Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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On the Contrary , It Seemed to Bo
Largely St. Paul's.
TVon By the Visitors , XVIm "Worked'
Hnra 'For Whftl Tlioy Got
ContcstB On Otlicr
' Diamonds.
' Omnhn nml St. 1'nul.
Si. Pnul went out to the call park ycstcr-
dav afternoon with murder In her eye.
\Vhcn \ she came back In the j gloaming she
had Omahas curls dangling nt her bolt.
The White Legs wont Into the fray with
vim nnd the best Intentions in the world , but
the Apostles used the stick with good effect ,
and besides played n perfect fielding came.
The game was nn exciting ono to look nt
especially-from n St. Paul point of view.
* and the largo audience was very noisy nnd
very enthusiastic , but not half &o much so as
It would hnvo been had Omaha pulled out
Some thought the Whlto Logs might hnvo
played bettor than they did , und thcro was
some very rotten strictly base ball parlance
judgment exercised.
But bo their play ns It was. they fought
hard and died game , nnd It Is bettor to cheer
than to Jeer thorn.
w- Defeat must como once Inn whllo , nnd
who cares If wo were accidentally licked by
the Apostolic gang ! That's the best gnmo
they'll get hero.
So thcro I
Sowder's pitching was no puzzle , mid ho
was hit hard and often.
Willis was very strong , but the Saints got
, his range nt the wrong time , or when It
counted hardest.
And fully fifteen hundred people had gone
cut tocheor thu Whlto Legs to victory.
Their cliecriue was nil in vain.
The ono grain of consolation offered them ,
however , was thai Captain Crooks said wo
P eliould have the next two.
So , you sec , there was n silver lining in
I1- yesterday's clouu Gorman silver , though.
For the first tlmo this season. Omaha fulled
to score in the first Inning , going out in one ,
two. three order.
The Apostles cracked the Ice , however ,
and after two men were out ut that.
It made the audience groan.
Hnwes struck out , and Little Willie Mains
retired on n grounder to first.
Then Willis did u very unwise thing.
Ho gave Mr. Overrated Plckott his base
en balls.
And right away afterwards Trcdway was
mean enough to step up to the plate and
mack the ball way out to deep left for a
homo run ,
CacUhng Carroll was thrown out by
Bnt two runs were in.
Tbo nlr was growing cerulean.
Silence reigned.
The Whlto Legs wore visibly affected by
this unexpected turn of affairs , and they
stepped up In both the second and third iu-
iugs and carelessly drew two more line Easier
eggs to their swelling bosoms.
Exasperating as It was , Willis again In the
Saints' half of the third repeated his exploit
of the first that is , after two hands were
out. that benevolent streak struck him again
andho made Willie Mains , the largest child
in the world , his base on bulls.
The grand stand moaned aloud.
Plckott supplemented this good luck by a
little scratch , but down toward third , nnd
while Orovor was endeavoring to throw him
out at tlrst , Willie reached the next bag to
Trcdwny got his base on a fumble by relia
ble Jack Crooks , but Pickett was caught try
ing to malto third on the mistake.
That was a mistake all round.
Omaha players now came in to do or die.
They did.
Hnrr Strauss opened up with a single , and
the Joyous people shouted.
A moment later , however , they fairly split
their throats.
It was the President.
Ho whirled his club aloft , nnd the first
v ball Sowders let go of , ho lifted way out
Into loft center for three bags. Of course ,
the Parisian came homo with the first run.
Crooks and Andrews went out In quick
succession , nnd it looked us If Cleveland was
Pound to bo loft.
Mossott , however , came to the rescue. Ho
laced out n single , and old Buffalo scored.
"Scrappy .Tacit" was warmly upplnuded.
NaghVs out ended the inning , and Omaha
i wan but n run behind.
It was almost ono , two , three order on both
sides until thu eighth rolled round.
Then the band to piny again , and
everything was lovely and festive.
After C.inavan's out , Willis hit a earlier to
right. Hcrr Strauss followed with a. suc
cessful bunt. Then Cleveland got in another
r safe ona , and then that cherubim ,
fe Jncic Creoles , sent them all Hy
ing homo on ono of the most beauti
ful throo-baggers you over saw.
My I oh , rayl how the electrified people did
shout and each In a to.
But they changed their tune a note or two
when they discovered that the redoubtable
Jock had boon called out for not touching
That is an old , grny-halrcd , decrepit , pal
sied chestnut , Crooits , that dodgincr second ,
and you ought to have a big tin medal for
your cleverness. But you are forgivon.
You say Omaha shall have the next two.
Andrews nnd Mcssltt each followed with a
safe hit , but the Jig was up. Nuglo popped
up a foul which Toll Into Howes' capacious
Hut everybody was now comparatively'
jappy. Omaha was two runs in the load and
almost a sure winner.
Hut lacknday for the uncertainty of this
preat sport I The Saints came right back at
the homo players and before they hardly
knew what had happened their name was
After Hawcs hud expired Mains nnd Pick
ett made hits , und Willis made ono , too ; ho
hit Trendway with the ball , nnd the bases
were occupied by three of tbo homllest num
yon over saw.
Cackling Carroll then happened along , and
with an old axe handle ho picked up coming
out to the grounds ho cleared the bases atone
ono fell swoop. It was only a single , how
ever , but ho made second ou the throw-In to
catch Plckott ut the pinto. Illloy struck out ,
butWorrlck sent Carroll homo on n. safe
Drive to right , Broughton How out to "VVaish.
But there were those four great big llfe-
lzod runs , and what nro you going to do
ubout It.
There Is no use crying over spilled milk.
The Whlto Logs made a desperate rally In
'tho ' ninth but what's the use telling ubout
ill They got ono run , b'ut that wui not
enough , and thus the struggle ended.
Too bad , wasn't it )
Hero's the official score :
AH. it. lu. ro. A. E.
Strauss , rf o
Cleveland , Uo. . . . 4 1
Cloaks , 2b 4 1
Andrews , lb 4 0 0
Mcsiitt , in 4 0
Naclo , o 4 fi 1
Canuvau , If 4 1
Willis , p 4 I
Total 37 0 B 3 23 17 3
* Out for not touching second.
* * Out Sat running out of Jluo.
Out for running nut ot lino.
Omaha. . . , 0 0030003 1 0
BUPuul a * 7
Huns earned Omaha 5 , St. Paul ,
Two-basa hits-Willis.
Three-bust ) hits Crookf , Cleveland ,
Homo run Trcdway.
Double plays Walsh unassisted.
Struck out Hawcs 'J , Sowder * 1 , Mains 1 ,
itlloy ! ! , Carroll 1 , Andrews 1 , Willis 1.
Hoses on ball * Uy Sowdors 9 , Willla 2. *
Uutas given for being hit with ball , Tied-
Miv.Wild pltcbes-\VilU ! 1.
llusci stolen WlIUs ' - ' , Canavau , Carroll ,
Tlmo of gnmo 1 'AS.
Umpire Sandy McDorraott.
Denver la , Milwaukee ! .
DKXVKR , Colo. , April 23. The opening
? atno of the scries between Milwaukee nnd
Denver was witnessed by nboutono thousand
people. The Denver team took the lead
From the start , and gradually pulled nwny
from the visitors , scoring nn easy victory.
Score !
AH. n. nit. sii. ro. A. B.
Dnlrymplo , If . 4 2 a 0 8 0 0
Smith , ab .
Modelings * . . . , .
llowo , lb . 5 1 2 0 11 0 0
Douiti.0 .
McQuald , rf .
Sllch. cf .
Darnbrough , p. . . . 5 1 1 1 1 8 0
McAndrics,2b. . . . 8 1 1 0 1 3 Jl
Totals. . 41 18 IB 3 27 17 4
An. u. nn. sii. ro. A. n.
Poorman , rf . B 3 1 0 2 0 1
Alberts , 8b . " .
Horr.of nnd p. . . .
Suttopiss. . * . ;
McVojvc. . . . . . ' . . . .
Morrissey , lb . 4 1 3 0 10 1 1
Kinsman , 2b . 4 0 1 ' 0 0 5 0
Lowe , If. .
Freeman i ) and cf.
Totals . . . . . . . . . ,8t 4 0 4 27 21 8
Denver , . < . 3-0 U 0 0 0 0 1 1 13
Milwaukee. . . . .3 0 1 0 0 1 00 0 4
Earned , runs Denver 5. .
Homo runs Howe.
Thrco-baso hlls McClollan , Darnbrough.
Two-basa hits Dalrymple.
Double plays Kinsman , unassisted.
Baso'on balls Off Darnbrough a. of Froo-
mnii 2.
Base on hit by pitched ball McAndrles.
Passed balls Dolan 2 , McVoy 3.
Struck out By Darnbrough 5 , Freeman 3 ,
Stolen bases Denver 3 , Milwaukee 7.
Time of game Two hours.
Umpire Hurley.
Sioux Olty UU , Mlimc.inolls 7.
Stoux CITY , In. , April 23. The tmuio was
too one-sided to bo of much Interest. There
never was such n slugging exhibition In n
professional game. Minneapolis is crippled
by sick men. The score :
.SIOUJC < . ' 1TT.
An. n. In. sii. ro. A. R.
Ollne , rf
Glenn.lf 0 5 3 2 0 ' 1 1
Brosnun'Jb 0 8 8 ' 3 4 8 ' 0
Burks , ss 0 8 4 1 2 S 0
Bradley , lib
Genins , cf
Webber , p
Henpler , p
Totnls : . . 55 33 80 9 27 19 1
All. It. In. Sit. 1-0. A. E.
Hanrahan , ss
Turner , cfAii
Daly , If
West , lb 3 1 1 0 13 1 0
Miller , 3b
Mlnnehan , crf. . . 4 0 o 1 2 1 1
Juntzen , rfAO.
Kuogan , p&cf
Totnls 5 7 9 1 27 19 8
Sioux City 3 8701550 3 3 : )
Minneapolis 2 01001080 7
Earned runs Sioux Citv 17 , Minneapolis 3.
Two-base flits Cline , Hollmun , Ilenglo.
Threo-baso hits Glenn , Powell 2 , Bros-
nan , Genins , West , Hengle , Jantzen.
Home runs Qlenn , Powell , Brostian
Double plays Hnnrahan.aud West , Miller
and Hencle , Clinn. Brosnun nnd Powell.
First base on balls Cline 8 , Glenn 2'Bros- ,
nati' and Hollman , Webber 3 , 'Daly , West ,
Hit by pitched ball Keogan.
Struck out By Webber 0 , by Kcogan 1 ,
by Turner 2.
Passed balls Hcllumn I , Mmnohnn 3.
Wild pitches Kcogan 1.
Time-2:10. :
Umpire Kelly.
Thu National Association.
PiTTsni'RO , April 25. liesult of to-dny's
game :
Pittsburg 1 0000112 0-5
Chicago 02020000 0-4
Base-hits Pittsburt' 0 , Chicago 10.
r.rrors Piitsburg t , Chicago 4. Pitchers
Stuley and Gumbcrt. Umpjre Lynch.
Niw : YOIIK , April 23. liesult of to-duy's
game :
New York 2 3233000 0-11
Boston 1 0040040 1 10
Base-hits Now York 1(5 ( , Boston 10. Er
rors New Yoik 0 , Boston 5. Pitchers
Titcomb and Madden. Umpire McQuade.
IxnivxAi'OLU ) , April 23. Result of to-day's
came :
Indianapolis 2 0300000 4
Cleveland 0 011401 3-10
Base-hits Indianapolis 7 , Cleveland 0.
Errors Indianapolis 2 , Cleveland2. Pitchers
Boyle und Burdick nnd Beatin. Umpire
Bat num.
American AsBouintlon.
ST. Louis. April 23. Hosult of to-day's
game :
St. Louis 0 0002310 4 10
Cincinnati 0 00200012 5
BROOKLYN , April 23. Result of to-duy's
game :
Brooklyn 3 9
Columous 8 30300000 0
Game postponed on account of rain.
CITT , April 25. Result of to-dny's
game :
Kansas City. . . . 2 3 10
Louisville . 2 010 00002 5
MuMPifis , April 33. The. weather was do-
llght/ul and the attendance ) 4,000 , nnd the
track fast.
All ages , three-fourths of a mile Unit
won , Arlsto second , Rnnlnl third. Time
1:17. :
1:17.All ages , ono mile Syntasr won , Koo-Voo-
No second , Lltbcrt third. Time 1 :43j/ : } .
Two-yoar-old colts , one-half mlle wrest
ler won , Illloy second , Blarney Stone , third.
Tlme-:51 : > ( f.
AU ages , ono and one-eighth miles Brown
Princess won , Kormesso second , Hamlet
third. Tlmo-l:53. :
All ages , three-fourths of a mile Clara
Moore won , McCauley second , T. J , liusk ,
third. Tiino-U17 # .
Ijcxlnuton Itaoeu.
LEXINGTON , April 25. The weather wai
cool , the track heavy , and the attendance
good. Summary :
Two-Year-olds , five furlongs Labrador
won , Teddy Venture second , Latron third.
Three-year-olds , throe quarters of a mile-
Bra vo won. May O. second , Salllo O. third.
Time I sl7/ . The latter was given second
pluco because May O. fouled her ,
Free handicap , sovcu-oighths ot a mlle
Catulpa won , Irish Dan second , Famlno
third. Tlmo liSA
Three-year-olds and upwards , seven eighths
of a mllu Castaway won , Pat Donovan see-
on il , Maid of Orleans third. Tlmo 1 : M } { .
Washington Uncos Postponed.
WAMUXOTO.V , April 23. The races wore
pojt.wncd until to-morrow on account of
rain. .
- - - ;
California Ruotni.
Si FKA.VCJSCO , Cal. , April 33 , The blood
homo neon this afternoon resulted as fol
low * !
Threo-fourths of a Milo Wutvoue won ,
Kiularo second , Wanderer third. Time
Tliroo-fourths of a Mllo-Uaclno won ,
Guido second , Pllug third , Time 1HK.
Milo Heats-First iloat : Wild Oats won ,
Mozart second , News third. Time 1:4'JW. :
Second heat : Wild OuU.wou , Mozart second
end , Ilrady third. Tlmu l-t. : ) :
Ouo und TUroe-ulRhttifc Miles FlooJtldo
Won , Ed MoGinnls second , Joy Hoyd third ,
Tlrao-2:23 : > f
The nioyclc Knoo.
The amateurs nro still pegging away nt the
Coliseum. They nro doing some very line
riding1 , and nro deserving of hotter patron-
ago. No sot of amateurs In the country ever
did bettor work or made faster tltno. The
score stands as follows :
Miles. Lops
Record 200 a
Pcubody 200 3
Hutchins SCO 1
Rhodes , . .l 9 4
Flctchor . ' . 200 0
Tnggor 109 3
Kustmnn , 109 4
Frn ncls co 103 5
Seventeen miles nnd 3 lops were mndo In
the first hour last night , and 10 miles and G
laps In the second nnd third hours ,
Tcemor Acnoptn Gauilaiir'M Challenge
PIITSDURO , April 25. John Tcemer , the
oarsman , received articles of agreement to
day for a scries of races with Gnudaur. Ho
Is satisfied with the conditions nnd will sign
the agreement to-r.iorrow. It Is proposed
that three races of two , thrco and four miles ,
to ho rowed. The winner of two will take
3,000. The first race is to bo rowed near
St. Louts on Juno 8.
Scrfona Trouble in Connection With
Contennlnl Bnll Invitations.
Nr.w YORK . Is nbund-
, April25.A man who -
nntly qualified by his connection with the
centennial celebration commlttco to speak
advisedly , told n reporter yesterday that
the trouble with the diplomatic corps
over invitations to the ball , Instead
of having boon settled satisfactorily , ns
was stated in n recent document issued
for publication by the entertainment com
mittee , had become so serious that the prin
cipal members of the corps had finally
and positively refused to como. "Not
n member of the diplomatic corps. " said ho ,
"will bo in attendance at the ball with the
possible exception of the Brazilian minister ,
Baron do Ita Jupa , or , in his absence ,
Senor Jose Augusta Ferrolra da Costa ,
secretary of legation. The trouble wttn the
diplomats originated in the omission by the
entertainment commlttco to inclose to the
foreign ministers invitations to the bull for
the ladles of their families as well as for
themselves. " '
The sixteen ladles who will dance In the
quadrille of honor nt the centennial ball , ac
cording to the Tribune , have at last been
determined upon , us follows : Mr * .
Benjamin Harrison , Mrs. Levi P.
Morton. Mrs. Grover Cleveland ,
Mrs. Graoio King , Mrs. Alexander Van
Hcnssalanr , Mrs. W. Bayard Cutting , Mrs.
William Astor , Miss Corn Livingstone , Mrs.
Neivbald Morris , Mrs. .Elbridgo Q. Gerry ,
Miss Louisa Leo Schuylcr , Mrs. Buchanan
Wlnthrop , Mrs. Stuyvcsnnt Fish , Mrs.
William Jay , Mrs. S. V. B. Cruger and Mrs.
Alexander S. Webb.
A St. Iionls Kdltor lu Trouble.
JEFFURSOX CITY , Mo. , April 25.Spoclal \
Telegram to TUB BBR.I Governor Fruncls ,
to-day , grunted requisition papers for the ar
rest of William D. Little , editor of the St.
Liouts Chronicle , for criminal libel. The
requislon was made by the governor ot Kan
sas , at the Instances of S. H.
Foss , a resident of Suninor county ,
Kansas. Foss alleges that Little
published a card some time ago In which ho
stated that ho ( Foss ) hud boon cuilty of
seduction , and that ho had ruined whole
families. The card contains many revolting
charges , ono to the effect thut Foss had
ruined two girls , sisters , and was only wait
ing for a third to become lurgo onouch.
Officers armed with warrants for Little's
arrest , loft for St. Louis to-day.
The ArlcaiisiiH Billet Box Cases.
LITTLE ROCK , April 23. There was some
thing of a sensation in the federal court to
day , when the grand Jury marched into
court with C. G. Reid , a young attorney of
Morrillton , und announced that they
had asked him questions about
the Plummorvlllo 'ballot ' b'ox ' theft
which ho refused to answer. The question
was : "Did O. T. Bontly conversa
tion with you Jn relation to , or did ho toll
you anything about , the theft of the
Plummervillo ballot box ? " In court , Held
ngalu refused to answer , nnd the Judge asked
him If ho nnd Bently sustained the relation
of client nnd attorney to each other.
This Reid refused to answer , nnd the judge
gave him until to-morrow morning to answer
one of the two questions. O. T. Bently is a
deputy , nnd , according to Taylor's confes
sion , was ono of the party who went from
Morrillton to Plummorvillo with the crowd
that stole the ballot box.
He Suicided In Style.
New YORK , April 25. Oliver Perry
Lewis , agea twonty-ono , drowned himself
to-day In the Central Park reservoir , dressed
in n claw-hammor coat , whlto tlo
und ether habiliments of full
dress. Before drowning himself
ho hud fixed the day and the hour of his fun
eral , and sent out notices to friends asking
them to atteud it. It is supposed that ho
could not support his mother us ho wished
on his salary , and therefore killed himself.
The Vorktown Cuts Loose.
PiiiLAnnLrniA , April VS. Amid the toot-
ting of whistles from the other steam craft ,
the cruiser Yorktown cut loose from her
moorings at the League Island navy yard
this afternoon and steamed down the river
on her way to Now York to take part in the
naval demonstration at the inaugural cen
tennial celebration.
Excursion to Dontrluo.
KEAHSRY , Nob. , April 25. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB BICE. ] A special train will
leave litre , In the morning , over the B. & M.
for Beatrice , containing , about one hundred
people. Buffalo Lodge No. US , I. O. O. F.
encampment and Canton Excclaor | No. 4
have charge of the excursion.
Female Farmers.
"Will the coming younp woman bo a
Scattered all over the broad prairies
of the northwest are hundreds 'of , s61f-
roliunt , true blue , young1 heroines , liv
ing in small , isolated ctibns } called
shacks , proving up claimst titorlng
homesteads and making money.
Four young ladles in Dakota last
year put tholr heads together nnd hit
upon un ingenious plun whereby they
could each secure n , claim and yet all
live comfortably together in one ITOUBO
and each bo upon her own laud. Instead
of building four shacks with ono room
each , they constructed ono shuck with
four rooms , but BO nicely planned that
each room of thu Bquuro ouilding wan
on a different quarter suction. Each
had her own bed in her own room and
in that way each claimant at night
slept upon her own land.
Society ladies of tbo city will wonder ,
not so much how these young lady set
tlers gut along without social privileges
as how they dared to live so fur away
from the doctors. Why , bless' you !
they uevor thought of being side. Doc
tors uro not half so much of a household
necessity as city people are in the habit
of thinking.
For all the ordinary ills of life the old
fashioned roots and liorlis remedies are
moro effective , and much flafcr in re
sults , than modern doctors' pills and
It is always safest to follow natural
methods in treating disease. The old
tlmo roots and herbs remedies , which
our good old log cabin grandmothers
know bo well how to prepare , were the
best medicines the world oyoiicnovr ,
bacuu&o they were nature's romodfos.
Tlo ( modern world needs them. In
Warner's Log Cabin remedies , and
especially such as Warner's Lo ? Cabin
Sarsapanlla and Warner's Log Cabin
Cough and Consumption Remedy , the
people of to-day huvo an opportunity to
secure the healthy medicines which
our rugged nnuobtors used with such
splendid results.
* .
Mtxnagors &GOUSO Each Other
Fraukly'pf Gutting Bates.
Trying toCnriy ( T.rrtfllo Around' Thrco
Skies oftnlibqunro nt tbo
Kx cViso of tlio
iT Hour th.
Manipulating Kates.
Cmciao , April 05. la splto of strenuous
efforts to conceal the tacts It was ascertained
to-day that the St. Paul and Northwestern
wore the roads guilty of manipulating rates
on coal and colco from the east to Omaha ,
St. Joe and other western points.
J. W. Ellsworth , the coal merchant is the
shipper In whoso Interests the rates wore so
manipulated as tocut the rate to htm 83
cents n ton. President Hughltt , of the
Northwestern , refused to answer any ques
tion on the subject
Of Ellsworth , one pi the moat prominent
merchants In Chicago said : "Ho has piled
up mi Immense fortune solely ou Ills ability
to work railroads into manipulating rates In
his favor. I doubt if for llvo years ; I have
laid down n ton of coal In Chicago that lias
not cost mo from 22 cents to $1 inoro than
Ellsworth pays. "
Railroad men scoff nt the Idea of any one
bo Ing punished for the manipulation. Tha
proof is absolute but it Is the general belief
that the parties will bo whitewashed.
A very caustic letter has Just been sent by
Chairman Blauchnrd to Freight Traitlo Man
ager Bird , of the St. Paul road. Mr. Bird
wrote Mr. Blnnchard that the St. Paul was
In recelut of n proposition to join n line north
of Milwaukee in through rates from Chicago
to points on the north Atlantic seaboard ,
special reference being made to expert busi
ness. The now line proposed to open n route
in connection with the Canadian Pacific and
the "Soo , " and offered the St. Paul far more
than the 10 per cent division of the through
ruto now allowed by Chicago cast-bound
roads. Mr. Bird added : "Wo hnvo not given
this proposition consideration further than to
rolled upon our relations with the lines ,
members of the Central trufllu association.
Two or more of those line Imvo joined hands
with the Canadian Paolflu and the 'Soo' in
terests on trafTIo to the northwest , which has
had a serious effect on our trnfllc.
"Wo consider that It is us legitimate for us
to accept the proposition recently made to us
ns for your lines to keep open the routes that
nro now working with the Canadian Pacific
and the 'Soo1 from middle and western states
points. "
To this. Chairman. Blauchard answered :
"If my information Is correct , this proposition
is made to your company by the Milwaukee
and northern , and is in clTcct a proposal to
take freight around three sides ot the square
against roads operating on the fourth and
short s'de. ' On the general subject of form
ing such circuitous lines , I bollevu that more
general hnrm has resulted from them in
broken rates and depleted revenues than
from any other cause. The proposal to
niako lower rules for this longer line , espec
ially in export trafllc , which Is the cheapest
carried to Boston , , is to permit your great
company to doinqnvlize , rather than upbuild.
Generally speaking , ' I believe It would in
jure the inturustisyou have In connection
with our roads , ifwo found you entering
the Chlcaco marttoUto deplete our legitimate
traffic and rates \ki an illegitinate goats-
horn route like this' ; The time has gene by ,
I had hoped , for Sniy such folly. There is
neither prollt nor sbnso in it. "
Northern t'nolllo Aff.i'r * .
Nn'w YOIIK , April 25. At a sueclal moot
ing of the Northern Pacific directors the
resolution ngreornR'to ' arbitration
im con
tract for the controgand harmonious opera
tions of the roads In the Pacific Northwest
was rescinded. TUiis ends the scheme to ob
tain a guarantee of u dividend
on Oregon SfjiVigation stock from
the 'Northern"Pacific jointly with
Union Pacific , and throws the burden of the
lease on the Union Pacific. A proposition to
operate the Wisconsin Central on a percent
age of earnings was discussed , and three
forms of proposed contracts were prasentod.
Only ono was rend , however , after which
the board adjourned to meet again next
After adjournment it was announced that
Bruyton Ives , who is ono of the most nctivo
members of the Northern Pacific , , had
resigned his oflico of vice-president of the
Oregon Transcontinental company , to tulio
effect May 1. This is understood to Indicate
tlmt the relations of the old Northern Pa
cific directors , with Villard , have been se
vered , and it is expected that the representa
tives of the Ora < on Transcontinental in the
Noi thorn Pacific will withdraw from the
Northern Pacific directory.
The aillwaiik'c's hntottt Hchomo.
CHICAGO , April 2,1. The Central Traffic
association is stirred up over the announce
ment that the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul route is about to outer the field for
through traffic between Chicago nnd
the Atlantic seaboard. It pro
poses to mniro an open route in con
nection with the Milwaukee & Northern ,
Canadian Pacific mid "Soo. " Spicy corre
spondence has already passed between Tr.ifilo
Manager Budd and Chairman Blancbarj on
the subject , and if the St. Paul uuts Its plan
Into operation , it will undoubtedly Injure Its
Interests In connection with lines running
cast from Chicago ,
Ilcttor Sprvlco.
General Manager St. John and Superin
tendent Uoyce , of the Hook Island , were at
Union PacUlo noadquarters yesterday , milk
ing arrangements for the now tune card tliat
will go Into effect on the Union Pacific May
12. The change in the trams will affect , all
connecting lines. Under the new time c.ird
the Alton tr.vlns will be schodnlod over the
Kansas division of the Union Pacific to Chey
enne , the details of which have been pub
lished in Till ! BBB , and tlio Union Pacific
will run Its tralns'bvor the Norfolk branch to
Sioux City. The Alton deal also provides for
the Union Pacific to run its trains over the
Alton to Chicago. As has been stated in TUB
linn , upon the application of the now time
card , tho" Union Pacific will abandon
the Golden Onto special. Tills train was un
experimental ono and was well patronised
whllo in the serviceIt cost tlio Union Pa
cific just gl'pcr mtlo to operate ttio Golden
Gate , or 1,1570 for every round trip mndo.
At no time did it fall to pay expenses , und
the Union Paciflc'ohjy take It off In order
that It can give the sumo aanm service daily
Instead of weekly ; " The traffic linn grown to
such an extent thw the weekly fast sofvico
was insufficient , and in order to accommo
date its patrons th'd tJnlon Pacific will make
Its fast service daily/ The report in u mornIng -
Ing paper eoncernjrig the loss Incurred by
operating the Uoldcn'lOato Is pronounced ab
surd. '
A. Complaint.
OMAHA , April 2'j , To the Kdltor of THE
BKE : I would llko. $ cull your attention to
the railroad men's .reception recently given
at V. M. C. A. ball. This association U sup
posed to look after ! ' ill wayfarers who are
supposed to bo str from the "straight
und narrow path.'J , fo far as I hove been
ublo to ascortaln..tuo ' switchmen , as u uody ,
Imvo been given thu cold shouldur , na In fact
buvo the whole operating dcpaitmcnt. The
clerks of departments seeui to bo "tho chosen
few. "
Among the 2J5 ( iwltchmon In Omaha yards
soinu of the best ' "brain and bruwn" are to
bo found. The officers of the V. M. C. A.
seem perfectly willing that this Intelligent
body of men should not bo given a warning
to "fle from the wrath to coino. "
Tim Comnlaint Annwerml.
OHAUA , April 31. To the Kdltor of TUB
Bun : A few word4 In uimwcr to Mr. L. L ,
Hassott's complaint.Vo printed 3,000 tick
ets and distributed 2SOJ , of them. Two of the
commlttco visited the Union Pacific car and
machine shops and gave out 750 tickets.
They were not allowed to go through the
shops or would Imvo done so. But they have
every reason to believe that the tickets were
well distributed to the men , as the officials
In ull departments of all the rouJs did all
they consistently could to nld the committee.
Tbo round houses were visited , our assistant
Rcncrnl secretary walking clear over to the
Missouri Pacific round homo. But the most
conclusive answer of nil Is the fact that
' they were there , " nnd in good numbers ,
too. If our critic Is very anxious to do some
thing for the switchmen , or nny other body
of men , wo shall bo very glad of his advlco
nnd assistance , nnd wo most cordially invite
him nnd each nnd every ono of the 225
switchmen to. come up at any tlmo they wish
to nnd they will bo received exactly the same
ns nny ono olso. Wo nro very sorry that Mr.
Hnssctt , or any other man in the railroad
service was overlooked. Wo think , however ,
that a little more investigation xvould Imvo
changed the tone of the complaint.
Yonrs truly ,
GsoitocC. .ItXNKit , General Secretary.
Cheap Hutos.
On May 1 the Union Pnclflo will put on n
second class rftto from the Missouri river to
common points In Montana nt ? iT > ono way
fare. The passenger department reports
that the tourist business appears promising
and revised special rates have boon agreed to
by all roads. _ _
Bllckcnsilcrror Dismissed.
Kx-Supcrlntondont BHokonsdorfor , who
recently associated himself with the civil
engineering department of tho. Union Pacific ,
has been dismissed , owing to the company
having decided to abandon nil work of con
struction. It la reported that ho will soon
associate himself with the St. Louis & San
llnilrond Notes.
Depot Master Hancy , of the Union Pacific ,
has recovered from his serious spoil of sick
The Burlington fiver mot with n slight ac
cident , nnd was an hour and a half late this
morning from the cast.
Genornl Purchasing Agent McKlbbon , of
the Union Pacific , loft last waning for
an extended tour of Inspection of the entire
system. Matters of Importance connected
with the supply department will bo looiced
into. Ho will bo absent about three weeks.
Joe English , train master ot the B , & M
nt Lincoln , Is in the city.
Presbyter nn
At the Congregational mooting hold in the
Presbyterian church , Wednesday evening ,
Allen W. llibbard was elected moderator ,
nnd Edmond C. Lane secretary. The re
ports of members of the finance committee
were read. The treasurer reported $142.60
yet duo the pastor , the Uov. Hobort L.
Wheeler. Nearly enough hns been sub
scribed to secure this debt. Tho'gradinf ; tax
duo is $157.50.
The following resolution was unanimously
adopted :
Whereas , The Hov. Robert L. Wheeler , by
his zealous , successful and Christian labors
ns pastor of the "Church of the Stranger , "
nnd by his engaging manners and demnnnor
as n man nnd citizen , has met our fullest ex
pectation and endeared himself to us ; there
fore , bo it
Resolved , That wo desire the pastoral re
lations to remain unchanged , and hereby invite -
vito and request him , the Rev. Robert L.
Wheeler , to remain ns pastor of this con
gregation and that a commlttco bo appointed
to present those resolutions to the Rev. Mr.
Wheeler nnd to the board of homo missions
of tlio Presbytery of Omaha. "
Adjourned to meet In the church Tuesday
evening , the 30th. _
Tcutonlii Installation.
The following officers of Teutonta lodge
No. 295 , Independent Order of Foresters ,
were installed nt the regular meeting
Wednesday evening : Chief ranger , John
Frey ; vice-chief ranger , Anton Schuster ;
recording secretary , GustavThcin ; financial
secretary , Henry Strathman ; treasurer ,
Horrman Tricnkle ; medical examiner , Or.
Warren H. Slnbaugh ; S. W. , Horrman
Anger ; J. W. , .Tulius Fotlsch ; S. B. , Jacob
Ulrlch ; J. B. , William Schoon.
Prouecrtinjii of the City Council.
Mayor Slonne and Couucilmon McMillan ,
Fcnno , Towle , Johnston , O'Rourko , Burke
and RuTerty were present last night when
the council convened.
The committee on lights reported favor
ably on the Q street electric light.
The ilnanco committee reported favorably
on the following bills : Ilowland & Brad
ford , S'.OAOl ; Dr. M. Kirkpatrick. $0 ; Holmes
& Smith. Wr.SO ; A. Rosenberg , J32.G5 ; Mil
waukee Bridge Co. , ? ! ) . 705.23 ; G. Reuthor ,
310.SO ; Fred Fay , $11 ; C. Durr , $61 ; J. A.
Wuddoll , & 50 ; total , $3.030.54. The request
of Treasurer Geary for an assistant was re
ported on adversely , and the report was
The committee on public buildings reported
addorsely on J. J. Mnhonoy'ft bill for $150 for
damage to the old police headquarters , and
the bill was referred back.
Ordinance No. 132 , relating to making
motor connections , and to prevent connec
tions while paving is beiug done ; ordinance
No. 131 , relating to peddlers' license , nnd
ordinance No. 13 , relating to paving N street ,
were rend and referred.
The committee on rules reported , and the
report was adopted. The commlttco was
authorized to have 100 copies of the now
rules , with the committees thereon.
The clerk was authorized to piocuro ft re
porters' table.
The petition for n Hro hydrant at Twenty-
sixth and F streets , and the petition for tire
hydrants on Twenty-eighth street at C , D ,
B , i < \ and on G und Twenty-seventh streets ,
were referred. The petition to have the
water mains extended to St. Mary's cem
etery , \vas read. The city attorney was
directed to draft a city ordinance to have a
flro hydrant at St. Mary's cemetery.
A large number of license applications
were referred to the license committee.
The license committee , with the mayor ,
will moot in. the mayor's office Monday ,
April 29 , from 'J a. m. until p. m. , to act on
The following was road : The reporters
for the following papers heartily thank
Councilman Fcnno and the other members of
the council for BO readily granting their ro
il tmst for better accommodations.
Huitu.p , Bui : .
The following bills were read nnd re
ferred : Gibson , Miller & Richardson ,
Sll.rx ) ; street commissioner's force , $11U.75 ;
Charles Spllttlu.5U ; David Ilobon , J41.2.V
Fred H. Mover , { 5 ; Nebraska Telephone
company , $ ' . ' . < 0 ; D. C. l > eon , $10 ; Charles R.
Burgess. § 21 1)5 ) ; Peter McCaffrey , $ SS ; total ,
Engineer Lawrence reported that H wuld >
require- the removal of about 42.000 vards of
dirt at a cost of about (5stSO to gradn
Twenty-fourth street from A to N street , A
resolution to authorize C. H. Pritchctt to
complete the grading of Twenty-fourth
street at 15 cents a yard , X cent per yard by
the city , yt cunts uy the county
commissioner * nnd 7 cents to bo
collected from abutting properties loss 10
per centum discount for prompt payment ,
was read nnd laid on the tnblo. Contracts
for grading Twenty-fourth street were au-
The question of changing the Q street viaduct -
duct to meet the wants of Swift A Company ,
was brought up , and George H. King , of the
King Bridge company , made a statement
showing the cost or anuh change.
A warrant for $ .3,705.23 , on the L street
viaduct fund was ordered drawn. Morris
Morrison's second addition was accented.
Tho'clork was directed to clvo the legal no-
tlco to N. W. Harris & Co. that drafts would
bo made on them for SJO.OOO , on the viaduct
License bondsrnon will bo required to bo
present at the meeting Monday , to justify.
Adjourned , to moot Friday evening at 7:30 :
o'clock. _ _ _
Noton Ahmit the City.
C. W. Miller had the misfortune Wednes
day afternoon to lot n birrel fall on hw left
hand , cutting and uushlng thu two middle
Miss Marv Cain , of I'aplllion , is visiting
Mr. und Mrs. John H. Johnson.
H. Jettor will build a hotel on Q und
Thirty-one and One-Half strcoU , Third
Swift & Co. broke their cattle hilling ro.v
ord Wednesday , havma killed 700 hoad.
Superintendent A. C. Foster , of the Swift
& Co , picking hoiisei , has gene to CJhlcaio
to intend the funeral of the duuxhtor of
George F. Bwlft.
The deli very f jam of Dairyman W. H.
Moraii , Wodueday , while loft standing at
the Kxcuanjru , bacamu frlghlonud , and In
the runaway run into the hor-jo nf John
Moss , the polo striking anil tearing quite a
hole in tbo hip of Mr. MOSS'B mure ,
nonnict ) or 315,000 ?
A Very , Very , Fishy Story Told By n
Denver Matt.
Dc.Nvnn , Cojo. , April 2o. ( Special Telegram -
gram to "Tun BF.E. ] F. A. Vnnhuson , n
wholesale dealer In tobacco at 520 Eight
eenth street , entered polloo headquarters
Into last night and said ho had boon knocked
uown find robbed of $16,000 on Stout street ,
opposite the high school , at S o'clock last
night. Mr. Vunhusen states that ho WAS
assaulted by two men. Ono struck him from
behind twloo , and knocked him senseless.
His coat was cut open , nnd when ho recov
ered two packages of money , containing re
spectively $10,000 nnd $5,000 , were gone.
Vmihuson U unable to glvo an a ecu rate de
scription of the men. Ho was struck baok
of the right car. nnd It Is believed with n
sand bag. Vanhusou's ' having $15,030 In
his possession was the result of n peculiar
concurrence of circumstances , nnd his
being assaulted demonstrates that ho had
been shadowed from the tlmu the money was
placed In his hands. Vanhuson and Mr.
A. M. Ghost , n real estate dealer , contem
plated nn investment In Albuquerque. They
intended leaving on last night's train for
that point. About 2 o'clock yesterday
afternoon they wont to the Gorman National
bank nnd drew 510,000. , They then drew
$5,000 inoro from the State National bank.
They went together to the oftleo of the express -
press company for the purpose of expressing
the money to Alburqucrquo. The express
company's rates for the cara of the money
Avcro too high and they decided
to deposit It again nnd get drafts.
Upon returning from the express
oflico they found the banks closed. VatihURon
was on his way homo with the money. The
two packages were In his Inside vast pochot ,
The two men came up behind him on Stout
street. As they approached ho stepped aside ,
and Immediately they struck htm on the back
of the head. The first blow did not stun him
completely , nnd ns ho fell against the fence
ho turned to light , nnd struck nt the man
nearest him. Ho then received another blow ,
which knocked him senseless. When ho re
vived ho was lying on the walk. His coat
and vest were both torn nnd rut nnd the
money was gono. Upon investigation to-day
It was found thut Vunhuson had told differ
ent pcrsonsiliffnrcnt stories. Mr. Wing , the
partner of Mr. Ghost , visited the banks to
day nnd discovered that his partner had not
drawn n cent from thorn.
Chief nf Police Brady says : "In conjunc
tion with detectives I made u close inspec
tion of the circumstances surrounding this
case. It certainly is very mysterious. When
Vnnhusen came to my ofllco lost night ho
told very conflicting stories. Ho said that
ho had been hold up for 15,000. nnd to prove
that ho had struggled ho showed mo scratches
on his hand , Then ho guvo a detailed ac
count of the affair , nnd'when ho had finished
failed utterly to account for the wounds on
his hands. Ho said thu pockets on his coat
had been rlppuddown. The pockets were torn
entirely out. VunHusen told mo that
ho did not ewe n dollar. I find that lie owes
several thousand dollars , and yesterday his
store was attached by his own brother for n
debt of $1,01)0. ) To-day n note which ho g.ivo
ninety days ago for $2iJiO ( fnila due. Ho
nlso told mo that ho drew $1,1)00 ) from the
State National bank yesterday , which ho in
tended to put with $3,100 ho had In his office
to make up thu $5,000 , as his share m n pro
posed land deal. On Investigation I lind
that ho did not draw a cent from the bank.
I visited the scene of the alleged
hold-up last night and found the books
which Vanhuson says he dropped In thu
stuigclo , laid carefully to ono side. The en
velopes out of which ho says the money was
taiion were very carefully und neatly torn ,
showing no indications of haste. "
Several mombcra of the deloclive force are
debating whether or not Vuuhuson was not
his own robber.
Of Interest to AVar Veterans.
WASHINGTON , April 25. War veterans en
titled to commutation for loss of their limbs
by disease or Injury , uro now filing their
claims in vast numbers. Notice is given that
all such claims can bo settled by letter to the
surgeon-general of the army without Incur-
ing nny expense to the claimant.
Commissioner of Pensions to-day rendered
n decision by which the pension of Henry
Dembitz will bo increased from 530to ? 72 per
mouth. The pensioner in this case has been
receiving a pension of fr30 per month
for what is known as Peregoff's amputation
of both foot. This amputation is the re
moval of the entire foot , with the exception
of the heel bono und Integuments of the
heel , which nro brought forward to cover
the ankle joint. The case was pre
sented to the commissioners to-day , and
ho hold that the legal distinction between
the loss of BO much of thu feet us was experi
enced in this case , and the total loss of the
leet , was u mere technical difference , nnd
that the claimant was entitled to u pension
of $72 per mouth. This decision will apply
to a number ot other cases of line nature.
An Allowed ninrdcror Onpcitrcd.
KCAUNBY , Nob. , April 25. | Special Tele
gram to THE Br.B.J Sheriff Bortoss , ot
Adams countv , arrested Dave Crinklcau in
Green 'liver , Wyo. , yosterdav , and brought
him hero for sufo-ltooplug In the Buffalo
county Jail. Ho li hold for the shooting and
killing of Frank Fnuisler , in Hastings , last
Sninonii Coiifarnnoo
LiOxuoN , April 13. It is officially anounccd
that Sir Edward Malot , British ambassador
at Berlin ; Mr. Scott , British minister at
Borne , und Mr. Crow , have been appointed
delegates to the Saiuoan conference.
Cantata of
The cantata of birds at the First Presby
terian church last evening was a very pretty
and pleasing affair. The church parlors
were comfortably filled with nn audience
tnat warmly applauded the efforts of the little -
tlo warblers. The cantata was under the
charge of Mrs. Warner L. Welsh , and it was
through her efforts that the affair proved
such u success. The cantata presented was
Harrison Millurd's "Qucori of Birds , " con-
sibling of llvo acts , in the first nccno the
queen of birds , with her retinue of prettily
attired llttln girls , nppoarcd to consider the
best songster to present to the fairy nuorn.
The "birds" were attired in dresses and rio-
bOiiH befitting the songsters represented. .Miss
Ethel Clarke represented the hlumnrd und
Hang very swoctly. MUs Mnggln Mcldrum was
the lurk , und n bettor loiu-csetitativo could
not have been chosen. Her voice is very
sweet and her Ringing remarkably true for n
young girl , .rosslo Houston and Mary Craw
ford , attired in the garb of quAkercsRCS , ap
peared us wrens , and OH n lady expressed it ,
were "too sweat for imythUig. " Miss Flor
ence Mulr. ns the nightingale , made u repu
tation for herself na n young alngcr of musi
cal promise , nnd the fairy queen , Miss Emma
Allen , awarded to her the pilm. The ctntata
proved .suuh a sucacs * that it will bo repeated
to-night. _ _
A DnlJiiHcit I'oir.
Jimmlii Gibson , thu saddle-colored mulatto
who is janitor nt the police station , is In
trouble again. Some tlmo ugo Jlmmle nar
rowly escaped n term In prison for nllogod
undue intimacy with the wife of "Senator"
Williams. He fulled to profit by the example ,
and in now in the county jail under n
charge of ba&Urdy preferred by a whlto girl
named Annlo Nelson , who caused his arrest
yesterday. Gibson expects to escape punish-
muut by proving that ether parties have n
share In thu responsibility for the unfor
tunate cirl's condition.
Arrest of the Wife of a Prominent
Chicago Dlvlno.
Botli the Ijncly mill Her Husband Are
Quito Wealthy DOM Momca
Frlenils Itcfuso to
Bollovo It.
Slio AsnortR Her Innooonoo.
Cniovao , April 25. [ Special T61o rnnl to
Titr. BIE. | Mrs. Jonnlo Klrkhnm , wlfoof
the Uov. F. M. ICIrkhnm , who , It was an *
nouncod this morning , was arrested WoUnos. .
day afternoon lu the Boston store on the
charge of shoplifting , was arraigned In thu
Armory police court to-day. She appoanl
accompanied by her attorney , her husband
nnd several f i lends , fellow-members of "tho
Christian church , nt Thlrty-sovo'nth street
nnd Indiana nvonuo , of which the Hov. Kirk-
ham Is the pastor. George C. Christian , Mrs.
Klrkhnm's attorney , repented to the court
his client's ' story about meeting n girl namqil
Mary Fulton on a street car nnd employing
her ns n domestic. She wont with her to thu
Boston store , nnd the girl handed her vari
ous articles to hold. When sno was arrested
the Fulton girl disappeared.
"Mrs. ICIrkham Is n Indy of Irreproachable
character , " said Mr. Christian. "Sho U the
sister of General Drake , the founder of
Drake university at DCS Molncs , In. , and th
wife of Hov. F. M. Kirkham , publisher of
the Christian Oracle nnd pastor of the church
of which I am a member and the clerk. Wo
want a continuance until Saturday , In order
to find the Fulton girl. "
Edward Hlllumn , the manager of the Bos
ton store , objected to the continuance , but
thu court decided to lay over the case until
Saturday , mid placed Mrs. ICIrkham under
$800 bonds , which she promptly furnished.
"We had only three witnesses , nnd if they
had bean heard , the case could have at once
boon disposed of , " said Mr , Hillmnn. "I und
u lady who is in our employ saw Mrs. ICIrk
ham take the articles herself. Thuro was no
ono with her. Furthermore , she has admit
ted It to five different people slnco her arrest ,
mid when wo searched her nnd found nearly
$ i.0 worth of our goods concealed In the lining
of her dross , I asked her why she took thorn.
She said she thought there was something
thu matter with her head. She offered to
pay $ - 5 for them , und said she would not
have her husband know it for the world.
Whun 1 called In Olllcors Palmer nnd Holt-
man she admitted it to them. "
"Mrs. ICIrkham admitted the crime to mo
in her cull yesterday , ' suld Matron HIcIand.
"Sho sowed up the lining of her areas lu thu
cell last night. "
"Mrs. Kirkhnm admitted the crime to mv-
self and Officer Palmer , " said Officer Hoff
man who made the arrest. "Shu came down
town at 10 o'clock in the morning and spent
the whole day around the State street
stores. "
A conductor on the Rocic Island railroad
called ul the armory to-day and said that ho
brought Mrs. Kirkham into town nearly
every day from Auburn park on his train
nnd wondered at her peculiar actions. lie
mndc nn Inquiry of her and she answered
she was the wife of a doctor living nt Au
burn purk.
Nellie Murphv , a domestic who was fined
$10 by Justice LVOII for larceny , from her
employer , Orrn F. Havill , was Mrs. ICirk-
ham's cell-mate lust night.
"Sho tried to Induce mo to say that I was
with her in the Boston store anil stole thu
things , " said Nellie Murphy to the matron ,
Mrs. Hielaml , and she afterwards repeated
tfie story to the pollcu officers. "Sho said If
I pleaded guilty and took the blame , she
would pay mv line nnd see that L didn't get
into any trouble. I wasn't In the Boston
store and never saw the woman before , be
sides there is plenty of wltnussus to proro
where 1 was all day yesterday , i refused to
do it. " ,
After the case hud boon disposed of by
Justice White , Attorney Christian , the Hov.
Mr. ICirklKitu nnd two other gentlemen ob
tained permission from Justica Lyon , after
being refused by the other authorities In thu
station , to see Miss Nellie .Murphy. They
had just begun a conversation with her at
her cell door when Officer Hotlman came up
nnd stationed himself within hearing dis
tance. The gentlemen Immediately desisted ,
ascended the stairs nnd left the station.
Nellie Murphy .says that they were trying to
make her .say sha was in the Boston store
with Mrs. ICirkhum. Nellie Murphy's line
was suspended at the request of the matron.
DCS Moines iiyioiulCan't Itolluvo It.
DBS MOINKS , In. , April 25. ISpcdul Tolo-
cgram to Tun Bin. : ] The Associated press
dispatch , referring to the arrest at Chicago
to-day of Mrs. ICIrkham on the charge of
stealing , was received with mingled aston
ishment nnd Incredulity hare. The Mrs.
Kirkham who was arrested is said to bp the
wife of a prominent Christian or Campbell-
Ito preacher , who formerly lived here , and Is
a brother-in-law of General Dr.iko , of Con-
toivillo , who founded Dr.iko university in
this city. Inquiry mnong friends * of Mr.s.
Kirkham hero to-night , showed that they
believe thcro is some mUtalco about the
Item. They say that Mrs. ICirkhum Is worth
$50,000 in her own name , while liur husband
is Independently wealthy , so that she could
Imvo no possible Inducement for stoallng.
She loft Dos Moincs oniv ubout two monihi
ago , nnd was formerly .tho state secretary
for Iowa of the Christian Missionary society ,
und has always boon a woman of tbo highest
character and good judgment. Her friomll
suv that It It is acasoof kleptomania It hai
developed very recently , but they bnllcvu
that Rome ono has Imposed upon the pollcu
by giving an assumed ntima.
Ncliriiilcn nml liiwa 1'onHlnim.
WASIII.NT.TQN , April 25. Tola-
gram to Tin : liii : : . | The following ponsioiii
were grunted to Ncbraskaus to day i Origi
nal invalid Willlnm Cramer. Mexican sur
vivors James F. Knight. Increase Thoinui
Dulln , Kdwurd E. mullck , Davis M. White ,
Francis M. Brown , Philip ( ) , Klchardnon.
lowons : Original Invalid AsbUrj
Houchln , Amos Mon Icnl , Alvuh B. Gordon ,
Patrick Welby , George W. Mills. In.
rroasrdAlex S. Penv , Henry GurUs ,
Patrick Sullivan , Hc/.ekiah Llppott , Abra
ham Edwards , Henry D. ICahler , Hoborl
Greor. .Innios W. Mills. William H. Will.
lutim , Robert C. Nloklo , Clarldon P. Camp.
bell , Jonathan H. Porter , Aaron I < . KnU-llir ,
Nelson Brown. Uolssue Saulro A. Fuquu.
Original widows , eta Abigail , mother ol
Albert L. Hcaton. Mexican widows Marj
A. , widow of John II. Young.
Tins IlllnolH Canal
Si'iii.voFiKi.i ) , April 25. The governor to
day sent In the names of Louis Ilutt , o !
Chicago ; Captaln-J , A. Ames , of Straator ,
ano Clnrenco E. Snlvoly , of Canton , u canal
commissioners , For tlio Utter plnco then
ha * bctn u very bitter uontcst , the candidati
opposed to Sntvely being Clark , of Peorla
Thu latter city hus hud u lobby hero u gooc
purl of the tlmo since the Inauguration , and
Interviews by the doreii were 1icld with tin
governor. Snlvcly was bucked , howovwr , hi
the senator and rep.-cScntatlvr.s of his ( lit
trlct , as well as all the loading rcpublKms ID
ICnox , Fulton und Sturk counties.
Fair white hands ,
Bright clear complexion
Soft healthful skin.
' -Be Gnat Enellsti Complexion SOUP.