Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No nitvcrtlflcmrntn will lie tnkon Tor
Ilirun column * ) After ISiflO p. in.
Terms Cnsli In mlvnnco.
AdrertiedmrntA under tnli hend 10 cents p r
Itao for Ino nnt insertion. 7 cento for each sub
eeqncnt Insertion , and f 1//0 per lln per month.
Ko udvertlAcment taken { or loss than 25 cent *
ths Crst Intertton. Seven words will be counted
tothn Una ; they must run consecutively and
* miat be paid tn AUVANOK. All adrertKe-
rnonts must be handed in befora 12:30 : o'clock p.
. . and unflcr no circumstances will they b
taken or discontinued by telephone.
1'artiej advertising In thene columns and Imv-
tnc their nnsTrors uddressed In onto of TUB HKH
> will plcnso usk for a chock to enable them to get
their letters , as none will bo delivered except on
presentation ot chock. All answers to adver
tisements should be cncloseolln envelopes.
All advertisements In those columns nro pub
lished In both moraine and evening edltloiiR of
I TIIEIIEK , the circulation of which aggregates
' rnoro than 1,000 papers dally , nr.a Rtvcs the < !
Yenisers the oenem , not only of the city circu
lation of TUB HEK , but nl o of Council muffs.
Llnsntn and other cities nnd towns throughout
Ibis section ot the country.
Advertising for those columns will bo tnkon
nthe above conditions , at the following bust-
JBPBB houses , who nro ni thorizod ngcnts for TUB
JltK special notices , and will quote the gam *
rates as can bo hnd at rbo main ofllce.
OHN"WlVllLirPUttr n Vra5 ufh""To"nth
C II ASH Ik EDDY. Btntloncn nnd Printers , 113
South ICth Street.
II , FAHN8WOUTH , Phnrm lst,2115 Cum-
tng Street.
J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , C21 North ICth
. Street.
noT W. PAlin , Pharmacist , 1900 Bt. Mary' *
SITUATION by an experienced lady book
keeper nnd cashier ; best references. Address
J. A. Van Alia , 41U Park nvo. , Chicago , 111.
2(5 2ut
( SITUATION wanted by a man ( Iano ) as dilv-
> or , either cnirlngc , express or nny other
kind , good experience by tnklng care of horses ,
Addrt'os , X so , lice. 275-2. ) * 3
todo droosmattlug in fnm
lllen solicltcd.Mlss Bturdy.2017 Lftavonworth
2Q1m 22
SITUATION wanted by a first cln BS bread
and rnko baker. Address L. E. Elkhorn ,
Valley House , llth and Dodge sts.
* T \IinsSMAKJiIt from Chicago , good cutter.
JL/nttor nnd drnpor , doslras work In families
hythedny. Address X 11. lloo olllce. I48-27J
* | D AKT1KS desiring experienced .stenographers
JL can obtain Just the puny wanted without
delay or inconvenience from tno Western Sten-
ographlc agency. Lincoln. Neb. BgJ-m'l '
WANTF.D Men for light work nt good
dflary. - Iloom U , Metropolitan hotel ,
Council lllulfs. 25U-211 *
WANTED Three young men : light wors
nnd $15 weekly. Iloom 17 , 2JO N. Ifith.
" \\7"ANTED Mnn to mnnngo branch ofllco In
T 1 Kansas City , $100 per month nnd comuils-
filon. $150 required. Address , X28 , Iic .
2.T4 25 *
SALESMAN wanted. Ono ortwo good sales-
iiii > : i. side line , htniidnrd artlcln. No sam
ples required. Address , Draw or ! )3Kalama7.oo ,
illch. 199 4
'l T 'NTED Ono wide awake lYayclIng mnn ;
T good obenlng for energetic party. Call
to day. Iloom 2 , Arcade notol , city. 212-26J
'V\7ANTEI-Twocontmnkers. London tailor ,
i > 037 Broadway , Council Hlulls. IbO 25
AA'ANThD-Agonts ; magic cigar llgater ;
T T every smoker buys ; lights In wind or rain :
lasts n lifetime ; sample Inc , two for 2T > c , dozen
81. by mull ; stnmps taken. Stay nor & Co. ,
I'roUdenco It. 1. ITO-m'ii *
WANTED Experienced haidwnro Bales-
man , knowledge ot builders' hnrdwaro
preferred ; stnto ago and salary required. Ad-
ill ess X 17 , lloo. 16B
EMPLOYMENT for young man or lady ,
lloferenccs required. G. E. Thompson , 312
Bhcoly block. U9.J
WANTED iCnergotlc men nnd women every
where for n gentooU money-making busi-
n ss$00 weekly piolli guaranteed enMor thnn
JOO monthly otherwise. Experience nbsolutoly
tmheccsiinry. I'ermainont position nnd exclus
ive territory assured. $3 s ampler fioo. Write for
paitleulars. Address with stamp , Merrill Mfg.
Co. . B ta Chicago 714-mliJ
8ALV.SMEN Wo wish n few men to s nil our
goods by sample to wholesale and retail
trade. Largest mnnufrs In our lino. Enclose
2-cvnt stumi ) . Wages $ J per day , Pciinaccnt
position. No postals answered. Money ad
vanced for wagon , advertising , etc. Centennial
plnn'f'gCo. . Cincinnati. O. E14
WANT/ISH Men to solicit ; must deposit * 2'
nnd give security for money colluded.
Baliiry 175 to $100 per mont h. Calf on or ud-
drcss Goo. 8. Cllne. Oil 1'lrflt National bank. 470
WANTED-Agcnts to sell the Pig Puzzle ;
everybody crazy to get one ; sample by
rmill TJC ; stamps takon. A. A. Austin A-Co. ,
manufacturers. Providence. H. I. 208ni2J
" \XTANTKO 500 men for railroad work In
i Washington territory : good wncos nnd
steAdy w ork. Apply aiAlbilght's Labor Agency ,
mi I'nrnnm street , 2")7 " )
L > OYS Am. Dlst. Tel. Co , 1304 Douglas.
AQKNT3 wanted ou salary , $7o
and expensai pnid , nny active man or
woman to sell our poods by sample and live nt
homo. Bnlnry pnld promptly nnd expenses In
advance. Full particulars tina Ktvmple cnso
free. Wo mean jutt what we say. Address
Standard Silverware Co , , Boston. Mass. UK )
O001C nnd second piillnsamc famlly.trW each :
1 forolllcer's family , & ' & : < l nlnlngroom girls
oat of city ; a chambermaids ; 3 laundresses In
nme hotel ; " women dlsi > washers , and U for
general housewoilc. Mrs. Hret-a , JUH S ICth.
, "w : ; oj
fSfANTKU A clrl lor ( tnuornl hoilsoworlc
V > ItiiO B Ninth st. n. K lili-assor. iM4
WANTKn Experienced girls In bindery.
Apply at Itepubllcan ofllco bindery.
WANTKD Hlght u way , good nmart girl , no
gu oilos. good wages. 1 3 N. ITth st.
.70-35 *
\\rANTED Qlrl in family of three ; good
Vf wagoi. Apply Sffd rnrunm st. STISO
-A e ° 0 < * KM In smalt family :
must un < leiitnnd reeking nnd general
vorlc , n-feronce icqulrcd ; 1S08 Pacific ot. g v-3j ;
WANTED ( ! oodgirl forppnornl housework
In family of tno ; small house : Inqulio .110
M. SOthgt. 2H8-2JJ
ANTMn--1 rooks , prlvata fauilllon. f.020 ;
gtrb for prlvnto lumlllon ; HcookH , fromf'5
to3UUillnlngiootn ; girls for city ; 4 laimdcross-
ainomrn : fur day work : fidlsnxvasherti and 3
houfiekeoporn. small fninllles. Ncornsxa Km-
plojmcutOlllotf , 317N. 16th nt aig-gij
WANTED A good rellublo trusty clrl that
can help tnknoare nt fmall chllil nd do
pcn rnl housework in family of three. Mrs.
Haulnnn , nai Lt-nvonwoi'th at. Z17-25T
A GIRL for ( tenernl houseworz. Mr . A.
] lavlnsfillS.2Uth ) fit. 21U-2U
WANTED ( Jood servant girl , Oermun pre-
forrod , to do cooklng.lroulng nnd wnshlng ,
good wages. N. W , cor. ivih and Leavimwoitn.
"IIXT'ANTr.D Nice nppHnrlns youns lady for
11 thetitagn. ( Joort fcwlsry and expenses paid.
HUto full pnrtlcutaiH first letter. X 2 < X lice.
_ L _ 2J8 20 *
W AI.'TRD A nitrna and cool : t ORO wit ! i fam
ily to Portland , Origan. Imiulre n t 'iia
nveimo. _ _ _ RI7 25t _
"WT ANTED An expetionced ) ounc woman
Ti to attend in b.itl ; room ; need wngos to
the light party. Address" Mrs. K. E. Ilro\t stor ,
box K' ' . Lincoln. Nrb. _ lili'r-3ilj
WANTr.f-An elderly woman to do ilglit
\\oik In asmall family : aiso woman to euro
for children. I3u : 2 dlnlnu room girls for Uun *
irlie. flh2 ; for Wjo. , M ) ; 3 women cooks , twto
I , til ; $ girls for ininti hotel , 110 & tix ; l girls toi
nice private f am Ulea In unit exit of city. Mis ,
JJfega.ai4HH IMh. 1W4-2I +
LO111L for geneial hoiire work at OW park
art- . 2M KVT
f A 7f fill A trimmer nn-lsulejlaay. ( itmhiiJ
in o . . WA DoutlM st. _ _ _ US.I
fAtfTKii-Uiri forhoui woik. Bi N'lUtilT"
_ ' _ _ _ _ _
WA'/C'ITSD- / cook mioTUundi e , fnnTfij
ot llvri' * . N , W. cor. 17th aud Douglas.
_ _ JSiMM
MHS. UIIEO A , Canadian Emp. olllce. UHj ) a
lOtfl. llcfurouco Uumha Nntlonnl tunt.
\MAHA Kmp. bureau , 1WN Ktni Mta1ilt l : 4
W ) our . Mo t rMhUiii In city. H. K. White.
T AD1ES Infonnntlim nnd uiployia nt par-
XJ Ion ; strictly Qrit-rl x * ) perfectly railauie.
Koom 10. llunhmiva bio : ' . , N. E , cor. Douiriai
PARTNnnwantod-To take halt Interest In
well located find finely furnlMiod hotel In
Omaha ; mnst have M.OOJ toOUO cash. Ad-
\ reM rartneiv P.JP/S ? ; 679.
NTRI-Any onenfflict d wltn aurpri-
\atoorchronlcblood disonso to cnlfon
the National llemcdy Co. , 1414 Dodge st. and In-
\ cMlgato tlielr treatment for private disorders.
"l\rANTrn-lHtyer for n peed lot on Capitol
V nve. , within four blocks of high school.
rA"NTI'.D-Mny 1 , fiirnTihed or unfurnished
cottage ; family of two. Address V 4 : . Bee.
70H-U7 *
WANTP.D Two unfurnished rooms within
nvo blocks from P. O , Call or address J.
J. Bliss , l.MI DonglM st. ar.S-35
WANTHI ) to rent by family of two , an tin-
. furnished cottage in good condition con
taining 6 or "rooms : muflt hnvo terms nnd lo
cntlon to receive nny attention. Addrcs . U 6\
lice. CT
FPn" HKNT Ono 7-room nnd one 4-room Hat
in the , Langs block. Inquire nt 611 S lUtli.
" 1710H HKNT fi-room house , southeast comer
JL1 sth and ( Irant , Rood repair , $12.50 per
month ; 4-room house nearly now , oliu Pont
plaro , near south -Mi at. , $10 per month. A
good store building on south Mill nt.wlth rooms
above , barn , city water , etc. A splendid place
for grocery , hardware or saloon. Kent very
low , Hugh G. Clark , room 7 , Chamber of Com
merce. 281 20
' 1710H HRN'T Sovcn room houso. Sfltlf.stTbTT.
--1 Illoudo and Patrick nvo ; fc.5. 03 per month.
873 an
_ _
SHOUSHS centralljrlocated where fufnituro
Is for sale on tlmo. Co Oporutlvo Land and
. ° ! ! 5 ? Nl l th Bt. _ 214-Sfl
OUH robms7S. ia S. 13th , near Dorcas.
ILEASANT7-room house near
and streetcar line , w ith a barn a llttlo dts-
tanco out , Call and son mo nbout It , O. F.
llarrlion , Merchants Nat , bank. _ 154
TjlOliTUKSl 3 room house ; rontrnlly located ;
JJ modern Improvements. J. F. llnrton , 2010
Cnpltol nvr nue. _ l 7-2t8
TTVMl HKNT Two elegant brick llato , well
JJ located , each 0 rooms. 7 closets , all modern
Improvements , nro worth &M. but will rontthem
to good parties nt 7. Apply to T. C. llrumior ,
1151)5 1'nrnam ht. 142-25
TT > Olt HKNT 7-room lint , nil modern comren-
X1 lencos , good location , cheap to good piuty.
L. if s. Itcntal Agency , room U10 , Shcely block.
UW )
THOU KENT A now 11-rootn hou'o with largo
JL' ynrd nnd all modern conveniences , "lift Cnl-
i fornlaBt. _ _ ! 1 Si *
"TTIOH HKNT Ono ton-room and ono eight-
J- room house , nil modern conveniences , itcst
part of city and within 5 inluntos walk of po st-
olllcn. Nathan Shelton , 160 Farnam st. 1)43 )
8 KOOJI house for rent , city wnter , $2o. Iloom
207 Bhpcly block. 870
IJ OH HENT Beautiful Broom nouso with
JL ? modern Improvements , splendid locntlon.
Apply ntonco , 0. F. HntrUon , Mer. Nat. B'k.
THOU KENT Good houses atjO. $40S : ,51'i.30.
JJ nnd12 pur mouth. Ifyouwlsntorcntcallnnd
D. V. faholes , 210 1st Nnt'l linnk. 7h9
Ij1Olt KENT 14 room brick dwelling , nil con-
JJ venleiiccs , 210 N. 10th st. bO"
7UOOM housu with barn , out n little distance-
$ - 0 per month. C. F. Harrison , Meichnnts
Nnt. bank bldg. 493
Foil IIENOV-Eiegnntly furnished rooms with
nil modern improvements , nc ( JIM v 6.13th bt.
TjlUHNIHHEI ) nouso for rent In Pnrk Terrnce ,
JJ oppoalte'iranscora Park ; nil modern con
veniences. Inquire Leo & Nlchol , 23th nnd
j.i'avcmvuriii. yj.i
" t
"fjlOIl HUNT 9-rooni modern improved house ,
JL ? A 1 locnllty : rent modernto. Apply to M.
Elguttcr. 1001 Karnam st. 033 _ _
'iJIOIl HEN'L' Cottngcs , 5 rooms , 3720 Charles
JJ st. nnd 1534 S tth st. Inquire ut room 212 ,
Shfelybloctc , 033
* TjUK UliNT Wheil you wish to rent n house ,
JJ Btorp , or olllco call on us. II. K. Cole , room
C. Continental blk. , OH
"IjiOK RENT The u-ioom residence. 2107
JJ Douglas St. , nil modem Improvements , In
quire S. Kntz 13lflFarnnm. OM
'HIUltNlSHF.D room , beautiful locntlon ; icfcr-
JJ oucos p.xchangod. 17W Dodgo. 2t > 2 28t
Tj'nl * HUNT An elegant suit of looms for
JJ family use In ono ot tliu most desirable re
siding localities in thn city , over ray hardware
stote , lir.'l Howard. W. r , Stoetzel. 290
cpwo nlcoly furnished rooms for light house-
J-keeping. Inimltu IbiW Webster street.
"IT1URNISI1ED looms In good location ; gas nnd
JL ; bath ; prices reasonable. 2 : o Leavenworth.
274-1 $
FOH KENT Furnished rooms , single or en-
sulto : board if desired ; nil convlences ;
barn on promises. 321 Dodge Bt. , New pi o-
prielor. 37J 2f *
TTIUHNISIIED or unfurnished rooms for rent
JL ? in Parlc Terrace opposlto Hauscom Park :
all modern conveniences. Inquire Leo &
Ntchol , 28tli and Lonvenworth. ' ! > 35
O NICE south front rooms with every conven-
-J leuco ; tolcphono lu house. 1908 Capitol nv.
T AHOR front room with bod-room adjoining ,
JLJhnndsomely furnished , gas nud heated by
stntm , with use of bath room , In ono of the
handsomest residences in the city , without
board , liuiuiro u. w. cor , 16th and Leavenworth.
' "A
FUUN1SHED rooms , bath , 023 B Kith , south
Hat , 3rd floor. 231 CO *
TJ Ll'dANTfiunlshcd front room with every
JJJmodprn coiivoulenco. 1WO Casa , for gentle
men only. 23U.20 ?
THUUNISUED rooms. 2ii N Wtia.
JJ 10328 *
AA'ENUE rooms , nt 1013 nnd 1015 Capitol avo. ,
2 blocks from P. O. , newly furnished , privao
'boardtns housepleasant roomsailconx'omencos
1)81 ) 2t ) *
TTIOII KENT For ono or two gentlemen. largo
Jc front room With alcove , nicely furnished.
On cnblo line , north sldo Dodge St. , opposite
With nve. IJ127t
irion HKNT Nicely , newly furnished , nil
JJ modern conveniences , 2310 Douglas. I'M
OU IlBNT Koom 1C21 Howard.
F 093
1 'j\It \ ( ) HENT One furnlRhod room with closet
J. nnd oory convenience , giu > , etc. , bath room
on surnu floor ; sullnblo tor ono or two gentle-
mnn. 231 Fnrnam. WJO
jln ItENT Furnished rooms single or en
JT suite. ; ItOS Donglac. . 713
THUUNISHBD front room with board ; first
L1 floor ; 205 S. 2Uh st.
SUIT of 2 'furnished rooms , modern conven
iences , 3 blocks from P. O , , private family.
A. llospo. ] r. llil.l Douglas st. lO'.i
TTl URNtSlIEU Hoom with board , suitable for
JU one uontlemun , 1053 ParV ave , 121-26 *
ROOM with or without board. 1813 Dodge ,
O FUItNlSIIKI ) rooms for rent , with board ;
must five references , at 1931 Dodge Bt.
T7WKN1SHED1100MB-1303 Douglas street
JL > 013
TTIUKNISHED room * . 113 S 80th stn6ar Dodge.
Jj 424 as *
"IJlUHNlSIIUD room for rent ; must jjivo refer-
1 ? ouce. at 18-'l Dodgo. 4 to
I71UONQ.'rooms ; nil conveniences ! Kill Douglas
L1 706-26'
F * ll 117KNT Uood basement , 1511 Douglas at.
' :
'rriUHNisll Uli rooms for rent at 1H1 Oodce
Jj 837 aST *
SlUltNTMED roouit. to rent at tt.\i ) ) H. 18th Bt.
AH moaorn convent onom. ys 25 ]
ROOMS and board , 1010 Webster fct.
783 ml t
Y/lUltNlSHLD rooms by day. wees or month.
J ? at. Clalr hotel , coy 13th and Dodge. Kli
TnUHNISHED rooms , single or en suite , bath
J- and steauu for gent * only , l&ltt lloivinl.
TpOU ItKNl' i ron t room j at 1821 Fainam.
"iroit ItnNT Two rooms nnd a kitchen , llttb
J ) 6.16th st. near IMerce , KUi'O.
"jfTiOiTHllNT-b. i and . ) rooms , 'tutb lithutT
JJ bytwoenJai'l. onund Laavunworh.'ii - ot
n OIt HUNT .1 new rooms suitable for hoii'c-
Jke , pint , 18 per muuth , 'M Frantiln st ,
IflOUHUNT Ahandiomt suitof tnrce un-
X1 furnlihvd ivoms with bathroom1 nnd
closet. , at UCQ Sherman ave. to
'flvinu room * 011 Cum.
liigtr ott ftlio house on t'a.t t > t. llunU It.
E. i. tt. Co. , ileum 411 Ut Mat , bank. hit
I71OU 1IKNT-S r.ooM''xSO : icli , in brlcc build-
J. Inf. with nlevator , cJoia to expreis olllce.
lutap r nt , ] uat the thin ; for vrholeialmir , good
locatitio. Aj > > ly to ClooJleyn , llttf
T\KSIt room for rent , one window , cor. llth.
Jand Karnam , basement shoo shop. 270 27 *
FOlt HRNT-Tho 4 story brick building with
or without power , now occupied by The H o
Publishing Co. . nt Fntnnm Rt. The building
has a lire proof cemented basement , complete
Rtontn heating fixtures water on nil the noors ,
gas , etc. Apply nt Iho olllco of Tne Hoo. t Hl" >
STOHt : 407 with bn-.nment , llamgo bldg. In-
quire I'rnnk J. llanigc. 050
TOOK HUNT Store iUxGUj 1113 Jackson st. Ku-
C qttlro 1114 Jackson. KB
I F yo\i wnnt to rent your houses call on Hnr-
JL rls , U. K. & L. Co. , room 4111st Nttfl bank.
r | liM
LIST your property for rent with Remington
& 1'ryo , Northwest Corner 15th and 1'iuimm.
"VVAM'ED ai nouses nt once for which wo
i > can furutih good tenants. Liatyour houses
with the L& Sllcntal Agency , 310 Sneely blk ,
I" 1' YOU want to buv , sell , renter oxcnnngo ,
call on or address , U. .7. SternidorfT'rooms
817 and 318 Hrst National bank building.
KO. J. PAUL. 1GU ! ) Farnam'flt.4 houses ,
stqros c c. , for rent. Pl _ _
" "
W K give special attention to .rontlng"n"ha
collecting rent * , list with us. 11. r. . Cole ,
room 0 Continental .
_ . . IU5NT Houses in nil parti of the city.
JLJ. . J. Gibson , No. 3. Crolghton block. C01
T J. OtllSON'S now system of renting houses ,
J .No. ! l Crolghton block. COI
GOOD business or driving buck wagon , made
by Drummoud ; perfect order , J , A. Dslzoll ,
116 Ninth st. 281
A UIIUQQISTitli cash looking for n good
location , will do well to address E. K.
Cnpps. Culbertson , Neb. , or Hunt & Co. , Hast
ing * , Neb. 247m ZK
HAVING bought the outfit of late P. lloycr , t
nm prepared to do heavy hauling of all
kinds ; nntea n specialty , Clins A. Morsn , ! Xi3
S. lUtli st. Telephone. : ci ) . KMMi
that nro s'utlerlnc from prlvnto disor-
dersnlllllnd the National llomedy at 1414
Dodge st. , where you can got sclentlllo treat
ment and n euro guarnnteod. 211
H. SONNr.NSCHlTlN has moved to 417 S IStli ,
. Iluy nud soil second hnnd f urulture and
stoves ; bottles bought nnd sold , 15Q-m21
" \\nLL tnko horses to pasture at Ollmoro.
TT Prlco (2 for mo , D. A.Younj , Gllmor < > .Nob.
rpHE Dnnjo taught as nn nrt by Goo. If. Gel-
Jlenbofk. . AIJDIV at HPO Olllco. n.V )
LOST Pair of spectacles. In brown leather
case , near Lenvenworth street school. Ho-
turn to 1003 Parnam and get reward. 278-30 ?
T OST Dark bay mule , 10 hands high , 2 silts
JLJ m right car. Howard for return to Poor
Farm bilck yard 257-lOt
LOST Ono dun pony , has scar on both shoul
ders , lloturn to blacksmith shop at 13tli
nnd.lacktion street and got reward , 2IC-3Tt
T OST Hotween Omaha and South Omaha ,
JLJour local express delivery receipt book , lie-
turn to No. 1011) ) Howard Bt , and will pay for
> our trouble , llces Printing Co. I'i8
ISS M. E. LYNCH , of Chicago , it teaching
the Adams-Taylor system of dross-cutting ,
nt her school , where cutting , making nnd drup-
Ine Is taught ; instruction given day or evening ;
diess-maKlng in connection with school , llooms
31U-317 Shooly block , 10th aud Howard sts.
243-25 *
) HIVATE course In fencing , boxing or taucy
club swinging , $10. Address T 14 , Uco onice.
29 ml4 *
STOHAGE At low rates atllZlFarnnm st
. -Omahn Auction 4 : Storage Co 117
rpUACICAGE , storage , lowest rates. W. M
JL Uushman , l-'ll ' Lonvenworth. 118
BltANCH & CO. , storage , 1311 Howard.
DH. NANNlls V. Warren , clairvoyant medi
cal nnd business medium. Female .discuses
a specialty. 119 N 16th St. . rooms S nnd 3. OJ1
HE Standard Shorthand School , having purchased -
chased Valentino's Shorthand lustitute.Pux-
ton block , opp. public library , is now the larg
est. Dost equipped , exclusive shorthand BChool
in the west. 13.1 graduates In good situations
The school Is in charge of Mr. II. A. Smith , a
stenographer aud teacher ot many years prac
tical experience. Twelve No.2 Homlugton typewriters -
writers iu uso. Send for circulars. 411
ELECT1UC Telegraph School ; thorough and
practical Instruction by competent toach-
ers. Bend for circular or call IU' ) S. ICth. 1M-3HJ
SIIOHTHAND nnd Type-writing tiuicht the
most practical way at the Omaha Commercial
College. Uonn Pitman system nnd Hemington
type-writers ; students complet niemial in two
v ecks , and write from ( .0 to 100 words per mln-
utii in three months ; practical olllto drill made
a specialty. Instruction in grammar , spoiling
nna writing free. Address itohrbough llros. ,
Omnha for circulars. 317 m3
WANTED To Duy good commercial paper.
It. C. Patterson. 318 B 15th st. Wll
" \ 7"ANTED furniture , carpets , stoves nrd
TT household goods of nil kinds. Omaha
Auction & Storage Co. , 1121 Fnrnnra. UWJ
FOU SALE African Inp robe : will trade for
sowing machine ; M 8. lOtli St. , room B.
253 27 *
FOH SALE Talking parrot , 15 , nlso one
handsome yellow head nud African grny.
BOO S 10th St. room 8. 282271 :
/ " AIIFETS , bedroom sets , stoves pnrlor furnl-
V/ture , wanlrobe , hall tree , curtains , oxton-
blon table , etc. , cheap for a few days , 2010
Davenport st. 23J 25 *
TilOll SALE Good shelving , ono show-case
JJ and n lot candy jars at Geo. L. Dean's , 1333
Douglas. SB 30
TjiOU SALE Cheap for csh , one cook stove
JJ am' gasoline stove , one base burner. IWi
Cass st. 2-8-35t
Tj OIl BALIJj-Ata onrgain ; norses : sound ;
JJ worl : double and felugle ; ono o good driver ;
call 2010 Davenport st. l&--27t
FOU SALE Pair of fine carriage horses. 1711
Webster St. , Sulley llros. Tel. 805. 1SU 35
FOK SALE 1 work team , wagon and har
ness complete , v ry cheap for cash , cio
Paxton blk. 849
JJ10H SALK Shafting , belting , pulleys , etc ,
JJ . 'oocl as now. KH > saw , cross-cut nnd band
HBWS very cheap , UJ1 Douglas. 13j
F 8AI.E-2.COJ tons lc < r. Adam itoder ,
1 Ulnlr , Neli. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KB _ mint _
HOUSES forSnla No. 1. Kino draught horses ,
suitable for bruwcrs' wugons or heavy
linulmi ; .
No. : ; . One line uny horse. Hlx years oldwould
make the nicest nnd boat grocery horsu lu the
city.No. . 3. A fine. Imported full blooded Arabian
black mare , with colt , a good rondcr and Bad-
dlor for lady. Kasy terms. Northwest cor
ner 28th and Webs tor nts , X'41-2CT
_ Il BALK Furniture and carpets , nearly
new , ot a 10-room house , or house can bo
ren' party buying : 2 blocks from p. O.
Cash. Address Smith. MIS Capital avenue.
FOH SALK At a bargain. A first-class "Jill-
ler"lmck ; good as now ; run only a months.
Can bo seen at Simpson's CnrrUge oik . or
addreba X 15 , lice olllce. ' 153-ajt
TnoR SALK floal nnd grain business in live
Ju wii of D.UU tiojiulntlon ; a good opening.
Addesa box 167 , York. Meb. DTT2S *
'lfJE Cabinet Grand rotejvood case up-
- glit pinno for J1W.BO ! coat wlieu newt40) ) ;
only used ono year ; must be told at oBcei will
give tlmo on part of it if doalrod. Address V
ti , care Omaha Uee.
TL OIl SALE Hood wort team , WHROH aud hur-
J. ' jieiu ; eet carpenter tools and chest ; fulUet
iiurKlcal instruments , nearly uew ; bouiehold
goodB , etc. On easy payments , j , J , Wilkinson.
n(1 (
n(1FOK SALK Draft horse B. bujriry norse.i , and
Binnli delivery mules , \VoodB Sale atabl
1510 California. IKI
AKI IlSl'-CLABB upright piano , very reason
aonable , on easy terms ; very line lustru
incut. iOlfl Davenport.
TTWU BA1 < E Horse and bueey. Inquire A.
J-1 Hospo , 1613 Douglas fit. 615 mil
MIDLAND Guarantee Jt Trust Co. , 1MB Par-
nam. Completabstracts furnished & title *
to real estate examinedperfected & guaranteed.
A J1STRACTS LInahan & Uahoney , room 504
PaKton block. OKI
OMAHA Abstract Company , 1&19 tarnamgt.
Most complete and carefully prepared eet
of abstract books and plats ot nil real property
lu the city uf Omaha aud Douglas county.
V\7 have buyer for a lot who will par cash.
V > txcoUlor Lo n & Itcal Estate Co3lO B 15th
G VT.PRCK loanamonsron Omnnaroal Mtato
Ilulldlng loans a specalty. it 4 , Frenzerb lie
MONKY loaned on unimproved InMde Omaha
real estate , G. W. I'eck.Ji. 4 , Frcnzer block.
! '
TTNlMPHOVnO nn Improved0lproporty ;
U loans made promptly I money on Immi. F.
M , Hlchnrdson , a w corlith and Douglas.
/3connotes , short onilong time , unsecured
VJ or with mortgage , bought nny wnere In Nob.
or Id. Quick lonns , citydr fnrm. Cnll or write
W. UBelby. It. 13. U'd.'Trnac. ' EC9
TOANS , made on Improved nnd unnnpiovccl
JJrcnl estate nt lOtrost/Jtates , by Odoll llros. fc
Co. No. am 8110th st. , gi _
"OUILOING LOANb Jyo will bny Int , or tmy
JJIncumurnnce onyouVlot nnd build for you ;
smnll cash payment. bUahce In cnjy monthly
payments ; In cnso of druith wo cancel the entire -
tire Indebtedness. M. K. & T. Trust Co. , First
Nnllonai bank building. ' Mii-ml'i
HE , COL& , lonn agent.
BUILDING LOANS At" per cent net , no nd-
dltlonal charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. 1) ) . Molklo , First Nnt. bniiKbldg.
BUILDING lonns n specialty. W. M. Hnrrls ,
room 3D Fronzer block , opposlto 1' , O. ,
"P\O YOU w nnt money ? if so , don't borrow
-L/boforo getting my rates , which nro the low
est on nny sum from 110 up to I10.1WO.
I make lonns on household goods ptnnos , or
gans , horses mules , wncons , wnronouso re
ceipts , house" , lenses , otc , , Innnynmountnttbo
lowest possible rntes without publicity or ro-
movnl of property.
Lonns can bo mndo for ono to six months nnd
you can pay n part nt nny tlmo , reducing both
principle nnd Interest , If you owe n bnlnnco
on your furniture or horses or hnvo .n loan on
them 1 will take It up and carry It for you ns
long as you desire.
If you noedmonoy votl will find It to your ad
vantage to see me before borrowing.
II. K Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll building , 1.1th
nnd Hnrnoy. 3JO
HILL loans nt 410 Hhcely build-
lne at oloht per cent Straight. Samuel Tato.
191,000 TO $ , " > .000 on Improved city property ;
Pcanbepald In mommy Installments ; doi > t
cancelled In rasa of death : will 1 oan H ) to GO per
cent of cash valuation. M. 1C & T. Trust Co. ,
FlrstNational _ bank building. 853-rnl5
MONKY to loan nt lowest rates of Interest on
real estate In Omaha nnd South Omaha.
Titles nna property examined by us and loans
madoatonce. Cash on hand , IJatoa , Smith &
Co. room 2011 Uamge bldng. 310-m'l
$1000 nndupwnrds to lonn on good msldoclty
property. No delays. W. i'arnam Smith ,
123U Farnam St. 8a5-a27t
6PEH CUNT money to loan. Cash ou hand.
\Y. JI. Harris , K 20 , Fronzor block , opp. P.O. _
H. 1) ) . COLE , loan agent.
. 100
S J $ t To loan on inrms nnd city property.
3Geo.J. Pnul , 1803 Fnrunm st , UM
C1TV Financial agency will lonn you money
on horses , furniture , jewelry or socurltlos of
any kind. 1JOO Howard st coruer S. 13th st.
2m ; m H ;
EASTERN tnist funds to loan on improved
real estate In Omahn.Marge loans preferred.
E. S. lllsbco , First National bank building.
SPECIAL fund of $10,0011 to loan ut reduced
rntes on furniture , horses nnd wngons. City
Lonn Co. , 118S _ 13thst. _ OTO
"IDEOPLE'S Financial F.xcnango Largo and
J- small loans for long and short tlmo , nt low
est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of nil kinds , diamonds , watches
nnd Jewelry , Don.t fall to call if you want fair
nnd cheap accommodations , o. llotiscaren ,
M < ? r. , room 50 } { Barker blk , 15th and Fnrunra.
u _ _ „ _ _
MONEV to lonn on ImpVoved property nt flrs-
hands. No apDllcaupn sent nwav for npt
provnl. Security nnd titles examined free ot
chnrgo to borrowers , ' < Ix > mbnrd Investment
company , SOU 8. nth st. < - 9T.
T CAN make a few loans'ou Ilrst-clnss chattel
JLsecurltles nt roasonablo'ratoa. W. 1C , Potter ,
room 10 Barker blk. 027
T OANS wanted on Omaha real estato. tUroo
J-Jand five years' time ; optional payments ,
favorable terms and rjites , applications and
titles passed upon by us , nnd loans clo ed
promptly. Klmunll , Chliinp & lly.xn , room 0 ,
U. S. National llnnk Building , VAf > Farnam st.
_ _
JjMHST mortgage loatts nt low rates nriil no
} delay. D. V. Sholes , 310 First Nntlonnl bank.
_ _ 003 _
TITONEV to Loan We nro ready for nppllcn-
-UXtions for loans in amounts from $ J ifl to $10.-
000 on Improved Omnhn 'or Douglas countv real
estato. Full informatlon'ns ' to rates. Loans
promutly closed. Good notes will be purchased
by us. Call upon us or ovrlto. The McC.iRUo
Investment Co. 105
A NY amounts loaned on furniture , pmnos.
xXtoams , etc. Notes bought at less than usual
rotes , monthly pavments leduoo Interest. Keystone -
stone Mortgage Co. , room 203 Shoely blk , S. 15th
C.F , HAHUISON lonns money , lowest rates ,
. 498
RTONEV to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
lU-and loan ncouts , 1503 I'arnam st. 101
{ TJILDING loans. D.Y Sholes , 210 First Nn-
> tlonnl bank. O'.ti
S 1EE Sholes , room 210 First Nat'l bank before
making your loans. W.rt
M IONEY ( to loan. Hairls It. E. & Loan Co. ,
room 411 , First National bank. J93
B U1LD1NG loans. Lmahau & Mahoney.
C I' . HAHUISON loans money , lowest ratos.
$ MO.COO to loan at 0 par cent. Llnahau & Mahoney -
honey , Hoom SOT Pnxton block. 110
M ONEV to loan In largo sums nt the lowest
rntesno ; delay. It , 0. Patterson , 318 s 15th ,
MONEY to loan on furniture , horseswagons ,
etc. . or on any npproved security. .1. W.
llobblus IU 200 , Shooly blk. , 15th nnd Howard.
M ONE Y to loan Lowest rntos , Lonns closed
promptly. H. E , Cole , R 0 Continental block.
WANTED First class Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call nnd see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. . H. I. Barker blk. loth & Farnain. 094
VTKIMASKA Mortg.Lo n Co. will make you a
Li loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
One jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , ut reasonable rates.
Boom 7 , Howloy block , South Omaha ,
liooms 618-510 , Pnxton block , Omaha , Neb.
MONEY loaned for 81) ) , 0) or M days on nny
kind of chnttol security : reasonable Inter
est ; business confidential. J J. Wilkinson , 1417
Fnranm sf 10U
T , OANh on business property , * . ' > , ( WO to .VOiiOO
JLJwanted. Provident Trust Company , room
SO ? , First Nntlonnl bank building. 110
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rntos with
out dolny , nnd purchase good commercial
paper and mortgage uotos. B. A. Blomitn. cor.
13th and Farnam. 103
TjiHILADELPlIIA Mortgage & Trust Co. . fur-
J. nUh .cheap eastern money to borrowers ;
purchase securities , perfect titles , nccept lonna
nt their western olllce. George W , P.Coates.ioom
7 , liourd of Trade. UU1
LOANS madoonrosl estate and mortgages
bought , Lewis S. Itced & Co. , 1631 Fnrnam ,
DON'T borrow money on furniture , noraes ,
wagons , etc. , or collattoraU until you sea
C. I ) . Jacobs , 4U ) First National bank building.
MONEY to lonn ; casn orf'hand : no delay , J.
W. Squire , 1219 Farnttalj at , , First Nntlonnl
bank building. > t 108
PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange The inilest ,
JL quietest and most liberal money exchongo
in the city ; money loaned wituout delay or
publicity. In any amount , large or small , at the
lowest ratnuof Interest ) en anv available so-
curlty ; lo.iu.s may be pala < t any time or ren wed
at original rates. O. llousciran , Mgr. , room
50H , Darker block , 1.1th ana Farnam. 1U4
TjlOIt SALE Cheap ; meat market , tools and
JJ fixtures , nil now , good building , everything
In tint-class style. Caller address T , F. L > on ,
Weeping Water , Nob. J. * 2 a 27j
TltOIl HENT-Barn , SM-Plerce. ( Enquire J.
J ? Herold. 243
SCONl'-ECTIONKIlY pttlros. a hotels , feed
store , stock of mlllinerHmd other businesx
chances. Co-operative Land ana Lot Co. , SJB N.
18th t. -r 108 25
T7IOH SALK-Ilarber sliopt good business.
J Call T03 Leavenworth , W2fl
HOTEL for sale. Well furnished , paytnir V )
& month rant. Address W. P. Anderson ,
Norcntur , Kas. atl-ml *
ANEW roller mill for sale in a good wheat
belt , and good market for flour. For terms
address F. J Andreas , fonion. ] Neb. 45 > 3IT
T7UU SALK Stock of drugs and w all paper In
J ? town of 8,000 , doing business of over 100) |
u y ar ; will Invoice JJ.800 ; will bell for iKMKW ;
must be sold tor c&alu Address X 34. He * .
2U1 28t
AOOOD eitabllshed feed nusmesi ; requires
but vinall capital. Jnnulie at the O. U. E.
& T. Co. , 1601 Farnara. 182-29J
EOH BALR-17,003 stock of hardware. Htovts ,
ate. ; f 1,000 stock of general merchandise ,
clothing , boots aud shoos. Address P. O. box
238 , Uozad , Neb. J53-31
OAltl ! CHANCE Nice clean stock gotieral
XVmerch&udUe , fixtures and Urge store build
ing and tot iu live Nebraska town. Division
station It. & M. , to trade for good Omaha resi
dence. J. U. parrotte , under Douclan Co. Hank
fiion BAIil ? ncstnnrant connect with IS
J-1 furnished rooms. 1120 Cnpltol avo. 17728 *
T7IOH 8A&W A ( irnull , clean itock Of hard-
Jo ware in n desirable location in the eltyi will
Invoice nbout f l.wo. ( lood money In this ; no
trade. Apply to Rector 4 : Wiiholmy Co. , whole-
S21 iM
TOU SALE-Th * best restaurant In Omaha ,
J- nil newly furnished , nnd making HX ( ) per
nlonth. Host of reasons for soiling. Enquire
nt Cnnnold house. aw-ao
ffi3 , ] 0 fo l ,00jwnhtcd to put into n good bust-
P ness ; llrst class security nnd good rsto of
Interest paid tor short or long time. Or will
take partner. For particulars nddross U4J ,
lloo olllce , 143
forsaleinonexjf the best business
Ocenters In Oinahachcap. Itonson for selling ,
I must lonvo the city. Address V 18 lloo ,
_ _ _ 4im7t
HOTEL man wanted , with n few thousand
, dollars to invest ; house nil furnished nnd
business tilfflvwlil pay out In IS months ; title
perfect ; no Incumbrance. Address M. A. Mc-
Uinnls , orO. C. Churchill. Sterling , Colo.
. _ 7B3IX3K
AMEMniniSIUP In the Omnha board of
trade can bo had cheap at HoomSJ U. S. Na
tional bank building. 033
rpo UXOHANGK Lot worth 11,200.100x100 ft.
JL in line Chlcngo suburb for book nud notion
story , rostnurnnt or cottngo nnd lot in Omnha.
Address.f I lee. 1135 *
QTOCIt of general morchandlso valued nt
OMc.uoo to trndu for boots nnd shoes , stock ot
millinery tlWU ! ; 3 good hotels nlso good farms
to trade for houses nnd lots In snuill towns ,
nnd other business chnncos , Co-operntlvo
Lnnd nnd Lot Co. . 20.1 N. inth st. lull y ,
TilOlt EXCHANGE-For deslrnblo residence
J property in Omnhn , nny or nil of following :
40 choice Inside residence luts In listings.
100 lots In Lincoln.
BlOncres line farming Innd.Lixncnstor county.
Fine residence property , Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Cholco family residence , corner , Los Angelas.
A nont residence property in Hnnscom Plnco.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Address , lIng location nnd prlco ot prop
erty , J. li 11. , care Hnum Iron Co. , 1 17 Lcnvou-
worth. Vol.
NEW 2-sentcd flno carriage or top buggy for
mortgngo city or county warrant * * , or nny
good unsecured notes.W.L.SolbyH M IVd Trade
1J1OU KXCHANOK Dakota , Hand county
JJ Wlmt hnvo you to offer for n good farm
here , slightly encumbered ? Dnkota lands nro
rising lu vnluo , nnd Its destiny cannot be dis
puted. Will take vacnutlot or Improved prop
erty and assume some encumbrance. O , J.
BternsdorlT , rooms 317 and ! H8 , Elrat National
bank building. tSi
Mil E ClIANUE-Kighty acres ot the llnest
. -iiibor land in Wisconsin , clear of encum
brance. What have you to offer ? G. J. Htonv-
dorll. rooms 317 and 318 , First National bank
FOU BALE On easy paymsnts , fi , 7 and f
roomed houses , umall cash payment down ,
nnd balance monthly payments. J. H. John
son , 618and 510 Pnxton block. 2SU
EOH SALls On easy terms. B , 7 nnd 8 roomed
houbcs , with small cash payment down nuu
balance monthly. J. H , Johnson , 518 and 619
Pnxton olocfe. 287
rpWKNTlKTH street Is paved to Center nnd
JL pavement ordered to Vlnton : 20th street Is
the coming street south. It is all graded nlco
ly to Spring Lake park. Wo have 47 foot near
Martha with n first class 4-room house , lot at
grade , for $ ( ,000. M. A. Uptou Company , 10th
and Farnam. 207
FOH SAIiK 3-room cottage with lease. $140.
1012 N. 22nd , bet. Izardand Nicholas. 277-2U *
"IJ1OH SALE 31 acres , corner 'Ihtrteonth nnd
JU North streets. Dcsuablo for platting. C.
Good , Hood block , Dos Molnes , In.48mil *
INVESTIGATE Thls-Lot COxla ) on llur-
dettobetween 24th nnd 25th streets ; 4-room
house , largo consorx-atoiy , sewer In alloy ; only
$ . ' ,000 ; $ VX ) cash ; balance 1 , 2 , 3 nnd 4 yearn. Jf.
A. Upton company luth nnd Fnrnnm. 220
TjlOU 1UJ.VT My Fnmam st. residence com-
JL ? pletoly furnished , with first-class servants ,
if deslrod , for four or live months ; family goIng -
Ing away. It. C. Patterson , 318 S. leth st. 22J
MOTOH on North 24th street. Wo have 60 feet
east front In Kendall's addition for $1.000.
M. A. Upton Company , 10th nnd Fnrnnm. ail
ALfjACE Iloom 84. ! Creighton block.
Lots 4 nnd 0 , block 21 , Carthage ,
each $1,000
Lots 13 , If. 11) , 21 , block 0 , West Cunung ,
each 1,003
Lot 11 , block 8 , Walnut Hill UOO
Lot 11 , block "A , " lledford , corner Ilristol
and UOth. east front , a bargain , ut 1,500
Lot 4 , block 15 , llodford Place , fronts on
aoth street 1,500
Lot 31 , block3llawthorne 1,500
Lot14. Bnrdette Court 7EO
Lots 21 and 22. block ! > , Orchard Hill , 100
feet front ou Gurllch nnd 1W feet on
Lowe avenue , n great bargain.'ir both. . 1.7JO
All the above on very easy terms.
Lot i ) , block "V."Shinn's , 00 fcot front , with
good 5-room cottnge , will take some trade , 01
sell on easy payments.
'Wnllace , Creighton Blocs. 101 27
TjlOH SALU 7 room house in complete order ;
JU 1710 N.27th. _ _ Inauiro 1700 N. 27th. _ UB-39J
LAND IhnvelO.OOO acres of choice farming
lauds 111 eastern and middle Nebraskawhich
I will sell nt from $ " > to $12 per acre. Will make
special price for the whole 10,000 acres If taken
In u lump. Goo. 11. Poteison , 1413 S 13th st. ,
043 mil
TJ1OH SAL13 The most pleasant aud best loca-
J- ted llttlo homo In town , suitable for a man
with n si iirxl ! family who wants something very
choice and not too expensive. Has never been
put on the market before and will undoubtedly
bo sold soon. It will p.iyyou to Investigate this
promptly. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. H'k.
81,7 ,
TfTlOn SALE Cheap Not for trade ; 513.75 acres
JO lind ( sec. fi-12-0) ) two miles from Marquette ,
Hamilton county , Nebraska. Frame house , ta-
blo. SOU acres under good barb-wire tones ,
round cedar posts , two stays , living waUr. 3 >
foot channel , 2 wells , .730 barrel tank , corral ,
self-feeder , a natural stock ranch , In a line corn
Price $ .000
Cash In hand , 2,750
2years' time C per cent. . . ! a,2i3
Go and look over land. Address owner , F. 1C
Atkins. 1503 Larimer at Denver Col. ( if !
Foil SALE C-room cottnco on 15th st. bet.
Center and Dorcas , lot 33x157 , $ . ! ,5)0 ) , easy
terms ; this Is a bargain. M. A. Uptou Co. . lutli
and Farnam. Ml
TiHU SALE South and cast corner 03x155 , In
JL1 the nelghboihood of the Milton Uogers
property. West rninnm street , very sightly
This is choice property In a choice neighbor
hood nnd will bo sold ohonp. It will pay yon to
Investigate the locality nnd this particular
pleco of ground. C. T. Harrison , Merchants'
National buns : . W15
TJ10K PALE Or exchange for Omaha prop-
JU erty , 80 acres , suitable for platting ; will
mnko 403 lots , nil clear , big money In It for soma
ono who CRU push this , located just outslda the
city limits of Council Hlulls. Inquire Geo. J.
Sternsdorlf , rooms 317 Jid 118 , First National
bank build Ing. 950
NO cash payment required. Will sell you a
lull lot tn Snundei's .V HImebaugn's ndd
for fO-X ) and take mortgage for full amount duo
In 5y ears on condition tlmtyou hill Id n house
to cost not lees than SSQO. C. K. Kultor , room 5 ,
B W corner 16th nnd Douglas. 4'59
OH. LOOKhore ! An eastfront. . 50 ft lot , on
2uth st. , south of llurdtitto ; very line view
for $1,600. How's that. M , A. Upton Company ,
Ifith and Fnrnnm. l l
SOUTH OMAHA I have n number of good
lots in various additions thnt must ba sold
at once nnJ can be bought nt prices that will
suit you. (1. .1. Stonisdorff , rooms HIT nnd ilia
First National bank building. 'J'X >
TJlOIlBalB or exchange A residence at 20th
JE st. , nnd St. Marys avo. ha j T rooms , bath
room , laundry , sewerage , gas and city uater.
Will take peed outside building site as part
payment. David Jaraieson. S14 S 15th. Wi
WOltTHY of your attention. Now being
completed onMth at , north of Luuvon-
wortn st , two houses convenient , to business ,
very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas , bath ,
tollot , 2 water closots. stationary wnsn tubs ,
hot and cold water , Qvo bedrooms , 10 closets ;
only $ . > .5'0 , on terms to suit. Telephone 2JT or
W. T , boaman , Omaha's largest variety ot was-
on . carnages , etc. . east side Ifitli st , north of
Nicholas st. 43J
TJIOIl HALK Academy of Music building and
JtJ two business lots. Grand Island , Nobnislcs ,
ground 44x133 feet , uulldlinf brick , two storms
high and stone basements , nil in good repair ;
terms easy ; price ( I8uiO. Emiulieof Thompson
llros. , Grand Island , Nebiaskn , TulmU *
T7IOR BALK or Lease Franw bulldluc nbou
JU 40x30 with three yearn' lease of lot.Oll UOUB
las at. u |
Foil SALE or EichAufu Improved stock
furmof BOOncres , In eastern Nebnuk.i. near
market ; also new 12-room housn , wltn ull con.
venlences. in desirable residence portion of
Omana , Andrew llevlns , attonitiy , 4.-J and 433.
Puxtonblock , Omnhn , Neb ifiT
rlson , Merchants' Nat , bank ,
O ilOUSK8' ; 'niniiIy Tocated'wlieTo'nie' fiTrnT
Oture is for sale on tlmo. Co-oriel ailvu Lnd
and Ivot Co. , 2J6 N. Itlth st , j 2J
T71OU SALE A prh-ataniauic in noutti fu
J-1 Nebraska. Address to M. Catud l. Cnmp-
bell. Neb. _ uu U13
R'P.M ' , 8ALB-Cholcest propcity in Orchard
X' Hill ; li-room house , all moflcrn Improve-
ineut . nnd 8 full lols. o. B. Jouuuon. owner ,
645 Paxton block. v 'Sl
1710It SALK nieennt corner lot one block off
JL'tho street car line , running regularly , nnd
n here the electric motor will noon add their
lino. Lot lies nlcelv and Is offered cheaper than
any lot in this addition. Price , $150. $ ioo cash ,
bnlnnca K per month. Inquire at residence
401 N 15th st. Call In the evening or on Sunday.
. IPO S5 *
liADTlHS I have a customer for i good
building lot who will make a small rastt
juymont , build n house nnd mnko n building
loan and give n second mortgage for balnnco of
purchase monoy. It you hnvo a good lot to sell
on those terms 1 ran dispose of It for you , or If
yon have anything to sell very cheap for cnih
list it with mo , Grover Stevens , 610 nnd 617
Paxton block. Tolepbonn 1UV 141-27
lOH 8ALK Abenutlfnl rosldonco In llan -
: com Plnco , oist front on iwth st. just south
of Popplcton are , lot 50x14to graded alley ;
yard nicely aoddod ; 8-room house , bath , hot
and cold water , gas , sewer , oloctrlo bollt , hard ;
woodllnlsu. If taken at once will sell this nno
homo for amount much below Us vnluo. No
nicer neighborhood Inthn city. Tolhoso that
mean business wo would llko to show this
propeltjr. Wo will tnnko the prlca right. , "
A. Upton Company , lilth nnd Fnnwm. ; nt
RIOII 8AL15Nico now iV-room houso. barn for
JU 4 horses , well and iitonu everything llrst.
claea ; full lot , In llodford Place , 3)0 ) foot from
Stnto sttcot fMth ntZi.'JOO , Iliw cnsli , balance 1 ,
2nnd 3 yours : or $3,000 , Jl.lM cilli , balance >
y nrs , JL A. Upton Company , ICtU nndrnrnnm.
Tfioil SALE-$1M equity In desirable lot for
JL1 WO. Address X 29 llctn S18SS *
AT A sacrifice IMxlM ft , east and north
front , corner K'tli ' and Howard nts. , onu
block west of Coo's nnd Ktikondall'a Una rest *
dences , two blocks from paved street , two
blocks sonth of rarnnm nt. : just think ot It ,
ISfixinu ft. and a corner at that , and only f I/HX ) .
C. K. Iteltor , roomG , s. w. oar. 15th ami uouvlii
i T\niAT FOULS wo mortals bo" 812,1)00 )
buys ton-room house with Antique oak
and natural cherry tlnlnh , Mdu bonnl In dining
room of sumo \\lthnll Intt-st modern coitrun.
Icncos ; nlcoly decoiatpd , stationery laundry
tuus , nnrt nci-mofn house nil through. lUst
front nnd full lot on Georgia nvo Take It
quick ; party polng to loavn city.
W.uuo buys utlxl II on corner Jtith nnd Varnam
sts , ; onst fnxnt nnd best bargain for money m
tno city : both streets pavud
$7UH ) buys night-room House and barn nnd all
Intost convcnloncus. Kast front on tfo.JOth
street. Take good lot in port payment.
good six-room housa on oosy ,
LOxlii-foot lot In West Omaha to exchange
car , for good houso.
81.500 buys n good new fi-room house nnd full
lot on easy paymenta.
f7)00 ( ) buys n splendid house , S rooms In
Kountzo 1'iace on lllnnoy street , or will take
smaller house In part payment.
tlTootuy n good house unit lot on Q rant
near ! 5)th ) street. Tiiko this quick.
11,600 buys good six-room house with all con-
vonlenco" . TaKe good clo r farm or J2UXJj
equity In one as part payment.
Ilmio wagon loads of good bargains either
lor sale , trade or ( gl\o awny cheap ) to suit the
most fastidious.
Get a move on yon some time nnd come In.
D. V. Bholos , aio 1st Nnt'l Hank.
"To not know a lurimln that o BOO. " 789
Foil 8ALI3 Nino-room house , barn nnd lot
In Hnnscom Place ; nlso 2 houses and lots In
Sunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat. bank.
6'J.I '
TTJ10H SALE The flnost residence site In West
JL1 Omnhu ; juat south oC Uitrnnui on . ' 17th
Btruet : a comer 103x187 with 187 foot frontage
on paved street nnd joining the hanclsomo resi
dence of Klrkondull on tliu nnd Hrady.Kas-
son and Murtlu on the sonth ; a perfect gem
nnd garden spot for an elegant home.
llarner and " 1st streets , UlxlH7 , on pavement
within three blocks of the court house ; room
for seven line houses that would rent ns rapIdly -
Idly us completed. A splendid permanent In
Pnrnnm nnd 22d stieets. 50x133 , with uew
three-story brick store building , rented to good
permanent ton.xnts , llontnl receipts 41'Ji pur
Sixteenth strout uoar Nicholas , frontage 01
foot to alley. Good business property.
Farnam street between 33th and DJth , front
age 48 or UJxllfJ to alley , south front , 1 block
from pavement and street cars.
Par * avenue , opposite Hnnscom park , 50x159 ,
price $2,000 , easy terms.
Paddock Plnco , trackage , 00x113 , $3,0 , easy
10th street south of Vlnton st. , lot for sale or
tinde for mdsu. or coed farm laud.
S. A. Slomnn .1301 Fai-nam st. 2.V3
T7\OH \ SALE Bfi ft. on 10th street near Mar-
J-A Urn , \\lth cottage renting J10 per month ,
prlco W.aoo ; terms x ery easy.
Lots ai nnd . ' , block 1 , Orchard Hill , prlco
$ ) each ; terms easy.
71 ft. on liOth street between Cass and Califor
nia sts. . only Jl.UUU.
Lot a , block 1. J. I. Itedlck's sub , btreot nt
both ends of lot , price J.I.TOO ; terms easy.
( ! oed lot In block 4. Omaha. View , prlco J1.100.
Lot 11 , block 1 , Plaliirlew , price (1,150.
Uood corner In Lowe's addition , 60 ft , south
trout , prlco only * < W5.
Lot 65. lluir Oak , fronting Hnnscom park ,
prlco J1.B.V ) .
OB ft , Boutti front , lot on Jackson st , In Isaac
& SeldenS add , prlco ? 1,7UO.
Lot - ' , block 3. Hillside No. 1. r,0ft south front
on Cass ss , price J-,50J ; cash $1,000 , bal nvo yrs
nt 8 not cent.
Lot 1. block 1 , Hillside No. 2 , prlco 52,750 ; cash
$1.20' ' , bal live yrs nt 8 per cent.
Lot a , block 1 , Hillside l\o.B. price SJ.750 ; cash ,
1,0 ) bal live years at 8 per cent. Loot these
no and see what advantages they have over res
idence lots In other localities.
Ixits In Hillside Itoservo from 53,509 to Ki.500.
This is fast becoming ono of tha llncst residence
localities in Omaha , nnd we nro prepared to of
fer bumo of the best of this property for said nt
the lowest possible prices , nnd to miiko special
Inducements to parties \vho will build.
If you contomplnto bulldius a 810.0JJ. $30,00
or Smooo home tlm season lot us show you on e
of the finest corners in the city on which to
build It. It IsliMxUI ) ft and fionts south and
OIEast front lot In block 9 , Potter's addition.
Price S1.350.
Lot 4 , block 1 , Potter's addition. Pnco 81,473.
Double corner in Potter's adltlon , IMxlliu ft ,
only * . ' ,8 .
Well improved busluejs lot , with sewer con-
noctlons , city water , etc. , renting $ j70
and In n locnllty where rents are advancing.
Price $1,01X1. A good Investment for womeono-
nTwo now housps nnd lots In woiteru part o
the city , with modern conveniences. Prlco
$ J,3')0 nndW,5COrcspcctlvely. Terms , S.WO cash ,
bal monthly.
A few line residences In ICountzo place nnd
Hanscom place that wo should llko to show
parties vi anting homes.
Low is Couucil II lull a within three quarters
of a mile of the postolllce fro $ WO to U )0
Terms easy. , , . , . . -
A few ot the best corners In Council Bluffs on
llroadwayln the vicinity of the motor power
house nnd carriage faetnry.f rom JI.OW to JI.2DO.
Some ot the anovo list are ollorod at from 10
per eont to 2'ipor cnut bulow their nctunlvalun
and \\n should be pleased to have the propory ,
Investigated. Potter St Cob ! ) . 1C01 Fnrnam
of the iMutte , cinot juartcr.
L-'in.ister's olllto , Omnhn. Nub. , April Mil , IhSU ,
Tlmu ( S7th lust. ) for opening proposals for con
struction of olllcers' iiuartcrx , stoiehouses. ! c. ,
nt Koit Nlobrara. Nebraska , us fixed by my ad
vertisement of 1st Inst. , Is further deferred
until 2 o'clock p. in. , central time , the llth of
May. 1H8II , Win. II. llngues , Colonel Deputy Quartermaster General , U , S. A.
ttwliv *
Notice to Crarloro'
Sealed propoi.ils will ba rocolvcdnt the odl
ot the county ulerk , until ; io'loek p. m. , Satur
day , April Situ lust. , for the runniiiK of araduri
Nos , 1 nnd 2. Sepainto bids \vlll be rocelvod for
hill anil turiinlko woik , aud nil bids mint , b
accompanied oy cartilleilrliQeIc for 810) . Pl.vns
nnd HpoclfliMtlous to nusucn nt the olllce of the
county clerk. M. D. HOCIIK , County ClefK.
TNSTKUMUNIS placed on record
I. yesterday.
( J (1 ManU to P 0 Harrier , 114 acres In aw
St-liMt , wd 1,710
Ji L Cannon to I ) W King , lot 24 , bit IS ,
Culkiiis'sub of Maylleld , wd 250
IHllollnudlmsbanifui U Lowe , lot IV ,
blk II , Wnst Hide add , wd 3'i !
ES llascalltoIIJotw. e ' / lots 10and U ,
blfc.'t , HascaU'ssub. w d COO
E M Mola nm ! husband to 11 irnot : > t , lot 'J ,
blkr > r . Solomon's add , w d 3,7.50
O 1'StebbliiH to New vnrk and Omnha
Land nnd Trust Co , lot V , blk 20 , Ituus-
com Place , w d BIX )
J A MrShaiiH to J ,1 Johnson , lots , blk SO ,
Int add to South Omnha. w d . aOO
0 KllsrtornnawlfotoJT. Hopkins , lot
, 17 , blk 11Orchard Hill , wd m
MIH.I lllihoii to .1 H Chirk , lot 6 , block l > ,
Ambler Place , w d COO
B Blow to 0 Stow , lots I'l and II , blk 3 ,
Ames Place , M oil > , 1
0 Sullivan ut nl to K T Carroll , 10'U acres
fnnwy , K , 1:1 : , wd 3
CiSulllvnu etal to U Malone , 10.35 acres In
nwl' ' . H. 1:1. : wd 3
Heirs of T Sullivan to 0 Sullivan , 1J.3J
acres in nw y , 14 , Ul , wd
N I ! linrkalow to O Long , lot H , Darknloir
BtriiDk nOuslier.
RO , April 83. An oil well was
struck nenr 'I'aylorvlllo on the Port Wayne
road nineteen miles from this city tills morn-
lug. It Is now P.owluif about 700 barrels a
Prohibition In lihodo Island ,
lUnrrniii ) , Conn , , April 25.Tho house
lias voted to rccodo from Us former vote nnd
concur \vith the sonnto In submitting to the
people prohibitory umondraents.
ICaa rin IjoavoH for Tier 1 In.
I.ONBOX , April 2r > . Mr. Kasson , ono of the
American commliislonort sent to IJcrhn to
treat on Saiuoau affair * , has lelt London for
that city ,
An Opposition rlno.
It is salt ! tlmt n Japanese line of
stcmnors will soon bo run on the Pnotflo
const in opposition to the Pncllio Mail
Steamship company.
TInvo you rhoumntisni ?
Hiiro you iliubotosV
ITnvo you Brlght's ( Usonso ?
ilnyo you nny Ulilnoy trouble ?
Iltxvo you gnivoiy
Have you nny blnililqr difllculty ?
Hiwo you dropsy y
Hnvo j'ou dyspopsin ?
Hnvo you nny skin or blood dtsoaso ?
Are you n victim of alcoholism ?
Are you woivk u'ltl dobilitntod ?
K so , the Almlpnty hn3 provided in
the waters of KxcoUior Springs , Mo , , a
jiiiro free roniody , thnt na a diurotlonnd
Lonio , will moro nearly provo infnlllblo
for yotir cnso thnn any uthor ajjonqi'
you can Ilnd on earth.
"Tho Kluis,5' nt Excelsior Springs , , ia
nowhere surpassed among llrst-clnsa
hotels. All olmrpoB very roaapnablo.
Kvory comfort and convonionco. Surr
roundni ! s ntlrnctlvo. Cllmnto delipht-
ful and healthful. Twenty-six miles
from Knnsns City , Mo. , oh the C. , M. & J
St. P. rnlh-ond. :
liar llonrt Fnlloil Her.
Mr. Bohor nnd Miss Casonius had a
iiconso nnd vvoro nonrinp n preacher's
house in Bedford , Pn. , n fo\v nlphU
since , when the lady's lionrt fulled her ,
she dropped his iu-in nnd touk Ilipht for
lior. homo.
All dnncor of drlnkinp impure water
Is nvoldou by nddinpr " 0 drops of the
genuine AiiKOstura Bitters , manufnc-
lured by Dr. Sicgort & Sons. At all
druggists. _
Tlio IVrotiK Kind of I'ollnli.
Now York Journal : Bnld-hendod Beau
Don't you bolloro that polish helps a
man to mnko conquests among the fair
Rival Certainly , hut not \vhon It's on
top of his head.
licccham I'lTU euros norvout and bllllous 11
8ho Wlilpputl the Constable.
The conslablo of Everett , Pa , , was
ordered out of a house in that town but
refused to go. The mistress attacked.
him with a broom and broke it ever
him. Then she took up the mush pnd-
dlo aim used it with such good olloct
thnt the olllcor obeyed orders and de
Cancer ol * the Tongue. Bpj |
For three or four years I had nn eating
( tore on my tonpio thnt mndo n considerable
hole In it. I bcquno nlarmcd nt Its progress ,
nnd went to Atlanta for treatment. The re
sult wns Unit I commenced the use of Swift's
spccillc , mid the sere wns soon gene , without
a trnco of it loft. A. Lnwia.
Thomnston , Gn. , March 14 , ISS'J.
Hi 1837 I Rnvo you n testimonial showing
that U. S. S. Imd cured mo of rheumatism of
twelve yours' standing , and I tnko pleasure
in snyiiiK that I hnvo never hnd any return
of the disonso. As u loulo in the spring S. S.
S. is n splemlid medicine. J. H. M. MAUTIK.
Jackson , Miss. , March 11 , ISSO.
Lightning acted strangely in a Mld-
dlotown , Pa. , barn. Olio largo steer
next to the wall was found dead , two
next without n hair singed , while the
fourth was killed outright. Then it
crossed the entry nnd performed the
same feat , the ono next the wall and the
third ono being killed.
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup should al
ways bo used for children teething. It soothes
the child , softens the gums , allays nil pain ,
cures wind coHc. nud Is the host remedy for
diarrhoea , 25ccu.ts a bottlo.
The Cliilii ol' Their Old ARC.
There is a couple living at Prnttvillo ,
Ala. , whose ngos are seventy nnd fifty-
seven years , the husband being the
older. They have been married nbout
throe years , and now have a four-week-
old babe to cheer their declining days.
They are proud of it , too.
Do you relish your food ? Is your di
gestion peed ? Arc your bowels regu
lar'1 ! Do you hnvo a tired or IniiRuid
feolinp ? IB your tonjruo coated11 Does
your hack : ichoV Ts your skin sallow ?
If vour system is in a bad condition
lalco St. Piitrick's Pills ; tboy will aid
your digestion , improve your nppotito ,
regulate your bowels , correct your bil
ious disorder and inalco you fool like n
now person. For sale liy all druggists.
At Spokane F.ills , W. T. , the other
day , u Mr. Wood espoused a Miss Pylo.
Have used Dr. USgolow'siioaitlvocure
in my family as a general cough medi
cine. One of my children was quickly
relieved of n severe attack of croup by
jt. T cheerfully recommend it. H. L.
Lovoll , Grand Kupids , Mich. Goodman
Drug Co.