. „ , . , , , 0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEIg , SATURDAY. APKIL 27 1889. THE DAILY BEJE , CQUNOIL BLUFFS. OFFICE. NO 12 PEAtttj BTJU3ET. Dclluredbr carrier In Any P/irt of toCHya I TW * my Cents i'cr Week. b 11 , W. TJI.TON. . . MANAGER. r.ss Orncr. No. 43. NinilT I'.MTOH , NO. 21. M1NOU MICNT1ON. N. V. Plumbing Co. County Attorney Cryan returned from Avocix yesterday morning. Nixon Waterman , formerly of the Reflec tor , was in the city yesterday. The P. E. O. society will moot this after noon nt 0 o'clock , nt the residence of Mrs. Elwell. Tlio Mnnawa Gun club will hold n business meeting to-night at the olllco of Ocorgo Met- calf , No. 10 Pcurl street. Secure your reserved scat tickets for Mr. Kazan's lectures Monday morning after U o'clock nt the Opera House druc store. A new tlmo card RODS Into effect on the electric motor line this morning. The first train will leave at 5:40 : , ten minutes earlier than before. Several new trains will also bo put on. Mrs. Edwards , daughter of Mr. Record , formerly of this city , died Thursday nt her homo In Olcnwood. The funeral will tnlio plnco at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon from her lute residence. Matmwa is already attracting a great deal of outside attention. Mr. J. ft. Fleming a Davenport Rcnllcman , is In the city malting arrangements to place a number of pleasure boats on the lake tills season. " " "Lost Uotwccn city and Chautauqua crounds n Chestorman'a steel tape. Return to C. It. Allen , 028 Mynstcr street and re- cclvo sultublo reward. Charles Mattlml won the gold medal nt the fortnightly shoot of the Council Bluffs Rlllo club , yesterday afternoon , scoring 01 put of n possible 100 points. Ho will hold the badge until ho Is beaten. The only case heard in the district court yesterday , was that of Foley , administrator , vs Hamilton , It was taken under advise ment. To-day Is motion day , and no cases will bo tried. Several demurrers will bo heard. The ofllcials In charge of the lircmcn's tournament are still vigorously working to secure a ono cent pur mile rate for tlio Juno tournament. The prospects are much moro flattering than they were some tlmo ago , nnd the olllclals are very hopeful. Clint Elson , of Corning , has been placed under (200 bonds to appear at the next term of tno United States court to answer to the charge of boot-legglnc whisky. He was brought in by Deputy United States Marshal Duncan. The electric motor company put on a special train of throe cars to accommodate those who wished to attend the Booth and Barrett porforinanco at Omaha last evening. All of the conches were illlcd , and many moro will attend from this side this after noon and evening. The statement appearing In Tun BUR to the effect that a juvenile choir was being organized for the Presbyterian church should have been for the Congregational church. Tin : BIE : cheerfully makes the cor rection , nnd requests the local papers which copied thi ! notice to do the samo. Chris iJoscn emphatically denies that ho refused to stand by his bid on the Chautau qua assembly amphitheater. After Mr. Murphy withdrew his bid on account ot an error In the llgurcs , Mr. Wind was loft as the next bidder , and to him was given the contract. Mr. Boson's bid was still higher , nnd ho , of course , would bo willing to stand by it , if ho had been given a chance to do so. Mr. E. C. Smith , general agent of the Now York Life Insurance company , yes terday sold his chestnut colts to Mr. George A. Hoagland , of Omaha. They wore orcd and raised by Mr. Smith on his Monona county stock fnrm. They stand nearly seventeen hands high , weigh over 2,000 pounds , nnd are olcgant steppers , The price they were held at was 11,000 , but it is undcr- ntood that the sale was made nt a slight con cession. It pays to raise good ones. The stockholders of the Guaranty Building nnd Loan association of Minneapolis have elected the following onlcers and local board of directors for the ensuing year : W. F. Sapp , jr. , president ; W. McNeal , secretary ; W. W. Bllgcr , treasurer ; directors , Dr. Macrae , Charles F. Senn , S. B. Wadsworth , O. A. Schocdsaclc , W. F. Sapp , Jr. , W. P McNcalnnd W.V. . Bilgcr ; appraising com fe mittee. Dr. Macrae , W. W. Bilgor , S. B. Wndsworth. The association will inuat monthly at the ofllco ot W. F. Sapp. The entertainment given by the Good Templars , Thursday night , at tlio M. E. church , was n grand success , Jlnnncially and socially. The literary programme was quite interesting. The recitations given by Mrs. Tyng nnd Miss Stoftlns were finely rendered nnd very much enjoyed by the audience. Somn line musical selections were given both instrumental and vocal. The perlormatu'o.s of Colonel Tulloy's Mr. Glenn , and the solo by Miss Maria Boll , wore especially lino. Council BlufTs Ledge No. 270 ( Loyal ) A. O. U. W. , moots in G. A. K. hall every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. For Slio.OO-Tlio N. Y. Plumbing Co. will put a lead service pipe nnd hydrant in your yard ; also fiO foot extra hoso. Call at once at 1M Main street. Rooms to rent in the Merriam block ; S. B. Wadsworth & Co.,230 Main street. J. G. Tinton , real estate , 627 B'dway Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Headquarters lor builders' hardware , Odoll & Bryant , 61 Main street. I'or a Ljiulit Kim. The P. Lucy hose cart is on exhibition at the Manhattan , It Is a little beauty , and at tracts great attention. It seems to bn barely n skeleton of ft racing cart , weighing when loaded with 100 yards of hose only thirty- live pounds. It was built for the great free- for-all race , open to the world , at Now Or leans a few years ago , ami was pulled through by two sprinters , who won the rare and a handsome purso. It was not required to run the regulation 500-pound cart , and the cart now In the possession of the local ju venile team fully illlcd the bill. It acorns almost too Iragilo to stand the strain of a race , but Its slomlcr wheels are made of the toughest hickory , and polished until they fairly glisten. The boys who will pull this famous little cart arc all under cloven years of ago , and will iimkn n line appearance In their now uniform , which ronslsis of a regu lation cap , roil shirt with tno imijio of the company on the breast , and blue pants , The boys an ) training nicely nnd will make a very creditable run. Real estate loans , F. J. Dayfli ) Pearl. Dr. 0. 0. Jln/.on , dentist , Opera hou&e block. * Ab S. Chaiio will exterminate goph ers and ruti from farms and private res idences for the spason for 85 i\nd up- vards. Work warranted. Addrew Ab 8 , Cliuso , Council BlulTs , lr. . Hungry nnd Imzy. There were thirteen vags at work In the street fjang yesterday. When their dinner was sent to thorn at the city Jail ot noon , they promptly disposed of it , ana returned the empty basket with thanlts and n request for more. "How much moro will it takol" inquired Marshall Guancila. "Well , " said the BDOltcsmuii. " 1 think that about seven were dinners will put the crowd In shape tc KPt throuirn the afternoon. " The dinners were ordcri-d , and the laborers wont peace , nbly to work after putting the- food where II would do tl.o most good. Notice the beautiful llnish given col- him , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. Blank hooka made to order. Can fur nish patent binding for parties wibhlng the same. Call and ( .00 samples at room 1 Evcrott block Pearl etrnot. , , * ' rn.i . .tt'xir.ii * I. * Q THE STRONG , MYSTIC LINKS , Tbo Qrnml Parade and Oolobratloa of Iowa Odd Fellows. A LIGHT WEIGHT HOSE REEL. Juveniles Will Pull It nt Iho Knees - Ttio OfTomlcrB IJoforo IllH Honor More Appetite Tlmn Industry. The Three The seventieth anniversary of Odd Fel lowship was yesterday cclobratod In this cliy In a most fitting manner , nnd the members - bors ot that order have reason to bo proud of their success in carrying out all the numer ous details of the programme. Notwith standing the Inclcindncy of the \voathor , the Incoming trains brought In good-sized dele gations from the lodges of western lo.va. The Burlington ran a spsclal from Hod Oak , which brought In about ono hundred nnd ilftv Odd Follows from that city nnd inter mediate points. The Kcd Oak delegation was accompanied by the Bruce Commandory band , of fifteen pieces. There were good- &izcd delegations from Hancock , Shelby , Ncola , Persia , Hlllsdalo and Omaha. The visitors numbered about three hundred , and this number would have been largely aug mented had the weather of the early morn ing been favorable. Fortunately the weather cleared before noon , and the sun was shining brightly when the procession formed at Odd Fellows' hall at 2 o'clock. The line was made up as follows : Platoon of Police. Bruce Commandcry Band , of Hod O.ik. Canton Commandory No. 14 , of Hed Ouk. Union Lodge No. 14 , of Hod Oak. Canopy Ledge No. 401 , of Shelby. Ncola Lodge Mo. 410 , of Ncota. Silver City Ledge No. 403 , of Silver City. Valley Lodge No. 43 ! ) , of Hancock. Persia Ledge No. 184 , of Persia. Hlllsdalo Ledge No. 34 , of Hlllsdalo. Dalboy's Band , of Council Bluffs. Council BlulTs Ledge No. 4'J. Humboldt Ledge No. 1 4. Hawkeye Ledge No. 184. OMVIIi.onor.s. . Omaha Ledge No. 2. Allcmanow Lodge No. 8. State Ledge No. 10. Beacon Lodge No. 20. Goodrich Lodge No. 144. Keystonn Ledge No. 155. Speakers nnd Old Members , in Carriages. The line of march was up Broadway to Pearl , Pearl to Main , Main to Broadway , Broadway to First , First to Washington avenue , Washington avenues to Sixth , Sixth to Odd Fellows' hall , where the line was dis missed. The exorcises of the afternoon were hold at Dohany's opera house , beplnnlne nt 30 : : ! o'clock. The house was well filled , the Balcony being occupied by ladies. The meet ing was called to order , with Gcorgo L. Jacobs SB N. G. , James McNaughton as V. O. , and Hcv. D. ( ! . Franklin as chaplain. The opening ode of the order was sung , nftor which the chaplain invoked divine blessing. The N. G. then introduced Hon. D. < J. Bloomer , P. U. H. , who delivered the address of welcome. The response was made by Past Grand Representative Jones , of Omaha. Short ad dresses followed by Brothers Gregg , of Rod Oak , Franklin and McNaughton , of this city. The stage settings were then thrown open , and several heavily loaded tables were brought to view , in chargn of the Sisters of the Rcbckah degree. The guests were re quested to take places at thctaules. , and the wants of the inner man' received careful attention. Among the visitors were noticed' G. B. Hewitt , A. C. Dufrco and G. W. Tucker , of Yorkshire , and Joseph Champlaln , of M in- dun ; Dr. C. W. Hardman , H. Vieth , Theo dore L. Meyer , George Harris , Henry Mcistcr , S. L. Felt and John Watts , of Han cock ; Riley Clark , James Sullivan , William Soils. Peter Mntson , John McLaln , F. Soi- vcrts , W. Fleck , Charles Witt , Joseph Ham ilton , John Ro.m , Fred Witt , Ncola. From Red Oak , E. Krotchuipr , a member of the board of supervisors ; J. E. Whclan , clerk of courts ; William Plunck , recorder ; B. J. Austin , county treasurer ; Daniel Gunn , E. Stevens , S. G. Horsman , R. Wntkins , J. Williams , V. G. Horton , E. W. Updike and E. W. Bromley. From Silver City , L. W. Huffnkcr , William Pullman , William Hetin- Ror , Hanli Burnham , Kirlc Morley , 6. Elliott , Dick Venablo , James R. Allison , Edward Ca.1y , R. S. Weidnor , George Bos- worth and Henry Deitchlcr. With them was S. L. Culmor , of New Salsbucy lodge , No. 1530 , of New Salsbtiry , Ind. In the evening the opera house was filled with Odd Follows , tneir families nnd friends. The lecture of the evening was delivered by Rev. W. H. W. Uccs , formerly pastor of the Broadway M. E. church of tills city , and now presiding elder of the DCS Moines con ference , on "Tho Three Links-of Odd Fel lowship. " It was ar. able and Interesting effort , and was listened to with closest at tention. Mr. Recs was followed by Mr. D. C. Huff , who toolc as his subject "Tho Ho- bokah Degree. " Ho clearly defined its rela tion nnd close connection with Odd Fellow ship , and his remarks were well received. Music was interspersed through the exor cises. The special train for the Red Oak delega tion was hold until 4 o'clock. Many of the visitors remained over night , while n few were called away on the early evening trains. The exercises of tlio day , as a whole , were a great success , and will result in nuich benefit , to both the individual mem bers and the ledges to which they belong. Notice to Water Consumers. Water rents are now duo and payable at olllco , 11-1 Main street. COUNCIL BLUTRS CITY WATBII WOUKS Co. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. licfnro HlH Honor. Kittle Leo , a pugilistic female who holds high carnival on "Tho Row" at stated perl- ods , was an interested party In police court yesterday morning. She was charged with being drunk and disturbing the pcaco , nnd was required to deposit collateral to the ex tent of $10.10. Jake Washington , an individual of some what bilious temperament nnd ebony com plexion , was In trouble , on account of n misunderstanding - understanding which arose nt a colored dtinco Thursday evening. Jake was of the opinion that matt6rs were not ns they should bo , and in attempting to correct them , they spocdllv bccamo moro so , Jacob was so surprised that his eyes bulged out , especially the loft ono , and ho could not fully understand the situation until ho had spent several hours In the coolor. The court kindly explained matters for him , and charged him f'J.OO for the information. Pat Sweeney deposited t'J.iiO to the credit of the city , for taking in thrco fingers too much whisky. The other parlies who required the atten tion of the court had violated the common carrier ordinance , and were released on com plying with Its roiuiromenta and securing the necessary license. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and hono'rablo dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , onlco cor. Broadway and Main , over American ox press. Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other artialcs of value , without removal. All business strictly conli- dontiul , 'I lin liii/.nnr llrmvlni ; to n Close. Last ovuuiiift's successful run of tlio char ity bazaar swelled the net proceeds to nearly $1,000. The attendance was very lai'AO nml voting on the various articles was very lively. Sitverai articles were disposed pf by raftling , They were ns follows ; lap- robe mid whip. Frank Mom ; portlores , Father Farley , IJenisotr lambteoulns , Mrs. Frank Wentcott. The attraction of the evening wan a quud- rlllo party , for which Dalbuy's orchestra furnished delightful music. To-night will bo devoted to the closing of the btwanr nnd tU ? milling of the hundreds of nrticlof. The Vtlinff 6t ! the RftlclM V > bo awarded to the most popular imllvldtinls V/'H ' nhobc flalshed nml the result nnnouncod. It AVill bo by fi r the buslcit nnd most exciting evening of the weclt * Voting on some of the articles will bo decidedly worm. Sovcrnl Onmhatu were present l"9t evening. Awono them y/uro Sir. find MM. I'onpoiiulck nnd i > Ir. nnd Mri. O. 1J. Coon nnd dnughtcr. The largest nt- tcmlnnco of the week Is oxpcctcil to-night. roi-sonnl 1'nr.Tgrnplifl. J. A. Lowls , chlof clerk of the railway mull service nt Creston , was In the city yes terday. M. A. Gregory has tendered his resigna tion ns night agent of the Chicago Si North western railway comp.uiy In this city. Ho bus been given a run In tlio null service be tween this city nnd Moborly , Mo. , on the Wnbasb. The change took effect yesterday. Mrs. MoWllllnms nnd daughter leave this evening for a three weeks' visit with fnontii In Chicago , Milwaukee and Detroit and their old homo in Cleveland , Ohio. " Mrs. Judge Deomor arrived In the city yes terday morning from Hed Oak , and with the jmlgo , attended the lecture at the opera noiiso last evening. The following entries have been made for the roadster race nt Union park , to-day : William Uutts , ch. g. ; Lucius Wells , b. g. ; .T. L. I'axton , b. g. ; Dr. Soyoork , cr. m. ; E. E. Wtckliaui , br. g. The race will bo a lively ono. Klcutrlonl GlianRfti. Now time cards for the electric motor line will bo out to-day. Tr.ilns will bo run as follows : Luavo Council BlulTs and Omaha every twenty minutes from 0 n. m. to 7:20 : n. in. and from 7:20 : p. m. to 1 n. in. , and ovary ten minutes from 7:20 : n. in. to 7'JO : p. in. This time table also quickens the tlmo making run from Council I ilu IT 3 to Omaha In forty minutes and from Omaha to Council BlufTs in thirty-eight minutes. The time of leaving Is on the oven ton and twenty minutes of the hours ns above clvon , making it very easy for any ono to remember thu time. The tlmo given above Is the tlmo of leaving First street In Council BlulTs , nnd corner of Fourteenth and Howard streets in Omaha. The rule Is also laid down that trains will not stop for passengers , except after crossing intersecting streets and in front of the prin cipal hotels. THE TILTON.BEECHER SCANDAL. Kcliocs ol'tlio Old Sannilnl SndPnto of tlio TiltoiiH. Echoes of the jjreat Boechor-Tllton trial cotno buck to us occasionally and' recall all the woo and pain sull'orctl by the actors in that dreadful quttginiro of scandal , says the Now York correspond ent pf the Globo-Doraocrat. Brooklyn banished the subjects from her draw ing rooms shortly alter the otul of the suit , which led to the colipso of at least two of the actors , Tilton and Moulton , and iniured Mr. Bocchot irretrievably. Henry C. Bowun , the richest of all the scandal coterie , Holds his own , and though for a few years he never went out in society at all , his house has been the center of numerous social gather ings this winter. Ho has a cluvor daughter who is the attraction of his homo , and ho keeps up the habit of in viting to his country homo at Wood stock , Conn. , all the notables of the re- uublican party , who like to talk politics ana iknvcry rhetoric on the 4th of July. Mr. Recchor died two years ago , nml durinir the interval that has elapsed since his death little has boon said about the old issues involved in the scandal which once shook Brooklyn yolcano-liko. * But recently the interest in the personages concerned in the trial was revived in the aniionncoinont that Mrs. Tilton , the victim of every one en gaged in the case , is growing blind. She has been a great sulTornr from cataracts , which have boon repeatedly cut from both her eyes. Now the sightj of one eye is entirely gone , and the other is so injured that she lives in a dark room , and will shortly bo wholly blind. Mrs. Morse , the faithful mother of Mrs. Tilton , lives with her , and at prefaont the eldest daughter , Florence , is with her. The , youngest son of Mn. Tilton is the only ono of her children who resides with her permanently. The other son and daughter are mar ried and live in Now York. Mrs. Til- ton resides in .a modest homo in the eastern part of Brooklyn , and never leaves her room now ; for years she only appeared on the streets when some household want had to bo supplied. It is said that the cataracts , which have cost her so much suffering , were caused by continuous weeping. Whatever ol&o the scandal did for othcrs.it broke her heart , and she has been a miserably un- bappy woman since that time. When Mr. Becchor died , Mrs. Tilton ex pressed regret that she could not have been taken in his stead , for she hud nothing to do in this world and ho was useful. Of all the Beccher family , the only ono who has shown her the slight est sympathy has been Mrs. Isabella Beechor Hooker , who urged her bf6thor to bo kind to Mrs. Tilton nnd to defend her against her husband's charges. But Mr. Beechor did nothing could do nothing under the circutnstnifEcs and , it is baid , ho griovcd that ho could not , for ho had a nature that led him to feel sympathy and generosity toward hjs fol- Ipw beings. Mrs. Boecnor was too bit ter toward the Tiltons for a word to bo said concerning thorn , and Mr. Bench er's last years were passed under the close espionage of his wifo. Lately the letters , documents , agree ments , memoranda , and every thing else pertaining to the scandal were de stroyed. After the trial they were entrusted - trusted to the treasury of Plymouth ohurch , in whoso house the investignt- igating comtnitteo hold its meet ings. The papers were committed to the Unmet ) an 1 not a line of confessions , recriminations or charges are in exist ence unless Mr. Bowen holds thorn. Mr. AugustusStorrs was a staunch udhornnt of Mr. Boochor , and gave $10,000 , toward the expenses of the trial. Ho is an old man , and lately has sold' his house and has broken up his homo , now that his wife is dead and ho is alone in tlio world. Ho feared some less friendly eye might read those documents after his death , and so ho conildod 'them to the Hamos with his own hands. Theodore Tilton lengthens out his miserable- existence in Paris , nnd is mainly a pensioner on the bounty of ono or two former frionds. Ho has no means of livelihood , nnd iu a very unhappy man. Both of his daughters are separ ated from him now and ho is entirely alone , except in the summer season , when some Americans are in Parifl. Of all the money ho made ho has not re tained a dollar , and having no businos ? faculty cannot adjust himself to circum stances. Frank Moulton , the mutual frlond , died long ago , and many of the older members of Plymouth church have fol lowed Mr. Bocchor to Greenwood. Of the family of the latter little is heard in Brooklyn. The oldest son has re moved to Now Jersey , the second son is in business and not likely to be hoard of publicly in any direction , since ho is a qnlot , retiring man. The other son is not a shining light , and has not made Brooklyn his homo for many years. Ho is in the far west , while the only daughter , Mrs. Seovol , ib the wife of a minister at Nor- wulk , Conn. Mrs. Beechor is the only ono of the family who remains asso ciated with Plymouth church. She was bitterly opnosod to the selection of Dr. Abbott , and wanted her bon-in-luw to succeed her husband , but Plymouth people objected and she hud to acquiesce. She has become reconciled to the existing stale of things and sits in her o'M pow ovcy Sunday , though It is no longer known us the "Pastor'8 Pow , " but n8 Mrs ? Ueocher'fl , and her name is on the door. W\d has been liv ing at Stamford , iConn. , hut lias uow taken a house at the corner of Orange and Hicks streets , in Brooklyn , and will occupy It on May 1 with a servant. It IB hui a tlCCk ' vuy from the hotlSo in which Mr. Boeehor dioil. Sh6 occasionally goes to Fookslclll , where slio wanders' ' through the house once her 8ummci\ homo , and doubtless feels the great difference between the time when she lived thortfand the lone ly present. But Mrs. Boechor is not given to sentiment and does not care to have any otTored her. She is a woman of sirring likes and dislikes , and her opinion is freely given on all subjects , men , women and things. Much Hollcvcd. Now York Weekly : Mrs. Society : "Mercy on mot Don't you know that man your daughter is going to ' " ' marry'i" Mr. Moolt "No-o. I've-boon afraid to ask her. " Mrs. Society "Uo's a prize fighter , n regular tough. HO'E fought a score of men and half killed a dozen women. " Mr. Mock ( much relieved ) "OhI Then he's all right. I was afraid ho was botno poor lamb like myself. " USIE AT Dnufir.isTs * NI > DEALER" . THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO. , Baltimore , Md. SPECIAL NOTICES. ANTBD-A first-class rook , thoroughly unilcrstaiulliiK his business. Good wages paid. Apply Immediately In person to tlonry W. Itothert. mipurlntondent Deaf and Dumb In stitution , Council Illuirs , In. WANTED-At the Deaf and Dumb Institu tion , Council lllnlfs , a tlowor gardener. Ap ply In person or by mall to the superintendent. FOIl HUNT Good F-rooin house , corner of Uth st and 8d ave , one block south of dummy depot. Apply to Hornce Everett. WANTED A competent Klrl to ilo nciicral housework. Apply at 010 IIUilV st , Council lllnirs. FOU HKNT Two dwelling houses. Hand 10 rooms , and two centrally located unices In Council Blairs. Horace llvurutt. TTIOll IIKNT Larfre-floulila ollico over 1'r.uik -L1 Lovlifs clgnr store , JU2 Itroadway. Inquire of 1'rank Kevin. THE RMLWAT 'TIME TABLES , SUBURBAN TRAINS. " \Wftf\V I Ml. Ilunntng between Council Uluffs ana Al bright. In addition to the stutlons mcntionofl , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets , and at tno Summit In Omaha. Enntwar < l COUNClLi nu.u . . . . .u.iun. iit.JNo. 7 ' . ! : < ' > a.m. No. H 4:15 : p. m/No. 3 U0iii. ; ) m. No.4. U : < OD. m.No.5 | 0:15p.m. : ' A No.2 U:40a. : m.A No. 1. . . . .fiwia. in. A No. 4 . . . . 7:0p. : ! m. A No. 3 7:10p.m. : KANSAS CITY. B'\.i')8KI ' ' > lI & COUNCIL HLUr r a. A. No.2 0:3.1 a. mA [ No..1. . . .0:10n. in. A No.4 . . . . . ? : 'U.p..m.&V . . . . . . , , . . : . m. . A No. 10. . .7l : a. ni.fA No..l 8:5.1a. : m. A No. 12 , . . .7W : p.in.tA No. II UOUp.m. : OMAHA iST. . 1.0UI8. A No. 8 . . .4T > p. m. A No. 7. . . .12:00 : n > . A dully : JI ilnlly oxrept Saturday ; Uoxcont Sunaay ; 1) uxeent Monday : fast mull. The tlmo given aoova in for Transfor. there being from five to ten inluutes between Trans- er and local depots , , t Fuel Merchants. Watch TheSlGNS " i7. ! . / ' , fTOmpTVKIIvcrY' E.B.GARD We mvife your batronaoe . IN E R . 10 BFfOADWA\t The in73t Mo dorn Novolltl 09 PAPER HANGINGS , AND Artistic Decoration ! AT PETER G. MILLER'S. House and Ornamental Painting , Knlso miningirmnlm ; .etc. Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St. LADIES OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS AHC INVITED TOCAU , AT Mrs , G , L , GILLETT'S ' Anil sec lior line HUG of Ilittn ( < oods. KINUST IIAIK OltNAMENTS In the city. WIs llciucls , etc. , for Kent or Sale. Gluth and Coylo and Myers Grease Paints , llalr _ Dressing , Ktn. No. 20 Itluiii St. , Council Bluffs Orders by mall rccelvu prompt uttvutlon. Electric Trusses , Belts , Gtiasi Pro tectors , Etc , Agents wantcu. C. B. .IUE I > , Council lilutni In , No. 27 Main Street , Over Jnc iuciiiin' Jewelry Store. D.H.McQANELQ & GO , , Hidesjallow , Pelts , Wool &FUFS , IligheHt market prices. Prompt returns. No. EM ' 'IK Muln-st. , Council Uhills , lowu. Tuos. Ornritn. W. II. M. PUSEV OFFICES & FUSEY. BANKERS. Corner Main and Ilronchvay , CUN ; iIIIMJKI'K , IOWA. Icalbrn In forolcn r.nd domostlu Colloctlonb made ami Interest paid on llino i posits. CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY. GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. NO. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260 F. J. BREZEE , , Taxidermist and Naturalist. rernmnently located at No. 14 North Sixth Street , opposite post- olllco , on motor line , Council llluirH , Iowa. Illrds and animal * mounted naturally and In the bust motlieil of tlio art. Warranted to preserve for year * , foreign l > lr lx siipjillwl n * hort notice , irf ueut prloa pnia forofvUand hawks of all klnilu. Per oii8 eiullnt ; ordera BburcJ of perfect sntlsfactlon. I'ur droanlnif u ipoclitlty. Write for naiticiiiani. LJU F = t > X.r J'TEIEZP FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. ss Ion dilrt to t ! H SPOONE" -SK&f& HTSftf TH ow/i Dressing : . CANLAN . , . Fashioned - - Te2.01. English . N.NTIBBETTS f otto/ Kitchen f3-ROCERlES. Pine PinoOandios , Fresh Made Pea l Estate &laan Agents . 5Q5ist.Ave.Bet.M3in & Every Day. Dempsey & Butler , 36Poarl-st EVERYTHING NEW AT THE HOOMS OF THE MUELLER MUSIC COMPANY , Preparing for the GRAND RECEPTION Ind Annual Opening. Finest Music Hall , Finst and Largest Array of First' Class PIANOS. A Fine Programme will be rendered. Watch for the date. SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 HOUSE POWER , Mills and Elevators AUTOIW TIC CUT-OFF ENGINE uWssa BSS& . E.G. . HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. BIO Pearl Street , Couaoll Bluff *