OMAHA DAILY BEE.THUBSPAY . , MAY 2. 1889 , SPECIAL 'NOTICES.1 OMAHA AdTertte mtat under IhU heafl 10 cent * pet Hno fortho nr tla rUon,7 cants for each sub- Mnctit Intiortlon , and tl/iO per Una p f month. Ho advertisement taken for IPS * than 2ft ceotf the nrst Iniertlon. Seven words willbecoimtM to the line ; they mttst run consecutively and teuit be > paid ID AUVANOK. All mlr rtl fr > taents mtuf bo banded in before 12n : o'clock v. to. , nnd under DO circumstances will theyb * Ink on or illiconttniied by teli ihone. I artl * * advertlilmt In these columns and bar- Inu their answers addressed In care of TIIK lien Will please i sk for a chock to enable them to get tholr letters , as none will bo dollvcredexcepton of check. All unsworn tu aArer- semontfl should bo enelosenjln envelopes. All advertisements In these column are pub- MstiKl In both morning and cv uln editions ot TIIK UKK. the circulation of which aggregate. * more tbim ll > , aw p per daily , mm. Riven the ad vertiser * th oenent , not only of thn city elrra- latlonof TIIK HRK , but also of Council HlufM. Lincoln and otlicrcltles ana towns tnrougliout till * section of the country. BRANCH OFFICESr Adverltilng for those columns will bo taken n tne above conditions , at tlio following bust * fe M housed , who are ai thorlxcd agent * for TUB JJ r. gpeclnl notlcos. and will quote tbe saui * mos HI can b had at the mala oUlce. " bhN W. HULL. Pharmacist , KQ South Tenth fUroet TTn ABB A KODY. Blatloncri aufl Printers , 113 \J HoutU ICth Rtreat. llTFAKNSWOHTHTrharmt < lst. 2115 Cum- log Street. JTlIUGHKa. Pharmacist. KU North 15th _ . Strcot J GTtO. W. PAUR , Pharmacist , 1809 Bt. Mary'i Avcnuo. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTKD-1-osltlon ; havnluid Blx years' of- llro and Mniiplng experience ; good refer ence ! ! . Address X 07 , lice olllre. M3 It TXTANTKD Sltuetlon by two reliable young TV monj willing to work ; address tt'J Houtn IQlh a' , city. r > 40 It A FlltST class Danish barber who Is conver sant with American methods , desire * a posi tion In an American shop ; .will start onamnll salary. Address II. N , llerg , 010 Luavonworth , ( by block's miloonl. 6'ii ) "i I WILL give J" > for n pluco to worl ; by a boy ot ir > who writes n good hand ; will work cheap ; address J. llrown , Canllold IIOUHO. fi37-lr \\T ANTKH-Posltlon as bill clerk or any kind TT of olllco work ; have had 3 years export- cnco In wholesale grocery , Address X fit ) Hoc. wnnted In some wholesale house , or notions preferred : four years ex- lorl ) nco in lotHll drug business. Good refer ences. Address X4E. llee. _ 40MJ to do ( Irei-imaKlni ; in fain llies solicited. Miss Bturdy.'On Lcavninvortn * _ _ 201 m ? _ TAKT1 153 desfnng Mperionccil stenographers X can obtain Just the Dimy wanted without .jlclay or inconvenience from the Western Sten ographic agency , Lincoln , Neb. GG'J-mD WANTED MALE HELP. " \VANTED-Hood canvassers to mnlo $ . " 1 to v > $10 per day. Call after C > o'clock at 1001 fipoucf r st. 501 W _ WANTBU 1 portorTxTTho Uozzens"hotel. . Apply to M. J. 1'rnnck , prop. ' 577 1 * \\TANTEn A llrst-class salesman ; also ex- v V perlenred driver for grocety store. Appli cants must mate former tiosltiou , age and na- tlonallty. Address X U1 , Itee. OSO 2J " \X7ANTEn-A first-class barber at Once. T > Fritz llornliardi , 13 North Main st , Council muffs , la. _ 57U-U M7" A NTED-Carrlago painters ; 1014 Cmuing WANTED A good bluck-imltli n general jobbing and wagon work at Muldoon's shop , laiicumlng st. 570-u ; WANTED A good solicitor , good chancofor right man , ! Jl Shccly block. COi ) 3t * \\rAN TK H 500 men for lallroad work m v ? Wnaliington territory ; good wngea nnd HtcAdy work. Apply at Albright's labor agency , 1120 Farnam st. 4TO B OVS Arn. lUt. Tel. Co. . 1304 AGENTS wanted on salary , $75 per month , aud expenses paid , any active man or wo- HIRU to sell our -goods by siunplci nnd live at home. Halury paid promptly nud expenses In advance. Kill ! particulars and sample case free. Wo mean Just what wo say. Address Standard Silverware Co. , lloston , .Mans. . rou in-lfl * _ _ " W AN"TED Agents Having been recently aiipolnted general ngont by the old Now YorK Life insurance company , for tbe State of Nebraska , 1 desire to employ active , energetic agents to represent the company In every town nnd county lu the state. Corrospomlcnca nlll bo cent conlldentlal If desired. Please call upon or address J. W. Doau. Uen'l Agt. , U. 8. fin ng building. Oinnlm. Nebraska. _ 501-5 WANTKD Agents to Hell engravings size SJx'JO of the famous Huyinarket police nionurnont. Single copies 25 cents III copies -for $ l.Ml , lUltoples for $10 , sent everywhere on receipt of prlci1. Want also agents for statuary of sanie. ll. M. ICoodt Co. . Ch Icago. M2-IJ W ANT15D 'IVo young men ut good wages. Wr Call at IIKIHaunilers. up stairs 5 < 3 l " \\r A N T15D Coat makers and tallors-to go to . ti country. Apply Ilelin V ThompFonal7 8 36th. Will pay Oinana prices. _ 55tRt X'ANTKD A head cook for hotel ln 0mahn , must understand the business. Address co. _ 03US _ * _ WANTED Young man ot good habits for Hglitwo k.ltooml7 _ _ , Na llUthst.tilill W -ANTED Paporhntipors to got prices on Job lots of wtll paper and borders at 407 B. jfitji nt. . llamge block. _ 3077 * ' \A7 ANTED W good cornlcom.iker * , 1 good vi cutter. forOgden , Utah , Apply at Western Corntcoworks bot. 4 and 6 p , m. 0/Spe . 3102 wanted , . One ortwo good salesmen SALESMAN men , vide line. Ntandaril article. No sam ples required. Addrais , Drawerirj.Kalamnzoo , Jtlclu inu 4 * ' \7l7 ANT15D-Agents ; magic cigar lighter ; T T every smoker buys ; lights In wjiid orraln ; lasts 11 llfotlmo ; rumple Ific , two for : i" > o , dozen II. by mull ; stamp ! taken. Stayuer & Co. , I'rqyliU'iiceJl. I. 17U-m EMPLOYMKNT for young man or lady. Hoferi'iicos required. 0. E. Thompson , "U Bheely block. ; Wl WANTMD rtnerRotlomenand women every- where for a geutnul , monoy-mnklng busi ness , MO weekly prollt guaranteed easlur than | 0 monthly ouiorwifle. K-eperlenco absolutely unnecessary. Poriimmcnt position and exclus ive territory ubsiirod , ( "samplesfree. Write for particulars. Address with Rtamp , Merrill Mfg. Co. . It f > 'l Chicago. 714-mlgJ JALic MKN Wo wish a few men to's ell eurO O goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade. Largest manut'rs In our line. Kuclose t'-ccnt stain ] ) . Wages W per day. Permanent position. No postals Bii wrrotl. Money ad- vitncod for wuccf. advettl.sing , etc. Centennial Wan'f'i : Co. , Cincinnati , O. Iil4 _ " \srANTKD-Mcntosoiioit : must tlpposll"Wi VT and nlvo security for money collected. talary J75 to f 100 per mont h. Call on or ad- dri'a ; Pen. S.Cllne.fll Hrst Nallonal bank. 470 " " Vt7""A > 'TiD-AKents : to tell the Pig Puzzle ; VT everybody crazy to get ono : sample by mall 10 ; stamps takon. A. A. Austin & Co. , inuhufrtCttircm.Provldenctf.H. I. - - . JJD Competent girl for family of two , M ] So. 28th St. r > 75 'I \Jir ANTno af dining robtifKirlH nt'ArcaTlo T > hotel , V.IH Douglns ntvaaun ; 1B per month , wi at WANTKD r.ady st tioirraihor ) > end typ * writer ; tat lowetalary / for pormaueiit poaltlou. Ln.-lc box 8J , Omaha ; f. < Vi 1 * \xrANTRlC-A good gill for * BCttornr liouc T I uurk , 1AI7 Divouport < lreot , Ml " W"ANTlTn-lilrl to tiike"care ot"chlld" ) years old. Apply 1I1J Jones st. nt'J - ' experienced nume girl or woman ; apply ut uti puvk avo. SSX-lt CIIIL AS1 TANTr.D-Olilj coed wages , . only three In fumlly. "Apply at Will Cnld"- WclUt. U. A. Uavenworth . A good gfri'In aTslst in . . . Ummowort.til \ North ICth atroet. 4Ji NTlSIiLady agunt * for our now Hklrt i.liiatlttite Mr UnMlo , baby dlauar suti- ttnrter , etc. ; on V Iowa Tails ( In. ) agent susit * IUJ tnotiadny. l.ndlc * ' tSiipnly Co. , W. Waal ; * Instonnt. . fhlongo. 111. -3 illulnjt room . . WANTKD Cor.iiins hotol. . . . . . . . \\f ANTKD-T.uiry cooic Tor "liotct"ii > : t c Vi l.idy naslry rooKa. fij ; s gor > < 1 , stront women to cool : In boM'dlng oiiKr. * lh ; stront ! romjietont girl or woman tor family nnlnr ) to t llfornla : i-omp'Stont nacond lrl. nml I to take rartiuf ; .ibiiiuU trlH ; ! to mind imbles ; la for general housociriMrs , lireuii. : iu > i 9. lull t. . S' * K Centiavl liouseworkj/I ! t WANTKD A sixf tlfl" lor g iiera'l toiti work. Avply < > corner Jonoj aud 2 tt IT. , between L-ouvenwortli anil St. Mary'n av * of 7 'l Tut Konerat noliAewo mint Lo gcoa cook. EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. US. HllTTfA. CahadiaiTKmpTomce , 31IH 8 IStru Itefercnce Omaha National bank. - 345 m3j i - . 119N liltn : stnWl hed OMAIIABmrt-burpnii. * In city , ILJ5. \ \ hlte. DRE8SMAKIC. & 1. Bhtno , fnnhlonablo drpssmnklnff , moderate nrlccsj cutttny nnd nttliiR also p. ai7N. icth. am ; il ' fVll SCELL ANEOU8 WANfs ; " | \TANTKD A second-hand lleralngton typo v writer ; as Rood as new. X f llee. 455-6 WANTI5D Any ono amictidTwIth anyprN tate or chronic blood disease to canon the National Jtemedy Co. . 1411 DodRO t. and In- Tcbtlgate tbeir treatment for-prlvftto disorders. ' ANTUD A new furnltnre store at Krtend Nob. Kt-mSJt WAN7ED-TO RENT. WANTKD To rent 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms bv Komloman and wife lu deslrnblo locall- ty.ncar street curn. Address F.JJ. a.lll 'llarncy. CTHgj WANTKD May 1 , fucntshod or ttnfurulshod cottagefamllyotS. ; Address X4" . lleo. WANTHDtoront by family of two , an un furnished cottage In eood'conditlon con- tnlnlngfior7roomi ; mutt nave termsand lo cation to receive any attention. Address U r > \ lice. aa FOR RENT HOUSES. 171011 HKNT New liouso of 0 rooms ; water JU ann CHS : eaitfront ; Rood location. Apply to Jas. Stockdale. It. 11' . Arlington bile. CW 3 TJIOIl HUNT To small family , references ro- JLiiilred , new houie , 3 rooms , hall , 2 closets , pantry , all litr o , hnrd and soft water. SI4 ; cor lr.thnmll'nclllcf.t. It. K. Copson. 6HI-JH TTJOIl UKN P A now 10-room house , all latest JL. Improvumoiits ; cor of MiMon and 19tli st ; In- qulro L. Levl , 31(1 ( South 13th st. _ ES5-6' fjlOlt HKM' Cottagns , 0 rooms. 2Kfl Charles JL Bt. nnd IK ; S loth st. Inquire at room " 12 , Shcoly bloclt. _ 473 OH HUNT Ncnt house cor 2flth and WoolMorth ave. Innuiro of (1. 11. Tzschuck. lleo ollice. _ CLi TT1OU Itr.NT-A lint In the Her building ; 7 JroomH. . steam heat , Ras and bath. Apply to A. O. llnymur. hardware , loth nud Jackson. _ _ _ _ ] _ fill BOAHDINO h'ouso of 18 rooms for rent and furniture for sale chenp tor cosh , at 117 N. Htlt st. _ 4M-1 * FOU HKNT fi rooms , summer kitchen nnd closets , furnished in part , WM St. Mary's nvo _ . _ 5CO a * TTHJHN1SI1ED cottace for rent ; ft rooms , close JU to business. Terms at No. lOOt ) S. luth st. 417-5 ? _ T71OH itKNT 8 room house ; centrally located ; JU mod urn Improvements. J , I' , llartou. 'Mb Cnpltol avo. _ li)7-5t ) TnOH HKNT House of 10 rooms , all modern JU conveniences ; Hnnscom Place , u. K , Strat- on , 4Qj Merchants Natlomil Building. 4'Jl-Ut O NICK7-room cottaRosKood ; collars , cisterns. ' -i well , good barn ; convenient to school and churcnrfcOiK'rmo'ltu ' for the summer. Apply at one. U. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank , 304 _ _ _ I71OH HKNT Vine 7-room Hat ; nil modern JL conveniences ; centrally located ; $ .50 per month to good party. L. & S. llcntal nconcy , loom 310 Sheoly block. _ tSi T71OH HP.NT ( food houao , centrally located , I mulre7l8M. lilthot. SiVKi * iTlOll 11BNT one 4-room Ilat nnd ono bnse- JU inent In Lance block ; enquire 01 S. 13th st. ' 8H4 _ "IT10U IlBiSlT My Furnam st. residence com- JU pletuly furnished , with llrst-clnss servants , If desired , for four or ilvo months ; family KO- lug away. It. C. I'nttorson. 316 S. ISth st. _ | _ FOK HKNT 7-room Ilat , nil modern conven iences , cooil location , cheap to uood party. UAS. Iteutal AKelicy , room U10 , Sheely block. IfrO _ POH HKNT Ono ten-roonx aud ono eluht- room house , all modern conveniences. Itest part of rlty nnd within 5 mlnntes walk of post- olllce. _ Nathan Sheltou 1IJOJ Paruam st. J4'j I7UH RENT lloautlful 8-room nouse with JL modern Improvements , splendid location. Apply at once , C. F. Harrison , Mer. Nat. IJ'k. TPOlt HRNT Good houses at J.V ) , WO.WO.RK.SM , JU undM'-J per month. If you wisn to rent call and see me. D. V. 81iolos.-glO.lst Nat'l Hank. 7 $ ) TTIOH ItKNT It room brick dwelling , all con- JU'venlenccB , Sit ) N. lath At. c07 FOR RENT ROOMS-FURNISHED- HNIBHF.D rooms X * N. ISth st. 68S-7t TJIUHNISHIH ) fiont room for lent at 015 N. JU ICth st. Milt flWO larg newly furnished front rooms , also _ L small bedroom. Hiiltiiblo for gentleman ; board if desired. ; r:0j : Fmiiaiu st. 67(5 ( 7 * "TJ1OK KENT Newly furnisiied room , with J3 bonrd. Clli 3. Siiid. 683 3' fVWO \ nicely furnlsuud rooms for light liouso- Jlkeeping. . Inqulru Ito' ' ) Webster st. M7 at TJIOll HKNT Furnished sleeping rooms ; 807 JU and W)3 Howurd it. ; $1.73 to weeK. ffll-ti TI1UIINISH15D or nnfurnlihed rooms for rent JL1 In Park Terrace , odposlto llnnsconi park ; all modern conveniences. Inquire Lee A Nichol. iMth nnd Leavenworth , 4W oC f urnislicd rooms , modern conven iences , 3blocks from P. O. ; privatefamily. . A. Uospe , jr. . 1513 Douglas. 475 I HUNT Front rooms at 1&31 Farnam. JU 477 _ T7IUUNI3HHD rooms uy day , w olc , or inonTli. -13 St. Clalr hotel , cor 13th and DodK" . 47B 71UHNISHKD rooms , stnclo or on suite , but h JU nnd btcunr for gents only. 15l'J Howard. ROOM und bonrd cheap , for 'two , lu private family , r.'ia Hurt st. _ 55M FOH KKNT Elngantly furnUluid rooms with all modern Improvements , at Jl S. 1'itli st. 418-m-n F1HST-CLA8S rooms , home board. 1718 Dodge 100-5 . _ . . : f rooms , Jl tip ward ! , ou car line ; 1310 .H mll 4I.S . : . , 2 FUHNlsilHo rooms , ull modern conven- lences , 1911 Douglas st. 307-2 * NEWlA'.furnlshcd rooms , > vltU oc without board , 1721 Davenport. fflll-lt room , with board , lu private VJ family , handsomely sltuntoil ; rofernucus. 8130 Hanioy. . 3J1-U \TICELY funUtjhcd rooms with board. Hot- J _ > er'jr.cos xolmti > ; ud. 3 ' 1 St , Mary'a &ve. 31V T > COM3 and board. 1313 Chicago. oem , ' lirst iloor , for two or rouri.iueilernconvonlences ; 1811 Capital A vc , R d board , liilO Webster st. .83 _ _ _ _ ITIUIINIBIIKD room * \vltu ilr.-.t r.luss board a JU 2013 Douglab Et , 371 lot p LEAS ANT rooms , very cheap. filO Plea ant , 1J OU KENT KurnHiTiTJ loo.'ii. with boara , JC suitable for two cotitlimmn : Hill Douglas at , ELE'lAN'i'LYfurnl Jjed centrally lo cated \\HHor wttUout bounl , prloe leacou- able , ttil 8. 13th. lHY-lit25 TJllIllNiailE ) ) looms In srcioil locallon ; gas and -I. bntli ; prices rcM ) l a von worth , 27MI O UIOI ) ontli front r.iotos with every cpnvcn- - Icncc ; telephouo In house , 1WJ Cupltol av. 2 < iJ T \iraJ ) front room wltli Inid-roorn adjoining. JJuumbomely furnUhrd , g * and heated by , vtlt.'i ' ube of balU room , lu ono of the handtomttat re ldenco.i In tliu city , ' without board , luuulre it. w. cor , liltU nnil LeuvonwortU , IIWlll llUNT Nlcely. newly furnished , all JU modern oonvanlBnco' , ii | | llouglas. 13- lUINT-Ucom Iftil Howard. FOH 90S HKNT Kurnlshad rooms elngln or ea > . HAD UoilKlni' . TU OOM ' with or without board. 1SWiTO K' iTO FO R RENT ROOMS UN FURN IS H ED ' PtOH HUNT "Kitchen nart illulip"rconToJ ] 1 llrkt Iloor. iHifurnisncil. desirable loc.itloai ranpn. extonslotu lf-1 Varnam. 6i < 5 r.OUUrooiar. fc ) , n'J ( B. Utli , u r.c Durcai , ; M 4 On 6 nnfnrnlslied rooms tor tor man and wife. .119 N 17th t. 347 3t 'filOli TiltNT'FTvo rooms for /malt fa Juaiis Chlrago st. 013 3j TTIOHUnNT-Aliandiomo suite of three ttn JU furnished rooms with bathroom and closets , at 1300 Sherman ave. 832 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES- UNT 2 lloors S-xBO ! each , In brick build- - InR , Tvlth elevator , close to express ollice , rlipnn rent. Just the thine for wholesaling , good location. Apply toOco. Heyn , 1108 raruam st , IP O ItllKNT StoreTsixBO ; 1118 Jackion st. V Enqulro 1114 Jackson. ' _ 481 nttpntlon Tno store room. lOTi Howard St. . will bo for ri > nt Mar" Ist.I A : a. Ilental agency , room 310 Sheoly block. ft'il "IT'Oli HlINTTlirefrstory brick bulldlnR on JU 15th street , near Dodge , Suitable for re tail business or light wholeaalo business. Hicks , room 40 , Darker block. _ 441 T7OH ! HUNT Store and llvlng'rooms on Cum- JU Ing street ; also house on Cast st. Harris IL B. Jc AI. Co. . Hooraj l lstNat. _ bank. all TTIOll ur.NT-ThO 4 story brick bulldltift with JU or without powor. now ocjnplod by Tno HOB IMbllshlngCo. . flli ) Farnam st. The bulldlm ? has a lire proof cemented basement , complete steam heating llxturos water on all the lloors , gas. etc. Apply at Iho olllco of Tno Uoo. 015 STOHK 407 with hasfmcnt , Hamgo bldg. In- quire Frank .1. Hamgo. MB FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS , T710H HUNT Use of ICnabe piano for an hour JU or morn per day , by the mouth ; location and room strictly llrst class. Terms very reasoua- ble. Address X C. . lloo olllco. ! )77 ) _ " ' RENTAL AGENCIES. EOH HUNT Wncn yoniilih to rent a hotisn , store or oHlco call on us. H , K. Cole , room 0 , .Continental blk , _ 474 F YOU want to rent ymiFhouse call baTiar rls , U. K & L. Co. , room 411 , 1st Nnt'l. ban * . 48 ! _ _ IF YOU \fnnt to buy , soil , rtnt or exchange , call on or mldrcss O. ,1 , Sternsdortr , rooms 317 nnd 318. First National bank building. 48 1 GKO. J. PAUL , 1(09 ( Farnam at. , houses , stores , etc. , for rent. 48 Wn give special attention to renting nnd collecting rents ; list wltn us. II , K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. _ im Oil IlENT-Housos In all parts of the city. J , .1. Ulbsou , No. 3 , Creighton block. 4 , JJ. OinsON'8 new system of renting houses. No. 3 , Crelghtou block. _ 4B7 MISCELLANEOUS. _ TIHB banjo taught as an art by Gco F. Gel- lonboclc. Apply at lleo ollice. _ 1)50 ) GOQD business or driving buck wagon , niado by Drummond ; perfect order. J. A. Delzcll , 115 N ] Qth st. _ , _ S81 "VT'OU that are sulTerlne from private dlsor- JL dors will nnd the National-Homedy at 1414 Dodge st. , where you can got scleutlllc treat ment and n euro guaranteed. 211 RONNKNSCHF.IN has moved to 417813th. lluy and soil second hand furniture and stoves ; bottles bought and sold. _ ISD-iitfl \ \ nLIi take horse.s to pasture at Cilmoio. T Prlco 12 pormo , I ) . A.Voung.Gllraore.Nob. UIIMlll't PERSONAL. ilY HEIS nolds her divorce from John Hols. fi'O 'J Ij I want a strong young lady to JL join me In producing a line specialty act for the btago. Instruction fee. J > ndy must bo robust In hcnlth and tree to travel. Address. X 01. Deo. G49-3J * TTinATHRHS cleaned and curled ; hatspressod JL : and bleached , at F. M , Schadell. i.18 N. 10th. TTSE of Knabo piano for rent ono hour or vJ more per day , by the month ; locution and room strittly ilrst class. Terms very reasona- ble. Address X 40 , lice ollice. 3r7 IJ1UVATK course lu fencing , boxing or tancy club BWlnBlng , J10. Addivss 'i' J4 , lleo olllco. 2 ! ) niH * LOST. THAVKD Dark bay hone , weighs about 000 ibs. , from corner 21st and south Kim street. Finder please rpturn to Charles -Anderson and rcelvo proper rowird. G ! 9j " STORACE. ; , S' TOHAGE at low rates at 1121 Farnam st ; ' Omaha Auction and Storage. 483 rpltACKAOE , storage , lowe'st rates. W. M. JL Ilushman , lilllLeavenwortli. 480 11ANCII a : CO. , storage , 1211 Howard. 490 CLAIRVOYANT Bit. N ANNIE \\'AllHHNclalrvoyantnied- - leal and business medium. Female diseases especially , liv N. 10thSt.rooms2 and3. 4U1 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITIN3 "VXTHllTLESEY'S snorthand school , 21 llar- 11 leer block. 3 mouth's course , 8J.423ni37t 423-ni37t rpHE Standard Shorthand School , having pur- JLrhasod Valentino's Shorthand InstituteI'ux- ton block , opp. public library. Is now the larg est , bust equipped , exclusive shorthand school in tlio west. 12.1 graduates In good situations The school Is In charge of Mr. 11. A. Smith , a stenographer und teacher of many years prac tical experience. Twelve No. 2 Homlugton typewriters - writers In use. Send for circulars. 411 SHOIIT1IAND and 1 ype-writlng tauirht the m.ost practical way atthu Omaha Commercial College. Uonn Pitman system nnd Itemington type-writers ; students complot inenual In two weeks , and write from CO to 100 words per min ute In throe months ; practical olllco drill made a specialty. Instruction in grammar , spelling and writing free. Address Itolirbough Uros. , Omaha for circulars. 347 m3 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED Choan light second-hand side- bar buggy ; addressX 61 , lloo. 537-3 ; [ /ANTED To buy good commercial paper. > U. O. Patterson , 313 8. IStli 8t. 4K ! WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves aim household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam. 1113 FORSAI.E--miSQELI.AN OUS. ITUm SALE-GoodO-mluute road horsn ; I will JL' sell or trade for a work horse ; 010 Harnoy st. 67Mt RIOH SALE Draft horseo. buggy horses and JLHinall delivery mules. Woods' Sale Stable , 1510 California. 4W TWMIBALE l patrhoavy draft hordes , young .13 1 pair large mules ; 4 young UOMBH ; 3 line cow ; wagons , hurimss , bugglos , saddles , etc. ; I largo dining nail , fnrninhud or unfurnished. To rent. First building north of fulr grounds : 1 family hotwl , furnished , line ground attached. J. T. Croft. 457-fi inpn BALE-3.COJ tons Ice. Adam Jlodor , II lilalr , Nub. i'3a ' mm T/lOlt SALK 1 work team , wagon and liar- J- ness complete , vary cheap for cash , 610 Paxton blk. B49 'A ' I'lTlECabinet , Grand rosewood case up- J.VrigUt piano for tl92.CO ; cost when new ItOJ ; only used ono year : must bo sold at once ; will Biro time on tmrt of It It desired. Address V i3. care Omaha IJee , Wim 18 "IjlOlt SALE Good work team , wagon and liar- J. ' ness ; at-t carpenter tooU and client ; full sot xjrglcal Instruments , nearly new ; household jroodH , etc. On easy payment * , j. J. Wilkinson , uU7 Fai'iiam st. < u < i U flALE-Nlce rolling toponico desk-nnd chair. Inquire s. e. cor. 11 and Harnoy sts. tVJilt POIt SALE Horse and buggy , inqutra A , Hospe , 161'J Douglas st. 8(5 ( mil .ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee ii Trust Co. , 1MB Far- nam. Complete abstracts furnished & titles to veal ajtato examined , perfected & guaranteed , 4 7 A nsTHAOTS-LInahan & Mahoney , room 5W ( -cXpaxtou block. 490 OMAHA Abstract Company , 1510 Fanmm st. Mo t complete aud carofullv prepared uetot abstract bookM and plats ot all real property la the city ot Omaha aud Douglas county , 4VU . TOi.OAN. _ IOANS made on real estate mid mortgages Jboucht. LtwU B. Heed & Co. , IK ! Farnam. 6W T\f ONKV to Loan We are ready for uppltca- i'ltlon-s for loans lit amounts from fiw to lio. . OWl on tmiirovd Omaha or Douglas county real eMute , lull Information as to rates. Loans promptly closed , Good notes will lie purchased by UK. Call upon uu or write. The McCague Investment Co. KM ON'T borrow money on furnltiire , horses , vrnKons , etc. , or collaterals until you Bee C. U , Jacob' , 41U Tint National bank building. Ml 1 F. HAnniSON loans-money , lowest rate * . ONKY-toJoan. oJlVDMriB Co. , real estate and loan agents , Ifioo Farnam st. f-33 ITLTJlNfTloans/ . Sholcs , 210 First Na- tlonalbaiik. _ Jg | | 613 SF.B Sholcs , room 510.Vlwt Nat'l bank , before maklng-your loans , [ j 6U MONI'.Y to loan ; cash-tin hand ; no delay. 3 , W. Botilre. 1819 FarilMu oU First National ban it bnldng. ( ! K3 pIlILADRLI'HIA Mofccage & Trust CoTfur \ \ ONKY to Loan Iqjvost rate * . Ix > nng closed It * promptly. H. K.Coqli.01Contlnontal block. WANTUD I'lrst-class Inilrto loins. lowest rate * . Call and BOO us. Mutual Invest- nontCo. . It. 1. llarger blk.,15th & Farnam. M5 HE. COLK , lonn agent. 500 _ BUILDING loans a specialty. W. M. Harris , HOoiu S3 , Fronzor liiOck. opposlde P. O. 601 _ M ONKV to loAulnlarct ) stuns at the lowest rates ; no delay. H. C. Patterson , 318 9. 1'ith. 652 _ _ "M"Kn A3KA Hortjr. Lonn Co. will mnRo youn -Li loan on Uuuaelioul goods , Iior.se1 ! , , land contracts , line jewelry , or socurltloi of any kind , without publicity , nt reasonable rates. lloom 7. llowlor lllock. South Omahn. Kooms 018-510. Paxton IHocK , Omabo , Nob. fi03 _ _ MONKVIunncdforW ) , fiOor Ul ) dnjn on any kind ot chattel eurltr ; roasonnbls Inter est ; busliii-ss couildontlal. J. J.WUkinsnn,141T 1-nmnin at , f > ui TOANSon buslnesi property. $ > . < ( ) to $ W,003 J-Jwanwd , Provident Trust Company , lloom W , First National bunk building. turi 'PJOVOIJ want money ? If so. don't borrow J-'before eottlni ! my rates , which are the low est on any sum from tie iip to JIU.W. I innto loans on household goods , pianos , or gans homes , mules , wagons , warehouse ro- colpts , houses , leases , etcin any amountut the lowest possible rates , without , publicity or re moval of property. Ijoons can bo made for ono to six months and you can pay a part at any time , reducing both principal and Internal. If you owe a balance onyourfurnlturoor horses , or have a loan on them , 1 will take H up and carry it for you as long as you desire. lr you need money van will find It to your ad vantage to BOO mi ) before borrowing. U. F. Masters , room ( . Withnell building , Ifith aud Hartley. - 5JO I CAN mafco a few loans on first-class chattel Hecurltles at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 , llarker bile. 507 GPEU CKNT money to loan-Cash on hand. \V. M. Harris , 1120 , Trenzer block , opn. P. O. 503 TT K , COtilJ , loan agent. 000. $ * $ 8 J To loan on farms and city property. Quo. J. Paul , 10011 Karnam st. _ 600 MONKV to loan on Improved property at llrst hands. No application Hunt away for ap proval. Security and titles examined frbo of cliargu to borrowers. Lombard Investment Company , 303 S. 13th st. 610 PEOPLE'S 1'luanclnf Exohango The fairest , ( lulotcst ana most liberal money exchange In tlio city ; money loaned without delay or publicity , in any amount , largo or .small , at tlio lowest rates or Interest , on any available so- curlty ; loans may bo paldat any tlmii or renewed at original rates. O. itouscareu , llgr. , room 6Ui. ! llarker block , ISth ultd I'arimm. fill SPHCFAL fund of $ IOijyO to loan at reduced rates on furniture , uprises and \\agons. City LoanCp.JI9S l tli st. _ _ aia PEOPLE'S KInanclal Exchange Largo and sniiill loans for long and short time , at low est rates of Intel cst. on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches and Jewelry. Don't fall to call If you want fair nnd chean accommodations. O Houscaren , Jlgr. , room 5G } $ , Darker ifTK , 15th nnd Farnam. , 511 _ _ FIIIST mortgnge low rates and no delay. 1) . V. Bholes. 10 National bank. _ _ 'ONEV f.oans ncgotluted at low rates wttli- out delay , and commercial goods ' imrqhasu " , * ' paper and'7iVofVgago'mos" eS."A ? laman'cor ! 15th and Kmtiam. ( p " * 5H MONEY to loan. HhrBs H. K. Ac Loan Co. , room 411 , First National bank. fi5 BUILDING loans.Lltmhau &Mahoney.ulfl 0 F. IIAUHISON loans money , lo\vos > t ratos. 617 $ IftTO.OO ! ) to loan at o per cent. 1,1 n all an & Mahoney - honey , Hoom : Ofi. Paxton blocK. 510 MONEY" to lonn on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Itobblns. 11.808 , Sheely blk , 15th aud Howuvd. 618 $1,500 special money ; apply at once. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nafl bunk. 305 rplIB Central Loan nnd Trust Co. , No. 1205 JL Farnam street , have a bpeclal fund of , w on hand to be loaned In sums of 31(0) ( to $10.000 at very low rates on choice inside residence or business property. C ; A. Starr , manager. 3125 " \T , AM'ED Applications for loans on nnim- ii proved lots well located. Odell llros. & Co. , UI2 So.JOth st. 88.1 MuNEYl monoyl moneyl to loan on horses , wagons , mules , houshold goods , pianos , or gans , diamonds , etcat lowest rates. Tlia llrst organized loan olllco In the city. Will make loans for thirty to three hundred and Hlxty-llvo days , which can bo paid In part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the prin cipal and interest. Cull and see us when you waut money , and wo can assist you promptly and to your advantage without , removal of property or publicity. Money always on hand nnd no delay In mak- Ing loans. C. F. Hood is Co. , 31U South 13th St. . over lllngham & Sons commission house. 32inS W. PRCIC loaua money on Omaha real estate G liulldlng loans a specialty. U 4 , Frenzerb Ik ONEV loaned on unimproved Inside Omaha M1 real estate. Q. W. Pock.H. 4 , Fronzer block. IO-mlHt MUNEV to loan at lowest ratns of Interest on real estate-in Omaha and South Omaha , Titles nna property examined by us and loans made at once. Cash on hand , llates , Smith Jc Co. room 2UJ Itamga blilni ; . 310-ina C1TV Financial agency will loan you money on horset. furniture. Jewelry or securities of any kind. 1SOJ Howard st. , corner 8. 13th at. an mil ; TTNIMPUOVED and Improved propertv ; U loans made promptly ; money on liaiiu. F. M. Klclmrdson , a w cor 15th and Douglas. . 880 GOOD notes , short or long time , unsecured or with mortgage , boughtunywliere In Neb. or In. Quick loans , city or farm. Cull or write W. L.6olby , It. 13. 'd. [ frude. aio T > UILDINO LOANH-Wo will buy lot , or nay JJincumurance on your lot ntH build for you ; small cash payment , balance In easy monthly payments ; in case of death wo cancel the en tire Indebtedness. M. 1C &T. Trust Co. , First National bank building. b.1--ml5 BIHLDINO LOANB-A17 per cent net , no ad- dltlounl chiuves for commissions or attor neys' fees. W. U. MelltW , Vlr t Nat. bank bldg. HH iva MAHA Chattel Loan , , Co. , room 4- , Marker block. 2H " iiM-mSJ r\UCHAilD HILL loaf I Ut 410 Slieoly build- V/lne at eight per cent Uralsat. Bumuel Tate. ' 1,000 TO M.OOO on-Improved city property ) canbepuld in molitnly in taUment : duet cauoullodmcasoof death ; will loan CO to CO per cent of cash valuation. * ! . K.T. Trust Co. . First Natlonu Ibauk buljdmg , VC-ml5 ANV amounts loaned'611 furniture , pianos , teams , etc. Note * bought at loss than usual rates , monthly payments reduce Interest , Key stone Mortgage Co. , rooiu'fttt Sheely blk , H. 15th . * - Un- arimi * 'CpASTKHN trust fundto loan on improved -Unreal oittute lu Omaha Jargo loans proferriid. E. H. lilsbee , First Nationm bant butldlnp. .t. TOANK wanted on Omaha real estate , three JJand live years' time , optional payments , favorable terms and rates , applications and titles passed upon bv us , and loans closed promptly. tClmvall , Champ < 5c , room 6 , U.S. NationalJJankUulldms. IM Farnam et I'll ml BUSINESS CHANCES WOHTHV ot your attention. Now being completed on'Jth St. . north of Leaven- rorlh it. two houses cotivenlnt to business , very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath , toilet , ii water closets , stationary wash tubs , hot anil cold water , live bedrooms , 10 closets i only < i.fiOO on terms to suit. Telephone TT or W. T. Beatnan , Omaha's largest variety of wag on * , carriages , etc. , east side 10th st , north of Nicholas st. 63t T71OU 8ALK-A private btnl : In soutneru JL1 Nebraska. Addrc-is to M. Catudal. Camp bell , Neb. U4J in 3 TRWH SALl'-ln good railroad town , stock of JL1 drugs worth about t-.son. goou sales , only drug Inisinesj In town. Address W. H. White , U. D. , Palmyra , OU > Co Neb. iOT 1) BAItrtKU shop for sale doing ebod btt Inquire 4003 Cntmng st. 445-31 * 171011 SAiK-An old established drug store In JL'a grooving county seat of 5.000 population ; sales 10.0JO n year , profits good , business suc cessful , stock will b" > reduced to snlt'p"rcnil"er' lood reasons for selllmr. Address O , A. Pease Drug Co. , Falroury , Nob. 3703 TIIIE nnnst , Cestliatronlred restaurant In ttio JU city , very cheap , and on very easy term * If roil want n snap come and see this. U. K , Cole , lloom 0 , Continental lllock. ' 341) ) 1 ADIltTQOIST with"cash looklntr for a good location , will do well to address K. E. L'apps. uulbortson , Neb. , or Hurst Ic Co. , Hast * ings. Neb. Si7m au \\7ANTED-Partles winning to sell their > > business to lint with the Co-Opcrntlve t.and & IxitCo. , no charges unless sale Is made. JJ.1 N. Iflthst. K 8 _ j HOTEL forsalo. Well furnished , paying HO. a month rent. Address W. P. Anderson. S'orcatnr , Kft.s. gB-mt * FOR SALE or tradp One of the best located restaurants In tlio city ; outllt now and com plete , tIXXl. ) .1. 11. Kvans. llarbcr lllk. : t3 0 > .1OJO to JS.OIXI wanted to put Into a good bust- 'P ness ; llrst class security and good rate ot Interest paid for short or long time. Or will take partner. For particulars address IT 43 , lice ollice. 143 Q A LOON fur sale In ono of the best business Ocontors In Hoason for Boiling , I must leave the city. Address V lit lloo. 4U.Vin7t FOR EXCHANGE. T WANT to exchange my Omaha property , on JUlrlstol st . llawe.s add. , for Improved farm property. Address X 6 . lleo. f > ai It KlTTIIlS 'Full lot In Hlllsdale. No. I. WM to ) J.VW lo s thin adjoliig property , for 10 days ; ndclrys X C.I , lloo. 6SI-7t Exchaugo Good young horsn for nrst class gold watch und chain. X ttt lloe. 6051 * OK EXCHANGEP.lghty acres of Iho nncst timber land In Wisconsin , clear of encum brance. What llavo you to oiler ? O. .1'Sterns- dorir , room.s 317 and tlld , First National hank. . [ KM "T71OU KXCHANQE-Dukota , Hand county JL. ' What have you 'to olfor for a good farm lierc , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands nre rising in vuiuo. and Us de.stlnv cannot bo din- putod. Will take vacant lots or Improved pro perty nnd assume some encumbrance , u. J. Stnrnsdorff. rooms 317 uudilis Flrat National bank btillding. K. TT10K EXCHANOE-For desirable residence JL' property lu Omaha , any or all of 'following ; 4u choice Inside residence lots in Hastings , Hi ) lots in Lincoln , ( MO acres line tanning land , Lancaster county , Flno residence propertv , Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Choice family residence , corner , Los Angeles. A ueat residence property in Hanscom place. Also , some good mortgage uotos. Address , giving location and prlco of prop erty , J , E. D. , euro lluum Iron Co. , 1217 Leaven- Ml FOR SALE 1EAU ESTATE bio. ! WJ acres under good barb-wire fence , round cedar posts , two stays , living water , 110- foot channel , 2 well.1'HI barrel tank , corral , solf-fcodcr , a natural stock ranch , la a line corn belt. Prlco $ nXX , ) Cash In hand . S.7M : ; years' time. 0 per cent : ) ,2i > 0 Co and look 6ver laud. Address owner , F. 1C. Atklus , l.iOi Larimer St. , Denver , Col. Mil SOUTH OMAHA 1 have a number of good . lots lu various additions that must be sold nt once nud can bo bought at prices that will unit } on. U. J. Sternsilortf , rooms 317 and 818 Flr&t National bank building. KM FOR SALE Tlio llnest residence site In West Omaha ; just south ot Farnam onfKlth street ; 11 corner 103x187 with 187 feet frontage on paved street and Joining the handsome real- dencoof Klikcndall on the east , and Ilrady , Kushon und Martin on the botith ; a perfect gem nnd garden spot for an elegant home. llnrney and aist streets * . 141x107 , on pavement within tiircn blocks of the court house : room for Hoven line houses that * would rent as rapid ly us completed. A splendid permanent invest ment , Farnam and 2"d streets , GOxKCS , with new throo-htory brick store building , rentci * to good permanent tenants. Mental receipts 14,2.0 per year. Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage fll feet to alloy ; good business propertv. Fnrnum'fitreot. between ilbth and 3ilth , frontage - ago 41 or Kixlit ! to alley , south front. 1 block fronvpavement and street cars. Park uvouue , opposite Hanscom park , COxluO , pries &J.OOO ; easy terms. Paddock place , trackage , CSXIK. J2.000 ; easy terms , 16th street south of Vlnton st , lot tor sale or trade for m < tso. or good farm land. S. A. Slomau , 1.101 Farnam st. 527. TjlOH SALE Nine-room House , barn and lot JU in HaiiHCom place ; alsoJihouses and lots in Buuuy Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat'l bank. KB "I71OH BALE or exchange-Improved stock JU farm of KJO acres In eastern Nebraska , near market ; also now l--room house with all con veniences in desirable residence portion of Oma ha. Audrew Hevins , attorney , 4 nnd 42 ! Paxton - ton block , Omaha , Neb. KO FOU BALE Or exchange for Omaha proper ty , W acre.s. suitable for platting ; will make 400 lots.all clear ; big money in It for someone ono who caii push this ; located Just ontJldu the city limits of Council Dluirs. Inquire George J. SternsdorlT , rooms 317 and 31H , First National bank building. 531 FOH SALU Nice level building lots , S0xl2. > feet , 3 uilles from pintolllce , 'i mllu from North Omaha depot , JUM each ; Si'i cash ; bal ance J."i per mouth. These lots will double In value In loss man two yours. 10-room house , all modern improvomonts. south front , full lot. In Kountze place , $7,300 ; ? 1'JOU rash , balance 1 , 2,3 and 4 years. The finest residence slto in Omaha , 200 foot , Koutli front , on Nicholas street , by MO feet , east front , on Ixiwe avouuo , prlco ; terma to suit purchaser. Nowu-room cottages , finished In hardwood , city water , cesspool , cemented cellar , walks , fences and outbuildings , all complete , on monthly payments. Will take good vacant building lots ns nrst payment. The cheapest hoiieo in Walnut Hill , only ono block from Dr. Mercer's elegant residence ; 10 rooms , all' modern Improvements , full lot ; prlco W.noO , terms JI.GOO cash , balance Jii per month. A beautiful Mouth front lot In Orchard Hill. For npefrsou that wants It tor a homo I will build u house on tnls lot and sell it on easy terms at cost ot lot aud improvements. full lot. ( Xx110 ) rt , with nice cottage In Kirn- wood , east front. $3,00) . half cash. This Is a bargain. Only ono block from luth ft. motor line ] W. It. Human , room 0 , Fronzor block. FOH 8ALI5 On easy paymsnts. C , 7 and H roomed houses , Minall cash payment down , and balance monthly payments. J. H , Johnson - son , IHHandtJltl Paxton block. 28U / IIIOICU piece of residence property cor. 23rd V andCnBs for warehouse or trackage property , worth eight to ten thousand dollars , c. F. Harrison risen , Merchants' Nut , bank. aw FOH SALK South und east corner inxiro. In tjm neighborhood of the Milton Itogers property. West Farnam street , very slgluly. This is choice property lu a ehoica neighbor hood and will bo sold cheap. It will pay you to Investigate the locality and this particular pleca of ground. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' National b.mK. b05 AMES. AMES.Donglab County Abstracts. irXJ7 Fanmm Street , Just put on market lots Inside city limits , beautiful location , surrounded bv now houses aud Just tne spot for a Delightful Home. Lots soil at 7250 each and uro NO desirable that adjoining land Is ( lulling for twlnn what we ask , All you need do la to KCO this ground , Its loca < tlon , the houses bolng built on It and you will buy. Terms we make are very moderate , belns , Fifteen Dollars down , balance tie a month , and by thin easy method ot payment hundreds now own homes that otherwise could never secure them. Conveyances always im hand to show those lots , which are all we claim for them , as you will admit when you see the pluco. This Is no experiment ; hun dredshute boon beuelllled and bought homo ; In this way. Come and see wbat you can do. 454-t Amos , 1W7 Furnam St. A Hacrillco-liflxlW ft , cast anil nortl front , corner 39th and Howard nts. , oni block west of COO'H and Klrkendall's fine resl- deuces , two blocks from paved street ; twr MOCKS south of Furnum St. ; Justtnlnk of It IL'UxlMI tt. iii'd a corner at that , and only fl.fou C. E , Hotter , room 5 , B. w. cor , 10th and uouglai KK _ s rilHACKAOE-KCfeuton lltti , near Nicholas JL for nale at a bargain. Will take bomo trade ( Jroverbtuvena , MO and 617 Paxton block telephone 1115. 4X1-1 G UKATUAIKJAIN' I have for sale a nlci utory and it naif rottugo on Grunt at , , nuoi 27th , houth front , V blocks from two struct ci\ \ llnoaundU from the motor line. Small ca l iiayment und balancu easy , or will taku Bomi horses as first payment. Price tl.OOOi wortl . . Grover Stuvetir , A19 and 62" Paxton block telephone 112) . 4.TU-4 homo In Omaha , D rooms , largi .1. clohctH , city water , gai nnd newer , botl cable and horse cars. Price ( MOO , 'forms m" to t-VU cash , balance very eaiy. II , E. Cole headquarters for bargains und euiy terms llootn 6 , Continental lllocic. 3M . FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. - - _ _ _ Douglas County Abstracts. 1M7 rarnnm at. Must be sold wltllln 15 ilayli , the following de scribed property which is a bargain in every sense ortho word , both as to prlfe , terms and ocatlon , and If you want to buy nt less than VR U0 > Intpect This i Ix > t 23 block l.S Shull's 2 < 1 tiddltlon , Ponth SQih st , , nearWoolwortliovenue. with now B-ronm room house all moUern Improvements , Price $7,000. Terms , UTOO cash , fl.WO In one and two years , balance 4 years , at 6K nor cent. Lot lllock 12 Bnull's2il addition , 21th st. , near Popplcton nvo. , with peed four-room rottngo. outbuildings and natural shane trees , Prlco , fJVW. ( Term ! ) , tftMl cash , * MO In 0110 your , balance two yoaw , 8 jor cent. Ames , 1507 Farnam st. 4IU 1 _ _ TjlOU HALR Academy of Mtislo building and JU two business lots , Grand Island. Nebraska , ground UxlSJ feat , bulldlog brick , two stories ilgh and ttono basements , all In good repair ; terms easy ; price 118,000. Enquire of Thompson llros. . Grand Island. Nebraska. 701ml2 * O HAHOAlN'8-flO ft onCft sncarRnd : , . M : Aa ft , cor Davenport at grade , t&JM ) . .1. 11 Kvan , darker block. PAll\ lleautlfttl residence Sltos , the city. Wo are now ready to show and ollor forsalo tno choicest residence sites In the city of Omaha , located lu "llomls Park , " comprising the sixty acres bounded by IKd st. , on the east , frth or Pleasant st. on the west , Hamilton st , on the north. andCumlnKdt. on the south , This park has been planned , and Is belug laid out by Mr. Alfred It. ICperton lone of the best landscape artists df Now York ) , Into ' . ( , K , ii aud aero lots , nnd several acres are laid out into small parks , ornamental giotindii. and lakes fed liy natural springs. The plans include a per- tect system of grading , paving , sowemgp.water electric lighting , etc. , aud an expenditure ot at least if lOO , ! ' * ) for such Improvements This choice property In located within the 1 ! { miles radius ( a llttlo north by west ) from the postolllce. It lies castor tharenorvotrtinilof the jlognnt residences of Dr. Mercer nnd E. W , Nash , aud n llltlo north of east ot proposed res idence of Guy C. llurton and of Illation O'Con nor's residence and Academy ot Sacred Heart. Reasonable prices and terms will be given to these who will build residences costing M.OOO and upwards. For further particulars apply at office of The Ilemls Park Co. . rooms 15 nud 18 Continental block , 15th and Douglas sts. _ on North 21th street. Wo have 50 foot east front In Kendall's addition for Sl.Gno. M. A. Upton Company , I'lthhnd ' Karnam. all PALE Tno most pleasant and best loca ted llttlo homo In town , suitable for a man with a small family who wants something very choice and not too expensive. Has never been put on the market boforn and will undoubtedly [ > e sold soon. U will pay you to Investigate this promptly , C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat , HX 807 T AND IhavelO.OOOacres of choice farming JLJlands In eastern und middle Nobrnskawhlch 1 will sell at from Jl to f 13 per acre. Will make special prlco for the whole 10,000 acres If taken inulump. Geo. H. Peterson.1413 SlUthat. , CIS mil _ _ ITlOlt SALE -Niconow ft-room houso. barn for JL' 4 horses , well and cistern ; everything llrst. class ; full lor , in Iledford Place. 3)0 ) feet from Htato Htteot (30th ( nil. f.'JUO , glOO cash , balance 1 , 2 and 3 years : or iOJO , $1,450 cash , balance a years. M. A. Upton Company , 10th nud Fnruain. oJJt rash payment required. Will sell you a NO lull lot In Suundors .t Hlmobaugn's add ror WJO und take mortgage for full amount due In 5 years on condition that you build a housn to cost not loss than MX ) . C. E. Ileltsr , room 5 , 8 W corner 15th aud Douglas. 4.'W NEW 2-soatod flno carriage or top nuggy for mortgage city or county warrants , or any good unsecured notes. W.L.SelbyH 13 U d Trade _ 4S7 T71OII SALE ill acres , corner Thirteenth nnd JU North streets. Desirable for platting. C. Good. Good block , Dos Molnes. la. 240rn'JJ I NVESTIGATB Thls lJoT COxlifl on llur- detto between 24th and 2.1th Btreetn ; 4-room House , largo conservatory , sewer in alloy ; only $2,000 ; J.VW cash ; balance 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 yoars. M. A. Upton company , 10th nnd Farnam. 220 "VfO CASH , and payment of $ T > per month. In- J- > eluding interest buys a neat story-und- a-lialf li-rooui house , convonlont to both cable nnd horse cars. H. E. Cole , headquarters for bargains and easy terms , H O.Contlnental lllock. TTiOIl SALb On easy terms. r > . 7 and 8 roomed JL1 houses , with small cash payment down unit balance monthly. J. H. Johnson. 513 aud M'J ' Paxton Dlock. 287 rpWENTIETHstreet : Is paved to Center and J- pavement ordered to Viiiton ; 20tU street is the coming street south. It is all graded nice ly to Spring Lake park. We have 47 "eat near Martha with a ilrst class 4-room house , lot at grade , for 81,000. M.A.Upton Company. ICth aud Farnam. 2C7 SALE-C-room cottage on 15th st. bet. Center nnd Dorcas , lot aixlYT. 8,500 , easy tenns ; this Is a bargain. M. A. Upton Co. . 10th and Furnam. 001 O HLOOKhoro ! An east fronf M ft lot , on 20th : st. , Fouth of Ilurdette ; very rtno view for 11,500. How's that. ' M , A. Upton Company , 10th and Farnam. 391 FOR 8AL13 A beautiful rosldonco lu 11 uns eam Place , oist front titi 3Jth t. Just south of Poppleton ave , lot 59x11' , ' to graded alley ; yard nicely sodded ; 8-room house , bath , hot and cold water , gas , sewer , oloctrlo bells , nardj wood llnlsh. If taken at once \\i\l \ soil this flno homo for amount much below Its value , No nicer neighborhood la thn city. To these that mean business wo would llko to show thl.s property. Wo will nriko the prlcj rij-ht. M , A. Upton Company , jotli and I'arnara. 3Jt A'otloe. The Board of Public Lands and llulldlnga will receive bld.s at any time bcfora May 11 , ItUU at p. m. for putting up tire escapes for Insane Has- iiltal at Hastings , Nebraska , Asylum at Norfolk , Industrial Homo , Mllford , Industrial School , Kearney. Institute for Feeblu Minded Vouth Pcatrlco , mid Institute for Hliud , Nebraska City. Illddcrswlll furnish their own plans ondDpecl- llcutlons. Hlght resolved to reject any or all bids. Ily order of tliu Hoard. April S' . 1R88. O. L. L \ we. a'.K.l d 5 t Brcietury. TnkiMi Up. Hay pony , weight 703 , white stilp In face. Owner can have same by paying charges. 1 * . M. Million , 1803 Cumliig st. u'Mral-B-15-W ! Wantoil , A Lnndscapo Ourdei'.or to furnish plans and lay out the grounds for Hustings Asvlum , Norlolk Asylum , Boldlei'H Home , Industrial Home , and Institute for Fcoblo Mlndril Vouth. Ily order of llo.irdot Public Lands anil lliilld- lugs. lugs.April 2.1539 , O. L. L VWK. a'iO d 51 Bccretary. Notiootn < : mrnotorn. Foaled bids will bo received by Iho board of publu landK und buildings at uny time bciorii > lay V.I , IBS' ) at - p. m. for furnishing all maUilal and doing all work necessary to complete bolter hoiiHu and engine room , smoke stack and tunnel lor Capital bulldluuat Lincoln , Nebraska Also at the same time and phvo bids will In received for work and mau-rml to complete boiler house and engine room , -iinoko stack and tunnel for' Insane Asylum ut Hastings , Neb raska , both contracts to be done according to plans , Bpoclllcatlons nnd netalled drawiau no\v on Illo with the CommUalonor of Publla Lauds and llulldlugs , PnyrnentH to bo made on monthly estlnmtei fiirnmhed by the Superintendent of Construc tion , 11 per cent to bo reiturvud till completion of the work. Hlght renervedto reject any or all Mils. Ily order of Hoard. O. L. LAWS , Bocrotnry , April S5 , 181. n-BU d-5-t QUAllTEHMAHTKH'H OFFICI5 , CHIEF . Neb. . April : X ) , Isxii.-Foali'd proposals - posals , In triplicate , will be iccolvcd hero and also by each 1'oit and Depot ( Jniirtnimiibti'r In this Department until - o'clock i > . > r. central time , MuylllBtltoO. and then opened < Ing corn , oats and bran i en Hired tliorcln durluu IlHcal year commencing July Itt , } < : > . The a , B , rttnerves the light to reject any or all bldH. I'm- forenceglven to artlilesof domostloproduction , conditions of quality and price ( Including In tli prlc-oof foielyn production the duty tlKneonl Velng equal. All Inn.rmatlon furnished on ap plication here cr to thu pott or depot ijuarten masters. Envelop' : * containing proposals to bo marked "Propo al for at- ' . " und uddroiscd as indicated above. WM. II , IlOOHliS. LliMit. Colonel ami Deputy Qr. Mr , Uenoral , U. H. A. , Chief Quartermaster , DRINK HIRES' ' ROOT BEER Tlio I'urost nnd Deit Drink In the World. Aipeilzlnir < Dullolouu , Himrkllnir. A I'nvkng * ( IkjUlJI 2Jo. niakoi MTU frnllnni. KVKHV 1101'ILK OUAJti\NTiji : ; > NOTllOtllILt , CASILY UAIIE. No liollliu or itnilnlnv. Ulrectloni rlmulo. Amt Ii mivln accordlimlr tbiro r n be nu mltiukB. Aik yuurl > tiiK lit u lru < xrforlt. nndtakituoutlKf Hea lliat rou cat IIIUKI' . fry H and you Will Not bo Without It , THIS O.\IV iU'-MUXU JladebyC. B , H111K3 , i'uii.xb Lruu , THE REALTY MARKET. INSTIlUMKNTa placed on record during yesterday. M Morrison and wlfo to 0 F MlkulsVl. lot 11 , blk 2. Morrl ou' ndd to South Om aha , wiL. , , . , , , t. , . . , . , . . , , . . . , , , , ! 450 F yonuenscholn and w Ifo lo ! ' Novak , lot 81 , blk4. Mathow's sub , wd , , 2.000 Sonnen.schetn A Valentino to F Mohl. lots 11,1 ? and 13 , blkfL Albright's annex , w d S.1W Is L IJIorbowor andwlto to Sonncnsclioln * Valentine , a > 4 Irtt 12. andn ) ( lot 11. blkll , Kountr.Btnlrd add.w tl 3 , JO A O'lKmahoe. and husband to Jl P Mfison. undivided i $ lot , blk aniij , Onmlm and an adjacent atrip , < i o d i,000 A O'Doiiahoo ct at. to t H lloohme , lot 10 , AldllioSquare , wd lt 30 J H Chambers to W M Harris , lot II , blk V , Hertford Place , w d TOO J II Hungato and wife to W M Harris , lot 12 , blk M. llodford Place. Wd 700 A A Kiumtugor , lot II , blk3Cllftoi\ \ Hill , wd I 800 SSelden to. ) .1 llrown , lots ft and a , blk3 , IsaacsSSclden's ndd. wd. , , , , 4,000 A Johtiton and wlfo to 0 11 ass , o ! ( oto K lot 4 , lilkU , Patrick's add , w d , BOO F .1 A'aspcrand wlfo to Noiuec , part lot 21 , Rblk I , kountzo third ndd , wit IWO K Ii Pookham nnd wife to L Dunbuum. east W feet of n H lot 11 , blk n. 1'ark Place , wd , , . . .r * . , IWO I P Hommedlou to Oil tlreed , lots a nnd 1. blk 14 , Carthage ndd , wd , . . , . . . 450 A Itosewater and wlfo to (1 H lloncon , lot .inblkn.loromo Park , wtl V H.OOO It .letter aud wife lo M llaug. lot 10. blk 5 , Jetter'Hftdd to South Oliutlia , wd , . 400 .1 T Paulson and wlfo to A Hannon , n H lot u , blk 2 , Win. llagodorn's ndd. w d. . ioo M Kahn and wife to Knhn llros. , lota 1 and2 , Itunsnn'ssub , wd fOO Olio 1'atrlck Land Co. to 0 D Kullor , lot If. blk 100. Dniulea Place , wd 1SW ThoPatrlcK Land Co. to L K Franco , lot Hi , blk HM , Duiidno Place , w il 1,250 Tlio Patrick Laud Co. to J W b'tonobrakor , lot 17. blk 1W.DundeePlaco , wd 1,150 ! ( lees and wife lo the South Side llulld- Ing AKfoclallon. lots 1 to 10 and 17 to20. blk 1 , lot I to H. blk 2 , lot L . 3 and 7. blk n. and lot 1 tollblk 7 , UliomasoiuV Cloas' add , wd 43,3 O J I'lcknnl to the Public Vacation of Plckard's ndd to West Lawn FScldentoKHHoldou , lot 17 , Washington - ton Square , w d UKK ) J -MrOaguo to T McCngue , lots 2 , 3 , and 4 , blk fl. West Cuinlngs add. wd 075 M LJaynostoM L Lamphour , lot 8 , blk in , K VSmllh'sadd. wd 51.000 B M llurr aud husband to M Cuuflold. 0 lot.s In Shrlver Place wd 3,100 R W llrvanttoF FrtiDhauf , lots 7 and t > , blk2 Crestoti add , wd . . . 3,000 A Larson to F A Helm , n2lotlot20 ( , blk 2 , Armstrong's 1-.1 add , w d 1,000 J (1 lloltoer and wlfo to J Kngelko , lot 11 , blkfi. Kountzo 3d add w d 6,000 O H Sllkworth and wlfo to Mutl Inv Co , lotfi , blk 19 , Highland Place w d 8.250 31 transfers . . , 1150,823 The following pormlts wore issued by iulliling Inspector Wlutlook. lornmn Ponpln. one-story tramo dwelling , Park Kori'st , ( COO. I. II. Hayno.s , ono and ouo-half-story frame duelling , QeorKln nvo , near Bovcntoonth st 1,600 kl , J. Kcnnnrd , one-story frame dwelling , ElRhteonth Nt. . near South 1,000 tl , ,1. IConnard. brick basumout to dwell- Inc. Kluhtcciitli St. , near South SOO W. H. IHsbL'o. ouo story frame-dwelling. llodlck'sl'ark 1,500 Jwen Olson , one-story frame dwelling , Orchard near Pleasant st EDO A. Hospe , Jr. , ono-story brick Mtclicn.aiS N Hevonteonth si . . . . 310 L. W. McOraw , one-story frame dwelling , Thlrtv-llrnt and Ames BtH 1,000 A. L , Molds , two-story frumn dwelling , Musou and Tlilrty-lH-st htrents 1,000 Nine penults. aggrcsiitiiiB $ 7,540 THE RtlLVlIT TIE TABLES , OMAHA. TUB- CHICAGO SHORT LINE OP THM Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' , The Host Ituuto from Onmlm and Council muffs to THE EAST- THAINS I1A1LV IJIiTWISUN OUAIIA COUNCIL ULUPFS Chlrniro , AND Milwaukee , St , Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Jtock Isluntl , Freeport , Itockfonl , Clinton , DiiUiiiiuo , Durcjiport ) Ivlt ln , MnUlsoii , .ToncsTlllo , liololt , Winona , ' La Croiso , Aud nil ether Important poInU Bait , Nortbetit aafl bouthtait. FnrthrouKbtlokeU , ullon III * tlckot ( entntU01 Knriiam ( troutlu llntkvr illock.or at Unlou I'aolUg DPDUI. I'ujlnicn Hlnpori and tbe flneit Dlnlaf Cut In lb itiirlJ r run on the main linn of the Chlonuu , MIU naukuo A M , rul lUllirar. and ererr mtuiitlou U | i la to pauooueri btourtauus implorti of tM company. U. MIl.l.Rll.daneral Manairor. J. K TUOKKH. Auiftant U a r l Mtnaxtr. A. v , it. tiAUl'KNj'KU , ( lentTil l'aii nfir aaa Ticket Asent. l0. iiIKAXKOIin : , Aiilitant Gcn rai oudTlokot Audit. T.J.liLAjtK. Utneral Bapmlntenaent. rT E. CILPIN , FIRE INSURANCE BROKER , Koom 03 Traders' CHICAGO. Your Oualnoss t > y using ur Chroru * and Uiiilucil C rd4 , AdvcrtUlnj Kuvelllei be. , printed lo orilrr , Satuplii aud I1'- ! ? * " / null , ( lu llt > < li'ki mm only ] to ell. Aadreta , RICK. unOTHHHS. , 710 Nonh < otU St. , I'hJUdelpbl , P .