Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Movements of G nln In Chicago
Uolldny Jjnck or lliiNlnoRi nnil Untl
Wcnllicr Hcportfl Hotli Opcrato
IJatHy California Craji
All Ululit.
CnioAoo , May 1. [ Special Telegram to
Tim Unn.l The wlicnt market was dull and
tame to-dny. It was the first tiny of tlio
month ( delivery dny ) nnd the day after a
liolldny. New York did no business in Its
own exchange , nnd sent neither trade nor
iiowd hero. The local crowd operated In a
la/y fnshlon and the innrkct was narrow and
listless lulls chat actor.
"Tho crowd" ficctns to liavo got left on
IOIIK wheat and In the absence of bull
news , or stronR buying , was disinclined to
hold on wlttt that degree of determination
Indicative of high purpoRO to "do or die. "
This RBVO prices n downward Inclination
nttur the flint ifttlo boom ncnr the opening.
Publlocnblcn wcrotnnct , butmostof the pri
vate cables reflect nil an undertone of weak
ness In foreign mnructs , The northwest sent
In n great many bad weather rcpotifl , In the
naturu of high winds nnd dry , cold weather
which still prevail in ninny sections
of the spring wheat country. From Innu
merable points In the Ohio vnlloy reports
coino in of need of rain , but these , as yet ,
fall to oxclto special nlarm , though they do
Inspire more or less nervousness , nml glvo
"crop killers" something to talk about. The
southwest continues to Issue bearish bulle
tins , but from nil the sections south and cast
of Kentucky ndvlcos Indicate n weak , backward -
ward Hprine.
As the season advances It becomes evident
that "tho bumper of 18S9" mis not yet buon
iimdo. This docs not npply to California.
Kcports from thcro nro all ono wny , nnd the
crop scorns to bo practically out of danger.
July wheat was in demand parly , at T'J'ffc ,
niidthoprico was run to TOjffC'l'iW. ' 'iho '
crowd acted as thong it felt , strong , but ere
lonfi the pnco worked down to 7lWc. The
market held steady at about 7Uif ( < / > 7SI ; ? c for
an hour or more , after the first huir hour ;
but un excess of offerings caused n further
decrease of values nnd the price got down to
78c. Some watchful people in the
pit thought thov doteeted rather n
Btlu solllnir for northxvestorn account , which ,
coming on the heels of the bad weather report -
port- ) , filled thorn with suspicion. Skepticism
BOOH illlcd the pit , nnd thereafter something
better than moderate buying was needed to
create higher prices or a bull sentiment.
The prlco of .luiy got nbovo 7t c , however ,
nnd neuln worked under that point , but
Hutchison had orders In 79o of sufficient
magnitude to offset the foreign demand. The
close was 7Uc.
May wheat broke from 81fc at the openIng -
Ing to SOJ c , recovering toward noon to SlJ c.
hut selling back subsequently to Sic , and
closing thcro. Juno opened nt b2Vc , wont to
h'-itfc , off to 81Wc , up to S'Jtfc nnd off to Blh'c.
closing nt the bottom figures. As compared
with Monday , the closings mark a shrinkage
of 3T@MC1" 8not wheat the market was
good and a fair demand is reported , sales of
ubout fifty car loads having been effected at
J-Co over tire May price. Unexpectedly small
uollvories make shlpoers anxious to obtain
wheat , apparently , and Iho blackboard re
cords shipments of 115,000 ! bushels slnco Mon-
Notwithstnndlng the heavy receipts there
was a peed demand for corn. The weather
lioinir dry nnd cold It was regarded as less
favorable for the prospects of the next crop
and to this cause , added to small deliveries
on May contracts was ascribed the strength
Of the market. The receipts ot American
corn at Liverpool for the past thrco days
were 85,100 centals and thcro was an increase
of the amount on ocean passage , nccoiding
to Hccrbohui , of MJi.OOO bushels. Stocks in
Liverpool wore estimated at from 040,000 to
720,000 bushels. From Now Orleans 10,001) )
bushels wore cleared , yesterday , for Liver
pool. Tim opening strength was not main *
tnlncd throughout May , which opened at
UWo and sold to Sllc , having curly declined
under frco offerings to Ultimo at the close ,
being % c lower than the final price on Mon
day. Juno nnd July sufToring about equally.
The demand for cusli corn lor shipment was
Rood , " with No. II , nt the close ,
only $40 under the prlco of No. S.
Oats attracted the usual attention , with
good speculative business nt firm figures ,
early in the day , followed by n later decline
of % & ) ' fo. Deliveries of May contracts
were fullv as great as expected , and made a
largo nggicgate. two clique houses alone
being credited with taking Iho total of nearly
1,000 000 bushels. The early strength , with
May soiling up JflftKo to 22X < ? 82ac , was
duo to good buying lor account of shorts.
With this satisfied in a degree , and with con
tinued largo oftcrincs , the market declined
to 2''o , Juno being at only Jfo premium and
July soiling down % c , Kccoipts were liberal
nnd included 102 cars of contract grades.
Sales of car lots to go to store were not
heavy , with prices about J < c under May.
Provisions worn quito bcarishly Inclined ;
sales were made at prices approximating to
Monday's close , and for n brief time exhibi
ted a 'comparatively strong feeling. The
bears , however , wore in the majority , and as
BOOH as the demand subsided they found it an
easy matter to depress the market. IIojjs were
in good supply and lower. The cash
product was quiet and Influences usually
nflllctlng values favored u decline. After
the morning's temporary Bhowingof strength
Iho boars had conti'ol and under the exces
speculative offerings prices suffered u
IUVITO break. Fiom the best quotations
made , pork sold off ! : % ® } c , lard. BftJTKc ,
unit short ribs , 5 100. Compared with Mon
day's last quotations the day's closing were
at decline of 16@-0 on pork , 8@7Ji on lard ,
nd 7K@l'J } < j on short ribs.
At thu sini t it was thought thut the moder
ate receipts tills wcul : would Justify a strong
market and many telegrams wore scut to the
sour.try quoting the advance. Knsteni or-
flora , however , wore not liberal nnd gener
ally carried Instructions to operate carefully.
1'ho dressed bcof moil took udvautago of the
iltuatlon and worked against all local sales-
luuu taking any advantage.
CIHOAOO. May 1. [ Special Telegram to
Tins BIE. : ] CAT-ILK Hrnv.v cattle wore
Bfe'iiin iilentiful and before the finish conces
sions luul to bo granted In order to move the
supply. Handy light to medium weight
stcci-d curly sold stroiif and later steady ,
Cows , hulls nnd all descriptions of butcher-
Intj nnd cannliiK Kradcs made yoblunlny'a
prices. Very little was doing in mockers anil
( coders. No Texnns arrived up to the lime
this i oport closed. Cholco to extra beeves ,
M.10&4.80 ; medium to good steers , 1350 to
1RIH ) iKUiul8. W.bO&C4.00 ; 1200 to 1 50 pounds ,
iiOOgl.yO : ( ! ; 'JM to I''OO pounds , f8yo ; j.75 ;
eUii'Ucrs and feeders , F--100iU..MI ! ; COWA ,
liullu and mixed , $1.73 ( < Ta.UI : ; balk , j2.2. ; > ( ci
U.15 ; slop-foil Dulls , f3 1UQ(3.40 : Texas cattle ,
Hooi-rTlio market opened with a few
ales nt > egtorUa.v's prices , or at u range of
t4.7iH S 1.75 for ijood hogs. Later the tnue
tuled slow nnd fi@10o lower , SI. ( .5 being the
h'cnrral price for good , heavy and dcslr.xble
mixed ; fl.rtTH for soiled shipping , heavynnd
iclcelod butchers , nyd (4.70 for light sorts
tillable for 1 New Yo u. The general duality
was excellent , \vo-thli da of the supply" being
unusually attractive grades. Northwcilcrn ,
for a wonder , piovedlo bo Iho best lolling
division , more bales being madoat M.70uM.7ri (
there tlun either in the Hoclt Isinad or Bur-
llngton dlvUlous.
Cuicuoo , May i. Wheat Lower ; cash ,
6lc ; June , Sltfo ; .luly , 7Uc.
Corn-LoHur ; cash , 83Jfc ; June ,
July , U ? tc.
Oats--Lowor ; canu , 22e ; June , 20 5-lCc :
Hnrlov Nothing doing.
WhUUy-tl.03 ,
Prime Timotliy-1.31.
July , . . . .
Lowerca h , KXT7K ; June ,
Julv , tC.S
Flour- . _
Dry Soil Mcnls-Shouldcrs , 5.23 5.'iO ;
fhort clc r , J0.25Q0.37K ! * hort ribs , ? 5.S2 i
t [ 5.87J. , ' .
Uuttcr-Steady ; crcnincry , 10322c ; dairy ,
CtieetcQuiet : full creini Cheddars nnd
flats , S)4@'Jc ) ' ; fancy Young Americas , 0
© lOc.
EgSB-KInn ; fresh , 10 > < @ 11c.
HidesUnchnnpcd ; heavy and light qraen
salted , 5' c ; malted dull , 4fc ; green salted
calf , Oe ; dry Hint , 7o ; dry salted , 7e ;
dry calf , 7ft ! < c ; deacons. 25J each.
Tnlloxv- Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4c ; No. 2 , 3tfc , cake , 4 > $ c. . „ ,
Ucceipts. Shipment * ) .
Klour . . . 14,000 , 17.0M
Wheat . 14,000 12J.OOO
Corn . , . 200,000 300,000
Oats . 21)0,000 ) 130,000
JUImiruiiollH , May \Vhcal-Samplo
wheat , firmer ; receipts , for two days , 217
cars : shipments , S3 cars. Closing ; No. 1
hurd , May , 7c ; July , 99c ; on track. fl.OO ;
No. i northern , Mny , 83 > c ; July , 84 , ' c ; on
track , l)0$02c ) ( ; No. 2 northern , May , sOe ;
on track , 80ttS2c ( ; July , 70 c.
Milwniikop , Miiv 1. Wheat Unsettled ;
cash , 7SVc ; July , , yc.
Corn Stead v ; No. 3 , 34e.
Oats Steady ; No. 2. white , 27So. .
Hye Firm ; No. 1 , 43'f ( < t43Hc.
Uarley Steady ; No. 2. file.
Provisions Firm ; pork , $11,47H >
SI. Louis , May 1. Wheat Lower ; cash
and May , SOo ; July , "IJfe.
Corn Lower ; cash , 30' e ; July ,
Oats Higher ; cash and May , 23c.
Porlt Dull nt * 12 00.
Lard Nominal at 0 CO.
Whl ky ? l 0-J.
Cincinnati , May 1. Wheat Firm ; No.
2 rcdS4o.
Corn Scah-o and higher ; No. 2 mixed , 37c.
Outs-Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 2tlc.
Whisky Steady at el.lfi.
KiinHnn City. May 1. Wheat Quiet ;
No , 2 red , cash , OOo asked ; July. 70o asked ;
No. 2 soft , cash , 78 } < ? c bid ; July. 07e asked.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 25cbtaJuly ; ,
25Jfo bid ; No. 2 white , cash , 25 > c.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 20c asked.
Chlcnco , May 1. The Drovers' Journal
reports ns follows :
Catlle Uecoipts , 11,000 ; market slow and
lower ; beeves , fl.lO@4.80 ; steers , $3iO@4.00 : ;
stockcrs and feeders , $2. 10l.50 ( ! : ; cows ,
bulls nnd mixed , $1.75 ( 3.30 ; Texas steers ,
$3 00ffi3.75. (
Hogs Hecolpts , 18fiOO ; slow , 5@10c lower ;
mixed , 4.50(31.75 ; heavy , ? 4.50@4.75 ; light ,
H.55@4.0 ; skips. 3.5lljrl.35. (
Sheep Uocolpts , 4,50J ; dull , lOc lower ;
natives , $4.00C 5 00 ; western $4,05(751.00 ( ; Texans -
ans , § J.15@4.35 ; lambs , * -l.50 Q0.00.
Xntlinial .Stock Yards IJast St
Ijouls , May 1. Cattle Uccolnts , 4,000 ;
shipments , 500 ; market steady ; falrlo choice
heavy nallve steers , f3.00@4.40 ; stackers and
feeders , & 2.00@i.O : ) ; . rangers , corn-fed , J2.75
@ 3.W ( ; grass-fed , fl.80@2.00.
Hogs Hecelpts , S.bUO ; shipments , SOO ;
slow ; choice heavy nnd butchers' selec
tions , ? 4.5 < ) @ 4.GO ; packing , $4.35(31.60 ( ; light ,
grades , $4. 15@4.00.
. Olt.v , .May 1. Cattle Iloceipts.
2.200 ; shipments , 1,500 ; market firm nnd
higher ; common to choice , corn-fed , $ , ) .00@
4.25 ; stockers and feeding steers , f 2.01)05 )
3.00 ; < i3.20. !
Hogs Receipts 1,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
market slow , weak and lower ; common to
choice , $ I.'S@4.4"K.
Sioux City , May 1. Cattle Receipts ,
1H' } ; shipments , 115 ; imrkot stoaav : fiit
steers , $3.00@3.70 ; stockers , $2.3jW2.b5 ;
feeders , ? i.40C 2. 0 ; canncrs nnd bulls , $1.00
@ 1.75 ; veal calves , ? 2.0C'C < fll.OO.
Hogs Reccipls , 1,100 ; market 2a5
lower ; light and mixed ,
lionvy ,
Cnttle. .
Wednesday , May 1. 1SSO.
The catilo market opened with very llat-
lering prospecls for Iho Gelling interests.
Hnyers were early in the saddle , both pack
ers and shippers , nnd were offering fully
steady prices for the beef and shinping steers.
The trade was brisk and a good many cattle
changed hands. A very considerable pro
portion of Iho offerings sola in the morning ,
and over half of Iho cattle were weighed up
before midday. An the later advices ficrni
eastern points , containing un favorable re *
ports of the market , the trade hero eascil up
and the market weakened. For iho balance
of the day it was slow and dull anil the close
was lower , salesmen putting the decline all
the way from 5e to lOc. The steers sold
mostly nt $ l.bOg ( < 3.$0 , but there were no
prime heavy cattlo. 'Ihoro was quite : i
spriLkling of butchers' static on sale , and
anything thnt was really desirable diu not
sell much different from yesterday. Stock
ers ami feeders were in good demand nnd
sold nt gopd strong prices. Somc'choicc light
stockers sold at ? J.UO and some lighter cattle ,
not so good , at 3 00. A bnnctiof choice S50
pound feeders brought fri.25.
Thi > market was n shade lower to-day , or
about 5o lower than Monday. The shippers
opened the market by paying ? 4.40@4.45 for
good heavy hogs , Huston being a liberal
buyer , and tjood butcher weights brought the
same money. There was n good domain ! for
New York som , and light hogs of that de
scription sold quito readily nt $4.43. There
were not enough light hogs to.snpply the de
mand. The packers were on the bear nldo of
the deal , and they stood off some time trying
to buy iho niivod hogs nt $1.35.
There was only ono load here and itbrought
a good price , considering the weight and
quality. Thu feeling on the market was weaken
on nccount of the decline in eastern markets
A double deck of sheep was received , coil-
signed direct to a parkor.
Cattle . 1,000
Hoga . 4,100
Snscp . BOO
Prevailing Prices.
The f allowing U a table of prices paid in
.his market , for the grades of stock men-
.toned :
. rimostoera , 1300 to 1500 Ibs , . .f3.70 W4.00
Good steers , 1250 to 1 150 Ibs. . . 3.00 W3.80
Good Blcers , 1050 to 100 ! ! Ibs. . . 3.50 R3.70
Ordinary to fair COWH . 1'JO ( ' " 2.40
Fair to good rows . 2.10 ( ii2CO
Good to el/olco / cows . , , 2.00 ( il2.00
Choice to fancy row. , heifers. . 2.t > 0 ( i3.25
Fair to good Imlla . a.OO 02.50
Good to choice bulls . 3.50 ( 3.00
Llgnt stockers and feeders. . . . 2.70 o3,00
Good feeders , 050 to 1100 Ibs. . 2.H ( ) ( fttl.JS
Fair to choice llghl hogs . 1.40 OJ4 45
Fair to choice lic.wy lings . 4,40 ( i 4 45
Fair to choice mixed hogs . 4.115 ( < N,40
FalrlomoJlum luitlvo shocp. . 4.00 ( ( JJ4.35
Geed lo choice native sheep. . . 4,50 ( i(4,90
Fair to choice western sheep. . 4.00 @ 1.75
l : 'j > resiiitiulvo Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 . lO O S3.00 13 . 144S $3.00
15 . b.VJ : i.J5 ! f'0 ' . 12'J7 3.150
4 . U95 3.HO 39 . 1247 3.00
14 . WU IUI3 15 . 1001 300
31 . IXU a.8D 17 . 1247 302 ;
! 15 . Ml ! UO IS . 1131 3.02
I ) . .105'J 3.40 20 . 1800 3.0.V
22 . . . .1031 8,45 1 . 1310 3.05
1U . llf.0 . U.45 1S . . . . . ' .I27'J 3.05
8 . 13 ! > 3 3.50 21 . 12)5 ) 3.05
so . . . .loss ar.o - - 10 . 1237 3oa-
7 . 1200 3.50 3 . iniO 3.115
1U . 1107 ! ) .r.O H4 . 1I'J2 11.70
3 . 11W > 3.50 ID . ! ? 3.75
00 . WO 3.S5 35 . 15D4 3.77'j
40 , . . . -.1212 3.55 17 . 1130 3.SO
20 . 1207 3.00
2 . S75 2.00 1 . U50 2.75
3 . , W3 3,00 1 . 1210 290
7 . 1043 ' . ' .60 1 . 12iO 3.00
J. . . . H35 'J50 a"i . W 2.00
.J . 1012 2.CO 1 . 1010 : t.X ( )
1 . 730 2.M 11 . U&2 3,00
0 . 10CO 2.00 1 . 070 3.00
1 . WQ 2.00 I' . . . , , . . . f07 3.00
20. . . . . . . . 100 ' . ' . ( 0 . (07 3.0i )
25. v . 007 U.70 1 . 18S 3.00
10 . b l 2.70 1. . . . 1J30 3.00
6 . 1133 2,75
111)1. ) 1. S.
1 . 12 50 1.75 1 . 1840 2.05
2 . , .1030 2.30 1 . 1SOO 2fcO
i . 1700 a.5o i. . i&ao
1 . 1310 2.50STOCKCII9.
0 . 072 'AM 13 . 033 320
30 . C21 a.SO 14 . , , 700 3.20
09 . 5'J3 2.05 34 . 74 J 3.30
Tlio Slonth'H I'urchnHca. .
Showing the number of cattle , hopt nnd
sheep purehasoit bv tho"dlffuront buyers on
this market during the month of April :
CATT i.e.
Swift & Co 10,434
t ? . H. Hammond & Co 5,539
1 * 4,55'1 '
Arinour-Cudahy company ,
Omaha P.mklnir Co 17 l
Stephen. Hamilton & Co 330
Shippers and feeders " 13,177
Local . 141
Total for April 45,334
Total for Mai ch 30,532
lion .
George H. Hammond & Co 10,025
OnfahaPnckingcoiiipati.v 1IOJ7 !
Armour-Cudahy Pnckiiigcompany. . . . 27,015
Squires &Co 1 , 18
Swift & Co 4,709
Urnlnard Bros 130
Local Hutchprs 54
Total 02.008
Decrease from March 18S9 2,323
Decrease from April 18s8 4 ,152
8111:1:1' .
Swift & Co 3,015
Armonr-Uudnhy Packing company. . . . 2(52 (
G. H. Hammond & Co 411
Omnh.i Pnukinc Co 75
.lohn Hill 273
J.Koth 10
Dodge 20
H.Uenl 20
Ituynolds & Co 93
J. It. Conklm & Co 201
Total for April 4.457
Total for March 10,081
Ijivo Stock Notes.
Cattle closed lower.
Hops a shacto easier.
A weaker feeling in sheep.
A.Ti.Spcarnmn was in from Springfield with
A. ASCII , of Stantou , camoin with two cars
of cattle.
N. U. HerRgrcn was in from Wahoo visiting
the yards.
Li. Marks came over from Council Bluffs
with cattle.
J. Honsclwood came In from Fullcrton
with cattle.
J. L. Urott came In from Kustis with cattle
nnd hops ,
J. D. Brown was in from Halsey with two
loads of hogs.
R. A. Morton , of Henderson , la , was on
the market with cattle.
William Hohnb.uim was in from Waco with
two cars of cattle.
W. H. Freeman was in from Oakland , la. ,
looking over the yards.
Alvsi SmithjOf Wnvcrloy.wason the market
with three loads of < : ittlc.
E. Filloy was in from Filloy with four cars
ot choice cattle of his own feeding.
A. Siitton , of iMcIutosli & Sutton , cnmo In
from Chapman , with two cars of cattlo.
II. Cooic of Underwood , la. , had a car of
hops on the market.
John Iluphcs and son , John Iluphcswcro In
from Grotna witn hogs and got $4.45 , thu
toj > .
A. B. Wilson was in from Logan , la.with n
car of cattle nnd two cars of imps.
August Anderson , of Anderson & John
sonOakland , was on the market with u car of
hogs and a car of cattle.
George Humbor , ono of West Point's big
feeders , was In with two cars of cattlo.
ICorndt Bros , of Bird City , Kan , , were in
the market with cattle and hogs.
George Williams , ot tho'llrni of Klscr &
Williams , Kanonu , Kan. , was on the market
with cattle and hogs.
J. Kruso , ono of the larpest Knox county
feeders , was In from Creighton with two cars
of cattlo.
Edward Shnrpo , who wont with the Qmaha
board of trade to the Black Hills , lias re
There was n gain in the number of cattle
weighed during the month of April over the
month of March of 8,832.
Hogs sold one year ago to-day nt
5,35 , and thrco years ago at S3.50 ( < 13.05.
'Iho top on cattle ono year ago to-day was
W.CO , two years ugo M.75.
I'roiliiuc , FriillM , 1C to.
BUTTHU Table dairy , 10@lScj packers'
stock , 8 ( llc. Creamery prints , fancy , 24
( ' .Wo ; choice , 20@2'c ; solid packed , 20 ®
Eoas Strictly fresh , 0@10c.
CIIBUSE Young America , full cream , 13c ;
twin flats , 12o ; off grades , 8@10ij Van Hos-
som Edam , $11.50 per dozen ; sap sago , 19oj
brick , Ifio ; limburger , 12c ; domestic Swiss ,
14o ; skims,4@0o ; chccso sifcsbroiuo medal ,
POULTIIY Live hens per dozen , $325@
3.50 : roosters , 3.00@3.25j turlteys , 10@llo
per Ib.
AiTLES Gonltuns , ] ) er bbl , 52.50 ; Wino-
saps , per bbl , $2.75 ; N. Y. Ualdwlns.nor bbl ,
f2.7Dffl)3.00 ) ; common. ei.75@2.23.
CiiANiiEiiiiiES Bell and Bugle , per bbl ,
f7.00 ; Boll and Cherry , per ' bbl , $0.00 ; Jer
sey , per bushel box , ? J.50. "
SruiwuniiliiEii Per case , 24 qts , ? fl.00@
9.00.OitASons Fancy Washlnpton. navels , $5.00
G5.2n ; Riverside , $3.Xif3.25 ( ) ; fancy paper
rind St. Michaels , W.75i ( J.25 ; fancy Duarte
Mediterranean Bwools fJ.750 < 3.25 ; fancy
bright mountains , W.'iS'J,75 ( ; Los Angeles
( choice ) , * Ji5t2.60. !
LBJio.NB-Choice , | 3 50Q3.75 ; fancy , $4.00@
COCOAXUTS Cliolce Himtans. per 100.J4.50 ;
less than 100 , $5.00.
BAXANAS According lo slzonf bunch , ? 1.50
( ( C3.W ) .
UAIU.V YEOKTAIILCS Lettuce , per dozen
heads , IlSC' Uc1 radishes , per do/en bunches.
20Q25C ; green onioiis , 12@5o | ; parsley , 25@
30o ; soup bundles , bi ( < t)40o ) ; beets , 55&00o ;
carrots , 50@55e : turnips , 50g55o ( ; oystei
plant , 80i23.1iecelerv ; , 85i-t ( ? 1.00 ; cauliflower ,
fl.r5g2.25j cucumbers. b5c@$1.00 ; green
peas , bu boxes , $3.00 < V$2.25 ; string beans ,
bu box , SI.50fCl.75 ; tomatoes , K u. * 1.75 ( < <
2.00 : nsparagub , i > or Ib , 10@12c : pie plant ,
per Ib , 35o ; now potatoes , per Ib , ! % @ 3o ;
cabbage , 2j 4J3e.
Futsu FISH White llsh , frozen , per Ib ,
7c ; herrings , frozen , per ID , 5o ; trout , fresl
caught , per Ib. Uowhlto ; perch , fresli caught
per Ib , 7c : buffalo , fresh cuugnt , per Ib , 7o
plcltcrol , fresh caught , per Ib , Bo ; black bass caught , per Ib , lie.
GAME Jack snipe , tl.00@t,25 ; plover
75o ( U.OO ; mallard ducks , (2.50 ( 3.00 ; teal
11.00 ® 1.25 ; mixed , tl.OOQl.M.
BBAKS Choice band picked navy , $3.25
choice hand picked medium1 , $2.00" ; choice
hand picked country , $1.75Ql.WJ ) clean coun
try , * 1.60 1.G5. "
PoTAions Choice , sacked1 , T < 6r bu , 23Q30C.
ONIONS Per mi , 25CJTOo. ' '
Vr.i. . Choice , medium siie7(23o ( ' ( ; choice ,
heavy , 4@0c.
Hinns , PBI.IS , TAU.OW , l-ftt' Grcon salted
hides , fiJVc ; dry salted hides , Oct dry Hint
hides , Sc ; calf hides , SJtfQCo ;
grease , ynllow. ,
Arri.c BiTTnii-7c.
ClUKli Bbls , $55 hf bbls , ft.
Bt'TTr.lllNE 14 ( 160 per JU. ,
MAPI.P. SUOAII 12Kif ( ir > 0jei | ) % Ib.
HONET 10 ? 17a per Ib. , -
PitE3Eiivns O.l @ ! 0o lior Ib'
JELLIKS 3X@4o per Ib.
B\as American A , seamless , J17.23 ;
Union Square paper , discount , 35 per cent ;
Mikudo Square paper , dlscbilnt , 35 per cent.
CAXNRII Fnuira Apples , per gal , f2.15j
blackberries , 2 Ib , 7Ac ; blueberries , 3 Ib. 75c ;
blueberries , 2 Ib. ? l.f > 0 ; cherries , rod , 2 Ib ,
P5c ; cherries , white , 2 Ib. $1.55 ; nrcs. figs , 1
Ib , $2.00 ; gooseberries. 2 lb , 1.10 ; pineapples ,
2 Ib. $2,75 : ] > lno apples , 3 Ib , ? , ' .50 ; plno-
anplcs , 2 Ib , (2.25 ; plnoapt > lcs , 2 Ib , fl.l'iO ;
strawberrici , 3 lu , 11.15 ; strawberries , pros. ,
21b , ? 2,00 ; raspbcrriei , 2 Ib (10 ( ij ? syrup ) ,
$1.20 ; peaches , It. & R. , extra yellow , 3 Ib ,
S3.00 ; U. & It. , yellow , sugared , 3 Ib , ? 3 00 ;
Kcnnett imperial yellow , 3 Ib , * 1.00 ; Grccht'a
standard. 3 Ib , $1.75 ; Monitor seconds , 3 Ib ,
$1.35 ; Atlantic , 3 Ib , * UO ; Booth's pics , 3
Ib , $1,10 ; Credit's , 3lb , $1.00 ; Myers' , 0 Ib ,
CANNTD FISH Brook trout. 3 Ib , S2.50 ; sal
mon tront,2 Ib , $2.35clnms ; , 1 Ib , $1.25 ; clams.
2 Ib. $2.00 ; clam chowder , 3lb , $2.25 ; devilled
crabs. 1 Ib , $ 'J.25 , devilled crabs. 2 Ib , $ , ' 1.50 ;
codtlsh balls , 8 Ib , $1.75 ; caviar , X Ib , $2.25 ;
eels , 1 Ib , 53.25 ; lobster * , 1 Ib , J2.00 ; lobsters ,
1 Ib , $1.110 ; lobsters , devilled , } 4 Ib , $2 25 ;
mackerel , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; inakcrcl mustard sauce ,
3 Ib , $2.00 ; innekcroltoninto sauce , 3 Ib , $ J.OO ;
maelterel tomato sauce , 3 Ib , $ .1.40 ; mackerel
mustard sauce , 3 Ib , $ ) . 10 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 85e ;
oysters , 2 Ib , $1.60 ; salmon , C. It. , 1 Ib , $2 10 ;
salmon , C , R. 2 Ib , $3.10 ; salmon , Alaska , 1
Ib , $1.83 ; salmon , Alaska , 2lb , ? 2.90 ; shrimps ,
1 Ib , $ J.05.
CASDIXS Star , Ss. 10 or , per Ib , Oc ; Star ,
Ss , 14 oz , per Ib , Oc : Stcorlc , wax , 10 oz , ( is ,
per Ib , He ; Slearlc , wax , 14 oz , Cs , per Ib ,
lie ; half boxei , J/c extra.
CANDY OKrt 12 > < e per Ib.
Cnornt.ATK ANI > COCOA ! ! li39o ( per ib.
COITKC Roasted , etc. Arbucklc's Arlosa ,
1 Ib packages , 2iy c ; Dil worth's Standard ,
1 Ib packages , 24Jfo ; McLatighlin'b XXXX ,
1 Ib packages. 24fc ; Lion , 1 Ib packages ,
24 ? c ; German , I Ib packages , 24 } c : Mo-
kaska , 1 Ib packages , 24j ! e ; Tomson's cs-
scnco in tins , per gross , 2.50 ; essence , in
bulk , half bbls , per Ib , 5e ; cbsonco , 1 Ib
papers , 50 Ibs in box , per Ib , Oc ; Franck's
German chlckory red. Sc.
COPKBUI Green Fancy old golden rio ,
24e ; Fancy old peaberry , 23e ; Rio , choice to
fancy , 22c ; Rio , prime , 21c ; Rio , peed , 80o ;
Mocha , 23c : Java , fancy Mandehling , 27c ;
Java , good interior , 24c.
CoiiDioi : VND TWINE Manilla rope , basis
U' in , 17c : Sisal rope , ISJ c ; Good's New
Process rope , 9j c ; cotton rope , > f , % and }
In , Uic ; cotton twiup , Jino 4-ply , Bibb , 22c ;
do medium , 20c ; do coarse , 18c ; hemp twine ,
No. 103 , 22e ; flax twine , No. IS , 20e ; cotton
nops , 8 Ib. per doz , $1.50 ; candlewick , 28c ;
sail twine , B , 3-ply , 22c.
Cii VCKKHS ANI > UAKKS 6 > @ 18c per Ib.
Dnuos ( Grocers' ) nlum.4c ; borax , lie ;
copperas , 2c ; Epsom salts , ac ; Hour sulphur ,
4c ; salpotrev9c.
Dair.ii FRUITS Per Ib , apricots , 14@17c.
Apples , Mlcli. , 4 > ' c : slurs , Oc ; aldens , ti % @
Sc. Peuclies , ( Sil. Y , pooled , 17fe20c ; fancy
unpcclcd , IKfflSc ; sun dried , 0 > jc ; Salt
Lake , Oc. Prunes , Cal. U C , 7' < f@10c > J. Cur
rants , 5(37c. ( Turkish prunes , 4Vc. Citron
) eel , 2llc. Lemon peel , 14oPanl dates , lOc.
i'Mfis , ilfiBlOu. Haisiiis , nmlnifa bunch , dolie-
sas , t5 00 per box ; valcnciiiH , per 11) , 7c ; Cal.
3. & S. , $2.40 per box. Dried urapcs , Gc.
Jliickberrics , 5Jfc. Pitted cherries. 17c.
Bitted plums , ! lijllc. ( Raspberries , Ble.
Ncelarmes , 13@14c. Gluper , Jamaica , > /
ils , $3.00 per doz.
FAiilXACr.ors Goons Uarley , 3@3fc ; far-
na , 4J < c ; peas , 3c ; oatmenl , 6'4jjr ' ( % u ; inaca-
oul , HKe ; vermicelli , l\c \ ; rice , 4J i < J > 7e ;
safjo and tapioca , 0$7c. ( i
FISH Salt Dried codfish ; 0@SJ c ; hall-
mt , 12c : sealed herring , S-lo per box ; hal.
icrrinfr , doin. 50c ; Hamburg spired herrinp ,
? 1.0l@1.10 ( ; imp. hoi. liorrinir , 70c@JI.00 ;
naekcrel , hlf bbls. No. 1 , flSM ; litrpo fain-
ly , $13.50 per 100 Ibs ; white lish , No. l.7.25 ;
'amily , $ J.fJO ; trout , $5.25 ; salmon , $3.50 ; an-
chevies , 10 lb pails , SOc.
LYB-$1.7 ; < 8)4.50. )
NUTS Almonds , ICtaiSe ; Brazih , Oc ; 111-
> erls , 12o ; pecans , I3c : walnuls , 13c ; pea
nuts cocks , Sc ; roasted , lOc.
OILS Kerosene P W , lOe ; W W , 13Ke ;
ic.idiiRhl , l.'ie ; salad oilJ.85 , ( < 7.00 per
PICKLKS Medium , nor bbl , 55.00 ; small ,
; G.OO ; gherkins , $7.00.
WUAITISO PAPKII Straw , per lb , 1 % @
! Xc ; raj. ( 3J c ; manillu 13 , Oo : No. 1 , Do.
Su/r Dairy , 140 2-lb pups , S3.70 ; do 100
! -lb pkjjs , $3.00 ; doOUu-lb pities , & 3.50 ; do 23
0-lb pkfjs , $2.10 ; Ashton , bii b.iRs , SO-lb , We ;
lo tlm baes , 234-lb , S3.10 ; 110 M S A , 50-lb
tags , Tioc ; loose , per bbl , $1.85.
Snnns Hi rd , 4J < , W > c.
SAMODV l & o per lb.
STAUCIII S'tvj'i ! pcrlb.
STOVI : POLISH -SJ.OO@5.S7 per gross.
STICKS Whole , per lb Allspice , I2e ;
/assla China. lOc ; cloves , Zanzibar , 25c ;
[ UtniCKS , No. 1 , 70o ; pepper , 20c.
SuoAits Griiuulutod , ll 'JJi'o ' ; conroction-
rs A. SX@9e ; slandnrd , cxtr.i C , S f SJiu :
yellow C , 7j < ; e ; powdered , 9X@10tc ; cut
onf , 10 , ' e ; cubes , 'J @ 10c.
Srnui's Pci'gal , 27jIOc ( ! ! : N. O. molasses ,
VINUOAU Per pal. 13@30o.
Dry OooilH.
COTTOS PIANSBI.S 10 per cent trade dis-
; ount. Unbleached LL , 5Ve ; CC , G ? o ; SS ,
Jfc ; EK , 8fo : GO , OJfc ; XX , 10J < e ; OO ,
lVo ; NN , 12Ko ; AA , 14o ; DD , IS o ; TT
( i > < c ; X Y , ISc ; Uli , 19e ; bleached. 20 , S o
hO , 13 } o. Urown and slate , GO , 9e ; CO , l'J > < o
" 'I. 10e70 ; , 12 c.
CAIU-ET WAIIIHibb , wliite , I9c ; colored ,
22c.HATTS Slandard , Sc ; Gem , lOo ; Ucauty ,
! e ; Boone , 14e ; B , cased , 40,50.
PIHSTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oe ; Slate.
Ce , li'orlln oil , 0 > e ; Garner oil. 0@7e.
PIIINTS Pink and Hobes Allen , Oo ; Uivor
> olnl , 5Kc ; Steel Hlver , 0 > tfe ; HIchinoiid ,
\ yoPacific \ , 7c.
PIIIXTS Dress Charier Oak , 5 } c ; Uam-
aK | ) , 4c ; Lodl , 5.fc ; Allen , Oc ; Uichniond , Oc ;
Windsor , CJ uj Kddystonc , OJ e ; Pacinc ,
PHINTS Indigo Blue SI. Ledger , 5 } c ;
Arnold , 0jo ; Aitioilcan , ( l e ; Arnold C ,
onfclolh'Jo ; Arnold H , IOIIK cloih , 10) c ;
Arrold , Gold Seal , 10jc ( ; Sleifel A , 12o ;
Windsor , Gold Ticket , lO o ; Arnold A. 12c.
QISOHAM Plunkot checKs , OMe ; Whltlen-
.on , 0 } < o ; YorK , TJ.Jc ; Norniundf dress , 7i < ; c ;
lion f row dress , 8&12) ) o ; Wlilttcnton,7Hc ;
Calcutta , 7Kc. .
GAMIHUCS Slalor , 5u ; woods , i5c ; Sland
nrd , 5o ; Peacock , 5c. i i
Bi.iuciir.i ) Sni'.BTixo < T Ellcrton , Itfc ;
llousckcopor. 8He ; Nevr iCandidalo , 8o ! ;
Berkeley cambric , Nan 50 , Xc : Ucst Yet ,
44 , OJfe : Butlcrcloih , OD.M c ; Cabot , 7Kc ;
Farewell half bleachedo ; Fruit of Loom ,
So\ \ Green G , Oc ; Hope,7 c ; Kinf ; Phillip
cambric , lOo : Lonsdalo cambric , Kloj LOUH-
dale , 8Kc ; Now York Mills , lOo ; Popperoll ,
43 In , 10&c ; Pcpporoll 41110 , ll o ; Popper-
ell , 0-1 , 14Ku ; Pepneroll , 8-4 , 20o ; Ponpuroll ,
9-4 , 22c ; Popperoll , 10-1. , 24c ; Canton , 4.4 ,
BJfo ; Canlon , 4-4 , 9 } < o ; U'riumph , Oc ; Wain-
BUtta , lie : valley , 60.
UIIOWN Allanlio A , 4-4 , 7Kc ;
Atlantic II , 4-4,7o ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , G&c ; At-
laullo P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora LL , 4-1 , Oo ; Aurora
O , 4-4 , 4J/o ; Crown XXX.14-J , Oo ; Hoosler
LIU . 4-4 , Oo ; Indian 11 tail , 4-4 , i4u ; j aw
renco LL , 4-4 , Oe ; OliLUoininion , 4-4 , 5Ko ;
Pcppercll 13 , 40-ln. 7J tfiPopi ; > orell , 8-4 , no ;
Popperoll , 9-4 , 2lo ; Pcppeiell , 10-1 , 22c ;
Ulfea C , 4-1. 4Xe ; Waclrusclt , 4-4 , 7tfc ; Au
rora It , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora B , 4-4 , OKc.
FLAKSBI.S , PLAID Uaftsmen,20c ; Goslion ,
32 0 ; Clear Luke , 'Mo ] ; Iron Mountain ,
- - - - - - - -
o 001
Inch , Sljfa ; G O 24 Inch , 20
25o ; J It F , Jf , 27o ; G. ? f , 25c.
Coiiscr Andro&coggln ,
DK.XIUS Amoskeog , 0 oz , ICXc ; Everett , 7
OJ , 13 . o ; York , 7oz. 13 > { c ; Ha.vmnker , SU'o ;
frpy , XX , like : Jnffroy , XXX , 13Ue ;
Beaver Crock , AA , 12o ; Heaver Cnjok , BB ,
lie : Bcavor Crock , CC , lOc.
KENTUCKY Jnix ? Memorial , 15c ; Dakoln ,
ISc ; Durham , 27 0) ) Hercules , 18o ; Leam
ington , 22,140 ; Cotlawold , 27&C- Melville ,
2oc.CIUSH Slovens' B , CK" ; Slovens' II ,
bleached , 7c ; Slovens' A , 7c ; Slovens' A ,
bleached , So : Slovens' P , 7Jo ; Slovens' P.
blonchcd , 89 < c ; Stevens' N , sjjc ; Slovens'
N , bleached , OKo : Stevens' SHT , lljtfo.
DUCK West Point , 29-Inch , 8 oz ,
do , 10 ot. 12L , c ; do , 13 oz , 15o ; do. 40-luch , U
oz , lOo.
Lumber Dimension * nml Tim tier.
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft IS ft 20 ft 23 ft 24 ft
Sx4.$15.00 15 ( X ) 15.00 lO.OO'lO DO 10.0020.00
2x0..515.00 1500 16.00 10.00'10.00 10.00 20.00
2x8. . . .115.00 15 1)0 ) 15.00 10.00 10 00 10.00 20.00
2x10.$15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 19.00 0.00
2xl3. . . l5.00 15.00 1500 10001000 19.0020.00
4x48x8.$10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 18.00 19.0020.00
FENCING No. 1,4 nnd 0 Inch , 13 nnd 14 ft ,
rough , tlO.OO@10.50 : No. 1 , 4 and 0 Inch , 10
ft , rough , S17.00@17.50 ; No , 2,4 nnd 0 Inch ,
12 nnd 14 ft , rough. (13.fiO@t4.00 ; No. 2 , 4
nnd 0 Inch. 10 ft , rough , $15.01410.00.
FINISIIINOS First and 2d clear , 1W Inch B
3 s$4 .0051.00 ; 1st nnd 2d , clear , lj < and 2
inch , s 2 P , $47.00 ® 50.00 ; 3d , clear , lf inch , s
. 3 9 , $ 3.00rP40.00 ( ; 3d , clear , IJtf and 2 inch , s 3
s , $43.00CL4H 00 : B select , l f. 1J nnd3 inch ,
s 3 s , $37.0033.00 ; 1st nnd 2d , clear , 1 Inch ,
s 3 s. f 15.00 ; 3d , clear , 1 inch , a 3 8 , $33 00 ;
A select , 1 iiich , s3 s.flM.OO ; H select , 1 Inch ,
s 3 s , $31.00.
Fi.ooniNO First com. 0 Inch white pine ,
$31.00 ; 2d com. 0 Inch white pine , f.11,00 : 3d
com. 0 Inch white pine. $ . ' 0.00 ; D , 0 inch
white pine , $2'.00 ' ; com. 4 nnd 0 inch , yellow
pine , $15.00 ; star , 4 Inch yellow pine , J18.00 ;
1st and 3d clear yellow pine , 4 and 0 inch ,
Portion LUUIIBII Clear poplar box Ms , %
In , s 3 B , $35.00 : clear poplar , ? tf In panel ,
$ . ' (0.00 ( ; clear poplar , ? „ in panel , $25.00 ; clear
poplar , ' 4 in panel , stock wide , s 2 s , $23,00 ;
clear poplar currugated ceiling , J , $30.00.
POSTS White cedar , 0 In , halves , 12c ;
white clnar , 5 | In. halves and 8 In quarters ,
lie ; white clour , 4 in round , lOc ; Tennessee
red cedar , split , lOe ; split oak , ( white ) So ;
sawed oak , lOe.
SHINOLKS , L\TII Pen M XX clear , $3.20 ;
extra , * A * , $3 80 ; standard A , $3.00 ; 5 inch ,
clear , S1.00TU ( 70 ; 0 inch clear , $1.75(31.80 ( }
No. 1 , ( ; California rod wood , di
mensions widths , $4.50 ; cypress , clear heart.
$3.40 ; lath , $ J 50.
Siur LAI' No. 1 plain , S and 13 in , $17.53 ;
No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 in , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O G ,
SiniNO First com nnd 10 ft , $22,00 ; 3d
com nnd 10 ft , $19.00 ; 3d com and 10 ft ,
$15 00 ; fenoo com and 10 ft , $13.00.
STOCK BoutDS A 12 in s 1 a 12 , 14 and 10
ft , $40.00 ; B 12 in s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $41.00 :
C 12 in s 1 H 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $30.01) ) ; D 12 in s
1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $23.00 ; No. 1 com 12 in s
1 s 12 ft , $18.00 ; No. 1 com 12 In s'l s 14 nnd
10 ft , $ l7.50 ( < MS.r > 0 ; No. 1 com 12 In sis , 10 ,
18 and 20 ft , $19.50 ; No. 2 com 12 In s 1 s 14
nnd 10 ft , $17.l0. !
white pine partition , $32 ; 2nd , com ; K in
wliite pine partition , $27 ; clear. % in yellow
pine colling. $20 ; clear ) ( in Norway , $14.50 ;
and com 3J , in Norn-ay , $13.
UoAKDb No 1 com s 1 s2 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$111 ; No 2 com s 1 s 13 , II nnd 10 ft , $10.50 ;
No 3 com s 1 s 12 , 14 ana 10 ft. $14.50 ; No t
com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft , ( shipping cull ) , $13.
Add 50 cents per M ft for rough.
butts , 2 } < f inch , l0e ! ; O G baits , iTxi " : , SIS ,
35o ; 3 inch well tubing. D & M and"bev$22 ;
pickets , D & H Hat , $20 ; pickets , D & II
square , $19.
LIME , ETC Qulncy white lime , best , OOo ;
English and German Portland Cement$3.50 ;
Milwaukee and Louisville , (1,00 ; Michigan
and Fort Dodpo plaster , J2.25 : Blue Rapid
plaster , $1.95 ; huir , SOe ; bash , CO and 10 per
cent dis. ; doors , blinds , mouldlnus , 50 per
cent dis. ; tarred felt , per cwt. , $2.00 ; straw
board , $1.05.
Driifjfi nnd Clinnlcnls.
ACID Sulphuric , per lb , 2a ; citric , per lb ,
COc ; oxalic , per lb , J3c ; tartaric , powdered ,
per lb , 5'Jc.
ALUM Per Ib , 3J c.
AMMOSU Carbonate , per lb , 15c.
AniinwiiooT Bnrmunda , per lb , 40c.
BALSAM Copaiba , per lb , OSc.
Boittx Relined , per lb , 12c.
CALOMEL Am , per lb , bio.
CASSIA BUDS Per lb , lt-c.
CiiLOitorouM Per lb17c. .
Conuosm : SuiiLiMtrc Pcrlb , 72c.
Cnn.\M T-tiiTAK Puie , per lb , 42c.
E.vniACT LOOWOOD Bulk , per Ib , lOc.
GMCRIIINI : Bulk , perlb , ' 2sc.
GUM Aiumc Select , per lb , 51,00.
As-iKOKTiiu Per lb , 13o.
C VMriioit Per lb , 3 > c.
Oi'iUM--Por lb , $ .I.vl5.
IODINE Resublimated , per oz , $3.PO.
LIAVIS : Buchu , short , per lb , IGc , senna ,
Alex , per lb , ! Blc.
OILS Linseed , raw , 50c ; llnseocl , boiled ,
59c ; castor , per gal , $1.20 ; Berpnmot , San
derson's , per Ib , $3.15 ; lemon , Sanderson's
per lb , .J-J.-'S ; peppiirmint , per lb , § 2.60 ; win-
tergicon. per lb , $2.25 ; olive , Malaga , jer )
gal , $1.15.
POT\si Bromide , per Ib , 44c ; iodide , per
lb fJl.OO.
QriNiv Sulph , , per 07 , 50e.
biKi > s Canary , per lb. 4 > ( ff5c. : Cnstlle ,
mottled , per lb , S lOc ; Castile , white , per
lb , 13@13c.
SI-HUTS NiTiin Sweet , per lb , 33c.
SruiciiNiA Crystals , pur oz. $1.10. CINCHONA Per oz , iSe.
WAX White , per lb , 53@03.
BLOCK TIN Eng. Ref'g , small pit' , 23c ;
lir * tc )
Coi'i'BB Plnnluhcd boiler si/es , Sc ; cold
rolled , 80u ; ahcnthing , 'JOc ; pltts. 30u , Jlats ,
! 10c.
(5LVANIZCD SIILET InoN .Tuniata , 00 ncr
cent discount.
quality , per lb , lOJ u ; No. 34 to 27 , B iiunlit y.
OJ c. For less than bundle ndd J o per lb. '
sheets , $13.50.
Siinist IKON No. 20 , $3.40 ; No. 2r. $3.50.
SoMimi HoytMPtul Co'f half and half in
1 lb cases , per Ib , lOo ; uommorcial half and
half , 15c ; No. 1 in burs. 14c.
14x20 , 113 sheets W.25 ; IXX. 11x31) ) , 113
shcotB , $10 ; 1XXX , 14x20 , 112 .sheets , M1.75 ;
1C , 2x23 , 112 sheets , $13.30 ; IX , 2x23 112
sheels , $17 ; 1XX , 2x23 , 112 hhcets , $20.50.
COKE 1C , 104 , 22" shopts , ? ii ; IlxO , 14x20 ,
112 sheels , Si : 1C , 10\CO , 125 sheets , $3.50 ;
slccl nails , & .J20 ; sleel wire nails , 42.05.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement. First National Bank ,
O5 South mill Street. - Oinuliu
I.oiulon , iiiliiml : | >
Amsterdam , Holland.
Transact n Kenenil bnuxlne butlnei * . Bocurltlnt
bouKlit nnd oil ! en coniiilnlon. : Turelvn cxvliunuoi.
Coiumc-rclnl nnd triivulti's lelturi of cro Jit.
Onlernfur bund nnJ locV > meuutoJ un commit
Ion In linden uud uu ull ruullnciilal ItonriuB ol
Nuuollutlon * of Ilalhrajr , BUI , Clly nJ Uorporv
tun 1. MIII u tpocUIU.
f..fyl ljer ' ll mK"1"- Illuilrtliilb . > kJlri > < .r
fc lltnU't llcnJi'.HIBOOX. , l lirt 4 . ; , il.y.
ruwcombln ( < d.
coir ono lathe world Kentrotlcz
arontlnuoai Kttclrio i Haantttt
BclvntlSc , Powerful , Itur&LU ,
Coniforutle kad KaKllTo. Avoid ( raurlt.
. ,
Rl. UOEiiE. IUVUIBB * 161 V5AEASi : Mi. . CHl
Two of tlio Ulotcr ? Flnoil.
The Italians ngurlng In the riot over the
mailer of reduced wages at the Webster
street depot Tuesday \vcro arraigned in the
police court yesterday. Thcro were only
four of them , but about 200 of their country *
men assembled about the Jail Interested in
Iho outcome of Iho case. A. Nanncs and A ,
Stopellrt claimed that they were merely ar
guing concerning the reduction ot wages
and aid not Intend to raise any disturbance.
The Judge told them that ns this
was a country of Irco speech ho
therefore could not flno them , and Ihoy loft
the room with grinning fnct * . Michael Cos-
tant admitted that ho was responsible for
Victor Itaiich's eye being In mourning , but
gave as his excuse that Victor drew a re
volver on him. The Judge fined Costant * 15
for assault and battery and an Information
was lllcd against Hanch charging him with
carrying concealed weapons , llo pleaded
guilty lo Ihis and was assessed )0 ) anil costs.
\Voumlcil In the Ariujr.
I wns wounded in the lojjnt the brittle
of Stone Uivor. Dec. ! Hst , 1S02. My
blooil wiis poisoned from the ctTouls of
the wound.nnd the lojjswoltod toduublo
its natural sire , nnd remained ho for
many ycivrs. Tlio poison extended lo
my wliolo system , tin a I suffered a thou
sand doixtliH. Nothing did mo nny f ; < 'od
until 1 took Swift's Speciliwhiili ( ! took
the poison out ot my blood , and enabled
mo lo fool my.solf a nmn iigain. S. S. S ,
is the remedy for blood poiton.
Cntnrrh in Children.
Our Httlo boy stokes , now eleven
years old , had catarrh from the time ho
was thrco until ho was seven years of
ntfo. Sometimes his breathing was
hcnvy , and a constant dibchargo from
the noso. ITo had moro or less treut-
inont for four years , but without any
bonolH. Wo guvc him Swift's SncclUo ,
and it soon eured him sound anil woil.
This was four years ago , and there has
been no rot urn of the dibcaso.
Mil ! . . W. P. KKNNO.V , Salem , Ala.
At PlntlHiiioutli.
Mayor Broalch returned yesterday morning
from Platlstnouth. llo rospomleil lo "In
Union There is Strength , " at the centennial
banquet of the Presbyterian Indies of tho"
clly by Iho Platlo anil Missouri last night.
Tlio principal actors in the events of an hun
dred years ago were porsonillcd by the lead
ing pcoplo of PlaUsmouth anil other neigh
boring cities. The Thomas .lofCerson of
lion. U. II. Windham was toastmastcr Paul
Hcvero and General Lufuyctteo appealed
among oilier worthies , Hov. A. J. Hawha
spoke of the 1'urllans and Governor Tlmyor
addressed Iho bann.ucUers.
Tlio following from llio jion of Mr. L.
P. Bard well , editor of Iho Marion ( la. )
Pilot , will , wo believe , bo of interest to
many. Ho says : "It issith plcnsuio
that I certify to the real merits of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I have
used it in mv family for years and hnvo
always found it modt excellent , and es
pecially for colds , croup and sere throat.
It is safe and effective. For sale by all
Trlnil lior .Murder.
Yesterday morning W. F. Gurloy , Sergeant
Haze , .Jailor Ilafoy and Conductor Hall went
to Paplllionwhere the case of Ilobort Smith ,
charged with the murder of Sullivan , is
being tried. Sulliv.ui was braUeman on the
B. & M. , ami last September , Smith Is sup
posed to have thrown him from u moving
train , killing him instantly. Jailor 1 In fey
arrested Smith in Omaha last September.
Catnnrli Cnreil.
A clergyman , after years of suffering
from that loathsome dibenso. Catarrh ,
and vainly trying a very known remedy ,
at last found a raeipo which completely
cured nnd saved him from death. Any
sulToror from this dreadful AiRoa > > o bond
ing n solf-addressed stamped envelope
to Prof. .T. A. Lnwrciico , 88 Warren St. ,
New York City , will receive the recipe
free of eharg-o.
Boots and Shoos.
SucLUSson ! to IlcaJ , Jonrs & . Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Bots& : Ste
Aetnti forlloBton Ilublcrbhon Co , 1K.U. UUlandllOt
llurnoj tilioet , Omuliii , Mcbrntkn.
Lsger Beer Brewers ,
mi North IClKlitccalh street , Onmlia , W 6.
"EAQLK cbnNicE woiiK $ ,
MaiinractirersofGalyaiizel ] ! [ Iron Cornice
Window caiK anil iiu'tullcskyl'Rlilg ' .lolin iftuctcr ,
proprietor. \ < M nnd Hut-oath lOtli mraat.
Manufacturers of
IM. OfflCG and Saloon Ilxlnres ,
llnntlps , f.ilobaarr | > * . Hook CUSPS , Drun KIMiirc" , Wall
1'iivs , 1'nrtlllons , lt.illliic , CunUir > , lli < i'ri < nil Wlno
i.oulcn. Mirrors , Ma' I ( Klurj niul olllro. 17JU nnclKJJ
h'uiuli IMi gt. , Qualm. Telephone ll.N.
Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory ,
N < ) . HIT add 1113 Doimlaa elrcol , Omnhu. Nob.
S a uh , Doors , Etc .
M. A. oisunow . & co. ,
\Vbol iilo minufacturcri of
Sasb , Boors , BliMs aufl Monlnp ,
liranch ogee , mil and linnl lrcct Omalia. Neb.
Manufacturers of Sasli , Boors , Blinds ,
iioulillnp' , mntr-iTork nii'l ' Interior hard woO'Ulnlili. '
N. K. corner tin nnil I.rarcnumli lrc'of ,
Omnlia , N b ,
Pninps , Pipes and Engines ,
Bteim , water , rnllwajr nnil inlnlnn nupplleB , etc.
KU ' . ' "anOlCl I'arimm tlrcot , Oina'.iit.
U. S. H'/A'D ENGINE A I'UMl' CO. ,
Steam and Wate1 Supplies ,
wind mills. 918 nnd ! 2)Jonos ) Et. , Omthfc.
< IK. llo s , acting /jaqatar.
Engines , Boilers and General Mschinery ,
Bhoct-lrou work , "looni | mniio | , tair mllli.
Lcavunnurlli ( trevt , Omaha ,
Iron V/orke ,
WOllKS ,
Carter A. Hon , | 'rop' . MnnufHClurori of nil klnrti
Steam Boilers , Tanks anil Sheet Iron Wort
Worku Boutli ajtli and II A. M cioiiliu. Tel , lll'j
WroHglitand Cast Iron Bnt fllne Work ,
ana 1UU > tre l , O.u ua.
Mannfactnreis of fire anil Iroa Ralllugs
Uotk rail * . "Inrtnw Kiinr < ! , tiowcr unncli. vlro tlgni ,
l// <
ManCrs of Fire and Burglar Fioof Safes ,
Vaull.i. Jnll work. Iron iliutton and lira eecapoi.
U. Andfccrj , pmp'r. Cor , lull and Jack ion fin.
Of Omaha , LimiteJ ,
Jotio r' . Uojril ,
Agrlculturol Implomonta.
Dcalorii Agiicnltmal Implements , Waeons
i. Jone 8 1 root , bttwetn Mh and
loth , Omaha. Ncbrana. _
Agjicnlt1 Implcments.-Wapns . , Carriages
nnc < lf .cto. Wholfmtlp , Omaha , Ntbra ia.
Wholesale Dealer * In
Agricultural Implements , W agons& Buggies
(01ntlIXUntitX ! < 7Jonc9 tlreot , Omaha.
MOLixis nTiii UKXASTODDAHD co. , "
Uamifaotnrori and jobbers In
Wagons , Bnggies , Ra\cs \ , Plows Eta
Cor. 9th anil I' cl0o itreoti , Urnkhk.
ArtlBto' Mntorlnls.
SPKi Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1613DoURlMitrool Omaha , Nebraska.
Booto nnd Shoos.
ir. v. Monsu A no. ,
Jobbers of Boots end Shoes ,
1101 , HOB , 11UJ DoitstM street. Omnhn. Manufuctorr ,
bummer "UccU ItO'lon.
_ Oonji Cpjko nnji Llmo. *
Jobta of Hard and Soft Coal ,
_ g'.iFoiilh 13tli8tryotOin h , Nobraak * . _
s or Coal a ( I Cok
SIISoillli lh 8t.m ha.K b.
m CommlB sloruyjJiS torngo. _
Storage and Coininissioii Merchants ,
Bpoclaltloi - lluitcr , CKKK , choc no , poultry , cam * .
HMUonartl Urcct ilnmha. Nub.
Dry Goods nnd Notlona.
57. E.'SMITH A CO. ,
Dry Goofls , Fiiriiisiiing Goods and Notions
1102 and 1101 Douglai. cor , llth itrott , Omaha. Nob.
Importers snUders in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Hants' furnishing KrxiJu. Corner lllh nnd llarutr
Omaha , Nubraik * .
lni | irlcrit nnd Jobber * of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Triminiiigs ,
BIT Boulli 1Mb ureet.
Wnolesalc Bealers in Furniture
1'aniRni rtreat , Omahn , Nebrnika. I
Fiiruiturc ,
Cmaba Nobrmia.
Wholesale Groceries anil Provisions.
iM.TllT.WJ anil JIlHoutli llltli nt , , Oninlia , N b.
Wholesale Grocers'
13th and iicavcnnorth itrcots , Omalm , Nebraska.
ir. j.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Eprlncs , wnifon tork , hanlwiro , Inmbnr , eta. 1203
_ ami Ull llinnuy etn-ot. Omalm.
Wholesale Hardware , Cntlery , Tin Plate ,
MetnH , xlicpt Iron. clr. Apcut * for Iluiro nciilai.
Ml.inil powrtornnil Lyiiiau h.-.rbod irlie , _
Bnild rs1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Moclianlo' tools rmcl Diiirulo scalos. HOi DouclM
uticct. cmniia. Nob.
_ . _ . . _ - Toys. _ k _ _ - -
Job Dura of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Bouia furnishing nooJ , chll.lrun > c.irrlnuei.
ait ) taruiim atreet. OtiuliuJlaa.
. ,
W.--J-- -
Wliolcsalc Refined anil Lubricating Oils ,
Axle urcane , etc , Onmlin. A. II. Illelinii , Mnrmccr ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Cc.rrj unlco utork of iirhulniTr.iiiplnu nnd nrlllnl
paper , apeclal mtuntlon ctvun to car lontl ordnri ,
liolesale Lnmlier , Etc ,
IttBOrtcd nnd Araarlenn 1'ortluiiil comeut.
aztot fcrUllHDuUcu hTdr.iullooonicnt tnd
_ < julncy Hlillu II in u.
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlier ,
Wool carpcti aiul anrquotHnnrlnir. ttli a
All Rinds of Building Material at Wholesale ,
letli btruct nuil Union I'
Dealer in LuinDGr , Latli , Lime , Sasn ,
Ooori , Kto , YnriltCornoi 7lli nnii Douglui , Cornel
IDtb anil DouKln" ! _
Luinter , Linn ; Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Ctb and Douiilni lilt , O.uaba.
C. N.
Dealer in All Kinils of Lumber ,
13lb ami California htruutt , Oniaba , Ncbratka.
Mllllnory anil Notions. ,
IninoilersS Jobbers in Millinery &Notiona
M ) , 21JonJ'JUEoUtli ( lltli Btu-ct
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
ilU cod 0i boulb uth Urccl. Omub * .
Capital SJO'J.OOl
Surplus Jan. lut , 1880 62,00)
I1I2NUY W. VATIJS , I'lXMliluiU.
LliWJS H. KHKI > . Vice l > ruslil ilt.
A. U ' 1X)1'/.AI.IN ) ,
W , V. MOHSH ,
W. H iClll'tSIIIX1. ' On Slir
Comer Till ami I'HHiam : in ,
A Ceuoral llankluu-Iliialnjvii'ii cto-l
* VVFAK RBB3"iif iiinfrnrjat f.
Tft EEiiii BHKWfS'iJ.Si ' .W *
luanliocHt , eta 1 will t' M * .UiialiU1 liidlltHT i j dV J *
ciiitlalulnt : fitlt | nilU'uUr * iff IIOMK * tmr , ( .c * v (
cJfi > Xv , Conn.
( jr o FOWLtRt Mooduot