Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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this ht d locentiptt
ne nnt Insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
equent Insertion , Andfl ) per lln p r month ,
Ko advertisement taken for ICKI than 2.1 cent *
the ilrst Intertlon , Seven words will b counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively and
must be paid In ADVANOK , All advertise
ments must b handed in before 12w : : o'clock D.
in. , nnd under no circumstances will they b
taken or dlicontmurd by tel < /fihone.
I artlei advertising In these columns undhar.
tuu their answers addressed In care of TIIK IIB
will plcnno nsk for . check to enable them to get
Ihctr Utters , an none will be delivered pxcepton
presentation of chock. All answer * to aur r-
iuoments snonld be cncloxonltn nrelopos.
All advertisements in thesn columns are pnb-
U h d In both moraine and evening editions ot
IIIK Her , thn Tlrcnlation of which aggregate *
more than 18,000 papers dally , ana gives the ad-
rertlicrs the oencfit , not only ot the city clrcu-
Utlon of Tiir. llr.c , but also of Council UlnnX
Lincoln nnd other cities and towns tnroughont
this section o ( the country.
Advertising for these columns will bo. taken
on tne above conditions , at the following bust *
nf s houses , who nro a ) thorlzvd agents for Tun
riKK-spcrlal notices , nnd will qtioto tn sumo
rates as can be bad at the main utnce.
South TenTh
II ASP. i FlI > V. Stationer * and I'rlnters , 113
r-outll ICthHtreet.
" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S"IirFAIlNSWOllTHTrharmi ( Ut. 211S Cum.
ing Street.
J. HUH II KS , Pharmacist. 021 North ICth
. Street.
HO. W. I'AHIt , Pharmacist , 1839 Bt. M rj'
" \\TANTKD Sttuotlon by two reliable young
IT men : wlllljigtonork ; nddresi < tut b'onth
liilh i , city. f > 40 it
A Fllt-STclnss Danish barber who Is conver-
J\santwlth American melhods , desires n posi
tion In nn American nhoji ; . .will start on small
Hilary. Address It. N. lleig , DID Luaveiiuorth ,
( by block's saloon ) . fi.V.1 "j
I' WILL glvo fi fornpbico to worJ ? l > y n boy
nfllwho writes a good hand : will work
cheap ; address .1. llrrmu , ( 'anllelil uoii"a. f"'l7-lT
WANTIID-Poslilon ns bill clerk or any kind
of olllco work : have na'd 3 "years experi
ence In wholesale grocery , Address X TO _ ltce.
tjiTUATfN ( wanted Insome whole'snlo houscT
k Tdrugs or notions preferred ; fouryeara ex
perience in retail drug business. Good refer
ences. Address X4H , lleo. 01-lj
to dodressuiMClnif m fnm
lollcllcd Miss Stilltly.2017 Lenvciiwortll
2il ( m " ' _ _
'iJAHTiKSiTeslrniBexperienced s-tenograpn
J can obtain lust tlio oany wanted .shout
ilclnv or inconvenlenco from the Western Sten
ographic agency , Lincoln , Neb. SCO-mil
W appointed general agent bv the old New
York l.ifo Insurance rompnny. for tlubtntaof
hobrnskn. 1 r.c < lrn to employ nctlve , energetic
agents to represent the company Iu every town
iind county iu HID Mate. Correspondence
ba tout conlldmitlnl If desired. Plojse call
upon or address J. W. Dean. OenT Agt , U. S.
IImK bulhilng , Omahn , Nebraska , .1G1-.1
MlNTl2l7 Agents to sell oiiKi'.ivTngssto
2)xM-of ! the famous Hnymarkrt police
monument. Mingle copies 2T > cnnts--13 copies
for Jl.fitKin copies for J10 , sent nvery whore on
receipt of prlC"1. Want also nitentn for statuary
jf s line. C. > l. jCocdt Co. . Chicago. Rtrj-IJ
WANTKD ' ( "wo young men"utfgoort w.igex.
_ Call nt HI38aniulerg. up stairs. 51.1 1 *
\\fANTF.D-Outof"cltv , oxperlenco'l porter ,
i white or colored , $25. MM. Ilresu. 3H'i H.
1.1th Ht. ; ulfi ! io >
Y WANTKD Coarmakers and tailors to go to
country. Apply Helln.t Tnompson. .117 a
loth. Wilt pay OmuliR prices. 5oO-2t
VIT rANTI3U A hcud cook for hotel Iu Omaha ,
IT intifjt understand the business. Addrets
XiU' , lieu olllco. _ _ f M 2-
WANTUD Vonng man of good habits for
_ light work. Iloom 17 , N 2i ) ICth st. 41 J-l )
\\7ANTI'D A Christian Gentleman or lady In
T ' every tow-hlp to net as agent for the
moat popular subscription book published ,
"Tho Home Heyond , " or "Views of Heaven ,
1 y lllshop Fallows. Wo liavo the choicest icc-
< iiumend.iUons from the loading clergymen and
the best religious papers. For circulars and
terms nddriMX National Library Association ,
loii Htata St. . Chicago. 111.
WANTIUI-The Orand Union Tea Co. . of
Omnhn , wants a representative In evcrv
townor city within sn miles of Oinaim. Must
be thoroughly ncnuninted nnd reliable. Either
ladv or gentleman c n till .this position nnd
t mike fair wages. Address W. K. Duval ,
Manager. _ _ li ? " : > !
"V\rANTKD BgentTlTi every city hjvIiilTw
V'oika to hull patent hose holder.It will
take any size boss from Jj-inch to 1-Inch. Can
bo adjusted to any position desired In watering
n lawn. It Is the simplest nnd mot convenient ,
holder on tl.o marKct. fells quickly , pays coed
profits.aniplos ! -nt tonny address on receipt
of price. JI..V ) . Wrlto for agency. C. HTnlsuy ,
lox 2it > 4. Irr.\or. ) Colo.
\A 7ANT1II ) PaparlnuiRers to pet prices on
V job Iota of wi'.ll impel- and borders at 407
5th ht. . liampe block. _ ! M7 7 *
WANTIJU 10 goo-l corulcemakcr.s , 1 good
cutter , for Osjilon. Utah. Apply at. Western
Corntcoworks bet. 4 undo p. m. ( J. Sneclit.
_ _ _ _ Llll:3 : : _
AMCS MAN wanted. One ortwo gt/od sales
men. sldo line. Standard ai tide. No sam
ples required. Address , Drawer : nKulnmazoo ,
ilttU. 1W i
_ _
\\/"ANThD Agents ; mngla cigar llglitor ;
i > every smoker buys : lights In vrlndorraln :
lasts a Itlrtlme ; inmple liV , two fnr2.ic , dozen
H , by mall ; Htntnps titken. Stnyner .t Co. ,
I'l'ovideiico H. 1. 179-in'Ji *
EMPLOYMIIST for roung tnnu or lady.
Ileferences reotilreu. ( ! . U. Thompson. 212
Shcely block. Mi
WANTKD rin"i-gotlomeu nd womenovery-
where for a genteel , money-making bust-
n'KS , JOO weekly pro lit guaranteed easier than
100 monthly otherwise. Kxpeilenco absolutely
unnecessary. Pm-mamcnt position and exclus-
Ueterrltoryusstired. Wsamplesfree. Wrltefor
purtlculsrs. Acldru s with stamp , Merrill Mfg.
lo. f > 'l Chicago 714-H113J
MLKSMKN We wish a few men tos nil
i } goods by sample to whnlrpnlu nnd retail
trade , l.arnefct maunfrs In our Hue. Knclojo
i-centsulmp. Wage * S' per day , IVrmanunt
position. No postals answered , ilon y nd
v.inced for wagei" . nilMTtlsiug. etc. Centennial'f'g Co. . Cincinnati. O. M4 _
WANTF.D-JIen to solicit : mtist deposit 2' '
nnd give security for money collected.
Bnlary tiA to8110 per month. Call on or nd
jicss Oeo. S. aine.iill First National bank. 4:0
WANTUD Arfn's to sell Iho I'lgPtw.lo
overytiody crar.y to get one ; sample by
mail IV ; stumps taken. A. A. Ajistln A Co ,
ni liufiictur 'ip. Providence , 11. I. 2CSm2J
\\rANTI5D-50i ) wen for railroad work in
T > WashliiRton territory : good wnges nnd
itendy wonc. Apply utAlbrlulifsLnborApeucy.
I I'.M 1-nrnnm street. 3J7
| JOVAni. . Dtst. Tel. Co , 1MJ Doufilar ,
AGKNTS u anted on lalaiy. iTRper month.
and expenses paid , any active man or
woman to Kelt our goods by H.imple nnd llvo at
homo. Balary paid iirouiiitlv and expenses in
advance. Hill particulars and cample case
free. Wn mesn juit what we ray. Address
Standard Silverware Co. , llo-iloti , Maas. gtil
V ANTF.lP-7rgood [ till for"
work. WIT in\uin > urt street. Ml.
WANTIiD Jwaltl'iSSsV ! week ; 2 chamlx-r-
mitds. 3 cooks prhnta family , 4 cooks
botudlni : House M. 3 nurse girls In ilty. green
Swede woman iioitsrkcon r. ilris-jmnkur U ,
ivrck , 2 llohcnilan glrU hotels. pUlo Irouer. 2'
plrls country liotol , 40 glrL-i work ,
timuhalimploynirnt Iliiri-nu. U : | N. I"1 ''j *
W ANTED-tlhl to take care of child twp
years old. Apply 11 n Jones st. Sli-2 *
" \ \ IIH7"ANTHD An experienced nnrss girl or
> ' woman ; apply at Ut ! Park nve. tV-U
OMPKTF.NT ffml plrl i eferonces rt
uulred : apply Iratwecn Uand I o'clock. Mrs.
W. ll.MiCord.2UI8 ! IMIl. 547
AGIUL for housenoik In hinall ftuini7 :
good M aces , iSffl Howard * t. C41 2 ?
A Kooi ! ri oT lT5 n ievtmil ulrTI
' . Mnry's ave.
\\7ANTKO-Rlrlrcooil IMUJCJI. .all
% > > _ _ Applj JIU JsJUth M. _ _ _
WANTKD 'F o fint-rliiM\v tt m l : < n.nt
once : stendy position nnd good salary : o
imriles who aru competent , Addrfis II. A.
Tyler 4Co , , Dresjnia'iclni ; IK-p't , lladtjlijv. Nub ,
WANTF.D A competent girl for hnu * woi i *
- . " only tlireo in family , AlijilyatiurJ ( 'ald-
wcllst. L' . A. l.fuveiuvoitli 4 J-I ;
WANTKD-Aglrl to do cookhitf i. . _ .
ir.g in housu where then * Is n piK-ond girl
anil hired man. extra largo nagcE tuld. N. W.
roinerlrta\cnworti ! > ind lUtli. I'.rs.J. L. llrfcu-
' * ' ' , 405
- -
'ANTRn Girl for gcr.eral houwwork , U-tti
\virt tt , 4fn
WANTED A good ftlrl to iubUt ln gVncral
_ homework. 14 4 North li-th htrcet. 421
WANTKD A gootl gill for'gitileral house-
work : w t > l < l > r cek. s. w. cor. of S.M
and Mitnou tu i-l-3" . .
\\rANTEn-An XMrlouc d girl fur Uouso
.11 work 8M .i' ppittoa av * .
rANTUD-Lndy ngcnti for our new nklit
Mibstltuto tor bustle , ln\by diaper sup.
porter , Mcour ; Iowa-Falls ( la. ) agent made 112
In one day. Ladles' Kupply Co-,2S7 W. WnBti-
Ington gt , , rhleag.1. Ill , 3C2-7t
"VVANTKO 3 7lmlng room slrls. Apply nt
jmcent tlin/'ozrens hiiteL itli-2't
WANTKft-ijiffy COOK "for GouTTTu ) : two
Indy ptntry COOM. 126 : 2 good , strong
women to cook In boarding house. MS ; strong
competent girl or woman for tnmliy going to
California ; competent second girl , nnd 4 totiue
t-nro of chlkrun ; 3 small gills to mind babies ;
i for general houseworlc , Mr . Hrego , 314V5 S.
Uth st. K'.6 U. .
\\rfJTAED-Glrlfor Renoarl housework. J ) In
. _ _ _ ) _ .
XrANTRIAKOoTl flrl tor RnncrnI hous'iv
> work. Apply e corner Jones and 25th
sts. , between Leavenworth and St. Mary's nvo.
f fi7 "
WANTKD A gill to do general nomoworK :
must Im good cook. IBl'J Wltl st. , Kountze
place ! L > S
\ \ IIS. IHIF.OA , Canadian Kmp. offlco , ! H4' { 3
JA1 isth. Reference Omaha National bank.
OMAHA Kmp. bureau , 119N IHtti : establlshnd
H years. Most reliable in city. 11.JK. Wh lie.
T.ADIKS Information nnd employment pur-
J-J lors ; strictly flrst-class ; perfectly reilnbio.
Room 10. llushman block , N. K.cdr.
TANTKI ) A serontl-hand Itomlngton typo
> wilier ; ns good ns new. Xjy. llco. 4fc-fi
" "
W ANTKI ) Any o"np nnilctd"\Tltlt nny prl-
vflto or chronic blooil ( Hscnso to call on
he National llcmedy Co. , 1414 Dodgest. nnd In-
/esilgato their treatment for private disorders.
WTN'TISiT-A now rtimlttiro store at Friend
W ANTfilJ Mny 1 , furnished or unfurnished
cottage ; fatally of 2. Address X 4' . lleo.
708 It
ffANTHDto' Rent Small furiilshoJ house
.1 by n respectable family. Good loference.
Cr > 5. neeolllc ! ' . 431-23J
WANTKD to rent by June I , a7 or groom
cottaRo. modem conveniences , no children.
Address Ixick box KtQ. ; iTi7-'J.i *
WANTKD to rent by family qf tire , an un
furnished cottage in good condition con-
alnlnguor 7 rooms ; must have terms nud lo
cation to receive any attention. Address U 5.1 ,
'Ice. 229
"I7IOH HUNT Nent house cor Sfith
JL1 and Woolworth ave. Inquire of 0 , 11.
i'zschuck , iroootmro. nu
CNrA flat In the Her building ; 7
rooms , stoniu heat , gas and bath. Apply
o A. C. Hnymur , uardwuro , luth andJncUson.
house of 13 rooms for rent and
furniture fur sain cheap tor cash , at II i N.
Hth st. 4-tM * . _
'JT'OIl UF.N''l' T. looms , summer kitchen mid
JL1 closets , inrnished In putt , . ! St. Mary's
nil , f > CO-
ror rent : i > iooms , close
FURNISHKDcultngo nt No. 10W a. 11-th st.
447-J ?
„ . „ _ . -7 centraUy locnted ;
JL ! modern Improvements. J. F. Uarton.'ulu
'npltol ave. I-1'- "
ITIOK HF.NT House of 10 rooms , all modern
.13 conveniences : Hnnscom Place , o. K ctrat-
on , 40S Merchantu National lUilldms. 421-lllt
NICK7-room cottages ; good cellurH. cistern'- .
i well , good barn : convenient to school nnd
churcn ; & 0 per month for the summer. Apply
nt one. 0. i. HanUon , Merclmnts' > at 1 bnn .
OH UKNT-rine 7-room Hat : all modem
conveniences ; ceiitmlly located : iO pur
month to good party. L. H S. Hentnl ngfticy.
room 310 Sheely block. U ;
1T\Oll \ KKNT-Oooil house , ccnliully located.
-1 ? . " . ' . ' .i-J'
- - Inqulra 712 N. IDth st. ' * "
T71OH lt"KNT cn 4-ro"om Hat ana on bnse-
JO ineut in Lanse block ; oiuiulro C12 S. 13th st.
ItllA'T My Farnnm st. residence com
pletely furnished , with llrst-clabs servants ,
' , f doSlred , for four or nvo months ; family go
ing away. It. C. Patterson , 313 S. Ifcth st.'J
FOR RF.NT 7-room llat , nil modern contcn-
leiices , good location , cheap to treed party.
L. & a. Rental Agency , room 310 , Mio ly block.
7HOU RUNT One ten-room and ono elslit-
Ju room house , nil modern conveniences , licit
pait of rlty and within n minutes wnlk ot post-
omen. Nathan Shelton , " " ' " - * _
"iJIOll 1UJN r nonutlfulroom nouse with
JD modern Improvements , splendid location.
Apply at oneo , C. F. HorrliOn. Mer. Nat. IJ'k.
TTIOIl KENT Hood houses atfA t4ly ) . $ r.t2il ,
JL ? ndl2 per month. If you wlsn to rent call mid
sen me. D. V. fcholea , 210 1st Nat'l Hank. 7H )
TjlOll lti.VT 11 room brick dv.-ellmg , all < on-
JU vonleuccs , 21UN. lUli ! st. " 07
TTUJltK'TSHin ) nouso for rent In 1-nrkTerrace.
JO opposite ILiuscom ParK : all moaern con-
venlouccd. Inquire Leo & Nlchol , 2 tli and
Leaven worth. UJ- '
.011 UIINTrcom ! ) modern improved liouse ,
A I localltv ; rout moderate. Apply to M.
jElKUttcr. It 111 qrnam st. 'JJ2
Tjioil ICRST Cottages , 5 rooms. S7W Charles
Jj st. uud IKJI S tth Bt. Inquli out loom 212.
Hieely blocK. OJt
THOU IllINT When you wish to real n House ,
JD utore , or olllce call on u > . II. E. Cole , room
0. Contlntntul blk. 34'1
nud board cheap , for two. in private
ROOM . 221S Iturtst. i * > M
KENT-Klegantly furnished rooms with
Foil modern Improvements , at out S. Mth st.
7\OH \ HUNT Newly luriiished roomh siiltablu
- . for two or four ; east fldo llth sUJMhouHo
south of Piurce 11. IM-.US
F IKST-CLASSrooms , homo board. 1718 Dodge
fnilONT fooins. Jl upwards , on car line ; UK )
JDN _ _ 18th. 4l * _
O FURNISHKD rooms , all modern conven
Irnce. , I'JH Douglas sti 3U7-2t
F IOlt RUNT mrnlshed room. tr J N. Ittth.
"Vt t KWljY funilshed rooms , with or without
1t board , 17.J1 Davenport. 3DI-U
room , with board , in prlvuto
family. Uandsomely hltuated ; reference ! : .
2130 Hnrnoy. 3H-U
NICKLY fiirnlshwl room * with board. Ref
_ erouces exchanged. 203U St. Mary's ave.
"OOOMH and board , 1812 Chlctgo ,
10H ItnNT Furnluhed room , 210J Fauiam.
pLKASANTiooms' , very cheap , BID Plea-sant.
TJ OH HUNT 1'iirnlshea room , with board ,
J. : suitable for two gentlemen ; 1611 Douglas Bt.
FOR RF.NT Funilshud room in private fain
llyt 23JI Fanmm Bt , 330 30'
ITM.I'.GANTLYfuriilshed rooms centrally lo
.li/rnteil with or without boaru , price reason'
able. 101 S. IJtli. ; il7-mlV
jil'UN'lSHl'I ) looms in good tocnttongas ; and
. bath : ptlcos reM-jnable. ii.1) Leuvunworth.
FIMtNLSHKD or tinfnniluhed rooms for rent
In ParkTeiraca opposite Hanscom Park ;
nil modern conveniences. Inintro Leo
Nlchol , 28th ami Leiivonworth. KU
S ) NICK south front rooms with every conven-
i Iriico ; telephone In lion jo. ) Wi Capitol av.
LAKdl ! front room with Itcd-room adjoining ,
handsomely furnished , gas nnd heated by
HUam.ltli use of bath room , In one of the
littttOiuimciit residences In the rlty. without
boml. Imiulro n , w. cor , ICth and Lcavenwortli
ITIOK IIK.N'T Nicely , newly furnished , nil
J modern foiiYeiilancaa. 22111 Douglas. 1'C
I poll ItKNT-Itoom 1021 llowanl ,
' 095
"JJ JIt HUNT Furnished rooms slnsle or "en
JL' pntte. liVJ IHillgloi' . , ,713
8UITof2 furnlsheit rooms , modern conveu-
. . leiiceiv 3 blocks from P. O , , private family.
A , llospe. Jr. 11U Douglas st. ma
" "
l OO.M Mith or wltliout board. ISli Ioilie ,
nMR RhN'lOood basement , ( SU llouglas st
U ; xx > um. IU a 20th kt.near
* * *
'Ijll'HNlSIIED nxiu tor rent ; must gi\o refer
.t : dice , nt ixil Dadg9. _ _ 4 > U _
O FURNISHUD rooinVfor iTaV. with board
must give rcforeiKo-i , at U l tlodge st.
TTirnNISHIiDroom , first lloor. for two or
-U four ) modern conveniences ! 1811 Capital Ave.
[ JflOR RKNT- One fnrnhhed room with cioset
JL' and every convenlen t , gas. etc. , bath room
nsamp lloor : suitable for one or two gentle-
man. 2214 Fnrnam , PM
" '
R OOM S"nnd boanl , ifl.'oiVebstcr st.
783 mm
F OR RUNT 1 rout rooms nt I82i I nrnnm ,
i : ! ) rooms vlth tlrst-class board n '
2U1.1 Douglas st. 371 lot
fjiritNlBIIHD rooms by day.rr eK or month ,
D Ht. Clnlr hotel , tor 13th nnd Dodge. H.M
EjlUKNIsilRI ) rooms , single or en suit * , buttt
-L1 ana steam : for genu only. 1B1V HowAnl.Wl .
gPintgN'T--Rb'OMs UN plJRHTsH'ED
JU llrst lloor , unfurnlsnpd , desirable location ;
range , extension. 1P2.I Fnrnnm , Ml fi *
3 AND 4 rooms , unfurnished , KM 317th , be
tween Jackson nnd I.cavenworlh , IKWW *
TToK HUNT An elegant suit of rooms for
JL1 family nine in one of the most ilnilrabln re
siding localities lit the city , over my hardware
toreJlii ; Howard. W. F. Stoolzol. 2W
"filOUR rooms. $ .1. 1S13S. llith , near Dorcas.
4 OR C. unfurnished rooms for housekeeping
for man and wife. 31HN 17th st. iU7 _ iU
IJIOIl IIN"T ! Flvis rooms for smnll faintly ,
J-'aiB Chicago st. 313 3j
TilOR RUNT Abandsorno sviltoof three un-
JL' furnbihod rooms with bathroom nnd
closets , ut I'XO Sherman ave. KS
r > KT/fl I OllS nttnitton Tne stow room , 1MB
JLV Howard st . will bo for rent Mnv 7th. L. &
i } . Rentnl agency , room 310 Sheelv block. C > 11
TTOR RirNTV-Three story brick building on
JO 15th street , near Dodge. SuU.ibln for ro-
nil business or light wholesale business.
licks , room 40. Darker blook. 442-1
TT10R RUNT Store nnd Jiving rooms on Cum-
JL Ing street ; also house on Cuss st , Harris R.
P. . & l , . Co. . Room 411 1st Nnt. hank. 811
T7IOR ItKNT 2 Iloors22x8) each , In brick build-
JO Ing , .with elevator , close to express olMce ,
rhcnp rent , Just the thing for wholesaling , good
ocation. Apply to Geo-Heyn , 1108 Farnam st.
TJIOlt ItKNT Tlio 4 ctory brick billldtng with
JL' or without power , iiow ociuplod by The Hoe
Publishing Co. . Uli Farnam st. The building
haaa 111 e proof comuntod basemeU : , complete
htenm heating flxtnros water on all the Moors ,
BUS. etc. Apply ut the olllca ot Tne tleo. Ol.f >
STORK 407 wltli Dosement , llamgo bldg. In-
quire Frank .1. Ramge. OM
E" lliNf : Ptore 2Jxfin ; lllg.lacksonst. Kn-
TjlOR HUNT lTse of ICnnbo piano for nn hour
JL1 or moro per day. by the month ; locution nud
room strictly llrst'clas.s. Turms very reasona
ble. Add rcssXif-J , Uee ollice. 377
[ F you want to rent your houses call on Har
ris , It. II. & L. Co. , room 4111st Nat'l bank.
IF VOL1 want to buy , sell , rent or o-ccnnnge ,
call on or address , u. .1. StornsdorlT , rooms
117 and HIS 1 irst National bank building.
SEO. J. PAUL , 1003 Farnam St. . nouses ,
stores , etc. , for rent , iU * _
WK give special attention to ranting and
collecting rents , list with us. H. K. Cole ,
room n Contlnentnl blocc. 1)17 )
IIKN11 Houses mail parts of the city.
J. J. Gibson. No. : i , Crolghton block. Ml
T .1. ( HIISON'8 new system of renting houses ,
W.NO. 3 Creighton block. C01
GOOIl business or driving buck wagon , made
by Orummond ; perfect older. J. A. Dol/ell ,
IMNlOthst. 284
YOU that are .sullerlns from priviue cllsor-
derswIlDInd the National Hemedy at 1411
Dodge st. . whera you cnn get bclentiUo treat
ment and a euro guaranteed. 211
HSONNF.NSCHKIN has moved tt.417 813th.
liny nnd sell second hand Cnrnlture and
stoves ; bottles bought and sold. Ili8-ni21
take horses to toa&Otre'nf Gllmore.
J rlce$2pei'mo. 1).A.Voung.Gllrnore.Neb. _ .
in lr *
rp.HE uaujo taucht ns on art by Ueo. F. ( ! el-
J-Ienbeck. Apply nt l ee OIBco. m
LOST Last nlKht , young half Jersey cow ,
light red , tip right car clipped , Iteturn to
2019 Cass und get leward. D53-30T
L" OUT iTatwmufPmfl and Corby st , on 2Uth. u
binall valise containing paper nnuglng tools ;
Under will receive reward by leaving same at
No. 1121 N 20th .st. fi4G-l ! * < Sg
LOST On Luke st Sunday forenoon , n physi
cian's hand bag. containing instruments ;
Under please return to Dr. Crummer. r 14. Con
tinental block. 4G9-KO
WTHAYRD-On April 2,1 ft Inrge bay ,
star on forehead , knees sprung ! u front legs ,
newly shod nil nround , nail saddle on when
strnj ed. Any one having taken up' or knowing
of the same will oblige by lenving word with .1.
It. Moore , 811 N. 21st. Omahn. 4IO-3u *
EBTIl A V One black colt nnd ono bay colt , nt
corner of Urown and Taylor streets , near
Fort Omaha. Win. F. i'lvnu. : i83-4tOr
"OKHSONAL I want H strong young lady to
JL join me In producing K llne.spaclaity act for
the htago. Instruction fee. Lady must , bo
robust in health and f roe to travel. Address X
01. HCB. M9-JO *
TjIKATHKHS cleaned and curled : Imtsprcssed
JJ and bleached , at F. M , Schadelt. SIS N. Ifith. .
of ICnabu piano for rent ono hour or
more per day , by the month ; location nnd
room strictly class. Terms very reasona
ble. Address X 4t > , llee olllce. 377
fencing , boxing or tancy
I club swinging , lit ) . Addi-ss T II , lleo tilllce.
21) ) 11114"
rates at 1 ( JfT'itruam st"
f- > Omaha Auction ac torago Co 117
milACKAGK , storage , lowest rattis. W. M
JL Rushman. 1 ' 11 I nvenworth. 118
BRANCH & CO. , storage , 1211 Howard.
11(1 (
. NANNlh V. Warren , clairvoyant medi
cal and business medium. Female diseases
a specialty. HU N ICtli xt. rooms 2 und 'A. 1)31 )
WIUTTLESKY'S snorthand school. 21 Mar
ker block. 3 month's coursa ,
T HIE Standard Shorthand School , having pur-
rnased Valentlug's Khorthana InstltiUe.l'ivx-
ton block , opp. public library. Is now the lurg-
PAT. best equipped , exclusivn shorthand school
In the west. ) i > graduates In good Bituations
The school is in charge of Mr. It. A. Smith , a
stenographer und teacher of many years pi no
tlcal experience. Twelve No.Remington type
writers in use. Bend for circulars. 411
SHORTHAND and 'type-writing taught thn
. _ moa t practical ay at the Omaha Commercial
College Itenn Pitman nystrin uud Remington
type-writers ; Mudeuts complet inenual In two
weeks , and write from CO to 100 u prds per min
ute in three montlix ; practical oniro drill made
a specialty. Instruction In grammar , spoiling
anil writing frcf. Address Hohrbaugb. llro . ,
Omaha for circulars. 317 mn
W 'ANTBD To ony ct commercial papar ,
R. C. Patterson , 313 S 1Mb st. Ml
WANTKD Furniture , carpers , stoves nrd
household goods of all 'Kinds. Omatuv
Auction & Stomxd Co. 1121 Furn-un. UU
TTiOR SALU-1 pilr heavy draft hones , youn' <
-U 1 pair large nui'ea ; 4 young hones ; 2 line
cows ; wagon * , harness , buggiestvaddlos , etc. ;
1 large dining nail , furnlabea or unfurnished ,
To rent.
First building north of fair grounds : 1 family
hotel , furnished , line ground attached. J.T.
Cl oft. 57-.1f
FOR 8AI.K-i.tOJ tons Ice. Adam iloder.
Illulr. Neb. KB miat
T7HR SALi-Oood ; shelvln * . one show case
.I-1 and u lot candy Jars at Oeo. I , . Dean's. VS ,
ifti 3D
FOR 8ALB I work team , wagon and liar
IICM complete , vnry cheap for cash , MU
Paxton blk. 849
_ _
-Saaftlns. belt lug. pulleysTetlT
- l as new. Rlii MW , crotcut and band
saws very cheap. Ul Doutjlua. _ Hi
< "
\ 111NK Cabinet Grand rosewood case up
right piano for 1I9J.0 ; coil when nowtlOJ
only uiml oneyour : uuul be oUl ut once ; wll
giro time on Dart of It If desired. Address V
( w , car * Ouii Uti , VJJa til
OH SAI.11-3 lco rolling top omen dMk nnil
chair , lli tilre s. e. cor. 11 and llamey sts.
, - = ; 4-193 *
IT10R SALIO-Drnft horseB. buggy norses , nn
JL1 smnli dolr/p ri.mulos. WixxF * Sale Mabl
510 CttllfornfiU , 32:1 :
[ 71 OR SALK-rtfrJrso QI buggy. Inqtura A.
L1 Ho3pn.fl&Oiiglas-.t. 015 rail
Vril 'AN" W Brnnteelk Tnut Co. , 1.W1
iTlnam , Conii > iet abstract'i furnished A titles
o real estate oxAtnlneil , perfected & guaranteed.
* > '
VP -
_ _
A H8TRACT8-Llnalmn & Mahoncy , room SO !
Jtl. Paxton Plock. tua '
OMAHA Abstract Company , liH Parnam st.
Most complete and carefully prepared xet
of abstract books and plats of all real property
n the city of Omaha and Douglas county.
_ WH
$ 1.500 special nitmoy : apply nt once. C. F.
. llnr'rlsoti , Merchants' Nnfl bank. .T <
TlHK Central Ixinn nnd Trust Co. . No. 12K
Farnam street , have n special fund of KOWO
on hnnd to ba loannd In sums of l.roi to $10 000
nt very low rntes on choice Inside residence
or business property. C. A. Stair , managor.
\ \ , AM'IJD Application B for loans on uium-
i > proved lots well located. Odell Ilros. ic
: o.li2So. ; ir.thst. _ sy ,
MoNKV'l money ! mom-yl to loan on horses ,
wiiRons , uinlPH , honshold goods , pianos , or-
; ans , diamonds , etc. , nt louest rntes.
Thollrst orgnulzod loan olllce in the rlty ,
Will make loans for thirty to throe hundred
and slxty-llvo days , uhlch can bo paid In part
or whole. , nt tiny time , thus lowering the prin
cipal and Interest. Call nnd see us when yon
> nnt money , and wo can nsslst you promptly
and to your ndvnntage without removal of
n-optrty or publicity.
Money nlwnys on hand nnd no delay lumak-
ug loans. C. F. Ueod & Co , .110 South 13th St. .
over Illnqunm & ous commission house.
GW. I'KGIC loans money on Omaha real estate
llulldlng loans a specialty. It 4 , Frenzerb Ik
MONEY" loaned on unimproved Insldo Omaha
real ostuto. G. W. Peck , It. 4 , Frenzer block.
lUO-UllHt _ _
TTN1MPROVKD ixtid Improved propeitv :
U loans iniidq promptly : money on lianu. F.
Jl. Richardson , s w cor 1,1th nnd Douglas.MO .
G OOD notes , short or long time , unsecured
or with mortgage , bought any wncio In Nub.
or In. Quick losus. city or farm. Call or write
W. L.Selby. IM3. It'd. Trade. _ M : ) , .
13inUIN LOANH-Wo will buy lot , or Day
JJIncumtiranceonyourlot and build for you :
imall rash payment , bnlanco Iu easy monthly
in aasoof do-xth cancel the
laymcnts : wo en-
Ire Indebtedness. M. 1C. teT. Trust Co. . First
s'allonai bank building. _ 8.Yi-inl >
H. U , COLE , loan agent.
. 1ft !
Brif.DINtl LOAN8-.U7 per cent net , no ad
ditional clinrgos for commission * or attor
neys' fees. W. II. Jlolkle , first Nat. ban * bldg.
_ _
Bt'ILUINO loans a specialty. W. "M.Harris ,
room ) Frenzer block , opposlt j P. O.
O MAHACliattel Loan Co. , room 42 , Darker
block. " aW-mi'i
IONKV to loan In large .sums at ths lowest
ratesno delay. R , C. Pattorsou. 313 8 llth.
NEURASIf A Mortir. . Loan Co. will make youn
loan on household goods ,
horses , w agons.
laud contracts ,
fine Jewelry , or securities ot nny kind ,
without Tiubllcity. ttt reasonable rates.
Room 7 , Rowley block. South Omnhn.
' ( oems &IS-MP , Paxton block , Omaha , Nob.
MONHY loaned for 3D , 0) or SO days on any
fcludof iffmttel security : reasonable Inter
est ; busmesHcOutldeiitlnl. J J. Wilkinson , 1117
Farnam sf ' IU'1 '
TOANS on btislnoHs property , M.OOO to } V,00 ( )
wanted. Provident Trust Comp'
, ! * . First National bank building. 1 IB
T\0 YOU want money ? if so , don't borrow
JLvbeforo gettmismy rates , which are the low
est on any Mimfrpm t\0 \ up to flO.UX ) .
I make loans Qn household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses mules , wnconsi. warehouse re
celpts , house ? , leases , etc. , in nny amount nt the
lowest possible rates without publicity or re-
Loans cunrbe na'de for ono to six months nnd
you can paya flort nt any time , reducing both
principle and interest. IT you ewe a balance
i > n your farnjtursw horses or < lmvo it loan on
them 1will , take It up and curry U for you-as
long as you desire. -
If you needinoney you will find It to your nd-
vautnga to see in * before borrowing.
II. F. Mailers , room 4 , Wlthnell building. 1.1th
nnd Harney. ! 'J
HCHARD It'lLL loans Ht 410 Sheely build-
O (
In ? nt olght per cent stralgnt. Samuel Tnte.
CAN mnken few loans on first-class chattel
I securities at reasonable rates. W. 1C. Potter ,
room 10 Ilarker blk. W7
Jl.Ooi ) TO M.U01 on Improved city property :
. 'can bo paid In monthly Installments ; deot
cancelled In r-ase of death ; will loan HO totijper
cent of cash valuation. M. 1C. i , T. Trust Co. ,
First National bane building. 8'j2-ml.1
to loan nt lowest rates of on
Mnlestate Omaha nnd South Omaha.
Titles ana property examined by us and loans
made at once. Cat-h on hand. Hates. Smith &
Co. room -Ul Ilttnige bldng. 310-m' (
6PEU OKNC'money to loan. Cash an hand.
W.M. Harris , 11 2J , Frenzor block , opp. P. O.
K. COLK. loan agent.
ttt $ To loan on larmj and city -property.
JGeo.J. Pani. 1BOJ Faruam st. 3M
/1ITY Financial ngen-y will loan you money
\joii horse * , furniture , jewelry or securities ot
any kind. 1J03 Howard st. , corner S. 13th st.
23) m 11 ;
M ON BY to Loan VVearoreoity for applica
tions for UI.UM In amounts Trom tW to < IO-
( XW on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real
estate. Full information as to rates. Loans
promptly closed , Uood notes will bo purchased
by us. Call upon us or write. The McCitgtte
Investment Co. 10.1
DON'T borrow money liu furaitura , norsos ,
wagons , etc. , or collaterals until you see
C. 1) ) . .lucobs , 41U First National bank building.
_ _ 111 ,
NYaniountA toinod on furniture , piun < .
- l-teiiriia , etc. Notes bought at loss thau usual
rates , monthly payments re-lnco Interest. ICuy
stone Mortgage Co. , room 203 Hheely blk. S. nih
_ _
B U1LD1NO loans. Lmihan A : Mahonoy.
0 F. HARRISON louns money , lowes1 ; rates. 4W
.100.000 to loan at 6 per cent. Llnahan Ic M&-
$ honey. Itoom BOO Paxton block. 110
MONEY to loan on furniture , hor.saswagons
euor on nny approved security. J. W.
Robblus R. 20U , Hheeiy blk. , Mth and Howard.
F. HARRISON loans money , lowest rates ,
- _ _ _
B loans. D.V Shojes. 210 First Na
tional bank , urj :
FOR BALK-At nbargain. A tlm-clas * "Mil
ler" hart ; good as now ; run only n mouths.
Can be seen ut Simpson's Carriage woiks , < ir
address X 1A. llee elm i. l.-i.vwt
MONKVto lolTn , ( } . F. Davis Co. , real estate
uud loan ncpnw' VM I'arnam st. 10) )
LOANS made on roil estate and mortgages
bougnr. f towlsH. Keen & Co , IV.1 Farnam.
EASTBIlit.ttfiistrun&ito loan on Improved
real estale-tn OmahuMarge loans prof rre < l ,
12. S. lUabweiKftht National bane building.
MONEV t&cttiion improvea property at llrs-
bands.NafAiiillcatloii [ tent-awav for nnt
proval. BeflirUj'-un.l titles exKintned free nt
charge tu Mrijiwers. Lombard luvestment
company , iMfr9ffitli ) Bt. yjg
pKOI'Lll'ri FtnKnclal i\cli ; nge-Tho taiie t ,
A quietest nmf ino t llboral mimey oxchougu
In the i-.ltyi mauoy loaued wltnout delay nr
publicity , litnnr-nmoimt , largo or small , nt lliu
lowest ratfljor Intel est , on any available ie-
curltv : loans r4rtJ'Tepuldftt any time or renewed
at oilglual ratsiJ" O , HoiiHcaien , Mgr , , room
MI ; , Darker blrtrtc , I.Mh and Farnam. Ml
SPF.CIAL 'Rmd tMli OOiTto loan at redurrd
rates on furnltuie. horses and wagons , < 'itj
Loan Co. . 1I8S Mth gt. 'JiQ _
IDKOI'Lli'B Financial Kxcnange Large an < l
small loans for long and short time , at low
est rales of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , cliattcUof all kinds , diamonds. w.Uties
and jewelry. Don.t fall to call If yon want fulr
and cheap accommodations. O , Iloui > carttii ,
. , roJin fxlli Ilarker blk , IJth and Farnum.
T OANS wanted on tmiMlia. real enaXo. three
JJand live yerj' time , optional paymfiin.
favorable terms and rates , applications and
titles pasbod upon by us. nnd loans closed
promptly. Klmball. Champ A riom D ,
U. 8. National Itauk llnlldlug. lAu Farnam st.
' 'It ml
l/UHST mortgage loans nt low rates and no
J ? delay. D. V.Bhole ,2lD First Nntlonalbank. (
MONKY Loan * negotiated nt low rotes Wlth7
out delny , and purchase good commercial
papur and mortgage notes. U. A. Slomun , cor.
13th ftoa Fnrnain. U 3
ONKV tolo n. llarrlu H. K. Ic U > n ( X ) . ,
room HI. First National bank , V9J
1/1011 SALK Ooo < l work team , \rairon and bar-
JL' nn ; set carpenter tools nnd chest : ftillMt
ojrglcnl Instruments , nearly new ! household
Roods , otc. On easy payments , J. J. Wilkinson.
HIT Fnrnarn gt. I a
"KK aholcs , room 210 First Nftt'l b\nk before
b making your loans. l J
_ _
MONKY to loan ; ensn on hand ; nn delay. J ,
\V. Squire. i.'U Farnam St. , First National
bank building. 103
IDIIILAOKLPHIA Mortgage ATrfist Co. . Mr-
X nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers
Hirchmo securities , pcrfort titles , iircppt loans
nttholr western onico.dcorgeW. P.Contesroom
7 , lioard of Trade Ml
MONKY to loan Lowest rates , beans closed
promptly. II. K , Cole , U 0 Continental block.
_ _ 100
\\7 A N "full-First cliws lusida loins. lowest
' rates. Call ixnd sou us. Mutual Invest-
nent Co. . It. I. ItarXer blk. mil A Farnam. P l
" '
_ _ _ _
SALK In good railroad town , stock of
: drugs worth nl > ont t.-W. coon sales , only
urnit business In town. Address \V. S. White ,
H. P. . I'alniyrn. Otoo Co. . Neb. 4ti71J
B A i-hop for snlo doing good business
Inquire 4tVilcuimngnt. 44VJ1'
TpOH SALII-Aii old established drug Ktore In
JL' n Brewing county seat of ( WH population ;
sales J10XM ( a ) car , profits good , linslnoss suc
cessful , stock \\lll b reduced to suit purchaser ,
! oed reasons for sol 1 1 MI. Address U. A. Pcnsa
Drug Co , , Knlrdtiry , Neb. S70 'I
" '
\ . CrntMlly located , for sale : fc-.MM
for nil , ll.sai for one-half interest. Coo -
o porn tlvo Lnnd nud Lot Co. , aiiNorth Iftth si.
_ _
rptlK finest , best patronized rcstnurnntln Iho
JLclty. very chenp. and on very omy term" . If
you want n snap coins and see this. II. K. Cole ,
itoonv 0 , Contlnentnl Uluck. ! HO 1
A DRUGGIST with cash looking for a Rood
location , will do Moll to address K. K.
L'npps. Culbcrt.son , Neb. , or Hunt , V Co. , llivtt-
Ings , Nob. 217m 23f
wishing to sell their
business to list with the -Upcrntlvn
[ , nd , V Lot Co , no charites unless sale is made.
20J N.-lGtn Bt. t ! 2
HOTRt , for snle. Well furnished , paying IV )
a month rout. Address W. 1 * . Anderson ,
S'orcntur. Kns. SEI-inl *
ECU SAI.K The best restaurant iu Oiimtui ,
all newly furnished , nnd making SJtX ) per
month. Host of reasons for soiling. Kmiulru
ntOanlleldhouee. 23S4M
T710R SAI.K or trade One of the be t located
JJ restaurants In the city : outlltnow and com
plete , SJ.UW. J , II. Kvnns , Ilarbcr Illk. 3X1
Cl 3ooo to * UXJ wanted to put Into a Rood tmsi-
P ness ; tlrst class security and good rate of
Interest paid 1'or short or lout ; tuna. Or will
take partner. For particulars acldross U 43 ,
lice oltice. 142
SALOON for sale In ono of the best business
center * In Umuhochuan. Reason for selling ,
1 nuibt leave the city. Address V It ) Hoe.
4ltt-m7 *
AMEMHKUSHIP in the Omaha , board of
trade cur. be had cheap at ItoomU. . S. Na
tional bank building. KM
FOR iJ.YCHANGE-l'or doslrablo residence
property Iu Omahn , any or all of following :
40 choice Inside residence lots Iu Hastings.
10J lots In Lincoln.
( HO acres fine farmlm ; laudLancaster county.
I'luc residence property , Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence , comer , I.oa Angeles.
A ni-nt residence property In Ilauscom 1'Uca.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Address. Riving location and price of prop
erty , J , R. 11. , earn llaum Iron Co. , 1217 Leavon-
woith Vol.
1T1OH r.X'HANJi-KlBlity ( : acres of the llnest
J2 flintier hind In Wisconsin , rlear of oncum-
lirnnco.VlmthavcyoutoolTer. . ' ft. J. Sterns-
dorir. looms 5117 and 318 , First Xatloiul bank
C1OH. KXrilANOfi Dakota , Hand county
JWluit have you to oirur for n Rood farm
here , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are
value , nn'l Its destiny cannot bo dis
puted. Will take viuuut lot or Improved prop
erty nud ausumo some encumbrance. U , J.
StcriiidorlT , rooms all and 318 , Eirst National
bunk building.
JWtft. cor Davenpott at grade , W.OoO.
Kvaiu , lltrkcr block. E
lhave for nl8 a nice
vtory anil a nulf rottuRu on Grant ; St. , nunr
27thouth front , 2 blocks from two street car
line ; " am ! , ! from the motor line. Small cn. H
layiuent uud balance easy , or will take some
ioraes sia ni > t payment. Price $3,000 : worth
Gro\er Ptuvens , MC nnd 527 1'axton bloclc ,
telephone 112) . _ yl
SALH-A private banK * ln southern
Nebraska. Address to M. Catudal. Camp
bell , Neb. Oia m .1
SOL'TII OMAHA 1 fiavo a number of good
lots In various additions that must ha "old
at once an 1 cull bo bought at prices that will
stiltum. ( ) . . ! . .Stermdorff , rooms UI7 and . ' 113
Klrvt bank building. 010
fjlOH SAliCClioai ) Not for trade ; 5tr.7fJ ! ncros
JL' liml ( soc. .VI--Ui two miles from -Mariitiottf.
Iluinlltou county , Nebrailca. I'lutno hoiiie , sta
ble , litt ) acres uii'ler good b.irn-wiro tence ,
round cedar posts , two inys. HvliiB water , : > j-
foot channel , - wells , I1W barral tank , corral ,
self-feeder , n natural stock ranch , Iu a line corn
1'rlco fMOJ
Cash In hand 2,750
S years' tlmoi ) per cent il/'S )
Oo and look over laud. Address owner , V. 1C.
Atkins. I'M Larimer at Denver Col. C27
rpHK cosiest homo In Omaha , fl rooms , largo
1 florets , city water , pas and xewer , both
cable and horse cars. J'rIcoUOJ. Terms * .iUO
tofWJ ca-h , bsil.ince very easy. II. K. Cole ,
headquarters for bareatns and easy terms.
Doom 0 , Continental Illocc. iL'iO
TTIOU SALU-Nicelevel buildlni ; lots , 50x12.1
-U feet , 'I miles from poMotllee , ' 4 mile from
Ncrlh depot , JliHeach ) ; * 'ii cash : bal-
anri $ . ' > per month. ThPie lots will double In
vnluo In lews tnnn two years.
lo-room House , nil modem Improvemeuts ,
south front , full lot. In Kountzo place , f,2M ;
$ I..1M | cash , balance 1 , 2 , . ' 1 and 4 years.
The llnest residence ulto In Omaha. 200 feot.
( iout i front , on Nicholas street , by lie feet , east
front.nn Lowe avenue , prlct ) ji.UWi ; terms to
suit purchaser.
Niiwii-rooiu Cottatjes , llnlshed In hardwood ,
city water , ce.ssptKil , cemented cellar , walks ,
fen-es and outlmildlnKS. nil complcta , on
monthly payments. Will take good vacant
building lots RS ll t payment.
The cheapest house In Walnut Hill , only oito
block from Dr. Mercer's oljgant residence ; 10
rooms , ail modem Improvements , full lot ;
piice Vi.coo , teims$1.600 cash , balance $ . j > er
A beautiful -outh front lot Iu Orchard Hill.
I'or u person tlmt wants It torn Imme lulll
build a hoiiKe on tnU lot und neil It on oany
termi at cost nt lot and improvoin nts.
full lot , uOxllO tt , with iilcs count ; * * In KlrK-
wood , east front , 2OOJ. half ciish. ThU is a
bargain. Only one block from IfHh st. motor
line } W , It. I Ionian , room o , Frenzer block.
FOHS.\Li-u : easy paymsuts , 5 , 7 nnd H
roomed ho.lses. small cash payment down ,
and balaiuu monthly payments. J. H. John
son , 518aii < l 510 l > itxton block. 2XJ
CIIOICI ! plete of residence property ror. 23rd
nnd Uass f or wurelioiue or trncxARUpiopcrcy ,
worth eight to ten thousand dollars. U. F. Harrison
risen , Meminnts' Nat. bank. -k )
" \TO cash payment ra.riilrvd. | Will sell you a
i- > lull Kit Iu . auiuliiiM .t UlmAbaugn'i add
forMJO nud tnkii mortgage for full amount riuo
iniiyearsonronilltlnn tlutyoii build a liousa
toc'ost not less tmn ! $ VW. 0. E. Heller , i'ooui/ > ,
H W corner I3th und Ifijttla . 4W
ITVIU BALK or BxchauKO Improved stool ;
Jfjruiof toOaorm , In vaitorn Nobrtv ka. near
market ; itlso nmv 12-rnoin housn , with all rnn >
venlenced. in de.slrabla ruildunrs portion oC
Omiiiiii. Andrew ( levins , attorney , 4li and t'il ,
I'axton block , Omaha , Neb 'Jj7
TOH KLK1 no moil T > leasantnua lien loja.
-L ted llttluliomaln touu , sultublit for a mmi
with a small fitmtly ho nntj > soiueshlim very
clioli uiiii'l nitl too uxpdiiiilve. Has iwver liutn o. . Iho inuiket bo Ton nd will undonbtedly
li sold fcooiu It will pay you ti ; liuestlaata thli
piompllj. C. 1' . liarrlsan , Jloixiiants Nat. ll'x. '
IMIULIJOr excliiifitfa for Om.ihn prop.
. ui ly , N ) Ri-ri's. stilUlJlo Air plittliu ; ; .vill
make I ) ) IH. ( nil clear , big won-iy In It forso.i : ' )
onu.In. . ejiu muh this , located just imtslild the
city lliiilla nt ConiKil rtlulfs. Inmilro OP. .1.
MuriiMluriT. rooms 3lv ami 'US , I'iret .N'ntional
MKtf. '
Doiii'liiB County Ab-itrartt.
ItOI Farnam Stu-et.
.lust put on market lots insldo city l.mlts.
bi'iiutliiil io-.itlon , surrounded bv : > w homes
iiml just tlio spot lor it >
Delightful Home.
I.OK | null ntf.'iileach and denlruliln 111 at
udjoiultig Und Is Jelllnc for twicu wi t we : < k ,
.Mi you need do Is to keo tills gro.inJ , It * lo-a-
i ion , tlio kiuuc.4 bolng built on It und you will
buy Terms we make aie veiy mo < iflrate , 1 '
Fifteen Dollars
dime , balance I1U a month , mid ry thh i .
method of payment hundreds now own iiomes
tmit othei wl u cnuld never fe'-ure them.
I'onvvyAin ej
nlivava nn hand to < hnw iln.-'O lot , winch aro.
nil emini fur them , ah you will admit ul.nn
> < m see lliu place. This U noexperlmuitf linn-
iltMl | < t liavti been benelltted * ud UoujlU koaius
Iu till * wiy.
Pome ud seu nbat jrou can do.
45i-l Am , 1007 i'arann St ,
= =
AM K8.
DouglM County Abstracts.
i.v > 7 l''ftn\nm nt.
Mustbs sold within H days , the following de
scribed property , whlcli is bargain m every
iene of the wonl , both as to price , trrms und
oration , nd If you want to buy HI less than
, , , .
Inspect ThUt
l t S3 block IS Slinll's 2d addition , South Cfith
st , , nearWiKilworthevenua. with now p-room
nmm house all modern Improvements , Trice
7.000. Terms , IJ.NW cash , * M > UOInon and two
years , balanoo 4 years , at OH per cent.
Lot ( l lllock 12
Snuil'iiSd addition , 24th tt , , near I'opplcton
av , , with peed four-room cottaffp. outbuildings
nnd natural shanetrre * . Price , liM ) . TorniH ,
t.VVl cash , * VW In one vcAr , balance two years , 8
per cent.
Ames , 1507 I'arnam st ,
IT1" II SAliK 'llio linen rostd nca site in West
JJ Omaha ; Just south of Farnam on ; ! 7th
street : n corner lVixlS7 ( with H7 feet frontaue
on paved street and Joining the handsome roil-
donee of Klrkondnll on the uan and llrady.Kai-
son nnd Martin on the son tit ; a perfect Remand
and garden spot for an elegant home.
Harnev and 21st streets 141xtU7 , on pavement
within three blocks of the court hens ; room
for lie von line Houses that would rent M rnp-
dly as completed. A splendid permanent in-
Farnam' Mid 22d sheets. BlxIM , with now
threo-story brick store bullilliiK , rented W peed
permanent tenants , Itcntnl receipts ll.sil pur
Sixteenth street ne-ar Nicholas , frontaso 01
feet to alley. Uooil busliiass jiropertv.
Fnrnam street botwcenTStli and aith , front-
ORO 48 or WxlUJ to alloy , nouth front , 1 blocic
from pavement , nud strent cars.
Pam nvontie , opposite llanscout park ,
price ti.oca , easy terms.
I'ndilock 1'laco , trackago , COxIlJ2.000 ,
IRth'street south of Vlnton st. , lot for silo or
trndo for indue , or need farm land ,
8 , A. Slotnan.iaoi Faniam st. 2M
' "
H'VT" FOOLS wo mortals lie" Mi > , end
bn.VH ten-room house with Antique oak
and natural cherry llnlsli , sldo board In dining
room of same with all latest modern conven
iences ; nicely decorated , stationery laundry
tubs , nnd a Rein of n homo nil through. Kast
f runt and full lot on UcorKln avo. Take U
quick ; party going to leave city.
tt'.liuo ' buys IUY14 ) * > on corner ,17th nnd Farnam
sts. ; cast front and best bargain for money in
tne city : both streets pivcd
I" , ! * * ) buys elRttt-room non e nnd barn nnd All
latest conveniencesKnst front on So , itli
street. Take uood lot In part p.iymont.
* JlKK > buysn good six-room house on easy ,
BOxlTT-footlnt in West Omaha to exchange
oar , for good house.
8iVM buys a good now 5-room house and full
lot on easy payments.
$7 , < VO Iniis a splendid house , H rooms lit
Kountzo 1'iiico on Illnney street , or will take
smaller nouso In part payment.
81.701) buys ii good house and lot en Grant
near ) th slrcot. Take this quick ,
4WO buv8 peed Hix-room house with all con-
renlencos. 'lalco itood clear farm or $ JUW ;
eaulty in one us part payment.
1 have wagon loads of good bargains cither
lor sale , trade or ( give away cheap ) to suit tlio
most fastidious.
Hot n move on yon some time nnd como In.
D. V. Sholo * , 21U 1st Nat'l Hank.
"To not know a bargain tliat we hoe. " 7U !
EOIt BALK Nine-room house , barn and lot
in Hanscom I'lace ; also 2 houses and lots la
Sunny Side. Harris , room 411. 1st Nat. bank.
BALK South und east corner UllxluX In
the neighborhood of the Milton Ilogers
uroporty. West Fnrnam street , very sightly
Thin Is choice propeitv In n choice neighbor
hood and will bo sold cheap. It 111 pay you to
investigate the locality nnd this particular
piece of aroimil , C. F. Harrison , Merchants'
National bauK. M5
FOll SALE-Acaaemy of Music building and
two business lot j , Qr.iud Island , Nebraska ,
ground 14x1 f ! feet , building brick , two storms
lil h and stone basements , nil In Rood repair ;
terms easy ; imco jli'.mi'j. ' Knuulio of Thompson
Ilros. , Qraiut Island , Nebraska. 701ml2 *
BJ.M isl'.vutT !
ileautlful residence Sites.
Fluost In the city.
Wo are now ready to show nnd oiler forMilo
tne choicest lesldeuce ltos In the cltv of
Omahn , located In "Hemls I'ark , " comprlstug
the sixty acres bounded bylCd st. , on the east ,
.tali or Pleasant st , on the weal , Hamilton st.
on thonoith , niidCumlugFt. on the houth ,
This park has been planned , und is being laid
out by Mr. Alfred It. Kserton ( one of the best
landscape artists of New Yoik > , Into ' , , > $ , ' , ' ,
and acto lots , and several acres are laid out Into
Binnll parks , ornamental grounds , and hikes fed
by natural springs. Thp plans Include a per-
toct system of grading , paving , sewcrnt'p.water
electric lighting , etc. , nud an expenditure of at
least JlW.niiO for such Improvements
This cliofcfl properly Is located within the Hi
miles radius ( u little north by west ) from the
postolllcp. It lies ea t of the reservoir nnd of the
elemmt residences of Dr. Mercer nnd K. W ,
Nash , mid a little north of onst of proposed res
idence of OuyO. Ilartou and uf Illshop O'Con
nor's lesldeni-o and Academy of Sacred Heart.
Itensonable prices nnd terms will be given to
these who will build residence ! costhiR to.OOfl
uud upwaulH. For further particulars apply
atolliceofTlie llemls I'ark Co. , rooms 11 and
IB Continental bloclc , 15th und Douglas sts.
on North 21th street. We have SO fent
east front In ICendall's addition for $1.000.
JL A. I'pton Company , Htliand Furuam. 2HI
LAND I huvelrt.oooacres of e'holeo farming
lands In eastern and middle Nelu.iikii.\\hlch
I will sell at from il to * 12 per itcio. Will make
special price for the whole lO.tMd acres It taken
in u lump. Goo , II. I'otarsou , 1412 8 1 Jth st. ,
BIS mil
mitACIcITcK-lCfoaton llth , nuiir Nicholas
. .1lor .s'ale at a barxalu. Will take some trade
Crovcr btcvom , Sl ( ! and r > 17 I'a ctou block
telephone Ilia. MS'j
FOR SALE -Nicu new . ' -room house. Imrn for
4 horses , well an.l cistern ; everything first ,
class ; full lot. In Jledtord I'lace , 2)0 ) feet from
Htnte stteot ( JDth st ) . $ ! .2 < X ) . * li cash , hnlanco 1 ,
Sand ; i years : o JJ.OW ) . 11,4Wl cash , balance n
years. JL A. llpton Company , Ilith nud Faruara.
NKVV2-se. ted tine carriage or top otiggy for
moitgaRo city or county warrants , or any
good unsecured notes.\V.L.ScbyH ! 11 ( I'd Trade
FOH SALB 'tl acres , corner Thirteenth nnd
North streets. Desirable for platting. C.
Uood. Good lilock , Des Molnes , la.'Mm : ;
TN 'E TIG.VrK Ttils-Lot" : COxlM orT"- ! ! !
-Ldette between 24th nnd 2'th streets ; 4-rooin
house , largo conservatory , newer Iniilloy ; onlv
K.WW ; * .100 cash : balance I , 2,3 and 4 years. M.
A. Upton company , Ilith and Farnam. i3J !
"IJiOll SALB Two acrns of tluo property in
J- South Omaha. .flU ; worth double the
amount when platted. Co-opeiatlve Laud and
Lot Co. 20) N. lUtll st. 2JS-'iO
Al1 A sacrifice Uxl50 ! rt , east nnd north
trout , corunr 3ith ! nud Howard HIS. , one
block west of Coe'.s and Klrkondall's Una resi
dences , two blocks from paved strnat , two
blocks south of Fnrnam St. : Just think of It.
liMxlfiii ft. and n cornar at that , and only } l. " > 00.
C. E. Itoltsr. room 0 , s. w , cor. Uth aua Douul is
NO CASH , nnd payment of JTi per month. In
cluding Interest btiyrf a n iu slory-.ind-
u-half 0-room house , convoulout to both cable
nnd norr.o cars. II. K. Cole , hendctunrtur.s f or
bargains and easy toriss , It tJ.Contlnentnl Illoolc.
I71Olt KALh On easy lormti , n , 7 and M roomed
-C houses , with HtiiciII cash payment down and
bnlanco monthly. J. II. .lolmson , 516 nud fil'i '
I'axton tjloclt. ,
niWHNTHITH street Is paved In Center and
-L pavement ordered to1nton ; 'Ot'i street is
the coming street south. It is nil graded nice-
lytoSprim ; Lake park. Wehav < i47 feet near
Martha with a llrst class 4-ioom lioitee , lot nt
grade , for 41,000. M. A Upton Company , intli
nnd Fainnm. 21)7 )
Foil 8AljI5 S-rooin cottage on IRth st. boi.
Center und Dorcas , lot 31xl'.7 , ) , easy
taims ; this Iu & bargain. M. A. Upton Co. . lOtli
and Farnam. fifli
OK KALI ! or L ass FMIIIB building abou
< OxiV ) with threi ) year. ' lease of lot > H Uoug
las st. ll ) >
OH. LOOKhorol An uast front , 51 ft lot , nn
29th st , , outll of lliii'dette ; very flue vlow
forlJ.fiUO. How's that. M , A. Upton Company ,
Iilth and I'V.nmm. UJl
" \\rOilTHV of your attention. No * l > am , '
* completed on SJth l. north of Louven-
wort/i st , iwu hoiisus convcntunt to Imsluess ,
vnry roomy , grate , mantel , fiirnoc ? , KM , listli ,
tollnt,2 watur nloieti , at tloanry umn f.iin ,
hot and fold water , tlvo liadiiumi , D closeu ;
only } > .r > 0 , on terms to suit. Telephone vJr ! or
W. T , Heaman , Omnlm'/i Inrgau viilot of tvag.
out. ckrriagert. etc. , ent aid a K'tli st , north of
Ni-'hola st. 4il
IjIDK SALK AbMtitifuI roildenssln Hans.
J. oj-.ii I'lare , BISI front on : itli ) nt. IIMI south
of l'oiiil ] toii av . lot COxll * to graded alley ;
ynrd Wfi\y \ naddud ; s-rooni boiuj , bath , hot
ami culd watdr , t ; * * . sewer , clontrlo belli , hard ;
wood llnlfJi , If taken At onc.u will lull tills flua
homo for amount 1111101 o lov in value. No
nlrorneluhborliMd In t'lo ' cltTo ttio that
mean business we would Ilk * to show this
propuityVe will mika Ihn prtvd rlijlit. > I.
A. upton C'yinjuuy , liiih nnd F.iraim. 331
Thri Doanl'if } > u1ja ! ! t.tudt trnl lllilldlBj.i wltl
revive blditnr. nny ( line l"frr * .M.iy II , ) SJ at 2
p. ir . for ' -iulivr up rt ! i'A ajuaiorlmanu Hoi
pltdl r.t
. imukUiiiMiip. tlllf-iiil. f
. I AitiiBtrlul Sclioiil. | \ arm ? ) ' , '
? liiktltitto r < nl > l > ) < Mluded llefttllce ,
, iind InMltutu for ( illnd , Nubrwka City.
lUddrrawilt fiirillili IhtlroiMi pUns nndfpccl-
Ik-atUmv lllKiit rr.iertuil to icjert any ur : ill
bids. * i ,
err .
0. U l\w . .
About the Cltj * .
Harry Nush U visiting frlcmln In Clilcajlro.
South Oinixlm Itxlgo No. M , U. O. T. U , ,
will go to Onmlin I'uwdny to partlclpato in * I
the contcnhlal parailo.
John M. Thurston , of I > CH Momes , Ift. , Is 4
the guest of C. A. Mccclior.
A , H. Tuppan , night ofllco nmu nt tlio
Union Pacific depot , is sick with malarial
Kulm ft Poekor will Rlvo ft conlcnnlal
dnneo nt the Columbus hotel , Twenty-
seventh street , Tuasdixy ovciilns : .
Chnt-lo FAirth , the gentlemanly nnd cfll-
clcnt clorfc Iu H , Ile.vnmu's store , will mnrrv
Miss Atlco Moses , of Oinnlm , next Hunday ,
The ceremony will bo informed In the synn-
Rogue by Kubbl 1 Jen sou.
llnrry J. Oensh , cashier o ( the H. & Til. 11.
11. company nt this point hns resigned , ntul
will go to Terra Ilntilo , Ind , , tlii.s sumtuor to
attend school. Kobort TnnlUo , of Octnhn ,
IIM boon niipolnted wishlcr to fill the vnenney
caused by lr. Ooash'a rcslguntlou.
'Ilia regular meeting of the Loan nnil
Building nssoclntlou will bo hold Ir. secreta
ry Kilmund U , Luno'a olllco Wcilnutdoy
The congregational meeting In tlio Pra-
bj'tcrlan uluirch , hns been postlKUied to a
Unto tu IK ) licrenftor nnnouncod.
Hereafter the Salvation Army nieotlnR.s
will bo held In A. O. H. linll , Uowloy'a
block , A
Dennis Cnllnlinn will nnnwer before Judge
Klnir Tuesday moruljip. to running a disor
derly liouss In tlio Third wiml.
Only fifteen out of the forty-thrco llcotifie
npiillcittlonn Hied were onprovea by the
mayor nud committee on licences , Monday.
All the other applications were returned for
C. A. Molctior , on Monday , filed Ins papers
In the county court to contest the sent of
Councilman Kadorty.
Martin ICclloy , who tins been on a trip
through Ireland , England nnd Knuiro , re
turned Sunday , nud will go on to Denver
niter n short visit with South Omnliu
friends. f
Mrs. Fred Melclier , of Atlantic , la. , Is vis
iting her son , C. A. Molchor.
S. S. HUITOWS , of Ashtnlmln , . O. , u rent os-
Into holder of this city , Is hero looking after
his Interests.
Mrs. David W. Wntigh , who Ims been in
Shotmndpah , In. , called there to nttoiul the
funeral of her sister , Mrs. Corly. wns tiilten
111 with Uie pleurisy. Mr. Waugli recolViiiB
a telcRrniu Informlnir iilm of his wlfo'o ' 111-
ness , started Moudiiy ovoutng for that placo.
Jonas LuciiA , who lias been spending ten
( lavs nt his liotnu , .luloabiirij , Colo. , lias re
llov. Uobort L. AVhoclor has pone \Vako- -
Miss He tlio Jlooro , leachor In the Albright
school , after n vocation of several weeks on
account of sickness , is baek iu her school
Mr. Polks , futlicr of .T. W. and J. R. Polks ,
of this city , died Sunday nt Chnriton , Fa. ,
H. H. Haven says the check given by him
to John Dclany for 02 cents was not raised :
that John I'ouson imulo a mistake and paid
Mr. Delauy JO'J.
Messrs. John J , O'Rotirlto , Samuel Slax-
well uud J. , I. Wear will represent South
Omaha on the May dlsU'iet court Jury ,
A movement Is on foot among the taoiu-
bcrsojf tlio Presbyterian church concroga-
tiou to get a lot either in the Third or Fourth
ward and reutovo the present editlco and
build n line no\v church Inrgc enough to ac
commodate the Congregation.
Koiiiarknblc ! Cimi of
O. M. Weeks , Denver , Cole , , writes :
For nearly six years I suffered greatly with
what the doctors call lumbago. I was unaVU
to walk in that Interval more than a few
stops at a time , or to rise from a chair after
once sitting down , without assistance. ' 'A
friend urged mo to give AU.COCK'S Poiiora
1'i.ARTinib a trial. Ho obtained sorao for mo
ana put them on my back. I felt ensier.wlth
Uicin on than anything I hail ever tried , and
continued their ji'so for nearly tlireo months ,
changing ; them every week , until I wan absolutely
lutoly cured cured so that from that day ( o
this I have been able to work.
Kail Our.
William Hush und hli brother , Herman ,
arc again in trouble nnd are giving1 the fam
ily feud nn airing in Justice Kroogor's court ,
William Baye'tViat Herman threw a defunct
chicken in hit ulstcrn and Herman says that
William shot ut liilu for so doing and lie Hos
caused William's arrest , William says th it
lie merely shot into tlio air to scare tils
brother. The ease will botried iiqxt Tues
To llHlodo | the Knrmy , ,
When it takes the form of disease of thp kidneys -
neys or bladder , m a task well nigh impossi
ble of lu'coniDiiHlinicnt. Kcnal and votiioal
maladies are more obstinate than any others.
Counteract , therefore , the earliest Indica
tions of Inactivity of the many organs with.
Hosteller's Stomach Hitters , which pos
sesses , nmong other excellent qualities ,
those of an eflli'Ient diuretic. The degree ot
stimulation apparent from its use reaches ,
but never goes beyond , tlio bounds of safety.
I. Invigorates always , never irritates.
Hrighfs disease , diabetes , catarrli of tub
bladder , are diseases successfully combattcd
in their inclpiciicy with this benign medical
Rtimuliint anil tonic. Hesldeo reinforcing ,
nud regulating the kidneys iiml bladder , the
Hitters Is a speaillc for fever and ague , con
stipation and dyspepsia.
4 * A tu tOtt m * ?