Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    I v -
- Jt
No Advertisements will lie tnltcn Tor
tlicnn column ) ) nfor lUiHO i > . in.
Terms Cnsli In advance.
Advertjewitntfi under thli head 10 cents p r
line for tno nnt ln ertlon.7 conU for each nt > .
eqacnt Insertion , and ttJfi per Una per month.
Ho advertisement taken for icsi than 25 cents
the drat iniertlon. Seven words will be counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively nnd
must l o palfi In ADVANCI ! . All advertl'e-
tnents mustb * handedm bnforo 12:30 : o'clock p.
. , and under no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued Ity telephone.
1'artlej ddvertlilne In these columns and bar *
tng their aniiwers addressed In euro of THE lien
wfll please usk for a chock to enable them to get
their letters , as none trill be delivered except on
presentation of chock. All answers to adver
tisements should be cnclosoaln | envelopes ,
All advertisements IP thesg column1 ! nro pub-
llslied In both mornlnjr and evening editions of
Til KllCE , the circulation of which aggregates
wore than Wom pnpers dally , nna gives thn ad.
Vertlsers the oenofH. not only of the cltyclrcu-
Utlonof TIIK HER , but also of Council Illiiffs.
Lincoln und other cities and townf tnroughoni
Kit * section ot the country.
Advertising for these columns will bo talten
n tno above conditions , at the following bust-
CBS houses , who are at thorlzod agents for ' 111 *
Her. special notlcoi , and will quota the s&uie
rates as can bo had at the main ofllce. _ _
South Tenth
fin ASK ft Klny. _ Stationers and Printers , 113
1 South Ifith Struct.
C ! Tl. KAHNSWOHTII , Pharmi lst , 2115 Cum-
ing .Street.
J. HUGIins , Pharmacist , 021 North 10th
BO. W. PA11R , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary's
l/UHST-OliASd lieu e painter nnd Kalsomlner
JJ wishes work ; good roforevnd. X ni liee.
T\IKS3MAK ! F.H from Chicago , good cutter.
J-/lltter and drnpor , desires work In families
by the day. Address X 14. Heo oillco. 148-27J
Q1TUATION wanted In sonic wholesale house ,
Kjdrugs or notions iroforrod ; 1'olir years ox-
perlenco in retail drug business. Good refer-
cncoa. Address X4f. Hoo. 4UI-4J
T\7ANTKD Ily a practical printer , position
T t us foreman in a country olllco ; steady nnd
tcmpernte , nnd will stay by a steady job. Ad
dress X 41. Hee olllce. 3 > 1 2il
WANTED Situation by young man who Is a
thorough abstractor- Manipulates type
writer. Will do nny kind olllce work. Host ref
erences furnished. Address , X S , Hoe.
351 HI"
ENGAGEMENTS to do clrossmsKlug m tarn
lllos solicited.Mis * 8turdyHl7 ) Lcavonwortn
201 m Si *
T3ARTJES desiring experienced stenographers
JL can obtain Just the party wanted without
delay or Inconvenience from tlie Western Sten
ographic agency , Lincoln , Nob. dG'J-mi ' )
WAlK Good clothing salesmen , inquire
liiU'J Fnrnain St. ! HO 27
WANTED A coat maker at once , II. II. Pe-
terson. 1'rlcilil. Neb. _ 318-27t
WANTED Salesmen to take llret-class line
of confectionery and cltrni formanufnc-
turlng liouuo in southern Dakota , on commls-
nlon ; only experienced men with best refer
ences need apply. Address X 37 , loo. ) _
ANTED-Thp Grand Union Tea Co. , of
OmiUm , wants a ropro entatlvo In nvcry
town OP rlty within 2 X ) miles of Omaha. Must
be thoroughly ncqnalnted nnd tollable. Either
lady or Kontlemnii can 1111 thU position ami
make fair wages. Address W. 1C. Duval ,
Manager. 410-30
WANT1JD n'gonts In uyory city having water-
works to boll patent liosu holder. It will
take any size lioso from M-lnch to 1-lnrli. Can
bo idjusted to any position desired In watering
a Uwn , It-Is the simplest and most convenient
holder on tho-marRot. fells quickly , pays uood
prolltH. Pamplo sent to any address on receipt
of prlco. $1.50. Write tor agency. C , II. Talsey.
box 22U1 , Denver. Colo. _ t K J _
EUNNEH Wanted A good runner for Allan-
tin hotul , 10th Bt. , ono who can spoalc Ger
man jnr Danish prdtcred. _ 401-2UJ
-ANTEU Klst-claKB , all-round baker , 810
end board and room. Mrs. llrega.U4' { S.
16th. _ _ 417-2UJ
\A7ANTED Drncclork ; references roqulrod ,
Address X 47 lloo. ! )8820 )
WANTED Paporhnngors to get prices on
job lots ot wr.ll pnpor and borders at 107
8. ISili Bt. , llainge block. a077
i 111 good cornlcomakers , 1 good
cutter , for Ogden , Utah. Apply \Vostern
Corplcmvorks be [ . 4 and 5 p. in , C. Specht.
OALKSMAN wanted , ( hie prtwo good sales-
Mmen , sldo lino. Standard article. No sam
ples required. Address. ' Drawer 3DKnlamazqo ,
tllch. 109 4 *
WANTED Exporlencod hardware salqs-
man. knowledge of builders' hardware
preforri-d ; state ago and salary required. % Vd-
dross X 17 lleo. _ _ _ 158
EMPLOYMENT for young man or lady.
Heferonccs required. G.E , Thompson , 212
Bhcely block. _ TO
ilnergotinmonnnd women everywhere -
where for a genteel , money-making bujl-
ness , SHU weekly profit guaranteed easier than
VCO monthly otfionvlae. Kxperlanco absolutely
unnecessary , Permamcnt position and exclus
ive territory assured. $2 samples free. Write for
particulars. Addrohs with stamp , Merrill Mf'g.
Col. H ft } Chicago _ 71Mnl2J
SALESMEN \ wish a few men to s ( ill o\ir
goods by saniplo to wiiplcnalo nnd retail
trade. ] < nrgc6t maniif'r.s in our lino. Kuclono
a-ceiit stamp. Wages Kl T > er day , Permanent
"position. ' No postals answered. Money ad-
vauced'forwagus , adrcrtUing , pte. Centennial
tlnn'fg Co. . Cincinnati. U. _ G14.
WANTED Men tosoiclt ) ; must deposit $25
nnd glvo security for 11(01101' ( collected.
Salary * ifl to fX ! ( ) per mont h. Call on or nil-
areas Goo. B.CIlne.fill Flrat National bank. 4TO
WANTKO-Agonts T6 Keil"tho"Plg Puzzle :
ovyrylioily crazy to got pup : sample by
auill'l'c ; stamps taken. A. A. Austin * Co . ,
inannfiictilrcra. Providence. H. L 2ilSm2J
r ANTED KW men for railroad work In
Washington territory ; good wages and
steady work. Apply at Albright's Labor Ai'ency.
1120 ynrnnm street. 207
OOYS-Am. Olst. Tel. Co" , 1W {
wanted on salary , J75per mouth ,
AGENTS ! } paid , n.ny actjvo man' or
ntoK'jlt purgfjqdii | iy sanipio and liv'o nt
. Salary pald'priiinptly'aud expenses In
ndvaucc. Full particulars nna sample case ,
free. We mean just what we say. Address
Standard BllvenvaVo Co. . llo ton. Mass , itM
'AJTiir { Cofllir ( f uiafoT
373 2W *
ork _ : _ 100 ; !
375-27 *
-Gooa cook ana"l icili-ess. ; ramny
" & 215-27
o do wprk. inn
W li\iglnsat. ) ( 327-27 *
T-A good girl In sinnll fiuully :
Yl must nudbfatnnd rn6klug und gouoral
vprlc , rofyreucy required ; 1203 Pncliio st. "cu-7j
> A good girl to assist lu guucrivl
WANTC1 | UI North 18th street. 4JJ
CX7ANTit : > A8 < )0'1 KM for general house-
&nd MaijOu sti. ' l
\\T ANTKIfoinvotent ) 'girl or woman for
\ \ family sylnsr to Cnllfornlu ; S ulrls to cool :
lu aA'Uuplaco , llii ; 0 for Muall hotels , t-ilto ( ,10 ;
idlnlnt : room glrUtor lleatrlee. } | 8 ; i In
13 ; nurbegtrlH ; kitchen girln ; 60 for
ho.ii.8o tvork. .Mar. IKoga , 3iii ! a IMh.
TANTRD Lady ogcms for our now sklit
WANTEI > An exnerlejicQil a\t\ \ for liousa
Ji tl 6UUt'oiU' _ ' < S < " > ftve. . ' "M
girl to do general hoitsewirkl
must ba good rqpk. l&Kl Wil'tst. , KounU.c
' '
"VVTAN.TKn-Nurso girl , 22sn'arnam. ,
M7ANT1SO Girl for geu'crul" housework"
small family. Apply until Tuesday nuxt
at H 1UI 1'uxtoa house oelwoen u a.m.anil 8 ptmt
NTinT : A clrl fprKoiierJVtiouidwork
'iC 8 Ninth it. G ; FliUasser.V all
. bureau. 119N Ifith ! established
OMAlIAErap. reliable In city. II. K. Whlto.
Information nnd employment par
lors ; strictly first-class ; perfectly reliable.
Hoom 10 , Hushman block. N. 13. cor. Douglas
and Ifitfi st. 163-A-aot
'vfrA NTHb' Yluyer for a good lot on Capitol
i T nvo. , within four blocks of high school.
252fl Davenport t. 126-87 *
iTKooorNewfoundland or mastiff
pup , from two to six months old. Am will
ing to pay a fair price for good pup. Alfred
Hliodors , 35tn and Farnam. _ 42V29 * .
b or two furnished rooms NK , cor. Fnr
nam andJWth nve. 402-20J
WANTED Any onn afflicted with any pri
vate or chronic blood disease lo canon
the National Remedy Co , , 1414 wage st. nnd In-
\oBtlgate their treatment for private disorders.
w ANTED A now fiirnlturo store at Friend
N ob.
w ANTED May L furnished or unfurnished
cottage ; family of two. Address X 41) ) . nee.
mWO unfurnished rooms on llrst Iloor with
X board. Address 1' . O. box 703. 3il27t
VVANTBllto Hent-Hmnll furnlshod house
T by a respectable family. Good reference.
Xr.'i. Ileeolllcp. 431-CTJ
\ ) to rent by Juno 1 , a 7 or Broom
Wx\NTni , moilerii conveniences , no children.
Addre sfxcjt boxKVl. ii. ' - ' . " . ! '
WANTI'.I ) to rent by family of two , an un
furnished cnttago In good condition con
taining (1 ( or 7 rooms ; must liavo terms mul lo
cation to receive any attention. Address U itf ,
lice. -3
IT10R RF.NT-May 1st , 7-room Hat , corner iGth
JJ and J ones st. 352 27t
FOH RUNT House of 10 rooms , all modern
conveniences ; Honscom Place , u E. Strat-
ou , 403 Merchants National Huilding. 42Kllt
O NICK 7-room cottages ; good collars , cisterns.
i well , good barn ; convenient to school and
churcn ; $20 per month for the summer. Apply
at ono , C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank ,
T71OR HUNT Good house , centrally located.
JJ Inquire 712 N. lUth St. ! lVJ-3
'HloiritKNT one 4-room Hat ana one Imso-
JJ incut In Langoblock ; enquire 612 S. 13th st.
"I710H HUNT Elegant 0-room cottage near llith
JJ nnd Loavenworth , east front , nlco yard.good
cellar , city and cistern water , call ut i > 20 S. Istli.
_ _ _ _ _
FOR RENT New house ot (1 ( rooms , water
nnd gas , east front , good location ; npply to
Jus. stockdnlo , H. 10 , Arlington blk , iibj-K )
rpEN room house , 1st class location , rent ! 00 ,
J- furniture t450 ; HOO cash , bal easy ; lady Is
now keeping boarders , Co-oparativo Laud &
Lot Co. . 205 N 18th St. 310 21) )
FOH RENT Nlco 4-room cottage , city water ,
l i miles N W of P. O. . J12.60 per mouth. 311
S 12th. ill5
TTIOH RUNT My Farnnm st. residence com-
JJ plotely furnished , with llrst-class servants ,
If desired , for four or llvo months ; family go
ing away. R. C. Patterson. 3ia 3. ibth at. 22j
T71OH HENT 0-rooni house , southeast corner
JJ 25th and Grant , good repair , J12.50 per
month ; 4-room house nearly now , ln ) Pont
place , near south suth St. , 810 per month. A
good store building on south 20thst.wlth rooms
above , barn , city water , etc. A .splendid place
for grocery , hardware or saloon. Rout very
low. Hugh 0. Clark , room 7 , Chamber of Com
merce. 281 aa
FOR RENT Peven room house. K8th st. bor.
lllondo and Patrick ave ; $25.00 per month.
273 2Ut
T71OR RENT 7-roora Hat , all modern conven-
JJ iouces , ttooil location , cheap to uood party.
L. & S. Rental Agency , room 310 , Sheely block.
" 1710R RENT Ono ton-room and one eight-
JJ room house , all modern conveniences , llest
part of city and within 5 minutes walk ot post-
olllce. Nathan Shelton , 1505 Faruain st. 1)42 )
I7IOR REN.P Henutlful 8-room nouse with
JJ modern Improvements , splendid location.
Apply nt once , C. F. Hurrlson , Mer. Nat. U'k.
OH RENT-Good houses ntf.0 , J10.t30i"i.J20.
nnd$12 per mouth. I f you wls n to rent call aud
aee me. D. V. Sliolea , 310 1st Nitt'l Hunk. 7b9
TGIOll HENT 14 room brick dwelling , all con-
JJ venlencea , 810 N. 13th st. cQ7
FOR RENT Elegantly furnished rooms with
nil modern Improvements , at UJi S. 13th bt.
T71UHNISIIED house for rent In f-arkTerrace ,
JJ opposite llanscora Park- ; all modern con-
venlencos. Inquire Lee & Nlchol , 2Sth nrjcl
Leaven worth. " 035
FOH RENT 0-room modern Improved house ,
A 1 locality ; rent moderate. Apply to M.
Elguttor. 1001 Earnam st. 032
OH IlKNT Cottages , 5 rooms , 2723 Charles
At. and 1" 1 S 6th tit. Inquire ut room 212 ,
Sheely blocK. 0,13
"ITIOR RENT When you wish to rent n house ,
JJ store , or olllco call ou us , II , E. Cole , room
0. Continental blk. 013
IiiOH RENT The u-room residence. 2107
' Douglas st. , nil modern Improvements , Inquire -
quire 8. Kntz 13lOFarnqn. ) OC5
TTtOH IlKNT Neatly furnished front room ,
JJ 1405 Jackson. 338 27j
TIIWO nicely furnlsiiod rooms for light housc-
Jkeeping. . Imuilro 1BOU Webster street.
FOR HENT For ono or two gentlemen , largo
frpnt room with alcove , nicely furnished.
On cable line , north sldu Dodge ut. , opposite
mh gyp. 1J1 27t
ITtURNlSHEU rooms tor rent at lain Dodge
F37-027 *
S. HUNT Newly furnished roomssuitablo
J- ? for two or four ; east ski o lltli St. , 2d house
south of Pierce st.
O FURNISH III ) rooms , all modern cnnveu-
A lences , 1011 DQtiglas st. 007-30 *
TTOH RENT Furnished room , 022 N. IDth.
JJ U'JJ-30
NEWLY furnished rooms , with or without
board , 1721 Davenport. 301-1 ?
HEEHFUL room , with board. In private
faintly , handsomely situated ; references.
2IIX ) Hiuiuiy , 33M
VTICELV furnished rooms with bonrd. Rof-
Jl l erpnces exchanged. 2. > p Bt. Mary's tiyoi
"OOOMS and board , 1812 OlllCago.
It 43il-inS7'
TTIpH RENT Furnished room , 2100 Farnam.
PLEAS ANT rooms , very cheap. 51'J I'loasant ,
420-u *
171011 HENT-rFurntshed room , with board ,
JJ buttiibie tor t\yo gentlemen ; lull Douglas st.
: i7ii-a
" 171OU"IIBN'P Ftirnl cd room lu private fani-
JJ Ily. 2301 Fnrnam fat. USO 30 >
TTILEOANTIA'iuvnlsheit room ccntrally lo-
Jl catod with or without bourn , prtou reasonable -
able , oot 3. r-itli. JU'-jUia *
NICElA'furnisheil trout room , on car line ,
UIV N Uth. v'91
in peed locaton ; cas and
bath : pricey leftiuiiable. 2W : Leavcu orth ,
'ITlintNISlim ) or unfurnUhcd voomtl for rent
JJ In Park Terrace opposite llamcom Park ;
all modern conv ulenc s. lii'iulro Lea X
Nlchol , ' . ' 8th and Leavonworth , Ui5
, . . _ _ _ , . . - - . _ . _ , . ' convon-
i lViicti\eiepVoue.ii ) > ho\ui \ > , liiOb Ca'pltnl av ,
T AltGK f ontrooTn with boJvootn. adjoining ,
J-JlmnJsomely furiiWied , gas ami heated by
twm , with uia ot b.ith room , lu ono ot the
haud.spmost reildtmcei in tlio city , without
board , luqull'o u. w. cur , luth and Leuvcuwortb.
" '
JJ10R RENT Nicely , newly furnished , all
JJ uiqdprn convenience. 221U Douglaii , 1 u
fOR HENT-Room 1CJ1 Howard.
TTIOIl RENT Ous furnUhed rooni wltli closet ,
JJ-and every conyenleuco , gas , eta , batli room
u iloorh HUltublo for ona or two g < mtlo-
# ) FaniBlU. Ut'O
1J\OH \ HIJNT FurnUhtHl roonin 8lnsJ& or an
Juite. . 1CU ) JUuilglay. 7H
v2 fnruliliox } rooms , modern , convon-
\ U. , yrivata , taittllf.
IjlUHNISHEI ) room tor rents tuu4t jjive refct
-IJ cnce. at I'/'l Do Jfi . ti
tt !
ROOMS and board , 1010 Webster st.
7 82
F 1011 KENT trout rooms at mi
IjintNISHKD rooms with tlrst-class board a
JJ aoia Douglas gt. _ 371 10T
TjlOll HUNT rront room , furnished orllnfur-
JJ nished. do N. lllth st. .150 211 $
ITlUHNlBiniD rooms by day. ween or month ,
J at. Clalr hotel , cor 13th and Dodge. 9J3
IjWKNlSIIKU rooms , single or en suit" , bath
JJ and steam : for gents only. 1518 Howard.
LAHOi : room , first floor , for two , tnreo or
lour ; niodorn conveniences ; mil Capitol avo.
"IT'oK HUNT An elegant suit of rooms for
JJ family use In ono of the most desirable re
sitting localities In thn city , over my hardware
store. Howard. W , F. Sloatzol. 2iJ )
O FURNISHED rooms for rent , with board ;
< must giro rofcroncas , nt lltil Dodge st.
IjtlNKIiY furnished room with bay window In
JJ newhousuj ail modern convBiifonces ; suit-
nble for 0110 or two genllomen ; references to-
quired ; GJ5 Georgia ave. , near Loaycmvorth ,
iflOUR robinsTwn 3S. loth , near iJorcas ,
, \ OH 6 unfurnished rooms for housekeeping
ti for man and wlfo , 31 ! ) N 17th st. ! U7 ! lt
I71OR H12NT-3 > lvo rooms for small family.
JJ 2510 Chicago st. _ 313 ! iOJ
FOR HUNT A handsome suite of three un-
furnlshod rooms with bathroom and
closets , at 1300 Sherman ave. 8S2
FOH ItP.NT Three story brick building on
16th street , near Dodgo. Suitable for re
tail business or light .wholoimle business ,
lllcks , room 40. llarkcr block. 442-1
TOH HUNT Store nnd living rooms on Cum-
JJ ing street ; nlso house on Cass st. Harris H.
15. Ac L. Co. , Room 411 1st Nnt. bank. 811
WOU UKNT a Hoors22x8J euch , In brlct build-
JJ Ing , with elevator , close to express olllco.
cheap rent , Just the thing for wholesaling , good
location. Apply to Geo-Heyu , lllW Farnam st.
T71OH ilKNT The 1 story brick building wltli
JL ? or without power , now occupied by The Heo
Publishing Co. . Dili Fnrnam st. The building
has a lite proof comuntod basement , complete
( itnnm heating fixture * , water on all the lloors ,
gas , etc. Apply nt tlm olllco ot The lloo. 015
s TOHE : 4ft7 wltn basement , Hamgo bldg. In-
'quire ' Frank J. Haiuge. B5U
IlKNT Store 2JxOn ; Ills Jackson st. Enquire -
quire 11U Jackion 8.K )
room for rent , ouo window , cor , lit"
DESK 1'arnam , basement shoo shop , 270-27 *
TjlOR It KNT Use of Knabe piano for an hour
JJ or inoro per dayby the month ; location and
room strictly llrst class. Terms very reasona
ble. Address Xttf , Hoe olllco. 1177
\XTANTr.D Few gentlemen boarders , 81 per
> r weekday board. On 2 car linos. Every
thing first-class. 1010 Webster st. 303 29t
[ r you wont to rent your houses call on Har
ris. ' H. E. & L. Co. , room 4111st Nat'l bank.
2u nouses nt once for which we
cnn furnish good tenants. List your houses
with the L& SllonUl Agency , aiOSheoly blk.
IF YOU want to buy , soil , rent or excnange ,
call ou or address , ( J. J. Sternsdorff , rooms
317 and 313 1'lrst ' National bank building.
G EO. J. PAUL , 1009 Farnam St. , houses ,
stores , etc. , for rent , 'J4d
WE glvo special attention to renting nnd
collecting rents. list with us. H.E.Colo ,
room 0 Continental block. 017
rriOH RENT Houses in nit parts of the city.
V J. J. Gibson. No. 3. Croitihtou block. CGI
JJ. GIDEON'S now system of renting houses ,
No. S Creighton block. OCl
ELECX1UC Telegraph School ; thorough and
practical Instruction by competent teach
ers. Scud for circular or call 103 s. IGth. 1SJ-2DJ
/"I OOD business or driving buck wngon , made
VJ by Drummond ; perfect order. J. A. Delzell ,
llSNIUthst. 284
T'OU that are siiderlne from private disor
ders will llud the National Remedy nt 1414
Dodge St. , where you cnn get sclentlllc treat-
men t und a cure guaranteed. 211
HSONNENSCHEIN has moved to 417 S 13th.
Huy and sell second hand furniture and
stoves ; bottles bought and sold. 15H-m21
T\riLTj take horses to pasture at Gllmore.
VV Price 18 per mo , D. A.Voung.Gllmore.Nob.
rpIIE banjo taught ns nn nrt by Goo. F. Gel-
JLlenbeck. Apply ot Hee Onice. D50
T OS ! ' One dun pony , has scar on both shout-
J-Jders. Return to blacksmith shop nt lllth
andJuckuou street and got reward , 216-27t
ESTHA Y Ono blact colt and one bay colt , at
corner ot llrown and Taylor streets , near
Fort Omaha. Wm. F. Hynn. 389-iOt ;
TIIAYKI ) or stolen A largo black horse with
white on ono hind leu ; recently clipped ;
was saddled and wore a black saddle blanket
with yellow trimmings. Reward for return to
M. Hellman If Co. , 1UJ1 Farnam St. 43J-2S )
FEATHERS cleaned and curled ; bats pressed
and bleached , at F. M , Schadoll , 218 N. Kith.
TTSE of Knabo iilano for rent one hour or
U more per day , by the month ; locution und
room strictly llrst class. Terms very reasona
ble. Address X 40 , Ileo ofllce. U77
PRIVATE course In fencing , boxing or tanoy
club swinging , $10. Address T 14 , Heo olllci ; .
21) ) ml4 *
- rates at 1121 Farnam st
Omaha Auction & Storage Co 117
mitAOICAGE , storage , lowest rates ! W.U
J. Bushman , 1-U1 Leavonworth , 118
HANOI ! & CO. , storage , 1211 Howard.
DR. NANNlhV. Warren , clairvoyant modi-
cal and bUHlnuss medium. Female dlseaso *
a specialty. 11'J ' N Ifith st. , rooms 2 and U. 1X11
W HI'lTLESEY'S snorthand school. SI liar-
kor block , 3 month's course , 120.
rpIIE Standard Shorthand School , having pur-
X rnuaed Valentine's Shorthand InstitutePat-
ton block , opp. public library , id now the larg
est , bust equipped , oxclualvn shorthand school
in the west. 12o graduates lu good situations
The Bchool is in charge of Mr. R. A , Smith , a
stenographer und teacher of maijy years prac
tical experience. Twelve No. 2 Remington type-
w rlti'rs In usu , Send for circulars , 411
SHORTHAND and lypo-wrlUng taught the
most practical way at thu Omaha Commercial
College. Bonn Pitman system and Runilnettdu
type-writers ; students complct menuallntwo
weeks , and write from i'4) ) to 100 words per mln-
ute in three mouths ; practical olllce drill made
a specialty. Instruction in grammar , spelling
and writing ftee. Address RohrbouKh Hros. ,
Omaha for clrculura. 347 m3 ,
WANTED To ouyg d commercial nape ; ,
II. C. Patterson. 316 8 15th st. Hut
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves ar < d
liouaolioUl goods of all kinds. Omaha
Auction & Storage Co. 1121 Faruani. UK )
" "
TjlOlfaALB African Ion robe ; will trade for
JJ sewing uachiue ; WW H , luth Bt. , room 8.
25327 *
Tmoil SAL15-At a bargain , A llrst-class "MIL
JJ leiiiaelc ; . gooa aa new ; run only U month * .
bo st-nu at Simpson's Carriage woi ks , or
X U , lie * olllce. 152-iiut
Ij'.OHSAIjE Good work team , wagon and liar-
ntrsi ; tat cannfuter tools urnl chest ; full not
lustruuieuts , nearly now ; household
a , On easy. payments , o , J. WllklnHOii ,
ulirFarimm st , 1(3
FOR SAJiH-Tttlklug parrot , 15 , also one
handsome yellow lieud and African gray.
WflS luth ft , room ft 25 : 87 *
T7)OH ) HALE Furniture and curiiets ,
- - now , oft a , . 1'J-rouiu liouae , or liouae can be
rt-nioa by party buyiujr ; 2 blocks from P. O.
Cub. Addr * . * Smith. 1415 Capitol avenue.
OU flATTr-2KW tonince. AiUm Roder ,
Hlnlr.Neb. Kti mist
flALK-Fln road htirse. good style , cnn
go In 3 minutes. Address X 54. 427-2D *
TTlOll SALK Good sheMhir , ono show case
JJ and a lot candy jnMiat Geo. L. llenn's , 13 1
Douglas. , au 30
FOHSALK-l work team , wagon nnd liar-
ness compute , Vfiry sheap for cash , 619
Paxtonblk. 819
TTlOll SALE Shafting , belting , pulleys , etc ,
JJ ijoodnsnow. Hip > v , croicilt and band
saws very cheap. PJ1 Douglas. 12 }
' FlfflTcablnot Gratia rosewood case upright -
right piano for $102,50 * test when new $10) ;
only used one year ; mint ba sold at once ; will
glvo time on pnrtot it 1Ldesired. , Address V
W5 , care Omaha lloo. H23ni 13
171OH SALB-Agood young-liorso , $151. Co-
JJ Operative Land it Lot Co. , 03 N. 16th st.
But 29
1TIOH SALE Draft horses , buggy horses , nud
JJ small delivery mules. Woods Sale stabl
1510 California. itsj
FUl BALK Horse and bttifgy. Inquire A.
Ilospo. 1513 Douglas t. CI5 mil
MIDLAND Guarantee A Trust Co. , 1503 Far
nam , Complete abstracts furnished & titles
to real citate oxnmlnod.poYfectod & guaranteed.
A H8TRACT8 Llnahan & Mnhoney , room 500
xi. Paxton block. UC3
OMAHA Abstract Company , IMO Farnam st.
Most complete and carefully prepared sot
ot nbstroct books and plats of nil real property
In the city of Omaha and Douglas county.Ml
1,500 special money ; apply at once. C. F.
$ Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l I bank. 1
Central Ixiau nnd Trust Co. , No. 1205
a. Fnrnam street , have n special fund of * .VtioO
on hand to bo loaned in sums of * l. t to $10.000
at very low rates on choice Inside residence
or business property , a A. Starr , manager.
312 5
\Y , ANTED Applications for loans on unmi-
T proved lots well located. Odell llros. &
Co. , 312 So. ICth St. 885
MONEY ! money ! money ! to loan on horses ,
wagons , mules , houshold goods , pianos , or
gans , diamonds , etc. , at lowest rates.
The llrst organized loan olllco In the city.
Will make loans for thlilv to throe hundred
nnd sixty-live days , which can be paid lu part
or whole , nt any time , thus lowering the prin
cipal and Interest. Call nud see us when you
want money , and wo can assist you promptly
nnd to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity.
Money always on hand nnd no delay lu mak
ing loans. C. F. Rood If To , , 311) ) South 13th St. ,
over lllughain & Sons commission house.
324 m25
GW. PECK loans money- Omaha real estate
Hulldlng loans a souclalty , H 4 , Frenzorb Ik
M' IONEV ' loaned on unimproved Inside Omaha
real estate. 0. W. Poek.R. 4 , Frenzer block.
TTNIMPHOVED . . ami _ . Improved propertv :
U loans made promptly : money on Jana , F.
M. Hlchardson , s w cor 15th > and i Douglas.
GOOD notes , short or long time , unsecured
or with mortgage , bought any whore In Neb.
or In. Quick loans , city or farm. Cull or write
W , Jj.SelbyJLll.J3J jI'd-JTrndo. § P1 _ _
T > UlhDING LOANH-Wo will buy l < it , or pay
lncumurauce on your lot nuil build for you ;
small cash payment , biilnnco In easy monthly
payments ; in case of death we cancel the entire -
tire indebtedness. M. IV.&T. Trust Co. , First
National bank building.jn ma-mis
H. E , COLE , loan agent.
. ' . ; IPO
Bl'ILDINO LOANS At ? per cent net , uo ad-
dltlonal charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. II. MolklOjFIrst Nat. ban * bldg.
"DUILDINtl loans a specialty. W. M. Harris ,
JJroom20 Frenzer block/iopposlto P. O.
O M AHA Chattel Loan Co. , room 42 , Darker
block. ! io-ni2. : >
MONEY'to loan In large sums at the lowest
ratesno ; delay , H. C. Patterson , 313 S 15th ,
NEIlRASIvA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a
loan ou household goods ,
horses. wagons ,
land contracts ,
fine Jowelry. or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , at Seasonable rates.
Room 7 , Rowley block. South Omaha ,
_ .Rooms 618-511) ) , Paxon blocKV'Omaua , Net ) .
MONEV loaned forUO , 8 J or I ) } days on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable inter
est ; business coulldontlal. J J. Wilkinson , 1117
Farnani sf 10'J
T OAN8 on business property , $5,000 to 110,000
J-Jwanted. Provident Trust Company , room
SOS , First National bank building. 1'lU
DO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low
est on any sum from J10 up to $10.000.
I make loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses mules , wagons , warehouse re
ceipts , houses , leases , etc. , In any amount at the
lowest possible rntos without publicity or re
moval of property.
Loans can bo made for ono to six months nnd
you cnn pay a part at any time , reducing both
principle nnd Interest. If you owe a balance
on your furniture or horses or have a loan on
thorn 1 will take It up and carry It for you as
long as you desire.
If you need money you will find It to your ad
vantage to see m < 3 before borrowing.
11. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll building , 15th
and J turner. liS'J
HILL loans'ut 418 Bheoly build-
lug at eight per cent straignt. Samuel Tato.
T CAN make n few loans on first-class chattel
JLsecurltles at reasonable rates. W. 1C. Potter ,
room 10 Barker blk. 1)37 )
Cfil.OOO TO J5.003 on Improved city propertyT
Pcanbepald in monthly Installments ; dent
cancelled in case of death ; will loan 50 to 60 per
cent of cash valuation. M. K. & T. Trust Co. ,
First National bant building. S52-m.l5
MONEY to loan at lowest rates of Interest on
real estate In Omaha uud South Omaha.
Titles ana property examined by us and loans
made at once. Cash on hand. Bates , Smith &
Co. room 20J Hamgq bldnsj. 310-m'l
6 PER CENT money to loan. Cash on hand.
W.M. Harris , H 20. Frenzer block , opp. P. O.
HE. COLE , loan agent.
. 101
j } $ $ To loan on tarms and city property.
$ Geo. J. Paul. It ! ) . ) Faruain st. 354
/ " 1ITY Financial agency will loan you money
V/onhorsei. furniture , jewelry or securities of
any kind , 1 JO J Howard at. , corners. 13th st.
233 m 11 ;
TT' ASTERN trust funds to loan on Improved
JJJroul estate lu Omah.ilargo ; loans preferred.
E. S. lllsbee , First National bauic building.
IVTON KVf to loan on Improved property at Ilrs-
J.'I-hands. No application font awav for apt
proval. Security aud titles examined free of
charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment
company , 300 S. l-'lth at. 1KB
OEOl'LE'S Financial Exchange The tallest ,
JU quietest und most liberal money exchongo
in the city ; raouey loaned wltnout delay or
publicity , in any amount , large or small , at the
lowest rutfuof Interest , on any available se
curity ; loans may bo paid atany time orrenewed
at original rates. O. IM&Hcaron , Mgr. , room
WHJ , Darker block , 15th amLFarnam. 101
Ql'ECIAL fnnd of * 10.fta to loan at reduced
O rates on furniture , hi j'uj and wagons. City
Loan Co. , 118 8 lllth st. - 900
1)EOPLF.'B Financial F.xcnange Large and
small loans for long and short time , at low
est rates of Interest , on r > al estate mortgage
notes , chattels of till klnAMdiumonds. watches
and Jewelry , Dou.t fall lo all if you want fair
and cheap ncconimodnilphs. Ci. Houscaren ,
M.jr. , room 50)4 ) Darker blK.astti und Farnam.
T OANS wanted on Oniana real estate , three
J-Jand live years' time , optional payment a ,
favorable terms and ravjj , applications and
titles passed upon bjr , and loans closed
promptly. Ktmuall , Uhnmp & Hy.ui , room U ,
U. a. National Hank UulltMnsj , 12u5 Farnam st.
214 ml
1/MKST mortgage loanV/or low rates nnd no
; deluy. IX V. Sholcs , BIO First National bank.
_ . . , 003
M 'ONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with ,
out delay , and purchase good commercial
and mortgage notes. S. A. Sloman , cor.
1th ana Farnam. 103
MONKY to loan , Harris R. H. is Loan Co. ,
room 411 , First National bank. VJ3
> 01LD1NU loans. Lmaliau A ; Mahoney.
IF. IIAIUIISON luaus money , lowes' rates.
qHX,000 4UH
$ HX,000 ) to loan at 0 per cent. Llnalmn 4 ; Ma-
lioney , Room 600 Paxton block. 110
MONEY to loan on furniture , horseswagoni.
etc. , or ou any approved security. J. W.
Kobbins R. 208 , She Iy bile. . 15tu and Howard.
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought. Lewis S. UeiiU Si Co. , U21 Farnam.
MONBV to Loan NVo are ready tor applica
tions for loans lu amounts from tCH ) to 110 , .
000 on Improved Omaha or Uouglaa county real
state. Full informal Ion as to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Good notes will be purchased ?
by us. Cull upon us or. writ * . Tue McC'aguo.
Investment Co. _ 103
TXON'T borrow money on fitraltnr * , norsss ,
JL/wagons , etc. , or coll.itterals until TOU see
C. 11. Jacobs , 410 First National bunk building.
* A ffYambunis loaned on furnltutfl , pianos ,
x.Vteani9 , etc. Notes bought at less than usual
rates , monthly payments reduce Interest. Key
stone Mortgage Co. , room SOS bheoly blk , S. luth
OF. HAIUUSON loans money , lowest rates ,
- 493
MONEY" to loan. O. K. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , ISM Fnrnam st. _ 101 _
l5 b iT.OlNG loans. 1).V Slioios , 210 First No-
J J tlonal banki _ K _
SEE Hholes , room 310 First Nat'l bank before
making your loans. ou ?
MONEV to loan ; cash on hsnd : no delay. J.
W. Squire , W19 Fnrnaui St. , FlMt National
bank building. 10J
11II.AIEIPIIIA Mortgage * Trust Co. . nti >
nlsh cheap eastern monay to borrowers ;
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
nt their western olllco. George W. I'
7 , Hoard ot Trade 1K)1 ) _
_ _ _
M ONEV to loan Lowest rates Loins closed
promptly. II. BColo , H fl Continental block.
T\fXN TKD First cUss Inside lo-vns. Lo\vosT
' ratos. Call nnd sue us. Mutual luvost-
mentCo. . ll.I. Darker blk. 15th .V Farnnm. Uiil
and upwards to loan on good inside city
property. No delays. W. Farnam Smith.
1220 Farnnm at. J5-o27t
_ _
TT10R SALE-Cheap ; meat market , tools nnd
JJ fixtures , all new , good buiminir , everything
In stylo. Call or address T. F. Lj on ,
Weeping Water. Nob. _ 8M 27J
OARE CIlANCK-N'Ico clean stock general
XV merchandise , fixtures nnd largo store buildIng -
Ing and lot In llvo Nebraska town. Division
station H. & M. , to trade for good Omaha resi
dence. J. H. Parrotte , under Douglas Co. llanlr ,
ANEW roller mill for sale In a good
belt , and good market for Hour. For terms
address F.'J Andreas , Gordon , Neb. t4)n't ;
TTlOll SALE An old established drug store In
JJ a growing county seat of B.on , ) population ;
sales $10,000 n year , profits good , business suc
cessful , stock will be reduced to suit purchaser.
Good reasons for selling. Address Q. A. I'case
Drug Co. , Falroury , Neb. 370 3
' Centrally located , for sale ; .
lor nil , * 1.250 for one-half interest. Co
operative Laud and Lot Co. , 203 North IGth st.
/ 1ONFiCTIONnilV : store In central location ;
v/rent $30 , prlco $ < X ! well established trade : nllno bakery nnd confectionery store com
bined. In llrst-class location. Ice cream pm lor
and soda fountain ; Invoice price ; party going
to leave the city. Clunr and iobarco store : rent
li'O ; Invoice l.Mi ; will sell fixtures aud nil the
stock or n part , just to suit the purchaser. A
nlco little crocory store , prlco ) 1,000. A feed
store , rout * S for ground , prlcj of building nnd
stoc $700 Hotels nnd lestiuirantu. Co-opera-
tlve Land nnd Lot Co. . 205 N. 10th st. 3W-2D
\\7"ANTED Pnr nor with from three to llvo
' ' thousand dollnrs ; tmsluoxs well estnb
llshod ; large profits ; will bear luvostlgntlon.
Address X 41 Dee 341)2 )
rplIEllnost , best patronized restaurnntln the
J- city , very cheap , aud ou very easy terms. If
you Want a snap come nnd see this. H. E. Cole ,
Room 0 , Continental Illock. 340 1
A DRUGGIST with cash looking for a good
location , will do well to address K. K.
Cnpps , L'ulbortsou , Nob. , or Hurst & Co. , Hast
ings , Nob. 2 < 7m 2J ?
rn ROOM hotel In a central location In Omaha ,
lease and furniture for $7.50) ; part cash : for
better description apply to Co operative Laud
nnd Lot Co. 205 N. loth st. 322,21) )
" \lTANTED-Pttrtlos wishing to sell their
> > business to list with the Co-operntlve
Land .V Lot Co. , nu charges unless sale is made.
205 N. lilt 11 at. 8JU 2
HOTEL for sale. Well furnished , $7) )
a month rent. Address W. P. Anderson ,
Norcatur , ICas.
A GOOD established feed business ; requires
JrVbut small capital. Inquire at the O. H. E.
& T. Co. , 15011'ninam. 1S2-20J
T71OR SAliE The best restaurant In Oninliu ,
JJ nil newly furnlhhed , nud making $ J)0 ( ) per
month. Host of reasons for belling. Enquire
nUJanlleld lipuse. 230-30
T71OR SALE or trade One of the best located
JJ restaurants in the city : outllt now and com
plete. ai.UOO. J. u. Evans , Uarber lllk. 323
( K3.000 to f > .00'J wanted to put Into n good busi-
P ness ; llrst class security and good rate ot
Interest paid for short or long time. Or will
take pnrtner. For particulars address U 43 ,
Bee ollice. 142
QALOON for sale In ono of the best business
lOcenters In Reason for selling ,
I must leave the city. Address V la Hee.
AMEMIHIRSHIP in the Omaha board of
trade can bo had cheap at Room 22 U. K. Na
tional bank building. * 028
HOMES ! Homes 1 Homes ! Several houses ,
ranging from 4 to 8 rooms , to exchange
for western lauds. Rare bargains I Western
Laud und Loan exchange , 312 So. lUth st.
W'ESTERN lands In exchange for building
lots. Raiu bargains ! Western Land and
Loan exchange , 312 So. 13th St. 3115-29
T\TANTED A slightly encumbered house
TT and lot for good farm ; 2JS Sheely block.
" \X7ANTED lil.OOO brick ; will exchange a good
M lot In Orchard Hill and pav some cash.
Western Land & Loin Exchange , 312 S 10th.
3-2 2 ! )
EVKRAL stocks of merchandise and the
store building In thriving towns for trade
part cash aud balance laud or lots. Some flue
farms for trade for city property. Co-operative
Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. IHth st. MO BJ
OR EXCHANGE-Elghty acres ( if the finest
timber land In Wisconsin , clear of encum
brance. What have you to oftert O. J. Ktorns-
dorff. rooms 317 and 318 , First National bank
| 052
CTOR EXCHANGE Dakota , Hand county
JJ What have you to offer for a good farm
here , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are
rising lu value , nnd Its destiny cannot bo dis
puted. Will take vacant lot or improved prop
erty and assume someencumbraucn. G , J.
StcrnsdorlT , rooms 317 and 31d , Elrst National
bank building. KB
T7IOR SALK A private bank In houthoru
JJ Nebraska. Address to M. Catudal , Camp
bell Neb. 1)13 ) m 3
QOUTII OMAHA I have a number ot good
rjlots In various additions that must ba sold
at once an J can bo bought at prices that will
suit you. G. .1. Sternsdorlf , room * 317 and 318
1-ln.t National bank building. aa
" 171OH SALE 31 acres , corner Thirteenth and
JJ North streets. Desirable for plnttlug. C.
Good , Good block , Dos Molnos , la. 240m.S
I N\T > TIG"A/riT ThH Lot COxMl on Hur-
dette between 24th nnd 25th streets ; 1-room
house , large conservatory , sewer In alloy ; only
82,000 ; ritti cash ; balance 1 , 2 , 3 nnd 4 yeai-K. M.
A. Upton company , 10th aud Farnam. 220
WHAT will you trade for good Improved 8) )
In Marshall count ) ' . Kansas , 3 miles ot It.
H. town. Address X 45 Heo olllce. US ! 27 !
I7HR ) SALU-Choicest property In Orchard
JL' Hill ; ID-room hoiue , all modern Improve
ments , and 8 full lots. I ) . E. Johnson , owner ,
15 Paxton block. M'j-27
\XrALLACE-Hoom 8 ! ' , , Creighton blocK.
V > Lots i and a , block 21 , Carthage ,
each . ii.OW
Lot3 13 , 18 , 11) ) , 21 , block 0 , West Cuming ,
each . 1,000
Lot II , block K. Walnut Hill . IKJO
Lot 11 , block "A , " Redford , corner Bristol
and HOth. east front , a bargain , at . 1,600
Lot 4 , block 15 , lledford Place , fronts on
30th street . 1W
Lot 21 , block 3/lawthorno / . lWM
Lot 14. Hurdotte Court . 760
Lots 21 and 22 , block U. Orchard Hill. 100
feet front on Gnrllch and I , feat on
Lowe avenue , a great burgaln.for both. . 1,750
All the above ou very easy terms.
Lott. : block "W'Shlnu's , 6J feet front , with
good 5-rooin cottage , will take some trade , ot
sell on easy payments.
Wallace , Crelghton Uloes. 101 ! 37
TAM now ready lo sell a few choice residence
sites In IjoH-rvoIr mid. to these who will build :
convenient to eleetrlo . motors , streetcars nnd
pavemunts ! overlooks Hernia park ; flno. sightly ]
uud healthful ; Mreets uud gniunds ; nuled , eta ;
this Itf the choicest rebldenee property lu
Omiilia. Call and tea new plat anil plans tor
devulopmeiu. J , H , Dumont , Jtoom 'H. Conti
nent1 b'd'g. X'J 27
" " "
F'lffTffhliR 'l'wo ncrel "o t'IllTe proiwrty In
South Omaha , 4UM ; \ > oith douule lha
amount hen platted. Co-operative Land anil
Lot Co. 20j N. Itfth St. 2-.W-20
MOTOR ou North 24th street. We have Wfeet
est front in Kondall'H addltUm fur 11.60U ,
M. A , Upton Company , lOtliunil Farnam. 201
T A NO I havolt ) , 000 acres of choice fanning
JUlaiidH lu eastern aud mlddlo Nebraslca.whlcli
1 will sell ut from t' > to ia per acre , Will inako
special price for the- whole lO.VJO acres If taken
in u lump. Geo. 11 , Peterson , 1412 8 1'Jth st. ,
_ _ , _
T iOH SA'LE Troom UousriiTcouipIste ordur :
1711) ) N. 27tU. Jnqulro 17W N , 'fit * . Itt-n )
TjlOU SALB Thj flnsst r Md mc8 site In West
JJ Omaha ; Juit south ot Farnam on 37th
street : a corner 105x187 with 1 7 foot frontags
on paved street and joining the handsome resi
dence ot Klrkondall on the eit and Hrady.Eas-
son and Martin on the south ; a perfect gem
and garden spot tor on elegant homo.
Hartley and 21st streets , 141x157 , on paTcmont
within three blocks of the court hous l room
for seven fine houses that would rent < vs rap
idly as completed. A pplendld permanent in-
.Farnam and 22il street * . 50x132. with now
threo-story brick store building , rented to good
permanent tenants. Rental receipts $1,30. ) par
Sixteenth street near NlcholM. frontage 61
feet to alley. Good business property.
Farnam street between ; wth aml3)th. ) front
age 48 or 05x132 to alloy , south trout , I block
from pavement , and street cars.
Pars avenue , opposite Hnnscom parlc , 60x150 ,
prlco 5orw. OUST terms.
Paddock Place , trackage , 03x112 , $3,0X1 , easy
ICth street south qt Vinton st. , lot for sals or
trade for indso. or coed farm land ,
8 , A. Sloman. UWlFarnamst. &V1
r\\niAT FOOIS wo mortals bo"-$12,000
TT buys ton-room house with Antlquo onk
mul natural cherry finish , sldo board tu dining
room otsnmo with all latest modern conven
iences ; nicely decorated , stationery laundry
tubs , alula gemota house all through. East
front nnd full lot on Georgia nvo. Take it
quick ; party going to leave city. . .
$ DOOObuys [ 0.1x145 on corner si7th and Tarnam
sts. ; cast front nnd best bargain tor money in
tno city ; both streets paved . ,
$7,000 buys eight-room house nnd burn and a 1
Intost convpnlpncej , East front on So.uth
street. Take good lot In part payment.
} 2GOObuysn good six-room house on easy ,
BOx 177-foot lot In West Omaha to exchange
oar , for good homo.
2,6no buys n good now 6-room house and full
lot on easy payments.
$7,000 buys a splendid house , S rooms lu
Kotiutzo Pinco on Illnney street , or will tnko
smaller house lu part payment.
l,7tXbuysn ) good home nnd lot on Grant
near 2 > ) th street. Tnko this quick.
Jt.fjOO buys good six-room house with all con-
veiiloncos. 'Into good clear farm or J2.WO ;
equity lu one ns pnrt payment.
1 have wngou loads of good bargains cither
lor sale , trade or ( glvo nwny cheap ) lo suit the
most fastidious.
Get a move ou you some time and come In.
D. V. Bholos. 210 1st Nnfl llaufc.
"To not know n lurrnln that 'o so * . " 78J
SALE Nino-room house , barn nnd lot
FOR Hausconi Place ; nlso 2 houses nud low In
Sunny Side. Harris , room 411. 1st Nat. bank.
T71OH SALE Cheap Not for trade ; 513.70 acres
JJ lind ( .sec. 6-12-6) ) two miles from Marquottn ,
Hamilton county , Nebraska. Frame house , .sta
ble. 300 ncres under good barb-wlro tonco ,
round cednr posts , two stays , living water. 30-
foot channel , 2 wells , 3) ) barrel tank , corral ,
self-feeder , n natural stock ; ranch. In a line corn
Price fB.OOO
Cash in hand. , , " ,750
2 years'time 6 per cent 3,2V )
Go and look over land. Address owner , 1' . K.
Atkins. 1502 Larimer at Denver Col. a ?
rptlK cosiest homo lu Omaha , C rooms , largs
JL closets , city wntor , gas nnd sewer , both
cable nnd horsu cars. Price H40J. Terms * WO
to JoOO cash , balance very easy. H. K. Cole ,
headquarters for bargains und easy terms ,
Room 0 , Continental Hloclc , 350
'ITIOH SALE-Nlce level building lots , 60x125
JJ feet , 3 miles from post olllce , li mile from
North Omahn depot. JitXeach ) ; i" > cash : bal
ance fc > per month. These loU will double lu
value In loss than two years.
10-room house , nil modern Improvements ,
south front , full lot , in Kountzo place , $7,2iX ) ;
{ I.-IKJ cash , balance 1,2,3 and 4 yoars.
The llnest residence pile In Omaha , 200 feet ,
south front , on Nicholas street , by 15fl feet , east
front , on Lowe avenue , prlco JJ.OOO ; terms to
suit purchaser.
Now u-room cottages , finished In hardwood ,
city water , cesspool , cemented collar , walks ,
fences nnd outbuildings , all complete , ou
monthly payments , will take good vacant
building lots AS llrst payment.
The cheapest house in Walnut Hill , only one
block from Dr , Mercer's elegant rusideuco ; 10
rooms , nil modern Improvements , full lot ;
price J5.000 , terms J1.500 cash , balance M5 per
A beautiful south front lot In Orchard Hill.
For a person that wants It lor n homo I will
build a house on this lot nnd sell It on easy
terms nt cost ot lot and improvements.
Full lot , GOxHO rt. , with nice cottngo In Kirn-
wood , east front. # 2,003. half cash. This Is a
bargain. Only ono block from lllth st. motor
HnoJ W. R. [ Ionian , room 0 , Fronzor block.
FOH SALE Ou easy paymsuts , 5 , 7 and H
roomed houses , small cash payment down ,
nnd balance monthly payments. J. H. John
son , 618 and 510 Paxton block. 2SU
worth <
rlsou. Merchants' Nat. bank.
FOR SALE B-room cottage on U > th st. bot.
Center and Dorcas , lot UlxlVT , JJ.nnc ) , easy
terms ; this Is a bargain. M. A. Upton Co. , 16th
and Farnam. CC1
FOR SALE South and cast corner 113x155 , In
the neighborhood of the Milton Rogers
property. West Farnam street , very sightly
This is choice property in a choice neighbor
hood and will bo Bold cheap. It will pay you to
investigate the locality nnd this particular
piece of ground. C. F. Hairlson , Merchants'
National bank. K05
FOR SALE or Exchange Improved stock
fiirm of W3 acres , In eastern Nebraska , neir
market ; nlso new 12-room house , with all con
veniences , in desirable resilience portion of
Omaha. Andrew lievlns , attorney , 422 and 42,1 ,
Puxton block , Omaha , Neb 057
TTlOll SALE -Tho most pleasant nnd best loca-
JL ? ted little home In town , oultublo for a man
with a small family who wants something very
choice and not too expensive. Has never bnen
put on the market before and will undoubtedly
bo sold soon. It will pay you to Investigate tills
promptly. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. Il'lc.
"IJtOR SALE Or exchange for Omaha prop.
JL ? erty , hO acres , suitable for platting ; will
make 400 lots , all clear , big money In Itforsome
ono who can push this , located just outside the
city limits of Council mulls. Inquire Geo. J.
hternsdorir. rooms 317 and 318 , Ffrnt National
bank building. 050
NO cash payment required. Will sell you a
lull lot In Saundttra A : Hlmobaugn's add
forWJO and take mortgage for full amount due
In Byoars on condition tint you build a house
to cost not less than J.VW. C. 13 , Keller , roontfl ,
B W corner 16th and Douglas. 4")3 )
TT10R SALE Ac.iaomy of Music building and
JL. two busluess lots. Grand Island , Nebraska ,
ground 44xiii : feet , building brick , two stones
high nnd stone basement * , all in good repair ;
terms cany ; price 818,000. Enquire ot Thompson
Bros. . Grand Island , Nebraska. 701ml2 *
Ileautlful residence Bites.
l-lnost in the city.
Wo are now ready to show andoirer forsule
tno choicest residence sites In the city of
Omnhn , loc.itt'd In "Hernia Park , " comprising
the sixty acres bounded by 32 < 1 st , , dn the uast ,
.ISth or Pleasant st. on the west. Hamilton st.
on the north , and Cnnilng st. on the south.
This park has been planned , and la being laid
out by Mr. Alfred 11. Kiterton lone of the best
landscape artists of Now York ) , into ' { , ! 3' . /
nnd acre lotn , imil several acres are laid out Into
small parks , ornamental grounds , and lakes fed
by natural apringu. The plans Include a per-
lect system of grading , paving , seweragewater
electric lighting , etc. , and an expenditure of at
least iMOo.tnio for such Improvements
This choice property IN located within the 14 !
nillea radius ( n little north by west ) from the
poatolllce. It lies east of the reservoir nnd of the
elegant residences of Pr , Mcrcur nnd E. W ,
Nash , and n little north of east of proposed res
idence of ( iiiyC. Barton und of Illshop O'Con
nor's residence and Academy of Hiicred Heart.
Heabonable prices nnO terms will bo glvi'n to
IlKMowho will build icsldonces costing 15,000
and upwards For further pitrtlculaiH npply
atofllcoofThn HciniH Park Co. , rooms 15 and
in Continental block , l&th and Douglas ts.
FOR BALI ! or Kxcniinso For a vacant lot in
Onmhii or Council Uliills , a nix-room cot
tage with all modern Improvements Address
X 6"l , lice. 4'W-'J
EEADTIII8 I have a customer for a. good
building lot who will males a Hmall CASH
payment , build a house nud make u building
loan and give n sucoml mortgage for balance ut
purchase money. If you have u good lot to soil
on these terms I can dispose of it for you , or If
you navu anything to neil very cheap for cn n
lUt It with mo. Grover Stevens , CIS nnd & 17
Paxton block. Telephone lU'i. 4'1M
G H K AT II A HO A I N--1 huve for Mile a nice
story uud u naif cottage on st , ,
27th , bouth front , 2 bloolis from two street car
lluei nud U from the motor line , Small canli
ii ymi'iit and balance eaxy , or will take some
IiorHt-a as Unst payment. Price t3 , < Xi ( ; wortll
Grcver Stevens , BIO and 557 Paxlon blocK ,
tolophotie 1183. _ 4'tH
iSo Y'OO wont tt home ? Look at tills. 8-room
Jliuiue In Orchard Hill , vlth modern c < m
venlences , f 0 CASH , balance lr. per month.
Huy now and save r ntl Western Land and
Loan exchange J3 ! 80. 10th at.
AOHUATinaii ! AnS-ioom house , with alt
modern convitnlonces , hot and cold water ,
bath , closets , etc. Tiiln IK orrored very cheap ,
For ao days only. Western Land and Loan ex-
chuilge. UI3 Bo. ICth st. 3'J6- '
FOH HALR Aboantltul residence In H&UR-
com Place , eaut front on Hutu at. jn t iouth
ofHoppleton ave , lot MX 143 to graded alley ;
yar < > nicely , sodderl ; 8-roorn Uonse , bath , hot
anrtKd.water-B . Beworel ctrlo bolls , hard !
wood llnlsli. It taken at once will sell thl nna
hptr. for amount much below 1U value. No
nlrer uelsrhborhooil in the citjr. To those that
mwin builnesj wo would Ilka to ehow thU
property. We will make the pries right. M.
A. uptoa Compaoy , ista nd Karnam. 894
n nAORAOR-101 fpeton llth. near NlcliaUt
JL for onto at a bargain. Will inko some trada
drover 8tov ni , 610 ami 617 Paxton block
: olepnoue HIS. 433-4
I710R SALK -Ntconevr 5-rooiu housn. barn for
J. 4 horsfls well and cUtorn ; everything llrst.
clues ; full lot. In Hoittord Place , at ) feet from
State street GWth st ) , * . ' , 'AR1 , JlOO cash , balance 1.
3nnd n years ; or $ JUiM. J1.150 cash , balance 5
years , M. A , Upton Company , 16th nnd
TTIOH KXOHANOB-For doslrnblo restdonco
JJ property In Omnhn , any or all of following :
4o choice Inside residence lots In lla.sUugg ,
10J lots In Lincoln.
WO acres nun farming land. Lancaster county.
Finn residence property. Lincoln.
Good rental property. Lincoln.
Choice family resilience , ccriipr , Los Angeles.
A neat residence property In llanscom Place.
Also , sonio good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location and prlco ot prop-
crt.v , J , E , H. , earn Daum Iron Co. , 121J Lonvon-
woith. OTil.
NEW " -scittod line carriage or top oujrgy for
mortgage city or county warrant * , or nny
good unsecured notes.W.Ubelby.H I'l ( I'd Trade
AT A sncrlllco--12'lxl50 ft , east and north
front , corner it-'tli ' and Howard BIS , , one
block west of Toe'N and Klrkendatt'a line resi
dences , two blocks from paved street * two
blocks south of Farnam st. ; just thin * of It ,
126x150 ft. and a corner nt that , and only * IWO.
C , K. Roller , room 6 , s. w. oar. I5thaud Uou Us
"VJ 0 CASH , nnd payment of M" > pr mouth , lu-
JL > eluding interest buys a neat story-nnd-
n-half ll-room house , convenient to both cnblo
nnd horse cars , H. E. Cole , headquarters for
bargains and onsy terms , H ii.Contluontal Illock.
318 0
ITiOR SAliln On onsy tormH , fi , 7 nnd 8 roomed
JJ houses , with smalt cash payment down and
balntico monthly. J. II. Johnson , 618 nud 61' )
Pnxton ulocK. ! 7
rpWENTlETH street Is paved to Center anil
Jiisvement ordered to Vliiton ; 20th street Is
thn coming street south. It is till graded nice-
Iv to Spring LnKo park. Wo have 47 toot nonr
Miuthnlth a llrstclass 4-room house , lot at
grade , for HUOO. M. A. Upton Company , 10th
und raruniu. 'M'
T7Kll SALE-oITft. on 10th street near Mar-
JJ tlm. with coltairo routing * 10 per month ,
prlco $5.300 ; terms vorv easy.
Lots 21 and 22 , block 1 , Orchard Hill , prlco
$ ! k J each ; terms easy.
71 ft. on ixith Htreot between Cass and Califor
nia sis. , only 1,000.
Lot H , block I , ,1 , 1. Hedlck's sub , street at
both ends of lot , prlco $ l00 ! ; terms easy.
Good lot lu block 4. Omaha View , prlco JL100 ,
Lot 11 , block 1. Plalnvlow , price J1.I50.
Good corner lu lawn' addlttou , DO ft , south
front , price only JO.H5.
I.ntfxi. Burr Oak , fronting Hnnscom park ,
prlco J1.2.V ) .
mi ft , south front , lot ou Jackson st , In Isaac
i ; Seldou'H add , prlco $1,70J.
Lot 2 , block 2 , Hillside No. L 60 ft south front
on Cass s.s , pilco $2.600 ; cash $1,000 , bal llvo yrs
11 l t 1 , block 1. Hillside No. 2prlco $2,760 ; cash
SI.1 ! ) . * , bal llveyra nt 8 per cent.
Lot 3 , block 1 , Hillside No.2 , prlco $2,750 ; cash ,
$ IOJ ( ) bat llvo years nt H per cent. LOOK those
nu and see what advantages they have over res
idence lots In other localities.
Lots lu Hillside Reserve from S2.WO to $ ,1,500.
This Is fast becoming one of the llncst residence
localities In Omaha , and wo are prepared to of
fer some of the best ot this property for sale nt
the lowest possible prlees , nud to make special
Inducement to parties who will build.
If you contemplate building u * U .0 > J. $ 'MCO
or $ iO.000 homo this senson lot us show you ono.
of the llnost corners in the city ou which to
build it. It Is 120x10 } ft and fronts south and
oast.East front lot in block 2 , Potter's addition.
Prlco fl..ffiO.
Lot 4 , block 1. Potter's nddltlon. Price (1,475.
Double corner lu Potter's million , 130xlJO ft , y
only * 2.8iK ) . . . .
well improved business lot , with sewer con
nections , city water , etc. , renting < > 70 per yonr 1
and In a locality where routs are advancing.
Price J4kK ( ) . A good investment for Hoineouo'
nTwo now houses nnd lots lu western part of
the city , with modern conveniences , price
H2'iO nud 1,600 respectively. Terms , $100 cash ,
bal monthly.
A few line i-esldencoj in Kountze place nnd
llanscom place that we should Ilka to show
parties wanting homes.
Lots is Council Hlutrs xvithln three-quarters
ot n mile of the postollito fro $ JJO to $3100
Terms easy.
A few ot the best corners in Council Bluir.s on
Hroadwayln the vicinity of the motor power
lioure und carriage factory.f rom JI.05U to * 1,260.
Some of thoiibovo list ure oil ored at from 111
per cent to 2 > per cent below their actualvaiuo
nnd wo whould bo pleased to have the prt/pory ,
Investigated. Potter Jt Cobb , 10JI F.vrmim
1)57 ) 2St.
T71OK SALI' or Lease Frame building ubou
JJ 40x50 with throe years' lease of lotOJl Doug
las st. Uli
OH , LOOKhero ! An east front , 50 ft lot. on
jth ) st. , so.itli of Hunlette ; very fine view
forJl.GOO. How's that. 31 , A. Upton Company ,
ICth and Faninni. 'Ml
WORTHY ot your attention. Now beinsj
completed ou 2Jth st , north of Leavou-
wortn st , two house ? convenient to business ,
very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath ,
toilet , 2 water closets , stationary wnsn tubs ,
hot and cold water , flvo bedrooms , 10 closets ;
only $5,5"0 , on terms to suit. Telephone 33J or
W. T. Heamau , Omaha's largest variety ot wag-
ons. carriages , etc. , cast aide lth ( ! st , north ot
N idioms st. 4T !
M F M ! ° ' 5 , not ot
111 LI
t d prutlcii.inirk *
V ir "
. -ittTfor ournewllIuittkKa
Jlrnlth. " Abtoltito Kerrey * . VurlCO *
celo ( uttd vilhout ptin orop r iion. A < l < lrf
Dcslon-Dupro Cl'nlquei Tttmcnt bt. , Botlat.
VI n M C Vn' l all urlnarr trouble * ' easily , nu la *
MUlltlTlyandfcafelvcured byDOOTI/llXc Cap
sules , Serernl caBen cured In even . Soft I
tl.60 per box , all druggists , or by mall from Doo.
IW Whlta St , N.V. FulUlliBctlon *
. . . . Ano Hsv.xM.iw
12i Uekruarn a * _ , Otic roi aQrlcefroi ; 31 ft
baniiu tiilillr and