Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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I'ho Burlington and Union Pnolflo
Have Agreed to Build.
Dclnlln ortlio Pnjcot for a Mrmnlfl-
oont Onion Depot Klnnlly Agreed
Upon Will Occupy tlio
1'rcscnt Silo.
Tlio Union icpot.
The Union Pacific nnd Burllnijton have
Anally agreed upon the pinna , project nnd do-
tL'll3 for the construcllon of n union dci | t In
Omntin. Thin was aojomplhhod through
President Charles FrftPCU Adams , of the
former , nnd President Perkins , of the latter.
The plans nnd detail ; wore agreed upon by
the representation of the roads hero , nnd
were then fonvnrdod to Boston. This was
nbout ten wcoUi ago. At the latter place
Adams nnd Perkins hnvo examined Into the
arrangements nnd accepted thorn , nnd have
now signed n contract , whereby the Union
Pnolllo nnd the Burlington will construct a
union depot hero' which , together with the
site , will cost the round sum of $1,500,000. The
facts in connection with the movement hnvo
been kept oxtromclyqulet but Information was
obtained yoslerdiiy to the effect that pinna
Imd been n recd upon by the Uurllngton and
Union Pacific mid tlmt VIce President Hol-
cotnbo will return from Boston Monday next
with the Important manuscript In his pockot.
The depot is nn enterprise of Iho Union Pa-
citlc nnd Burlington , but nil other lines will
bo allowed to'cntor with their capital it it is
BO desired by them. If not the entrance will
bo allowed on n rental basis. This will ro
an'1 ' In Omnhn being mndo the western terminus -
minus tor all tits Iowa linos. The arrange
ment for the wirk as now outlined nnd
nijrced upon is for the Iowa lines to cross the
river on the Union Pnciilo brldgo at this
point. This will nmko Omaha a port
of entry and delivery and will
in reality mnko it the terminus of the Union
Pacific. In connection with the depot , ar
rangements for terminals bnvo been completed -
ploted , nnd the upper yards will bo conVerted -
Verted Into terminal facilities. The yard
proper and Inbound frolgut yard will bo at
Summit , nnd the switch yards will bo tlio
lower yard nnd n section along the bottoms.
The freight house will bo removed to Jack
son street. This will glvo ample room for
nil the terminal facilities required for the no-
commodntlon of nil roads. The plans for
the building were drafted by nn architect
residing In Kansas City. The bulldluc will
bo 'MS feet In length cast nnd west , 82 feet In
ivldth north and south , nnd three stones
high. It will bo built of pressed brick , with
a stone facing. The roof will bo of a gothio
design , nnd n tower fifty feet In height
will loom up from tlio center ,
the present train shed will bo used for n
similar purposu for Its now depot , but will bo
repaired and remodeled. The building will
bo located on the present site of the Union
Pacific depot. By reason of its bclug larger
It will extend to the curb line of Tenth
street on the east aide of the street and
south to the point now occupied by the Bur-
linuton's mum track. The entrance nnd de
livery point of passoirgcrs will bo on the
north side of tlio building nnd all trains will
outer ami depart on the north side. This
work has been agreed upon by the railroads
rind now comes the point whcro the city of
Omaha will bo requested to open its purse
strings. The railroad companies have agreed
to construct the union depot provided the
city will construct n viaduct ncross the
tracks at street , together with ap
proaches. The plans in this direction call
for n viaduct crossing the trucks at nn alti
tude which will bring it on a level with the
second story of the building. The plan is to
commence at a point on the north near .lack-
son street and terminate on the south at
Mason street. The railroad companies have
decided tlmt , in as much at the city charter
provides otherwise , they will submit the
submit tlio proposition to u vote of the
people. This will bo done as soon as n few
minor details can bo arranged. As regards
the viaduct , this is the decision of the presi
dents , and upon the city ngreelng to construct -
struct it , the depot will bo constructed
by the railroad companies. Vice-Presi
dent Uolcoinb will bo authorized to
submit the proposition upon his return from
Boston. A reporter Interviewed J. S. Cameron -
oren , assistant to President Adams yesterday
morning. Mr. Cameron has had direct su
pervision of this matter from its beginning.
Ho said : "Yea , the terms oy which tlio
depot will bo constructed have been agreed
upon by the Burlington and Union Pacific.
The building will involve the outlay of over
$1,000,000. The inonoy market is tight , but
this will not stand in the way to any great
extent , although it may retard the construc
tion ] u t at present , but If everything Is sat
isfactory ns regards the city wa will go along
all right. Wo have agreed to submit to tlio
voters nnd citizens of Omaha a propo
sition in this light : Wo will agree
to construct our depot provided
the city will ngroo to constrvct a viaduct
ncross the tracks on Tenth street. Owing to
the provisions of the city charter wo have
decided to submit this to a voio of the people
nnd this will bo done. You sea wo intend to
build up the street line on Tenth street , and
wo will need all the available ground for
terminal facilities.Vo huvo agreed upon
our part nnd now nil that remains of nny im
portance is for the city to autnoriz'i nnd con
struct a viaduct across Tenth street. 1 think
that the proposition will be submitted In the
near future. "
Warner's Log Cabin Remedies old-
fashioned , simple compounds Ui P in
the days of our hardy forefathers , are
* 'olU timers" but "old reliable. " They
Warner's Lop Cabin Snrsaparilla ,
"Flops and Buuhu Remedy , " "Coiipli
nnd Consumption Remedy , " "Hair
Tonic , " "Extract , " for external and internal
"Plasters " "Rose Cream "
ternal use. , ,
for catarrh , and "Liver Pills. " They
are put up by H. H. Warner & Co. ,
proprietor of Warner's Safe Remedies ,
and promise to equal the standard value
of those great preparations. All drug
gists keep them.
nimtrlil Incorporated.
MATmin , Nob- , April 23. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BUB. ] At a meeting of the
citizens on Tuesday night It was decided to
Incorporate. On Wednesday the census
was taken and the petition signed , and to
day the county commissioners created the
municipal corporation of Madrid. D. I ) .
' Payton , O. P. Ucaumont , John McKouzio ,
G.V. . Pen n nnd M. 1C. Forsyth arc the
trustees. _
InBtnntly Killed.
WKKPINO WATBR , Nob. , April 23. [ Special
Telegram to THK BKE. ] Thomas Cash ,
aged llfty-ftvo youra , foreman in the Davis
brick yard lost his Ufa this morning.In a
vary peculiar manner. The boys at the
yards were drawing rubbish away In n cart ,
to which was hitched a blind horso. The
torso became entangled In BOIIIO way at the
dump , and the foreman wont down to assist.
IIo took ihn horse by the bit and wns trying
to turn it , when It gave a lunge , carrying
J\Ir. Cash and the cart over an embankment
twelve foot high. His bead struck u tree
and Ills nock was broken. The cart struck
Ills head nnd broke his skull. Death wns
Jnstnntaneous. IIo loaves a wife and three
daughters , _
* Court at Madison , ,
MADISON , Neb. , Aprll'25. [ Special to THIS
BKK. | The State vs Wamkor is now on trial
In the district court. Una witness had been
called , when the attorney for the defense
culled the court's attention to the fact that
the nnmes of the witnesses had boon written
on Urn face of the indictment Instead of being
Indorsed. This was a | x > int In law the county
attorney was not prepared for. nnd the court
aranum him sixteen hours to look up the au
thorities on tna subject.
In the Stnto vs Dra. Kelley and Hasson , Information -
formation wns filed this morning charging
the defendants with the murder of Carol Ino
Boullt-r In January last. The Information
Will contain tlvo counts.
Burglary at Wilbur ,
, Neb. , April 25 , [ Special Tolo-
gram to Tnn BKE. ] The house of Clarcnco
Cnldwoll , cashier of the First National bank ,
wns burglarized yesterday afternoon. Mrs.
Cflldwcll had just stopped out to see a neigh
bor. when n tramp came , nnd finding out
from the llttlo daughter that no one was at
homo , entered and took her gold watch and
chain and four gold rings nnd $7.25.
Tlio IlnMlncH Presbytery.
BI.UH HILL , Neb. , April 25. [ Special to
TUB Bnc. | The Prosbytcry of Hastings
began Its meetings hero yesterday evening.
There nro nbout forty In nttondanco , which
Is the largest in its history. The meetings
have been very interesting nnd well attended
by the I'Coplo hero. The opening sermon
v/aa preached by the retiring moderator ,
Kov. S. B. Byrnm , of Eddnr , nnd Hov. W.
II. Nilcs , of Nelson , wns chosen for the now
moderator. Rov. Kobcrt Watt , of Aurora ,
and Elder .1. N. Clark , mayor of Holdrcpe ,
xvcro elected to represent the presbytery In
the general assembly , held in Now Vork
City , In May , The most Interesting sorvlco
was hold this evening , when Prof. W. E.
Andrews , of Bastings college , was ordained
to the gospel ministry. It Is expected that
the Presbytery will adjourn , to-morrow
morning , to meet in Boldrego , Neb. , next
The Woman's Missionary society of Hast
ings Presbytery , met In Edgar , yesterday.
For Selling I.iquor on Snntlny.
SOUTH Sioux Citr , Nob. , April C5.
[ Special to THE BRK. | John Poyson nnd
William McLaughlln , saloonkeepers in Cov-
Inplon , were arrested last evening , chnrced
\vitn selling liquor on Sunday. It Is understood -
stood that thcso will not bo the only arrests.
LIXCOLX , Nob. , April Ji5. | Special Tele
gram to THE BcR.1 The Lincoln branch of
the Irish National league banqueted Hon.
Patrick Egan nt the Capital hotel to-night.
It Is needless to say that the minister pleni
potentiary nnd envoy extraordinary to Chill
was loyally entertained.
An Abundance of Water.
IlAitnisoK , Neb. , April 23. [ Special Tele
gram to THK Bni ! . ] Great excitement has
prevailed hero the past few days because of
the abundance of water being obtained in
n well just bored. Drsplto the balling with a
thirteen gallon bucket , run by horses , no
change can bo mndo in the quantity of water
In the well , which stands at a height of 143
A Snnnlc Thlof's Work.
Coi.UMiiua , Neb. , April 23. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKII.I The residence of F. II.
Crandnll was entered by a sneak thief , at 3
p. nt. , to-day , who stele $3 , n watch , revolver
and other articles , from the House. Ho was
captured while making his escape and Is now
in Jail. His muno is unknown.
Got $1.100 lor Ills Prize.
WESTEUX , Nob. , April 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bun.J S. M. Breckenridgc ,
who drew the eighty aero farm in the last
annual BUB drawing , sold it to-day to J. H.
Grimm , of Wilbor , Neb. , for 51,400.
Nebraska's Candidate Tor thc.Siipromc
llpiicli Interviewed.
CHICAGO , April 23. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEE.I General J. L. Webster , the Ne
braska lawyer whom the senators of that
state wish to see occupying the place on the
United States supreme bench loft vacant by
the demise of the Hon. Stanly Matthews , is
nt the Grand Pacific hotel. Ho Is on his
way to Now York , accompanied by his wife
and two daughters , and their guests , the two
daughters of Judge Dundy , of Nebraska.
Mr. Webster will represent Nebraska in the
centennial exercises next Tuesday. IIo will
have u chance to talk personally to President
Harrison and the other prominent people of
the presidential party. Speaking of the talk
about elevating him to the supreme bench ho
said : "Everything so far has been of a
spontaneous character. My friouds ,
all.tho . members of the Nebraska
bar , the state and United States senators
nnd numbers of other men in" Iowa , Minnesota
seta , Arkansas , Wyoming and Colorado have
taken the matter in their own hands , and
they ussuro me that President Harrison has
been favorably impressed with my record.
Of course , there are many others who have
nn abundant supply of friends , and who ,
perhaps , have Just as much if not more show
for the honorable position. Judge Urewor ,
I think , will glvo my friends the hardest
fight. It is safe to say that the appointment
will not bo tuado until the approach of the
next senate session , as it would bo poor
policy for the president to appoint a man
who after a few weeks' service on the bench
would bo dismissed by the sonate's refusal
to ratify. "
A Necro Eliot For Carrying Notes tea
a White Girl.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , April 23. [ Suecial Tola-
gramJtoTnn BKI : . ] Charles Nowland , the
leading contractor and builder of St. Joseph ,
and who for ttio past three years , ending In
1888 , represented the First ward in the com
mon council , this afternoon shot and , per
haps , fatally wounded Lewis Jackson , n
colored portor. The trouble originated over
notes that Jackson had been carrying from
some unknown party in Iho city to Now-
land's cisli toon-year-old daughter. Nowland
found out that Jaukson was carrying the
notes , nnd had him arrested this morning.
A.t the marshal's ofilco Nowland threatened
to kill him unless ho would tell , the name.
Jackson refused , and Nowland at that time
was prevented by the police from shooting
him. Late this evening ho wont into the
marshal's office , where Juukson was still
under guard , nnd put four bullets into his
body , two In his logs nnd two in his breast.
Juoicson refused until the last to glvo the
immo of his employer. A charge of assault
with Intent to kill was made , and Nowland
released under $3,000 bonds.
Horses Stolen.
PiBiuti : , Dak. , April 33. [ Special Tele
gram to THK QEK.J U. Babcock and E.
Siglor each had a valuable horse stolen last
night. The thief is supposed to bo Jim Col
lins , who has been breaklug bronchos of
late , Ho is also the culprit who stole four
horses from this vicinity about ono week
ago. One ol these teams ho turned loose
near Harold , the first station east of this
city. The other was taken to Ilighmoro and
sold to a livery man for $30. Collins was
seen yesterday afternoon about four miles
north of town. Determined men are on his
Martello Business Itlooks Burned ,
MutTKLLE , In. , April 23. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEK. ] Fire destroyed the busi
ness part of this town yesterday , and at onetime
time It looked very much us though every
house would bo swept out. Following are
the principal lo * os at near as can bo learned :
Hotel , C. E. Armstrong , (2,500 ; insurance ,
* 9 < X ) . Part of the contents were Laved. C.
E. Pollard , building and part of stock , f-.OOO ,
with 110 Insurance ; D. M. Haues , $500 ; C. E.
Bray , household goods , $250 ; W. F. Arnold ,
wagon shop and some of contents. 75 ; II , D ,
Newland , building , $1,600. There were other
small losses.
Arrest of "Green Goods" Dealers.
DES MOINES , la. , April 21. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEK. ] The city marshal of
Boone brought two young men from that
place hero to-day to bo examined by a United
States commissioner on the charge of pass
ing counterfeit coin. They hail a load
dollar , which they tried to pass In several
places in Boone , alter being told that It was
spurious. They were held under fl.OOO
bond , and in' default were sent to jail to
await the May term of the federal court.
The St. ijouU Carpenters. - -
ST. Louis , April 25. At a largo meeting of
striking carpenters to-day , a proposition to
return to work for these bosses who have
agreed to the eight-hour day and to pay 85
cents per hour , was put to a vote and carried
by a largo majority. ThU practically ends
the strike , us probably all the bosses will
recognize thuso toruis.
It Filled the Mooting Plaoo of the
County Oommlsalonoro.
He Characterizes tlio Building- a
Dcntli Trap anil Itcoontmoniis
the Appointment ofCoota
aa Superintendent.
Myers' Keport. .
"If you gentlemen nro all ready , " pro
claimed Chairman Mount , at 0:30 : yesterday
morning , "wo will proceed to business. "
Besides the chairman , Members O'Kcoffo ,
Anderson nnd Turner were present , Corrl-
gan is at homo sick.
' 1 bcllovo wo have met hero to hear a re
port from Mr. Myers , " continued Mount.
"According to the adjournment last
night , " retorted O'Kooffo ' , "wo bavo met for
any business. "
"Yes , sir , for nny business , " chirped An
The clerk read a short note from Charles
Koss , superintendent of the hospital build
ing , saying : ' 'Messrs. Uyan & Walsh , con
tractors , hnvo failed to comply with your
written instructions In every particular. "
Anderson moved that this notice bo re
ferred to the committee on construction
with power to act. and It was so ordered ,
The firm of James I. Pope & Co. put m n
rcquost for prompt payment on their con
tract nnd estimates for heating apparatus ,
"wo having cnrrlod this material three
months before shlnpmg to tlio building on
account of delay in the completion of the
building nnd have waited since March 19.
when material was delivered for payment. "
This matter was also referred to the same
commlttco with power to act. The amount
asked for is $7,000.
O'Keoffe objected to the bill Doing rushed
through. Said he , "I am going according to
law hereafter , and if Mr. Pope is hard up , I
will endorse n check for him nt the bank.
The commissioners don't got their pay until
the 10th.df next month , " nnd ns ho said this
Hichard shot a significant glance nt Anderson ,
The old man took it up Instantly , jumped to
his feet and exclaimed , "You need not look
at mo in that scornful manner. I can wait
us long for my pay as you can. "
This hot little sally brought a very sudden
termination to the proceedings. O'Kceffo
left the room and was gone five minutes. As
ho returned Anderson slipped out. Mount
grew uneasy nnd followed him. Myers also
retired. Turner kicked nbout being called
away from ouslnoss rcquirinc his attention.
The three finally returned by different en
trances nnd the mooting was resumed by
Myers presenting the following written
report :
"Gentlemen. In accordance with your re
quest , I visited the new hospital building
nnd examined the work performed on
said building. I regret to report that I am
astonished to find the work in too many in
stances constructed as if It were the actual
intent to make an actual death-trap. It Is
only u repetition of a result too often brought
about by men attempting that which they do
not understand , and having no experience in
sucn work. The work on the hospital has
not been , in too many instances , executed ac
cording to contractyet from the fact that esti
mates have been made on the wonc , and pay
ments made thereon , it seems to mo that
your board has reposed confidence where the
propcu experience and skill in the execution
of such structures were yet to bo acquired.
Therefore in the experiment the result the
actual building presents , stands fully before
us in thn condition that wo might not expect
when the superintendent has not been
obeyed. For your protection ho should have
beeu required to give n bond and security as
is provided in my contract , then ho could
have been held liable for the condition of the
work. The present condition in which the
building is actually for the protection of
the work requires that in order to save that
which bus been accomplished that a compe
tent and reliable person of known experience
in tbo erection of such work should bo placed
over the work. Therefore , I request that
John F. Coots , of this city , bo appointed us
the superintendent of the construction of the
building and that your board so place him in
position that his orders shall bo duly re
spected , and that ho have the fullest
liberty to take such means and make such
directions ns he deems to bo proper so as to
place the building in a condition of actual
safety. By proper care under Mr. Coots'
supervision , I am satisfied that the bui'dlng '
can bo made actually safe. If Mr. Koss is
retained ho should be required to have ex
plicit control over the directions of Mr.
Coots , and to that end , ho should bo placed
entirely under Mr. Coots' orders and direc
tions. It is time that nny further experiment
should be stopped. Under proper super
vision the building can be made safe. X am
informed that the contractors do not obey
tbo orders of Mr. Koss. Such a course
should not bo tolerated. la case the contrac
tors do refuse to obey the orders uf the
superintendent he should then refuse to
make any estimates on the work , , nnd to
sustain the superintendent , the board should
refuse to allow any payment and to properly
rcsucct his directions. The county's inter
est is protected by the superintendent. The
superintendent should never allow estimates
mailo unless ho actually Knows of his own
knowledge that the work and materials nro
in nceoHnnco with the contract. "
This created a great wrangle. O'lvccffo
nnd Anderson engaged in a regular war of
words. O'lCeoffo wanted it understood
that Shane was as good a man fur the posi
tion us could bo found in the country. His
work on the court house proved that , and ho
would be ono commissioner to back him.
"Yes ; one , " remarked Anderson.
"I said ono , and don't you forgot that I am
ono-fifth of this board. "
"Woll , 1 wish I wns one-fifth of it. "
"You can't bo anything. "
Chairman Mount pounded bis desk in vain
attempts to silence the two disturbers , but
they paid no more attention to his appeals
for order than though ho bad not been
Everything proposed or advocated by ono
was opposed by the other. They finally run-
the session into a personal quarrel and at one
time It looked as though they would get to
"I don't want you to dictate to mo , "
shouted O'Kceffo.
"I am not dictating , but it depends on
whoso ox is gored. .1 think Shane was do
ing the best ho could. "
'Then why are charges made against
him ! "
"I bog your pardon , but Mr. Myers filed a
communication finding iault with him. "
Myors referred to the report made this
morning and asked whether ho had said any
thing about Shane.
"But you did send a written complaint
hero and It's on file , " replied O'Kooffo.-
"I don't care to rake up anything of the
past , " said Myors.
Anderson intimated that O'Kcoffo didn't
know what ho was talking about.
' What shall bo done with this communica
tion } " yelled the chairman.
"I move It bo placed on fllo , " answered the
now thoroughly angered Ulchard.
"That's a queer motion , " hissed Anderson.
"Muybo it Is queer to you , but I don't see
it that way , " retaliated O'Kooffo.
Turner Inquired whether Coots was the
right kind of a man for the position.
All agreed that ho was.
"Then I move that ho bo appointed super
intendent , at n salnry of $150 pur month , and
bo required to glvo a bond of 11,000. "
'Iho motion was carried , Messrs. Mount.
Turner and Anderson voting for it , nnd
O'Kcofo against. The board then adjourned
until 2 o'clock Saturday , and took another
excursion to the hospital.
From a I.eadlntrN. V. Florist.
C. F. Klundor , of No. 907 Broadway , New
York , is ono of the best-known florists in
America. Florists , like other porso'us , are
subject to tbo 11U of hfo , notwithstanding the
fragrance surrounding their calling , but like
Dthoi- persons they can bo cured of their 111 ? ,
Mr. Klundor writes :
I cordially recommend ALWOCK'S POKOUS
PLABTKKS , I have found them , after 10
years' constant use , wonderfully efilcaclouo
in coughs , colds , pains Inside , back and
: hcst. As chest protectors and shields
iRaiust changes In the weather they are In-
raluablo. My hothouse men use a great
nuny , and I and family are novcr without
ibis uerer-falllng external remedy.
It Make * Sonic Allegations Nol
Wholly Pleasant.
Matt Goodwin , manager of the Nobrnskt
and Iowa Insurance * company , is nbout to
figure in a llttlo sensation , If the story told
by ono of the recently discharged employe !
bo true. ,
It. J. Johnson , until a few weeks fifo , was
a solicitor for the Insurance company , When
his connection with jhp concern closed lie
says ho asked for a settlement for services
rendered nnd wns Informed that there was
no money coming to , hlm from the company.
Ho claimed that there was < - The manage
ment showed him the' books where ho had
been given checks. ' Johnson asserted that
ho had not been paid In chocks. This caused
trouble , and the chocks which had been
mudo on the company and which
had passed through the clearing house
were produced. There were quite n num
ber of them and their value ranged from $10
to ( oO. Johnson still claimed that they had
not been given him , and said that tv y wore
forgeries. Thd paper was endorsed . .y John
son , "per G. "
No satisfactory agreement could bo reached
between Johnson and Goodwin , whereupon
the former engaged a firm of lawyers to In
vestigate the matter. In tbo meantime
Johnson got possession of the checks and
went to County Attorney Mnhonoy nnd tried
to fllo n complaint against Air. Goodwin ,
charging him with embezzlement and forg
ery. As yet the information has not been
The Insurance company nnd Mr. Goodwin
claim that Johnson's wlfo drew the money
on a major portion of tno checks. She was
not acquainted nt the banks , nnd could not
have had them cashed. Consequently , when
she called for inonoy in Johnson's absence ,
the manager would indorse the paper for
Johnson and attach the "per G. " on the
checks. The county attorney thinks there
might bo something in this story , nnd will
not fllo a complaint against Goodwin until
the case Is thoroughly investigated.
Will you suitor with dyspepsia and
Liver complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizor is
guaranteed to euro you.
Offenses and Offenders.
"W. H. Whlto Issued a warrant in police
court yesterday , charging William Wilson
with the larceny of a suit of clothes valued
at $7fl. Whlto lives on St. Mary's avenue ,
near Sixteenth street.
The case against Saloonkeeper Woodman -
sco , charged vith keeping U Is-saloon open
attcr hours , will bo heard by Judge Bcrka
Mny 3.
Mrs. Airio Fletcher hns boon plncod under
bonds of SSOO , to unswer in the district court
to the charge of stealing n gold watch
valued at $135 , from her employer , Mattie
Thomas Ruby and Ira Jones were ar
rested yesterday , charged by Sergeant Haze
with stealing brass Jlxturcs from the Mis
souri Pacific shops.
William King needed 810 in his business
and tried to got it from McCaguo Bros , on a
check signed "Leo , Hawtry & Co. " Tlio
signature was faulty and was referred to the
firm , who pronounced , it a forgery. King
was arrested on the charge of forgery. The
complaint was made by J. J. Dowd , manager
for the firm whoso name was signed.
Wnlter Sellers , the festive young1 Cana
dian , who beat the Arcade hotel out of a
board bill by jumping out of n second story
window , was arrested yesterday by Land
lord Casey , and charged with attemuting to
defraud. Ho will be given a hearing to-day.
John Burkhardt and John Clonsondorfcr ,
two young boys , were jailed yesterday on a
warrant charging them with breaking into
the dressing rooms ot _ the Omaha ball club at
the ball grounds.
Mrs. Eliza Johnson , living on Hurt street ,
swore out a warrant for the arrest of three
young boys , Adam and Ben. Holman and
George Strong , charging them with having
assaulted her son.
Charley Wheeler , the colored porter of tlio
Omaha club , has a nind-ycar-old boy who is
incorrigible. In tho. p'ast ' three months ho
has run away < from homo on nn average of
once a week , nnd caused his father no end of
trouble. Yesterday ho was caught Just us
ho had made arrangements with a railroad
man to carry him to Kansas City , where lie
said his father lived. An oiTort will bo made
to have him sent to the rclorm school.
William Ueovcs was out walking with
John Harris , a rural visitor , yesterday ,
when Harris suddenly discovered that ho
had been touched for $18. Ueoves was ar
Mrs. W. A. Crosby , of 805 Burt street , has
secured a warrant from Judge Bcrka's court
for the arrest of her husband charging him
with cruelty. Crosby is n mail clerk on
the Union Pacific.
Detective Pat Horrigan has arrested a man
who is supposed to bo A. E. Wilson , wanted
in Laoibton county , Ontario , for a murder
committed in March last. There Is a reward
of $1,000 offered for Wilson's arrest.
The Arnica Courr-Martlal.
WA sniNOTOx , April 25. The Armes court-
martial , at its meeting to-day , read over the
records of yesterday's proceedings and went
into secret session. The result was an ngroo-
meat upon a verdict nnd the court adjourned
to await the notion of the secretary of war
and the president upon their findings.
II'you're nil tired out when you
get up in the morning , have u pain
in ( ho head , a coated tongue , no ap-
pctite for breakfast , what'do you dc
about it ?
Let it wear oil' . Some people do.
And it wears elF in a bilious fever or
long illness.
Others UBO Paino's Celery Com
pound. liesuU : Refreshing sloop ,
hearty appetite , now cnergj' ,
stiength , life , vigor. *
Got a bottle to-day from your
druggist. No more listless , nerve
less , tired out days for you.
Physicians prescribe it , druggists
endorse it , all users recommend it.
Try it yourself. nYou'll find it the
best medicine you over took.
Does just what it claims to do ,
Ices it quickly , ddejj it well.
The medicine "for spring , use
Paino's Celery Compound now. Why
lo you delay. I
Ask Your Retailer for the
$3 SHOE.
According to Your Needs *
tenjlrcljr en tie market
In which liuraUllty
contldcntl betbra
J. niRANB A ; CO. , UoBton ,
Fall line * of tUo above ulioca far nulo br
Morris & Wilcox
and Geo.S. Miller
Nebraska Co.
In medium weight and light underwear wo are in a position to boat all competition ,
out of sight. Wo are large buyers which moans low prices. Wo buy these goqds direct
from the mills and commission housqs pay no jobber's profits and -we guarantee to save
you from 25 to 60 per cent , and on the finer goods oven more. Our assortment comprises
over 50 different qualities as "Specials1' wo are offering this week.
T5 dozen fine medium weight Merino Shirts and Drawers of an elegant clouded shade ,
Shirts with satin fronts , full fashioned , at 50c each. These goods are worth fully $1.00.
100 dozen very fine medium weight Merino Shirts and Drawers , regular made , at 75c.
These arc in now shades and we consider them an excellent bargain. Other houses are
getting for like goods $1.50.
French Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 35c , 45c and 60c each.
Our Spring selections infancy Flannel Shirts are the most extensive and varied ever
shown by any house in the city. We have a full assortment of the most elegant novelties
of the present season , in all wool , silk and wool mixtures , and all silk. On all those
goods we quote the lowest prices. As an extraordinary bargain in this department wo
will offer to-morrow :
3 cases fancy knit Tennis Shirts , in several beautiful shades and stripes , sizes from 14
to 17 , at $1.0O each. This is a new material for an overahirt , and excellently adapted for
Spring and Summer wear. Other houses would ask $1.75 or $2.00 for the same shirt.
Fresh arrivals this week , direct from the manufacturers of Spring Derbys , in all th
latest and most fashionable shapes , in tan and light colors. We offer in this department :
Elegant light colored Derbys , silk band and binding , at 85c , worth $1-50.
Men's and Boys' 'Crushers , o an excellent quality , in all shades , at 40c. Other
houses sell them for 75c.
Our new Shoe Department is a grand success. We have made an
mmense hit with our Genuine Calf Sewed $2.5O Shoe in congress , lace
and button.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
For Sale by M. If. JiljISS , Omaha , IfcbrasJca. .
IB , 20 , 22 , 24 , 26 , 28 , 30 AND 32 LAKE STREET , CHICAGO , ILL.
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus andSupplies. .
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
1513 DongKs St Omaha , Nebraska ,
Hardware and Cutlery ,
loola , Fine Bronze Jliillilar * ' Goods anil Btijfdla
1405 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Capital Slock $150.000
Liabilities of Stockholders ' ! 10l,000 )
five 1'er Cent Interest Pali'l on De-
poslts Comiioiindc/l Seml-
CHAlU.r.3 P. 5IANDUIIHON. President.
I , . M. HKNNirrr , Vice President.
F. W. WF.SSKLL3 , Managing Director.
J.W.aAtfNKrT. Our C. UAUTOIf ,
J. J. liuoirw. li. M. llBMNKTT ,
U. F. 31 ANIlKllSOy , TllOg. It. KlUUAbt *
IlKNitv 1'UNirr , 15. fj. STOKII.
OMAHA It. ArT. Co. , I. . 1) . WILI.IAUJ ,
1' . W. WKBSKI.S. I. It. UONODOM ,
1) . NlKMAtf , K. WlLUDR.
I Arrests dlacbargea from thn urinary or- }
ItramilneltlierKoxiii-lH liiiurN. t
I It Is superior to copaiba , Culwbs , 31
llnjccuona , and frco from ull bail
iorotner inconveniences.
. nlilrli bear thn name ll fnl I *
black 14-ltom.w lUiout wulcli uouu ruV
| nor from th
Tfl WEAKMEM , or ; , . .
I W . " ii m k II rom. mrlr < J r. lo
lo&nltooa , lo. I will Huuit vluabftf ii tutUo ( M-alrd )
roumlulri Cull paitlcului lor liume cure , frca f
CPRO > . F/o ! > OWlER , Moodui , Ootl.1.
" '
FATittTKU M 0. 10. 1887. inritOUtD nil. 1 , 18S .
" fa
, . 4 DENTS' * , * + ,
and Bunpvnaorv are guaranteed to
curd the follow- lug : Allllli L-m.
atlo Complaint * , I.uinlmco. Qouo'
ral anil * DeblUtr.CrmtlYO-
neu.Kl . _ „ naiai. tfervous.
DOI-S , 'Jreinbllne. Roxual Exhaus *
tlon , Iniomnln , Wastlne of the
IJodr , " " . caiiseaT)7 India.
cretlon In Youth or llarrmu i , ol 1 Ulieiwei pertain .
l"K to the Womb or Renltul ornnns-
Tills Is tlio LATEST nncOnKATK9T Improremonteret
mailo. and Is superior to nil otliorn. K\err buyer ot an
Electric Halt wnnU the lnto > t thti he will fin. . ) th
Ownnll-lt. UdltfornfromallothBre.niltliiilliTTIRT
IIH.T , n.i.l notnclmlnrnltnloor\flrn belt. Iti.lllCLHB
II Co.pUlm. tar.UI. bj KUclrlcltr. 1 ha electric current
cnn be IKfTTEU by anyone before it IB applied to the
boar. Una U worn onlr six to ten hoan dallr. If roa
lll triumlna this bolt you mil Uuj no other. To show
the ENTIIIE OONFIDEHOIS o hate In onr Klcotro-O l-
Tnnlo Delta and Appliances w * will irnt oar o. 4 U ll
foupltle to Hfiponillil. I'olln on Thlrtj Il.jT TrlaU Bend
So. pontngn for our rBFi : Illuntnitnd p raplil t.
Irf ftl'nlrofllr. Uifru'.KI.KITUICI.NStlLtH , nrlrrfflperl'alr.
( ilcntlonthli Hnper. ) ' ( iKconroKATXu JuKBlQtli , IbST. )
300 North Broadway. ST. LOUIS. MO.
tbo I.lqunr Habit , l'i > Hltlvcl > - Cared
br Adtnlnlhturhie Dr. llnlnua'
Uulilon Specific.
Itcnnbe plvcii at a cup of colics or lit arti
cles of food , without tlio knowledge ot llio pa-
lout ; It Iti iiliholuiulr harmless , uml will ef
fect a penuaniMit nuaspeedyouro. whether tUo
liutiont IH a moder.ito drinker or i\n alcoliol
wreck. IT NUVIIU l'AlL-8. Over IOO.OOO
( IruuKiUus huvo buuit mndutoiiipcrato muu wlio
liuvo tnkcn ( jolden Hpeulflc In tliolr coffee without - -
out their kno\vled ( i , and today bollovu they
quit drinking of Uiela own accord. W page
book of particulars fmo. Kulin Ac O > ugeuta
ir > th iind DouglnsHlH , 18th nnd Cunilnf ; Mroeti ,
Omahn. No ) ) . : Council llluilH. Iowa : Amenta , A.
U. fosterer llro.
sTTT ? T ! w kne f of Body and Mind i Effect *
? -J-V V of ETor. ! ! or Eiceiiei In 0Id or Vount.
ll.lmil , Nol.U X1MIOOII rullr llntorrd. llfiw to RoJ > rc > a
Hlr nU WKik.llIK liU'luOIUUS8 ) : A riUUof BOUr.
IfcLltLtr u.Mll. , IIOHK TIIKiTMKKTn tllti In < lj ,
Mm If.llrfrom 41 , TrrrllurUi , 4 ronltn CoailriM.
Ton r rll < thru , lloak , full.inl.nnloii , ( nil i.riM.r. i ill,4
I rr. . . Addr. . . CEII KtOICAtCO.BUirAlO. . .
Kuiijurkahla for pomirful sympathetic
tone , pliablts notion and absolute dum-
blllty ; iio years' record the bet guaran
tee ol the excellence of thcso instru
Oil Lands
And all noccssury paper * tlllud ,
W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Engineer ,
IIXAMINATIONH for ttrtmlssluii lo VAB.SAU.COTj
1.WHO will ho hehl In ihlii cUjrdurlu the ilr > t ok
of Junu. AprUmnU for eiumlimtluii lUonU notlf
u rrv idtiit ! betoroJI AV luili.
. . . . . . . . . . -7j/ j XVAI7I5IS8 nra
S ucce f ully utea mcmtlily by over 10,000
p ldlei. AroKaft. Kffectualanil HcaKtnt
? } l Vf * " } * 'V ' w l.or At drugidtts. BtaUvt
--Particular * S poataga ctampj. Adilrfwa
TlJB KUUBKX C'UttlJOU , CO. , Dl/niOlT , tllCU ,
For sulo and by mail by Goudtiiivii Dru
Company , Omnliu.
< "lly , qillcfc
miles. Sarernl cases cured In seven dtiyn. floM
UJlOpor box , all druggists , or by mall from Uoo
UwiUtCo. 113VIilU St. N.V. I'ullilUoetluM