THE OMAHA DAILY &EH THURSDAY , MAY 2. 1889 THECITY. _ _ Ed Rnnkino pntd $7.50 yesterday , for for fighting on South Thirteenth street. A lot of plumber's tools which were stolen from Doty & TJarst's saloon nbout September 1 , were fojmd by Detective Horrlgan in Droadkoy's pawn shop. A man giving the name of II. Bills , pawned them there September 27. Peter Gees filed a warranty deed , yes terday , with the recorder , convoying forty lots in Thomason < te Goos' addition to the South Side Building association. The consideration of the transfer was $48,000. Two representatives of the Thomp- Hon-Iluston Electric light company from the homo olllco or headquarters , Chica go , are hero completing arrangements for establishing and building the new plant , mentioned in Tins Bui : several days ago. Personal S. A. Pralt , of Lincoln , Is in the city. K. W. Hayes Uontrlcc , Is nt the Mlllard. Dr. 15. T. Hoot , of Exeter , Neb , Is In the city. II. Musslcmnn , Fairmont , Nob. , Is In the city. I. W. Brown and wlfo , Now York , nro nt Ufa Murray. L. F. Hond , of Sioux City , is stopping nt the Pax ton. .TuilKO .T. W. SaviiRO returned from the cnat to-day. Hx-Govornor Abbott , of Grand Island , is nt tl.o Paxton. W. 11. Plutt and W. C. Harrison , of Grand Island , are In the city. * Mlss Helen Ucrtnim Tomasl nnd Signer A. Tomasl nro at the Mlllard. J. H. Wood ana wife , Uollwood , Nob. , reg istered at the Murray yesterday. Mrs. G. W. Horn , Maxwell , Neb. , was a guest at the Mlllard yesterday. Juilfro Hopowcll , of the Third Judicial dis trict , Is In Omuha at the Mlllard hotel. Miss Frankie Uriah , of Mattoon , 111. , is visiting her schoolmate , MissLizzloCanflcld. of tins city. Dick Kitchcan , one of the proprietors of the Paxton , who has been til for a few weeks Is convalescent. Mrs. II. D. Sachs , of Cincinnati , is in the city vlsltlnRlior sisters , Mrs. William Roths child and Mrs. Dr. Hau. Mine. Fannie Uloomllald X.eislor arrived at Omalm this morning ami Is stopping with Mr. Martin Calm , iiOO Twenty-third street , Miss Ratio Kennedy , of Denver , 1 visiting her aunts. Mrs. Thomas * Kennedy , Mrs. Owen McCaffrey and Miss Ella Kennedy , In this city , C. Tyler tioncstrcet and wife. Mrs. A. H. Wllcox , Miss Wilcox and A. H. Wilcox , a San Francisco party , took dinner nt the Mur ray yesterday. They are on their way to Now York. _ Tlio iMlllH Affair. NotT. McGMiio , representative of the firm of D. P. Winnie & Co. , Now York , is hero making Html settlements of the trouble with Lawrence Mills. Ho and all the other parties interested say that the entire matter Is being satisfactorily adjusted and Mills & Rankln will continue to do business , Decapitated. J. D. Laeourso , another of the head clerks in the railway mail service here , re ceived notice yesterday that , the service can. got along under this administration without him. Mr. Lncoiirso was appointed about twelve ycari ago , from Colorado , on the rcc- mondation of Senator Teller , and was a re publican , but , it is said , ho bus since turned mugwump. _ Tlie New Water Blnlii ijaltl. The water works company has Just com pleted the laying of the new water mains on , Farnatn sicet. ( The now pipes , put in reach f ronrrcnth street to Twenty-Ninth avenue , a stretch of a mile and a half. This provis ion for the growing wants of the city cost the company over $ , 'J5,000 , the pipes alone en tailing an expenditure of (20,000. In ndrti- _ tion to those expenses there should also bo lidded the $1,000 .which It cost the company " to repair the damages done by the breaking of ttio water main by vandals. Ho Will Explain to Bcrka. William Koyscr lives at the corner of Thirty-second nnd Curalng streets , whan ho . is at homo , but last night ho wasn't there. His temporary residence was the nubile sta tion.- Yesterday afternoon OfilcorVhaleu went out after him with a warrant , dial-King him with slapping a llttlo girl named Sarah Lovl. The latter , it seemed , annoyed Koy- ser , and , losing his temper , ho abused her. His explanation will bo listened to by Judge 13orka this morning. A Runaway Ooupie. J. J. Kan'ffinun , of Falls City , writes to Chief Seavoy offering ? 20 for the arrest of George Thompson , a man of foiiy-flvo , who eloped with ICnuftman's siUceen-yonr-olU daughter , Anna. Thompson is described as "being of dark complexion , height nbout five feet ton ; moustache , dark , long and heavy : when walking lie swings his right arm. The girl Is a pronounced brunette and Is very Kontcol in appearance. It Is boliovcd that the runaway couple came to Omaha. Ho Blew His Wngrs In. James O'Urion was arraigned on the charge of vagrancy. Ho denied ttio charge , saying that ho bad been working up to a very recent period. "What did you do with your wagesj' ' ashed the judge. "I blow it r. " in , " replied O'Brien. "Well , I'll blowiou in the county jail for ton days , " said his honor , "tho 11 rat nnd last two on bread and water , and at the end of that time if you don't loform I'll give you a ntlll worse breeze. " Dlhulinrgort IVniti Custody. James Dugaii , who was nrrastod Monday niht | for shooting n drunken man named Culson whllh the latter -was trying to break in the door with an axe , wns examined Coforo Judge 13orkn yesterday afternoon nnd his case dismissed. The testimony showed that Culson , without provocation , threatened to kill Dugan. He got an uxu and began putting open Dugan's door. To frighten him ofl Dugan got. his revolver and llred ' three shots. Finding that Culson wouldn't frighten , ho shot at ills body , putting ono bu\lct \ in each arm. The court considered ' "tho'sliooting justifiable. Culson In still nt the police i.tation nursing his wounded ( linns. Not Excited. I The commissioners are not so much agi tated now as they wcru logurdlng the proba bility ot being compelled to give up pauses. lion of the county poor house to I. S , llincull , who purchased It some eighteen months ngo. They Imvo discovered that ho has not lived up to his UKreomonts and no payment has boon imulu on sovural of the poor faun lots bid In by him , However , ho Lns put up oiio-third of the purchase price for lots 18 und It ) in block 2. on which the buildings are located , nnd the second pay ment of one-third will not bo duo until the 6th instant. Since ho oems anxious to bo rclcum-d fiom hU obligation to take other lots the board thinks It will have no trouble in keeping possession of an abode for the paupers mill the new asylum la completed , R. A. Gutin , M. 1) , , ( loan nnd professor ser ot surgery of the United States medical college , . editor of "Moriiunl Tribune ? ' author of "Guiin'H Now Im proved Hand-book et Uyglono and Do- inastlo Mcdlolno , " Bays over his own ulgnaturo , in spanUl'ig of a eovaro case of kidney dUotino : "A uhomicnl und microscopical onmtnutlon o ! the pa- tiont's urine rovoulod ijimntitloB of albumen - bumon and Rra.iulur tubu rast" , con firming JJrJirnt'8 illsoace. After ts-ylnjj all the oUw romodloi in vain , I di rected him tu ube Warner's Safe Cum. I was givatiy BUI prised to observe u de cided improvement wltliin u month. Within four month * no tuba caste could bo found , nut } only n trnco of nlbamun , &tuas ) io esnrsed it , ho felt perfectly yell , " DISTItlOT COURT. Wnrrlnjc Street Cnr Corpnratlonn 'Conio Together. The court holiso was a * very dull place. Many lawyers assembled at 0:80 : , expecting an opportunity to get action on motions , ex- mrto or equity matters , but they found svcrythlng blocked by tlio motor-horse rail- vny Injunction suits. This was the 'oat ' op- ( lortunlty fnr thorn. They could not demand urther delay without going over to next crm. nnd each corporation is expressing great anxiety now to have the controversy ottlcd so that which over one wins can got to work. A number of bills , petitions and nnidavlts wore read. Herman Kountzo do- ailed to some extent a history of certain deals nado with the horse car people , by which , hey secured possession of property south of ho railroad tracks nnd not far from Eleventh street , nnd Mr. Frank Murphv's'anldavlt in reply to this wns also read. Neither of them , lowover , developed any now points In the struggle. Before proceeding with the case , lowovor , Judiro Doano made n few entries 'or the accommodation of attorneys , on the rial docket. While ho was thus engaged ludgo Wakoloy heard a divorce suit In the equity chamber , in which Edward Havllcko petitioned the court to annul his mar riage withAnna Pcliliko. Uhov were married on the Otn day of ast June , nnd according to the younp man's story Anna grossly deceived lim , for afterwards ho learned that she then iad n husband living In Bohcmla.from whom she nnd never boon divorced. Neither the ilaintllt nor lni witnesses can spcaic Eng- Ish. Therefore Frank ICaspar was called In o act as interpreter for them. Defendant filed nn answer nnd bill for alimony , but did not nppear nt the trial. After hearing what evidence wns introduced Judge WiiKoloy made an order annulling the marriage , and stated that ttio custody of a child would mvo to bo determined some other time. The motion made by Salllo A. Lowo's at torneys for a now trial of her damage case against the city was overruled. Lotitla Metzler Hied a bill for divorce from lor husband , Slmond , claiming that she was married to Motrler In Chnmborsburj ? . Pa. , May 8,1858. The grounds upon which the voman soaks legal separation , nro cruelty in ts most extreme form. She says she has icon struck , choked , knocked Insensible and hrown out of the house. Everett B. Utlcy Is dissatisfied with his vlfo and wants n divorce. Ho commenced .suit against Cora J. Utloy , claiming that she ms been nn habitual drunkard for the past hrco years. As a result of her debauchery , ho husband alleges that ho has been dis graced and ruined , nnd that his business as- locintions hnvo been broken up. Dennis Cunningham instituted notion ugninst Uogan Bros , nnd P. O. Mallcy to re cover $1,000 on n promlsory note. George P. Griflln entered suit ngalnst the Omalm Motor Kailwav company nnd Earnest Stunt , to recover $10,000 damages for per sonal Injuries sustained by falling Into a trench at the corner of Fifteenth and Jones streets , on the night of April W , last. Grif- In's ' leg was broken. Ho claims that no lighter or guards wore the excavation. Stella Munger brought suit against Sarab Bernstein and Samuel Kline for $800 dam ages , alloue/5 to hnvo been sustained by the removal of the plaintiff'sivearing apparel , while she was sick und coniined to Her bed. Byron Itcod-executor of the will of Phillip Hussady , deceased , commenced suit against Morris Morrison , trustee. 11. O'ICeolIc , A. VlcGavock nnd James Walsh to recover ' 1,800 , alleged to bo dim on n promissory loto executed before C.issady's doatny. Charles Nelson sued the Union Pacific Hallway company for ? 1,9D9 damages for per sonal injuries sustained April 11 , by being thrown from a Hat car while in the employof the company. The Chicago , Burlington & Quincy Rail road company was sued for 515,000 damages by Egcdo G. Christonscn , Who was in the employ of the corporation as a laborer , and who was injured by the breaking of a chain on n steam shovel. Christcnsen claims to mvo been permanently injured nnd wants § 15,000 damages. Patrick J. Barrett commenced sail against Morgan J. Hcafey for $123 , claiming that ho md to pay a judgment and remove a lieu on a lot purchased from Hoafoy. Notwithstanding tbat the district court has adjourned until the May term , which opens May 13 , Judge Hopowoll will bo on the bench all this week. . County Court. Judge Shields heard arguments in the jrewster estate matter , an old case , wherein 5ardins H. Browster had asked for an ac counting from his brother , Elbert P. Brow ster , and Mr. Harrison , the executors. Morris Uath and Bernard Liobarman corn- fenced suit to recover $300 from Adolph 3rown , on account of the sale of n vicious lorse , which Brown represented to bo gentle ind sound. The animal kicked a buggy to iieces. Frank B. Johnson sued James and Eliza- joth Cotter for $1,000 alleged to be duo on a iromissory note. Graham P. Brown was sued by I. Meek & Son , who seek to recover the possession of , wo bay marcs , three colts , n stallion and $50 damagcb for detention of the animals. Don't Get This spring with your blood full of im purities , your digestion impaired , your ippotlto poor * kidneys and liver torpid. and whole system liable to bo prostrated by disease but got yourself into good condition , and ready for the changing and warmer weather , b'y taking Hood's Sarsaparilln. It stands unequalled for vitrifying the blood , giving an appo- tlto , and for a general spring incdicino. E < l ly-l lntncr. Mr. Gcorgo Biles Eddy has joined the great throng of benedicts and gone on a wed ding tour. At high noon yesterday a small company of select friends assembled in the Fust Methodist church , and were- witnesses to his tnarrlago with Miss Lillian Platnor. Uov. T. M. House performed the ceremony. Everybody extended congratulations nnd wished the happy pair many years of domestic felicity. They loft on the 1 o'clock train for Sioux City , nnd from there will go to spend their brief honeymoon at St. Paul and Minneapolis. The groom Is junior part ner of the linn of Chase & Eddy and a de servedly popular young man , Acid J'liosplmte. Makes nn Invigorating Drink with water nnd sugar only. Delicious. Albert M. Hopkins ouiorgod from the cool shades of bacholordotn , yesterday afternoon , taking as his life partner Miss Loulso Mc Lean. The ccicmony took place at the real- donco of the bride's patents , 2705 Hamilton strcut ; Hov. Mr. Henderson ofllciatod , the knot being tied in tlio presence of about forty Invited guests , most of whom were close friends of the parties Interested. At2 o'clock the party sat down to nn ele gant dinner , and nlltllo later Mr. nnd Mrs. Hopkins took the train for Chicago. They will remain away a few weeks , enjoying life nt some of the summer resorts on the great lakes , 'iho brldc.-who Is ono of Omaha's pretty and accomplished young ladles , wore n brown silk traveling dress. The groom is the official reporter of the Third Judicial district , nnd one of the best stenographers In Nebraska. * Dr. Oluek eyei andoar , Barker bile. HE GOT 11131)UQIflP UATK9. An Old Man Who Ohjcoto.l to Paying $3 Torn Mnrrlnco Ijloenso. An old English couple who hnvo decided to divide tbolr joys nnd sorrows were united In the holy bonds of wedlock yesterday mornIng - Ing by Judge Wade. The groom is seventy- six nnd bis blushing bride is now nbout to fjnzn upon her sixty-fourth summer. Their names nro Darius Hyde nnd Mrs. Eliza Miller. "Strange , isn't ' it , that they hnvo Rene up I" remarked the groom as ho tottered into the justice's ofllco on the arm of his llnnco. "Who's gone upl" responded the Judgo. "These hero marringo licenses. That fol low up to the court house made mo pay ? 3 for ono. Heretofore I hove been accustomed to paving only II. " "why didn't st-nd you your grandson around to got It himself , If the price wns too much for you ! " queried the Justice. "It weren't for no grandson nor no son , sir , " was the reply. "It's for meself and this young lady " "I bog your pardon. I don't blameou for kicking. The clerk should have given you a reduction. " "Why , sir ? I would hnvo boon willing to pay as much as 1 used to. " "You should hnvo boon given n reduction on the customary fee for the reason that you have not , long to use it , and because you have been buying thorn nt wholesale. " "Yes , but I'll bet I'll never pay moro'n a dollar ngnin. We're ready to bo tied now , yer honor. " Tlio knot wns tied. Soventy-flvo cents wns tendered the court for its services. Tlio old gentleman took the Judge nt his own proposition on reductions. Boocham's Pills act like magio on a weak stomach. AT THIS HIGH SCHOOIj. The Washington Centennial Gilo bra- tion Dr. Miller's Adtlrosn. The singing of "Hall Columbia" by the teachers , scholars and visitors in the audito rium of the high school , yesterday afternoon , gave notice that the adoption of the constitu tion of this country was to rocolvo a cen tury's confirmation. "Tho Formation of Washington's Cabinet , " by Larrlmon Denise - niso , nnd Lawrence Baker's "Inauguration of Our First President , " wns sandwiched by "Tho Star Spangled Banner , " spiritedly sung by the scholars. Louisa Holtorf's "fled , White and Blue" rove ilcd a sweet voico. i'ho Hov. Willard Scott's remarks were ap propriate. Mr. Nat Brigham snncr. much to the delight of everybody , "Tho Sword of Bunker Hill , " nnd Dr. Gcorgo L. Miller called nttention to the fact thnt the Gcorgo Washington wo honored was but human. The doctor was glad that ho was , inasmuch ns it proved that should the occasion demand another Washington ho could bo fQiind. While Washington was entitled to all credit In the prosecution of the war , ho would hnvo been but n baby nt its conclusion without the assistance of such constitution trainers ns Jefferson aud Hamilton. The main bulwark of this republic was to bo honesty , and ho trusted that the mothers would educate the daughters to offer something more than an Easter bonnet to religion. The speaker thought it would bo a good idea to carry the study of history Into the British parliament in the revolutionary period and ascertain what md wns given the republic by some of the members of that body. Advice to Mother * . Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al ways bo used for chlldi en toothing. It soothes the child , softens the gums , allays all pain , euros wiu'd co'ic. ' and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. 25con ts a bottle. > Mnrrlaco The following list of marriage licenses were issued yesterday in the county court : Nnmo nnd Hcsidonce. Ago ( Frank Hist , Omaha . * 21 ( Stella Emberson , Omaha 10 ( JooS. Kenoilck , Doll Hapids , Dak. 2-1 | Ella A. Kocho , Omaha 24 ( David Downs , Underwood , In 21 ( Delia Heft , Underwood , la 1'J ( William F. Schmidt , Omaha 20 | Llzzio Calhoun , Omaha 25 1 Joseph Maus , Omaha 23 ( Josie Vojir , Omaha 18 i Hans Juhl , Omaha 20 J Christina Thomson , Omaha 80 ( Stephen S. Huntlcy.tOmaha 21 ( Mary L. Bailey , Omaha 10 j James Morrivosky. Ornaha 2J ( Mary Piovnznik , Omaha 23 ( Albert M. Hopkins , Omaha 20 1 Lonlso McLean , Omaha 18 j Darius Hyde , Omaha 70 ( Eliza Miller , Omalm 03 Coal tar for sale by the single barrel or in car load lots. Address Sioux CITY GAS LIGHT Co. , Sioux City , la. IlorijholT to ho Kcloused. Louis Berghoff , who has been confined in the county Jail the past two years on the cbargo of obtaining goods Under false pre tenses , will bo released from prison to-day , If ho secures a bondsman. His bail , which has been held at $1,500 , was yesteiday reduced - ducod to ? 700 by Judge Hopowoll. This amount BerghotT thinks ho can furnish. Ho has been tried twice. The llrst time ho was convicted and sentenced to four years in the penitentiary. Ho got a stay of execution in the supreme court nnd was givnn a now trial , and wont bo'oro Judge Hopowull the second time. At this trial the Jury dlsagieed and Berghoir is now waiting for another hearing. n | * Pozzoni's Complexion Powder pro duces a boft and beautiful skin ; it com bines every element of beauty and purity. Will hi von. Mr. Charles Downy , president of the Na tional Life Insurance company , Montpollcr , Vt. , is visiting bis ngor.ts in this city. Ho is so favorably impressed with Omaha nnd the company's ' business here that his mind is about made up to Invest u largo sum of money In tnu city. NATURAL FRUIT FLWOHS PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , . New York. Chicago , et. Loulu. Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity xtreuKthauuuholosomoness. More economical than the ordinary Kinds , nnd cannot ho sold In competition with the multitudes ot low cost , shortw eight alum or phospuato po\\dor.i. goldenly only In eons , lloyal linking 1'owdor Co130 Wallstroot Now V'orfc Pinnfinrncn ESTABLISHED 1861 ( 186 So. bureinresij chloago , m8 , j The Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SUflCEON It itlil Treating with the Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS L M * Chronic , teens and Private Diseases , C-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood , Failing Memory , Exhausting Drain * , Terrible Dreamt , Head and Back Ache and all the cffecu leading to early decuy and peilups Coniumptlon or Iniantty , treated scientifically by new methods with never > railmc success. ay- SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin DIs. eases permanently cured. 3-KIDNEYand URINARYoompblntt.Oleet , Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Vartcocele and all diseases % of the Genlto-Urinary Organs cured promptly without injuiy to Stomach , Kulney * or oier Organs. Ojf No experiment a. A EC and experience Im portant. Consultation free and aacred. A-Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. O3T Those contemplating Mainage send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each 1 $ cents , both 35 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or callmay save future suffer. IIIB and shame , and add golden years to life , tfjrlioolt "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50cents ( stamps ) . Medicine andwntincs sert everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 13 , Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So. Clark SU CHICAGO , ILL. DRS. BEITS & BETTS It08 TAHNAM BTUEET , OMUII , NEB. ( Opposite Paxtou Hotel. ) OfBco hours , U a. in. to Hi ) , in. Sundays , 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. dpotlallsta In Chronic , Nervous , Skin and Blood Diseases. f37 ConsultnUon at olllco or by jnall freo. Medicines sent by mail or expiess , Bocutely packed , free from observation. Ouarantoosjto cure riulcklv. safely and permanently. TtTDDftnilO TTJDlTTlI1Vsl"rm'lto | ! ' rea' Beml" flbnVUUo UhDlLl 1 1 nal Jesse < , Nlght Umls- slons Physical Decay , arising from Indiscre tion , Excess or Indulgence , producing Sleep- lessnens , Despondency , I'lmples on the face , aversion to society , easily discouraged , lack ot contldencc , dull , unlit for htuily or buslnosi.and flnda life a burden. Bafi-ly , permanently and privately cured. Consult lrs. Uetts is Hetts , in F.aruam St. , Omaha , Neu. Blood anuSKin Diseases rostilts , completely eradicated without the aid of Mrrcurv. Scrolula , Erysipelas. Fever Sores , lllotclios , Ulcers , I'alns in the Head and llqnos , Syphilitic Bore Throat , Jlouth and Tongue , Ca tarrh. Arc. permanently cured where others have failed. , , UiAnMT iTrrinoinr nnd niuutlor Complaints , HKHlBVi Ullflarj 1'iilntiil. Dimoiilt , too fro- ( iuent llurnlng or nloody Urine. Uiluo hlgn col oreil or ultli milky sediment on standing , Weak Hack , aonnorrluua , Oleet , Cystitis. &c. , I'roraptly andSafoly Cured , Charges lleasona- { STRICTURE ! ffinWr S moval complete , without cutting , caustic jar dilatation. Cures effected at home bv patient without a moments ualn or annov.mcu. To YonM Men ana MiMle-Ageil Men , A MTDDTinDU The awful effects of early fl uUIUJ uUfili Vice , ulilcli urliiRs organic w caknoss. destrni Inc both mliul nnd bodv , with nil Its dreaded Ills , permanently rurea. T1DO DUWO Ailress those wlio nave impaired IlilUi DDllO themselves by Improper Indul gences anil solitary habit' ) , which ruin both Loilv and mind , unflttlpg them for business , study or marriage. . . . . MAitiiiKi ) MKN. or thoie enter jnjr on that hapPy - Py life , aware of physical debility , quickly as sisteo. Is based upon facts , Klrst Practical Expe rience. Second livery case Is especially studied , thus stat tins urlght. Third Medicines are pre pared In our uiuoratory exactly to suit each case , thus alfectlngcurds u Ithout injury. fif Send 0 ci nta postage for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervotw and Delicate Diseases. Thousands cured , fW A friendly letter or call iiuiv HIH o you future Buffeting and Blmine , and ndU golden > ears to life. t3rV No letters an- Hwoied unless accompanied by 4 cents In stamps. Address , on < 140)4 ) Varuam Hrteot , Omaha , Neb. DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to John C. Jacobs. ) Undertakers and Embalmer At theold stand U07 i'anmm St. Order * by telegraph boliclU-il und promptly nttecded. elepliouo to No. } . VASSAR COLLEGE , K.VASIINATH d for admission to YAI&AK COI ( I.KUK will bo held lt | Ihls clly during Hie tlrstwueif of June. AM'H" | iil for esitmlnatlun > hoiilJ uollf ol'rnl9nl ujlovj MAV I'Jtli. I1 n U r UanU all urlnarr trouolea asllv qulot MUNtTlymul safolvcured byOOUl'tJltAUAp r5ovo nil cases cured In smcudav * . Sold r box , all drUiHl } U , or by mall from IJoo uraMfifCX ) . 1LSVUlw St. N.V. - EVERY DAY We are opening new lota of Spring Suits. Our trade has bean enormous , and it keeps our buyer busy scouring the market. We have always taken tluj load in Men's and Young Men'a Suits , and have always put our main force in that part of our business , a9 wo can show the customer in a suit more than in any other article the great difference bstw ooix our prices and those of other houses and convince him of the amount of money ho can aavo. The Suits wo are getting in now are already from our second purchase , which as a rule are duplicated at from 35 to 20 per cent loss than goods bought early in the season , and adhering to our fixed rule to always let our customers share in the benefits of the bargains we are getting , we are now in a position to ofter many suits of rich andsoloct patterns , pro duotions of the best manufacturers in the country at prices which you would have to pay elsewhere for ordinary and lower grade goods. As an extraordinary bargain wo offer to-day About 400 very fine Cheviot Sints.-Sacks and Cutaway Frocks at $10.50. When you see this suit you will say that this is a ridiculously low price for such goods. The quaityl is A 1. They are all in new designs and combinations of plaids , mostly light shades ; some are faced with silk , and the genercil make-up of theao suits is like first-qlasa custom work. There are a few solid blue cheviots among them , wide wales and checks , which are now so popular. It is a pleasure for us to show and offer these suits in competition with suits for which other houses ask $16.00 or $18.00. Another special bargain we place on sale to-morrow is : 250 very good all-wool Cassimere Sack Suits at $5.90. We have never sold a suit oH equal quality for less tluin $7.50 , and we would consider this suit very cheap at that price. There are two shades , a dark brown and a dark grey , both very neat. It will make a good business suit , as it is of excellent quality , well made , looks as good and will give fully as good satisfaction as any suit you pay $10.00 for. In connection with this suit sale we will offer this week extraordinary inducements in Spring Overcoats , as we are desirous to close them all out before the season is over. We have marked them down to figures which will induce you to buy OIIB , even if you did not intend to. . Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. RNEWATCH REPAIRING- A RECEIVES PROMPT ATTENTION , Health is Wealth Dll.B , C. WKST'SNr.HVK AN IlriAIN THEM- MKNT , a guarnnteed Hpoclllc for Hytitcrla. Jlzzl- ness. Convulsions , Fits , Notwiua Netiralfjla , Headache , Nervors 1'roitratlon caused by the use of alcohol < , r tobacco. Wakofnlness , Mental Depression , Softenlnjr ot the llralniesultlngln Insanity nnd leading to misery , nocay und death , I'reinatnre Old AK" , HurrennoEs , Loss of j'ower in either sex , invonintaiy Losses and BpermatorrlKcix caused by ovcr-oxerllou < it tlio Drain , HulfaDuso or over indulgence. Kiich box contains on" month's troatinont , 1 a box , or six bo\os forts , cent by malt prep ltd onio- celpt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cut cany case. With each order received l > v us for six boxes , accompanied with f"i , wo vlll Bend the purchaser our written Kiiaranteo to refund - fund the money if the treatment docs not Direct a cure. Guniantees Issued only by ( ioodmnn Drue Co. , DrUKKlsts , Solo Agoutn. 1110 Fiirn.uu btreot Omalm ub. TIMKEN SPRING VEHICLES I lliMdrtiltoyikaiaandilnuii f t Try On l Crently Improved with wlnsin.fhackl 'mi on * Sde.Ea leBtrldlnKf ' 'if' ' ' " , " * . Thajprliienhn ' tli. en and hJrteii nccorrllnif b the wnlfcht | iul un tlwiu. Adaoted equal ! * all to rouRli country or line Wtydrivoa Willlf. rou Doat ntlaf.ictlon. Dt > IIIUIi > < tin' OOHE i-r ttu lui-uit KU tUClRIBBHTASUJPfMSOM cr liulMJKdSKt. utii r FalllT T v4.iT- WilD , 8wtrtiiH < lt4 tttlfuau ( rr < iiUof kltclrle- * * fCf.HT4lretHjlkruvin\l \ wrftk p.rli. iritor. lt ( ( Ua * * ivPi < ° H'.lll ) J lli.r.u. kir.nilb. LktrJ ) . . < rrUurllf ( > . d up. Hvrit < u < i , r. u DrDllTeur < ilDtbr tfaoQthi. Hnl4 | iui < l.lrl4e < tK-iipv 8AMrj NELEOTJUCCO. U .llclli.CHJCaaO.Ul BOSTON- " /EKO"rbHlLLVJI RATED fAW.OOVC FREED . iJOOUIIIOH. D 1J Dearborn St. . i > aicno : ttarlcufrjj ; il years ted They're Limited. Wo have some Special Bargains In MEN'S SUITS tor you this week. HIght at the beginning of the season we propose to do you some gopcl , and have made special pilccs oil f > ° mo especially good Etilts S7 , 3 , HO and ? ! ' . Come early llrsr choice. KEIIVOUR , CIIUONIO and 1'IUVATK DHISASEi of MiN and WOilllN uc sifnllr ticatuJ. YOUNG MEN Buffering from the effects of yontlifiil frillies nrlndls rrutlons , nr nru tiuubloil nltliViiukncjs , Nurroiu DelillllfMta \ of Moniiirr , lu ) , M < ii'lerioAvcroliin Ki boclt'ly , Milnoy Tronblm or uny dlicaiu ui Hio ( Junl- tii-IJrliiiiry Urnnniran hero Urn ! n mfn and npouJy turo. Cluirucs r > msonable , enin chilly to tlio pour. MIDDLE-AGED MEN Tlicroara mulijr troubled with too frciiucnt Dmuu llonn of lli > ) liln liter , nftan 'iicoompanlrd \ < f n ullxlit miiiirtlni ; or burning " 'iiuntloii , unit weBkenlni : of Uin system 111 i. luiinntr 1)11 ) patUuit ( iiiinul uccon u for. On < Hnliil.iK the nrlniirilui jU < ia ropy nvilluiunt will oltcn be fu ind.nnU snrri ilhir purlldui uCalbii. monnlll HpptHr or the culor Vo n ) n Ihln , inllkUli Inio , ii/aln timnnn - lo.l ilark ur torpid ainnrnnc ; . 'riiori' are maiir iiii'n u ho I'.ln nf till * dllianlty , Ulior- ar.t of Uic ciuiMH which is tno sncon I ctnj'a of soml * iml wc kti ir. The doctor "III fimnnteu a perfect euro In nil mull ( ! . HII ! a liciltliy resuirnllnn of tUeiri'MHii Mrl'mrorfiina. . ConiiiiUiitieii fine , hnnd f-niit timni'lor "YouiiK Mnn't I'.ltnil.or Uulde to Wcdlorlt , " lire in all , > d.ln. . SPINNEY & CO. Main nml 12Ui St. JCunsiis Oily , Mo. | Sf .Mvnllon tills paper. COFEE TbB I'uullii nro not that Ujr the pre oiit iniilioli of cunklnu fully orio-lmlf of thu inirou Hint l n eil Is Ihronu avfiiy iu IhuKroiiinls and misted Clicnilsls coiinnclf.l nllli fits rump niy liuvusuctnuilcil 111 ttvlnj thU wj lii > thill Did i out. liHiiy i n < iinilsliMni'oiiiadoof i'io stiifMJitra , ynt up 111 iri ll | iurtMbl Jars i..l IV IIUANT'.II I'SHl'M'T- 1.1 runt : nnd yiiurunluod to bj only itbuul IJM ! HAM TIIKCO5I' to tut > iiiuiuiuir ( iff iiuiinon cot. lid. Uuly tiolllnir it l rl nooilul ir'un ' rrepirlna U fur lue table. I'.onn 1,1 iuld Coiroii ( oiiiMviir. | A-3k Your Crooor for LH > UJJ > VOIWJSK. MCCOUD , IlKAIiy & CO. , Grocurd , - > Onmhu , Neb _ WAPKHS nm Z fuccbufully UMX ! nio-illily by fiitr 13,0-3 " | julif JituSaJf , Kftctualuttit I'l'aiant t pi-rwix ) l > y niMl.ur at ilrueil > t . Hutted Vir/icuJori / S I'ost.nge stamps. Addrra Tl'B KUIISIU OiiEtiiCAli Oo. , Dur.oT ) ) , Xxu. Kor talc unil by mall by Goodman l > r u Company , Or 5lv ' - ' OMAHA SURGICAL INSTITUTE N , W. Cor. 13th St Dodge Sts. rOH THE THKATJ1E.NT OK A 1.1. Appliances for Deformities and Trunsaj. n : t facilities , nppnratu * and romrillea for uccem ful trentmi-nt of ovcrr form of dlicniu rcqulrlnf Medical or Burvlcal Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Board and nUnndauoei best buipltal nccorutuoda * tloni In tlio trust. WitiTii roil Cmcm-AHS on Deformities and llracof , Trusjea , Club Foot , Curratura of the Hnlnc , I'llol , Tumor" , Cttncor. Catarrh , Hronchltl * , Inlmlntlon , Electricity. 1'uraljBln , ICplleiisr. Kldnur. lllmldor , Kjre. Ear , Skin and lllood , anil all Burglcal operations , Diseases of Women a Specialty. UOOK ON DISEASES or WOMKN Hirr. . ONLY BELIABLE MEDICAL 11TSTITUTI MAKING A SI'fCULTY O PRIVATE DISEASES. Jill Blood Dlsussos suocossfullr treated. U/ptillltla Policn rtruovea from tlio tjtitm without mercury , N nr restorative troatmimt for loss nf \ Itul l'wcr. f er nns unnble to TlBlt u < inar bo troaMd at Uoma bl correspondence. All rormnunlo&tlons confidential , Meillcluui or Instrument ! sent br mall uroiiroi | , tliarelj nackcil , no marks to IndluilA eoutuntt 01 sender. Ona personal Interrlon prrforroil. Call and consult na or send blslorr of rour case , and wo will tend In pluln wrnppor , our BOOK TO MEN , FREEI Dpon Private , Rpoclnl or Nervous Diseases , * Imno. toBcy.BrbblUi , Ultiot and Yartcucelo , nltli queitlol list. Arfifrcis Omiha Medical and Surgical rnstilate , en I > R. MeltlCNAMY , Oor. im and Dodge BU. , OMAHA , NEB , ELECTRIC BELT ' ' . FATMTKD ; ll ( I , IB , 1M ; . _ IHI'llin HP I Ell. 1 , 1681. BM * I'il'kffi ' ' QALVAN'loL DODY I and Hutjionsor } * * aracuaranteodlo euro the fallow Ititfl All Ithii nv atlo O ) I.uuilmuo , ( Jenr ral and Ubljllltr.Oii.tlr > . aft' YrtinfiliuK , nunl Kilmui. tion , Jnnomnla , ifistlnK of th , , ' cretlon In YMitlipr M.'rrT.crLiKall UlMastsi jVrtai'i liiirtptua WcTjiliorti.nlUI 1 Ills In tlio JiT * TandOnrATr TlraproT m nUm m d . and la cui > ei lor to all otli r . tvory bu jpr ( a 1'lfcctrla Ualt ivunti tlm iot t-tliU be will flnl Hi * ( ) w n ll'li. It differ * ftom all oil nr > , as It ts n ll Tfrir H > lrtnotuchslri , > ultalooririrnL > lt. ll-IIULMI f'J ' ' ' JrsTEl > by aiiyona bnfriro It U ai fillid to t ! ilv' " ' " ' / rn only nil to t n tinniv dnlly. Jf n "ill eiuiulncthli licit > ou nlll liuy no c'lmr. 'Jo "t I2i ! ! O'WIDl NOB va I aTilnourl l rtri l- nlo Haiti ana At pllonre * . IU > < ! oar he. < Jiell Iud | > l.l , in fit , , .0,111. firll.i OB 1 blrty | l > i. < TrliU Head So. 1'0'tiiKi.forourrKi.r wiililet. rTIe nufi'r.uv-1iiIM'Tl.ll'IXM ! ? : > ' " iir | ' 'j'r' ' ! r THLOVVEH IECTBIQ BELT AND Ai'PLIAME CO. \wcuilon ( Iill 1 [ f r ) ( iNCuErOilAT4il JlJt Itiln IWT ) 300 North Drontlwny. ST. LOUIS , MO. for po.virful HytnnathoUc toiio , jildiblo action nntl absolute Uur.v blUtv ; ! ; ( i yunrs' record th-j l > ovt ifimran- tec of the oxcolicnco of thoto instru 1'ionts.