. _ , , HWHV iA JInWf Ar ur > t > V TAVJ \ PAH/Y BEE' SUNDAY .APKIL 28 , 1889.-SIXTEEN PAGE& SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA No Rrtrertlncinrnts will lie taken Tor Ilicfin columns nftcr 12:00 : p. in. Terms Cnnli In lulvnnoo , Adrerttft nicBtii under thli bend 10 cents p r line for tne first insertion. 7 cents tor each sub- Mqttent InnerIon , and f I// ) per line per month. .Kondveninemont taken for le. thnn 26 cent * the nr t Insertion , Bflven word * will bo counted loth * llnai they mint run consecutively and nst bo paid In ADVANCE. All advtTtli-e- bents must ix bndi"l in before I2iu : : o'clock p. an. , and under no clrcunlstnneos will they b taken or discontinued by telephone. I'fcrtlas advertising In these column * and hay- nor tbclr answer * addressed In care ot TUB UK * wilt please nsk for a check to enable them to get Ihtlr Icttem. as none will be delivered except on presentation of chock. All answrs to adver tisements should he enclo"onin ; envelopes. All advertisements In these columns nra pub- Milled In both mornlnir and evening editions of TDK lltr. . the clrculntion ot which aggregates more than IP.WX ) papers dally , aim gives the ad- Tittlsers the Denu.nl , not only of the city circu lation of THE HKK , hut also ot Council muffs , Lincoln nncl other cities and towns throughout this section ot the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for thoio rolnmns will b9 tatea n tna above conditions. t the following busl- CM houses , who nro n ) thorlred agents for TUB ll r Bperlnl notices , and will quote the uuin * r tes ai can bo had at the main olllco. _ IIELU PharmaclstrSb South Tenth nireet , CHASE & RDDV. Btnilonor * nrt Printers , 113 HoutU ICth Street , _ _ _ n. KAKNSWoilTH , Pharrai/lEt , 2115 Cum- ing Street. J. HUGHES , Pharmacist. G2I North IGth Street. KOTw. PARR , Pharmacist , 1809 Bt , Avonuo. SITUATIONS WANTED. _ \ ; \ 7'ANTKIPoslUnn by n lady ns nenmtress TT In dressmaking or any kind of sowing. ' A 1 reference. Apply nt or address Dr. 8. G. Nordstrum , room m , crelghton lllock. . 4w-28t ; P f i i "VlfANTKO Employment by married mnii , 30 . TT years of ago ; good penmnn , accredited a / good snlosmnn ; can fiirmsli bond If necessary. 's Addrcss X HeO 4U8-2M : ) Position ns saleslady ; nny do- TT pnrtmcnt ; dry coeds or milliner- : several years experience. None but first class need np- ply. AddrcSH X 40. lice. 40y-28 * SITUATION wanted in some wholesaln house , drugs or notions preferred ; four years ox- porlunce.m retail drug business. Good refer * f nccs. Address X 48 , Hoc. 401-4J ' "ITTANTKD Ry n practical printer , position T T as foronmn in n country olllco ; steady nnd t 'mporato , nnd will stny by a steady job. Ad dress X 4) ) . lleo olllco. r > 4 20 * SITUATION Wanted lly young married man of good education and commercial training , position of trust , collector , etc. ; highest refer ences and cash security. Address X 3) llou. 314 28T _ WANTED Situation by young man who Is a thorough abstractor. Manipulates typc- writer. Will no any kind olllco work. Rest ref erences furnished. Address , X 38 lleo. a > l 2'J" ENGAGEMENTS to do dressmaking m f am Hies solicited.Miss 8turdy,2017 Lenvenwortn 201 in i2 ! * PARTIESdeslringexperienced .stenographers can obtain just the party wanted without delay or inconvenience from tlie Western Sten- . ographlc agency , Lincoln. Neb. rou-niU WANTED MALE HELP. \XT7LNTED An expcfleucca shoo snlesmnn TT having had several years' oxpcrlonco In nn exclusive shoo store , none others need npply. Unquestlonnblo city references required. llosenflefd ft Zumlcr. 1520 Douglrfs at. WANTED-Tho Grnnd Union Tea Co. , of . Omaha , wants a representative In every town or city within 200 miles of Omnlm. Must be thoroughly acquainted nnd reliable. Either ladv or gentleman can till this position and make fair wnges. Address W. 1C. Duvnl , Manager. 440-30 WANTED agents In every city having water works to hell patent hose holder. It will . take nny size hose from ,4-lncli to i-lnch. Can bo ndjusted to nny position desired In watering * a1awu. It Is the simplest nnd most convenient bolder on the mnrket. Sells quickly , pays creed prpflts. Sample sent to nny address on receipt of prlco. 11.60. Write for agency. C. H. Talsoy , ' ' t > P * " * . Denver. Colo. 300-31 lj 'TRUNNER'Wnntcd-Agoon runner for Allan- JLVtlevhotel , 10th St. , one who can speak Ger- mnn or Danish protercd. 40I-20J W 'ANTED Flat-class , all-round baker , il6 and ; board and room. Mrs. Urega , 3Hii S. llith. 417-29J WANTED Good ofllce man ; must be good penman nnd accurate at figures. Have 'replies in by 7 p. m. to-day. Address X 63 , Bee cilice. 410-28 M ANTED Drug clerk ; references required. Address X 47 lloe. 38820 * WANTKD An experienced clothing sales man , one wfib can spouk German , prefer - for red. Inquire nt BOH B. 13th st. 33B-28 * ANTEO-Hotel mnn to open n hotel in the most desirable locality in Texas ; rare op portunity ; capital of flO.OOO required. Address D , Vuu Itaub , lloerne , Kendall co. Texas. _ _ ] ii20-23t WANTKD Pnperhangers to get prices on Job lots of wr.ll pnper und borders nt 407 B. ICth St. , Rninpo block. j07 7 * WANTED 10 good cornlcemakers , 1 good cutter , forOgden , Utah. Apply nt western Cornlcoworks bet. 4 nnd 5 p. m. C. Spechr , 3103 SALESMAN wanted. Ono or two good sales men , Hide lino. Standard article. No sam ples required. Addioss , Drawer 33Knlamnzoo , Mich. HI J 4 * 1 "AA7AN'-rF < DABents ! n Rlc cigar llgnter ; T T every smoker buys ; lights In wind orraln : f lastaa lifetime ; sample 1/ic / , two for 25o , dozen 1 , by mull ; stamps taken. Staynor ft Co. . [ Providence R. 1 , 17U-m22 * "IXTANTED Experienced hnrdwnre sales- i T T man. knowledge ot builders' hurdwaro ' preferred ; state age and salary required. Ad. Brass X 17 , Hoe. 168 EMPtAYMKNT for young man or lady. llcforenc required ; G. E. Thompson , 212 Bhcely block. Vti WANTED Knergotlcmen and women every where for a genteel , money-making busi ness. WO weekly profit guaranteed easier than 100 monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely unnecessary. Pormament position and exclus ive territory assured. t2 samples free. Write for 'particulars. ' Address \vlln stamp , Merrill Mfg. Co. . It Kl Chicago. 714-ml2j SALESMEN wish u few men U > s nil our goods by sample to wholesale nnd retail trade. Largest manut'rs in our line. Kncloso E-ci > nt stamp. Wnges M per day. Permanent position. No postals answered. Money nil- yanced for wnges. advertising , etc. Centennial Mnn'f'g Co. , Cincinnati. O. BU WANTED Men to solicit ; must depor.lt 125 and give security for monny tollocted. Bslary875toeiOO per month. C ll on or address - dross Qeo. 8. ClingMl First National bank. 470 \\7ANTKD-Agcnts to sell the Pig Puaele ; TT-everybody crazy to get one ; sample by - mnll lie ; atamps taken. A. A. Austin ft Co. . manufacturers. Providence. 11. 1. 2i > .Sm2J \XTANTKD-WX ) men for railroad work In TT Washington territory ; good wngos nud tendy work. Apply at Albrleut'8 I bor Apency , lliM Farnam street. jaff OOYS Am. Dlst. Tel. Co , 1304 Doiiflas. AGENTS wanted on lalary , I7fcpcr mouth , and expenses paid , nny active mnn or woman to sell our goods by luimpi * and live nt .borne. Balnrypald promptly and expom.es In idvanc . I'ull particular mm Fnmple case tree. We mean just what \v say. Address Standard Silverware Co , , Itoston. Mass. U30 WANTED--FEMALE HELP. IV WANTKD-A Udy book kcopor ; must be competent ; oii't experienced In stonocra- phy preferred. AddreaiXfcl' ' , lleo o.'llce. 437-2it WANTED-1 minedtaloTy. " "geveriO""waist - fitters , drapers , finishers nnd alteration baiidi. None but find-class workers need jpply. Tlie Klifa Cleat anil 8ut ! Co. . 1610 JJQUtflns st. 4U-S8 fc IJETANTER A good girl to assist Jn Renernt' 1 nol"9W't'kNorth Uth street. 428 - ' * WANTED A good girl for general liouso work ; wngei (4 per week , B. w. cor. of 22d Hid Mason all. 4JI-3U HTAWTKU-A girl for light hotMework. 8 ln 1 TT family , 1W4 tfauudera. 3VS-2S * WANTED A good dry goods salesman , at once ; good yulury to the rlgtit man , Kn- HUlro at the ( 'able Llna Grocery , N. 20th st. , op posite Colostoum. 400-2et r-AN'rFD-Monany to girls ; general work ; a8 ff'ok.1' W ellchi ? El"s for country hotel ; tlst and ind glrlb xamo IIOUKQI a laundry girls ; 4 chamber maids ; dvmi inakur , tu % > oek ; head y-alter. r.-allress and dlsli washer. Fremont. Neb , Omnha Employment bureau , llu N. Utn , ' 415-28J WANTED Competent girl or woman for family golni' to California ; i glils to cook Jn saino place , llh : C for binaR hotejH , I.W to W ; " 2 dining room girls for lleatrlce. tin ; 4bj Utv , nurse girl * ; kitchen girls ; U ) for general WANTED Lady agents for our new\ siibstltnto tor bustle , baby diaper iOii > portnr , etc. ; our lovra Falls ( la. ) agent made t In one day. 'Ladles' Supply Co. , 26" W. Wasl Ington st. , flilcBgo , HI , 3i2-7t W PANTED An experienced girl for house work. 2001 i'oppleton nve. 4o3- ) WANTKD-A good girl or mltlalo-ngcd woman to tine cliargu of my house ; she must bo n good cook nnd A neat housekeeper ; now house , six rooms , now furniture , three In the family ; nn easy position ; n Permanent sit uation and n comfortable homo Is olTered for a suitable percpn ; references required. Apply W. 8 , Benvey , chief ot police , at my olllce. 172 28 W ANTKD-Cook , female. ItHW Douiilns. 373 24 * WANTED A ulrl to do general housework ; must bo good cook. 18U Wlrtst. , Kountze place 3S ' A \rANTEl-Nurso girl , 222 * . rnrnnin. _ MRS. / . Chnrlcan , good diessmakor wnntod at ITiM Clark st. 311 2JJ \\TANTED-Glrl for general housework , ' small fnmlly. Apply until Tuesdny next nt R 101 1'nxton house between 0 a.m. and 2 p.m. WANTKD-Glrlfor genon ! housework. 3 In fnmlly. 171/i / Cuss. 33.- > \ rANTii-2 : Tllnug room ulrls. Aliply nt } once at the Cozzons hotel. WANTKD Experienced nut-so girl. Mrs. L. O. , lone . 718 N 2lst St. 320 28 _ ANTKD-Walst Hnlshers 1510 Hownrd. M. A. . - cook nt 1U11 Dodge.JUi JU-i 28 * WANTED A girl for general Housework 14.-K1S Ninth st. 0. 1' . Eleanor. 201 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. RsTHRlxTATcanadlan Kmp. ofllce , iil4S ( S 15th. Kofurcnco Omaha National bank. 315 mij : / iM AH A Emp. burcnu. 110 N Ifitli ; established \Js years. Most rollnblo in city. H. E. White. 274-mSJ TADIES , Information nnd employment par- i-t lor.si strlc.tly first-class ; perfectly reliable. Room 10 , llushman block , N. E. cor. Douglas und Ifitli st. IKI-A-iUlT . MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. I WANT n gond Newfoundland or mastllf pup , from two to six months old. Am willIng - Ing to pay n fnlr prlco for good pup. Allrod Rliodersnth ; nnd Fnrnnm. 42V2.it O Nil or two furnished looms NE. cor. Far- nam and 23th nve. IU2-29J WANTED Kvory lady In Omaha to have Homo article from the grentest bnrgnin halo held lu Omaha nt Larkln's , G10 North Six teenth. 41U-2S \ \ * ANTED lly n couple going to liousekeep- T Ing , n good girl for general housework , Immediately , nt 10)2 S. iWth nvo. ; 5UJ-28 ANTED-Alltho babies in our city to Imvo nnowclo.ik , dross mid Inco ciip out of the great stock ot I arkln's , lilt ) North Six teenth. You can buy the three articles for about the usual prlco of one. 410 28 WANTED To purchase n gooa buggy horse. Apply at my olllce nt 3 p. m. W. d. Senvey chief of J > ollce. " _ pj-j- ? _ \\rANTKn-Homes for it German children 7 TT months to5 years. Must lie with reliable people. Mrs. Hregn. 314" S. 15th. 334-28 * ANTED Table boardersatlBll Dodge. 29:1 : 2 T\7'ANTnD--Atiy ono uHllcted with nnypri- TT vato or chronic blood diseuao to enlfon theNntionnl Romcdy Co. , 1414 Dodge st. nnd In vestigate their treatment for private dlsoidors. W ANT tlj New n.inlu uticie nt 1-riin Neb. SKmSir WANT ED TO RENT. W ANTED May 1 , fnmiMietl or unfurnished cottuge ; family of two. Address X 4'J. Bee. WANTED to Rent-Small furnished house by n respectable family. Good reference. XSllecolllce. . _ 43R1IJ _ WANTED to rent by June 1 , n 7 or Kioom cottnire. modern conveniences , no children. Address Lock box 8-)0. _ 357-2U * _ " \X7" ANTED Four unfurnished rooms on llrst TT tloor for light housekeeping , Kountzo place preferred. Must know at once. Addiess X.ll Ilpe. _ 2 7-2a * WANTED to rent by family of two , nn un furnished cottage In good condition con taining G or 7 rooms ; must nave terms and lo cation to receive uny attention. Address U G" > , Dee. 22' ) _ FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT House of 10 rooms , nil modern convunloncos ; Hanscom Place , iE. . Strat- on. 408 Merchants National llullding. 421-illt ) NICE 7-room cottages ; good cellnrs , cistern's. -J well , good barn ; convenient to school and churcn-.e-ij per month for the summer. Apply at one , C. J ? . Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank , 3it ( _ TjlOR RI5NT Good house , centrally located. J Inquire 712 N. lUth fct. 35'J-3 * TTlOiniENT one 4-room Hat ana one bnse- -L inent lu Lnuio block ; anqulio C12 S. 13th Bt. 384 _ T71OR RUNT Klegant ll-room cottage near IDth 1 ? and Loaenworth , cast front , nlco ynrd.good cellar , city and cistern water , call at ic'O S. 18th. TJ10R RENT New house ot H rooms , wnior JJ nnd gas , cast front , good location ; apply to Jn3. Stockdnle. R. 1'J , Arlington blk. 3BJ-2U rilKN room house , 1st class location , rent WO , J. furniture H-V ) ; { luo cnxh , bal easy ; lady is now keeping boarders. Co-operatlvo Land ft Lot Co. . 205 N 18th st. _ 341) 23 T710R RENT Nice 4-room cottage , city water , JJ li ! miles N ' W of P. 0. , J12.50 per month. 314 812th. 315 _ I WILL olfer for rent , about May 1st and May ICth , four elegant brick houses , situated at the corner of Pappleton ave. and 32d street , Hanscom Placo. These houses are .splendidly situated , high and healthy location , and com mand n magnificent view ot Omnhn and Coun cil Dluffs. No better neighborhood In the city. Houses have all modern conveniences , and nro finished In a superior manner throughout. Any one desirous of securing nn elegant home at a moderate rental will do well to call and see them. Geo. N. Hicks , room 40 , Darker lilt. 32828 I OR RENT My Farnam st. residence coin- F. plot ely furnished , with first-class servant * ) , if de'slrod , for four or llvo months ; family go ing uway. R , C. Pntterson , 318 S. 13th st. 22i /"lOTJ'AGK nicely furnished for ront. f > rooms. V close to business ; refurunces. II310 , Hheuly blk. 'UU5-8J "IjlOR RENT l-room ! house , southeast corner JL.12Gth nnd Grant , good repair , $12.50 per niontli ; 4-room house nearly now , Du Pont place , near south 2Uth st. , (10 per month. A Kood store building on south 2Uth st.wlth rooms abovu , barn , city water , etc. A splendid place for grocery , hardware or saloon. Rent very low. Hugh G. Clark , room 7 , Chamber of Com merce. 281 29 T/1OR RENT Seven loom house. eouTHt. bet ! JL' lllondo and Patrick ave ; JX.03 per month. 27)2itt ! ) T71OR RENT 8 room house : centrally located ; JL ; modern Improvements. J. F. llarton. 2tllo Capitol nvunue. 107-2ta "IjUR RENT 7-room Hat , all modem conven. Jiences , good location , i-hoap to good party. L. ft S. Rental Agency , room : ! IO , Shcely block , RENT One ton-room and one eight , POR room house , nil modarn conveniences. Heat pnrt of rlty and within f > mlnntes walk of no it- olllcn. Nathan Shtlton , 150M''urnnm st. 042 IJlOll RENr-Roautlful B-room nouse with -L. nioderu ImprovementB , splondld location. Apply atoncti , u. F , Hurrlnou , Mer , Nat. U'k.fcCd fcCd 'I7IOR RENT-Good houses at$50. 4flMO , i\t20 , J. andtl- per mouth. If you wish to rent call and tee me , D. V. Bholes , 2lu 1st Nnt'l Rank. 7b'J TCTOR RENT 14 room brick d ellmg , all ron. JOenleucca , 21U N , 19th st. oUJ FOR REN3 Elegantly furnished rooms with nil modern improvements , at o n 8. nth st , 44b.m-U _ "I71URNISHKD nous * for rent In f-ark Terrace , JJ opposite Hunsrom Park ; nil modern con veniences. Iiiqulro Lee ft Nlchol , 2&ih uud Leaven worth , U35 _ I71OR RENT 0-rconi modern linmovecl house , -1 A 1 locality ; rent moderate. Apply toM , Elgutter. 1U01 lioi-nam bt. _ OX ! TJVR ) HKtiT-Cottageb , 6 rooms. 2720 Charles Jj at. und 1521 8 6th tt. Inquliout loom SW , Bhtely block. 033 TIVMl HBNT When you wish to rent nlioiuo , JO store , or olllce call on us , II. E. Cole , room 6. Continental blk. U _ IjiOR RENT The n-room residence. 2107 JJ Douglas at. , all modem Improvements , in. , Katz 1310 Furuam. . oo FO RENTRO O M 8-FU R N I S H ED " 'oil REST Four rooms , with clnsTts. 'Two front ; prices. ( I , W. * 7 and 'J. Pleasantly cltuatudaud comfoitably furutnliod. 14 N , ' IttU ( . - . . ? > R IlKNT Tvro handsomely furnished front JL' roomx , nlso two ether room * , with modern jftaproTemtntg. 203 8. S4th st. 3V.-2a ' * O FURNISH tin rooms , all modern convon- Z If nc g. 1011 Douglas st. _ B97-30 * TJilOH RENT-l'urnlshed room , 022 N. Ifth. JJ rws-ao TTtOH RENT Lnrge front room , nicely fnr- JL ; nlshcd ; In gooillocntlon ; for two ; board if required ; nil modern Improvements Z321 Hnrney. 412-28 * _ _ _ N EW1 < Y furnished rooms , with or without. board , 1721 Davenport. l l-4t . _ L room , with bonrd. In prlvnto vy family , handsomely situated ; references. -'ITO llnrnoy. iBHt XJICRLY furnished rooms wltli board. lief- Jercncos exchanged , i-'ff ) St. Mary's * ve. 307 1300MS and bonrd. 1812 Chicago. JLt 430-11127 * OR 7tENT-rnrnIsh d room , 2103 Varnam. 48J-30 ? 1JLEASANT rooms , very cheap , fiio I'lcasnnt , "ifoiTTlENT Knrnlshoil room , with board , X sultnblo for two gentlemen ; 1011 Douglis at. ; niKi T71OR RENT Furnished room In prlvnto fnm. JJ lly. 2:101 : Fnrnnm at , 380 i0 ! * ELEGANTLY furnished rooms ccntrnlly lo cated with or without boaru , price reason- able. Oil H. iith. : UI7-m2o NICELY furnished front room , on car line , MID N 18th. -'in TTlUHNlSHKDroom , boautlful location ; refer- -1. ences exchanged. 170" Dodge. 2S2 281- FURNIBHIU ) rooms In good mention ; gas and bath ; prices reasonable. 220 Lcnvcmvorth. 274-lt FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms for rent in PaikTeirnci ) opposite Hanscom I'nrk ; nil modern conveniences , liiimlre Leo ft Nlchol , 28th nnd Lenvenworlh. KtG O NH'K south front rooms with every ronven- J lenco ; telephone lu house. liKW Capitol av , 2B : I AIIQI5 front room with bed-room adjolnlnir , Jlmiulsoincly furnished , gas nnd heated by stoum , with use of bath room , In onuoftho haudsomost residences In the city , without board. Inquire n , w. cor , ICth nud Lcavcmvorlh. 22T , "glUUNlSHED rooms , 2J2 N liith. 102 28 * K R RENT Nicely , nuwly furnished , nil J- modern conveniences 22111 Douglas. 1'K JF F OR RENT Room 1C21 Howard. 005 " [ 7.011 RENT Ono furnished room with Closet JL1 nnd every convenience , gns. etc. , bath room on snmo lloor ; sultablo for one or two gentlo- man. 2214 I'liriiam. we _ TjlOR RENT Furnished rooms single or en JJ suite. 1CW Doiigla" . 713 St'lTofS furnished rooms , modern conven iences. 3 blocks from I * . O. , private family. A. llospe . Jr. 1513 Douglas st. ' .OU " 13 OOM w Hit or Ithout board. 1812 Dodge , JLV ( sii FOR HfcNT Good basement , 1515 Douglas st. n j 4 ROOMS and bonrd , 1610 Webster st. -Cl ' , 3 mHt F OR RENT 1-ront rooms at 182i 1-arnnm. SO'j T71UIINISHED rooms with llrst-class board a JO 2013 Douglas st. 371 lot "II OR RENT Trout room , furnished oriiiifur- J3 ulbhed. 010 N , lllth st , 330 aw tntJRNISHED rooms by day. wecK or month. JJ at. Cliilr hotel , cor inth and Dodge. .M rooms , single or on suite , bath FURNISHED anduteam : for gents only. 1518 Howard. 9B.1 room , Hrst lloor , for two , tnree or L IARGE fourmodern ; conveniences1S11 ; Capitol nvo. LFOR FOR KENT An elegant suit of rooms for family use In ono of the moit desirable re siding localities In th city , over my hardware store , lltil Howard. W. r. Stoetzel. S9J O 1'URNISHKD rooms for rent , with board ; must give references , nt 1U21 Dodge st. < 49 i TjlUIlNlSHKU rooms , H3 S 20th st.ncar Oodge. TJ1URNISHED room tor rent ; must give refer- < -nee.jit 11121 Dodge. 449 : _ _ _ tMNKLY lurnlshci" room with bay window In JJ new house ; oil modern conveniences ; suit able for one or two gentlemen ; references re quired ; 035 Georgia ave. , near Leavemvortli. FOR RE"NTROOMS UNFURNISHED OUR roomsTJa. 1S13 S. 13th , near Dorcas. 100 Olt RENT Store nnd rooms for bakery , butcher , shoemaker , hnrawnre gooa busi ness location reasonable. Inquire 1923 Sher man nvo. : X ) 28 A Oil B unfurnished rooms for housekeeping ifor man and wifo. 311) N lUh st. 347 3t IjlOR RENT Five rooms for small fnmlly , JJ 2010 Chicago St. 343 iiOJ RENT A handsome suite of three un furnished rooms with bathroom and closets , at UW Sherman avo. 6K ! FOR RENT STORES AMD OFFICES. " 17011 RENT Three story brick building on JJ 15th street , near Dodgo. Smtiblo for retail - tail business or light whole-tale business. Hicks , room 40 , Durkor block. 442-1 RENT Store and living rooms on Cum- FOR street ; also house on Cass st. Harris R. K. ft lj. Co. , Room 411 1st Nat. bank. 811 IJHHIRENT 2 floors22x80 each , in brick build- JJ Ing , with elevntor , close to express olllce , cheap rent , just the thing for wholesaling , good location. Apply to GeoHeyn _ , 1103 Fnrnam st. TJIOR RENT The 4 story brick building with JO or without power , now occupied by The lleo Publishing Co. . 01U Varnam st. The building has n lire proof cemented basement , complete steam heutlng fixtures , water on nil the floors , gns , etc. Apply nt the olllco of The Bee. UJ5 CJTORE 407 with bnsement , Ramge bidg. In"- Ejqulro Frank J. Ramgo. CM iOR RENT Store 2JxOn ; Ills Jackson st. En- F qulre : 1114 Jackson SI3 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. OR SALK J'AOO ) stock of the newest and -best assorted stock ot dry goods , ladles' , gents' and children's furnishings over altered in Omaha , and nil at less than mnnnftictnrcrs' prices , at Larkln's , 110 N. ICth. Closing Bale. 4111-28 OR SALE Extra line 10-lnrh silk plushes In all the now shades , for We , ut 1.ni kin's closing sale of dry goods , ( lift North inth sheet. SALE Ton pieces flne hllk finished vel vets , worth II per yard nt SOc , at Larkln's , 1110 North Sixteenth strent. 4I1I-28 | 7VR BALE Kverythlngln my Immense stock JJ of dry goods and furnUhlugs at cost , posi tively. Larkln's , Gil ) North Sixteenth street. 41.128 ITKHl SALE-A No. 2 Remington typewriter JJ Jn llrnt-class condition ; nearly new. Address - dress X 52. Jicc olllce. 414-2i * TJ1OR SALK Nlnnhundred remnants of all J ; kinds ot dry goods at hnlf price , nt Lnr- kln'H. ui North Sixteenth street. 411) ) 28 TTUHl SALK Flvo hundred yards all wool , 4-4 JO outing cloths , nt " .u , worth 40r , at Larkln's , 010 N. 10th street , closing sale of drygoods. | 411)28 ) TCTOR RENT Use of Knabo piano for an hour JJ or morn per day , by the mouth ; location nud room strictly llrst clasj. Turin b very reasona ble. Address XIL' , Roe olllce. 077 BOARDING. WANTED Few gentlemen boarders , ( I per v euk duy Ijounl. On 2 car linen. IJ very- tiling llrst-clasn. 1U10 Webster t. 308 29 * mill' 811KLTON , Cor. Dodge nnd 25th sts. -1 Flist class family hotel. Hoard and rooms , single or en suite , at reasonable ratnn. Rut- ercucea required , John Campbell , Prop'r. ml 28 RENTAL AGENCIES. ANTED I have many orders from good parties for houses , Data and nnfiirnlHlied rooms In ull parts of the city. What have you ? AlexMoore.liOl Sheeloy block. _ 3i32Jt IF you have anything to trnde. renter sell list It with Hammond ft Gibson. 1514 Douglas st. you want to rent your houses call on Har IF ris , R. E. ft L. Co. , room 411 1st Nat'l bank. 128 _ _ T 1ST your property torrent with Remington JJft Krye , NorthweH Corner 16th and Fnrnam , have n customer for aero property , one WE more acres , Hammond ft Gibson. 1DH Jouglus at. 2U nouses at once for which we WANTBD run furnlih good tenants. List your houses with the LA S Rental Ag uoy , 310 bheoly blk. TF YOU want to buy , self rent or exchange. Arall on or nddress. 0. .UfctKnisdorfr , x > m 317 nnd SIS Hrst National bUuMibulldlng. TF yon have property to rent list U with Ham- -JLmond ft Gibson , iflu Douglmipt. savaa GKO. J. 'PAUL , 1G09 rttnira at. , houses , _ stores , etc. , for rent , 94 * \\7"R have customer * lor all kluOs of property TT to rent ; list It with us'JlMminond ft Gib. ion. 15U Douglns st. SK-28 WR want more houses to , rent. Hammond ft Gibson. IBM Douglas lit ; " aasa WR Rlvo special attention lo renting and collecting rents , list wlttvUts. H. K. Cole , room 0 Continental block- , _ 0 > 7 FOR RE.NaHouscs m nil parts of the city. J.J. Gibson. No. 3. CrelgliUm block. M4 JJ. GlIISON'S now system of renting houses , No. a Crclghton block. 604 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE Arc you Roliig n shopping to-mor row ? It so RO to Lnrkln's great closing sale ; every article at costt the closest prices and biggest stock. Bill j Kortli Sixteenth. 41J-28 VITANTKlTKvory gentleman In Omaha to T T get one or more of our 08-rent whlto shirts , worth Jl.lji ) . LnrKiu. fllO North inth. 411128 _ _ _ _ _ _ WANTED Every man , woman anil child to attend the greatest sale of dry goods nnd furuNhlnituvurliulil In Omaha ; prices no ob- Jecttgoods the latest nnd best from Now Vork ; everything at a big bargain. Lnricln's , nil ( Noitii Sixteenth. 41 28 _ ELKCTR10 Telegraph Pchool ; thorough and practlrnl Instruction by competent .loach- pra. Send for circular or call 109 8. Kith. 1K3-29J / JOOUbiislnesior driving buck wngon , made V A by Druinnionil ; pcrroot order. J. A. Delzoll , 115 N I nth st. 284 At 111 VATK Tuition -Lady desires pupils at own or pupil's homo ; English. French ; ad- vnncud miislo ; good lefTences ; nddro.ss M , 012 South 17th. 4U7-28 * "VfbTICK When you want an article In dry -l- > goods or notions , go to Lnrkln's nnd save 2'i per cent on every c.olmr's worth. 4UI-28 " \70U that are nuirerlne from private dlsor- L dors \ \ 111 llnd the National Homrdy at 1414 Dodge st. , where you can cot scleutlllc troat- mcnt nnd n euro guaranteed. " 11 SONNKNSCHK1N has moved to 4 17 Slllth. liny nnd sell second hnud furniture and stoves ; bottles bought and sold , IM-in" ! WILL tnko horses to pasture at Cllmore. 1'rlco $ ' 2 per mo. 1) . A. I'oung.Gllmore.NGb. _ _ , _ Iilii-ml7t TIIIK tmujo taught as nn art by Gco. F. Gel- Ifiibock. Apply at neu O.'llco , UfiO _ ' LOST. _ _ _ _ LOST Illack bird pup waring collar marked "J. K. Uadley.lBlUCorby at.1' Liberal rouurd 3 It ) ' 'S * rat corner of llronn and Taylor streets , near roitOmnha. Wm. V. Hynn. 380-aOt STIIAYKH or stolen A Inige black horse with whlto on one hind Icir ; recently clipped ; was ttaddlud and wore a black saddle blanket with yellow trimmings. Itewanl for return to M. 1 1 oil m .111 & Co. . 13J1 Faruum St. 4X-iii ! ) PERSONAL. I' ATI Il HS cleaned and curled : hats pressed and bleached , at V. .M , Bch.idell. UIH N. 10th 4ZJ-1M27 _ IJKHSONAJj JW.M ) will buy an KngUsh ducol-- ated dinner set , consisting ot K dinner plates , 12bn > : iKfastplate.s , lUleaplntos,12snuce illnhes , 18 individual butters,1 2 platters. 1 open vegetable dish , 2 covered vegetable dishes , 1 uutter dish , 1 gravv boat , 1 pickle dish , i sugar. I cream , 1 bowl nnd teacups and sauc- er.s. .Moody s china store , rtOJl luli. 42-J-28 AYOPNf ! man twonty-sli yenrs old. of good ] ier.-onal appearanro and tuuipnrato imblt ) , permanently located in the prjictice of medi cine In southern Iowa , dqslrci to corrnhjiond with a lady of roflm-munt. Having some nroper- ty lu her own right ; object- matrimony ; letters promptly answered : address V4 , Hee. itj3-2.s * TJSE of Knabo piano for rent one hour or U more per day , by the m/mtll ; locution nnd loom strictly Hrst class. Terms very reamma- ble. Address X 4(1. ( Ilee olllce. „ 37 7J1UVATE course In fcncui ? , boxing or tancy X club swinging , tli ) . Addrnss'T 14 , Hee olllce. - * -1) ) 11114 * Atlow rates at 1121 Varnam st STOUAGE Omaha Auction & Storage Co 1 17 rpUACKAGK , storage , lowest rates. W. M JL Duahman , I'll I.euvomvortn. 118 RANCH & CO. , storage , 1211 Howard. 110 CLAIRVOYANT DR. NANNIh V. Warren , clairvoyant medi cal and business medium. Female disease * a specialty. ll'JN IGth St. . looms 2 and U. UJ1 SHORTHAND ANO TYPEWTtlTllq ; " shorthand"Hcilboi WlinTjKSm"S month's course , I-J. rilHB Standard Shorthand School , having pur- X rhased Valentine's Shorthand Institute , Paxton - ton block , opji. public library , is now the larg est , best equipped , exclusive shorthand school In the west. 12 > graduates In good situations The school is In charge ot Mr. U. A. Smith , a stenographer mid teacher of mauy years prac tical experience. Twelve No. ' . ' Kamlngton typewriters - writers In use. Send for circulars. 411 SI1O11THANI ) and Uypo-writlng tatipht the mobt practical way at the Omaha Commercial College , llonu J'ltmiui system and Itumlngton type-writers ; btudentH lomplet menual In two weeks , and write from CO to 100 words per mln- ute In thrco months ; practical olllce drill made a specially. Instruction in grammar , spelling and writing free. Address Kohrbough llros. , Omaha for circulars. 347 iu3 WANTED TO BUY. To t > - zZZZ. commercial paper , WANTKD It. C. Patterson. 31 a 1'ith st. IKII WANTED I'urnlture. carpets , stoves and household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auction ft Storage Co. 1121 r'arnani. Utio FOR SALE KH3CELLAN PUS. T710H SALE Flno road horse , good style , can JJ go In 3 minutes. Address X of. 427-2J * " OR BALB Second hand typewriters. All makes. Western T. W. Exchange , St. Louis , Mo. 410-28 * OR SALE Second hand type wrlteis , all inaKru : bargains. Western Typewriter lx- ! change , 71 ! ) Olhe M. , St. Louis , Mo. 411-24 * FOR SALE-Flfty dozen ladles' flue Jersey vests , worth 5.e e ich , at 21 < - , at Larkln's , 1)10 ) North lOlh street , closing sale of dry coods. 4111 28 1710II SALE Ono thousanl yards fine fast JJ colored French chnlllos , worth l-'io at Cic , at Larkln's OKI North Sixteenth street , closing sale of dry goods. 4111 28 , 8ALK-Ona bundled pieces line French Dialled sateen , very wldo und best styles , 25ontl2c ! , nt Lnrkm's. Old North Klx- teentn struot. closing sale of dry goods. 410 28 17011 SALE-Tho greate3t"/ot / of ary goods J ! notions , ladies'und n tiis"furnlbhlngs at tee biggest bantams ever ottarod In Omaha , at Lurking , 6III Nortlt ICth stioev , closing sale. T71OH BALK At abarsalni/iAMIrst-class "Mil. JJ ler" hack ; good as new ; run only U months. Can bo seen at Simpson's Carriage v oiks , or address X 15. lleo olllce. _ ' _ IW-iiUt "Ij OH SALE Good work team , wagon and nar- JL' ness ; set carpenter toolrfund chest ; full set . jrglcal Instruments , nearly now ; household goods , etc. On euxy payment * . J. \Vllklnsou , nU7 Furnnm si. _ , , , _ 143 JMAIll'BTS. bedroom Bts , * tovv parlor urnl- v ture , wardrobi- , hall tree , curtains , exten sion tablf. etc. , cheap fbr U few days , : W10 Davenport at. _ IP t 22.1 28 * OU RALK-Furnlturo atAl Itfase of the only K a day hotel In prosperous North .Missouri. county beat , doing a prolltalilfl.businuss ; good party can secure u bargain. "Address Lock Ilex a , Itock I'ort , Mo. _ JJ _ 31028 * POll BALE 2.COJ tons Ice. Adam Under , Blair , Neb. V3J TfilOH BALK Furnlturo and carpets nearly J ? new , ot a lu-room hpuae , or hpnso can bo ren'ed by party buying : 2 blocks from 1' , O. Cash. Address Bmlth.W 15 Capital avenue. T7IOR SALE-Oood shelvlnir , one. njiow case J3 and a lot cuiidy jars at Geo. L , 1 lean's , 1U22 Douglas. Ztt&a _ _ _ Tj OU SALE-Ataoaigain ; i nornes : sound ; 1 } work double and Blnflej one a good driver ; call 2U1U Davenport at. _ l8V8at _ T710H BALK 1 work team , wagon and har- -I' ness complete , very cheap for ua h , 01U 1'aitonblk. M ! ' SALEhaftlng , belting , pulluys , etc. JJ itood as new. Hip saw , croia-cut and b ind saw * very cheap. UJI Uouglaa , _ 128 "iTIOir SALU-Coal and grain busluesn m a llvo town ot ft.'rjn imputation ; a good opening. ox 107 , loan Nell. I'llo ' * A VINE Odblnot Orixnd roiowood ewe up. right t > lane for HW.tOj cost when no\V HWt only used oneyear : must bo sold at onccj will KlTotlmoon part of it It desired. Address V u& , car > Oinalm lite. _ T7IOU9ALRChe p-lIotneholrt furniture. Call J- between 10 and 13 or 2 and 4 ! 6-room house for rent , tag Kioo California. SB 28 * 7-room hous , lncludlng up * JL' right piano , for sale cheap. 2U10 Davenport - T710K SALB A good young hor.io , JIM. Co- J-1 operative Land tt Lot Co " 205 N. 10th t. 801 29 _ _ ArmST-CLASS upright piano , very reason sonable.on easy terms ; very line Instru tncnt. 2U10 Davenport , Kjy-2tit TJIOH 8ALK Draft horse * , buggy lioraos , and JJ Rinali delivery mules. NVoocVs Sale stabl 1S10 California. ! Kl _ FH ) SALE Horse and buggy , liuiutro A. llospe , 1613 Douglas st. 615 mil ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee ft Trust Co. , INK Far- nam. Complctonbstracts furnished ft titles to real citato examinedperfected ft guaranteed. AR8TRACT8 Llnnlmn ft Mahoncy , room AGO Pnxton block. IH33 OMAHA Abstract Company , 17119 f amain at. Most complete and carefully prepared sot of abstract books nnd plats ot nil real property In the city ot Omahn nnd Douglas county. MONEY TOTOANT"7 , special money ; apply at otico. C. F. $ Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank. 3(15 ( " rilHK "Central Loati'hnd Trust Co. , No. 1205 JL Farnam street , have a special fund ot MM X ) on hand to be loaned In sums of $ ! , ( 0) ) to &IO.OUO nt very low rntcs on choice Insldo residence or business property. C. A. Btnrr , mnna er. \ \ , ANTED Applications for loans on unim- T proved lots well locnted. Odoll llros. ft Co.ll28o. ; llith at. 885 \\iV insure property , loan money , rent > houses , soil nml Undo nil kinds of proper ty nnd mdso. Hammond ft Gibson , 1514 Doug las St. 325-23 "ATONKY ! money ! moneyl to loan on horses , -IT 1-wagons , mules , houshold goods , pianos , or gans , diamondutc. . , nt lowest rates. The llrst organized loan olllco lu the city. Will mnko loans for thirty to three hundred and sixty-five days , which cnn bo p-xid in part or whole , nt nny time , thus lowering the prin cipal nnd interest. Ct.ll nnd see us when you want money. Mid wo can assist you promptly nnd to your advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money always on hand and no delay lu mak ing loans. C. V. Reed ft Co. , 3I'I South 13th St. . over lllnghnm ft Sons commission houso. 321 ui2.i GW. PECIC loans money on Omaha real estate llutldlni ; loans n specialty. 114 , Frouzorblk lUlmlst MONEY loaned on unlmprovod Insldo Omnhn real estate. O. W. Peck , It. 4 , Frenzer block. 'J40-mlHt TTNIMT'KOVED and improved property ; U loans made promptly ; inouoy on liana. F. M. Illchardson , s w cor 13th nnd Douglas. 800 GOOD notes , short or long time , unsecured or with mortgage , bought any \\liero In Nub. or la. Quick loans , city or farm. Call or write W. L.Selby , R. 13 , il'd. Trade. tJ9 T3UIUHNO LOANS-Wo will buy lot. or pay JJlncumurance onyour lot nti'l build for you ; small cash payment , balance In easy monthly payments ; in case of death wo cancel the entire - tire Indobtoduoss. M. 1C. ft T. Trust Co. , First Natlonai bank building. RVt-ml'i H E , COLE , loan agont. 100 BUILDING LOANS At" percent net , no ad ditional charges for commissions or attor neys' fees. W. I ) . Melkle , First Nat. bnus bldg. 1153 "DUILDING loans a specialty. W. M.Harris , -L rooin20 Fronzer block , opposite P. O. 113 OMAHA Chattel Loan Co. , room 42 , Darker block. 3.'l-in25 ! MONEY to loan In largo sums at the lowest rates ; no delay , R. C. Patterson. 3S ! S 15th , 107 NEDRASICA Mortp. Loan Co. will make youa loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contracts , flno Jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , at reasonable rates. Room 7 , Rowley block. South Omaha. Rooms 618-51 ! ) , Paxton block , Omaha. Neb. 1000 MONEY loaned for30 , 01 or 03 days on any kind of chattel security ; reasonable Inter est ; business conUdontlal. J J. Wilkinson , 1417 Fnruam sf 10'J LOANS on business property , S.1,000 to JVJ.OOO wanted. Provident Trust Company , room 308. First National bank building. 11(1 ( DO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow before getting my rates , which are the low- esr oil any sum from f 10 up to 110.0 X ) . I make loans on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses mules , wagons , wnronouse re ceipts , houses , lenses , etc. , in nny amount at the lowest possible rates without publicity or re moval of property. Loans can bu made for ono to six months and you can pay a part at any time , reducing both principle and Interest. If you ovro n balance on your furniture or horses or have a loan on them 1 will tnko It up nnd carry it for you ns long ns you ileslie. If you need money you will find It to your nd vantage toseo me/ before borrowing. IJ. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthneil building , 15th nud Hnrney. ! l 0 /"ORCHARD TlILL loans nt 410 Shoely build- V/luc nt eight per cent straight. Samuel Tnte , ail-in' ) PAN make n few loans on first-class chattel I Hecurlt'es at reasonable rates. W. 1C. Potter , room 10 Ilarker blk. W27 _ fl l,000 TO $5.001 on Improved rlty property ; Pcan be paid in monthly installments ; deut cancelled In case of death ; will loan M to 60 per cent of cash valuation. M. 1C. ft T. Trust Co. , First National bank building. 8J2-inl5 to loan nt lowest rates of interest on MONEY real estate in Omaha nnd South Omaha. Titles nua property examined by us nnd loans made at once. Cash on hand. Rate * , Smith ft Co. room 'Ml Ramge bldng. 310-m : > GPElFcKNT moneyto loan.-C.ish on hand. W. M. Harris. It 20 , Freazsr block , opp. P. O. 103 H.E. . COLK , loan agent. > $ $ * * To loan on larras and city property. JGoo.J. Paul , HMJ Faruu-n st. 354 C1TV Financial agency will loan you money on horse , furniture , jewelry or soourltlns of any kind. IJai Howard at. , comer S. 13th st. 23) mil ; EASTERN trust funds to loan on Improved real estate in Omahalargo ; loans preferred. K. S. lllsuce , First National batiE building. 2U5-nrlj MONEV to loan on Improvort propurtyat flrs- huuds. No apollcatlon sent uwnv for npt provul. Security and titles examined fr o of charge to borrowers , Lombard Investment company. 8iX ) 8. I'lth st. ift > 5 | 3KOI > LK'S Flnnnclal Exchange The tallest , J- quietest and mo-it liberal money oxchongo In the city ; money loaned wltnout delay or publicity. In any amount , largo or Hinall , nt the lowest riitasof interest , on any available se curity ; louiiH may bo paid at any time or rene wed nt original rates. O. Douscaren , Mgr. , room 5fl' , { , llnrker block. If.Ui nnd Karniun. 11)1 " PKCIALTuud of ilO.OOD to loan nt reduced rates on furniture , horses and wagons. City Loan Co. . IIBHMtll Bt. M "PEOPLE'S Financial Excnaneo Largo and -L small loans for long and short time , at low est rate * ot Interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels ot all kinds , diamonds , watches nnd Jewelry. Don.t fall to call If you want fair nnd cheap accommodations. O. Ilouscaren , M r. , roum 50 > i Darker blk , 15th and Farnam. T OANS wanted on Omaha real estate , three J-Jnnd live yearj' tlmo , optional payments , favorable terms and rates , applications and titles passed upon by us , nnd loans closed promptly. Klmiiall , Champ Cc. Ryan , rDom 0 , U. S. National Hank RulldluK , 1-M ) Farnam st. 2H ml l IltSTihortgaKo loanf > at low rates and no J ? delay. D. V. BhOles , 210 First National bank. Loans negotiated at low rates without - out delay , anil purchase good commercial iiapjr and mortgage notaa. S , A. Slomun , cor , r , ; h and Farnam. _ IOJ it MI rM1 ONIIV to loan. Harris R. E , ft Loan Co. , M1 room 411. First Natlonnljbanjc. _ _ W3 ' B TULOJNG lonn Lmahan'ft Mahoney. 0 F. HARRISON loans inonoy , logos' rates. [ MW.liO' ' ) to loan at H per cent. Llnahun ft Ma- Phonoy , Room 6O ) Pax ton block. IIP to loin on furniture , horses , wagon * . MONEY on nuy approved security. J. W. Robbtns R. ' < ! , Bheiily blk. , 15th nnd Howard. 'r 'o'ANH inaile "on'riiai "esfa'te and"mortBa es" J ht , I ewls S. Rceu ft Co , 1521 Farnam. to Loau Wo uroMady tor nppllca. MON11V loam lu amounts from liuto fio- OJOon improyed Oiaulm or Douglaa county real estate. Full Information as to rates. Loans promptly close ; ! . Good note * will be purchased by us. (3all ( upon UK or writ * . The McCauuo Investment Ui. 1 * DON'T borrow mon r on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or rollntteraM until you see C. 11. Jacobs , 410 First National bank bulldl&g. "A NY mbunts loanoiTon furniture , pianosT cVtentns , etc , Notts bought nt loss than usual rates , monthly payments reduce Interest. Koy- tone Mortgage Co. , room 503 Sheoly blk , B. lMh F. HARRISON loans money , lowest rates , 4t3 ONEY to loan. O. F , Davis Co. , real rslnto and loan neonw , ISCfi I'arnam t. 101 BOILDlNoTonnsr 1)7VWholes , 210 Hrst Nn- tlonal bant. W2 ER Wholes , room 210 First Nat'l bank before making jour loans. OW MONEY to loan ; cnsti on hand ; no delay. J. W. Squire , 1310 Farnam st , , First National bank building. 103 nr.t.l'llIA Mortgngo ftlVust Co. . rur- Dish cheap enstern money to borrowers : purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans nt their western olllco. George W , l'.Coatesroom 7 , liunrd of Trade ml M ONIJY to loan Lowest rales Loans closed promutly. H. ECote , III ) Continental block. "V\MNTTD-Flr.st : class Insldo loans. Iiowost rates. Call nnd see us. Mutual Invest ment Co. . II. 1. llnrkorblk. IMh ft Farnam. m BUSINESS CHANCES "I710R SALE An old established drug store lu -L a growing county sent of fi.UiK ) population ; sales JIO.OOO n year , prollts irood.business BUG- rcssfiil , stock will b reduced to suit purchaser. Good reasons for soiling. Address 0. A. Pease Drug Co. , I'nlrbury , Neb. 370 3 SALOON-Centrally located , for sale ; ttM for all , 11.250 for one-half interest , Cooperative - operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 North lllth st. 4I.KM _ _ FOR SALE Drug stores , hotels , millinery , barbershop , furnished Hats. If you want to sell or buy a business call nnd see me. Alex M ooro. 301 Sheeley blork.- ! ifi2 ) 281 TJlOlt SALK .lob printing olllco nt n bargain. JRuslucss runs over sMliu per month with no soliciting. Rest locution lu Omnhn , Olllco will invoice * . ' ,50U or over. Address X44 Roe olllce. 3D1 2 < ? 171011 BALK Millinery stock nnd fixtures ; a - * - ' good opening. Ilex 253 , Hebron , Nob. ONlTOTlONKItYstore in coutrnl location ; lent J30. prlco ? ) " > : well established trndr ; nlso n flno bakery nnd confectionery sloro com bined , In llrst-class location. Ire cream pallor nnd soda fountain ; Invoice price ; party going to leave the city. Clgnr and tobnrco store : rout * oO ; iuvolcdl.ti0 : ; will sell fixtures nnd all the stock or a pnrt. Just to milt the purchaser. A nice llttlo grocery store , prlco $ lXk ) . A feed store , rent js for ground , prloj of building nnd sfoc J700 Hotels mid restaurants. Co-opera- tlve Land and Lot Co. . 205 N. lath st. 3i2 WANTED Pnr'ner wltii from three to 11 % o tnousr.nd dollnis ; tiuslnoss well estnb llshod ; largo prollts ; will benr investigation. Address X 41 lee ! yi.)2lt ) ! Till IE finest , best patronized restnuinntln the -L city , very cheap , and on very easy terms. If you want a snap como nnd see this. H. E. Cole , lloom n , Continental lllock. 4U 1 A DRUGGIST with cash looking for n good location , will do well to address K. K. Cnpps. Culbertson , Nob. , or Hurst ft Co. . Hnst- Ings. Neb. 247m S rM ROOM hotel in a central ! o-atlon In Omaha , i lease nnd furniture for * 7.r > OJ ; part cash ; for better description npply to Co operntlve Land nnd Lot Co. 205 N. luth'st. : i ! ,2 : > WANTED Paities wishing to sell their business to list with the Cu-Opcrntlve Land ft Lot Co. , no charges unless sale Is made. 205 N. 18th St. ' 3112 2 TJTOUR ncres of choice land within two miles Jof Omaha postolllce ( free from mortgage ) , splendid f. > r garden or ualry purposesttH ) cash w 111 buy it if taken this week. Chas. P. llcnja- mln , mo South 15th st. IWii 2s ; FOR SALK $7,00.1 stock of hnrawnro. stoves , etc. ; J4.UOO stock of general merchandise , clothlug , uoots and shoos. Address P. O. box 8 , Coznd , Nob. HOTEL for sale. Well furnished , tiaylni too a month rent. Address W. P. Anderson , Norcatur , Has. 233-inl' A GOOD established feed imsiness ; requires but small capital , inquire at the O. R. K. * T. Co. , 1AU4 Fainara. 1K.-21IJ SALE Restaurant connected with 15 furnished rooms. 1120 Capitol avo. l" ; 28 * FOR SALE A small , clean stock of hard ware in n desirable location In the city ; will invoice nbout JI.500. Good money in this ; no trude. Apply to Rector ft WHhelmy Co. , wholesale - sale hardware. 221 24 TT'OIl SALE The best restaurant in Omaha , J- all uowly furnished , and making JiiiO per month. Rest of reasons for selling. Enquire atCiiiUeld house. 239-30 FOR SALK or trade One of the best located restaurants In the rlty : outfit now ana com plete , 5J.OW. J. II. r.vans , Harber lllk. ; ) fl > 3,000 to M.WJ wanted to put into a good busi- P ness ; first class security and good rate ot Interest paid for short or Ions time. Or will take partner. For particulars address U 43 , llecolllce. 142 C3ALOON fur sale in ono of the best business Jcentors in ( Jmaha.chitap. Reason for selling , I must leave the city. Address V Id Roe. 4ft--m7t AMKMIinitSHlP in the Omaha board ot trade cur. ba had cheap at Room22 U. S. Na tional bank building. 028 FOR EXCHANGE. HOMES1 Homes ! Homos ] Bovornl houses , ranging from 4 to S rooms , to exchange for western lauds. Rare bargains ! Western Land und Loan exchange , 312 So. lUUi st. 395.2 ! > W'ESTERN lauds In exchange for building lots. Hare bargains ! Western Land and Loan exchange , 312 So. 18th st. 3U5-29 W ANTED A slightly encumbered house and lot for good farm ; 2J8 Shooly block. 3b2ttt WANTED 4iiXX ) ) brick ; will exchange n good lot in Orchard Hill and payHomo cuHti. Western Land ft Loan Exchange , 312 S ICth. 332 29 _ _ stocks of merchandise and the SEVERAL store building in thriving towns ror trn-le part cash nnd balance land or lots. Some flno farms for trade for city property. Co-oporntl vo Lnnd and Lot Co , , a > 5 N . If.th st. iicu J _ TJ1OR TRADE Rnnch of HJ ncres nnd I7rao J-1 worth of stock for Omaha property. Hammond mend ft Gibson , 151 1 Douglas St. 325-28 $10,000 of merchandise to trade for Town or eastern Neb. litnu. Hammond ft Glbson,1514 Douglas st. : ta-28 _ rp ( ) EXCHANGK-Largo lot in good location , JL for horse , team or good buggy. Address X 35 lice. U1328- ITU ) It EXCHANaK-Elghty acres of the finest -L1 Umber land In Wisconsin , rlear of encum * lirnnre. What hnvo you to otforO , J , Klorns- dorlf. looms 317 and 318 , first National bauk U , 3 _ _ t oirEXCHANGfi-D kotn , Hand c < iunty JL1 What have you to offer for n good farm here , pllghtly encumbered/ Dakota lauds mo rising In value , and its destiny cannot ba ills- put" u. Will take vacant lot or Improved prop- eity und assume fiomu cncnmbrauco. (1 ( , J. StcniMlortr , rooms 317 and 313 , Ki t National bunk building. ! ' 52 UTTElanigg Pwkers-I-lrst-pInHS worlc- Ing. packing nnd ntoragn room P. Promise * onrnfluay switches , nud conv nlunt nlso for city trade ; rent very modernto.e Western Cold Storage Co. fl3 2b _ _ rpo trade for lots or n houan and lot , ICO acres JL of good Innd In llrown county. Nob. HOIIHO und stable , 25 items under cultivation , nnd nbout fi5ii worth of farm implements. Co operative Land ft Lot Co. , lO" . N. 10th ut. _ J l 8 rilirTRADK-Corneron Laki > stn > ot for tarm J. and Mime cash. Hotel In good town , i-loar of encumbrance , woitli ? t , ? * , for Oiuiiha pro perty or a farm. Some Fine piom-rty on Thir tieth and California , almost clear , [ or clear lots In or neiir Orchard Hill , House nnd lot on Twentieth , near Loatenuotth , fur other pro perty , Housa and lot. on Twentieth , nanr Cas- tellar , fr other property. Stocks of goods for good city or farm property. Ono thousand dollars lars cash and lot , In haunilerfl ft Hlmobaugh's addlllon , for Inside cottage and small lot. Good property In all parts of the c-Ry to trudo. Grover - vor Stovt-iid , fill ) and 617 , J'jxton blocic. telephone - phone lia'i. _ U'-2H FOR S'ALE"RJEAL E9TATJ HALK A private bank In southern FOR . Address to M. Cacudul. Camp bell , Neb. U I.I . m 3 " _ _ OM"AU A I hnva n number of good SOUTH various additions tbut must be sold at oncoan.l can be bought at prices that will Biiltyou. G. J. Stormdorff , room si 1117 nnd 310 First National banlcjjulldltig. _ VjO _ TJMMTSA LE * 31 acres , corner Thirteenth and J ? North streets. Desirnblo for platting. 0. Good. Good block , Don Moln en. In. 24'lin'Jl rNVEnTIGATK Thls-Lot UxW ) ) on llur- .Idetto between 21th nnd 25th sireuls ; 4-room house , large conservatoty , new r In alley ; only r-/iD" " ) ; f'Wi cash ; balance ) , 2 , .1 ana 4 yeuw. M. Fnrnam. 220 acres of rholce laud suiubjo for garden - BIGHT hog riiislnir. wltnlu threu ( J ) mile * ol Omaha P O. trte Irom Hicumlirftiue , Hinall house , barn , well of good water nnd gariluu lHtiteditvVicaslMOIl buy It till * week. O. P. , UIO bo. lutU kt. < tt M FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE. - - - - - - j F8 8ALK The nnen residence mte in Wos6 - Omaha ; just couth ot I'lirnam on : ntht Mrcet ; M corner ! Wlris7 with 1ST foot frontaga on paved street and Joining the handsome resi dence ot Klrkondnll on the e.iit and llradyK\ ( * . son nnd Martin on the foutli ; a partect gem and garden spot for an elegant homo. llnrney and 2lst trn K Ulxll)7 ) , on pftVcmpnfc within three blocks of the court hous | room for seven ( Inn homes that would rent as rap. Idly as completed. A splendid permanent In vestment. Fnrnam fttnlM streets. 50x113. with new three-story brick store building , rented to good permanent tenants. Itental receipts J4,2ili put eftr. Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 01 font to Hlloy. Gooil business property. Farnam street between 3Slh and IWtli. front- npe 48 or t 3xiB : to alley , south front , i block from pavrmenl nnd .street cars. 1'nrn avenue , opposite Uangcom park , BOxlM. price J2avi , easy terms , 1'nddock 1'Inco , trackngo , 80x115 , 12,0)0 , easy terms. inth street south of Vlnlon at , , lot for sale or trnde for mdso. or seed farm land. 8. A. Slomnn. iUl : Farnam st. gjO r\\fH'Vr Ko7)LsTwo mortals lo"12lKK > M bity.s teu-room house ) with Antlnun oat and natural cherry finish , side board In illiilntf room otsnmo with all Intest modem conven iences ; nicely decoiatod , stationery laundry tuos. nndnitemota house all tliroiigh. Knse front and full lot on Georgia nvo. Take U quick ; party going to leave city. $0UUO buys Iillxl45on corner ,17th ftnil Fainntni sts. ; east front nnd best bargain for inonoy m tnncltvt both streets paved J7.IXXI buys clgnt-room house nnd barn nnd nil latest rouvpiitimcuj. Hast front on So. Sltli Mri-et. Take good lot In part payment. $2COO buys a good slx-ix > om house on easy , terms. ( iOx 177-foot lot In West Omaha to oxchauzo oar , for goo.l hoitso. Jj,8 < ) buy8 a , good no\v5-room house and full lot on rnsy payments. JT.uv ) buys a splendid house , 8 rooms In KounUe 1'iacooa illnney street , 'or will tuko Htmillbr house In pni t I'.ij ' incut. (1,71X1 buys a good hoiiho utid lot cnGraut near 2ilth street. Take this quick. , tt.iVX ) buys good six-room house with nil con veniences. Take good clear farm or * 2UX ) ; equity lu one UK partpnvmont. Ihnvo wagon loads of good bargains either lor sale , trade or ( give nwnychonp ) to suit the most fnslldlous. Get n move oil yon some time nnd rome In. D. V , SUolos , 2lll 1st Nnfl Hunk. "To not know n bnri'nlu that \vo soo. " 7SJ Poll HALK Nino-room house , barn ami lot in Hanscom Place ; also 2 houses mid lots In Sunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat. bank. O'U FOR SALE Cheap Not for trade ; Bl'1.70 acres 1'ind ( sec. 5-12-01 two tulles from Mnrquett * , Hamilton county , Nebraska. Frame house , sta ble , ! XX ) acres under good barb-wlro tenco , round cedar posts , two etavs , living water. : > i- foot channel , 2 wells , 3 ) barre ! tnnk , rorrnl. self-feeder , a natural stock ranch , in . tine corn bolt. Prlco $ ftOOJ Cash In hand 2,710 S years' timed per rent ! i,2.V ) Go nnd look over land. Address owner , F. 1C. Atklus. IVU Larlmarst Denver Col. 2r rpll E cosiest lionii ! In Omahn , fi rooms , larg'a JL rlosets , pity water , gas and newer , both cable and horse cars. Prlco H40J. Terms > X ) to J-'iOO cash , balance very easy. II. E.Colo , headquarters for Imrcalns and easy terms , Room 0 , Continental lllock. 350 J fiO-ACRK farm and some cash for stock of 1 Rroceiles. Hammond ft Gibson , 1514 Doug- ins st. iKV.'i FOR SALK-Nleo level bmldlni ; lots , iin\123 feet , 3 miles from postofllcr , ' 4 mlle from North Omaha depot , SfliW each ; * 2. ' > cash ; bal- nnco $5 per month. ThebO lots will dottblo in value In less than two yenrs. Ill-room House , nil modern improvements , south front , full lot. In Koimtze place , $7,2UO ; II.'JUU cash , balance 1,2 , 3 and 4 yenrs. The finest residence slto In Onmha , 200 feet , south fi-out oti Nicholas street , by r n feet , east trout , on Lowe avenue , prlco * .UMK ) ; terms to suit purchaser. Nowil-room cottages , finished In hardwood , city water , cesspool , cemented collar , walks , feti'-es and outbuildings , nil complete , on monthly payments. Will take good vncauC building lots ns llrst payment. The cheapest liouao in Walnut. Hill , only ono block from Dr. Mercer's olognntrosldenro ; 10 rooms , all modern Improvements , full lot ; prica &VXW , terms Jl.fiOO cash , bnlnncu ? ii per month. A beautiful south front lot In Orchard Hill. For n person that wants It tor a homo I \ \ 111 bulldn homo on this lot nnd sell It on easy terms nt cost ot lot and improvements. Full lot. (10x140 ( it , , with nice cottage In Kirn ; wood , east front , J2.00J. half cash. This is it bargain. Only one block from intli sr. motor HncJ W R. llonmii , room 0 , Fronzor block. 2 ! ) I FOR RALE Two ncres ot line property lu South Omnhn , if IU HI ; vtorth double the amount when platted. Co-operative Laud anil Lot Co. 203 N. JUth st. T.W-30. MOTOR on North 24th Mreot. We hnvoSO feet o.ist front In Kendall's addition for Jl.inx ) . M. A. Upton Company , JOth and Farnam. 2ii ; LAND IhavelO.ilOO acres of choice farmlufl- lands in eastern nnd middle Nobraskn.whlcU 1 will sell at from 1 to 812 per ncro. Will make speclnl pilce for the whole lO.O-rj nc-res if tnkoa in u lump. Geo. H. Peterson , 1412 8 13th st. , 013 mil FOR SALE On easy paymsnts , fi , 7 and 8 roomed houses , ranll c asli payment down , nnd balance monthly payments. ,1. H. Johnson - son , 518amlfi10 Paxton block. 28 ! ) CHOICE ploco of residence property cor. 2Jrdl _ nnd Cuss forwarelioiHo or trackagopioperty , worth eight to ten thousand dollars. 0. F. Harrison risen , Merchants' Nut. bank. 230 FOR SALE 5-room cottage on inth st. lift. Center anil Dorcas , lot 35x157 , ( ! , fioo , easy terms ; this is a bargain. M. A. Upton Co. . liltb. nnd Fainam. 001 FOR BALK South und cast corner ftlxliVi , lit the neighborhood of the Milton Rogers property.Vest Farimnx struct , very sighily This Is choice property In n choice neighbor hood and will be sold i-hoap. It will pay you to investigate the locality mid this particular piece of ground. C. V , Hun-Won , Merchnuta' National bniik. Wlf FOR SALK or Exchange Improved stock furmof BO ) acres , Inenstoni Nebraska , noir market ; also now l room Imusu , with all con- venlcnces , in desirable residence portion o Omaha. Andrew Ilovlns , attorney , 4 i and tyi. 1'axton block , Omaha , Neb IW7 T710R BALK The most pleasant awl boat loca- JJ ted little homo In town , sullublo for H man , with asmnll family who wants Homethlng very choice and not too oxponslvo. Has never been put on thn market beforn and will undoubtedly bo sold soon. It will pay yon to Investigate this promptly. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. U'k. 8117 _ _ TTHR BALE -7 room house In complete order ; JJ 1710 N. CTtU Inquire 1700 N. 27th. 1B8--JJJ "OOR SALE-Or exchange for Omaha prop- JJ erty , no acres , Hiiltnblo for platting ; will make 4UO lots , all clear , big money In It f or Homo ono who can push this , located just outslda the city limits of Council Mulls. Inmjlro Geo. J. SternRdorll. rooms 317 mil ' 118 , First National bank building , uvi NO cash payment roqutred. Will soil you a lull lot In SuumluiM ft lllmolmign'B ndd for fix ) und take moilga o for frill amount duo In r yoaro on condition that you build n housa to cost not less than $ . 'iW. O.K. Itelter , rouinA , B W corner liVJi nnd Douglas. 4)'J ) ' T7IOR HALG-Araaomy of Music building mid J- two business lots. Grand Island , NolmiHlca , ground llxl'f. ' foot , building brick , two Htone * high and stone busomoats , all in good repair ; tcims easy ; price 418,1111. Enquire of Thompson llros , , Ginml Island , Nebraska. 70lml2' ' IJLM1B TARK. JJ ik-autl/ul residence Bit 03. Finest In the city. Woaro now ready to show andollor forbiila the cholcast resldcnco slles in the city at Omaha , located In "llcmls 1'nrk , " coinprlnlni ; the sixty acivs bounded by Ktst. \ . , on the onsr , : wth or I'leiisant st. on the wt'st , Hamilton st. on the north , und Ciimlng st. on the south , This park has bevn plannid. and IH being laid out by Mr. Alfred J ( . Egerlon lone of the beat ) landscape nrtlnts or Now Vorki , Into ' , i , ! s' . ' .i nnd aero lou , und Hovernl ncres are laid out Into small parks , ornamental grounds , and liikou fed by natural springs. The pinna Inulmlu n per- tect syotem of grading , paving , buttiTngp.wnlurl electric lighting , fir. , and nn expenditure nt at leaht t Ifxi.KO for Hiich Improvements This nhoko pronnrty IH located within the lit mllisrncliunrii little north by weat ) from the postolllco. II llosonhtof thorLsorvolrnndottho L-logunt riisldouces ot Dr. Mercer and 15. W , Niwli , and n llttlo north of east of proposed res idence of Guy C. Itnrton and of Illshop O'Con- nor'sroflldenpo und Academy of Hnrred Heart. ItL-anoiiableprlcetfliinil terms will bu given to IhoHowho will build insldoncoi costing f.i.UOO and upwards. For further iiattlciilars npply Rt olllco of The Itcrals 1'nrk Co. . rooms IS nail It ! Continental block. IDth and Doub'lnn sts , . _ i _ VERY deulrrtblo lot In Orchard Hill for'soio" rheup. Will show property. AddiesnXW , lleeolllce. 4'J.V ' J _ TVJ OUT/I Omiiha or fit. I'aul & Oinuhn Rail- LM way , north end of Hheriimu avenue. Chenp , good feltos for homen , on easy tei mv , for work- Inginen. Tuke Huiiday trains at Wobst stiett depot and couvlnro yotinclf. Leave U : ; a. m. . return iuwa ; , in. ; leave lao ; p. m. . rctutn 4.W : p. m. ; fare Urchin. I'lutscuu bo eeon at North Omaha depot. 408-2h * FOR SALK-A feed store lu South-oinalm ; vi'ry small uuplttil required. Ke > oral bouses nnd lots , and 2 vacant lots lu Phull H add. , at u burcaln. Somu of .South Omnhii'u Hnest lotn nt a iircut bargnliu Koimi llnu business property in Omntm fur Hood Htouk f nui > . ( jpeclul bargain * In vacant lots In nil parts ot the city , Good iluit and no tioublo to mww iiropertv. \Vateniian ft Co , M-M *