THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY MAY 1. 1839. THE DAILY BEE. KVHHV MOHN1NO. TERMS osUIJ8CHIPTIONi Dnlly ( Mornlnc Kdttlon ) Including BUNDAT HrVono Yrar . . v . For Six Month * . . . . S J XorThrco Months. > . . . . . . . . 2W THIS OHIHA 8IWHAT IUK , mailed to nny nailriss. One Ycnr . . . zoo Wr.KKLT liKEOno Voar . 2 J OMAHA OrncB.Nog.nHnml fid KAnNAMBTiiBET. HOOKBIir HlHMllNfl. ClIICAOOOmOB , MK N"w ronK Orwcis. ItooMsM ANI > 15 Tiiiniwii IIUIMitNO. WASHINGTON OrVlCB , NO. 613 FOUKTKKSTII HTIIKKT. COIUIESI'ONDKNCK. All commnnlcntlons relating to n w nnd cA\- \ lorlal matter nhoulu be addressed to the KUITOU should bo AH tnmlnoM lettora and remittances addressed to TUB IIKR I'tim.tsiiiJW OOMPAXV , OUAIIA. Draft * . checks nnd postofliceorrtcra to bo raado payable to the order of the company. fte Bee PQWishiDgCipany , Proprietors , E. ROSEWATER , Editor. .Notice to ARentH nnil Subscribers. 1 n order to successfully rectify nny fault In the delivery of paper * , It Is absolutely neces sary that we know the date on which papers were late or mlssliiR. If late. Rlvo the time nnd train on which TUB HKI : Hhould have reached your town. Also state from what direction , so that \vo can locate the trouble and apply the proper remedy. Papers are frequently carried by n town through the carelessness of the route agents , nncl when this occurs , wo can , v Ith full information , place the blame where It belongs. Wo will consider It a favor If agents and HUD- acrlberH will notify us nt once when Inn HER falls to reach them promptly. THE OAIijY BI2E. Rworo Bintcinont of Circulation. " Btato of Ncbra'ka , I- , County of Douglas , | % ncorR&H.Tzsrhtick , secretary ofTho Ueo Pub- llslilimConin.i ny , does .solemnly swear that the acHial circulation of TUB DAILY DKK for the week ending April ST. 188'J. was as follows : Fundar. April ai . IWi Monday. April S3 . IH.ftTU Tuesday. AwlISI . IK.Wi Wednesday. April 2J . IWWI Thursday. April 23 . , . .W > 07 Friday. April - ' . If.MH Baturilay. April 27 . 1H.MI7 AvcniRO. . ' . . . . . .8.010 UEOUOK 11. T/.8CIIIH3K. B worn to before mo nnd subscribed to In my rrrntncu this 27th day-ot April. A. 1) . ItW'J. S nl. N. 1' . VK1U Notary Public. State of Nebraska , ) „ County of Douglas , f " ( Jeorgo II. Tzscnuck , being duly sworn , do- pobes and says that he Is secretary of tno Hen Publishing company , that the actual averngo dally circulation of TUB DAILY llur. for the month of April. 1BW , 18.7H copies ; for May , 1H83. 18,18) ) copies ; for .lune , 188H , ioaii : copies : for July. I8W , 18 , n cepioi ; for AURiist , UWi , 18.1S1 copies : for September. ISS3. 18li ! copies ; for October. 1888. coptoi ; for November , 18JW , ] 8i8rt copies ; for Dpcembor , 18HS , 1H , 1 copies ; for January , IB O , 18fi74 copies ; for February , If 89. 18,1MJ copies ; for March , isjii ) . 11.IB4 copies. nKoiuiR ii. T/.soirmic. ! Sworn to before me and subscribed In my ptesence this luth day of April , A. I ) . , 1889. N. P. nll. . Notary 1'nhlle. Tin : South side still awaits Iho coming of tlioso promised street car Hues. THIS military , nnvnl and ci'ic dom- otistnUioii in Now York City waH in every respect worthy of the pi-cat occa sion which called it forth. Tan czar has found threatening let ters on hig table. There is evidently a loud call for civil service reform in the departments of his household. A CHAPLAIN of the legislative assem bly o ? Arizona has returned his salary to the conscience fund. . Is Arizona try ing to bribe her way into the union by such methods ? FIIIST it was Minneapolis to inaug urate a street car strike , and novr it is St. Paul to enjoy another. It is nip and Juck which of those shall take the lead from day to day. IT is highly significant that the pro hibition nmcnutnont recently submitted to the voters of Massachusetts is the first constitutional amendment over re jected in that state. TIIK council should make provisions for the immediate printing in pamphlet form of the amended charter for the lionefit oT city officials , taxpayers and citizens in general who find it ncces- Bury to consult thafdooumont. TUB rapid extension of railroads in the west is aptly illustrated in the number of miles of railroad constructed and in operation in Montana. Three trans-continental lines drain that territory , with an aggregate of nearly two thousand miles , and' ' every county sent but throe has railroad con nections with those trunk lines. Yet is said to lack sufficient rail road facilities. THKIIK has not boon a single case where law-breaking railroad olllcials have boon punished under the penalties Imposed by the intor-stato law. This , too , in the face of the fact that Judge Cooley , of the commission , has given duo warning that the time for leniency had passed and penalties would bo in flicted. It romaids toQbo seen whether the commission will carry out its throat , now that evidence is conclusive that certain railroads in Chicago nro puilty of gross infractions. IT 13 now definitely announced that the Council Bluffs and Omaha Clmutau- ciua assembly will open Its first session Juno 18 and close July 4 , on the beauti ful grounds now being laid out in Coun cil Bluffs. An attractive and instructive programme is being prepared for the cession , nnd the prospects are that the Benson will bo a success in every par ticular. It behooves the people of Western Iowa and Eastern Nebraska to lend their aid to this enterprise. It is to them that the managers of the pro- .jcct look for encouragement , and plans r ehould bo laid- now to attend the first Cession to in onljr encourage the Chuutiiuquu and foster its growth. THIS golden gate special between Omaha and Sun Pranciscoit would uoein , fs to bo supplanted by a now overland pasbongor train which is to nmUo fast time between ocean nnd ocean. It i ? proposed that a train leaving San Fran- . .clseo slum arrive at Omaha in throe days , in Chicago in throe days arid nineteen hours , and in New York in four days nnd twenty-one hours. Such & fust transcontinental service lias not licou attempted heretofore , and its suc cess will bo watched with no little In terest in railroad el roles. But while an overland fast train may at first bo more in the nature of an experiment , the era pf slow trains and improper accommo dations is past. The Union Pacific has pivou its a sample of luxurious traveling , and it may bo depended upon that the public will insist upon the best nil latest improved train service be tween Omaha anil San FrnncUco'In the Jutura. AX ELOQUENT ORATIOX. The speech of Hon. Chauncoy M. Dopow in Now York , yesterday , was eminently worthy of the great occasion. It was truly the greatest effort of his life. Clonr-cilt , eloquent and historical , it places him in the front rank of Amer ican orators. Delivered under the shadow of the statue of Washington , nnd surrounded by an eager multitude- of patriotic people , ho fulfilled the ex pectations of his hearers and readers nnd con firmed the wisdom of his selec tion. tion.Tho The occasion did not domnnd grand flights of oratory. The simple story of the struggles of the founders of the republic , without ndornmont , is in it self , the grandest chapter in human history. Ills the beacon of liberty , illuminating the paths of the oppressed In all lands , nnd emphasizing the axiom that "ho who would bo free must strike the blow. " Mr. Dopow traced in eloquent words the mighty , el niggle of the infant colonies against Great Britain , the darkness nnd despair which at times enveloped the conti nentals , the hardships nnd privations endured that freedom might live , and the sacrifices cheerfully made that the now world might enjoy the blessings of a government by and for the people. It is a story a century old , but can not bo told too often. In the wild , nervous rush of modern life wo arc apt to forgot the men and moans by which America achieved its peerless position among the nations of the earth , and overlook the patriotic devotion of those who threw llfo and property around the infant nation. Their valor is a model , their lives nn inspiration for the people of to-day. In character nnd deeds they will live unrivalled In the history of the world. Surrounding the grand central figure of Washington , they form a- picture of unselfish devotion , of generous - erous sacrifice , of valor in Hold and forum * and of civil and religious lib erty , which will forever remain the admiration of mankind. EXTRA SESSION" TALK. Reports proceeding from Washington regarding an extra session of congress , to bo called probably in October , con tinue to bo made , though there Is noth ing more definite upon which to base them than the general proposition that a special session will bo necessary In order to prevent any delay in organiz ing the next congress , which , owing to the small republican majority nnd the number of , candidates for the speaker- ship may bo a good deal of a struggle. It is felt to bo desira ble that the organization of the house , HO far nt least as the election of a speaker is concerned , ought to bo effected in advance of the regular session , and doubtless this is the correct view. With the house fully organized before the meeting in De cember , it would bo in a position , when the regular session begun , to imme diately take hold of the economical questions which it will bo peculiarly the duty of the next congressjto deter mine , nnd which it is desirable for all interests shall bo settle' ! as speedily ns possible. The adminis tration has not thus far found the surplus especially perplexing. It is dealing with the matter intelligently , and to the advantage both of the treas ury and the public interests , but it is quite possible that it may encounter ob stacles in the future , and hence the im portance of congressional action that will proscribe n , regular and safe course. There is reason to believe that Presi dent Harrison fully appreciates the de mands of the situation , and that ho acquiesces in the view of Senator Allison and other leading re publicans regarding the expediency of calling an extra session at least in Octo ber. There does not appear to bo any danger to the finances of the country between now and then resulting from nn accumulation of the surplus , as it aupears to bo the purpose of the admin istration to handle the financial affairs of the government so that the interests of business shall not suffer , but at the same time there is an evident desire to avoid all unnecessary delay on the part of the next congress in rearranging ing the fiscal system on a basis that will be permanent at least during the present administration. A more or less prolonged discussion will bo neces sary to accomplish this , and hence the expediency of gaining time for this arid other matters of practical legisla tion by calling nn extra session , in which the house will at least bo enabled to complete Us organization. BItlQK Brick pavement is rapidly coming into use in a number of western cities. Several streets in Lincoln and Beatrice were paved with this material last year and the results have boon satisfactory , although the tralllo * on streets thus paved was not sulllciont to thoroughly test 10 durability of the material. The great objection to brick is tno fact that the article used in western .cities will chip al the edges under heavy tralllo. Once brolcon the mater ial is soon ground into duo powder , which is wafted about by the winds in disagreeable clouds. On the ether hand the vitrified lira brick used in a score of eastern cities has riuccossfully proved its utility and durability. Hy draulic testa made at Pittsburg and Cincinnati show that vitrified brick resib'tcd a pressure of KG.OOO pound ) ] , while similar cubes of granite from different quarries was crushed nt pres sures ranging from 17,000 to . .0,000 pounds. A two-inch square cube of seasoned oak was crushed with a pres sure of lii.OOl ) pounds. The Ohio Yulley .l/miii/Kcfio'fr vigor ously afouils and rofutns the assertions of Mr. John Grant , recently published in Til ic Iticic that brick 'pavement was a failure in all cities where it had been used , Mr. Grant quoted Washington , San Francisco , Gnlcsburg , 111. , SCanosvlllo and Stoubonvlllo , O. , 'nnd Lincoln , Nob. , ns cities where brick pavement had prayed a lumontablo fail ure. The Jfyaii/icc/wtr assorts that there was not a yard nor u brick , of the vitrified clay brick , laid in either of the * > o cities , and olulmtj that Grant grossly mUsuvtod the facts in rojgml to. Zunouville , Stoubenvillo and Younge- town. Zanesvillo uses vitrified fire brick and is Incrcrfblug her urea largely each year. Her peonlo nro entirely satisfied with it and will have no othor. In Youngstown , n largo section of brick pavement was torn up bocnuso the material wns soft nn a porous nnd vitri fied llro brick substituted , Steubon- villo has experimented with brick pave ment for five years nnd the results have been BO satisfactory that the entire city will bo paved with that material. There Is no reason to doubt that vltrllled fire brick Is one of the coming paving materials. The fncb that the boards of public works of Buffalo , Cleveland , PittsburgTolcdonndPhila delphia have recommended it is strong proof of its durability. Philadelphia will lay 6,000,000 , fire brick in the streets this year. The material is cheaper In those cities than grnnlto or cobble stones , makes an oven surface , nnd relieves t.ho residents of the deaf ening rattle of trafilc on hard , uneven pavomants. The property owners on several streets in Omaha nro now investigating the advantages of brink for pavement , and , in all probability , some sections of. the city will bo paved with that ma terial this year. It is important , there fore , that the best material should bo selected. If brick of the required hard ness can bo produced at homo nt reason able cost , it would bo to the interest of the city to encourage and patronize the industry. Any material which will overcome the mania for wooden blocks would bo a deliverance from decay and dry rot which false economy has spread over miles of the best streets in the city. TnnBKK docs not want to bo understood as recommending vitrified brick for pavements , but considers it worthy of an experiment. LOCAL TRAINS. The Union Pacific has acted wisely in deciding to have a local passenger train between Columbus and Omaha , with connection nt Valley with the Omaha & Republican Valley traina from the Stromsburg district , If it is their intention to also have a train from Beatrice , reaching hero in the forenoon , it will make the situation still better. In this connection , if they will run their freight and live stock trains on the Omaha & Republican Valley road , so they will arrive hero early in the mornincr , in time for the daily South Omaha market , and have them leave hero'at night , It will give the business men In the country a chance to como in nnd sell their grain , produce , cattle nnd hogs in the forenoon and buy dry goodssalt , lumberandother necessary articles during the day , with plenty of time to reach their homes at night. The freight trains leaving hero in the evening will carry their pur chases , in time to reach them early the next morning eaily enough to sell them during the day. This is of the greatest importance to our friends in the country , especially on Saturdays , when the farmers "come to town" to do their weekly trading. * Some complaint might arise about the mails , but this is of no consequence when they run against the laws of commerce. The local passenger train referred to , will bo convenient for ladies to do their shopping , and others seeking the amuse ments of the city , such as the matinees , base ball games , celebrations , etc. To accommodate these the return trip to Columbus , Stromsburg , and ether places should bo hold sufficiently Into to enable these throngs to reach the trains. If it ib not the intention to extend the train to Grand Island , by arranging the trains on the Norfolk , Albion , and Cedar Rapids branches at Columbus , and the branch lines at Grand Island , so they will reach Columbus and Grand Island in the forenoon and return at night , it will enable those two flourish ing cities to become important trade and travel centers for the surrounding dis tricts , with Omaha as the principal base of supplies. But under all circumstances the live stock trains on tlioso branches should bo run at convenient hours for the South Omaha markets. In a short time this will require an extension of the train service to a convenient connection with Omaha , if it is not immediately neces sary. On the Fremont & Elkhorn Valley railroad the run can bo conveniently made from Hustings , Norfolk , Oakdnlo , via Albion , Geneva and Crolghton. So all of these trains can roach Omaha by noon , picking up their passengers on the way , and distributing them at night on the return trip. As it is , the Lincoln & Norfolk train arrangements are ex cellent , reaching Omaha at 10:15 : a. in. and returning at 6:15 : p. m. The local train service on the St. Paul & Omaha road is no accommoda tion at all beyond Blair. There ousrht to boa train from Sioux City , Hnrting- ton , Randolph and ether places Into Omaha every morning not later than 11 o'clock , leaving hero on the return trip about 0 p. m. When this is done nnd the trains made permanent , with the people in di rect communication with their princi pal home market at Omaha , tiie inter vening country will settle up rapidly and the agitation for building n rival road will cease. On the Missouri Pacific the train ser vice is worse than useless. There is no reason why it should not bo nn good at Omaha us it is at Atchison , Lonvon- worth and Kansas City. Wo fail to eeo why these cities should bo built up at the oxpcnso of Omaha. If the manage- in out will put on a train from Falls City , with Lincoln and Nebraska City con nections , reaching Omaha in the fore noon , nnd returning at night , with freight and live stock trains at con venient hours , the Missouri Pacific will find n bag of gold jit the end of ouch run , nnd they will need no spectacles to IIml it. Thosu local trains are the foundation of the prosperity of Omaha and the west. Just so fast as circumstances per mit they'ought to be extended in every direction , and by all moans , when the most convenient hour is selected , they should bo run without chungo from year to year. Tins Sioux City Joimi'il struggles la boriously through a column of asser tions nnd contradictions to provu that the thrifty hamlet of northwestern Iowa holds the Icoy to the business of north Nubrtukk , and that it la useless for Omaha to claim any business relation with that s6ciWn. This very generous nnd unselfish advice comes from a source which evinces alarm lit the revival of the Omnlm "iiinkton railroad echomo. Whllo SlouxXIHjfiis wasting breath in a. vain effort /uinlsh a market fjn1 the products of the tl rlvfng Missouri rlvor counties , OnlajnJ3 ( turning their pork nnd boot nml ornjinlo cash , and supply- Incr the people vltli manufactured neces saries nnd luxnclci of life. And this city will conUuuftto supply nlno-tnnths of the business of that region. Even if Omaha could bo shut out of northeast Nebraska tfyV'ivny possible com- iqnallon , the enterprising people ple [ of Norfolk would drive Sioux City out of the Hold. The former possesses the capital , the energy and the grit to pot there' , while Sioux City's enterprise is limited to n mad desire to consume Covlngton whisky. There is no danger that the latter will make much progress In Nebraska. Aslongns the barrels nnd kegs nro Mowing on the west banks of the river , she will tarry thuro and soak herself. IT is a terrible story of disappoint ments , hardships and Impositions which Tim BKK'Jspecial correspondent graph ically describes In Oklahoma. But that is just what might have been expected. When men go crazy over n wildcat scheme'whether it bo in farm lands , mining enterprises , or town lots , there nro tons of thousands of dupes who sac rifice their nil to one individual , who makes a stake on the venture. From the first the Oklahoma movement was badly managed. But , worse than this , the soil is unlit for agriculture , the cli * mute Is bad , and the chances for an hon est man to got a foothold among desper adoes and land-grabbers is small indued * All this was sot forth through the press of the country. The leading papers took pains to spread the news that Okln- liomn was no land flowing with milk and honey. The man who loft a com fortable homo to take his chances in that wilderness has , therefore , no one but himself to blame for his foolhardi- ncss. TIIK phcnominal growth and wealth of Dakota in the last decade excite < s the admiration of the country. The total valuation of property in Dakota as shown by the assessment roll for 1883 amounts to one hundred and sixty-one millions , five hundred thousand dollars. Four thousand , throe hundred miles of railroad and ether property in the ter ritory belongiKg"to the railroads with a valuation of ov3r forty millions are not assessed and arc not included in the property valuation , since railroads are taxed upon their gross earnings. But taking the property valuation ns re turned in the a ses ors' books , which is about two-thirds' of its true value , it would bo no exaggeration to estimate the wealth of Dakota at a round three hundred and twenty-live millions. Tin : determiniltib'n of the Union Pa cific to put'on additional daily local trains between Omaha1 and Coiumbus \Yill bo highly tuvnrpciato.d by tjio puo- ' plc along th'o'rJad'ils f-ell as at Omaha. There is cveryTdason. to believe that the company wilf be encouraged by the local trallic to extend this service at least as as Grand Island. This would enable the people along the line fora distance of a hundred and fifty miles west to como to Omaha , transact their business and return homo the same day. The constantly growing relations between the cities nnd the metropolis of the state will soon make such local accommodation trains an ab solute necessity , and the example set by the Union Pacific will bo followed by all other roads cuntoiing at Omaha. WHILK PennsylVanians wcrocngagod in giving practical significance to Arbor day , last week , the legislature seriously discussed a , bill which , if it becomes a law , will level the remaining pine and hemlock forests of the state. The bill proposes to place all streams not exceed ing twenty miles in length in the cate gory of navigable highways , for the purpose of floating saw lojrs to the mills. The destrue'tivo floods which have rav aged the Allegheny valleys in the past years Is a warning that should bo heeded. If the destruction of forests is not checked , the consequences will bo serious , if not destructive , to the inter ests of the people. THE importance of Seattle and Tacoma - coma us shipping points , duo to natural advantages , has seriously nffcctol Port land. A largo part of the crons of Washington territory chat formerly was shipped through Portland finds its 'way now through Tacoma and Seattle. The railroads , moreover , bring the bulk of the ores from the. , mines , tljo lumber from the forests and the products of the canneries to these enterprising .citie in preference to Portland where they are transferred to vessels and trans ported to sea. Don't Compute U'ltli the Panama. ( Vifffluo Tribune. The Eiffel towar if n tall affair , but when ' Its allltudo Is coui'prarcd wltb the elevation to which the I'iiuiuiia caiml seliomo lias boon knocked it ttimply.hjokij sick. The i Oklahoma nocds .nothing now but a high fcnco and nn an mini appropriation to miiko it one of the most dousuly nopulntcd Insane asy lums of this or any'ptlicr tlino. " "m - i Gcncnl"uy oj'tho I ) tide , Tray Ttints. Budos , so far nsfcaA bo definitely ascer tained , nro the clfildrcn of that numerous class of wumon Who'.iipdUlo pot dogs nnd turn their own progbny'ovur to hired nurses. I'rolmtily a CHHU of ClitM/jtt Tribune. "Wore there any deadly weapons con cealed about lilini" inquired the coroner. "Nothlu but this , " replied ttiu witc s. And amid the profound aliened of the spectators he nlaccd a Husk of Iowa whisky on the table. Wiltin' tftw Yin I , Tiinet , "Missouri is not In the habit of voting tlto republican tlclfot , " sai s the Chicago Times , Most assuredly not. Hut it does not follow that she will not accept republican ofllcos. This is an oraot K'jod fueling. The campaign is over. Plcusu puss the plo. ' 'llioBpeclm Orelliiow to Malk. SI. 1'nd * ( iti > ltlci > iuti\i ( . At the bcfluuiug of the present adminis tration tliu democratic papers expressed a Brent deal of fcnr that Mr. lilnlno vrouli have too nnich control of It t now they nr < nr.pry because ha docs not control It cnougl to suit their interests ana purposes. f i MA.Y DAY 1MI31UUMI2NT. Richmond Dispatch ; It is expected thtv during the next few days the bury crop it Oklahoma will bo large and varied. Blmplmmpton Republican : A critic think ! the "art of writing poetry Is In decay. " II ho menus modern poetry is mostly rot wo vote nj'o. Tlmo : Harry "Say , fellers , lot's play cop Toni'll bo cop nnd try to nrrest us for fight Ing. " Tom "AH right. Where's a place foi mo to hide till the lighting's overt" Itoftton Pest ! Stern parent ( to n young np pi I emit for hi * daughter's band ) "Vounc man , can you support n family I" Young mnn ( meekly ) "I only wanted Sarnh. " Munscy'A Weekly : At the opera : Wll klnsby'B wife Why do they call the yrhnu donna the diva , George 1 Wilkmsby j know , unless It Is because she Isn't nfrnld tc Jump Into tno high C. Epoch : Ueggnr "I'leane give mo n dime , Do not judge mo by present appearances , bill remember I once did business with Jnj Gould. " Citizen "I believe you , my man , ] believe you. Hero's a dollar. " Terre Haute Express : The .voting married bonn\er I really believe that Mrs. Smith thlnlcB more 01 Unit , dog than slio does of hot poor little baby. The old bachelor boardot --Well , I don't blntno her a bit. He's n nice , ( itilel kind of a dog. Yankee Hludo : Young Wife I p.ut a pan of cnkc 1 hnd Just miulo onho back porch to cool off , and a tramp came iilong nnd stole It. Dyspeptic Husband Arc you sure It was n tramp who stele 1U "Yes ; why 1" "O , 1 thought it might have boon an escaped luna tic. " Traveler's Weekly : Jonas Shnrpwlt "Mr. Van ICnott , I hnve been looking nt the hands of tliu old clock In your hull nnd hnvo discovered n remarkable resemblance to Washington in them. " Van Knott "Indeed 1 How sol" Shnrnwit "Both Wore once in revolution. " Epoch : "Bromley , my serial story came back yesterday. " "What ! After keeping It three years ! " "Yes , nnd it wasn't rca.1 , for * I hnd purposely pasted some of the pages to gether. The editor kept my stamps and sent the MSS. by express at my expense. " "And you're not hopping mad ? " "Xo. I'm thank ful ho didn't charge mo storage. " New York Tribune : Friend By the way how is yoiu- novel selling ] Aspiring young author It isn't selling nt all. The critics killed it. "I am surprised to hear that , I didn't suppose they could say anything tigainst it. " "That is just the trouble. They nil united In saying that every one should read it on account of Its lofty moral tcach- te.ichings. " NR'n HEALTH. The AnxIPtlcH nnd Cares of Onlec Painfully Evident. Niw YOIIK , April 30. [ Special Telegram to THE Br.i.J : The Herald's Washington dis patch bays : Secretary Blulno went out driv ing for a little while Monday afternoon with his wife. He was well wrapped m a corner of the close carriage , with u big plnld rug foldedsnugly about him and a comfortable soft hat pulled down over his forehead. Ho looked bad , nnd the increased pallor of his fncc shows the pain ho has suffered. The conllnement of the last four days has had a marked effect. When he came here early in the1 winter Mr. Blnino took long xvalks every day , and did little driving. Since ho en tercel the Btato department all that has been changed. Ho is no longer able to indulge in the necessary exercise of walking. Ho 1ms driven to the department between 10 and 11 every morning nnd loft it Into in the afternoon. Generally Mrs , Bluinn bus joined him for u drive , from which they would return by t ! o'clock. For the last month ho has found It necessary , often alighting from the carriages to pace rapidly up and down Fifteenth street for a square erse so near his hotel to quicken the circulation of the blood in his limbs. Mr. Blaine takes every precaution in regard to his health , nnd ho submits every day to the viRorous treat ment of a massage rubber , and Is ns limber ns an nthelote after it , only to find n few hours later that its good effects gradually lessen. A HACK HOW. All Incipient Jtlot Between Soldiers nnd Neuron * in New York. New YOIIK , April 30. 'Special Telegram to TUB 13KU.1 While President Harrison was shaking hands in the Equitable building yesterday afternoon , some colored citizens in the neighborhood of Woostcr and Houston streets , celebrated the , day by thumping Pennsylvania soldiers over the head , and for a while it looked as if the glorious anniver sary would end in a miscellaneous riot. Tha trouble nroso out of u casual remark of nn enthusiastic private from Cline county , Pennsylvania , whoso company is quartered with many others in the largo building ut at O roc n and Houston streets. Ho accosted a colored damsel and she , taking offense , a brawny champion with a Int the slio nnd color of u smoked ham , invited the soldier boy to battle. They went at. it In n lively fashion , give and take. Sympathizers of both men miulo up the largo crowd which col lected about them and several outsldo wrangles were the result. The soldier's comrades , hearing that ho was being mill- treated , swarmed out of their quarters nnd charged the crowd surrounding the lighters. The negro lighter was hustled into a house by his friends and It looked for a moment us If thosoldlerf ) would Btorm tho'place. The counsels of policemen t availed nnd what might have been u riot was averted. The mill lasted twenty-nine minutes. - TIIK UNIOrt DKl'OT. Vine i'rugldctiit llolcninb SpeulllcH the Terms nnd Details. „ , Vice President Holcotnb , of the Union Pu- cllio returned from Boston yesterday where ho wns In attendance nt the annual meeting of the stockholders and directorate or the Union Pncillc and also of a meeting between the representatives of the Burlington - ton mid Union Pacific , called in connection with tlio union depot project for Omaha. As recants the depot project ho said : "All tno pruliminaiics for the build Ing of the depot by the Burlington and Union Pacitlo at thts placeinivc buon arranged. The presidents of the two corporations were to Imvo met In Boston Monday to conclude final arrangements. The provision In the agreement Is for the rlty of Omaha to construct a viaduct along Tenth street , to. guttler with npproaches , If the city will do this then the depot will be built , As soon as the deal Is consummated , under Instructions , I will submit the viaduct project to the city council urn ! let It go before the people , If we agree in this oil Iowa lint's will bo Invited to enter Omatm over our bridge cither on a pro rntupralo or on u rental basin , 1 HID of the opinion that every thing will result Hatisfticlorily. " As rogrtrda the stzo anil location of the structure , Mr. Holcombo confirmed the statements of J. H. Cameron published in TUB BIH of Friday , the depot to cost ? l.V)0,0. > : > ; lo be tnrco storius high ; of brick with stone fuclngs ; li'JS feet In length unK to bo erected on the present ito of the Union 1'ucillo depot. Mr. Holcombo uiso.stated that additional land to the extent , of WO.UOH . , would have to bo acquired for terminal facilities , TliU la in the Immediate neigliDornood 01. tno freight yard. To Bo Trioil I'or Murdar. Robert Binitli , a brakcman on the B. & M. railroad , who killed n man .named Sullivan t > y throwing him from u froicht train , wus taken from the county ) a" yesterday to PjpilUou , wtiuro he will go on tilal to-day for murder , before Judge CirotT. That bucking conj ; hcanbo soqulckly cured by Shllon's Cure. We it. For sale by Goodman Drujj ( Jo. TO PURIFY AND BEAUTIFY TUB SKIN Simply Ig/allible. / DAuanrnn , CECILIA IWUXOM ) , w t afflicted with the ont cana of eczema ever rocn by the iloolor * ] \ who treated her. Bho wns literally vA covered from head to foot with jj-nln. Thwo pliytloUni tried their lent lo euro her , but I bcllcvo they wera only experimenting. Tliey lept on experimenting for over ten roonllm , but , Instead Of pitting better , the child got worte , n J I did not know what count to pnnuo. My wlfo took her , nftcr wo h d paid all wo could afford for medical IrcAlmcnt , to A medlral college nbero there wcro eomo twenty or thirty doctors M- ' bul U' ° tafflrt them her did not Iiaro time to act , even It there win any virtue In II , It wns changed no often by onleri of the doctors. The latter part of January , after every thing had failed , and patience and money vrcro both extmuitcd , I mmlo up my mind to quit nil doctoring nnd try tlm CUTICUIU Iir. rniit9. I did no , and now I can nay that my daughter Is cured , aound In health , and welt , to the surprise ot hundrt9i. The drnggM , Mr. II , M. Krueger , corner Clntiteau ami Jtwlng Avenues , who aold u Ihn ClTiecnA HcMmiES , In an much aitonlxhcd as any of u . The Curt. cunA Ilr.vr.Dir.4 haov6tl.ed n complete- cure , and wo hive used but a little moro than thrco fourtha of n bottle of CUTICUIU UKSOMNSXT , nnd n proportionate amount of CUTIOUIIX nnd CUTICUIU SOAP. I ntn ready nt any tlrao to inixlo nflldarlt that my daughter liad the worst caio of eczema , M Dm doctors all admit , ever seen In this city , and that oho has been cured solely by the CUTICUIU UKMK- S1ER , nftcr the best physlclann and rcmcdlea failed. I * halt bo glad to have any one call upon or wrllo mo who has A child nlmllarly afflicted , or any per. son who Is troubled wlthasUu disease , that ho m y i > co for hlinsolt what your CUTICUIU UEMRDIEU ha > c done. I do this tu gralltudo for the cuio that has been effected In my chlld'n case. C1IA3. B. imUNOI.D , 2005 0 ratio t Street , St. Louis , Uo. 3 Qiticlira Remedies i For claiming , jitirlfylny , and beautifying the iWn , nnd curing every specie * of agonizing , humiliating , Itching , burning , scaly , mid pimply diseases of the SKINSCALF , and HLOOD , nnd humorn , blotehei , eruptions , tores , noilcs , crusts , ulccratlons , swellings , abxecsscs , tumori , and loss of hair , whether slirple or ncrofulous , Iho CUTICURA ItKMrniKs nro f Imply Infallible. CuricmiA , the great Un cure , Instantly nllays the most agonizing Itching and Inflammation , clears the itUn and dcalp of every trnco of disease , * ulcers nnd sores , removes crusts nnd scales , anil restores the Imlr. Cirricuitx SoAr , the greatest of akin beautincrs , Is Indispensable In treating sUti disc IHCS nnd baliy humors. It produces the w hltcst , clearest nkln and s6fte t hands , free from pimple , pot , or blemlnh. CUTICUHA lUsoi.vr.NT , the now blood purifier , cleanses Iho blood of all Impurities and poisonous elements , nnd thus removes the CAUKK. CUTICURA llr.MEDlEa arc the only Infallible cura. lives for c\cry form of skin nnd blood dlscnso , from pimples to scrofula. CUTICUIIA nr.MKDiEs nro sold by drngglsta ami cboml ts throughout the world. Trlco : CtiTiritiu , 50 cents per box ; CUTICUIIA EoAi-,25 cents ; CUTICURA HBSOLVENT , $1.00 per bottle. Prepared \ > f roTTEii Inuu AMI CHEMICAL ConroiunoK , HOSTOX , MASS. J Z- Send for " How to Cure Skin Dlneascs , " 04 pages , CO Illustrations , 100 testimonials. niRJIPr.KS.M.ick.lioiulx , redtoughchappednnd LI AMD ? Boft , white , and free from chaps anil I I III oily skill prevented by CUTICUIU HOAP. Drill UO redness , by using CUTICUIIA HOAI- . BOLD DUST WASHING POWDER Ho will give you n SampI * V Try Itsjiualltlca once ; It la low In iirleo , And olitn ncil for n trlflo ot cash ; You'll liloBi him forever who Bold It to yon. To iipllsli , Pf rub nnd to wnsli. Wo think 'twould inalto rmroa mnn'B Blnfiilawnt- [ hruTE To tliu wrctc'licd will glvo ftrcnt delimit ; " With two qr thren rnlg wo nro almost certain 'Tivnnld nmku n. Mack darky turn wlilto. I1. F.-l/so " FAIRY , " the great flouting soap , for bathing. For Snlc by M , If. JtLIfiS , Omaha , Nebraska. , Sie@p.s Nights . . 'For nearly n month I was not ublo to nleep , "out > afteru < ilnk'I'INK'S CEI.KKVCOUrOOND for tno days , in somnia flwl and strength return ed. " K. a , SUITII , Clauss'jn ' , H. o. "I Imvo tnken only a part of a bottla ot Palnn'a celery Coin- jionnd , ami It has entirely idleved mo of sleeplessness , from which I Imva suffered greatly. " Miis. R. AOTCLICI' , 1'eorta , III Pnlne's Celery Compound produces sound and refreshing Bleep. A plijMclun'B prescription. It (10f8 not contain one harmful drtiif. l.lko noth ing Is n Kuaninteeil euro for blcepleai 11033 , If directions ore faithfully followed. $1,00. MX for n uo. iriwili.tK ) niciuKHbON & Co , liuillngton. Vt. Mitral ami ailu trtWIf , tituait of / > < < * tniiwluv , " I'or ft lonir tlmo I was so nervous and worn out Hint I could not work. I tried tnuny inwll. rlnc , but none ( fiive mo relief until I u oa I'aiDo'H celery compound , \\htcb at ouco strengthened nnd Invigorated my nerves. " lUiu.Kv minuuN , Uurllagton , Vt. Paine's Celery Compound nulclcly qulcli nml fctrcnKllicns thoncrvei , when irritated or ueaVeued by overwork , oxieucii , dlH-iiso , or thoclf. U ruro iiurromneM. lieml- n < : lii > .dyBii'i ] > jQhlii-itcfjnc | | > ui. mcluncholla , uiid other dlwinuT * of the nurvoiui syttcm. Tones up the Shattered Nerves " I'or two years 1 w as a sufferer from nerfou * rirblllly , and I tliunk ( led nnd ttm discoverer ot tliu valuably remedy , that ruluo'a Celery Cora * pound cured me. If I tiny one wrllo to mo for ndtluc , " ( lEOKUB > V. DouroH , Btamford , coon. FOOD " " , ' " rUVU „ , , _ ETCHINGS , BMI3ESON , ENGUAVINCJS , HALT-iET < fc DAVIS , ARTIST SUPPLIES , K 1MB ALL , MOULDINGS , PIANOS AND ORGANS , THAMES , SHEET MUSIO. 1513 DiMlas SL Oinalia , NsteU