Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1889, Part II, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : vSUNDJLY APKIL -18S9.-SIXTEEN PAGES , * TO STOP RAILROAD STRIKES ThoJProsldont of the Union Paolflo Makes Some SuffgoatlonB. A TRIBUNAL OF ARBITRATION. How "Worthy Employer ) Might be He- tftlncd nnd Unclean Ones Gotten - ton IlIU of Tlio Use of a Hos- pltnl Fund. Itnllrnnilfl nnd Tliolr Kmplojefl. Charles Frn'ncis Adams , president of the Union Pacific railway company con tributes the following paper on "Tho Prevention of Railroad Strikes" to the current number of Scrlbnor's Magazine : Note The following paper was pre pared for n special purpose in Juno , 1880 , nnd then submitted to several of the loading olllclnls directly oiignged in the local management of the lines op erated by the Union Pacific rnilwny compnny , of which the writer hnd boon president for two years. It drew forth from them various criticisms , which led to the belief that the publication of the paper at that time might easily re sult In more harm than good. It was accordingly luid aside , and no use mndo of it. Nearly three years havoslnco olnpscd nnd the events of the year 1888 with its strike of engineers on the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy seem to indicate that the relations of railroad employes ' to the railroad companies have und'or- ffono no material change since the year 1880 , when the etciko on the Missouri Pacific took place. The unsatisfactory condition of affairs apparently con tinues. There is n deep seated trouble 1. somewhere. > < * No sufficient reason , therefore , o.x- l-f ists for longer suprcssing this paper. Provided the suggestions contained in it hnvo any value nt all , they may at least bo accepted as contributions ton discussion which of itself has nn im portance that cannot either bo denied or ignored. The paper is printed as it wtvs pro- pared. The figures and statistics con tained in it have no application , there fore , to the present time ; nor has it been thought worth while to change thorn , inasmuch ns they have little erne no bearing upon the argument. That is just as applicable to the state of af fairs now ns it was to that which existed then. The only difference is that the course of events during the three in tervening years hnd demonstrated that the paper , if it does no good , will cer tainly do no harm. C. P. A. BOSTON , February 4,1889. In 18JJO lifty years ago there were but a little inoro than a 1,000 miles of railroad on the American continents , representing an outlay of some $35,000- 000 , nnd controlled by n score or so of corporations. There are now about 186,000 miles in the United States alone , capitalized at over eight thousand mil lions of'dollnrs. The railroad interest is thus the lar- post single interest in the country. Probably 000,000 men nro in its employ ns wage-earners. It is safe to say that over two millions of human beings nro directly dependent upon it for their dnlly support. The Union Pacific , ns a single nnd by no means the largest mompor of this system , controls 5,150 miles of road , represented by stock nnd bonds to the amount of $275,000,000. Moro than 15,000 names ' are borne upon its pay-rolls" Its yoa'rly income has ox- cooded'$29,000,000 , and In 1885 was $20,000,000. Largo ns these aggrogntes sound , there nro other corporations ( iyhich far exceed the Union Pacifioboth in income and capitalization , nnd not a "fow exceed it in mileage. The Penn sylvania , for instance , either owns or 1 directly controls 7,800 miles of road. It is represented by n capitalization of 8070,000,000 ; its annual income is $93- 000,000 ; it carries 75,000 names on its pay-rolls. This has boon the outgrowth of n sin- 'glo hnlf-coutury. The vast and intri cate organization implied iu the inan- "ngoment-of such nn interest had , as it ' were , to bo improvised. The original companies Wore small nnd simple af fairs. Some retired man of business held as n rule the position of president ; whllo another man , generally a civil engineer , and as such supposed to bo < were or loss acquainted with the prac tical working of railroads , acted as superintendent. The superintendent in point of fact attended to everything. He was the head of the commercial do- ' .partmont ; the head of the operating de partment ; the head of the construction department , and the head of the mo- ohnnicnl department. But there is a limit to what any single man can ' do ; I and so , ns the organization dovo'lopcd , it became necessary to relieve the rail road superintendent of many of his duties. Accordingly , the working man- . ngemont naturally subdivided itself into BO put-ate departments , at the head which men were placed who had boon trained all their lives to do the particu lar work required in each department. In the same way , the employes of the company the wngo-oarnors , ns they are cnllod orlglnnlly fow. In number , hold toward the company relations Imllnr to these which the employes In factories , shops , or on farms , held to these who employed them. In other words , there was in the railroad system no organized ser vico. As the employes increased until they were numbered by hundreds , bet tor organization became a necessity. The community was absolutely depend ent upon Its railroad service for con tinued existence , for the running of .trains ' .a to the modern body politic very jnuoh what the circulation of blood is to tlio human being. An organized ystom , therefore , hnd to grow up. This U- * s fnot was not recognized nt first ; nnU , in deed , is .only Imperfectly recognized ' * yot. Sllll the fact was there'and ; inns- Diuch ns It was' there and was not rocog ; nlzed , trouble ensued , No rationally organised railroad service thnt is , no h service In which itho employer and employed ' > ployed occupy definite relations toward eaoli other , recognized by each and by the body politic no such service exists. Approaches to it only have boon made , A discussion , therefore , of the form that such n service would naturally take , if it were organized , cannot bo otherwise than tlmoly. It hns already been noticed thnt in the process of organization the rnilrond , following tnq invariable law , naturally lubdlvldes itself into different depart ments. In the case of every corpora tion of magnitude , there are ot these departments , wliethor ono man is at the bond of one or several of them , at least five. These nro : 1. The financial department , which provides the ways and means. 2. The construction department , , which builds the railroad after the weans to build it are provided. 3. The operating department , \vhloh .Operates the rend nftor It it built. . 4. Tho. commercial department , V- t which Itcitig business for the operated do , nnd regulates the rales which nro to be charged for doing It. 5. The legal dopiirtinout , which at tends to nil the numerous quottions which arise-in the practical working of $ .vory pun o/ the other departments. * Thcso vile divisions of necessary work ixibt in ihe organization of every com * pnny , no matter how small it may by , or now few officers it may employ. In the larger companies the need Is found for yet other special departments. In the cnso of the Union Pacific , for Instance , there nro two such : First , the comp troller's department , which establishes and Is responsible for the whole method of accounting ; second , n department which is responsible for nil the numer ous interests which a largo railroad company almost of necessity dovolopo outside of its strict , legitimate work ns fi common carrier. When It comes to dealing with employees - ployoos of the company , it will bo found that the vast majority 01 these whoso names are on tlio pay-rolls belong to the operating department. This de partment Is responsible not only for the running of trains nnd , usually , for the maintenance for the permanent way , but also for the repairs of rolling stock. All the train hnnds , nil the section-men nnd bridge gangs , nnd alt the mechan ics in the repair fchopa thus belong to the "operating department. The ac counting department employs only clerks. The snmo is trno of the com mercial department , though the com mercial department has also agents nt different business centres who look nftor company's interests and sccuro trafllo for it. The construction department Is in the hands of civil engineers , and the force employed by it depends entirely upon the niriotint of building which may nt any time bo going on. As n rule the bulk of the employees in the construc tion department are paid by contractors , nnd not directly by the rnllroad com pany. The legal department consists only ol lawyers and the few clerks noo- cssaray to aid them in transacting their business. In the operating department of the Union Pacific at the present time (1880) ( ) about 14,000 names are carried upon the pay-roll. The number varies ac cording to the season of the year nnd the pressure of traffic. In Januarynnd during the winter months , the average will fall to 12,000 , whllo in Juno and during the summer it rises to 14,000. Of those , 2,800 , or. 20 per cent , are engaged - gaged in train movement 4,200 , or 150 per cent , nro in the machine shops and in charge of motive power nnd rolling- stock ; 7,000 , or f 0 per cent , nro em ployed in various miscellaneous ways , as llng-mon , soction-hnnds , station agents , switchmen , etc. , etc. So far ns the wage-earner is con cerned , it is , therefore , this portion of the force of a railroad company which may bo called distinctively "the ser vico. " If good relations exist between the men employ oil in its operating de partment and 'tho company no serious trouble can ever arise in the operation of the road. The clerks in the finan cial department , or the engineers in the construction department , might leave the company's employ in a body , and their places could soon bo filled. In point of fact , they never do leave it ; but should they do so the public would experience no inconvenience. The in convenience and it would bo very con siderable would bo confined to the otllcoH ot the company , nnd their work would fall to arrears. It is not so with the operating department. So far ns the community at largo is concerned , whatever dilllcultios arise in the work ing of railroads develop themselves hero. All serious railroad strikes take place among these engaged in the shops , on the tracu , or in handling trains. That these difficulties should bo reduced to a minimum is therefore a necessity. They can bo reduced to n minimum only when > the railroad service is thoroughly- organized. How then can this service bo bettor organized than it is ? It is usually main tained that only the ordinary relation of employer and employed should exist between the railroad company ana the men engaged in operating its road. If the farmer is dissatisfied with his hands , ho can dismiss thorn. In like manner , if the laborer is dissatisfied with the farmer , ho can leave his em ploy. It is argued that exactly the same relation should exist between Lho great railroad corporation nnd the tons of thousands of men in its operating de partment. The proposition is not tena ble. The circumstances are dilforent. In the first place , it is of no practical consequence to the community whether difficulties which prevent the work of the farm from going on arise or do not arise between an individual farmer and his laborers. The work of innumer able other farms goes on all the same , and it is n matter of indifference what occurs in the management of the particular farm. So it is oven with large factories , machine shops in fact , with all industrial concerns which do not perform immediate public functions. A railroad company does perform imme diate public functions. The community depends upon it for the daily and neces sary movements of civilized existence. This fact has to bo recognized. For a railroad o pausp in its operation im plies paralysis to the community" which it serves. Such being the fact , it is futile to argue that the ordinary relations of em ployer nnd employed should obtain in the * railroad sorvico. Something else is required ; and because something else is required but has not yet boon devised wo htvvo had the numerous ) difficulties which have taken pluco during the present year dillicultios which hnvo occasioned the community much incon- vonlonco nnd loss. The model railroad service , thdroforo , is now to bo considered. Of what would it consist ? At present , there is prac tically no di He ron co between Individuals in the employ of a great railroad cor poration. All the wngo-oarnors in its pay stand in like position toward it. There should bo n difference among them ; nnd a marked difference , duo to cirnumstnnccH which should recolvo recognition. Take again the case of the Union Pacific. The Union Pacific , it has already been mentioncd,4numbers 14,000 employes In its operating depart ment as a maximum , and 12,000 as a minimum. They vary with the season of the year , increasing in Rummer and diminishing in winter. Cqnsequontly , there la n largo body of men who are permanently In its employ ; nnd there is a smallur body , although n very consid erable portion of the whole , who are In Its employ only temporarily. Iloro is n fact , unu facts should be recognized. If this particular foot Is recognized , the service of the company should bo organ ized accordingly , und onnh of the several' divisions of the operating department would have on its rolls two cln&ncs of men ; first , these who luive been ad mitted into the permanent service of the company ; second , those who for any cause nro only temporarily in service , And no mnn slioulu bo admitted into the permanent service until nftor he has served un appren ticeship in the temporary service. In other words admission into the par- tnimont sorvlco would be In the nature of iv promotion from nn apprenticeship in the temporary service. These In the temporary service need not , therefore , he nt present consid ered. They hold to the companies only the ordinary relation o [ employe to em ployer. They may bo lookoil upon as candidates for admission into the per manent eorvico they nro on probation. So long ns they nro on probation they inuy bo on paged nnd discharged at pleasure- . The permanent serrico ulono is now referred to , The poriuuiiout service of a grout rnilrond company should in ninny es- sontinl rcspecU bo. voi\v much Hlto n nntlonnl service , Hint of the nrmy or nnvy , for Inslnnco , except In ono par ticular , nnd n very ltnjortunt particu lar : to-ivit , those In it must of necessity always be at liberty to resign from It In other"wonts , to lonvo it. Tito rnilrond company can hold no ono In Us employ ono moment ngnlnst his will. Monnwhllo , to belong to the permanent service of a rnilrond company of the first class , so far as the cm ploy o la concerned , should uicnn a grcnt deal. It should carry with It cer tain rights nnd 'privileges Which would cause that service to bo cngcrly sought. In the llrst plnco , ho who hud passed through his period of probation utid whoso nnmo was enrolled in the perma nent service would naturally fool that his Interests wore tea largo o.xtontidon- tlllod with these of the company ; nnd that ho on the other hnnd hnd rights nnd privileges which the compnny wna bound to respect. It has , boon a mutter of bonst In Franco that every private soldier In the French army carried the possibility of the fiold-marshnl's baton in his knapsack. It should bo the same with ovcry employe in the permanent service of a grunt American railroad compnny. The possibility of his rising to any position in thntservice for which ho showed himself qualified should bo open before him nnd constantly present in his mind. Many of the most remark able and successful men who Imvo han dled railroads In the United States be gan their active lives ns brnkononns telegraph operators , oven ns laborers on the track. Such examples are of in- ostlmnblo vnluo. They reveal possibil ities open to all. Beyond this , the man who is perma nently enrolled should fool that though ho may not ris.o to a high position , yet as a matter of right ho is entitled to hold the position to which ho has rls- on just so long ns ho demeans hlmsolf properly and docs his duty woll. Ho should bo free from fear of arbitrary dismissal. In order that ho may have this security , n tribunal should bo de vised before which ho would have the right to bo heard In case charges of misdemeanor nro advanced ngainst him. him.No No such tribunal hns yet been pro vided In the organization of any rail road company ; neither , as a rule , has the suggestion of such a tribunal boon looked upon with favor cither by the ofllclal orthe employee. The latter is apt to rirguo that ho already has such a tribunal in the executive committee of his own labor organization ; and a tri bunal , too , upon which ho can do pond to decide always in his favor. The olllcial , on the other hnnd , contends that If ho is to bo responsible for results ho must have the power of arbitrarily dismissing the em ploye. Without it ho will not bo able to maintain discipline. The two argu ments , besides answering each other , divide the railroad service into hostile camps. The executive committees of the labor organizations practically cannot save the members of these organ izn- tions from being got rid of , though they do in many cases protect them ngainst summary discharge ; and on the other hnnd the oflicialin the face of the execu tive committeo.enjoys only in theory the power of summary discharge. The sit uation is accordingly false and bad. It provokes hostility. The ono party boasts of n protection which ho docs not enjoy ; the other insists upon a power which ho dares not exorcise. The remedy is mani fest. A system should bo devised based on recognized facts ; K system which would secure reasonable protection to Tihe employe , < nnd-at the iBaaioXtlincf enable - able the olHciul to on force .all necessary discipline. This' a permanent service with a properly organized tribunal to appeal to would bring1 about. Mean while the winnowing process would bo provided for in the temporary service. Over that the official would have com plete controland the idletho worthless , and the insubordinate would bo kept olT. The wheat would bo separated from the chaff. Until such a system is devised , the existing chaps , made up of powerless protection and impotent pow er , must apparently continue. None the less it is a delusion on the one side and n mockery on the other. How the members of such a court as has been suggested could bo appointed and by whom is matter lor copsidera- tion. It would , of course , bo essential that the appointees should command the confidence of all in the company's service , whether olllclals or employes. The possible means of reaching this re sult will presently bo discussed. Not only should permanent employes bo entitled to retain their positions dur ing peed behavior , but they should also look forward to a continual bettering of their condition. That is , apart from promotion , seniority in the service should curry with it certain rights and privileges. Take the class of conduc tors , brnkomon , engineer , machinists , and the like , there seems to bo no rea son why length of faithful service should not carry with it a stipulated increase of pay. If conductors , for example , have a regular pay of 8100 a month , there seems no good reason why the pay should not increase' by stops of5 with each five years' service , so that when the conductor has been twenty-five venrs in the service his pay should bo increased by ouo-quarter , or $25 a month. The increase might bo more or loss. The figures suggested merely illustrate. So also with the engineer , ibo brakeman , the section man. the machinist. A certain prospect of in creased pay if a man demeans himself faithfully is > a great incentive to faith ful demeanor. This is another fact which it would bo well not to lose sight of. There ought likewise to bo connected with every largo railroad organization certain funds , contributed partly by the company and partly by the voluntary ac tion of employes , which would provide for hospital service , retiring pensions , sick pqm.lons , and insurance against ac cident nnd death. Every man whoso name has once boon enrolled in the permanent employ of the company should bo entitled to the bonpfltof these funds , nnd ho should bo deprived of it only by his own voluntary act , or as the consequence of some misdemeanor proved before a tribunal. At present the railroad companies of this country arc under no inducement to establish these mutual insurance societies , or to contribute to them. Their service , in principle at least , is a shifting service ; and so long as It is shifting the elabor ate organizations which are essential to the safe management of the fundq re ferred to cannot bo called into exis tence. A tlo up , ns it might bo called , between the companies nnd their em ployes is a condition precedent. Wore thlb once effected the rest would follow by stops both natural and easy. For a company like the Union Pacific to con tribute $100,000 a year to a hospital fund and retiring pension aud insur ance associations would bo a email matter , it the thing could bo so arranged that the permanent employes themselves would contribute a like sum ; and permanent employes only would contribute at all. Once let the growth of associations like UK'SO begin , and it proceeds with al most startling rapidity. At the end often ton years the accumulated capital on the basin o ( contribution suggested would probably amount to millions. JEvory man who WUB bo fortunate us to bo come n permanent employe of the company would then bo assured of provision m ) i j n if' cnso of BlcknesiJotKdisnblllty , nnd his family would be assured of it in case of his death. The moment ajwmanent service was thus established It'would also Involve further provisloWof an educational na ture. That is , the companies must con tinually provide A stock of men for the future , where 'k boy the son df an employe gr.ows up always looking for ward to ontorinpttltOjCompnnr'fi service , ho becomes to that C9tnpany very much what a cadet at West-Point or Annapolis is to the army < 6r navy of the United States ; the ideajof loyalty to the com pany and of pride in its service grows up with him. Railroad educational in stitutions of thiayort have already been created by at least ono corporation in the country , and they should bo cre ated by all corporations of the first class. The children of employes would natur ally go into these schools , and the best of thorn would at the proper ago bo sent out upon the rend to talto their places in the shops , on the track or nt the brake. From these thus educated the higher positions in the company would thereafter bo filled. The cost of main taining these schools , at least in part , would become a regular item in the operating expenses of the road. Prop erly handled , a vnst economy would bn olTociod through them. The morale of this service would gradually bo raised , and the morale of a railroad is , it prop erly viewed , no loss Important than the morale of an army or navy. It is in valuable. But it is futllo to suppose that such a service as thnt outlined could be or ganized , in America , at least , unless these concerned In it wore allowed a voice in the management. Practically the most important feature of the whole Is therefore yet to bo con sidered. . How is the employe to bo assured a voice in the management of these joint interests , without bringingnbout demoralization ? No one has yet had the courage to face this question ; and yet it is n question which must bo faced if a solution of ex isting dilllcultles is to bo found. If the employes contribute to the insurance nnd other funds , it is right thnt they should have n voice in the management of these funds. If an employe holds his situation during good behavior , ho has n right to bo hoard in the organization of the board which , in case of his sus pension for alleged cause , is to pass upon his bohnvior. No system will suc ceed which does not rccognizo these rights. In other words , it will bo im possible to establish perfectly good faith and the highest morale in the service of the companies until the problem of giv ing this voice to employes , nnd giving it effectively , is solved. It cnn be solved in but ono way ; that is , by representa tion. To solve it may mean industrial peace. It is , of course , impossible to dispose of these difficult matters in town meet ings. Nevertheless , the town meeting must be at the b so.of any successful plnn for disposing' them. The end in view is to bring tbjO employer who in this case is the coijipanyjrcpresontcd by its president dyd , bpnrd of directors and the employees ifito direct and im mediate contact through a representa tive system. When thus brought into direct and iramodintQJcontact , the par- tics must arrive at re&ults through , the usual method : that Jsnhy discussion and rational agreement. It has already boon noticed that the operating department of a great railroad company naturally subdivides itself into those concerned in the train movement , those concerned in the care of the pormnnnnt waynnd these concerned in tho-worl pf the mechani cal department. liyivpuld seem proper , therefore , that a couficij. of employees should be formed , of "Mich a number as might bo agreed on , containing repre sentatives from each or those depart ments. In order to make an effective representation , the council would have to "bo n largo body. For present pur poses , and for the sake of illustration merely , It might bo supposed thnt , in the case of the Union Pacific , each de partment in a division of the road would elect its own members of the employ ees' council. There are live of these divisions and throo- departments in every division. The operating men , the yard and section men , and the ma chinists of the division would , there fore , under this arrangement , choose a given number of representatives. If one such representative was chosen tp each hundred employes in the permanent service these thus sclocted would con stitute a division council. To perfect the organization , without disturbing the necessary work jot the company , each of these division councils would then select certain ( say , for example-1 three ) of their number , representing the mechanical , tho' operating and the per manent way departments , and these delegates from each of the departments would , at certain periods of the year , to bo provided for by the articles or organ ization , all moot together at the head quarters of the company in Omaha. The central council under the system hero suggested would consist of fifteen men ; that is , ono representing each of the three departments of the five sev eral divisions. These fifteen men would represent the employes. It would bo for thorn to select a board of delegates , or small executive commit teeto confer directly with the president and board of directors. Hero would bo found the organization through which thovolco of the employes would mtil/c Itself heard and felt in matters which directly affect the rights of employees , including the appointment of a tribunal to pass upon cases of misdemeanor , and the management of all institutions , whether financial or educational , to which the employees had contributed and in which they had a consequent in terest. There is no reason whatever for sup posing that , within the limits which have * boon indicated , such an organiza tion would load to ditllculty. On the contrary , whore it did not remove a dif ficulty it might readily ! bo made toonon u Way out of it. Ttuv-jumployes , feeling thnt they too had rtghtB which the corn- puny frankly roc'Ojrulzed and was bound to respect , woulttjiffflll coses of agita tion proceed Ihrouga Mio the regular machinery , which Urobght thorn into easy nnd direct conuflcjHwlth the highest authority in the oompaji'y'sBorvlco. 'J hey would not , thoroforo/bo driven in to out side organizations. Meanwhile , on the other hand , the highest oillcors of the company , including : tW > provident nnd the board of dlreotSn'sTwould bobrought into immediate roMhlons with the rep resentatives of UiQftymployos on terms of equality. Eucl ( ' pild ( have an eoual vbico in the inanjTgfe nont of common interests ; and it vwuUv only remain to muUo provision fov 'arriving ut a solu tion of questions in case of a deadlock. This would naturally be done by the appointment of a permanent arbitrator , rho would be selected in advance. The organization suggested includes , It will bo remembered , only these em ployes whose names are , on the perma nent rolls of the onorutlng department. For reasons which have been Buflloiontly referred to , these whoso names nro on the rolls of the other four departments have not boon considered. Hut there would bo no difficulty in making pro vision for thorn also , should it be found expedient or desirable so to do. Through the eystom nf representation the organization could in ( act bo inude to include every employe in the perma nent service of the company , not ex cepting the president , the general muu- ngor or the general council. Ench em ploye included would have one vote , nnd each division nnd department Its representatives. The organization in other words is elastic. No matter how largo It might bo It would never be come unwieldy BO long ns It resulted In the small committee which mot in di rect conference fnco to fnco with the board of directors. Could such n system ns thnt which hns bncii suggested bo devised nnd put in practical operation there is reason to hope that the difficulties which hnvo hitherto occurred between the great railroad companies nnd these in their pay would not occur in future. The movement is the natural nnd necessary outcome of the vnst development re ferred to In the opening paragraphs of this paper. It is based on a simple recognition of acknowledged fncts , nnd follows the lines of action with which the people of this country are most familiar. The path Indicated Is that In which for centuries they have boon ac customed to tread. It hns led them out of many difficulties. Why not out of this difficulty ? Drcntns. CliarltfA , FIIM in Clitcaati Times. Mysterious phantoms ! thnt over our minus Hold freely tholr revolt so light ; No power prevents them , nor spoil over binds , ( These weird , Rhostly croatui-oa of night. For softly tlioy enter the portals of thought , And Into our slumbers they creep , While strange arc the pictures BO vividly wrought On the canvas of mind as wo sleep. Urlght visions of future , soft gleams of the past , They trace with a dnllcato hand ; But crlnlo nnd repentance they paint whllo they last With the blackest tholr art can command. StranRO warnings wo see , dark forebodings of 111 , Tbnt over us come like n pall ; Wo can not1 forgot them , for laugh as wo will How often that dream wo recall. But this Is not all , for nt times o'er the soul , As If from some heavenly cllmo , Soft wuves of harmonious symphony roll , So dulcet and sweet nnd sublime. That oft through the dtiy tftor slumber de parts A lingering chord will remain To memory dour , and wo wish in our hearts That in dreams we may hear it again , And sometimes mcthlnks we do find It again , And in rapture wo listen once more , While memory asks as we catch the ro- from Where Heard wo that music before ! Oh , wonderful phantoms 1 mysterious pow ers 1 Ye nro masters indeed of year art ; And the visions wo see in our slumbering hours , Ere daylight doth bid theo depart. May carry dark omen , may fill us with woe Or with happiness brightly mav beam , Yet their spoil is soon o'er for with morninc ; wo know We shall wake and find naught but a drcain. For Nervous Debility Use Hesfortt's Acid Phosphate. Dr. H. T. Turner , Kasson , Minn. , says : ' I hnvo found it very beneficial in nervous doyllity.from any causo.nna for indigestion. " They're Limited. Wo have some Special Hnrgalns In MEN'S SUITS for you this week , night at the beginning of the season ire propose to do you some good , aud have made special prices on some especially good suits $7 , $3 , 510 and ? 13. Coma early' llrat choice. F1NEWATCH RECEIVES PROMPT ATTENTION B. IREY. TO LOAN ; On C'lty and Fnrm Prouertyl GASH ON HAND , Mortgage Pupor Bought Kren- zer Block , opp. P. O. 0MAHA BUSINESS QLlEGE Bind for College Journal ( Junior Capitol Avv. and lOtli SI , OraatiaSteamDye WORKS.f.ace f.ace Curtains clouuea. C. T. PAULSON , Prcp'r. ' . To It'lllowurJ-st. ; DR8. BETTS & BETTS 1M)3 ) I'AIINAM BTUKKT , OMAHA , NKD. ( Opposite PAiton Hotol. ) Olllco honrs , 0 n. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 a. m. to 1 p. in. . dpoclnllsts n Chronic , Nervous , Skin and lllood DtSCHRBS. tsT Consult tlon nt ollico or by malt free. Meutclnc.i sent by mall or express , securely pacicod. free from observation. Utiariuitccso euro iiulrkly. safely nnd nonimnently. UUDunilCf nrnil I I'V ' Sppniintorrhu-n , Bomt- flhKYUUO UhDlLUl imlIossovNlglitimU- : Blous , 1'hynlcal Decay , arising from Indiscre tion. Kxces3 or Indulgence , producing Blcop- IcssnoMs , Despondency , . I'lmples on the face. aversion to iwloty , easily discouraged , lack of confidence , dull , until for study or btiHlucai.and Units life a burden , safely , iiorinanoutly and privately cured. Consult l rs. Dotts & lletti , 4tH F nrnam St. , Omaha , Neu. Bloofl and Skin Diseases remits , completely eradicated without the aid of Mnrcurv. Pcrorula , Kryfllpclas , Kover Sores , Illotchoi , Ulcers. 1'nlns in the Head aud Hones , Syphilitic Sore Throat , Mouth and Toui-uo , Ca tarrh.c. . . permanently cured where others have failed. r ih'flnntr ITrinQPtT imj niaddor Complaints , lilQIlGV. Utllldiy Palntul. Dlllli'Ult , fee In- qucnt liurnlm ? or Illoody Drlno , Urine hlgn col ored orvltl milky sediment on standing , Weak Hack , Gomiorrlncn , Oleot. Cystitis , ftc. , Promptly andSafcly Cured , Charges Reasona ble. ble.GTlTTflrnTT'R'Fl Guaranteed per- &J.JML\sJL UXV-Cil - nmiiimt cure , re moval complete , without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Cures eflucted nt homo bv patient without n moments caln or uimovnuce. To Young Mon aui Middle-Aged Men , A < 3ITDP TTIDP Tll < > awful effects of early A UUIUJ uUltD Vice , which nrliiRS organic weakness , dcstrovlnebotli mind nnd bodv , with all Its rtroadod Ills , permanently cured. HBO tUJTim Aclress tliose wno Uavo Impaired LinO , Dill 10 themselves by Improper Indul gences and solitary liablfl , which ruin both body and mind , unfitting them for business , study or marriage. , MAIUIIKD Sin * , or these enter JIB on tlinthnp- Py life , aware of physical doblllty , quickly as sstoa. Is based upon facts. First Practical Expe rience. Second Kvory case Is especially studied , thus starting aright. Third Medicines are pre pared In our laboratory exactly to suit etch case , thus allectlng cures without Injury. CnySeud 0 cents postage for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous and Dulloato Diseases. Thousands cured , ti7 A friendly letter or call mavsavoyou fntuie mill'crlnir aud Bhuiue , and add golden years to life. r No letters' an swered unless accompanied by 4 cents in stamps. j ( 1403 1'aruam Srteot , Omaha , Neb. Dr. J. E. McGrew , Ono of Most Successful SPECIALISTS n the Treatment of all Chronic , Spe cial and Private Diseases , LOSS OF MANHOOD anaiMsoraer oniie Sexual Organs absolutely cured. ta n11 w of a PRIVATE DISEASES euro will be guarau- toed. niQCAQCC IIU treatment for which UIOLHOku ( jives tin ) most bountiful complexion , nnd n perfect skin. CONSULTATION FREE , Send stamp Cor reply. Office Bushman Block , IOth and Douglas Sts , , Oinahn , Neb , PATRONISE lome-m TRAD MARK , "RED LABEL. ' JAMES mciunns , u. i. LK VIIILLE. RICHARDS & CO. , Contractors and Builders Room 25 , Omaha National Bank Building , OMAHA , - - - NIUIUAHHA- H. B. BROWN , Carpenter and Builder , AllJob Work promptly attended to. Ktoro ami Olllco lUtlngs and wlro screens n upccialty. 1612 Glwrlos Stroot. .CO WlthHnrceMfulKij > riep for NEW PICTORIAL 8AliAUt.U IJOOK. Ailciiun AT ONOB , elntlnu ' . Bucciw , e' . .O.TH8MfSOHPUB.CO.niOPineBt..ST. ICUH.M 0 , H HH M B" NESSCURE D ir i'i rat. WjfL EL f vial ULZTDIUimAR CUSHIONS f0 KM Til Ukliura httril < liilMllr < ContorUUe. > t i > ki.I"0 < ) ' dd MI Tot calico if. HIBOOX. il Vi if. Y. JOHN T. DIIMH COMPANY. Room 49 Barker Block. Tlio Income Properly Cnn IJo Mmlo to Produce , ( taverns Us Value. Largo list of property to select from. No property llstod , except at fair vnlun lion. Business and inside property a specialty. Trackage Property for sale or lonso from Union Pacific bridge north to Grace street , among which nro two or throe choice bargains Money Loaned On improved or gilt edged unimproved real estate. ALL TITLES Are examined by us nnd must bo per fect before wo will recommend purchase of property. Jolm T. Dillon lUil Co. Room 49 Barker Block , C. M. Jordan Iato of tlio University of Nuw York City ami llowttnU'nlvcrslty.wusli- liiuton. . < : . HAS OKFlCr.3 No. ! ) I Omul till KiimgoIlnllilhiK , ECorncr Fifteenth ami liar nt3. . Onr.iha , Nob. i\\ni > ro all onr.illo cawo nro treated with HUB cess. . , . . ,4 , , . , - . ASTHMA , nvspii' ; tnnr. . KK8M , UllKUM.VTlNM , Att , Nl'.IIVOUS AND SlvIN DISKASE8. CATAIIKII Cunvin. CXINSUWATION at olflco or by mull , ? 1. Olllce hours u to 11 n. m. , 2to l p. in. , 7 to 8p , m.Sundavollicohours rromOa. in. , to IP. m. ilanvdiseases ure treated gticcostfnllv uy Df- .lordon tlironun the inatlfi.iiud It la tluiu po.sjtblo for those unable to mixkn a jonrnoy to o'otulu SOCCBSMFOr , HOSl'lTAC. TIIKATMKNT AT THKlll UOMUS. Send for book on Disease * ot Isose , , M. M. Ilamliti , Pluuuixlus. Co. 8. A. Orchard , Carpet Dealer. John Plielby. Grocer. John Hubh. City 'I're.isurov Health is Wealth ! Dn.U.O. Wr.ST's NEIIVE AMI DRAIN TIIEAT- UU.NT , aguaranteod spaclUc for Hysteria , Dizzi ness. Convulsions , Pits , Nervotia Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by the UKO of alcohol or tobacco , Wakefulucss , Mental Iepru44lon , Sotu-alng of the II rain , resulting in In.sunltvnir.l leadlnuto misery , decay and death. 1'iematnre Old Ago , Harronn t'8.1ss of Power in cither sex. Involuntary Lowes and Bpermat- orhtua caused by ovur-oxertlonof thobraln.Ralf. abusn or ovurludulgpnce. Ktich box contalnt ono month's ti ontmont. Jl.OO a box , or six boxe.t for JVW.sont by mall prepaid on rocolpt of price. WB GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes , accompanied with W.OO , we will Bend th purchaser our wrlttan guarantee to re fund tlio mouey If Ine treatment does not otfectj a cure. Guarantees issued only by Goodman Drug Co. , Drugghts , Sole Agents , lUO 1'uroam btreot. Omaha Neb. . WHEN purchasing a fine Shoe it is natural to select - loct that which is pleasing to the eye in style nnd finish ; the material must be of the finest texture , and when on the foot the shoe must combine beauty and comfort. The Ludlow Shoe Possesses this Feature , IF YOU TRY ONE PAIR You Will Wear No other Mako.T * Bold br over 100 dealeri In Ctilcairo.and the belt trade throughout tin Unltei ) mntei. Bee That They A rn Btuiupf d "I.UDI.OTV. " DR. BAILEY , DENTIST. Toetb extruded without piln or danger tij n Gold and AHojr nillnnt at lowoU rntei. Bound root * iKTea br crownlnit. All tllllui rvuliu < r u lor imiiro referenoa. 1'aitoa Ulock , and Karnnui Olllco open from 7 to H vtnlns . ' OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 8O8-810 N. 16th St. HOnEHT UHUfi , I'rop , , C. M. BATON , Manager. Telephone 030 ; Ilup.ilra tor all Sloven nnd llanos mndo , llrlllmnt Oasoline Stoves , gloves taken In exchange ] ) .irt payment. Uanollne lIurnorH made to order and thoroughly repaired. Telephone to us or send curd uud wo will call and ettlmato work of any kind. THE BEST REFRIGERATORS , st Vapor Stoves anil Jcwctt Filters and Coolers. AT HKASONAAM : IKA.TJCS. WM. EYLE DICKEY & CO , , 1413 Douglas St. THE BUSINESS OF THE OMAHA MERCHANT TAILOR COMPANY , 114 SOUTH IfiTII STBKHT , Hai far exccraed tltelr expectations , Tnu low prices , togetuer with flne work ana perfect nt , Juiv convinced i liolr customers tlint It Is tbe cheapest place to buy tuc'r garroeuu. Tli y ura m ntuntly rccolvluK new goojn for the summer traJe. SUITS 1'JIOM 9US UPWAItUS. PANT * i-' 7 U1MVAKD0 ,