15 THE OKAHA. PAILlf BEE ; SUimAY. APKIL 28. 1889-SIXTEEN FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. jXJH 8AI.R or Kxcnunuo 1'or a vacant lot In Ju Dmnhft or Council 111 n tin , * nix-room cot- Intro with nil modern Imjirovoments. Address X.T , 119 * . ft customer for n good bulliltn ? lot who will mak n small caurt rmjrnont , build aliouflonnd mike A building lonn and give n svconti mortxago for balance of rttrclini" money. It you Imvo n good lot to soil on tliefo terms I cnn ilHposa ot It for you , or If } roii have nnythma to if U very chcnp for cnsh list It with mo , ( Irovor Slovens , MO nnd 617 j'axton block. Telephone na. _ 4.11-t GHKATIIAHOAIN 1 Imvo for snle a nlco story nml n nnlt cotttiRO on Ornnt fttnanr trull , Kontli front , Z blocks from two street car line * nnil It from the motor line , fc'mnll cnh payment and balance caiy , or will tnko oomo horses ns first payment. Prlco $3,000 ; worth it , coo. Orovcr Stovcnr , fill ) and 527 1'axton blocK , lolophono 1IJ8 > . < 33-l llth , nenr Nicholas JL forxolo nt ix bantaln. Will tuke KOHIU trade ( irovcr Utpvoni , bin and KIT Pnxtun block telephone in : > . _ m-l T"vO VOt' wnnt a homo ? f.ook nt this. B-room J Jl\on \ < o in Orchard Mill , with modern con- I'cnlcnce.i , & 0 cash , bnlnnco $15 permontli. liny now nnd snvc rontl Woitoru Lnnil ixml Mian oxchniiKU ! lS ! So. HHh nt. JEHM-D _ A OHHATsnnpl Anf-ioom hnuftc , with nil XXniodcrn conveniences , hot nnd cold wntcr , linth , ciosots , otc. Tnls IK ottered very chenp. ror ildny ) onl.v. Western I.nud nnd J.oiui ox- change. : t2 ! Bo. icth tit. 3o'M \ 171011 HAIK Abaautltul residence In Hans- 4- ' com I'luco , oist front on 'Will Nt. just south t 1'oppleton nve , lot MxHl to graded alloy ; rani nicely saildod ; S-rooni bousa , Imth , hot hnd raid wntor , R&I. aowar , electric bolls , liarci ; ( rood llnlsh. IttnXen nt once will sell tills flno homo for amount much below Itt value. NO blrer neighborhood Inthn city. Tothosothnt menu Mulnos.s we would like to show this property. Wo will m.ilcn the prlco right. M. A. Upton Company , lath and L'urnam. Ml BAIiliNlco now iVroom houso. barn for 4 hone * . well and rlstern : ovarythlnR llrst. tln * : full tut. In lledtnrd Place , 2.M teot from Btnto Nil cot ( ! Uth st ) . t..l.t < 0. ttUO cash , bnlnnco ) , iund II years ; or ? 3OlW. JMV ) cash , balnnro o ftu\-i. M. A. Upton Company , 16th nnd Far num. E1OH 8AM3- ) equity In nailrablo lot for KO. Address X 29 lieu. . L'lH 'JSI FOIt HXOIIAsu-For desirable resdence property In Umuhn , any or all of following : 4u choice liHlde residence lotH In llarttlngi. mi lots In Lincoln. dlOncros linn farming land. Lancaster county. Fine residence property. Lincoln. ( lood rental property , Lincoln. Cliolco family residence , corner , Los Ancolos. A nnut loildunco propnrty In IluiiHcom rl.ico. Also , Home Rood mortiao ; not en. AddrrxM , iilvlnp location nnd nrlcoof prop erty , .1 , K. II. , earn llaum Iron Co. , 1-17 Lcuveu- Koith. Dal. \rr.\V 2-scntoil flno carrlnco or top OUSRJ' for 4-1 mottKafforlty or coiintr warrnntH. or nny good uuHocured notes. W.L.Belby.11 U ll'il Trade A 1' A sacrifice liMxlSQ ft , oait nntl north fT\ front , comer S'Mi and Howard fits. , onu Mock west ot Coo's and Klrkomlnll'H line r sl- ilrncos.tno Model from paved Btroot , two blocksAonthof Farnatn st. ; Just think nf It , JMxl.Vj ft. aud a corner at that , nnd only $4,500. C. K. Itottor , room 5 , s. w. cor. luth aiU Uoujil \ < t * VTO CASIi , mid payment of $ . ) . " > per month , In- Jrludlng Interest buys a neat st0Vy-an < l- O'half it-room liouno , couvonlont to both cablu pud liorr.o cars. II. 1 ! . Cole , headquarters for Ijargnlnt mid easy terms , UOContinental I Hock. 348 0 jlOH SALK lln onsv terms , d , 7 and S roomed . houses , witli Hinnlf cash laymont down and monthly. J. 11. Johnson , fits nnd 519 J'tixton LilocK. mWKNTlGTHbtraot IB paved to Center and J-wvemnnt ordered to Vlnton ; SUtli street Is tbn coming street aontb. It is nil graded nice- Jv tn Sprinu LaKe park WelmvuiT feet nenr Jiliutha with a first claws 4-room house , lot nt grndo. for $ lww. ' M.A Upton Company , intli nnd 1'aniaiu. M" ll S.VLIJ Mil ft. on I'Jth ' streat nonr.Mar- . tha. with cottagu renting 810 per month , prJco 95.UUU ; lurms very ousy. Lots 21 nml . ' . block 1 , Orchard Hill , prlco f'.WO ' euch ; ttrnn easy. 71 ft. on "itth street betweoa Ca-it ami Callfor- hlasts. . only tl.WX ) . Lot a , block I. .1. I. Hoillck's nub. street at both eudi of lot , prlco SM.IOJ ; terms easy. riood lot In block 4. Omaha Vlow , prlco $1,100. Lot II. block 1 , Plalnvlow. prlco ll.l.W. 0 oed corner In Lowe's addition. UO ft , south ( rout , prlco only JiUC. Lotiti. llurr Out. fronting Hnnscom pttrk , price 1law. ( HI ft , soutn front , lot on Jackson st , In Isuac & SoMcn's aild. lirlco tl.TtM. Ix > t S , blocK a , 1 1 11 1-3 lil a No. 1. 50 ft south front on Uas8Bt.pi Ice S-MiOJ ; cash SI , null , bal live yrs nt K per cent. Lot I. block 1. Hillside No. 2. prlco JS.750 ; cash tl.'ai1 , bM llvcyra at H par cent. Lot 3 , block I , Hillside .No. ' * ' , price $3,750 ; cash , I.OJl bal Uve yeiira at 8 per cent. JxioK tli 8a lit ) anil ( wo what advuntmres tliuy buvu over res- jai-nre lotH In other localities. Lots In lllllsldo Ituservo from J3.100 to riTOO. mils 1 fast becoming ono of the Uncut residence localities In Omaiin. nml wo are prepared to of fer homo of the bent of tbls property for sale at the lowest possible prices , nnd to miiko special Inducements to parties wlio will build. If you contompUte bulltllns a JliWK S'J3. ' or $ ' 0lKW home this season lot ns show you one pf tliu finest corners In the city on which t < > build It. It la IZOx'.O ) ft nnd fronts south aud east. east.Rabtfiont lot In block : ! , I'otter's addition. Prlco H * v > 0 ' Lot i.'lilorlcl , Potter's addition. Pnoo SI , 475. Doubloconiur In 1'otter'd tidltlou , UJxU < i ft. only ifilHO. Well unproved business lot , with sewer con- JiccTlom , cltv n liter , oli1. , rontliiB * ' > 7H per year nnd lu a locality whore rents are advauulni ; . 3'rlro f-t.OW ) . A yood , Investment for homeono- rfS-Ao new bouses and lota lu wojtern partoC ibe city , witli modern convenience ! ) , prlco il.-'O and H X ) respectively. Torma , $ WO cash. bal monthly. A fevr nno eildeaces la Kount/.u placu nnd Jlauscom pUce that we should like to show rnvtlc > 3 mauling homes. Lots is Council Illnffs within three-quarters pf a mile of the postolllce fro $ jjo to $3HX ) a . A foiv otthe best coniers In Council Bluffs on JlroatUray In the vlrinlty of the motor power lioni e mid earrlaco f.iclorytrom l.tr > 0 to JI/JM ) . Home of theuoovu list are ollcrod at from 10 | ) or cent to 2' . per rent below tholr actual vulna nml wo slionld bo pleased to have the propiTy , lnvcatlBatr < i. Tottur * Cobb. IOJ1 K.\rmim SALT ] or Lease Frame building abou J : 40xVJ vrtth three years' lease of lot.Wl Done Jus Rt , Ul- > . An east front , M ft lot. on OII.LOOKhorol of Iltirtlutte ; very nno vlmv for Jln . How'n that. Jt , A. Upton Company , ICth and Farnam. ! R)4 ) W011X111 * of your attention. Now boms completed onJtU at , north ot LCUVKH- vortn ut. two houses noavoulunt to buslnHS'i , very roomy , unite , mnntol. furnace , KM. baili , toilet , a water closets , stationary wasn tubs , Jmluiul roltl wnter. five bodrnomi. HI closets ; only Ift-fivD , on ttirmi to milt. Telephone : W7 or "W. T , Hunnnii , Omalin'u larueit varlsty ot vrng enc rrluKC . at-c. , cant aldo Itith st , north of THE REALTY MARKET. pUeaU on record IN3TIHTMKNT3 youterdny. Ji S Hood mud wife to I'oellot , lot 10 , blk 1.1. Albright's Aiiaoi. . \vcl..t . $ 1 1 Vn.tti < r < 4)ii to J I1 Jensen , lot 1 , bll ; " , I'olsom Piirk , vr d . , . 3fX ) Boutli Omaha Land Co to 0 N Mlcltx , lot C , blk 11 , Soutli Omiihn. w il . W ( ] N IIICKH unil r/lfu to J nnd K Dnorrtl ; . lotr , blk II , Houth Omana , wd . : . ' , GtO J. T Loncuhrcy and wlto to J C ( ilndtlou , lot Id , blk l Walnut Hill. Wd . 2,00) X W Whlttlusoy unit Imsbnnd to I' M Vnn O dul. lotn.v * , t'lllll.vd . , . . . 600 F il Van Oro'Iol to 1' J O'Connor , lot , C. ulU 1 , Fowltr 1'ltico. w l. , . . , . , . D U Ilavnrly to J l > Miillf mler. lots 1'J , II and IS. blk n. 1'ortliind I'larcv d . J.MJO ff V Dull to ( J ] , Wrlulit , lot.s n and 7. blk C , Omaha , anil s 7'J It Infill , blk * * , " Loire' * ndtl. > r tl . , . iX'.MC A'Spetlmmn aud wtf to H K Milbunif. lot-iuand lit , blk IS. In Kunnts ; pliico. TV d JO.trxj II A ICti tnr < und tvifo to C A I'l''j to , lot U , blka. Kosters' add , w il . . , . 600 E Morris to HOury t't nl. lots l and y\ \ , blka , Jloiimouth 1'ntk. wd . sno J Llndt-rholm nun \vlfo to 1 , | u-\ruon lul , lot 10. Wk 1. Orchard Hill , tied . IKS S L Mlleaand wlfolo.l J Arlienburht , lot 7. blkw. Orchard Hill , wil . TM Otfo Ix > bbck amilfuto A J HOHU , lot 1' , imrtlotn , bit V , Lincoln Place , wd . 70o 3 Kounelly ct nl. to M Kurlt-'lit , n JJ lot 17. blkia , KouutzSiilaiU . , . J'J llurklny and wife to I' Diexel , lot I' ' , lilk 43 , Credit Toucliir add , wii. . u A II ilorenud wlfy ti > K McQuHdi' , lot V , Wk 4Ornudvlow. . w d . : . 41)0 ) A II Jlore and wife to V MrQiiiidf , u tract ilJolnUif w eldu of lot V. HkJ&n. ( Imnd' vlow. n cd . 1 B h Itood Bin ] wife to (1 K Hmith. lot 15 , , blk W. Albrluhf * anm-x , w il . ! KO W jet-otter awl wife to A S 1'otter , lot IS , blk f , rotter's add. l''nsliloim in Pistols. Now York Weolily Gontlcman ( In CMiIcago g\in \ store ) ktl wnnt ipistol. . ' Dealer ( plltuly ) "Yes , sir. Jlero IH n einull , jiltiln wcaimii , usually bourlit t or dofoiiEO ngnlnst ( oul-ids. ] : Horn ia n sUvDr-mountcil bounty , vorv ifopiilnr lor ahootlnn s\voolUonrU ; nntl hero , air , la our sliefdoover , full-jovvoleil , roltou- gold plnte. nil Iho rage nov ( or shootIng - Ing wlvcD. " THE CONDITION OF TRADE , Bnnkors Report n Very Easy Money Market. LOANABLE FUNDS IN DEMAND. Intercut ttntcft About ns Usual An In- crcnao In Clearings General nc a Continue * Good In All The Imcnl ItcRtmic. Hankers report n very easy money market , with liberal deposits and a fair demand for oanablo funds , Hates nro about as usual , > @ 10 per cent for prime mercantile paper. The clearings , ns reported by Mr. Hughes , manager of the Omaha clearing house , were , 'or tbo week , $3 , lii2,0'J2.73 , nn Increase ot 1.0 per cent. The balances were $11)1,303.27. This was for live days , only , as Arbor day was a bank holiday. Gnncral traao continues fair in all lines , and some houses report n nrgc increase in sales over last year. Col lections continue to Improve , and the volume of checks , drafts and currency from the country in settlement of merchandise In- dcbtncss Is of goodly size , and accounts are said to bo In suitable shape. Crop prospects continue excellent and the outlook from commercial unit financial standpoints Is very favorable. Prices nro steady with a tend ency to increasing firmness for dried fruits , lemons , peanuts and coffees. Flour is still depressed and declining In harmony with wheat and the curtailed , demand from ex porters , who think our prices current too high to ship on. Live stock brings good figures as compared with the prices obtainable for corn , Provisions have recovered sonic whnt. from the sluggishness felt lately , nnd upon the whole , the markets of the week show a steady tone. The stock market Is reported ns lethargic and iron Is dull aud sluggish , as is also coal. Mr. Armsby , of Chicago , in his last circu lar seems to be stirred up on the Inter-state commerce bill question nnd says : "Wo are stilt in hopes of getting Inw rates before now shipments commence , although between the Inler-stuto commerce regulation nnd the tariff laws of some ot our western states , it looks as though the bankruptcy court was the Inevitable end of the bulk of our rouds. Wo wonder sometimes , if the freight payers of thir , country really know tbo position in which the internal railroad law under its lust amendment places them. A. Chicago Judge rules that the anarchist and the communist can moot together and can publicly talk murder , arson , treason ( ad libitum ) , and It is their legal right under the constitution of the United Status to do so ; but the congress of the United States passes a law that makes it a crime punishable by tlno aud imprisonment for u shipper to even solicit a lower rate of freight than the tariff , no matter how large a block ho may have to offer and how much cheaper , proportion- atelv , the road could afford to do It than tlioy tret for a smaller quantity. For years ship pers have been in the habit of figuring on their freights as they have figured on their other business. If it is a crime now , why lias it not been a crime through nil thcso years } The fact is , the low is u disgrace to our records , and the names of the men who have passed it , ought to bo branded with infamy forever. It is fast getting to a | ) otnt in this country where the only man who has a right to even live is the pauper. or the red shirted shirker of the corner gro cery who does all his business in front of the jar , or the walking delegate whn docs his iiest to keep the honest working man from earning his honest wages , but because this man controls a few moro funds than a man who attends purely and simply to his busi ness , their opinion and their influences carry far moro weight with the politician , lmu the business man's or the manufac turer. A man nowadays has only to have money and brains to bo made a target for .He malicious shafts of the pot-house arawler , the cheap newspaper , and the still" cheaper politician. The rich' man is guilty of every crime in the calendar , and the pau per is the only saint. Wo say this with no llBrespeot for the hard-working poor man. Wo have been ono ourselves for u lifetime , jut wo do say that the men who have carried this nation to the trent rank among nations of the world are the successful men , whether manufacturer , merchant , professional man or fanner. They spring from the rankn , ono and all , and their interests arc a thousand limes moro worthy of consideration b\f \ the legislator or the people than those of t Ho men they loft in the- ditches behind them , for ths continued success of thn prosperous moans the prosperity of the nation. " "IIo may have good cause for grievance in common with other largo shippers , but on the other hand managers of railroads say , that notwithstanding the protection that bill affords them as they have intcruroted it , or caused it to bo interpreted by the commis sion , that they are losing money and so nro reducing expenses , nnd there is no doubt but what thu roads in tills section of the country are reducing expenses with a vengeance. Discharges of employes and cancellation of contracts under instructions from Now York and iiObton are the order of the day , and tbo city trade is kicking vigorously over the results - sults apparent in dull collections and the lessened sales , always attendant upon a re duction of expenses by largo employers. A sensational story to the effect that the sugar trust had gone to pieces was started In New York a lew days ago , but the present state of things would hardly warrant any credit to this story. Prices nro strong nnd rapidly advancing , and buyers , who fully appreciate the situation , uro laying in sup- pi lea for future requirements. This Is occa sioned by the entirely unprecedented state of the raw sugar stock in the hands of the Importers and agents in thin county. It is now only about 14,000 tons , against 110,000 tons nt the rorrc pomUii | * period last year. Very lane sales have been made In New York , as well ns in England , and it U said that the sugar trust was the principal pur chaser in most Instances. The advance in. sugar , says a good nutnor- Ity , bo an in Cuba ; the banks advanced more heavily than usual , ana the planters got moro for their crops. Thence the oxclto- mi'iit spread to London , where it now cen ters , and from that point has spread over the world. Floflucd ftugur has uot advanced pro portionately with the raw material , as thcro IK now a margin of but l//c between raw and refined , instead of 1K' % as a year ngo. The trust Is reported by outsiders to bo caught lu n corner. Sugar men , however , assert , nnd with emphasis , that the trust has n much larger stook than n your ago , Of course , unless tha cornering of sugars were < loio : by forugn ) refiners who should refuse to sell material to American refiners , it makes llttlt ) difference to the trust what , the cost of material Is if tlioy are allowed to maintain the price of re lined sugar at the corresponding higher level. The beet sugar crop wus' about the same ns last year's. Ueot sugar futures are sold in London ns nro grain or cotton future here , ana the speculation nnd rapid rise lit these hn.s stimulated tbo umrkot , Thuro is .saJ ! to bo little doubt that the continental banks , acting for parties unknown , but be lieved to bo KnellBlimen , are attempting , and with some success , to corner to ! : market. Ute caflVu remains linn on the pour crop prospect , but bn.ymij are slow mid sales uro light. The Ulo Mows tins been unable to obtuln any definite uatlmato ns to wiil ! : the ilninugo ol the next crop has been , but says it appoarn pretty mifo to declare that it will bo next to impossible to export 4WJK)0 ( ) baii during the present crop from Klo. There uro IliO.lKHl bugs at Uio do Jancrio and ! M5OCO baps at Santos , nnd the stuck of Ulo coftuo at nnd allo.u for the Atlantic ports nf thu United states fool up 50.i4i , ! bu s us against only 8l7ib2 ( bags a year ngo. 1C Ice Is firm with no cnrplus nupply. Do- fore the war WB exported over 20 per eent of our rlofl crop. To-day wo have to luipoit rlcu from China and Japan. The Carollnas , Georgia an > l Louisiana rnlso nearly all our rice along their lowlands about the river * . The yearly consumption per capita In this country U 4 pounds. England's people oat ten and one half pounds each per your , The total amount of anthracite coal mined thus far in the present y ar IK y,0. : > ,4JS tons , compared with 8,013,200 IOIIH for the eunio period lat year , n ducronsa of iW'J,771. The exports of breadstuff ! ) , provisions , cot ton and petroleum from the United States since Juno 1 , IMS , now roach against < ; ! 9l.XJllt)15 ; ) for the sumo tlmo in i . . _ Do you contemplate a trip to Califor nia'1 ; af BO , buy ono of Hoyn'o dotoctlvo cameras nnd innlce your trip doubly on- jojuble ; 1114 Uodfjo fctrcot. OMIlY IAVE STOOIC. Cntllc. Saturday , April 27. 1839. The trade wan In very much the same con dition ns yesterday , that Is slow and drapgy and lower. Neither shippers nor packers took bold wlthnny vim and t'uo noon hour arrived boforolnueh trading had been done , nnd still the bulk of the cnttlo were sold before - fore the close. A cholco bunch of steers brought 3.00 , but the bulk sold at $3.50 © 8.83. For butchers' stock there was n pretty fair demand nnd tbo holders of desirable fat cows were able to obtain steady prices. About everything of that description wns picked up by the buyers In the morning. The prices paid ranged from $1.75 to $3.25 for cows , but $2.C5@3.00 bought the most of them. Thcro wns some llttlo trading In feeder * nnd stockers , but tbo offerings were limited , A bunch of pretty fair llttlo Mock ers sold at SJ.OO and some very cholco feeders nt $3.20. It requires something extra , however - over , to bring the latter price. Light receipts encouraged salesmen to ask more for their holdings and they succeeded readily In obtaining nn ndvnnco of 5c. The trndo in the light and heavy weights was nctlvo and they sold early , the best going nt $1.50. The mixed hogs were not quite so nctlvo mid bold lira for n llttlo time , but stilt were nil sold In good season. Practic ally everything sold nt n rnngo of M.45@4.50 , there being only n ntckto between the best loads of heavy or light Weights and the mixed loads. Slioo | ) . Sheep have been very scarce for a wbllo back anil the total receipts this week only amounted to 1,320 head. Ono load was re ceived to-day and It was a very choice bunch of yearling Southdowns , shorn. There wns a good demand aud the load was piqttod up quickly at strong prices. * , Hooding. Cattle : 1,200 Hogs 1,700 Sheep 02 Prevailing Prices. ThofollowlngU atablo of prices paid la this market for tbo grades of stock men tioned : Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs.$3.75 @ 4.00 Good steers , 1250 to 1450 Ibi. . . 3.70 0i.PO : Good steers , 1050 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.50 @ 3.80 Ordinary to fair cows 1.90 Fair to good cows 2.40 ( itfJ.GO Good to cholco cows 2.00 M2.80 Cholco to fancv cows , heifers. . 2.80 © 3.15 Fair to good bulls 2.00 ( . ( 2.50 Good to cholco bulls 2.50 ( p.OO Light Btockors and feeders. . . . 2.7U ( M3.00 Good feeders , 050 to 1100 Ibs. . 2.90 C'W-20 Fair to choice light hogs 4.45 @ 4.r,0 Fair to oholco heavy hogs 4.45 054.50 Fair to choice mixed hogs 4.40 © 4.50 Fair to medium native sheep. . 4.00 ( $1.35 Good to choice native sheep. . . 4.5'J ( rt)4.90 ) Fair to choice western sheep. . 4.03 Q4.85 Ruprcaontailvo Snlea. STKHIIS. bUHIJP. No. Av. Pr. 02 Southdown shorn 105 lilvo Mock.Notes. Hogs Do higher. llecf eattlo slow. Feeders In demand. Top on beeves $3.90. Butchers stock steady. Tidy little stockers sell woll. Uccclpls of hogs COO lighter than last Sat urday. J. Grnbow , of Gretna , was in with two cars of cattlt1. J. Buck wns in from Crete with three cars ol cattlu. Hogs sold to-duy barely lOc lower than last Saturday. J. K. Hunt of Papilllon , was on the market with cattle. Charles Pittmnn came in from Heatrlco with cattle. Charles Huntgr , of Imogono , is In with two cars of cattle , \Vayno sent in William House with thrco cars of cattle. John llustii ) , of Auburn , was in with thrco loads of cattle. To-day's eattlo receipts were double these of last Saturday , . Mr. Hill , of Bs-oneo &H111 , Uushvillo , came In wltli two citra hoes. Edward Perry , of Perry 13ro . , Wayne , was lu with a car of eattlo. John Kao , of Kao Brothers , is In from Corning , la. , with cattle. .1. W. Pence , of Alba , wa In with two cars ol cattlu and one cur of hogs. A. Judson , of Silver City , was at tbo yards with two curs of cattle , PlatUiuculh was represented by S , H. Atwood - wood H ith two cars of eattlo. K. Filley was In from Filloy with three cars of cattle of his own feeding. G. Vf. Wynnt , of Silver City , brought In the eattlo that took the top , $3,00. L. D. Proper , of Watts It Co. , Grand Island , was in with two cura of cattle. Indianapolis received 2.500 hogs yesterday ; Cincinnati 1,000 , and St. Paul , Minn. , WO. Henry Schlnstock , of West Point , was In with three car * of cattle and onu par of bogs. Tim top on ! > oof cattle otio year ago to-day was $423 ; two years ugo 4,50 , aud three year ago fl.70 , Hogs sold ono year ago to-day at I4.M3@ 5.23 ; two years ngo $5.00 ( 3,20. and three years ago $3.70ri3.SO ( , J , 3 , Cell , L.vcns , Neb. , marketed a. load of Southdown sheep at $4. 10 , Tlioy were shorn and yor > rliugs. Swift wus thu buyer , Jlui Doud , tbo well known 110:1 : buyer , was nt tbo yards , and was welcomed uy a host of friends. Ho will return to Chicago in a few dayi. THE SPffltATlVE MARKETS , Ii 'nst Whont OpatlB nt a Sharp Recovery Over Voatorday'a Oloao. CORN WfeXk AND DECLINING. Outa Unscilrfcd Wltlitrt n Slightly Ijovrcr U\ijc ! Provisions Oloso WenkU-Cnttlo No Good JlopJUcinnnil Fair. OniOAOO TUOIUJOB MARKETS. CntCAOO , April 27 . [ Special Telegram to TUB BRE.I The wheat market had n firm opening nt a sharp recovery from yes terday's forced low closing. The Initial uotntlons were 80) ) o for Mny , Sljtfc for .luno nnd 79)/c for July , n g.iln of } < S o over night. Prlvnto cables were rather bet ter and foreigners no longer pretend In difference to American prices. The old world llnds its supplies running danger ously low with n gap of several months between - twoon now nnd the period of supplies from the next now crop , and It Is reaching out for wheat though roluotant to moat the ad vancing views or the holders. Now York reports foreign orders thorc for liberal quau- titles of wheat with the limits } { @ \c below the current quotations. The foreigners want property , but they want to cot It on breaks nnd not on rallies , They nro buyers not boomers. Another bit of foreign news was the dispatch to George Smith that Indian orders are bolng cancelled by shippers on account of Inability to got grnln to ship. This , on top of the fact that wheat usually forthcoming nt this season of the your , from Chill , Argentine republic nnd Australia Is not arriving , aud is not llkoly to arrive , may account for the hardening English and Con tinental markets. Domestic news was uot altogether deficient in Interest. Dlspatchos from Minneapolis and other points In the northwest chronlclo violent wind and sand ntorins In Dakota , which are represented to bo uncovering vast wheat fields. Ac.vnlc 'Inquires It wheat that was being blown out of the ground wus froastcd wheat that wouldn't grow or good wheat. His unkind conundrum remains unanswered. Lack of moisture Is being reported from scores of points in both the winter nnd spring wheat districts , nnd the latest summariza tion of the late ram fall devel ops the fact that it was moro spotted than genoral. This drouth talk is probably exciting scalpers more than it Is the farmers , but some alarm is felt in both classes. The cash wheat market begins to show signs of considerable activity. The interior millers are buying llttlo lots , right nlong , nnd shlpucrs report moro or less business for through shipment , though scarcity of dosirnblo vessel room prevents immediate movement. Irwin Green worked 25,000 bushels to-day In ono lot , and another firm 10,000 bushels for Now York. Altogether lake charters wore made for 50,000 bushels , The visible supply is expected to show n re duction Of 800.000 to 1,000,000 bushels , Now York nlona * decreasing 400,000. Dunham's Minneapolis correspondent advises linn that norlhwcstcrtv country elevator stock will bo 3,700,000 bushels on May 1 , against 5,200,000 bushels .April 1. The foregoing embraces about all tn outsldo news points of the day. Locally the Irmrket. was steady and neither very active 'nor interesting. Uoam und some otner local'lon'gs ' , among the professionals sold out consldciablo lines of wheat bought around the bottom , and George Smith and other heavy horts covered nnd began talk ing the other way. Hutcbinson did nothing cither way to nttract notice. New York was quotett as being a-'froo seller of wheat in this market , but Its own market holds up well. May wheat in .Chicago sold up from 80J o at the opening toTlc nnd off to 81c , closing at SOc. Juno advanced , to 82) c , sold off to 81Kc and closed-jit Slo. July sold at 79 } o early , advanced"strongly to 70 % , worked down under pressure to 78Jg@70i\ rallied to TOjtfc , back to 78 e and closed at 79J c. The market was on tbo quiet order most of the session as compared with yesterday. The closing ranee marks an improvement of about Jj'c. The corn market opened with a fooling of weakness , which increased later in the day on the free offerings for which the shorts uppcared to bo tbo only purchasers. The foreign market maintained n firm front in the face of the weakness here , and the other domestic markets were loss weak than Chi cago. Now Orleans reported exports of 40,000 bushels to Liverpool and 41,000 oushols to Hamburg , while in Now York to-day 20 boat loads were reported taken for export. Tim heavy receipts hero and the promise of their continuinc and , perhaps , augmunting , together with the dcslro on the part of the holders of Mny contracts to bo free from the responsibility of carrying grain nro the chief causes of the prevailing weakness , aided , of course , by the very favorable condi tions under which the next crop is likely to go into the ground. May opened } c unnor Friday's closing quotation at 33c. It sold near thu opening at 83Jjfc , but later bccamo very weak and sold off to 33) 0. It held around that price aud 1-lfic higher for a considerable tlmo , but finally , close to the time for adjournment the offer ings forced it down to 't3c , from which there was a recovery of Uc , the final prlco bolng 33 > c , which Is a decline since yester day of % c. The estimate receipts for Mon day were 899 cars. Oats were unsettled with n slightly lower range , with liberal business noted in the way of changing May into the moro deferred months. The receipts were very heavy , ex ceeding the estimates by forty-four cars. * Out of a total of 424 cars exspccted in 294 , or about 70 percent , passed into the contract grades with further .largo arrivals expected Monday. As a result the innrKct opened aoout ? b lower , though there was u partial recovery later , under the moderate demand from tbo shorts at the in side prices. Juno wns at about Jfo premium over May , that month opening at 21 : , while July was saleable nt % ( (61c over next month. Although the receipts were so large , ouly a moderate business was done In car lots to go to store , with No. 2 selling % @Ko lower nt Provisions closed weak with a quiet mar ket. In pork and the other speculative liies the parties interested in May property closed or transferred the same to July to u moder ate extent , but the now business transacted was limited , Even the cash product move ment , was under the previous days of the week , and in all departments of trade a slow feeling held full control. From the start the day wa * comparatively uninteresting , and the changes experienced in prices failed to possess any significance. At adjournment pork stood at about yesterday's last quota tions , while Jurd and abort ribs wore only "Xu lower. ) Tide fluctuations in pork were confined to 5@7J c , in lard to Gc and la sliort ribs to 2o. ' _ _ CHICAGO LitVK Hl'OOIl. CiiiOioo. 'April' 27. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKK. ] CATTLK Tbero was "no good" in the inarjket"'was a common expression among the salesmen. Desirable stock slowly and quietly -went over the scales and the chances were that nearly everything that the shippers' or the dressed beef trade could use was solfl , tjjid the general market closed rather weak. Thcro were nine or ton loads of Tcxans anou& ) the arrivals that sold at satisfactory' prices , Tlilu old cows and canning Btociiwere rather easier , a number of lots going as low as tl.75@2,10. Nice fat cows and heifers were In fair demand and steady. There was nothing going on worth noting in stackers and feeders. Cholco beeves , M.OO@4.2U : medium to good steers , ISM to 1500 ibs. l.55 ( < ? a,00 ! 1200 to 1350 Ibs , * 3.40@y.75 ; 050 to 12UO Ibs , $3.W Mockers and f coders , $ J.35 ( < i3.40 ; cows , bulls and mixed , II.TSMIUS ; bulk , f3Wa'J.7& ! ( ' , steew , Iloas The demand wag fair , with tbo lK of the mixed Bollintr about the same as yesterday , Tiamo'.y * l.70 , a few fancy at and a few rough packers at light sorts gl.T @ 4.7S. NEW YOHK , April 27. [ Special Telegram to Tiia HKR , | STOCKS The morm of last night prevented any general r.iforenco of stock operators , and when bus ness was re sumed this morning the few operators present were at son , The weakness of last night's oloso was carried over , however , and first prices were still lower , th'oloss reaching only to } .tflt ( > ; , under lust night. During the bour there was n llttlo activity in Union Pacific , Atchlson and Heading. All the other stocks were dull and neglected , and the market acted ai If tno holidays were already here. Twelve o'clock brought some animation and some strength on the cover * ing. All stock * In which there was any business advanced under the lead of Louis ville Si Nashville , which moved up nearly 1 per cent , Pullman opened off and moved up lYi simply regaining its loss. The sales for the forenoon were but 47,000 shares , and the covering was to oven the traders for the holidays the first halt of next week. Burlington closed at CM * , Chicago Gas 49 { , Louisville aud Now Albany OSX , Missouri Pacific 71' , Northwestern lOflX , Atchlson 42' , Pullman 0 , , St , Paul 05' < and Union Pacific at CO'g' , nil Identical with last night's figures. It is confidently ex pected that the activity and strength will follow the holidays when the exchange re opens next Thursday. The following were the closing quotations ; cent. STEHLINO EXCIIAXOE Dull but steady ; slxty-dny bills , (4.37 ; demand , (4.83 ; { . PUODUUK MAKKI3T3. CHICAGO , April 27. Wheat Easy ; cash , 80 fc ; May , Sic ; July , 7 ! > , ' < e. Corn Easier : May , 83 } c ; July , 34 11-lOc. Oats Firm ; cash , 21Mc ; May , aiO-lCo ; July , 22Xe. Kyo Mny , 40 > fc. Barlov Nothing doing. Prime Tlmothy-l. 2@1.83. Flax-l.fx ) . Whisky 11.03. Pork-Steady ; cash , H.57K ; Juli'U.77 . Lard Steady ; May , SO.bS ; Jul.v , fO.lW . Flour Dull and unchanged. Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , J5.2o@5.50 ; short clear , tC.25@fl.37 > : short ribs , 5.95 @ 0. 00. Butter Steady ; creamery , 1023c ; dairy , Cheese Steady ; full cream cboOdars and fiats , U@9 > e ; fancy Young Americas , O1 Eggs Firm ; fresh , Hides Unchanged ; bonvy and light green salted , D c ; salted dull , 4J c ; green sal ted calf , Oc ; dry flint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ; dry calf , 7 ( < ? 8c ; deacons , 2."c each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4c ; No. 2 , 3ifc ; coke , 4) c. Heccipts. Shlpincuts. Flour . 7,000 8,01)0 ) Wheat . 18,000 21,000 Corn . 100,000 210,000 Onts . 125.000 103,000 New York , April 2' . Wheat Receipts , 28,000 ; oxnorts , 82,000 ; spot , dull but nom inally higher : No. 2 rod , S.'l' o in store ; 8J@S5'ic afloat ; b3@SOKo f. o. b. : No. a red , 7r ) < i@7Se ; options fairly active nnd higher ; MaybSJ c. Corn Receipts , 180,000 , ; exports , 59,000 ; snot , active , weak and lower ; No. 3 , 43@ 43l c In elevator ; 44614 0 afloat ; ungraded mixed , 41if(34fic ! ( } ; No. 2 , special , May , 42V @ 43c ; options moderately active and lower. Oats Receipts , 34,000 ; exports , none ; spot , dull and weak ; options , dull , lower and weak ; Mny , SSc ; July , 2S < 5 ; spot , No. 8 , white , 3y@33Kc ; mixed western , 2S@32c. Coflco Ootions , barely steady and 5 to 10 points up ; sales , 23,500 bucrs ; May , $10.00@ 10.05 ; July , $10.75 ; spot Illo , quiet ; fair car goes , $18.75. Petroleum Quiet , steady ; United closed Eggs Steady and quiet ; western , 12 @ Pork Steady and quiet ; now , $13.00 ® ! 3.25. Lard Steady and quiet ; western steam , 7.2JK ; May 87.19. Butter Ens v ; western ll@20o. Cheese Quiet nnd unsettled ; western , Liverpool , April 27. ( Special Cablegram to THE BEE. ] 3:30 : p. m. close. Park in poor demand ; prime muss , eastern , 05s , steady ; do western , 5Js , dull. Lard In fair demand for spot and poor demand Tor lutures ; spot , April , May and Juno , 35s Ud , steady. Wheat In 'poor demand ; now No. 2 , winter - tor , 6s 8d , easy ; do spring , 7s 4d , easy. Flour In poor demand at 11s , dull. Corn In fair demand ; spot and Juno , 3s 7d , firm ; Mny and June , 3s U d , firm. Minneapolis , April 27. Wheat Sample wheat a shade firmer ; receipts , 140 cars ; shipments , 072 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , April and May , 97c ; on track , 99o ; No. 1 northern , April and May , 87J c ; on track , 87K@b9c ; No. S northern , April and May , 77c ; on track , SOc. Milwaukee. April 27. Wheat Steady ; cosh and May , < 7&e : July , 7Sc. Corn Firm ; No. 2 , Sic. Oats Dull ; No. 2 , white , 27@27 } c. Kyo Firm ; No. 1 , 42Xc. Barley Dull : No. 2 , 55c. Provisions Unchanged ; pork , $11.60. St. Louis , April 27. Wheat Hightor ; cash and Mav , 79 c. Corn Easier ; cash,30o ; May , 30 , ' c. Oats Weak ; cash , 23c : May , 2J9c. ! Pork Quiet at ? 12.00@ 12.25. Lard Nominal at tG 50. Whisky Steady at 81.03. Butter Weak ; creamery , 22@2.1c ; dairy , 13(320c. ( Cincinnati , April 27. Wheat Dull ; No. 2 red , 833 < c. "Corn Firm ; Xo. 2 mixed , 3 < 5c. Oats Easy ; No. 2 mixed , 2G@2fc. ! Whisky Firm ; tlM. HunHna Cily , April 27. Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 red , cash , 74o ; No. 2 soft , cash , SOo. Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 31o bid , 25o asked ; May , 21 0 bid ; No. 2 white , cash , 25Mo ; May , 25Jio bid. 20o asked. Gals No , 2 , cash , 20 > o asked. L1V1C STUCK. Clilcnao , April 27. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Itcccipts , 1,700 ; market slow nntl steady ; choice beeves , M.OOQ4.20 ; steers , tl.UfiQII.m ) ; stockcrs and fouttors , (2.35 3.40 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.75@l.lj ! ! ; Texas steers , J3.250I3.SO. Hogs iteceipis , l,000 ) ; market ntrong ; mixed , $4.0Jo)4.75 ( ) ; heavy , $4.55@4,75 ; light , M.UO4.bO ; skips , | 3.50@1.40. Sheep Hccolpts , 1.50J ; market weak ; natives , ) .00if4.95 ; wcntern fi.50.VJ4.ia : ) ; lambs , * -l.W ) < 6.bu. KnnenH CUy , April 2r--Cattlo-r-lloco ! : > U , 1,200 ; shipments , none ; market ubout steady ; common to choice , corn-fed , $ .100 @ 4.25 ; stockcrs nnd feeding nteora. f-J.Oiii4 ) U.W ) ; cows , 1.75@S5. ) Hogs Itccelpts 5,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; market slow and weak , nnd So lower ; com mon to choice , ft.'JSQil.ST' , Natliin.il rttoolc Ynrilt. ICint St IJOIIIH , April 27 , Cuttlo Kecolpts , 1W ( ; Bhlnmcnta.vlOO ; murkot steady ; falrto choice heavy native steers , * ; i.0i' ( ) < t4,40 ; stoukursund feeders , $2.10 ( i30D ; rangers , corn-fod , tJ.70 @ 3.6U ; grass-fed , .0'J@-J.75. ' Hogs Receipts , 700 ; shipments , 100 ; strong ; cliolfo heavy and butchers' selec tions , # 4.CO@4.75 ; packing , $1.40 ® 1.00 ; light grades , W.OOCsM.IU. Sioux City , April 27 Cattlo-Ueceliits , M3sliipmentH ; , ; ! CO ; atcauv ; fat steera. i.OO < V43.fUj stockers , fr-J.35a.8T ; feeders. * J.4l QJ J.IK ) ; canners mil bulls , tl.OJ 1.75 ; va.il calves , fc3.00(5t4.00. ( Hogs UcceljiU , 1,100 ; murlcut higher ; light and mixed , $4.3r ffi4.i3 ; heavy , ft. 40 ( 4.50. A DcHlrnlMn Taaunt. A mnn at Newton , iCun. , anvertUcg us folio waV.ttntod ; . A peed six or eight room house by a family without children , ( 'mnduhilaron , mother-in-law , , grandparontB , or hired girl wlthlovor. ' Lar ovt Fish The Inrfcst vflsh liatohery I world will bo at Put-In lliv : Ii ' Laku Krio. It "will htive a ' capacity for $00,000,000 white WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW , Easy Poollna lu Finnuolal Olr- olos Rnthor Inoronaod. INTEnEST RATES NO LOWER. The Eiprctmtljnrgo Pcmruul I1 or IioAna From GriUn nntl Provision Operators Fnllcil to Mn- torlnllzo. The World of Trtinio. CIIKHOO , April 27. [ Special Telegram to TitK Unit.1 The near approach ot the 1st of May wns expected to bring n largo demand for call loans from grain nnd provision op erators iwho , It wns supposed , woulu want f unils to jiay for property expected to bo de livered to them. Such has uot , however , been the cnso nnd easy feeling noted In fi nancial circles for some tlmo past has rather Increased. Interest rntes , however , have not declined nnd 5 per cent Is still the lusldo for the majority of the call loans , but on special occasions where ovcoptlonnl security Is tendered 4 } per cent has been accepted. Merchants and manufacturers are rciiumng funds with which to meet maturing obliga tions and made about their u&ual requests nnd were accommodated nt 0(3)7 ( ) per cent. Deposits hnvo decreased moderately , but bankers still hnvo u vury liberal supply of tdlo funds for which they desire employ ment , and there Is llttlo prospect of nny Im provement in Interest rates in the nonr future. Calls from the Interior for loans were fair , but the western movement wns not of sufficient magnitude to attract special attention. At the east and In London lazi ness continues to bo the loading feature of the loan market , but Interest rates nro no lowor. New York exchange was quiet au'd slow nnd sold nt par to 40o nnd closed nt the outside. Foreign exchange developed n weaker tone nnd rntes declined carlj'j owing to the Increased offerings , but Inter became steadier. Sixty dav documentary sterling bills on London sold nt $ l.b5hS4.SO ( , niui closed nt f l.SSJf. Iho distribution of goods by mercantile Jobbers and manufacturers continues on n fairly liberal scale. Thu iron triulo shows evidences of Improving , Sugnrs nnd coffees nro firm , with comparatively small stocks of the ilrst named article. Cotton goods uro also firmer. Business on the Now York Stock oxchongo was interrupted by thu Easter holidays in London and Boston which restricted opera tions in these cities early in the week and nt the snmu tlmo gave traders n foretaste of whnt Is to conic next week when exchange In New York will bo closed Mo ml ay nnd Tuesday. The trading wns almost entirely professional nnd confined to specialties , to the detriment of business In many stocks that nro always considered on the active list. The distrustful feeling that has been BO mnrked for months was apuaront early in the decline of 4 per cent on Hocking Valley and 11 per cent on Cleveland , Columbus , Cincinnati & Indi anapolis , duo to influences ontirley separate from the other properties. Gas trusts bold off 1 per cent on free realizing , but reacted nnd part of the loss wns regained. Late In the week n firmer feeling developed nnd the market slowly hardened. London showed moro strength and wns a good buyer of Louisville & Nnshville und Union Pacific , the purchase of the latter being a surprise , ns the statement showed that it had fulled to earn a dividend lust .year , and the report for March showed the net earnings had de creased $301,000. Boston bought Now Eng land quite froql.v. The shorts also mani fested u disposition to cover and wait devel opments , and fair advances were recorded toward the close. Coal stocks were neglected most of the tlmo. The business of the coal roads was not up to ex pectations , and operators who arc generally bullish on these properties nre now the re verse. Earnings are fair , but the prospects for largo gains in the near future for thu western roads are not particularly encour aging. Bonds were more animated and gen erally bettor. The sales of stock for the week wore 1,170,140 shares. There was considerable interest mani fested In the produce markets during the past week , and trading was quite active both in the speculative nnd shlpuing brunches. The undertone to the loading markets indi cated considerable weakness , and prices averaged lower. In grain the good outlook for the growing crops nnd the favorable wenthor In most sections of the west encouraged - aged free selling for future delivery , especi ally of wheat , and as lower prices were ac cepted for that article tbo prices of the other cereals sympathized to some extent. The advices , too. In regard to the foreign crops appeared to favor good crops , and this was regarded as an clement of weakness. However it was apparent In nil the markets that traoing was less conflnrd to the local operators , thnt outside parties undoubtedly had moro confidence in tbo course of the market nnd were inclined to trade , Whnt was true of the speculative markets was equally as applicable to the shipping branch of the trade , llathor liberal quantities of gram were moved eastward by lake , und there was considerable inquiry for small lots to meet the demands of the interior trado. The foreign markets exhibited con siderable weakness and lower prices were quoted. The export movement continues modcrato of flour und wheat , but quite lib eral of corn and provisions. The receipts of grain at the smaller interior points were light and the arrivals at the Inrgor markets were moderately free , though forwarded chiefly from interior elevators for delivery on maturing contracts , The feeling in provisions wns inclined to easiness , and lower prices were submitted to on all speculative descriptions. The receipts of live stock were moderately froa at the prin cipal western markets , and prices again fav ored the buyers. Hogs wore In somewhat larger suoply than generally expected. The packing of the west for the week showed a slight Increase , but the returns for the season show a modcrato Increase com pared with the returns of the last soaiun. The movement of provisions was liberal nnd mainly of products previously contracted for , JUST A MINUTE. News of Tiio Saturday Evening Bee liollcd Down. Boston new license law went Into effect Saturday. Yankton wants rail connection with Omaha. Charles E. Woodruff , formerly secretary of the Young Men's Republican club , nt New Britain , Uonn. , confesses forgery to the extent - tent of $10,000. There wus a S'JOU.OOO blnzu in Lowell , Mass. , Saturday , ' The Samoan commission called on ills * mnrclc Saturday. The wepkly bank statement sliows the re serve increasoil * lill : > .00 ( ) . The banks now hold $ ii : , < t'J7OUO In excess of ttio Irtral require ments. The Now York exchanges will take thrco holidays next week in honor of thu Wiviliinir. . . ton centonnliil. A prize-fighter fell dead during n sparring match in San Fr.tncUoo , f'ridiiy nljjhl. Mrs. ICirkhuni , the Chicago minister's wife charged with shop-lifting , tins bo-Jit tllu- charged. _ How Huxley lieoaino an Atrnosllo. Looking bnclc nearly 00 yoni'A , I &eo myself ns n boy , wliosn oducntion Imd boon intoruntefl , nnd who , Intellectually wns loft for some vcnt-H to his own do- vico3. him Prof , Huxley in the Nine teenth Century. At thnt time I was n voracious nnd omnivorous render : n drnfiiier and s ) > ecmlator of the ) lr = t water , well endowed with thnt Bplendld courage in nltnoktlng any nnd ovorv mibjoot whloh la the blobsod eoinpunfiil- tion of yo-Uh aud uxoorinnuo , Among the booK's mid essay * , on nil torts of top ics from ijieUphyslos to he nil dry , which I read ot tUU tlniA.A o lo/t / Indelible 1m- 1mt's t's liavo understood A ( trent donl oit ; nevertheless , I devoured It with avidity , nnd It stumped upon my mind the strong conviction Hint , on oven the most Solemn nnd linjvortnnt ot questions men nro npt to tnko cunnlnp phrases for nnawnrs ; nnd that the limitation of our ftvonltlos. In n Brent number of cases , rondor.roni nnswora to such questions neb merely nctunlly Impossible , butthcorcUoAlly"'ln- concolvnblo. Philosophy nnd lIstory | , Imvinp laid hold of mo In this eccentric fiifllilon , hnvo never loosened tholr tjrlp. I hnvo no pretensions to bo nn export In cither subject ; but the turn for pliiloso- phlcnl nnd historical rending which ten dered Hamilton nnd Gulzot iittrnoUvb to ' mo 1ms not only filled many lawful leis ure hours , nnd still more sleepless onos- wlth the repose of changed montnl oo , cupntion , but lias not infrequently dis puted my proper work time withmy HeRe Indy , natural science. In thlswny I hnvo found It possible to cover n grout dcnl of ground In the territory of phil osophy ; nnd nil the more easily that I hnvo never cnrod much about A's ' or B'a opinions , but hnvo rather sought to know what answer ho Imd to give to the questions I had to ( nit to him tlint , ot the limitation of possible knowledge being1 the chief. The ordinary ojtatn- inor , with his "statotho vlowsofso-nnd- RO , " would hnvo floored uio nt miy time. If ho Imd said. What do you think about my given problem ? I might have got on fairly well. Icnornnco Not Always nil i Now York World : Mrs. Shoddy ( to the Indy caller ) Do wo know' 'tno Ciriggsoa ? No. I don't think wo do. Young Shoddy ( aged twelve years ) Oh , mn , whnt u storyl Didn't pa say yostordny thnt ho owocl Mr. Grijgs'820o ( and that ho didn't know where in" the world the money was to como from ? THE BAILWAY TIME TABLE OMAHA. SUBUUB.1N THAIN8 , KunnlnR between Council muffs and Al bright. In addition to the stations mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourtn streets , and at tno Summit In Omaha. _ llroad- 'IVans- Oman South Al- way , fer. depot Sheety. Omaha bright. A. M. A. M. A.M. A.M. A. M. 6:4 } 6rl : eioo 6iV ) (1:30 ( 6:37 : U63 | 'fl:55 : 0 : < o 0:47 : T-M 7K)7 ) 7:20 : 7:25 ' 7'K 7:42 7:5S : 8:00 : 740 ! 7:52 8:05 : H:12 : Hl26 8:30 * B:35 8:4' : : 0:23 9:00 : 8 : H:52 8:0- > 0)12 ) 8:5Ti 0:30 : ' 0K ; : U : 0K , 10:00 : 'n-ra 10:0. : , 10:12 10-M . 11 : a- 11:12 11:2) 11:30 : 11:4 : K M. 1' . M. a1. M P. M.U P. JL I' . M. l ' : ( i' 12:14 12 : 12:3J : JIMS 12 : 1:03 : 1:12 1:25 : 1:30 1:46 1:52 2:13 : 2:30 : 242 ; 8 : U 2:45 : 3H- 9:25 : 3:07 : 4:1U 4:15 4:1 : ; . ' 4:23 : 4iO : : 4r,7 : 6:10 : 6:15 : 4:4ri : ror : , r :12 : fit23 rte : ; f > M 0:05 : Oilli 0:2S : 0:45 : 6:62 7:05 : 7:12 7M : : 7:4r , 7.VS : 8:0.- : 8:1 : : : B:4r : > 8:5' : } 0:12 : OM : : U:4. : 0:02 : 10:05 0:13 10:2T : ) 10:30 .aril : * ) I I1CO : rlv 11:411 Hrl , 12:05 : 11 : 12:03 : UU5 EnMUrard brlRht , COUNOllj KUOK IBI.ANO&l'AClfc'ia ] < t > avu. Arrive. A No.2 ( U'Wp. ' m. A No. . . . , . . . . ) ft , m. V No. H dCM'i. ; m. f ! No n fiiMp.iu. UUIiJAVjO.'limilJNllTON i'QUINoV11' ! A No. 4 V.V : ) u. m.A No.r WiMa. III. A Ko.Ii . . . 'fi'.U n. iiA No.3 , . . . , . Oi-'Ktp. m. Es'Miit Saturday. JF.xcupt MomUy. CHICAGO .V NOItTIIWlWrKKN. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' * . ! . . . ! . . ! ! > l iIko'r/ ! : < , . . . .0 ; < u . m . " . . | . . ! . . . . , . . , . . , CujA : ( > p.Mr/.WAUJiKH/sST. A NoXVi,9 : 0i. ( m. A No. . . , , . . . : A No.4 j.7 : ' jp.-ia. A ' - KANKA > < ? ' ( I , A