Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OMAHA -DAILY BEE ; lTOJBe > .DAY. MAY 2 , 1889
ttllvtredby currier In Any Tart of lie City i\
Twenty Cents 1'crWcek.
nt'MNtcs Orncr. No. 43.
N. V. PlumblnRCo.
The condition of Mrs. Jacob Sims was vary
much Improved yesterday , and her many
friends liopo for speedy restoration to health.
The funeral of Miss Lucy Wlilto took
plnco nt4 o'clock ycstordny afternoon from
the rcsldonco of her parents on Harrison
J. H. lUlaml , Dflbutjuo ; Chin. U. Hnrdln ,
Moborly ; M. K. Sawyer , Dlxon ; and U. N.
Morrison , Milwaukee , were registered at the
Ogdcn yesterday.
Mr. H. S. Heasley and Mr * . Ina E. Klnno ,
both of Omaha , \yero married yesterday
afternoon at the Congregational parsonage
by Uev. S.V. . Crofts.
The ladles of the Harmonv chapter , O. E.
S. , will hold u social In the parlors of the
Masonic hall Friday evening , May y. All
inemncrs invited.
A base ball club has ticen organized among
the members of the junior class of the Y. M.
C. A. gvmnailutn. The players tire about
sixteen years of ago , and play the national
gntno with considerable science.
Mr. George Dcvcrill , the well known
Omaha contractor , and airs. Carrie M. Ehr-
lich , also of that city , were married yester
day afternoon at Avocn , by Uov. Charlbs
Whctzol , imstor of the 1'rcsbyterian church
of that place.
Cases of scarlet fever are reported at
Hlniul UouKhcom's , No. MO Hroadway , and
Itobln Wiiltcnmtn'a , No. 301 Benton street.
The nuaranllne at C. M. Maynnrd's , No. 27
North First street , has been raised , the
clnldrcn having entirely recovered , and the
house having been fumigated.
The I'ottawattnmlo Sunday School con
vention meets this morning in the cast room
of the 1'rcsbytcrlan church , and the session
will continue through tdo afternoon and
evening. Largo delegations from various
parts of the county uro expected.
A patriotic youngster appeared at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. Kd. C : Wright , Tuesday ,
and assisted in celebrating the day. Ho
weighs but clrht pounds , but Kd. says ho
contains inoro patriotism and appetite ac
cording to his size than anybody In America.
The Odcll Bros , club was scalped Tuesday
afternoon by the Plattsmouth team to the
tune of 15 to 0. The return pa in a will bo
played in this city Decoration Day. The
players of the homo team arc not showing
up very brilliantly , but Manager Carl is un
artist , and can carry the hat bag as bravely
as the best of them.
Mr. E. S. Smith , of Hlvorton , a banker
who is well known throughout western Iowa ,
has purchased through J. G. Tiptou , the
Lntz residence on Sixth street , just south of
Fifth avenue. The property was bought for
$0,000. Mr. Smith and family will take up
their residence hero at an early date , and
will prove a valuable accession to business
anil social circles.
Work was commenced yesterday morning
on the motor line extension into Fall-mount
park. The heaviest work to bo done is on
a sixty-live foot cut , and it js estimated that
bOO cubic yards of dirt per day will have to
bo removed to have it completed by .Tune 1 ,
It is promised to have the line completed and
cars running Into the park by Juno 10 , and
the thousands of visitors to the tournament
will bo furnished ready transportation to this
beautiful spot near nature's hsart.
The furniture and fixtures for Fritz Bern-
liardt's i.ow , tonsona'l parlors , at 8 Pearl
street , have arrived , and are being placed in
position. They are nolishnd cherry , and are
among the finest made. The bath rooms , in
the rear , are finely fitted up , and supplied
wltb all conveniences. The establishment
will bo complete In every respect , and alto
gether one of the most elegant In this section
of the country. It will bo a credit to the
city , as well as to the proprietor. It will bo
opened to the public to-day.
The statement In yesterday's HER to the
effect that the up-town ticket oflica of the
Chicago , Rock Island & Paciiic rnlhvay com
pany had been moved across the street to
occupy quarters with the express
company , at 500 Broadway , should have been
the Chlcatro , Mllwaukeo & St. Paul ticket of
fice. The Adams company runs over the
Milwaukee lines , and it is owing to this tact
that the two companies will hereafter have
their offices together. The change in location
is a desirable one for both parties.
The articles of Incorporation of the Cooperative
erative Store company , of Council Blufls ,
wcro filed yesterday with the county re
corder. The object of the corporation is to
establish , maintain and conduct a retail
grocery business , to which may bo added
from time to time such general merchandise
as the board of directors may direct. The
capital stock Is $3,000. , in shares of $10 each ,
unyablo in four monthly payments , and busi
ness may bo commenced as soon as fl.500 is
paid in. The Incornoratnrs aro.l. C. Grason ,
C. J. Eastland. G , W. Cook , A. E. Mitchell
and A. N. Scrlbnor. A meeting was held
last evening to complete the organization of
the uew company.
Council Bluffs Lodge No. 270 ( Loyal1
A. O. U. W. , moots in G. A. R. iitill
every Friduy ovoninpr at 8 o'clock.
S. U. WudRworth & Co. loan money.
Miss McDermott Is seriously 111 with ton-
illltls at tit. Honiara hospital ,
II. N. McGrow , for the past two years
manager of the Omaha annex of the Nonpa-
nol , has severed his connection with that es
tablishment and accepted a position as adver
tising solicitor on the Republican. The
vacancy is filled by Mr. R. C. Hubbard , o
this city , who has held the position of book
keeper for that concern at the home ofllce
Ho entered upon his new labors yesterday.
Ho Is succeeded by John Matthews , who
hold that position up to four years ago ,
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates ol interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & , Co. , olllco eor. Broadway
and Mulii , over American express.
For $25.00 The N. Y. Plumbing Co.
will put a load service pipe nnd hydrant
in your yard ; also 60 feet extra hose.
Call at once tit 114 Main street.
The Itiillillng Uniim.
The building boom is In full blast , as is
shown by the number of building permits
issued dally by the city olork. Yesterday
permits were issued to W. H. Latoy , of
Oimihn , for the erection of twclvo coltagos
in Twin City addition , near the car house of
the Elm-trio Motor company. They will cost
$1,200 each , a total of $14.400. T. J. Evans
will erect n (3,000 building on South Main
street , W. W. Jjlglor a 91,300 building , John
Skinklo a $1UOO building , G , A. SchocdsaoU
n 8IWO building , and U. J. Louis has focuroc
permits to erect seven frame buildings In
Uear'B addition , at a total cost of $18,000
Besides these , there , wore several smul
OI1C8. _ _
For Sale or Trade.
815,000 stoclc of inorohaiidiso. For par
ticulars inquire of George Mctcalf , 10
rcurl St. , Council Dlutls , In.
Have o ; r wagon call for your tolled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
A. Miihtcnl Opening.
The extensive establishment of the Mueliei
Magic company presented a brilliant and"
attractive nppcuraco la t evening at the
opening , The interior has been beautifully
redecorated and refitted. The display 01
pianos , organs aind various musical Instru
me tit s Is the largest ever made In this city.
LiO'ildcs the other attractive features there
was a inoit excellent concert , in which prom
inent musicians of Omaha and Council UhlfTa
participated. The ooucert roam on the second
end floor was crowded with ladies and gen
tlemen. For to-night another attractive pro
gramme is arranged. All are invited to
witness the wonderful display , and cujoy the
rare mui'.cal ' treat.
A Mlxocl Squabble Over the Saloon
Llconso Monoy.
Xlic Ilutldlng Boom Contltitic * The
Old Older Cnse The Oitilcn
Chances Hands Notes
About the City.
Who Shall llnvo llm Monpy ?
The question of refunding the money re
cently paid over to the city clerk by the sa
loon men of the city as fines for April , nnd
ordered returned by Judge Aylcsworth , is
still causing trouble in thomlndsof interested
parties. Yesterday afternoon , John Llndt ,
csq. , attorney for the saloon men , appeared
at the city building , nnd demanded that tno
money bo paid over ns ordered. The city
clerk refused , ns City Attorney. Holmes had
instructed him that the cases wore not dis
missed. Judge Aylcsworth , who was present ,
insisted that they were dismissed , and or
dered the money refunded forthwith. Some
ot it was paid , and it then transpired that
ex-City Clerk Burke still bolus about J'JOO '
balancing to the city , and refuses to turn it
over until ho is satisfied that the amount is
actually duo. Of this amount , $125 is saloon
money that must bo refunded. It Is stated
that suit will bo brought against the bonds
men of the ex-clerk to recover the money.
It will be remembered that when Judge
Aylcsworth made his ruling In the saloon
cases , several of them were dismissed , and
the others set fur an carlv trial.
The defendants did not appear in court ,
and bench warrants were issued for their
arrest. At the request of City Attorney
Holmes , the warrants have not yet been
served , as lip desired to make arrangements
of some kind. The cases are still pending.
and the indications arc that the outcome will
bo the same as In those already tried , nnd
the rnonpy paid in wilt bo ordered refunded.
In speaking of these cases yesterday , At
torney Llndt said : The mayor will find
before ho gets through with this matter that
the city can't ' blackmail the saloon men. It
has gene just about as far as it can , and
there will bo grief for him if ho tries to keep
it up. This democratic council has done
several very queer things , nnd I propose to
tncklo them before very long. They have
proceeded Illegally in1 many instances , nnd
it may make them an endless amount of
trouble No , I won't toll what I will pick up
next , for I'doiVt want thotn to Had out and
be on their guard. nTlie fun isn't all over yet
by a good deal , nnd if you keep your eyes
open you will soon see some very interesting
things. "
_ _
Ao S. Chase will exterminate goph
ers and rats from fnrms and private res
idences for the season for S5 and up
wards. Work warranted. Address Ab
S. Chase , Council BlulTs , la.
A new register was opened in police court
yesterday morning , and the first parties
booked thereon were live vags , who were
corralled fn the Rock Island freight yards.
Sam Driesbach , who was arrested Tuesday
evening for disturbing the peace , had his
case continued until this morning. Two
other evil doers settled for the deeds done in
the body by promptly paying a line and
George H. Doxtcrpaid costs and took out a
license to run an employment agency on
Pearl street. There are certain features con
nected with this case that are yet to be de
veloped Some weeks ago a girl
applied there for n situation as
servant. A few days later Ofll-
ccr Thomas went there to get a girl and the
one above referred to was sent to his plnco ,
and Dexter taxed the ofllccr another dollar
for lllling the vacancy. Thomas refused to
pay it alleging that the girl had paid and
that was sufllcient. Dexter was persistent
and' the ofllccr ariestcd him for running an
employment agency without a license. The
result was as above stated. Now Dexter has
brought suit against Thomas to collect the
dollar and costs. Thomas waxes wrathy ana
says that inasmuch as Dexter was doing
business Illegally , ho cannot collect any
money and intimates his Intention of making
Dexter give up the ? 3 collected from the
girl. '
Council Bluffs seems to bo quite prolific
.in the way of minhituro Jones county calf
cases just at present , and men are to bo found
on every corner fairly achicg to spend $5
in backing up 5 cunts worth of opinion.
Rooms to rent' in the Merriam block.
S. B. Wuds worth &Co..23U Muin s'treot.
J. G. Tipton , real citato , 627 B'dway
Very Old Cider.
The case of Barrett & Barrett vs Wheeler
& Herald was called in the district court
yesterday morning. This case Is getting
very chostnutty , and is covered with lung ,
gray whiskers. It has twice gone to the supreme
premo court , and been sent back for a new
hearing each time. The costs , already , are
jui1 in excess uf the original amount in con
troversy. The case was begun in 1883 , when
the plaintiffs , who reside In Chicago , brought
suit to rccov er $125. It seems that they sent
ten caiks of cider , containing 7-0 gallons , to
the defendants , who are a well known bottling
tling linn of this city. The latter claim that
It was not as represented , atd | refused to ac
cept or pay for it. The suit was the result.
It has now worried through six years of liti
gation , nnd the costs , thus far incurred , foot
up to nearly $1,000 C. M. Hurl , csq. . repre
sents the plaintiffs , and Mcssors. Holmes
and Pusoy are looking after the Interests of
the defendants. The rase occupied the en
tire day yesterday , nnd was not completed
when court adjourned.
Notice the beautiful iinish given col
lars , euff and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Dr. C. C. lluzen , dentist , Opera house
Nn\v hand lord 8.
As stated in yesterday's BUB , an Impor
tant change IK about to take place in the
management of the Ogden houso. The ne-
goUotlons'aro not yet'completed , but will be
by the last of the week , Mr. A.V. . fitter ,
an old hotel man of Los Angles , , and
\V. H. H. Plerco , of Sioux City , will bo the
new landlords , and continue to run the hotel
at Its present , high standard. The proprie
tors now in charge , Messrs. Winter & Milll-
gan , will remove to Chicago , whore they will
continue In the hotel bushiest. They are
now negotiating n lease of a line , 201) ) room
hotel , centrally located , In that oity. Mr.
Klter is expected to arrive , here in a few
days , and the final arra'igomfliita will then
bo made. Messrs. Winter & Mllligan are
courteous , nlTablo gont'.omcn , over solicitous
of the comfort of their guests , and their de
parture from the city is to bo greatly re
gretted , They have worked unceasingly to
build up Council Bluffs , and to place their
hotel on a paying basin. They have boon
very successful , nnd wcro not anxious to
change , but they received u good offer , and ,
seeing u promising opening ulsowhuro , ac
cepted it.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's fc Co.'a
loan olllco on furniture , uhinod , horses ,
\\agons , personal property of all hinds ,
nnd nil other nrllolau of value , without
lomovnl. All business strictly conII-
The Itnurd of Kdnonllon.
A special meeting of the school boaid wns
bold lust evening to take some actioi ; rnf'aid ,
Ing t'.io erection of u new school building In
the wbslorn part of the city. One vote was
ta'itou to see whether or not tne building
should bo erected this year. It resulted In
a tie , Messrs. Stewart. Rain and Lnvrson
voting for it , and Messrs. Schoontgou , Hlax-
slm and Hunter voting ugaliiHt it. The mat
ter was than allowed to drop , and a little
minor business was transacted , after which
the board adjourned until the sst regular
'Twixt honeymoon and , honeycomb
Tim difference please to toll : "
The one Is many little cell * .
The ether onu big tell.
A Movement to Reduce Tlile Port of
the Service.
General Tronic Manager Mellon , of the
Union Pacific , has gene to Chicago'where n
meeting of the general managers and general
superintendents of nit the western roads will
bo held to-day. Some important questions
will come up before this meeting , The prin
cipal one , however , Is In connection with the
abolition of the Sunday train service. For
some length of time there has been consider
able controversy over the running of Sunday
trains , both passenger nnd freight , and the
matter has reached that polntlhatnomcthlng
pointing to their reduction Is ubout
to b arranged. ' The movement has
been brought about by represent
atives of ' the Union Pacific , Burlincton ,
Fremont , ElKhorn & Missouri Valley , Mis
souri Pactilc , Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omahu , Mllwaukeo , Northwestern , Wabash -
bash , Rock Island , and1 in fact all western
and central linos. In this direction Its prln-
ipal issue will bo made on freight trains.
Owing to the doorcase In the volume of trnf-
llo the opinion Is that the freight can bo
moved during wcok days , and that there is
no occasion for operating freight trains on
Simony , aside from those required to move
perishable freight. With this in view the
representatives of the roads will meet at Chicago
cage to-day anH decide. "Somo of
the lines also favor the reduction
of passenger service on Sunday ,
nnd it is thought that n change
n this line may result by operating through
Sunday trains alternately by parallel lines
should the Sunday freight trains bo discern-
.inued the train service of all the roads will
JO decreased about one-eighth , resulting in
thosavlng of an enormous amount of money.
An ofllulal of the Union Pacillc stated that
.ho chnngo would bo accompanied by n
arge saving , and that In all probability at the
meeting to bo held to-morrow the mutter
would bo so decided.
Imborers Dltsatlsllcil.
Considerable dissatisfaction 1 prevalent
among the workmen In the repair track cir
cle of the Union Pacific at this place. Tues
day two of the three men composing the
wrecking crew were transferred to the re-
lalr track and two of the workmen at the
alter point were discharged. Jti doing this
the men taken from the wrecker are com
pelled to perform double service. They are
included In the wracking crow and arc also
compelled to work on the repair ti ack with
the understanding that in case the wrecking
derrick is called out they must bo on hand at
any hour ot the da.v or night mid for the dou
ble service they are to receive pay for but
one. Tills , they think , savors of retrench
ment too finely and in consequence a bitter
feeling toward-a certain ofllclul is browing.
Revised Passenger Hates.
The rates from Omaha to all points on the
various railroads were advanced 15 cents yes-
tcsday. This was brought about by the Union
Paciiic advancing its rates over iho bridge
at this place from 10 to 25 cents , the same
having taken clTect to-day. In tourists'
rates to Denver , Colorado Springs and
Pueblo the rates to-day were advanced from
? 25 to $80 , nnd the tickets will bo limited to
thirty days going and five days returninir.
This change has been made in order to pre
vent the scalpers from cutting In on general
traflle by dickering in coupons. Yesterday the
second-class rate from Omaha to Helena and
Butte took effect with n reduction from
J3J.50 to § 25 for one way fare.
Equalized Hates.
The petition of the Chicago , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha for the right to put in
a tariff on business originating at northern
Nebraska points on the Union Pacific to Duluth -
luth corresponding with that to Chicago has
been granted by the board of arbitration.
This matter has been before the trafllo man
agers for a considerable length ot time and
every effort put forth bv the Omaha road
met with powerful opposition by the repre
sentatives of the Chicago roads. Why Chicago
cage roads should receive a differential over
Duluth for a like haul Is what promoted the
Omaha road to press its petition. This will
make the rail-marine circuit for , Nebraska
products a'permanont one.
Burlington Changes.
The Burlington will make changes in its
ovo'rland trains in the time of arrival nnd
departure at this place to correspond with
that of the new schedule on tno Union Pa
cillc. General Manager Holdrcdgo left
yesterday for Chicago , whore ho will attend
a conference to-morrow in connection with
the new transcontinental train schedule.
Was Overworked ,
John W. Scott , chief clerk of the passen
ger department of the Union Pacific , is at
Colfax Springs , and not In the best of health.
Ho has been ill for some length of time
which Is attributed to overwork at his desk
in the headquarters. His many friends will
bo pleased to learn that ho is recovering and
will soon bo at Kansas City with the title of
passenger and ticket agent for the Union
Railroad Notes.
Engine 1100 , that was smashed up in the
wreck at Cut-Oft lake , has been repaired and
is again ia the service.
J. O. Philllnpi , of the Missouri Pacific , J.
A. Munroe , of the Union Paclilo.and Thomas
Miller , of the Burlington , are in Kansas City
attending n meeting of the Trans-Missouri
L. H. Korty , superintendent of telegraph
of the Union Paciiic. is at York , Neb. , at
tending a meeting of the Knight Templars.
Superintendent Rhodes of the stone ao-
partmontof the Union Pacillc , will arrive
from the west to morrow.
C. J. Smith has vacated the position of
general land commissioner Of the Union Pa
cific and A. Woodcock sucaeeded him. Mr.
Smith will at onre assume the general mana
gership of the Oregon Railway & Naviga
tion system.
The clerical reduction to the extent of
thirty-two in the assistant auditor's depart
ment of the B. & M. formally took effect
yesterday. *
1 aoe. Orricm : . W. II. M. I'.ussr
Comer Main and Hroadway ,
OOl'NUil. ' . IlblTWS , IOWA.
In foreign end domestic excunnga.
Colle'-tlon * wild * nud lnttr bt pild on time do-
puvtu ,
usKNOoTttfcti imiEDV Ken
Sprains , Strains , Soreness , Stiffness ,
Aches and Pains.
Bold by Druggist ! nml Oculars.
WANTii-A : comoetont girl to do general
housonorlc. Apply at tiio HlulT st. , Conn-
cil IHulTs.
, . Oil IlKfTT-OMlco rooms over 8. A. I'lercc'n ,
J „ rorner Main nnd First nvo. I'Vont room ,
JlOjback room , ftiper month. A..l SteplieMon.
QlTlTATIoFi Wilted As booKkoopr orTtTan
0 olllcp. ( lood refeicnccs. Address II. H , B. ,
Dee olllce ; Council IHurfa.
HIGH BALK My rcnlrtonre. Inquire John O.
Woodward , fll'-J 1'onrth avouno.
WANTKD-A nrit-cloMs cook , thoroughly
xindcrstandlnRhls business. Good wages
paid. Apply ImmiMllntoly In parson to Henry
W. Mother ) . , upurlnlomli > nt Deaf anJ Dumb In
stitution , Council lllutrs , la.
WANTRD At the float and Dumb Institu
tion , Council lllmi'H , a ( lower gardener. Ap
ply In person or by mail to the superintendent.
"I7\on \ HKNT Two dwelling houses , 8 and 10
-L rooms , and two centrally located olllcos In
Council llluirs. Horace r.vorott.
FOH HUNT Largo doufila olllce over 1'rank
Levin's cigar store , KB llroadw ay. Inquire
of Trank Levin.
nunning between. Council BluUs and Al
bright. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop ot Twentieth and Twenty.fourth
streets , and at tno Summit In Omaha.
Leave. I Arrive.
A No.2 . 0i : p. m. A No.l . 7:00 a. m.
O No.O . G00a.ra.k ; ; No,5 . 5:50 p. HI.
A No. 4 . . . : No.y . 0 : 43p.m.
A No.4 . l:5)a. ) : ) m.A , No.5 . ; B)5a.m. )
A No.l ) . . ( l,5p. : in.jA No.II . fiWp. : m.
Kxcept Saturday. tKxcent Monday.
No.O . 11:40 : a. in. No. 7 . 'J:41a.m. :
No.8 . 4:15 p. in No 3 . 903 ; a. m.
No.4 . 0:40 : D. m.No. , 5 . 0:15 : p. m.
All Trains Dully.
A No.2 . A No.l . 0:50 : a. m.
A No.4 _ 7Kp.ra.A : ( ) No. : ! .
A.A No.2 . 0:35 : a.m. 'A ' No.3. . . .6:10a.m. :
A No.4 . b:3Jp. : m.'A ' No.l . 0:2 : > p.m.
A No. 10. . . .7:05 : a. m.'A ' No.O . SVa.m. :
A. No.12. .7OOp.m.A : No.II . UiUOp.m.
A No.8 . . .4K p. in. A No. 7 . 12:03 m.
A dally : It dally except Saturday : C except
Sunday ; 1) except Monday : * fast mall.
Uhu tlmo givim aoovo Is for Transfer , there
being from live to ten mlmitea betweuu Trans-
er and local depots.
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc.
Agents wanted.
C. II. .IUI > D ,
.Council JtlufTd la ,
Mrs1 , C , L , GILLETT'S '
AjuVuee her line line of Hnlr
( loods. .K1NKST HAlll
OHNAHKNTS In the city.
WKS , llourds , etc. , fo { Itfiiit
of nine.
UluOi nnd Coyle and Myers
, ( ji'inae I'tilntH. Hair
t Dressing , Utc.
Nu. tl ( > JIIulii Srn Council HluH'M
Orders by mall repejvupromptaitvution.
103 Main Street.
Opening !
May ist , 2d , 3d , and 4th , 1889 ,
The finest assortment of PIANOS and ORGANS. Music and .songs every evening. The best
artists and musicians have kindly offered their services : of Omaha , Mrs. Fanny Kellogg-Bach-
art , Miss Lillie Chamberlain , Mrs. Regina Atwatcr , Mrs. L. A. Moeller , Prof. Butler of Coun
cil Blufts ; Miss Bella Robinson , Miss Maigurite Licldel , Prof. Charles Baetons , Mr ! Marshall
Treynor , Mr. Sam. Noble , Mr. Ernest Thornton , Mr. F. L. Hayclen , Mrs. M. Dillon.
Strike und Blass Lust Club , Prof. Dalbie's Band and Orchestra , Prof.
Heiser's Orchestra ,
All will unite to make the event a pleasant one. YOU ARE INVITED.
-Fuel Merchants. Watch TheSlGNS
CNo.31 Spjrth.MainSt. of.the TlMES/ /
Courteous . . . . . Attention. - < * , . -Pointed by > .M < > FioE:0Fi'i _ _ ,
' PromptoeriverY >
We invite .1 your patronage. P/E.MILLER ' E.B.GARDINER. .
No9.ll8cl3 Pear I NO / O BFPOA D W vC
BSSl $ $
The Most dorn Novolltl os
Artistic Decoration !
Nos. Ill and 13. Pearl S.t.
D.H.MODANELD & co , (
HideslTallowPeltslWool&Fui& ,
Highest nmrVrtjirlces. Prompt return * . No.820
nud KS Maln-st. , Council lllutrs , Iowa.
25 TO 300
flORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators
Specifications ami estimate * furuUbed for complete steam plants. Itepiilntlon. Durability Qmr
uuteed Can bhow lottery from USUM where I'uel Kconomy U equil uitli Corltui Noa-Conilauila ; ;
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalog ae. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluff s
Taxidermist and Naturalist.
Permanently located at No. II North fllsth Bin ct , oppwdto ixnt-
olllce , on motor line , Council Illnirs , Iowa.
Illiils nud nnlmnlK mounted naturnlly anrt In the best method ot
the iirt. Win-runted to presei vo for years. 1'orulgn birds supplied
n ahort notice. IIlKlifit prlcj paid for own ! and hav/La of nil klndK. I'ernonn Hundluu
aaured ot perfect BntlafacUun. J'ur < lru ilnK a aptimlty.Vrlto for pHrtlcnlaru.