Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1889, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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The IJlR Blocks Mot All On
There Is n mistaken idea which pre
vails to nn unwnrrnntnblo extent , that
nil the Inrgo stocks of goods and genu
ine bargains must bo found within the
charmed circle of half a dozen blocks in
the BO-callcd center of the city. To
satisfy himself of the true condition of
nfTnirs , n representative of this paper
visited n few of the business houses lo
cated on the side street ? of the city ,
An agreeable surprise was mot nt every
turn. These same side streets are sup
plied with good stocks of well chosen
goods. A little investigation disclosed
the fact that there is moro difference
in men than in stocks in n
comparison with other streets.
Many business Jhouscs were found
whoso shelves were well filled with
choice goods but whoso owners from
lack ot n thorough knowledge of tholr
business or want of proper enterprise
nro dyeing of dry rot and nro always
enylng , "On , if I were just somewhere
else1 instead of letting folks know
where they were nnd what they had to
Boll. But thank fortune the business
men of these streets nro not nil of this
kind. On Howard street near 17th n
cnr load of gasoline stoves on the side
walk made nn encouraging sign of
thrift nnd trndo within. Justinsldo
the door the proprietor WUH intelligent
ly showing up the qualities of n Quick
Monl gasoline stove. The superior
qualities of this stove were made so ap
parent under his skillful manipulation
that the most skeptical must ac
knowledge them. Eight years ago a
representative of this paper predicted
that the proprietor of this store , then a
young man just nuoning a small hard
ware business , would in time own n
brick block and command a largo trade.
This prediction has been verified. This
gentleman now owns n three-story
brick nnd has ono of the finest stocks of
hardware , tinware , cook stoves , gaso
line stoves , ranges , refrigerators nnd
hoxtorsin ! _ Omaha. In company with
the proprietor , a tour of the establish
ment was made , disclosing n splendid
stock of goods. Ills stock occupies a
largo store room , besides two base
ments , 20x70 feet , the whole establish
ment being chock full of ranges , re
frigerators , cook stove , heaters ,
gasoline stoves , ots. The entire
stock is kept in first-class or
der , nnd will surprise nny visitor
by its completeness and volume "Last
year , " said the proprietor , "whilst no
less than 13 stove dealers failed in this
city , owing to enormous rents and the
lack of staying qualities in their goods.
I sold 223 of those Quick Meal gasoline
Btovos , one of which you saw mo sell to
that lady at the door , 123 of the round
oak heating stoves , 60 homo comfort
wrought iron ranges and 70 Cass cook
stoves and ranges , besides the usual vol
ume of other trade. "You boo , " contin
ued he , "I do not pay rcntandlbuy only
the boot goods , and those which have
been tried. I have sold my htoves for
years. You can find them in the homos
of the best people of Omaha , and every
one of them is a standing advertisement
for my stoves and my storo. I make my
Business a study , and as far as possible ,
master it. I know just what my stoves
will do , nnd am therefore not
nfraid to speak boldly of their superi
ority , and I can refer you to any in
telligent customer of mine who has
purchased a round oak heater , a homo
comfort range" , or n Quick Meal stove ,
nnd allow you to visit them alono. " A
short conversation and a little observa
tion brought the conviction that this
gentleman was thoroughly posted in all
that pertains to his business nnd that
ho understands the articles ho sells.
Just stop and think what this means to
you who buy a cook stove , a range or a
gasoline stove in particular. You
know nothing about what any of thorn
will do. You" are at the mercy of the
dealer. If ho is unscrupulous you are
sold in every sense of the word. But
nn intelligent dealer , whoso goods
are tried and guaranteed by ono
who is responsible you can
buy with confidence. The entry
of n bevy of ladies in quest of gasoline
stoves put an end to a pleasant visit.
At the risk of his displeasure the name
of this popular business man , who is as
modest ns ho is successful , is givon. A
visit to his store at 1021 Howard street
will convince any person that n good
stock and n business carried on on bus-
ness principles can bo found on a side
Btreot. Call in some day , and if Mr. W.
E. Stoot/ol , the proprietor , treats you as
royally as ho did his visitor yesterday ,
you will not regret it.
Auction , Auction.
On Tuesday , April 80 , at 10 o'clock n. 1013 Capital avenue , contents of
all-room house. Parlor and bed room
furniture , 200 yards carpets , gas fixt
ures , and everything usually found in
n first-class homo. Owner going to Cal
13. V. nioCartnoy.
The Elite Cloak and Suit Co.
Ladies suits , costumoo , teagownH ,
wrappers , etc. , etc.
Largo slock.
Select stylos.
Lowest prices.
C. It. Moore & Co.
Wo are offering pooled ewporatod
pouches at 00 , usual price 3 > 5c to 40c.
, Elegant evaporated apricots , 2Io.
Fine raisin cured prunes , lOc. Finest
imported prunes. 21c.
C. B , MOORE fi Co. ,
1515 Dod'go St. , Omaha.
Special nalo of handkerchiefs Monday
and Tuesday at Mrs. J. Benson's , loth
near Douglas at.
K' Haby Onrrlaiccs.
In the latest styles at IIowo , Kerr Si
Co. , 1610 Douglas st.
Auction nt Itnotdonoe
2010 Davenport sU , Monday , 10 a. m.
Fine Dcfkor upright nliuioj cost $ ( ioO ;
parlor suit , bookcaso'hall tree , line ex
tension tahlo. bedroom suits , dining
room and Uitchon furniture , otu.
Tuesday next , April 30 , having boon
declared a legal holiday by act of con
gress and prouhinmllon of'tho president
of the United States , the banks will he
closed for business on that day. All
paper maturing on that day will become
como duo and payable on Monday *
April I'd. W. II. S. HUGH US.
Manager Clour ) ng Houfa.o.
Rov. Davis Errott , state S. S. ovan-
CO lUt , will occupy tlio pnlplt of tin :
COWi ulnut Hill eiuroli ) both morning' nnd
K. lMcCartney. .
Tlio Klilo Cloak and Suit Co.
Ladles suits , conlumcs , icagouns
Wrappovs , oto. , oto ,
'L.nrgo ' stock.
Soloot btylcs.
'Lowest prices.
Auction ,
"Wo wlllioll , oil' ' Wcdncbdtiy , Mny 1
t our store , No. 110 N , 1 llli St. , a large
nd Uno lot of furnitures consisting u
'bedroom suits , carpet , parlor and din
lug room suits.
r. Co.
Spcolnl Ilnrgnlns For Monday.
Eophyr ginghams worth 12JC , on Mon
day , 6c yd. Imported novollioa In
ginghams nt 2oc , 30cioo and 40c yd.
\pron chocked ginghams Go tuul ( Ijo
yard. Now dress style gingham , OJc ,
"jo , 8c and lOo ynrd. Imported and
American sutcons , the latest styles out ,
md tlio lowest prices to ho found nt
Hnydons' . Our stock of whlto dross
roods is full of bargains of every dis >
crlptinn , plnin , striped , chocked or
novelties , ranging in price from Go to
76o n yard. 200 win to bed spreads , oxtrn
argo , nt $1.00 , worth Sl.CO. IOO 11-t-sizo
vhlto Mixrsoilcs bed spreads , reduced
o SI. 00 each. { all linen napkins ,
vorth $1.60 , only Sl.OO doz. J nil linen
dinner napkins , Sl.Si ) ado/ . Table linen
nt JJ'Jcloo , 60o , 05o and 75o yard , nil ox-
rn good value. Turkey red table dam
ask nt IGc , 25o , 85c and 45c yard. Clml-
ios nt 5c , Oc , 7jc and 20c yard. Batista
nt 7io nml 12-io yard , Plain , chocked
or striped seersuckers nt lOo yard.
Plain colors in French cambrics at lUjo
yard. Fancy striped skirtings , lee
; nrd. Now colors nnd styles in fancy
colored curtain bcrim at lOc , lUJc nnd 16o
rnrd. Lace curtain not at 8c , lOe and
UJcyard. Lace curtains nt ( i5c , 7Gc ,
We , $1.00 , $1.25 , 81.85 , 81.60 , $1.76 , $1.5)0 ) ,
' 2. etc. n pair. Compare them with
others and you will BOOH discover that
'ou can save big money by trading at
laydon's. Wo are giving great bar
gains in carpets of every description ,
ugs , oil cloths , straw mattings , etc. ;
Ino baby carriages , high chairs , rockers -
ors , wheel barrows , velocipodns , croquet
sot , etc. , at prices that can not be dupli
cated. Carpet warp in all colors. Wall
inpor from 2c n roll up to $4 n roll.
'Mrst class paper hangers furnished if
This week wo will offer the best ba r-
gains in shoos over shown in Omaha.
Wo will have our big bale on slippers
continued. Ladies patent tip kid Ox-
'ord ties , 81 and $1.25. Tan goat ties ,
$1 and $1.2o , and $1.60. Our $4.60 hand-
turned Dongold kid shoos this week ,
only $8. Misses best Tampnco goat
shoos , only $1.76 , spring too and heel
worth $2.50. Wo have some small
n best Uongola kid which wo will close
it $2.25 , every pair warranted. Wo are
leadquartors for children's shoes nnd
wigwam slippers. HAYDEN BROS. ,
Dry Goods , Shoes and Carpets.
Piano tuning1 at IIospo's.
Those expecting to build should ex
amine Adamant wall plaster and save
money. Olllco 404 Paxton building.
The now Commercial bank will bo
clustered with Adamant Wall Plaster.
- _
I'innos to Ilcnt.
A good upright piano to rent , $5 per
month. A. IIospo , jr. , 1518 Douglas st.
Only 47 Hours to Now ? ork Via the
Wnunsli ,
With corresponding fast time to all
> oints east and south. An elegant train
, vith reclining chair cars and Pullman
Juliet sleeping car leaves Omaha daily
it 4:15 : p. m. One way and round trip
.ickets are now on sale to Liverpool ,
Lion don , Paris and all parts of Europe
via all lines at lowest rates. For further
nformation or tickets call at the Wti-
jush ticket oflico , 1502 Farnam street ,
Via Omaha and Council Bluffs.
Short line to Chicago and the oast.
Finest dining cars in the world.
Through stooping cars to Chicago.
The route of the llrst "Golden Gate
Special. "
Everything first-class.
First-class people patronize first-class
Ticket agents everywhere in the west
sell tickets over the Chicago , Milwau
kee & St. Paul railway.
Ticket oflico 1501 Farnam st. F. A.
Nash , General Agent.
Adamant wall plaster has been or
dered by A. W. Phelps , the contractor ,
for his now homo in North Omaha.
Dr. J. II. Peabody , ofllcoat residence ,
909 Capitol avenue , after May 1. Tole-
none , 125. _
Finrtley < fe Shields , architects , room
49 , Chaniborof Commerce , Omaha.
A Now Meat Marker.
E. C. Gallar has opened one of the
finest meat markets in the city at No.
. " 22 North Eighteenth street , in the J.
C. Woimor bloolc. corner of Chicago.
Mr. Gallar is thoroughly experienced
in his line , and proposes to servo noth
ing but' the choicest cuts. lie has fitted
up his place in an exceedingly neat
manner , the counters being of marble ,
while hia refrigerator is probably the
finest in the city , the air changing in it
every throe minutes. A firot-class meat
market in this location can not fail to
receive a largo patronage.
Special sale of handkerchiefs Monday
and Tuesday at Mrs. J. Benson's , 15th
near Douglas st.
Gnntleinoii ofTnate
Don't fail to see the elegant now fix
tures , the latest modern style , all mir
rors , light onk cabinet work , the hnnd-
Eomcbt lint store in the west , equal to
any in the east. It is worth u call , at
Frederick & Co.'s , Croighton Block , 120
South loth , near postolllco.
At Polity ,
400 North 16th street. Pure milk broad
n specialty. Fresh every day. Ice
cream delivered promptly to order.
- | , .
Ilaydcn Bros , on joyed .a most excel
lent trade Saturday , and among other
largo sales sold a fan for $ * > ( > . Although
thov do not make..suoh biilos every day
they can make tlioin. Sol. Davidson
was the purchaser.
C. If. .Mooro * Co.
Having just newly lltlod ui > our btore
wo now claim the neatest , the cleanest ,
the most elegant titoro of the kind west
of Chicago , The best goods , the lowest
prices , tlio most prompt delivery. Buy
the IJEST GOODS at "MOORE'S" for
the least money and you and your fam
ily will bo happw
O. 13. MOORE & CO. ,
1615 Dodge street , Omaha.
tucemcntH In Ocean Tickets
Special excursions to Paris , Franco ,
oailiujf from New York on May 1 , Juno
fi , r.nd July 10. For further information
inquire nt C. M. ft St. P. ticket otllco ,
1501 rnrmun St. , Barker block.
Hard Wood.
Twelve and sbitccn-innh hard wood.
MOUNT & Giiirn.svM3 S. llth St.
Iicavcu Tnls Afioninnn for Cliicnto ,
At 1 o'clock the Burlington Fast Vos-
tabulo Express , composed of Pullman
Palace .Sleeping Oars , ( furnislictl with
well-selected llbrarlos , hot and cold
wiUor in lavatories , etc. ) , Free Reclin
ing Chair Cars and famous Burlington
Houtu Dlninj ; Can * . Borvlnj ; dinner this
civoiilug and breakfast to-morrow morii-
iii { , ' boftiro arrival in Chicago at 8:20. :
B" t train for the east. Makes few
btops ami is alwayr. on time. Ticket
ollleo 1223 Furnuiu at. Telephone 250.
Silks , Velvets nnd I'liiRtirs.
Just received the famous Ungaltn
silks. Those silks are well Known in
this market , nnd our prices nro the
lowest over made. Rognlta silks nt
7Go , 80c , 85c , f)0o ) , $1.00 , $1.25 nnd $1.50 ,
former price 81.25 to S2.76 ; Armuro
roynl , 81.00 nnd 81.85 ; French faille ,
Sl.'OO. $1.25 nnd $1.85 ; satin rhadamas ,
76c , jl.OO nnd $1.85 ; surrah silks in nil
shndos , 48c , ( We , 76o nnd 85c : sublime
morio silks , $1.00 , 81.25 nnd $1.45 , worth
81.50 to $1.76. Fine black dross goods nt
special prices. Henriettas , 46c , 60o ,
6io : , 65c , COc , 05o to $1.25 ; silk' wrap
Henriettas , 85c , $1.00 , $1.25 to $2.00 , 40
per cent under value. A largo lot of
Dlnck goods remnants regardless to
Pin stripe suiting IGc , worth 25c ; 80-
inch invisible chocks 20c yd ; 88-inch
French Henriettas 29c , worth 60c ; 48-
nch French Henriettas , all colors , 46c ;
48-inch all wool , full cloth , gray ana
; ans , GOc ; wool brllliantlncs GOc ; fancy
French stripes GOc , worth 76c ; French
challlos 55c ; now ofTocts in fancy weaves
55c , 09c and 76c , awful cheap. Very sty
lish Bide band suitings at $7.75 , equal to
$14 suits.
Ladies suits , wraps , cloaks , jerseys
and shawls , drossy nnd stylish spring
shawls , $1.7 ! , $1.85 nnd $2.16. imported
, o soil at $8 to $5. Black cashmere
beaded fischus $1.95 , $2.60 and $8.75.
[ mportcd jackets $2.28 , $2.115 , $2.84 nnd
58.16 , very stylish nnd cheap. Fancy
wraps $12.60 and $16 , worth $25. Bcauti-
'ul cream front beaded jerseys $2.50.
Monday wo plnco on silo our entire line
imported pattern hnts at special prices.
Remember wo are showing the largest
line of line wall paper in the city nt
lowest prices.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
E. F. McCartney.
The Elite Cloak and Suit Co.
Ladies suits , costumes , tcagowns ,
wrappers , otc. , otc.
Largo stock.
Select styles.
Lowest prices.
The Black \VliltcT\vlna Found at
lopeka , IC.1IIHU4.
Will Lawlor , manager of the Eden
Musco , is always on the search for
something interesting in the way of
freaks and attractions for his popular
place of amusement , and ho generally
succeeds. Lawlor's latest is n pair of
twinsone of which is pure white and
the other jet black. This is regarded
as the greatest freak in existence. The
twins will bo on exhibition at the
Muboo for one week beginning to-mor
row. Speaking of his ronrirknblo find
to a Bui : representative , Manager
Lawlor said : "Well , when t was in
Topcka with the Barnum show some
years ago , I heard about n wonderful
pair of twins somewhere in the city ,
but I had no time to look them up. I
heard about them again several weeks
ago and concluded , to run over and BOO
them , which I did , and found them
more of n curiosity than I expected.
One of the twins is n boy , black as coal ,
the other u beautiful little girl with
snow white hair and pink eyes ; a per
fect Albino , and the only case on
rpcord where an Albino has boon
born of colored parents. The
father and mother of the twins
are both very dark , the father
being several shades darker
than the mother. Tlio children are
both bright , smart and handsome , and
I am naturally elated in being the first
ono to put them on exhibition. When
I went to the house tlio fast time to got
the children , there was a largo gather
ing of colored people , seemingly deter
mined to keep me from taking the
children. Ono man threatened to
"shoot a largo hole through ino , " as lie
said , and another man had a paving
stone with which ho said ho would
knock out my oyos. I finally made ray
o&capo with the mother and children ,
while the men in the party wore having
free-for-all themselves.
a - - fight among
The windows in the hack wore broken ,
but that was all the damage done and I
consider that I got off with my usual
luck. The colored beoplo seemed to
think I was going to take the children
back into slavery again.
"This incident forcibly reminds mo
of a similar occurrence which happened
in 1884 , when I was on my way to the
world's fair at Now Orleans. Like
many others , I started for Louisiana
with a big com puny , and ono night at
Baloxi , Miss. , I was informed by the
local manager that as soon as our show
was oyer the colored people wore going
to have a church festival and ball in
the same room. The principal feature
of the afternoon , however , was n "cnko
walk , " a ring being placed in n largo
cake which was on exhibition. The
colored Romeos , each with his blushing
Juliet , appeared when the lloor was
cleared , and marching around the
room , seeing which could walk the
prottic&t. 1 being a stranger and the
manager of the "white men" show , was
chosen as tho-judgo. and awarded the
prize to a very handsome mulatto girl ,
as graceful as she was pretty. Unknown
to mo , unfortunately , it seemed that
her reputation was not such as C.-usor
wanted his wife to possess , and when
my decision was rendered n "kick" was
nuulo by nearly every ono in the hall.
The cake was destroyed and the more
boislrous of the party wanted some of
my gore. I gradually worked my way
to the staircubo leading to the band
bland on the second lloor. Once there ,
I murmured "Now I lay mol1' and
jumped. The ground being soft. I was
uninjured , and I ran for a big lumber
yard near the hall , whore I remained
for several hours , when I rejoined my
companions nt tha hotel , who were won-
doridg what had become af mo. .
They Arc iho Most IntorcHtluj ; In
Amnricii and Outrival the Hilda.
"The buds , " says Rustan , "nro a nine
days' woiulornnd are much talked of for
that space of time , but it is the women
past thirty who are the most interesting
In America , They socm to have the gift
of eternal youth , and at fifty are more
tigrcuablo-loking than the women of
any other country. * '
Miss Helen Buckwith , of this city , is
among the women past thirty who quito
hold their own against the debutantes ,
writes a Now York correspondent.
She is thirty-eight , nnd Is not only
very rich , but very beautiful , and so
fascinating that she attracts more atten
tion from men than the younger women.
Mine. Barrio3tho widow of the Into
President of Guatemala , is thirty and
has bevoii children , but she holds a
little court where admirers throng , nnd
worship , metaphorically , ut her feet.
Mrs. Marshall O. Roberts is another
beautiful woman past thirty , and the list
might bo indefinitely lengthened.
Tlio vyomon-killers of Europe who
have come over hero have shown n con
spicuous preference for these elderly
Mnrlborough , who spent a season at
Newport , snubbed nil the young fry
there , though they resolutely placed
themselves In his way , and chose to
upend hlHtimo with Mrs. Paran Stevens ,
dashing nnd forty , nnd other veteran
belles. ; nnd other men of wit nnd
lit jo done the same thing.
N. It. Fntocinor.
On Monday morning two will plnco on
sale tlio cheapest Uno of black Inco
flouncing over oITorofl by us.
IB-lii. nil silk full pattern flouncing nt
81.H5. worth $2.
40Mn nil silk full pattern flouncing nt
$1.73 , worth $3.
44-in. nil silk full pattern flouncing nt.
$2. worth $3.25.
41-iu. ul.1 silk full pattern flouncing nt
$2.60. worth $8.60.
11-iii. nil Billc full pattern flouncing nt
$3.75 , worth $5.
Some special bargains will bo offered
in black Brussels nets , tlsh nets , tosca
notannd llcrurod drapery nets.
At $1.25 nn elegant line of tntln ,
moire nnd pin striped parasols , worth $5.
At $2 lace covered and shot silk para
sols , worth $7.50.
At $1 wo will sell all our $13.60 para
sols. These prices nro not near the
value ; but , as wo want to clear out this
, ot , wo don't consider prices an ob
ject , nnd ns usual give the benefit to
our friends. The great embroidery
nnd corset sale will bo continued all
.his weak on our second lloor. Take
Visit our drapery department on the
-bird lloor. Wo will oiler special in
ducements in Nottingham , Madras nnd
Swiss curtains.
Mail orders promptly filled.
Moore , tlio Grocer.
[ las good wagons , horses , harness , tea ,
splco and colVeo cans and mill for sale.
C. B. MOORE & CO. ,
1515 Dodge street , Omaha.
Wonderful nnd Animin I'lnytlilncn
Soon to bo Put Out ,
Now York Special : "Tho phonograph
graph promises to ntTord as much ro-
crontion to children as it does interest
to grown folks , " so said M. P. Handy ,
the European manager of the great cor
poration which now controls the phonograph
graph and graphophono industry.
"You have hoard of the phonographic
doll if you have not ns yet seen onebut
unless you have scon" it you can form
no idea of how naturally and charming
ly it talks , laughs , cries and sings. This
is the first atop in a long line of phonographic
graphic toys upon which our inventors
nro now at work. When those are put
upon the market they will create a ,
wonderful sensation. Among thorn
may bo mentioned phonographic
animals. These are toys made
out of paper - macho , paste
board , composition and other
material , each and all of which are
strong and durable. Each animal con
tains in his interior a phonograph
which when sot in motion produces all
the natural cries of the original. There
is a cat that purrs , meows , spits and
caterwauls in the most approved style ;
a horse that neighs and wiiinnies ; a'dog
that barks , bnaps and howls , and n sheep
that bleats in n way that would deceive
the mother owe. By using a moga-
phonic attachment the amount of noise
may bo increased to any desired extent.
Much more interesting1 nro tlio phonographic
graphic birds ; wo have secured the
melodies of the lark , the I'nnet , finch ,
robin and canary bird , and can repro
duce thorn indefinitely. With canary
birds the success is notable. Wo have
preserved in metal the entire repertoire
of a number of the finest bred and
and highest priced birdsMn tlio market ,
and by combining the song of two or
throe into ono whole we have an arti
ficial canary that will outsing
any natural ono whatever. The
phonographic orchestra and the phonographic
graphic miniature theater are also
novelties to bo soon produced. In the
former a band of little images dressed
up in glaring military colors is seated
on the stage as in some great concert or
stood around a drum-major as on n par-
ado. The moment the phonograph is
sot _ going each little musician movoj
his hands and instruments in the nat
ural style , while the cylinder inside re
produces the music of a full orchestra
with startling fidelity. In the theater
wo can reproduce all the spoken parts
of the play. "Another novelty that is
half a toy and half a luxury will bo a
great boon to nil mothers whoso young
children insist on being sung to before
going to sleep. It is n phonograph into
which a lady has sung her best songs at
her leisure and which is placed near the
crib or cradle. A mere touch upon a
spring starts the machinery and gives
the child as much music as ho or she
may want. A singular feature of the
phonograph is the fact that if the speed
of the mechanism bo increased the
pitch of the voice it reproduces is
heightened , and , on the other hand , if
it bo slow the pitch is lowered. At the
same time the character of the voice is
not changed in the least. This odd pe
culiarity enables a man to hear how his
voice would sound if ho had been born
a high tenor like Cnmpanini or iho
young girl if she had boon born a basso-
profundo. " FALKS CuiiTlS.
A daughter of the late Dr. Franklin
A. Ellis , is on her way to Now Bedford
to claim the fortune her father loft nt
his death , which occurred in Nuntuckot
fout years ago.
Dr. Ellis was n dashing young adven
turer in 1859 , and ho journeyed through
the south , teaching school at ono time
and practicing dentistry at another.
Finally ho married the daughter of a
Tennessee planter. At the outbreak of
the war the plantation and slaves wore
sold and Ellis and his wife wont to
Illinois. There , it is alleged , Ellis
abandoned his wife , coining east with
the proceeds of the sale of his wife's
In 18(12 ( Ellis turned up in Nantuckct ,
where ho commenced to practice under
the name of Dr. Augustus Franklin
Hero he became engaged to a young
lady of the town , but as the wedding
day approached , ho suddenly disap
peared , returning about the year 1870
and resuming his practice , under the
family name of Ellis. Ho died in 1885
nnd loft an estate of about $30,000which
was divided among three sisters , liv
ing at Munson , .In this state , and Or
ange , N. J.
Meanwhile the deserted wife had
given birth to a daughter , with whom
she returned to Tontiossoo. where she
eventually married n second time , The
fninily returned to Alabama , where the
daughter was at length Uiscovercd.
The principal witnessrtn the case is n
western man named Cleveland , who
traveled with Ellis in the south , and
claims to have witnessed the marriage.
Ellis' will provided tnaftho residue of
his estate , nftor paying u few minor bequests -
quests , should go to "his hoirs-at-law , "
without Bpocifying who they were.
Allen Coflln , the administrator , has at
tached the property of the sisters for
his own protection. The case will bo
tried nt Tnuntou.
Colonel Sliepnnl'i ) Modesty.
ChicagoTrlUuno : Editor of the New
York Mail nnd Express ( to assistant )
How many really flr t-oluss appoint
ments yet remain to bo filled by Presi
dent Hnrrifaon ?
Assistant I don't know of any that I
consider half-way ilrst-clnss.
Editor Then run in a strong , em
phatic , unmistakable announcement
that under no consideration would the
editor of this paper accept any otllco
within the gift of the president.
Itnjrdcn Bros.
100 doz. Indies' fancy hose pin stripes
nnd ropulnr made , only IGc per pair ,
worth 25c ; children's foreign hosiery ,
double solos , 15o per pair , worth 40c ; In
dies' brilliant Hslo hose 25c , reduced
from GOc ; I. fc N. Morloy's English
hosiery in Indies' snnitnry blacks only
II5i per pair , worth GOc ; children's fast
blacx hose nnd double knees only 25o
per pair , worth 60c ; 1 case of children's
flhndoa , only lOo per pnir , worth 26c ; In
dies' heavy pure silk mitts only 89o per
pair , others ask GOc ; Indies' fine Jersey
ribbed vests , silk trimmed nnd tied
on nock with ribbononly 25o , worth60 ? .
Wo hnvo sold more parasols this season
than nil the other houses put together ,
because our prices have been just about
half what others ask. 1 case ofroll ! )
bustles , with pad , only 20c each. Attend
our corset oalo , Monday ; wo will put on
sale 60 doz corsets' at 8io ) per pr , worth
76c. A long-wnistcd French woven corset -
sot , 76c , worth $1.25. Dr. Warner's Sun
rise corset , 75c , worth $1.00Vo will
open up , Monday morning , nnd put on
sale 100 doz fine Swiss nnd lawn aprons ;
your choice for 25o , each worth GOc. In
fants' short nnd long dresses nt nbout
half the regular price.
Bargains in wall paper. Wo have just
received another car load.
Dry Goods , 10th st.
Ono Wan Gi.-or o Gould nnd Another
WAR n Itrnkcmati nn Ills Road.
A few dnvs ngo , hnpponing in the
Grand Central Station , I saw n young
man leaning against n car brake chat
ting In the most cordial way to n brakeman -
man , writes the Now York correspond
ent of the Boston Globe. The employe
were the uniform of servitude : b4g
smutty gloves were on his hnnds. his
blue coat was darned that it might last
n few weeks longer , and the brass but
tons had been polished almost smooth
by constant service. His pay was $50 a
The young man who chatted with him
was a black-eyed , faint-mustaohod chap ,
with skin bronzed like an Arab's and
tooth that glistened like an opera
singer. Ho were n brown overcoat , a
brown derby hat and trowsers of lighter
color , and his arm was hooked about n
good-sized bundle done up with a news
paper. Ho was well dressed , but well
dressed because neatly but inconspicu
ously drosbcd. Ho were no gloves , and
there was an ink stain upon the fore
finger of the right hand. Now iho
brnkonmn was Johnny , or Billy , or
Tommy somebody , and the young man
who chatted with him was George
The br.akeman received less in a year
than young Gould makes in n day. But.
so far us appearances wont , the two
young men had found a common level
and met on it. Gould was learning
something from a man who know more
about some details of running railroads
than ho did , and the brakeman so far
was the bettor man of the two , and
Gould lot him know that his superiority
was acknowledged. By and by , when
the chat ended , Gould sauntered away ,
like a man who had mot an old friend ,
nnd the brakeman took up his duties
like a man who had met another on even
term *
uJLA/i HI vliI.LJU )
Will read from his own work ,
on Monday evening. April 27 , at
Washington Hall , Corner iSth
and Harney Street.
Admission 7Sc. Tickets for sale
at Max Meyer & Bro.
Nicoirs t
f You like that ?
? You know it means dollars !
i You're sure you are not j
paying some other fellow's A
J tailor bill. - A
4 You believe tailoring ?
J should be paid for as ?
T promptly as bread
g Cash means to you 1905
f cents value for your dollar.
t And a bright and briskly f
I moving stock. J
It means to us I
The biggest , best and *
most satisfactory tailor ! ng |
. business in existence. f
j You'll ' save fromQ ! to $20 J
f a suit f
$20 , $25 aid $30 $ if
enough fora splendid madef
to order suit at Nicoll's f
Open evenings till July f
* i . _ _ T
t 1409 Douglas Street , Omaha J
1'lnetcrora' Union.
A mooting of the Plnstorora' union
will tnko mnco nt U o'clock Sunday nf-
tornoon nt tholr Imll , cor. 14th nnd
Douglas , to take action on the funeral
of J. J. Ilurbort. All labor organiza
tions are invited to bo present.
Canon City coal. 87 nor ton.
Nebraska luol Co. , 214 South 18th St.
Woclnostlny , Mny 1st.
Positively Ono Night Only.
And Ills Comedy Compnny , In
Snloof soixtsbcfilns Mommy mornliig.Anrll ZiUh ,
Hn.m. 1'rlces All box scats anil the. llflecn
rows In orchestra , Jl.r > 0 : all other orchestra
clmlrs. nnd llrst tlirvo TO\Y.H In balcony (1 ; nil
other balcony clinlrs , 7Goj Knllcry , 25c.
Friday nnd Saturday KvotiltiKs and Saturday
Mnllnou , MayUrd and 4th.
In tlio new and cxrocillnclr lionullful spectacular
Irlati Drumn.
Kmtmtrd upon tlio 1-oeomli
Itiniihl nuiilcl IIIT Ititina liuntianil nee
( In All llnllnw ll'on , 'Inceii two an 1 thrco
Let lior na H'O ne , if tlio moon In tirliilit
Anil lout In tliucll on Cumiun'a lleiKUt
A Nlagnrn of Ronl Wntor. Wonderful
Moohnnloal Effects.
Irish Sonus , n Conulna IrUli 1'lpor , IrHh Dnncoi
Tlio 1 umoin Ivy Lent ( , 'inirtot.
Regular prices , boats on snlo Ttiursilny morning.
Two Nights Only , Vriday nnd Saturday ,
May L'd and h.
A Sconlo Haprcsentatlon of this wonderful
book will be ( jlvi'ti on the nbovo ilntes for the
llrst time In Onmhii. Its most Interesting inuts
uill bo faithfully reproduced by menus of
Drninntic Kcnilings , 20 Tableaux Yivnnt ,
Oriental Costumes nnd Scenery.
UHAUTirUIj STAcn ni'KKCTS. Crowded
houses ulieiever Klven. The I'linilnt Haco
\\111 bo one interc tliiR featiuo. lleftulur iitlcu.
Sale of Sents opens May "d.
lMP4aMa * * W MIM < M ttafc- - *
Wednesday Evening , May 1.
Under the personal direction of Itcrr ItolnrlcU
Courted , In Adolpli Mueller's HtmmnUo BpoclAo
ulnr Opera ,
108 nrtlsts. cnclmntltiR music , delicious wnlta
movements , liowlMerlnRly beiuitltul
inixrcheR. VIeutm inay
I'rlcps rnrauct find circle , $ l.r > 0 ! balcony , JlI
general admission , tl and 76cj Knllcry. 25c.
Violin Recital and Con cert
OVIDK MVS1N , Tlio Oreixt Violin Vhtuoto.
Assisted liy Illn Own Company.
I'rima Donna Soprano.
. . . . . Tlio Orent Lyric Tenor.
KMV1N M. SHONhUT , The Kmluoiit Haulst.
Y. M , C. A. HALL ,
Thursday Evening , April 30th ,
Umlor the Auspices of
The Ladies' Musical Society ,
April 29 A Summer In Spain nnd Morocco ,
April 3O HelKHim and Holland.
May ! 3--Vcnlco , Milan nnd the Italian States ,
May 14 Mlclmol Angulo.
Mny IB 1'lcturesqu.o Ireland.
Course Tickets . $2.60
Single Admission . 75
MONDAY , UDDTT 90 3,1/1 ,
TUESDAY , Al lULi Z" dilU
XS' * _ - ft .sjy " " _ ' , „ $
* > < * *
I y/ / v\ * * * * ji
V *
l >
i Til 52 !
Miss Adclo Belgar-tlo and Miss Stella Uonifiieo.
Monday evening ' -THE MOUNTEBANK. " "
Tuesday evening "DAMON AND PYTHIAS. ' '
Notwithstanding the brilltinuy of this engagement , the regular prices of the
Grand will prevail. Box ollico now open for the sale of reserved Beats. t
Week Commencing Monday , April 29.
Puronoll to the Uubmnrlno Diver ,
-S3 S
S-55 ' S
strangest Freak on Earth 7 years old. One pure white ; the
other coal black ,
THE HERODIAN MYSTERY , the most marvelous
of marvels.
of acrobats and gymnasts. ,
from Wax every conceivable Flower that beautifies Field ,
Garden and Hot House.
will be a special feature on Saturday afternoon for the Littlq
The Eminent Actor and Author ,
And his Talented Comedy Co. , supporting the charming sou-
brcttc , MISS MINNA KEANE.inthe new farce comedy ,
entitled "R.ixxle Dazzle. "
Elegant Costumes ! Beautiful Scenery ! Pretty Girls ! Catchy
Songs. Remember the Souvenirs on FRIDAY for theLadic9/
and SATURDAY for the Children.
Musee Open Daily 1 to 10 p , m , Hourly Eilertaiiniients ,