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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1889)
n THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY Ag.lilL % J 8-BIXTEEN PAGES. \ l - * * m m mH * m imm * * * * * * * mmtm'f * fti-'ini4riVl 't * < 1 in- - i 1 minr-n r rrr i - THE DAILY BEE , COUNOJLTBLTJFFS. L OFFICK. NO 12 i n 6THEI3T. Btllrercdby cnrrlr In Any Putt of hoCltyiv Twenty Cents 1'cr Week. II. W. Tll/ION. . . . MANAOKJl. THLKPHONKSt JIUMNKfifl OFFICE No. 43. Nionr KniToit , No. St. M1NOU MKMTJON. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Building permits to the extent of 121,006 yroro issued yesterday by the rlty clerk. City Treasurer Spetman paid out over 150,000 last week most of It on special cer tificates. Anton lllnk Is confined to his bed by a Bcrious Illness. Yesterday there wns llttlo change In his condition. Yesterday afternoon the water connections we're made In Bnyllss' park , and that bcnuti- Jul spot will bo regularly watered hereafter. The Upper Broadway and Main street cir cuits were thrown last evening and now tliti business streets of the city are seen under the glare of electric light. The uniforms for Odoll Bros. ' ball team have arrived and wcro on exhibition at Bush- noil's yesterday. They are bounties and the boys are pleased with the prospect of a ilno suit. Benedict Hagg Is tearing down the old building at No. 123 Broadway. . Hovlll erect n fine brlok store which , when completed , will bo occupied by J. M. Scanlan , the butcher. The council held a quiet meeting last night , and passed an ordinance defining the talus of saloons and bawdy houses. These are to bo rated as disorderly , and their owners subject to fine. The city Jail has long been noted for the Variety of its smells. It has now added anew now smell , ono not noticeable there for some time In that of new paint. It will soon bo lost among the old smells though , . , Justice Schurz tied another matrimonial knot yesterday afternoon. The happy pair were Jauic ? Watklns and Ltick Gruin , both Of this city. Thomas H. Evans and Bridget O'Hara were granted the necessary license. The case of the stnto against M. C. Campbell - , bell will bo called In Justice Bnrnett's court to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. A woman or two , a revolver , jealous husband , highly colored lights and darkest shadows are con comitants enough to muko a strong scene and they will all bo there. Mr. Pat Sweeney and his friends fool that , BII Injustice has been done him by the police reporters chronicling him ns being lined for being ( Inink. Ho was complained of for carrying concealed weapons , but this was dismissed and ho was not callc'd upon to con tribute anything to the city's treasury. Sherman Shaum , who has been so long ill , died yesterday morning ut 2 o'clock at the Weston House. The body was taken cast by his mother last evening , his old homo being in Columbus Junction. Tha Odd Fellows have been faking care of their unfortunate brother , and have done nobly by him. Ho leaves a small estate of which L. Blcdcrman lias been made administrator. Council BlutTs Lodge No. 270 ( Lovnl ) A. O. U. W. , moots in G. A. R. hall , svory Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Notice the bijr ad. of Santo Rosa , then Bee Porogoy & Moore and got the finest Brooke of your lifo. For $25.00 The N ! Y. Plumbing Co. will put a lead service pipe and hydrant In your yard ; also 60 foot extra hose. Call at once at 114 Main street. Rooms to rent in the Merriam block. 6. B. Wndsworth & Co. , 1230 Main street. O J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 B'dway Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundrv Co. * * Headquarters lor builders' hardware , 'Odoll & Bryant , 513 Main stroot. Real estate loans , F. J. Day , 39 Pearl. * The Santo Rosa beats all. Personal E. E. McDowell , of Fairbury , Mo. , and R. W. Richards , of St. Paul , are registered at the Ogden. Mrs. A. K. Houghton returned homo last evening from California , where she has been Visiting relations. W. D. Elmer , csq. , has been called to his old homo in Davenport , la. , * by tin serious illness nf a sister. E. F. Clayton , of Chnppoll , Nob. , and M. _ V. Ulackburn , of DCS Molnes , were among the guests at the Ucchtclo house yestcrdny. Mr. Pettlgrew , editor of the Western Horseman , of Omaha , was in the city yes terday and attended the races at Union park. ' Captain HIcht has so fur recovered from the effects of his Into illness as to bo out of doors. Considering the disease , bis recovery to health is almost miraculous. W. G. Nusoti returned homo yesterday from Washington territory. Ha bus located * at Yakima , which ho thinks will bo the cap ital of tbo now stato. Ho if much pleased with tbo country and its climate , and sug- ccsts vho possibility nf making that bis fu ture homo. Lake Mnnawa Hallway Co. will run. trains every 25 minutes this ( Sunday ) afternoon. 1 Time table will appear in Tim Bun May I. < F. C. Hnui ) . . Dr. C. C. Hnzon , dentist , Opera house tlock. At ) S. Chase will exterminate goph ers and rats from farms and private res idences for the BcnBon for $5 and up- "wards. Work warranted. Address Ab 6. Chase , Council Bluffs , In. Notlco the beautiful finish given col lars , culTs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. The I'rlca 1'ootn. Out of the twenty-live who responded to the invitation to compote for a season ticket , ns advertised in TUB BKK , the following has boon awarded the pri/.o : Would'sttho behold Yosomlto In all its grand sublimity ) Or would'st ihou cross the raging main And visit Holland. Ireland , Spain i Then place thyself in UUUN'S care And soon with him Ihou wilt bo there. Most skillful guide and highly rated Are bis line lectures illustrated Of scones abroad that wo may view , As Amsterdam and Waterloo. "The cost of trip ! > ' ( Pray do not laugh ) 'Tis Just ono dollar and a half. To the opera house then we'll wend our way * The 4th , GUi , Oth and 17th of May. Blank books made to order. Can fur nish patent binding for parties wishing the snine. Cull nnd see samples at room J , Everett block , Pearl street. MOItKHOUSK & CO. Notice to Water Consumers. Water rents nro now duo and payable at ofileo , 114 Main street. COUNCIL BI.UKHS CITY WATKH WoitKB Co. S , B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything ' of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s 'loan ofllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , unu all other articles of value , without removal , All business strictly confi dential. Lost Friday moniinff , between this city unii Oinulin , n box containing two lipta from Ullsa1. Leiivo ut Bin : ofllco pouncil Bluffs. Reward , JupanoBQ straw mattings , in nove effect , at Council Bluffs Carpet Co. SPORT ON THE RACE COURSE The Driving Park Furnlohoa Amuso- monb For a Orowd. THE TEMPLES OF WORSHIP , Police to no Mounted PyUiInn Sis- ICM llcnl Kstato More * A. Crazy . VnK. Tlio Mntlncu For Steeds. Yesterday was anything but n g-ood rnclng day , us the wind blew llttlo less tlmn a gale , and the temperature was much lower than is conducive to fast time. Notwithstanding heso facts , a good sized crowd assembled at Jnlon park to witness the speed contest that md been arranged for the afternoon. Sov- crnl changes were announced in the pro gramme , the 2I3 : ! trot being declared off mill next Saturday , on account of the $ . " > 00 flvo-imlo match race , which was expressly to nlto place between Omaha horses. The Judges were Theodore Uray , Colonel W. F. Sapp and Colonel U. 11. Dalley. riiomaa Hswniun and J. T. Stewart acted as witnesses. , The first race of the afternoon was a half mile running duth for a inirso of00. . There were live entries , but only three .starters. They drew positions as follows : Donovan , . 'mine Queen and Uoo Frnim. These posl- Ions were held to the finish. The race was very Interesting , the horses running well to- getner throughout. Donovan was not urged , and won by a neck in 51 seconds. Next catno the roadster race , open to all lorses without a record , owners to drive. There wcro llvo entries and all started. They drew the following positions : Tom , entered by E. A. Wlcldiarn , llrst ; Billy W. , entered by Lucius Wells , second ; Copt. Ashby , entered by Win. llntts , third ; .lltn Pnxton , entered by J. L. Pnxton. fourth ; Golddust , entered by Dr. F. S. Seyhcrt , fifth. The llrst heat wns n very fair exhibi tion of trotting , pacing and running. Ashby took first honors on the trotting , Hilly on the pacing and 1'om on the running. Gold- lust proved to bo first-rate trailer and hold .lint position to the llntsh. The race was be tween Hilly and Asliby. The former waa very speedy and in good condition , and had things his own way. Ho won easily in 2:53 : , Ashby second , Pnxton third. Tom fourth. There were but four starters in the second heat , GoldUust being drawn. It wns a line race between 11 Illy , Ashby and Paxton. The J'ho latter showed up well at the half and forged to the lead when Kid left his feet. The load v/us hold but a short time , how ever , and the hunt and race was won by Llilly , in n:0'J : , Ashby second , Paxton third and Tom fourth. Mr. Wells and iMr. Butts wore each presented with a line whip by Manager Lsie.v , of the Driving Park association. When the llvo-mllo race wus called , it w\s ( found that that only one of the horses was on the grounds , Ben having failed to put in nn appearance. Wild Irishman , driven by Scott McCoy , wns accordingly started alone. Ho paced the llvo miles in 18iSJ : ! , uud was Riven the race. It was found that the programme wns lit tle short , and It was decided to call the 3:35 : class. There were but throe starters , Mon- tacollo , entered byMattHarlo : Mary F. , en tered by Wade Carev : and Hilly Mont , en tered by Charles Wilson. They drew positions In the order named. Mary F took the heat m'JiCSJi' , Montacello second , Hilly Mont third. The crowd began to leave alter this heat , ns the .wind was altogether too cold for comfort. The second wns a rendition of the llrst. and the positions the same at the llnish. Time 3:47 : } . Next Saturday there will bo another rac ing programme givou , and among the num bers will be a free-for-all roadster race , for norscs of Council Bluffs and Omaha , owners to drive. The llrst pri/.o will be a SIX ) sot of harness , and the second u line lap robe. The attendance at these meetings continue to in crease and it is probable that they will be come quite a feature among horsemen of the two cities the coming season. Try tv Santo Rosa. You will never smoke any other. JOe each. Secure your reserve-scat tickets for Ragan's lectures at the Opera House drug store , opening Monday morning ut 9 o'clock. Where to AVorflMp. Tne following notices contain a variety of information for the benefit of these who de sire to attend church : Presbyterian Preaching as usual both morning and evening. Sabbath school at 12 o'clock.Christian Endeavor society at a p. in1 , and young people's meeting at 0:4. : ) p. m , Strangers and others cordially invited. Bethany Buptist corner of Bluff and Story streets Uegular services nt 10:80 : a. in. and 7:45 : p. m. Sunday sehool at a p. m. Young people's meeting at 7 p. m. Uev. E. N. Harris , pastor. St. Paul's church Divine servieo to-day at 10:45 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at 12:05. : Bible class at 12:15. : The rector will preach morning and evening. Young men and strangers always cordially wel comed to these services. T. J. MacKMy , rector. Korean Baptist church meets to-day in the Shubert block , on Broadway , near Twenty- fourth street , at 10:30 a. in. and 7:45 : p. m. The Sunday school meets at. 11:45 : a. m. Preaching by the pastor. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 2015 Sixth avenue. First Baptist The pastor will preach at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:45 : p. m. Subject for evenIng - Ing : "Tho Sources of American Liberty , with Reference to the Centennial Observances of Tuesday , " Sunday school at 12 m. Young people's meeting at 0:45. : All cordially wel comed. Broadway M. E. Church Preac'ainc at 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. in. by the pastor. Class meeting at 7 p. m. in the lecture room. Sun day school at 12 in. You are cordially In vited. Attentive ushers will wolcomq you. Congregational Services morning and evening , Preaching by the pastor. Morning subject : "God and Our Country. " Evening : "Why Paul Preached the Gospel , " A cor dial invitation is extended. A gospel meeting for the masses will beheld held to-night , at 70 ! ! , in Lucy's hall , South Main street , opposite Eighth avenue. Short talks on religion by Colonel Hubbaid and the pastor and others. Good singing they have also. Como. Sunday school at 210 : ! p. m. , in Lucy's hall , South Main street , with Trinity Moihodlst church. L. C. Huff , superintendent , will bo triad to see you. Preaching at 10:30 : a. in. , by the pastor , S. Alltandor , at Fourth Avenue M. E. church , Fourth avcnuoand Seventeenth street. WASHINGTON' CBNTBXNMIi MB.MOUIU , . Union meeting at the Presbyterian church , Tuesday morning , at 'J o'clock. ruooiUMMK. Heading of Scriptures..Hov. G. P. Williams Prayer Hov. T. F. Thixtun Heading of President HarrUon'a Procla mation Hov. I ) . C. Franklin Addicss , "Washington's Inauguration" Kev , Stephen Phelps Selections from Washington's Inaugural Address Mr. Bennett Address , "Tho Character of Washing ton" Hev , S. Alexander Address. ' 'A Century's Progress" C. M. Harl , Ban. Prayer Hov. II , N. Cooley , D. D Benediction Hov E. N. Harris This programme Is to bo suitably inter spersed with music , consisting of organ vol untaries ; a hymn , composed for the occasion by Hov. G. W. Crofts , to bo rendered by a select quarttctto ; anthem by a chorus choir , led by Prof. Baotons , and two or more popu- ular and patriotic hymns. The services to bo used in Saint Paul's church next Tuesday will bo the identical service in which General Washington par ticipated In In old Saint Paul's church , Now York City , ono hundred years ago. Tim rector' has procured several hundred copies which will bo distributed among the congre gation and may bo retained by thorn as souvenirs of the occasion. An extract from Washington's inaugural Is printed In this service and hymns suitable for the occasion. The service- will begin at 0 a. in. Tuesday next , April DO. Presbyterian Harmony Mission Hov. Q. P. Williams will preach at the mission at 3 o'clock In the afternoon ; Sabbath school at 4 o'clock. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:45 : ; lesson , Jauies , second chapter , * S Mounted 1'ollao Wautoil. The mutter of appointing amounted policeman - man to patrol the western part of tbo city la attracting conslilorntilo filiation , men of the city nro at .tho bottom of" th * move , and they say that they will persevere In their efforts until tho'doslrod end Is ac complished. Their interest In the matter lies in the fact that their horses are dally , and especially on Sunday , overdriven by parties who biro them and Indulge In racing on the Lower Broadway boulevard to an extravagant degree. It Is stated A petition will soon bo pre sented to the council asking for the appoint ment of a mounted ofllcor , whoso duty it shall bo to patrol Broadway , and put a stop to this reckless driving. Pytliian Bisters. Calantho division No. 1 , Pythian Sister hood , of the state of Iowa , was instituted hi the castle hall of the K. of P. in this city , Friday aftcrnaon , by Mrs. Young , the founder of the organization. Eighteen Indies wcro duly initiated , the division Insti tuted and the following officers elected and Installed for the ensuing term : P. C. , Mrs , J. Hotter ; 0. C. , Mrs. J. M. Scanlan ; V. C. , Mrs. W. N. Young ; prelate , Mrs. J. C. Qrason ; M. of E. . Mrs. N. W. Williams : 1C. of H. and S. , Mrs. J. H. Barrett ; M. of A. , Mrs. John Smith ; assistant M. of A. , Mrs. Dougherty ; I. G. , Mrs. E. Mottnz ; O. Q. , Mrs.'F. Hltzonhoff : M. O. , Mrs. H. Carter ; organist , Mrs. Harrington. The work of completing the details of the new organiza tion was "done yesterday. The hid lei are very enthusiastic over their now departure and threaten to spring the -'lodge" dodco on their husbands If they do not hereafter behave - have themselves and keep good hours. Straw mattings , plain and fancy , just received at Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Tonrnnmont Matter ? . The committees having the coming fire men's tournament in hand , met nt the city buildln g last evening. The matter of rail road rates was mainly considered. Letters were read from the companies In various parts of this state and Nebraska to the effect that unless the 1 cent a mile rate is given they will not come here. It waa the prevail ing sentiment that the people of the city shall signify their wish In the matter mid do their part of the work. Heretofore , a few men have boon engaged In the matter , but there has been no general expression. It is for the people to decide whether the tourna ment shall bo had or not , and if they do not so dcslro and take hold of the matter in earnest there will bo noth ing done bevnnd to mooting on thr > 30th inst. The president of the firemen's association was empowered to select the committees to go to Kansas City and Chicago. Mayor Hohrcr was appointed to head the committee to the former city , and was authorized to se lect other members , from the board of trade and city council , to act with him. The secretary wns instructed to request the secretary of the board of tr.ide to ( a meeting of the executive committee of that body , at 10 o'clock n. m , , Monday , to select the committee referred to. Mrs. II. Leo has removed to 12f ) Vine St. , where she will bo pleased to do all kinds of drossmalfing and straw work. Real FNtnto On the Hustle. Yesterday was an active day in the offlco of the county recorder. An unusual largo number of important deeds were filed. A few ot tire most important are noted. F. A. Seiberllng purchased quite largely. He purchased lots 5 and 0 , block 0 , Bryant & Clark's addition , for $1,000 ; also lot 12 Percy's addition , SIOJO , and lot 13 , block A , Perry's addition , SiOO. W. W. Bilgcr purchased what is known as the Styles & Kellogg property on Broadw.iy , ami sold it again to Warren D. Voul.ui. Its description is east half of lot W , block 5 , Bayliss' llrst addition , $1,200 is the price paid. Mr. Bilgor also purchase the west 37 foot off the west side of lot 3 , block ( i , Bay liss' second addition , for 510,0 ! 0. This lol ? is located just \vestof the government building. ing. It is rumored that a fine hotel will bo erected upon lot 1(1. ( John Skinklo sold to W. A. Highsmith lot 9 in block 10 , Beers' subdivision , for $1,80 ; ) . J. P. Emerson bought lots 5 and I ) in block 18 , Piereo's subpivision , 5(115. Aoout twenty smaller transfers were recorded. There is a fair activity in real estate matters , and all the deals noted are for purposes of imme diate occupancy with buildings and not for speculation. O A Crnzy Apparition. Jailer Galvln was sitting quietly reading THE Bnn In the marshal's ofllco when a slight noise caused him to look up. Ha was startled to see standing before him a swarthy individual , hatless , coatless and bwt'.eis. A shirt , originally white , was displayed in full outside ttic pantaloons. "Whence came you and what do you want ? " "Nowhere , and don't want nothing. " As soon as the jailer could recover from his surprise ho showed the visitor to a back coll. The fellow evidently crazy. Investigation led to the revelation that his niunu was Fletcher , and that he was unfortunate In having him run over by a dummy train , mid thereby lost a portion tion of his brains. Silica then ho has bzon at times so crazy that he smashed furniture and made his wretched home still moro so. Ho has about $400 in the bank , so ho is not suffering for lack of funds. Nevertheless ho has been sent to the county jail for twenty days as a "vagrant , " that being deemed the easiest way to dispose of him. Tlio Daznnr The Catholic bazaar closed last evening. It was ono of tbo most successful evenings in the way of patronage and pleasure had during the week. The closing hours were spent in drawing the articles donated bv the charitable people of the city. St. Bernard's ' hospital is the gainer by fully $1,200 by this effort , RUSSIAN POLICE. Tlio Important Part. They Play in the Government , of the Kmpire. From George Itanium's article in the April Century is taken the following : "Thoro is probably no country in the world where the public power occupies a wider Held , plays a more important part , or touches the private personal lifo of the citi/.on at more points than it does in Kussia. In a country like Eng land or the United States , where the uooplo are the governing power , the functions of the people are simple and clearly dollnod , and uro limited , for the most part , to the prevention or the detection of crime and the maintenance of order in public places. In Hussla , however , where the people are not the governing power but hold to that power the relation of an infant ward to a guar dian , the police occupy a very dilToront and much moro important position. "Tho theory upon which the govern ment of Russia proceeds is Unit the citi zen is not only incapable of taking part in the management of the affairs of the country , his province , or his district , but is incompetent to manage oven the affairs of his own household ; and that , from the time when lie leaves his cradle and begins the struggle of lifo down to the time when his weary gray head is finally laid under the sod , ho must bo guided , directed , instructed , restrained , repressed , regulated , fenced in , fenced out , braced up , kept up , and made to do generally what somebody else thinks IB host for aim. The natural outcome of this paternal theory of crovornment is the concentration of all administrative authority in the hands of a few high of ficials and an enormous extension of power. Matters that in other countries are loft to the discretion of the indi vidual citizen , or to the judgment of u email group of cltix.ons , are regulated in Russia by the minister of the interior through the imporal police. If you are a Russian , and wish to establish a news paper , you must ask the permission of the minister of the interior. If you wish to open a Sunday-school , or any other sort of school , whether in u nog- loctad slum of St. Petersburg or in a native village in Kamchatka , yon must ubk the minister of public instruction. If you wish to fflvo n co c Bt or to got up tableaux for the bonoflf 5T nn orphan nsyl'J"1J'PU JiHlt Rot pornilsslon of the nearest representative $ f the minister of the interior , then suu.'S ! * A" ° ur pro gramme of exercises to a pbnsbroi1 / ap proval or revision , and finally hand over Lho proceeds of the entertainment to the police , to bo embodied ! or given to the orphan asylum , us If may nappoii. If you wish to sell nowptvpors on the street , you must got porjnlgpion , bo rcp- istcrod in the booics of tha. police , and wear n numbered brass plate ns big as n saucer around your nook * If you wish to open a drug store , u printing ollico , a photograph gallery , or ft" book store , you must gotportnissioh. If you tire u photographer and desire lo change the location of your plnco of business you must got permission. If you nro a stu dent and go to n public library to con sult Lyoll-s 'Principles of Geology , ' or Sponsor's 'Social Slntlo's , ' you will find that you cannot oven look at sunh dan- porous and incendiary volumes without special permission. If you 'tiro a phys ician you must got permission before you can practice , and then if you do not wish to respond to calls in the night you must have permission to refuse to go ; furthermore if you wish to prescribe what are known in Kussla us 'powerfully noting' medicines , you must have special permission , or the drutrgist will not dare to Jill your porscriptions. If yon are n peasant and wish to build a bath house on your promises , you must get permission. If you wish to thrash out your grain in the evening by candle light , you must got permission or bribe the police. If you wish to go more than fifteen miles away from your homo , you must got pormision. If you are a for eign traveler you must get permission to come into the empire , permission to go out if it , permission to stay in It longer than six months , and you must notify the police ovcry time you change your boarding-place. In short , you can not live , move , or have your being in the Russian empire without permis sion. ' ' _ OLD JULY'S BONES. /VGlintitly / Kf mliilHOfiiioj ! * ol'tlio Days of PcMjioruilo Hruli * . "Kvoryboily , " says the Luslc Wyo. , Herald , "lin * heard of 'Old Jules' the Frenchman for whom the town of .lules- burg wtis named , llo got into a dilll- culty with the notorious Skidd , and the latter got the drop on him when he was sick in bed , tool : him out and tied him to a post tit the old 'Rock ranch , ' a sta tion on the old overland stage line , eighteen miles below Fort Lurainio , on the Platte river. The inhuman Slndo then cilt oil' Jules' uiiratind shot him full of holes. "lie did not kill his man with the first few shots , but put holes through his ex tremities llrst , and kupt the poor Frenchman in agony for an hour or two before ho dispatched him. "Slado carried his victim's cars in his pockets until they became dry , n.nd often displayed them in salooiiK , and it in said ho once pawned them for the drinks in Cheyenne. Slado was a hard customer , and' killed many 111911 , 'but/ ' / with Jinally taken out by a Montana' vigilance com mittee and hung. Hisuitj ; all loft him on this occasion , and hdfcrjpd and beg ged like a child. . , j "This spring while workmen were Ink ing out a largo irrigating ditch for the PF ranch , tliey uncnrtiicU a human skeleton near the old RoVk rtinch. which they suppose to bo the boni of old Jules , as he is the only mini .known to btivo been buried there. T.lipro , can bo little doubt of their identity. . , 't In truth Sltulc was "dead. tough. " ' lie was "bad1to a superlative degree , cold blooded , pitiless , dishoncsbmnd a gamb ler and drunkard. ILSihud nol'thd least respect for anyone , no consideration for the rights of others and until a few minutes - utos before Ins death never evidenced fear. Ho was the worst desperado on the frontier. Many Cheyenne men know Sladc well and a number' including Judge Leo and Capt. N. J. O'Brien , were on the Platte contemporaneously with Slado and the iiiifortunato Julc. As the story goes Sladc insulted the Fronohnnni and the latter "laid for liim" with a shotyuu and improved an opportunity to add about a pound of buckshot to Sladu's advoirdupoisc. When the latter recovered he at once called on the Frenchman , and after shooting him full of holes .and cutting oT ! his ears killed the fqruignor. No attempt was made to punish Slado for this murder. a Win. High , the deceased ox-sherill' C'arbon ' county , was present at the Slado lynching at Virginia City , Montana. Ho told an interesting story of the allair. Slado and his gang were in the habit of raiding the town in the regulation Colo- rddo cowboy style and kept killing people and damaging property until the citizens declared themselves. They captured the desperado on his next visit and proceeded to business. Slado was defiant until ho became convinced that the men were in earnest. Then ho weakened and was strung up with prayers for morcy.on his lips. Merely : i Qiicsiiori of Time. Now York World : First Humorists ( sadly ) This funny business is very trying. The steve pipe is played out ; the mule has ceased to interest ; the carpet tack no longer serves its purpose ; the business end of the wasp has gone into bankruptcy , and the lightning-rod man has gone to his long rest. What tire wo to do ? Second Humorists ( sympathetically ) Brace up , old man. The wintor'll soon bo over and then wo can tai'klo the Ice cream racket , you know. That always goes down. _ _ Toinpprnnuo Imlcen. Now York World : Old gentleman ( to Pobbs , who is paying marked atten tions to his daughter ) I think you are aware , Mr. Fobba , that I hold very de cided views on temperance. Fobbs ( in a conciliatory tone ) In deed , sir , I have some jstrong opinions myself in that direction. 'Old gentleman Glad ta hoar it , Mr. Fobbs , because I was about to suy that one evening visit a week to Maria is all that your case calls forgot present. I am in favor of temnorailce'in all things especially in gas billii J' The wlro work of the fashionable bonnet is no loncor concealed , but.lX > nn a part of its ornamentation , the wires Doing wound in flno-spiiii silk in contnistintf'-slmdes and tbo tulle or KIUJ/O slurred beneath instead of nbovo , giving to the capote u decidedly novel olToct. ' " . SPECIAL NOTICES. _ -mi i _ . TjlOH SAMS Mr residence' . ' " 1maufre JoiTn O. JJ Woodward. IH'J Kourtft.uveime. _ - Hrst-class cook , thoroughly WANTKD-A business. Oood wages palil. Apply immediately In person to Henry \V. Itotliert. HiipurlntiiiKleiit Deaf ami Dumb In stitution , Council llluirs , In. _ A/WANTBD-At / the Deaf nnd Dumb Instltu- VV tlon. Council Hlutrs , n ( lower gardener. Ap ply la person or by mall to th fciiporimemlent. UKNT-Oood S-room house , corner of Foil st and 2d block south of dummy depot. Apply to Horaca Everett. _ llluira. FOU KENT Two dwelling houses , Hand 10 rooms , and two centrally located ofllues in Council illuffB. Horace Everett. K15NT Larye ilouWe onus orer Frank FOR ' cigar store , UU Br 6 < lw y. Inquire of 1'rank J.gvlu. P. Ml. Council Bluffs , la , Ul THIS CHECK Is good on pros ntntion for SI .00 on each pair of pants bought of the London Tailor. Good for Thirty Days. ee O ? H si f * siw IH w o Q hiO o bd M § Q > H 02 Hs e e" W 00 00 Tho'Vljat Modern Novolltl oa PAPER HANGINGS. AND AT PETER C , MILLER'S. ' Iloutiu and Ornamental Pointing , Kulso miningOrainlnx , etc. Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St. No. 27 Main Street , Over Jac < iuciiiin' Jewelry Store. NEW CURIOSITY SHOP 'KtS'JS ' .ff MsSm MD HAS GONE ] T RANSFER C 0. Co uncil Bluff si OMAHA . Cor.lOih.AveBn 12 l9Farnham Fourth St. Under IstlhMBI JBTeiNo.l38.iTel.Noie33 : : SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE SpecUlcntloim ami estimntos turnlnhml I for complete steam plants , lloeiilatlon. Durabilit uutecd. Can allow lutters from users whcro Fuel Kconomy H orpml with CorllHs Noti.CVjii E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. O1O Pearl Street , Council Bluff * GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. NO. 33O BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260 MO. 3B Main Support , The only perfect abdominal support for chil dren and adultH. Successfully cure * the WOUSZ t'AHES 01' HKIINIA , Address TIIOS. OKFICKII. W. II. > l. OFFICER & pusar. BANKERS. Corner Main and Ilroadway , COUNCIL IJLUICF8 , JOWA. Healer * In forelun pd domo&tlo exchang Collections made * ud luuren pftta 011 time a - . * , to.