Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1889, Part II, Page 16, Image 16

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Unmistakable Bargains and Colossal Reductions * in Prices.
We realize the fact that hundreds of families of Omaha and vicinity , are about to commence house-cleaning , we are determined to get the
bulk of this trade , without regard to what sacrifice we must make. We therefore place on sale , tomorrow morning , the following goods ,
at such prices as will be a stunner to our would be competitors.
83 Chamber Suits . $14.00 , worth $25.00 < ! & 621 & Double ti32 Mkig Mattresses z&9&SBE3iK 81.00 , worth $ 4.00 81 Extension Tublos 8 4.00 , worth 3 8.00
97 Bed Lounges . O.CO , worth 18.00 450 Double Springs . 1.75 , worth 4.00 20 Antique Plor Extension Tables 6.00 , worth 12.CO
Parlor Suits . 29.50 , worth 45.00 0.60 , worth .
47 487 Double Bedsteads . 1.85 , worth 4.00 65 Baby Carriages 12.50
. . .
73 Plush Rockers 9.60 , worth 18.00 . .
25 Book Cases . 0.00 , worth 12.60 1W Cook Stoves . 9.60 , worth 10.00 39 Ice Chests 6.00 , worth 10.00
. .
125 Extension Tables . . 3.90 , worth 8.00 25 Rolls Matting . 10 , worth .35 10 Gasoline Stoves S.OO , worth 0.00
305 Tables . 1.70 , worth 51.60 40 Rolls Ingrivln Carpets . 8l\\orth .65 101 Oil Paintings 2.00 , worth 4.00
G50 Chairs . 35. worth .Or 10 Rolls Brussels Carpets . CO , worth 1.00 72 Tea Sets 6.00 , worth 10.00
84 Wash Stands . 95 , worth 1.6U 120 Pairs Lace Curtains . 95 , worth 8.00 350 Comforts 00 , worth 1.75
1(5 ( Bureaus . 8.00 , worth 15.00 CO Pairs Portieres . 2.60 , worth 7.00 25 Folding Beds 2o.OO , worth 60.00
Everybody can. buy whether they have the ready cash or not. All goods sold on time payments without extra charge or interest.
No security or guaranty required. Call at once to avoid the rush. No trouble to show goods. Parties wishing to purchase entire outfits
given special rates. Every body wanted to inspect our goods , terms and prices. Goods sold in Council Bluffs , South Om.aha , Fort Omaha
and Florence. Silver tea spoons given away with each purchase of $10 and over.
A Beautiful Day , Plenty of Game ,
and a Great Bag.
Gossip of the Bnso Ball fc'lolil Doings
of thu Bykci-fl Io r , Trn\ > and Gun
Diamond Flashes Sport
ing Notes.
Snipe Shooting.
The "jacks" are hero atjlast in great num-
Ders , and wherever suitable feeding grounds
are to bo found there is no question about
the shooting.
The writer and Mr. W. G. Ingram spent a
day last week on tno famous grounds about
Honeycrcok lake , fourteen or fifteen miles
north ol the Hlutfa. However , before at
tempting a depiction of the pleasures of this
day's outing , let me indulge in a word or two
about this morceau of all feathered gamo.
The English snipe. Gallinago Wtlsonil , or
oa ho Is familiarly kncwn , the "Jack" in the
esteem of a majority ot sportsmen in the
choicest game bird that Hies , not oven ex
cepting that favored delicacy of the epicure ,
the woodcock.
Mnuy think the latter. In so far as its in
comparable edible qualities are concerned , is
a delusion and a myth , and that It is ac
corded such universal preference on account
i of the endorsement of alleged gastronomes
and tno rarity of tno bird. Not ono coolc in
n thousand knows an } thing about serving
$ woodcock , and the bird is apt to como upon
the table in as unualatablo a slmpo as It is
possible to imagine of anything so delicate
end delicious.
Hut to go back to the snipe.
. Avnunt with your woodcock , your canvasback -
back or ntiuill Could a daintier or moro Irres
istible dish bo conjured up than these succu
lent little denizens of marsh and meadow af
ford , especially at this season of the year.
Take a bukur'h do'cn , have them neatly
dressed , split them open on the back , and
with a lump of spring butter and plenty of
salt and pepper for each bird , lay them in a
dripping pan about two-thirds full of water ,
then place them in the hot oven , und while
in process of baking , repeatedly baste , and
when they are thoroughly done through and
nlco and brown , I'll venture to say you will
find them the most Uuclousdtah you ever sat
down to.
About Honoj'creok lulto Is a c.ipltal snipe
country. .Int > t south of the little clipso of
water Is a long-stretch of low-lylntr. boggy
mctulowiond woodland that will afford us
good shooting as any of ( ho celebrated
grounds ulnnu the Kunlmkeo. The soil U of
the richest black loam , broken up uud frac
tured out of symmetry by conical tustocks
or "nigger-heads , " with cither brackish
ucols or reaches of dead buffalo grass lying
between. Peeping fiom those now Is the
tender green of the dandelion and the lily ,
whllo hero and there at o clumps of swump
maples , willow , llliputlan cane and pucker-
brush , making a favorite feeding place for
the birds The 'Macks" usually arrive hero hi
their greatest flight during the first warm
and genial days ot the latter pint of March.
However , I Imvo known them to put in an ap
pearance in onon winters as early as the 20th
of February , but In small numbers , restless
In deportment and lying to neither dog nor
pinn.Tim shooting Is now at Its height and In-
gram and I had a glorious day of itVe
bagged forty-one in four hutirs' shooting and
without the services of a retriever at that.
For ono I do not deem a dog of much advan
tage In snipe shootlnc , save for recovering
dead bir\ , for a dead si.ipo U about as hard
to tliid as tbo proverbial needle in a liny-
ituclr. The snipe when present , nro easily
walked up , and afford Just as free shooting
as when located aud limbed by a trained cu-
H wa a lovely day , port nhl Hilly there
' ]
In smmYplate , tin ; 0 tor til
-j | muliiK room girl * for llentrlciunj , , , -
lir. ( nurse KtrU ; kitchen girls ; U ) fur ventral
uouso work , . Mis. U H , UW H. Hth. '
and mosses , over lichcncd lops , through
thickets of yellow tendnllcd willows , red-
dyed maple sprigs and creeping vines.
The landscape , too , was all aflutter and
full of animation.
A soft , wandering breeze swayed the
nakedreeus ; the robin sant : his blithesome
roundelay from the topmost twig of yon cot
tonwool ! : the blackbird , rufus Headed and
scarlet winged , chirped petulantly from this
copse and that ; a couple of Jays scolded us
from a near clump of willow : thocrowcawed
m the distant grove ; the hawk winnowed his
graceful slmpo for above the azure waters ,
and the garter snake , with provident speed ,
made his sinuous way into the crypts of dead
flacs from under our rubber boots the
whole scene bewildering the eye and revivi
fying the fancy.
It will bo berne in mind that wo did not
know whether the snipe had come in here or
not. Pat Collins said ho thought they had ,
and i felt certain that they were there from
the extremely favorable meteorological con
ditions existing the gentle rain of the
morning , the frost-freed ground , the starting
grasses , the warm , mellow sunshine and soft
south breezes.
Nobody knows when the snipe come. No
body ever saw them conic , or leave either ,
for that matter. They are as mysterious and
silent in their arrival and departure ns dis
embodied spirits. They evidently migrate
by night , riding in on the lirst warm wave
from the south after the earliest spring
rains have accomplished their mission with
the frost in the earth. You may visit the
snipe grounds to-day , and beat them up and
clown , and across and back again , until your
leers wear out , and never ] umi > u single Jack
or hear a single "skoap , " the inevitable
plaint of the startled snipe. But to-moarow
you go asrain and you Jindtho meadow full of
them. Hut if the temperature is not Just
richt thev are to bo found only in isolated
bunches of four and flve. They nro then un
easy in their habits and llnsh way out of gunshot -
shot , the first "sheap" some times being the
admonition for every Jack in the Held to
rise. Under such conditions they are up HUe
a white and brown streak ; their notes are
sharp and spiteful , and off they go , Hying
low at first , but gradually ascending until
they are but mobqultoes against the over
arching background of blue. Hero I have
known them to lly for hours in the most ir
regular peregrinations , making great curvi-
forms in their arciiil diversions , now shootIng -
Ing oft out of the range of vision , but tinex-
iiccteclly making their appearance again and
immediately overhead , as If dropped from
the upper spaces , so erratic and bewildering
nre their movements. At intervals
during this night , that dcstinct but far.
sounding guttonil whir , that tremulous
"hoo-oooo oo" breaks upon the ear , and
which weird Round is inudo now und then by
the bird beating Its sides with incou-
cflivnbla rapidity with its wings during Its
curveting in the ufr. There is no tolliinr
what a snipe may do ; his little head is full of
eeeentnu notions. i\ml ho may drop down
within a few feet of yon , tilting duillshly
buck in the reeds with the noisclessness of a
sprite , or continue his ictlculatcd antics in
the air until he becomes the veriest speck in
the sky , and thrn vanishes for good. At
other times you tlnd ' . .humny \ and sluggish )
lying like trail , In fact almost compelling you
to lilck them up from their wallow in the
warm mud. This Is the on so when the
weather is sultry and redolent with the
spring-favor , developing thus suddenly after
a gradual moderation .of weeks , during
which the struggling sunshine and dri//lng !
rains together have extracted the frost from
the ground and rendered "boring" good for
the lilrds the moment their atci.dor leira settle -
tlo down. Their lonp Journey , although they
make frequent ImlM for rest , from the south
has weaned and made thuin hungry , and
they not to woik piostoraclously on their
arnvul and gormandize themselves ou the
larvx and angla wcrmt ) , with which good
feeding ( 'ro.inds most abound , Into an
indolence und Indifference that hardly ever
fails to result In tbo bird's woo and the gun-
net's profit. Thylr slow Mlp-llnp up from
the grans and reeds mr.lces bhootfng no trick
at all , mul under such conditions enormous
bags arc often mode.
For the dUtanco of tx quarter of a rnllo
Billy nod'l tramp rlhrough tha choicest of
' , and
froutj prices ; ft ? n , ( HUU . . . . . . . .
tuatudttud comfoitably turulvhod. Ii4 N.
tU eb iJU-Js *
vegetable debris at my very feet , ono of the
little tnwny beauties , sounding his warning
note , darted , his graceful shape glancing
white ami russet in the bright sunlight , m
his hurried effort to got out of the way of
the advancing behemoth. But it was no go ;
I was quickly onto him despite his frantic
evolutions , and at the crack of my gun ho
dove headlong into the mud.
The loud report , breaking in BO harshly
upon the delightful melody of wind and
bird and frog , startca up at least a. dozen
more , in front , on both sides , and
even behind mo , none moro than
twenty yards awav , but in tno flurry of the
moment I lost my head , and made a clean
miss of a line quartering shot.
Inpram too got in both barrels , out It might
have been a flock of barn doors so tar as ho
was concerned , ho couldn't have touched
them any way. Any man who wants to go
hunting squirrels with a sword , hasn't got
any business in a snipe grounds.
Wo strode on now , all excitement , and I
was in the very act of picking up my dead
Jack , when "skeap , " so close that for n
second I thought it was the dead ono , but
quickly saw the little fat rascal shooting
away to my right , and bo got it , just as ho
loft off his zigzagging , and plunged stone
dead amidst u wisp of cat briers. I was
quickly after him , and on route , knocked
dowu another , and made my second miss , at
least seven or eight birds flushing In the
fifty yards distance separating the two dead.
I now cooled down and toolc things easy , and
If it hadn't been for Billy's constant fusi-
lade would have done good work. The birds
were there and all 1 had to do was to go
about it in a business like way and kill them.
Shortly I reached a shallow sluiceway , full
of young splatter-dock and tender grasses
and bordered with low alderswhich bisected
the marsh. Halting a moment I stooped ana
examined the black soil at my feet , and dis
covered hero and there and all around whcro
the birds had been probing with their sensi
tive bills for worms and larvc. : As the
walking was less obstructed along this oozy
rivulet , I made up my mind to give the tus-
socked pralrio a rest and beat down the
stream. And well was I repaid , for every
moment or so a bird arose and their startled
signals , Interrupted with brief cessations be
tween by the sharp crack of my Lovefor ,
were constantly Bounding on the air.
By this time the rays of the sun were
slanting over the rim of the western bluffs ,
and notwithstanding the uninterrupted
sport , I was nearly fagged , and with u well
filled bag dragged my ponderous feet from
out the boggy field , and told Ingrum It was
time to start homo.
As the result of his work Billy ex
hibited a yellow headed Ijluck bird ,
two Jay birds and a crow. Ho said the snipe
were too little , and ho wouldn't in on key with
Magnificent sport Is sniping in the spring ,
during the passage of the birds to the rumotu
places of inodillcution in the far north , No
sportsman will gainsav ; but that itoughtto
bo prohibited by law , too , none ought to
deny. The birds tryst and mate during their
sojourn here , and by the last of the second
week m April In this particular latitude , the
ovary contains the fully formed egirs. In
the , course of time this spring destruction
must toll upou them , and 1 expect to sco tno
day when such u thing as u Jacksnipe will bo
unknown in this region , unless opportune
legislation Intervenes and given the birds u
cnunco to' insreaso and recuperate.
SANIIT Gmawoi.u.
Fair prospctH for Another Grnntl Hue--
To-morrow afternoon at 9 o'clock tno six-
hour six-day ladles' bicycle chase begins at
the Coliseum. Miss Williams , owing to un
satisfactory nevvs from Miss Stanley has at
last determined to bo among the starters ,
and is already buckeu an u sure winner.
However , there is many a slip twixt
the Up ami the dipper , Beauty
Baldwin , Jesse Woods und Jesse Oakcs
have profited by their past month's work and
nrc riding better than over , and it may bo
that ono of these three will bo able to rob
Miss Williams of her lourols. Oakos'rodo a
great race in Chicago , and covered consider
ably moro miles than the local celebrity ,
while Baldwin , Morgan says , ls going with
lie swiftness of proverbial greased lightning.
It Is hinted that there 1st o bo an tin-
ui or two , and the chances are that no
in , ihBlwIH bt'spured to beat Miss William
v"ttbout the success of the ruco there li
no posslblo danger. Everybody seems inter-
'estcd and thorp is a strong likelihood that
the enthusiastic scenes , the flowers and mn-
siu and wild excitement of three weeks ago
arc to bo witnessed a second time at this
popalar resort. _
Information Tor the Bykers.
Tom Eck and his lady bicyclists are booked
for a six days' race in Mi nneapolls WCCK
after next.
George Harrison , the English byltor , talks
of opening a repair shop here.
Wilbcr Knapp and Dave Bennett have
boon gathering in the shekels at the Hot
Springs wheel and foot races.
The racing rules of the L. A. W. have
been amended so that hereafter safety
bicycle racers will not be allowed in ordinary
bicycle races. Safety blcyelq races will bo
limited to machines whoso driving wheels do
not exceed thirty-two inches in diameter.
The national championships now are half.
ono , two , three and twenty miles , ordinary ;
one , three , and five miles safety , and two ,
two and live miles tricycle.
It Will Coino "in Time.
It wont bo any great length of time before
ball players will bo contracted for by the
year instead of the season. Manager Seleo
is of the opinion that such legislation would
bo both wise and economical , as then mana
gers would have control over their men both
in and out of season , and they could not bo
hired for trips abroad. It wouldn't bo a bad
Idea , either , to arrange so that the players
would draw their money in monthly instal
ments throughout the year. This would do
away with the Jeonardy of advancing money ,
and bo many a penny saved by that class
who don't know how to take care of their
money when they got it.
Gymnasium Records.
The following scores wcro made in tbo Y
M. C. A ! gymnasium last night.
High Jump H. HobbinsD feet and 7 inches.
E. B. Young , 5 feet and 0 inches , M. A
Grant , 5 feet and 2 inches.
Diving for Distance Harry McCormick ,
12 foot and it inches , George Lawrence , 11
feet and S inches , H. Y. Cook , 11 feet and It
Diving for Holght- . Y. Cook , 0 feet , G.
Lawrence , 5 feet and U inches , Harry Me-
Cormick , 5 feet ( I inches.
Three Broad Jumps J. E. Zimmerman 28
feet 8 inches , E. B. Young , 2S feet 1 Inch , U.
UobbinR 28 feet.
High Kick E. B. Young , 8 feet C Inches.
GeQruo Green sumo , J. H.Nichols , 8 foot 3
Prom the Diamond.
What will wo do with the Milwaukee * )
Canavan Is finding the ball quite handily.
Carroll , an old-timo Omaha ball player , is
captaining the St. Paul * .
Charllo Lord's ' St. Joe team will not bo hero
until May 21. The boys are panting for them.
HuiT Is Milwaukee's star couchor. So much
for his brief career with the St. Louis
Browns ,
Captain Jack Crooks is playing ns good n
second as uny man in the country. His
championship rosord so far is a great ono.
Cleveland Is playing third in great style.
His pickups and side catohos ara of the phe
nomenal kind , and ho is rapidly becoming
solid with the crowd
The Gate City ball team Is composed of
Daniels , captain and second ; Salisbury , first :
Sawyer , third ; O'Toolo.s-short ; Smith and
O'Toole , pitchers ; Beaten Jnnd Newman ,
catchers , and Conrad , Wldener und Koch In
Iho field.
Umpire Sandy MuDcrmott Is evidently
made out of the right kind of in.iterlal for
the position he Is tilling , When he speaks tea
a recalcitrant player ho means business , and
will have no "hack talk. " Hu says hu will
never line a pluver without giving him ample
warning , and then if it has to tome , It will
IK ) in u hard. His umpirinir hero so far has
been of the exceptional kind.
A game of base ball is never out until the
last man has been retired. This uncertainty
is the cliluf charm of the great national pas
time. Jt looks bad to see n team , when ho-
hind , begin packing their bats during the
last Inning. It is u sign of capitulation , that
U , that they have given up. Muny u yam a in
hammered out in thu lust Inning , and It Is
Just Mich work that sets the audience wild ,
.Milwaukee has one of the finest base ball
parks in the country. It lias been fitted up
recentJy at q cost of § 20,000. The club is
backed by Mr. Harry Quinn , u very wealthy
gentleman , who is ready to put his club in
the best company possible. While no appli
cation for admission has over been made , it
can be set down as a sure thing that Milwau
kee is a standing applicant for the first va
cancy la the American association.
What a cracking strong ball team could bo
organized out of the old Northwestern
league players now engaged in association
und leacuo clubs. For catchers there would
bo Baldwin , of the Cincinnatis. and Ganzel ,
of the Bostons ; pitchers , Clarkson , of the
Bostons ; Seward , of the Athletics , and Ca-
ruthcrs , of the Urooklyns ; tlrst base. Foutz.
of the Brooklyns ; second base , Robinson , of
St. Louis Browns ; third base , Whitney , of
the New Yorks ; short stop , Jim Davis , of
the Kansas Citys ; center Held , Curt Welch ,
of the Athletics ; right field , Darby O'Brien ,
of the Brooklyns. This team would hold its
own in any company , being very strong in
fielding , batting and buso running.
Home Schedule.
For the convenience of base ball patrons
full schedule for the homo grounds will bo
again found below :
Milwaukee , April ! 10 , May 1 and 2.
DCS Moines , May 4 , 5 and 7.
Sioux City , May 18 , 1 ! ) and 20.
St. Joe , May 22 , 23 and 24.
Denver , May 23 , 20 and 27.
Minneapolis , Juno 10 , 17 and 18.
St. Paul , Juno 20 , 2J and 23.
Milwaukee , Juno 20 , 27 and 28.
DCS Moincs , Juno 29 , 30 and July 1.
Sioux City , July 3 , 4 and G.
St. .100 , July 0 , 7 and 9.
Denver , July 22. 23 and 24.
Milwaukee , August 8 , 10 and 11.
Minneapolis , August 12 , 1 ! ) and 14.
St. Paul , August 1(1. 17 and 18.
DCS Moincs , August 20 , 21 and 22.
Sioux City , August 2J , 24 and 23.
St. Joe , August 23 , 20 and : ! 0.
Denver , September 13 , 14 and 15.
There is n probability that amateur rowing
will receive an unprecedented boom thin
spring. There is talk of reorganizing the
Omaha Uowinp club and getting up n re
gatta for Lake Mmawa some time in Julv.
Next to baseball , rowing is. ono of the most
honest and healthful of sports , and acquatios
should bo vij-'oiotisly encouraged.
The trial flight of homing pigeons which
was to have been given by Ed. Kothcry ,
from Fremont to this city , on Wednesday
last , was postponed on account of the high
winds. The lllly" will bo made souio day
this week.
The suit of "Kid" Baker , of North Plutte ,
against Frank Pauielc-u , to recover the $ VK )
lost in a shooting match luta February , was
dismissed by Judge Shields ono day last
week , tlitro being no one on hand to prose
C. W. Budd has issued another chrilicngc
to Dr. Carver lor'a 101) ) live bird match.
Reports are coining in from all parts of
this state am : Dakota of extraordinary good
prospects for line chicken shooting this fall.
There was a good crop loft over on account
of the mild winter , and old timori say that
u big crop of iount' birds is Inevitable , The
now law. too , will have a most beneficial
effect and great sport on the prairies may bo
expected for September and October.
Qiii'NlloiiH ancl
Will you please kindly udviso mo whether
there is a La Cross club in your city I Wo
have organised in IhU city , mid if there in a
team in Omuha wo would bo pleased to ar
range a series of gumoH for this summer. F.
P. Shoppard. bceretary , Lincoln.
Ans. There is no La Cross In this city.
A and B are playing double high five. A
has six trumps , uce , king , queen , , 7 mid 5
spots. B has four trumps , the Jack , duce , ! J
and 0 spots. A leads act > , king and queen ,
than lays his other trumps on the table with
the S spot on Iho bottom , 7 next and ! > on top.
B claims thu f > , by ivubou Unit ho could take
It with the Jack. A claims not. Which is
right I A Header , Omuha.
Ans. A had no right to thiowdoun his
cards , und if tliu D was on top of com no B
could tuko it with his Jack. This , however ,
of courbo , A did not Intuml , ho merely meant
to uliow that hu hud three trumps left und B
could not catch his 5 ,
Where can 1 uet u Orst-clius book on
breaking and training bird dogsl Hctiiovor ,
Ans. Of the I' orsst and Stream publish
ing house , New York city. _ .
To M. T. X. , South Omaha. Jake Kilrain's
right name is John ICillian. We answoicd
you so in Sunday's BUB , but the compositor
know moro than the writer and made it John
Killraln. Jack Dempsey was born in Ire
In poker dice which counts the highest ,
the ace or six spot. First Dusli , Farnum
Ans. The ace always , unless agreed upou
before throwing begins.
How old is Earlo , the new Cincinnati
catcher , and did ho over play in this city.
B. B. , city.
Ans. Ho is twenty-three years of ago. llo
played in this city as a member of a visiting
team , but was never u member of an Ouiuhu
Minneapolis should not be Judged too hard
for her work so far. She has some good
men in her ranks , and they'll get there bye-
Pat Tobeau is playing a stunning third for
Billy Uurdlck has sprained a tendon iu his
pitching arm.
Little Willie Mains will pitch for the
Apostles to-day.
I think you were wrong in your answer to
Contestant , of Grand Island , m last Sun
day's BEI : . The American rule on position
of gun in ; "Tho gun shall bo held below the
nrmpit , until the shooter calls ' -pull , " other
wises , if challenged , the shot shall bo de
clared a "lost bird , " whether hit or missed.
Article iv , rule 10 , Spuldiiifr's gun club
rules. George Blinco , gun and locksmith ,
O'Neill , Nob.
Ans. Tni : HUE was right. You will find
appended a thorough .synopsis of the Ameri
can Shooting association's revision and
Will you please answer the following ques
tions and oblige a regular subscriber of Tin :
DAILY Biif : How many cx-lcagurj players
nro now playing in the western association ,
and to what clubs do they belong )
Ans. Klght. Dohm , Dalrymplo , McClel
land , Howe and McQimid , Denver ; Ifawes ,
St. Paul ; Clarke , Omaha , and Bradley ,
Sioux City.
The advisory board of the American Shoot
ing nxsociation has formulated now rules for
both inanimate and live bird shooting. In
the rnlcn for Inanimate target shooting thu
i ofureu's decision in all tournament or ( .weep-
stakes .shooting in final , but in other mutters
appeals from tlm lefereo'.t ( incision will be
decided by the association coutt of appeals.
Any contestant iimking an appeal shall
notify the rofcrco of his intention at
omo : , and ahull hand to him within twenty-
four hours written notice of approval ; also
solid a copy to association ofilcu within toil
days. If uny contestant Is balked or Inter-
foricd with , or tlicro is any other similar
reason why it euould be done- , the icforco
muy ullow another bird. A bird to bo scored
"dead bird" must Imvo u pcrccplihlu luuru
broken while In the ulr. A dubtcd bird Is
not a dead bird. 'No bird nhall tm ictrlovcd
for shot inarlc.i , If the blid is broken by the
trap the shooter may claim another bird , but
If ho shoots the iftsnlt. must bo scored.
In single bird ( .hooting the rise shall bo 18
yards for lO-bore guns and 111 yards rise for
the 12-boro and Hinuller gauges. In double
bird shooting the lisa shall bo 10 .vault for
10-bore guns und U jards for 1'J-boro and
smaller guugcs. U the weight of any 12.bore
pun except a nmgfuino or repeating gun ex
ceed * b poundH the rise shull bo the ftumo as
for 10 boies , Magazines ur repeating guns
may weigh * pounds 3 ounces without pen-
ally , over that weight tno rise shall bo the
saino us for 10-boies.
No gun of a larger calibre than a 10-uora
shall be usca
Charge of powder unlimited. Charge of
sl.ot I Jf ounces , American Shooting assucia
tlon shot measure , blrm-ls off. Any shooter
using a larger charge of shot shall forfeit
his entrance money and rights In the mutch.
If , In the opinion of the mannguinant , With
the unanimous consent of thu conte.staiitg. a
shooter has not willfully violated thin rule ,
hi * entrance money shall bo returned to him.
The luintor muy hold hi pun n any ijosl-
tlon , oxrunt apainM the shoulder , until her
r IU "piill. " If the pomtloa of the gun in
nut ) Husumcd , the icsultof tha
shot , if a dead bird , shall bo declared "no
bird ; " if u miss , "lost bird. "
The shooter shall bo allowed another bird
for any of the following reasons ; For any
defect In the gun or load , causing a miss lire ;
for unintentional neclect to load his gun ;
for unintentional neglect to cock a hammer
gun ; for unlntedtionul neglect to properly
adjust the safety sliilo on a hammorlcss gun ;
nrovided that in single bird shootine , if the
shooting is nt traps set in the segment of a
citclc , the bird shall bo thrown from an un
known trap , to be decided by the indicator ;
if from traps sot in a straight line , the bird
shall bo thrown from the sumo trap , at a dif
ferent angle , and unknown to the r.hootor.
J. M. Ncal of Cnlhotin , Ga. , killed live wild
turkeys at one shot.
A canary in West Troy has been kept in
the sumo room with n parrot so long that it
bus learned to ropnut distinctly tin ; wards
"pretty poll" and "polly have a cracker. "
Charles Sampsel's pet boar at Williams-
port , Pa , , swallowed u silver box full of fine-
cut the other day and has been spitting to
bacco Juice with u saudencd visage over
Mr Mi'Mackin's boot , which was men-
ion cil m a former issue , says tno 141 Varan o
( ( 'ul. ) Whistle , was weighed last week. It
weighed 11- pounds and Mr. MucMackin
Jays ho fed three horses anu thrco cows with
J | for four duys.
A Mrs. Kinney of Portsmouth , N. II. , a
New Kngl.ind exchange i plates , after being
under medical treatment at HUUUofonl , Mo. ,
for several weeks , illsirorgcd from her stomach
ach u light-colored snukc , overtwclvo inches
long , which she hud swallowed thrco years
ago while drinking water from a brook.
A case of home resurrection has coma to
light in Nowlmrg , N. Y. A horse died , ap
parently , on Thursday , and was burled be-
nu.ith a pile of rubbish until un "ciiino |
undertaknr"i < otild be summoned toromovo it
to the bone factory. On S.iturduy removal
was nttcmptcd. A rope was faHtcncd to the
animal , und on the first pull It rose to ltd
feet and frisked its lull. Now thu equine is
seen drawing garbage ou the streets.
Charles Chupnmn , a colored railroad la
borer , is a kind i > t a " ( Jigger Indian" fol
lower in his uppetltu , He hub u love for earth
worms , and will devour all thut ho can get.
It Is sum thut he will give his week's rations ,
whenever they uio issued , for a good bait of
the dainty worms. Whun ho was a boy und
wont fishing with ether boy * , if ho got hulf
u rhanco hu would out tin : worms und let
them have the flHh. llo bus u queer taste ,
and \\ould hu u cheap limn to do garden work ,
if ho would take the worms as pay.
Dr. K. I , . Hutlcr ( if Louisville , Ivy , , has a
white marking bird thnt is rcmurkublo not
only foi IIH rarity , hut for the furl thut It
HUeceeiidl In killing u hulf grown nit which
( iiitored its I-UKO the other afternoon. The
rat orlilnntly intended to tn.iko a supper of
tna bird , hut the latter know a thing or two
Itself , and , priuticlng upon the hold intruder ,
pcckud its i UK out. Having It at this dit > ud-
VutituRO , tilt ) bird per Ic rd it to death , anil
when the doctor i etui-nod soon after , the
dead was found on thn floor of the rage.
Dr. Huth-r says ho believes his to bo the
only while mocldrg bird In the country.
During a revhal at a nicthodlst church In
Orlando , Flu. , the other night quito a sol-
emnlj comic incident occurieil. There Is a
certain do In town who bus been tuii-ht by
his owner to kiii-ol hi the attitude of prayer
when commanded by a simp of the owner's
fingers. Tim dog followed a ladj and gentle
man into the church and iimlhted upon inak-
Ing himself ut homo around the altur , to the
annoyance of those conducting the mooting.
One of the congregation , notlcmi ; the un
welcome presence of the cunliie. rene fiom
his scut and proceeded to conduct III * dogship
to the street. He was making slow progress
in his efforts , and when about midway down
the center ulfdu chirped and hnappeil hl fin
ger * at thounlmal , vJio deliberately turned
round , plucod his paw * upon thn end of a
pow , und bowed his as If ii , eirucit *
prayer ,
A MasHnclnisottw Kniiuli Arden ,
Auron Harvey , a sea captuln of
Mncliias , Mo. , dopartcd on n voviign In
18110'loavinjr at homo a wife 'tiiul live
cJiHiln-n. Ho has just iv.turr.eJ uftor
f.vonty-niiio vcarft' wandnrlnp ; In all
] ) arl8 of tbo earth. Ho finds bin
t'hildr in grown up and inurrlod und hla
wife living with uuuther husband.