TITO OMAHA DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY MAY 1 , 183ft1 T . r \ TTVT i- / . JI.LNI learning from traveling men and others that tlie wholesalers were having a very .dull trade , the idea struck us that it might toe wise to visit the Chicago market. and see how anxious the manufacturers were to unload. They were found mighty anxious , and ready cash speedily induced them to close out a great man/larffe and small lots at 5O cents on the dollar. A. ! . Sin ger & Co. and Chas. P. Kellogg & Co. were among the large makers of fine clothing from whom the mirchases were made f orl o CHICAGO , April 26. [ Special to THE -BEE. ] It is reported in business circles to-day that the largest sale of clothing.made this season was yesterday consummatedby A. L. Singer & Co. to L. O. Jones of Omaha. The amount is reported to be in the neighborhood of $40,000 , , and the goods arc to be shipped to Omaha at once. [ OMAHA RCE , April 26th. CLOTHIER' , , 1309 FARNAM STREET. * ? . The purchase made and instructions for shipment given , a great problem confronted us : Where can the goods be displayed ; my store is entirely inadequate ; it will hold neither the goods nor the people who will throng to sec Ih them. After a long study , light came and the nut was cracked. The result , startling as it may seem , is that on Thursday next the people of Omaha will visit JONES in McSHANE'S BA W Corner 1 5th "What ! Sell clothing in a barn ? " Well , why not ? Fuller , the druggist , has taken the contract to de-oderize and de-fumigatethe establish ment , and then on the opening- morning to spill upon its threshold a bottle of "Attar of Roses. " And who is there among men of sober sense who would object to save $15.00 , $10.00 , or even $5.00 simply because the clothes were not sold from a plate glass corner. Now , a word about the clothing. It is not venerable because of age ; it has no whiskers , is not even old enough to shave , but in fact and reality is new andfresh , and made .from neat and stylish patterns of all wool fabrics. It is not an aggregation of trash and shoddy , but clothing which will grace the form of any man and do him honest service. We at least have enough sense to know that our reputation for business integrity is in the balance until the truthfulness of our announcements are proven by the investigation of that great grand jury THE PEOPLE. You and your friends will be welcome at the opening of this great sale on A "T1 " A A 1 A. A PAB.TIAI. SYNOPSIS OF THE WONDERFUL BARGAINS OF THIS PEERLESS SALE ! MEN'S So.OO SACK SUII'S , rondo from mlxe.l dnrlc patterns * 2 W ) MEN'S $7.00 SUITS , made from a p rayish check Cheviot pattern " 50 MEN'S $8.50 SUITS , made from neat and stylisli cheviots , at 4 25 MEN'S $10.00 All Wool Gray and Brown CASSIMERE SUITS fi 00 MEN'S $12.00 WHIPCORD WORSTED SUITS , wear like iron 0 00 MEN'S $12.00 ASS A BET BLUE FLANNEL SUITS , pr'mmntced strictly all wool and fast color . - 0 00 MEN'S $11.00 Black Plaid Diagonal WORSTED SUITS at 7 00 MEN'S $15.00 BANNOCKBURN CHEVIOT SUITS , regular ironsides to wear , a variety of patterns 7 50 MEN'S $10.00 PITCIIBURG WORSTED SUITS , in small brown stripe 8 00 MEN'S ' $17.00 Velvet Finished CASSIMERE SUITS , dark and blue colors and ill a id nattornt- 8 50 Large purchases from the great Lindauer Bros.'failure and the wind up of Simeon Farwell & Co. enable us to offer the following : Gent's British Half Hose at fie Gent's 25c English Half IlohU , in solid and fancy colors 125c Gent's $1.00 French Percale Shirts , collars attached , ' nice patterns ' 50c Gent's sfcMM ) genuine ALL LINEN Shirts $ .1 00 Men's oOe Hickory Work Shirts -Uoe , Men's $1.00 Fancy Flannel Shirts , beautiful patterns. _ 6lo ) Men's 90c Blue Denim Overalls , with apron - 4-To Gent's GOc line Red and Blue Striped Balbriggan' ' Underwear Gent's 2-lc ! Cloth Covered CnlTs , per box 5o Gent's lf > c Cloth Covered Collars , per lx > x Itc Gent's ISc Wire Spring Sleeve Holders oc Men's and Boys' Straw Hats , all styles , in line braids fancy tips and leather sweats 30c Men's 70c Crush Hats , everybody wears them 35c Boys' $1.50 Jacket and Pant Suits , neat patterns 75e Men's Summer Coats and Vests , nice patterns 75c Men's Odd Vests , summer woiglit lOc Men's 20c Black. Silk Bows Gc This great purchase enables us to make a Grand May Festival for our friends and patrons , and our selling prices throughout will be in the same proportion as our purchase price. Hav ing bought at 50 cents on the dollar , we will sell at 50 cents on the dollar. MEN'S ' $20,00 SUITS , 25 elej&Lit styles , at . "rrrr : $10,01 This line includes splendid sillc mixed lailor-marlc Suits ; superb satin lined cheviot Suits ; elegant satin faced four-button cutaway Suits in cray and brown , and line English worsted dross Suits , ia blank , nil at $10.00. MEN'S ' $22,50 SUITS , made from fins iimjorled wo'Stcl small cliesk ILK * MEN'S ' $25,00 Edinliiinli Diagonal Cheviot SUITS . 12.51 The latest and nobbiest btylc in the market. MEN'S ' $28.00 Soft Finish French Worsted SUITS , in sacK aid froct MEN'S ' $30.00 English Wontea PriucG Alhert DRESS SUITS CORNER 15th AND STREETS , THURSDAY MORNING , MAY 2d , AT 8 O'CLOCK. LINCOLN CENTENNIAL1ZING , The Capital City Observes the Day We Oelobrato. HANDSOME CADETS ON PARADE. Benevolent Imtllcs Aiding the Hos pital Onmlin Krco Masons on a IMIjjrlinnKC Horse XhlcvuM Wanted. LINCOLN HUIIKXU OP THE OUUIA. Bse , I 1020 I > STUKKT , 5- LINCOLN- . April { 50. I A suluto of 100 guns was tired by the e.v dots on tlie University campus to-itny , at noon. This , In a word , tolls that the con- tonnlnl anniversary of Washington's Inaug uration as president of the United States was celebrated In the capital city. Although not celebrated with pomp and parade Hint great historical event was remembered hero at least. Fully . ' 1,000 people congregated at the university grounds to witness the evolu tions of tlie enilots on dress parade. The Ijoyh looked very pretty anct chivalrous in uniform rank , and their movements worn In perfect keeping with the spirit that awakens patriotic f eel 1 nps and -enthusiasm. Their drill exercises mot. with frequent cheers and commendatory remarks. Hut , porlmps , the boys did not appear at their best until they had doffed their uniforms and turned themselves loose at foot ball. The unties of thu clown could not havn been mora ninusln ? thii : | the didoes they cut after the "sphere. " In clos ing this parnftrnph , it ! H only necessary to mid that the students of the university enter tained themselves and the public afton ttio stylu of our fathers en thu Fourth of July , barring the spread caglo speech. Them was no'liilllotion of this kind. The pupils pf the public ) schools , in every ward of the city , vied with each other In hav ing a good time. Interesting programmes wore prepared nnd roadcrcd li.v the little folks In a manner eminently satisfactory. Thciovoro , patriotic recitations and songs. Thcro were mmisemunts calculated to Inspire enthusiasm nnd create mirth. * Each effort was crowncO with success. Thu scholars * oh * ncrvud the day as a national noliday in the fullest sense of the word , though In a quiet , pleaiiint way. St. Thorcsa's pro-cathedral was crowded to the utmost at 0 o'clock this morning , to listen to high mass , tnu diicourso on "Tho Lift ; and Character of Washington , and the Constitution of the United States , " and the closing , solemn To Ucuui , The Catholics of Lincoln did themselves proud , In their re- nici ihranco and observation of tlio great con- tonnnil anniversary. It Is coitaln that their work ot to-day was worthy at moro general emulation throughout the city. Hut the ox ercl-cs at the First Congregational church arc worthy passing notice. The Congregu tioi ulists gave a mi Inn service. Thrcu ail flrch es were nmdo. They were rich in mnt torn historical , and no uttendant loft without foci I us ; Hint Itvas good to have boon tlinro. Concluding. the paragruuhiir takes pleasure In saying the muslu pre- Iircparcil ( or the occasion added very much to I ho Interest of the exorcises , which In their way wore as near perfect us they couhl have been mado. Other churches hold ser vice , hut they w ro wholly without ostenta tion and attracted no attention outside of the loenl charge. Whlla Lincoln celebrated In a wn.\ , there uxUu the feeling that the ccatcu nlal annivemnry of Waihington'a inaugura tion should lnwo boon inoro generally ob An Intportniii Venture. Three ladles , representing the city hos pttiil , attcndciltbe rouuoll inoctlnf ; lost night TUny were there in the intercut of tbo Instl tutlou they represent. While not bcpgars tbey were bcgclng--bcgglne for money to alt them to defray the axpausga of the hospital , find were helped out to the amount of S1G3 by individual subscription. And , afto cuiilDR the quctiloii with the gravity Uteimen , tUtj J ci''uil ' thi tbu/ o somothinir more for the institution , and amo to the conclusion that the council must ; ivo a strawberry festival. Fact , however xtraordlimry. Lincoln's city council is actually going into the fcntival business. Messrs. Bushnell , Taco and Meyer were ap- minted as a committee to make the necessary arrangements and purchase the stuff. It can not help but prove amusing to see these stuiu , Uignillod gentlemen | n maid's aprons , lovcrmg over booths and raiting down the nickels and dimes. It may draw , too , for the gcntlomon are known to bo ladies' men , and vill not be surprising to see Lincoln's spin sters , from thirty to sixty , fair , plain , red uid pule , of every description , nil ( lock to the sale. The genius of the above enterprise is perplexing , but the council has engaged in a noble work and should ho encouraged , tt may be , by and by , that these enterprises will prove so taking thai they will be in stituted to raise money to pay our taxes. Hut this the city dads , In their wisdom , will have o determine upon by greater wealth of ox- loncnco. I Jut with the hope that something nay bo done to alleviate this class of suffer- ng , It will bo well to patronize the infant ef forts. Hat strawberries and cream with the city fathers , though they coat you 20 cents a lUli. _ _ Kniglits Templar nt York. A delegation of the Masonic fraternity , of Omaha , arrlvcd.in Lincoln this .morning en route lor York to cclebru'to with members of tbo order of the centennial of Washing ton's Inauguration as president of the United States. The party was Joined by u number of Lincoln Knights Templar , and It is learned that the combined company had a most enjoyable time. The citizens of York and especially .the brotherhood cave thorn a royal reception , and entertained them in a miinhcr eminently satisfactory. A Jollier party never left Lincoln foraday of pleasure and recreation. The PrcHH Kvourslon. Manager Wessel will isstto * a detailed circular , outlining the route of the Nebraska editorial excursion party , about the middle of may. Jt Is understood that the excursionist - ist will start directly after the Fourth of July. As yet , the route has not been fully determined upon , and Mr. Wcssol says will noOio until after , his visit to St. Paul , which ho will niako some time next week. In the Interest of the contemplated excursion. In thn event that the Yellowstone pjrlt visit falls through , another route will bo decided upon equally as attractive. "I propose , " says Mr.Vessol , "as chairman of tha com mittee , to make the editorial excursion trip of 1SSU the most Interesting and satisfactory of any over falcon t > y Nebraska knights of the quill. " _ Iteqiilsitimi 1'ainrs Issuoil. Nat SherrliiRton nml James McKco are held at Loon , Kan * . , on the charge of horse stealing and tha sheriff of Howard county Is there awaiting requisition papers from the governor , which were Issued yesterday , and they will shortly bo returned to the scono-of their crimes , where it is said Uiero Is nuf- Detent evidence to convict them , and if so they will do service behind iron bars for a term of years. _ City NIMVH nnit Notes. K. C. Hunt , of TUP. Unr. staff at Council Bluffs , la , , loft for home to-day after spend ing two or Mirco days with friends in this city. city.Hon. Hon. J. C. McIJrldo left for Kaunas City to-day on a business visit of some import ance. "If It work * , " ho sayB , "I will give thu public an important Item of news , " A company of Knight * of Pythias went to Oninha tit's afternoon at 'J o'clock to cole- brute , the evening. Hut if they surrounded thn metropolis of tbo Htato it was another case of one surrounding six. Lincoln boys do tholr level bebt to got there \\Uen away from borne. The ' 'government square , " in the after years , will blossom lluo the rose. Ex-Gov ernor Furna * ' trees have arrived , ana work men are engaged in replanting them. There are aoino over thrco hundred linn and elm , perhnus equally divided , and tbey are being artistically arranged. If the trees grow and do well the 'wuare' will become a perfect bower In a very few years. The opinion has boon freely expressed that the ilgbt fur the po tiaastcrakl | > herd has narrowed down between Dr. George U. Chapman and Judge Parker , with the chances pretty nearly divided. It is said that the guntlomca both have a very line cndsrsement. Even the most vigorous tin a hearty people have at times : i fooling of weari ness and lassitude. To dispel this feel ing take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla - rilla ; it will impart vigor and vitality. THE SIOUX INDIAN. 1lo\v Ho Lives ami What Ho Does A Few Anecdotes. CllAMnKRf.AtK , Dak. , April 27. [ Corres pondence of Tnr. BEI : . ] The Sioux Indians , as looked aX from the eastern view , are a race that IB greatly abused by the govern ment , but from the view taken by the west ern people , who have hud a chance to study their ways and habits , the only good Indian is the dead one. At the Lower Urulo agency there are about twelve hundred In dians supported m idleness by the govern ment , costing annually $150X)0. ( ) The great res orvation contains J4OOO.OX 0 acres of fine farming and grazing lands , an area nearly as largo as the state of Now York , and live times as great as Massachusetts , Inhabited by about twenty-three thousand Indians , or about as many people as live In two tene ment blocks iu Now York city. Thcso lauds are not used at all by the Indians , as the government furnishes them with provi sions , clothing , farm machinery ( vvlilcn they never use ) , cattle , horses and harness and , in fact , almost everything. In the wav of clothing the government furnishes line woolen blankets which cost uboilt Sl.RO apleco. As soon as the noble redman man gets bis blanket ho crosses the river to Chamberlain and sells It for from 75 cents to $1 ; the same Is also the fuct with cloth ing , thu most of the farmers dressing In waukapomnn , which Is the Sioux for govern ment goods. Major Anderson , the agent at Crow Creek , Is of the opinion that the Indians will never become civilUcd as Iqiig as the government supports them. Ho Is decidedly In fayorof the Indians taking their land In uovoralty , and for the government to furnish each family with a complete farm outfit , then toll them that they must support tlfoiuKclve.H.inul hu thinksthat when thuy see that the pov- ernmett UICUIIB business the Indian question will bo settled. The Indian buck scorns worlt and thinks that only the squnr.1 are made to work. A pretty good Illustration of this Is told by one. of the agency ofllcials. I give It as it was told to uii ) . "Last winter , as I was on my way to Hrulo Bottom , I run across a team of ponies trying to pull a largo lumber wagon up the hill , but it was too heavy for them nnd thu buck that was driving ordered hut two squaws out to help the ponies , but still they could not mike : it. I asked htm why ho did not go out and all the answer I received was a grunt. Finally , taking pity on the squawa , who were almost frozen , 1 added my rausclo to that of the squaws and ponies and we Du ally got the 'aoblo ' red man1 and his wugon to the top of the hill. " The Indians uro becoming civilUcd in ono respect , and that Is , instead of taking their dead and placing them In tbo tops ot trees for the birds to eat. they buy coftins and bury them the sumo as the white people. Not long ago Had Hand cuuiu into thu furniture store uiul wanted to see some coding. The dealer asked him whatsUo ! iu wanted , aud he point ed to bis chin and said "So big. " The coftln was nicked out and the Indian said be would call for it about 4 o'clock. That was thu lust that was hoard of him for a few days. When ho cumo to town ho wont to thu furniture store , nnd , taking the proprietor's watch , pointed to the figure four , ana said , "Pap- pooso died , " and then , pointing to twelve , ho mudo a motion that the heart aim pulse beat and eyes opened , and said , "Pappooso eat. " The conla was finally sold , as the Indian died for good a few days afterward. Another pretty good story is told oy a contractor , who had the contract * to build $ $0,000 worth of houses for the Indians. The bouses were all built , but the Indians did not move into them. Instead , thuy moved their teepees or tents next to the houses , aud dur- ine the winter they toro down and burned up all of the houses. Thfs hhows how much the Indians appreciate- what tha government does for them. They know that government will support them , aud a Ions. ua. it-dao , tncy win be u shiftless , lazy and uncivilized raw. Yl'INIMllM AVOHKINO. He Is r reparlnii His Brier on the Omnlin Postofllco She. WASIIIXOIOX , ApriltO. ! [ Special Telegram to Tun Bin : . ] Supervising Architect Win- driin returned from a trip to Philadelphia this morning and left again this afternoon for some other point on oftlcial business. Mr. Wlndrim said to Tim lir.i : correspond ent that ho had not yet complct > > d nis brief of the papers in relation to the Omaha ouild- uig site. "I am taking up each and every letter and telegram relating to the subject , " said ho , "and am Jotting down the points made in euun case together with the name of the writer , nnd the date of its receipt. This brief will be submitted , when prepared , to Assistant Secretaries Tichenor and Hatch- cllar. The thrco of us will thcu go over all the pros and cons and will submit the result to the secretary for his approval. "Aro wo to consider the decision in the Milwaukee case as establishing a precedent , " inquired TUB Hi'.r. correspondent , "that you will of necessity indorse the report of Mr. Linton ! " "By no means. " replied the supervising architect , "that has nothing whatever to do with the Omaha cane. It happened that in Milwaukee Mr. Linton's report was satisfac tory nil around. I cannot say how it will bo in Omaha. We may or may not follow his suggestions. " ' Have . \ou not yet mudo up your mind ono way or the othert" "I have not. I am absolutely unprejudiced up to the present time. " The use of A'ngostura Bitters excited the appctito and kcopb the digestive organs In order. Dr. J. G. B. Siogort & Sons , solo manufacturers. M all druggibts. Drowned by a Squall. MOXTUEVI. , April no. [ Special Telegram to Tin : HUB. I Twelve residents of the vil lage of St. Clothildo , one of them , Sancrcdo St. Ours , who Avas accompanied by Marie , bis little daughter , loft ln a small boat , yes- tenfay afternoon , to cross Nlcollot river to St. Anno. Whcityn the middle of the river the boat was overtaken by a squall and cap sized. All 'the occupants were thrown iuto the water. Jean Mnrlot and Ulrica Lalondo dropped off the side of the boat and disap peared before llOp | arrived , The others who clupg to the bdAt > Jvftlro saved. St. Ouisuml h's ' daughter wdre'separatcd ' from the others nnd were floating on two boards. Ono of tlicso drifted nwayinnd St. Ours , recognizing that the romalnliu ; float would not support both , pushed hjmsolf nway and was drowned. His daughter waa saved by the party who rescued thu otlicVs.t Hccclmm Pillsjcuros nervous and bllllousll Coal tar foi so o by the single barrel or in car load lota , , Address Sioux CITY GAS Hour Co. , " , Sioux City , la. OrniiK" Wlnf. There is u man in southern Florida who makes u dotieate wine out of oranges. His nrocoss is n secret which hu guards jealously. In flavor these wined , for tlioro nro two or threu va rieties , are like a line snutoruo. and ono * had the suggestion of white Rhino wiuo thivor in it. IIo has had made for the Paris exposition , to which ho sends DO me of his manufactures , bottles shaped like , oranges , with the leaves covering part of the fruit , the cork being mudo to imitate the stem. Catarrh cured , health and sweet breath bcctirod by Shiloh'd C'ntn'rrli Remedy. Prlco 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by Goouimtu Drujf Co . BBNPBBOEDENTED ATTRACTION V OVKH A MILLION Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated by the legislature in 1NH , to IMucittlon.il and Charitable purposes , and its franchise made a part of tlio present State Con- Htltutlon , In 1870 , by au overwhelming popular V < ' Its'MAMMOTH DRAWINGS take phxco SemiAnnually - Annually ( June anil December ) nnd in C KAN'l ) SINdl.KNUMIIttltDltAWINUS take place In each of thu other ten months ot the year , nnd are all drawn In public , at thu Academy of Music , New Orleans , J.a. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS. .For Integrity of Its Jrawiiifja and Prompt J'ai ) icHt of Prizes. ATTKSTKII AK rOI.IOWH : " \\'o do hcroliy ctrtlfy thuto hiipervlso the arrangements for all the Monthly unit Seml-An- mittl liiaulnpsof the l/iulshum btuto liolt'-ry Company , and In person mnnugn ami control tnu Drawings tbeniselvos , and that the o.imo nro conducted with honesty , fairness , aud In good faith toward all parties , ami wo authorize thu company to UBO thin crrtlllrntp , with facsimiles - similes of our signatures attached , In Its ndrer- tibi'menta. COMMIFSIONUIIS. We. the undersigned Han k.s nnd Hunkers , will pav all Prized drawn In the Louisiana Stain Lotteries which may bo presented at our coun ter * : It. M. WAr.MRI.TCV. Pres. Louisiana Nut. Hank PIKItlU : I.ANAMX. Pros. State Nat. llnnk. A. IIAI.DWIN , I'res Now Orleans Nat. Hank CAHI , KOIIN. Pros Union National Hank. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING , At the Academy of Music , Now Or leans , Tuesday , May 14th , 1889. CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000 100,000 Tickets nt Twenty Dollars each' Halves. $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenths , 82 Twentieths , $1. I PHI/H OK f.ttXi.liOJ la . 1 I'HI/.i : ( I ! ' ICO.IKK ) la . . . . . Jdll.OOO 1 I'HI/i : OK MUOOia . HW3 , 1 pitr/.i : OK avid i IH . vo ) 2 PiM/K-i OP IO.IXMN . yu.ixn r > IMU/.KS OK rtojis , . 2.-.or S'i Piti/.r-s OK j.umiirt . u.-jw ( IWl PHI/.KH OK MUnre . WI.OOI tsx ) I'lU/lW OK ; wxinru . ( m.niw CW I'ltl/.KS OK I'lWnro . Iwi.tXX ) AI'I'IIOVIMT1ON I'ICI/.KS. inopiizflior fcvwaru . $ fio.an IU ) Prizm of 'aware . : u > ,003 lOOPnzesof axiare . 30m ( < ) TIIIIMIN.U , I'UI/l.H. OKI Prizes otJIO I urn . KK'.UOO WO Prizes of Jioa are . | iy.KJO ( ; U'M Prizes , amounting to . , , . II.054.HIO NOTB 'i leket * drawing Capital Prizes ore not entitUul tottrmliial prlzftt. lTcui CI.UH KATKH.or any furtner Informa- ion deslriMl , write luulbly to the undersluncil clearly Mai Inn your roililtmcc , ulth tUuttt.Coun ty. Kliuet nnd NuuiDfr. Moru rapid return mail delivery u 111 be assured by your enclosing an envelope bearing your fall ui IMPORTANT Address M. A. DAUPHIN , NeivOilentu , I. . r M. A. DAUPHIN. Wnshlngton , I ) , fl. ItyordlnnrylvttercoatnlnliiKlVlonoy Order Issued by all Express Coniiunlin | , New Vorlc I'.xcliango , Draft or Postal Note. Wo pay har BOS on Currency * cnt to us by i'x- pro s In sums of $5 or over. Addncs Hegls eed Letten Containing Cur * reny to NK\V \ OUUIANH NATIONAL IIANIC New Orlonus , IM. REMEMBER ' ltB IST tS niniiANTiKii itr f'ouii NATIU.VAI. HANKS of Nuw Orleans and thn tickets are oluned ) > y the I'rrsldent ' of an Institution \\lio * ( ) chin tared in hluhest co\in * : there- , licwBre of ull Imllutiona or anonymous achemi'H. " OS I' DOI.LAU It tha price ot the smallest part or f rac-Hon uf a ticket ISdUBD IIY US In nuy ilniMlng. Anything In our namftolTm-il fur lei * b un ouc dollar u uuwludi * . IMPORTERS ' JOBBERS FISHINg METALS , TACKLE , NAILS , SPORTIKO HOUSE GOODS , FURNISHIHQ LAMPS , GOODS , QLASSV/ARE 18 , 20 , 22 , 24 , 26 , 28 , 30 AHD 32 LAKE STREET , CHICAGO , ILL. GWIN & DUNMIRE , to ,1. J. Ilardau , Sportin GoodsHeadq uarters JL CJ J- 1O1 S. 13th St. , Corner Dodge Street , Omaha. Guns , Ammunition , Fishing- Tackle , Lawn Tennis , Base Hall , General Athletic and Sporting goods. All kinds of repairs. Send for Catalog tie. _ STRANG & CLARK STEP HEATING 00 , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. . Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Hardware and Cutlery , Mechanic * ' 'looln , Vlneftronzo Hulldor.i' ( ] ooli : ami liii.'fitlii 1405 Douglas St. , Omaha. Sleek Piano Konmrknhle for powerful fiyinpathetlu tone , plinhlo aellnn nnd absolute dura- hility ; SO years' record the host gimr < in- teaof the excellence of those Instru ments. WOQDBRIDGEBROS , , . , „ , EXTRACT of MEAT. f-'InmamlctieaiHMt Alunt KlnTourliiKl-lock fnrfuup * Mnila Dliliei unit h ii"n . A UoefTua. "nil tnvalui bis tonic. " A ununl ittlo d.'W.'JU ' ' Jan , lilif lnilleot 3n lu lue tcrow l.it-ol. holrt br blorukueptn , ( Jr cr nd l > ruital < ti. ' UKHtO'H KXTUALT \ M KAT tl ) . . L'M. l.onO yUI br lllcn ru ou Jr Co , u < t WlnVe.Uruc * Jt Healt i is Wealth Dn. K , t ; . Wiisr'KiVKiiVK AVO HIIAIK ntHT , n Kuarantoed bpocltlc for Ifyeterlu. Dizxl- nHd , 'VmviiNlonx. Kits , Nt-rvoiw Nruruli a , lleaaacliu. Neiroun I'ro.stratlon caiued brtha iiHuofnh'oholi.r tohnoto.Vakufuliie < i t Mi-ntu ! DdpipRitlon. KofionltiK nt the llialn ri' uilnK | lu Insanliy nml leading vi inUery , dtu-ay nnd ilcath. PrumuturoOUl AK . llnrrennmi * , I/OM ol j'ower in citl.rr K X. involuntary \iOttot mid Hperiuntorrluca rnuxed by ov r-nxi > iii < ia of tun nraui , Biural'iiio or over imlulufnco , I'.urU box contains on" month's tronlinent , II A l > or , or six bo3 for * ' ' , Bent by mall propiUd "n re- rlpt ofprlr * . WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cnroany easo. With each oruer riwcn'eii l y iu for Mix boiCH , arcoiuiianlcd with f > , uf will send the purchaser our written fjiunintea U ru- fund thu money It tlio tituttii iU does not tl ct a rule. Uuaraiitcc.n Uxtivit only by ( loodinan lrn ) co. . l > riiK lHt > , Polo Auenu. Hlo K rnam Htreet Oinnha ob. It r pcneuca ; butmoii guuur " ' "I