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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1889)
8 TJBJS OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY APKIL 27 , 1889. THKCITY. The revenue collodions yojtorday amounted to W,0 : .07. Fanning & Slavon hnvo swept 1,034- ! 84 squiiro yards of paving In April. Joseph Knockablo rather a sugRcst- vo cognomen was arrested yesterday Jhnrgcd with having assaulted John Sokarov nnd Mrs. Sokarpv. Jailor Joe Miller wont to the peni tentiary , yesterday , with Charles fotinson , who was convicted at this ; crra of court and got n two years' son- icnco. The board of public works , yesterday , jrantod the motor company a permit to j.xtcntl its hno on Sherman avenue , 'rom Ohio to Locust , nnd to thu coiisoli- latcd lines to build on Twenty-fourth , 'rom Vinnoy to Spencer. 1'orHonnl ParnijrnpliB. J. Hlgglns , of Waterloo , Is at the I'axton. E. C. Bcedo , of Nebraska City , Is ut the Murray. Dr. John C. Helper , of St. Joseph , Is in the city. Mr. mul Mrs. II. G. SlmclTcr , of Denver , are stopping ut the Murray. II. C. Maxwell , of Lexington , Nob. , Is Mopping nt the I'axton. Mr. Owen Kurree , manager of W. II. Powers' company , Is In Xho city. Miss Gale , leading lady with Booth and Barrett , is at the l nxton. Miss Gcrtio Boddcsson , ot 1300 Pacific street , Is visiting friends at Grand Island. Miss Gale and twenty-two members of tbo Booth-Barrett company uro stopping nt the Cohens hotel , Yesterday afternoon Counsellor Krcdcrlck K. Orr , of Now York City , loft for the east on the 4 o'clock train of the Northwestern road , nnd was accompanied to the depot by a largo number of friends. Tim City Unit. May 1 the council coimnittoo will open the architects' bids lor the city hall construc tion. and Ilotilictl. David Mason was Jouiul in an unconscious condition in the stairway of the St. Clair hotel last night. IIo had bcon slugged , whllo drunk , and roDUed of $ J7. Hitting : i Son I ) . . Jailor .Too Miller , of the county jail , es corted Charles Johnson to the penitentiary yesterday. Johnson got two years for as saulting u B , & M. scab railroad man. * Captured Ilonds. Horace B. Chose , the Indian agent ar rested "lust Saturday , succeeded yesterday evening in securing signers to a bond nnd was released from ctislodyt James E. North , of Columbus , ana u banker ut Genoa , are bis sureties. _ "Will Culutirntr. The German societies of this city are per fecting arrangements "to properly cclobrato 'tho Washington centennial nuxt Tuesday. They propose to make u street parade in tlio afternoon , nnd have n musical programme at Gcrmnnlu hall in thu evening. A Prisoner Knrnuti * . A deserter from Fort Douglas , who lias been tried and sentenced to two years In the military prison nt Fort Loavcnwortu was brought in on the Union Pacific yesterday and was convoyed In the ambulance to Fort Omaha. From hero ho will bo taken to prison. r . Oddfellows' Anniversary. A special train over the Union Pacific , car rying ninety-five Oddfellows of this vicinity to t.Ko state celebration of the seventieth an- mvcrsary at Beatrice loft the city at 8:30 : yes- 'tcrday ' morning. Forty inoro members of the fraternity from Fremont joined the excur sion at Vulloy. ' Poor Mrs.V iKon. Mrs. Wilson , a rather good-looking white woman , was In police court , yesterday , for ' .the purpose of prosecuting her husband , , Abe Wilson , a colored man , for cruelty. "I've lived with him two years nnd ought to < punished myself , " she said , "but he's .abused mo nnd I'll ' put him in jail and then I can get away from him. " The case will bo licflrd to-day. An Impromptu Klre Department. Mrs. Sanford , who lives on Seventeenth nnd Chicago , cnrelrs ly threw a lighted I I * ? " match into n basin of gasoline nnd the result was n blare that set Ilro to the house. Her screams were heard by the neighbors and they rushed to her assistance. A few buck ets of water put where it did the most good extinguished thn flames , und the fire depart ment know nothing of the blare. Fifteen or Twenty dollars will cover the damage done. IManilerson Guards. The ManQcrson Guards are making prep arations to celebrate the centennial of Washington's Inauguration , Tuesday next. The exorcises occur at the Guards' hall , at irt31 Douglas. Among the features will bo speeches by Dr. M. O. Hiclcetts , W. II. C. StopIRmsnn nnd Silas Hobblns , a in-Uc drill between two sfjuuds of guards , refresh ments , otc. FreniontPM Have Pun. ' Frank Fuller was put on trial before Jus tice Wndo yesterday afternoon. Ho was charged with having robbed Patrick Naglo of $ T5 on March 11. lloth llvo in Fremont , nnd were In Omaha at the timo. They got on u sprco and went to-tho Gees hotel alter visiting a number of Ninth street resarts. Fuller claims that ho only took M2 from Nnglo , to keep for him whllo ho was inebrl- ntcd. The money was never returned , and Nnglo now asserts that It was stolon. Fuller was held to the district court. A ICIcknt the City Unit. By request of Chief Soavoy , a mandate 1ms been Issued by Chief Ualligan of the Ilro department ordering all employes in the different ofllcos In thn city hall to keep out of the operating room where the alarms are turned in. As a result there Is a great "ki-jk" among these employes because that is the only room containing u sink , water , towels nnd other narnphornolin whore they can wash their hands and clean out ink stands , etc. The toilet outfit was bought by these employes and now they uro forbidden to use it. Hoys < iot a Wesson. Three boys , tno oldest of whom was hut twelve vcaro , were nrraingcd before Judge 13erla ; yesterday afternoon charged with l.avlng burglarized the base ball oftlco at the park. Attorney Bhca gave the boys a lecture nnd requested their dismissal , and Judge Horlta ruled accordingly. Dr. Worloy and the man who draws salary for managing the Ouiahas were anxious to have the boys eent to the rotorm school or hung , and kicked emphatically aguiusl Shcu'a lenient prosecu tion. Joy Go With Them. Jlmmlo Glvens has healed the breach be tween himself und the Swedish eirl , Miss Annlo K. Nelson , by gallantly offering his liand In murriagn. The offer , of course. Is accepted. Jimiuio proved conclusively that tie was only one-eighth negro , und this 'pldcc'd him outside of the limitations of the statutes of Nebraska , which pro'vido that any persp.ii puo-fourth colored , can not marry a white person , and the supposed barrier to 'tJielr'uhiou was thus removed. 'Yesterday Jiistlco Dunn spokb the magic words that duado thorn mau and wjo. lr , R. A ; Gunu , M. M. , Donn nnd Professor of Surgery of the United States Medical College , Keillor of "Mod- leixl Trlbuno , " uuthor of "Ounn'K Now Improved. .Hand-book of iryylono mill Domestic Medicine , " In anoiiking of ad vanced Icldnoy1 dl oiiscs , nnd tlio ofToct of the use of Ynrner'8 Safe Guro , says : ' 'I llml thnt In Bright's diseiiHO It scorns 'to nut as a solvent of albumen ; to soothe UuHllicul Inllnmod in.oinbranod anilvuali .out epithelial dobrla which blocks up } ho tulfUll urinlfori.urlncboarlng ( tubes ) ; und to prevent the .destructive of Ussuo , ' T1IK COMMISSIO.MJUS. How Tliey Are Hcfcardcd by Those on the Outside. If it has been the dcslro of Douglas county's ' commissioners to gain a reputation there Is no question that they have succeeded most admirably. Their conduct this wcok has set tongues toj wagping and everybody Is talking about the circus. On every cor ner , ono hears the people inquiring when O'Kccffo nnd Anderson are going to get to gether. An old taxpayer said yestcruay : "In my opinion tho"board's actions have be come so disgraceful , disgusting and vulgar that wo ought to hold a mass tncoting , nnd ask them for their resigna tions and put a new set of mon in their places. The business of the county Is going to rum because of their petty bickerings and personal wrangles. They act more llko a lot of silly boys than sensible men. It looks to mo ns though O'Kcoffo ' nnd Anderson have fallen to the level of common rowdies when they can do no bettor than turn their sessions Into low quarrels , and call each other liars , thieves and other hard names.1' It is now the conceded belief of everybody that these two will yet Indulge In a bloody encounter. Matters were quiet nnd peaceful at head quarters yesterday. O'Kecffo nnd Turner nut In an appearance. The latter member has Umbered up wonderfully recently , nnd doesn't hesitate to score bis associates , rela tive to their troubles In the hospital matter. Said bo : "They kick for a now architect whna the fact is wo have too much architect now. What wo want is n suiierinlcndcnt , BO mo man who understands his business. There are plans enough to build a million- dollar hospital on , and the architect wo have Is all right , if they will only adhere to the contract with him und put a superintendent in charge who knows the difference between stone and brick nnd is in telligent enough to Interpret thu meaning of the plan. Put n new architect In charge now and bo would tear down the whole structure nnd c.iuso the county an enormous expense , but the right kind of a superinten dent can go in nnd for $51)0 ) remedy all mis takes that have boon made. From beginning to end it is the worst case of mismanage ment , jealousy , disregard of orders and strife on the part of this board , thu contrac tors and everybody concerned that I ever knew or heard of. " "Can't oat a thing. " Hood's Sarsaparilla - parilla Is a wonderful medicine for creating an appetite , regulating digds- tion , and giving strength. First Annual Cornell The first annual banquet of the South western Cornell association will be hold at the Midland hotel , Kansas City , Wednesday evening , May 8 , 1SS9. "In view of the fact that fully two hundred Cornell men reside in Kansas und adjacent states , it is expected that this occasion will bo largely attended. Governor Joseph B , Forakur , of Ohio , who is a graduate and an alumnus trustee of Cor nell university will bo present If his ofllcial duties at that tlino will permit and respond to the toast "Our Alma Mater. " AH former Corncllians , whether graduates or not , are cordially invited to attend , and these who expect to bo present are earnestly requested to immediately notify E. A. Wag oner , secretary of the Southwestern Cornell association at Toneku. Special Announcement- . Don't fail to visit S. A. ORCHARD'S , 15TII and FA.RNAM STREETS , before purchasing your CARPETS , OIL CLOTHS , MATTINGS , "CURTAIN GOODS , RUGS , otc. Very LOW PRICES will bo made during the re mainder of this week. Largest stock oldest established. established.S. S. A. ORCHARD , 15th and Fjvrnam. 1'tinlslicd Tor Katlni ; Blopn. ' The complaint lodged against A. J. Berlin was that of "vagrant and eating refuse in a slop barrql. " The nose of the judge curled as ho read tno complaint and out of compas sion for the miserable mortal sent him up for thirty days to enjoy the flcsbpots of Jailor Miller. William Madden and Frank Cummings were arrested on Saunders street while sell ing shoes which thu police believed were stolen. When the fellows were arraigned they denied having sola any such articles. Witnesses wore brought forward against them to whom they had sold slices , and as the actions ot the follows were very sus picious they were each given a term of twen ty-live days , the Urst and last three on bread and water. No Nniuc. My little boy , five years old , was attacked with a disease for which the doctors had no name. The nails came off to the middle joint. For three years under various kinds of treatment from ninny physicians , ho suf fered terribly and KOt no better. I began the use of Swift's Specific a short time ago , and ho is getting well , JOHN UEIIII. . Peru , Ind. Took Three liottles. i suffered greatly with blood poison fora number of years. After taking Swift's Spo- cillc I was entirely cured , and I only took thrco bottles. HOUBIIT DEVK. Jamaica , L. I. Ijofevcr Gun Club. The Lofcvro Gun club hold their annual election at the sporting goods headquarters of Guim ft Dunmiro Thursday night. The following oftlcors wore [ elected : GcorgoV. . Kotchctn , president ; A. L. Porklns , vice- president ; W. E. Nason. treasurer , and W. D. Townscnd , secretary and captain. Twen ty shoots were determined upon as the num ber for prize shooting , and to come in on the average every contestant must shoot in at least twelve of these matches. The weekly shoots will take phico on Saturdays , com mencing on the B7th. All members in ar rears must pay up by the next meeting , which will bo held on Tuesday night , or they will bo dropped from membership. European Hxatirslons To tlio capitals of five European coun tries , 8200. Longer tours , $ : ! 00 and $4oO. All expenses Included. Scud for itineraries. M. J. Wood & Co. , 1223 Furmun St. , Omaha , Neb. The Parni'll Dol'uiiHO Fund. Mr. John Groves , of this citv. who was secretary of the recent Parnell public demon stration in this city , has received the follow ing letter : John Groves , Esq. , Omaha , Nob. Your welcome letter of thu "Oth lust , is at hand with Chicago oxehuniro for fl.2SS.-t4. This sum is credited to the defense fund from the citizens of Oinnlm. I am gratified to receive this handsome addition to the fund from your generous and patriotic citi/ons , und beg to return my best thanks to the contributors. Very faithfully yours. yours.CltUU.KH O'REII.lV , Treasurer I. N. L , of A. Sold MortGMBCtl I'roiicry. ( Last night Detectives D. P. O'Connoll and Al. Hlaufuss arrested Ora Potty on n charge of selling mortgaged property. The warrant was sworn out by Emll Schloman who claims that Potty mortgaged n team to him for f 50 and then disposed of the property. Petty Is endeavoring to settle the matter. Ho claims that ho did not soil the team , but that his brother Colcinan stele thorn. Coleman loft Omuha several weeks ago with a team of horses , but before leaving ho obtained (100 on the team by mortgaging it to thu various loan ngdicirs , Do you relish your foody Is your di- petition good'/ Are your bowels rogn- larV Do you have a tired or languid feeling ? Is your- tongue coated ? Does your back nclio ? Is your skin sallow ? If your system is in a bad condition take St. Patrick's Pills ; they will Kid your digestion , improve your appetite , regulate your bowclH , correct your1 bil ious disorder and iri ; > .ko you fool like anew now parson , for sale by all druggists. A Painful Accident. ' Edward Miller , an employe In Cuduhy & Armour's packing hou o at South Omaha , was * the victim yesterday of a very pain ful accident. He waa engaged In the work of regulating corUfa machinery about tbo boilcrt. Suddenly liioitcain generator bursts V * . - * sj A nnd a small plccn of broken glass struck him In the eye. It cut the tissues through , rind for a tlino loft him In an unconscious condition. Dr. Allen was called , and upon examination of tbo Injured optic , decided that In order to save the ether eye that ono would have to bo removed. With the assist ance ot Drs. Hurnsdalo and Foot , the opera tion was performed. Special Announcement. Don't fail to visit S. A. ORCHARDS , 16TII and KAHNAM STKBHTS , before purchasing yourOARPBTS , OIL CLOTHS , MATTINGS , CURTAIN GOODS , HUGS , etc. Vorv LOW PRICKS will bo made during the ro- muindor of this week. Largest .stock oldest established. established.S. S. A. ORCHARD , loth and Fariiam , Dr. Gluck eye and oar , Barker blk. A Comi > ! tx ! Gnat * . John Gooillmrt , of Pnpllllon , has. entered suit before Justice O'Connoll to recover } 23 on n note ngnlnst A. Hoppn. Hoppo Is ngcnt for the Nebraska nnd Iowa Insurance company , nnd Goodhnrt claims that last fall Hoppo came to him and obtained fcM , stating that he would return him nn Insurance policy , hi connection with which ho gave Goodhart a receipt for the irtonoy. The policy has not yet appeared , nnd Goodhart , by reason of Houpc being ncont , makes the Insurance company n party In the suit. It Is stntcd that Hoppo failed to turn in the money , nud that If Goodhart substiintlatcs his charges the insurance comnnuy will tiring action against Hoppo for cinbtmlR- ment. The case will bo tried Monday after noon , A positive guarantee is pivon by the manufacturers of Or. Jones' Rod Clover Tonic that a 50 cent bottle of this rem edy contains more curative properties than any dollar preparation. It promptly cures all stamach , kidney and liver troubles. Goodman Drug Oo. hate Pollen News. The police tried to get Into room 134 nt the Barker , -vvhcro they bcliovo n * man named Beck is gambling. Ho refused to let them In , and they threatened to break 'down the tloor. Ho dared them to do so , them with arrest if they did. The police found their bluff was a failure and they left. left.Hans Hans Larson broke into Albert Sognrd's trunk nnd stele ? iju : that Bognrd had saved to brills his best girl over from Sweden. Larson then bought a ticket for Omaha. Nettie Woods nnd Eva Mack , the colored .courtesans who so murderously nssaulted a youth from Hastings , were each lined $50 and sentenced to live days. Mike Morriscy was arrested and arraigned this afternoon on the charge of being the fellow who robbed Wymau French of * y3 and n watch. Alexander Pollock complains that a scala wag claiming to bo a cleaner and dyer of clothes , is accumulating a largo amount of clothing that ho never returns. Dr. Swetnam : Diseases of the heart and lungs. Sheolv block. Sites. Speaking ton reporter yesterday Secretary I'iper , of the board of education , said' : Schools arc being maintained on leased ground at , present in localities where schools uro needed and no ground owned by the school district. In each of these cases tno board of education has determined that the proper thing to bo done Is to obtain author ity from the people to purchase the sites necessary in these places , selections having already been made. The following leased' ' ground is now occupied : On Lathrop street , in Ivountzo Pi-ice , purchase nrice , $ S,000 ; on Calhoun avenue , near Gibbon station , purchase - chase price. f. > , iW ) ; in McEnteo addition , near Fort Omaha , purchase price , $2,5'.X ) ; oa Hickory street , between Fifth anil Sixth , additional ground , $ . > ,50l ) ; additional ground selected , but not leased , for Ilartmaa school , purchase price , $0,030. Coal tar for sale by the single barrel or in car load lots. Address Sioux CITY GAS LIGHT Co. , Sioux City , la. A Forger. Will N. King is again in trouble on account of his weakness for forging other people's names. This time it is lor signing Leo Hart ley's autograph to a check for f 10.50 on Mc- Caguo Bros. ' bank. The chcci : was cashed nt Dowd's saloon , Thirteenth and Douglas streets. When it was presented nt the bank it was discovered that the check was a for gery. Dowd hunted King up and demanded his money , threatening to turn him over to thu police if ho refused. King gave up f. > , saying that was all ho had left. Ho then disappeared and Dowd , true to his throat , swore out a warrant. It is said that Lew Hibbon was done up to tbo tune of fS , but when Low was asked about it ho got very angry , and said no bad all the newspa per notoriety ho wished. The Continental clothing store was also victimized for ? ll-.f > 0 by a worthless order on the Merchants' National bank. For Nervous Debility Use Hcsforu's Acid. Phosphate. Dr. II. T. Turner , Kusson , Minn. , says : ' I have found it very bencllclal in nervous dcyilityfrom any cmise.unu for indigestion. " IjlcciiHotl to Wed. Following arc the mirnago liconsea issued yesterday in the county coart : Name and Uesldcni'o. Age. ( James Givcns , Omaha 23 I Annie Nelson , Omaiia IS j Francis W. Davis. Omaha no ( Margaret Koudnik , Omaha W It When you hear of a good thing , don't you always want to try "it ? And if you find that it is really good , don't you wish you had tried it before ? Here's a really good thing that we want you to try Paine's Celery compound. It is no new thing , but has been used by physicians for years , and is rightly called the best spring medicine. It will send the pure blood a-tingling through your veins , carrying vitality to every part. You'll wish you had Jried it before. A physician.'s prescription , it is worty of your Confidence. Perfectly vegetable. It will re- sjore : the vigor and vitality so lacking eyery spring. There's-hardly a man , woman or child in this city who doesn't need it. A few doses for some. A few bottles for others. Headaches ; dyspepsia , lan guor , nervousness , Fame's Cel- ers Compound will drive them all away. Try it , * wl-b. This powder never varies. A marvel or purity Mtvciiuili nnd wholesoioeucsS. .Moro rcoiionilcul than tlm ordinary , and ratiuot bo sold In competition with the multitude * ot low cost , FliouwelKht ilium or plunpnato powders , goldenly only In cam. lloy.u linking 1'oxvder Co12d Wallstreet .Now Vorlc ISO So. Illc. JCIarkQt Thfl Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN1 AND SURCEOH It ttlll Treating v.lth the Greatest SKILL and SDCCESS Clironic , teens and Private Diseases , -NF.RVQUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood , FaiMnc Memory , Exhausting Brnlno , Terrible Dreams , Head and Dock Ache all the eflecu Icadinu to early decuy ami pcilups Coimumptlon 01 Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with ncverhilmff tuccrss. anr SYPHILIS rim ! alt bad Dlood and Skin DU * eases permanently cured. KrKIDNEYandUIUNARYcoroplalnts.aleet , Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Vnrlcocclc end a'J.dlseasu oflhe _ Qenlto-Urlnary Organs cured promptly without tnjuty to Stomach , Kidneys or o'Jitr Organs. OS" No experiments. Age and experience Im portant. CcnuuKatlon free end sacred. # 8-Send 4 cents postage fnr Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous i > ml Delicate Diseases. ftSThosc contemplating MatrUge end for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each 15 cents , both 25 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call way save fjtureuffcr - 1m ? and shame , and add golden > cars to life. A3Ioolc ) "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50cents ( stamps ) . Medicine -mci wtitingi sent e cr > here , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays g tn 11 Address F. D. CLARKE , KL D. , IS6 So. ClerkBt. . CHICAGO , til * Y'S EXTRACT of MEAT. Ilneitnmlriicnpc'tMeiitHiiVfi-irlnK Stock liirSoup * Slndo DiVioi uii.Iuuw. . A lljufTuii , "nn Invalua ble tonleV' Annual Mile 8.1 ( Il.tUJJ ii9. ( iCtiulnonniv wlthfnc-Mmlla of Jti'tus Ton I.lcbls FlprKUurrlli bine across Ititwl. M > I < 1 hy tt"riiii'cpcr. ! , Uiorbr < ! > ii'l Dnik'-ltls. MK1I1I.S K.VntACT-UK . .MK.VT CO. , I. til , London - " > old br Kli'lmr.iioii nnn Co. iui I ilbtkiMirucc &O > DRS. BEITS & BETTS liW ( FA n NAM STitEr : , O\i vii.v , NEJI. ( Opposite Piixton Hotel. ) Olllce nom-H , Ua. in. to Up. m. Sundays , 10 a. ra. to 1 p. m. Specialists In Chronic , Nervom. Skin and Blood Diseases. fjfir'c'onhult.'xtlon fit ollico or by nmll froo. Al calcines sent ly ) mull or express. HO urnly pacJcoil , free from observation. Guarantees o cure quickly. Hufolv mul tieriiiiincntly. niiniTTI'YSPermatorrhton. semi- TJDDuniTQ ! ' flbllYUUb IMlljl 11 mil J.O'.bCU.NlBhtKmU- Blons 1'liyMcal IK-ciiy. arNliif ? from Indiscre tion , Kxiesi or Indulgence , producing Sleep- lessn"si , HuKpondency , I'lmpioi on the fftco , aversloii'tofcoelety , easily ilUcour.iKed , lack of ronlliicncp , null , unlit for ntujy or businessand llndH llfo n burden , nafcly , permanently and privately cured. Consult IH'U. lletts A : lletts , 4 ) ) I' nrniiin Ft. , Omaha , Is'ob. Bloofl and Skin DIseasKraS'Wbfi'Bas ' ' mstillH , completely eradicated without thonld of Mcrcnrv. Scrofula , liryHliiolns , Kovor Sores , lllotclies , Ulcers , rains In the Mead and Hones , KyphllltK-SoteTliroat , Mouth and Tonque , Ca- ttirih. Arc. , permanently cnrrd where others Virinntr liniliQTitr "Ul1 H'a'Mor ' Complaints , lUullOY , UFlliary miaui. min'im. lee fro- queiit Hiirnlnjor Illoody Urine , Urine hten col on-d or with milky sedlmont on standing , Weak Hack , ( lonnorrhren , Uli'ot , Cystltlsi. Jtc. , 1'romptly undSafely Cured , Charges lleasona- STRICTURE ! moral complete , without cutting , caustic or dilatation. ( Jiireseflfclert nt homo Inpntlent without a momentswlnor iinnavuuce. To Yoimi Men and Middle-Aloft Men , Tbo nwrttl oirects of early Vice , which DrlmjH orgunlo . . i. deHtroylflKboth mind nnd bodv , with nil Its droadi'd Ills , permanently cured. T1D1 PTl"n ? ( ! Adrobs tiioxo wtio nave Impaired IJriQ. DfJllO thpinielvcs by Improper Indul gences nnd solitary habit' ) , which rujn both bodv and mind , unjDttlug thorn for bushier , study or marrlngo. MAitiiini ) MKN. or the o entering on that Imp- Py life , a\\ are of physical aublllty , quickly as Blslca < OUIl SUCCESS Is based upon facia. First Practical Kxpo- rlence. Bcoond livery case Is especially studied , thus starting aright. Thlrd-Medlclnes ore prepared - pared In our lulioratory exactly to suit each case , thus alfectlnif cures without Injury. rf end U cents postage for celebrated works on Chronic , Nt-rvovM and Delicate Disease. Tliousanfls cured , t3ff A friendly letter or call may save you futuie sufferlnff and shame , and add golden years to life , titf'tio letters an- Bvvered unless iccompameil by 4 cents In Btnmrs. H KETT.S , H03 Varuain Srteet , Omaha , Neb. UKATEFUIi I'OMFOIITINU Epps's Cocoa. UllKAKFAST. tlei of Kull'iulocttd Oicun , Sir. ICppi hat provlduilour brcnkfunt tablvi with ailollcatuly tlaroroil liuvcraja wliUtjirmy mvu ui itany linnvy duclori't > lll . Itli by the Judlcluui u o of mcli artlcluaoT dlettbatu conntltutlon mar bo grailually built up until strong enougli to r tl t ervry tendency to disease. Him- ( Iredi of lubtlo inaladles uro tlnatliiK urounil ui rcuily to attack whereurtUiiruij a weak point , WotnaV o cape many a fatixl > aaft by ktoplnu uuraelvea fell fortlned with pure blood ami a properly nourliboJ Ir rne.-CUII rier lco ( inietto. , Wa'.loilruulr with boiling water or milk. BoU only In half uuund | Ui by Uroc n labo4 ! thuii H &m ruopathlo Chemist EVERY DAY We are opening new lots of Spring Sutta. Our trade has boon enormous , and it keeps our buyer busy scouring the market Wo have always taken the load in Men's and Young JMen'rf Suits , and liavo always put our main force in that part of our business , as wo ca u. show the customer in a suit more than in any other article the great dilToronoo batw eon our prices and those of other houses and convince him of the amount of money ho can save. The Suits we are getting in now are already from our second purchase , which a3 a rule are duplicated a from 35 to 20 per cent less than goods bought early in the season , and adhering to our fixed rule to always lot our customers share in the benefits of the bargains we are getting , wo are now in a position to offer many suits of rich and select patterns , pro , dilations of the best manufacturers in the country-at prices which you would have to pay elsewhere for ordinary and lower grade goods. As an extraordinary bargain wo offer to-day About Suits . --Sacks and Frocksat . . When < 100 very line Cheviot - - Cutaway - - $10.50. you see this suit you will say that this is a ridiculously lo\v price for such goods. The quality is A 1. They are all in new designs and combinations of plaids , mostly light shades ; seine are faced with silk , and the general make-up of those suits is like fuvsttclass custom work. There are a few solid blue cheviots among them , wide wales and chocks , which are now so popular. It is a pleasure for us to show and offer these suits in competition with suits foJ which other housed ask $16.00 or $18 00. Another special bargain wo place on sale to-morrow is : 250 very good all-wool-Cassimero Sack Suits at $5.00. We have never sold a suit o * equal quality for less than $7.50 , and we would consider this suit very cheap at that price * There are two shades , a dark brown and a dark grey , both very neat. It will make a good business suit , as it is of excellent quality , well made , looks as good and will give fully as good satisfaction as any suit you pay $10.00 for. . In connection with this suit sale wo will ofl'er this week extraordinary inducements in Spring Overcoats , as we are to clo33 thorn all out before the season is over. We "have marked them down to figures -which will induce yon to buy one , even if you did not intend to. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. They're Limited. AVe have homo Special Bargains in MEN'S SUITS for you tills week. Hlght at the beginning of the season wo ptopnoto ilo you homo good , and have mad a speciitl pi ices on some cspoclally good suits $7. & 1. S10 and 812. Come early llrs.t choice. ELECTRIC BELT "WITT aiT7S. . FATKNIHD Al . 10 , IfcSJ. IBI'HCIVnil KHI. 1 , 1899. * DR GALVANIC ! and Hutpeniorr cura thn follow- atlo Oo rul anil neaiKlilni > 7Dl ( . < ne-B , ' 1 rambling | tlon , JniomnlA , Uoilr. DIWIIMM * y G R.VV N camul crotlon In Youth or MHrrmlLtle. all I > | BIII I Inu to the Womb or itenlt < 1 oruon . 'JIiln li the LATKSTnminiiKATKST Improfement T t rnnrtB , end Ui superior to all other. . JIverjr liujer of uu Klectrlo Kelt wunti the | atmt-tbl > he will tlnd Hie { ' " n I'1'It dllTers from till otheri , ai U li H lurr > IIY UKLT , ii.i.l not n chain , voltaic or wire belt , llnlllll'lll ' til lo-fl l.Ciribl. ( bj Elntrltllr. 1 he eloclrlo current can lie 'Ifnsto \ anyonb Iwfore It la npplkd to the Doiir , and linorn onlf ill to ten boun cUllj. If roa will eiomlaothli belt TOU Hill buy 110 other. To > ho < f the tNTinic OoNriiiKKt'E wo havelnourKlectri l- oanlo Helte anil Appllnnrei lll m < l cor No , 4 Uelt fompltlc ID nnponilkl. I'irllt. on Thirl ; ll j ' Trill. Hend fa. poitaga for our m ( i : IIIiulrMn , ! nniophl t. Trt t r lr ulllr. Owr..FLUnillCIShdLta , uri ( l p , THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT AND APPLIANCE CO. ( Utatlou Itli I'ipcr. ) ( lncoiruKiTiii Jum I6lb , jail. ) 300 North Broadway. ST. LOUIS. MO. DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to John U. Jucuoj. ) Undertakers and Embalmer At theolil stand HOT i'aruum St. Orders by lelegiapu solicited nud promptly uttendcJ. , elephono to No. i . , /EHD Fan 1LLWTRATED fATALOGVE FREE Your Business by uclriK our Chroma and Huslncss Cards , AilvcrllsliiR Ntoclllex &c. , printed to order. Sample ! and prices by nail , ( to Dullness men only ) 10 ell. Address , RICE BROTH ERS , 710 North 40th St. , Philadelphia , PJU If their stock ain't tempt-A 111Q' . If they show thousands off goods freely. A If their tailoring1 ain't i & pleasing. 9 I A If their prices are nolS t VERY reasonable. f I If 20 , 25 and 30 dollars J really gets a splendid made Ito ? to order suit. f I . Thousands of dressy men f will tell you Nicoll's merit I f their big tailoring business , f Trousers made to order $5 , $6 $ , $7 , $8 , $9 , $10 , Come day or evening. f 1409 DouElas Street. Omaha t Graceful Form , HEALTH and COMFORT I Perfectly pomblnecl In InMADAME MADAME FOY'S Skirt Supporting Corset I It li 010 of tlio 1'ioit pnpul'irlnlUe market mi'liolj . . . . y Ituitliieilculoriln Uiuuha. I' lee ll.Vi. Toy , Harmen It OhaiwUk , New H 7en , Conn. andnllurlnarrtroublcs easllnulc' < lyandEafelycuruJbyDOU'rifUAUap tulej. Hororol cases cur J In seven d T . Hold ll.Wper hoi' , wll drucifUti , or by mull from Doc. . JWVUUu \ St. NV. I'ull direct Ion * OMAHA MEDICALa"d SURGICAL INSTITUTI N. W. Cor. l5th St DodffO St3. Appliances for Doforraltias and Trussos. Host facllltlpn , apparatus nnd ronicdlei foriucceil ful treatment of every form of dtienso requlrltu Medical orSurclcnl Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and nttoudaaco ; boat hospital accomuiodA. tlon3 la the nest. WHITE Foil ciitctTI.Alts on Deformities nnd Jlraces Truztej , Club Kent , Curvntnro of Ilia Hplno , rile * . Tumors , Cancer , CMarrli. Uronclmis , Inh ilatlon Klectrlclty , 1'aralysli , Kpllopjr , Kldiicr. HUclder Kre , Kar , Skin ami Ulood.and allgurKlcal oporntlonf , Dlaoasos of Woman a Specialty. ilOOK UN DISEASBS OF WOMEN KllKE. DHL ? EELIABLB MEDICAL IHSTITUTJ MAaisa A si-rcui.TV or PBIVATH DISEASES , All Hlooa Uliaaioi luocoiifullr trantod. HyphllltU roucn rtmovoJ ( rum tbo ayilum wltnuut murourjrj V. nvw raitorntlva treatment for lo > $ ofltnl I'owon Periont unable to T : II ui mar liu treated at liomo bj correinondcnc * . All comniuiileatloni confidential Modkloei or Inntrinnenti sent br ranll or eiprali miurcly nnr.kuJ. no nisrki to Indtonto cimlciiU o loader. Ono persoiml Intervlnvr prefrrrud. Call ani coniultna or lend history of your CRIO , and irg wll and In plain wrapper , our ' BOOK TO MEN , FREEI fjpon Prlvato , Rnoclal or Ncrroui Discaiet , Impo tencySrpbllli , Ulgut and Varlcocelo , with qnoiuoi Hit. AdOreii Omaha Medical nnd Surgical Institute , oi IHC. McMENAJSY , - - OMAHA , NKft Health is Weaith DII. H , C. WEST'S Nniivx AND IlnAiN THKAT II : WE8 , Iieauuchi iisuofalc , DuproHsinn , Kofienliij ; of the Hralu rortultlnu li Insniilty anil Iradlm to iiilF.ory , dcciiy nnd death. 1'i'ciiialiirn Old ARO , DiirruniU'tiH , IOMS o | rower in uitkur sex. liivoiiiutiiry J.o-ihei aiic Spermatorrhd-a caused by ovcr-exorton | ol tno urivin , HuifiiUusaor over indulKtmco. I'.ucl box contains on" month's treatment , SI " box ; or six boxes for 15 , aont by mull prciuld onnj. cclpt of jirlco. WE pUARANTEE SIX BOXES Tocuronny case. With euch order rcroived bi U8 for HX | lioxe.s , accoiiumntcd with to , we wll senil the inircliusni' our written Ki'urjuiU'o to ra fund the money If the troatmunt do not ellecl a cure. Uunranteuii Issued only by ( looJumi JrueXJ. . Di UK l ts , Solo Aueuta , 1110 Itarnau btreet Umalm eb. Tl-o TYLER , SYSTEM of BANK COUNTERS Cannot Ix Eicelled. They art Elcgtnt in Et lgn anl very low U Price , Alio , Court Routs Furniture , ani Bon-e 400 Etvlti of Office Deikj , C > , iii , Tallei , EM , 100 P f e CaUlugue Vr e , ro > ttt 7 Ct men DESKcost , LouisM&usi . 1U8OOX , t f JUt w vruri ! M