Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Mtiwnukoo's Aggregation of Pum
blora Suffers Another Dofont.
A Brrlons Accident nt the C llncum-
Minn Wllllrtina Korceil to With
draw From I lie Hnce *
Ornnhn in , Milwaukee 7.
It was too cold for ball playing or for con
fort yesterday afternoon. The ngurcgntlo
of fumolcrs from Milwaukee were especial !
nITcctcd'by the depressed condition of th
temperature. About ono thousand pcopU
Including moro than a hundred ladles , shh
orcd through a two hours' game which place
Omaha nt the Iioad of the Western assocli
tlon. Clark and MoVoy constituted the vl ;
llors' batlory , against Willis and Naglo fo
the homo leant Clark didn't pitch any belle
than Grlmths did on Tuesday , but ho fui
rushed moro amusement for the spectator
by his baby blufTs at Umplro Kelly's judt
niont on balls und ntrikes. Ho was ably a <
nlsteii In his beefing by Hcrr and Iho anted
luvlan Ezra Sutton. But kicking didn' '
count , aud tlio Brewers suffered Iholr sccon
The Onmhas were blanked In Iho firs
Inning. For Milwaukee , Poormun was hi
by the boll , stole second and third , but wa
caught ut home. Morrlssoy got u base 01
balls , went to second on Alberts out al firs
by Cleveland , and second on llerr's hit. Mt
Vey was thrown"out at llrst by Willis.
Then luck cumo to Iho aid ot Iho O malms
Walsh popped up a fly which McVoy dropped
nnd Ihrow wild to Hcrr , giving the runne
eccond , nnd Canavan brought him homo bv ,
urlvo over second. Canavan was put out n
second by the umpire's assistance. Mcssit
got four bulls , went to second on Nngle's ou
nt llrst , nnd scored on Willis'-lilt , which wa
fumbled by Clark. Strauss brought Will !
in with the third run , but was caughl steal
Ing second. After Lowe hud struck out
Sutton rapped the sphere for a two-bagger
etolo third , and scored on Clark's ' out a
llrst. Poormun How out lo Canavan , ondlnf
the second inning with a seoro of 3 lo 2 it
favor of Omaha.
In Iho third Crooks made a hit , stole second
end and third , and scored on Lowe's inuft of
Walsh's fly to loft. Coonoy went out at llrst
Cleveland was caught stealing second , uuc
Walsh followed suit.
'iho Brewers gave evidence of being allvi
for a few minutes , nnd secured two runs
tioing the score. With MoVoy out. Lowe gen
n hit to loft und scored on a two-bagger bj
the venerable Ezra , who scored alter Clarl
had fouled lo Naglo , ou Ihe throw-in of Ful
Icr's long fly lo Strauss. The enthusiasm o :
the Mllwaukees was short lived. They won
blanked in the next inning whllo S'coleo'i
Rluggcrs secured two moro runs. Willis goi
first on missed third strike aud scored or
Cleveland's two bacgor , Strauss having per
ished on nn easy ono to Morrissoy. Cleveland
was assisted out at third by the umpire
Crooks weal to first on a hot ono to Sutton
stole second nnd scored on Coonoy's lilt tc
ritfht. Walsh got n base on balls. Canavar
went out on nn easy drive to Horr.
Two scores was hardly considered lead
enough , so Messllt , in the sixth , after having
llrst base given to him on four balls , stole his
way home. Clark gave four more wide balls
to Naglo , who stole second nnd canio in on
Willis' clean hit to right for two bugs.
Strauss' safe hit sent Willis home , but the
Trlsocker was caught at second for attempt
ed larceny. There was a hole in Cleveland's
bat. Croons nnd Coonoy both made singles
to right and Walsh's drive to second scored
them. Canavan's fly to right stopped the
fun with ten runs to Omaha's credit. The
Urowers made another futile attempt to tic
the score. With Herr and MoVoy out Lowe
got'ti base on balls nnd came home on u
homer by E. Sutton , late of Boston. Clark
nnd Fuller got bases and Poorman struck
J In tlio seventh Messitt's two-bagger and
Willis' sacrifice gave the visitors ' n run ,
while Morrlssoy was presented with llrst
base by Willis und came homo on a passed
bull after reaching third on outs at first by
Alberts and Herr. McVoywas thrown out
nt flrst'by Crooks.
In the eighth Cleveland's single , Crooks' '
base on balls , Coonoy's two-bagger and
"Scrapper Jack's" homer added four to
Omaha's score , making nto'.nl of fifteen , anu
ending the run gelling. The ofllcial score ol
the slaughter is appended :
Uuns earned Omaha fi , Milwaukee 4.
Two-baso lilts Sutton 1 , Cleveland 1 , Mes-
lll 1 , Coonoy 1 , Willis 1.
Thrce-baso hits Nusjlo 1.
Homo runs Sutton i , Mos&ltt 1.
liases stolen ( See score. ) k
Double phxys Walsh , Crooks and Mossilt :
Herr and Morrlsoy ; MoVoy and Horr.
Hasos on balls Hy Willis 4. Clark 5.
Hil by pitcher Willis 1.
KtrucU out 13y Willis 3 , Clark 3.
Passed bulls Nadu 1.
Wild pitches Willis 1.
Time 2i.0.
Umpire Kelly. M
St. .Joseph n , ItilnncnpoliH 2.
ST. Josurn , Mo. , May 1. St. Joseph won
from Minneapolis to-day. The only features
were tlio excellent work of the outflold and
the catching of Janlzcn nnd Shollhtwo. The
uttendunco was cut down by a cold wave.
( Score :
Hun Karn'od Minneapolis 1 , St. Joscpli 3.
Two-baso Hits Mliiiiohun. Curtis , Ardor -
or , Krolfr , Whltuiiy.
UO&M Stolen Vlnton 1 , Hunrahan 1. ' Ard-
Jier 1 , Curtis 1.
Double VlayB-Mluiiohan to Honule , Crow.
CU to.CartwrlKUt.
13use on Called DulU-Mlllor 3 , Shell-
baste I , Ardaer 1 , Frye 1 , Crowoll L
Dos Molncs. . . .0 0000010 00
Sioux Clly. . . .0
Winning run made two men out.
Runs earned Sioux City 1.
Two-huso hits Chno , Bradley , Connell
Throe-base hits Maskroy ,
Double plays Hart toTranioy lo Smith.
Stolen bases Patlon 2 , Uenlns , Brynan
Buses on balls By Hart 3 , by Hunglor 5.
Struck oat By Hart fi. by Hunglor 2.
Passed balls Traflley 2.
Tlii'c of game 2:011 :
Umpire MuDcrmott.
Postponed ou Account of Rnln.
DCNVKII , May 1. The St. Pnul-Denvo
game was poslpotied on account of rain.
The National League.
PiTTsnunn , May 1. Result of to-day' :
game :
Pitlsburg. . 0 I i
Cleveland . 0 :
Base hits Pillsburg 0 , Cleveland 8
Errors Pittsburg 3 , Cleveland 2. Pitcher :
Stuloy and Baiceley. Umpire Lynch.
iA , May 1. Result of to-day'i '
game :
Philadelphia . 1 0832000 1 11
Uoston . 0 1 1080300 1
Base hits Philadelphia 10 , Boston 10
Errors Philadelphia 4 , Boston 7 , Pitcher !
Gleason and Sowders Umpire Fessoden
May 1. Result of to-doy'i
came :
Indianapolis . 0 00002000 !
Chicago . 0 1200200 * )
Base hlls Indianapolis 5 , Chicago 10
Errors Indianapolis 1 , Chicaeo 2. PUchen
Boyle , Burdick and Hutchinson. Umolrc
NEW YOIIK , May 1. Result of to-dav's
game :
Now York . 1 0017022' 3 K
Washington . 1 00001100 !
Base hits Now York 11. Washington 0
Errors Now York 8 , Washington 7. Pitch
ers Crane nnd Keefo. Umpires MoQuadc
and Curry. _
American Association.
KANSAS Cirr , May 1. Result of lo-day's
game :
Kansas Clly. . . . 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 00 0 !
Cincinnati . 5 0220023 * l-l
BROOKLYN , May 1. Result of to-day's
game :
Baltimore . 0 00200000 i
Brooklyn . 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 a * I
ST. Louis , May 1. Result of to-duy's
game : *
St. Louis. . . . ! 320000003 I
Louisville. . . . o ooioooooo :
Ivy City i'nces.
The races at Ivy City to-day were run it
the rain. The track was muddy and hoavj
aud covered with pools of water. Summary
Six furlongs SwifUwon in 1:10K : ; Belle
D'Or second , Brail third.
Ono mile Boss won in l:47f : , Salvlni second
end , Bordellilso third.
One and one-eighth miles J. A. B. won in
2:02 : , Sondrift second. Carter tnird.
O Seven-eighths of a mileLaugar won in
l:35Jf : , Wild Cherry second , King Idle third ,
Ono milo Letrolla won in 1:43 , Refund
second , Malu Ihird.
Ijexinilioii Uncos.
LEXINGTON , Ky. , May 1. The weather was
pleasant , the attendance large , and the track
good. Summary :
Thrco-year-olds and upwards ; six furlongs
Kolco won , Mary O. second , Adjutant third.
Tluio 1:18.
Threo-yeur-old fillies ; six furlongs Bless
ing won , Annie Blackburn second. Nova C. ,
third. Time 1:17 : % .
All ages ; one and ono quarter miles Hin-
doocraft won , Libretto second , Ed Macli
third. Time 3:11. :
Seven furlongs Insolence won , Cheenov
second , Metal third. Tlmo 1 :31J .
Thrco-year-olds nnd upwards : ono mile
Muld of Orleans won , Laura Davidson second
end , McDowell third. Time 1:44 : % .
Miss William * Hurt.
The bicycle race nt the Coliseum last night
was a chapter of accidents , the result ol
which was the withdrawal of Miss Williams
from the race' In the start oft Miss Brown ,
who was in the rear , ran against one of the
attendants nnd was from her
wheel before she crossed Iho lino.
Jack Prlnco called upon Iho rldors
lo slop. All obeyed except Miss
Williams , who ran half way around ihu
truck. In looking around , at the north end
of the course , lo BOO what Iho olhor riders
were doing bho ran against Iho wall nnd was
thrown from her wheel. The start was de
layed ten minutes , but the riders Anally all
eot oft In good shape , Miss Williams leading.
She sot a rattling pace and was being closely
pushed by Oakcs , Woods and Beauty
Baldwin , when her loft foot slipped from the
| ) CdiU. The man Brown , who u attending
tier , started to her assistance , but was beaded
off by Patsy Fallou. Ho rushed upon the
track and selrcd Miss Williams' wheel by
Iho backbone , slopping it so suddenly that
she was thrown headlong upon Iho track uu-
dor her wheel and Fallen. MUs Woodswho
wa * closely following , collided with the
obstruction and was thrown from her wheel ,
Oakcs uud Baldwin luckily getting throuch
without a tumble.
Miss Wood regained her wheel and plucitlly
rantinucd the race , Oakcs having gained ono
lap ou her by the smushup. Miss Williams
less fortunate , was quite seriously bruised ,
and will not bo able to conlinuo the race.
The accident was sincerely rcgrotlod by
all Interested lu Iho conical , and was duo
entirely to the interference of a man
who knows no more about a bicycle than a
Cherokee docs about tlio court of chancery.
Miss Williams' withdrawal leaves n pretty
race for first place with Miss Woods in the
Ifiid , Miss Oakes but ono lap behind her and
and Beauty Baldwin but a Ian behind Oakes.
The following is the score ,
Miles Laps
Wood * . 177 2
Oakes . 177 1
I3aldwln . , . . . ' . 177 0
Urowu . „ . 170 U
Lewis . 174 4
Williams . , , , . 149 7
Armalndo . , . 07 0
Notes nT Sport.
Tlio Mlhvaukcos will take Iholr Ihird drub-
jlng from Omaha at Iho ball park to-day ,
Tom Ecu will leave on Monday for Now
York with the lady bicycle riders , who will
outer the she day eight hour a day race ,
.vhlch . begins In Madison Squuro garden on
Slay VI. Already twonty-lhreo lady riders
have entered for the rape.
Kid Nichols has arrived from Kansas City
jut lias not been billed to pilch for Iho O ma
lms on accounl of a claim Uiat St. Joseph has
nada for him , undur the purchabo by that
.e.uu of Iho Kansas City fniucnlno in the
western association. Nichols claims that
St. Joseph forfeited all nghls lo him bv ro-
fuulug to sign him prior to April 1.
David Olty Exporlonolnpr a Boom o
Hugo Proportions.
The Mysterious Dcntli of n1 1'rlcst-
n The 1'ythlatiB Iti Columbus
Mows Prom AH Over
the Sintc.
Davlil City to the Koro.
Dxvin Citr , Nob. , May 1. [ Special t
THE UKR. ] This prosperous llttlo city o
2,500 people never had any Inflated boom , bu
It In having just a steady and substantin
growth and , In the end , will surpass town
whcro boomers nro shipped to Inflate prop
crty to double its value. David City has ai
electric light plant , owned und operated b ;
James Uoll , n local capitalist. Both the ari
and incandescent lights are used. A splondli
system of waterworks , costing $25,000ownc (
by the city , with over four miles of plpo lali
on the principal streets , is another of the I in
provomcnts of this town. During the pas' '
year buildings costing upwards of 1130,00i
were erected , nnd thcro is now In process o
construction a.double two story brick , 50x111
feet , owned by W. 13. Thorpe. George
Sohncsor , JudgoJJPerkins , W. F. Gates
Arthur Myall undngenlloman from Kansiu
City aio onoh putting up line two story bricl
store buildings. Fify thousand dollars
worth of bonds have been voted by tin
county lo put up n now courl house on Hit
square. Those bonds bear 5 per cent Inter
est , and have been negotiated st par lo UK
state of Nebraska school fund. Work wll
commence on the building at once , Thi
Methodists nro erecting a now ohurcl
at it cost of ? 10OJO. A slickei
factory , employing twenty hands , with
thrco traveling representatives on the road is
owrajtl and successfully operated by Messrs
Spelft nnd Vaughn , The 13. & M. , Unior
Paclllo and Chicago & Northwestern rail
roads running through the place , make 11
Uiiito n railroad ccnlcr , and easy of access tc
the surrounding towns in the county , ol
which there are thirteen.
Thcro nro three brickyards in operalior
and a largo flouring mill. Four banks supply
Iho people with mo'noy at a reasonable ratt
of interest. A number of general and ex
elusive stores bore will rival these of more
pretentious towns. David City Is destined
to bo ono of the besl towns In the stato. Shi
is located in Iho center of ono of the best ng
rlcultural counlios in Nebraska , has plentj
of capital and is full of enterprising business
Knli > lits Templars In York : .
YOIIK. , Nob. , May 1. [ Special Telegram to
THE 13in.J : The grand commandory ol
Knights Templars , which couvonod in Ihis
city yoitorday , adjourned to-day after ono ol !
the most harmonious nnd pleasant meetings
es'cr hold in the state. Charters wore granted
to two now commandories Mt. Elias No. 19 ,
Holdroge , and Damascus , No. 20 , Norfolk ,
It was voted to hold the next grand com-
mandery meeting at Hastings. The visiting
Knights were warm in their praises of the
knightly manner in which they were received
and entertained by Joppa commandory of
York. The following nro the noxvlv
elected grand officers : Right Eminent Sir
Henry Gibbons , grand commander , Kearney ;
Vice-Eminent Sir Lewis M. Kenan , deputy
grand commander , Fremont ; Eminent Sir
.Lewis II. Kortz , grand generalissimo ,
Omaha : Eminent Sir Edpar U. Salisbury ,
grand" captain-general , Beatrice ; Eminent
Sir Porter C. Johnson , grand prelate ,
Osceola ; Eminent Sir John D. Moore , grand
senior warden , Grand Island ; Eminent Sir
Charles M. Carter , grand junior warden ,
Lincoln ; Eminent Sir James S. France ,
grand treasurer , Omaha ; Eminent Sir Wil
liam It Uowen , grand recorder , Omaha ;
Eminent Sir James A. Tullvs , grand stan
dard bearer , Ucd Cloud ; Eminent Sir Luther
W. Osborn. grand sword bearer , Hluir ;
Eminent Sir Thomas C. Shelly , grand warden -
don , Falls City ; Eminent Sir Edwin C.
Webster , grand captain of the guards ,
West Polnt'8 Celebration.
WEST POINT , Nob. , May 1. [ Special to
TJIB 13EU. ] The citizens of this place wore
awakened yesterday morning by the Juvo-
nllo Cornet band playing "America , " a flt-
ting tribulo to the glorious day that it
ushered in. At 9 o'clock the different bolls
of the city began to ring and the people as
sembled at the court house to unlto in n
prai so service. Addresses were made by the
Revs. Heustis and Millard In English , and
Iho Rev. Launcnsteln in German , and alto
gether un appropriate programme was car
ried out. The publio schools attended In a
body , und were dismissed at the uloso of the
exercises with the injunction to have a good
time if possible.
The business houses and saloons were nil
closed und the town was gay with Hags and
bunting. Every ono scorned to bo impressed
With the importance of the occasion ,
What Ailijil the Priest ?
Sr.wAiii ) , Nob. , May 1. [ Special to TIIR
BEK. ] Some doubt having been expressed
as to the cause of the death of Father Hoth-
ans.tho Catholic priest , an attempt was
made by the physicians to hold on autopsy
on his remains to discover , if possible , the
exact cause , but on arriving at the parsonage
whore the remains lie , they wore Informed
that tlio bishop had forbidden an autopsy un
less the law expressly commanded it , and
therefore none was had ; the physicians as
sort that there are strqgj : indications of pois
oning in the case , und were anxious to make
nn examination of nls stomach. His remains
were taken lo Cincinnati , O. . to-day , for. in
terment , the physicians granting a certlflcalo
of dealh for causes divided octwocn mania u
fotu and drug poisoning.
of I'ylhltiH Coli-li-ntlntr.
Cof.u.MiiU3 , Neb. , Ma. 1. | Special Tele-
Tram to THE UBB.J The uniform rank , No.
. ' . 0 , Knights of Pythias , under the command
of Major W. U. Dale , cciobratcd Its second
anniversary to-day by a grand street parade
loaded by the band. Uank No. 3IJ , of Davis
City , commanded by Captain C. W. Hare.
well , and the Pythian Light guards of this
clly , were In the procession. A grand bull
md banriiot ] were hold at the opera house
ibis evening. D. F. Corto. adjutant of the
Second roglmont ; C. H. Ware , captain of tbo
L31ack Eagle division ; and Jus. A. Brown ,
leutonant-colonol of the Second regiment ,
all of Omaha , were in attendance.
KtnkorsUirnil of Time.
NioniiAiu , Nob. , May 1. [ Spucial to Tun
UEB.J It was ascertained to-day that about
ono hundred parties are quietly ut work
staking out claims on the Sioux rosurvallon
sordorlng hero. As Ihero are but u "few
ronca Indians on this portion of the reserva
tion , which is tha best of tha II , 000 , 000 ucrog ,
uid will bo u part of Nebraska us soon as the
Indian title Is oxlinct , these adventurers go
upon the land without being molested ,
itr Liquor on Hundny.
DAKOTA CITV , Nob. , May 1. [ Special Tel.
ognun to TUB line. | John N , Poyson and
McGoQIn Bros. , saloon keepers , of Coving-
ton , who were arrested last week , charged
, vith selling liquor on Sunday were brought
joforo Judge Wilbur , , to-dav. and each fined
ono hundred dollars aim coi ; they huvo anOther -
Other prosecutions will follow.
Atlanta Coiinty'a New Court Houao.
HASTINGS , Nob. , May 1. [ Special Tele-
; ram to TUB HUE. ! Returns from all but
.wo towns la Adams county muko it certain
.hat the election has bocu carried in favor
of issuing bonds to build a now court bou&o
and Jail to coat $75.000.
A Murder CHHO Hoard.
ALIHON , Nob. . May I. [ Special to TIIK
JKB.Hansard Garrison , who murdered
John Myers at Cedar Haplds la t Friday , had
ils hearing to-day , S. U. Austin has boon
employed us attorney for dbfondant.
ICIcoilon lu i'i'iiilcr.
PENUBII , Nub. , May 1. [ Special Telegram
lo TIIK UKK.-For clerk , A. C. Abbott ;
for treasurer , < \ , L. Maryatt : for sheriff
William Mycnq ; ; tor county attorney , J. Q
Arthur ; for county Judge * Aaron Young , am
for superintendent of schools , Mrs. Gott ;
W. Drury , were nomlnalcd by the rcpubll
can convention-tq-day.
A flliiKiilr ( Kntnl Accident.
CRNTUAI. Citr Neb. , May 1. [ Spocln
Telegram to I'mrtJuR. ' ] Some parties saw i
team running ucdtnd | In n circle , In n field si :
miles north of.yiis ) city , this afternoon , amen
on going to thqmv' found William Hargo tin
driver tangled In the lines and plow , am
being dragged , about The liorsos wen
stopped but tno1 man was found In at
unconscious condition and simply casped ani
died. Ho wos'tidflly bruised , but Dr. llcntoi
who was called .says none of the brulsci
were sufficient TO cause death , and his nccl
must have boon broken ,
Itrnlnnrd's Town Council.
UIUINAIID , Nob. , May 1. [ Special to Tni
HER. ] By n unanimous vote Bralnard'i
board ot trustees granted licenses to two sa
loons at f I.IXX ) per year each. Ofllccrs won
elected ns follows : Clerk , Theodora J
Smush ; treasure Alfred K. Smith ; Jnar
shal , A. Tolbol ; * atrcot commissioner , I. T
llccrults IVir tlio Pen.
AunoiiA , Nob. , May 1. [ Special Telogran
to THE HUE. ] Four "profosh , " run In ot
March 12 , for burglarizing freight cars.won
to-day sentenced lo Iho penitentiary by Judgi
Norvnl. John Rogers nnd Charles Ilamlit
got two years , and James llamllu am
Thomas Phillips , llftccn months each.
llunlncpfl Clintigo In Dakota City.
DAKOTA CITY , Nob. , May 1. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tin : Bui.J Smith & Ashford , oi
this county , who carry ono o f the heavies !
stocks of general merchandise In this part ot
the stale , dissolved partnership to-day. The
business hereafter will be conducted by tin
Tsiccnscs In Orloann.
OIILIUNS , Neb. , May 1. [ Special Tele
gram to Tiifc Bun. | The now city council
have been in session all day und after F
stormy tight finally granted licenses to Bar
ney Norton and N. Langlou at $750 n year ,
Orleans Sonn of Veterans.
OUI.EANS , Nob. , May 1- | Special Tele
gram to THU BiiK.J The Sons of Veterans
met lastnight in Masoniu hull and organ
izcd a camp of twenty-four members.
Further Discussion ol' the School
Bond Election Matter.
Eleven members of the board of education
were present at last night's meeting of that
body , which congregated purposely to deter
mine the amount of bonds that nro proposed
to bo issued for school sites and now school
buildings. The absentees were Messrs.
W ebcr , Spore , Folton nnd Clarke. In the
absence ot the latter , who Is president of the
board , Vice President McConuolL presided.
At a previous meeting , hold last Friday
night , the board met ns a commltlco of the
whole nnd made a report , recommending
that $300,000 bo allowed as an estimate for
the various now-ls hoolsitcs and buildings.
In this report it'wiis proposed to hold a spec
ial election May 14lor the issuuncoof the
bonds. As no dclinito action was taken an
other tneotinsr was held last night and sev
eral amendments were made to the report.
. Before the meetlrig was called to order ,
however , there wus considerable discussion
on the question of , the legality of the propo
sition of subniittincr'tho question , of issuing
the bonds at an election.
Morris Morrison Mated that as there was
a qucslion as lo thoilcgallty of such an alee-
tion , it would bo'better to get un opinion
from the board'siattorney.
C. IT. Goodman',1 with this in view , sug
gested that the bo/uvl had better adjourn. A
motion was inuile to that effect but was lost
by u vote of 5 to ; l.-'S
When the meuling convened Mr. Sholes
moved to go into a committee of the whole
for tbo consiuoiatlon of the report made last
week on the bond Vniostion.
Regarding the logftlityof elections held for
the purpose of Issuing bonds , and' in
relation to estimates of expense ? , the
following sections of the school law of 1887 ,
chapter 77 , are appended.
Section 'J5 That the board of education
shall annually , during the month of Juno , re
port to the city council an estimate of the
amount of funds required for Iho support of
the schools , for the purchase of school sites ,
the erection and furnishing of school
buildings , the payment of Interest
upon all bonds issued for school
purposes , and the creation of a
sinking fund for tlio payment of such indebt
edness , and the oily council is hereby author
ized and requlrou to levy and collect said
amount the same as other taxes. Provided ,
however , that In case the purchase of school
sites and the erection of buildings shall re
quire an expenditure exceeding f-w. > ,000 for
any ono calendar year , the duestion shall bo
submitted to a vote of the electors of the dis
trict , at the time and plucoof any cily. county
or state election ; the board of education
shall , previous to such election , designate , in
at least ono dally paiior published in the dis
trict whore such election shall bo held , the
locality of the situ or sites required , and the
cost of buildings to bo erected thereon.
Sec. 23. That the board of education may
borrow money upon the bonds which they
are hereby authorized and inipowered to is
sue , bearing a rate ot inlcrest not exceeding
( J per cent per annum , payable annually or
seml-unnually , at such place as maybe
bo mentioned upon the face of
such bonds ; which loan shall bo paid
nnd reimbursed in a period not exceeding
thirty years from the duto of said bonds ;
provided , lhat no bonds shall bo Issued , nor
question of issue be submitted to the electors
without tlio consent of two-lhlrds the mem
bers of the board of education , und bu offered
in open market and sold to the highest bid
der for not less than par value on each
dollar ; and provided further , that no
bonds shall bo issued by the
board without first submitting the proposi
tion of Issuing said bonds , at an election
called for that purnoso , or at any regular
election ; notice whereof shall bo given for
at least ten days In ono or more of Iho dally
papers published within the district , to the
qualified voters of said district , and if u
majority of the ballots polled at
such an election shall bo for
Issuing bonds , said board of education may
Issue bonds in such an amount us shall bo
named In the election notice.
Some of Iho members claimed that the two
clauses were inconsistent , but after u long
discussion the conclusion was reached that
they In no wise conflicted , and that it would
bo perfectly proper to call an election.
The report at the committee , with its
recommendations for the various sites , was
published In Saturday morning's HICK. The
llrst amendment to'lt at hint , night's meet
ing was the estimate of f-M)0 ) ) for retaining
walls und walks around the High school , the
Farnam and Leavenworlh schools , to bore-
iiuccd to $12,5UO. Cor/led.
The estimate of J7.0X ( ) for an addition to
the high school was mada a separate uud dis
tinct proposition fen sabmbslon at the elec
tion , n J
A motion to tttrlkii out the pslimato of
f5,5)0 ( ) for the site uC Fifth and Hickory was
ifferud. To this un umendmont for a $25,000
lle nnd a $50,000 building at Seventh and
fopplolon avenue IwVls made. Both wore
lost ,
An oatlmato ot M,000 for a site al Dwlghl
and Mogeath street * , in Dupont place , was
tillowcd. u
The $3,000 Gstmiatelfor additional grounds
at Lathrop site wusl increased lo $10,01X1 In
ardor lhat live uiorO'aUJomlng'lots could be
: iurcbusorl Iii ICountUo.'Place.
An estimate of &QCU ) for a Iwolvo-room
building in Dupont Place was .also allowed.
The estimates for the different sites as
amended uro a follow * :
Lalhrop StO.OOO I Forl Omaha..f 2.00
Gibson 2.WJO I Hurtnmn 10,000
Hickory 5,500 j Dupont 0,000
Following are the estimates for Iho now
school buildings :
Long , olghl-room 10,000
i'Vanklln , eight-room , . , . , ao.OOO
West Omaha , eight-room. , 80,000
Hickory , eight-room , , , . 80,000
Hurtmun , sixteen-rooin f/uoo )
Dupont , twelve-room 40,000
High school addition , .75,000
Iteulning walla and walks 12,500
This makes a total of 1.110,000 in bonds to
tie issued for sites und new buildings.
When the icport wan ready for adoption ,
the board decided to poitpono further con.
lideriUiou of the question of bonds and elec-
.ion until at the regular meeting , wtuuh will
be held Monday nUhl.
Oklahoma Proves n Mammoth Faki
Worked by Land Sharks.
A Vast CongrcKntlon or Gninblors
PciltllcrH and llccklpjs Atlvontur-
crs FlcocliiR tlio Deluded A.
Desert of Snnd.
Ijlfo lit Gntlirlt.
Ofinnin , April 20. [ Spcclnl Correspond
cnco of THE Uni > . ] If the streets of Guthrl
wore paved with gold and In the nlr won
flying diamonds Instead of dust nud sand
there could not bo n greater rush hero o
inoro eagerness manifested for the posses
slon of town lots and homesteads In this lo
People are hero from all parts of tin
United States and so mo from Canada. Man ;
have abandoned happy homes and prosper
ous business to scale their fortunes In thl
noxvly opened territory. Within the pas
four days fully llfty thousand people havi
entered Oklahoma for the purpose of taklni
up land nifd about half as many moro for tin
purpose of speculation. Among the gpcculn
tors many liavo undo money olt the ntulti
tudca assembled hero , and every butcho :
shop , chnp house , lodging tent nud pcanu
stand Is doing an Imiucnso business.
All kinds of goods , wares and mcrchandlsi
are very high , at Is always the case when
ttic demands are greater than the supply
consequently business Is profllnblo and llv
Ing comes high. All luxuries of Ufa have t <
bo dispensed with and people hero are con
tent if tlio bare necessities can bo obtained
Bread , moat and blank coffee , with eggs am
onions for the moro fortunate , constitute th (
principal articles of diet.
Everything hero is in a state of confusion
and it is almost impossible to get a place U
sleep. Thousands of people are
soiuo lu touts and other ! ) with no shelter save
the canopy of heaven. The nights are chilly
and many persons suffer from the cold.
From 200 to 600 men are always in line ir
front of the postollico tout awaiting theli
turn to ask for mail , and the postmaster ant
his clerk are so busy waiting on the thoa
sands who daily Inquire for mail that thoi
cannot proncrly make up the mails to go oui
or distribute these coming in.
At the depot people are constantly coin
plaining of bad management and facilities
for obtaining freight and express , nnc
on two days soldiers had to be
placed at the express ofllco tc
preserve order end keoji back the impa
tient crowds who had express matter in the
ollico which they were lu great need of but
could not get. Absence of competition makes
the express company and railroad company
very arbitrary , and the people have to endure -
duro it for there is no use to complain.
The postolllcc fucditles for tlio 10,000 people
plearo no bolter than for a vilhuo ol
L'OO , mid the United States postal authorities
have been vury direlect in their duty to the
people who have assembled hero. There IE
but one delivery and ono clerk for all the
people , and at no time can mail bo obtained
without going with the line , which takes
from two to four hours.
makes the sunburned , dusty boomers look
like native Indians. No ono tries to keen
clean here , but all have an excellent oppor
tunity of wearing out their old clothes and
getting well tanned by the sun. But never
was there a better nnturcd and moro submis
sive people. They put up with every hard
ship and all Horts of trials and inconveniences
without a murmer. Occasionally , however ,
some poor unfortunate who sacrificed his all
and left a eood nome to como to the land ho
expected to ( Ind flowing with milk and honey
gives vent to his feelings in bitter impreca
tions upon the newspapers , which , by axag-
gcratcil accounts of the advantages of Okla
homa , induced pcoplo to como to this place.
Guthrie is well supplied with gambling de
vices of all kinds. There is faro and stud
poker for the ' 'bloods , " 'roulette , wheel of
fortune and nhuck-luclc for the gr.uiger ele
ment , and various skin games lor the tender
foot. The sti cots are crowded with gambling
layouts and fnklr.sof all kinds , and all seem
to bo well patronized. People hero are bent
on making money ono way if not another ,
and many men are working ns carpenters
who never drove a nail bnforo ; others are
peddlitiK water , lemonade or sandwiches
through the camp. Some are anxious
to leave , but arc unable to buy a railroad
ticket on which to get homo ; others are des-
titutu and needy , and , having nsithor tents
nor bedclothes , suffer very much from the
cold at nignt.
Crook water is being hauled here and sold
on the streets by the wagon load , and several
wells are being dug.
now being made show that many of the EO >
tlers'uro In the streets , and this place will
Dither bo one of tlio most Irregularly laid out
cities in the world , or else the scene of end
less litigation , unless the bottom drops out
DfthQboom Booner than is expected , and
sverybodv moves away.
Most pjoplo are holding their claims with
Winchesters and six-shooters not only here ,
but all over Oklahoma and squatters'
rights are only recognised during the actual
A number of wild turkeys and deer have
been brought into the camp. Turkeys sell at
M each , and venison brings from 25 to 150
jests a pound. These arc luxuries that only
i few can afford , the common rabble having
to put up with broad and bacon or ham , and
liluek coffee. Everybody hero has to out
more than his share of dirt , forlino dust and
sand flllu tlio air and gets into ail kinds of
Toad. It is a bad place for a dainty or fasti-
lious person , for the rough fare and general
nconvcnlonccs try even the hardiest and
roughest pioneer. In windy weather , and
, t is always windy hero , there is u
iiorfcct storm of dust , cleanness is entirely
nit of the question , and not only does a man
lave to eat his neck of dirt , but hu has to
; iirry about a largo stocic of it in his clothes ,
lair and eyes , and on his fact * . Bnt many
ivlio havl ) anxiously longed for Oklahoma
real estate will got it in no other way , and
; et no moro of It than that which the wind
edges on Ills person and food.
jut it is made by the land-sharks , tlio black-
cgn , the gamblers anJ these wno stand in
, vltli the United States marshal and his dep
utes , and the land olllccrs located hero.
Every individual whoso livelihood is gained
.hrough . advantage tulten of tlio misfortunes
> r weaknesses and npcds of others , is
imong the money makorn of Guthrie. People
ple have to cat. drink and sloop , and those
, vho can provide for the necessaries of life
ire enabled to charge th < lr own prices peo-
> lo must live , and hero they must pay dally
tor that privilege
Many persons who have como hnro nro to
> o pitied , They have sacrificed valuable
iroporty and , perhaps their homos to come
0 Oklahoma , The oxponsa of coming was
jreat , ami the expanse of remaining is
fieatcrr They have found only disappoint-
nent hero , and the bright future and happy
ionic * so glaringly painted by the press and
loplctod by honn , have vanished in fancy
llco many another vision to which distance
put enchantment. 'The Oklahoma then
'ancy painted was u paradise ; the Oklahoma
.hoy found in reality is a land of hot sun-
ihino , winds and sand , with u fair sprink-
inu of land grabbers , fakirs and bunco-
itecrer.s. And the thousands of honet but.
lora who are hero to earn their living by
'air and upright means , will meet wi'h many
jitter dsapi ! > olritmonts.
It was reported to-day that Captain Couch ,
mo of the old Oklahoma boomers , Is loading
1 colony of 000 homcscokcra to the Cherokee
itrip , and from present indications it seems
ho stampede from Oklahoma to this
itrip will bo as great us the rush to Olilii-
iorna from other points. There U n great
leal of
icro notwithstanding the many manifesto- '
Ions of discontent. One must stay with his
ot or ho will tin ( I somebody else located and
juilding u liouso on it. .Somo persons who
mvo no tenth sit on their claims In the hot
mil all day and in the cold , damp , chilling
vindsull n lent. One settler sat under an
iinbrella all day yesterday and to-day hold-
ng his elating. Many have no shelter what-
ivor , and us the tun la very hot all day and
ho nights cold , thcro is conslOerablo suffer-
nir u'nong the unfortunate boomers. All arc
lUappolulod und many thoroughly dltguatod.
Due boomer who left Oklahoma yesterday
aid that If ever ho saw thU country again
10 would BCO U from heaven after ho In dead ,
lany tiuplea * uouioeoker * wish thehod
never seen Oklahoma , while others ffol thn
the wisdom ftnthed by this oxporicnco U we
worth the expenses and trials of the trip.
Dnnn nnd Uutlor.
HOSTOX , M.\y 1. The twenty-seventh nr
nlvor ary of General llutlor's occupation o
Now Orleans was observed by the Butlc
club to-night , when 275 gentlemen paid the !
respects to the general. Hon. Chartos A
Dana wnrprcsont and spoko. In coneluelo
ho Raid t
"I wish on this occasion to say with al
possible emphasis that whllo tlvo year
ago it was my fortune to stand b' '
General Butler In n memorable political con
test , where our purposes nnd expectation
were not realized , that there never bus booi
a moment when 1 have been sorry for It
Hero , in his presence. I will say what I an
sure General Butler himself would say tha
if wo failed In that cause to save the dome
cratlo party of this country from publio dls
aster it was not our fault. "
The Black Diamond Minstrel nnd Spec
laity company will glvo n performance am
dance to-night at Washington hall , corno
of Eighteenth nnd llurnoy. This compati ;
Is composed of homo talent , and thosa win
have seen the boys perform on former occn
slons , know that they are artists in tholi
lino. There will bo n dance after the pot
formnnco nnd a good tltuo is oxpncted.
Street llnllwny Kiiterprlmis.
Yesterday morning St. A. B. Balcombo , o
the board of public-works , was notified thai
the street railway company had jumped fron
Casslus street , ono mlle north to Commcrcln
street , and wore laying track with n view ti
reaching Fort Omaha , The motor rullwa ;
company had already reached that point , am
had an application In to extend their line
The street railway company's movcmon
wtw supposed to hnvo been made to head of
their rival. Mr. Balcombo at once pro
ceodcd to Commercial street , and found thai
whllo their rails were there , no effort hai
been made by the street railway company U
put them down.
Dr. Mercer , of the motor , stated later thai
some of the citizens of South Omaha do no
seem to understand why the motor tracks
are not being run with more raplditv in theli
dircutlon , now that right of way has beet
"Tho fact is , " said ho , "that our progress
has been enjoined by the consolidated com
panics and wo cannot move before .1 dlsso
lution of the injunctions has been effected ,
Ono of the injunction cases is on bearing to
day before Judges Doano nnd Wukoloy , nnd
will probably be concluded to-morrow sonic
time. Wo ought to got a decision within u
week or two. "
The Woiimii'H Ki-llef Corps R.ill.
The initial ball of the Gcorgo A. Custot
post , Woman's Hcliof corps , was hold at Ex
position hall last ovci'lng and was largely at
tended. The hall was gaily decorated witli
the national colors , ami portraits of Custei
hung at the cast nnd west ends of the room ,
At the west side of the room were two stacks
ot arms with cannon and powder caissons
prettily decorated with flowers , instead of
being loaded with the destructive missiles ot
war. The erand march commenced at 0:30 : ,
and Uyenty dances were indulged In.
Arrested for Stealing Stumps.
Otto Codder was arrested by Oftlcor
McCarthy yesterday and locked up on the
charge of larceny. Coddor is n youth who
has been in the employ of Paxton , Gallagher
ft Co. Ho has been under suspicion of steal
ing postage stamps for some time. Yester
day , according to the report , ho purloined
stamps to the amount of ? 1 , and while trying
to dispose of them for seventy-live cents was
Forced to Decline.
Bishop Newman was called upon yesterday
by Fletcher Brown , vice-president of Simp
son college at Indlunola , la. , and Invited to
deliver an address at the dedication exor
cises of Science hall , which will ho held In
June. Tlio bishop was obliged to decline the
invitation on account of other engagements.
Slicn's Cane ? Continued.
Pat Shea , who was arrested with a man
named Christophson a few days ago on the
cTinrgo of outline a water main , was on trial
before Judge Berka yesterday afternoon. At
li o'clock the evidence had not nil been sub
mitted , so the case was continued until to
day. _
Kan Over a Hoy.
Councilman Slirlvor , whllo driving rapidly
along Twcntioth street , near Paul , yesterday
afternoon , ran over n llttlo boy named
Smoat , who was crossing the street. The
horse knocked the hid down and the vehicle
passed over him. The youth was seriously
A Pmnll I'1re. !
The alarm of fire turned in from box 32 ,
lust night , was a blaze in the kitchen of a
liouso at 1315 California street. John Holmes
mil his wife , who occupied the house , were
iway when the Jlro was discovered , The
Jamago did not exceed $10.
Slaughtered ihu Jnclc Snipe.
C. C. Hulitt , clerk of the Millard hotel ,
ipoat yesterday in search of game and flsh
it Missouri valley. Ho brought back , last
ilirht , seventy-live jack t > nlpo and about
Lwenty-four pickerel and black bass.
fimltti Acquitted.
Robert Smith , a B. & M. bralcoman charged
.vltli . killing n man named Sullivan by throw-
ng him from a freight train , was tried be-
'oro Judge Groff , at Paplllion , yesterday , and
Hard Wood.
Twelve and Bixtocn-incli hard wood.
MOUNT & UuiKnN-2lu S. llth St.
Queer ThinJJH at I''iin < 'riilB.
Ill miuiy respects nothing can he
nero anti-Christian thiin a Christian
'unornl , says the Now York Tribunu.
\rouiul the lioiibo of mourning there
nimciliatoly gathers an atmosphere of
lopolebs gloom that IH ilistinctly pngan.
Clio tone of the condolences , tlio om-
jlcms of woo , the ncodlous display and
istontation , and the hustling activity of
ho untlorltikor all uro opposed ulllcoto
Llio spirit of Christianity and the canons
) f good tasto. The undertaker , who , as
i rule , means well , is often tlio worut
ill'ondcr. Kvery one has homo
itory to toll of his gnueh-
irios. I recall attending a funeral
iomo lime ago , at which.tho urulor-
nUor made ills little speech with rofor-
ini-o to viewing the "romains , " Ho
jonuluded thus : "In behalf of the
rionds of tlio family I wish to thank
Ihoho who hnvo no kindly holpetl to
nalto tills sad event a success , and I am
mro that If the 'remains were nlivo ho
voula heartily join in this expression
if gratitude. " And I once heard an-
ilhor undertaker say that a cortun
unoral lie hud conducted was small ,
rnlng attended by only ton persons , In-
iludlng the "romiiliiB. " Tlio olorgv
ire rarely guilty of suoli Improprieties" ,
xcout in the way of unwise eulogies.
But I was once present at a funeral
vhon tha clergyman olfendnd good lastu
> y beginning his remarks. "Those of
, -ou who know the corpse , " etc.
' Positively cured by
ll.oo . L'lllo Pills.
They also relict o Dis
tress fro-a DjupepMn , In
ITTLE digestion and Too Heart )
Katlug. A perfect remedy
edy tor Dlzzlucui , Nauseu ,
PBLLS. Uronglneitf. Had Tasti
In tlio Mouth , Coated
Tongue , I'alu In Ihu Slflo ,
tlio DowiU. 1'urtly Vegetable.
lj V/lllllllWL/I / VUlllll
Omalia , Neb ,
Buy , Sell and Exchange Real
Estate and Personal Proper
ty of every description. Have
the largest list of property
of any firm in the city. If
you have anything to sell or
exchange , come and sec us.
We enumerate a few special
bargains which it will pay
you to investigate.
No. 206 Choice lots In Omaha View for losi
money than they can bo bought or any other
agency In Omalm. If you lire looking for an In
vestment , you will imiko a mistake if youdo not
recosnlzo this an jou pas ! ) by.
No. 'Ml hot 7 block av\ South Omalm. This
is u very rtosiniblo lot and will bo sold chunn.
Como soon 1C yon expect to got It.
No. 208 Houses and lots In South Omaha near
Armour. * . Will bo sold on Biic-h terms as will
enable laboring men to purchnsti and make pay
meats about as the w ould pay rent. The greatest -
est chtiruo uvor ollcied to own jour own houiu.
No. a)9-lilxim ) feet on llth street ,1ust noHhof
Nicholas forsalo at a bargain. Tills plcco of
property Is slumled In a part of the eltyhich
Is teaming with llfo and will bo rennlrert for
business purposes In a very short time. Prlco
i ; half cash , balance lu one , two nnd three
No. fj70 Wehavaa number ot good lot.s , nil
clear. In one of the bo-.t towns in Nebraska ,
which wo can exchange for land anil usminio
some encuinberauco. This IH the snappiest
hiiii ] ) that has budded tlil.-i ftpilug.
No. TO * Smoker * , lend us your earn. Four
hundred thousand Ugurs to trade for anything
No. 20.1 A C-room liouso In Omaha View. Kor
nfowdnyj ) necan , oulng to tlio short , bank lie-
count of a f'-rtaln party , oiler an especially rule
liargaln In this pluru or pronnrty. If you are
Inclined to Invest In that pirt ot the clly. Just
remember that delays are dangerous.
No.f , D Wo have listed a fi-room cotttico In
Mlllnrd&raldu oil's addition at a price o Ion
as to insure a customer In a short time. Who
Is tlio lucky many
No. "ID A large number of lots In ono of tha
liest iiililltlonsto Coim-ll HHHIX. At the prlcu
; hoio Is moro money to bo made nn tills prop
erty than anything on the market today within
Four miles of tlio Omiilm 1' , O.
No. Win A good hoiiKO and lot In MoiiioullP
I'nrk which wo will hell cheap or exchange for
jtliw wood iiroporty. Do not glunco at the map
uid pay : "Oh I to fur out. " Iet us tell you
Kiiiii'tlifiiK , Momontli I'urk will Imvo city
vntur , pas nnd street this summor. News
s the t line to buy , thus setting tno benefit of
the certujn advaiico which Is soon to talco place
n tills property.
No 010 An H-iooin limifco In that line tuldlt-
on , Iilli'w lid. Wo will make noinobodv Iniiipy
vllh this piece or pioperty ir they will como
iiul too HH.
No. fi'O A 4-room square house on n bra'all-
'ul ' lot In Mathews hub. of .Albrights Cholro
outh Omahii. WH uro prcpaied to olfcr special
nduccmvntson UIH | ,
No. lau 4H ) acre * of land In Btantou lonniy.
? or Httlo or exrhunga for other good piopeity.
No. Till. A liouso nn I lot fn 1'uttorHon'n Miib.
> r Went Side. ThU plucu will bn aold on cuuy
onus toBome one who wlshiM to pnrclmuuti
mull , comrortalila home. It Is hut throu blocks
rom tlio Wont HUlu belt line depot.
No. HU. A siock o { furniture und hardwnro
or miln reasonable. Will ulso neil Htoio milld-
tin. rcbldnnco nnd bnrn. Snmu good real ostuto
vlll lj < taken lu part payment. To HOIIIO ono
iluliInK to go into business lu a live town wean
an glvo upood deiil.
No. IW. 10 aerci Improved Innil In Hiuvlms
onnty , Kan. , ne irly clear , totrudo for mer-
Imndlsu or live stocic.
No. 101. UiOacroaof Improved luml In Kunsus
or livery i.tock , merchandise or llvo MOCK ,
Nn. 161. A Block of furniture to oxclunxo for
attle or horses.
No. 'it ! . A7l > roiiin hotel In ono of the bent
Itlt-s of Iowa to trnili ) for western luucls.
louse nil furnished and doing a good liifllne * .
No. II. One of the boat Improved forms In
owa to oxcliungo for residence in oinuhn.
Houses undloti in all pints of Onuxli ? for
11 1 ( i on oany terms or uxclmngo for other prop-
If you have anrthln ? to neil ! It yon wish to
ny anything ; If you want to make any kind of
rail ? , coinii to UK. Wo have about ( M u pfitH
cJttnreil all over I Ho west und can inuketrmlos
nd cllect mites where otneia would full , Hoi -
i ember tliu pluus
loom 14 , Chamber of Commerce