Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1889, Part I, Image 1

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Ohaoa and Oonfuslon Still Rolgn In
Trains and Wagons Orowdod With
Fooplo Going North.
The Cltlzona of Gutbrlo Hold Tholr
First Election.
Flrpt Death In the Territory Postage
Stumps Soiling ntl'on Cents
Apiece Tlio Stall
r , Oklaliomn , { via Arkansas City ,
Kon. , ) April 27. [ Special Telegram to Tun
Bnj ! . | The discontented settlers continue to
leave- Oklahoma , both by wagon nnil mil.
This morning a largo colony loft the creek
near Guthrlc , to move , with their wagons ,
Into the Cherokee Strip , and last evening n
train left hero with txvclvo conches loaded
with men who had become disappointed and
wore going homo. Not only were the seats
all tnkon , but the aisles of the cars wcro
crowded , and men tilled the platforms of all
the coaches , baggage , mall and express cars.
About ft thousand people are watting at the
depot for the next train north , having enough
of Oklahoma already.
But notwithstanding all that are leaving ,
the postal facilities are no better , for the
10,000 people hero are not hotter off than they
would bo at a country village , and 200 or 800
mon arc always In line waiting ihclr turn to
Inquire for their mall. The people have
been buying places at the head of the line
at the rate of $3 each , rather than
stand In the hot sun thrco or
four hours , and then find , perhaps , that the
postmaster has not had time to distribute
the letters. There have been no stamps at the
postofllco for several days , and. us much as 10
cents a piece have been paid for them by bus
iness mon who had important letters to
It would DO difllcult to find a better na-
turcd people than the Oklahoma settlors.
They hear with everything without com-
pliunlng , and quietly cnduro their hardships
and trials.
East Guthrlo has elected a mayor and
council. G. II. Seward , of Wlnfleld , Kan. ,
is the mayor. Guthric proper hold a mass
mooting and nominated candidates , but as
no one had a majority of all the votes cast ,
, the meeting was continued till next morning ,
tfid when the people of Guthrlo assembled
in mass meeting the greatest excitement pre
vailed. Ex-Senator Kelly , of Kansas , with
drew , leaving the contest between Colsnol
K. W. Hill , of Muskogee , andE. H. Hangott ,
of Dakota. Hill and Haprgett cjtch mounted
a wagon with a United States ilnsr in each
hand , and were driven at the head of the
followers , who were in line four
abreast. Considerable confusion was
bccasloncd by the electioneering , but the
men were finally got Into line and counted.
The Huggott mon finding themselves out
numbered , stopped the count and forced an
adjournment of the meeting until the after
noon. Haegctt is supported bytho | gambling
get and the whiskey element , while Hill Is
supported by the majority of the better class
of people. The count showed the election of
Hill by 1,185 to Hairgett's ( MO.
This vote only represents the people of
Guthrlo proper. There is East Guthrie ,
West Guthrlc , North Guthrie and South
Guthrlo. The last two have but a small
population. The population of Gutbrio and
suburbs is variously estimated at from 0,000
to 15,000 , but the actual population Is about
eight thousand. About ono thousand people
cave everyday and live or six hundred ur-
rive , There Is a largo floating population
bore , and many persons are awaiting an op
portunity to tlio on land at other points ,
owing to the fact that , the Lisbon ofllco could
not open in time. After the adjournment
of the moss meeting Hill proposed
that ho and Haggett withdraw from the
race for mayor , owing to the bitter feeling
that the contest was stirring up , and on
behalf of good order agree upon some out
sider. Ho suggested that tie and Haggott
each name thrco mun , and these six select it
seventh us a committee to muno u man for
mayor of Guthrie. Haggott agreed , and
United States Marshal Jouos was the man
selected as the seventh man. The commit
tee met last night and named D. B. Dyer , of
Kansas City , us the candidate. The uomi-
tioa was subsequently rutillodby the citi
zens of Guthrie in mass meeting , and the
contest is for the time settled.
* The election was ono of the most Interest
ing features of the camp. The champions of
lie three candidates rounded up their mon
and formed thorn into line four deop. Men
rushed about , gathered In voters , and called
them to their sido. There was shouting ,
cheering and exhorting , but no lll-fcollng ,
and when the contest was decided loud
cheers rent the air. During the vote the
candidates wcro placed on , wagons , at the
head of the lines , drawn by some of their
enthusiastic supporters , and carried down
the lines.
A oommlttco was appointed by the citi
zens in mass meeting to visit United States
Marshal Needles and ascertain the names
of his deputy marshals at this point. The
outraged people seem determined to fully in
vestigate the fraud imposed upon them by
deputy marshals and special deputies who
were given commissions in order to enable
them to get hero uhead of honest settlers
and take up the best lots in Outline , The
feeling against Marshal Needles and bis
deputies is very bitter , and apparently there
is causa f jr It.
People continue going from Oklahoma to
thte Cherokee Strip and say they will stay
ttlcrc ; that the government permitted its
deputy marshals and land officers to tulto
up the good land hqro and will have to al
low them to settle in the Strip. Another
colony was formed west of Guthrlo to-day
and started for the Chernkoo Strip to take
up land there and hold it unless forcibly
ejected by the United States troops. A trip
over the country south and cast shows that
all the desirable land 1ms boon taken up and
much land bus boon located that U utterly
worthless. It seems that people take
up land hero simply because it
Oklahoma , when the same
nil would not bo accepted
is a gift elsewhere. Most ol the land around
hero U of an inferior quality , and will huvo
to bo Irrigated aud fertilized before it can bo
productive. Many persons are Rolujj
about trying to soil their claims. They say
they have enough of Oklahoma and want to
Rctl whllo they can.
The rush ut the postofllco tent has become
so great that a few United States soldiers
nro kept on gunrd there to keep order along
the line of people waiting for mall. The people
ple In Oklahoma dcsorvo the greatest prolso
for their good behavior and peaceable dis
position under the most trying circumstan
ces. Although dlsoppplntcd In the country
mid robbed of the land by every unfair
methods , they have not oven spoken Insult
ingly to Marshal Needles and his deputies ,
or to the land officers of Guthrle. They nut
up with the hardships and wants of the
camp , and patiently cnduro the red nlkall
dust that constantly nils the air and their
food and sifts through their , clothing , but
they nro leaving hero as last as they can on
freight and stock trains as woll'tvi passenger
Newspaper correspondents who have
falsely reported murders and lynching here
did the people of Oklohomn great injustice.
Tncro tins not been a single murder In this
part of the country , nnd all reports to the
contrary were founded only on idle rumors.
Ono of the Arnolds reported killed lost
Tuesday Is hero to-day trying to tlio on n
quarter section near Oklahoma City. Com
pass , who was reported killed near this city
for jumping a claim last Monday , was in
line Inquiring for mail yesterday.
Guthrlo's now mayor , Mr. Dyer , was in
stalled this morning and the 'council imme
diately hold a mooting nnd proceeded to
draft ordinances. Another meeting will beheld
hold to-night to pass upon the ordinances.
Unconfirmed Uoport or n Battle.
ST. Louis , April 27. The Republican's
Wichita correspondent has telegraphed that
paper as follows :
Out of the many wild rumors with which
the border is full to-day , there is ono which
seems to bear the elements of probability.
The report Is of an attack on un old soldiers'
colony , located In the southwestern part of
Oklahoma. The runner who brought
the report stated that the fight
occurred on Wednesday , and occupied
nearly ono hour. The old soldiers' lands are
very desirable , and a number of cowboys
tried last Wednesday to take them from the
settlors. The cowboys were mounted on
licet ponies and rode down on the camp , evi
dently with the intention of surprising them.
The veterans , however , wcro prepared for
them. The cowboys rode down the line , yel
ling nnd firing revolvers , A volley from the
VRtornns brought down a man and a horse.
The rider of the latter jumped on the back
of a companion's pony , and In a moment all
the cowboys wcro out of range.
After this tno tight was after the Indian
fashion. Horses wcro used as barricades ,
and over their backs the cowboys shot nnd
dllod six members of the colony. When It
was seen that the old coldlors wcro being
worsted , they drew up in line and the order
for advance was given. The enemy re-
; reatod to the bushes , and for half an hour
, ho tiring continued , but only ono man was
wounded and none killed. At the expiration
of this time the cowboys jumped to the
jacks of their horses and dashed across the
From the best information obtainable , the
1st of the dead Is as follows :
J. L. Ucdnoldof , Oil City , Pa. ; Willard
Wood worth , of Quincy , 111. ; Samuel Hert-
zer , of Fort Wayne , Ind. ; Steven Denny , of
? arls. Tex. ; Anson L. Toyereof Galena ,
: il. ; Kobort "Hutchlna , of Milwaukee , and
Antonno Croigh , seriously wounded.
The First Uei.tli in Oklahoma.
GUTiiitiB , Oklahoma , ( via Kansas City ,
Kan. ) , April 27. | Special Telegram to Tun
Jni : . ] W. V. Herancourt , spcftial artist for
larper's Weekly in Oklahoma , dropped
dead hero in front of his tent at 8 o'clock
his morning of heart disease. This was the
Irst death in Guthrie , although several kill-
ngshavo been falsely reported. The deceased -
ceased was about thirty years old. Ho has
icon doing considcr.iblo work hero and was
generally esteemed. Ho was secretary of
ho first Guthrie mass meeting , and the now
council passed suitable resolutions regarding
lis death to-day. The body was sent to
lerancourt's homo In Dubuque , la.
Billy Mitchell , Formerly Colored
Champion , Engor .t' ( > r n Go.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , April 27. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tim LJin. ] The next fight of Peter
"acltson seems likely to bo with n man of
lis own color , at any rate Billy Mitchell ,
ho St. Paul heavy-weight , who was the
colored champion of America for two years ,
and who has whipped every colored man ho
las over mot , has to-night placed a forfeit of
500 with the sporting editor of a local
lapor for a finish fight with Jackson , the
nlll to occur ut San Francisco within two
nonths , and the winner to take the stakes
nnd the gate receipts. Mitchell will light for
any amount up to $2,500. Speaking of Jackson
10 said : "Of course , Jackson is a good one.
lo is tall , and has an unusually long reach ,
lo can't hit hard. Ho has whipped a num-
> ur of mon , not one of whom has fought him
Ight. They have all boon afraid of that long
Ight arm , and have tried to keep away from
ilm. Infighting Is what is wanted. A man
hould go at him llko u hurricane and punch
ilm in the ribs. I am confident I can whip
ilm. in this way , in loss than fifteen rounds.
At ony rale , I'm willing to stake every penny
have on the result. "
Nebraska nnil town PunHions.
WASHINGTON" , April 27. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK HKK. ] Pensions granted Nc-
naskans : Original , Invalid Alvin , Wal-
ath ( deceased ) , Charles W. Fluko. In-
rcase Charles H. Cape , Henry Williams ,
lelssuo Jaines Jones.
Pensions for lowans : Original invalid
? atrlcK Noonan , George Hook. Restoration
and reissue Henry Tracy. Increase Will-
am D. Wood , William G. Wine , George
. .ong , Charles McGinlcy , John H. Sohorn ,
Cptiralm Crutohett , Aram V. Bloodgood ,
Haytou S. Flowers. Uclssuo and increase
Villlam J. Hamilton.
First Steamboat of the Season.
CIUMIIKULAIN , So. Dak. , April 27. The
tcamber Helena , from Ulsinarck and up
Ivor points , arrived in this city last evening ,
This Is the first boat of the season. She is
oadcd with tlour for the up river agencies
roiu the roller mills of this city.
Burned to Duulli.
PAHKCIHIIUBU , W. Va. , April 27. Tlio
dwelling of James Hannish , near Hooker-
villo" , Nichols county , burned Wednesday
night , and Hannlsh's wlfo and two children
wcro burucd to death , Hannish was away' '
from homo at the tltno.
A Terrible Dust Storm.
HAMTEII , Minn. , April 27 , A terrible dust
storm did considerable damage to farms
along the Ued Kivor valley yesterday. The
Btorm was especially severe on recently
sown wheat and reseodmg will be necessary
in seine cases.
The Wnutlicr Indiqntlons.
For Nebraska , Iowa and Dakota : Fair ,
wuriucr , wluds becoming vftrlublo.
Graphic Description of the Howling
. Mol > That Sacked the ColtrttilntCfl.
ST. PAUL , April -Special [ Telegram to
Tun Hcn.l-Judgo C. E. Flandran , of this
city is in receipt of n private letter from
General A. C. Jones , United States consul at
Chin Klang , China , giving a graphic account
of the riot nnd raping intending the outbreak
of the natives last month , After describing
the gathering of the mob , its attack and the
firing of the jail and consulate , the writer
says : ' 'Seeing ' that no efforts of mlno would
avail and that my gates nnd walls would not
hold , I gathered up my little daughter in my
arms , nnd with my wlfo and a man
scrambled over an Intervening wall Into the
British consular grounds. A stone knocked
off my hat , which , had It struck her , would
hove killed my child , or had It hit mo wo
could not have gotten away. There I found
the * British consul his wlfo and two child
ren. His gates were yielding to the mob.
We climbed the stoop hill at the rear carry
ing our children nnd helping by the hands
our wives , and so rapid were events that be
fore wo wcro half way up our
escape was imperiled by the light
of the conflagration of the consulate.
Wo climbed nn eight-foot wall and made our
descent , reaching the mall steamer that had
come from a lower landing to our relic/ , and
not a moment too soon. The mob of between
twenty nnd thirty thousand Imd discovered
us at last , and made a rush to take the pontoon
teen bridge. The draw-bridge was raised ,
the hot water hose was got out and wo were
saved. The whole of the foreign population
wo found before us on the steamer. From
the decks wo saw the burning buildings and
heard the mad yells of the mad devils at their
work of destruction. In the morning they
made thrco attempts to take the steamer , but
failed. Twelve buildings were destroyed by
fire , the British consulate among thorn. My
consulate was sacked and stripped of every
thing it contained except a largo American
safe. It was also sot on fire in two places ,
but in some strange way was not consumed.
Now wo are in the midst tof examinations
and executions. The hcads'fly , and then the
reparation. I have orders to settle the
claims for damages hero without reference
to Pokln or Washington. The viceroy _ and
officials nro anxious to settle hero , "and
promptly and fully. "
Dlshop Honly on Uuliglonfl Freedom.
POKTI , IND , Mo. , April ,27. Bishop Hcaly ,
in nn address to the Catholics of Malno on
the occasion of the centennial of Washing
ton's Inauguration , says It is a fable to at
tribute the establishment of freedom of
conscience to the Puritans , the cavaliers of
Virginia , or the Quakers in Maryland. As
long as the Catholics had control of the gov
ernment that was the solo colony where
freedom of conscience and liberty of religion
existed. Let us not bo discouraged by the
abuse of prejudiced men. Wo have nothing
to concerl. Wo have no conspiracy. We
can not be members of oath-bound secret
societies. While respecting the rightsduties ,
opinions and even reasonable prejudices of
our brethren in citlznnsliip , wo claim the
same consideration for ourselves , avowing
without shame or concealment that our
freedom of conscience , our attachment to
God and our religion is our first privilege
nnd highest duty.
An Appeal to Loynl Americans.
KANSAS Cm- , April 27. Major Warner ,
commaiider-in-chiof of the G. A. R , in gen
eral order No. 8 , designating May 30 as
Memorial day , says : "Attention is directed
to the excessive burden that falls upon in
fant posts that are struggling for existence
in the sjuth , where more than 2 0,000 of our
comrades ho in national cemeteries whoso
graves in many cases are sadly neglected on
Memorial day , owing to the paucity of our
membership in these localities. The national
encampment , through its council administra
tion has authorized the
, quartermaster-gen
eral to make provision for supplying flags to
mark every grave in these cemeteries , but
donations of tlowers , flags or funds from in
dividuals or posts would bo gratefully re
ceived. "
In Honor ol * the Centennial.
NEW Youic , April 27. The Society of Cin
cinnati gave a banquet to-night at the rooms
of the Lawyers' club , in the Equitable build
ing , in honor of Washington's inauguration
centennial. There was a large attendance of
visitors from different states. Among the
guests were Governor Green , of Now Jersey ;
ox-President Hayes , nnd William Slovens
Perry , bishop of Iowa. Ex-President Hayes
responded to the toast , "United States of
America. " "Tho of
memory George Wash
ington" was drank standing nnd in silence.
Other toasts and responses prolonged the
In Memory of Grant ,
PITTSUUIIO , April 27. The third annual
dinner of tbo Amoricus Republican club , In
commemoration of the birth of General U.
S. Grant , was hold to-night , at the Seventh
Avenue hotel. Covers wore laid for nearly
four-hundred people , and n more enjoyable
banquet has probably never been hold here.
Letters of regret wore road from President
Harrison , Vico-Prcsldent Morton , Secretary
Blalno , Secretary Tracy , Senator Cameron ,
Colonel Fred D. Grant , Governor Forakor
and others.
Shot Ills IMnvmate.
Pirranuuo , April 27. News of a fearful
tragedy , with children us the principalseomcs
from Malvern , Carroll county , Ohio. Five-
year-old Charley Dlckman and his eight-
year-old cousin , Johnny Hoxamcr , quarrelled
over a playing ground. Hoxiuner becoming
enraged seized u shot gun and shot Charley
Dlckman in the head Inflicting a wound
from which he soon after died. The Hoxamcr
boy was knocked down aad seriously injured
by the recoil of the gun.
A Centennial Tea Party.
NEW YOHK , April 27. The centennial com-
mltteo on states held a conference this after
noon with such representatives as have ar
rived. Hut few had reached tbo city at the
hour of meeting. This afternoon a ccnton-
tial tea party was given ut the Hotel Bruns
wick by ladles costumed after the fashion of
their great grandmothers. At the Metropol
itan 'opera house this afternoon the final
private rehearsal of the centennial quadrille
wan .iad.
An Inaitno .Incendiary.
CMAMUEKLAIN , So. Dak. , April 27. The
Indian police at Crow Crook agency a few
days ago captured a white man giving the
name of David Allan , who had been roaming
about oror the agency. Ho had attempted to
burn the agency buildings , and it Is sup
posed that ho Is the ono that sot the pralrio
fires that did so much dauiago in this sec
tion , Ho was declared insane by the board
of Insanity ,
A Largo I'assonuor Train.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. Tor. , April 27 , [ Special
Telegram to TUB Use. ] The largest regu
lar passenger train out of Choycnno in the
history of tbo Union i'acltlu went west to
day. U consisted of twenty-nlno couches
and required four engines to pull it over the
"Sherman Hill" lo Luramio ,
The United Statoo Treasurer Flrod
From' JHotol.
Tholr Footfnlla Roaoundod In the
Early Mornluff.
Were Out the Oarpots and the Land
lord's Patlonoo.
Employes of the Postofllco Depart
ment Not Allowed In tbo Build-
tbo Sabbath Other
Washington Items.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 27.
United States Treasurer Huston and
family , ut a late hour1 last night , removed
their personal effects to the Ebbltt house ,
where they will hereafter bo found. An In
teresting incident occurred in connection-
with their transfer. When Mr. Huston was
appointed treasurer about thrco weeks ago
ho took a sulto of rooms ut tbo Ebbit and in-
tcntlod to make that his homo whllo ho lived
In Washington. As chairman of the repub
lican state central committee , of Indiana ,
during the past four years , ho is looked to
by many for the dlstrlfiutton of patronage
for the districts In his state not represented
by republican congressmen. Ever slnco his
arrival hero ho has been sought by hundreds
of Indiana office-seekers every day.
His rooms at the .Ebbitt were flooded
from early morning till Into at night. There
was a perfect stream ] of people going and
coming. A week ago ho came to the con
elusion that the Eboltfc was too convenient
for officescokcrs 5 too public for a man who
wished a moment of privacy now and then ;
so ho selected quarters In a family hotel re
cently opened on Fourteenth street some
blocks abovo. Those of'Mr. Huston's friends
who called upon him last night wcro sur
prised on entering his room to find him packIng -
Ing his trunks and emptying his desks.
"What's up ! " inquired ouo of the callers-
"Going to leave , can't stay at the hotel , "
quickly replied the treasurer.
The proprietor was'sought nnd In explana
tion he said : "Mr. Huston is ono of the
most perfect gentlemen 1 ever had as a guest
at my hotel , and I like his family , bull
would not have him here for 5500 a day.
This Is a private family hotel and where-
ever ho is there tij > jauvays a swarra
of Hoosier offlc jSers./ Why jitiesb
fellows coma in hcta.-'io.huattUp'Treas
urer Huston , bbfor3 the cooks are
out In the morning , and the tramp of their
foot is heard late at nfght. They wear out
my carpets , keep trio hallwayr crowded nnd
keep up a perfect slam of the doors. It became -
came so annoying that I had to toll Mr.
Huston to hunt another place to live. It's
worse than an Indiana convention. "
This is undoubtedly the first instance on
record where a landlord has been compelled
to request a guest as desirable as Mr. Huston
to leave his house. With him went several
other boarders who nro personal friends. As
soon as these facts are known here , United
States Treasurer Huston will receive the
jibes of many good-natured acquaintances.
His headquarters at the Ebbett were to-day
distinguished by the usual crowd of Indiana
seekers after office.
Postmaster-General Wanamakor's order ,
issued to-day , prohibiting the employes of
the postoffice department from entering the
building on Sundays , .will probably prevent
the appointment of a largo number nf men
to positions In the railway mall service.
After next , Tuesday the appointments to this
service will bo made through the civil ser
vice commission. It was arranged by the
general superintendent of the railway mall
service to-day that ho would spend tomorrow
row in his office \vith the force of clerks
cleaning up the desks and arranging ap
pointments ( preparatory to accepting the
civil service law. There is now no hope that
the president will extend the tlmo within
which the civil service law will take control
of the railway mail service. Civil Service
Commissioner Lyman has notified thu post
master-general that the commission < vlll not
bo ready to make examinations and cer
tify appointments Uo the railway mail
service ujdcr n fortnight. When informed
of tills the postmaster-general inquired of
Mr. Lyman :
"What will wo do to fill vacancies before
you are ready to take charge of the applica
tions and certify eligible applicants 1 Are
we to permit the corvlco to remain ut a
standstill ! "
"Not at all , " replied Commissioner Lyman ,
"Go right on and make appointments until
we got ready , just as if the law had not
taken effect , for until wo can assume control
wo will not bo in charge of the service. "
"Under what authority shall we make
these appointments"inquired ) ' the postmas
"Under the law of necessity , " was the
It may bo , viewing the situation from this
standpoint , that .the reorganization of the
railway mail service .will continue unham
pered , until the clyll service commission is
ready to begin its work.
At the war department it was stated to
day that no general outbreak among the In.
dlans was expected on account of the inva
sions by the Oklahoma boomers. The part
being played by such demagogues as ex-
Congressman Weaver , of Iowa , In urging
boomer to move in uppn tha Indian lands
and resist the law iuid officers is very dan
gerous to the officials Jind citizens bore. It
is said that Weaver Intends to become a citi
zen of Oklahoma and attempt a new lease of
official life. The Cherokee Indians who
have possession of their lands in the Okla
homa country are not regarded at the war
department as cither voluntary fighters or
pURimeious defenders of their rights. It is
believed they will withstand a great deal of
imposition without resisting the Invaders.
Major A. J , Holmes , of Iowa , arrived In
the city yesterday morning in company with
Attorney-General Stone , of that state , in
the interest of vine settlers on the Des
Molne * river lantls. Major Holmes believes
that the attorney-general ot the United'
States has the power to prevent the eviction
of these settlers from tbo homesteads ,
which they hold by patents and homestead
and pro cmptlou entries. Major Holmes
made nn argument In support of
the 'claims of the settlers before
Attorney-General Miller yesterday nnd
at the same time the attorney-
general of the state of Iowa made his argu
ment for the stuto as against the navigation
company. Uoth gentlemen nnpcarcd at the
request of Governor Larrabco , although the
attorney-general represents the state in the
proceedings and Mr. Holmes represents the
settlors. In splta of the fact that
President Cleveland twlco vetoed the
bill ' looking lo the adjudication of the
claims of the settlers , and that the
United States supreme court has
rendered twelve or fifteen decisions.
Mr. Holmes says the real and main
question has not yet been decided In any
court in the United States : that is ,
whether the DCS Molnns Navigation and
Uaitroad company earned its lands. Uy the
net of 1S40 , they could only earn them upon
complying with certain conditions named In
the act. These conditions were never corn-
tilled with , nor has that company over pretended
tended , cither before the court or congress ,
to justify itself upon the equities , or upon
tha performance of tbo stipulations contained
in the original grant. The eviction of the
settlers ( by the Unitca States marshal has
been suspended by an order of the United
States circuit Judge for that district , await
ing a decision of the executive departments
of the government as to what course the gov
ernment will tako.
"The brutality of the evictions has no par
allel , unless it bo In Ireland , " said Major
Holmes , this afternoon. "Ono or two have
died in consoquonoo of exposure in being
turned out , and the situation generally is not
pleasant to contemplate , when it is consid
ered that these men are located on their
homesteads under what they believed to bo
the laws of the United States , nnd have in
vested the earnings of a lifetime on the lauds
and lived on them for a quarter of a century ,
raising children and grandchildren upon
them. Now that a corporation claims these
lands , under an act of congress containing
provisions that have never been complied
with , the extreme rigor of the circumstances
can bo understood , nnd there can bo no
question that there should bo some adjudica
tion of thcso questions at issue ; by some
court of competent jurisdiction. This is all
we ask. If the laws of the United States are
such that thcso men can bo deprived of their
homes and their improvements without com
pensation , thnn , perhaps , the people will bow
to the law , but until that matter has been ju
dicially determined , they will never cease to
struggle for what they deem to bo thel1
rights. "
The attorneys for the navigation company
were to have replied to the arguments of
Messrs. Holmes and Stone , yesterday , but
were prevented from reaching the city by an
accident on the Baltimore & Ohio road.
The secretary of the Interior has denied
the motion for review In the case of Benja
min Bird , who hud appealed from the de
partment's decision of September 22 , 1888 ,
affirming tbo decision of the commissioner of
the general land office holding for cancella
tion the pre-emption cash entry by appellant ,
being lot S , section S , lots 1 , 3 and 3 , section
17 , and' lot-1 , section 10 , township 1 north ,
ranKagST'.west , ; McCook. land .district , Ne- .
braska. Appellant claimed in his specifica
tion" that no fraud had boon proven , the com
missioner's ruling for the cancellation of his
entry having been on the ground that ho had
not complied with the pre-emption law and
had not acted in good faith. The secretary
in refusing the motion for review says the
revocation prayed for should only bo granted
where It is clearly proven that error has
been committed in the original decision ,
which was not the case in the present in
After May 1 , changes in the time schedule
of the star mail route from North Platte to
Curtis will take effect as follows : Leave
North Platte Tuesdays , Thursdays and Sat
urdays at 0:15 : u. m. , arriving at Curtis by
( i p. m. Leave Curtis Mondays , Wednesdays
nnd Fridays at 0:15 : a. m. , arriving at North
Platte by 0 p. m.
J. G. Gilmore , of Omaha , and B. H. Sher
wood , of Waterloo , la. , are at Willnrds.
Mrs. Kussell Harrison , accompanied by her
baby and mother , Mrs. Saunders , left Vir
ginia Beach during the week for Baallmoro ,
en route to Now York. Senator Saunders
met the party In Baltimore , whence ho re
turned to the Arlington the following day ,
and on Monday will join his wife and
daughter in Now York.
AIIMV oiiiinit" ,
Private Miles Mnloney , Company F. ,
Sixth Infantry , now with his company , is dis
charged from the service of the United
Private Edward Brooks , troop A , Ninth
cavalry , now with his troop , Is discharged
without character from the service of the
United States.
_ _
A Bmnshiip on the Colorado Midland.
LEADVII , ! , ! : , Col. , April 27. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun HER. | The news of an acci
dent on the Colorado Midland reached this
city at a lute hour last night. Three peoplu
wove seriously injured. The passenger
train for , Aspen and Glonwood Springs ,
leaving hero nt 5:20 : o'clock p. m. , was run
into when about half a mile west of Hngcr-
mau tunnel by a light engine. George
Cowen , fireman of the passenger engine was
seriously scalded and John Bolton , occupy
ing the same position on tbo light engine ,
had his leg broken. The train loft tha city
crowded. Fortunately none of the passen
gers were injured , although several received
a severe shock.
Tlio Mayor Won the
Loxo ISLAND CmN. . Y. , April 27. Much
excitement was caused among politicians
and city officials hero , this evening , by a fight
which occurred in Mayor Gloason'n office bo-
twecn the mayor and Detective McLaughlin.
Heavy blows were exchanged , and both re
ceived cuts on tbo faco. McLuughlln was
eventually kicked down a long flight of
stairs , his faca streaming with blood.
Neither will tell how the trouble arose.
Tim AVIld West Show Snlls.
NEW YOHK , April 27. [ Special Telegram
to TIIK Bii.l : : The Wilson line steamer ,
"Persian Monarch , " with Colonel Cody's
Wild West show aboard , soiled to-day bound
for Havre. The Indians are all apprehensive
of seasickness , only seven having previously
crossed the ocean.
Frederick fl.irnnrd Dead.
NKIV YOHK , April 27 , Frederick Augustus
Porter Barnard , late president of Columbia
college , died at 5 o'clock this evening. The
cause of his death was paralysis , from which
ho had suffered for u long time. * Ho was
born In Sheffield , Conn. , In 1800.
Captain Murroll Decorated.
COIT.SIIAOKN , April 27. Captain Murrcll ,
of the steamer Missouri , was appointed
knight of the Order of Danncbrag by King
Christian , of Denmark , In recognition of his
services in rescuing the passengers and crow
of the Danish steamer Danmark.
Rtcainshlp Arrivals.
At Liverpool The Iowa , from Uobton.
At New YOTK The Hugia , from Hamburg
Mr. Rtnyvosnnt Vloli's Thront An-
BWoroil Hr Uorornor Grcon.
Nr.w YonK , April 27. [ Special Telegram
to TIIK Bnn. ] "Wo centennial people" Is the
latest. This is the term by which Mr. Stuy-
rfisant Fish distinguished himself and his
associates. It appears In a letter to Mr.
3lmm9 , of Philadelphia , who has charge of
iho presidential transportation arrangements
In that city. The oplstlo Is dated April 18 ,
nnd reads about as follows :
'Thp presidential party must leave Gov
ernor Green's house , nt Elizabeth , by 0
o'clock Monday morning. If Governor Grcon
will not guaranty that this will bo done , wo
centennial people will arrange , that the
presidential train shall not stop nt Elizabeth
at all. This Is intended as n threat to Gov
ernor Green. Wo do not expect to make
this change in any of our plans and do not
wish to , as Governor Qrcon will probably
Yield. "
Several weeks ago Governor Green , of
New Jersey , nt the suggestion ot "wo con-
nlal people , " arranged to receive the presi
dent at his homo in Elizabeth and to enter
tain him ut breakfast. At that tlmo It
was agreed that the presidential party
was to embark at Ellzabcthpurt for Now
York at 11 o'clock. Governor Green had ar
ranged to kill tlmo between the arrival of
the president from Washington nnd his de
parture for Now York by a breakfast and n ,
reception to which the most prominent people
ple In the state were Invited. After all these
arrrangements had been made and approved
it was discovered that the tide was high an
hour earlier than was expected , and that the
party would have to embark sooner than
had been arranged. For seine reason or
other It was not doomed necessary to com
municate this fact directly to Governor
Green. The latter , however , is a man whoso
blood is of the bluest. It took him about
four minutes to address Mr. Fish In substan
tially the following manner :
"Although this letter was not addressed
to mo In thu first Instance , the fact that a
copy is sent in this manner makes It prac
tically mine. I will , therefore , reply that I
would bo most happy to accede to any rea
sonable request , but will not uiiilcr a threat
change my plans for Mr. Stuyvosunt Fish or
any other man. "
How a Cool Fellow Averted n , Threat
ened Trafjpdy.
Gt.fiNwoon SPHINOB , Colo. . April 27.
[ Special Telegram to TUB Bii--A letter
recently received hero from Oklahoma re
garding James O. Kendall , the late .sheriff of
Garllold county , nnd the famous officer who
conducted the late Ute war , and his wife
aud Clarence Martmdal , has created nu little
The facts are alleged to bo as follows :
i.ftcr Kendall deserted his wlfo in Glen-
wood Springs nnd wont no ono knows whoro.
Martindalo , who was ono of Kendall's ox
deputies , looked after the grass widow's
comfort. Months passed on. Sheriff
Sheridan was appointed to take Ken
dnll's place , and the Oklahoma
excitement grow apace. Mrs. Kendall left
Qleuyvood Springs ostensibly for the purpose
of returning to her relatives. ' Iti Mpllne , Ala. ,
and Martindalo went to'Olclahoma City. L'as ' *
Monday , in company with Mrs. Kendall , nt
the last named place , Martlndnlo ran right
up against Kendall. Martindalo cool.y handed
the lady over to her liege lord and master ,
with a polite bow , saying : "Jim , herb's your
wife , wo'vo becu looking for you a long
tlmo. " There was general jellifying and
hand shaking between Kendall and his for
mer deputy , and what would have beeu a
tragedy in Colorado turned out to bo a
friendly pleasantry In Oklahoma. Murtin-
dale used to run a livery stable and was also
a deputy. Mrs. Martindalo is still
here , and , the news had not reached
her until to-day. She says the
first Intimation she had of the love
affair was the discovery of a letter from
Mrs. Kendall to Martindalo. She spoke to
her husband about It , ho denied it , but
finally said Mrs. Kendall insisted on manlnir
love to him , but ho had none for her. Soon
after ho asked his wife to sign a mortgage
for ? 400. When she had signed it she asked
him when ho would get money to pay it
back. Ho said ho didn't care a d - n. Ho
then went away. Itooorts reached Mrs.
Mnrtiudalo that they wcro together , but
nothing definite was known till last night.
Trncy'H Jitter to Kimuerly.
WASHINGTON , April 27. Secretary Tracy
has addressed a letter to Admiral Kiniberly ,
acknowledging the receipt of reports of the
recent Samoan disaster. After expressing
deep sorrow at the appalling loss of life , nnd
warmly commending the efforts of the
officers and crows of the wrecked vessels to
avert the disaster , ho concludes us follows :
"In reply to your request and that of Cap
tain Fiirnuhar for a court of Inquiry , the
department has to say that It deems such a
court unnecessary. To convene a court of
inquiry under these circumstances would
seem to imply doubt on thu part of the de
partment wtioro no doubt exists , und Instead
of ordering an Investigation it tenders to you ,
nnd through you to the officcts and men of
your command , Its sympathy for the ex
posures and hardships you have encountered ,
and itf profound thanks for the fidelity with
which you performed your duty In a crisis of
appalling danger , "
Violating the "Acrcomcnt. "
CHICAGO , April 27. [ .Special Telegram to
TIIK HIR. : ] Some of the Hues in the western
states' passenger association tire violating
their agreement not to any way offer induce
ments to obtain truffle. Chairman Abbott
refused to mime the guilty lines , but showed
a circular he was just sending out. Part of
it was as follows :
"Tho sale of a ticket to a passenger to a
point beyond that which he has asked for ,
for the purpose of enabling the passenger to
resell the remaining portion of the ticket ,
thereby bringing about u reduction in the
agreed rate to Ills real destination , is a prac
tice that cannot be tolerated under the exist
ing agreement. " _
An Atttnil | ( ! < l
Sr. LOUIB , April 27. Information has
been received from MoborJ.v , Mo. , to the
effect that nn attempt was made to assas
sinate City Councilman Howard Jennings
last night. AH ho entered his gate about
0W : ! , alter being up town , an assnssin in
concealment in the evergreens , tint five feet
uway , 11 red on him. The bullet missed Its
mark , but the powder burned Jennings' face
and the flash dazed and blinded him. He ran
for the house , and another bullet whistled
past his cars , crashing through the bay win
dow. It is thought that the attempted assas-
sinution Is duo to political animosity ,
A Cowboy AhscoiKlnr ,
PINE Bi.uia'8 , Wyo. , April 27. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Htn.J Kelly's ' ranch ,
about forty miles north of hhro , was thrown
into great confusion this morning when it
\\M found that ono of Kelly's best cowboy *
hud absconded with * 1SO cubh and MR best
horse and saddle. lie is supposed to have
taken thu train for thu cast.
Arrival of the American Dole-Raton
to the Snmoau Oouforonoo.
Gorman OfOcIalg Oonfldont of an
Early Settlement of Dimoultloo.
Fears That the Will Load tea
a Protracted Sitting.
Chronic Misfortune Attending the
Kast AlVlcan KntorprlMit * A Ora-
cloiiH Monarch Wnrktiiun'a
Inauriincn Suhomo.
The SAinonii Complications.
l > u thei Iftw Vnrli Aitutciatttl l'rtu.1
BIUUN , April 27. The members of thd
commission to consider the question concern
ing Samoa have soon Prince Hismarck and
Count Herbert BUmnrck. Tlio former
briefly expressed his confidence that the con
ference would bo harmonious. Thu foreign ,
office appears to bo assured of nn early tor *
ml nation of the negotiations. The commis
sion , however.expects that the , sittings wlU
bo protracted for several months , especially
If the charges against Klein , Involving claims
against the government , are brought up.
Ulsmarck cortulnly Intends to place the ovU
dcneo of Brarduls and Knappe and
others before the conference , -but ho hat
abandoned the claims for Indemnity arising
from Klein's action. This concession ought
to shorten the proceedings. The claims
against the Samoans for plundering Gorman
traders and planters will bo maintained.
There is oce.islon to believe that England
supports the principle of German demands ,
and it Is trusted that the American delegates
are empowered to admit it.
The amount of Indemnity is not likely to
give rise to any disagreement , being merely a
question as to the accuracy of claims pro *
sented. The foreign office's method of levy
presents difficulties. From the nature of
communications between Herbert Hismarck
and Hamburg firms interested in Samoa It Is
surmised that the indemnity will take the
form of extended land concessions supervised ,
by a land court composed ol
representatives from Samoa , Germany ,
England and the United States. Bayurd'4
scheme of government , which includes a'
royal council nnd legislative composed ot
two houses , In which the thrco powers wll
bo represented , will not bo entertained ,
Ulsmarck adhering to the principle of noa- '
mtecventlon with the local government. ' - j
Official papers rather ixffcat "indlfforcnco -
toward the conference ! The Cologne Ga-
zfctto briefly concludes that a favorable ro- "
suit is already assuroJ. A strongly phrased I
article in the Madgoburg Gazette , a national
liberal paper , is in marked contrast with the
reserved tone of the general press. This
paper declares that Gorman honor roiiuiros
the punishment of the assailants of Decem (
ber IS , and it demands protection for
planters by the permanent settlement of
the whole Samoan group on the lines
followed bv England In Egypt. In
its evasive Chauvinism article It mlsrcproj
Rents both official and public feeling.
Herbert , after an informal greeting to tha
American delegates , held an official recep
tion to all the commissioners. A programtno
has been arranged for the opening of tha
conference on Monday. Kasson , and Ph'elpa
have already made a favorable Impression ,
on the German and English officials/ The
idea prevails In the foreign offio that Phelpa
\vlll become chief of the American legation.
The omporor's reception of Wlotnan yes
terday brought out a host of visitors. A
number of triumphal arches were erected ,
and there was ringing of bells , firing of
cannon , etc. , in honor of the occasion.
In replying to an address from the burgo
master , the emperor said ho had long cher
ished a dcslra to sec the town noted as tbo
cradle of tlio greatest national pools nnd cm {
inent astho Bourcu of art nnd science In
Germany , and was dear to him also as thd
homo of his grand-mother , Auguste. It was
a graceful response , and showed hU advance
In the art of speaking , The emperor then'
visited the Goethe museum , after which ha
was banqucttod at the Schloss nnd then went ;
to Wnrtburg. Ho will return hero and open
the exhibition of inventions to secure work
men against accidents. The exhibits will
comprise models of appliances to guard
n nlnat Injuries in factories , at tires , in rail
road accidents , etc. j
The emperor gave fresh heart to Dr.
Btocckcr before lib temporary withdrawal
from public life by the pro'ioncii of himself
and empress at Dr. Btocclor'H Easter Hor-
mon. Count Von Waldorsoo gave a dinner
to Dr. StoecKor and several of hla followers
after the Inaugural ceremony at the now lo
cation of the Hcrlln Christian Union. Dr.
Stoecker will shortly speak to the electors of
Silgon and lilelefeld under permit from the
The conservative group * 1mvo declared
against including farm laborers in tno aged
workmen's Insurance scheme. The West
Prussian agricultural society , composed of
conservative landlords , has declared that tha
methods of assurance would caune discontent
among laborers , ana that the munmiroHhould
not apply to agricultural hands unable either
to understand or to utllb.o the law.
Chronic misfortune attends German enter
prise in East Africa. Tlio Wlssmann expedition -
dition has effected nothing us yet. Tha
whole amount credited by the rolchstag has
been swallowed up. The excess in expcndl-
turo will necessitate an immediate upncal to
the rolchstag for further credit , thus coni
firming progressist predictions that the gov <
eminent calculations of the cobt of colonizing
operations would prove recklessly false.
Explorer Hohlcrs , in an address to the
colonial conference at Munich , declared that ,
Captain Wissmann would full to establish
German authority unless backed by an umplo
force of German troops , ilo predicted that ) ' .
Wismnann'B mercenaries would revolt at the
first chance and join the Arabs. In the
meantime , the commerce of the coast is ' " ' '
annihilated , Indian traders reporting tbq
absolute cessation of traffic.
The Empress of Austria U improving .
under the massage treatment. The Abend
Post's denial .that her mental faculties are
Impaired Is 'contradicted , She keeps se
cluded and Is sometimes seen walking In tha
woods of Wiesbaden , accompanied by an at
tendant. .Shu has partial paralysis , of the
The Austrian government is prpjiarlng (