Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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"Kommorolal Klckor" oil Woatorp
Iowa Railway Facilities.
O'Unllllinn ntul tlic Clialr Cnr Hoi )
Scored Hy Culvb
Nobb Onmlm Travel
ing Minstrels.
Tlio Imndlord'n Solution.
A'cio 1'mlt S'in.
Ten weary traveler * , illd you sayt
Anil onch ono iiiaJo demand
For a sliiRln room In that wayside Ian ,
And backed It up with saudl
Nine rooms were all tlio landlord bad ,
And yat ho housed tlio ton ,
So thin It Is that puzzles you , '
"And many \viur nicu , "
A , II , C , D , K , P and G ,
Nine rooms with 11 and T ,
T'vo men In A the landlord put ,
In lUho third could llu :
The fourth in C. the Ilftli In D ,
Tlio sixth In E was closed.
Tlio novontji In I'1 ' , tlio eighth In Q ,
And the ninth in II reposed ;
And now you miy this landlord man
From A abstracted One ,
Ana Into I the tenth ho put ,
And o the deed wus dotio.
The truth is this : That landlord manSe
So chanced his lucky star ,
Behold the real tenth gentleman
Sneak softly toward the bar ,
And then ho felt lib uccd not fear
To put a man in I ,
For well ho know the character
Of the stuff ho sold for ryo.
A close or so was sure to kill ,
And ho hud seen before
Thiit ho who diired purtako thereof
Slept on the bar room door.
WcHtoni Iowa linllwnys.
STUAUT , In. , April 28. To the Editor
of Tins BKK : To the representatives of
Omaha houses in Iowa it in apparent
thnt Onmliti has not the rail facilities
lior IrnJo deserves. Our goods nro nil
right , prices bed rockLandour travelers
' -are a lot of perfect gentlemen , who
makes friends nnd business for their
IIOUHO in face of many obstacles , whuro-
ever they po. Why don't wo have that
road to Yankton ? Look at Sioux City ,
a little suburban town a hundred miles
north us , with only ono business street
in it , They can plnn , organize nnd
atari to build n trunk line away out to
Ogden , Utah , during the time it would
take Omaha to make up her mind
whether it would ho a good idea to
agitate the project.
There is the Illinois Central built
within llfty miles of Omaha and ter
minating at Onawn. la. I If wo had any
enterprise that road would terminate in
Omaha , not Council DlulTs , but Omaha ,
North Omaha. See what a magnificent
Hold it would open for our merchants
all the northern and western part of the
great state of Iowa. There are a few of
our merchants doing business in that
territory now , but no wholesale grocery
or hardware houses. There arc too
many transfers , junctions , etc. , making
tnw } too slow. Under the now Iowa
law our rates would bo extremely favor
able. George Francis Train's advice ,
"Boom Omaha , " has been thoroughly
lived up to. What wo want now is not
wind and real estate additions to Doug-
laa county , hut work and enterprise.
The eastern men who liavo como hereto
to our city of late years with their
hrains , money and enterprise nro the
ones who have "boomed Omaha * ' and
inndo it a city. Now , some of you old
residents and claim jumpers , who have
, "lain low" and sold all Mio real estate ,
and made barrels of money , got to the
front and do something.
O'lluflnhnii nnd the Glinir Cnr.
GltANl ) ISLAND , Nob. , April 28. To
the Editor of Tun Bun : "Faith ! Oi
ahud walk a barbed wire Unco , " said
O'Hullahan , "and aint him a daisy ? "
Mr. O'Hullahan had just entered the
chair carbon the Missouri Pacific rail
way at the town of M , and was sur
prised to BOO the cnra furnished with
uoh "all llrod foiuo bed seats , " as ho
called them. "Sure , but things is
changed , " ho ejaculated. The train
bad pulled out of the station , but it was
a long time before our hero could set
tle down in his seat. IIo kept moving
about almost continually , and It was
evident that ho had not boon on the
cara for many years , for he looked curi
ously about , eyeing every noolc and cor
ner of the ear. The bralcoman had oc
casion to pass through the car , and Mr.
O'll. stopped him , yelling at the top of
his voice : "Say , mister , here's me
ticket. I wants to got oil at Mr. J. Gil-
hooly's farm at J "City. J3b wo near
there know ? " Ho was told that the sta
tion was not less than three hundret
miles away , and that ho was not on i ]
train that was faster than ono huudroi
and fifty miles an hour.
O'Hullahan took back his ticket , and
for a spell , was quite at ease , us were
the rest of the passengers.
The "con" came on for tickets , ant
reached Mr. O'llullnhan. "Does the
thrntn shtop near Gilhooly's farm ? "
asked that passenger. "lie says in his
letthor that the thrain runs through
his farm now , and ho had a high toimo
to git ahead of the company on righto )
way. But Pat is the boy to jump on
'em wid hot foot. " The "con" paid little
tlo attention.
"Does vor know his woifoV" persisted
Mr. O'liullahnn. "A folno lookin1
man loiko ye should know her. She
is a folno lady , but she's dead. " The
"con" had placed the usual rod ticket
in Mr. O'llwlahau's ' hat and passed on.
"I'lmt do I want wid a rod ticlcot in
mo hat , do ho bo takin' mo fora'Turk'j"
was the noxtsolilouy ] and the ticket was
torn up. IIo wouldn't ' kick if it was t
green one the car was given to under
"Och ? but this bees foino cars , all
the confonioncos of the season,1' con
tinued Pat. "And luk at that , " point
ing to the newspapers the news ngcnl
had placed on the seat in front while
ho sold his fruit in the car ahead ,
"Iiuk at that , papers for the people t <
pnss toimo wid. "
"Soon the boy who had fjnised pass *
ing his fruit about came and took hit
papers to soil , placing the basket ol
fruit whore the papers hud boon.
About that time M.r. O'JI. wa hearc
from ugain. "Luk at that , luk a' '
that , " and his audible musings were tc
the olToct that the railroad not otilj
furnished chair cars free but reading
matter and fruit. First ho taokloc
oranges , then bananas , and finally an
plus , all going down with an extra rel
The boy who usually hits the travel
ing pubflo pretty hard , made his ap
poanvnco In the car again and it did no *
tulco him long to notice Eomothlni
wrong about the contents ot his frui
buslcot. They had dwindled down con
idnrubly. * . <
"Say boy , " said O'H. , "tbat'a'gcXH
fruit , wont yo have some ; might us
will , the company's rich and besides I
paid for mo tucket. I'll bo liberal and
lot vo come in on it , as mo infant boy. "
Take a bandana , hero. Yo'vo herd
'em talk so much about bandnas in
society , yo might as well bo fashionable
for the same money. They don't cost a
cout. "
"Don't thoyl" yelled the boy. "Soo
hero , mister , I've just counted what's
loft ot my fruit anu 1 BOO you owe mo
80 cents : four oranges , four bananas
nnd six apples ; come shell out. "
"Phwat's that. Eighty cents ! phat
yo given us , 80 cental Does they belong -
long to yo ? Why , I thought that come
in as now accommodations. Eighty
cents , faith , I didn't ' want no fruit , but
seeing It there I thought I'd be polite
and not refuse a present. "
The boy compelled him to pay In full ,
although our hero foil that a compro
mise would bo moro like It. "
"Eighty cents for fruit , and only a
mlto. Sure , I'll elvo yo a bushel of
corn for that , " ho grumbled.
The boy with the basket know his
business ami the 80 cents was forthcom
ing. Tlio lust I hoard Mr. O'llullalmn
say as ho got oil the car was : "No moro
of yer darned bed-chair cars for mo.
Next tolme I go riding on the COM I'll
either go with a rattle car or rldo of
foot. I won't have 80 cents to throw up
thin. Dommo. " JVM. Kuo.
In truth , of all the intellectual
weapons which have over boon wielded
by man , the most terrible was the tnock-
ory of Voltairo. Bigots and tyrants who
liad never been moved by the cursing of
millions turned palo at his name.
Principles untiBsailcd by reason , princi
ples which had forestood the fiercest
attacks of powers , the most valuable
truths , the most generous sentiments ,
the noblest and most graceful images ,
the purest reputations , the most august
institutions began to look mouu and
loathboino as soon as the withering
smile wus turned upon thorn.
Among inlldels , next to Voltaire , but
next at a great distance , is Robert G. Iii-
gorsoll. ludeedlngorsoll possesses some
graces of head und heart which were
painfully wanting to the "littlo grin
ning skeleton. " Moro than ono eminent
divine has turned aside from a bittur
denunciation of the pernicious doctrine
of the great scoffer to speak kindly
of the gentle manners , the broad
charity , and true nobility of soul of
the man Inger&oll. That ho has grown
somewhat in the favor of a largo class
of men , who a short time ago lookeu
upon him with venomous hatred , there
can bo no doubt , for Colonel Ingon > oll's
present methods of attacking religioa
are very dillorcnt from what they were
Bomo years ago. Many mon about Can
ton and Peoria , III. , roinombur Unit
when his time was divided between
making democratic speeches and after
ward republican speeches , and lam
pooning all that is sacred , ho indulged
in a coarse levity , vulgar ridicule and
scurrilous abuse which bettor became a
narrow soul and a mean intellect. Hut
since Colonel Ingorsoll quit tbo stump ,
and crossed swords with Jeremiah
Black , Dr. Fisher and the great Gladstone - *
stone , his utterances have become moro
dignified in character and moro re
spectful in tone.
Those who are accustomed to reading
Colonel Ingorsoll's writings will , with
out hesitation , admit that his most
highly developed faculty is his imagin
ation. Figures , metaphors and im
ages , at once beautiful and brilliant ,
follow one another in quick succession.
There is the wild untamed license of
poetry in all his prose , an unvarnished
fact is rarely staled. By his genius ,
arguments and historical truths are
painted in glowing colors. ATI ordin
ary fact passing through his brain , like
a 'ray of light through a stained glass ,
becomes somewhat altered and unreal ,
but it is beautifully colored. The prob
lem of human life , to solve which the
ablest intellects , both of ancient and
modern times have spout years of pain
ful and elaborate study , Ingorsoll
charges upon with a sally of wit und u
dazzling display of imagination , sets up
his Hag in triumph , and shouts , "I have
sottlcd it. Wo do not know. "
Colonel Ingorsoll's imagination has
fashioned for him an ideal world.
There justice is God , humanity is re
ligion , homo is heaven , and love sits
ou throned as queen , These men do
not regret the past nor dread the future.
The purpose of life is to enjoy the pres
ent. In every cheek are dimples of
joy , from every throat ring peals of
laughter. The flowers of kindness and
gratitude are scattered about in luxuri
ant profusion. On the walls are hung
gilded inscriptions : "An honest God
won't damn nn honest man. " Fear is a
cruel monster. Why should we bo
afraid to meet what all the dead have
mot. Sweet is the lute to him who has
never heard the innocent prattle of
children. Honesty is the oak around
which all other virtues cling. Liberty ,
fraternity nnd equality. " The scene is
lighted by the genius of the colonel ,
und made "bright as the domed firma
ment inlaid with suns. " Whoever
outers the charmed Utopia and comus
under the wand of tlio ma
gician will sopti find in the
midst of his inebriation of delight -
light that his reason has been led a cap
tive.But when Colonel Ingorsoll withdraws
Ins imagination and stoops to cold facts
and plain figures , then the vulnerable
heel of Achilles becomes exposed. IIo
who runs , or a traveling man , may then
discover the fuluclesof his position.
In the current number of the North
American Review , Colonel Ingersoll
contributes an article entitled , ' 'Prof.
Huxley and Agnosticism , " which you
published in your issue of the 14th in
stant. In that article , for the purpose
of disproving the authenticity of the
books of the Old Testament , Colonel In
gorsoll makes use of the following lan
guage : "How is it possible to know
whether the reputed authors of the Old
Testumout'uro the real ouesV The wit
nesses are dnad. The lips that could
testify are dust. Between those shores
roll the waves of many centuries" .
Who knows whether sucii a man as
Moses existed or not ? As ho asks about
a remark made by the principal of
King's college , "Is it possible to put
into ordinary English a moro perfect
absurdity:1" : Hiid the language boon
used by a less distinguished person than
Colonoringorsoll , would It over have
been put into print ? Does tlio death of
the witnesses falsify their testimony'/
Does tlio ago of a fact impeach its truth'/
If the argument proves anything , does
it not prove the non-existence of every
noted inun in history'/ Are not the
witnesses who could testify as to the existence -
istonco of Julius Cresar dead'/ Are not
the lips dustV Have not the wuvcb of
many centuries rolled between'/ Does
any one doubt that Julius Cimar ruled
the Roman empire any moro than he
doubts that Benjamin Harrison gov
erns the United States'/ / Does the ago
of n fact which has como down
to us through centuries , in song
and story , on marble , on canvass ,
on bron/.ft and coin , throw a suspicion
on its gunuineucssV Is it not a fact
that many mon and many truths , ob
scured for the time by prejudice , pas
sion und self-interest , coimi out iu after
.years , like the sUirs./ / Could anything
be more impudoatly ridiculous thuu for
a man ine the nliitooiuh century to rite
up aud say of a fart that has been
"Wo are opening now lota of Spring Suits. r Our trade lias boon oaormous , aud it keeps
our buyer busy scouring the market Wo have always takou the load in Men's and Young
Mon'd Suits , and liavo always put our main "force " iu that part of our business , as wo can
show the customer in a suit moro than iu any other article the great difference batw eon
our prices and those of other houses and convince him of the amount of money he can save.
The Suits we are getting in now are already from our second purchase , which as a rule
are duplicated at from 15 to 20 per cent less than goods bought early in the season , and
adhering to our fixed rule to always let our customers share in the benefits of the bargains
we are getting , we are now in a position to offer many suits of rich and select patterns , pro
ductions of the best manufacturers in the country at prices which you would have to pay
elsewhere for ordinary and lower grade goods.
As an extraordinary bargain we offer to-day
About 400 very fine Cheviot Suits---Sacks and Cutaway Frocks at $10.50 , When you
see this suit you will say that this is a ridiculously low price for such goods. The quality
is A 1. They are all in now designs and combinations of plaids , mostly light shades ; some
are faced with silk , and the general make-up of the o suits is like first-class custom work.
There are a few solid blue cheviots among thorn , wide wales and checks , which a re now so
popular. It is a pleasure for us to show and offer these suits in competition with suits for
which other houses ask $16.00 or $18.00.
Another special bargain we place on sale to-morrow is :
250 very good all-wool Cassimero Sack Suits at $5.90. Wo have never sold a suit of
equal quality for less than $57.50 , and we would consider this suit very cheap at that price-
There are two shades , a dark brown and a dark grey , both very neat. It will make a good
business suit , as it is of excellent quality , well made , looks as good and will give fully as
good satisfaction as any suit you pay $10.00 for.
In connection with this suit sale wo will offer this week extraordinary inducements in
Spring Overcoats , as we are deairoas to cioaa them all out before the season is over. Wo
have marked them down to figures which will induce you to buy ono , even if you did not
intend to.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
handed down to us from one ago to an
other through all the ccnturiirf , that
was accepted as true by Milton , Locke
and Newton and the wise men of _ eueh
generation , "I don't believe it ; it is too
old to bo true ; the witnesses are dead ;
the lips that could testify are di-Ht ; bc-
twoun those shores roll the waves of
many centuries'/ "
The argument does tint justify seri
ous consideration. The siunc argument
used in a country school debuting so
ciot.v to disprove the existence of ilor-
cule's would bo met with ridicule and
contempt , and yet by such logic would
Colonel Ingorsoll destroy tbo lastbolaco
of earthly misery and the only hone of
future joy. CAM : Noun.
Trnvolini * Mlnstrel * .
T. .T. Huotson , of the Philadelphia
Optical company , E. K. Edwr.rdh , of the
Buum Hardware company , and C. II.
Annan , of the Carter White Lead com
pany , formed a merry trio on the
Northwestern last wcolc. It's a wonder
some first-ciass minstrel company
doesn't try and hire them. Their sing
ing was worthy of most burnt cork
artists. Especially worthy of commen
dation was their rendition of "Who
Built do Ark" and v'Olo Kbono/.er. "
Annan sings a good baritone. Edwards
does the heavy work in tlio basso pro-
fundo line , and Hudson puts in the
minors and variations with a nice ,
clear tenor. The boys ought always ) to
travel tocrothor aud lulverlibo a boner
with every order.
Honoring I lie TrnvoHiiR Men.
At a meeting of the business men of
Hastings it was decided to give a grand
ball aud banquet to the traveling mon
of the state at the Hotel Bostvvick on
May ! 5. The movement is in good hands
nnd' will result in great pleasure for the
traveling mon and honor for Hustings.
Milton Hill , with the Liningcr-Mot-
calf company , came homo for Sunday.
II. B. Hogan , representing Kirken-
dall < StJones , Suiidayed in the metrop
A. J. Thompson , with the Kilpntrlck-
Koch Dry Goods company , spent Sun
day iu tbo city.
T. B. Harlan came in .yesterday from
a successful western trip for the Consol
idated Tank Lino.
P. M. Toblu , with the Schuylor Gun
company , wont wet Friday. All days
are lucky for Tobin , as his order-book
bears emphatic witness.
J. II. Stringfollow , Garncau's man in
Iowa and southern Dakota , is in tlio
city. Ho reports an increasing busi
ness despite heavy competition.
Dillon & YKriiall , the enterprising
proprietors of the Hotel Bostwick , at
Hustings , have thoroughly refurnished
their house and will tender a free ball
to the traveling moiion Friday ovonintr ,
May ! J.
Ono of the many handsome traveling
men in Omaha is wearing u helmet hat
lined with steel. Ho adopted the new
style of headgear after ho had his silk
dicer mashed in with u loaded cane lit
Creston , la.
E. R. Do Vault , and W. S. Holphroy ,
the U Xu Brummoll of Omaha road
aegK > , uro waiting for the approaoh of
the next month with an "R , " when
they will renew their labors for the
Booth Packing company ,
C. W. Gring , who has been ropro *
sonting the McGlurp Cracker company ,
ou the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley , has resigned and gone buok to
his old busine'ss , He has bought
Charles Riouo's undertaking establish
ment at 100'J ' Farnam street.
Gilmour & Ruhl , wholesale clothiers ,
have just closed a very successful sea
son's business. James Korkondull ,
Frank Hunter , G , W. Brodorlck aud J.
E , Corbott , the firm's commercial emis
saries , leave to-day for Columbus , O. ,
on a vacation of a mouth , when they
will return to CO out with full samples ,
A Boatial Our Iftidnaps and Out-
an Imbecile Woman.
1'rrparntlnns \ir tlio Annual RScct-
iii ol' the I'lll Cum pounders
Tlio Coining 31 nrsltnl
ol' Lincoln.
lOJ'J ' 1' SfRHET , >
LINCOLN . April 29. I
Not Ions since Sirs. Charles Pishor was
committed to the Uurman homo , east of this
city , in u montul state little short of imbe
cility. It seems , however , that the poor
woman returned romembr nco of homo , Hus
band and little boy , for u day or two since
she lied the good matron's care unaor which
she hud boon nlaced and relumed to her hus
band , who lives on South Ninth street , 10-
twruu l-i and M , where she remained until
this mornitifr. Mrs. Fisher ia a slight , Ir.iil
woman and iu a ututo of mind that gives her
no power to do un Intelligent act. la fuel ,
she is as helpless us a baba , and can lie
treated us ono without knowmc whether she
is m the hands of a friend or enemy. She
WAS tond'rly cared for by her husband , when
at home , but ho is a hamessmakor and must
conseuuentl.v be uway Iroax homo most of the
timo. During his absence his son , a young
boy , watches his mother. Last evening a
mun went to Fisher's homo and told his little
boy that thuro was a package of meat
at u cerluin market , and that
his father had told him to go and Ret it. The
little follow was disturbed , not wishing to
lo.ivo his mother and said bald so , where
upon the man offered to stay und guard the
house while ho wai Ktmo. Obediently tlio
boy then went upon his errand , but found
nothing where ho hail been scut. On his re
turn his mother was cone. lie ran to his
father who immediately sot the nolieo to
looking her 1111 , not even then thinking any
thing wrong. Hut the poor woman was
found on Twelfth street , having been turned
loose by the fellow , after no nail outraged
her parson. As yet no satisfactory clue hus
been received as to thn perpetrators of the
inhuman outrage. Disirust and Indignation
is expressed by the few who have of
it , and tar and feathers will certainly bo
used if ho is caught.
Tlio Cliiirmncoiitiaul Opnvontlon.
Secretary O. J. Oarbaugh will close the
books of the stale pharmaceutical associa
tion for the year.Muy J , On the lltii,15tluuil [
lUtli of the monththoiiBsodatlou will meet In
Htato convention at tlio cupitbl building. It
is understood that the sessions will tu held
in the senate chamber and that the exhibits
will bu placed in reiirqsontativo hall. Our-
im ; the session i'rof.&icholHon , of the state
university , will deliver a loeturo on chem
istry. The pr sy programme will bo closed
by a ball , which is ( froiniscit to be as near
porlcct as western facilities will permit.
The association wi\l \ .visit Cusliman park ,
having accented thy vor.V generous invita
tion of Mr , IS. H. Andrews. This visit will
probably bamada ontjfu f&th. The conven
tion will bo the impo'rftmt meeting of the as
sociation for the ycai ; ISi'J ,
Carder the Man.
It Is oniclolly annotiHccd that \V. W. Carder
will succeed P , II , Copper us marshal of the
city of Lincoln , but tin * announcement cre
ates no surprise whatever. IJut , of course ,
the knowing ones put up the old cry , "I told
you BO , " It Is generally conceded that Mr.
Carder will make an etUelcnt head for the
police force. Mayor Graham , who , under
tbo now charter , has the sole responsibility
of the police force , gave Mr , Carder notice
ycstorduy that hit appointment had been
made , und ho would be expected to asaumo
bis ofllcial duties on the 1st day of Juno.
"Tho oflloe of marshal Is an Important one.
It deems to ) > o felt generally that Mr , Carder
will make a good ono. He ls Indorsed by the
oxolae board and largo numbers of the best
peonlo of this city , Ho Is an old and tried
republican , and ono of the oldest and best
citizens of Lincoln. " So said a prominent
member of the party last night. '
An Unneoesonry IiujucHt.
To the surprise of everybody Coroner
Shomakcs last evening empaneled a jury und
bold un inquest over the body of Thomas
Kiuuoy , the Thursday oveuing suicide , ftotk-
iuc aside from the facts already known de
veloped. 'Those were fully known the morn
ing alter the tragedy. A moment's investi
gation only was necessary to convince any
one of the causes that led to Klnney's ueath.
"I thought,1' remarked a Lincoln citizen this
morning , -'that the object of inquests was
only to determine upon the facts that led to
sudden or mysterious deaths. Hut the more
wo live the more wo llml out. It seems that
Cormier's inquests arc hold to crcuto jur.v
lees and other intending expenses. Why , 1
toll you , there was no moro use of holding un
inquest over Kmney's remains than there is
over the aveiage hospital death , and I think
it is a shame to put these needless expenses
upon the county. The causes of the old
man's death were us plain as the nose ou a
man's face , and tliero wan no cnll for the Sn-
< | iicst Shomakes and a Jmi hold last right ,
and I move that the expenses be taxed up to
him. " *
buncd from Undertaker
Kinney was to-day
taker Haton's rooms at 2 o'clock at the ex
pense of the county. DeoeuseU's friends , if
ho had any , fulled to s > cnd instructions.
City NCWH and Notes.
The pamo of base ball between tlio Uaton
& Smith's and the university teams , on the
Missouri Pacillc grounds yesterday after
noon , resulted in a victory for thu first named
team. Score , 10 to 0.
The social order of Khss banquet Hon.
Patrick Egan to-morrow evening. A large
number of special invitations huvo been
issued. Hon. Et'un expects to start for
Chill 'Ihurbd.iy evening.
Tlio man who thought to wet his whistle
to-duv wus grievously disappointed. Wind
ing puths were nil barred and there was no
entrance to the saloons in any part of the
city Topers cussed , hut Lincoln's citizens
generally rejoice that the Sundiiy law prom
ises to be enforced.
Bob Wood's murderers , John Taylor ,
Charles Curtis and Mrs. Woods , nassed the
Uay at the penitentiary , where thov expressed -
pressed a wish to Im taken to worship the
Muster. Though almostu t > acrollglons re
quest it was granted. Tills precious trio evi
dently still fear a visit from a lynching
The Stanford stud of horses which has
boon quartered at the exposition grounds
during the pist week , will resume Its jour
ney to New York to-morrow. Thousands of
lioople visited the stud to-day.
Tim plans for the Grand opera house to bo
erected hv the Modern Woodman , unless
some unforaeeii event interposes , huvo been
prepared by Mr. I'facey and can now bo scon
attheroonibof the architect. If built , it
will certainly bo un ornament to the city.
The height is four stories und the ground
floor 100x1-13 feet. It will seat about two
.thousand people. The auditorium will bo on
tbo ground floor ,
nnd Kfrectivo.
Hiusmir.Tii'b Pji.i/9 are the safest and most
effective remedy for indigestion , irregularity
of the bowels , constipation , biliousness ,
Imadocho , dizziness , malaria , or any disease
arising from nn Impure state of the blood.
They have boon in use jij. this country forever
over fifty years , and tlio thousands of unlm-
pcacliublu testimonials from those who have
used them , and their constantly Increasing
sale , Is incontrovertible evidence that they
perform till that U claimed for them ,
UIUNIWIITII'S PILLS uro purely vegetable ,
absolutely harmless , uud sufu to tuko ut any
Sold in every arug and medicine store ,
either plain or sugar coated ,
J , II. Vandu/.er , with Falrull tc Co , , is
ono of tlio oldest bulesmon iu Nebraska.
Ho has carried sampler for twenty-live
years and understands the grocery busi
ness fco thoroughly that he never carries
a price libt. His employers , Fairull &
Co. , syrup manufacturers and refiners ,
have succeeded so well in Omaha
that they will build u mammoth
factory mid warehouse at the corner ol
Eighth uud Farnam that will bo as
largo as any establishment of the kind
in Chicago. The firm employs six
traveling salesmen ,
Arlvicu to Mother * .
Mrs. Winslow's ' Soothing Syrup should al >
ways boused forohlldroq teething. It soothes
the child , softens the gums , ullayt ull pain ,
cures wind colic , mid Is the bust remedy far
dlarj'hiea. 25con ts a bottle ,
Hcnt Homo by tlio City.
Charles Mason came In from Chndron ycy-
terday , a cripple from ( ho effects of Inllam
matory rheumatism. Ho was sent to bis
home ut Hubbcl , la , , by tbo city.
N. W , Cor. 13tli and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Chronic and Surgical Diseases and Diseases of tlia Eye and Ear ,
J. W. McMENAMY , M. D. , President ,
And Consulting 1'liyslclan mid Surgeon.
Organized with a full staff of Skilled Physicians , Snrgeons anil Trained Kim
This establishment is a permanent medical institution , conducted by thoroughly
educated physicians and smgeons of acknowledged skill and experience. The
Institute bindings , situated ou the northwest corner of Thirteenth and Dodge
streets , is composed of two largo threo-sU > ry brick bindings of over ninety rooms ,
containing our Medical , Surgical and Consultation Rooms , Drugstore , laboratory ,
Offices , Manufactory of Surgical Appliances and braces , and the Boarding Depart
ment for Patients , in charge of competent persons , constituting the largest and
the most thoroughly equipped Medical and Surgical Establishment in the West , one
of the three largest in the United States , and second to none.
Wo have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , performing
surgical operations , boarding and nursing patients , which , combined with our
acknowledged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute the ( Irst choice.
You can come direct to the Institute , day or night , as we have hotel accommo
dations as good and as cheap as any in the city.
We make this explanation for the benefit of persons who may fool inclined to
go further east for medical or surgical treatment and do not appieciato the fact
that Omaha possesses the largest and most complete Medical and Surgical Insti
tute west of Now York , with a capital of over $100,000.
[ Q
Best Facilities , Apparatus and Remedies for Successful Treatment ot
every form of l > l.scaso requiring MEDICAL or SUIIG1CAJL
In this department , we are especially successful. Our claims of superiority over
all otheis aio based upon the fact that this is the only medical establishment man
ufacturing surgical braces and appliances for each individual case. Wo have
Unco skilled instrument makers in our employ , with improved machinery , and
have all the latest inventions , as well as our own patents and improvements ,
the lesult of twenty yeara' experience.
The treatment of diseases by electricity lias undergone great changes within the
past few yeara , and electricity is now acknowledged by all schools of medicine as the
gioat remedy in ail chronic , special and nerve diseases , for nervous debility , par
alysis , rheumatism , diseases of women , etc. , and in many eye and ear diseases it
is tlio most valuable of all remedies.
In order to obtain its full viitues , it is absolutely necessary to have the proper
apparatus. AVe have lately purchased three of the hugest and most complete
batteries manufactured , so constructed as to give the most gentle as well as the
most powerful current. Persons treated at this Institute by electricity recognize
ut once the difference between our expensive and complete electrical apparatus
and the common , cheap batteries , in use by many physicians. Over 15,000 dollars
in vested in electiical apparatus.
Wo claim to bo tlio only reliable , responsible establishment in the west making
a specially of this class of diseases. Dr. MuMonuniy vyas one jf the first thoiough-
ly educated physicians to make a special study of this class of diseases , and his
methods and inventions liavo been adopted by .specialists In Europe and Atnetica.
lie is the inventor of tbo Clamp Compress Suspensory , acknowledged the best in
use. All others are copied after his invention. By means of a simple operation ,
painless and wife , recently brought into UKO , wo euro many cases that have boon
given up as incurable by medical treatment. ( Head our book to men , sent free to any
address. )
Wo have had wonderful success in this department in the
past year , and have made many improvements in our facili
ties for treatment , operations , artificial eyes , etc. \J
Wo have greatly improved our facilities and methods of
treating cases by correspondence , and are having bettor
success in this department- than ever beforo.
Wo are fully up to the times in all the latest Inventions in medical and surgical
operations , appliances and instruments. Our institution is open for Investiga
tion to any pei.sous , patients or physicians. Wo invite all to correspond with or
visit us bofovo taking treatment elsewhere , believing that a visit or consultation
will convince any intelligent person that it is to their advantage to place them
selves under our caro.
Since this advertisement first appeared , many boasting pretenders and frauds have
come and ( tone and many more will come and go , remembered only by their w\fortunat \
and foolish victims.
"A wise man investigates first and decides afterwards ,
A fool decidesfirst , then invcstitjuteti , "
The Omaha Medical and tiumical Institute in indorsed by the people and the press ,
More capital invented , more skilled physicians employed , more modern appliances , instru
ments and apparatus in use , more cases treated and cured , more nuccessful surgical
operations performed , than in all otiicr medical establishments m tlus West combined ,
144 PAGE BOOK ( Illustrated )
Purl Flr l History , Success and Advantages of the Omalm Medical nnd Burgloal Institute.
Purl Nocniid-CiiiiONia DiSKAsr.B of tlio I.uiigs. BtoinucU , J.tvur , Kidneys , Skin. 1'IIes , Cancer ,
Catiurli , Kpllepsy , Itlioiiinutlsm , Inlmluttoii. Tupo Worm , Hloulilelty , Now Homodlos , oto.
Part Tlilril UKrouuiTluH , CiirviUiiroot' tlio Hplno , Club Foot , Hip Discuses , 1'uralyMa , Vtrj
Nenlc , How I/PICK. Kara Lip , Burjrlcul Operations.
1'urt I'ourlli DihKAtir.t ) or THK Kvn AND HAH , Diseases of IIioNorvoi , Cataract , Btrabliinuioi
UniHs Kyoj , rii'ry Uiui , Urauuliit d liynMds , I u version of the Lids , Artificial I'.ycs. oto.
Purl I'lllli DIKKABKS or WOMEN , Ixjucorrhina. Ulcoratlon. Displacements , I'rolupsus , Flex-
Ions and Versions , Tumor . Lacerations and Ouucerof the womb.
Port NIzlli UiaiiAHF.ii ( ) / MEN , I'rlvuto. Spoolal anil Norvoui Dlsou-nngSporinatorrliaii ( Seminal
Woakncsn ) , Impotency , Varlcocelo , Stricture , Olect , Syplillls , and all dlseusu * of the Uealta
Urinary Orfana. _ _ _ mmf m
A 81'KCiAi.Tr. WK HAVE
ron WOMEN llimiwri Coxr NKHeKT. ( Strictly I'rlvuto } ,
Ouly Kcllublo Medical Instltuto MnlcInK u Bpoclulty of
Aliniood DUomcs succcsifnlly treated , Syplillltlo I'olwin removed from the tyitoui irltbont
mercury. Now IteaUiratlvo Treatment for Ixwi of Vllul Power , I'ullcntguimtilu to vl lt UHiuuy
bo treated at homo by correcpondoneo. All uommnnlcatlniu connduntliil , Modlclnci or lialrii-
nionts aout by u M nroiiirtsu noourely packed , nu laurlm to Indicate contents or inndor. ( Ino'der
tonal mtorvlow proforreu. Cull uud consult in or ( end history of your oato , and wo will s rnl In-
plain wrawior , our ItOUIC TO HIICN , 1'HRHi Uitun I'rlvutg , fipouful or Nervoui Dlrouiot , liapo-
Unuy , Sypbtlli , ( Heat uud Varicoccle , with quostlou list. AdJri-83 ,
and Dodge , Oiuulin , Ncbt