Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat In a Stnto of Dullness and
OalsTnko ix Down Turn A Stronger
Feeling Developed In 1'rovlnloiin
Cnttlo Unsatisfactory HORN
Aullve nucl Stronger.
CIIICAOO , April 'M . [ Spoolnl Tolcgrnm to
TJIC UEB.I The wheat market was In a
itato of dullness nnd uncertainty to-day.
Curbstone traders broke the price yesterday
nftcrnoon Ji'w'fc nftcr the Donrd adjourned.
The opening tnls morning was noft nt a loss
° l ? 6@c from .vestortlay'n ' closing range.
The Ural quotations were SOJfo for Mnyl
81'tfo for June , and 78X for July. The
crop month got very Httlo lower , but July
worked off to 78J c , the first oulglng to TUu.
On the break the market looked sick , nnd
there \viu free dumping of the stuff around
the bottom , some sales being made at 78 % @
78. } < fc. The outside markets did not 'sympa
thize with the weakness here to nny great
extent , Now York being especially firm. It
was noticed , also , that wheat buyers wore
actively picking up all tnsh property they
could gather In at advantageous terms. Hold
ers of receipts found nodiftlculty Indisposing
of their goods nt a premium over Mny ,
Bpcclnl lots being In special request. It Is
notci ) , too , that a good share of this quiet
business Is being done on private terms ,
whlnh Is taken as evidence that wheat is
wanted on shipping orders and not for
speculative purposes. "Yellow tissue" re
ports that 100,000 bushels of wheat Is bolng
loaded into vessels here , nnd that the grain
will bo moved out of port before to-morrow
night. There is a great dcul of liulollnlto-
JICRS to the gossip that Is floatlnc around as
to the operations in the spot wheat market' '
as to the quantities bought nnd prices paid ,
but the hardening tendency ot the near by
cud of the wheat market Is plainly distin
guishable. Through It all cables wcro gen
erally firm nnd higher , and liccrbohm
quotes n J a advance with active demand for
"cargoes off coast. " Foreigners are reported
to'bo buying liberally of May and Juno In
Nqw York , and foreign bids .for round lots
nro reported tc be in the hands of the
commission merchants In Chicago at } [
@lo below the current quotations. When
the unloading of wheat bought on the bear
bulge yesterday was finished , the now crop
of futures did bettor. The price of July
gradually worked up to 70o and then with
tnoro snow of spirit sailed up to 79J.f@7l ! ) o.
The offerings wcro heavy above 7Uc , how
ever , mm the market settled back to that
vicinity and fractionally under. The closing
was on the soft order ut 78jfc ! or about J e
\inder yesterday's close. Drives < fc Lltid-
blom were conspicuous buyers late In the
session , but Hutchinson iiuuio a sudden
drive nt the nuiritct , selling over 1,000,000
bushels in about lift eon minutes. Nearly
cvory market except Chicago closed higher
than yesterday. May wheat ranged ut bOf
( ftSlc. and closed at 80 > c. Juno ranged at
86 ; < ( < i81o and closed at 81)o.
The corn market was very weak. The de
cline in wheat ut the opening and the
brilliant weather were the ostensible causes
Tor Cue lower prices which wcro soon after
Urn opening prevailing in tliti corn market.
The chief cause of the depression , however ,
was the number of orders on the market to
eoll out May contracts before tlielr maturity
necessitated the acceptance of the uroperty.
Much heavier receipts than yesterday's esti
mates were likewise uu additional cause of
the heaviness , which was increased by the
estimated receipts for to-morrow of403 | curs.
The foreign markets were very firm , unit the
I'J outward movement.from here wus on a large
Bcalo , charters bintr" made to-day for
bushols. The closing half hour's business
was fairly active , but the market was very
weak and at its lowest point at the close.
The decline wan nioro marked and the feel
ing weaker than for a very long time before.
The loss since yesterday's close was JjjO In
May , June and July , % a In Augustand % c In
That oats were unqualifiedly weak wus
undeniable , and after opening at a fraction
below yesterday's latest price ? a steady
downturn occurred , until a dcclino of fully
Ic was scored , nt which time enough buying
orders appeared to stop further shrinkage.
Added to the lowering influence of the big
receipts for to-morrow , placed nt 8bO cars ,
there was liberal selling of long outs , witti
Eomo of this attributed to the clique , and the
little support aside Troiu that was given by
the shorts. May opened ! { u lower at SJ'JJ c.
and sold off to " \c \ , witu prutty general
. buying at the Inside prices. Juno declined
to 2i' ! c , and July was ut about ? B'c premium.
Car lots to go to store wcro relatively weak ,
with sales of No. il ut lilj c. The receipts
largely exceeded the estimates aad included
OC cars of the contract grades.
In provisions a strong fouling was de
veloped. The improvement in hogs nuuto
the boars conservative , nnd yesterday's
higher prices for that product were followed
by another appreciation. The upward turn ,
however , wa quite moderate. In pork the
advance established wus limited to 7
nnd In both lard and short ribs , to -
CIIIOAOO. April 20. [ Special Telegram to
TUB 13nn. ] CATTLU Trade was slow and
unsatisfactory from the opening to the close.
There was Httlo or no change in prices as
compared with yesterday , and perhaps
fewer cattle were left unsold than on
Wednesday and Thursday , but general
trade was anything but satisfactory for
inlcsmun. There was u liberal run of
Tcxans , about all of which sold at about the
former prices. Cow stock , although not
quotubly lower , shared In the general weak
ness , and the poorer grades , old canners nnd
tuch , sold a shade' lower. Veal calves nro
not wanted. Bomo poor lots sold us low as
H.00@l.r > 0 per head , and best nt $1.00033.25.
Stackers and feeders were In fair demand
and steady. Choice , .ir > JJ4.10 ; medium
to good steers , 1 50 to tr > 'Ji ( Ibs. , ) .SO
fjr.4.10 : 1200 to 13)0 ! Ibs. , R.fB@3.H ! ) ; WO to
1SOO Ibs. , fans.00 ) ; stockers and feeders ,
2.fiO@3. 5 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.700
3.1.V bulk , i.2. ' > @ 2.t > 0 ; Texas-fed stcors ,
f3.00@i.K : ( > ; grass cows , fl.bOS3.20 ; crass
leers , J'J.5@3..i5. !
Hoas Trudo was active and strong and
60 higher , bulk soiling nt f4.U5@-l.70 , against
f4.tSO@-l.G5 yesterday , A few fancy heavy
old nt W.TUJfM-l.TS , and a few rough packers
Bl fj.5@ 1.00 ; light sorts , M.70C < M.73.
NEW YOIIK , April 20. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HUE. | STOCKS The condition of
the stock market this morning Indicates that
1 thcro can DO no material Improvement in
prices or the volume of business until the
approaching holidays are out of the way
The market opened with u show nf strength ,
nnd In u few stocks batter prices were re
cordnd. London again came higher than the
closing prices ycstnrday , but there was no
goiietiil response hero. There was u dUposI
tlon to realize profits on the temporary bulge
nnd the early prices were not maintained
The stocks ahowing.acllvlty were Loulsvlllo
& Nashvlllo , Heading , Northwestern am
Atchison. Atchlsoii and Louisville showed
tloolluesof KQ l'cr ' cent early , Pullmai
gained J { per cent , and Manitoba over 1 pai
cent , The dullness which followed toward
noon was accompanied by a heavy fooling
nnd further slight losses In many nlmros
Atchison , after a rally to the best prlcoo o
the morning , went off to 4U < e , or KG undo
the close last night , Tim prices generally
were at the bottom at noon. Tin itncl
market showed no rallying pawer to-dn >
after the strength from the covering by the
shorts early was ended , The later news was
bearish , and wlillo there were no sharp
breaks prices sagged to the close. Two
tilings were ngulnct the market , the taking
of sold for export aud tfio poor showing o
earnings by the western roads , especially
the Union I'aciflc , The conspicuous stock
vcro Manitoba and Pullman , closing 2 and I
icr cent respectively over last night. The
not losses for the day were Union P.xclflc ,
< ; Chicago Gas , < ; St. Paul and Atchison ,
4 each ; Uurllngton , Cotton Oil , Louisville ,
Ilssouri Pacific , Northwestern , New Eng-
Und and Itock Island , f each. Tennessee
Conl lost l j. The total sales were 102,305
The following wcro the closing quotations :
J. B. 4s regular. U ! J Northern 1'nctfle. , 2-S'X
J. H. 4s coiu > ons . . .lOTK doprefcrred . ray
7. a. 4' < s regular. . . lOS's ' 0. &N. W . lOSU
J.B.4in ! coupons..K ! i do preferred . 138
acinoiisor M-I isi N.V.Centrnl . 107W
> ntrrvl 1'acldc 3d IMJ..V15
'lilcnsoA ; Alton..Ill Hock Inland lu
Chicago , llurllugton 0. . M. & St.I' . m < {
' ) . . ! . . As W. 137 SU'nul& Omaha , ,
llinols OntnU 113 do preferred. . . . . .
, H. .v W , U'llOn 1'ACltlO . . . . . l > * ? 4
{ ansasiVToxas ; ; ; ; I'ijj W..St. ti. .V 1' . . . . . . lli
.nko Shore li 4l lopreferred Z'Mi
kllclilgnn ( 'otitrnl. . f > \VcsternUnlon ( Ui !
MlSBourtl'actUc. . . . 7UJI
lent.Moxr.v -2i@2 ! ,
- - ! @ } { per cent
STr.ut.iNa KxcinxoB Dull but steady ;
Ixty-day bills , $1.97 ; demand ,
rnoi > uoB MAKICISTS.
CntRAao , April 20. Wheat Easy ; cash ,
60e ; May. SOJfc ; July , 73J/C.
Corn Lower ; cash , uaj c : May , 33)c\ \
July , 34 15-lOc.
Oats Lower ; cash , SlJ o ; May , 21 IMCo ;
lulv ' U' 'c
Hy'o 'May , 40Vc.
Harley Nothing doing.
Prime Tlmothy-81.01(31.33. (
Whisky fl.03. * '
I'ork Steady ; Mny , Sll.fiO : July , $11.75.
Unrd Steady ; Mny , O.S7k ; July , $0.95.
Flour Dull and niiclmngcd.
Dry Salt Mmits Shoulders , W.2o@.50 :
short clear , (0.23@0.3rK : short ribs , Jo.05
tq0.X ; ( ) .
Uiittor Quiet ; creamery , 10i321c ; dairy ,
Uhcuso Dull ; full cream Cheddars nnd
/lnts , 0(39Vc ( ; fancy Young Americas , IW
Eggs Steady ; fresh , 10@10J c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy and light graen
salted , fi. ' c ; salted dull , 4fc } ; t'reen salted
calf , Oo ; dry Hint , 7u ; dry salted , 7c ;
dry calf , 7iSc ( : deacons , 'Joe each.
TalloAv Unchnngod ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4c ; No. 2 , 3 c ; cake , 4 } < fc.
Uccclpts. Shipments.
Flour 0.000 8,000
Wheat 10,000 18,000
Corn 150,000 351,000
Oats 84.000 120,000
New York , April 20. Wheat Receipts ,
3,000 ; exports , 17,000 ; spot , quiet ana steady ;
No. U red , SSun \ store ; 8lf@S4c afloat ;
84k@S. ) > < c f. o. b. : No. 3 rL'd,7Tc ; options
dull und irregular ; May S2X@We.
Corn Receipts , 74,000 ; exports , 41,000 ;
spot , stronger ; No. 2 , 4lc-in elevator ; 4.r > ®
45 , 0 ulioat ; No. 3 , 43044 ! < o ; * No. 2 , white.
40) c ; ungraded mixed , 43J > J@43c ; options
tiioro active aud lower.
Oats Hoceipts.'JG.OOO ; exports , 50,000 ; spot ,
dull and weak ; options , nctivo and lower ;
pril , 2l > J6 < aJOo : ; May , 2 'fc ; July , 2S .s ;
spot , No. li white , 33@3i : ! u ; mixed western ,
Coffee Ontlons , steady at last night's
irlccs ; sales , 18,000 hues : April. Sl < i.5 ( > @
10.53 ; May , $10.43@10.r > 3 ; July. $10.05@10.70 ;
spot Hio , iiuiot : fair cargoes , $18.73.
Petroleum Steady , quiet ; United closed
at 85 > 4-c.
Eggs Firmer ; western , 12812Xc. (
Pork Quiet ; now , $ it.00@l1.23. : !
Lard Stronger ; western steam , jf7.20 ; May
Uuttor Easier ; western 11@203.
Cheese Quiet mid unsettled ; western ,
Ijivcrponl , April 23. | Special Cablegram
o Tun USE. ] 3:30 : \ \ m. close. Pork
In poor demand ! prime mess , eastern. 05s ,
steady ; do western , 5'3s. dull.
Lard In fair demand for spot and poor
demand for lutures ; spot , April , May and
June , 3."is Od , steady.
Wheat lu poor demand ; now "No. 2 , winter -
tor , Cs Sd , easy ; do spring , 7s 4d , easy.
Flour In poor demand at lls , dull.
Corn In fair demand ; spot and .luiie , 3s
7d , llrm ; May ajid June , 3s O d , llrm.
St. lotils , April 20. Wheat Lower ;
cash and May , 0c.
Corn Lower ; cish , SOJ e ; May , 30. ' c.
Oats Lower ; cash , _ ' 4e : Rlay , ZZKc.
Pork-Quiet at S12.00@12.25.
Lard Nominal at $ C 50.
Whisky Steady at 81.03.
Butter Quiet and unchanged ; creamery ,
23@24c ; dairy , 20@21c.
Milwaukee , April 20. Wheat Pinner ;
cash , 79 > ' ( J'u ; May , < 7 c. t
Corn Firm : No. 2 , 31c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 , white , 27c.
Giiicliinnti , April 20. Wheat Heavy ;
No. ST red , S3. c.
Corn Finnor ; No. 2 mixed , 30@Ric. (
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 'JCr iiJ4u-
Whisky Firm ; J1.02.
MliiiiiMipolii , April 20. Wheat Sample
wheat firm ; receipts , 224 cars : shipments ,
C5cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , April and May ,
07c ; on track. 'JS@99c ; No. 1 northern , April
and May , 80 fe ; on trade , 8S@bOu ; No. 2
northern , April and May , TOo ; on track , 7Si ( $
ICixiisna Ofly. April 2J. ( Wheat Quiet ;
No. 3 red , cash , 77c asked ; August70casked ;
No. 2 soft , cash , uo bids nor offuvings ; Au
gust , 70c bid.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 cash , no bids nor offerIngs -
Ings : July , 25o asked ; No. 2 white , cash , no
bids nor offerings.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 20) < fc asked.
Clilcniro , April 20.The Drovera' Journal
reports ns follows :
Cattle Uccelpts , 7,000j market steady ;
choice beeves , .f4 15@4.40 ; steoi-H. * 3.35@4.10 ;
stockers anl ( feeders , $2.503.U5 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , $1.70(23.15 ( ; Texas cattle ,
$2.23 3.00.
Hogs Receipts , 12,500 : market strong and
So higher : mixed , * 4.50ai.75 ( ; heavy , J4.45 ®
4.75 ; light. ft.fiO@4.80 ; skips , $ ; i.50@4.15.
Sheep Receipts , 11,00J ; market slow and
lOo lower ; natives , $3.00@5.10 ; western corn-
fed , S3.50Q5.00 ; lambs , l.50if5.75. (
ItiuiHUH City , April20. Cattle Rocolpts ,
2,500 ; shipments , 1.100 ; steady to strong ;
dressed beef and shipping stcors , steady to
lOo higher ; common to choice , corn-fed , $3.00
04.25 ; stockers nnd feeding steers , $2.00 ®
8.00 ; cows , active and linn at $1.75@3.25.
Hogs Receipts 0,200 ; shipments , 525 ;
market strong nnd highercommon ; to choice ,
National Htouk Vnrils , lOast St
IjoulH , April 20. Cattle Receipts , 400 ;
shipments , 400 ; market steady ; fairtochoice
heavy native steers , $3.00@4,40 ; stockurs and
feeders , $12.00@:1.10 : ; rangers , cornfedJ.SO
(33,40 ( ; erass'/od , J2.00 " ? 2.S5.
Hogs Receipts , 2,400 ; slilpments , 3,000 ;
higher ; cholco heavy and butchers' selec
tions , ? 4.03@4.7fi : pueklujr , S4.45i4.SO ( ; light
grades , 1,00 4.70.
Hloux Clly , April 20. Cattle Receipts ,
310 ; shipments , 100 ; steady fat ulcers , f 1.00
C < t3.0 ; ; stockeM , $ , ' .35042.65 ; feeders , $ ' . ' .40@
2.yO ; canncrs anJ bulls , $ l,001.75 ; voul
calves , t3.00I.OO. (
HOKR Recolptj , 1,803 ; market higher ;
light and mixed , fl.354.42 > < ; heavy , $4.J7 !
( ii4.45.
Vrldny , Atirll 20 , 18S9.
To'day's ' cattle market wns Romr.thlng of a
disappointment , for at the oponmg opera tors
generally wnro looklnj ; for a hotter market ,
und were pricing their cattle wicordlnglv. A
weaker feeling , however , was very quickly
developed , unit the market became slow and
lower. The heaviest shippers wore doing
nothing , ami the puckers were light buyers.
At midday a large proportion of the dressed
buof and Rhipping steers worn still lu the
yards unsold , In the afternoon u few cattle
changed hands , but the market closed slow
and about lOu lower. As has been the rule
of late , the supply of butcher1 slockva
light und it sold all right ; that is , fully as
good us yostordiiy. There were no fresh re
ceipts of feeders , but ufo\v stockers held over
changed hands. There are no new features
In the trudo In this klndpf cuttlo , the demand
continues good and prices about .stcuOy ,
There was quite a boom in the hog market
to-day , und instead of being alow and lower ,
an has becu the casa the greater part of the
wvok , It made S.Q advance of a strong lOo ,
TLo buyers acted as If tbey wanted the hogs
and they got QOWU to business early la the
morning , and were not long In clearing the
yards , paying prices that wcro n big lOo
higher than yesterday's market. As high ns
$4.47J was paid , with the bulk at $4.45 , and
quIUi n number of trades ntlMO. The mar
ket closed with everything sold , nnd a firm
feeling prevalent.
The situation was the snmo ns yesterday ,
not a load hare to make n market ,
Caltlo.i . . . 1SOO
Hogs . 2,000
Horses. . . . , . . . 20
Prevailing Prlocq.
The following l atablo of prices paid In
this market for the gr.idos of stock men
tioned :
Primostcers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . (3.75 4.10
Good steers , 1230 to 1450 Ibi. . . 3.70 ( < 4.X ( )
Uood steers. 1050 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.50 ( :3.K : ( )
Ordinary to fair cows . l.UO < > (2.40
Fair to good cows . 2.40 ( ( M.GO
'Ooodto cholco cows . 2.00 ( < f2.SO
Choice to fancy cows , bclfcrs . . 2.80 ® : t. 15
Fair to good bulls . 2.00 0(2.50
Good to cholco bulls . 2.50 OJ53.00
Light stockers and feeders. . . . 2.70 ( < r 3.00
Good feeders , 050 to 1100 Ibs. . 2..K ) M3.20
Fair to choice light hogs . 4.40 & 4.47
Fair to choice heavy hogs . 4.40
Fjiif to choice mixed hogs . 4.40
Fair to medium native sheep. . 4,00 @ 4. :
Good to choice native slieop. . . 4.53 M4.1X )
Fair to choice western sheep , . 4.0J 031.85
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . . . . . . . 1210 $3.23 31 .1201 $3.70
13 1000 n.33 CO .HXV5 3.70
013 3.40 .40 ,12sO 3.70
3.40 20 .1270 3.70
3.45 20 .1281 3.70
.1034 3.50 17 13l
4 .1110 3 50 ,1234 3.75
10 .1057 3.50 10 ,12 ! ) I 3.75
20 JUKI 3.65 IS ,1234 3.75
17 .1238 3.00 0 .1212 3.75
10 .1072 3.00 33 .1319 3.77
21 , i)13 : ) 3.02J ( ' 117 .1S35 3.80
10 .1213 3.05 102. . .1300 3.SO
.1000 3.05 17. . .1402 3.S.K )
.1217 3.70 17. . .1374 4.00
15. .1298 3.70
1. . 5)80 ) 1.70 o 1020 2,50
1. . 040 1.75 10..t. . . . 11U9 2.50
4. . 872 1.75 C ,1170 , 2.00
1. .11(10 ( 2.00 0 ,1047 2.00
S3. -.1125 2.00 1 ,1050 2.05
10. .1023 2.00 r , ,1000 2.05
. 747 2.00 o , 075 2.05
. 790 2.00 18 ,1043 , 2.05
1 .1290 2.00 10 ,1200 , 2.80
12 . 930 2.15 10 , lei 2.80
3 . DM 2.25 3 . 930 2.S5
8 . 750 2,25 0 ,1130 , 2.85
3 .1037 Sjs7a ! 11 .1101 2.90
1 .1070 2.25 1 ,1036 3.90
8 .1090 2.25 .1000 3.00
1 .1020 2.25 .1230 3.00
1 .1020 2.50 .1390 3.40
1 .1420 2.00 2. , .1570 3.50
2 .1570 2.15 1. , .15SO 3.00
1 .1350 2.35 1. .1140 2.70
1 .1010 2.40 1. .1400 2.75
. C95 3.10 S3. , .1130 3.10
. 110 3.00 1. . 110 3.50
. COO 1.00
102 IMG I1.GO
3 550 2.50
No. Av. Shit. Pr. No. Av. Shit. Pr.
09. . . .244 SO 51.35 ( M. . .2S8 J4.45
59. . . .275 100 4.40 57. . .323 40 4.15
70. . . .213 SO 4.40 CO. . .294 200 4.45
17. . . .247 SO 4.40 01. . .213 4.43
09. . . .172 240 4.40 01. . .251 4.45
. .240 SO 1.40 03. . . ,243 100 4.45
OOi ! . .271 320 4.40 04. . , .204 200 4.45
03. . 225 80 4.40 03. . .291 4.45
" " 4.40 57. . . .330 120 4.45
so" . 239 200 4.40 OS. . , .200 280 4.45
50. . . .285 4.45 03. . .232 80 4.45
W. . .247 40 4.45 04. . .233 80 4.45
" O.1O SO 4.43 70. . . .251 80 4.45
202 200 4.45 140. . .249 bO 4.45
59. , . .230 4.45 03. . .25.1 120 4.43
73..218 120 4.45 03..250 4.47K
Live Stuck Note * .
Cattle slow.
Hog market active.
Cattle c'osed ' lOc lower.
Hogs a strong lOc higher.
No sheep to make a market.
The hogs were all sold early.
.T. H. Grimm , of Wilbur , was on the mar
ket with cattle and hogs. His hogs brought
$447Jtho top price paid to-day.
Indianapolis reported 3,000 hogs received
tolnv ; Cincinnati , 1,200 ; St. Joseph , 550 , nnd
Lincoln the same number.
N. P. Richman , of the firm of Palmer ,
Riehmau & Co. , was at tl > o yards to-day.
Product * , Kruitfl , Kto.
BrTinn Table dairy , 10jJ18o ( ; packers'
stock , S@llc. Creamery prints , fancy , 24@
2tie ; choice , 20@22c ; solid packed , 20W3'Jc. (
Efios Strictly fresh , 010c.
CiiiiESU-Younc America , full cream , 13c ;
twin flats , I2o : off grades , S@10o ; Van Ros-
som Edom , 11050c ? ; sap sago , Iflc ; brick , 15o ;
llmburgcr , 12c ; domestic Swiss , lie ; skims ,
4@0o ; cheese safes , bronze medal , No. 8 ,
POUI.THY Live hens per do , $3.2V33.50 ;
roosters , $3.00@3.25 ; turkeys , 10llc ( per Ib.
Ai'i'l.ES Uenitems , per bbl , $2.50 ; Wino-
sops , por-bbl , $2.75 ; N. Y. Baldwins , per bbl ,
$2.75@3.0l ) .
CKANiiEiiiiins Boll and Bugle , per bbl ,
$7.00 ; Hell and Cherry , per bbl , $ O.CO ; Jer
sey , per bushel box , $2.50.
Smuviir.iiKiES Per case , 21 qts , $0.00@
OitAXOES Fancy Washington navels , $5.00
< g'5.25 ' ; Riverside , $3.00(33.25 ( ; fancy paper
rind St. Michaels , $ U.75ffi4.25 ( ; fancy Duarte
Mediterranean sweets , $2.75(713.25 ( ; fancy
bright mountains , $2.25032.75 ; Los Angeles
( choice ) , $2.23@2.50.
LiMOXSChoicei $3.23@3.GO ; fancy , $3.75
63)4.00. )
COCOANUTS Choice Ruatans , per 100 , $4.50 ;
less than 100 , $5.00.
HANANAS According to size of bunch , $2.00
@ 3.00.
EAIII.Y VEGKTAIU.ES- Lettuce , per dozen
heads , ! 5503'40o ; radishes , per doz bunches , 80
( i 35c ; green onions , 15@'iOc ; parsley , 25@
UOc ; soup bunches , ii5i < ; 40c ; boots , 55@00u ;
carrots , 50@35c ; turnip ! ) , 50@55o ; oyster
plant , 30@35e ; calory , 5uft$1.00 ( ; cauliflower ,
$1.75 ( 2,25 ; cucumbers , 85c ( < $ $1.00 ; green
peas , bu boxes , $3.002.25 ; string beans , K
bu box , $1.50@1.75 ; tomatoes , J bu , $ l.75@
2.00 ; asparagus ; per Ib , 10@12c ; pieplant ,
porlb , @ 5u ; new potatoes , per Ib , 2 @ 3o ;
cabbage , 2 } @ 3c.
FUKSII FISH White flsh , frozen , per Ib ,
7u ; herrings , frozen , per Ib , 5o ; trout , fresh
caught , per Ib , Oc ; white perch , fresh
cuugbt ; tier Ib , 7c ; buffalo , fresh caught , per
Ib , 7o ; pickerel , fresh caught , per Ib , 8c ;
black bass , fresh c.i'.ight , per Ib , lie.
GAMK Jack snlpo , $1.00@1.25 ; plover ,
75c@4l.00 ; mallard ducks , $2.5003.00 ; teal ,
$ J.OUii5l.33 , mixed , * 1.00@1.25.
HBANS Cholco hand picked navy , $2.2 ;
choice hand picked medium , $3.00 ; choice
hand picked country , $1.76@1.90 ; clean coun
try , $ l,50@l,03.
POTATOES Choice , sacked , t > or bu , 25c30.
Oxio.vs Per bu , 23@30o.
VKAL Cholco , medium size , 7@8o ; choice ,
heavy , 4@0u.
HIIIEB , PKI-TS , TAJ.LOW , ETC. Grcon salted
hides , 5 > 4o ; dry raited hides , Oo ; dry Hint
hides , 8c ; calf hides , r > X < ao ; damaged hides
2u less ; slicep pelts , green , nach , 25@1.00 ;
sheep iielts , dry , per Ib , 9il2o ( ; wool , uver-
iiF ° i I4@18o ; tallow , No. 1 , 4@4Ko ; tallow.
No. 3 , 3K@o : grease , white. 4Xu'4 ( ? c ;
grease , yellow , SX@3o.
Ari-u : UUTTIIU 7c. lihU. * 3 ; hf bbls. $3.
HUTTUKISK 1405150 per Ib.
MAI-J.K Stiotii l2K ( 15o per Ib.
HOXBV 10@17o per To.
PuisKiiVEs-y : ! < CS10c ( per Ib.
JEI.I its -3 > fijJo per Ib.
( Groceries.
The sugar market inactive nnd fluctuating ,
and quotations are unreliable , except when
made on day ot sulo. Early vegetables are
cheapening daily ,
BAOS - - American A , seamless. $17,25
Union Square uupcr , dUcount , 85 per cent
Mikado Squnro paper , discount. 35 per cont.
HKAKS Dried Lima , bags 00 Ibs , per Ib , Oo ;
California navy , 00-lb bags , per bu , o : tno-
dluui , h p , per bu , 61.90 ,
CANNED I-'HUKS Apiiles , per gal $3.15 ;
blackberries , 3 Ib. 7Do ; blueberries , 3 Ib , 75c ;
blueberries , 3 Ib , $1.60 ; cherries , red , 3 Ib.
05c ; cherries , white , 3 Ib , $1.55 ; prca. llgs , i
, . , . , , . . . . . .
u .o v 13'lb
lb goosberi-ies
, * 3.UO ; - , , (1.10 ; pine
plea , 3 lb , | 2.75 ; piuo apples , a Ib , 12.60 ; pine
apples. 2 lb , $3.23 ; plno appW. 2 lb , $1.60 ?
strawberries , 3 lb , $1.15 ; strawberries tires. ,
21b.i.OO ; raspberries , 2 lb , iio ? ? syrup )
$1.2d : iienches , It , tc. It. extra yellow , 3 lb ,
$3.00 ; It. & K. yellow sucnr'cd , 3 lb. $3.00 ;
Kcnnctt Imperial yellow , 3 lb ? l.PO ; Grccht's
standard , 8 Ib , $1.75 ; Monitor seconds , 3 lb ,
$1.35 ; Atlantic , 3 lb. $1.30 ; . Booth's pies. 3
lb , $1.10 ; Credit's , 3 lb , $1.6 < ) ; Myers' , 0 lb ,
$ t.tH ) .
CANNED Fistt Brook trout , 3 lb , $2.50 ;
salmon trout. 2 lb , $2.33 ; clams , 1
lb , $1.25 ; clams , 3 lb. , 2.00 ; clam
Chowder , 3 lb , $2.25 ; devilled crabs , 1 lb ,
$2.25 ; devilled crabs , 3 lli , $3.50 ; 'codfish
balls , 2 lbS1.75 ; caviar , > f ID ; $3.25 ; cols , 1
lb , $3.25 : lobsters , 1 lb , $2.00 ; lobsters. 1 lb ,
$ UK ) ; lobsters devilled , * lb , $2.25 ; mack-
orcl , 1 lb , $1.00 ; mackerel Vntistard sauce , 3
lb , $2.90 ; mackerel tomato sauce , 3 lb , $2.90 :
mackerel tomato sauce , 3 lb' ? 3.40 ; mackerel
mustard sauce , 3 lb , $3.40 | oysters , 1 lb , S3c :
oysters , 3 lb , $1.50 ; salmon , C. It. , 1 lb , $2.10 :
salmon , C. R. , 2 lb. $3.10 ; salmon , Alaska , 1
lb , $1.85 ; salmon , Alaska.3 lb$3.90 ; shrimps ,
lib , $2.03.
CANDLES Star , Ss , 10 oz , per lb , 9c ; Star ,
8s , 14 oz , per lb , 9c ; Stcarlo , wax , 10 oz , Os ,
per lb , He ; Steurle , wax , 14 oz , Cs , per lb ,
Ho ; halt boxes , > /e extra.
CANDY 9HW1lie per lb.
CHOCOLATK AND COCOA 240j39c ? per lb.
Corrnn Roasted , etc. Arbucklo's Arlosa ,
1 lb packages , 24J.iC ; Dllworth's Standard ,
1 lb packages , 24 fc ; Mclaughlin's XXXX ,
1 lb packages , 2IJc ; Lion , 1 lb packages ,
21JS/C ; German , 1 lb packages. 2l } o ; Mo-
kaska , 1 lb packages , 24Jfc ; Tomsnn's es
sence in tins , per gross. $2.50 ; essence , in
bulk , half bbls , per lb , fie ; essence , 1 lb
papers , 50 Ibs In box , per lb , Cc ; Franck's
German ohlckory red , Se.
COFFEES Green Fancy old golden rlo ,
24c ; Fancy old peaberry. 23c ; Rlo , choice to
fancy , 22c ; Rlo , prime , 2le ; Rio , good , 20c ;
Mocha , 28c : Java , fancy Mandchllng , 27c ;
Java , good Interior , 24c.
CoitDAGK AND TwiNn Manilla rope , basis
\i \ In , 17c ; Sisal rope , 13J c ; Good's Now
I'roccss rope , 9 } < c ; cott/in rope. M , % nnd 14
in , lOo ; cotton twine , line 4-ply , Bibb , 22c ;
do medium , 20c ; do coarse , 18c : hemp twine ,
No. 108 * 22c ; flax twine , Nb. 18. 20c ; cotton
mops , 8 lb , per doz , $1,50 ; candlewick , 23c ;
sail twine , B , 3-ply. 22c.
CiiACKRiis AND CAKES fl.l4J318o per lb.
DHUGS ( Grocers' ) alum , 4o : borax , He ;
copperas , 2u ; Epsom salts , 3c ; Hour sulphur ,
4c ; salpotro , 9c.
DniEi ) FHUITS Per lb , apricots , 140"M7c.
Apples , Mich. , 4c " ; stars , Oc ; aldens , ( iJfGJ !
8c. Peaches , Cal. Y. , peeled , 17S20c ( ; fancy
unpnclcd , ll@13osun ; dried , 0 | < fc ; SaltLnko ,
Cc. 1'runes , Cal. R. C. , 7K(310 ( ! > c. Cur
rants , 5@7c. Turkish prunes , 4u. , Citron ,
peel , 23c. Lemon peel , 14c. Furd dates , lOc.
Figs , 9lOc. ( Rulslns , malaga bunch , dcho-
sas , $5.00 per box ; valonclas , per lb , 7c ; Cal.
G. & S. $2.40 per box. Dried grapes , fie.
Blackberries , 5Vc. Pitted cherries , 17c.
PiUed plums , 90illc. Itaspborries , 21c. Nec
tarines , 13@14o. Ginger , Jamaica , } { pts
$3.00 per doz.
foriim , 4J o ; peas , 3e : oatmeal , 5J
macaroni , lljtfc ; vermicelli , ll i'e ; rice ,
7c ; sago and taoioca , Gi7e. (
FISH Salt Dried codllsh , C @ 8 ; . e ; hali
u , c ; scae errng , o per ox ; a.
herring , dom , 50c ; Hamburg spiced herring ,
$1.00@1.10imp. : hol.horring,70cMS1.00mnck- ;
erel , hlf bbls , No. 1 , $13.50 ; largo family
$12.50 per 100 Ibs ; white fish , No. 1 , $7.25 ;
family , $3.50 ; trout , $5.25 ; salmon , $8.50 ;
anchovies , 10 lb pails , 80c.
Lrn $1.75(34.50. (
NUTS -Almonds , 10@1Sc ; Brazils. 9c ; fil
berts , 12o ; pecans , I3c ; walnuts , 18e ; pea
nuts cocks , Sc ; roasted , lOc.
On.s Kerosene PW.10c ; W W , 12'tfc ;
headlight , 13c ; salad oil- $2.85@7.00 uor
dozen. ,
PIOKI.ES Medium , per , bbl , $5.00 ; small ,
$0.00 ; gherkins , $7.00.
Wuu'i'ixn-P.u'Eii Straw , per lb. 1 % @
2 c ; rag , 3Kc ; manilln U , < lc ; No. 1. 9c.
SALT Dairv , 140 2-lb pkgs , S2.70 ; do 100
3-lbpkgs , $2.00do ; < W5-lb.pkgs , $2.50 ; do 28
10-lb pkgs , $2.40 ; do Warsaw , 50 lb bags ,
Ashtou , bu hues , 50 lb , 85o : do 4 bu bags ,
224-lb , $3.40 : do M S A , 50-lb bags , 55'c ;
SEEDS Bird , 4 } < f@0c.
SALSODA l < @ 2 c uer'lb.
STAIIGH 5.fu)7e ( ) per lb. /
STOVK POLISH $ 'J.OO@5.87 per gross.
SPICES Whole , per lb Allspice , 12c ;
Cassia China , lOc ; cloves , Zanzibar , 25c ;
nutmegs , No. 1 , 70c ; pepper , 20e.
SUGAHS Granulated , 9@9J.fc ; confection ,
; A , D , standard , extra C , 8) < SSXc ; yellow
C , 7 , ' < c ; powdered , 9 @lO > c ; cut loaf , lO c ;
cubes , lOc. '
Sviturs Per gal , 27@40c ; N. O. m ;
hisses , 35@4Sc.
VlNEGAK Per gal , 13@20c. _ _
Dry Goods.
COTTON FANNELS 10 per cent trade dis
count. Unbleached LL , 5 } c ; CC , OJi'c ; SS ,
7Jic ; EB , 8 > 4'c ; GG. 9 'o : XX , lOKc ; OO ,
ll c ; NN , 12Kc ; AA. 14e ; DD , IS c ; TT ,
IC c ; YY , 18c ; BB , 19e ; bleached , 20 , 8J < fc ;
80 , 13J c. Brown and slate , 50 , 9c ; CO , 12 > c ;
90 , lOc ; 70 , 12 > c.
CAIII-ET WAIIP Bibb , white , 19c ; colored ,
BATTS Standard , 8cc ; Gem , 10 ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , $0.50.
PiiiNTS Solid colors Atlantic. Gc ; Slate ,
Ce ; Berlin oil , 0 } c ; Garner oil. 0@7c.
PIIINTS Pink and Robes Allen , Oc ; River
point , 5 0' Steel River , 0 } c ; Richmond ,
OKc ; Pacific , 7c.
PKINTS Dress Charter Oak. 5fc | ; Ram-
npo , 4c ; Lodi , 5) c ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond. Oo ;
Windsor , C c ; Eddystone , OKo ; Pacilic ,
PJIINTS Indigo Blue St. Ledger ,
Arnold , OJ c ; American , GJffc ; Arnold C ,
long cloth , 'Jo ; Arnold B , long cloth , 10 ] < fc ;
Arnold , Gold Seal , 10i < fc ; Stoifol A. 12o ;
Windsor , Gold Ticket , llHc ; Arnold A , 12c.
GINIIHAM Plunket checks , OKc ; Whitten-
ton , OJ-ic ; York , l4c ; Normandl dress ,
Rdnfrew dress , S @l' c ; Whittenton ,
Calcutta , 7f/c. , "
CAMIIP.ICS Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5o ; Stand
ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5u.
Housekeeper , S c : Now Candidate , 8)40 ) ;
Berkeley cambriu , No. 00 , 91 o ; Best Yet ,
44 , CJ c ; Buttornloth , OO , 4 , ' c ; Cabot , 7 o ;
Fnrwell , half bleached , 8X0 ; Fruit of Loom ,
8c ; Green G , Co ; Hope , 7Ko ; King Phillip
cambric , lOc : Lonsdalo cambric , ] 0o ; Lons-
dale , 8 } < fo ; Now York Mills , lOc ; Pcpperell ,
42-in , lOjiJe : Pepperoll , , 40-in , ll c ; Pepper-
ell. 0-4 , 14J4c ; peppo ell , 8-4 , 20c ; Popperell ,
0-4. 22e ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 24c ; Canton , 4-4 ,
8J/o Canton 4-4 9jifo Oc Wain-
; , - , ; Triumph , ; -
sutta. He ; Valley , 5 < ; .
HHOWN SHEETING Atlantic A , t t , 7 e ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c : Atlantic , D. 4-4. O o ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4Jio ! ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , 0c ; Hoosicr
LL , 4-4 , Co ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 o ; Law
rence , - , o ; omnon. - , c ;
PopDorcll E , 40-ln. 7 0 ! Pepporeil , 8-4 , 17o :
Popperell , 9-4 , 21c ; Pcpperell , 10-4 , 32c ;
Utlca C , 4-4 , 4c ; Wachusett , 4 4 , 7tfc ;
Aurora R , 4-4. 7o , Aurora B , 4-4 , 6c.
FLANNELS , PLAID Ruffsmon , 30c ; Ooslicu
Clear Luke , ( % ; Iron Mountain ,
FUNNELS , WHITE-Q H No 2 , % , 22UC ;
G H No. 1 , * ( , 20K" : B H No. 2 , 22 0 ! B H
No. l , } f , 30c ; Quecheo , No. 1 , % , 42c ; Quo-
cheo No. 2 , J37ic ; Quecheo No.3 , % , 32 ] c ;
Anuwan , 32 c ; Windsor , 22 c.
FLANNELS , -Cei-lncli. . 15 > < rc : E , 24-
moli. 21Uu ; CJ G , 24-Inch , 20c ; H A F , ; ,
25c , J IIF % 27c ; G , , ? J5c.
COUSKT JEANS AndroscoRgln , 7Jfc ; Kear-
sage , 7Jfo ; Roekport , 0fc ; Conestogu , 0 > c ,
TICKS Oakland , Ai/.7Kc ; International ,
YY , So ; Shotuekot , S , tfj o ; Warren , No. 870 ,
lOo ; Berwick , BA , 18oiAcme , 13o ; York , 80.
inch , 12) 0 ; York , 32-Inch , 13 > 8'o : Swift
River , 80 ; Thorndlke OO , 8 0 ; Thorndlko
EF. SJfc ; Thorndlko 120 , 9K" : Tnornulko
XX , 15o ; Cord Is No. 5 , 9 c ; Cordls No. 4 ,
DHNIMSAmoskeag ! ) -oz , 10 } < o ; Everett. 7
ox , 13Uo ; York , 7oz , IfKu ; Haymaker , Sl c ;
Jaffroy , XX , HWo ; Vuffrey , XXX , 12Ko |
Beaver Creek , AA , 12o ; Beaver Creek , BB ,
Ho ; Beaver Crook , CC , } 0c.
KKKTUCKV JKANS Memorial , 16o ; Dakota ,
18c ; Durham , 27Kc ; Hercules , 18o ; Loam-
Ington , 22J < o ; Cotts\Vold , 27)io ) ; Melville
25o. -
CIUSH Stevens' B , 5J o ; Stovons' B ,
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7c ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , 8e ; Stevens' P , 7' o ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , 85/o ; Stevens' N , SV u ; Stevens
N , bleached , 0 > fo ; Slovens' BUT , lle.
DUCK West Point , 29-Inch , 8 oz , lOJfo ;
do , 10 oz , 12 > < c ; do , 1'Joz , 15o ; do , 40-inch , 11
oz , lOc. _
BLOCK TIN Eng. Ref 'g , small pig , 23o
bar , 29o.
Coi'i'EK Planished 'boiler sizes , 32o ; cold
rolled , 30o ; shpathliig , 80o ; pitts , 30o ; flats ,
cent discount. '
PATENT PLANIBHED Inox No. 24 to 27 , A
quality , per lb. 10) o ; No. 24 to 27 , B quality ,
OKo. For less than bundle add Uc per lb.
Itooma ( Best Charcoal. ) IO , 14x20 , 113
sheets. $5.75 ; IX , 14x80 , 112 shoots , J7.09 ; 1C.
20x27 , 112 sheets , fll.OOj IX , 20x28 , 113
sheet ? , $13.50.
SHEET IUOM No. 2J ( , $3.40 ; No. 27 , $3.50.
SoMJ 'i Iloyl Metal Co' half uud balf la
1 lb cases , per lb , IGc ; commercial half and
half , 15c ; No I In bars , 1 Ic. '
TIN I'LATE-most Chnrcoal1C ) , 10x14 ,
MS sheets , $0.60) ) IX , 10\14. 325 sheets. $3.23 ;
1C , 12x12 , 223 sheets , $0.50 ; IX , 12x12 , 225
sheets , $18.20 ; IX. 2x28 , 13 shceti , $17 ; 1XX ,
2x28,112 sheets , $20.50.
COKE 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets , $0 ; 1C , 14x3 ,
112 sheets , $0 ; 1C , 10x2 , 225 sheets , $9.50 ;
steel nails , $ J20 ; ; steel wire nails , $3.03.
Drug * nnil CliRinlcnln.
ACID Sulphuric , per lb. Be ; citric , per lb ,
OOc ; oxallc'pcr lb , 13c ? tnrtarlc , powdered ,
per Ib , 50c.
ALUM Per lb , 3fc. }
AMMONIA Carbonate , per lb. 15c.
AniiowiiooT Bermuda , per lu , 40c.
BALSAM Copaiba , per lb , (5Sc. (
BOUAX Refined , per lb , 12c.
CALOMEL Am. , per lb , 82o.
CASSIA BfD3 Per Ib , ISo.
CiiLotioronM Per lb , 47c.
COHIIOSIVK Suni.iMATn Per lb , 720.
CIIRAM TAHTAH Pure , per lb , 42e.
EXTIIACT LOOWOOD Bulk , per lb , lOc.
GLYCKitisr. Bulk , per lb. 28c.
GUM AIIAIIIC Sclcctpcr lb , $1.00 ; assafoc-
ttda. per lb , ISc ; campliorper lb , 3Sc ; opium ,
) > cr lb , $3.25.
IODINE Rcsubllmatcd , per oz , $3.SO.
LKAVES Buchu , short , per lb , 15o ; sotinn ,
Alo.Xt per lb , 33c.
OILS Linseed , raw , 5r > c ; linseed , boiled ,
59u ; castor , per pal , $1.20 ; Borgamnt , San
derson's , per lb , $3.15 ; lemon , tinndersoii's ,
per Ib , $2.23 ; peppermint , per lb , $3.50 ; win-
tcrgrnon , per lb , $2.25 ; olive , Malaga , per
gal , $1.15.
POTASS Bromide , per lb , 44o ; iodide , per
lb , $3.00.
QCINIA Sulph. , per oz. 50c.
SIIDS : : Canary , per lb , 4'-i'@ne ' ; Castile ,
mottled , per lb , SjlUo ( ; Castile , white , per
lb , 1315c.
SrntiTS NITIIE Sweet , per lb , 35c.
STUVCIINIA Crystals , perez , $1.10.
SuLi'ii. CINCHONA Per oz , ISc.
\VAS-Whlte , per. lb , 55@l,3 ( . ' .
luiinbcr ninicnsloii mill Timber.
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4 $15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 19.00 20.00
2x0 $15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.01) ) 19.00 20.00
2x8 $15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 19.00 20.00
2x10. . . . $15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 19.00 20.00
2x13.$15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 19.0020.00
4x4 SxS.$10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft ,
rough , $10.00@10.50 ; No. 1 , 4'and 0 inch , 10
ft , rough , S17.0017.50 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch ,
12 ana 14 ft , rough , $13.50@14.H ( ) ; No. 2 , 4
nnd 0 inch , 10 ft , rough , 1G.OO10.00.
FINISHING First and 3d clear , 1 } inch b
3 s , f49.00@5l.00 ; 1st nnd 3d. clear , \ \ < nnd 2
inch , s 3 s , $47.00@50.00 ; 3d , clear. 1i 1 \ inch , s
3 s , 43.00Qt40.00 ; 3d. clear. 1 } and 3 Inch , s 3
a , -i.f.uu , on , iivui , i iutii , o M , < f o.w , ji. DU-
leet. 1 inch , s 3 s , $34.00 ; B select , 1 inch , s 3
s , $31.00.
FLOORING 1st com. 0 inch white pine ,
$34,00 ; 3d com. 0 inch white pine , $31.00 : 3d
rom. 0 inch white pine , $20.00 ; D , G Inch
white pine , $20.00 ; com. 4 and 0 in. yellow
pine , $15.00 ; star , 4 in. yellow pine , $18.00 ;
1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4 and G inch ,
Poi'LAn LUMIIEU Clear poplar box bds , %
in , s 2s , $35-00 ; clear poplar , % in panel ,
$30.00 ; clour poplar , % in panel , $35.00 ; clear
poplar , J In panel , stock wide , s 2s , $28.00 ;
clear"poplar corrugated ceiling , J , $30.00.
POSTS Wliito cedar , 0 in , halves , 12e ;
white clear , 5 } in , halves aud S in quarters ,
He ; white clear , 4 jn round , lOc ; Tennessee
red cedar , split , lOc ; split oak , ( white ) So ;
sawed oak , lOc.
SHINGLES , LATH Pin : M XX clear , $3.20 ;
extraA * . $3.80 ; standard A , $2.00 ; 5 inch ,
clear , $1.00@$1.70 ; 0 inch , clear , ? 1.75fi$1.80 ( ;
No. 1 , $1.10011.15 ; California red wood , di
mensions widths , $1.50 ; cypress , clear heart ,
$3,40 ; lath , $2.50.
Sim1 LAP No 1 , plain , Sand ISinch$17.55 :
No 2 , plain , S and 10 inch , $15.50 ; No 1 , O G ,
SIDING First com and 10 feet , $22.00 : 3d
com and 10 feet , $19.00 ; 3d coin nnd 10 feet ,
$15.00 ; fence com and lO.fect , $13.00.
STOCK BOAHPS A 12 inch s 1 s2 ! , 14 and
10 feet , $40.00 ; B 12 inch s Is 12. 14 and 10
feet , $41.00 : C 12 inch sis 12 , 14 and 10 feet ,
$30.00 ; D 12 inch s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 feet ,
$23.00 ; No. 1 com 12 in si s 12 feet , $18.00 ;
No. 1 com 12 in s 1 s 14 nnd 10 feet , $17.50 ®
18.50 ; No. 1 com 12 in s 1 s 11) ) . IS and 20 feet ,
$19.50 ; No. 2 com 12 in s 1 s 14 und 10 feet ,
white pine partition , $32 ; 2nd , oem Jf in
white pine partition , $27 ; clear % in yellow
pine ceiling , $20 ; clear % in Norway , $14.50 ;
2nd com , % in Norway , $13.
BOAIIDS No 1 com s 1 s 12. II and 10 ft ,
$19 ; No 2 com 11 s 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft , $10.50 ;
No 8 com s 1 s 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft , $14.50 ; No 4
com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft. ( shinping cull ) ,
$15. Add 50 cents per M ft lor rough.
halts , 2Ji-nch ! , OOc ; O G halts , > . , x3 , S1S,35 < > ;
3-in well tubing , D & M nnd bev$22 pickets ,
D & II Hat , $20 ; picltots. D & II square , $19.
LIMC , ETC. Quincy white lime , Dest , 90c ;
English and German Portland cement , $3.50 ;
Milwaukee aud Louisville , $1.30 : Michigan
nnd Fort Dodge plaslor , $2.25 ; Blue Rapid
plasler , $1.95 ; hair , 20c ; sash , 00 and 10 per
cent dis. ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50 per
centdis. ; tarred felt , per cwt. , $2.00 ; straw
board , $1.05.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
305 South litth SI reel , Omaliu
Are the Best ,
Durability , Evenness ot
Point ; , and Workmanship.
8 mi > lo8 for trUl of 12 itlllerent Rtylpa by
roccli'tof 1(1 ci'im lu eUiiiM. | A k for cord H
, BLHKEM4H & CO , , "fiJ
! .v-"jSffifl
feet * of youthful IT-
. , fB fKi ror .rrly Uw * y. *
inniiiiiKMj , fte. I win btiiUit titlufcMe ( rt-atln * ( M-Kivd )
i-oiitaliilnK Cull piirtlculaii fur liomo curr , tttv ot
ctmruo , XilUrtu.
PHOF. F O. FOV/LERi MooUue , Oonn. ,
? ntl Shoos.
L , JOKES iCoO. ,
Bucrc > on lo Iteel , Jones A Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of BaotsS Shoes
Agents for Hoslon Itubbpr Shoe Co , tllB. 1101 and I1M
Ilarnojr Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
ST01M A ILElt ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1B1 North KUlilccilh , trcet. Omaha , N .
Manu'acturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window-earn and mctallc ftkjllghta. .lohn Krcnoter ,
proprietor. IMand lluhoulli 10th tie t.
Offlco Fixtures
' "
Manufacturers ot
BM , Office and Saloon Hilorcs ,
l ntlei. Kldnboimld. Honk CI\M > I , limn Mxturon.Wail
Omen. Partition * , llnlllnc" , Coilntom , llccr ntul Wins
Coolem. Mirrors , KlcKartorj mill onlcc , 1750 nncl 1731
South Utli Bt. , Omalia. Telephone 1134.
Pnpor Boxco.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
No * , niikdd HID Douglas Urocl , nmnbH , Nob.
Snati , Doora.Jitc.
" '
jir. A.i'snnonr A co. ,
\V'liol . ' lo mannfacttitcn ot
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch 'ifOcc , llb nnd Itnrd street Omaha , Nob.
Manufsctnrers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , slnlr-nork and Interior hart ) wooil finish.
N. 15. corner 8lh and M-arpiiwrrthstroctf ,
Uniulia , Neb.
Stoom Flttlngs , Pumps , Etc.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Bteam , water , rnlhvni and mltihii ; mippllet , eto.
IvO. 1 nnil SC ( Karimm utrcet , Oinalm.
Steam and Wale.1 Supplies ,
wind ratlin. ' . ' 13 nnd 12J Jones St. , Omaha.
li. K. Hots , acting Ainniiger.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Blivet-lron work , ( team iniruj > . , inw mills. 1SI3-121J
I.cnvcnwortli street , Omalm.
Iron Works.
Carter & Son , Prop's. Mamirnctnrcrn of all kinds
Steaiu Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron Work
Works Boutli SOtli and 11. &M.croslaz.
Wrought and Cast Iron Bui ding Work ,
Engine * , lira * ' work , Ronernl foundry , marlilno and
blQCXsr.illli mirk. Ulllcu nnd works , U. I' . Kjr.
nnd ITtli Mruet , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk mils , window Ritnrds. flower stnnd * . wire slKns.
etc. m North lUb Direct , Omaba.
Maaf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Projf Sales ,
* iultN jnll nork. Iron RhuttoM and flro CBCRI
11. Andrecn , prup'r. Cor. lUh nnd Jackson Bis.
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Uoutc from Omaha and Council
lllufTs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. 1'uul , Minneapolis , Cedar Itnphls ,
Itock Islimd. I'recporl , KocUfonl ,
Clinton , lnlHi ) < iiic , Davenport ,
Elgin , M.idlson , Jnncsiillc ,
IteloltVinoiiii , L.a Crossc ,
And all olbcr linporlnnt points East , NortlicuBtnnd
For tiirouzh llckrla , call on the ticket nzent nt l.Vll
Karimm atreut , la llarkur llloc'i , or nt Uulon 1'ncllto
I'tillmun Sloepurs and tlio finest DlnlnK Cars In tlto
world are run on tlie nuln line nt tin ; ClilciiKo , Mil-
WHUkce A t. l' ul liHllwnj. nnd every ntli'iitlon 19
[ ialu to pauscnAQrA by couiluuus employe * of the
It. Ml I.I.Kit , llcnorn ! SlnntiKcr.
J. I1' . TUCKHK. ABilMmit ( lunornl Rcr.
A. V. U UAlll'KNTKU , Clunural 1'nssortor ana
Tlcfcet Auont.
( ! Ki ) . B. IIISAFFOHt ) , AssIiUnt
and Ticket Axent.
T.J.CLAUK , General Superintendent.
UNION 1'AOIKIO. I.eavo Arrlvn
Depot lUth aud Mnrcy sts. Omaha. . Omnlm.
1'nclllc KxproBS : fi'i p m 7:1' ' ) u m
Cheyoimo KxprrsN 1:85 : p m 1UM : p m
Denver Kxpress KUJ ) : u m : J:45 : p m
Kaunas City , Lincoln &
llcatrici ! Kxpress ri:0'i : a m 11 20 p m
I'upllllou 1'as.songi'r 50 ; p m 7:10 a m
All ubovo tralna diitly.
C. , ST. I' . . M. A 0. Arrive L/tmvo
jOopot 18th& WubsturMts. Omaha.
' .Sioux City Express. , 1:00 : p m 1:03 pro
* UinersonAccommodat'n ilK : : ) ii m 6:15 : pin
Oakland Accummod'n. . r : o > p m Kri a ra
St. Paul Umltuil . '
HM.'i a m 7lXj p IH
Klorcnee 7.r > a m : in u ra
I'lorencf (1:30 ( : p ml [ , } ] p m
+ Klorunco lnio ; : a m' ' un ; u m
+ KliireDco Viumontiw 1:30 : p in. 1:00 p ni
Dally Kxcent Sunday.
tSundny only.
C ! . & N.-W. It. 11. Leave Arrive
Depot 10th mm Marcy sts , Omuha. Oniului.
No. 0 0:18 a m
No , "t " Vustlmtlo ' 1:45 : p m
No. < iliilly except ftat'dy 0:15 : p in
No.'i ' Dally uxccpt.Moud'y 10:0) : n m
No. 7 , Vestlljule 10:01 : a m
No.5 7:05 : p mId
Depot 10th antl Mason ts.
Chicago Vestlbiile Ux. in 'JM n in
in C'i5 ; p in
in | H:5' : ) u m
Denver V ntlljulo Kx. . . Id : ! ; iii6 p in
l.lm-oln .V ( 'oucordU I.o'l UD : ) p 111
Colorudo Mail . w :4' : ' ) n m
KrtnrtaH City Kxprni.i. . . , iil'i a in
Knnsns City Ilxprusi. . . . na : ) p m
'KxctiptSaiuriUy. . Monday.
F. , K. * M. V. H. 11. I. ! IVO I
Dnpot Itltli .V Webxtor ts. O raali a. |
( i00 ; a m
> Noi folk I'maoiiKer. . . . . . 6:15 : p in 10:15 : a in
M1SBOUUI I'ACIFIC. I.envo Aritve
Depot Hitli & Wobsterstn. Omaha , Oumlia
Day ICipress W-.Vi a m
Nik-lit l.xprei : , 8M : p m
0. . ST. I'AVl , . l.e.iva Arrl/o
Depot loth and Maruy Ht Omnlm. Omalm.
No. . Ciifi a m
No. 4 , CM5 p m
No.l. , 7l'j : a
No. U. 7U5 p
R. . li. I. ft P. ArrlT *
Depot Muencl > l roy etj. Omaliu. Oiaabk.
Je.i ) Molnen Arxomnioti'u 5f : a m C:3a : p m
Atlantic Kxpresi 9:15 : a m 6:30 : p iq
Fnat Vostlbulca Kx press 4.15 p m VM a m
Nlfftit , ) ! i * 615 p in * 9uo , a
BIOIJX CITV& I'Al.'IKli : J-oavo
Depot r > tb ar.d Webster , Oiuulm , OmaUn.
Bt. Paul Einreaa
WAIIA8I1 WKSTEUN. l.e v Arrive
Depot lUth ana Marcy 8t . Omalia. Omaha ,
. L. Kxplay . _ 4 :15 pmlJ _ 'U )
miccefisfully uted nioutlily by our 1UOCO
" \raSafc.tytttualami { 'Umant
. -rl > ox tjyiuall.orat ilrug Utu. Utrteil
J'firtfculttn 3 ro u tfo itampi. AtUresa
Tuu Kanuu CiitiKiUi Oo l > raiiT , ilic&
For sale und by mull by Goodman Dru
Company , Omulin ,
ABrlouMurnl Implements.
PAllKKtt ,
Dcalcrli Agricnllnial Implements , Wagons
. Jnnp * t\rct \ , batnecn 9th ana
lUHiOm ha. elr < a.
it MvlLV CO. .
Agricult1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages
c. WhnlrrMp. OmnliK , Nebraska.
\Vbolf9nlo Dealers la *
Agricultural Implements , Wagoas&Bnggies
W1WI01 ! i\nIP07Jonc Uroet , Omnhn.
MOL1NE , MIl.miN A S'lODVA 1W CO. ,
Munufaclurors unit Jobber * In
Wagons , Buggies , Rate , Flows Etc , I
Cor. Mil and 1'aclflc tlrceU , Omnha.
A rt I a to * M n torlln .
SI'M , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , '
U13 DouRlns iilrcct Omnlia , Nebraska.
_ Bootn nmlJJhooB. _
' j
Ti Tr. Mons fik ra ,
Mers of Boots end Sbocs ,
1101 , 1101 , 1UU DoiiKlnn ftrool , ( Inmlin. MnnufactorT.
jjiimmor Hicot. Huston.
Conl , Coke nnd Llmo.
Jofc of Hard andSoft Coal ,
'i ! 3Hi Hired , Omaha , Nobraaka.
SliiptfsofCoaladCoIte ,
211 Soutli 13th Bt.OmMm , Xcb.
Commlaalon nnd Storngo.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
SpccUltlcB lliutor , cceit , cbooio , ronltrr , game *
111:1 : uroot. Dnnilin. Xcb.
Dry Goods nnri Notions.
.U. K. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Puriiisiiing Goods and Notions
1102 and 1101 Douglm. cor. lllli street , Omnlia. N b.
KlLPA'fniCk-KOCll DliY GOODS CO. ,
Importers and Jokers in Dry Goods.Notions .
Ctnts' furnltblnit Knod * . Corner Illb and Ilbrnar
treotii , Oumlin , Nubraska.
Importer * nnd jobber * of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
817 Boutli IMli street.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
Knrimn Mreul , OmKlm. Xebmaka.
Furniture ,
Cnmbn Nobrnila.
Wliolosale Groceries and Provisions.
705,707 , Ttfl mid 711 Soulli lOlli U , Omulm , Nob.
McVOIiD , UKAmCO. . ,
Wholesale Grocers'
13th nnfl irfnvciiworth tlreot' , Omnlin , Nebraska.
Heavy Hardvwe , Iron and Steel ,
, VTBROII etork. hnrdvrnrc , Itunbcr , cto. 12(71 (
anil lilt llnrnoy atrcul , Oumlia.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , Miont Iron. etc. Acontn for Hnwo ecalei.
Miami I'Oivilcr nul : I.ymnn barbed wire ,
Build rs ! Halware and Scale Repair Sliopi
IJecliunlcs' tooU nnd lt ITilo nrnlcn. 1105 UouclM
Htrut'f . Oinuliti. Nob.
- - -
a. otA co. ,
Jobber * ot
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , - ,
EOUM lurnliblnv KOO.I , clilldrcn's carrlancii S4b
2IUJ Feniaiu itioet. OumhaJ < oc. I
_ _ ' Oils. _ _ _
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
eaie , etc. . Omalm. A. 11. lllaliop. Manager.
Papor. _
PAPEll CO. ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry n nice Block of printing , wrupplrii ! nnd wrltlnf
paper , tiiiecittl aitcntlun xlvou tu car load onion.
Lumnor. _ _
" "
Wholesale Lumber , Etc , -
layorUxl and American I'ortland cement. 8tJl
ajtnt fcr MUrrnuki-o liydruiilloocaicnt ana I
Qulnuy vtliito llnio.
" '
CJf.-lS It. LEE , :
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood carnoli und puniuel Moorlnz. Htli and IMualai
tructa , Umnba , X b. ,
All Kinds of Boilfling Material at Wholesale ,
Hlli Street und Union I'aclllcTraclt.Umaba ,
Dealer in Lumber , Latli-Lime , , Sasb ,
( Joora , Klc , YardH-nornoi Till nnd Douglm. Corner
1'Jth and
Lumber , Linib1 Cement , Etc , , Etc.
Corner Ctb and Jou ln His. , Omaha.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
Hill and California Htreott , Omaha , Nobraika.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
208 , 211) ) and 212 Bontli lltli itrcot.
Wholesale Notions and Fnrnisliing Gooils,1
( Ul and VX Bontli lOlli mrcct , Omulia.
Live Stock Commission Mercjiants ,
Offioo-lloora'iOH | > ojlo | KicliBiiKa Ilitlldlnt ; , Unlam
Htuck Vardt , Houlli uinulm , Nub.
OfOmana , Limited ,
( John r. llr.jr ) , Fupcrlntcndeot.
hU-nmiT L'lmhi , IIii ) ; < , I in c lll l < T ( i ( Cri"lll ,
l' uuiit | , ( liilcln litmVt , , IloU'l Cou-
tit'n Aftury , aC-J ku. : inrk M , . C'HIUAGO.
Wfif > > nn nni i rr r
KXAMI.NATlliNi ) lor adiulmlon In VACHAU COIi
I.lXIKwIll t > u holil In II 1 > clljr during tlivi Urit woalc
cf Juno. Api'llcutil , for eiuiulifitlci , idould nolU
i'r i lOfr.t fcvH'U MAY I'.lti.