Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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ESTABLISHED i ss 1 1 i so so.
chlcngo , Ills , 1 ClnrkQt.
Ibo Regular Old-Established
li itlll Treating with theGrcalctt
Clironic , Nervons and Priyate Diseases ,
fff NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood ,
Falling Memory , Exhauatlna Drains , Terrible
Dreama , Head and Dock Acne and all the ctTccti
tudina lo tally demy andpeitupt Coniumptlonof
Inunlty , treated icienlllically by new metl.o < ls vrlth
ntver-fjllma nuccrst.
f SYPHILIS and all bed Blood and Skin Oil-
entca permanently cured.
-VB-KlDNEYand URINARY complaints , Qlect ,
Oonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varicocele ami a ! ] dUeatea
of the QenltO'Urinary Oigani cure < l promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Uixans.
ffir No experlmenta. Age and experience Im
portant. Compilation free nml nacred ,
ST Send 4 centt rxx' Ke Tor Celebrated Worka on
Chronic , Ncrvoua and Delicate Uiieaiet.
* -ThoiP contemplating Mairlaae tend for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male ana Female , each
ts centt , loth a } cenU ( taniOT ) . Con ull tlie old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may nave future uilTer-
im and ithame , and odd coldenyean to life. J83"llook
"Life's ( Secret ) Error * , " so nU ( tampi ) . Medlcln
nnd wilting ! tent everywhere , tecure from expoture.
Hour , , 8 to 8. Sundayig to 11. Addreil
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark SU. CHICAGO , IUL.
C. M. Jordan
l.i l of tlin I'nlvcrsity
of New York f'lty nnil
1 1 ownril I'll I vurnlty , WiiRli *
i , 1) , C.
Corner riftoeiithiiml Hnr
noy stH. , Onmlia , Nel > .
vhero all rttviiblo cnsu
ura treutcil with sun
( "AT.UtllllCUilKII.
CONSULTATION nt ( illloo or by mall , $1.
Ollico hourn nto 11 n. in , 2to4 i.m. , 7 to Sp.
n. . Similar olllce hours troni 0 n. m. . to 1 p. in.
MaimllMMisei lire treated successf iillv by Dr.
lorilontlirimKii the nuitlH.nml It Isthulpossililo
'or- those unable to inako u jmtrnor to obtain
I'HKllt HOMKS. .
Hctid for book on Diseases of Nosu , Throat ,
M. M. Ilnmlln , I'iiiunlxln * . Co.
H. A. Orchard , Cnriiot Ucalor.
.John Shelby , Orocur.
.lolm Hush , City TreiiHHMf
Over 14 Millions Sold in this
Country alone.
The Best -Fitting and Best
Wearing Corset Ever Made.
it , iHHi. lui-ituvKn run. i , 1669
iud Rutpaniori araguarnnteedtc
tnr- > the follow- Ing : All Uh m-
ttld Cni Lumbnao , Cl n
ml and
nen , Kl. eauei , Nerroufr
B I , Trembling Heiual Kihaui-
tlon , Iniomnla , Waiting ot th
Uodr , Uluaum . eauied by Inilli-
irctlonin Ynuthor Mnrrim , tl > . all Ulieaiee pertain-
Inu to tbe > Womb or ornani-
Thli Is tha IUTKKT nndOuriTEBT linprotement am
mule , nd lieupeilor to all other. . . Krerr tiujer ot on
Kltctrla U lt v.nU tha luUit-tbli ho will Hnrt < h.
Dwnn 1I H. It dlltor * from all ether > , ai t IB n nfWJI
HLT , nl not n chain , voltaic or wln > b lt. II wlllt t KB
ill ConpUUl. bj Kltclrldtr. Tbe electric current
cm lie TKIITED bjr anronc before it U aiipiud to tba
Dodjr , ml It worn only ilx 1o tan hour * dally. If TOU
w til eiamlne thin bolt Jon will buy no otber. To iliovr
Iba ENTIRE CoNFiorNCK we liamlnour EIlroUl -
atllo llnll. ami Appflnncea ve "III . .nil ear No. t
CcupUK to Enpo.ilLU I'lrlto ea Tfclrly I ) J | ' Trltk Head
"c. | , o.t gefor our rnrr. lllu > trnte < l immphlet. O.r..EI inilll'INSIII ksjrl , ( . lrrrr lr.
lUrmlan Ibu l-.pcr. ) ( I cniro itio JUKI Illh. 1881. )
300 North Broadway. ST. LOUI8. MO.
In IRKil contritcti'il Blood Polinn
of bill tyi > o , nnilvas treated \rlth
mercury , jiolaUi and 'tiartaparllla
ialiture : ' , rowln wortanll tliullnie.
1 took T eftiull hollies H. .r > . which
cured MO entirely , nnd no i\Rn \ ot
the ilrcodtul dlscntc tun returned ,
J , C , NANCE ,
Jan. 10 , ' 89. Hobbyvlllc , Ind.
try llttla niece Imdhlto enclllng
tn inch an rxtcnt tlmt rlio wan con
fined to tlio bed for a. long time.
Wore Hun M | > lrccn or bono came
out of her Ivg , and tliu doctors ralii
nnipiitation was tie ! nnly remedy to
caMi In r life. 1 refuted Ilia operation
and put her on H.S.B. nnd plus la now
upaml active nml In asiood ; health ao
any child. Jlisa AMKIIS ( IEMUXO ,
Feb. II60. Columbus , Go.
liook on llliMxl Plvme.i pent free.
SWIFT Bpccino Co ,
Itaer3 , Atbnia , Os.
\l\rT\O \ \ mil Ihrousl trrori or
Bl II All if VlUUrii . . lieu pi > . ciicrv. nur be
Mill 111 I Y t'rlfllr t'cilnta by the
HI Hll LI Poslpn-Dupro Remed e
Bui i li B fen fwr our nrw tlluilrntc'f Ittft *
HIMH tli > . Ahiolute ttcrccjr , Vurlco *
cele cunil wnhiiutpiliiorop r tion. . , . . .
„ „
baflon-Dupre Cllnlque , 1 Trtroool bL ,
aniTumorCUIIKD : on knlt |
i n tr . u D. inn mm. . . ,
160VabaaU > . . Caii'tuu. Itu
N rual 111C on al and BIEV008 DEBIUTYt
aad Mlnd
I ofZrroraorExcmeilaOUorYouiif.
l.b.ll , lot ) . iMIIIOII hill Beil.rtt. II. " U bl.rf > > 4
air ikienKta.i'iuiKLnptuimuma * riHis ( BOUT.
lloluKI ; . .f.lli. Hum TU 4TB T- .r U U % J.J.
l. llf ; fre 41 UI . , Ttrrlurl.i , k.J r.r le C.e.ltl. . .
' - ' V..k.rill IpU.tII . .4lr l. M.II.4
L ) IUv lf curodlnGO iSmytvjpr *
ame'ac1c tf-Ma actie licit *
_ auant ltbe
oolj une la Iba worldmntratlnc
aconlfnaqni Jtltttrio * J/atfa/IM
'nrrtnt *
. , . . . * Ufc
_ AL 0 Kir.crf ltlU UKLTA 'UU
Taking IJfTcet Mny 12-ltli Very Ably
The Union Pnclfle ninnngcmcnt has com
pleted Us new train schedule for the now"
card that is forthcoming It was decided
to-day to fpnt the now cnra Into olTect Sun-
tiny , Mny 12. Under the now schedule ,
Omaha nnd points In the contiguous territory
lire well provided for , nnd it will no doubt bo
appreciated by the traveling public as well
as by the commercial centers thus ufTcctod.
In fact , the arrival und departure ot nil over
land trains under the now provisions Is at n
very seasonable hour. In arranging the
card the management has taken grout
pains to give Omaha u complete day service ,
and In mldillon , has secured direct connec
tion with nil its connecting linus , thereby doIng -
Ing nwiiy With the tedious dclny of passen-
tiers nt connecting nnd tcrinlnnl points ,
Under the now mnnngometib the Union Pit-
clllu iibandons the Ooldun Unto special , nnd
substitutes n dall.v train service between
Oinnlm and "San I'rnnclco. Two trnlns will
be run solid between Omaha nnd San Fran
cisco , on and nflor May 12. This was brought
nbout by the Increase ot const tralllc ,
nnd the Union Pacific's determina
tion to render peed service. As will
be seen In the following schedule , the Union
1'acillc will put on n local train between
Omalin nud Grand Islnnd , It will bu known
as Nos.- and 8. No. 8 will tirrlvo.hcro from
Grand Island nt 1JO ! : ! In the afternoon , nnd
yill depart nt fltfO thu.samu evening. This
vlll give nicrchnntfl of the local territory an
opportunity tocomoto Omaha , transuet their
busjncss , nnd return the same dny- The now
rain schedule , taking cftect Mny 12 , Is us
ollows :
No. y will depart from Council IllulTs nt 8
in. Instead of 8:45 : , arriving at Ogden nt
: ) ) ) .vni. the second duy.
No. 5 Denver train leaves Council muffs
it It ) o'clock a. in. , arriving In Denver the
icxt morning.
No. 1 , fust train for all Utah , Idaho , Mon-
ana , Oregon and California points , will
cave Council lUttlTs nt : 3 p. in. ; leave
Jhoycnmj at 2:15 : p. in. , the next day , nrrlv-
ug in Ogden ut:4 ! ) : * > a. m , , the second day ;
arrive in .San Kranclsco atl. : . " p. in. , second
day from Ogdcu ,
No. 7. local , for all Nebraska points east of
3rnnd Islnnd , will leave Council HlulTs at
" > : SO p. m.
No. 41 , local , for all Kansas points , will
cave Council Bluffs at 4l0 : ! u. m.
No. ' - ' , east hound , slow train , from Utah
tnd California , with Colorado connection ,
will arrive at Council Ulufts nt 7:53 : n. in.
No. 4 , fast train , from nil Utnh , Oregon ,
Montana and California points , will arrive
"lore nt 9 o'clock p. m.
No. U , Denver train , will leave Denver nt
S0 : ! ! p. m. , arriving at Council UlltlTs at 4
o'clock p. in.
No. S , Nebraska , local , will arrive at Couu-
ilUlulTsat Ii0 ! : : p. m. No. 44 , Kansas
local , will arrive at the transfer at 11 o'clock
, in.
Assistant General Manager Dickinson
said : "Wo have aimed to revise the train
service so as to nccommodnto all points on
our line , and this has been done. As to
Omahn , there never was a mnro complete ar
rangement ; and on through tralllc we will
lave direct nnd Immediate connection , The
ocnl train service , too , will bo a wonderful
luxilinry to Omaha's commercial resources.1
It Is Very Kriscntlnl.
The article in Tin : Uuu of Sunday last ,
concerning the local train .service of the
Jnion Pacific. Inw attracted considerable nt-
cntion among thu commercial centers of
Omaha. That the Union Pacific has reme
died the flaw will no doubt bo received with
much satisfaction.
Hen Gallagher , of Paxton & Gallagher ,
said ; "Yes , it appears to me that a local
.rain service is very essential on the Union
'acilie. Not alone would it bo ucnclicinl to
ho merchant.- Omaha and communicative
wints , but it would bo n money-making mo-
diutn for the railroad. Such service would
jcnotit the retail merchants and would also
m of importance to the wholesale dealers.
The moro service wo have of this kind the
bet tor for Omaha.
.A. J. Jones The local service is essential
to Omaha. In u complete local service the
scope of the merchants of this , city is en
larged both In the wholesale and retail lines.
The contiguous territory is ' dotted with
thriving Uttlo towns , nnd what * helps tlie
commercial resources of Omaha will nUo , in
Lho same light , effect the trndu circles of the
surrounding country. It will give tlio imme
diate points access to our market without
any inconveniences.
D. M , .lay Without the local train .ser
vice the trade circles of Omalm are seriously
affected. 1 am pleased to learn that the Un
ion Pacific lias revived the service that is so
very essential to tlio business men of Omuha.
The outlaying district is also benefited as u
strong market is opened up to it. The moro
territory is rendered available in this way
the moro staple becomes our market.
A Queer llolliluy.
Although orders wcro issued by the gen
eral managers of .the various railroads clos-
ng the general ofllccs yesterday in view of the
Washington memorial services , the heads of
dopnvtinents and oflieials of all tlio roads
wcro hard nt work as usual. Gen
eral Manager Kimbnll of the Union Pacillc
nnd his faithful assistant , Tom Orr ,
were manipulating manuscript as
usual. Assistant General Manager
Dickinson perhaps never worked harder in
lis life , und breathed n sigh of relief as the
chronometer in his otlicc indicated the ur-
rivalof noontime. Superintendent HesBcquic ,
with his assistant , the venerable P. Touhy ,
and Messrs. Huckinghatn , Maxtor , Gritlln
nnd Ltchtorberger , pegged away all day nt
the new train schedule , regardless of the
demonstrations tlmt were going on outside in
memory of thu man of little hatchet and
cherry tree fame. Vice-Presldeiit Holcomb
returned from his Junketing tour abroad and
spent the day tn looking over accumulated
correspondence. Assistant General Passen-
cor Agent Leo was at his post , und General
Trnlllo Mannger Molten was thu busiest man
in Omaha. In this way the ofllcials of the
Union Puolllo participated in the memorial
Mnro lIoatlH Kail.
Tim retrenchment axe of the Burlington
was taken down from its peg yesterday
afternoon nnd thirteen more of the clerks in
the assistant auditing department were dis
missed , thu order to take effect to-morrow.
Out of .the largo staff of clerks employed in
that oftlco scarcely a corporal's ' guard ro-
mnlii * . Those that have been retired nro
consoling themselves by chanting "still
there's moro to follow , "
Tluit tired feeling und loss of uppolHo
tire onlii'oly overcome by Hood's Hursix-
pui'illii. tlio peculiar ineilicimj. Try it
nnd soo.
( o I'xcior.
The remains of Mrs , Hos.i Wilson , sister
of Mrs. Dr. Chambers of tills city , were for
warded yesterday to Kxotcr , Nub. , over the
Burlington. Tlio parents of the deceased
reside ut tlmt point and the remains'will bo
Interred in the family cemetery.
Uonil huck.
News came by mull Ust Saturday that a
ticket held nt tlio Hardy postonleo in the
Fcuruiiry drawing of the Louisiana State
Lottery-had drawn flvo thousand dollars , but
until Monday no on6 appeared holding the
ticket , and it wu about concluded that seine
transient person had purchased it. Miss
Trcsslu Webster came over to town Monday
morning nnd when told , of thu fact stated
that her father held fifteen tickets in the
drawing and ttlio thought one of them was
close to the one that draw the money , but
ditl not remember the airnct number of the
tickets. She took the number , It beingb4,109 ,
down on n slip of paper , and upon compan
ion nt home found they hold the lucky ticket
which drew one-twentieth of one him
drcd thousand dollars. Mr. Webster soon
came to town and exhibited tha lucky ticket
to his friends and placed it In the linrdy
bank for collection. Ho U one of tlc | pioneers
neers of JacUson township , Jewell county ,
Kan. , eight miles south of town having
homestead his present farm In 1S71 ; , and Is a
hard-working , industrious citizen , who will
appreciate this luck , Ho says ho began buyIng -
Ing ticucts about three years ago , nnd at tha
time of purchasing these Jlflecn tlcltats had
drawn t5 more than ho had invested. The
Herald , with his many friends , congratulates
him on his good fortune , and 'are glad to
know that tha money falls Into' ( rood hands ,
and will not causa extravagance and trouble
to follow. Hardy ( Nub. ) Herald , Febru
nry ' . ' 2.
Mr. C. W. Webster , tha gentleman who
drew 13,001) ) | n trie February drawing of the
IxiuUluna State Lottery , received u draft
for llio amount IMS exchange luM Friday-
Hardy ( Neb. ) Herald , MurcU &
Tu-sdny. April 30. 1S99.
Yesterday's heavy run of cattle followed
y still heavier receipts to-day made the
mycrs very wury. It being n holiday the
markets at eastern points were slow to oucn
and dull nnd thu buyers hero both packers
ind shippers were In no hurry to pet dowrr
o business. When the noon hour arrived
.here had been very little trading In dressed
> oef and shipping steers. In the afternoon
.hero was more life to the trade and a good
nnny cattle were sold btit at n decline of
'ully IOc. Hesldcs the heavy receipts a very
> ctunt rea on for the decline Is to bo found
n the fact that cattle have been soiling too
ugh iicrn In proportion tn other markets.
I'ho shippers who have been very free buy
ers have lost plenty of money and arc coin-
lolled to buy lower or go out of the market.
I'ho supply of butchers stock was moro lib-
jrnl than It Inn boon on on average , of late ,
.ut the qtUtllty was not so good. There
were a few pretty good eows and heifers but
n gooil nianv tlmt could not , be called any
nero than fair. A choice bunch of heifers
old as high ns JO.iJ. The market on this
clais of stock was not materially different
from yesterday. There wcro three fresh
nails of northern stockcrs and a few native
feeders. One bunch of good natives sold nt
Siai. There wm considerable Inquiry for
feeders and stackers but the demand was
nostly for good well bred cattle.
The general hog mnrket was a shade lower
: lmn yesterday. The tr.ido opened with the
juycrs bidding about fie lower but they
raised their bids Inter nnd bought the built
of the hogs at$4.4'2J4'MfiThe ( ! trade wns
rather slow owing to the reluctance of sales
men to make any concession1.
Shrill ) .
There were only two loads on the market
; o-da.v , n load of fair native Nebraakns and n
load of common westerns on thu Moxlc.iu or
der , in addition to the above a double deck
of sheep was received which was consigned
direct to Swift & Co. There is an easier
feeling on the sheep market , and yet the re
ceipts have been so light that anything
really desirable would sell well up to former
prices ,
Cattle 2rOO
IIogs 4,40(1 (
Sheep a40
Prevailing Price * .
v"Tho following is a table of price ? paid in
till ; ) market for the grade. ) ut stock men-
tloned :
Prnnosteers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs..S-l.TO 'JM.OO'
Good steers , 1250 to 1150 lb * . . . a.CO ( < 3.8l )
Good steers , 1)0 ( ) to 1300 Ibs. . < : i.iO ( # 3.70
Ordinary to fair cows 1.90 ( 2.40
Fair to good cows 2.40 (02.00 (
Good to choice cows 2.t < 0 C 2.1)0 )
Cholco lo fancy cowsheifers. . 2.SO ( 3.25
Pair to good hulls 2.00 '
Good to choice bulls 3.50 ( f 3.'oo
Light stockers nud feeders. . . . 2.70 ( it 11.00
Good feeders , 950 to 1100 Ibs. . 2.)0 ! )
Fair to choice light hogs 4.4'JK ' ( < 4.50
Pair to choice heavy hogs . % ' 1.50
Fair to choice mixed hogs 4.40 © 4.45
Fair to medium native sheep. . 4.00 ( i 4.)5 : )
Good to choice native shenp. . . 4.53 ( ( ( ' . 4.1)0 )
Fair to choice western sheep. . 4.00 @ 1.75
Kfprcsontailvo S
No. Av. No. Av. Pr.
20 gnu 18 12.17 ? 3.0.-
8 ! I25 18 1207 11.70
21 1051 3.40 59 1270 3.70'
20 105S 3.4 ! ) 4 121V ! JI.70
24 1070 3.45 12 18311 3.70
14 11SO 3 45 18 .131 3.70
19 1003 3.00 11 .1221 : t.7 ( )
40 , 1125 3.IJO 20 &
11) ) 1-20' ) 3.GO 1(1 (
24 3.IJO 52 .1202 8.75
19 .Witt . 17 :
10 , 1331 ! ! .li5 18 1330 S.bO
1)5 ) .I'Jfti 3.05 88. . .1354 3.S-5
10 .1132 , 3.03
. 041 2.15 . .1125 2.75
.1043 2.25 1. . .1210 2.80
. ' .l. > 0 2.50 14. . . "SO 2.85
.1130 2.50 1. . . 'JSO 285
. 070 2.50 . .1120 2.00
.1200 2.00 1 1470 2.00
. 004 2.00 2 1215 8.00
.1028 2.00 1 1880 3.00
32. .1000 2.05 2 , 875 3.15
8. . 10(10 ( 2.75 4 , 938 320
18. .1130 2.75 3 1180 3.23
.1150 2.75
1 . ; . . . . . COO 3.00 2. OSO 3.20
4 . . . . 718 3.00 4 OIK ) 3.25
8 . . . . 5)7 ! ) ! l.)0 ( ) 1 040 3.25
1 . . . ' . 900 8.15
.1200 1.75 2 1S90 2.50
.1E85 2.00 2 1125 8.00
852 ! i.2 ( ) 2 925. 8.20
1. . .1020 1.50 1 ( WO l.GO
5S. . , . 823 3.23
. 110 4.00 9 110 4.50
G. . 1C02 2.00
. 003 2.40 34 712 ' 3.00
No. Av. Shit. Pi nous.No. . Av. Shk. Pr
50. . . .220 801.85 52. . , .22,5 120 $4 42'X
05. . , .241 100 4.40 73. . . .237 mo4.424
70. . , .201 24'J ' 4.40 CI. . . .241 120
( H ) . . , .200 4.40 49. . .349 4.45
CO. . , .204 400 4.40 71. . , .222 40 4.45
01. . , .287 120 4.40 01. . , .2.-5I ) 00 4.45
' ( S. . , .210 SO 4.40 77. . .223 120 4.45
74. . , .245 200 4.40 00. . .273 120 4.45
01. . . .233 40 4,40 5'J. . . . ! M)4 ) 200 4.45
73. . , .211 120 4.40 55. . , .200 80 4.45
01. . . .257 100 4.40 CO. . .258 40 4.45
75. . . .311 4.40 05 . , .201 4.45
73. . . .250 40 4.40 05. . .243 120 1.45
02. . . .204 120 4.40 04. . .201 4.45
47. . . .220 1ISO 4.40 53. . .2'.i5 SO 4.45
< W. . . .240 4.40 5(5. ( . , .35S 40 4.45
01. . . .241 40 4.40 82. . 4.45
70. . 234 120 4.40 00. . [ 279 200 4.45
73. . ! ! l74 J.42J * O'i. . .309 40 4.45
G9' . . . .241 SO 09. . .2SO 40 4.45
07. . . .253 120 07. . .250 bO 4.45
CO. . . .243 03. . .243 120 4.45
60 01. . 4,45
120 09. . ! ! 'jso 40 4.45
03. . , SO 70. . .202 4.45
01. . . .2110 120 04 . .252 4.45
00. . , .213 80 4.42'f ' 71. . .277 120 4.45
OH . . .310 ' 4.42Uf 0) ) . . .253 80 4.45
04. . . .21'i 'BO 442K CO. . , .2SO 120 4.45
78. . , 230 240 4.42'J ' 07. . , .274 200 4.45
00. . . SO 50. . .304 120 4.45
01. . , | S45 120 01. . , . ! 113 1.47) ;
00. , , .257 4.42h' 05. . , .200 4.50
IS * . .201 100 4.4'itf
No. A- Pr.
107 Nebraska natives 92 4.50
Ijivo MouU Note * .
Hog market lower.
llcef cattle IOc lower.
Cattle trade very dull.
Desirable sheep scarce.
Gcorgo H. Green , Valparaiso , was herewith
with cattlo.
Klchard Lewis , of Lyons , was among to
day's cattle shippers.
W. K. McCloud has just returned from a
trip to his Waco farm.
A. H. Hankey , Alda , put in nn appearance
with six cars of cattle ,
T. J. Wilbern came In from Greenwood
with two cars of cattle ,
P. E. Frederick , Gibbon , brought in four
cars of cattle and a car of hogs.
H. S. Manvllto. Tilden , came In with nine
cars of cattle und one car of hogs ,
Columbus was represented by Jim Frazler ,
who brought' in six cars ol cattle.
S. Urowater , MeFarland & llrowstor , Pal
mer , got (1.50 fcr a load of hog * to-day.
Leo Love , the well known banker of York ,
was ut the yards this morning looking after
hi > Interests hero.
3 Organ & Hammond , of- Central City , mar
keted u line load of heifers thU morning ,
They brought (3.25.
Judge W. H. Newell and O.K. Stovers ,
both of Cedar Creek , wcro on the maricot
with cattle and bogs.
N , U. liowcn came down from Cedar Kan-
Ids with two cars of cattle and ouo car of
nous. William Decker of the same place ,
came In wilb two cars of cattle.
1'rniluoc , 1'YuHs , Eto.
Bun miTable dairy , 10@lSo ; packers'
stock , 6(3110. ( Croauicry prints , fancy , 24
choice , 20(33Jcf ( soird pncke3 , OOJ5
2-.M. flfl
Koos Strictly frcsli-UijllOc.
CIIRKSK Youtifr America , full cream , 13c ;
twin flats , 12c ; oft grade. * , S@IOo ; Van Uos-
som Kdnm , J11.50 par down ; sap sago , IOc :
brick , 15c ; lnnbur sr , ttti/fV domestic Swiss , '
14c ; skims , 4jJOo ( ; choose , pajf brouzo medal ,
No. 8 , $ ' * . i > <
1'ofi.Tiiv Live hens per dozen , $ 't.3K < 9
ar 0 ! roosters , M.OOC'ja.W ; turkeys , lOi'tllo
perlb. HY
AWI.KR Gonltans , per bbl , $3.50 : Wine-
pnps , per bbl , $2.75 ; N. Y. Haldwlns'pcr bbl ,
f2.7fi ( ( n.OO : common , $ r.75lft3.23.
. CiiANiiKitiiir.s Hell .nutV i Uuglo , per bbl ,
* 7.00 : Hell nnd Cherry , per bbl , $0.00 ; Jer
sey , per bushel box , MR' *
STiiAWnr.nnics Pdri/Liiifo. / 21 qts , iO.OOfiJ ;
Oiusor.i Fancy Washington navel1' , ? 5)0 ( )
( # 5.25 : IJlverslde , ; fancy puper
rind St. Michaels , l.7uiil.'J. ( ; > ; fitnev Dunrte
Medltcrrnncan sweets , $ ' .75cr(3,2. " > j fancy
brlglil mountains , S'.23'i3.75 ( ; Los Anccles
( choice ) , * 2.250i2.50.
LKMoss-ChoIco , $3.50 ( < ? 3,75 ; fancy , fl.OO .j
Coco IXUTS Choice Uuatnns , per 10 > if l. 0 ;
less than 100 , * 5.X ( ) .
UKNANAS According to sloof bunch , § lr > 0
KMII.V VnnnTAiii.ns Lettuce , per dozen
heads , T > ( ( ? 40e ; radishes , per dozen bunches ,
2 X < ? 25c ; green onions , 12iM3e ; p.irsloy , "ViJ
! ! 0e ; soup bundles , : MI IOO ; beets , ii5iilUc ( ) ;
carrots , 50@55e : turnips , WiBjr ) ( > o ; oyster
plant. 3xCii83ccelorv ! ; , S.Vfti l.OO ; cauliflower ,
$ l.7fi@2.25 ; cucumbers. 83c@.J1.00i green
peas , bu boxes , $2.00@2.25 ; string beans , 'tf '
bu box , $1.5Ji8I.i5 ; tomatoes , ' bu , $1.75ije (
2.IK ) : asparagus , per lb , 10@l''c : pie plant ,
per lbigiic : ( ; new potatoes , pur Ib , 2 > i@3ci
cabbage , 2.1ivii3i %
Fitusn Finn White fish , frozen , per lb ,
7c ; herrings , frozen , perlb , 5cj trout , fresh
caught , per lb , Ocjwhlte perch , fresh caught ,
per Ib , 7c : buffalo , fresh caught , per lb , 7o :
pickerel , fresh caught , pe ? lb , 8c ; Jjmekunss ,
fresh caught , per lb , lie ,
( j \\iii Jtiulc snipe , ? 1.K1,25 ( ) ; plover.
75CGCS1.UO ; mallard ducks , # 2.60i3.00j ; ? teal ,
$1.00(31.25 ( ; mixed , l.OOfVJI.STi.
UKANS Choice hand plukud navy , $ ' 2.25 ;
choice hand picked medium , $2.00 ; choice
hand picked country , -1.76@1.00 ; clean coun
try , ? l.rOJ1.05.
POTATOES Choi < : e. sacked , per bu , Si@0c. ! ]
O.Nio.NS-Per bu , 23@ic. : ; )
ViAij : Choleo , mediuin size , 7@5c ; clioire ,
heavy , 4tt'e. ( {
HIDII : JITS : , TAM.OW , KTC Green salted
hides , fijtfu ; dry salted hides , Oc : dry flint
hides , Sc ; inlf : hides , fij. ( ( (0c ; daimigod bided
2o loss : sheep polls , green , each ' . ' "xifl.UO ;
sheep pelts , dry , per lb , OJt'l'Jc. ' ; xvonl"uvor-
ii-e. Ilol8o : tallow , No. MOgJJrfts ; tallow ,
No. 2 , : Ji4@JIfc ; grease , white ,
crease , yellow , 2.4i82'jc. ' ( ;
Ari'i.i : HitTTi'.n 7c.
Cinr.ii-13blsS3 ; hf bbls , § 1) .
UL'TTKUINI : 14C'S15c per lu.
MAI-LI : Sfn.vit Ht C'VlAo per lb.
HOXBV US17c ! per lb.
PHESIHVIS : : O.'JS'JOc ' ' per lb.
IM 8 } tg'4c per lb.
HAOS American A , seamless , $17.25 ;
Union Square paper , discount , 35 per cent ;
Mikado Square paper , discount , 35 nor cent.
GAN.\ID Furrrs Apples , per gal , $2.15 :
blackberries , 2 lb , 75c ; blueberries , 2 lb. 75c ;
blueberries , 2 lb , $1.50 ; cherries , red , 2 lb ,
03c ; cherries , white , 2 lb , $1.53 ; pres. figs , 1
lb.$2.00 ; gooseberries. 2 Ib.Sl.lO ; pineapples ,
2 lb , $2.75 ; pine tipples , 3 11) ) , $ i.5 ( ) ; pine
apples , 2 lb , f 2,25 ; pineapples , 2 lb , $ l.f,0 , ;
, .
iiii/ii ttuub iw i 'i * * \ttiiiiCf i 1 u < V4 * * < ' vlillllltf
a Ib , fi.CU ; clam chowtlDrlbi2r ( : ! ; devilled
crabs , 1 lo , S .2."ij iluvHIcu crabs. 3 Ib , SI.60 ;
3 Ib , SJ.J'0 ' ; nuickcrcltoiifao'siuro'.y { : Ib , . ,
nuiuUcrol totnuto suuru , 'i Ib , S-'i.-IO ; mackerel
mustard suttee , It Ib , & 1.4Qt pj'ators , ] Ib , SBc ;
oysters , 3 Ib , $1.50 ; salmon , C. It. , 1 Ib , $2.10 ;
ialmon , C , li.,2 lb , &JjlOSAlinoiitjAlasko , 1
lb , $1.85 ; salmon , Ajuiijkji.-jSib , S2.9U ; ahrimps ,
1 Ib , $2.05. , * t. . "
OANDI.ES Star , 8s , 10 oz , per Ib , 9c ; Star ,
SB , 14 oz , par lb , 9c : Stearle , wax , 10 oz , Os ,
; ) tr It ) , lie ; Slonric , wax , 14 oOs , per 11) ,
lie ; half boxes , J/c extra.
CANDY U' @ 12 > < fc per lb.
Cnoroi.ATK AND COCOA 2l ( M9oior lb.
CorFEi:1 : Roasted , etc. Arbucltle's Ariosa ,
1 lb packages , 2IJfc ; Dllworth's Standard ,
1 lb packages , 24o ; MoLaughlin'b XXXX ,
1 lb packages. 24c ; Lion , 1 lb packages ,
Jljfc ; German , 1 lb packages , 24J c ; Mo-
kasha , 1 lb packages , 2IJ c ; Tomson's es
sence in tins , per gross , 2.50 ; essence , in
bulk , half bbls , pur lb , 5c ; cs-icnce , 1 lb
[ > apers , 50 Ibs in box , per lo , Oo ; Franck's
Herman chickory rod. 80.
COITIXS Green Fancy old golden rio ,
ic ; Fancy old peaberry , 28c ; Hio , choice to
fancy , 22c ; Hio. prime , 21c ; Hio , good , 20u ;
Moclm , 2Sc : Java , fancy Mnndchling , 27c ;
Java , good interior , 24c.
COKD.UU : AxnTtviNC Manilla rope , basis
\4 \ in , 17c : Sisal rope , ISi o ; Good's New
I'rocoss rope , O e ; cotton rope , } $ , "M and J
in , ilk1 ; cotton twine , fine 4-ply , lilbb , 22c ;
do medium , 20e ; do course , ISc ; hemp twine ,
No. 103 , 22c ; flax twine. No. 18 , 2i ( ; cotton
mops , 8 lb. per do , $1.50 ; canUlowIul- ;
sail twine , H , 8-ply , 22c.
CKACKIIW : AND CAKKS OJ @ 18c per lb.
Ditutis ( Grocers' , ) alum , 4o ; borax , lies ;
copperas , 2c ; Epsom salts , 8c ; flour sulphur ,
4c ; snlpotru. 9c. "
DIIIUD FHUITH Per lb , apricots , 14@17c.
Apples , Jlich. , 4Hc : stars , ( to : aldcns , 0 @
Sc. Peaches , Cal. Y-peeled , 17C 20c ; fancy
unpeelcd , Ilnsi8c ( ; sun dried , OJtfo ; Salt
Lake , Oc. Prunes , Cal. 11 C , 7 @ 10c ] . Cur
rants , 5@7c. Turkish prunes , 4' c. Citron
peel. 2fc. : Lemon peel , Me. Furd dates , IOc.
Figs , ! i ( 10c. Huisins , malnga bunch , dehe-
sas , (5 ( 00 per box ; vnlcncius , per lb , 7u ; Cal.
G. & S. , $2.40 per box. Dried grapes , 5c.
I'luckbcrrica , SJ o. Pitted cherries. 17c.
Pitted plums , ! /Hle. i ( . Husubcrrics , 21c.
Nectarines , I3@l4c. Ginger , Jamaica , } {
pts , " 31 00 per doz.
FAitiXACEotts GOODS IJnrloy ij-far-
, 3S3J ( | - -
iim , 4 } < fc ; peas , Oc ; oatmeal , SJiXjiS&cT mncn-
roni , 11 > 50 ; vermicelli , llj c ; rice ,
nnd tapioca , lia)7e. ( )
FISH Salt Dried codllsli , 0 fJS c ; hali
but , l c : scaled herring , per box ; hal.
herring , tlorn , r > 0c ; Hiunliurc spiced liorrinp ,
* 1.M1.10 ( ) : imp. hoi. horrlni , ' , 70c@-1.0U ;
mackurel , hlf bbls , No. 1 , 713.50 ; largo fina
lly , * 12.tO per 100 Ibs : white lisli , No. 17,25 ;
lamily , $11.5(1 ( ; trout , $5.2. ) ; salmon , $3.r > 0 ; an-
chovles , 10 lb pails , SOo.
NUTS Almonds , IGcaiSo ; Hrazils , ' .lu ; 111-
bcrts , 12o ; pecans , ,130 ; walnuts , lc ! ) ; pea
nuts cocks , 8c ; ronnted , lOc.
Oii.s-Kcrosone-P W , lOo ; W W , 12 ; . c ;
headlight , 113o ; salad- oil , § J.85 ( < 7 < 7.UU per
PICKLES Medium. Der bbl , ? 3.00 ; small ,
10.00 ; gherkins , $7.00. ' " '
Wiui'itxn PA PR ii Straw , per lb , \ } @
2Kc ; rag , n a ; mnnillii ' U , Oo ; No. 1 , 'Jo.
SALT Dairy , 140 3-lb'lpUgs , $2.70 ; do 100
0-lb pkgs , $ .MM ) ; do Ou 5-lb pkKS , W.50 ; do ! M
10-lb pkgs , f.,40 ; Aslnoif ; bu bags , 50-lb , 85o ;
do 4 bu bags , 221-lbtja.40J do M S A , 50-lb
bags , r > 5o ; loose , pen lbK ? ! . & > .
Siiis-Hird : , 4 > ) c ;
SAI.SODA2tewr lb ,
STOVE i' < ) MHii-SJ.OO5S7 ; per gros § .
SI-ICES Wlioloper lb Allspice , 12c ;
Cassia China , lUciiclqvus.auzibar , 25c ;
nutmegs , No. 1 , 70oi. pcppur , 2c ( ) ,
SudAits Granulaied.rtUfjjjliJ.fc ) ; confootion-
era A , 8J < @Uo ; standard , extra C. 8 @S ot
yellow C , 7Jijo ; iiowdprcil. ti5/@lO'/ij ! cut
loaf , lO o ; cubes , 0T ! ( ( < | 10o.
Sviiurs Pur gal. - 27 ( < 540o ; N. O. molasses ,
ViNBOAii Per gal.
COTTON FI.AXXBI.S 10 per cent trade dls-
, 18o ; UH , lUc ; bleached. 20 , 8H"
W ) , J > fc. Hrowri and Blato. 60 , Oc ; GO , 1' a
O0.tl5c70 ; , 12Ko.
CAIU'ET WAiti1 Ulbb , white , lOc ; colored ,
HATTS Standard , 8c ; Goin , lOa ; Ileauty ,
12 0 ; Hoono , Ho ; U , cased. W.W.
PitiXTS Solid colors Atiuntic , Oo ; Slate ,
Go. Berlin oil. G ) c ; Gnrner oil. 0@7c.
PIII.NTS Pink und Hobos Allen , Go ; Uivor
point , 5 c ; Steel River , ( ) > 'c ; Ulchmond ,
> fo ; Pacific , 7u.
PiilMS DrcsR Charter Oak. 5 } o ; Ham-
aKlo | ; Lodi , 5l/o ; Allen , Oo ; Hlchmond , Go ;
Windsor , G > < oj Kddi'ntono , O o ; Pucino
I'KIXTS Indigo Hluo Ht. Lodger , 5 > < i !
Arnold , 0 > u ; Aiuerioau , oic ) ; Arnold C
long cloth , Co ; Arnoltl H , lonp clotb , 101 jc ;
Arnold , Gold Seal , llAie ; Stcifcl A , 1''c ;
Windsor , Gold Ticket , lO'jOS Arnoltl A , 120.
GisniiAM-PhmkotcliccKs , O'j'oj Whltton-
ton , 0e ! ; York , 7 > jc ; Normiunll dress , 7'c ;
Kcnfrow ilrcs , S,4Sl3'ci ( ' Whlttcntoii , 5) ) < e ;
Cnlcuttn , 7'4C.
CAMniurs Sinter , Bo ; Woods , Co ; Stnntl-
nrdi t > o ; Peacock , fio.
SIIKHTISO Kllcrton ,
New Candidate ,
hj' \.i , uu , fiurtr , f-ju , i\iu i iiiiii )
i-ambrio , lOc : Lonsdalu cambric , IHc ; Lons-
tlnlo , SVtfc ; Now York Mills , lOu ; Popperoll ,
Atlantic II , 4' , 7c ; Atlnntlo I ) . 4-4 , 0 } ; At-
liuttle P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora Ll , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora
O , - I4JJfo ; Cnnvn XXX , 4-4 , 0.i'c > ; Hooslcr
LL , 4--I , dc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7'40 ; Lawrence -
renco LL , 4-1 , tie ; Old Dominion. 4-4. ii } e ;
Pepi > erell K , 40-ln. 7''c ; Ponpcroli , S-4 , ire ;
Poppcroll , 0-4. 2lc ; Peppercll. 10-1 , ! 22e ;
UticnC , 4-1 , 4to ; Witchusett , 4-4 , T. i" Au
rora K , 4-1 , 7o : Aurora U , 4-4 , O'j'e.
Ki.AXxr.t.M , I'I.MD Hnftstnun/JOi1 ; Goslion ,
Clear Lake , HGUu ; Iron Mountain ,
l''l.ANXBI.S , WlllTI--O 11 No. S , ? . , ' , ! M
( I II No. 1. ? f , 80 > fe ; n 11 No. 2 , 22. c ; 1J 11
No. 1 , ° .j. 30c ; Qiii'chco , No. 1. ? , 42c ; Quo-
cheo No. 2 , S4' , It7 > 4'e ; Qucchcu No. 3 , ? { , . ' . ' , , o ;
Anawan , 'li' ' c ; Windsor. 22' ' c.
FiaNNKLsi , HKDC , 21-Jncii , 15J'o ; K. 21-
Inch , an. ; , ! ; G G 24 inch , 20u ; ll A F , ? f ,
25o ; .1 K F , ? f , 27c ; (1. ? j , 2.U- .
CoiixiiTJi'.ASS AndrosL'oKglii , 7-lfo ; ICoar-
inch , 12c ; York , i)3-inch. ) 13' ' ; o ; Swift
Kivor , Sc ; 'riioriulllio OO , 8) ) < o ; Thorndliso
KF. 8'ijo : Tliorndiko 12H , HJtfiTliurndiko :
XX , 15u ; Coniis No. 5 , Olfi1 ; Cordls No. 4 ,
DISIMS Amoskcog , 0 oz , 10'3'c ' ; Everett , 7
oz , 13Vo ; York , 7oz. llV ! < o ; Hayunkor , 8. ' ' 'o ;
.laffivy , XX. 11) 0 : Juifroy , XXX , ISJtfo ;
Heaver Creek , AA 12c ; Heaver Creek , HH ,
lie ; Heaver Creek , CC , lOc.
uY .IiiAXfl Memorial , 15u ; Dakota ,
ISo ; Durham , 27' < fo ; lloniulcs. ISo ; Leam-
Ington , 2i > c ; Cottswold , "i' v ; Melville ,
CitAsn Stevens' B , 5 > e ; Slovens' B ,
j'.oaclied ' , 7o ; Stevens' A , 7o ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , So : Stevens' P. 7) ) o ; Stevens' P.
blenched , S fu : StcvciiB' N , ' /c ; SiovciiB'
N , bleached , ! ) > c ; Stovons' SHT ,
DUCK Wast Point , 20-inch , S oz , 10' ' c ;
do , 10 07. . 12)j'c ) ( ; do , 12 oz , Ifio ; do , 4'J-incli , 11
oz , IGo.
Luinb.T niinonsions and TinibRr.
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft IS ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
-$15.00 15.00 iri.OOV1.0Q 10.0 ' 1'J. ' 00 2(1.00 (
ixl.15.)0 ( ( ) 15.03 15.0J 1C..OO lli.OO 10.00 SO.W )
2x8. . . . SI 5.00 15.CJO 1S.IK1 10.1)0 ) 10.00 I'.I.OO 20.00
JxlO..SI5.I.O 15.0i ; 15.0010.00 1(1.00 ( 10.00 20.00
2x2. ! . . $15.0,1 15.00 150 ! ) 10.00 10.00 1'J.OJ ' 20.00
4x48xS.IO.CO 10.00 10.00 17.00 18.00 10.0020.00
Fiixcisn No. 1.4 and 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft ,
rough , 810.00(9111.50 ( ; No. 1 , 4 mid 0 inch , 10
ft , rough. Sl7.H17.i ( ) > 0 ; No. 2 , 1 and < 5 inch ,
12 and 14 ft , rough. SI3.50@1 1.00 ; No. 2 , 4
und 0 inch. 10 ft , rough. ? ir.0i ojlrt.Oil.
FIMSIIINCS First and 2d clear , IJrf inch s
2si49.00gB1.00 ( ; 1st nnd 2d , clear , IK and 2
inch , s 2 s , 847.0C@i0.lX ) ; 3d , clear , J ! inch , s
J s. S4t.l)0ii--ll.l)0 : ) ) : ; ! d , cloar.lV ; and 2 inch , s 2
H , ? 4 : .00i ( 40.lM ) ; 1J select , 1'4 , \ and 2 inch ,
s 3s , .f37.00tW.O ( : ( ) ; 1st and 2J. clear , 1 inch ,
s2 s , S45.00 ; 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s2 s , ? : : s.OO ;
A select , 1 , s2 , ? ! ! . ! ) ! ) ; B select , 1 inch ,
s2s , S3I.OO.
KI.OOIHSO First com. 0 inch wlilto pine ,
3I.OO ; 2d.cotn , 0 Inch white pinu , WI.OO ; 3d
com. 0 inch white pine. $20.00 ; 1) , 0 inch
wlilto pine , 2 ' .00 ; com. 4 and 0 inch , yellow
| ) ine , $15.00 ; star , 4 inch yellow pine , S1S.OO ;
1st , and 2J clear yellow pine. 4 and 0 inch ,
Poi'i.Ait Lr.MiiEii Clear poplar- box bds , %
in , s 2 s , ? 35.00 ; clear poplur , $ in panel ,
WO.OO ; clear poplar , ' ' in panel , f > 3Ti.OOj clear
poplar , yt in punel , stock wltto , s 2 s , S2S.OO ;
clear poplar cnrrugiited celling , Ji , ? 30.00.
POSTS White cedar , 0 in , halves , 12c ;
white clear , 5 | < J in. halves and S in quarters ,
lie ; white clear , 4 in round , lOc ; Tennessee
red cedar , sp.litlOc ; split oak , ( white ) Sc ;
sawed oak , Itic.
SIHNPI.CS , LATH Pnn M XX clear. $3.20 ;
extra , * A * . S-l.SO ; standard A , $2.00 ; 5 inch ,
clear , $1.GOS1.70 ( ; 0 inch clear , * 1.75 ( < l.bO ;
No. 1.81. 10@1. 15 ; California red wood , di-
nonsions widths , SI.50 ; cypress , clear heart.
$3.40 ; lath , 1250.
Slur LAP No" . 1 plain , S and 18 in , $17.55 ;
No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 in , * l5.f > 0 ; No. 1 , O G ,
SIHIXO First com and 10 ft , $22.00 ; 2d
com anil Hi ft , $10.00 ; ! id com and 10 ft ,
SI5 00 ; fence com and 10 ft , $13.00.
STOCK HOARDS A 12 in s t s 12 , 14 and 1C
ft , &G.CO ; B 12 ins 1 s 12. 14 and 10 ft , $41.00 :
C 12 in B 1 B 12 , 14 mid 10 ft , $3(1.00 ( ; D 12 in s
1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $23.00 ; No. 1 com 12 iny $
1 s 12 ft. $18.00 ; No. 1 com 12 in s 1 s 14 and
10 ft , SI7.505MS.BO ; " No. 1 com 12 in s 1 s , 10 ,
18 nnd 20 ft. $10.50 ; No. 2 com 12 Ins Is 14
ind 10 ft , $17.CO.
O.iu.xi ; AND PAHTITIOX 1st com ? in
white pine partition. 3J ; 2nd , com } ( in
white pine partition , $27 ; clear. % in yellow
jino coiling , $20 ; clear ' ' in Norway , $14.50 ;
ind com ? H in Norway , $13.
BO.M'.DB No 1 com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 It ,
? IO ; No 2 com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $10.50 ;
No 3 com sis 12 , 14 nnU 1C. It. $14.50 ; No 4
com s I a 12 , 14 and 10 ft , ( hhlpping cull ) , 15.
Add 50 cents per M ft for rough.
batts , 2)4 inch. ( lo ( ) ; O G baits , J x3 , SI $ ,
Joe ; i ) inch well tubing. D & M and , buv $22 ;
> ickets , D & H llat , J20 ; pickets , D & II
square , 510.
Li MI : , ETO Quincy white lime , best , OOo ;
English and German Portland Cemcnt$3.flO ;
Milwaukee and Louisville , 81.30 ; Michigan
nnd Fort Dodge plaster , $2.25 : Uluo Hapid
ilaster. $1.05 : hair , 20c ; sash , 00 and 10 per
: ent dia. ; doors , blindn , mouldings , 50 per
CQiitdis. ; tarred felt , per cwt. , $2.00 ; straw
joard , $1.05.
and ( 'lionilcnls.
ACID Sulphuric , ) ) er lb , 2c ; citric , per lb ,
iOc ; oxalic , per lb , I3c ; tartaric , poxvderod ,
[ ) er Ib , B'Jc. '
ALUM Per lb , 3J c.
AM.MOSIA Carbonate , per Ib , 15c.
AHHOWHOOT Hormunda , per lb , 40c.
BAI--JAM Copaiba , -per Ib , OSc.
BOIIAX Hclincd , per lb , 12c.
CALDMHI. Am , ppr lb , H2c.
CASSIA Buns Per Ib , Ifc.
Clil.oitoFOltM Per Ib , 47c.
Comit'Hivi : SUIIMMATK Per lb , 72c.
CKIAM : TAHTA.U Pure , per Ib , 42c.
K.NTIIACT Lomvoop Bulk , per Ib , lOe.
GLYCEitixis Bulk , perlb , 2Sc.
GUM AHAIIIO Select , per lb , $1.00.
CAMCIIOK Pnr lb , 3sc.
OIMUM Per lb , $ . .
IODINE Hcsublimated , per oz , $3.80.
LKAVKS Buchu , short , per lb , 15c , benim ,
Alex , per lb , 33c ,
Ou.s Linseed , raw , M5c ; Unseed , boiled ,
50u ; castor , per gal , $1,20 ; Borgiimot , San
derson's , per Ib , $3.15 ; ipmon , Sanderson's
per lb , 82.25 ; peppermint , per lb , $2.50 ; win-
tergrcen. per Ib , $2.25 ; olive , Malaga , per
gal. $1.15.
POTAHS Bromide , pur Ib , 44o ; lodldo , per
lb $3.00.
Quixu Sulph. , per oz , 50c.
SHEDS Canary , per lb. 4K@5c ; Castllo ,
mottled , per lb , Si$10e ; Castile , white , pur
Sri KITS NiTitB Sweet , per lb , ! i5c.
SnnciiNU Crystals , per oz. $1.10.
Bui. I'll. CINCHONA Per oz. 18c.
WAX White , pur Ib , D5@OU.
BLOCK TIN Eng. Hof'g , small pig , SSo ;
bar , 20c.
Corrr.u Planished bollor sizes , J)2c ) ; cold
rolled , ilOc ; sheathing , 80c ; pitts. 30o ; llatH ,
30c. .
GAI.VANI/.KD SiiKKTlitoN Juniota , GO per
cent discount.
quality , per lb , 10 > oS No. 21 to 27. B quality ,
OKc. For less than bundle add )4c per lb ,
Hoorixn ( Best Charcoal. ) 1C , 14x20 , 113
shoots , $5.75 ; IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $7.00 ; 1C.
3Jx27 , 112 sheets , $11.00 ; JX , 20x2 $ , Ill5
sheets , $13.50.
SiiuisT IKON No. 20 , $3.40 ; No. 27. $3.50 ,
Soi.iiEii Hoyt Metal Co'f half and half in
1 lb cases , pur lb , 10u ; commercial half und
half , 15c ; No. 1 in bars , 14o.
TIN PI.ATB ( licat Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14 ,
225 sheets , tfl.50 ; IX , 10x14 , 223 sheets. $8.25 ;
1C , 13x13. 22nlieots. . fOW ; IA , 12vl2 , 225
sheets , M.25 ; 1C , 14x20 , 113 sheets , $ J.50j IX ,
14x20 , 112 bhoets , t8.25 ; 1XX. 14x20 , 112
. . . . . . _ . . .
I.AA * * 1A < 1 - X'X * 1 I .f/\ t at I !
Bteel nails , J-J.'O ; steel wire nails , $2.03.
Provisions i Stocks
Basemen ! First National Bank ,
S1O5 feoiith littli Klrunt , - Oiualm
T SJ 68 L\B Iffo ff f ISSUED DY STATES ,
BMHoBvaBDilf I scncoi DISUIUS. tic. ,
Wo ilcnl In I.iiml Warrant nml Hri-lp ,
ralilo tn iluvcrnmi'iit. . Mint , anil Transact a
lli-Kiilitr llnnkliiB llii lii * .
'iirp .Solicited ,
. . . . ,
115 tinoACWAT , NEW VOftK.
_ iMitnl ) iy
Cities , Counties , School DlMik : ? , Water Coin-
panicSic. . U'c ore In tlic market for Hie
inirclin c of txmml nmomiKof such bomK
Conc'poinlciirc t-ollcHcd.
N , W. IIAnniS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
113-11 ? Monroe Street , CHICAGO.
00 Dovonahlrn fitront. BOSTON.
Boots and Shoos.
flurcc sors to lleo.loup ! < A Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of IMs& Slices
or lloston Uiibbcr Shoo Co , inn. 1101 mul HOe
llurnor Sued , Oninha , Mcliraslin.
sroiiz A ILER ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
15J1 North Klgbtoenth street. Omaua , N B.
ManMctnrcrsoFGalvaiiizeil Iron Cornice
Wlndon-cg-i * nnil inclnllc kyl Khl . .lolm Kponcter ,
proprietor , inand ) UUfcniitli lOlliilroot.
Office Fixtures.
Manufacturers of
IM , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Unntl ? * . SlilvbonnlK. Monk OUCH , llrnn Klxluroo , W ll
uses , I'arlltloni. llalllncsCounter ! . , llerrnml Wln
I colors. Mirrors , Ku Knrturjr mill ufflro. 1780 nnil 1731
boutU 13th Bt..Omnlin. Telephone 1124.
Paper Boxes.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. 1.117 add 1.119 DoiiKlns street , Omaha , Neb.
Sasli , Doors , Etc.
'SL'A. Disn'Row , ( co.7
Whol . < nlo intnufncturern of
Sasli , Doors. Blinils and Mouldings ,
llriuuhnice. . 12th mul linnl street bmuha , Neb.
iioiiN M A N i TFA TIR ixcTca'
MaiiuLctiirers of Sasli , Doors , Blinds ,
Uoutdlne * . Mhlr-wort nml Interior hard wood llnltli.
N.K.cornerHili nnil l.eavemvrrth Mreets ,
Un'inlin , Neb.
Pumps , Etc.
Pomps , FiDCs and Engines ,
8team , natcr , rnllirnT unit mining Kiipiillei , eto.
1CU , ! ' . " 'nmr.M l-'arnum street , Omalin.
Steam and Wale1 Supplies ,
7Iaiidajr : wind ml IK ' .US and 12) ) .lone * Kt , Omaha.
( * . r. Hess , a 't'njf AiniiHKer *
Engines , Boilers and General Mcchinery ,
BuceUrou work , tcam | iump , § uw mills. 1213-1311
J.onvL'nwurtli alma , Omalia.
Iron Works.
Carter A t-'nn. Prop's. MainifMclurcrs of nil
Steaiii Boilers , Tante and Sliest Iron fort
Worts South anli mid II. &M.crui lnn.
Wroiiglit and Cast Iron Bni fliog Work ,
Bnlnei * . bros work , general foundry , nmchlno and
ll.cliilth ] v/ork. Oillco unit wurkx , U. I' , lly.
nnil litli struct , Uiualia.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iroi Railings
Desk nilla , window cunrds. tlonnr ntiin < H. wlro slun > ,
clc. JK1 North litli KlnctOmnha.
Manl'rs.or ' Fire and Burglar Prof-iafes ] ? ,
Vault' , jnll work , Iron ulinltor * anil tire CBrnpos.
U. Andiecn , prui'r. | Cnr. Hill nd JncliHouHls.
Of Omaha , Limitel ,
John K I ! lyd , Hiipi'rlliti.'liilcnl.
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' ,
The Host Route from Onmlia nud Council
niiilfs to
Chicago , AND Mllunukeo ,
SI. 1'iiul , Mliinoaiiolls , Ccilnr IJuulds ,
Itock Isluiul , Frceport , Itockfonl ,
Clinton , Diibiuiuc , Dnvonport ,
Elgin , Jladlsoi : , JniKiSiillo ,
liclolt , Wlnonn , Ln Crossc ,
And all otbor Important points Bant , NorilieuBt nnO
For tlirnnzh tickets , call on tlm ticket ajKht t 1.101'
Farnaui ilruut , In llurki-r IIloo < , or at Union I'liclUo
I'ulliimn Sleepers and tlio llneit DlnlnK Cnri In Ilia
world aru run on the mjiln line ot Hie ( . lilcngo , Jill-
wauUuQ & 8t. 1'aul Itulliraj. and every attention It
pittu lu pauenxori \ > j oourlcuui oiiip'.ojre , or tba
II. Ml I , I , Kit. General MnnfiKer ,
J. K. TUCKKII.Aiilnlaiit ( juneral MunnBer.
A. V , II. ( 'Alll'KNTKIl , ( iuneral I'utiuncer and
Ticket Aaent.
OKU. K. lliAKHmiAl t nt Uenaratraiiencer
and Ticket Aitent.
T. JC1AHK , General Superintendent.
Tlio 1'ubllo aru not Kuucrully aware tlmt l' ' tlio
prvtcnt miithoJt or cuukliiK Hilljr unu-linlt ut lliu
coITcu that li IKU'I li lblunnn ar in thu tirounil ,
Hml wn toil. Clieuilm connuc-lej with tliln niiiip.niy
httvo nuoci.'i'ileil In navhiir till * wuttii n Ihut tlio com-
puny can riirnlih i-oilce rnmiu ol the tliiRit .lavn. put
up In iniall imrtnblu Juri unU WAtni * NTrn ITIiK/.ri-
I.V I'lliir. anil KUnriinlcnil to uu nnlr uhout ( ) NK-
HAI.K THIS COST lu the t-nniiiliii > ) r of cotiiinua tuf-
iuu. Only boiling wali-r It nomloit wnon propurliit ; II
for the table.- Crown l.l'jiilil ' CoITiio ( 'o.iipnny.
Ask Your Grocer for
MCCORI ) , HHAD.Y it CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers , - - Onmlin , Net )
th r f-
blfttiTiood i etc. I ( ( T"iiTa"V liulfe tr * tli ( f l * l )
roitlalnluur fult i > * rttvuUu fur tiuiuf cure , fret of
CPROFF/C'FOWLER ! | Moodu , Conn.
MESS CURED wr.iv r t.
a * n lKU./.l..r > J'.llMllj. ' . C-mKrl.ll ; .
wil t r ll ttinxflx niu I U k t P' ' '
Anrlculuirnl Implomonta.
Dealer h AgiicnKnial Implements , f apis
" " ' and lirfjclM. Jnne itroct , between Wh and
loth , Onmliit , Nrlira ka.
LIN ING Ell METC\.LF \ CO. , *
Agricnir Imiilcnicnisj Wagons , Carriages
\Vliolo5nlc. . Omalin , Nodraoia.
I'ARLIN , cniKNtOltf , t MAliTlX
VTholciata ItcnloM In
Agricnllnral Implements , Wagonsfc Bnggios
street , Omnh .
vnniitacliu r ! > ixml Joblicra In
Wagons , Buggies , Ra'es ( , Plows Elc ,
Cor. ! > lli and Pnc-lllo MrruK , Oiunlia. *
Artlsta' rVlntorlnls ,
A. 11OSPK , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs
] M3Dounlm > tr et Onmlia , Xolirnkn ,
Qooto nnd Shoos.
ir. r. MORSE , t co. ,
Jotters of Boots end Shoes ,
HOI , llffl , 1103 Donah' ltrrt. Omahn , MnniifACtorT ,
Sunimnr atroot , llo < ton.
Conl , Coke nnd Llmo.
JoWers of Hard and Son Coal ,
DOS ! South I'lli street , Oimtin , Ne
or Coal a d Coke ,
ill South mil St..0iimrm. Xcb.
Commission nnd Stornso.
Storas-e and Commission Merchants ,
pcclaltlca llultcr , mu-n , chcoso , nniillrr , iniu
_ lll-'llowiiril Unmt. Onmlin , Nob.
- i
_ Dry Goods nnd Notions "
Dry Goods , Fornisnlng Goods and Notions
1102 and 1101 Uoiijilai , cor. llth * trcetOiimtm , Neb.
Importers ? nd Jokers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
funil hlnu . Corner llth nnd Unrncf
, NottrMku.
Importer' nnd Jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
SIT South 1Mb itreet ,
Wliolesale DealBK in Fiiniitnre
Kornnni str ct , Omalm , Nebraska.
Furniture ,
Cmabn Nubrnaks.
Wliolesale Groceries and Provisions.
n , TUT , ' 03 nnil Til Smith lUtli at. , Omnhn , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers'
l.ltli ana i iiTOnworth streets , Omaha , Ncbralka ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel * -
ni . waijon Btnok , hnuliVnro , liiinlirr , etc. 1901
anil 1211 llnruoy itreut , Unmlia.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metal * . f > licct iron. otc. A cent- * for Howe 8Capi ] <
Si In ml ponrtltr nnd I.yumit barliod ntrOt > .
Build rs1 Halware aid Scale Repair Stop ,
Ilcchnnlca' toulu nmt .icnlcs. UX Douclat
Btruut. Oniuim. Nob.
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy
Coulo ( urnlBlilim oouJ , chllilron'n ciirrllsca , 4U >
auj fernnui itruei. O a uLi
_ _ _ Oils.
Wliolesalc Refiiiecl and Liiliricalii Oils ,
Axle arcuie , etc. , Onmlin. A. II. lll > bn ] > , ainnnner.
' "
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry n nice Block of tulntlntr. irmpplnir nnd writing
papor. tiiiooiul ultuntlon given tu iar loud ordari.
' ' '
Wliolesale Luinher , Etc ,
la ) or tad and Amerlonn Tortlnnd cement.
a ntfcr llllwii'1 ' lirdrnuilooetuenticd
Uulnej whUulliiio. I
Dealer in Hardwood Lumlier ,
Woodcarpeli and pnniuutlloorlnu. Htli und
trcclp , Umiihn , Neb.
AllKinds of Building Material at Wliolesale ,
litli Street Bud Union 1'arlllo Truck , Oiunlia , >
Dealer in Linnlier , Latli , Lime , SasD ,
Door ) , Uta , VordsCornri till nud Douglni. Corner
lUtli and DuiiuUi ;
Lumlier , Linib Ccrncnl , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Ctli and Ht . , O.iiatia.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13lU nd California Blrueln , Omaha , Ni'bm ka.
Nlllllnory nnd Notions.
Importers Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
aw , 21Unnil VUSoutli 1Kb llicot
Wholesale Notions aiid Fnrnisliing Goods ,
_ _ 4UI ana * J Bouth lOtb itrccu Uuiatia.
Onpital . 4UOOfW
Surplus .Inn. 1st , IBS ! ) . 62,00i >
JIWIR : s. lil'.l'.l ) , Vice
A. K. 'I'OU/.AUN ,
JOHN rt. COM.l.NB ,
II , ( M.'USIIINiJ ,
J. N. HrATlUl'K
w. n . s.
Corner r.'th nail I'ltniam Sts.
A Hanking Uu ln-Mirana cto , t
j cailly. qu
ly aii'l 3 r lv cur.J 'o.r DDirnilt A
sulux. ii t rttlca > ci cunul In is-'vimtUyi. Boid
ILMipur 'Jox , all drusii : U. crb/mill froui Una
uifcMZuCu. Hi Wullq yi. X V. t'ulUlltotl | yii4