out-for cutting second base.
Time of game 2:10. :
Umpire AIcDeruiott. ,
IMImieixpoli.'i ( I , St. Joseph ! .
ST. JosKrn , Mo. , May 2. Two triplets ,
three singles , two Infield errors nnd Duck's
sacrifice gave Minneapolis five runs and the
game In tbo sixth inning. Score :
Runs earned Minneapolis 2.
Two-baso lilt Curt wriglit ,
Threebnoo bits Duly , Turner.
Homo runs None.
Double plays Uugdnln to Miller to lien-
gle ; Duck to Ilutmihun to West ; Duck to
Jlenglo to Wc t. . ,
JJufiui on called balls Jtllllor U , Duly 1 ,
Cams-right 1. Curtis 1 , .Aninnr , 1 , Fryu 1.
Hit by pitched ball Mluuiiliuu. Shullbussn ,
Struck out By Duck 10 , by Flood 0.
Pitiuid balls Dutrdultt 1 , Khellhuf sa 2 ,
Uniylvc Hurley , t.
I'uEtponcU tin Account or Hal it.
Usxviu , Colo. , May ' . The gawo hero
wn pnctnoucd to-day on uccouut ol rain.
I'lio Niulunul Jinactin.
PjTTauuiio , May 3. Uusult of to-day's
rauio :
Plttaburg . 0 10100000-2
na . 5) ) 01 001 00 4
biU'-Pitubnrg 7 , Cl-nclum ! V.
Errors Plttaburff 1 , Cleveland 2. Pitchers
Galvln nnd O'Brien. Umpire Lynch.
Piut.ADEi.rniA , May 2. Hesult of to-day's
frame :
Philadelphia. . . .4 00000000 4
Boston . 0 5
Base hits Philadelphia 0 , Boston 5.
Errors Philadelphia 5 , Boston .1. Pitchers
- Casey and ClurKson. Umpire Fcssendcn.
IxntAKATOMS , May 2. Result of to-day's
pnmo :
Indianapolis . 2 .0-10
Chicago . 4 0300008 4-18
Base hits Indianapolis 14 , Chicago 17.
Errors Indianapolis 2 , Chlcaco 7. Pitchers
Burdlck and Tenor and Gurabort. Umpire
Nnw Yoiyt , May 2. Result of to-day's
game :
Now York . 2 0180020 8-10
Woshluston . B II
Base hits Now York 15. AVashlngton 5.
Errors New York 0 , Washington 8. Pitch-
ci-s Welch nnd O'Day. Umpires McQuado
nnd Curry. _
American Association.
KANSIS Cm- , May 2. Result of to-day's
game :
Kansas City. . . . 0 8
Cincinnati . 2 00000000 2
BHOOKMTX , May 2. Result of to-day's
game :
Athletic1 2
Brooklyn . . .0 02200000 4
ST. Louts , May 2. Result of to-day's
game :
St. Louis . 1 5
Louisville. . . 0 1
Coi-OMnus , May 2. Result of to-day's
game :
Columbus . 1 00000000 1
Baltimore . 0 00000020 2
Tlic IntcT-Stato
SfiiixoriKU ) , May 2. Hcsult of to-day's
came :
Sprlngllold 7 , Evausvillo 8.
PKOIIIA. May 2. llcsult of to-dny's gumo :
Peoria 0 , Davenport 3.
Ivy City Kncss.
WASHINGTON' , May 2 , The weather was
favorable , the attendance largo , but the
track not fast. Summary :
Five-eighths of a inllo Tipstaff won tn
1:00 : , Jngo second , Tom ICcarns third ,
Ono nnd one-quarter railed Le Logosjwon
in 1:59K : , I'ocntcllo second , Troy third.
Five-eighths of u mile Insight won In
. :07f , Tom Finlay second , Mumio Uusscll
.bird :
Ono mile Blggonotte won In l:48 f ,
Lotretia second , Boaz third.
Steeple-chose Venus won , Shylock second
end , Cracksman third.
Nnslivillo liners.
NASHVILLE , Tcnn. , May 2. This was the
oponlug doy of the spring meeting nt the
West Sldo park. The attendance was esti
mated nt from 8,000 to 10,000. The weather
was glorious and the track tine. Summary :
Three-year-olds and upwards , six fur
longs Cartoon won , Leo JI second , Stride-
away third. Time 1:15 ? .
Three-year-olds and upwards , seven-
eighths of a mile Macauley won. Eva Wise
second , McMurty third. Time 1:80J : .
Tlireo-year-olds and upwards , five-eighths
of a mile Deerlodgo won , Kedar Kulm second
end , Metal third. Time 1:04. :
$ i,0)0 ( ) sweepstakes , three-year-olds , one
nnd one-quarter miles Starters : Proctor
Ifnott , Comc-to-Tntv , Longlish , Keevoaa and
Uoodler. This race was worth about $2,600
to the winner , nnd was the attraction of the
day. Proctor Kuott led all the way until
they ncnred the wire , when Finnogan pulled
Knott almost double in order to let Coino-to-
Taw win , which she did in a drive , with
Proctor Knott second , Longlish third , Kco-
vqna fourth nnd Boodler last. Turf men
10 saw Kuott's performance , are convinced
that ho Ss a greater prize now than as a two-
year-old , and no doubt ho rould have won
the race by ten lengths , if Come-to Taw hud
fulled to respond nt the finish. Time
2:10 : .
Four and one-hall furlongs , two year-olds
Amelia won , Prince Fonso second , Maude
L third. Time 57 % .
National Trotting Association Cases.
CHICAGO , May 3. The board of review of
the National Trotting association decided
several cases to-day. Among others , Ham-
bletonlnn Bashaw , the celebrated Iowa
horse , was dragged into trial. II. C. Crcss-
ler , of Tlpton , la. , claimed that he had good
evidence that Ilumbletoniau Bashaw was
rated in Iowa nt 2:37 : fiat. It was alleged
that Cressler entered him at Dennison , Cedar
liupids and Murshalltown in the 3:38 : class.
Morse says that affidavits ot the Iowa
judges were obtained which showed Bashaw
to be teglstered nt 2:37 : Hat. Crossler claims
that the judges announced his horse ut-:3 : ? } .
Ho was found guilty and ordered to refund
the money won.
E. B. Sackett , of Chicago , applied to have
bis suspension from the Poorin fair associa
tion acted upon. Ho wanted his horse , Mod-
jeska , reinstated. The matter has been re
ferred to the dUtrlct board at Peoria. The
report of that body will bo adopted.
LEXINOTOX , ICy. , Muy 2. The attendance
was large , the weather cool and the track
good. Summary :
Six , furlongs Amos won , Cheney second ,
Diukelspiel third. Tlmo lu %
Fifteen-sixteenths of a inlle Pat Donovan
van won , Mis * Flood second , Petuleneo
third. Time 1:30 : % .
Ono and one-eighth miles Clay Stockton
won , Elyton second , Early Dawn third.
Time 1 50.
Two-year-old fillies , five furlongs Long
shore won. Grace M second , Estelle third.
The State llorncmni.
The Nebraska Horse Breeders' and Trot
ters' association will hold a meeting to-night ,
oithurat the Paxton hotel or In Mouut &
Cnnin's ofllce , on South Fourteenth street ,
for the purpose of arranging lor races , which
will t-ake place somowhcro within tlio state
about August 15. No horse can bo entered
unless It is owned aud Kept In Nebraska.
fought Thirty-Nino Romls.
NKW YOHIC , May 2. Billy Murray and
Jack Lyman , both of this city , fought u
tlilrty-nino-roiind prize light , for the cham
pionship of America , at 110 pounds , aud n
pursu of $200 , In n dlnlnc room of a hotel in
EusfNinv York , early this morning. The
fight lasted two and u half hours , and re
sulted in Murray winning by knocking his
opponcut out.
At till ) Co'.lsi'tini.
The ladies' bicycle race nt the Coliseum
was witnessed by 3,000 p oplu last night.
The contestants made the best tlmo of an.\
evening of the race. Artnaiudo rode
through the evening and most of the time
set the puco. The record at the close was :
Miles Laps
AVoods 235
Oales 235
BHldwin 255
Brown 234
! , uwi 233 0
Arumindo 145 0
On Monday , May 27 , Mlsies Williams
Woods , Dalies and Baldwin will begin n six
day race , -four - hours a day , against two lady
Mmo. Fannie Uloomfleld-Zclsler
piano recital before a large and fashionable
audience ut Boyd's opera house last night.
She was assisted by Mrs. Martin Calm
Oprauo ; Mr. B , 1) . Young , barltouo ; Mr
Cuariea Bnolcus , violinist , and Mr. Martin
Calm , accompanist.
Mine. Bloomliold-Xolsler is a performer of
great ublllty. Her interpretation of the works
of thu musters from which her numbers were
selected tipproached perfection very nearly ,
while her execution was graceful , easy and
efficient. This was particularly evidenced
in the third selection of her second number-
on Impromptu In B flat major , with varia
tions from Schubert ; also In the fourth selec
tion In the same number an Impromptu in F
sharp major , from Chapin. The other selec
tions of this number was u pastorale by
Scarlattl-Tausig and a capprlcclo from the
works uf the wptno composer.
V'pon her lirst appearance sun plaj ed au
nndante und lluulc from Honsult'h concerto ,
op. 1C , In F minor , Mr , Culm playing th second
end pinnu part. TU1 wad excellently well
rendered and was heartily npplauiled by the
audience. In the second part of the pro
gramme Mine. XciMor plnyod some of the most
difficult selections from I Iszt , Godnrd , Grieg ,
Xarembskl and Salnt-Saons , her cntlro
work showing a conscientious attention to
details , n wonderfully vivid Interpretation
and correct rendition.
Of the other participants In the concert ,
Mrs. Culm sang an aria from Weber beauti
fully , receiving nn encore to which she re
sponded with a simple ballad entitled , "If I
were you. " Mr. Young's rendition of "Tho
Minstrel Boy" wu very pleasing , ns was
also his duet with with Mrs. Calm , 'a selec
tion from Verdi. Mr. Baetcns1 violin solo
was very good and received much npplau o.
Mr. Cnhn was very ofllctent as an accompan
ist , _
Sixteenth Annitiil Contestoftlic Inter
state Oratorical Association.
Dns MOIXES , la. , May 2. fSpe'clal Tel
egram to TIIU Bee. ] The sixteenth annual
contest of the Inter-state Oratorical associa
tion was hold In Grlnncll with Iowa college
this evening. The following colleges were
represented with speakers In the order
named : \Vcsleyan university , Delaware , O. ;
University of Minnesota , Minneapolis ; Par
sons college , Fairliold , la. ; Donuo college ,
Crete , Neb. ; Bclolt college , Wisconsin ;
Washburn college. Topoka. Kan. ; Weslo.vun
university. Bloomlngton , 111. ; Depauw uni
versity , Greencastlo , Ind. The Judges on
thought nnd composition were Governor
Foraker , of Ohio ; President Chamberlain ,
of the University of Wisconsin , nnd Prof.
Barnes , of Iowa college. Tito Judges of de
livery xvoro Judge John T. Phillips , of Mis
souri : General J. C. Cowin , of Nebraska ,
nnd Hon. W. N. Homer , of UllnoK The
first prize was awarded to 13. II. Hughes , of
the Wcsleyan university , Delaware , O : second
end to HlntRdcll , Bclolt college , Bololt , Wis. ;
nnd the third to Wllkerson , Depauw univer
sity , Grconcastlo , Ind. Hughes was for
merly of Grlnncll.
Fire nt I'clla.
DBS MOINES , la. , May 2. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEE. ] An incendiary flro nt
Pclla , on the 80th , caused u loss of $35,000 ,
destroying four buildings belonging to tbo
Gardnu City Pickle nnd Canning company ,
two car loads of harvesting machinery , be
longing to Vnndermuelon "Bros. , and a quan
tity of other goods stored In au outbuilding
near by.
A .Jilted German Jumps From the
Goat Island Bridge.
NUOA.HA FALLS , N. Y. , May 2. An un
known man Jumped into the river from the
Goat Island bridge this evening and
was carried over the American rapids.
A hat was found on the bridge
containing the label of a Buffalo hat linn ,
nnd a leather pocketbook in which was u
ticket bearing the name of Jacob Blessing ,
222 Seneca street , Buffalo.
Later Jacob Blessing , who suicided at
Niagara to-night , was a German blacksmith
wiio had becu In this country about five
years. About ti year ago he was lilted by
his llanco , since which time ho has boon
subject to fits of melancholy.
An Important Decree.
CHICAGO , May 2. An important decree was
entered , to-day , by Judge Tuley , in the noted
contested case of the J. W. Butler Pnuer
company against the John B. Jeffrey Print
ing company. As in his former decision ,
Judge Tuloy rules that there was n scheme
on the part of Jeffrey and others' , to wreck
the company. The decree provides that
within thirty days , Lawyer Tenney , Emma
Jeffrey , Burr Hobbins and the W. O. Tyler
Paper company shall pay to the receiver , sums
aggregating 8120,000. The persons named
ure those to whom Jeffrey confessed Judg
ment. The receiver Is to distribute this
fund , under the direction of the eoiut , to the
creditors and stockholders. It is further or
dered that Jeffrey shall not bo allowed to
share as a , stockholder in the distribution
until the stockholders wno were not partips
to the fraudulent scheme shall have realized
themaiket value of their Block. Jeffrey's
associate will carry the case to the appellate
court. _
Accident or Foul Plar < Which ?
Gr.ouccsTnn , N. J. , May 2. A man identi
fied as George F. Tombs , a prominent citi
zen of Jerney Shore , P.u , was found , this
morning , lying at the foot of the stairs lead
ing to the upper stories of a boarding house
kept by Melvin Jack. The man bud a gash
iu the back of his head , and.died shortly
after being found. Investigation revealed
the fact that ho went to the house Tuesday ,
accompanied by a young woman , who gave
her name as Miss Donaldson. The womau
stated that they had gone to their room late
last night , and about midnight he left the
room and said he was going down stairs.
Tombs was very well dressed and had on his
person about $1,000 worth of diamonds. The
authorities are very reticent about the mai
ler , and seem to be about equally divided in
opinion as to whether it is n case of accident
or foul play. _
A 3Iy < ti rl < ) iis Disappearance.
WASHINGTON , May 2. The jiavy depart
ment has been ofllcially informed by the com
manding ofllcer of the Essex 111 at Assistant
Paymaster Henry W. Smith went ashore on
the 25th inst. , with the intention of return
ing the next day , but has not since been
heard of. Ho had $1,200 belonging to the
government in his possession. Smith was u
man of high standing iu the nnyy and owns
a liouso In this city. At the uavy depart
ment it is believed ho has been foully dealt
nnd the Hninonn Question.
LONDON" , May. 2. The Post's Berlin cor
respondent says : It is understood that Eng
land , in the interest of the Australian colon
ies , will on many points bupport the Ameri
can proposals in regard to Samoa. The Ber
lin correspondent of the News says : "Per
haps Tamusose will bo appointed vice-king of
Samoa , but Germany will decline to allow
Mntunfa any ofilolal position. The emperor
has invited the delegates to the Samoun eon ,
feronco to dine at Potsdam Monday. "
Funeral or Dr. F. A. Barnard.
YOIIK , May 2. The funeral of the
late Dr. F. A. Barnard , ox-president , of Col
umbia college , took place at St. Thomas'
church this morning. Bishop Potter ofll-
clatcd. The studeaU of Columbia college ,
to the number or sixty-live attended in a
body. There were also present forty -live
members of the faculty , the twenty-live
trustees of the college , u largo number of
col'ego ' alumni and many prcmlneut theolo
gians. _
Ind. , Muy S. The block coal
.minors of this district , 2,000 in .number , quit
work to-day , because of u disagreement with
the operators over the yearly acalo rate , .4.
secret delegate meeting was bold hero to
duv. and'the result has been kept from the
public. It is generally understood among
the m inure thut a strike Is on. The opera
tors offer 70 cents , but the miners have not
yet committed themselves to uny prices.
Th'inklnt ; Bishop Pottor.
NEW YOKK , Miy 2. At the annual meet
ing of the u vil cJorviio Itafqrra association
resolutions were adopted that the thanks of
the association bo tendered to Rev. JI. C.
Potter for his Just and earnest .statement of
the duty of the president in reference to tbo
exercise of the appointive power.
George William Curtis was re-elected
president. _
A motion to Arrest Judgment ,
LITTLB HOCK , May 2. In the federal court
to-duy the attorney for Charles Hold and
Juuics Lucas , who were convicted on Satur
day for interfering with the election super
visor at Plumuicrvlllo , Hied a motion in ur
rest of judgment , claiming the indictment
insufilcient to sustain tlio verdicts. The or
t'umcnts on the motion was deferred.
Doubly fllnrried.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , May S. Washington
Irving Bishop , the mind reader , was married
again this afternoon , to Mabel ClIffAtd. This
action was taken to put ut rest all doubt ;
which might bo raised as to tliu legality o
the previous California marriage on act-nun.
of the grunting of the divorce to his ttr&t
The Intor- tate Aot Tonda to Ex-
tonelvo Consolidation.
Grand IilnmlfAfTcotcd ly llctlnctlons
In the Union Pacific Shops Tlio
Strike oil 1881 .Votes ntiu
Iinporintit to Oninlin.
CIIICAOO , May 2. ( Special 1' to
TIIK UKE , | The Durilngton , Northwestern ,
Hock Island and St , Paul roads made nn un
successful attempt , to-day , to agree on the
running tlmo of trains to Omaha , connecting
with the Union Pacific fast Denver train. As
n result of the disagreement , it Is thought ,
all the lines will put on fast trains , as the
Kansas City romls have done. A good judge
claims that there Is only enough business to
make ono fast train pay.
Grand iHluml'tt Danger.
Yesterday a committee of cltireu from
Grand Island , consisting of Cou'icllman
Ulof and Messrs. W. U. McAllister nnd
William Gcddes , arrived in this city. Their
Intention Is to confer with the management
of. the Union Pacific road regarding the re
cent eduction of the force of mechanics In
the shop * of the company at that place.
These shops , the committee claims ,
were erected ten years ago , ami
$70.000 were voted for the pur
pose by the city. The committee
further claims that it was understood at the
time that employment would bo given to bo-
twecn 200 and 400 men. So far from com
plying with Iti agreement , the company It
soetnc has never given employment to moro
than 125 men , while at the present time the
number of mechanics in the shops has uouu
reduced to between fifteen nnd twenty ,
The committee ? claims that many of the
discharged men are householders In Grand
Island , who cannot move nwuv without much
dlfllculty and who cannot support their fam
ilies without work. Their removal from
town would bo a great injury to the city ,
especially in view of the fact that the bonus
to the company was given with the guarantee
of continued employment.
One of the i numbers of the committee ex
pressed the fear thut it was the intention of
the company to pay little heed to the desito
of the people because ho understood that
work which had previously been done in
Grand Island was now being done iu Kansas
and other places , nt all events It was not
being done In Nobrnskn.
This , ho said , was true of North Phitto
also , at which place the force of workingmen -
men had been also reduced. Ho feared they
would never bo reinstated , bccauno the com
pany was making such improvements iu
Cheyenne as would , he thought , leave not
ono stone upon another in the shops at North
It would bo possible , ho said further , for
the company to remove its division termi
nus from Grand Island under those circum
stances , in which event the result would bo
v ,
The committee also called upon the board
of trade and nsUecl Its mediation but was
told that the iWiird could not take any ac
tion in the nremises until after the manage
ment of the company had been conferred
ns a Center.
The fact that pmaha , as a point for pas
senger trafllc , ts ii-upidly advancing in Im
portance is being : demonstrated in more than
ono way. Hut 'tho ' most reliable support to
the assertion | s iurnished hi the report of
the Burlington- Just compiled on business
transacted for tie ) month of Apiil Just
passed. The titiUet agent at the depot has
footed un his Report which shows sales for
month of April ib have been S17.000 , which is
n large increase oVer last year and the preceding -
ceding month , afid Ulso tno largest sale made
in any one montU inco the ouico was estab
lished. In connection with this report the
business of the"'city offlce , where long dis
tance tickets are sold larcely , may be added ,
which will more than double the amount
The reports of the Union Pacilic make a
corresponding showing of tin increase
in business , the western branch of the
traffic making up the majority. This is but
one straw which goes to show that Omaha
is rapidly becoming the gateway of traffic.
A representative of the Burlington said : "It
is not tar back xvhen the average eastern
tourist would , in going to J points \\esi of
here , purchase through tickets and pass
through Omaha without giving it any atten
tion. Now 00 per cent of this class of trav
elers , when they reach here , stop over and
view the city , and stady its business icsour-
ccs. In this way Omaha is extensively ad
vertised and our business circles become
known throughout the world. "
Tlio Strike.
Five years aao yesterday , at 7 o'clock in the
morning , occurred the memorable strike on
the Union i'acilic. It Was short , but not
sweet , to tlio management. It will bo re
membered that Just preceding this time , at a
conference of the directorate , S. H. II.
Clark , who was then general manager of the
Union Pacific , announced that ho Had con
cluded to cut down expenses , and hud prepared -
pared a little document to the effect thut on
that date a reduction of 10 per cent would bo
made in all salaries rating $100 per month ,
and over this amount , Jho reduction to bo 15
per cent. The llrcmcn and engineers alone
were exempted. The directorate meditated ,
and questioned Mr. Clark as to the probable
effect. The right-hand man of Jay Gould as
sured his listeners that he had studied into
the nmttei , and that the reduction could bo
enforced without any reaction on the
part of the employes. His movement
in this direction was assented to , but with
the understanding that ho ( Chirk ) would beheld
held rosposlblo for the outcome. The general
malinger returned , and 'M the evening
of May 1 , It84 , issued his mandate taking
effect at once. At 7 o'clock the next morn
ing a general walkout at all points on the
line followed , and the wheels of the locomo
tive were brought to u standstill. Clark
failed to comprehend the magnitude of the
opposition , but ilia not remain in ignorance
in tills respect very long , as a tolecram
reached him about noontime on May 2 con
veying the Information that the strikers had
become violent and that ut Laramie they
were busying themselves by destroying en-
gincH unil railing stock. During the remain
der of the day Clark kept the wires hot bo-
twcan Omaha and Boston , and at 7
o'clock that evening in utter disap
pointment Clark issued a recall ofthe circu
lar , and the strike Was at once declared off.
The duration of The trouble was twelve
hours , but It wasllvely while It lasted. The
result of the issue Is historical. Clark was
not only dofoutua/Jn Ills undertaking , but
was soon auvceuilp&by Callovvay as general
manager. And is 6ach year rollsiby the ad
vent of the dutu of the strike results
m the issue lififug discussed anew by
the Union Pacific employes. To-duy it was
Iho ohlof topic of cunvorantion among the
workmen , many thinking that May 2 should
be observed us a .semi-holiday by Union
Paoitlc employes .generally.
A Ne\v Device ,
Yesterday ongnjp 717 , standard freight ,
on Iho Union Pacific , wont west with a
heavily Judeued icuain of curs. This Is the
engine that has been equipped with a horse-
jxnvor lurtlcatorf'lnj order , if possible , to
ascertain the qtmnllty of coal .required in
handling a certain , number of cam , or , in
other words , tin order that some basis may
be ODtuinoJ to roirulutc the quantity of coal
actually required. The indicator rests
on tlio steam chest of the bailor. This i a
dovlco of George Cashing , superintendent of
motive power pf the Union Pacific , who , lust
at present , is laying out pltins for rigid
economy. Ho Is of the opinion that the
tiromon are wasting coal to u largo extent by
not tiring their engines properly , and bus devised -
vised this system of ascertain ing the quan
tity required to move rapid and heavy trains.
The flitrliiiBtmi Statement.
CHJCAOO , May 3. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BJUJ. ] The Burlington statement , for
March , shows groas earnings of 3,07U,757.l > 5 ,
a gain of fSGJ.& over Match , 16SI. The
net earnings wore $700,7ti2.14 , against a not
deficit of $1411,415.18 , for March , 1SSS. For
the throe mouths ending March , 18)0. there
'thuru ' was an increase in mot earnings Of
SSO.-ICS.OC over the corresponding months of
SSS. The properties controlled by the Burl-
ngton show nu increase In net earnings of
* .2yo,630.11 , for the first three months of this
oar , as compared with those ol last year.
Tlio St. Pnul Directory.
NEW YOIIK , May 2. The rumor Is again
revived that John Planklnton nnd Phil.
\rmour will resign their positions ns direc-
ors of the road nt the Juno meeting. A di
rector of the road said when approached on
ho subject : "As to Mr. Armour 1 cannot
ay , but I know John Plnnkinton will ro-
Ign. "
"Tho reason for this is , ns 1 understand ,
ho precarious state of Mr. Plankintou's
icalth. A slight touch of paralysis , which
ippeared some months ago , has annoyed
ilin a great deal , and decided him to with-
Iraw from nil enterprises of moment. HU
cslgnatlon Is not duo to any trouble in the
ward. Mr. Armour wants to retire , but I
ollcve ho will remain In at least for another
car. "
Northern Pnniiio Nogotlntionfl.
Nnw YOIIK , May 2. The Northern Pacific
llrcctors at a special meeting to-day closed
ho negotiations for operating the Wisconsin
Central on the trafllo agreement. The agree
ment is in the shape of three contracts , ono
irovldlng for the use of the Wisconsin Con-
nil tracks to Chicago , the second providing
or the use of the terminals in Chicago , and
ho third provides that the Wisconsin Con-
ral shall nuiko no contracts with any other
road. Tno resolution ratifying tlio ngroo-
ncnt passed unanimously. It was also agreed
o ro-opcn negotiation ! ) for n Joint lease with
ho Union Paulilo of the Oregon Navigation
company. _
linnctl Upon tlio I.ocnl Kates.
CIIICACIO , May 2. At a meeting of the rep
resentatives of the Chicago & Santa Fo rail
roads to-day it was decided that the through
ales from Chicago proper to Atchlson ,
joavenworth and St. Joseph , nnd all other
Missouri river points north of St. Joscnh
vhcn made via Kansas City , should bo based
upon the locals , and that tbo short line rates
hall not apply via Kansas City except to the
orrltory west of Atchlson , Iicavcnworth
and St. Joseph.
Cnormous Consolidation of Honda.
CHICAGO , May 2. [ Special Telegram to
Tun BnK. ] The rumor relative to the con-
olidation of roads cast of the Missouri into
lie Vandorbllt , Gould , Pennsylvania , Balti-
nore and Ohio systems was revived to-day.
t was positively asserted that feelers had
> ccn sent out to a number of lines to learn
heir sentiment In regard to the matter. No
eclcr had' been sent to the Alton , but Gen
eral Manager Chnppel said : "The tendency
s undoubtedly toward consolidation. It is
ho natural working out of the Interstate
commerce act. Of course it could not make
pcclnl provision for the weak roads and
hey arc noiv in a measure ignored by the
artier roads , whore they could before com-
> el pooling or differential rates. "
Transportation With Stock Onra.
CmCA.00 , Muy 3. [ Special Telegram to
1'iiii BKB. I The Illinois lines agreed , to
day to put into effect the rules of the West
ern Freight association relative to the trana-
> ortation given with live stock shipments.
L'ho rules are : One man ono way with ono
car ; one man both wuys with two or tbreo
oars ; two men both ways with four to seven
oars and throe men both ways with eight
or more cars.
Kuilroutl Motes.
W. P. Durltce , assistant auditor of the B.
& M. , has been given charge of the clerical
forces and matteis connected with the auditOR -
OR department , vice II. S. Witrgms , who has
) ceu transferred to the assistant auditing de-
> artmcntof tlio assistant treasurer. This
vas done in order thut Durkeo might have
direct supervision of the clerical forces.
The Union Pacific put a large force of men
to work to-day repairing its trucks in the
bwiteli yards at Urn place.
Mrs. J. M. Barr. wife of Superintendent
Jarr , of the Wyoming division of the Union
Pneillc , arrived fiom the east in a special
car , and departed for a future home at Chey
enne over the Union Pacific.
Benjamin Barrows , of the literary bureau
of the Union Pacific , returned from the west
esterday. i
T. W. Jeffries and party passed through
Omaha , west bound , in u prjvato car.
Assistant General Freight Agent Smith ,
of the B. & M. , is in Lincoln.
A liacjtpiil Fraud.
Tom Donnelly is a chop-house clerk at 101 S
'Jorth Sixteenth street , who hub bceu making
n handsome thing by selling a yellowish
iquld , 15 ceiita worth of which was war
ranted to make ten gallons of imita
tion milk that could not be distinguished
from the genuine. Jit is said that a great
many of the milkmen , chop houses and res
taurants In the city have been using the
compound , and news of it reached police
loaUijunrters. A warrant has been sworii
mt for Douelly's ' arrest , and the police are
ookintr for him.
Granted Permission to j'Jxtcnd.
The board ofpublio _ works was presented
with a little dpcumoat yesterday afternoon.
It came from the district court , and was a
temporary Injunction secured by the Omaba
railway company , forbidding the board from
giving permission to the motor line to lay
ts tracks north on Thirtieth street from the
ntersectlon of Commercial street. Both
companies are aiming to reach the Fort by
this line , but the motor line's tracks are to
the point where they nsk for the privilege to
extend , while the street car company only
runs to Casslus street , several blocks soutu
of Commercial.
The board granted the motor line permis
sion to extend its tracks from Thirtieth
itreet ou Commercial to the western city
The Ohio Club.
The Ohio club held o mooting last night , in
Dr. Rosewater's otiee | , in the Continental
building. It n gathering of about twenty
nombors , for the purpose of completing ar
rangements for tlio association's reception ,
which will bo held May 28. In the Young
Men's Christian association building. The
object of the entertainment is to get all
Ohloans together , in order that they may be
come acquainted.
The following Hit of marriage licousos
were issued yesterday In the county court :
s'auio and'jtctiidcncc. AKO
( John II. Wills , Omaha . 'J3
1 Eda G , Kelley , Omaha . SI
I Christ Boch , Omaha . 21
( Mary Jonn&on , Omaha . tij
( BerndtA. Palmer , Omulm . 20
tlda Miller , Omaha. . . . . 25
Kctirinir ( ConKUl-Gr.iioral Itnnquutotl.
Lo.xno.v. May 2. Governor Thomas M.
Waller , .retiring consul-general of the United
States , was itendorod a testimonial bannuet
at the Hotel Metrepolo thlp ovotiing. U'horo
ware 200 persons prebont. Sir John Pules-
ton , M. P. , who presided , pr ! aenteI ) Mr ,
Wullor with u colossal silver cup , from
which all present drank.
Canadian J nrllum nt
OTTAWA , Out. , May 2. The third session
of the Fifth parliament was prorogued by
the governor-general tills uftornoou ,
W. S. Holcombo , rm Alleged Qrnln
Thtof , Arrootod ip Omaha.
Wanted l'r ARslstlnc In Stealing
10OOO Uusholi or Wlicnt From
the Union Ktovntor Com-
pnny or Minnesota.
What llo Sny Abotil It.
A rosy-cticckcd , smooth-faced Individual ,
stout and woll.proportlonoil , bul wearing
common clothes , reclined on the soft sldo of a
pliiulc iu cell No. 3 at the police station last
night. Until sloop put nu cud to his thoughts ,
ho meditated on the fall of n man trying to
get rich by robbing nn elevator company.
His name was W. S. Holcombc.
Late last September the Union Elevator
company , of Minneapolis , discovered that
grain was disappearing from its buildings.
Where it was going was n mystery
for some ttmo. The bins gradually showed
a decrease over and above what was being
shipped cast or taken out for use in the ( lour
mills. Kx-Governor Plllsbury , the president
of the company , called n meeting nnd the
mutter was discussed. Men were located
at the elevators to llml out what was becoming -
coming of the grain , ns it was known tliat
the cereal was disappearing too fust to
furnish food for all tlio rats In the north
The result was that the company dlscov-
01 cd that a few men were systematically
engaged in robbing the company. Holes had
been bored in the > us of a number of
elevators , and from these holes thousands of
bushels of wheat had been stolen. The exact
amount Is still unknown , but it was placed
all the way from 'W.OOO to CO.OOO bushels.
Wheat was then selling at about seventy-two
cents per bushel , so thnt the steal footed up
anything from S' 5,000 to § 50,000.
Investigation Into the matter implicated n
number of men. among whom was W. S.
Holcombc , tlio prisoner at the central police
station. At that time ho was a baloonkoupcr ,
whoso place of business was a few blocks
from the Minneapolis chamber of commerce.
He , with two others , were pulled up and an
effort made to settle the mutter. Holcombe
sold out his saloon for (0,750 and turned that
amount over to the Elevator company. The
others who were caught gave up what they
had , and so far as they know the matter was
dropped ,
Yestcrdav Chief Seavey received a tele
gram from Chief Brackett , of Minneapolis ,
asking him to arrest Holcombo ou the cnurge
of being a "fugitive from Justice. " Detective
Ormsby was detailed u > look up the man , and
nn hour Inter hud him behiud the bars at the
central station.
" 1 don't care to say anything about it , "
soiu Ilolcombo to a BKE reporter Hhottly
lifter the arrest. "I like Omnha nnd 1 want
to tuuke it my home. The less notoriety
there is to it the sooner I will bo able to pet
up again. "
"Yes , " he continued , "I have boon travel
ing for a Chirugo house , but I don't wish to
mention any names. "
"Didn't you sattle up with them before
leaving Minneapolis } "
"Yes , I sold my saloon for $5,750 , and
turned thut amount over to them. I was in
nocent of the whole mutter , though 1 think
thcro was ono man supposed to have
hud a hand in it who escaped.
I can not see what they want me for except
us a witness in the case , because I settled
everything else.
"Requisition papers ) No , they don't re
quire any. because I'll return without them.
When do you oxpcct the ofllcers from Minne
apolis ! " ho added , turning to Chief Seavey.
"To-morrow , probably , " replied the chief ,
"although I've heard nothing positive about
it yet. "
At the time , the wheat steal was regarded
as ouoof the smoothest pieces of work of the
kind that had ever been attempted lu Min
A $10,000 FIIIE.
Tlio Omaha Carriage and Sleigh
Works Damaged | > y the Flames.
About 1 :30 : this morning flro broke out in
the Omaha Carriage and Sleigh company's
works , ut Albright , some miles south of this
city. Owing to the inadequate fire protec
tion at that place the flames soon gained a
great headway , and before they could bo exj
tlnguishcd the building and stock had bceu
damaged tp the extent of $15,000. Fully
covered by Insurance.
The fire was the work of tramps , one of
which has been arrested. There were 175
sleiirhs' 75 carriages aud 85 carts burued.
The malinger is in Chicago.
The alarm of flro turned in last nisrht was
for n Dlao in a barn at Twenty-second nnd
St. Mary's avenue , owned by Mr. Lovitt
The damugo amounts to $10.
S | > arlci From the Wires.
Tno Peoria Fuel company was damaged to
the amount of $75,000 by an incendiary fire
this morning.
Sandwich , Mass. , is stirred up over the
mysterious disappearance of Samuel Fesson-
deu , treasurer of the Cauo Cod Canal com
pany. Ho carried away money belonging to
the Episcopal church , and left many bills
behind him.
The Merldan Malleable Iron company is
financially emturrussed.
Tln Fire Kocortl.
SIUTTOAIIT , Ark. , May 2. The business
pm lion of tlio village was destroyed by file
last night. LOSH , flOuOO.
iliiit to Shut tin * Door.
BulTullo Express : Saruusm is 11 clun-
ficrous weapon , but , like other danger
ous weapons , it in very u.seftil on occu-
Hion. A Muin street car was lugging
aluug ut the rule of a uiilo an hour , and
tlio conductor was bparring with liiin-
belf to lu < op from freezing. At this
suinotiiiio ho pcredbtontly loft tlio door
unuu , lo the great miiioynnuo of the
sliivurintr passengers.
.Finally u j > rotty young lady beckoned
to him , and ho hastened to her side.
"Will you please lower this window ? "
mud she , in u inattor-oMuut tone , "tnd
then bring mo u glubu of ice water ? "
The conductor huHtonod out uncl
slummed the door behind him , and the
passengers showed by their smiles how
well tuliou they thought her point of
order was. _
Worp Uklnhoinu.
Chicago IIerild : Mrs. Kipper Well ,
John , I'm glad to boo you Imok. Wlmt
u droudlul time you iiiunt have had
Bleeping out doors , gp'np hungry , being
chu&cd by Jndiuus , shot it I by uowbpys
and - - "
Mr. Jiippor ( IpokJng among ncluios
.of bedding , budauhulrs and tables for
his boots ) Woll. ilano , Oklahoma vvns
prplty lough , 'hut I'm berry I didn't stuy
thqro till you wpro done cleaning
Fair white hands ,
Bright clear complexion
Soft healthful skin.
" PEflSS'-Ttio Griit English Complexion SOtP.-Solil . Everyito. "
Managers ,
Omalia , Neb ,
Buy , Sell and Exchange Real
Estate and Personal Proper
ty of every description. Have
the largest list of property
of any firm in the city. II
you have anything to sell or
exchange , come and see us.
We enumerate a few special
bargains which it will pay
you to investigate.
No. 20fl-Uholco lots In Omaha View for Ion
money than they cuu bo bought of wiy otlior '
osency In Omalia. If you are loiiklni ? foruu In
vi'stmriit , yon will make n mistake if you do not
recognize this as you pass by.
No. 'JU7 lot 7 block 8W , South Omaha. This
is a very desirable hit and will bo sold cheap.
Come soon If you ejvpect to get It.
No. SOS lloit&cs and lots in South Oinatmjienr
Armours. Will bo oltl on huUi terms as will
enable laboring men to purclinso nnd miike pay
auontM about the -would . ' '
nu pny rout. 'J'ho great
est clmnce ever ollered to own your own homo.
No. 2U'.t-61xiB : foot on llth street Just north ol
Nicholas forbalo at u bargain. ThlH place of
property Is situated In a part of tlio city wklcli
IB teeming with llfo und will bo loqulrod for
business purposes In a very short time. 1'ilco
. ' , < xx ) ; half cush , bulnucolnone , two and tlircu
yenr. * .
No. mo We have a number of good lots , all
clear , iu ono of the bent towns lu Nubrasku ,
v.-iiji ! ! vra can exchange for laud and us unm
some Micuinbcrnnce. This IH the m applest
fonup that has budded this npilutj.
No. TO ? Smokers , lend UH your curs. Four
hundred thousand clsum to trutlo for anything
No tUl A i-room houfco InOmuha View. For
a fyw duy w o can , owing to the short bauk no
count of aortaln parly , olfi'r an oMiuclully nuo
bargain lu thla pleco of propnrty. Jf jon mo
Inclined lo lu that part of the city , just
lemember thut dolnys are dangerous.
No. 7W ! We have Jl-sled u 0-room cottage lu
Mlllurd &Caldttoll'B addition at a prlco MO lou
UB to Indium customer lu a shoit time. Who
Is tlio lucky man'/
No. 210 A large number of lots In one of ilia
bfht additions ! o Council lllullH. At the prlcit
there is more money to bo made on tills prop-
arty thun anything on the market toduy within
four mlle of iUaumulii , ! 1' . O.
No. OK ) A good house and lot In MomoutU
Park which vo Mill hell diuup or exchuiiKO for
other ooil uiopeity. Do not gUuco at the jnup
und euy : yhi to far out. " us loll you
HoniethfiiK. Momotith 1'nrk will Imvo lty
witter , fjiis und Htreut cms thin summer. Now
IH the time to buy , thus Kottlmj thw bonellt of
tlio ten lain advance which Is noon to take place
Jn this pioi > ertv.
No Clu AnB-ioom IIOUKO In that line artdlt-
Ion , lill < : lla. Wo ulll make gomebodv huppy
MlLh this piece of propeily If they will como
and > ee us.
No , OKI A4-rnoiu quui6 hoiiKo on n beauti
ful lot In Mathtn\s hub. of AlbrlKhlM tlliolm
i-outb Omaha Wo uro prc'ji.uod to oiler spotlal
Inducements on this.
No. I'M .10 acio.suf Inndln Ktanton county.
For sale or exchange lor other jood propel ty.
No. 511. A hoiioo unit lot In ruUorson'HHiiti.
of We tifdo. Ilil3 place will Iw * olil on uisy
terms to some ono ulio wlshe * tupuiUioHu a
mnull. comlortiihln home. It IH but three block *
Irom tno Wont bldo belt Una depot.
No. I''l. ' A mock of farnlttiro anil Imrdmirii
for t.alo leiiHOiiuble. Will also ( full hturo uulld-
inir , residence und barn , Home flood leal oxtuto
will Ixt taken In part payment. To home one
vtltthini ; to K < > into uunlnuss lu a lha town wo
can give ugood deul.
No. H'J.ut ) ncrc.'i improved l.tnd In ituwlma
county. Kim. , nearly clear , to IruiU ( or mor
chunulHH or livestock.
No. 105. UIH ) acres of huprorod lanitJu Kansas
lor llvory wttx'k , iiiurclmnillsuor llvu htocjc.
No. 1BI , A stock of furniture to exchange for
cuttlu or lior.ica.
No. Sli. A 'iD-room hotel In one -of tlio .beat .
cltlcH of lowu to trwdn for wo Ho in , lunfo.
lloiihn nil tiirnlHliod and doltiK n irooil bnHno | < / .
No. lit. Ono of the Imst Improved fanua In
JOIVA to oxcliungo.ror realdence in Ojimlin.
Houses und lot.f in all partH .of Uiunhp. for
null' on oafiy tuims or exuhUuxo for oihor prori-
If yon harp anything to neil ; If yon 'I H Ui
nyunjtlilok' : If yon mint tomnXenny kind of
trailo. coino to UK , We lime ubout Mi ii d.t
scattered ullovar the went HW ! can mulct * tunUn
and cued nalcs whure olhnva woulii fail. je- (
mauiber ttc plate.
Room 14 , Chamber of Commerce