Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 THE OMAHA DAILY BElfe ; FMPAY. APKIL 26 , 1889
iellvcrtd by carrier In Any Part ot tie City n
'JwcntyCcnta 1'crWeek. . . _ . , . .
JluM.M-FR OFFICE No. 43.
N. y. Plumblnp Co.
Klttlo Leo , n ilonlzon of "Hotton Row , "
wns hauled In last evening as drunk and dis
Pat Sweeney was arrested last evening
charged with being dm tile nnd disturbing
tlio peace. Ho put up ? 15 for his appear *
Two drunks nnd as many vnps constituted
yesterday' * prist In pohco court. Three day *
each on tlio streets squared accounts all
Lost Between city and Chautauqun
irrounds u Chestorman's steel tape. Heturn
to C. K. Allan , C2S Mynslur street and re-
cclvo suitable reward.
A. W. Sclimattand Mary Kuzlokn , both of
this city , were married , yebterday ulternoon ,
In the parlors of thu iiuchtolo house , by
'Squlro dohurz.
Little business was transacted In the dis
trict court , yesterday. Arguments were
heard in ono or two uninteresting civil cases ,
nnd submitted to tlio court.
The Pythian Sisterhood will meet at Castle
hall this afternoon at 1 : ! ! U o'clock. Mrs.
Young , G. C. , will bo present and Institute
the now lodge. All members are urged to bo
The Uniform Rank , Knights of Pythias ,
will meet nt Custlu hnll tills evening at 7:30 :
o'clock. Important business will bo trans
acted , and all members are requested to bo
The Adams express company has secured
now quarters In this city and will move to
COO Hroadwny on the 1st of the month. Their
now location U central , and much moro de
sirable than the present quiirtors.
Subscription papers are being circulated
by Messrs. Sweeney , Lacy nnd Weaver for
the purposc.of securing funds to pay for the
furniture recently placed In the now pa
rochial residence' of St. frauds Xavlor's
The hose race at the driving park next
Tuesday between the Rescue and Kisuman
teams will bo for blood , as a great deal of
money has been bet on the sldo by mcmbors
of the two teams. It will bo an interesting
It js the Intention of the Driving Park as
sociation to give a racing programme at
Union park every Saturday afternoon hero-
after. The patronage is such as to warrant
theao weekly exhibitions , and it is hoped
that bcforo the end of the season they will
become a source of liberal income to the as
William Elliott has sued the county for
111)0 ) for services rendered in fumigating
smallpox houses , nursing nnd removing pa
tients. It is conceded that ho is entitled to
pay for his work , but the bill is alleged to bo
too largo. Ho will contest it in court. A.
W. A&kwith will present his claims.
The waterworks company is still busy put
ting in side connections to the Broadway
mam for the streets west of Streotsvillo.
When this work Is completed , mains can bu
laid through the streets oftho various addi
tions in that part of the city without much
* trouble , whenever so ordered by the city
KIt Landlord Tamisca , of Hotel Do Manuwa ,
announces the formal opening of that popu
lar resort on the 7th of May. It was in
It tended to open on the 4th , but arrangements
ItV could not bo completed tit that time. The
V Improvements at the hotel have added
f greatly to its attractiveness , and augur well
for its success the coming season.
QOn account of the extreme low water
m the Missouri river there is quite a water
famine In the western part of the city. The
water is unusually low , even for this time of
yoar. Prospects for au early rise are not
particularly brilliant , as the annual Juno
rise is the next thing on the schedule for
high water in this erratic stream.
Work has been commenced on the fencing
and grading of Fairvlow base ball park. It
is situated Just cast of the grounds of the
Omaha and Council Buffs gun club , and it is
reported that the club is negotiating for the
use or it for their shooting matchesas , admis
sion to the grounds could then bo charged.
The location is very favorable to secure
liberal attendance from both cities.
Tickets for next Tuesday's athletic sports
at Union park are going like hot cakes. But
little canvassing was done yesterday , and
over $200 dollars worth was sold. As the
price is but 25 cents the attendance already
vouched for is over 1,000. It is conlldeatly
expected that fully 5,000 people will bo at
the park on that day to witness the various
races , and other exhibitions called for by
the programme.
Blank books mndo to order. Can fur
nish patent binding lor parties wishing
* the same. Cull nnd BOO samples at room
1 , Everett block , Pearl street.
For $26.00 The N. Y. Plumblnc Co.
will put a lead service pipe nnd hydrant
in your yard ; , also 60 feet extra hose.
Cull nt ouco nt 11-1 Main street.
"Rooms U ) rent in the Morrlam block.
B. B. Wadsworth & Co.,5230 Main street.
J. G. TlptoD , rqal estate , 627 B'dwayr
Cole&TColo , 41 Main street , for the
best Lawn Mower on earth.
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , cults and shirts' by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Headquarters tor builders' hardware ,
Odell & Bryant , 61 ! Main street.
Portinnnl I'tirngrnphs.
J. J. Magownoy. of Hebron , Nob. , Isjln the
city looking after his Manawa interests. Ho
leaves to-day for homo , but will return in
about ten days to push his proposed improve
Mr. Paddock , city engineer , ana Aldermen
Hampton and Negus , of Rock Island , accom
panied by Mr. William Novins , an Omaha
contractor , were the guests of Mayor Rohror
nnd the city , ycsturday.
Real estate loans , F. J. Day , 80 Pearl.
Dr. C. C. Ilazon , dentist , Opera house
_ _
V i ! tor ! inAttontlo'n. . -
Special meeting at Council chamber Sat
urday evening , Business of importance in
relation to the celebration on the 110th.
JoliN HOIIN , President.
C. 0. BUMr , Secretary.
Council Bluffs Lodge No. 270 ( Loyal
A. O. U. W. , moots In G. A. 1 { . hall
every Friday evening at 8 o'clock.
AuS. Chase will exterminate goph
ers nnd rats from farms and private res
idences for the season for $5 and up
wards. Work warranted. Address Ab
8. Clinso , Council Bluffs , la.
r Special communication of Bluff City
Lodge , No. 71 , A , R and A. M. , this even-
In c , for work In the second degree. AU F.
C.'s In good standing uro cordially invited to
Uu present. By ardor of the W. M.
Wo will glvo ono bushel of potatoes , or a
one-pound can of either Olllott's , Kildy's , the
Com , thu Dem , the Snow Flalco or Mlnno-
halm baking powder , with ever $3 purchase
until May 1. Retail price per pound , GOc.
Parks & Son , 'M Main street.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co. 'a
loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of nil kinds ,
and nil other articles of value , without
removal , All business strictly conll-
Many Now Roofs Appearing nnd
Others to Follow.
Ho InMfits On his IllRlitH Veteran
I'cnsions One On Tom tfvnns
Tlio Mcrriaiii Uloclc
FIIHiiR Uj > .
Mnny Now Koofij.
It is stated that building in the western
part of the city will soon bo commenced on
an extensive scalo. Ono lot of forty-seven
houses Is to bo erected on a tract just north
west of Strcotsvlllc , anil another lot of sixty
cottages Is said to bo contracted for , to bo
put up" a few rods \vcst of the others. Aslilo
from these larpo contracts , numerous cot
tages are already In course of erection , and
dozens of others contracted for. The growth
In that vicinity U surprising , and It seems
that It has hardly begun as yet.
Money loaned on fuinituro , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value tit low rates of interest. No
publicity' fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
Filling tlio SIcrrlnm ninck.
The store rooms on the lower floor of the
now Merrlam block will bo ready for occu
pancy between the 1st and 5th ot May ,
Three of them are already rented , and will
bo occupied by the * Klmball-Chmnp Invest
ment company , S. 13. Wadsworth & Co. , and
Richmond Bros. There tire eighty ofllccs on
the second and third floors , and over half of
them are rented. The public library will bo
located on the third floor , nnd It is also ex
pected that the board of trade will have
rooms there. Otto of the organizations has
contracted for rooms on the upper floor.
Onicos are renting dally in fact , the demand -
mand Is far greater than was expected and
the indications are that every room In the
building will bo rented before many weeks
roll by. The largo , well-lighted rooms are
among the finest In the city , and the mer
chants are casting longing glances towards
them. The plastering is nearly completed ,
and work has been commenced on the wood
finishing and intur.or painting on the lower
Notice toVntcr Consumers.
Water rents are now duo and payable
at oflleo , 114 Main street.
Wouics Co.
Didn't Know Ilia Superior.
Mr. T. J. Evans , of the Electric Motor
company , la prooablv the only incmoor of
the company who has had to pay his faro
nerosH the now bridge. It scorns that n now
ticket seller was recently appointed , and ho
had never seen the ox-ceneral manager of
the company. Mr. Evans drove down to the
bridge and was going right along as usual ,
without stopping , when ho was halted by
the vigilant collector of nickels nnd dimes.
"Hold on there , where is your ticket ! "
"I don't have to have nnv ticket , " replied
the part owner of the bridge.
"Let's see your pais , " demanded the sus
picious ticket seller.
"Why , I haven't ' any pass ; I nm Mr. Evans ,
of the company. "
"I don't know whether you nro or not , "
interjected the obdurate inspector of passes ,
"and if can't show must
you a pass you pay
your faro , or you don't go across , and that's
all there Is to it. "
Mr. Evans saw that there was no help for
it , and reached down In his pocket and nshcd
out the regular furo. Ho kcnt the story to
himself for a while , but was recently asked
why ho always carried a certain silver-plated
badge , nnd the whole story came out ns
stated. Said ho : "It made me a little hot
for a moment , but I saw that the man was
right , and I think all the more of him for it ,
I shall not try to travel on my cheek anymore
moro , for I find I have not enough to sustain
mo , but I will take my chances with this
littio shiner , " nnd he tapped the above men
tioned badge.
The Vets Will Rally Here.
The secretary of the hoard has received a
communication relative to having a meeting
of the Southwestern Iowa and Northern
Missouri Veteran association in this city this
fall. Arrangements have already bcon made
tor the reunion of the celebrated Crocker
brigade hero this year , and an attempt will
bo made to have thorn both hero at the same
timo. General Uelknap , of Washington , will
shortly bo hero to see about the reunion of
the brigade , and arrangements will then bo
perfected. The use of the Chuutauqua
grounds has been tendered for the occasion.
S. B. Wndsworth & Co. loan money.
The Wnlghmnfitpr
Wclghmastcr Amy states that he is colng
to "get action" on his case , and will have
possession of all .tho public sales before
many moons , have waxed and waned. Ho
admits that some of the aldermen have been
"playing horse" with him , but thinks that
there are now four councilman who will see
the matter through , and insist on his getting
his rights. He will nrnko a report at the
next meeting , and Is of the opinion that
when the council fully understands the situ
ation , it will bo as anxious as ho is to have
all scales controlled by the city wclghmas-
ter. and a certain per centags of the receipts
go into the city treasury.
Fourth Night or iho Bazaar ,
Each succeeding evening witnesses addi
tional successes crowning the labors of the
ladles having in charge the charity bazaar ut
the Masonlo temple. Yesterday morning
over fOOO had boon deposited in the banl : as
as the proceeds of the first throe evenings'
entertainment , and last evening the .money
received will swell the amount well up
toward 51,000. By the close of the week tlio
amount In clear cash will foot up between
(1.200 and $1,500.
The entertainment last evening consisted
of a musical programme , which was ren
dered ut the opera house. There waa a good-
sized audience in attendance , 'and the man
ner in which the programme wan rendered
excited great applause. The Arion club , of
Omaha , rendered several selections In u most
pleasing manner. The feature of the even
ing was the opera "i'ouolopo , " given under
the direction of Mrs. D. J , O'Neill. It was
a great success , the vocalists taking the
various parts acquitting themselves with
much credit. After the entertainment the
audience repaired to the temple , wheredano -
iug was Indulged In to u late hour. This
evening a quadrille party will bo the at
traction. Ualbey's oichcstra will furnish
inusle. To-morrow night will witness the
close of the bazaar.
I'rcjmratlonH of the Firemen.
Tlio Firemen's association bold a meeting
at the council chambers last evening. It was
decided to Invlto Governors Lnrrubeo and
Thayer and the members of their stuffs and
wives , Mayor Broatch and wife and the
members of the Omaha council to attend the
tournament In Juno. The mayors of all cit
ies In this section will also bo Invited. The
committee on printing was Instructed to get
out the invitations and tickets as soon as
posblblo. A resolution wan passed asking
the jirdss to thoroughly advertise the tour-
tnuuetit , and kuo | > it before the public , as the
tournament of IbbO is intended to bo an inter
state affair , and will eclipse anything of the
kind ever held before in the west. A Invi
tation from Hov. T. J. Mackay to attend ser
vices at St. 1'aul'a church on April 80 , was
accepted , mid the time for services set tor 0
The parade will form at 13:80 : , and after
marching through the onnolpal streets , will
proceed to the park , where the races will
take place.
Muslo niul Soup.
Ono of the most enjoyable concerts given
In the city for some time was the Easter
muslcalo given lost evening by the Presby
terian Social union at the church. The pro
gramme was a pleasing one aud was roa-
dorcd with a degree of excellence- that was
surprising even to these that were familiar
with the progress that has been made lately
by the local musicians who participated ,
vocal solos by Miss Hattlo I'nlinor , Mrs.
Hobert Mullls and W. A. Derrick were ex
quisitely rendered. Violin solos by Mr. Hurt
Butler were executed' with consummate
skill , and Miss Lizzie Isaac * , as n pianist ,
proved herself to bo an artist of rare ability.
Messrs. Perry and Prank Badollct played
two charming ducts for the cornet nnd Unto.
The Strykcn Blaas Lust club rendered
some choice music In the opening selections.
Misses Kohliison and Patterson nnd
Messrs. Calm nnd Thlckstun were the ac-
cotnpanlcstsof the evening. The affair was
a grand success both financially nnd other
wise. The proceeds will bo used to pay for
the splendid now piano just purchased by the
church , n Knabo grand concert.
Tlio Tnclflo Short Lino.
Sioux CITT , la. , April 25. [ Special to
Trie Br.n.J A member of the firm of E. P.
Reynolds ft Co. , railroad contractors , of Wy-
more , Nob. , who have the contract for con
structing the first division of 135 miles of the
I'nclllc short line , to-night slates that the
contract for the entire line has been sub-let.
It has been sub-lot in sections of from throe
to five miles. A considerable number of the
sections have been sub-lot to local contract
ors. The sub-contracts call for the beginning
of the actual work of grading next wookand
the same throughout must bo completed
within ninety days. The work will bo done
under the Immediate supervision of E. P.
Koynolds & Co. , who will themselves have
(500 ( men engaged. They have oncnod an of-
flee hero. Not all the right-of-way has as
yet been secured by legal condemnation , as
some land owners , especially those within
short distances of Sioux City , demand ex
orbitant prices for the right-of-way.
Dcnth of a Veteran I'ollcomnn.
DuitUQun , la. , April 25. [ Special to TUB
BEB.I Perhaps the eldest policeman in the
United States has just died here. Ills name
was John Bowen. nnd ho lived to bo eighty-
nine years old. Ho was not an actlvo mem
ber of the force at his death , but ho were
the uniform , carried the club , and took n
beat when ho was more than sevcntv-flvo
years old. Ho was born In County Mcath ,
Ireland , aud had lived in this city for nearly
thirty years.
A Mason City Burglary.
MASON' CITV , la. , April 23. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun Ben. ] Burglars effected an
entrance into Julo Pascdock's dry goods
house last night by cutting through a largo
plate glass. They went through the vault ,
securing considerable money. There is no
clue to the thlovcs.
A Uccolvrr For the Atchlson Patriot.
TOPKKK , Kas. , April 25. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB BBC. ] Judge Foster , of the
United States circuit court , to-day appointed
a receiver for the Atchison Dally Potriot.ono
of the eldest newspapers in the state. C. C.
Burns , one of the owners , asked that the pa
per bo sold and a division mado.
The Men Blushed , lint the GlrlH Didn't
Alliul It n Bit.
A minister's wife tolls in the Somerville -
villo Journal some funny stories about
young couples who have como to her
husband to ho married. One ono occa
sion there came n. young couple from
the country accompanied by several
friends. The bridal couple took their
places before the minister , and all wont
well until the bridegroom was asked if
ho took the younjj woman to be his law
ful wife.
There was no response , sind the bi-
lonco had lasted but u few seconds when
the bride said :
"He's u little deaf ; you'll have to
speak up louder. "
The minister , a grave , dignified man ,
repeated the question in a much louder
tono. The bridegroom put ono hand to
his oar , leaned forward and said in an
equally loud voice , "HoyV"
Then the bride , who had remained
self-possessed through it all , straight
ened matters out by rising to her tip
toes , putting her white-gloved hands
on the bridegroom's shoulder and her
lips to his ear while she screamed :
"Ho says do you wunt to marry
moV" .
"Why , of course ; what else am I here
for ? " responded the bridegroom , in a
surprised tone. And , although the re
ply was not quite in formtho ceremony
proceeded to the end.
Another self-possessed bride came to
the parsonage with a diilldent and
nervous bridegroom. While they were
waiting for the minister to appear , his
wife , sitting in a room adjoining the
parlor , heard the youngr.woman speak
ing words of encouragement to the
young man and instructing him in the
part ho was to take in the ceremony.
"Now bo sure that you don't lot your
self got so befuddled as to bay 'ifo' at
the place where ' to ' '
you'd ought say 'yes ,
John , for then we'd have to bo married
over againand , like as not , ho'd charge
double. "
The double charge was not made ,
howeverfor John said "Yes1 in a bash
fulscared manner , \yhon the time came
for him to declare himself.
Twelve Hundred years Ago.
A manuscript copy of the goapals , for
which the urico of 5,000 has boon refused -
fused , is nhout to como under the ham
mer in London. It is the splendid
"Evangoliarium , " written in letters of
gold on purple vellum , which was pro
duced by an Anglo-Saxon bcrlbo for
Archbishop Wilfrid of YorK about the
year 070. According to ono account ,
this most interesting volume was pre
sented to King Henry VIII. by Pope
Leo X. on the occasion of conferring
the title of "Defender of the Faith ; "
and even the Gorman professor , Wit-
tonbach , while disputing the accuracy
of this story , agrees that the gift was
made to the See of York by Cardinal
Wolsoy , King Henry's trusted chancel
lor , and archbishop of York for the
tlmo being. Six years ago it formed
part of the famous collection of manu
scripts at Hamilton palace , and when
the probont duke disposed of these
treasures it was purchased , along with
many other valuable papers , for the
Prussian government , and deposited in
the Berlin museum. It was the Prus
sian government which refused to part
with the York Gospels even for . 5,000
to an English bookseller who was anx
ious to possess himself of the prize.
The value of the book is of course
greatly enhanced by the circumstance
that there nro only three orour manu
scripts of the same kind now in ex
The Original London Town.
In 1189 , "in the llrst year of Richard
I. , Ilonry Fitz Alwyno , of L-ondonsttuio ,
goldsmith , was appointed the first
mayor of London , " and ho hold that of-
flco until his death , about twonty-llve
years afterward. As this is the 700th
anniversary of that appointment it is
proposed to colobruto the event by a
special celebration. The London of was inclosed within walls , aud
was a ) out three-quarters of a mlle from
north to south , and ono milo nnd a
quarter from east to west ; and this ,
with eomo small addition , has continued
to bo the extent of the incorporated
city of London , which has boon under
the government of the lord mayor , nl-
dormon and common council. It IB a
curious coincidence that it is hi this
700th anniversary year that the new ar
rangement has commenced by whfoh
the whole metropolis has boon brought
under the control of the now county
council , thus bringing the whole city
under ono government again.
Or the Crncl iij-qultul of Alnsncr
Yorlok'n Love.
Chicago Tribune ! "You spcnk truly ,
Mr. Yorjck. The npplanso of the criti
cal public Is gratifying to mo as nu ar
tist , hut it docs not touch the hoart.
Nothing so moves tiio as the unobtru
sive admiration mid alToction of my
true friends , these who vnltio mo for
myself alone , as expressed In the warm
graso of the hand , the kindling eye ,
and the sympathetic voice. "
"I am glad to hoar you say so , Miss
Cocllla , if I may Venture to address you
in so familiar a Way , " responded the
young man , somewhat tremulously. "It
gives mo courage to speak of a subject
that has long boon uppermost In my
thoughts. "
Alaspor Yorick hitched slightly for
ward in his chair , swallowed a largo
chunk that in some unaccountable man
ner was obstructing his throat , and con
tinued :
"Tho multitude is wildly demonstra
tive , but fickle. It Is no wonder your
glorious voice stirs all hearts and moves
to rupture the listening thousands who
hang , as it were , upon your lips. Yet
if you should lese that marvelous voice
you would bo in the or won yotild cease
to bo a popular idol. . You would soon
bo only a Hooting memory. But the de
votion of a true heart is something that
outlasts the ravngcs of tlmo. "
The lovely prlma donna , her lustrous ,
soulful oycs gazing dreamily into these
of the infatuated youth as If her vision
penetrated through thorn into his in
most being and out over the landscape
beyond for miles nnd miles , bowed her
beautiful head slowly , but made no re
Emboldened by her manner the young
man throw himself at her foot anil burst
forth :
' Cecilia Von Dumponshloigor , I am
only ono of your hosts of passionate , devoted -
voted admirers , but not ono ot them
would cherish vou with a tondcr-
nbss surpassing ml no. Not ono of thorn
in a million has the capacity to love
you as I do. If the rcfugo of a fond ,
faithful , deathless devotion can console -
solo you in the hour when your
matchless soprano voice , with its fault
less upper register and chest tones of
unequaled timbre , kind of aw peters
out , you know , and when the pearl-like
radiance of your complexion fades into
a leathery hue "
"Mr. Y'orick , " murmured the prima
donna , still looking dreamily through
him into vacancy , "belioving you , as I
do , to bo a true friend , I wish to ask
your advice upon a matter of some
moment. "
"Is it possible , " ho gasped , "that you
have not been lihtoning to what I "
"My friend , ' ' said the gifted queen of
song , her oycs luminous with unshed
tears , and her liquid , sympathetic voice
tinged with an indefinable shade of
melancholy , thrilling him to the soul ,
"tho manufacturers of the Suro-Denth-
to-Frocklos toilet' soap have offered mo
the pitiful sum of $1,000 for my signa
ture testifying tq its merits. Would
you take it , Mr. Yorick , or stick out for
The Worst rform of Irrelljjlon.
Cofatly as their education has boon ,
not ono man or wonan | in a hundred of
the leisured % cl.ibscs bus acquired , or
Booms likely to acquire , an insight into
the conditions on which society is now
hold together , says Dr. William Harry ,
In the Forum. The menperhapsstudy
politics , for they may belong by tradi
tion to a party ; tlnd to politics some add
what it is the fashion to call history
for the most partjv magnilied view of
the same party-interests. As for women ,
no one has over instructed them that it
is their duty to "see life" steadily , nnd
too it whole. " But neither rnon nor
women care for political economy.
What thn average man does understand
is making money. His aim is by some
lucky stroke to become a silver king ,
railway or cattle king , master of a syn
dicate , or creator of a "corner. " This
is what justifies Von Hurtmnmi's de
scription of the nineteenth century as
"the most irreligious that has ever been
seen ; " this , nnd net the assault upon
dogma or the decline of the churches.
There is a depth below atheism , below
anti-religion , tind'into it the ago has
fallen. It is the callous indilToronco to
every instinct which docs not make for
Where Blc Dotjs Thrive.
Many persons havoa not unreasona
ble fear of largo dogs , and their nerves
nro unset if they are approached by a
bloodhound or mastiff , says the Pall
Mall Ga/.otto. This has led the author
ities of Aix-la-Chapollo to issue tin or
der providing that all St. Bernards ,
Now Foundlands , great Danes , etc. ,
shall bo led when taken out to exercise ,
the load not to t > o more than half a yard
long , and that their owners shall not
take thorn Into parks , cafes , or other
public places. The cause is duo to the
fact that there has been an enormous
increase in the number of largo dogs
kept in the city to the alarm of the
moro nervous section of the community.
Why do the powers that bo not try the
effect of a pro rata tax , the amount to
bo regulated by the weight of the dog ?
That would soon kill the fashion , for
fashion it is.
DR. Rice's ' Her nial Support ,
The only perfect abdominal suppqrt for chil
dren and adiiltH. Successfully cm us thu WOUST
CAS153 OF HKltNIA. , Addrew
1)11. L. i"BlB ; , 27 Mnln Street.
Hidesjalkits , W &
HlghcHt market prlpBjt Prompt returns. No.B''O
and K. . ' Main-si. , Council UltilU. lown.
Foil HUNT Good8-room house , corner of
Otti'st and 2d nvc. one block south of dummy
depot. Apply to Horftce Kvcrott.
WANTKO A competent Rlrl to do general
housework. Apply at Old Hhiff st , Council
Oil Ur.NT-Two dwelling houses , 8 nnd 10
rooms , and two centrally located unices In
Council Ulults. Horace Everett.
T71OH HUNT I.nrRO double olllro over Krank
JU1 l.ovln's cigar store , UK Droaduay. Inquire
ot Krauk Kevin. %
Titos. Omcr.n. W. It. M. Pussr
Corner Mtn and Ilrondwny ,
Dealers In foreign c.nd domestic exchange.
Collections mada uud Interest paid cm tlmo de
Is good on presentation for
$1.00 on each pair of pants
bought of the
London Tailor.
Good for Thirty Days.
W &
o bd
0 t-H
e e 00
Running between Council IllufTs nnd Al
bright. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
streets , and at tne Summit In Omaha.
Leave , I Arrive.
A No.2 0OJp.m.lA : No.l 7:00 a. in.
U No.U (1:00 ( : a. m.O No 5 5:50p.m. :
A No.4. . . UMOa.m.A No. 3 ( IM.Iti.m.
A No.4 U&j : a. m.lA : ) , - > a. in.
A No.ll . . . 0:55p. m.lA No.3 ( IjHOp.m.
Kxcopt Saturday. * ixcupt : Monday.
No.O 0:4(1 : ( a. m.No | , 7 0:41 : a.m.
No.H 4:15 p. m'No. ' 3 UOUa.m.
No.4 ( IMOp. in..No. 5 0:15 : p. in.
All Trains Dally.
A No,2 ii40a.m.A ; No. 1 (1:50 ( : a. in.
A No.4 . . . . 7OJp.m. A No.3 7llp.m. :
HLUr 1 S.
A. No.2 0:3.1 : a.m.lA No.3 0:10a.m. :
A No.4. . . . 0:3J : p. m.lA No.l 0:25 : p. m.
A No. 10. . , .7 : ( > 5 a. m.lA No.U Hj.Ma. m.
A No. 12. . . .7:00 : p. m.'A ' No.H UUU : p. m.
OMAHA A : t > T. LOUIS ,
A No.8 . . . .4:111 : p. m. A No.7. . . .12:00 : in.
A dully : II dally except Saturday ; C except
Sunday ; i ) except Monday : * fast mall.
Tlio time given aoore Is for Transfer , ttioro
being from live to tun minutes between Trans-
er and local depots.
/ IM Dl IMC Hvdrnullonud Snnitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates
HDIDl/l Spocincations. Supervision of Public Work. . Brown
Building , Council Bluffs , lown.
/ " * UI ID7 Justlce of the Pence. Ofllco over American Express , No. 411' '
NO/ n U HZBrondwny , Council BlulTs , lown.
| | Attornoys-nt-Lnw. Practice in the State and Fed-
OIIVIO onil Courts. Booms 1 nnd 8 Shugnrt-Bono Block ,
Council BlulTs , lown.
BURKE & TINLEYe'lffirVs Koom 10 > 8hu rtBlMk
At the Boston Store over exhibited In this city. Everything : desirable and op
proprlato for Eastor. A complete line of PARASOLS In all latest novelties ,
for ladies , misses and children , at prices lower than can bo found outside
of Chicago. Below are but a few of the many bargains
to bo found on our counters.
Handkerchief Department , Underwear Department ,
Ladles' Embroidered Hnndkorchlofs. Just received , 100 dozen of our 15 (
lOc , 12c } , loc , lle ) , 2oo nnd 6Hc. shaped ribbed Vests' . These wishing
Lttdios' Hemstitched Colored Bordered to secure more of them will plcas (
/ic / , 7c , lOc , liilc , 16c , l 0c nnd IMo. call early.
Children's Colored Bordered , Ic , 2c At lc ! ) Ladies' nibbed Vests worth 33q
and lie. in cream only.
A choice line of Hand Embroidered
Irish Linen Handkerchiefs , ranging
from oOc up. Glove Department ,
Children's Gloves , lOc nnd 12jc.
A splendid line of ladies' black an <
Hosiery Department , colored ploves nt liljc n pair.
Children's Black Ribbed Hose. Exam A special line of Indies' black nud colt
ine Bargains , marked 12c } , lOc , 17c , orcd Taffeta Silk Gloves nt 10 (
and 2oc. nnd - 'ic.
Ladies' Guaranteed Fast Black Hose , Ladies' black nnd colored nil silk glovei
loc , lOc and 2oo. ranging in price from IWo upwards.
Just received a man ulucturor's stock of 100 do/.on Ladies' Colored Kid Gloves
in tans only ; note the price while they lost only 41c a pair. ,
Our ladies' Black and Colored Kids at 7oc are equal to any $1 kid in the market
another delivery of OS do/on just received.
At 5-1 wo have an elegant line of ladies' black and colored poster Kids , ovcrj
pair warranted worth 91.87 latest style of embroidered backs.
Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices ,
401 Broadway , : : Council Bluffs ,
a& *
01A Pierce , Proprietor. Ab.23 ? Broadway , No.l 14 Mam Sf.
Furniture 8c Stoves
on weeft/y / ormont/ily
payments. Best
Selccftns. '
" ' a pee > / * j' y ' \
% 2ffitsffi \ > sr/NN EHA
J >
O "VS - B U T.T S | Nos.l5&8 !
WhoKs 'e. ' pr-U i < 5 IPearl 5t
SIZES FROM Especially AifapteJ for
25 TO 300
DOUSE POWER , Mills and Elevators
E.G. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. No. CIO Pearl Street , Council Bluff *