Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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_ _
W. J. Ross , ft member of Uio Knnsns
City fire commission , Is spending two or
Ihroo days In Omtiha , na the Ruost of
Dhlof GnlUchan.
P. M. Hall , Lincoln , Is at the Paxton.
II. Musslcmtin , Fairmont , Neb. , Is In Uio
J , E. OallaRlicr of Boston , Is at the Mil
E. J. May and non nro guests at the Mil-
lord.A. . O. Putmnn rind wife , Prcdonln , N. Y. ,
ta at the Murray.
f Thos. J. Sxvan , Cheyenne , Wyo. , is regis
tered nt tlio Paxton.
Mrs. W. Y. Orege. Olovorvllle , N. Y. , is
registered nt the Mlllard.
A. 8. Wilson , wife nnd dniiRhter of Wash
ington , Knn. , are guests nt the Murray.
DleV ICItchilen , ono of the proprietors of
the Paxton , who has been 111 for a few
weeks Is convalescent.
Mrs. H. 11. Saclu , of Cincinnati , Is In the
city vUItlnR her sisters , Mrs. William Roths
child and Mrs. Dr. Hiui.
Ovldo Milsln , Annie Louise Tanner , Whit
ney MockrldKO anil wife , of the Musln Con
cert company , are nt the Paxton.
William Hnchmtinn , of Kovlna. Neb , , a
brother to Clmrley Hnchfnannn , of Drexel &
JInul , was In the city yesterday. Ho had
thirty-five car load of cattle on the market at
South Omaha.
Tholr luJnrlrH Not Fatal.
Miss May Nicholson and her sister , who
ircro badly burned yesterday through their
management of n gasoline stove , nro still
lufTorhiK from the severe burns on their
hands and face , iTut will recover.
ICuroponn xour.qoiiH
To tlio cupltiils of flvo European coun
trloa , 8200. Longer tours , $350 and
1450. All expenses Inuludcd. Send for
Ulnorarlos. M. J. Wood & Co. , 1SK3
JTanuun St. , Omaha , Nob.
Vnst Driving.
At an parly hour yesterday morning Alfred
Johnson amused himself by driving at a fur
ious pace over the Sixteenth street viaduct
when ho was stopped by an onlccr nnd taken
to the police station. Johnson pleaded that
ho was not awuro that ho wiis disobeying
tlio law , and after a reprimand Judge licrka
lot hltn go. _
Aft or Money.
Uurglnrs afTcctcd an entrance Into the
"Women's exchange on Parnam near Six
teenth by cutting a halo In the back door
and thereby opening the snring lock. For
tunately no money had been left In the
drawers , nnd after turning ever.vtning topsy
turvy in tlietr vain search for Hltliy lucre the
tliloves loft without taking anything.
nt. His Crodltorn.
A. Goldman , who has been running a gro
cery store on Sherman avenue near Ohio ,
owes the Omuha packing company a bill
amounting to $10.70. Action was brought lu
Justice ICroeger's court to levy on OotU man's
stock , but when Constable Clark arrived on
the scene with the necessary papers he found
that only u few minutes hofora Goldman hud
transferred his store to a man named Slinler.
Goldman stood by and pave tlio constable
the luu gli when lid was apprised of the situa
tion. _
Dr. Miller AVI 1 1 Spenk.
Dr. George L. Miller will make nn address
to the high school teachers and scholars
this afternoon. "Only in a general
" said ho "do I know what
way , , Just my re
marks will have reference ) to. The teach
ers seem to think that I am nn
enemy to some things in .our
nubile school system , nnd Professor Lewis
liad an Idea that they wnntod to hear what 1
had to say. " The Uov. Willurd Scott Is also
unnouncod to speak , wtiilo Jules Lombard
and Nat Uriglmm have consented to slug. In
addition the school gives an exorcise in class
Permanent Cure
I have boon a victim for twenty ycnrs
ol contagious blood poison of the worst
typo. Portions of my body and my
urras have boon covore'd with ulcers and
Bqroa. In that tiino I had n great many
Icinds of treatment. Potash , mercury
nnd sarsaparilhv mixtures only made me
worse , "whon I began to talco Swift's
Specific I was in a terrible condition.
but in a month I was completely cured ,
S. S. S. is the remedy for blood dis
eases. JOHN B. WILL'S ,
31 Washington st. , Atlanta , Ga.
My blood was badly poisoned last year
which got my whole system out of order
dor diboasod , and u constant source o
Buffering : no appetite and no onjoymcn
of lifo. I bought two bottles of Swift'f
SpocUlo and took it , and it brought im
right out. No bettor remedy was ovoi
used for blood diseases than Swift's Spo
cilic. JOHN GAVIN , Dayton , G.
IS iiOT.
The SOUR of Sunny Italy in n Itow a
thu Depot.
The Webster street depot was the scene o
* riot yesterday morning In which none bu
the Imported sons of Itnly took part. Tli
trouble was over tlio matter of wages. I
appears that the Chicago , St. Paul , Minne
apolis < fc Omaha rallrand has been omployiii ;
laborers at the rnto of $1.110 per day at Loui
vlllii , but have decided to pay only $1 2
hereafter. The men employed refused t
work at the reduced rate and a now pan ;
was employed to take their place. *
and they assembled at' the Wobsto
street depot yesterday mornlnur to b
shipped to LonlHville. The old gani
made up their mind * to mob them and com
in enced to iisnciublo. us early as 4 a. m
When the now gang appeared on the scene ;
riot occurred In which Milfttos and revolv
ers wore drawn , but not used. Th'reo o
four follows were Icpociicil down , but out
side of a few blank eyes no hnrni was -lone
Special Olilcer Murpiiy arrested two of th
strikers named V. Hunch and A. Nainea , nm
the rest of tlio crowd dispersed.
The following from the pen of Mr. L
P. Uardvvoll , editor of the Marlon ( la.
Pilot , will , wo bollovo , bo ot Interest t
many. IIo says : "It Is with ploasur
that I certify to the real merits c
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I hav
used it in mv family for yours and hav
always found it most excellent , ami es
foomlly for colds , croup and sere throat
i. Is safe and ollcctivu. For sulo by al
Contractor Murphy Restrains tti
TrnxtccN of tlio M. 10. Church ,
Martin T. Murphy , a contractor an
builder , has asked the district court for a
order restraining tlio First M. K. church si
cloty , Simeon T , Josselyn , Knutu * Young , ,
H , McConnell , C , F. llurrl onA. A. MoFm
den , J , J. Steven * and J , A. Carpnilchau
trustees , and tliu linn of U. Stevens & Sn
from awarding a contract , or rather oxocu
lug ono already awarded , for the erection c
the proposed now church building at thn coi
ner ot Davenport and Twentieth streets. Mi
Murphy says in his petition ttiut whc
the trustees called fur bid * , they KIIVI ; tniili
era to understand that thu InxvoH rcspotis
bio bidder would undoubtedly ct-pturo tl
coveted pi-Ire. Hut such promise , arcordln
to Ills allegations , has not been kept. St
yene A , Sons get the contract , nnd their b
i f 1,000 more than ItU wn . They estimate
thq cost at f5.WJ , , whllu i figures ntfb'r
Katcd * W)00 , ( , 'He1fuvtber ' daulnriit that i
ui | jirlte. had the contract been bWnnlud
lilui. ho would cauily have enjoyed a , prui
cu tie | Job of $ . * , W ) . There woio four or li\
olncr bids. but they nro n
paaicd. Proceeding , he says , according 1
Jj'9JHSfci ? ) i Uie contract vvus b l\vccn
ana the board of trustees , and his bid being
lower than nil others , entitled him to the
contract ; but , notwithstanding this fact , nnd
actuated by motived other than those of busi
ness Interests , they favor btovcns ft Sons ,
nnd utterly Ignore him , greatly to his dam-
ago. After reading the petition , Judge Doanc
granted a temporary ordcrand named Satur-
lay as the day on which the application may
DO argued.
Having failed In the county court to got
judgement against Nellie King on his con
tract for building her house , Ncls Lnrscn nas
appealed the case , nnd will give her a whirl
In the district court.
Aflvlcn to Mother * .
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup should al
ways bo used for children teething. It soothes
the child , softens the gums , allays .all pain ,
cures wlnd o'le. ' and Is the best remedy fnr
diarrhoea. 25ocn ts n battle.
Presented to TJ. 8. Grant Post , Urn ml
Army of tlio lloixihllc.
Following Is nn extract from the minutes
of U. S. Grant post , G. A. II. which will in
terest G. A. H. men.
"Comrade M. E. Krwln , a member of
Hyde Clark post , No. 78 , Dubuque , Iownnnd
aide on the staff of Cominandcr-In-Clilof Wll-
lard Warner , 'then ' rose and gave n brief his
torical sketch of General U. S. Grant pre
vious to 16(10 , saying tnat Grant's father
lived In 1SOO , In Ohio , where ho was engaged
In tanning hldcsscndlng them after this
process to his son , U. S. Grant , at Galena ,
111. , where they wore curried nnd llnlshed.
U. S. Grant worked in the store , keeping the
books , walling on customers , and at spare
times currying the hides on blocks made ior
the purpose from walnut or maple , fourteen
feet long , live feet wide , nnd three
Inches thick. In April , 1801 , Grant
went to Springfield , 111. , tendering his ser
vices to the government. Afterwards ho
helped to make a large part of American his
tory. In ISO' ) General Grant sola oft the
contents of the hide store , and among them
wnro these blocks. They wove purchased by
the citizens chiefly for use us walks. A Mr.
II. H. Httchclor purchased ono for a work
bench in his tin shop. At General Grunt's
death these things began to be sought for as
relics , and Mr , Bachelor carefully cut up his
bench nnd gave much of it away. In March ,
1300 , Comrade Erwin wont to Galeaa.loarned
these facts , carefully authenticated them ,
and called on Mr. Bachelor ,
who very kindly gave him many
pieces of General Grant's old currying block.
Out of thnse pieces lie had some gavals made
and had presented OUR to the post of Com-
niander-in-Clilof Willard Warner , ono to earn
of the posts In Dubuque and one to each of a
few other Iowa posts. Knowing that our
post was named after the great general ,
Comrade Erwin therefore took pleasure in
presenting it with a gnvnl made from the
general's old currying block. lie closed by
saying that as General Grant was always
obedient to orders , so lie hoped the members
of U. S. Grant post , No. HO , would promptly
nnd obediently answer tlio calls made
by the gnval cut from the general's
currying block. Commander llnvcrly
most feelingly tendered to Comr.ido Krwin
the hearty thangs of the post for the gift ,
and , on motion , thu formal thanks of the post
were ordered to bo tendered C'omrado Erwin ,
and a-ailvcr pluto , properly Inscribed with a
history of the gift , and thu name of the
giver , was ordered to bo placed on the
gavol. "
Tlio following is a copv of the inscription :
'Made of wood from General's old
tannery table , and presented to U. S. Grant
post No. 110 , G. A. It. , Omaha , Nebraska , by
Comrade M. K. Erwin , April 'JS , ISb'J. ' "
Pozy.oni's Complexion Powder pro
duces n soft and beautiful skin ; it com
bines every clement of beauty and
_ _ _ _ _
Cnhlcmcn Dance.
The first annual ball of the gripmcn and
conductors of the Omuha Cable Tramway
companvat Exposition hall , lastevcning , was
all that the boys could wish for. The evenIng -
Ing was auspiqlous , and the crowd was not
only large but select. The crowd WUK none
too largi1 , however , for the hall , and till had
an opportunity to dance. The Musical Union
orchestra furnished the music and the mem
bers of it , feeling that they had a reputation
to malic , played their very best. W. O.
Matthews acted ns prompter , and Mr. A. J.
Kittcrshouso most gracefully performed the
duties of muster of ceremonies. Dancing
commenced at i.TJ ) : , and it was late in the
morning before the thirtieth and lust dance
was ended , The event proved a great suc
cess , socially nnd financially.
Ilev. ilame ? 1'attppjoii's Funeral.
The funeral of the late Hev , James Paler-
son took place yesterday afternoon from lili
late residence , 013 South Twelfth street , Mr.
James W. Woolworth having charge of tin
arrangements. Bishop Worthington con
ducted the services at the house , which were
very brief. The pall bearers were G. M ,
Nntlinger , Colonel Henry F. U. Lowe , Wll
Ham C'lcburne , Colonel 11. C. Akin. .1. W
Franco , Samuel It. linger and Dr. Saville ,
The pall bearers vvora part of the regalia ol
the eighteenth degree , Scottish Ilito Ma
sonry , southern jurisdiction , of which the
deceased was u member. The attendance ni
the house was small , but the cathedral
when the cortege reached that place , wa ;
crowded with friends assembled to pay theii
last tribute of respect to the deceased.
The services at Trinity were sho.rt and im
prcssivo and fell mainly into the hands o
Deacon Gardner. Bishop Worthiujrton um
thu Episcopal clergy of Omaha , and Dr. Pulh
Saxsby , A. G. Ilobinow and Charles Baxter
Scottish Kit' ! Masons , accompanied the re
mains to Falrlawn cemetery , where thoj
wore buried o > i a beautiful knoll overlooking
the river.
Dr. Gluck eye and ear , Burkor blk.
A. F. Xaublo was last evening joined in tin
bands of holy wedlock to Miss Clara B. Hos
kins. The ceremony was performed at tin
residence of II. H. Mattlie.s , nn employe o
ivvho resides nt HI ! ) North Twcntietl
street , and was witnessed by n number o !
friends of both the bride and groom. Tin
contracting parties are both employes of Tin
Bui : , and their fellow workers join in heart :
wishes for the happiness of the pair Ii
double hnriius ! ) . Alter tlio tying of the eon
nublul knot the guests Indulged In ample re
frcshmcnts and took their departure will
many expressions uf congratulations ,
flniltl Bull.
There was a llvelj scries of baud bull con
tests at the Emerald court , Twelfth am
Chicago sU'eots , yesterday. A mutch be
tvvi'cn Kilgallon and lii g * against Byrne
and McNnmara v.'us won bv the lust namn
team. The contest between McNamaru un. .
Mitchell ngaliiht Moore nnd Ilitrgins wax \vo
by the first named team. Next Sattirdn ;
Kilgallon and Baggs will play the ilrnt of
series of eleven irumcs against , thu ICansa
City team for $ UK ) a side and a gold cnuir
plonship medal.
Tim .Miislii Conuci-l.
The Ovldo Musin Concert company , nude
the auspices of the Ladles' Musical socintj
guvo n com-ert night In the Young Men' '
Christian AfKOtMntlon uuilding to a fui
sUcd audience.
A Urutnl llnslmiiil.
Sioux FALLS , Duk. , April ! ) ( ) . ] Spivh
Telegram to Tim Bri.l : IX I. Jones wa
nrrt'htcd to-night for wife beating. 11
knocked her down , hit Lcr with a revolt
nnd attempted to shoot her nnd her fat lie
Jones runie from St Paul about a yrar age
ucon married but a few months.
At Hiimburg--Tlm dotlm , from Ball
At Philadelphia Tlio Lord U'Hyo , froi
Liverpool ,
At Noiv York -Tho lllumis , from Au
wcrp. r
nI S Mi-ilk Thief
Soinu Siom C'nv , Neb. , April '
lot to TUB bnK J-Whllo W. f > . Whit.
i-nshicr of the Citl/ens1 bunk ut this pac ) <
was out for u few minutes , yc-Mtrdiiy. SOIM
ono entered thn iml ; door und Mole t-r.
from the counter Within und got n\\i'.y w > l
the booty.
OHHI211VING Xlll'j O.VY.
Onmhn .JoliM In the Celebration oT
WrMhlnttton'it Iitangunuion.
The centennial anniversary or Washing
ton's Inauguration w.ii npproiirliUoly ob
served In Omnhn yesterday. Tlio various
denominations of churchcn Ii61a services In
honor of the memory ot the father ot hi *
country. * At the Grand opera house muslo
nnd speaking befitting tlio occasion was the
order of the day , Mayor Urontch and promi
nent divines participating In the exorcises.
At St. Mary's Avonno Congregational
church Kcv. Dr. Uurycn spoke on the patri
otic nnd chivalrous traits of character of
Washington. The address was listened to by
a larpo and * sympathetic assemblage. At
the South Tenth street M. E. church Bishop
Newman expressed his gratefulness to the
Methodist bishops whoso mimes have long
since passed Into history , for tholr active
purl In the colonization of America.
The German Americans took n prominent
part In the celebration , Representatives of
sixteen organizations \voro in line when the
parade started from Germnnla hall , on liar-
noy street , nt 4 o'clock. Phillip Andres was
marshal , nnd William Butt assistant mar
shal. Tlio first division was headed by Louis
Ilcimrod and the military band from the
fort. Mr. Ilcimrod was mounted , and hcnflcd
the Schoutzon vcreln , Their banner was a
target , carried bv three crack marksmen ,
William Stoocker , F. W. Walters and .lulms
Naglo. Following this came a wagon with a
number of girls representing n number of
states , among whom were Blanche Walters ,
Katlo Kaiser , Kittle Hosteller , Mablo
HrueU , Claudia Urlan , Flora Huck. Dora
Olson , Tllllo Kramer , Nellie Kramer , Iluttio
Knapp , Nellie Davis , Katlo Heuuk , Augusta
Llndman and Sophia Weidorwcoisor. The
procession was witnessed by crowds of. pco-
plo all along the route , and was us much a
source of enjoyment to these who witnessed
It , as It was a credit to these who took part.
The celebration was continued in the
evening with aii exceptionally line musical
performance at Gormanlu hall , followed
with n dance. Tlio hall was handsomely
decorated with the American colors , while
the stage was a perfect bower of tropical
plants. A programme of twelve dances
ended the night's entertainment.
The presentation of colors to the Omnhn
Guards at S o'clock last night was witnessed
by a largo and select nudlence. The affair
took place in tlio nrmory , General Cowln
making the presentation speech. After a
few eloquent remarks , nnd the handing over
of the Hag , to which Dean Gardner re
sponded on behalf of the ladles who pre
pared it , a prize drill took place. The prlza ,
u handsome gold medal , suggestively In
scribed , was awarded to Lieutenant Mc
Allister , First Lieutenant Truott , from Fort
Omaha , being the judge. Last night was
the second time that Lieutenant McAllister
won the medal , and once inoro makes It his
property. After the drill the Indies and
gentleman enjoyed a dance , which lasted
until early this morning.
Tim LOY.VI * IjfiGlON ItiYNQUKl' .
An Appropriate Otmcrvanoo of the
American Jubilee.
Nebraska's Loyal Legion celebrated the
inaugural Centennial , last night , with ap
propriate soldierly ceremonies , and n royal
banquet nt the Mlllard hotel. About fifty of
the society members and as many invited
puests , distinguished citizens of the city and
state , wcro present. Bishop New
man , Dean Gardner , Dr. Duryea ,
Dr. George L. Miller , General J. C. Cowin ,
Judge GrolT , lion. J. M. Woolworth , L. M.
! 3cnnett and otncrs occupied scats nt the
In the parly part of the evening the Legion
: iold u short business session , ut which
oftlcers were elected for the ensuing year , us
follows :
Majorl. S. Clarkson , Omaha , commander ;
Major N. G. Franklin , Lincoln , senior vice-
commander ; Major .1. M. Paddock ,
Oimihn , junior vice commander ; Major
f. M. Brown , Omaha , recorder ;
Jolonol J. B. Dennis , Omaha , register ;
Lieutenant Win. AVallacc , Omaha , treasurer ;
Captain Frank E. Moores , Omuha , chancel
lor ; Lieutenant Thomas Swoue , Omaha ,
chaplain. Executive board , General Samuel
Hrcck , Colonel S. S. Curtis , William Wilson ,
of Nebraska City ; N. S. Harwood , of Lin
coln , and John R. Manchester.
Five or six new members were taken in ,
among them General Brooke , who hud his
membership transferred frdui tlio Pennsyl
vania legion to this one.
At 10 o'clock festivities commenced in the
dining room. When the doors wcro tkrowu
open an inspiring nnd enchanting scene was
revealed. The tables being covered for 100
participants , "were arranged in a hollow
square and tastily decorated with potted
plants and smilnx. On either side uf tlio
large bay window which was covered with
a curtain of Hags , hung portraits of Wash
ington and Harrison. Captain Hum
phrey , of Falls City , presided
us toast master. A quartette
composed of li. B. Young , Nat M. lU-igham ,
U. J. Murry and Mr. Derrick , furnished the
music. Before the coffee cauic , Bishop
Newman arose from his chair and started to
leave , but was called back and compelled to
make a short talk. Ho said , in the course
of his few remarks :
"I never pass a veteran that I
do not renli/u in my heart an
emotion of gratitude. " After relating
ono or two stories ho drifted inlo a
brief flight ot touching eloquence In relation
to the soldier. "My sentiment for him is
bucked by such a gratitude that ( would cast
him in bron/e , sculpture him in marble and
paint him in living colors on the finest can
vass over made. " ,
Major Clarkson read the sneeoh made by
Washington on the occasion of his lirst in
auguration. B. B. Young sang "The
Star Spangled Banner , " and Will-
win B. Kclloy responded to the
lirst regular toast , "Washington , the Sol
dier , Patriot , Statesman and President. "
Mr. Kelly scored a very happy effort. Tlio
name of Washington , he said , had been asso
ciated with us iiud ourselves ninco our earli
est recollection us the synonym of honesty ,
purity , bravery and manhood. In the cam
paigns when ho was a young man , ho proved
his soldierly capacity and g.iinuu the confi
dence of his people. His military lifo is thu
history of this country's birth. The opeuch
waa rather lengthy , but full of profound in-
teicst nnd was received with applause.
Hon. .1 , Mi Woolworth responded most
eloquently to ' 'The Orders of the Cincinnati
and Loyal Legion ; " General .lolin U. Brooke ,
to "Tho Continental Army und Navy " Hon.
G. M. Lumhortson , to "Tho ladies Mary
and Murtlia Washington. " JudgoKavaijo was
ilonn to talk about "The Little Hutchct , "
but he was unavoidably absent.
The speeches were Intentpnrscd with pat
riotlo songs. Nat Brlgliam gave "TlieSwird
of Hunker Hill" with grnnn effect ; Mr.
Youngstuig "The OldHrlgtulo ; " Mr. Wherry
"Tho Ked , White and Blue , " and thu iiu.u1-
lotto rendered other stlrrlny selections. All
in all , the affair wi u most gratifying suc
Absolutely Pure.
Till ! ) ponder never vnrlei. A marvel of pnrlt )
etreiiRth und\\liolesonienesn. MOD iTOiuiink-u
( linn theurdlniiry ti'l ; . andcunnot bo bold U
conniftlUni ; with ths multitudes ot low i-oat
liort fiilit aliiiuoi1 plmtpna'p powders. Sol <
only In tnii > < . loy ( l Huklnu 1'o.vdor 0 i 1ft
C'.V lurk.
No More Stiff Joints
"I nm prom t-tl -\y n grateful
icnrt to write you &y\v Jincs.
JIiuvc sudl'aal
For two yenrawtthclicMnmtHm in
my limbs , buck nutl iiohk , The past
/tc s timtWc to rest
Except in n clmir night or day.
n I'obrunry lasl
saw your advertisement
n the Waupnkn , WIs. , Hcpubllcan.
[ hnvo never heretofore p.iul tup least
attention to advertised remedies , but
something seemed to say to mo ,
Just try one lottlc of Pulncs Celery Com
pound. '
I did so and I wish everyone snlTer-
ng with rheumatic troubles would
Go nnd do likewise.
I used only ono bottle and I feel
younger than I did ten years ago.
Can walk Just as spry
With no more stillness In my
Thou when I was a girl.
That is what Pai lie's Celery Com-
jouiid has tlouo for me !
I would rather shake hands with
the proprietor o Painu's Celery Com
pound than with
The President of the Unikd Stutcs.
I would deem it more of an honor. "
Mrs. M. V. ITuxaEKFoun ,
Paw Paw , Mich.
April 4tli , 1889. "
At Druggists , (1. 00 per bottle. Bit for $5.0D.
Hurllngton. Vt.
( Opposite 1'uxtoa Hotel. )
Ollico hours , 9 a ; m. to * p. m. Enndnys , 10
m. to 1 p. m.
specialists in Chronic , Nervous , Skin and
Dlood Diseases.
. tsrconsnltatlon nt olllcu or by mall freo.
Jlealcines sent by mail or express , securely
packed frea from observation. Unarunteeso
cure quickly. Rafolv ami nermnnentlv.
TJPTmniTO nrbllTll'VSperiniitorrhiea ' , fleml-
flliltYUUu UtiDlLLll nul Ixjshes.NInhtHulls-
slon.s I'hyf-ical Decay , arising from Indiscre
tion , 'lixces-j ov Indulgence , producing Sleep-
Ics neis , Despondency , I'lmplcs on the face ,
aversion to society , easily discouraged , hick ot
coulldencc , dull , unlit for btudy or uuslntfss.nud
llnils life a. burden , safely , jiurnianontly and
prlvntolv cured. Consult Drs. lletts i : lletts ,
las r iirnam St. , Omaha , Ken.
Blood ana Skin
results , completely eradicated without
ol Mcrcurv. Pcroinla. Kry.sipoliis , rover Sores.
HlotchoMncers , I'ulns iu the Head and Hones ,
Syphilitic Sore Throat , -Mouth nml Tongue , Ca
tarrh , iVc , , permanently cured whet a others
and llladder Complaints ,
ViiliinTr TTtiinnnir
Kltt 187 , Urinary I'aintnl. mmrult. too fro-
qucnt Ilnrnln ? or IJloody Urine. Urine hiaa col
orea or with milky sodlmont on htandlng ,
Weak Hack. OonuovrhiKii , Gleet , Cystitis , &c. ,
1'romptly andSafcly Cured , Charges Kensonu-
movul complete , without cutting , caustic oic
dilatation. Unrosellectcd ut home bv patient
without a moments nnln or iiiiiiovance.
To Tonne Men and Mide-Apil Men ,
A OITDD TlITDD The awml otlects of curly
II ijUlitl llUllU Vice , which nrlnfr.s organic
weakness , destrovlticboth mind nnd bodv , with
al l its dreaded Ills , permanently cured. <
DTHPO AcireiH those wno nave Impaired
Dllu tlu-msolvca by improper indiil.
and solitary Imbltl. which ruin both
body .ind minil , unllttlns tliem for business ,
S "u\ia\Ki' > l.MrK.s\ < ! ' ) r those cnterlnc- that hup.
Py are of physical dehlllty , qaickly as
Is based upon facts. Klrat 1'rnctlcal Uxpo.
rience. Hi-cond livery case Is especially studied ,
HniHstiu-tliH , ' ni'inlit. Third Medicines uro ] tre.
pared In our laboratory exnctly to him each
CURB. tluiB allciitiinjcnras withoutliilnry.
rfend ' ) ci'iilH poaliiKu for coleliratod worki
on Clii-iinlc , Ncrvou- . and Di'llciito Diseases ,
Thousands cured. t * . \ friendly letter or call
nmvhavd vou fiituiu suireiincr ami Bliuine , anil
add golden years to life. R # No letters 1111.
tnei cd unless siccompamud by 4 cents in stumps.
AfldritM '
riW.'liKT'r & BKTT8 ,
11US 1'aniam Srtwt , Omuha. Neb.
Warranted iilmiliitftl/ > nra
t'lirini , from \\likli Ilia excess of
Oil lias bctn removed , ltlidS/torO
( /KIII three tlne.i Hie stremjtli
nf Cnco.i mixed \Utli Starch , Arrow ,
root or .Su ar , and n therefore far
, iuirctcorom'H.jL\cost \ liiytcsi than
one cent a oui. It U delicious ,
hourisliiiiir , sUcn0licnnii ; , easily di >
neMf il. anil admirably adapted for in.
valid J ai wttl uJor perton in liealth.
SoM Ij ( Inter * exrjnlitre.
& CO. Dordicster. Mass.
, JBAKER . . . .
_ _
Graceful Form ,
Combined In
Skirt Supporting Corset
4 Ill on iif tliuin'i't ( ur In lu market uiiil olil
ylfmllnif ilailmn ( iiuuliu. I'll 'C I"
Fey , Harmsn fcChalwlck , New Haven , Conn ,
Wo are opening new lots of Spring Suits , Onv trade has bo3a oaormons , and it koopa
our buyer busy scouring the market Wo have always taken the load in Moon's and Young
Mon'd Suits , and have always put our main force in that part of our business , as wo oan
show the customer in a suit more than in any other article the great dUEeiNmoa bjtw eon
our prices and those of other houses and convince him of the amount of money ho oan stivo.
The Suits we are getting in now are already from our second purchase , which as a rule
are duplicated at from 15 to 20 per cent loss than goods bought early in the season , and
adhering to our fixed rule to always lot our customers share in the benefits of the bargains
wo are getting , we are now in a position to oIEor many suits of rich and select patterns , pro
dilations of the best manufacturers in the country at prices which you would have to pay
elsewhere for ordinary and lower grade goods.
As an extraordinary bargain wo oflor to-day
About ' 100 very fine Cheviot Suits---Sacks ami Cutaway Frocks at $10.50. When yon
see -this suit you will say that this is a ridiculously low price for such goods. The ruaityl [
is A 1. They are all in new designs and combinations of plaids , mostly light shades ; some
are faced with silk , and the general make-up of the e suits is like first-class custom work.
There are a few solid blue cheviots among them , wide wales and chocks , which are now so
popular. It is a pleasure for us to show and olfer these suits in competition with suits for
which other houses ask $16.0.0 or $18.00.
Another special bargain wo place on sale to-morrow is :
250 very good all-wool Cassimere Sack Suits at $5.90. We have never sold a suit of
equal quality for less than $7.50 , and we would consider this suit very cheap at that price.
There are two shades , a dark brown and a dark grey , both very neat. It will make a good
business suit , as it is of excellent quality , well made , looks as good and will give fully as
good satisfaction as any suit you pay $10.00 for.
In connection with this suit sale we will olEer this week extraordinary inducements in
Spring Overcoats , as we are desirous to closs them all out before the season is over. Wo
have marked them down to figures which will induce you to buy one , even if you did not
intend to.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
20to60 DAYS.
This is u disease which has heretofore
Bainod nil Medical Science.
When McrcurV , Iodide of I'otnbslum , Sarsapa
rllla or Hot Springs fall , we guarantee a cure.
Wo have a Remedy , unknown to anyone In the
\Vorldout3idoofourComp ny , and onu that has
to cure tlio most obstinate cases. Ten days In
recent cases does the work. H Is the old ehronlo
deep seated cases that wo solicit. We have
cured hundreds who Imve been abandoned by
1'hysicians , and pronounced Incurable , and we
challenge the world to brliiR us a case that wo
will not euro In less than sixty days.
Slnoo the history of meulclno a true spoctQ :
for Syphilis has boon sought for but never
found until our
was discovered , and wo are JustlHod In saying
It IK the only Itomouy in \Vorl-ltnat will pos
itively cure , because the latest Medical Worts ,
published by the be t known authorities , suy
tnere wasneveratrnespeclllc before. Our rem
edy will euro when everything else has failed.
Why waste your time and money with patent
medicines that never had virtue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot euro you , you that have
tiled everything else should come to us now and
KH permanent relief , you never can get It elso-
where. .Mark what we say. In the end you
must take our remedy or NKVKK recover and
you that have been alllleted but a short time
should by all means come to us now , not ono In
tenof new cases over pet permanently cured ,
ilany cethelp and think they are free from the
disease , but in one , two or tnreo years after It
appears ugaln In a more horrible form.
This is a blood Purifier and will Cure
any SUin or Blood Disease when
Everything Else Fails.
Room 41 Q PaxtoBlock.
MINKUAf. TASTl r.T.KB. which were
awarded l//r/if//ir / / ( / l illfllni'tlnit by a medical Jury
nt the International Inhibition at llriiv > HlHhivn :
proved to lie a Mist-class remedial agent in all
Catarrhs of the org.uu ot respiration ami diges
.MI.vr.HAl l'.vaTll.l.rS are pie-
' " ' ' '
' ! ) ! ! diseases of the IIIIIRI
asiliimi. The benefit derlvod from
no Is nn nrpat ed. and even in thu most
e.ices they soothe , M-.e , and stliiml.ittj.
K .MIN'lillAI. I'AfrTIM.I'.S nra pnil'er.i-
bla to all ttlinlliir . because they iirn
u natural nuii'-dy. an mwilnlU'Wteil product of
trit'HprliiKS. coiitalnliuinun liudlininiihod do-
irrce of all M.umUvo iirlnclploH of thf o i > prlnf4. (
SOUKS' .MI.VKIt.Ui I'ASTlMjKS liru pre
pared exclusively iimtur thepHinona ) Siiia.-vis- )
Ion and control or W. HrOUl/r/lNU , M. ! . .
K , K. Hniiltury t' < iuiieillor.
SODIIN MINiit.\fi : I'.VSTII.ljtt ! Hfn line
iilialled nan solvent I
in the must cUvmle e.nes. Their .succesis tin-
lorriiiiifd/ linoiiina-cdiiKh , ind illplitli rl.i ;
In Die former they Irxtnn tbrt p rqir.m of thu
lit lac ) : . > x Idiu pi uvrni IIIK < he lull ff dl < o ISP.W lilcli
( iinnol titka Judd In ivthioat not .iir li'd by
c.itiiii-h ,
SOIil'.N MINIMI M. I'ASTlM.H-j d-irlvp In
rreu ed valnw fr > m tlia 1.1 t ( iia/ltun yury
fuyoruulu Inlluenct- upon the ui. , n > _ ot tif t-
lie kf lit Ini-vriyliu'ii . AH inollicrt HI niifn. .
. - ll.u i-od :
nu'iidfd to nra ilii-lr lilldi.-ii dnniiM :
. a , | -hr.Uyt..mcl | In t eU
nwitillit wlillo < MII on ' ! r.ind * jr w.1" ' " * " . ' i1"1',1-
at ) i"irlv ! all dinit l i * ' vu- li > . . Mmi'ld ' y > nr
tli-iiEVlit not keep i hem. sln-lly ltd 'r. . Ihi >
1 " 01,1. . \III.M V Mill Till. 1 Mll.llSil > .
Soden Minwi'fll
IB Coclar Sti'u Ncyv Yurk. _
l iiionthly liy < vir 100
. .
i rM > xliyi"ail , < iruHlrnri'l'.ti
I'ltrtlrulari i1 posIRE1 * fclninjii. Aiiilrr
Tos KanztCUKMICAI , Co. , Du-iaoiT , iiicu.
uiul b.mnil . b ; ( jooilinuii I ) i
Ooiniiuiiy. Ouulw.
Mas Msyer-EstaTjlishod 1865-Adolph Moyar
General 1'or
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & Clark anil Slioiiiugcr-Bell Organs ,
SI'KCIAl. I'ltKi:3 ; AND TEK.MS.
Wrlle for Catalogue.
\ linn.l : \VO.\tUN uccc3sfuir ! ire.ituJ.
Pulfrilnx from Ilio elfocts of vimtlilnl Inllli'ii or linlli
cretliiuv , or um iriiulileil wltli Weiikiie , NIIIVCIIIH
DoUlllty , IjiKHnr Menuiry , Di'Hjiuiuli'Ui y , Aversion tu
Micli'14 * , Klitnp ) Tiuiil > liiiir uiijr llwnnnl lli.Mii'nl-
ID-I rlimiy Or/uii"ion lieru llncl a mifu unl'iojly ; |
line. ( ImmcHrc'iiiMiiiiible , e | ic > cliillv lo llui poor.
ThtTUHro niiuiv trmihliMlwItli tun fieiiuenlerneini
tlom ut tliu Uliulilpr , tifton urcoiiipank'U liy nIlihl
miuirlliiic or lunnliix sensation , mill wo.iUi'iilim or Um
njBtum In a iiiiiiini r Um pnllmit cannot Hecimiit tur.
Unexiiiiilnlnu Hie iiiliniry tli' | > i U > a ropy suillnient
\ \ \ \ \ oltmi he foiinil , nnil Hiiiieilinr nurili Im ot nlliii.
men will iipiinir or the color l > o ol a tliln , inllkluli
hue , iiVAln elmnKiMK K > n ilnrk nr torplil Hpm-nniiiro.
Then' lire ii.ixnv men whoilln t tills illllli'iilly , Ilinor-
untn-'tho cuiii4ii. nlilcli in tliiiHUpnn I i-lnKe t KUIIII-
iml WLMkiiei * * . 'I h doctor will tfiiuriintiie u porlect
rnrclnall nucli c "e , nnil a healthy luMnintlun of
the iriMilto tirinary or aiiH , ( 'oiittiiltatinn fii'e. el ) < l
&icnt > laiiiilor | "Voiiiii : Man' * rrlcntl.ur ( iultloto
U'cillcc'L , " iren lo nil. Aililrem
Main nnd llUti St. , Kansas City , Mo.
ou tills | iupor.
C ( be Liquor Ilnbll , 1'unlllTrl ) G'nrril
\ij Aifiiilnliterlnit l > r. Iliilnc * '
Uolilen Mperlllc.
H..u > b na cup of cnirva or In arti
cles of fool , t iflioiit thu JciuwledJp of Hie pa-
Icutitl U ubhfJliHclr ImrinluHi ) iitul ulll of-
fvctu iKfJliallflH und Aiorl ] > c'liiv. whether tile
patient N u inodHMtu drlnt ! > r or g\n alcohol
\vie.rfc IT NCVKIt 1'AII.S O or ( OO.OOO
, driinlcai'dH ItHi-u huf > n mndutumprrato men wlio
1 ImvcukoiHidldrn Hncrlllr- their coiue with
out ihilrJnn\vU'd.v ( , and todny bollovo they
quit drlnVInu ot thorn owiii i'nl ' 4S paK'i
book of pavilfiiluri Tret. Knim V ( ; o , nKeuta
Kith ami l.iiii'Ia . sl i. IKtli und fumlnu Hrcets ,
Omnhn. N b j Council lllnirn. I own : Afenls , A.
U J'onu-rA llro.
State Line ;
To ( ; lis''in\ : , iti'lfasl , Jnlitiu ) iiinl Ihcriial | (
From New York Every Tuesday ,
labin iiftufiK" tj"1 t IW , iircordlns lo luci : lon
uf fiiitu iO' 11. lixciiLilon ! &j to i'nt.
Mi'ffi.iuu to , < i' < 1 fruiu i' ilrpi > e at I.o'.vcit Itatc.s.
jM > TW HAIi. ! i. IX A. CO. . ( ii-ii'l Auente.
r.i iiir.i\vay , S [ w Voric.
JOHN llMoi\J"n'l : : ( Wt > Kt ; rii A emit ,
KM llnndulpU St. , Cliioat'f.
IIAKUV t' MO01liscJHt : , omaliu ,
JiOl'rrc , ? I'jiliin HalCS to GlU'sJJOW 12\-
They're Limited.
Wo liavo pome i-nccliil Ilnrgalns In
MEN'S SUITS for yon this week ,
lllcht at the beginning of the Huason wo
piopo-o to do you f-oiuo ijood , uiul liavo
made spei-lnl prices on sonio especially
good snllsM , Ib. tin and 81 { . Come early i
tlrbt choice. i
N. W. Cor. 13th ft Dodtfo Sta.
ion THE rilKATHENr HC/I.I.
Appliance : ( or Deformities and Truse ; .
Ren 'ai-llllli'i. apj.iritui unit rempdlui fur IIH-OMI
fui trontinonl of gvcrr form or illieaio roqulrlof
Mertln.l orHur lcal TroKtuienl.
lloxnl nnd attcndaucvi bott Uogpltal ocouimoili-
t'oris 1 the noil.
WmrK roiiJiHctiAiison Deformlllni and llrnccr ,
of Women a Specialty.
All UlQ'iil nimuiai ucouuf.illr treated. fljphllllU
lTlitu rumored from the nyituni without inurcurft
New ruilnrallv * tror.tnienl for ! > or Vllxl r.mcr.
( muni unable lo r ! > ltui piny bn trauttd at home br
cnrrrn > undenc . All co.ntuunlcntlon * conddenlUl.
or loitrumunli tent br mall or erpi i . ljr nuikeil , no marki t'i ludlcate tontuati ul
lender. One iioiionnUnttrrleif inefurred. ( , ' * ll end
consult us or en4 Milorr of your c i , snd wt will
Itnu In plain wimipcr , our
Upon I'llTHc , Hueclal ir Ncrruui Dliraiei , Imr <
l crHpl.lli , UI et and Varlcocale , irltli qnottlon
Int. AUnrim
Or. o/tu JUtc'icul awl Surgical Institute , ot
0 r , IMfc and node * BU. , . . OMAHA , NED.
. . . ,
Jlooai 03radtr * ' Ilulldtuc ,