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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1889)
PART II. PHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE , BS9-16 EIGHTEENTH YEAJR. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , APEIL 28 , 18S9.-SIXTEEN PAGES. NUMBER 317 Cheviot - Suitings , In two-toned utrlpcs : regular prlcr , 4"c , Reduction Price , 40 INCH WIDE PLAID CASHMERES Koaulnr CO cent goods , Reduction Price , A II. WOOL , Chocks mid New EiTccts , sultablo for spring wear. Reduction Price. BH , wool. Beiges , In Now Spring Slmdes ; regular price 75 < * , Reduction Price , wim : mmm lu Evening fchndos ; regular price was 75o , Reduction Price , I 10.1NOI1 11 LAO It Al ! Wool Cashmere Uegutnr price , 7 o , Reduction Price , 42INCHlli WOOLi Silk Finished Tricots In all Newest Shades , Reduction Price , t8l.Jl AIjli WOOL. IGES , Elegant material for travellnc dross ; was Reduction Price , I'J-INUH Al.lj WOOlj Suitable to innkn up combinations In the latest effects ; worth JI.&U , Reduction Price , MSUaT QL'AtilliT ilk UlacV and colors ; regular price was 8I.7B , Reduction Price , 502 , 504,506 , 508 , 510 South 13th St. Regardless of Cost. $20,000 SALE. Worth. . manufacture or FccKicr & Co. , ISy thin purchnso we nrc enabled to olTcr llio SI. Gnllcn , Switzerland. MOST STUPENDOUS ISA.UGAI.VS I'tircliaioil nt 33 l-.l Cents on the Dollar. liver known in Emlirodoric * . 30,000 , YARDS & 1 500 STYLES Hemstitctied SPLENDID STYLES SWISS Skirtings , Corded Cambric Embroidered Skirtings , Edgings Tucked AND Skirtings , Insertions Revered Skirtings , r * 1 Styles ami > qualities Worth 15e , lOc A LIKE DO NOT OPPORTUNITY MISS THIS Worth 25c. ' UNREPEATABLE' HAS NEVER CHANCE I BEEN FOR A . . I Worth ! J5c. KNOWN. BARGAIN. I Bought at the Oroal Xo\v York AuetiottSato of Field , ( ( 'liujniinii .V Foiincr , at TEEE-IR - ALL. ALL ALL , OKIE VIM B , ORIENTAL LACES , LACE FLOUNCING- LAOE SKIRTINGS , CENTS CENTS YARD. YARD. Worth 20c. * \Worlh -lOc. AVorlli $1.0O. 50S , 504506 , , 5O8 and 51Q I South 13th Street. ; WASHINGTON INAUGURATED , The Ceremonies and Enthusiasm of a Noted Day. BEGINNING OF NATIONAL LIFE. Tlio Jmirnoy From Mount Ycrnon to Nr.w Vork Incidents on the Wny The CuatoniH of Our Allocators. On i ) Hundred Vonrs " Ago. SEOHGE "Washington , csq. , of Virginia , as the eminent patriot is styled In the only ancient rec ords of this republic was declared president of the United States by the unanimous vote of the first electoral college , on the Oth day of April , 17SO. With him was associated John Adams , of Massa chusetts , as vU'c-prcsldcnt On thu 14th , of April Charles Thompson , who had been for fifteen years the secretary of 'the continental congress , and who was chosen by the first national congress as its messenger , arrived ut the gates of Mount Vernon , bearing the ofllclal notification of thn election. The memorable document rend : [ Scal.l Ho It known , That the senate anil house of representatives of the United States of America , being convened in the city and BtatoofNuw York , the sixth day of April , In the year of our Lord ono thousand seven hundred mid eighty-nine , the underwritten , appointed president of tlio ftonato , for the solo purpose of receiving , opening and countIng - Ing the votes of the electors , did , In the presence of the said sunaio and house of representatives , open nil. the certificates and count nil the vo cn of the electors for the president nnd'for n vice-president , by which It. appears that George Washington , esquire , wua unanimously elected , agreeably to the constitution , to tjto onice of president of the United States of Aniorlca. In testimony whereof 1 huvu hereunto set rny hand and seal. JOHN LAXODOK. WASH 1X01 OX'6 ACCr.l'TAXCl ! . When , on Tuesday December 23 , 1T83 , OcncVal Washington presented to congress , at Annapolis , Md. , tlio formal resignation of his commission us General and Command- ur-iii-rhlcf , he expressed u determination never again to re-enter publio life , though ho \Viis then less than llfty-two years of age mid In the full vi.'oruf physical and mental man- Ixi'id , liui. in the succeeding llvo years i' vents hid : t > ri Miapfd thomsclvcH that ho was tlii : nnl.v man in the infant republic who i-ou ! I r < cuiii'ili ) ( actions , quiet nyitntlou and i crtuinl * Ki,1 direction to the destinies of \ vi n I D.I. , ? ot that the four or Jive millions of | iuipli > > i rn destitute of statosmnn , patrl- ntH , i < " . iHtiiiors , holdlers , and all the shades DI iitti A , luu'ity needed for the emergencies tif Ijicii-n1. UenJ.imiu Franklin , though A \ viiiVI , , wus&tlll alive ; mid the names c r'.i.u.rfvUrr Livingston , Thomuv Jefferson , ( iovvrmir Ai'.hurht. Clalr , Ilogcr Sherman , 3'titH | i Hi'iiry , General David Humphreys , tliu ia.imi . ! > l-.iuiv , ( iovernorClluton , Klbrlago ( Jmry , OlhM1 Hllswortl' , Hubert Morris , Ji.ilun IiU-ubcn , Uichard Henry Leo , .lamus : > ! ; u'.lboi ) , 1'iiius lioudlnot , General t-'cu\lcv ! , John jay , ana Jona- than Uruinbu I , will occur to every ic.-u'ei' , : iml tin IVv then only begun. Washington hiil received tbo notification of hU election u ounincut time In advance of Mr. Thompson1 * arrival , to thoroughly du- liberate upon the situation , aud ho - . > & pni- pared , after u bncf conversation with the ofllccr of coniirrhs , lu reply to his announce ment us follow * ! "I urn as : : uich nffectoJ by this fres-n proof of my country ' cutccm and confidence that elc"eocvB ! ! be * ' , cipluin ' ' 'J' ' t'ratltuilc. While I realize the arduous nature of tlio task which Is imposed and fcol my own Inability to per form it , 1 wish that there may not bo reason for regretting the choice ; for Indeed , all I can promise Is only to accomplish that which can bo done by an noncst zoal. Upon con sidering how long tluio sotno of the gentle men of both houses of congress have been at Now York , how anxiously desirous tlioy must bo to proceed to business , and how deeply the public mind appears to bo im pressed with the necessity of doing it speed ily , I can not Und myself nt liberty to delay my journey. I shall , therefore , bo in readi ness to set out the day after to-morrow and shall bo happy in the pleasure of your com pany ; for you will permit mo to say that it is a peculiar gratification to have received this communication from you. " THE JOUKSEY FKOM MOUNT VKUSON' . .Accordingly , on Thursday , April 10 , 1T89 , the President-elect , accompanied by General David Humphreys , of Connecticut , and Sec retary Charles Thompson , began the journey which ended on Thursday of the following week in Now York City , where two days previously Vice- president Adams had taken the oath and been inaugurated. T hat.nlght lie slept nt BladcnHburg and next day reached Baltimore , Some miles outside the Monumental City the president was mot by a largn body of citizens on horse back , mid , amid the booming of cannon and "through crowds of admiring spectators" he was conducted to Mr. Grant's tavern. On Saturday morning at half-past 5 , the presi dential party left Baltimore , as they had en tered , to the sound of artillery , and escorted by many prominent citizens ; that evening ho reached Havro do Grace and slept at Knight's Inn. The next morning the party crossed the Susquohanua , and on the border of Delaware were mot by a company from Washington. Hero the excessive regard for the Sabbath prevented a proposed illumine lion of the houses , for which "tho decoration - oration of a vessel in the Delaware opposite to Market street" was substituted. Sunday night ho passed at the Lafayette House , Wilmington , and rose nt daybreak. Then on an empty stomach General Wash ington was obliged to listen , for some weary hours , to addresses and long-winded speeches from the Burgesses and Common council and other orators. So without breakfast ho loft the patriotic but' inconsiderate town , and broke his fast at the Washington House , In Chester , I'a. From this point his progress was a pageant. Shortly after leaving Ches ter a detachment of horsemen , under com mand of Captains McDowell ana Thompson , Joined procession , Tlio civlo societies repre sented in the line were headed by the veteran soldier mid statesman , Arthur1 tit. Clalr , gov ernor of the Western Territory. The parly crossed the Schuykill into Phil adclphln , where u military review , civlo pro cession and a magnificent banquet tcstitied to the citizens' regard for their distinguished guest. The City Tavern sheltered him that night , and early ttio next morning he was awakenedby the peals of the old Liberty bell , Nearly every Institution in the city presented Mm witli an address before he loft town at 10 o'clock. NlUltl.VO NEW YOUR. Washington dined at Samuel Henry's ' City Tavern , in 'I teuton , N. J , , and drove to Princeton late In the afternoon to spend the night of Tui'Kilny , the 2rth , it is supposed , with the president of the college , thn Uuv. Dr. John WitharApoon , not forgetting to write a note of thanks to the young indies of 'Trenton , who had been conspicuous In the enthusiastic rtveytloa the town had extended to him. " ' At U o'clock on Wednesday morning , Washington ' left Princeton under mlllury escort and'took the old road to Now lining- wick , where he was mot by the war gov ernor , William Llvlttfciton , who drove with him to WoodbHdi'c , where Wadne Juy night Wis rt.-.8ijd. ! ( On Thursday , 23d , he breakfasted at Samuel Smith's public liouij In Kllzaoctli- port , and then waited upon the congress- sionul cominjUr tlio resldcnou of | : ilns llo-jilinot , ctuurmuu of 'tho committee.1 It W.IH ju t 1" o'clock noon , amid uonls of or tlllery when , nt KlUubethtown Point , Wash ing ton stopped ubounl u magnificent burge which ha J been mitdo to convey him up the bay to Now York. The beat cost between two hundicd and I'lrco hundred pouudu , anil was rowed by thirteen uusUis ol vets * ! * , Jrcmeil lu uhlto uniforms and black caps , oinamented With fringes. In the president's barge , and the six others accompanying , were the congres sional committee , John Langdon , Charles Carroll , and William Samuel Johnson , of the senate , Elias Bouuinot , Theodoric Bland. Thomas Tudor Tucker , Egbert Henson , and John Lawrence , of the house ; Chancellor Livingston ; John Jay , secretary for foreign aflfnirs ; Samuel Osgood , Arthur Leo and Walter Livingston , commissioners of the treasury ; General Henry ICnox , secretary of war ; Ebenezer Hazard , postmaster-general ; Colonel Nicholas Fish , adjutanUgonoral of the forces of NowYorlc state ; Hichard Vanck , recorder of the city , and other dignitaries. The grandest procession that bad over been seen in Now Yorlc greeted the party as they came to the Murray wharf about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and escorted the president elect to the Hoffman house , at the junction of Cherry and Pearl streets , on Franklin square. Ho dined that evening with Gover nor Clinton ; the ensuing week was spent quietly and unostentatiously. AIM11L TIIIUTIETH , SnVEXTEEX-EIOIITV-NINE. For nearly a fortnight crowds had been pouring into Now York , the taverns and boarding houses were tilled to repletion , every private house was thronged , and even the merchant ships and coasters were pressed into service , and many persons slept in tents on the common , so eager wore the citizens to witness the crowning net of the co lonial revolution and national evolution. The center of attraction was Federal Hull , where the New Congress sat. It stood on the corner of Wall and Nassau streets , at the head of Uroad street , whore the custom house now stands. It had originally been the city hall , built from stone wnich was taken from the old fortifications. The building had been transformed nt an expense of f tfi.OOU , con tributed by a number of wealthy gentlemen when It had been selected by the continental as the place of meeting of the now congress ; and its mime was changed with its architec ture. ture.Tho ceremonies of tlio day were ushered In by a salute ilrcd at daybreak from the butteries of old Fort George below Howling Green. At that early hour the streets were rapidly tilling up. At 8 o'clock the sky was overcast , and presented every appearance of an impending heavy storm ; but nt 9 o'clock , when the bells in the church steeples and in the boltricH of the publio buildings b > gau tholr joyous peals , the clouds broke and the glad sunshine burst forth. In all the churches divine service was hold , "to implore the blessings of Heaven upon their new Govern ment , its favor and protection to the Presi dent , and success and acceptance to his Administration , " At noon the procession that was to conduct George Washington to the Inauguration at Federal Hall assembled In Franklin Square. There were publio onlclals , civic societies , bands of music , the uauul military display , and , of course , "citizens on foot and on horseback. " ' Prominent places were assigned the now cabinet , the congressional committees and the state and municipal au thorities. Colonel Morgan Lewis , grand marshal , and Majors Van Homo unit Morton , his aides , were at the head of the procession , followed by over tlvo hundred soldiers , con sisting of a troop of horse , the artillery , two companies of grenadiers , u company of light Infantry , the 'wttallou men , a company in the full uniform of Scotch Highlander * witli the national music of the bagpipe ; the sheriff , Uobort Hoytl , on horseback ; the senate com mittee Hichard Henry Leo. Uulph Izard aud Tristum Dalton ; thu president in a state coach drawn by four horses , attended by Colonel Humphreys and Tobias Lear , in the thu president's own carriage ; the committee of the house Egbert Henson , Fivhcr Ames and Daniel Carroll ; John Jay , General Henry Knox , Chancellor Livingston ; Sam uel Or.gpoi ) , Arthur Leo and Walter Living- Rlon , the chief heads of departments ; his ox- cullency the Count du Mousticr. and his ox- 'uultouey Don Dlegodo Gurdoqul , the French 'unJ Spanlih ambassadors ; other gentlemen 'Qt tlistl'jcllou and u multitude of citizens. WXSUINOTON AT 1'EIIF.HAl , IUI.I- . T.Uo cortege moved from the president's mention at 13:80 : , and passing from Cherry struot-through Queen street ( now Pearl ) , Great Dook.nndJtroad street , to Wall street , the military baited , and were drawn up on bath nldor of tbQ street , Through the lines Washington and his assistants , and the ganttotncn specially invited , passed Into IVderul Hall and proceeded to tbo senate chamber. At tha.door of the chamber , to whlcli the eyes of the vast throng which packed the room were directed , General Washington was met , by Vice-president John Adams and con ducted to the * chair. On the right were the vice-president and the senate , and on Washington's left the speaker and tlio house of representatlvcs. The vice-president then said : 'Sir , the senate nhd house of representa tives are ready to attend you to take the oath rcnuircd by the constitution , wtncn will bo administered by the Chancellor of the state of New York. " "I am ready to proceed , " was the reply given in the calm and dignified manner w"hch ! distinguished the nrst president. Mr. Adams led the way-to the gallery over the main entrance to the building , and facing liroad street. General Washington fol lowed , surrounded by as many of the higher functionaries as coulct find room in the copflned space of the balcony. Of the group , perhaps the most striking figure was Jlobert K. Livingston , in a full dress of chancellor's robes. Secretary Otis carried the bible on a crimson cushion , and stood at General Washington's right , between him and thp chancellor. The bible , borne by the secretary , was one borrowed from St. John's lodge of Masons near by , it having been discovered , almost at the last moment , that there was no copy of the scrip tures in Federal Hall at the time. It was opened at tlio fiftieth chapter of Genesis. At the proper moment Chancellor Living ston raised his hand and said to Washing ton : "You do solemnly swear that you will faithfully execute the oftlco of President of thn United States and will to the best of your ability , preserve , protect and defend the Constitution of the United States ? " These words were repeated by the president , who then bowed his head and kUscd the open book , adding in a solemn tone of voice ana with much emotion , "I swear , so help mo God. " "It is done , " said the chancellor , who im mediately proclaimed , -'Long live George Washington , "I'linsiiiEXT oK > TiinuxiTr.n STATIS. : " The president bowed to the vast crowd , who Interspersed with cheer after cheer the reports of thirteen cannon. Tlio scene is described by Miss Eliza Qnlncy , nn eye wit ness : "J was on' 'the roof of the llrst house in Hroad street , which belonged to Captain Prince , th6 lather of one of my school companlonsjaud so near Washington that I could a I in os tj hear him speak. The windows and the roofs of the houses were crowded , and in the streets tlio crowd was go doiiBO that it umoted as if ono might literally walk on tlio heads of the people. The balcony of Uid lial was In full view of tliio assembled multitude. In the center of it was placed a table with a rich covering of red velvet , and upon this , on a crimson velvet cushion , lay a Jargo and elegant bible. This was nil tha parapharnnlla foi the august scene. All eyes worei Jived upon the balcony , where , ut the appointed hour , Washington entered , accompanied1 by the chancellor of the state of Now York , who was to admin ister the outh ; by'Jom | Adams , vico-presl- dent ; Governor Clinton and many other dis tinguished men , "Uy the great body at the people ho had probably never beenseen except us n mili tary "hero. Tlio Jlrstjn'war was now to be thu lirxt in peace. His entrance on the balcony was announced by universal shouts of joy mid iwolcofuc. His appearance was most Koletnn mid dignified. Advancing to tbo front of tha halcoby. ho laid his hand on his heart , bowed several times and then retired to n scjit near the tabld. The populace ap peared to understand that the scene hud overcome him , and were ut once hushed in profound silence. Aftpr a few moments Washington arosn arid came forward. Chan cellor Livingston rend the oath , according to the form prescribed by the constitution , and Washington repeated it , resting his hund upon the table. Mr. Otis , the secretary of the senate , thenjook a bible aud rained it to the lips of WuShlngton , ' who stooped and kisicd the book. At thu moment n signal was given by railing u Hag on thu cupola of the hall for a general discharge of the artil lery of the battery. All tbu balls of the city rang out u peal of joy , and the assembled multitude eeut forth a Universal shout. The president again bowed to the people , and then retired from a scene such as the proud est monarch never enjoyed. " AFTER THE 1XAUGUIIATIOX. Only a few moments elapsed between the ceremony of administering the oath and the return of the distinguished gentlemen to the senate chamber , where President , Washing ton delivered his inaugural address. Like all thu curly inaugurals this ono possesses the merit of brevity , mayhap because it , was considered , in those days , u speech to cou- gress and not to the people. Calm , self-possessed and impcrturable as General Washington always was , President Washington betrayed a great degree of ner vousness during the delivery of his address. Senator Maclay writes : "This great man was agitated and embarrassed more than over ho was by the leveled cannon or pointed musket. Ho trembled , and several times could scarce make out to rend , though it must bo supposed ho had oftoa read it be fore. Ho made n nourish with his right bund , which left rather an ungainly impres sion. I sincerely , for mv part , wished all set ceremony in the hands of dancing masters , and that this first of men had road oft his address in the plain manner , without over Inking his eyes from the paper ; for I feel hurt that ho was not flrst in everything" From the senate chamber the presi dent was escorted to St. Paul's church , on Uroadway , corner of Church street , now faced by the Astor house on the latter and by the Herald building , on the former street. The procession moved up Wall street and Broadway , in the same order it had observed on the march to Federal Hall , with the difference that the president , vice- president. the two houses of congress and most of those who attended the inauguration proceeded on foot. At the church Kt. Hev. Ur. Samuel Provoost , bishop of the Episco pal churches in Now York , conducted an appropriate religious service. After prayers had bceu said and the To Doum sung , Wash ington entered the state coach and was driven to his homo. Foster Ames describes the president , in the church : "I was prrsent , " ho writes , "in the pew with the president , and must assure you , that after making all deductions for thu de lusion of one's fancy In regard to characters , I still think of him with moro veneration than for any other person. Time has made havoc uprm his face. That , mid many other circumstances not to bo reasoned about , conspired to keep up the uwo I brought with me. " TIIK uxniNo oi'fun IMV. In the evening the whole city was ablate with lights and fireworks. Many of the houses were beautifully illuminated , none more so than these of the French and Ger man ambassadors , who both lived on Hroud- w.iy near Liowllng Green , and the scone was wonderful , for u century ag ? , animated and enchanting1. President Washington walked along Uroadway ns far as the liattery , to sea the xpectao lo , and expressed thu warm est admiration , At 10 o'clock Washington returned on foot , "the throng of people being so great us not to permit a carriage to pass through It. " The ball which It was Intended to give on the evening of inauguration day wa& post poned trial the wife of the president might attend. Hut when It was learned that she wouldn't arrive In New York until the last of May , it was decided to give the hall on the evening of May fl. It was a brilliant assem bly. The Century Magu/.lne describing the scene says , "About throe hundred persons were present. It is related that the presi dent , who had danced repeatedly wlulo communder-In-clilcf , danced In the o Hill Ion and minuet ut this pull. Thu company re. tired about U o'clock , after having er. Joyed a most agrceablci evening , Joy , satisfaction and vivacity was expressed in o\cry counte- enauee , and every pleasure seemed to be heightened Uy the presence of a Welling ton. " Ilitniiiili Mure Koliaii * tit the . Crown thy brow with virtue's leaves , Impearl thy nps with truth ; Star thine eyes with honest smiles , And Innocence of youth. Set thy words with accents kind , And gem with love thy tlctfds ; Jewel thy liourt with holy thought * , And cnst : ovuy dose TO-MORROW" , .A.T1 LADIES' - HOSIERY. miles' Tine Imported r - Brilliant Lisle Thread Hose - < &QC Ladies' Fimuy Colored > C - IMPORTED SEAMLESS HOSE - Fancy Striped -COTTON HOSE , - 1Oc Ladies1 Fine Ribbed ladies' ' Elegant Silk Trimmed VESTS SWISS UIUUUJ ) JERSEY , AVIUTi : , I'INK ANDdlliUR. JERSEY VESTS , Worth ! Ji e. Worth 0o. IIS Ladies' ' Imported French Woven CORSETS This Is a corset that was imported to sell for THE KINK Mikado Cords I > r. Hamilton's Wonderful English Sateen PEBFUMED COB.SET . , CORSETS ; Worth 7 Go. ncgulnr price. $1.25. Wot'th $1.00. THE FATHER OF ARBOR DAY Fittingly Honored at His Homo in Nebraska City. MANY DISTINGUISHED GUESTS Tlio Celebration the Most Klahorato Ever Hcia There Tree Planting in Morton 1'iirk Eloquent Speeches. The Home of Arbor lny. CITV , Neb. , April 27. [ Special to THE HEI : . ] The scriptural aphorism that a "prophet is not without honor save in his own country , " has no local application to Nebraska City and the Hon. J. Sterling Mor ton. Tlio gnyly decorated streets of last Monday , the brightly dressed school children in line with Hugs and banners , the homo or ganizations , military and civic , the great outpouring of citizens and of neighbors from the surrounding country were nil no less substantial ' stantial witnesses to the enthusiasm with which Arbor day Is celebrated in the city , whore the idea was born than to the grate ful regard in which its founder is held by those among whom he has lived and moved fo r more than thirty years. The celebration was the most elaborate over held in Nebraska City. Distinguished visitors were present from abroad as invited guests of the city and with much appropri ateness , the invitations were givow with , but few exceptions to old friends of Mr. Morton and old residents of the state. Among them were Hon. James M. Woolworth - worth and IJr. ( icorgo L. Mlllor , each of whom dates his intimacy with J. Sterling Morton to "the days of the llftlcs , " Lyman Hlelmnlnon , e.s < ) . , of Onialin , and Major J. W. I'addock , of thu Nebraska pioneers , and Hon. A. J. Sawyer , mayor of Lincoln , who delivered the principal additss. Tlio oc casion ' was oiiu of ilQiiblo interest. It in volved the commemoration of Arbor day and the lirxt public planting of tree * In the beau tiful park , the inagnlllcc'ut gift ol Mr. Mor ton to his nulphbors and follow citizens , Business was generally suspended , the city was gay with bunting , the schools took a twenty-four Hours' recess , and children , teachers anil parents joined In the fes tivities. At 'J o'clock the procession , which was over n in Ho In length , started through crowded streets In thu direction of Morton jiHi-k , preceded by the line Uruco Coinmun- dcrv hund of Hod Oak , lu. Arrlvit.g nt the park , ranks wore broken and tlio celebrants gathered around ttio stand whiLh hud been ( irccU'il on a sightly knoll lo iiccomodato the speaker * , Mid which commanded u sweeping view of the grounds , Hon. Jiimes M , Woolworth - worth V.MS the ilrsi speaker. His remarks wuru JmvteM o' 'I ' retrospective and a per sonal natuif. He referred feelingly to tlio occasion , which he pronounced u tribute to an idea and to : i man. Ho touched In grace ful language upon thu long and pleasant In timacy between Mr. Morton and himself , spoke of the Importance of thu idea which He ll ad evolved and winch , iinlUo many origin ators of ideas , Mr. Morton had lived to sco generally adopted i's a public benefaction and in glowing terms inilogUcu , the hand- hoiun gift wnlch bit hint presented to Ne braska City. lion , A. J. Sawyer , of Lincoln , followed with 4 suhoiiirly snd carefully prupiircd oration tion upon Arbor Day and Tree I'Untlnc which orcu | > hu an hour Its delivery , but which wus full of Interest from the ox- onliutn tj the close. Ho was followed by Dr. Upoigi ! L , Milter , of Omaha , who was grobtett vcr.v wurmly und sincerely by both platform K esls atiU spectators. lr , Miller's Us , which were evidently largely 1m- prmr.i'lu catted forth by the occasion , were ilcilrnrcd with much fueling , Ho Hpoko of the ACVCII > utrs : which had elapsed suitii ho Iiatl hut bcnii in Nebraska City , and of the fcr * > j ol scidtif j wtik'li canio over tiln ; as i.o.i acrwsn the IK'M * Into the ceineteiy where those once near and dear to him , and who had formerly welcomed him in 'thoirf ' midst , lay sleeping the last sloop of death. ! 'I remember well the time , " said the speaker. * 'whon this region of beautiful country , now panoplied in the luxuriance o spring , was considered a barren desert , nnd when the hardy settlers who entered it to till its soil and inako it their homes , word looked upon as little loss than inndmon. All honor to the sturdy irmnhood und woman hood which for thirty years has been en < gaged in changing the frontier to n garden. " He llien referred by name to several ot the early seniors who have passed uway and lo the sense of personal loss which ho felt id their dcnlh. "I can not , " ho nnld , "dwell on the subject under the shadow of u homo where I have visited many years , for my memory perforce lingers upon those whoso smile and cordial * hnnd-crnsp once b.ido ma warm welcome to a generous hospitality. It is thirty-llvo years since I mot the friend and benefactor of Nebraska City , and wo mot as bo.\s. IIu has had the singular good fortune ) to have been able lo bo of great use not only to his community und neighbors , to his state , but lo his counlry. Arbor Day now cele brated In nearly every state In the union , will bo his monument as long as time shall last. Like tlio poet of ancient times ho car ] sny , 'I have erected a monument more last * ing than brouzo. ' , ' Dr. Miller then spoke In generous eulogy of Mr. Morion's gift of the park in which na was speaking , and assured his listeners that they , too , had a duty to perform. That duty was to preserve , to maintain and to beau tify the spot. Ho urged thorn to take warning from the oxumpla ol Omuhn which had allowed iti park to degenerate. Into a pasture , ana bcggca them to inako it a pleasure ground , where children might study nature In ho changing moods and where the eye might derive griilillcation from tno contemplations of its scenery ; such a park us for genera tions to come might bo a titling memorial to the generosity of its donor. Ho closed by a promiho that in the future ho Intended to bo nearer to Nebraska olty than in the past , for ho felt very near to all its citrons. In the evening Mr. Morton , who , during the ceremonies , was deeply affected , enter tained at dinner H number of Invited guest a : During tlio afternoon several thousand trees were planted in Morton purl : nnu throughout the city. Most of these set out In the park were evergreens. The i.ntd Is al- rer.dv heavily wooded with oak and ash fttid. will requlro little landscape gardening to make it , u most attractive and lovely spot. It lies directly adjoining Mr , Morton's beau tiful homo , whoso lawnn and orchards Blopo down to ItH lear. Gently rolling Its topog raphy It peculiarly adapted /or purk purpo * ses. Twelve miles of di'iveswlll bo laid out , winding around two lakes , the grounds will bo fenced and the twcnty.thrca ncres mada In all respects worthy of their name. A. Tin ; Dozen Grentext foots. Perhaps I mtty now bo permitted to recapitulate the list of u do/on ICnijllsU pools whom I ventured to quota UH thu manifest immortulB of our Uriliuh Pur- nnssus , says Edmund Go.ssu in tha Forum. They nro Chaucer , Spoucor , SlmkosDonro , Milton , Dry don , Pope , Gray , Hunm , Wordsworth , Coloi'iduo' , Byron , Hholluy , Keats. It will bo no ticed that there are thirteen nnrnos ho re , and my reviewers lutvu not fulled to romiiid mo that it is iiotorlou.sly dif- llcult to count the stuns. Tlio laut ly that Gray , the real thirtcontli , was nn afterthought , and I will admit tlmt , al though ( it-ay in the author of what ia perhaps the most imposing Hlii'n'lo short ixcm In the language , and although ha has churm , Kkill , and ditttliifllnn to rt < marvelous degree , his originality , hiA force of production , was so rigidly Hra- itod thai he may scarcely bu a ( Unit ted to the Ural rank. No doubt iho explo- fiivo force which eggs a very great writer on to constant expression lacking in Uio case of Gray , and T yi < id ) him toiuloibiOo , and the only ona of my interesting family which I will consoiit to throw to thn wolvci , Thd rent are Inviolably , and T v/lll licleud thom to the hut.