Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier In Anr Tart ot he City n
Tl v cnty Cents 1'crWcek.
JtrfliM-FR OrrtcK No. .
KlOIIT KttlTOK , NO. Si.
flU > Oll MJC2SX1UN.
N. V. Plumbing Co.
Two drunks , who wore too drunk to know
their nnnics , were hnrvostcd by the police
yesterday , OlhorwUo the city was quiet.
The Koflcctor changes Imnili this morning.
Messrs. Cnrr. Howe nnd Watt will retire
nnd Nixon Waterman , the original owner ,
again takes the entire plant nnd business.
Yesterday was the last Sunday which ,
under imrooment the meat shops of the city
wl'l remain closed. The first Sunday In Mny
tho.v will open ns on week days for the
morning's trade.
OTcn trains were operated on the electric
motor line yesterday , and yet there wcro not
enough to carry the passengers demanding
transportation. At toast ft half dozen moro
motors and cars are needed.
This ovcnlntr division No. 1U uniform rank
1C. of P. , Omnhn , will vhtt tholf brethren in
the HlulTs , A train has been chartered for
their use nnd they will come with bands nnd
colors Ilylnp. The evening will bo devoted
to social Intercourse and general merrymak
Mr. Jennings met with qutto n severe acci
dent yesterday ino/nlng whllo leading a cow
to pasture. The Iforso ho was riding started
suddenly to run nnd the bovlno s.toppcd still.
The man was thrown violently lo the ground.
Ho was badly bruised and his right hand
was badly cut.
W. P. Cuppy , as administrator , failed to
secure $10UOO damages ngulnst A. W. Coff-
man. The suit upon that claim has been
dismissed In the Avoca court on the defend
ant's plea In abatement. This Is , or ought
to bo , the last the public will ever hcnr of
the cases growing out of the killing of J. K.
The Klmball-Champ Investment company Is
preparing its now quarters in the new Mcrrl-
nm block for.Immediate occupancy. Inside
the oftlccs every thing is elegant , whllo out
side the firm's name nnd business is emblaz
oned upon the windows nnd huge signs.
These last are elegant and will stand as the
ilncst in the city.
A meeting of the executive board of the
board of trade Is called for 11 : SO this fore
noon. The object Is to select n committed of
two who will act with n like committee in
appearing before the Southwestern Passen
ger association , which meets In Kansas City
to-morrow , to secure a 1 cent rate for firemen
who attend the Juno tournament.
The pulpits resounded yesterday with pa
triotic oratory , llov. Mr. Franklin Impressed
upon the Methodists the Idea that righteous
ness was the only sound foundation of gov
ernment. At the Congregational church
Kov. Mr. Crofts called attention to the won
derful progress iimdo by this nation , and at
tributed its prosperity to God's dealings.
The eighteenth annual convention of the
Sunday schools of this county will be hola In
the Presbyterian church nnxt Wednesday.
A very attractive programme has been ar
ranged for morning , afternoon and evening
sessions. Every Sunday school worker
should plan to bo present. Others also will
ilnd much to interest them and will bo made
heartily welcome.
The iManawa motor line was fairly well
patronized yesterday. Both the now trains
of four cars each were put on. They are
fine carriages , ami the Imnrovcmont over
last year Is fully appreciated by the patrons
of the road. The now road bed was used ,
nnd , though not yet completed , works very
smoothly. The season is not yet opened , and
the visitors went mainly to see how the im
provements ere progressing.
Council BlulTs Lodge No. 270 ( Loyal )
A. O. U.V. . , moots in G. A. It. hull
every Friday overling at 8 o'clock.
Notice the bit * ad. of Santo TJosn , then
BCO Poregoy & Moore mid got the finest
smoke of your life.
For 525.00 The N . Y. Plumblnpf Co.
will put a lead service pipe and hydrant
in your yard ; also fiO foot extra hoso.
Call at once at 114 Main struct.
"Rooms to rout in the Merriam block.
S. BAVadsworth & Co. . 1130 Main street.
J. C. linker , E. L. Lufkm nnd E. M.
Myers , of Glcmvood , spent Suuday in the
Mr. J. B. Hnrkncssloft for Papilllon last
evening in the interests of the Chautauqua
James Turner , of Cedar Rapids , and M. E.
Jordan , of Lyons , la. , registered at the
Ucchtolo over Sunday.
Colonel J. S. Hoover and II. G. ICoohler ,
of Blue Hill , Neb. , were in the city yester
day , guests of Mayor Hohrer. They were
taken by the executive to some of the many
points of attraction about the city , not for
getting Manawa.
J. G. Tlpton , real citato , 627 B'dway
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Headquarters lor builders' hardware ,
Odoll & Bryant , Gl Main streot.
Real cstato loans , P. J. Day , 39 Poarl.
Dr. C. C. Ilazon , dentist , Opera house
AD S. Chase will exterminate goph
ers and rats from farms and private res
idences for the buusou for $5 nnd up
wards. Work warranted. Address Ab
S. Chase , Council BluiTd , la.
Notice the beautiful linibh given col
lars , oulTa and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
The Human Ilnoe.
Yesterday afternoon lower Uroadway was
thrown Into oxcilomcnt by the spectacle ) of a
woman chasing a man on the street , both
going at a pace that would shame Maud S In
lior palmiest days. A police alarm was
turned In from Ninth street and the couple
were taken to the station. The woman wan
lluttln Nichols , keener of a low dive In that
locality , the man gave no name. The charge
of disturbing the ponce was placed ugalns
the parties.
Blank books made tourdor. Can fur
nish patent binding for parties wishing
the same. Call and sea samples at roon
1 , Evoiott block , Pearl street.
\Vator rents are now duo and payable
at olllco , 114 Main street.
S. 1) . Wmlsworth & Co. loan tnonny
Everybody Wrnt Dry.
"You can't ' get a drink in tnls pesky town , '
was the illhgustod expression of u tired look
Ing htnuigor , yesterday. An examination o
the various tw'.oona ' confirmed this declaru
tlon. The front doors were closed and u |
pnrcntly the buck doors also. A drunl
turned up * t police headquarters late las
night. Ho had a partly tilled bottle o
whisky , but whether It was got in Couuui
HlulTa or not ho could not , or would not , tell
For once fjivo the city the bcnollt of th
doubt and say wo are advancing ( slowly i
liny bo ) , In the right dliectlon.
Money loaned on fuinlturn , pianos
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. Nc
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing
A. A. Clark , t Co. , otllco cor. Broatlvrn.v
and Muiu , over Amarlcan express.
Money loaned nt L. B. Craft's & Co. '
loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horsey
wagons , personal property of all kinds
and all other articles of value , withou
removal , All business strictly confi
The WnshlnRton Centennial Loads
To Pious Thoughts.
t In To Ho Called n Monthly Klne
Clinscd lly n I'Vinnlc Higher
Dummy Males A Union
Depot Sometime.
Sources of Iill > orty.
At the First Hnptlst church , last evening ,
lev. Dr. Cooly preached one of his strongest
sermons. His chosen text was , "Tho Lord
mth done great things for us ; whereof wo
ire glad. " The topic was , "I ho Sources of
American Liberty. "
In opening ho presented in vivid review
ho dlfllcultlcs nnd dangers attending the
preliminaries of the adoption of the constl-
utlon of 17S9 , from which date the true na-
iniiul life began. Our constitution , our lib
erties , our prosperities wcro not n mere
Mushroom growth , but , really the Inheritance
of the past. Centuries and nations Iiad
vrought for us , nnd wo entered into the
lentngc. Our liberties had their roots in
ho past.
'J ho sources of our prosperity and of our
civil ana religious life wcro away back in
ho centuries.
Tito first of thcno was the contest so long
vnged between the kings of England , who
vantud absolute authority , nnd thu barons
mil the people , who wanted the prorogu-
Ivcs of the throne limited. The Magnn
Jhnrta was at last wrested from
Cing John. The repealed confirm-
itlons of its guarantees , the constant
appeals to its protection , had permeated our
constitution , and wnsonoof the great sources
of our present liberties.
The second source was the gift of the blblo
o the English people by W.vckllffc. For the
Irst time thu common people could read the
word of God in their native tongue.
Tyranny cannot nourish whore there Is an
open bible. It led to the reformation.
Civil liberty follows religious liberty. The
purer the religion the greater the liberty.
Men who believe In the sanctity of conscience
do not cringe before tyrants , or fear persecu
tion , as much as the tiolng of wrong.
We owe moro than perhaps wo willingly
admit to the victory pf parliament over
Charles I. Absolute monarchy was decided
, o bo no longer possible In England , Crom
well nnd others bravely fought , not only for
.no liberty of the generations then living ,
but for all future ones , wo ns well ns they
participating in the victory. That victory
iffcctcd all other nations. Absolutism is now
mown only In Russia and Turkey. Again ,
our liberties are largely indebted to the
struggles of the Netherlands with Philip II. ,
of Spain. The Netherlands waged the battle
of freedom for all nations , as well as for
themselves , nnd forced Spain to acknowledge
: heir independence. The victory prepared
the way for the Prince of Orange to become
William IV. , of England. Who will say that
Iho United States was not vitally Interested
in this establishment , of protestantism nnd
constitutional government In England ?
Another important source of our liberties
was the sympathy of the English people with
us during our struggle for independence.
The nobility was bout on our coercion , but
the war was never popular. The earl of
Chatham , Uurkc , Fox , and others opposed
the war. It was difficult to enlist soldiers , or
get supplies voted. The people felt that wo
were noufhly of their own blood , but that if
our resistance was not successful , the throne
would after crushing us resume all of its old
time tyrannical prerogatives.
The aid given by France was another
cause. She as well as Spain thought to
cripple England , and thus providentially wo
were aided. Our independence had much to
do with dethroning Louis XVI. and the for
mation of the first French republic. Thus
God used the wrath of men to further his pur
Look at the leaders God raised up. If
George Washington had not been given us ,
could wo have succeeded ? See too the men
whom he so wisely culled about him !
Ho who studies our history and traces our
government to its remote and often hidden
sources ; who sees the various forces cooperating
ating to secure the final result , must
acknowledge'that truely God's hand has
been manifested for us. Our fathers wrought
moro wisely than they had any conception of.
How llttlo did they think that in one century
wo should number more than sixty millions ,
nnd become the richest , the most powerful
nation of the world.
The Centennial Observances.
Centennial memorial day , to-morrow , will
be appropriately observed in Council Uluffs.
A union meeting will bo held at the Presoy-
tcriun church at 9 o'clock.
At St. Paul's church an especially prepared -
pared programme will bo used. This is the
service used in St Paul's church. Now
York City , one hundred years ago. The ad
dress will De by Kev. T. J. McKay on "Tho
Dangers of the Republic. " The G. A. U. ,
Dodge Light Guards , Uniform Hank 1C. of
P. , fire companies anil city council will at
tend in bodies.
A processional display will bo made nt 11
o'clock , in which the following organiza
tions will appear : G. A. It. , Uniform Hank
K. of P. , Danabo and Hibernian societies.
In the afternoon the firemen's ' tourney , as
heretofore given , will take place.
All the exercises will bo Interesting nnd
tlu'y will undoubtedly draw a large number
of visitors from the surrounding towns and
A Now License System.
By the interpretation of the law given by
Judge Ayleswoith , the saloon keepers of the
city were placed in the same class as ordi
nary vagrants and subject to the same tient-
ment nnd method of fining. The mayor nnc
his colleagues were placed in a hard position
relative to the fact. It was desired to con
tinue the system of monthly fines , but how
to esrapo the clutches of the law was the
question. At last an expedient was hit
upon. It was to make them keepers of dis
orderly houses and on complaint , trial nnd
conviction , subject to fines. At a late session
of tlio city council held on Saturday night ,
an ordinance of this character was passed.
The fine is to be not less than $25 , nor more
than $100 , Now the mayor Is in hopes ho
can collect his fines without the trouble o :
Judicial interference. At the snmo time it is
conceded that no immunity is granted frou
the results of the violation of the laws ol
the state.
Dummy Kate * llnlnod.
When the Broadway bridge was com
plotcd and the electric motor cnrs started
up , there was a tumble in the rates charged
by the Union Paclfla on the dummy train
Instead of charging 45 cents for the round
tnr , there was a drop to 25 cents for the
round-trip , and then to 10 cents each way
the sanio as by electric motor.
Now an order Is Issued that on and aftci
May 1 the faro on the dummy train will be
restored to 25 cents each way. The sulo ol
commutation tickets , which was tmspendcd
will bo resumed. The cheapest rate tha
cm : bo secured Is the purchase of 150 rides
for $15.60 , or 10 cunts each way , these tickets
being good for ninety days and not transfer
ablo.Since the motor cars have been ruunini
the dummy tram has had llttlo lot-Hi bust
ness. It will not gum any by the change
which is now to bo made. Few will invest
$15.110 to irct their rides at 10 cents , whet
they need pay only 10 cents a trip on the
motor ami coma und go when they pleuse.
'iliero urrt numerous conjectures as to why
the Union Pacific make * this uhunge. 'Ihc
most plausible one is that It Is to avoit
trouble under the Interstate law. The Untoi
Pacific 1ms been charging other railways " '
cents for carrying passangors across the
brldgo. It could hardly maintain this rate
whlla It was charging only 10 cents for loca
trunlo. As the reduction to 10 cents caiiRet
no Inureuto In local travel , and would , neces
sitnto a reduction on through tickets , I
has been deemed advisable to testoro the
local i ate to 'JO cents.
Moro Motor Llne.s.
The mutter of securing the use of the
wagon way of the Union Pacific railroad
brldgo la In hand , and negotiations ate now
in progress with a proposed motor company
The Omaha Iloreo and Cable Car company
.arc also seeking access to the Uluffs by this
sanio route , no that it socais reasonably ccr
nln that the brldgo will bo abandoned for
vnpon uses nnd bo converted to the uses of a
motor lino.
The city council have now In hnnd nn or-
linntice granting to n now company the use
of nearly all the now unoccupied streets for
, ho occupation of an electric system. This ,
f granted , takes in the southern approach to
The present operating company is cnlan-
ng Us plans ns rapidly as possible. It has
now two Wcstlnghouso engines , giving 250
torso power. It Is adding two moro nnd five
bO horse power generators. The present
rapacity of the plant has not been necessary
o operate the line as It now Is , nnd with this
ncrcaso , which is fully three fold , the com-
lany can operate moro than three lines to Iho
ircsont milenRO.
The extensions of the line will In thno Include -
cludo the Chnutnuqun assembly grounds. In
'act , if thu line is not extended to that point
within n short time , It Is said the other com
pany will secure the necessary franchise and
run n line there.
The two systems , ns they have outlined
.heir plans for the future , Intend to occupy
, ho following streets : Tapping Omaha by
joth bridges , they will pass Into Council
Hluffs proper at Ninth avenue nnd Brand-
way. An extension to Fnlrinount park ;
31enn avenue to the Hock Island depot ; Six
teen th street to Thirty-second street ; run
ning up Ninth avenue to Main street nnd
forming a loop ; Main street from 13 roadway
.o the south end ; Second , Fourth , Seventh ,
Ninth , Twelfth and Sixteenth avenues ;
Sixth , Tenth and Sixteenth streets ; Wash
ington avenue from Sixteenth street to the
etistcrn limit.
Thus Council Bluffs will bo adequately
supplied with means of transportation in all
Its .
parts. A
Thn Union Dcnot.
It seems now tlmt the last barrier to the
erection of the projected union dcnot Is re-
removed. The Iowa rnllroaO commissioners
Imvo visited the proposed site nnd ordered
the necessary certificates Issued to the
depot company. This gives the projectors
the right to acquire title to the propeity by
But u few hundred dollars worth of stock
] f the original amount remains unsold.
This should bo taken nt once , for it is the
only thing that stands in the way of the im
mediate erection of the building.
A Genuine Work of Art.
Ono of the neatest pieces of modern deco
rative art Is shown in the now reading room
lately thrown open at the Now Ogdcn. The
celling and side walls present n beautiful
combination of gold , silver , copper nnd
bronze in both papers and mouldings. The
Triezo is decidedly unique. It is u , pacultar
but very handsome piece of bronze high
lighting and gives the effect of a double
frieze. The design of the room , as well as
the combinations In mitorial , is decidedly
new nnd shows a perfect harmony through
out. The work was done by Peter C.
Miller , the decorator , and will servo as a
model after which other artists can pattern
with good results. If you want the best in
material nnd the latest In design in the
decoration of your homes or offices , see him.
The Skunk , ns an Entomologist.
The much despised skunk , says Vick ,
is a good entomologist , and the farmer
and gardner make a great mistake in
persecuting and destroying this humble
little luiimal. The few eggs ho pur
loins from the farmer's hen yard very
poorly compensate for the great number
of noxious insects ho destroys. In May
ho is sometimes seen about sundown
on some elevated bpot watching for the
May hcotlo as ho wheels his droning
llight , and ho saves him , too , not in the
sense spoken of in the immortal elegy ,
hut between his teeth. Ho will sit un
hour at a time gathering in the de
structive hectics. Ho is a persistent
hunter , and in his nocturnal rumbles
moves along with his nose close to the
ground. His sense of smell is so r.cuto
that no insect , not a larva , above the
ground or below , can escape him ; his
eyes now glow with unusual brilliancy
as he scans every loaf and branch for
the hidden prey. About tobacco plan
tations his services in destroying the
tobacco worms are considered valuable.
Itcet Sugar In California.
Tno Watsonville sugar factory , of
California , owned by Mr. Claus Spreck-
les , publishes the following statement
of its business last year :
Beets consumed , 14,07 tons ; sugar pro
duced , 1,040 tons ; men employed , 135 ; time
of run , 111 days ; land planted in beets , 2,121
acres ; average polarization of beets in fac
tory , 14.0 ; average polarization of beets re
covered , 11.05 ; average polarization of
BUgnr , 05.4 ; average pi ice of sugar , .05.04
per pound ; average price of beets , 55.04 per
ton ; cost to make 1,400 tons , J148.24S ;
amount 1,4CO tons sold for. $ lo'Ju ; ; sold at
Wntsonviilo 180 tons nt $75 per ton , $13,500 ;
profit , ? 24,5li9.
Boots , if properly managed , yield
from eight to twelve tons per acre in
the west. The crops on the California
farms last year yielded from $10 to $ ( iO
per acre. America will yet make its
own sugar , but it will bo made by fac
tories with a largo capital , and is prac
ticable in no other way. Wo should
like to take a contract to raise beets
at $5 per ton , says the Iowa Home
The extreme western states nnd ter
ritories have been compelled to enact
laws to protect their citizens against
bogus pedigrees , says the Iowa Home
steader. Montana has a good law which
makes it quite unsafe to sell grade stock
on the pretense that it is entitled to
registry. A bill to the same oITcct has
been introduced in the Colorado legis
This is right. There ought to bo
similar laws in every state in the union.
In former years we have known farmers
to insist on the purchase of choice
grade hulls or other stock which the
breeders though } not good enough to
keep up the register , and no sooner had
the stock left the farm than it became
thoroughbred nnd entitled to registry.
The line cannot bo drawn too closely
between pedigreed stock and stock not
entitled to registry , no matter how ex
SymptoirH of ( jl
The question is frequently asked na
the symptoms of glanders , says the
Western HorbOtnan. Hero they are , as
given by that eminent veterinarian ,
lr. Laws : Langor , dry staring coat
and rod weeping eyes , impaired appe
tite , accelerated pulse and breathing ,
yellowish rod and purple streaks or
patches in the nose , watery nasal dis
charge , with sometimes painful dronsl-
cal swelling of the limbs and joints.
Soon the nasal How becomes yellow and
sticky , causing the hairs und skin of the
nostrils to adhere together , and upon
the mucous membrane appear yellow
elevations with red spots , ' passing into
erosions and deep ulcers of irregular
form and varied color , nnd with little
or no tendency to heal. The lymphatic
glands inbido the lower jaw , where the
pulse is felt , become enlarged , hard
and nodular like a mass of peas or
beans , and are occasionally firmly ad
herent to the skin , the tongue or the
jawbone. The lymphatics of the face
often rise as Hue cords. An occasional
cough is heard and osculation detects
crepitation and wheezing in the chest.
The ulcers incrouso in number and
depth , often invading the gristle , and
even the hone , the glands also become
enlarged , but remain hard and nodular ,
the discharge becomes bloody , fetid
nnd EO abundant and tenacious us to
threaten or accomplish suffocation , nnd
the animal perishes in great distress.
A On till ) Cciitui ? ,
Wu see it stnt6d in a dispatch from
Washington that the secretary of agri
culture IB considering the propriety ol
instructing the various state statistical
tgonts to report the number of cnttloon
inml , on feed , clou and thus nrrlvo nt
; ho exact facts ng to whether the num-
, ior of cattle is increasing or decreasing.
Tliis is a very important matter to the
'armors ' of the west and wo hope it will
jo done nt once , says the Iowa llomo-
Rtcad. At our suggestion the necessity
) f n census of this kind was brought bc-
'oro the St. Louis convention lastMaroh
uid received the endorsement of that
3ody. The department of agriculture
ins reporters over 'tho ' entire country ,
and with a llttlo extra time nnd care
can obtain n census of cattle that will
bo practically correct. When that re
port is made , values ot cattle will adjust
themselves at onco. If it should ap
pear that cattle stocks are , notwith
standing the great numbers marketed ,
still increasing with population , then
the present prices must bo accepted ns
normal. If , on the other hand , it should
appear that there Is a decrease in she
cattle , and in yearlings and two-year-
: ) lds , and a surplus only in feeders and
fat eattlo , prices for all except fat cattle
tlo would advance rapidly. What wo
want to know is the actual facts.
Listing corn is becoming moro popu
lar than over with our farming com
munity says the Spring ( Nob. ) Monitor.
The experience of those who have
planted corn by this method during
previous years , has proved that method
to bo far superior to any other. Our
implement men are complaining that
the general adoption of the listor has
cut their sales to a very considerable
extent , because where formerly a farmer
had to buy a plow , check rower and
planter , ho now needs only a listor and
drill which in most cases a'ro combined ,
and cost only a llttlo moro than a com
mon plow. It is consequently a saving
to the farmer besides having many
other advantages over the old corn
Bcccham's Pills act like magic on n weak
Hidesjallow , Pelts , Wool Furs. .
Highest market prices. Prompt returns. No. 830
nml Ma Jlnln-st. , Council lllutls , Iowa.
1'UOS. OFFICE ! ! . \V. H. M.
Corner Main and Uroadwny ,
Dealers In foreign r.nd domestic exchanco.
Collections maao uud interest paid on tlmo do-
pohits. ,
In order to make room for the immense arrival of now oods , which are arriving
daily , and our dress goods stock being overloaded , wo have decided tb
make a great slaughter in prices , the like never being hoard of in
this part of the country. Now is the time to secure a dress
at less than half the price it can bo bought for any
where else. To read this advertisement only
gives you a faint idea of the immense
bargains to bo had. Come and
inspect the goods and judge
for yourselves.
This great dress goods sale will only last one
week , commencing to-morrow ,
Don't wait until the end of the week , but get around bright nnd early and secure
the choice of the bargains , as some of the lots are limited.
For 5c a yard , 150 pieces Dobcigos , Cash
meres , etc. , worth from lOc to 'Joe.
For Do a yard , oli-inch Cashmere Twill ,
worth 18o.
For IVc a yard , Double Fold , All Wool
Suitings , worth 33c.
For ti-5c a yard , ao-inch All Wool Suit
ings , worth 5Uo.
30-inch All Wool Flannels
For 83o a yard , -
nels in plains and mixtures , worth fiOc.
"fjlOll BAM-Mr : resilience , inquire John U.
A ? Woodward , BIS fourth nromia.
WANTED A tlrst-clftsa cook , thoroughly
understanding Ills business , ( lood wages
pftld. Apply immediately In person to Henry
W. Uothert , silpcrlntnndcnt Dct nnd Dumb In-
stltutlon. Council lIUUIs , la.
WANTKD-At the Dent nnd Dumb Institu
tion , Council UlnlTi , u tlowcr gardener. Ap
ply In person or by uinli to tuo superintendent.
FOR HKNT nooilP-room hoiKo , corner of
UlU at and 2il nvo , one Mock south of dummy
depot. Apply to llornca llvcrett.
WANTKD A competent girl to do general
housework. Apply at ole IllufTct , Council
TiTOIl Itr.NT Two dwelling houses , Sand 10
-L rooms , nnd two centrally located unices lu
Council HlulTs. llornca llvcrett.
171011 HUNT-Larco double olllro over Vrnnlc
-LA Levin's cigar store , Ktt llronilwny. luqulro
of Trunk l.i-vln.
Is good on pros illation for
$1.00 on each pair of pants
bought , ot the
London Tailor.
Good for Thirty Iavs.
o M
W o
§ in a
H ui
I O uiW
g , O W
1 IT * 2
& brl 8 00
? S
5 CQ S
For : ! 3e a.yard , no-inch All Wool Hen
rietta , Sillc linish , worth 50c.
For 39c a yard , 30-inch All Wool Tri
cots. French Suitings and Il
luminated mi.Ntured , worth ( We.
For Me a yard , f)2-inch All Wool Broad
cloth , worth O.r > c.
For 59c a yard , -IG-inch All Wool Hen
rietta , worth $1.00.
Jubt received , a full line of Sateens in all shades , albo the celebrated Gilbert's
Fast B.aek IlonrSotta Sateen nt lOc a yard , worth ! ! ! jc.
Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices ,
401 Broadway , : : Council Bluffs , la.
Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates
H . Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown
Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
ID7 Justice of the Peace. Olllco over American Express , No. 11
NCPLJI UL. \ . Broadway , Council BlutTs , Iowa.
QTAMD P OIl | / Q Attornoys-at-Law. Practice in the State and Fcd-
O I Ullt. Ot OIIYIO oral Courts. Kooms 7 and 8 Shutfart-Uono UJock ,
Council HlulTs , Iowa.
Ri TIIMI FY Attonioytt-at-Law. Room 1C , Shugurt JIloulc
Council BlulTs.
Ion Ought to 1) ) I
& V 0 U N K E 0 !
Pr' ' sAlways iheLOWEST * : . . . No.ll4MamSh
St A PiereePropri e t o r. M > .S3g Broadway.
Furnifuro 8c Stoves
on wee.'f/y / orfnontfily .
laypenta. Best
Selections. Loncst
prices. Literalc/i'sceunt
I i nfex' ' 76 Laundi-y Work A
/V./Vfam St.Te
ow/i Dressin1.
. --Tel. 2.01.
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narchacur ] ice Bros.Brnnds
car\t\edG'Oods. SfSBrcsatfav.
5osict.Ave.Bef.Mam fib pearl.
CornenKC iTecf .
Rehfs ft Kiv raxes. . .
O'nph'ioflhiin.'rSS ;
Preparing for the
Anil Annual Opening.
Finest Music Hall , Pinst and
Largest Array of First Class
A Fine Programme will b6 rendered. Watch for the date.
SIZES FROM Especially Aiufltetfol
25 TO 300
HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators
AUTOMATIC CUT uis and tlmate * ftmiihheil for complete stcnin ii'nnti. ' Hci'tilAtUiu . , OurnbllUr Oiur
initial , tan ftliovr lvltt > fiv.n iihiKfiliero I'uul I'.comnny U eqinl \ \ It' ' I'urlUn Nou-CoiiiJuiMl'i'
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffa