8 TRE OMAHA DAILY BUTE : FKIDAY , AP1IIL 26 ; 1889. THECITY. _ A small blnzo at Twonty-olfjhth nnd MdBon did about ? 10 worth of umnngo to H cottago. Arthur Croflby,805 North Elfthtoonth ttrcctf is under nrrcst for bciUlng and otherwise mtsuslnfr his wlfo. Potcr Woodmnnsca will bo tried , May 3 , at 2 p. in. , on the clmrgo of hooping his btiloon open uftor midnight. The dnnclng party , to bo given bvtho SnrntoRti Lyceum company at their now hnll , this evening , will by n very pleasant afTnir. Lorenz Burkhardt and John Chrlsto- for , ngod rospoetlvoly nine nnd ton years , wcro nrrostcd , yesterday ( on tb.j charge of burglary. The funeral of C. L. Ilotchkisq will take plnco from the latnily roBldonco , R13 North 13th st. , ut 2 p. m. , to-day , to Laurel 11111 comotory. The funeral of Mrs. , T. C. TCudd will occur from the residence of her daugh ter , Mrs. Henry P. duly , 202 South 2oth Bt. , at 1p.m. , to-day , to Forest Lawn cemetery. The Western Union company has iv force of men lit work putting tele graph wires Into the Oklahoma country. Uhlof Clerk Ilorton , of the Omaha of fice , is in the Oklahoma country super intending the work. About ono hundred choristers of the war song concert , which takes plnco at the Grand opera house May 10 and 11 , held a rehearsal last night at the First Methodist church under the direction of Colonel Lombard. 1'crHonul Pnr.igraphs. n. V. Martin , of Blnir , Is nt the Barker. J. M. Acklcy , of Davenport , Is stopping nt thoTJixrkcr. Mr. Silas W. Nilcs , of Tun Bnn , loft yes lorilny for Now York to visit Ills parents who rcsldo In Horncllsvillo. J. M. Crawford nnd wife , of Dcltiwnro , O. , nnd F. H. Thompson , of Richmond , O. , nro guests nt the Barker. Lluutonnnt-Colonol Moses O'Brien re turned ydstcrtlny from Tccumscli. where ho inspected the uffulrs of the division of No- brnslcn Sons of Veterans. Bishop Nowmnn , who loft for DCS Molncs , Oskaloosn nnd other points In Town lust Sat urday night to do missionary work , re turned to the Pnxton hotel lust night. Mr. Dugnld MucMurchy , of Wells & MncMurchy , solicitors for the Canadian Pacillc pallway , Toronto , and Mr. E. Wlldo , ofthoaatno company , nro staylni ; at the Paxton. They nro in town In connection with some big Canadian railway suit , and leave for Chicago this cvcnlning. Mr. Mac- Murchy wni nn interested visitor at the law courts yesterday afternoon. Wnntt JU-r Ioj\ Mrs. M. A. O'Brien , 251 Case stroot.Clovo- innd , O. , writes to Chief Scavoy asking him to help her in securing the return of her son who wni conned nwny from his homo by u family named Callahan in this city. Drcxel-McIConna. H.P. Drexel was married Wednesday night to M IBS Minnie MoKcnnn , one of the most pop ular and oharmincr young lailics of Omaha Judge Atidcr on presided , The young couple will make their future homo ut 1104 Georgia avenue. _ AVork ol TlucTcs. John F. Kelly reports that somebody stole his light colored spring overcoat while ho was at a dance at Exposition hull Tuesday evening. Thieves broke into George Houck's room nt ! )20 ) Douglas street , and stole u suit of clothes. Prisoners L'lii Uoutp. Sheriff Ward , ofEvanston , Wyo. , was in the city yesterday with Lewis Denver nnd Charles Hlgglnsonwho have been sentenced to serve a five years' term for horse stealing , at Jollot , 111. They are bad men. During his wait between trains Mr. Ward loft them in Joe Miller's keeping at the county Jail. I f A Grave Yard Association. The Springvillo Cemetery association is anew now grave yurd organization which filed articles of incorporation , yesterday , with the county clerk. A. Norgard is president of the association , H. Elkjer secretary and A. P. Grom treasurer. The trustees , aside from the ofllcers , nro Cnarlcs Anderson , L. Hansen - sen , C. Hanscn and P. M. Bock. Bail Money. Peter Fogarty , a young man who passed a iountcrfuit dollar on the proprietress of n Ninth street bagnio a few nights ago , was Arraigned before United States Commis sioner Anderson yosterdny afternoon. Fo- garty was held to the United States district court in the sum of $500 , in default of which bo was committed. Change ol' 1 < li-in. There has boon a change in the firm of Howe & Kerr , furniture men on Douglas itreot. The sign will hereafter road Kerr & Mnnington. Mr. Mnnington hails from Ueuesco , 111. Ho was on his way to Wash ington territory , and stopped ever to see the Messrs. Howe & Kerr , with whom ho had bad corrcsDomlonco , and fell in love with Omaha. Mr. Manincton is a man of consid erable property. Mr. Arthur Howe is under contract to work for the now flrm. Too Many AVIvcs. Josephine Wllcou is the name of a woman In Brownson , Cheyenne county , who claims to have bcou married to James Wilson last lummcr. Slio wrote to Judge Shields ytstor- day , telling him that she. had recently learned that her husband's teal name is Borcsford nnd that lie lias two other undi- I vorcod wives. She wrote to the county judge for information concerning the legal itutus of the matter. Dr. Gluck eye nnd oar , Barker bile. .Mills' AfTuira Settled. The people who placed so much confidence In young Lawrence Mills are now trying to effect a settlement with him. His uncle , who resides In Now York , has como on to bolp him out , and It Is understood they will luocccd in satisfying everybody. The young man's total Indcbtcdnots amounts to about (10,000 , distilbuted us follows : ToD. P. Winnie $5,000 Pit st National bank 2,500 Bank of Commerce 1,000 Miscellaneous sums 1,500 | B A meeting of the parties was hold Wednes day evening at the First National , and agree- Inunts were cntcrpd Into there whcrcbv all Claims are to bo latlsllod. Mr. Winnie re ceived a telegram front homo notifying him that his wife was dying , and ho departed at enco for Now York. Iliiuoy Will I'robnbly hive. The St. Joe Giiretto says that " 'Buck1 Rauoy , formerly a member of the Omaha fire department , who was stubbed in that city by ono John Croteau , on Monday , is ouiowhit bettor , nnd there is now a proba bility of lin recovery. Ho is still very weak , caused by the great amount of blood ho lost. The wound in his neck has not yet began to heal , Crntcau , the mun who did the cutting , Is still In the city and was at work Wednesday. It i not probable ho will bo arrcntod , as Hanoy does not desire to prosecute. In ca o of Hanoy's dcuth he will wo put to considerable trouble , but m case of Ills recovery ho will not bo molested. Hanuy eoeinn to think that ho was as much to blumo ns Croteau , and so expressed himself the dav after tlm cutting. The "Roforenoo Handbook of the Medical Science , " speaking of kidney dlaoaso , says : "Often symptoms on the part of other organs , palpitation , dys pepsia , difficult breathing , headaches , or weak vision first impel the patient to EeoU ttdvlco , " Tile symptoms mislead both the physician and pationt. The only safe method of treatment is a faith ful ufto of Warner's Sato Ouro , It not only secures healthy action of the kid- ut cures the symptoms of disease. DISTIUCT COUHT. Tlio fecBfllon Drawing to a Close A Few Little CABCR. Tlili term of the district court Is drawing W n close. The Jury will bo discharged to day , therefore anything after that must bo confined to arguments of motions , equity , divorce nnd such other cases as can bo tried by the Judges. Edward Tracy plcndcd guilty to nssault nnd buttery and was sentenced to servo sixty days in the county Jail , The bank of commerce has instituted suit ngnlnst J , G. Hart and wlfo for fJO.OOO , an ntnount loaned them on a promissory note April 11.1837. Suit for fS'4 2i duo on goods sold nnd de livered has been commenced by F. ibold ot nl. , against T. II. Cotter. fiJOcnovm Flits wants a divorce from her husband , William Fills , nnd In order to ob tain It sets Tortli In a petition to the district court , statements that show great cruelty on his part. They were married In Chicago October 0 , 1SSG. In Juno , 1837 , ho assaulted her face and head with his list. A month later , nt Ottumwn , Iowa , ho repeated this act of brutality , and on the nth day of Janu ary. 183S , slueecd her with n Melting cliulr. At Minneapolis , in February 1SSS , ho again became angered nnd throw her violently through n glass door , broke up a table in the dinlng-ioom nnd ulso n lot of dishes. S. U. Mercer brotmht action against Pat rick A. Oowln to recover $489 on several promissory notes. County Judge Shields , issued n marriage license to Edwin M. Kauffmnn and Alllo E. Bean. The former Is a resident of Wymore , Neb , while Miss Bean resides in this city. Their respective ages are ill and 25. The Jury In the case of Patrick Ford , ad ministrator of the estate of James Delancy , against the Union Pacific railway company gave the plaintiff n Judgment for $ .500. The case was on trial two days before Judge Donne. After the verdict was rendered the court took up the case of the Standard Cattle company against Slmw & Field. The suit was brouglit to recover f'JdOO by icnson of the defendants falling to comply with a con tract for furnishing sewer brick for the construction of a barn at Ames , Neb. A motion for nn order allowing the plain tiff in the divorce case of Eliza Hull against Wymnn Hull , ? 1,000 as alimony , was made ycstorduy'in the district court. Judge Waitoley finished hearing three cases against the city of Florence yesterday afternoon. Iho plaintiffs m the suit were Edward Reeves , Cornelius Christian nnd John Stalon. The action involved the right to streets and alloys. The court has the matter uud r advisement. Pat Sncenoy , who was tried before Judge UrolT on thn charge of highway robbery , was convicted by the jury. The jury in the larceny case agninst Eftlo Smith , n colored prostitute , after being out twonty.four hours , disagreed. She de manded that it come to an agreement , and court sent it out again for deliberation. County Court. The Nebraska Savings bank brought suit yesterday in the county court against S. 1C. Folton & Co. , for $903 on n promissory note. Fitzgerald & Co. entered suit to recover $257 from James and Winfred Dompsoy. The action is brought on n judgment ren dered in tito circuit court of Harditi county , Iowa. An attorney numed Alexander C. Troup commenced suit against Howard E. Schock , to recover $ -162 , alleged to be duo for attor ney's foes in conducting a complicated suit on a liver ystock. Uober Price , who , it is alleged , has been supporting three children belonging to Charles Tiot7 , commenced suit against him yesterday for $ J1U , cluimcd to luivo been ex pended tor board and clothing. United StatcH Court. Husscll & Co. filed a case In the United States circuit court against J. A. Buckstaff ot ai , to recover on a note for $4,000. Coal tar for sale by the single barrel or in car loud lots. Address Sioux CITY GAS LIGHT Co. , Sioux City , ta. Robbed While Asleep. Winan French stooped nt the Gcrmanm hotel , 010 South Tenth , Wednesday night , nnd when ho getup in the morning ho found that ho hud been robbed of a watch , knife and $35 in ' greenbacks. The follo'w who had occupied the same bed with him was very drunk when ho retired , nnd the ofliccrs arrested him on suspicion of being the thief. Tno ofliccrs searched his pocxcts and carefully examined the bed and bedding and the room , but no trace was found of the missing valuables. After the ( U unkcn fellow was taken to the po lice station word was sent to the ofllcers that the watch and knife had been found. Ofll- cer Vaugh.m repaired to the hotel again nnd found that ono of the pillows had been cut open and the watch and knife thrust into the feathers. The lollof money could not bo found. Officer Vaughn und Chief Soavev are of the opinion that French was robbed by some inmate of the house who , fearing tnat ho or she would bo searched , resorted to this method of restoring the articles that would load to thuir conviction. Dr. Swetnam : Diseases ) of the heart and lungs. Sheolv block. Licensed to Wod. Following arc the innrrmga licenses issued yesterday in the county coart : Name and Residence. Ago. John Honnnher , Omaha yo Jcnnlo Casstdv , Omaha 28 Peter E. Norberg , Boone , la 27 Christina Oleson , Omaha 29 Edwin N. Kauffman , Wyinoro/Nob 34 Ella E. LJoan , Omaha 23 II health and life are worth anything , and you are fooling out of soYts and tired out.tono up your system by .taking Dr. J. II. McLean's Sarsaparilla. The AViiHliinston Centennial. The following expressions of "opinion on the desirability of publicly celebrating the centennial anniversary of the Washington inauguration indicate that the day in Omaha , as elsewhere , will be observed us a public holiday : George A. Hougland I nm in favor of n general an observance us can bo brought about. Fred W. Gray I wouldn't exclude a well- bobnvcd hcathon. The theory of this celobra- tlon should bo as broad us the president's thanksgiving proclamation , and men of any or no creed , who fool thankful for the bless ings of ftco government , ought to feel nt liberty to participate. W. V. Morse The ministers are all rights but It scorns to uio that the opera houses nro too small to accommodate the crowds who will probably bo anxious to honor the occasion. It wouldn't bo at all nonncnslcal to enlarge thoscopoof the affair nnd hnvo a hurrah At the Coliseum , on our cable lino. The People would have moro room , as would the band's efforts , nnd the singers and speakers , while space In the cable company's coffers would diminish. Mr. Fred Krug had not looked Into the matter , nml preferred not to express nn opinion without moro deliberation. Mr. H. P. Dovalon , treasurer of the Lin- Ingcr & Mctcnlf company , thought the indi cations pointed to a general observance througnout the country , and that Omaha ought to show its proportion of the proper spirit of thankfulness and Joy on the success ful conclusion of 100 years of constitutionnl government. Mr. Ben G nil uglier said It was not n bad idea to Iny ns much stress as possible on the nnulvoranrybut that if his house had a rush of orders ho expected to do some shipping. The preachers had done well In securing the co operation of Mayor Broatch , who was not in the nnblt of allowing hlmsolf lulf-way meas ures In any matter of public concern. Aithur Smith , of M. 13. Smith & Company , said that ho did not wish to give the policy of the house In the nbsonco of Ills father , M , E. Smith , who is with the board of trade excur sion , but that ff other housed closed on the 30th ho would go In with them. An Imperative Necessity. What pure air is to an unhealthy lo cality , what spring cleaning is to the neat housekeeper , so is flood's Sarsapa rilla to everybody , at tnin season. The body needs to bo thoroughly renovated , the blood purlllod and vitalized , the germs of disease destroyed. Scrofula , salt rhouin.ttnd nil other blood disorders arc cured by Hood's Sarsnparilla , the most popular mid.successful spring modicino. A PHOVID13NT AVOLP StcalH a Hoostor and Burys It Alive for Put lire Use. Mr. Solomon , who resides near Emblor plnco , purchased a line rooster lately , nnd Mr. Chanticleer has boon disporting hltnsulf nnd chaperoning the buns of the neighbor hood in great shape , but his reign was cut short in n peculiar way last weak. Mr. S. observed whit ho toolc to bo a largo gray dog with n chicken in his mouth scratc hlng in the brush nnd loaves near the end of the kitchen garden , and procuring n shot-gun fired at the supposed dog , which turned out to bo a largo wolf , and upon maklnc an ex amination of the place whore the wolf had boon at work , Mr. S. unearthed his rooster , nlivo and hearty , but denuded of most of his feathers. The wolf had buried him alive piooably desiring to have n fresh juicy chicken lunch when the time came rather than the usual decayed fowl banquet which fortune provides for hungry wolves. 'Iho rooster is still in the ring , though sadly dis figured by the handling ho received prepara tory to his premature burial The perfume of violets , the purity of the lilly. the glow of the rose , nnd the Hush of Hobo combine in Pozioni's won derful powder. _ SIZZLING INDIGNATION. A Temper so Hot 'Hint It Called Out the ! < ire Boys. The fire companies were called out by nn A. D. T. alarm turned In last night from Frank Bellamy's saloon on Douglas street , near Eleventh. The companies responded promptly but failed to lind any fire. The alarm was turned in by u mistake , which , under the circumstances , was excusable. It appears that a woman , under the Inllucnco of liquor , called to settle some grievance with Bellamy and pulled a revolver on him. Bellamy , while gazing into the depths of the 88-culibro Smith & Wesson , reached under the counter and turned in what ho supposed was u call for the police , but brought out the fire depaitmcnt instead. During the excite ment the enraged female disappeared and no arrest was maile. Sleepless nights maJo miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure i's the remedy for you. For sale by Gootl- ratin Drug Co. AVILiL NOT PAY. The California Accident Assurance Cotnpanv HcTusps t < > Settle. Shortly before Kichard Kiniball's death ho took out a life insurance policy with the California Accident Assurance company for $3,003. Since the accident which caused his death the administrator of the estate has made a demand of the company for the money. Payment lias beau refused on the grounds that Mr. Klmball was negligent , and lor this reason the company claims that it is not liable. Suit will be instituted at an early date to recover the $5,01)0. ) A positive guarantee is given by the manufacturers of Dr. Jones' Rod Clover Tonic that a 60 cent bottle of this rem edy contains more curative properties than any dollar preparation. It promptly cures all stamach , kidney and liver troubles. Goodman Drug Co. Ruined JJy ClfjurettsH. Robert Hackert , an insane man , whoso brain became dosti'oyed by the excessive use of cigarettes , was removed from the county Jail yesterday to St. Joseph's hospital. Alan A\antn a Toncl When there is a lack of elastic energy in the system , shown by u sensation of languor nnd unrest In the morning , frequent yawning during the day nnd disturbed sleep nt night. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters infuses un wonted energy into the enfeebled and ner vous , endowing them with muscular energy , an ability to repose healthfully , nnd digest without inconvenience. Nervousness , head ache , biliousness , impaired appetite and a feeble , troublesome stomach , are nil and speedily sot right by this matchless regulator later and invigoraiit. The mineral poisons , among them strychnia nnd nux vomica , nro never safe tonics , oven in infinitesimal doses. The Bitters answers the purpose moro effect ually , nnd can bo relied upjjn as perfectly safe by the most prudent. i < ever and ague , kidney troubles and rheumatism yield to it. A match company , in Lincoln county , Maine , last year , paid out $23,000 for lumber , ? SO,000 for labor , and shipped eighty-six car loads of matches to various ends of the earth. Five hundred Texas railroaders have signed a petition to the legislature declaring that a reduction in rates may mean a cut in wages. Texas has 30,000 railroaders. pfPRICEs CREAMDEHCIOUS DEHCIOUS FUVORIHG EXTRACTS NKMULFRIHTFLNHMS TJ rd by the United fitatti Govf mmtnt. Endorsed by the liradi of the Or cat Unlveraillci and tHtbllc Food Aualytti , ai the btroneest , 1'urtit and most Healthful. Dr. 1'ricc'n Cream llaklnr Powder docanot contain Ammonla.iluieor Alum. Dr.Prlce'i Delicious I'lavotingKx- tracti , Vaullla , Z.CUIQU , Orange , Almond , Rote , etc. , do not contain foltoiioui Olli or Chculctla. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. . Now York , Chicago. 6t. Louis. Tills podor never vnrlo * * . A marvel of purity stren tli \\liolosonieuos3. . "lor cconomlcnl limit tliu onllnary Klmls , inul cannot lie sold In coinpntltlnn with the muUltUiloi of low cost , sliortuolilitalitinor phositmto ] powJoM. Sola only la cntn. lloyal ituklug 1'o.wler Co. i20 Wnllatrsot Now Vork , ESTWtiSKED (36 ( ! ( 180 So. Crflnmll . ) ] , &UT8 lUreSIf Chicago , His. 1 ClorkQt. The Regular Old-Established PHYSIGIAII AHD SURGEON Is silll Treating wllh the Greatest SKILL and SDCCESS Chronic , IfeiTotinM Private Diseases , AS-NERVOUS DEBILITY , LOU Manhood , Failing Memory , Exhausting Dralna , Terrlbla Dreams , Head and Back Ache ami all the effect ! lulling to eaily decuy and pcili.ips Consumption of Insanity , treated scientific. . ! ! ; ' by new methods with Iicvcr-Uilins iuci.rss. KSf- SYPHILIS and Ml bad Blood and Skin DIs- cases perinnner.tly cured. * 3-KIDNEYind URINARYcirnplaints , Gleet , Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varlcocele and all diseases ofthe Gcr\lto-"Unn-uy Organs curcit promptly without itijtny to Stomach , KiJr.ejs oro'hcrOt zm. B& No expel 'mcnto. ARS and experience lm portant. Cccsi'Katlon free snd sacred. < C3r Send .4 cents poa'.ifjc fur Celebrated Works on Jhronlc , Nervous and Delicate Disease ; Ciflhosr contemplating Matitagc rnd for Dr. Ctarke'a celebrated guIJc Mcle and Fe-nale , each 15 cents , both 55 ccnU ( stamps ) . Consult the eld Doctor. A friendly letter or call may'avelutme suffer , ini ; end shame , and add gcldcn years to I fe KjTUtxx "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " v > cents ( stamps ) . Medlcmi and writings pt cvcrj where , secure from exposure * Hours , 8 to 8. Sut.d y y to is Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 185 So. Cark'3U ! CHICAGO , Sf.t- Only Genuine Svstom of Memory Trnl Tour Itnnlcn I.eniiiril In one iciidtut ; . mind ivnnilorini ; cured. Every clillil nml hilult Rrently lirnontlcd. Great induccineuta to C < irrc i > oidencu Glasses. f A'toiSETTE. 2.17 rifth Are. . N. rrjAB2A2L3 CAGE. Par tnn jccra I Ind r ! iiTi.itl'-ni fa Ircl that It i1 -nblc 1 1 me 'or w orlc mil cor.Iincit me to my bed for \\liolc \ jcar , clmli x \\l Icli tlmo I cctild net cLII i also rn v 1 nidi to iry 1 uul , end for 3 ino'itH could not ino\oinj-i.f ] Inhcd. uduccd Inc"h \ from kiqaiaPnUi * . Wmtrcat- 'eclliy foot phjsirinn" , only to prow worse. Finally I took bvift'a Specific , nrd Boon began to lm ; > ro\e. After nvhllo unict my j\ork , nml fortlio pv-t Iho months luiabu'i rauill ml c\crwa3 all froia the cfTLCts of Swift's bncclQc. Jens IUY , Jan. 8 , 1S8D. n. Wnjnc , In < l Jiooka on lllood ami Sk'n Hicra i 3 nnllcd free. , Frncin- . , Atlanta , : BEITS & BETTS 1108 1'AiiNiM STHKBP , OMIIIA , NKII. ( Opposite I'axtou llotol. ) OlIlcotiourH , Ua. in. toHp. ra. Sundays , 10 a. m. to 1 p. in. ijpeciiillBts .In Chronic , Necvom. Skin ntid Blood DUcases. ffTConatiltntlon nt olllco or by raall free , Jledlclnes aiiit by mull or uxpresi , uotuinly paclied. fiee from obsurvatlon. ( iuiranteoso cure quickly , safely ami peirmiuimtlr. ' nul Losses. Night Kniis- Blond I'hyslcal Decay , urlsliiK fioin Indlscro- tlon , HxceaJ or Indulgence. piodticliHj Hleep- cHuueua , DexpondL'iicy. riinples on the fare , aversion to society,1 easily discouraged , lack of contldence , dull , unlit for btudy or bnHlneis.and lludH 11 fu a burduiu Hafely , punnanentlv and. privately cured. Consult urM. Uetta i : IJetts , lot V urnam St. , Onialm , Neu. Blooi anl Skin rostilts , completely eradicated without the aid of XorLiirv. Scrofula , Krynlpelu * , I'over Borca , ItlotclRiH , UlcorH. 1'alns in the Head and Itonex , ByphllltlcSoreTtirnat , Mouth and Touijuo , Ca tarrh , Ac , peimanently cured wheru others have failed. Viiinnir aml "ladder Ilninnnir Complaints , HlQllGV ! Unildry rmntm. Diiiicuit , too fro- ( jucnt ( turning or Uloody Urine. Uriria hlgn col orrd orlth milky nedlmont on standing , 'Hculc Uack , Oonnorrlui-a , Ulcot , Cystitis. Ac. , 1'romptly andSafelr Cured , Charges Iteasona- cjIflTJTAfrflTTTtJ'PI Guaranteed per- 99 J-XLli JL UJOuSMi - iimtient Cute , re moval complete , without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Uuren enYUcd nt home bv patient Vrlthout a iiuiinenlB pain or anmn unce. " YoDiii Men and Middle-Agcd Men , 'f'"e ' awful olfects of early Vice , which urings org.inlo destroylncboth mind and bodv , with all HH dreaded I1M. permtipeutly curca. HDO UDTT ? AdrcBS tnoso wno nave impaired 1)110 ) , DElllO themselves by Improper indul gences anil solitary habit ) , which ruin both bodv and mind , uullttlng them for buslnead , study or marriage. . . . . . MAIIIIIKII MKN. or these enterlnB on that hapPy - Py life , aware of physical debility , quickly an W8ten > OIW SUCCKSS Is based upon facts , rirst I'racticul Expe rience. Bccoud Kvery case In especially Btudled , thus starting urlglit. Third Medicines are pre pared in our laboratory exactly to suit each case , tints allectlng cures without Injury. fXTBend t ) cents postage for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. .thousands cured. Vtf A friendly letter or call may gate you futuie Buffering and shame , and ndd golden > ears to life. fxTHo letters un- \ \ ered unless accompanied by 4 cents in stamps. Br 1103 Furnam grteet , Omaha , K CONTINENTAL Clothing Housd WEEK Price $15 ; Marked down from $20 and $22. Suits , $8.00. Four new lines have been added to our list of $8 Cheviot Suits. This has been the most populafl bargain line we have ever offered. ages 17 13 to Price $7 We will run this popular line , for this week only. SUITS Our special line of Boys' $5 Suits will be found larger this week than ever before , including many choice designs never offered before , / \O T"\1-T5 ! C * ORDERS Send for samples and fashion plates for any of the above lines and they will be mailed to your address. OMAHA Freeland , Loomis & Co , BOSTON NEW YORK' " Proprietors DES MOINES Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , They're Limited. \Vo have sonio Special Hnrgalni In MEN'S SUITS for you this week. Right at the beginning of the season wo propo'o to do you some good , and liavo made special prices on some especially good suits $ , & , 10 and $11. Conio early 111 st choice. NKUVOU8 , CHHONIO nml I'UIVATK IMSHASUd of MKN und WO.MUN ( ucu-asfullr troatoJ. YOUNG MEN Suffering from the effects of youthful follies nr India crutloni , or uru troubled null W < mknus > , .Nmvous potilllty , Ix ) s of Memory , Donjioiiiluncy , Avumlon to t-odoty , Kltlney Troulilo or nny illncaao of tliu ( junl- to-Urlimry Orcui3 ! , uui hiiio tlml H MIU unj spueilf iurc' . Clmriicg rtMxmublo , especially to the poor MIDDLE-AGED MEN Tbt ra lira nmnr troubled with too frenuant evllcim tloim of the hlnililur , oftun iKcouuunlitl U > it nllKlit munrllnu or biiriiliii ; KCiiiatlon , iinU we ikonlnit or the eyitein In H mnnnur tliu patient cannot account for. On oxniiiliilne the urinary deposits u ropy sediment Kill often ho ( ound , unil sointnlmea pnrlluei of albu men will Hppenr or the color btt ol a tliln.inllklili Ime , nualn ciiannlnk' to a dark < ir torplil Hppearuuio. Tlioru are many men who die. of til dlfllculty , luiior- ante : tlietauie nblch is-tho second IMKH of nomi nal weakness. The doctor ul | | cuar.intoe u perfuU cure In nil Huctl ca e , and a lioalthy restoration of theucnlto urinary nrnaiis. Contultallon free. Hend 2-cunt ntnmpfor "Vounii Mnn' iTlemt.ur ( juldu to Wedlock , " Iron ta all. Address DR. SPINNEY & CO. Main nnd 12th St. .Kansas . City , Mo. imtloii tUU paper. State Line. To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin und Lhcrnool From New York Every Tuesday , < Cabin passage $ .15 to l. < 0 , according to locution of atnttt room , Kxcumlon W > to too. Steerage to nnd from liuropo at Low est Hates. AUSTIN UALUWIN & CO. , ( ien'l Agents. 6) llroadwup , Now 1 or * . JOHN IHKdKN , Oen'l Westwi Agent , 101 Randolph bt , , Chicago. HAltilV K , MOOitKS , Agent. Omaha , Reduced Cabin flutes to Glasgow Ex hibition. U H ii i v VIGOR , Will HI I W Kiftctlr rViilDta y i otf III Mil LI Petlpn-Dupre Reme ies III 111 * bead for our new llluiliiUiric tu . Abwlutt itmcr. Varlco OMAHA MEDICALa SURGICAL INSTITUTE . N. W. Cor. ! 3th & Dodge Sta. Foil THE TllL'ATUrST Or ALL Appllancoj for Deforaitios and Bent facilities apparatus nnd remedies for < ucce lul trantuiont of orcrr form ot dtseaiu raqutrlni Medical or 8ur tcal 'treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard Bud Attendance ; best noipltul accommoda tions Is tlio Treat. WHITE roil oiuctiLAits on Deformities and Bracei , Trusios , nub Kect , Curvature of the bnlne. 1'llos , TuiunrB. Oncur. Catarrh , llroncliltls , Inlnlntlon , KlcctrlcltT. I'araljsli. Kpllopir. Kldnejr , lllaader. Kro , Uar , tiKIn and lllood.snJ allSnrKlcal oporntloni Disoasoa of Women a Specialty. BOOK ON DISEASES OF WOMEN t HER. ONLY BELIABLE UEDIOAL INSTITUTE UAUINO A HI'KCIAI.TV Or PRIVATE DISEASES. All Flood Dlieaies luceoitrullr trented. Hjplillltlo rolicn romored from tlm ajutani without mercurr. Nun reitoratlre treatment ( or Ion of Vital I'oitor. rarioni unnblo to r'.alt ui ran ? bo traatod at liowo by rorri-oondcnc . All commuulcatloni conddontlai. Medicines or Instrument ! cunt by mail or crpruej , Miuroljnitcked. . no marks to Indicate coutanti or leader. One personal Inturrloir preferred. Call and consult u or send lilitorr of your cose , aud wo nil ) ( and la plnln wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ! Upon Private , Special or Nervous niieagos , Irnpo- teacy , BrbUllts , uleet aad Varloocele , wltli qneitlon Hit. Addrcsi Ofiia/ Medical and Surgical Institute , or DIE. flSeMEMAMY , Oer.lsai ndDod otJtJM - OMAHA , NHB. Healtii is Wealth DK. K , O. Wrsr'H NKKVB AND n/uiy TUHAT. WENT , a guaranteed specific for llyhtcrla , Dl/.zl- nets. Convulsions , Tits , Nervous Neuralgia. Headache , Norrons 1'roitratlon caused by the use ol alcohol t.r tobacco.Viikofnlnusn , Mental Dopiesslon. Pofttnlng or the Drain rurfiiltlng In Insanity nnd Icadlni ; to misery , nrcny and death. 1'romatum Old Ago , Jlarrcnnesa , Lota of j'ouer in cni-er sex. Involuntary lonnes nnd BpcrmatorrlKi-a enticed by ovor-oxortlon of tno nram , HiiltiiDuBo or ovur indulgence I'.nch box contains on month's treatment , II n box , or six boxe * forW , sent by mall prupald on 10- relpt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To curenny case. With eich order received bv us for Hlx boxen , iicconnmnled with t.'i , we will neiul the purchaser our written gnuiuntea U > re fund the money If the treatment does not effect n cure , ( juarnntees lusucd only by Uoodmnn JrugUo. , DingghtH , bole Agents , lilt ) J'urnam fctreo Omaha eb. COFFEE Tliu I'utlle are not eenorallr aware tliat by tlio prenvnt inelUoilt of cuuklnit lully oiio-liair ut the " ' fj.ueod I * tlirown away in' ilio'urouncli and waited . riietulsti connected with thli ciimpanr liaroauocpcded Jn tavlnit tlili wuitu to ttiut tlio com pany can lurnlili cnnco roado of Hie tlnett Jam. put up In imallporliiGloJari und WAliiiANrt.li I-MIKKCT- I.Y I'uiiB hurt ( iiiaranteod to bo only about ONK- HAI.K 'lUU IXJsT to tlio coniumor of common cof fee. Only boiling waUrli neudod when prepurlnis U for tlio tablv. Crown I.I < | UI4 Ooffea Company , Ask Your Crooor for CROWN Ll < jUU > VO1WEK. MCCORD , isKADY & CO. , " \yhulcealc Grocers , . OinaUa , Keb 20to60 DAYS. This is u disease which has heretofore ) Badlod all Medical Science. When Mercurv , Iodide of Potassium , Harsapn rllla or Hot Springs fall , \vo guarantea a cure. Wo have a Ilemedy , unknown to anyone In tl ) World outside of ourCompHity. aud ona that baa NEVUSt FAIMHU to cure tlio most obstlnnto CSEOS. Ton days In recent ( .nieg does the work. It U the old chronlo deep seated cases that vre solicit. Wa tfave cured hundreds wlio have been abandoned by I'hyslclunu. and pronounced Incurable , and wo cnnlleugo the world to brine us a case that wa will not cure In loss than sixty days. Blnco the history of medicine a tru speolQo for Syphilis has been aoueat for but never fouud until our was discovered , and wo are Justified In saying It Is the only Ilemedy m the World tnat will poi- ittvely cure , bncau o tha latest Mudical Works. published by the best known authorities , aay tDero was novera true speclflo before. Ourrira- edy will cure when everything elsa has fMled. Why \Miste your time nud nionoy with pateat medicines tnat never hnd virtue , or doctor Trull physicians that cannot euro you , you that hare tried everything "lno should come to us no wand R.'t permanent relief , you never can get n vise- where. Mark what we say. In the end you must take our remedy or NBVKll recover nn $ ) ou that have been afflicted but a oliort time should by all means como.to us now , not ona In ten of now cases ever got permanently ctirqd. Many cot help and thlnK they are free from th disease , but m one , two or throe years after It appears again In a more horrible form. This is a blood Purifier nnd will Cura any Skin or Blood Disease wbon Everything Else Fails. THE COOK REMEDY GO. Boom 41 Max Moyer--Establisns4 ISSS-Adolph Hayir Max Meyer & Bro. , / - AND - FARNKM - STREETS General AKUIIIH lor STBINWAY , CIIIGKERING , KNABE , VOSE & SONS , BEHR BROS , , and JAS , W , STARR PIANOS ! Story & Clark and SJioningcr-Bell OCTS , BI'KCJAI. IMlllJUa ANI TKHtIS , Wrltu for Cutalojuo. DRINK HIRES' ' ROOT BEER 'lliu rureal nnd Ho i J > rlnk l < i tlio WorlU. ApiiotlEln Dolluloui ) , ( llul.lik ( ) ) . makei art llon . UVKUY NOTHOirillB. MAI1H. Try It nnd you Will Not bo M'illioiit 11. . MadobyO. K. llllU'.ri. I'IIII.AI/KI.PIIIA ,