THE OMAHA BAILT BEE. TUESDAY , APHimsO , 1889. DAILY BEE. COTJlvrCILlBLTJFFS. OFMCIJ. NO 18 PEAIlfc STKI3KT. fellrcred by carrier In Any J'art of JioCltyn ' 'JwcntyCtnts Per Week. II. W. Tll/TON. . MANAOK1U THLKPHONKS : ItwiKEM OFFICR No. 43. NIGHT Kmroii. No.21. MINOH B11CNT1ON. N. Y. Plumbltiff Co. The bunks will observes to-day as a legal Jiolldny and clone their doors. The Globe building In bcjtiR demolished preparatory to oreclltifc n three-story brick. . Heljcrl Mullls has removed his Rrocory ptoclc to tlio Rtnnd formerly occupied by J , L. Fortnnn. Tlio ladles of the Acme Comedy company Will itlvu nn entertainment at Armory hall , next 'J hur.iday evening. A iioxv fruit and confectionery store hrtu liccn htarted at 'Mo Hroiuhvuy with .1. I1. Slictchlov Si Co. proprietor * . It is no * the intention of Nixon Waterman to hold the Uollcctor any longer than ho can find n purchaser so ho says. At the Inat meeting of the Maenncrchor Boclety , Mr. Fred Hncrllnff was presented with n handsome chair In honor of his sixty- first birthday. The gift wus from Ills asso ciates in the society. To-morrow the Sunday school workers of this county moot in the Presbyterian church , tl'hcro will bo a forenoon , afternoon mid evening ( tension. All invited. Yesterday afternoon the thrco-ycar-old child of Air. and Mrs. J. Mueller fell into a Juill of boiling water , while at play. Its bunds und arum were severely scalded. ' Tlio condition of Klttio Edwards continues to Improve. Slio is now UWIITO of the man- her In which her injury came , and is making n bravo light for life , with good prospects of success. In the district court yesterday , the only Jury case on the day's assignment was onu in Which Attorney Orpin was interested , and 1)0 lielnp at Avoca , the cuso had to go over. ' U'o-dny there will bo no session of the court , nn account of the memorial nuturo of the tlay. IJon't forcot the Washington centennial memorial union meeting this morning at the Presbitorlim church , nt 9 o'clock. A most Intercstini ; programme has been prepared , consisting of music , addresses and selections tram Washington's inaugural address. \ In this Issue tho.I. Mueller Music company announces its grand opening. Tlio rooms hnvo been put in nuignillccnt yhapc. One of the largest stock of pianos ever brought west | u being received and a line musical pro gramme will bo rendered. Notice the : ui. in another column. Last evening at S.TO : o'clock Mr. W. J. Byrnes of Omaha and rctm M. Cofi'con of [ Cnoxvllle , Tonn. , were married by liov. G. IV. Crofts. Tim ceremony was private , in the parlors at the Congregational parsonage , mid was witnessed by u few friends of tbu rontrnoting parties. Division No. 13 , uniform raiiK , K. of P. , of Omaha , miulo their brethren in the liluffs a fight royal visit last evening. They came In 1 train chartered for that purpose. They weiu met bv the Sir Knights on their arrival and CHCorlcd to the hull , whuro a banquet Wus spread , 'ihu evening passed right pleasantly for nil participating. N. M. Pusov got a brief respite from his . _ BrjJuous duties us attorney , by having u wolf hunt on lu farm , near the city. Yesterday ho brought'into the county auditor's ofilco three wolves , rather Munll and young , but Btill big enough and old enough to warrant thousuul'uounl.v. The crop of wolves seems jiretty fair this spring , the bounties being paid amounting to from * . " > to 40 u day. Some of the counters and desks in the now coutt house aru showing up very poorly. Even the short time since they v.'cro put in place has caused Joints to shrinlc , until there ore. very unseemly seams und gaps. Some of the ornamental oieccs were so poorly if listened on that they dropped off , apparently l > y their own weight. Considerable patching la necessary. The temperance meeting at the Congrega tional church promises to IJoVjnu of real inter est. The topics to bo discussed nro : "Tho progress of the Tcuiporanco Sentiment in the Church During the Lust 100 .Years , " JHov. Mr. Harris. "Tlio Teachings of Sci- nncoon the Drink Question"Hev.iri. Phclps. "Tho Advance in Methods of Temperance "Work , " Kev. D. C. Franklin. Tlio condition of Patrick McCunn , the dis abled old soldier who was stricken with pa ralysis some months ago , grows constantly worse. It is conceded ho will nevnr bo bet ter , flo Is receiving , ns his support , the inunlllcient sum of W a month as pension from the government. An effort Is being niado to sccuio nn increase in the amount to n sum sunlclmit to maintain him comfortably during his lust days whu'h will bo but few at most. Tlio local camp of Modern Woodmen Is negotiating with the Chautauqua managers for a lot upon which to erect u log cabin to bo occupied by the order as headquarters for woodmen fiom otlier parts of the country during the aosslonof the assembly. An effort Is being mndo to secure tlio co-operation of the Omaha cam ) ) und put the matter in shape BO the "Woodmen's Log Cabin" will bo one of the permanent things on the Clmutauquu grounds. Tbcro is every prospect of success in both olYorts. A change is made at the court house. The ho 11 id of ii-iiuc , which now occupies the library room , between the two court rooms , is to change its quarters. It will occupy the present clerk's olllcu on the lirst lloor. and the clerk will move up stairs Into the library room. The change will not bo made until after the nresont-term of court. Ills thought that Uin change will nmka it more convenient lor thu clerk , and those who have business With him and the court. Articles of Incorporation wore filed yester day fcr Iho Avoca Building and Loan asso ciation. The now organization is quite bind- lar to the ono which has run hero so long und successfully. Tlio temporary oflleers nro : W. W Gardiner , president ; N. Ilodg- ROD , vice-president ; 1 < \ lienjamin , counsel lor ; L. H. Smith , H. O. Scitfcrt , Henry Weisc , W. W. Gardiner and N. Hodgson , df- rectors. The capital .stock is placed at $100,000. ' T. .1" . ICvans is bavin ? considerable trouble in the erection of his building on Main Direct. Ho secured n permit , let the contract and started on the excavation. Then came an olllclnl Injunction Issued on the ground that there was rcfuso upon the lot and the city scavenger had been given the contract to remove It. Mr. ICvans cannot get itU throiiL'h his head that ho has no rights In handling his own pioperty which the city scavenger is linunil to respect. Ho proposes to put up his building Just the BUIIIO. . , Council niulTs Loiljjo No. 270Loyul ( ) A. O. U. W. , moots in G. A. U. hull J every Friday ovoninji at 8 o'clock. For fcW.OU Tlifi N. Y. Plmnbinc Co. will put u loud boTvieo pipe ami hydrant In your yard ; iiloo 50 tool extra hoso. Cull atonuc at ll-I Main Hrout , Rooms to rout , in tlio .Men-lain block. S. . Wails worth V-C . .lSW Main street. J. G. Tlptoti. real onato , OUT B'dway llio Oommltu'o IlliI Not Co. Just as the committee was preparing to leave for Kansas City last evening , a mes sage was received announcing that thu Southwestern Passenger association hud postponed its meeting until tins Hth proximo. The committed having the mutter of u re duction in furu for llrcmun will try to secure nu earlier meeting with thu members of that body , as It U not thought bust to delay thu settlement of this matter until so lute a date. At ) S. Cliasc will exterminate jjoph- ors mid rats from farms and private res * idencea for tlio Beat-on for fo and up wards. Work warranted. Addrt-ss Ab 0. Chase , Council JJlulTs , la. Notice tlio bountiful llnish eivrn onl- Inrs , oulTs mid shirts by Ciibcudo Laun dry company. > * Dr. C. C. Ihveu , dentist , Opora. house Wook. r . - Have our wagon call for yuar toilet ! Clothe * . Caseutie I/umlrv ( Jo. THE BLUFFS WILL CELEBRATE Preparations Made For Varlod Sor- vlcos.and . Sports To-Day. SHARP TALK TO JURYMEN. Tlioy Must Neither Drink Nor Iioaf Cnn lit Hjr tlio Police A Mouoy Xest ATnrily rrosocutor Minor Mention. Washington's Ccnlcnnlnl. This nioralug nt U o'clock there will bo a union mooting nt the Presbyterian church , nt which time and place the following pro gramme will be carried out : Organ salutatory Mr. WIllL.Thlxtun Doxolocy "Prulso God from Whom All Hlcssings Plow. " Ucuding of President Harrison's procla mation Uov U. O. Franklin Hymii..Chorus choir , led by Prof. Uaotons Kcudlnir of scriptures..Hov. G. P. Williams Prayer Hov. T. P. Tlnxtun Anthem Chorus Uholr Address "Washington's Inauguration" . Uov. Stephen Phelps , U. D Selection fiom Washington's Inaugural Address Mr. George II. Henuott Address "Character of Washington" . . . Kov. S. Alexander Hymn "LSeJov < jd Land , " composed by Uov. O. W. Crofts , rendered by a se lect quartette Mrs liert Evans , Miss Mlnnlo Merkol , Prof. D. W. McUormid and Mr. Frank . Westcott. Address "A Century's Progress" C. M. Hurl , Esq Prayer Uov. U. H. Cooley , D. 1) Hymn "AmericaChorus Choir BenedictionUov. . K. N. Harris The following is the hymn , written by Uov. G. W. Crofts , and which has alreadv boon jivcn ; such high praise by those who have heard it : imt.ovni ) LAND. A hundred years have passed and gene , Thou nlorious land of Washington , Since he the noble , trtlo and great Commanded llrst the shin of state ; A hundred years of storm and shlno Upon the dark and heaving brine ; A hundred yours of onward sweep Against thu giants of the deep. Llelnved land of Washington , Child of the cloudless morning sun , Thy birth , thy glorious birth , wo sm | ? , Accept , O God , our offering. Thou land where freedom lights the way To pilgrims of u bettor day ; A beacon to the nations where The souls \ mantled xvith despair ; A laud where hope in beauty blooms Above a thousand mossy tombs ; Wo lift our hearts to Him who gave This land unto the free and brave. O , land by till the pitriot blood That stahis the sod , that dyes the. Hood ; O land to tlio't and labor given The treasures of the highest heaven ; Protected bo thy hills and plums Hy Him who still In mercy rolirns , Protected bo thy ( Ing unfurled , The ensign of u rising world. AT 9T. IMt I.8 CIlUHCir. The exorcises hero will bo of special in terest. Thoso-vice used will bo the same as that used in St. Paul's church , Now York , ono hundred years ago. The rector , Uov. T. ,1. Mucknv , will preach on "Tho Dangers of the Ucpnblif. " The G. A. U. . Dodge Licht Guards , Uniform Uunk of the 1C. of P. , the lire department and city council are expected to attend this service. ST. XAVIKK' * CUL'KOII. High mass will bo said this morning at KltfO o'cloek at St. Francis Xavior's church. An appropriate sermon and musical services will follow. ix Tiin SCHOOLS. The centennial of the inauguration of Washington will be celebrated by the pupils of the Eighth grade of the public schools of this city to-day at "p. in. , by special exer cises , as indicated by the following Pro gramme : Sontr Hail Columbia School Address by Columbia and licsponsc by the Thiitccn Original States M.vrUo Bryant and Thirteen Girls Song Ucd. White mid Hluc School lleclamation Ship of State Freil Kinphil Uccitatiou Union Song of the Celt Kittio U. Osrden Hecitatiou Washington Six Little 13oys Uccitation Uirthday of Washington. . , . ; y.Claire Chamberlain Song America for Freedom School Uouding Character of Washington Alice Phillips Ucadlnu'of Inaugural Address Maggie Paulson Heading Mount Vuriiou Tribute Jenniu Simpson Violin Solo Cluiro Chamberlain Accompanied by Maud Cairce. 17M-18M ) ) Hy Thirteen Girls Uccitation Tlio Patriot Nathan Halo Gussio Hotin Hccitation ' 1 he flag's Uirthday Minnie Mclntiro Columbia and Tlilrtcen Original States with New .States added to the Union. Song Hurrah for the Model Republic. . . Schoo 3ong Good Night School TUB OUTDOOR SPOUTS. The following Is the programme for the sport at the driving park this afternoon : 1HU : Address of welcome by Mr. C.V ICaton , of Cedar Kaplds , president of the State Firemen's association. 'lR Hose race. Kntnes , J. N. Haldwin jr. . and Kisenmu hose teams. JOU : 100-yard foot race. Open to all locu amateurs. airi-Exhlbltlon : drill of the Dodge Light Guards. UiO : : Fifty-yard foot race. Open to all lo cul nmutourH. 2:15 : Exhibition run of the P. Lacy liosi team. AH members under cloven years o ago. ago.l:00 ! : 300-yard foot race. Open to all local amateurs. : ) : lf > Uall game between J. J. Hurdins , o Omaha , and K , H. Odolls , of Council Uluffs 8.'Ml Hlcyclo race ; one mile. Open to til ! amateurs of Oinahii aud Council Ulnffs Prize , gold medal , domitod by Mrs. K. Hurn horn. : i:45 : Clay pigeon match. Ten singles and live doubles. Council Hluffa gun club. Money loaned at L. II. Craft's & Co.'s loan ollleo on furniture , uiiuio.-i. horaea , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly conll- dontial. "Confidence In Council Dluflsl" remarked one of the home freeholders.Voll , yes , I've got lots of It. I've always hail , hut what does mo most good Is the conildonco others ure showing. Let mo five you Just a little pointer. Lust your I had n notion that I wanted to build a house in liccr's addition. 1 hud four lota , free and clear , and I offered to give a mortgage on all of them , and on the house , if 1 could got $1,200 of a loan witli which to build. I couldn't got it. This year I have boon offered money enough to wit up a house , and all that U wanted for security is a mortcuL'o on the IIOJHU and thu ono lot on which it stands. It simply shows that these who have money to lend have a good deal moro conlldonco in the stability of property than they had last year. Those who own lots can bonow what money U necessary to improve them. " Notice to Water Water rents are now duo and payable at olllce , 111 Main street. COUNCIL BuiKrs CITY WATIIK "SVoiius Co. .S. U , Wadsworth & Co. loan money. _ _ * Money loaned on fuinituro , pianos , diamonds , 'horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publirltr ; full' "i"1 " honorable dealing. A. A. Chirk A Co. , otllee cor. Hrouilwav and Mtiiu , over American express. Ailvlqo lo Jurymen. * Ju eJJiJtoicr yesterday ) tni > aocloJ ! a Jur/ und-lumin reWl'J/Q.try tbo numerous ca-s ol law. ItU ( iDo tustalned " bis reputation. of ' ' 'fie , t , &fei PS- n clean-cut address to tlio listening jurymen , Ho told them that ho cxpcctoil they would bo occupied in court most of the tnno for the next six weeks. Ho would have occasion from time to time to speak to thorn about several matters , but for the present there were two themes which ho desired to speak upon briefly. The first of these wasconcorn- lug the use of Intoxicating drinks. If there were nny among the Jurymen who were In the habit of Indulging , ho would warn thorn at the start that they must not indulgr anv extent. Ho had been under the net- Blty lately of rovorelnK two cases on arcou of the drunkenness of Jurors , and ho did not want to bo under any surh necessity again. Another matter , to which ho called special attention , was the necessity of the Jurymen bolng In attendance nt all hours when tlio court was in session. Ho did not want them wandering about the citv , loafing and hang ing about pleasure resorts. If nny wore nb- sent when wanted ho should ordct the clerk to stop their pay. This warning will doubtless have the de sired clfcct. Headquarters tor builders' hardware , Odell & Bryant , filH Main street. Real estate loans , F. , T. Day10 { Pourl. An SOPH Hy the StarH. Yesterday afternoon n crook by the name of Mullen turned up In the city. Ho had recently completed a three years' term m the Michigan penitentiary , and was so de lighted with life inside the walls that ho hastened to repent the dose in Iowa. Ho went Into No. ! ttl North Main street , and finding u coat mid pair of shoes without nn occupant , ho proceeded to jmssess himself of them. Ho was caught belore ho had got very far away and run Into the hole. Ho will answer to the charge of burglary. .1. A. ICattcll , hailing from Omaha directly , and having his homo in Ills hat , was put off the motor train on Lower Hroadway on ac count of thu state of beastly Intoxication ho was in. Ho had two tin bread boxes , in which were a lot ot trticit used by the ordi nary country snap peddler. The patrol brought him in for n night's rest. N. t ) . James was taUon to task for exercis ing the rights of scavenger without having pi-ocuicd the necessary license. Ho it was who attempted to clean the lot of T. J. Evans , preparatory to excavating for the erection of a building. The case will bo tried next Saturday. The others will bo heard this morning. Therr wus a ruction on "tho How1' latoSun- 'tiny night. Fvorybody In that locality scorned to bo in it. Calls were turned in for hacks , wagons and policemen. The latter only re- fpondod and Oflleers Cusick and Mullen gathered Jim Mnhor and Venio Perry into their arms and laid them away to cool. Yes- terdny morning they answered to roll call and came to thu center with § 7.00 each. Frank Goodcll. u horseman , found some thing in u bottle Sunday afternoon and tarried at the noz/.le until only tlm bottle re mained. The judge eh'UMcd him for his ndo in the "como quick" in addition to the costs of the regulation drunk , $3.10. A couple of vags went out ofcouituml tackled the boo and shovol. Cily Council PrncicdingH. A special session of the city council was convened last evening to transact general business. In the absence ot the mayor , President Lacy presided. A full board ot aldermen , except Bellinger , was present. Minutes of thomectlngs since March 10 were read and approved. The reading took nearly two hours. The councilmen napped , the spectators went out. for a walk , while the re porters slept the sleep of the Just. Finally the books closed and everybody wolro up. At 10 o'clock regular business was taken up and Alderman Ulllingcr came in. . The petition of .ludMMi and Jeffns for re mission of nil tax on their agricultural land , other than us iarnilug land tax , was re ferred. The ordinance granting rights and privi leges to an electric motor company was culled ur by Alderman Everett , and on mo tion it was passed to its third reading and defeated. A second ordinance , different In some essential particulars from the above , was then read and went over under the rules , .Clio I'rosecsuior Not Knnily. The eases of the State va McCainpbell was called in Justice Darnell's court yesterday aftorncou. The defendant was ready for trial , hut Harris , the prosecuting witness on the part of the statj , not ready. 'Iho court dismissed thu ease and charged the costs to IlnrriB. Tnc squire said this pr.ietico of bucking out and leaving the stale to pay the coals was altogether too common mid he proposed to put u stop to it. So ho made the prof.i'etitor foot the bills. Harris took tnls method tosocuro more time. Hofilcd another information elm w > g the & , imo offense us was tillered in thu one. No date hub been llxed Tor the second case. Nuric.1 * to COUNCIL Hi.ri'r.s , In. . April 20. 18b9. Healed proposals will bo received by A. C. Graham , park comiiiissionerup to 11 o'clock n. in. , May 1 , ISS'J , for the construction of un avenue into Fail-mount park , from : i pointon Graham avenue about 1,030 foot southerly from First btroot , westerly In ravine about 4,000 feet to bluff , thunuu through s'lino and beyond to u noint about 1,000 leot from said avenue. Payments to hu inadu for excavation only in cash. "Waste" to bo generally east erly toward said avenue . Kntiro supervision of said construction to bo unucr engineer in charge , subject to order of said commissioner. General information will be given by said A. C. Graham. The right in reserved to reject any und all bids. bids.Work Work to bo completed on or before the SAjtn day of buld month. All bids to bo accompanied by a bond of s > 00 for the completion of entire work to the satisfaction of said commissioners. By order of the park commissioners. A. C. GU.UIAM , President. . . - I. O. O. K The I. O. O. F. , Daughters of Hoboknh No. fl , will moot to-day ut the hall for prao tico In the beautiful work. All members re quested to bo present. Uy order ol N. G. _ . * . A few moro lots in lltirk'H addition will be sold on rcahonnblo terms. Titles perfect. Ground high und dry , near the motor. Th handsomest addition in thu market. I'lnloy Burke , Brown building , Counci Bluffs. Attention , Kirunicn. All lircinuu uro requested to meet at SI0 : ! o'clock , sharp , Tuesday morning , April MO , for the purpose of attending divine services at St. Paul'a church. Council llluITii Firemen's association will meet at 1'M ; p. in. , for parade , at city build ing.Hy Hy order of president , P. LACY. I. W. Cooi'iiii , Secretary. The young la'lios of the Acme club will give an entertainment , followed by dancing , ut Masonic hall , Thursday evening , May - . Mrs , J , W. Frame and children , of Inw.i City , was visiting her bister , Mrs. W. S. U'll- kins. kins.Henry Henry \Vingchiml .mil A. M. Juckson , of Sioux City , took m the sights. of the Iowa metropolis yesterday. Ed Tillman and 1 > . A. Hoes , of Hamburg , In. , were 13luffs visitors .yesterday. M , H. Rirrell , of Creston , In. , visltoJ friends hi the city yesterday , Glii'onio Neuralgia , . Permanent Cult * . Jnn tt , lit ? Bufcrtd less tlui H& cenriljl la thi hud ; wu proiU U4 at tlaii. cir fit. Jjcobi Oil UUI ; CAT * tttu uUitlr ear44 , &o rttora. JEK JllAU EN2V. HUW.toaUril ( t , Ditto. , Ut. Formonont Cur us. Octok.r 11 , US ! . Uf wif w i pusljLii froaniu lU ; ih < cooM ot will l p ; I toufht St. JicoU oil , flir en > lottU wu uihl ib wtUil about : contlnuid ci ceupletdjr curid tat. JAB. r. lHJEFlir , d , leun. renuiiuant Gurus. JWM U. lilt. Yurt > ( bid ft ualU ; n uldMt U ttluka Mr ; tfc cmr bf UM if 81. Jitoli o'l * u pwu4- iat ; ULU IIM tM * * r cnrr M * * | tb pftUf t flnllffn. X. wt iTAKOm T rk ( f aa > . ATJ1P9BII1M AVD BlAitM. IMCMABLES A. VMELU CO. , BtKlmort , Ml f * INSOMNIA , 0 God of Mercy ! give mo sleep. And lot this wonry brain have rostl Send down thy wliito winged doves of ponce With comfort for this troubled broost. .Anon. 'Insomnia ( sleeplessness ) is the forerun- tor of Insanity , and u grnva ninhuly. Mtdlcal Iteijitilcr. ' 'After having suffered for several months from insomnia I wua advised to ry abottlo of Paino's Celery Compound , did so and The nlicfims like magic. I am confident that t owe my restored onlth very , largely to its use , and glade o give mytestimony. . " Ai.iuniT II. IlAitn iVuUior of the Maid of Dothnny , ' SpringlloliI , Mass. "I was sowakoful ; that at night 1 would hem' every stroke of the clock , I tried ono bottto of Paino's Celery Compound , and could sleep. I am now on my second bottle and Go to sleep os soon as I ijo to bed , And notning wakes mo until morn- ng. " \StUIAM BAM'OUU. Traor , Iowa. lino's Celery Compound is the remedy That will cure insomnia ana all nervous disorders. Physioiuns prescribe it freely , All users endorse it. 4 At Druggists. 1.00 per bottle. Six tor M.Ol ) . \VUIL3 , KICUAllDSON i CO. . llurliUKtoa , Vt. Aslc Your Retailer lor tlio MEANS $4 SHOE on TIU : JAMES MEANS According to Your Needs , . .TAMES MEANS 154 SHOE iillrttnnd stylish. It ills liken * Ing perfectly easy iso not tltno it la orn. . It will entisty tha icost \ fbstMlm. * . .7 Axt un i. , AXIO 83 KlIOi : Is uLsoli-tcly tlu only ehoo of Its price w hlcU > . Mi ever been placed ex- .tcBslvclyon tlio market luwtlch durability is considered before mere out- wanl J. IIIEAXS & CO. , HoBlon. Full linen of the ntinvo tilioca for snlu br Morris & Wilcox and Geo.S. Miller SPECIAL NOTICES. FOll SAM : My rcalilonre. Iniulro | John ( ! . Woodward , HIJ J'ourtli iivoiiue. . , ,11 , . -.D A llrst-chiss rook , thoroughly , , undorstandlnu hla bu3lno > s. Cno < lv.iKe l paid. Apply immmlliUely in person to Henry V. Uotliert. suporlntondeut Deaf au-I Dumb In- tltiitlon , round ! Illntrs Ui. At thu DeaC and Dninli inbtltn- WANTKD Illulls. n llower gardener. Ap- ily in person or liy mult to the .snpurintendcnt. FOH HUNT Two dwelling houses , a and 11 rooms , and two centr.illy located unices In JoimcilJHuffs. Ilortico i\-i-rutt. : HnMT I.nrce double olIiPB over I'rnnk EOM l/evln'j > vlgar store , ( MU HroiUvay. ! Iiiqiuro o rrankl.uvm. Wlodorn Novolitl os RARER HANGINGS. ANO AT'PETER C , MILIEB'S. ' I'MUO und Oinamental P.Uiitlni ? . ICulso mlnliiK , ( Jramlnp , etc Nos. 11 and 13 Pear.l St. No. 27 Main Street , Ovisr .aiu-ciiiciiilnN .Bu\vulry Store. Electric Trussas , Belts , Chest Pro- tGctors , Etc , Agents wanted. . ii. . Council In , MUELLER MUSIC CO 103 Main Street. 0M > May ist , 2d , 3d , and 4th , 1889 , 25 ELECTRIC LIGHTS , 20 GAS LIGHTS. The finest assortment of PIANOS and ORGANS. Music and songs every evening : . The licst artists and musicians have kindly offered their services : Mrs. Fanny Kellogg-Bachart , of Omaha , Miss Lillie Chamberlain , Mrs. Rcgina Atwatcr , Mrs. L. A. Mocller , Prof. Butlcrfof Coun cil Blufts ; Miss Bella Robinson , Miss Matgaritha Liddcl , Prof. Charles Baetons , Mr. Marshall Trcynor , Mr. Sam. Noble , Mr. Ernest Thornton. Strike und Blass Lust Club , Prof. Dalbie's Band and Orchestra , Prof. Fleiser's Orchestra. All will unite to make the event a pleasant one. YOU ARE INVITED. SAPP & KNOTTSy Fuel Merchants. WatchTheSlGNS , .No.3l South .Main St. of the TIMES' " ' _ _ ust Bo Courteous Attention. Pointed by - . - * . ; . . . , , prompt Delivery. iJfaQARp'-NEis. ' We invite your patron age. ' - . BRQS.8& natnl > trofCbr.ietice/ Otnohd. / ( D.H.MoDANELQ & GO , , Hidesjallow , Pelts , Wool &Furs , Highest nmrket prices. 7'rompt rotnras. No.a.1) ) und K Mulii-Ht. . Council HUllIX , Iowa. THOS. UFFICKIU w. If. M. rusuv OFFICER & PliSEY , Corner Main and nroadway , COI'NUII ' , IIIjUFIi'S , IOWA. Dealers In forulgn c.nd doino.itlo exclmimo. Collections mada mid Intornst paid ou tlinodu- no.sllb. LADIES OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS AItH INVITED TO CAM * AT Mrs , C. L. OIUETT'S ' i line or Hair ( moilti. 1'lNI'Xr Il/vllt OUNAMKNTH In the city Wigs. IICiinlH.elc. , foi llent or Hii In ( Until und Toylu and Myurs ( ircnt-u l'HintH . Hair ( 'Jl > IfSuin hi. . C'lMHU'il It I n'Is Orders by mull receive prompt attention. THIEi IRTJSSIEIIL.L Especially Adapted foi Mills and Elevators AlflOIKI/ / TIC CUT-OFF ENGINE. BjisrincftUoWjfnajj * Umate ! * furnl \ ied for corapet ] _ it am jp'ont * . . Itcftulutlon. lHir MHty Qu r , . ltttf ? ft ' . ( Lujyiihow fram IIKCH whore Knel llconomy oiitri'l wjth torllai NoinL'jiuae.Hliij i E.G. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council .JBluffi TRANSFER CO I W M I II * < * ! * * ! | | ! ! 1 - H MJ 1 1 1 J _ * < Tel.Mo.138. Te .Noig33gg' ; ] ! y L5S. avr'dj ' ' _ j yWW WWF. F. J , BREZEE , Taxidermist and Naturalist , w lv IViliiaiiently lutntod at No. II Noun 8lxth Street , oppotltn iif > Jf5 / ) oilloi' . on nnitorllne , ( Vmiicll lllnllH , Iowa. ' ' * § J > Illiils unit unliniiU iiinnnti'd naturally and hi the tx > u method ol n C..VK * ' the alt U in ranti-d t preset vo for yoir * . l'orflfn hlrdf tiipplinc n thort notice. > IHclieH iirlc-iniiil foi owls und hawks of all kinds. I'eiMiim acnilliiu order iU Bhuiod of perfect satisfaction. 1 ur ilrchiinu uaiiecinliy Wrllo fur purtlcularv , ' GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. NO. 33O BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 26CJ _ Ob 3B M a i n S-fc ,