THE OMAHA EIGHTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , THUKvSDAY AiKNING. MAY 2 , 1880. NUMBER 321. CLOSE OF THE CELEBRATION , Beautiful Floats and Tableaux In Now York Glty. 3LUE AND GRAY FRATERNIZE. loiithcrn Holdlcrs nud Ornnil Army Itlcn Moot nn Hrothcrn Tlio 1'rciidont IjcnvoH ftr 'fho Dny in Oothnni. NEW YOIIK , Mny 1. Gcnornl Buttorflold , with his staff , took up their positions at Fifth avenue nnd Fifty-fifth street nt 8:30 : n. n , , hut nt thnt hour none of the organizations had put ID nn nppcnrnnco. The panuta started shortly after 10 o'clock , with Mayor Grant , representative delegates from Iho civil , Industrial and commercial societies tind organizations In advance. Whcr. ' the reviewing "stand was reached the mayor presented nn address to President Harrison. Tlio city council took the places which had been reserved for them on either tldo of the president. Next cnmo General Uuttcrllehl , chief marshal , followed by his itaff. Tlio first tableau , "Tho Declaration of Independence , " was Intended to represent Iho reading of tha Declaration of Indepen dence by John Nixon in tha state house rard , Philadelphia , July 8 , 170. This lloat was surrounded by an escort of 100 members of tlio Society of Veterans of the regular urmy and navy. n the German division were over 4,000 men , members of the singing societies , clubs mid military organizations , representing almost every trndo known to the Teuton. The feature of this part of the narado was the great number of tableaua and iloats which It represented , some sixty In all. | Nearly nil the Important historical events f and the progress of the arts and sciences i , -Wcro represented. The Hibernian division consisted of about 10,000 men. Some were uniformed and some were not. The Polish uud negro delegations followed. The regulrfr Irish section of the parade In cluded nearly all the Irish-American societies of Now York nnd the papal veterans , 8,000 members of the Society of the Holy ixame , O.COO moro of the Hibernians , 4,000 of the provincial council , temperance societies and about n dozen Catholic benevolent sociotlcs. In the lust division there were a number of Interesting trade floats , and straggling at the end of the line were n tot of impromptu ad vertisements. This was followed by other floats guarded by detachments of cadets and representing "Washington nnd His Generals Mounted" and "Washington Crossing the Delaware.1 Following came B.500 school children escort- .ing n tableau of "Washington at Valley Forgo in the Winter of 1777-S. " The | i Exempt FIreincns' association of the city to the number of 200 came next , and after them fho Tammany hall braves under the chief tainship of General John Cochrano. Several i temperance societies and Knights of Pythias [ proccded'tliu lloat "Tho Resignation of the Commission , " and the Yonkers cadet corps escorted "The First Inauguration. " Bu- ween the Washington Continentals and 1,000 sons of veterans was an elaborate tableau , "Tho State of Virginia , " representing a ship of the sixteenth century with adventurers In Elizabethan costume , crowding the poop ft , dock descrying land. Then followed n series V of tableaux representing the various states as follows : Now York A boatload of Dutch sailors nnd voyagers. Massachusetts Anchoring of , the May flower. Delaware Christianizing the savages. Maryland Lord Baltimore and Gcorgo Culvert. Pennsylvania Pcnn's treaty. Georgia Tlio last pre-rovolutloaary colonial nial settlement. % After thcso came the most interesting foa- . turc1 the Caledonian club , of Now York , nnd the Seventy-ninth Highland regiment of veterans. Tlio Swiss centennial committee , with Swiss tableaux , were escorted by centennial sharpshooters , and then came tlio firemen's division consisting of about four thousand men. Four hundred Brooklyn police came along just after the firemen nnd presented a fine appearance. Following were about four thousand representatives of the different trades , hard at work. Next came the Italian division. The Italian Military association turned out thirteen companies of thirty-six men each and the civic societies ns many moro. Ono of the floats In this division was n largo boat on which were represent oil "Columbus and Washington , Discoverer and Father. " The second lloat represented Italy nnd America among the flowers. Tlio Scandinavian-American societies also made I a good showing. I CIIOWDS AT UNION SQUAWK. The crowd at Union squnro to-day was K9 > creator than that of yesterday. The police % had nil they could do to keep the Immense -Jhrong In order. The stands and every win dow facing tha sciunro , nnd the roofs of the surrounding buildings and the siduwalks were crowded and packed with a dense muss of humanity. President Harrison , In his bnroucho drawn byfour , hordes nnd headed by n sqund of po- llco , nnd accompanied by Vico-Prosidont Morton , Colonel Krugcrand Lieutenant Jud- BOII. U , S. A , , drove uu to the Madison square reviewing stand nt ton minutes past 10. Ex-Presidents Hayes and Cleveland , Sec retaries Proctor , Tracy , Wlndom and Rusk , General Sherman nnd Russell B. Harrison had previously arrived. i IN A OYU.NDEII or sn.vnii. Major Grant , with the bodv of nidus who had boon waiting at Twenty-littli street , then [ ' stepped forward and presented the president | with an address , enclosed In a cylinder of I ropousso silver. The address wua signed 5 > y Mayor Grant and n largo number of busl- I nebs nnd other prominent men of the city. I U presents unew to the president their alI - I legianco to the government , constitution and I laws , with their congratulations upon the i completion of century of constitutional gov- I eminent. Tha mayor then took his place bo- I side the president , and tha big parade boirau I to pass by. Tbo president loft the review- I ing stand ntUlO : und drove nt oncotoVice- 1 President Morton's. It was estimated that b nt that tltno 11,000 men had passed before R him. fit , HAIIItlSON 1IETUIINB TO WASHINGTON' . /I After n light lunch nt Mr. Mortoif n resi- I donc'o , President Harrison was driven to the I Now Jersey shore , where ho started for l > Washington at 5 o'clock. The presidential I party consisted of President Harrison , Sec- k rotary \Vindom , his wlfu nnd two daughters , I Sooretnry Proctor , Colonel Barr , Colonel I John M. Wilson , Walker Blnlno , Private I Secretary Unlford , Secretary Traity , Post- I master-General Wannuiaker , Secretary I Husk and two children. I AVI1.II DIS011PEU , I The eccno of the dismissal of the parade at I Canal street , to-day , was ono of the wildest I confusion , and at ono tltno It looked as if n I panto might cnsuo. When the head of tlio I paradu arrived the oxcitomoiit bewail. Gen- I cral Buttorflold's stall -vero mounted on I spirited horses , and many of them did not I know how to rdo. | The animals became i o it- I less and plunged around violently. The crush of the crowd was simply terrible. Tlio I police had their hands full. Considerable I confusion also resulted from the failure of I the aids to obey the orders of the chief iimr- I Bhal. The baiidsin some cases , wandered off in I the wrong part of the parade. In passing the P finish each division fainted the chief in ar il Bhal nt Broadway and Cunul streets. There I were a number of accidents. The tableaux ' tu the three high floats were caught iu the jf wires and torn down. Float No. 10 , rcpro- editing an emigrant ship , with decK , steer- go uud smoke stack , whllo turning into Canal street , was wrccKod by the roar wheel on tlio right nldo of tbo great truck being wrenched off by n cat track , The upper part of the structure around the smokestack was occupied by hall a dozen little ging costume , while below vcro several women. The body of the oar vns filled with a few women nnd nnumborof lunlntly attired men with falsa boards. With \\a loss of tlio wheel the frail structure top- ilcd over nnd snapped and cracked , while and children slid and fell out , Their screams voro alarming , and many policemen prang forward to nld the sup- ) oscd Injured. Fortunately , however. ho children only suffered n had fright , nnd hey were curried nwny crying. People standing near by sprang from their places vlth the intention of lending n helping hand. V panic ol momentary duration was the ro' suit , but the pnllco soon restored order. Hotweon nnd S o'clock the last orgnnlzn- lou of the great parade had boon dismissed nnd the centennial festival was at an end. Pallor I5nn < ] tt"ttod. Nr.w YOIIK , May I. Tlio reception tendered to-night , by the Bar association of the city of Now York , to Chief Justice Fuller and.tho associate Justices of the United States su- > rome court , although purely nu Informal of- air , drew together n most distinguished com- mny of legal lights nnd representatives of ho state bench. There were about three lundrcd gentlemen present , Ex-President 31ovcland was ono of the early arrivals. : hlof Justice Fuller , with Justices Blnteh- 'or. Field nnd Strong , stood together In the Ibrary for an hour while the members were ircscntcd In person. CiiNTENNlAL KXPHNDITUUKS. Patriotism nnil Pyrotechnics llc- ( luccil to Figures. NEW YOIIK , May 1. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEE. | What the entire cost of the centennial celebration will bo , it is Impos sible to compute at the present time. It seems pretty clear that the expenses of the committee will exceed the money which has Decn appropriated by the state nnd the city : ogeth r with the subscriptions which have boon secured by the finance committee. Ac cording to the . ofllcial programme the sum appropriated by the stnto of Now York , for the purposes of the celebration , was $200,000. About ? I25,000 of this , however , belongs to tlio National guard , nnd ? 20,000 moro to the jrand Army of the Republic , so that only M5,000 goes to tlio centennial committee. -Tho city government , however , appropriated 575,000 , nnd the voluntary subscriptions have been about 545.000. This gives the commlttoo an aggregate fund of 5175,000 , and out of this the expenses of the parade , tlio maintenance of such troops ns liavo not been provided for by the states to wnleh they belong , the cost of the fireworks und decorations , and the very heavy expenses of the committee , incurred during the work if preparation , must bo mot. Spacious onices liivve boon maintained in tlio Stewart build ing since last November , nnd n number of parlors at the Fifth Avenno hotel have been occupied the army committee since January of the present year. Whan to these expenses Is added n probable delldt in the ball and banquet accounts it will bo seen that with $17(5,000 ( the committee will probably not bo nblo to meet its debts. The expenses for the ball and banquet will undoubtedly ajrgroKato ? 100,000. In addition , the buildings in Thirty-ninth street nnd Seventh avenue will cost from S1U,000 to $15,000 , which , of course , will hnvo to bo charged uu to the entire cost. What the deficit in the ball and banquet accounts will be cannot bo estimated at present. Whatever the deficit may bo , it will have to bo met by private subscription. The money Grand Army of the Republic , and the various sums appropriated by the different states for transportation and maintenance of their troops. Massachusetts ulono appropriated 00,000. Tlteso are the oftlcial expenditures. The private accounts run up into sovoi figures. _ _ THIS JKFFKUSON TKAOEUV. It Grows More KovoUlnt ; ns the Facts Appcnr. SOMCIISET , Pa. , May 1. The mysterious tragedy In Jefferson township yesterday grows more revolting as the facts appear. It now seems more than probable that David and George , two sons of old man Shauglis , who was sixty-five years old , hanged their father , and that David , an hour later , shot his young step-mother through the body ns she was returning from the barn to the house. The step-mother still lives and may recover. The object of their crime was that they might speedily como into possession of the cstato , which is valuable. CANADIAN HKLiATIONS. The Senate Committee ivill Meat In Chicago To-Morrow. CHICAGO. Mny 1. The sonata special com mittee on relations with Canada will hold a conference in this city to-morrow and after wards leave for San Francisco. Chairman Hoar , who arrived here to-day , said the in vestigation Into railway affairs would bo made by Senator Cullom's committee and that his ( Hoar's ) committee would not Inter fere In that work. The senator was loss ex plicit In answering n query ns to nn investi gation touching the Bchrlng sou fisheries. Tlio Fire Uooord. C n ic A o , May 1. A dispatch fromChcnoa , III , , says : At about 1 o'clock this morning n largo two-story brick block , In which about a third of the business of Chonoa was done , toolc flro and was completely destroyed. Tlio aggregate loss is $75,000 ; insurance , $ . ' 15,000. The principal sufferer is W. M. Fnlos , who conducted a general storo. His loss is $35- 000 ; insurance ; 87,030. Nichols & Sinister , hardware , lose $10 , 000 ; insu run co , $3.000. F. N. Quinn , express agent , nnd J. 11. Lenno.v were Injured by falling walls ; the former , it is thought , fatally. The Went tier Indications. Nebraska Fair weather except showers In western portion ; colder Thursday morn ing followed by rising temperature , north erly shifting to easterly winds. lowu Fair , warmer in northern portion , stationary tompcraturo Iu southern portion : winds becoming variable. Dftkota Warmer , fair weather , winds shifting to southeasterly. A. Horseman Itoliucd , CHEYENNE , Wyo. , May 1. [ Spaclal Tele gram to TUB Hcu.J Thomas J. Stover , the well-known horseman of Oakland , Cat. , on route to Now York ; was robbed on the pas scngor train Tuesday night at some point between Green Kivor nnd Luramlo. Ho losl a line gold watch nnd a suit of clothes. Soli-clod ns Directors. CHICAGO , May 1. At a mooting of the Irisl Catholic Colonization Association of the United States , to-day , Hlshop Spnlding , o Pcoria ; Bishop O'Connor , of Omaha ; Gnn oral Luwler , of Wisconsin ; Her. D. J Ulordan , W. P. Hand , Michael Cudahy am W , J. Onahan , of Chicago , were selected as d I roc tors. Troubles. CHICAGO , May 1. The Cragln manufactur Ing company , dealing In tin ware and slice Iron goods , made a voluntary assignment to day. Tlio assignee says the assets will bo between $130,000 and (150,000 , , nnd ttio llabll Itics about $70,000. Will llesumn the Itcliia. LuxKMiiuito , May 1. The duke of Nas sau , cogent of the Duke of Luxemburg , has received a letter from the king of Holland In which the latter states ho will resume the government of Luxemburg , Friday next. Franklin Proiontoit. PAUIS , May 1. President Caruot to-day gave audience to Uultol States Minister McLano , who presented General Franklin , the commissioner of ttio United States to the Paris exhibition. Colliery Kxploulon. HKUI.IN , Muy 1 , By an explosion In a col llory at Dortmund to-day , three persons were killed aud eight injured. CONFERRING ABOUT SAMOA , Yoatordny'a Proceedings In the Oon- grroBS at Berlin. GERMANY APPARENTLY HEDGING The Rclcnso ofMnlloto.i Looked Upon AS n Concession KtiRlmid'a JlcprcsLMitntlvcs Doing a lilt of Diplomacy. The Conference. tCop/r/oit ! / ? ISSO l > u Jnmci Gordon LONDON , Mny 1. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tun liiiE.I This morn- Ing's Times has the following special from Its Berlin correspondent : The sub-commlttco of the Samoan confer ence is still busy with its work , und this Is understood to bo the elaboration of the two main projects ono a plan for the future gov ernment of Samoa under a native ruler , , and the ether a proposal for the constitution of a tribunal .to consider and adjudicate on pri vate land tenure In the islands , which Is In the greatest possible confusion , and is any thing but n correct index to the extent of the various foreign Inteiests Involved. It will bo remembered that the Washington conforcnco on affairs In Samoa ended abortively , mainly for the reason that the United States would not assent to the Gorman proposal to appoint ono representative of the three powers con cerned , this nominee being German , to act as mandatory of the three states ; and now it Is probable thnt the conference will decide upon the appointment of a triamvlrnto body of administration , or supervision in Samoa to act as a sort of council to the native sov ereign whoever ho may bo. Tills will mainly depoud on the policy of Germany ; but , meanwhile , the enlargement of Malietoa the Germans ment ex-King , whom mans deported from Samoa to Hamburg and back io the Marshal Islands is regarded hero ns n proof of her desire to mnko a good Impression on the conference. There Is ono thing less clear than some others con nected with the conference sitting here , and that Is the attltudo of England on the Samoan question. At Washington , England was do- cldedly in favor of the course suggested by Germany , and now thcro is nothing to show that she is not again disposed , If anything , to prove n little moro complaisant to Ger many than to the United States. If this bo so it will be evident that the English government knows on which side its bread is buttered , and that England and her colonies have moro both to hope and to fear from America with her future development , than from any ether country under the sun. So reason ob servers , who are profoundly convinced that cordial friendship with the United States is of much moro vnluo to England than is that of any state in the European system , from which Great Britain is becoming smoro and more detached by reason of her growth into colonial world-power , with over-widening and brightening prospects of imperial federation. The true foreign policy of England , so argue the observers nbovo referred to , has llttlo or nothing to do now with affairs on the continent , but must concern itself with everything connected with the states aud colonies affected by those interests. From this point of view , therefore , it is somewhat puzzling to many to find Lord ( Salisbury lay ing such an ostentatious stress on thcjcolonial entente cordlalo , ovorywhero.wlth Germany , from whom , if it can bo properly considered , England has really nothing whatever to fear , and llttlo or nothing to hope ; thus incurring the risk , slight , though it may bo , in the present case , per haps , of the estrangement of affection of those who. in certain circumstances , might prove to England troublesome opponents. It Is not that the Samoan question , in Itself is capable of producing the effects .hero alluded to , but at some time its treatment by England ought not to bo such as is calcu lated to ruffle the sensibilities of either America or of the Australian colonists , whoso disappointment could not , possibly ho counterpoised by any amount of gratltudb on. the part of Germany , as between nil Anglo- saxon races beyond the Sea aud the Gorman Empire. Tlio position of England Is nnalngous to the attitude of Germany to Austria and Rus sia , respectively , "Between whom } " said Prlnco Bismarck to GortchaKoff at the congress - gross of Berlin , "you must not force mo to chooso. I repeat that the issues Involved in the Samoan question are , by no means , so very pregnant of high political consequence ; but still , the treatment that the question will receive , In the opinion of those well posted to Judge , ought to bo the test of the degree to which Encland has kept pace with the true principles of political expediency. " A "STOCK" COMPANY. The American Ijlvo Stock ; Commis sion Company Organized. Cmctao , Mny 1. Some weeks ago Samuel Lazarus , T. S. Burghcs , A. B. Gregory nnd N. T , Eaton , western stockmen , Issued an Invi tation from Kansas City to several well known stockmen throughout the country asking them to Join In organizing the American Llvo Stock Commission company and to con vene for that purpose at the Union Stock yards. A meeting was hold to-day at the Transit house , ] and was quito largely at tended. Those present were reticent as to objects aud scope of the company. The com mission men at the stock yards assort thai its solo aim. Is to evade tha payment of the CO par cent commission. The members are heavy cattle raisers nnd propose to open a brunch house at Kansas City. The company - * pany , it is said , will sell no cattle not owned by its stockholders. The following board of directors were elected : H. W. Ccossmnn , Pueblo , Col.- M.Smith , Sherman , Tex. ; J. C. Gunter , Dallas , Tex. ; A. H. Gregory , Withrow , 111. ; T. P. Yurk , ' St. Louis ; P. Phillips , Kansas City ; W. A. Towers , Mon tana ; B. H. Fant , Gllead , Tex. ; S. S. Bug- boo , Kansas City. The capital stock Is $100,000. Til BY WILL GO OUT. Thn Illinois Miner * ) Hcfnso to Accept the Hcductlon. STKHATOII , 111. , Muy 1. The miners of northern Illinois in convention to-day decided to rcfuso to accept the reduction of ten cents for mining during the coining year offered by the operators , Tha dis trict ofllcer was directed to call a national convention of all the miners In the bituminous coal field as fur as tbo competition readies , and that tbcro bo DO work until such convention Is called , Day laborers and machine men producing coal will also go out pending the settlement of the difficulty , A ItOIUiUlt OF THIS POOIl. Laboring Moil Conlldcncod Out of n Ijtu-RO Bum , ST. PAUL , May 1. Oy collecting * 10.25 from each man ho hired for work on a Dakota railroad , called tha Anchor line , ono John Bmtth secured about ei , : > 00 from laboring men and this morning when the , pollco were looking for him for running an employment agency without license , ho skipped uud ha uol sluco beou heard from. AN laa'OKTANT The Dual Duties or d. XJointnUnloncr Kxplnlnc'd. WAMIINOTON , May L Commissioner Mitchell , of the patent oillio , to-day rendered nn Important decision in the Interference case of Daniels versus Morgan , which In volves the question of the right of n patent commusioucr to grant n motion for n re hearing of the case finally dhK | > sod of by his predecessor , excepting In cases of fraud , errors In computation or the discovery of now evidence. On March 2J , Commissioner Hall nwnrdcd the priority of ijivontlou to Morgan , mid four days later on a motion for rehear- inn sot the hearing for.April ; 10. At that time It was fully understood by him that Ins successor \yas to tnko diiargo of the ofllco April 1. April 10 the motion came tin lor n hearing before Commissioner Mitchell , and counsel for Morgun asked that It bo dis missed , as it asked for the rehearing of n de cision of n former commissioner upon the aanio facts , and ovldonco , upon which tha de cision was based. 1'ho matter was arcucd nt length nnd taken under considera tion. Commissioner Mitchell now rules that ] the duties of the commissioner arc In part of nn administrative and in part Of a judicial nature , nnd whllo the rule limiting the right of nn administrative ofllcer to re view his predecessor's dbclsions mav bo np- pllcnblo to him in au administrative capacity , it is equally clear thnt It Is not binding upon him in the discharge of his Judicial duties. The motion to dismiss the motion for n rehearing - hearing Is therefore overruled. IOWA NEWS. The Border Postofllccn. Dr.s MOINHS , In , , May L | Special Telegram - gram to THE HER. ] Assistant Superintend ent Christian , of the railway mail service , arrived horn , this evening , direct from Okla homa , where ho has been establishing post- offices. Ho loft Guthr'io , yesterday noon , and when ho came away ho said GOO men were in line waiting for their mail. On Tuesday , the day after the opening , the Guthrie postofllca sent out 0,000 letters , nnd it averages about five or six thousand loiters a day now. . "Wo have done the best wo could , " said Mr. Christian , "and .Vet the mall facilities are not nt all adequate to the demand. The postmaster at Guthrie has five assist ants , but ho can not begin to keep up with the mall. The crowd stand in line for hours waiting for a chance. Yesterday morning , in order to ease thorn up a llttlo , Postmaster Flynn took n larco paokugo of "Bs' ' out doors , and , stand ing on a box , ho would call off the names , nnd the fellows whoso names began with B would respond if they were called. That did not oxpcdito matters very much , but it made tlio crowd think that something was being done for them. 1 slept Iu the postofttco tent every night I was thcre/nnd men eaino to it nt ; i o'clock in the mormnc to got a position in Hue , and waited there patiently till 5 o'clock , when the ofllco vas opened. They have been doing that every night. Yester day wo started n wooden building , which was to bo finished for td-Bay for the post- office. Thnt will help relieve the crush a little. There are about 10,000 people still at Gulhrlo , and they all want their mail right away. I have had n { guard of soldiers around the ofllco night find day , but there has been no violence. ( > ftored , though the crowds get very impatient nt times. There is not so much pressuro'nt Lisbon and Okla homa City , and wa Uavo'dlonrod up the mail all right. The first day a ; Guthrie wo sold 590 worth of stamus. " The River Imtlrl Cnes. DCS MOINES , la. , Mai' 1 , [ Special Tel egram to THE Bee. ! A'ttornoy-Goneral Stone has just rcturnpd r jn .W ashington , where ho was representing the interests of the river land settlersv Ho says , in nn inter view : "Attorney-General Miller rccogniycs the importance ol the controversy pending before him , and It is apparent that ho is do slrous of doing his exact and fult duty to the matter. Ho gave close and earnest atten tion to the presentation of the case , and bis expressions , so far as any were made , were full of earnestness nnd frankness. Ho re quested mo to prepare n bill In equity cover ing all the ultimate facts that the govern ment can rely upon to silstaln its action , and also to prepare un argument to maintain the government's position. ' * This argument is to besubmittcd to Attor ney-General Miller early in June. General Stone has decided to take tbo position that these lands were novar earned by the Im provement company , and therefore the gov ernment lias a right tu maintain an action for forfeiture of thorn. , Want HiKlipr KntcH. DBS Moi.vns , la. , May 1. [ Special Tel- ogratn to TUB BEB.loVeral representa tives of class B and Class C roads appeared before the railroad commissioners to-day to ask for relief from the low rates of the com missioners'schedule. Mr. C. A. Gllclirist , representing the For'j ; Madison & North western , said that. It meant bankruptcy for his rend if it wasn't given help very soon. Ho said ho had sold his homestead in order to trot money to pay the running expenses of the road and keep It going , but ho could't stand the oxptmso much longer. Itonto AcctitH .Unmoved. MASON CITY , la. , May 1. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEK.J A number of route ngcnts running Into this city were to-day in formed that their services were no longer required. Those who have been removed are Elliott , Cain and Hoot. Til 13 CHICAGO OK ASH. The Injured Are Estimated nt About Ono IInndrod. CHICAGO , May 1 [ Special Telegram to TUB BEII.J Michigan cAvenuo , nlong Lake Park presented , n rather wrecked appearance - anco to-day after its rough oxpcrlenco with the great crowd of people last evening. Men , women , children , and oven babies in arms , were tossed about on the wild current , and fences and shrubbery that cunio in tlio way were swept along and' crushed under foot. Only tha iron fences'escajied , but even these strong-barriers worq , bant by the mighty pressure. But the Iron did not protect the flower beds ami shriibbory. To escape the dreadful crush men 'Jumped over thcso fonccH , women were drugged over , children were tossed over , and vbp yards were tram pled und destroyed , Asjlar as can bo learned about ona hundred people were injured , but no deaths have yet beep reported , and prob ably none will be. ' j A GlK.uttld'Kchninc. CHICAGO , May 1 , AlueetlnB of tlio stock holders of the Nortlj ChlcagoKolltngMill company and the Union Stcol company , for the purpose of consolidating their interests with those of the Joliet Steel company , as has already been outlined in thcso dis patches , was held harp to-duy , Both meet ings were brjof , nnd a ; their close it was stated thnt nothing definite had been accom plished , nnd that they had adjourned until to-morrow , The pUvn by which this Im portant inovik In the manufacturing world Is to bo accomplished Is , In brief , on Increase of the capital stock of tbo 'North Chicago com pany to 125,000,000 , and tha purchase , with the money SD accruing , of the plants of the ether two companies. The now concern will bo known as the "Illinois Steel company , " and will be the largest of Ha kind in the world. * i - , 1'lvo Thousand Quit Work , PiTTSiii'rto , May 1 , A general strike of the building trades was inaugurated to-day for an average advance of 25 cents per day nnd union workman. .About five thousand men In both cities ary Idle , aud work has been ' suspended on almost every new building. flf&th flceonl. niiiu.v , May. " * ! . Uev , Andrew , , Hlfft'ins , D. U. , bishop of the Catholic diocese of Kerry , U dead , STARTLING BUT NOT TRUE , A Rumor That Blaine Had a Stroke of Paralysis. DENIED BY HIS SECRETARY. An AUnofcof bunttintrotho Only Foun dation Tor tlio Story Comp troller Irxoay T.ikoH the O.-xtli of Olllco. WASHINGTONHuntutj , TitnOMAHA , tins , ) 513 FouurBSXTiiSritRRr , V WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 1. I "It Is reported hare thit Sicrotary IJlaliio has had n stroke of paralysis. " The noovo startling words came by ' .tiro from New York this morning , and when known In ofllcial circles created quite n flutter of excitement. Mr. Blnlno was nt that mo ment' quietly reclining in his room nt the Normnndlo , "Mnko the denial so positive , " said his private vato secretary , when shown the dispatch , "that the story can go no further. There Is not the least truth In It. Mr. Ulaino suffers from lumbago and has boon suffering from it for n week , but is being relieved rapidly. Ho has hud nothing-that oven was remindful of paralysis , and will bo at his desk In a day or two. " Mr. Ulalno's bloodless color and tlifnct thnt ho was not well enough to enjoy attend ing the celebration In Now York has caused u few of his friends , after seeing him this week to refer to his health In rather alarm ing words. Ho Isqulto as well as usual , and will , barring unexpected misfortune , bo at his official dnskyears hence. Aside from the sensational story about Mr. lilaino , there was llttlo going to muko the day different from Monday and Tuesday. The whlto house was open and all was In readiness for the return of the president to-night , but no onicial business was transacted aud few vis itors were soeu , A telegram was received during tlio day from.Prlvato Secretary Hulford , stating that tlio inhabitants of the whlto house would get back homo about 10:30. : Hain continued to pour as if the elements were religiously bound to complete the record of the almost continuous rainfall for the entire week. It was Just a. week ago that it began to rain , and the only cessation was on Monday for a few hours. During the past , eighteen days the fall of rain was 9.13 inches or 0) { inches over the average of April. Tins evening it cleared , nnd old Sol disappeared behind a cloudless horizon. The streets nnd avenues IH-O walls of ver dure and the parks are flower beds. 1IUSY CLAllKSON. There was no cessation in the activity around Assistant Postmastor-Goncrnl Clark- son's room. Ho continued to receive dele gations , examine applications and to write the cheerful word "appoint" or shako his head in refusal. There was n great deal more writing than head shaking however. Tlio rush for changes in the fourth class postollieos is pretty nearly over. Tlio bulk of the changes on account of partisanship have been made. Those for Ihigrant mcom- potency have also been made to a largo de gree. The knotty questions und complicated contests are being taken up. 11UI.WAY MAIL 8BKVICE. "By to-morrow morning I hope to have my index made up nnd to be able to tell what has been dono. Till then , I hnvo n curiosity an well na ftVi anxiety to know the result of the work done within the past two weeks , " said Superintendent Bell , of tha railway mail service. "I think about all the changes necessary to mnko the service efficient and satisfactory to the people have been made , but if not , decapitations will continue. The civil Horvico commission can furnish us postal clerks now. Inasmuch as the great bulk of thorn put In of late are the old repub licans who were turned out , the service will bo bettor from the very start , and I have in augurated new systems for maklutr up the malls on trains going into largo cities , by which It will bo sorted ready for the carrier delivery as soon as it arrives at the post- ofllces , which will make the distribution moro rapid and satisfactory. " A ffcw con gressmen who have been waiting to have changes made are fearful that their demands have not been attended to , but when the re sults aru known it will bo seen that all the changes were made with a view to improving the service , Superintendent Boll has per formed wonderful work. TOOK THIS OATH. Comptroller of the Currency Lacoy. of Michigan , took the oath , assumed the duties of hU ofUco and was introduced to his em ployes. AVliilc this was in progress the now chief clerk , Brackett , who had Just returned from Now York , was dismissing live watch men of the treasury and installing as many republicans. A. C. Toner , the new appoint ment clerk for the department of the in terior , was at the same tlino assuming bis official robes. robes.AN AN IMAGINATIVE CIIANK. At the war department an incident oc curred which furnished spice for the day. A serious-looking man , of middle life , entered the secretary's ofllco and announced to Acting Secretary Bennett that ho was the secretary of war , and took Mr. Proctor's seat and began issuing ordcis * for the appintment and dismissal of employes. It was immediately discovered that ho was the same man who yesterday appointed himself major of the police and usurped the odlcoof Major Moore , now in Now York , and ho was taken to the Third precinct station , where ho will bo ex amined for insanity. AUMV MATTRItS. Charles W. Cramer , a private of the hos pital corps located at Fort Nlobrnra , Is trans ferred to Fort Sidney by direction of the secretary of war , nnd Private Louis Martin , of the hospital corps now at Fort Sidney , is transferred to Fort Lnrumlo , Wyomng , nnd will be sent to that post , reporting upon his arrival to the commanding ofllccr for duty. Furloughs to iion-uoinmisslonod ofllcors of the general staff and enlisted men acting ns such may bo granted by a post commander for seven days in cuso of an emergency only , and by a department commander for ono month. Applications for furloughs for n longer period must bo referred to the adju tant-general for the decision of the Hccretury of war. PKIIIIU S. HKATH. Nebraska and lowu Patents. WASHINGTON , Mny 1. [ Special Telegram to TIIU HBI : . ] Patents have boon issued to the following inventors in Nebraska : Richard O. Adams , Louisville , Neb , , timing apparatus for race courses ; John J. Parsley , Huboard , Nob. , churn ; WilliamG. Uobblns , Uroomlleld , Neb. , harness pad ; Albert J. Shaul , Long Pine , Neb. , proscription lllo ; Moxander Hoaglund , Lincoln , Nob. , water elevator. Patents Issued to lowans : William II. Critchflcld and E. J , Emmons , Wirt , Iu , , combined trough and rack ; Charles C. Gil- man. Eldora , la. , safety railway car ; Win , L. H ass , Charles City , la. , gate ; Charles Linn , Sioux City , In. , dumping wagon ; Christian H. Marrin. Hioux City , fa. , Grand piano truck end Upright-piano truck ; Afred L. McCarty , DCS Moines , la. , dental amcsthtio ; Theodore Meyer , usslgner of one- half to F. Meyer , Amity , la. , cultivator. - Mexican Onnirnl Showing. BOSTON , May I. At the annual mooting of the Mexican Central stockholders to-day , directors were chosen. The annual report allows the gross earnings of 1SS3 to be 15- T74t81 , nn Increase over 1SS7 of f SSr SS ; the not earnings { 3,355,403 , , an Increase of HM- 807 , The net earnings In United States cur rency IB f 1,7-lS , fOSlan increase of f(13,103. ( Tho.hliiloli GUvii Up. Gi.oucRbTCii , Mass. , May 1. Nothing has been heard of the fishing schooner Shlioh which sailed from this port to George's Hunks March " ' > , and her owners have given her up for lot. She carried a crow of four teen men , UNFIT POU The Hvldcnoo In tiip Carter Dlvorco Cnso Ycstcrdny. CHICAGO , Mny 1. [ Special Tolcgrn'm to Tun HER.1 The usual crowd was prennnt nt the hoarlni. of the Carter case to-day. Mrs. Mnry Morrlsey , housekeeper of the Cooper house , nt Cooparstown , N. Y. , who claims to have witnessed Improper conduct between Mrs. Carter and a Mr. Gregory , of Now York , at the hotnl , testified , nud was cross- examined nt great length , much to the edifi cation of the scandal lovers Iu the court room. She also testified to having seen State Senator Jaine * F. Pioroo leaving Mrs. Carter's roam nt an unseasonable hour of the night. On cross-pvnmlnutlon Mrs. Mor- risoy's testimony was shaken very llttlo. Mrs. Miiry J. Abbott said that she was In Mrs. Morrlsoy's room ; and thai Mrs. Carter - tor and the man supposed to bo Gregory were discovered outside. Hut llttlo addi tional Information was elicited. Harry P. Nash , who was night watchman at tlio Cooper house In 18St : , said that ho had soon Mr. Piorca In MM. Carter's room nt n latu hour at night , and that they had been together a great deal at other times. On the whole , the testimony given at to-day's Hus sion was by far the most scandalous de veloped In the whole case and but little of It Is fit for publication. \VKSTI3UN 1'AOICING 1NTKUKST.S. A Modcruto Inorcuso In the Western .Movement of Hogs. CINCINNATI , May 1. [ Special Tologrnm to Tin : BKI : . ] To-morrow's Price Current will say : There is n moderate Increase in the western movement of hogs , the past week , packing returns indicating a total of 175,000 , compared with lo OOO the preceding week , and 185,000 for the corresponding time last year. For the season from March 1 , the total Is 1 , & > 5,000 , against 1,310,000 a year ago. Hull road Men Hopeful. CHICAOO , May 1. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] The Chicago railroad men believe - liovo thnt tlio bottom has been reached In the period of the depression which , for the last few months , has had such a disastrous effect on earnings. The officials of llvo west ern nud four eastern roads , to-day , declared that , they looked for a decided chanuo for tbo batter during the month. As Uoceivor Mc- Nulta , of the Wabash , said : "Tlio present crop will bo above the average , and a largo share of last year's crop is Htlll In the west. The people there can't cat it or throw it away. It must bo sent to market and wo must have it. What is our loss now will be our gain later on. " The Chicago committee of the Central Trafllc association mot to-day und recommended that the freight committee so change the classification that horses be put in the third class , hogs and sheep In the fourth class , and cattle in the fifth class , tlio changes to apply to the west ern terminus of the trunk lines and in the Centra Trade association. Should the freight committee adopt the recommendation it will cause u material advance in rates on all live stock. Nebraska nnd Iowa Pensions. WASHIXQTON , May 1. [ Special Telegram to Tim BHC. | Pensions granted Nobrnskans to-day : Originafinvnlid Hiram W. Sheldon , Elijah Myers , Uooert M. James , Thomas Gainforth , Peter J. FritchcofT. Restoration nnd increase James P. Deucl. Increase Frank E. Andrews , Fuan W. Scott , Abljah Lane , Gild eroy M. Hardy , Don H. Sanford. Pensions for lownns : Original invalid Elias Cassatt , L'ovi Clmpin , Harvey D. Vickers - ors , James 1Wroo , James Huckor. Hestor- ntion William H. Chaploy. Increase Georpo Frazler , Sanford Hogle , John Fig- gins , James E. Finloy , Edgar Inlay , Alex Uosc , Hiram C. Hogors , James H. Peters. John McLano , Albert N. Keys. Keissuo and increase Ueorgo T. Armstrong. Wyoming Stock S III pin ints CHUYENXO. Wyo. , May 1. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bic. | The shipment of 200- 000 head of Texas cattle over the Choycnno & Northern will commence Monday next. These cattle comprise the purchases of Mon tana cattlemen. The stock will bo unloaded at Wondovcr and driven north. Five hun dred trains will bo required to move tlio cat tlo. Trains will bo run on passcncrer time and arrangements are being made for three trains dally over the road from Cheyenne to Wcndovor from the commencement of the shipment until September next. Public Drht tatntomoiir. . WASHING ro.v , May LThe following is the public debt statement Issued to-duy : Interest bearing debt , principal , $003,028- 002 ; interest , fO,517Ill8 ; total , $910,175,920. Debt on which interest has ceased slnca ma turity , principal and Interest , ? iOS(5)32. ( ! ) Debt bearing no Interest , ? 75l,78S,7f ! > 5. Total debt , principal , $ lGO.-ji4y,113 : ; interest , $0- 702,433 ; total $ l,072,031,0 ! r. Total debt , less available cash items. $1,157,232,57 ! ) ; net cash In the treasury , 155,077,150. * Debt loss cash in the treasury , May 1 , ISS'J , $1,101,00:5,423. : Debt less cash in the treasury , April 1 , $1- lH.03tCtJ3. ; Decrease of debt , during tlio month , ? iiOT8'o5. : Decrease of debt since Juno 80 , 183 , OJ , 07D.1MS. Total cash in the treasury , as shown by the treasurer's gen eral account , SOiy.OUO.'JlO. The Bloux Falls & North wuHtorn. Sioux FALLS , Dak. , May 1. [ Special Tolo grnm to THE -Ucprcsontntives | 'from Aberdeen , De Sinct , Madison and Doll Rap ids mot hero , to-day , and united with n num ber of Sioux Falls gentlemen In the organi zation of the Sioux Falls & Northwestern railroad company. It is proposed to build from Sioux Falls to Aberdeen , through tha towns named , the road to oo operate , 1 In con nection with one of the lines now halting hero. A partial survey has already boon made , and tlio line will bo definitely located without delay. Nickel Plata CI.UVKI.AND , May L The annual report of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern road shows that the earnings for 18b8 were $18- 029,027 , against J18,7IOUi.T ( in 1887. The not earnings were (0.7\'J. ' > 0. against $7,031,101 in 1837. The net earnings of the NIcklo Plate for 1S5S were 872J.078 , against ? 1,17.4T4 ( ! n year before. What's thn Mutter With I New YOIIK , May L The line military dis play yesterday was the occasion for unfavor able comment that the great states of Illinois and Indiana were unrepresented In the parade. The Role representative of Illinois was John B , Drake. "Why did not Chicago send ono of its splendid regiments of militia I" was asked. It would have Ucon patriotic on the pat I of IU wealthy merchants to huvo paid tha necessary expenses. A CultliiK ' "id Slnahlni ; Affair , KANSAS Cirv , Mo. , May 1. During u drunken fight between negroes , which be came general , In Iho low quarter of the city about midnight last night , Annla Edwards was cut in the throat , James Hewoll was dungeiously cut near the heart and novort.1 others received more or less serious woundu , Olio man died later , _ Y | low Fovcr mi Hoard. Lo.vipN , May 1 , Lloyd's agent at Berlin reports that the Woser has yellow fever on hoard. Several ofllcors nnd twenty-eight men arc ill and three have died. The Wuscr sailed from Baltimore April 17 for Brumcu. CROSS-EXAMINING PARNELL , 'Othor Irishmen Have n Right to Their Opinions. THE LEAGUE OPEN TO ALL CELTS No Mnttor What Their Private Upla * Ions If They Will Work on' Con stitutional Iiliios llo IN No Dictator. " $ B for ( trend. JjJliO Tor Iiond. " LONDON- , May 1. Tlio direct examination of Pnrncll was .concluded to-day. Pnrnclt declared ho had conducted nn Irish ngltntlou constitutionally. His croas-o.vnmlimUon was then begun. * Parnoll on cross-axnmliintlon , denied that the Irish World overcollected money for the parliamentary party , The Irish World hhil been Jiostllo to himself and the parliamentary party since 1SS2. Attorney-General Webster here produced extracts from the Irish World , praising Par ] noil's action In parliament alter 18SJ. Sir Charles Kussull , counsel for the Pnr- nollltos , put in evidence some extracts from that impor which were advowo to Parnoll. The cross-examination then rontlniiod. Paruoll admitted knowing Mooney , other wise known as "Transatlantic , " Mooney wrote violent articles , still , witness would not object to receiving Mooney's ' tributes to assist the party , If ho did not publish articles advocating murder. Witness had held no communication with Patrick Ford since IbiSl. Parnnll emphatically denied that Ills Irish schemes over included a coalition with vuo Fenians In order to expel the landlords from Ireland. Ho certainly aimed to destroy landlordism , but not to drlvo Individuals from the country , and never had any idea of resorting to illegal means. Ho did not recol lect meeting Dayitt and John O'Loary in 1878 and discussing with them a possible alliance < lianco between the nationalists nnd the Fenians. Ho had no notion that the national fund In America and the skirmishing fund were identical. Attorney-General Webster hero read q violent manifesto signed by John lovoy and others nnd Issued at Dublin. Parnoll declared ho never hoard of It bo- foro. Ho had met Uovoy , Hreslln , Finortj and Alexander Sullivan and a nubor ol "physical force men. " Ho said ho would frankly avow that ho fell It was no part o ! his duty to exclude any ono from Iho loagua on account of their antecedents. Ho wnntod to include in it all Irishmen , and trusting every section would accept the now constitu tional form of agitation ho had aimed at nuk ing tlio "physical forco" men to abandon their movement and to accept his. To shut tiio constitutional door in their face because , they did not immediately agree would hnvo been very foolish. Ho did not recollect making a speech nt Lynn , Mass. , in which it was alleged ho had said that when England was beaten to her knees the time would nuvo como to realize the idea of tlio nationalists. Ho admitted that if ho had used those words lie must have been think ing of Hiich methods of wnrefaro in the event of constitutional .agitation falling. At Troy , somebody-offered him $5 for bread nnd ? JO for load. Ho did not object to tlio offer because he thought tlio giver only meant $3 for charitable work aim $ -0 for league work. Adjourned. SOUTIU3UN 5IA.NUFAOTUUKI11. i'liey Dofllrc Government Aid 1n Bx- temliiit ; Thulr Trnile. AUGTSTA , Ga. , Mayt 1. The Southern Manufacturers association mot here to-day to consider the condition of the cotton man ufacturing in the south and to discuss tha ndvisunllity of n permanent organization nnd whether the cotton bagging could bo substituted for Jute bagging. President HicUman made an address on the state oC trade , in tha course of which lie Bald : "Wa should control the markets of South America nnd Mexico , nnd to accomplish thin end wo should invoke government aid. Our flag should flout over every bale which leaves our ports. The British government is taking ndyantago of the supposed trouble between China nnd our government , with the hope of prejudicing that country against our goods , and has passed a law requiring every ploco of goods manufactured hi this country and passing through England to China to bo branded 'manufactured in the United States of America. ' Wo would like to have our Koods roach China without passing through Unglnnu und without the use of English bet toms. Give us American ships. Lot China see Iho American flag. If our government would lend n helping baud in placing our products In foreign lands it would not ) ) o long before you would see a 'manufactured In the United States of America , ' on goods made in Manchester , England. " Uesolutlons were adopted to memorialize ) congress to grant subsidies to steamships to Central nnd South America , also pledg ing the southern manufacturers to pay 10 cents per hundred pounds mure for stuff baled in cotton or other light ba clng than in Jute bagging. The impression scums to pre vail that the baling of tlio cotton crop in cotton bagging Is not altogether practical , buttho spirit of the manufacture U to do nil in their power to aid the planters. ' THIS GUAM ) TjlUNK DIS/VSTKU. .More llodlos Identified An Omaha Man Ainoni ; Them. HAMILTON , O. , May 1 , General Manager Hickson has arrived here to conduct a rigid Investigation into the cause of t-ho recent ac cident. Tlio remains of two moro charred vic tims wore identified as thoao of Morgan It. Schullon , of Chicago , nnd H. S. Hall , nn ohj retired merchant of Evnnsvlllo , Ind. Thir teen dead ate now accounted for , leaving six bodies not yet idontilled with. Tlio Hoarch through thn unclaimed baggage taken from the wreck lm rovc.nlod the following names : II. Lov.V , Chicago. Mrs. Smith , no address. Captain Hutlor , Cook county insane asy him , near Chicago. Randall Orr , Omaha , Nob. A Spnn Hh-Amurlnan Ilniuiunt. Nuw YOHK , May 1. In tha banquet hall of the Hotel Hi-unswick , to-night , the llnga of all the South American rapuuilcs weru displayed along Ride of tha stars and stripes. It was the occasion of tlio first annual dinner of tlio Spanish-American commercial union. J. M. Cabnllos presided. Secretary Noble , during his remarks , said It duvolvod on the merchants of Now York to open up a trndo that was awaiting development between the two Americas , North and South. A line of steamships should be established botwooii the United States nnd the southern part of the American continent , Thn Nntlonii ) Provident Union. Ni'.w YOIIH , May 1. The National Provi dent union celebrated the centennial by glv Ing n musical and literary entertainment at the Metropolitan house to-night. Senator Daniel spoke on the object of the society. Senator ( Julloin was unable to bo present , owing to slight Illness. Illinolfl CoiiKi't'HHlonnl Nomination. SiiAW.NKirrow.v , III. , May 1. The democra tic convention of the Nineteenth Congres sional dlbtrlrt to-day nominated Judge J. II. Williams , of White countv. us candidatn for the vacancy created by the death of Con b'-cssmau Towiibhend. MlnerH Ulllud , \Vii.Ki'.8iiAiiii ( : , Pa. , M ly 1 , Patrick Illtoh ford , Mlchuol Flynn und Patrick Ucogan , minors , were crushed to death In Hyde Park colliery to-duy by a fall of coal. \iilloiml Trotting Axufiulatlnn. Ciiicuio , May I. The board of review Of the National Trotting association began Jts session hero to day.