Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Opening : of the Ladles * Six-Das
Bloyclo Tournament ,
AlJflB Williams Mnlcca Kovornl Spurts
In n Vnln Kndcnvor to Hcnd tlio
1'roccsslon llnno Bull
nnd Uncos.
The nicyclo Itncc.
The patrons of the Coliseum hnvo lost nom
of tholr interest In the Indy bykcrs , nsvn <
nltcsted by the Inrgo nttcndaneo , yesterday
nt the opening of Uio six days' rnco. fein
hours a day , with the onino contcalnnts tlin
appeared hero last month. The contest wll
110 n heller one than was given by the fnli
byWonncs nt their first appearance. The
riders nro nil In hotter condition , nnd glv <
promise of making n speedier race.
The start wns made yesterday nftcrnnoi
nt 8 o'clock , and wns a lively ono from tlu
crack of the pistol to tlio rloso of the twc
hours' Reunion. The first fact imulo proinl
nent was that Miss Williams will not hnvo :
walkaway In this race. As noon as the rider. '
were fairly cturtod she uiado nu ulTort tt
gain a lap by ono of hci
0111 tltno spurts. Much to her supriso ,
bo found Oaken , Woods and lialdwln close
nftor her. They wouldn't ho shaken. The
first uillo was made In ! J-IS : , mid 13 miles ant' '
3 laps were covered the llrst hour. Ar-
mnlmlo rode IB miles and drew off from the
ether contestants , keeping toBother through
the two hours , scoring 110 miles nnd 4 laps.
The building was fairly well llllud whet :
the riders stalled for the two hours' ' evening
run nt 8 o'clock. At 8:30 : Miss William !
mndo another dcspcrata effort to put a In )
between herself and her competitors. She
didn't succeed. Pctlto Jessie OnUcs was
right nftor ncr nnd stayed there. Llc.iutj
Baldwin lost a lap , but the Omaha favorite
could not got uwuy from Oakes uud Woods
Just at the prettiest turt of the race William !
nnd Oakes collided mid both were curried
/rum the ring. Miss Woods took advantage
of the mishap and gamed n lead
of two laps. Tlio victims ol
ttio accident remounted almost immediately ,
AViHIums training her speed llrat nnd securing
a lead of a lap on the the plucky Kngllsl
girl. The position of the riders wns no |
changed durlue the rest of the evening nnc
tlio.v crossed the line at 10 o'clock lu a buncl
with the following score :
Miles Lap ;
Woods . 69 1
Williams . 59 f
Baldwin . 59 i
OaKcs . , . 59
Lewis . . . f > 9 ' .
Browu . 69 i
Aiinalndo . 83
KqtipHtrlomies vs. Ityklciinrs.
Marvo 731oodsloy yesterday received a tele
gram from P. H. Uutlor , of Kansas City
nuthorizlng him to make a mutch with tin
lady bicycle riders to race against two ladle ;
on horseback. Mr. Butler is a great horse
man and has had large experience in the
management of chariot tournaments and
equestrian exhibitions. Ho hns at present
the management of Miss Williams , the
equestrienne , who wns Nellie Burko'i
croatust rival. It is probable that a race wil
be made , four of the lady bicycle riders tc
ride against two equestriennes.
.Hand Hull.
There will bo an interesting game of
hand ball played to-day at the Emerald
court , 1123 Chicago street , at 2 p. m.V. .
Kllgallon and Jotin Basjei nro to play the
Kansas City team for SlDO'n side.
P. J. IClrby nnd J. C. Mitchell will play P.
R McNamara and M. Saerg for KQ a side
Thomas Hart and Ed J. Brannau will pla.v
M. TiRlio nnd M. Durlco for WO a side.
J. J. Byrnes , of New York , will roferci
the games. _
I Lexington Races.
LEXINGTONAJ5ril , 29. The track was soft
nnd slow ana tno attendance fair. Summary ;
Two-year-old Hllcs | , half mlle Gracie A !
won , Teddy Venture second , Cainolla ttiird
Time & 3J.J.
Three-year-olds und upwards , throo-quar
tors of a mile May O won , J. C. Burnett
second , Koko third. Time 1 :18.
Three-year-old1 * and upwards , one and one
sixteenth miles Hod Letter won , March im
second , Lady Hemphill third. Time 1 : D1 }
Threo-year-ohls und upwards , llltoon-six
tconths of n uillo Videtto won , Irish Uat
second , Pat Donuvnn third. Time 1.83.
Memphis ItaoH. .
MEMi-nis. April 29. Tno attendance wai
large and the track fast. Summary :
half mile Blaclcbun
Two-year-old , Lady
\von , Ml. Lebanon second , Lilly Kinncj
third , Timo-r-4' } .
Three-year-olds , ono and a half mtlcs-
ICoovecna won , Madolln second , Moniti
Hardy third. J'imi : 2 minutes.
AU ages , ono mile Tudor won , Irma II
Hccoud , Bankrupt third. Time 1:4 ! } %
Three-quarter mile henU , all ages First
heat : T. J. Husk won , Albert Stull second ,
Hamlet third. Time UlSVtf. Second heat :
Albert Stull won. Hamlet second , T. J. Husl
third. Time lKfcf. : Third heat : Alber
Stull won. Time 1:18) .
AU ages , llvo-eiKiiths of n mile Clan
Moore won , Cashier second , Culckasau
third. Thue-ll)3 ) >
Ivy City Itnces.
AVASiiiNOTox , April 29. The weather was
Six : furlongs Sam Ilnrpor won , Swif
ccond , Belle D'Or third. Time 1 :18.
One ntid one-sixteenth miles Orillumuii
won , Lelogos second , Tory third. Tlme-
1 :55. :
Ono mlle Seadrift won , Carroll second
Buddhist third. Time 1:47 : >
Three-fourths of n mile lugo won
Blanche second , .Tappet third. Time 1 :20 f
Ono Mile Refund won , Romp second
Wild Cherry third. Time 14 ; .
The National Ijonuuo ,
PiTTSiiuita , April 29. Result of to-day'a
came i
Pittsburg . 0 0 1
Cleveland . 2 0 !
Base hits-Pittsburg 0. Cleveland 8
Errors Plttsburg 0 , Cleveland 1. Pitcher !
Stnloy and Hakely , Umpire Lynch.
s , April 2'J. ' Result of to-day'i
came :
Indianapolis. . . 3 100100030-
Chicago . 1 5300004001 I
Base hits Indianapolis 17 , Chicago 10
JSrrors Indianapolis 0 , Chicago a. Pltchon
Ootzoiu nnct Krock and Uwyer. Uuiulro
PniLADEM-iiiA , April 'J9 , Result of to
day's game :
Philadelphia . 3 !
Boston . r , > U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Base hits Philadelphia 4 , Boston 9
Errors Philadelphia 4 , Uoston 0. Pltohori
Uunintou and Clarkson. Umpire Fes
NEW YOHK , April 'JO.-Ucsuit of to-duy'i
game :
New Vork . 0 "
Washington . 0 !
Base hits Now York fl. Washington 7
Errors Now York 3 , Washington 5. Pitch
ers Crane nnd O'Duy. ' Uinplros- Curry am
McQuudo. _
Anierlcan Association.
QuoouLrx , April 29. Result of to-day'i
frame :
Brooklyn. . , . 0 32310000 ' ;
BoHIinoro . 0 00100103 J
COLUMBUS , April 29. iloult of to-duy'a
Columbus . 0 03000010 ;
Athletic. . . . . . . . .0 3 C 0 0 0 0 0 0
ST. Louis , April 29. The LouUvlllo-St.
Louis guuio was postponed on account ol
KANSAS CITV , April 29. The Cincinnati
Kunitts Qity ( ruuio was postponed on account
f ruin.
Five Tiitt-s Sralutl.
FOUT SMJTII , Ark. , April 29. In the fed
eral court this morning Judge Parker sentenced
tencod five convicts to hunj ; on Wednesday
July 17 , 1859.
Two IlcnvyWolshlH Desecrate Un
Rnlibntti nnil Mutllnto 'IlirnnelYOH.
Nnw YonK , April 2 ! ) . [ Special Tclcgrnn
to TUB Ucr. ] A ho.tvy-welphtbtittlo forfSW
nnd goto receipts , between Pntrlck Uouph
flrty of Now UnmswlcK nntl John Dwycr o
Philndclphln took jtlftco ycstenlny In nn olt
mill nenr Hound lirook. Six tcrrillc round :
were fought , the bnttlo bdiiR ono ot thutnos
exciting Hlupginc jfcfTuirA over wltucsocil it
Now Jersey. It wns giro nnd tnko until the
llfth rountl , when Dwycr drew first blood.
' 1 his mnthlcncd Dougherty , who went nt tin
Phllntlelphlnmnn in n vicious manner. It
the sixth round the UICH clinched nnd foil
with Dwyer on top. As Dougherty nroso tin
I'hilndolphlan strucu him , nnd the buttle wn <
nwarded to the Ncxv Urunswick mnn. Tht
men were frightfully punished. About3,50 <
changed hnnds on the result.
Dletuli Grnntott A Pardon.
Dc Moixns , In. , April 28. [ Special Tel
cpruni to TUB Hue. ] A pardon by the gov
ernor was mndo out to-day for Dlctch , whc
is notv in the penitentiary at Auuinosn ,
under n llfo sentence for imtrdor. The case
Is ona of uncommon interest from the fact
that the possibility U that Doltch Is an Inno
cent man , nnd has boon suffering for unothoi
man's crltno. A man immcd Joseph Tlium
was murdered nt Cedar Uaplds about four
years ago. Governor Shoriunn offered n
rowurd offoOO for the urrest of the nine-
doror , and Dlotch nnd it man named Thum
were nrrestcd nntl convicted of murder In
the second tlegrconnd scutonccd to Iho pen !
tcntlnr.v for llfo. Dlctch stoutly nlHnuod
his iunoccuco nnd the governor was led tc
bcllovo that the man who gave evidence
against him did so to get the rowurd. and ho
refused to Day It. Nevertheless , Dletch was
convicted , und lias been in prison nearly
four yours. Some of his old army frionus
hnvo followed up tno case , and believing
thnt ho was innocent , nave collected all thu
ovideuco they had to provo that , fact. After
careful investigation , Governor Lnrraboo
concluded to give the man u p.mlon , aud on
M'iy 1 ho will bo set free , uftcr nearly four
years of what , in nil probability , has boon at
illegal imprisonment.
llol I Up anil Unblicd.
WATEKI.OO , la. , April 2'J. [ Special Tola-
gram to TUB Ur.R.l William Scott , a fnrmoi
sixty-four yeaw of ago , living in Tinibci
Crcok township , Marshall county , \VM ;
robbed last Thursday night by three fellows
who visited his homo about uildnlglit , anil
held a revolver at his huad while the place
was ransacked. They got nw.iy with $300 in
currency and $100 in gold dust , which Mr ,
Scott mined in California in tho'oO's. Throe
fellows have been iirrested for thocrimo.
Fire nt Central City.
, . CKDAU HAPIUS , la. , April iO. [ Spocin'
Telegram to THU IJuu.J A flro ut Contra !
City , twenty jnilo1 * north of hero , yesterday ,
destroyed property valued at SiO.OOO. The
flro was sjupposed to huvo been starped by ex-
saloon men In rovenco for having been pros
ccuted. The principal losers are S. Jen *
nings , general store ; Hutchluson & Hass
meat market ; Porter & Clark , hardware
Mcl.cod & Crane , general merchandise
The total insurance is about $10,1)00. )
Clmsoil By u Woman.
DES MOISES , la. , April 29. [ Special Tclo
gram to THE HIE. | A special from McGre
gor says that un English spinster , by thi
name of Hartwick , made an assault upon a
farmer , named Eugene , who lives about ilvc
miles from there. She drove him oft his
farm and followed up her attack with a re
volvcr. Ho came to town nnd swore out i
warrant for her nrrost , and she was com
nutted to the county Jail. The cause of hei
enmity to him is not known.
at Knit-Held.
PAIUFIEI.D , la. , April 29. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Biiii.J Burglars went through
the residence of Uov. J. F. Magill , pastor ol
the Presbyterian clmrch hero , while the
family was at church last evening. Thoj
secured some money and many housoholi
goods and souvenirs , nnd left the house in r
very demoralized condition. The poliro an
working on a clue , and have some partie :
under suspicion.
School Suticrintomlciit Suspended ,
WATCULOO , la. , April 29. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tnn BEE. | J. M.Vnnhouten , priucl'
pal of the schools at Waubcek , Linn county ,
has been suspended , pending an Investiga
tion , to bo made by the county superintend
ent , of some charges brought against him bi
H. O. Bishop , of Wiiubcolc. Immoral con
duct is charged , and the examination is sui
for May U. VauUouten claims to bo inno
cent. _
Fell Her. ( I in the School.
CLINTON , la. , April 20. [ Special Telegran
to THE UKK. } While assisting her subordl
nates in the Eleventh avenue public schoo
drill of children to-day for the centonnln
exercises to-morrow , Principal Mary Crnui
fell dead from apoplexy. Slio had tauu'h
hero for ton years and was a fuvoritt
Ilcftiao to 1'uv tlio Iikiuof Tax.
WATKW.OO , la. , April 29. [ Special Telegram
gram to THU BEE. ] The saloonkeepers o
this city have decided not to pay the govern
meat , retail liquor dealers' tax for the cusu
ing year. They claim to have a pointer thac
prohibition will bo enforced hero and thc.i
will quit business for the present , .
Fell on a liny Kill Co.
MASON CITV , lu. , April 29 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tut : 13in.J A young sou of A. A
Hufmastor , of Plymouth , fell from n stacli
of buy on which ho was playing yesterday ,
striking his face on a hay kulfo and splitting
his nose and cutting an ugly gash the wholi
length of his fuco. His recovery is doubtful
Taking into consideration the fact that hie
engagement is , unfortunately , sandwiched
between very strong and high priced attrue
tlons , Prod Wnrdo drew a much hotter audience
dionco to the Grand opera house last nlghi
than had been expected ho would. Still , hi :
business hero will not reach any such figure
us ho deserves. It is to bo regretted , too ,
because ho is an excellent uctor and worth :
of better treatment.
Last night Mr. Wnrdo produced tor the
first , und it is to bo hoped the lust , tlmo ii
this city , the now play , "Tho Mountebank.1
So far ns the performance , artistically , i ;
concerned , it was great , and pleased thosi
who witnessed it Immensely , but the storj
tola , and the action depleted so much sorrow
row and suffering and cruelty and agon.t
that the grlot felt by the uudlcnco overbal
uncoil any enjoyment tlioy might have beer
able to glean from the entertainment. While
Mr. Wurdo plays iho part of a French moun
Uibiuik most admirably , and dcmoustratos in
it that hu is mi uctor of roumrkablo power ,
as well ua versatility und intelligence , the
public would rather BOO him In "Virginlus1
or In SlmUcspormu tragedies.
The supporting company U a very good
ono. Miss Adplc Uolgurdo took the part ol
Madeline , wlfo of the mouutobank , capitally ,
She looked und acted It to perfection , and
Miss Htollu Boniface , a * u profcsiiouul dan-
SDiiso , was qulto captivating. Uertlu und
Allio Mcriill , the children , ollcltoU much ud <
miration. All the other parts were well
presented , uud as u wholu the performur.e :
guvo great Butlafitctioii. The company will
play a coiitonnlul matinee this afternoon ,
and L-loso the ougugsmont to-night with
"Damon nnd Pythias , " us the bill.
KrBiirrccIrd An Anuinnt Indian.
PiEiniB , Dak. , April 29. [ Special Telcgraa
to THIS JJKE. ] Some working moil while
limning uxcuvatioug o the bluff at the hoot ]
of Piurro street , to-day , unearthed , deep itj
the hilUldo , the skeleton of n man of tiuusuu ]
size , with other ancient Indian rollcs. Othoi
murks huvo boon found in times past indicat
ing that the spot was an ancient Indian
scpulcher ,
iHnoiv Htorm In
DETICOIT , April W. A tromondoug snow
btoi m prevailed in the upper inmlusulu last
ulgut , utu.x > mp.iulod by u noithwest galo.
From two to four luohes of kuowfoil. Ko
ers to shipping huvo bcou ruoortod.
The Torrlblo Fate of a Plucky Tola-
graph Operator.
Tlio Mtirdorcrs Soom-o Nearly Flv <
Hundred Dollars Their Foot
prints In tlio Snow 1'nr-
Hiitt liifttltutnd.
For ot to Close tlio Uonr.
FOUNTAIN. Colo. , April 29. [ Special Tola
gram to Till : DUE. ] A. S. Hastings wasmui
ucrod hero last night by trnmps. The afful
occurred In the operating rooms of tlio Snnti
Fo station nt this itolnt , where Hastings w.i
employed as night operator. The murder 1
known to have boon committed by twi
tramps , mid It Is thought that four or flvi
\vcro engaged In tlio aftulr.
After dollvorlnp orders to the north bount
express , nt 2 o'clock this morning , Hasting
re entered his ofllco forgetting to look tin
iloor. The tramps entered after the departure
turo of the train nnd demanded that ho opot
the company's snfo. As Hastings wns Igno
rant of the combination ho wns perfect ! '
honest when ho replied that ho did not luiov
how. Disbelieving him the two trnmps begat
u most tcrrlblo assault oti thu dofensolcs !
operator. An examination of the room Indl
catod the tcrrlblo nnturo of the struggle
which ensued , nnd that the operator fough
desperately before ho fell mortally wounded
During the struggle Hastings , in nddltlot
to bolng brulsrd nnd scarred , wns shot bj
aouio person standing behind him. The bul
let entered his loft shoulder , nnd taking i
diagonal course , passed out of the rich
breast , nbovo the ribs. It wns found thli
morning lying by the safo. Whllo their vie
tlm lay bleeding nnd helpless , begging pitl
fully for his life , his assailants calmly rlllet
his pockets taking (30 itnd the keys of hi ;
cush drawer from which they obtained ? 40 ;
moro. In tholr haste to quit the nccno thoj
rondo no uttcmpt to disturb the safe in whlcl
J1DO wns deposited.
At the moment i of the murder , snow was
falling heavily and soon nftcr tbo discovery
of the crinio footprints in the snow wen
plainly discernible. They were those of twi
men , ovidcntly of immense size , one wearini
n No. 11 shoe , the other u No. 8. They won
only traceable for a short distance. Neithei
could bo mistaken for operators.
After the dep.irturo of the murderers
Hastings managed to leave the station ntul
cruwl to tlio house of the agent , Mr. Denny ,
about rive hundred foot away ; bleeding ami
with scarcely n ap.irk of life , the unfortun
ate tnnn , after a struggle , reached Dcnny'i
window aud feebly knocking , crioil , "Oh
Denny. "
"Who Is there ! " wns asked , when the voici
faintly exclaimed , "Hastings ; hurry up , 1'u
shot. "
Denny thereupon rushed out nnd founi
Hustings in a semi-unconscious condition
lying face foremost on the ground. Ho car
ried him Into the house , and , after belnij par
tlully revived , Hastings saldi "Thoy hell
mo up. I'm shot , tramps did it. Wlro ti
Mr. Wright , Tappan , Ohio. " Exhausted b ;
the cftort Hustings , who was lying in th <
ngent's arms , expired.
A posse organized and started In pursui
of the tramps , who , If captured , will in al
probability bo lynched. Word was tolo
prayhed along the line nnd a number of bum
captured who will ba held to await instlga
Polc ! Connty nntl the Twine Trust.
OSCCOI.A , Nob. , April ST. [ Special to Tin
13ii.J A convention consisting of one dele
gate from each school district in Poll
county met at the court house in this placi
Saturday uHernoou to organize an opposition
against the now American tyrant , the
"Twluo Trust. " Resolutions were passei
not to buy any twine binders this season ,
unless thu manufacturers of the same guar
nntco cheap twine ; that thirteen cents po
pound was nil that the farmers would pa ;
for standard twine , and If they could not bu ;
for that price they would buy no twini
binders this season ; that they would take of
the binders on the machines they now hnvo
put on temporary platforms , nnd bind b ;
hand , or throw off grain unbound , thi
threshing machine owners having agreed U
thresh loose grain at the same rates as bouni
grain. The question of various fibers foi
twine , so that the farmers could inanufnc
turo their own twine from Nebraska growt
liber was discussed. It was further rosolvei
that the necessity for united opposition tc
trusts by all classes of citizens , without re
spcct to party or occupation , is an iuiperativi
duty in defense of their homes ; and that tin
formation of trusts is treason against Amen
can liberty.
The Idea that congress should give to th (
president of the United States authority t <
Kispend , for a period of time , the minor
duty on any commodity or commodities
manufactured or unmanufactured , on thi
production or sale of which combines tin
formed which oppress the people , mot will
the approval of all to whom It was mentioned
The meeting was the most united farmers
meeting ever held in Polk county.
A DiHj-rnctJi'ul Affair.
NKWI-OUT , Nob. , April 29. | Special to Tin
BEE.J Perhaps the most disgraceful seem
which has occurred during the county seal
fight and contest , In Hock county , took placi
at Bassott , at the recount of all the precincts
by order of the supreme court , on Tuosda ;
of the past week. Three of Newport's citi
ions were there with their attorney , Mr
Hayes , of Norfolk , to see tho.count. Aftei
the count was over , Mr. Hayes , who i
a one-armed gentleman , and unfortunatcl ;
not able to defend himself , was confrontoi
by A. H. Tlnglo , county attorney , who , enthused
thused by rum and surrounded by some o
the chosen members of his gang , thrcatcnci
to demolish Hayes , culling him nil tbo vH
names his tongue could command. The pros
ctice of Orrrn Smith , of Newport , who it
generally looked upon as not a healthy matte
to fool with , decided Tmglo that ho had better
tor not try his physical prowess on the one
armed attorney. Tingle next turned his nt
tontion to a respectable farmer , sixty-llvi
yearn old , whom ho attempted to put t <
sleep without the preliminary of calltnj
The last count cuts Bassati'g majority
down to Ul. When tbo 50 votes which It li
claimed were cast after the polls closed an
thrown out , It will irivo Nuwport the county
seat by about eight votes ovur the Held.
It , U. Evans , who tiled the mandamus suit
for u recount , and who has recently movcc
to Milwaukee , wrlU ; that hu has rccelvci
Bovoral Ir.rgo offers , from Bassott , to with'
draw the case from the supreme court.
Forijory Fil'ioru Yours AKO.
FKKMONT , Neb , , April 28. [ Special to Tin
DUE. | Joh L. Webber , the old tlmo Fre
mont forger , who was reported In Suxiuv'a
H&u us having buqii urr < ? stgd lu Arizona and
being on his way back to Fremont , arrived
hero this morning lu churgo of otllcers. The
poopla of this city expected his arrival yes
tor juy , and there \ver largo crowds of tlio qu
rious nt the depot on tlio.arrival of oil trains.
In an interview In jail to-day Webber stated
that after ho was pardoned by Governoi
Furnas lu 1871 ho went from Lincoln direct
to Canada whereho staid pnly about i
month. Ho then went to Texas and Mexico ,
whuro ho lived conveniently near the Mcxl-
can border for several years , after which he
went to Arizona and resided at Wllcox
wbero ho was arrested a few days ago. lit
says ho never had much fear of being fu
rcated on other indictments for forgery ,
thinking that his pardon from the penltouti-
ary would probably bo the last of his affair
here. Ho utd , however , that ho would have
changed his uarno to have secured greater
immunity from detection had It not been foi
his children , the change of whose names
would huvo been a very dlfllcult matter ,
Webber will remain in Jail hero unti ) the
June term of tlio district court , wheu ho will
have his trial on'othor Indictments for for
gory. Many are of the opinion , however ,
that it will bo a difllcult mutter to couvlci
now for n crimn which vrn < \ committed flf
teen years ngo.JL'ho \ witness will bo hard
to pot.
Howard Not 01.
Sr.WAitt ) , Nob- , April ' _ > 0. | Spoaat to Tnn
Hun. ] This community was shocked this
morning to learn ot the sudden death of Hov ,
Father 13. Hothann , the Catholic priest , whc
died during the night after nn illness of only
n few hours of heart disease. Fathoi
Haitian * came to this place about a year ngc
from Michigan , jiuil had under his charge the
parishes of SowatU. UI.VMOS nad Mllford ,
Ho has not bccn < lrt'goort health for some time ,
but was not confined to his rooms until about
two days ago , but his death wai very sudden
nnd unexpected.- ' was n mnn unlvorsallj
beloved by nil who came in contact with him.
regardless of denominations , for his Jovial
disposition nnd hind , sympathetic nnturo ,
Ho had announced and oxpsctod to comment'
ornto the Washington centennial on Tuesday
nt this plnco.
Sheriff .Tamos M. Smlloy has tologrnphoil
from the southern part of Kansas that ho had
captured the two horso-thlcves wanted In
this county for thofta committed last week.
The H , & M , It. K. company has taken oft
both the enrlv morning and Into evening
trains , which allows Seward but two trams r
day in each direction , and all | toints west of
this to Grand Island but ono train each way. .
Lincoln's Atdr-rm.tnlo Contest.
LtjtooiA' , Nob. , April 20. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB Unn. ] The Injunction in the
contest case from the Fourth ward wns
nrgucd , this nfternoon , before Justice Field ,
of the district court. Hamilton tnado a mo
tion to dissolve the Injunction , on the ground
tlmt the plnlntiff , Webster , was not suf-
flclontly Interested In the matter , nnd had
not mndo sufficient allegations. The Injunc
tion was dUaolvod , but the attorney for
Webster tiled n auporscdcus bond , which ,
under the law passed by thu lust legislature ,
prevents the dissolution of the Injunction
until the case comes before the supreme
Ttio orreudlnic finm Stores.
AUUOKA , Nob. April 19. [ Special to Tnr ,
Buc.J The tctnpcrunco people nro making
life intolerable for the drug stores. Ono Noble
boucht a pint of spirits and Rave it to n
minor , who was found drunk ; and , after bo ]
mg jumped by the oOluors , told whore ho got
his liquor. Noble was arrested and lined $5
for giving liquor to a minor. Some lawyers
took Noble to u room and scared him into
tolling them where it was bought. "Tony"
LaCourse , n drug dork , was then brought
before tlio county court nnd fined $100 for
eelllntr liquor without n license or permit , and
ho will bo brought this week before the diS'
trlct court on n state complaint.
llooiiilnu the OiiaittniKiun.
PAPILUON , Nob. . April 29. [ Special to
Tun BBC. ] A union meeting in tlio Interest
of the Council Bluffs nndOniahaChnulauqun
assembly was hold hero yesterday evening
In the M. E. church , presided over by ttev.
Mr. Wolcott , who commoudod the Cliautau-
qua movement. The moating was addressed
by Uev. Weeks , pastor of the Presbyterian
church , Pnpllllon ; J. 1C. Harkncss. business
manager , nnd H JV. J. W. Taylor , of Aurelia ,
lu. A deep interest is being manifested in
the Cbautauqua movement ut'Papilllon.
A. Prominent CJit Or ; ml.
FREMOXT , Nob. , Anrll 29. [ Special to Tnu
BUB. | Swan M Nelson , n member of "the
board of Dodge county supervisors , repre
senting Logan township , died ur , his homo
Saturday nflornoon at 3 o'clock , and was
burled this afternoon at the Salonio Mission
church , In Hurt county. Mr. Nelson wag
ono of the old residents of that section ol
and a'wisll-to-do farmer. Ho
the county - - was
fifty years old and leaves a wife , two sons
and a daughter.
Tried'trt Bronte Jail.
FIIEMOST , Neb. . April 23. [ Special to Tun
Bcu.J An uttoinptat jail breaking was made
yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock by tlio pris
oners in the co'inty'Jall ' hero. They had in
some mnnnor secltrdid u saw , nnd awcd ofl
the iron bars at n w'mdow on the north side
of the jail , and werti'just rcacy to begin tholt
ovllt , when they were detected by Jmlct
Howe , who locked them nil up In the dun
geon of the jail , where they remained until
to-day noon.
liicr-rmlarimu In Aurora.
AuiioiiA , Nob. , April 20. [ Special to Tni !
BC'B.J Saturday evening about 10 o'clock an
alarm was turned in for flro ia Glover's
bloclc , on Grand avenue. By the prompt ar
rival of the hose company very little damage
was done , though at ono time it seemed us
though at least live business houses would
bo burned out. The flro was evidently of in-
condiury origin.
By Cold Stppl nnd 1'otcon.
NKIIIIASKA CITV , Nob. , April : . * . ) . fSpacial
Telegram to THE BBB. ] On account of do-
mcatie troubles Joslah Hoborts to-day made
an attempt to commit suicldo by taking
poison and cutting his throat with a razor.
Ho was saved by the timely interference of
his wife in the Iwttor case , nnd a physician
gave him an antidote for tbo poison.
Tlio liiirinl of Myers.
CKnvii Ku'ins , Neb. , April 29. [ Special to
Tin : Bin.l John Myers , who was murdered
last Friday , was buried yesterday in Maplo-
wood cemetery by the comradea of Caddel
Post , G. A. II. Myers was wounded twice nt
Vicksburir , Mi&s. ; his left arm waa arapu-
tated in the field hospital. Ho wont out
with the Thlrty-tlrst Iowa.
AcciiHoit of $ IOOOO ,
DAKOTA CITV , April 20. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB BEB.J A warrant was issued
this afternoon for the arrest'of H. Smith ,
city treasurer of Jackson , for absconding
with flO.OOO of the city funds. Ho was ar
rested on this same charge last week but
was discharged for want of prosecution.-
Snowing In Grant.
GUANT , April 29. ( Special Telegram to
Tun BKK. ] A snow utorm has prevailed In
this auction sineu 12 o'clock last night. Snow
is reported as fur west as Sterling , Col. It
IB a warm BIIOW nnd is melting us it fulls ,
Tlio TttuoJiors Will Camp Out ,
SOUTH Bii.VD , Nob. , April 29. [ Special to
Tin : Bee. ] The teachers of Cass couuty
will hold their annual Institute this summer
on the Chnutauiiua plan nt Inland Park , Wu-
bash , and will tent on the grounds.
The Hunioiin Conference.
Bnuu.v , Anril 29. The conference of the
representatives of the United States , Gor.
many and Engiund'to consider Satnoun af
fairs , opened to-day jn the congress hall of
Prince Bismarck's residence , The session
lasted ono hour and , n quarter. On the proposal -
posal of Count Herbert Bismarck it was de
cided that the Btrivtcat secrecy should gov
ern their deliberations.
The conference adjourned without fixing a
date for iho next ucsslon , The sentiment ! )
expressed by lhotcommlbsloners wore of a
friendly character.-
Fined $ r 0 nnd Costo.
LITTI.B HOCK , ArkjAprIi 29. W. A- Web
ber , editor of the Progress , nnd General
Powell Olnywn , wliib had a difficulty in this
city Saturday , in which revolver ? were
drawn , were before the magistrate's court
to-day , and ploadca'gullty to the oliurno of
carrying concealed'wopbous. and were JJuqd
&Q and costs each ,
I'oHitlvuly cured by
thrse J.MUo IMIlH.
They also rcllb\o DU-
trc&s Irwft -Bpepsla. . In
ITTLE digestion nnd Too Heart }
IVER Eating , A perfect icm-
cdy tor Dizziness , Naus > < > a ,
PILLS. DroiTBlpcs ) , Bad Taste
In tlio IJouth , Coated
Tonsue , Puln in the Side ,
TOUi'ij ) J.ivi : . They
regulate ibt ) JJijwcla. J'urcl > ' Vegetable ,
\Villli\m CulDon Shot While Siunsli
IIIR Oilier People' * Property.
William Culacm is n mlddlo-ngod man am
n carpenter. Ho mny not bo crazy but hi
acted lllto it last night. Shortly after
o'clock ho entered the house of JamosDugan
nt Walnut Hill. Mr. Duean is an old Roldio
nnd n widower with three childrenthe eldos
n daughter eighteen years old. The child
rcn were homo when Culson made his op
pearauco but Mr. Dugnn wns not. Culsoi
began to ralso n disturbance nnd Miss Dugai
ordered him to leave tlio houso. Whllo Mi <
was trying to get him out Uugan appeared
Still Culson refused to go nnd Dugati forclbl :
ejected him. Culson looked around the yan
until ho found an nxo. With that ho broke
u now ? i > stovo. Dugnn became alarmed
nnd , getting hold of u revolver , "winged1
Culson , Two shots were fired , ono onterinf
each of Cnlson's arms lust below the elbow
This settled the Intruder.
The police were notified nnd Culson wa
arrested and locked up charged with housi
breaking , while Dugan wns detained undei
the charge of "shooting with Intent U
wound. " Dr. Uulph dressed Culson' !
wounds , but did not attempt to rcmovi
cither bullet. Culson could not bo seen , bu
Dugan stated that ho had no idea what In
cluccd the former to ralso any trouble.
A $5OOO Blnzc.
At 11 o'clock last night , a two-story un
finished dwelling situated u short distance
south of the poor farm and owned by Mr
Howolls , wns destroyed by lire ; also n ban
nnd two sheds adjoining the building. Par
of the house was occupied by u man nnmci
Montgomery. There was no grain or stool
m the barn. The loss is placed nt $5,000
there being no insurance.
A Small Klrc.
The alarm of flro turned in ycstordny after
noon wns for n blao in n cottage nt Thirty'
second and Bancroft streets , owned by , tht
Sisters of Charity nnd occupied by one ol
their number.
Hit Him With Uccr Bottles.
Ed. Kanklns , n teamster , nnd W. Brown , t
painter , were locked up lost night for fight
Ing. Brown broke two bottles of boor ovei
Han Id us' because the wlfo of the latter
according to report , had stated thnt Browt
had some disreputable woman in his palm
shop half the time or moro.
Only Ocnnlno Sjotrni ofHIcninry Trnlnlnff.
1'onr Ilookfl Ijearncd in one vcudlcj.
nilud nanilctin cured.
Every clilld ami nilult RVimtly ticnrntlcd.
Great Inducements to Correspondence C1 3M .
I'nwpoctus. with opinions of _ llr. . . Wm. . _ A. Hnm.
f. "ffff If t-li. t .t r lDnn na
& : * ! E&IMBTM. 23T Finu Arc , , N. Y.
( .o iV'WEa- ' : / < & * ,
& & * & * ! $ & '
teiabsfe te.-1/ ! ! .L
The 1'ublln nro not ucnemlly iiwaro that br tlio
prott-nt iiii'tlio.lj ul ( XuildiiK lullr ono-lialf of tliu
culft'O tlmt IH IIBOI ) Is tlirnwu u y m thu KrouniU
and wnilccl. I'liornUU i-iiiin cteit wllli thla t-iinipin/
ImTiKUOL-ucilod In rarlnz thin waitaro tlmt tliuponi.
pnny cnn furnlili entree innda of the llnuit Jnvu. | > nt .
UIilll Bllllill | iorlllo | ) JA" unit WAKIlA-y-TFII TKIlfPCr.
l.v I'UHK ad K'uaruntoeJ to lit ) only about ONIJ-
1IAI.K TIIK COST ti > the ujniuiiior of coiuuion cuf *
fgo , Only bollliv w ttfr U necdi'il whoii , : rc.Mrnn | | u
fortlie table , t'roirn U < ) uU t'olfoti CoinpHiijr.
AoK Your Grocer for
Wholcbalo Grocers , - - Oniiihii , Neb
Oil Lands
And all nuccw.ury pujicrs tilled ,
W. . E , HAWLEY , Civil Enginaar ,
CABI'lilt , WVO. , or OMAHA , KEUU A8KA
. ( lib
Mercantile -
Omaha , Neb ,
Buy , Sell and Exchange Real
Estate and Personal Proper
ty of every description. Have
the largest list of property
of any firm in the city. If
you have anything to sell or
exchange , come and see us.
We enumerate a few special
bargains which it will pay
you to investigate.
No. 20f Choice lots In Omaha View for loss
money than they cun bo bought ot any othur
iigwicy luOmalm. 1C you are looking lor nn in.
vestmtiiit , you will mane a mistake if you do not
rccognizo this as you pass by.
No. 207 hot 7 block 3.V ) , South Omaha. This
is n very desirable lot and will be sold cheap
Come soon If jou expect to get It.
No. 80S I rouses nnd lots In South Omaha near
Armour * . Will bo sold on huoh terms us will
entibla laboring men to purclmsu and make pay
Jiiuuttf about as the would nay rent. The grout-
est cnniue ever o ire ml to own your own honao.
No. aw-TilxKE fcot on llth Ftreot just north of
Nicholas fornalo tit n bajgain. Tliln pk-co ot
property Is Hltuiited In a part of the city which
l.s teeming with llfo and will bu lemilred for
business nnrposua In n very shoit time. 1'rlco
S-Hi ( ( ) ; half ensh , balance In out > , two and three
years ,
No. r , a'c have a number of good lots , nil
clear , in ono or the best towns in Nebraska
which wo can exchange for laud and assume
some enciimtiTnnco. Tills Is the snaimlo-t
mmp that 1ms budded this spring.
No. 70r SmokeiM. lend us your cars. Tour
hundred thousand clgarn to trade for anything
No. 20n A fi-ioom house In Omaha View. 1'or
n few tluyH w o canv Ing to the short bunk ac
count of ac'-rlaln party , offer un i-nneclully raio
bai galii in this piece or pioporty. If you are
Inclined to Invest In that part , of the city Jubt
i omembcr that delays ore iluiigarous.
No. TWi-Wo huvo llnted u 5-room cottnge In
Millnril & Cnldu ell'H addition at a prlco BO low
ns to Insure a ciibtomor lu u nhort time. Who
is the lucky muuV
N.0 < SIp-A largo iiumber of lots In one of the
best additions lo Coun'-ll Hindu. At thu prlcu
there 1-j moro money to bo made on this tiron.
orty tlmn an\ thing on the market today within
four mlles of tlio oiimha 1' . o.
No. RKi-A good hoiiso mid lot In Momouth
1'ark which wo will neil cheap or exchange for
othov Booil iiioperty. Jo not glancu at the mup
and BUVJh ( to far out. " Ict us toll you
homothfng. Momouth Park will have dtv
wiitur. pa and street cars this summer. Nnw
iHtlietlmutobny , thus Butting tlin benefit of
tlio ccttuln advance which is hoou to tulio place
In this pi opcrty.
No nw-Aii S-ioom house In that line nddlt-
Ion , Idlewlld. Wo will makg aomobody hupiiy
with this piece or property If they will coiiiu
No. BC0-A l-roomsqimiu house on a heautl-
. " ' . ' , ° Vn * l' ' > tli w . ' 'lib. of Albrights Choice
t-oiith Omuha. We are proparud toollorHpcclul
InduceinuiitsoiithlH ,
No. a-U-4Mi acres of land In Htitntori county.
I'oruulooroxchunge ' for other good propctty.
N ° . - r'1 ' 1A 1"i"B ° an'1 ' lot ' 1'attorson'H sub.
, , , , ,
, This
place will b < i sold on iaay
torniH toHonie one who wishes to purchane a
wimll. coiurortable home , it In but three blocks |
Irom tno Wofct Sldo belt line depot.
No. 104. A svock of furnlturo and hardwnro
for tmlo reiisoimblu. will aho hell atoi o utiUd-
Ills , residence uud barn. Some goon mil esutq
w II be token In part payment. To name ono
wishing to go Into business In a. llvo town wo
umglvu agood deal.
No. lin. il0 | acres Improved land In Kawlm-i
county. Kan. , nearly clear , to trudo for mer-
thiindlsti or livu stock.
No. 1V" . 010 ucrm ot iniproviid land In Kansas
for livery htook , murchiincllso or llvo HtocK.
No. 101. A stock of furniture to exchnnae for
cattle or linrtus.
No. 212. A 75-room hotel In ojio of the best
cities of Iowa to trwilo for western Inuds.
House all furnUliL-il unit doing a good
No , V ) . One of the best Improved fa run In
Iowa to oxciiango for rosldonco In Omuha.
and lota m all parts of Omnhp. for
sale on easy unus or uschungu for other prop.
If you have anything to sell : If you wish to
buy unythlug ; lr yon want to make anv kind or
tr li' . come to us. Wo huvu about & /U / ii t nts
scuttor 0 all ovnr the went aud caumukotiiules
mid oil eu sales uheru otuvrs HouWfuil , HO
mejnbcr ttio place ,
Room 14 , Cliambef of taw
, \
. 10 , IMI. mrnntsn nn. i ,
anil Hitipi > n orj raimitrnnltodto
eur the follow-jj. Inai
( ration In Youth or Mitrrii-al. ! ? * . nil Uli.aiM ptttAla-
InM tothc Womb or cnltul organ-
mailo. nnil l > tur.i lor to all oth r > . . fcr.rj lmr r c ( an
Kloctrlo ll lt want , the IMt-it-tht. h * will flnil the
Owen IHt. It illlT r < from nil otlii r . nt It tun luTrtHT
HKI.T , niil not n chain , Toluto or wlro belt. II "HI ft " *
illl' i rUln ( rnr hj riftlrltllj. 1 ho fllfclrle currant
cnn ! > -jKBTitn bj nnrono h for U t. ntipltnl to the
lxT , nnil t worn nnlr tt to ton Iioar. dallf. II , o1
will tnmlna thi * l-olt you will liur no othnr. To > how
tlin ENTIRK OoNrturNci ; wo ) > * In our iiortro-l : l-
tnnlo Ilelt < nnil Arrllnnrr * "III * < il r K . 4 urn
fonplile to llt > p tibl l-irilri on Tkln ; n ji' YrltU Bind
fa. tinfltAR" for our mFK Jlln lrnti l r-
Trj.l'.lrtfDr. O m' . Fl.linillClflHOtk
( Utntlon IMi ripir. ) ( I " > fo " 1 .
300 North Broadway. 8T. LOUIS. MO.
Chicago , Ills , icinrkat.
The Regular Old-EstaWlshcd
li ttlll Treating with thaGreatett
Chronic , teens anfl Priyale Diseases ,
B3- NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Mnnhood.
Falling Memory , Exhauitlne Drains , Terrlblo
Dreams , Head and Daek Ache and all the cITcctt
leadma to early decuy and peilupi Con umptlon 01
Inianlty , treated scientifically by new method * with
never-failing tuccrJi.
O3 SYPHILIS. ind nil bad Blood and Skin Dla.
cases permanently cured.
S-KlDNEYand URINARYrampl.lnti.Qleet ,
Gonorrhoea. Strlctu re , Varlcocele and aU dbctiei
of the Oenlto-Urimry Urfjans cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or oUier Organs.
_ fir No experiments. AKO anil experience lm.
portant. Consultation free and aacred.
A3- Send 4 cents postage Tor Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diieatei.
JTB-Tlioje conteniplatliiR Muriaee tend for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
1 5 cents , both as cents ( stamps ) . Consult tlie old
Doctor. A friendly Utter or calf may tave future suffer.
Ins and shame , and add golden years to life. AtTMIook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " soc nts ( stamps ) . M dcln !
nnd writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8 , Sundays 9 to 12. Address
P. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clerk St. . CHICAGO , ILL.
ill is Wealth
MKNT , H Kuarantced Hperlllc for Hysteria , Dizzi
ness , Convulsions. KltH. Nervous Neuralgia.
Headache. Nei-'or.s 1'rofltrntlou caused by the
iisuor alcohol'o. Wukofuliipss , Mental
Depression. Softening of tlio llralu resulting In
Insanity and leading to misery , docny iiud
: lenth. I'ronmturo Old Age , IlnrruuncsH , Loss of
I'ower in either sex , Involuntary Losses nnd
Jpermatorrhii-a caused by ovcr-exqrtlon ot
mo Drain , suIfnOuse Or overindulgence. Kuch
box contains ou month's trcntinont , * 1 n box ,
: > r six boxes for w , ocut by mall prepaid on ru-
: elpt ot price.
L'o cure any case. With ouch orclor rocoivcd by
.is for six boxen , accompanied with 85 , we will
ieud the purchaser our written guarantee to ru-
'und the money if the troutmont does not eltect
i cure. Guarantees issued only by Goodman
Drug Co. , Druggists , Solo Agents. 1110 Karuam
Street Omaha ob.
N. W. Cor. 13th ft Dodge Sta.
Appllnnsos for Dsformltios and Trussos.
He-it laclllUoi. appuratiH und runu-illoa for micooii
ul trontmunt of avarj torn ) of illsoaiu roijulrlm
ledlcal orS-Jritlcnl 't'realnient ,
Hoard and itttundaiioai liuit liu i > | U | ncoomiuadv
lonuln tlio went.
WuiTiivouOiitciir.Aitsnn Dafurmltlound llrocm ,
'russe. , Clul ) Kcct , Currnturu of tliu Hvlnv , 1'llui ,
amort. Cancer , Oaturrh , Hroncliltlii , inhalation ,
: iictrtcHy. ! 1'nrnlriU , ICpll | nr. Kldnoy. lilmlJur ,
; yu. Ear , Hkln anil lllood.and ulISurKlouroperulloui.
Diooasoa of Woman a Specialty.
All Ulood UUeaia * auccoii'ulltraatod. . Hrphllllli )
'oltcn rtmoriiil fruin tliu ritumrUfioui nn-rourr.
luw reitoratlTU truatiuunt ( or lu i of Vital Tower.
'tnnni ' unable to T'.BU u. m r I'D Iraatod ut liotuo br
orrffiwiijuacc. All coniuiuuloatlun. oontldonllAl.
ludlcln or failrumeuta runt | > r mall urexjrr | > ,
i-iuroly packed , no mark , to Indlcuiii ronlent * of
BOdor. Gnu parioQKl loKirvlnw prwfurrcd. Call .nil
or aonrt liistorj ofour c u , und wo will
ted In plain wrapper , our
Ipon Private , Bpoolal or Nvrvout I > lii-ni t , Irapo *
mojr , Urpullu , Ulnot oud Varlcacclu , wltU naoHloa
) maha Xftdiatl anil fiitraicul Institute , or
OK , ftHoMENAillY ,
tor. ISto and Dodue tiU. , OMAHA , N1ID ,
Steck Piano
for powerful > yHi | > uUiuUo
r > "o , iilliiblo notion and ahaoluto rluru-
'ilit.v ' ; ! M ) ycnrw' ' roconl the host ( riiuruji-
uoof tlie excellence of tJioso insti'U-
Arrow dlRcharfrcs rrom the urluaiTor-
pant m cither be * in'18 lionru. '
it Is r.ui > erlor to ( oalba | ) , CulKbs , or
Injections , und frco from ( ill bad
or oilier inconveniences.
fJa | ulcn. wlilch l or