THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATUBDA * * APKIL 27. 1889 IOWA COAL RATES REDUCED The Railroad Gommisslonors Rovlao tbo Old Scboclulo. SCARLET FPVER AT ROCKFORD. Bnlc of the Ici Molncfl Street Hall way to a Cincinnati Syndicate HaWkcyo Crimes and I CnminltlcH. Ilcvlslnc tlio Con I HrUos. Dr.3 Moi.vr.s , la. , April 20. ( Special Tolo- egram to Tun IJnn. ] The railroad comrnls- ilon to-day completed their now coal rate , revising their old schedule very materially In this particular. They have mndo the principal change In the short haul , reducing the rate for five miles from 55 cents to 25 cents. There Is a largo decrease In the rate up to seventy miles , but from that point to BOO miles the rates nro nearly the same as now. Hut from UOO upwards there Is another - other reduction. The commissioners made their tlrstschoJulo much too high for the Bliort haul , so much so that the railroads voluntarily reduced the rate much below the commission's rate for the haul , A Serious Accident. CitnsTO.v , la. , April 20. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tut : Unic.j Mr. Jnmos Mumford of this city , mot with a severe accident on Wednesday night , about nine miles from here , on the farm of C. W. Eokorson , where ho hud boon engaged In moving n house for Mr. Eckerson. Ho and his son had been lodging In the hay loft , nnd for some cause be got up during the night und was going to tbo ground floor by means of a ladder. Ho missed his footing and foil through nn opening to the floor below , striking on his right shoulder , which w&s broken. Ho was found a short tlnlo after by his son , who was aroused by the groans of his father. Medical aid was sent for und the patient restored to consciousness and his wound dressed. Ho was brought to his homo in this city , wticro ho is now resting comfortably. A. I'arkerHbnrjr Sensation. WATEIILOO , la. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to TUB HKK.J James Mitchell , of Parkcrsburg , has begun suit for $10,000 against C. C. Wolf , a barber of that place. Mitchell claims that Wolf has alienated his wife's affections from him. Wolf claims , on the other hand , that Mitchell , who has been buying and shipping stock for him to Da- liotn. has misappropriated funds und acted crooked In other matters , and ho proposes to liavc him arrested. Mrs. Mitchell has ap plied for a divorce from her husband , charg ing him with unfaithfulness. She strongly denies the charges that Mitchell makes against her and Wolf , and says ( hat Mitchell choked her when she refused to swear falsely. Wolf is a leading business man of Parkcrsburg , and the affair has created a great amount of talk. Blarrlcdtlio Prosecuting Wltnoss. DUIIUQUE , la. , April 20. [ Special to Tun BEI : . | There was a novel marriage here yesterday which may have more than usual significance. Frank Miller , the young man from West Union who had just been con- ' vlctcd of using the mails for fraudulent inn-poscfs asknd the jail authorities to take him to u justice ofllco , ns ha wanted to get married. They did so , and found there Al- incdu Daniels , n grass widow , who helped to convict him. She had bconono of the pros ecution , but scorned willing to take up a new relation , nnd so they were married. Miller liud not yet been sentenced , and it is sup posed that he hoped for sumo mitigation of sentence by getting the grass widow on his Bido. A Street KulUvny Transfer. DBS MOINT.S , la. , April 20. [ Special Tel egram to Tun UEE.I The sale of the DCS Molncs street railway to a Cincinnati syndicate - cate , Is announced to-day. The principal purchaser is Mr. George P : ICeruor , who is lit the head of ono of the cable roatis of Cin cinnati , It is understood that the syndicate that takes the road Is composed of Standard Oil people , who nro largely Interested in street railways in several cities. The road at present has the largest mllcago in DCS JSloinus , but It is a horse railroad. The now 'purchasers will changa it to a cable or oicc- tric niai ] . Tlio purchase price could not bo learned. Tlio State Oratorical Contest. CEtiin RAPIDS , Ta. , April 20. [ ft'pod'U ' Telegram to Tnc Bui ! . ] The eleventh an nual state high school contest In oratory was hold hero to-night. Fifteen cities were rep resented. The speeches wcro divided into throe classes , oratorical , dramatic and humorous , and the prizes were awarded as follows : George Walker , Dos Molncs , oratorical torical ; Miss Uuby U.vors , Cedar Kupids , humorous ; Margaret Young , Monticollo , dramatic. The judges were J. H. Hender son , Indianola ; Milton Kcmlcy , Iowa City , nnd Hov. C. O. Urown , Dubinins. Tha next contest will bo at East Waterloo. Ghastim a DcHortcr. , la. , April 20. [ Special Telegram to Tun UIJE. ] Yesterday afternoon Marshal X'onuhuo ' attempted to arrest Cyrus Lallln , a waiter , on the uhnrgu of deserting from the United States army. Lallln denied being the man wanted , but agreed to go with the officer us noon ns ho could got his coat. In- * tcud of doing so , however , he slipped out of the back door of the restaurant and at tempted to muko Ills escape. After an ox- cltlng chajo he was overhauled and lodged In jail. "Woman Indiotod For Manslaughter. DBS MOINKS , la. , April 2U. [ Special Telo- fram to Tim HUB. ] The grand jury of Pow- sheik county lias just Indicted , ot Monto- vumu , Miss Flora.Look , for manslaughter , fitio is charged with the killing of Fred IJftcon. This Is the young woman who shot ono of the serenading party ut a charavnrl party , in Chester , a few weeks ago. DUmUncd at I'lalnltlT'H Coat. ANOOA , la. , April 20. [ Suecial Telegram fo TUB Uiiti. ] The celebrated Cuppy-Caff- r.iau case , which has been in tlio courts for the last three yours , has been dismissed at plaintiff's cost. The suit was broueht by Cuppy as administrator for the Main cstuta for the sum of 310,000 damages against Caff- man for the killing of J. K. Main , for which he was ai-qulttcd about a year and a halt ago , Started N r the Ccntnnnlal. DBS MOINES , Iu. , April ' 'C. [ Spaclal to TUB BEE. ] Governor Lurrablo and Mrs. Lurrablo , accompanied by Adjutant-General Alexander and Colonel Hood , of Mount Vernon , a'mombor of his shift , hnvo started for the Now York centennial. They will bo Rbsoat about two wouks. Urn in Klovntnr Burned , DBCOIUU , la. , April 20. [ Special Tola gram to Tur. BKIS. ] Tbo larograin ; olovnto belonging to The mo * Phnlps , near the Milwaukee waukoe freight depot , was struck by light nlng during the severe xlorm of Tucsdu ; kftornoon and burned. It Is a total loss ; nc tiiburance , _ Soarlnt l-'ovor at Ilookfor.l. MASON CITV , la. , April 20. [ Special Telegram gram to THE UIK. | Scarlet fever has tmuli Its appearuuco at Hockford. Prooautlonur Pleasures huvo been taken and it Is though' ' tha disease will bo chocked before there i an extended spread. Full Fvow Tvoo. Umiroim , la. , April 30. 'Special to Tin HUB. ] Jidward Lynch , soveutcon years oi ago , son ot Thomas Lynch , fell from u trc last night und sustained Injuries from wlucl EX tu died u low hours afterwards. Death of a Well-Known Dnkotnn. nBAWVOOD , D.ik , , Al'i'H "M. [ Special Tola ( tramto 'IJnp UUB.I Ooloiiel John Lawrence widely kiiown In the early netttcmout of th territory nnd the llrst treasurer of thl county , which boars l > b uan'o , itlcd at ) Yliek this morning , OFT3DUCATION. t Trnnnncto Important Business In notation to School flulldlnR * . A special mooting ot the board ot oduca- lon WM held last night for tlio purpose ot considering the Issuance ot bonds In the sum ot (300,000 ( or now school sites nnd for the erection ot now school houses. Tlicro wcro cloven tnotnbors of the board [ ircscnt , nnd when the meeting wns culled to ordertno body resolved Itself into n cotnnilt- co of the whole , nnd alter a long discussion on the dlfTerontnpproprlallons for the various schools , recommendations were made for the following school * ! High school nddltlon. , ? 7.,000 Ilnrtmnn school building 50,000 "Inrtmnn addition to site lO.MX ) _ IlcI.ory building..i 'AOOO Hickory slto t.GOO ' "ranklln school . 2S.OOO fort Onmhn slto 2,500 West Omahft building 2.VKX ) : * nngstrcot building t 2.1,000 llbsonslto 2GOO nthrop slto 8,000 Sonornl linprovomonts , 25,000 Walks and retaining walls 21,500 Motions were inmio for appropriations for sites at Twenty-third nnd California street1 , and ot Nineteenth and Clark streets , but joth were lost. The committee , upon arising to report , recommended that tlio amount of the bonds which Is J278.COO , bo Issued if thcro was n 'uvornblo vote nt the election which will bo lold for that purposo. The bonrd adjourned without adopting the report of the committee. The greeting extended to Edwin Booth and Lawrence Hurrott , on their return to Omaha , at Boyd's opera house , last night , vas In all respects crcdltaplo and gratifying , flvory scat , up stairs and down , was occu- iled with as line appearing and ap- > rcciatlvo an audience as can found any where. Luaies in 'ashlonablo attlro , prominent merchants , janitors and lawyers , ns well as belles and jcaux of swell society , occupied sittings in the gallery that belongs to tlio gods , and wcro thankful for the opportunity. By noon , Thursday , it was impossible to secure chairs , cither In the parquet , dress circle or jiileony , BO great was tha rush. Council Bluffs , Lincoln , Fremont , Plattsmouth , nnd ether towns within n radius of fifty miles , were well rcprosentcd. That they thoroughly enjoyed the perform ance Is already conceded , but those who were not fortunate enough to bo present can not comprehend the treat given to these who wcro. It was an entertainment for in tellectual people , and only such as nro well versed In the higher class of acting could bo expected to feel satisfied. "Tho Merchant of Venice" was the play , Mr. Booth appear ing ns Shylock , a part In which ho has doubtless won greater fomo than any other actor , and Mr. Barrett , in the role of Bassanio , n character that has never boon made so effective as it Is in 'his hands. All that might bo written of these two stars is fully mdrltcd. but what is the use of coveringground ; that has beongono over so often. The excellence of their work is nn every day story. The American stage lias no other such actor as Edwin Booth , no man who approaches within hulling instance of him. His characterization of the old . Venetian .Tow is un questionably the most wonderful piece of work the theater-goers of this gen ; nitlon over will see. Mr. Booth's moro in- ; inuito friends doubtless observed last night : hat ho was less earnest and flrery than usual in some of the stronger scenes , because of his recent illness , but every point , pas sion , feeling and thought possible to con- ; oive , as belonging to the character , was jrought out as only the trained anil mas- .erly mind can bring them out. L'"or the time Booth had passed entirely out , of existence , was completely forgotten , and In his stead lived the creation of Shakes eare's fertile brain. Mr. Barrett's part in ; ho performance was naturally overshadowed jy that of his associate , but for all that ho can not bo accused of having slighted it in the least. The supporting company is all that could bo de sired. Each member seems to have boon especially selected to fit a certain line and does what ho has to do well. Miss- Minnie Gale continues to hold the position of leading lady , and she is a charming ac tress. Her presentation of the fair Portia greatly pleased everybody , nnd next to the stars , the honors of the evening wcro be stowed on her. Fredrick Vroom , John A. Luno , Lawrence Hnnly , Owen Fawcett , Miss Eleanor Tyndalo and Agngs Acres , deserve special mention. The piece was well staged und In every particular the performance ran smoothly. A pleasing feature of it was the good singing introduced by a quartette of excellent male voices. At the matinee this afternoon , "Othello" will bo the bill with Mr. Barrett In the title role and Booth as . "Tho Fools Ite- Ingo. To-night they give - venge" and "Yorick's Lovo. " Tlio Trenton's Treasure Kccovored. AUCKLAND , April 20. The treasure which \vas aboard the United States warship Tren ton when she was wrecked at Apia during the recent hurricane there , has been re covered. The Nipsic , which was damaged in the same hurricane , will bo brought to Auckland by the United States steamer Alert. _ _ _ _ _ Sevcro Storms In Germany. BRIIMN ; April 23. A storm has destroyed all the crops in the Uoorlitzou district of Silesia. Five persons wcro killed by light ning. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' A QUEIIY. Wlint "Subscriber" Would Uko to Know. Wo have recently received a letter from ono of our woll-known subscribers upon a subject which wo prefer to pub lish for the ptfrusul of our renders anticipating that in doing EOIUO ono will relieve ua of the responsibility of stferitiff " 'Subscriber's' ' questions. Here is the letter : ' 'My Dear Editor : For several years past l" huvo been the recipient of sov- eriil piunphlotu issued from time to time by Messrs. II. I . Warner & Co. , of Rochester , N. Y. , which , in uddition to contnlniiirr nu extensive treatise upon kidney disease , its origin , usual symptoms and growth , also includes numerous testimonials from parties whoso fuc-similc signatures nro at tached thereto , attesting tha btiitemunt that they have been individually relieved hv the use of Warner's Safe Cure , wfilch is prepared - pared by the above llnnfor the use of persons t > o iiflllutod. Now , Mr. Editor , would Uko to know if the utntoinonta luailo by those parties who testify to the great good which Warner's Safe Cure has done thorn , can bo rolled on. They sooiu honest enough from the way they road. Warner's Safe Cure saved my life after the doctors hud given mo up , " says John Uohorty , ltl ! ! north Main street Concord , N. II. "I was glvou up to ale with Uright's lilsoa o of the Icldiioys. The doctors said they could do nothing for mo. A. friend advised mo to take Warner's Safe Cure , and iny family consider mo as given uncle from tlio grave , " says Mrs. Carrie A. Fry , of Wathonn , Kan. Dr. L. U. Rico , of Ilanovor , C. II. , Va. , says that War ner's Safe Cure ourott him of Brlght's Dlsoaso. " It strikes mo that there is a good deal of sense in the claim which those parties make that the doctorn are treat ing too many persons for wrong causes , ana that oftentimes , people are treated for consumption , bruin , heart and nerv ous disorders , when they are suffering from kidney dlseaso which should ho treated , ns they say , by the use of War- nor's Safe Cure and us u result , wlion dlaonsa is IIret removed thorafrom , that which is supposed to ho disease in tlio lungs or ether organs , will disappear , Many of my neighbors tell mo that this rcmody has douo much good for thorn morn good than their doctor * . If hid- ncy disease is the real causa of so tmuiv othw dlsousoa wliyt Mr , Kdltor , don't the pcoplo who are nflllctcd with slck : ness , insist unon a more careful inquiry being made , in order that the true cause may bo iiBccrluinoil , ana the pronur trciitmciit RAILROAD MEN QUARREL. They Still Aoouso Bach Other of Manipulating Bates. WHERE ARE THE AUTHORITIES ? What Seems ( o Ito n. Clear Case Made Out The Intcr-Slnto Commis sion Arraigned For Cnrrlcssncss. Manipulating Hates. UniOAOO , April 20. [ Special Tolcgwm to TUB BBC. ] A quiet movement was sot on foot to-day to punish th(3 ( St. Paul and North * western for the manipulation of rates , whcroby the Ellsworth Coal company was enabled to got a roduotlon of ! 15 cents a tenon on Us shipments of coal and colco. The ooa company Is equally liable , but the movement so far extends only against the rpads. Tha urlmo mover Is not a railroad man. Said ho to your correspondent : ' 'The Intor-stato commerce commission and the Inter-state commerce railway associations nro roaring farces In-so-far as meaning what they say Is concerned. Hoth associations have repeat edly said that they would punish any Infrac tion of the law , and the latter association made a great Jjlaro of trumpets over the statement that it would bring suit against any illegal act performed by a railroad whether In or out of the' associa tion. Now that was pure , unadulterated buncombe , and all the railroads know It. The Intor-stato commerce railway associa tion und commission have both declared they would net whenever they learned of evidence against any road , whether a com plaint was made or not. Now wo don't bollovo , nor does a railroad man in Chicago that either association will take notion un less n complaint is pressed on their notice. Wo shippers know that discrimination is al most as common now ns before the interstate - state commoruo act caiuo into balng. Some of us nro norhups not as sharp as others and wo have been getting the worst of it. Now wo have the statement over the signature of Chairman Blanchnrd of the Central Trnfilc association and Chairman Paithorn and MIdgloy of the Western Freight association. that two roads and a shipper arc guilty nnd wo propose to see whether there Is a law in Israel to punish them. Wo will wait u reasonable sonablo length of time for the associations to take actions as they claimed they would , without complaint. Whan this time has ex pired , wo will simply push the statement of the th reo chairman before both associations. That is all the proof wo want to secure a conviction if the association means busi ness. " _ A NKW OVHKLiAND. It AV1I1 Succeed the Golden Gate Spe cial MaI. . SIN FIUXCISCO , April 20. It is announced by the Southern Pacillc iwd Union Pacllic people that the Golden Onto Special between this city and Omaha will run its last trip leaving hero Saturday , May 4. A new over land nassengor train will bo put on the Ogden - den line Sunday , May 5 , which will bo the fastest regular jaily train over run between this city and the oast. Leaving San Fran cisco at 0:80 : p. m. daily , it will arrive in Omaha in three days , in Chicago in three days and nineteen iiours and in Now York in four days nnd twenty-one hours. LiUMUKlt KATKS. The Alton Announces a Reduction nnd Excitement Prevails. The local roads are considerably worked up over the movement of the Chicago & Alton , in its threatened reduction of 0 cents in the rate on lumber between Chicago and Kansas City. This , they claim , will result In the Iowa lines putting in tbo same rate , 10 cents , on lumber between Chicago and Oma ha. Chicago lumber merchants handle white pine exclusively , and the.soutjjerh and south western territory is tho.producing center for yellow pine. The roa'ds west of the Missouri river maintain that the Chicago roads , and the Chicago lumber mer chants arc making this move iu order that they can shut out the dealers in yellow pine , which is the principal grade of matcrlul used in Omaha and points in the contiguous terri tory. An official of the Missouri Pacific said : "Let the Alton keep on and it will find us camping with it. It is not the Alton's desire to put in low rates as much as it is that ot tha Chicago merchants. Under the the present rates wo are able to bring the pine iiito competition , and of course the re duction from 10 to 10 cents in the Chicago freight rates would make a material differ ence. Hut the Alton has not as yet obtained the approval of the board of arbitration , and I think that when this body comes to pass upon the matter it will not sustain the re duction " * _ Preparing Tor the Change. General Land Commissioner Smith , of the Union Pacific , lias returned from Portland nnd Is busy in preparing uiattora connected with his department for a turning over of his ofllco to Woodcocic his successor. Mr. Woodcock was at headquarters to-day and was encaged in surveying the surroundings of his now quarters. The circular appoint ing Smith eonoral manager of 'tho Oregon Hallway and Navigation has boon issued and the one appointing Woodcocic his successor will appear Saturday. Railroad Notes. The Union Pacific shop employes will give their first annual ball in Washington hall , Eightcontlrand Ilarnoy strcatn this ovonlng. Foreman Johnson , who after nineteen years' service with the Union Pacific was recently discharged , laid his case before As sistant General Manager Dickinson yesterday Johnson is of the opinion that ho will bo re instated. Superintendent Kcsscqulo , however - over , states that his dismissal was Warranted on account of neglect of duty. ' General Manager Holdrogo of the U. & M. will return from the west yosnorday. The I } . & M. brought in u-ear load of rai sins from California destined to St. Paul. A. C. Xlemlor.clty ticket ugcnt of the B. & M , at Lincoln , Is la Omaha. Next Tuesday the Union Pacillc shops will bo closed to allow tbo workmen to .enjoy the presidential centennial anniversary. Another Main Brooks. A water main in Fnrnum street , between Eighteenth and Nineteenth , bursted at mid night , und flooded the former thoroughfare down to Fifteenth. No strikers were connected with the "break. " It was 1 o'clock this morning before the water was shut off. Two men were sent to Eighteenth street to ascertain the cause of the overflow of wator. Tncj > could not lo cate the break , but stated that the plpo hud cither been cracked or a joint to it had boon blown out. The main * was on the old line and Is not ono ot the newly luld'plpoti. The main will bo repaired to-day and the Water will then bo turnu J on again. Issue of Pensions. * WASHINGTON , April 20. There was an ag gregate of 650 pension certificates issued by the certificate division of the pension ollico , to-day. The list includes certificate * * for original pensions , rcjsauos. increuscg , ' etc. , und is the largest Issue that ban boon inudo in any ono day since Commissioner Tanner assumed charge. _ SICK HEADAGME ' I'ositlvoly cured by these r.'ttlo Pills. CARTER'S They also relieve Jls- tresa _ ro * Dipcphla , In- ITTLE Ulgestlou onU Too Hearty IVER Rating , A perfect rein ed } ' tor Ulzzliiciy , Nauca , PILLS. Drowstiics- . Had Tnste tr. the Mouth , Coated Toujjue-.l'ulti In the Side , TOHl'Il ) J.IVKH. Tlicy regulate the Jlowels. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICL E. N A CONVBNT. Narrow Ksanpto of TwonlyfiM"1 Ohll- drert , I'lro in Cremation. UTTLB F-.tJ.ji. Minn. , April CO. Shortly after 12 o'cloo , flast night , ono of the sisters in the Belle 1'rnirlo convent discovered that the south purl' ' of the convent was ablaze. The Inmates orthb building wcro Immedi ately aroused , and with diftlculty all were saved. The sttt.irs Mini been conducting n children's scTi6o7 , nnd there were twenty- four little oiiearf.icoi. in the building when the flrobrol.ooui { Isonoof the clothing of the children Was saved , and people from this city have been contributing to-day to their relief. The Iqiti i Is 120,000. The lire is sup posed to bo Inc n dla'ry. The Kx.i'nijlllori Hilt Pasqcd. OTTUVA , Aprltf'sO. Tho. Weldon extradi tion bill passed the senate to-day , The measure will bo nssontod to next week by the Rovcrnor-gonoral. It Is reported that the bill will , bo submitted to the English government approval before It becomes n law. The examination of the recent veto on the bill In the commons shows that nearly all the legal gentlemen In the house voted against the retroactive clause , which pro- vldod for the surrender of fugitives guilty of offenses prior to the passage of the act. To L'roBcotito the Unto CHICAGO , April 20. A movement is on foot to bring about the prosecution of parties guilty of violating the intor-stato commerce law In the manipulation of coal shipments over the Chicago & Northwestern nnd the St. Paul roads. If the Intcr-stnto Commerce Hallway association does not inovo In the case , it is understood that shippers who have boon discriminated against by these Irregular methods will make formal complaint to the Inter-state commission , The Snnionn Conference Delegates. BnnuN , April 20. The American delegates to the Samoun conference wcro received on their arrival here by the attaches of the United States legation. Crook Ordered to Now York. WASHINGTON , April 20. Major-Qcncral Crook has been ordered to report to General Schollcld for special duty in Now York in connection with the centennial celebration. Gold Going to E3urn.e. Nnw Yonif , Aprll'20. A million dollars in gold has .been ordered for shipment to Eu rope. _ ASntnoan Itollcf Fluid. BRRI.IX , April 20. A Samoan relief fund of 20,000 marks has been forwarded toPrinco Bismarck from Hamburg. Hard Wood. Twelve nnd sixtcen-inr.h hard wood. MOUNT & Gmrnx _ , U13 S. 14th St. r AFRICA'S GREAT FORESTS. The Vast Timber Krgloit Through a Portion ofWhicli Stanley I'liHsod. The grout forest through which Str.n- loy recently passed , which ho estimated to cover iMG.UOU square miles , is only 11 Binull part of the great African forest which extends almost unbrakunly from the west coast iu.the Gaboon and Ogowo regions , with atvridth of sovornl hun dred miles , to tHe great lakes. This belt of timber , trending away to the heart of the continent in a direction a little south of eusj , is the greatest forest region in the wqrld , according to the Now York Sum . .A. part of it strikes south of the Congo lit the great north- ei'n bond of tlml'rjvor ' , and the country embraced withiif'tlie ' big curve is cov ered with a compact forest , the tower ing and wide-spreading trees fahuttin ? out a largo purl of the sunlight. In those forodtsj completely shut ouc from the rest of the world , live hun dreds of thousfnas of people who are almost unknowijl't | > the trilics living in the siivnnna regions outside. Scattered through.tho big.lypods within the Congo bond sire little communities of Balwa dwarfs , of'whoso oxlstenco the traveler has no inkling until ho suddenly conies upon them. Hero also , along the San- kura river , arc the tree habitations de scribed by Dr. Wolf , where the natives live in hiits built among the branches , to escape the river llpoda. It was in great clearings made in these forests that Kundand Tappenbcck discovered some of the most notable village1 * yet found in Africa , where well built huts \\tth gable roofs , line both sides of a neatly l.opt street that stretches away for eight or nine miles. These villages are even more interesting than the street towns in the more sparsely tim bered regions south of thorn , which wcro regarded as very wonderful when they were first discovered by Wissmnnn. It was his account of these villages that led Bishop Taylor to chposo this part of Africa us the goal ho wished to roach. Last year the Co'mmoreinl company , ' which 'is investigating the trade re sources of the Contro , sent its steamer , the Rio dcs Bulges , up the Ilcatia river into this great timber land , and the ex plorers described'the country along the banks as "covered with an almost im penetrable virgin forest. It is a veri table ocean of verdure , from which emerges here and there nwoodud moun tain. Greonfoll penetrated , the forest for long distances on several southern tributaries of the Congo , and on the nppor courses of those rivers he some times found the wido-sproadingbranch es forming a coini.lotcl roof above the stream. A NEBRASKA BOY'S ' DARING , Bravo Oouduot of Oscar Brlnkuinu In the Samoa Storm. A HARD FIGHT WITH THE WAVES. Wnnltcd Overboard lib llnturns , ns It "Were , Prom the Grnvc , Itrtnglng Succor to Ills Kml Comrades. Fearless Oscnr Itrliikinnn. FIIGMOXT , Nob. , April 20. [ Special to Tun HER. ] 1 Imvo iu < tt lonruod of nn out of great , heroism by a youth olgtitocn years of npo , Oscar Urliikmnn , son of Henry , of Seven Oaks fnrm , near Fremont , Young Oscar was n nallor on board tha Vaudalla when that Ill-fated ship met with the Into disaster In the hurricane In Samoan waters Wlion the hurrlcano struck tlio ship nil hands wcro at-tholr | )03ts. The anchors were cost , but it BOOH bcomno evident that they would not hold the ship against the furious Kiile , and she slowly but surely drifted towards the surf. A tremendous sen struck her , sweeping over her , washing away many poor lellows , mid clearing the deck of every thing which was not securely fastened. In the Interval of quiet which followed the men took to the rlpKliiff and clung to the insists mul spars. Presently the vessel gave a heavy lurch before the gale , and ninny men nud boys , including young Urlnltmmi , were literally HI.OWX rnoM TiiBin ii\cr.a. and wcro loft In the foaming surge. Hrlnlt- man struck out for 11 fo and In another min ute succeeded In seizing a plank which hud boon washed from the deck of the steamer , and to which he clung with all his strength. Another terrible wave swept over the ship carrying with it Captain Schoonuinkcr. Ho was scon by Drlnl.mnnn , but apparently qulto stunuod or clso exhausted ho made no effort to combat the elements and was carried away by the storm and not ngaln soon. lirinlctnnn , whilst clinging to his plank and furiously driven about by the wave3saw one of his mates struggling in the water und nearly exhausted , and immediately quitting his plank seized hold of him by the hair and swimming with him ngaln got on the plank to which they both clung whilst the storm roared. All around MEN WKllB STKUOOMNa FOB IJUAn LtrB in the surging , seething waters. Many wcro stunned or killed outright by bchiir dashed against iloating objects which had boon washed from the storm-battered ship. How ever , these two on the plank were driven to wards the * shore. Tune and nguln they wore overturned and Inuucrsc'd In in the sea. One tremendous wave drove them well up the beach : when the wave hud receded thny were loft In shallow water and abandoning their plank , they ran ns fast as possible landward , but did not succeed in getting far enough up not to bo caught by the next incoming wave , which carried them oft their feet und bore them back with the outwash of the sea. They being expert swimmers , kept afloat till the next wave washed them shoreward , this time landing them further up than before. As see n as they felt the bottom they again ran with their utmost speed , and got fur enough up to bo OUT or luxonn before the wave returned. Half dead , as they were. Brinkman'H ' llrst thought was to render assistance to these on board the ill- fated ships. Ho secured a boat , and purauad- ing some of the natives to accompany him , determined to again venture into the angry sea , from which he had so perilously oa- eaped. Three natives and himself manned the boat , and started with a rope to establish a line between the shore and thoshipTrcnton. At the first essay the small boat was upset and all were thrown into the sea and again swaying with the elements. Fortunately it soon righted uiul all succeeded in getting on board her again , this time lushing them selves to the scats. A small boat in such a , sea as was then running is very helpless. The rudder is uscless-aud the o.iw , tiio only 'thing they had tq depend on. made the odds of their over getting out of the sea alive fearfully against them. However , these bravo fellows TOOK Tiiniu LIVES : .v mum HANDS for the sake of saving their fellow men , and struggled against the infuriated elements , atone ono time their boat riding through on the crest of a tremendous wave und again down in the trough of the sea out of sight of those on board the ship , who were breathlessly watching the progress of their rescuers , whoso success or failure meant life or death to them. Finally the boat reached the Trenton , and the rope was safely thrown on board and eagerly caught. The lives of hundreds of bravo sailors were saved by the heroism of ono youth households were saved from mourning wives and children , sisters and brothers have cause to rejoice , who , had it not been for the bravery of Oscar Lirlnk- mun , the Nebraska boy , would have been stricken with grief and their homes turned into places of mourning. The country has reason to bo proud of having such men for its defenders. Bravo deeds huvo been done by our soldiers und sailors , but few can rank higher on the roll of honor than the here of Samoa. Attempted Suicide. William J. Coots attempted suicide last night by taking a dose of morphine. Why ho desired to jump Into the depths of tha unknown is n mystery yet to his friends , as they claim ho had no apparent reason to bo distracted. The deadly drug was taken in a medicine shop. Dr. Lee was immediately summoned and applied restoratives , which saved the young man's life. Coots was taken to a Turkish bath house under fioyil's opera house , where ho remained during the night , You Need It Now To Impart MrrnKtli nnd Slven fcOlnnof hoBllhr | At noothor-OABOn dooi the human system so niucli vlKorturouHhotit tlio ayslum , thoru l > nothing o uitl ni'vil tliunlilofu reliable in.'ddnollko Ifnod'a Harm- o Hood's Nnr.ttiiarllln. Itfoom. peculUirly mlapUul 1 pnrllln.ns now , The linpoverlslied coiullllon of thu to ovcrromo Unit llrccl feeling cu.i < . < t by clmnuo of ' blnol , tliowoulienlntrotriutiof tlio lonjj.cold winter teuton , rllmiitu or life , nml while Ittone.uti.l-inliilns I the lost nppctlln. nnJ Unit tired feelliu , all muko u tlio .iy tem It piirlflotiimt miovntes tlm Ijlnoil. Wo 1 Knudnprlnv mrillclno absolutely nuce .arjr , Hnod'n earnestly urge tlio lar o urnif nf clerks , book-kocpon , I Sur.iHiurlllu l pocullirly : ndnptcd for IlitJ pnrpoia cuchcni , luiiisowliei ) , | Kuuthc mul otliur * who und IncruHxvnlnpopiilurUyuTpryyeiir. Clvultntriill huvo ln'tm vloroly contlnvillurlnit tlio winter anJ "Hood's Kiirnuparlllitli tliOhojipet inodlolna I cnn wlio ncud n Koud i > rlnit moilli'lno tu take buy. " V. II. 1IIKDKL , llellevlllo , 111. H cod'o Sarscpo ill'a ' The Spring Modlolno "For yc'iirs nt Irregular Intcrrnl. In nil .raioiu , [ "Kvery uprlnK for ycnw I liuvo mudo It n prnclleo snlTrroi Ilia Intolcrtiblo burnhiK utiil It bliu of blood I to tnku fiom tlireo to llvu hottleH of Ilnod'9 hnrinpn. poUonliiK by Ivy. It would breakout on 1117 logs , In I rlllnbcriius _ I knuwlt purlIIei tlio blood mul tlior- uiytlirontnnilujros , ] jmt , irin/ took Muol's Hnr- I otiKliljr clciin.Q- the njstoni of ull Impurities. Tliut biiiurllla | , n > u blood liurllfur , with no thought of It in laiiKUldfonlliiB. 0iotlinc called "uprlnit fovcr" 'nlli n uprvlul remedy fur Ivy V mi'mu ' , but It ha * ofTo-Unl never visit HiUBy-tom Hint hns lie-en pronerly ciruj it pcrninnant unit thoioiiKlt cure. " CAI.VIN' T. BllUTii , for by tbln novor-fullliu rnmeily. " W. II , I.AWiit.Nt'i ! * * I > ' N. H. Wi'ulMorth Killtor Aurlciillnnil Kpltomliit , Inillunapolls , ln.1 " 1 nut.ored u uri'ttt wMlo. ltli A friend "Hood's tnr.niiaillla cured inu of blood poison urneil nit ) to Irv ] luoil'4bar < < nurlllu , lunl two bottles Ktivoniua noble appetite , ovorc.iiiia lieiuluchu und burn entirely curuU niejiril ) i > ei lo , nnd a scrofulous " dUilnox , on Hint now l uin ublu to work uuuln. uirt'ctlon. 1 can hardly Unit word j In cxprc. my | IKI ) ) < M'TUKIt NAbUN , M Cliurtli ft. , IuwvllMu .i. Appreciation or It. " Ml $ X II , MKLIIUM , City Hotel . , - N. ii . 110 aurelo ict lUod' surnupiirlllK Lancaster , ltd . jf-j | yci - .U1 .U1t , t Hoccl s Sarsaparilla Hold by all druut'lsU. fu ax tar 15. I'rcpnrod only Hold liy nil UruKiil.ti.ll. nix for f5. rrepnred onlp brf. I. HOOD & CO. , l Wcll. la i. by C. I.IIOdl- CO. , IUKU | | , Mm . IOO DoBo Ono Dollar IOO Doaos Ono Dollar BTOHINQB , it EMBRSON , ENQBAVINQS , HALLET & DAVIS , ARTIST SUPPIjlES , KIMBALL , MOULDINGS , PIANOS AND ORGANS. FRAMES , SHEET MUSIO. 1513 DflllglfS SL Oinalia , Nebraska , HIMEBAUGH 8c TAYLOR , Hardware and Cutlery , Mcciianica'dools , FineJlronzo BulldsrS ( Joili ttn-l ll.t.fulo 1405 Douglas St. , Omaha. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LOTS FOR SALE AT THIS WEEK WE WILL SELL : j LOT 7376 Boy's Short Pnnt Suit , dnrlc mixed , nil woolpleat- | ed. Other stores will ask you $0 for the snmo suit. j LOT G33G--This suit Is equally as good as the above. LOT 7368--Is a light plain chock suit. LOT 6072 Is a nice dark Norfolk Suit. [ LOT 073Q--ls n fine , light , check pleated Suit. Others will ask ] you $7 for as good. j LOT 3372--Is a light Scotch pleated Suit. | LOT 3400Is a light striped Norfolk Suit. These Suits run in sizes from 4 to 12 years. Wo tnkc this ! [ occasion to invite all , after having looked through the odds and ends or "Cheap John" and the high piles of antique stock ( topped off with a few baits for the unwary ) at Mark .Down . , | Shoddy & Company , to visit our store at the south west corner j of Fifteenth and Douglas sts. , Omaha , and look through ourj [ matchless stock of fine Clothing. Every garment is of this I | season's make , which we sell at prices Tar below all com- | ] petitors. iliiOnrOllmr muiuGiltiS. Remember money clieepfully refunded if goods do not suit | S. W. Cor , 15th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha. | Mail Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention. Instantly stops thn moat excruciating pains ; never falls to clvo enso to the sulTorar. For Sl'KAINS , HHUISICS. BACKAUIB , PAIN IN THU OIIRST Oil SIDErf. , TOOTA01IU. or anrothcr external I'.VIN. uf applications , rubboil on liv hand , net like mnprlc , cann ing the pain to Instnutly ston. For CONGESTIONS. INl'LuiMATIONS. KHKUMATISM. NEU- 11ALHIA. LUMIIACIO. tfUlATICA , PAINS IN TUB SMAM , OK THK I1AOK. moro oxtemloil and repeated applications are necessary. All INTBllNAL PAINS. DIAHIUItKA , nYSEw'i'SUY , COLIC. SPASMS. NAMSKA. FAlNTltftt SPHU.S , NKHVOl'SNHSS. ShKKPLESSNKSS nro re lieved Instantly , nud quickly cured by Uklng Inwardly ' "U to 00 dropa In half n tumbler of water. Wcnntan Bottle : Sold by Druggists. With UADWAY'S I'H.LS there Is no better CUKE or PIlKVKNTIVli OF KUVlilt AND AUUB ! ; Shattered nerves , tired brain. Impure blood , debilitated system , nil are the natural out come In the Spring. A medlclno must bo used , and nothing equals Palno's Celery Com pound. Wo let others pralso us you cannot help believing a disin terested party. nrlffadJer-acnernl W. I * Oreenlenf , Burling ton , Vt. , writes : "I have used 1'alno'u celery Compound on several occasions , mid always vrlth benefit. Last spring , belli } , ' very much run down and debilitated , 1 commenced taking It. Two bottles made mo reel llko u new man. As n general tonic and spring mcdlcmo I do not know ot Its equal. " "I hive used two bottles of your ralno's Celery Compound , and It lifts given cnllioa-.t > . Isfactlou M an appetizer anil blood purtller. " T. J. . UKKNEK , Wotcrtowii , Dakota. PaSne's Celery Compound is prescribed by physicians , recommended by druggists , cmUm-rd by mlnl.'crs , praised by nacre , and guaranteed by the inimu.actmers , as a spring incdtcluo rtlilcli will -Uo nil th it Is clalmod tor IU L'HO It this spring , and sco how quickly It tones you up. Purifies the Blood. Full accounts of vromlTful cures mndo by Paluo's Celery compound after oilier ino'llclnea nnd thu heat pliyMclaus had lallod , tent freo. Thero's nothing Uko It. i , / six ror $3.00. Drnsgl.ts. ! UCUAnyosCo. . , IltirJlngton , Vt. % i.T "AaM. . IT IS EASY TO DYE WITH DIAMOND DYES t&S % . HORNE'S [ Electro-Magnetic Belts ! The Grand : ; . Triumph ol Eloolrlc Science Scl- SfienMfle en"'toallM"ld" ' " and Practically Applied. wllli Suspensory. KlttMt "VMt&3.DlSEASE GUREDWJWUT MEDICINES WEI fl fHBE-XP VtfVB Hnr * you I'nln. In tliti llH.k.Illri.Ilrml or I.linl. . . N ry t-U-U V9J > KTC. > H VJU uu. Ill-Mill- , l.iinibnuo-iri.crul llrblllly. IlliruinalUui , ullllii , .urulaln , Mclullco. Wusiutrmot KlJncvu. III.InuI ) ll > cu > < - , Torj.1.1 I.lver , l.itnl , K.lmu.llou , [ Mloji.Avibiua. liriirl ] f U ap. l.pvp l . ( Jouiilpntluu. Krjlplui. lnilltf . | lon \lvakii . . . IMI * I potenv li , lMIe , Epl ! p r * * Ulontt nvvu. | A. Onxury , cuiniiiiiiicn niviTiiiniMocK I/TOII nu'iu Dome , tuoiriac tiurirrnriii A. L ) . Wuo.llnr , Jt , i Rci H lnBlrB l , Hudalu.N. V.i O. w. lirllni.M. II. . Worm .iito nIov ai l. > ir.u IUIIK. Kinlcnkae , lll.i Juileo jK. ( Hurray , JjAiKnlllB , Jli.i K.r Abbottiupt. city wtliir warl .Hajtlill nil. liiil. ) l.obt. It. llnmpucii , Chligo ipoitulUcei J-.JJ. WcSIIchml , H , 1) , li'ilfalu ' , N. Y , "Your Lett tmi aoconiplliln.ilrlml no other luiuuily lia < i | it ilTDerTi > iuitlcuniforliibla > l. > pitnlHbt. " Rcbt. lf ll. lilflrmnn , IMt XaitHthi-trpot.Nctv YmV , ati1. yjgi frjgRVOUa PEOPLE. lTcurtyJlnOUUujr.l./I > r. UK. IIOIl R-8 BLECTttO-MAQ. , KlNlto.iHl.rocUollrJU . , HKTIC IlkLT prnltlvil _ , Truucomblnou. Uu > u-ajtifdl.i8f 'unly one In \rorMr.nerattii ; ain , KIU.IZT ami itiau-Unff rontlnuoui JCItctrloit flagnitl. , . . ' . ConlilDi23toiniiilrirrroiof 'tnt. eclantlne.l'owcrful. Durable , _ mfortAlil Bhd KnccilTB. AvolJ I ' - KUTtticiir. utiifu t.iioti.o : irai t. trl. ntln * iiowvrrul.ilii * "HrKlVmlollEi.'TlIJ.SlX ' > r.HK5 JrAifoliIrmfru * coinpanti * * Allac Fi nnit worth * IIJOM imiuttouD. uiicnuo i lumen ran mrn , K- CO anil ClileaBn , C.UOQ cured U n < lc : innl.rliujtr4i.d ; pnuitbiiv. [ DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 191 Wabash Avenue. Chicago. "Pure" and Silver Gloss I And Gorn Starch POO LAUNOOV POPTHP TAMI p STRANG& CLARK STEAM HEATING- , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.