Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1889, Image 1

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The Oklahoma Boom Now Oausoa
But Faint Rovorboratlons.
Hundred * ! Dully heaving tlic Terri
tory \n Profound JRKIIHI | A Kiitlo
Awakening From a Dream
of Wealth.
Tlio Hiibhlo Ilur.Ufi.
Gmnnra , Oklahoma ( via. Arkansas City ,
Kan. } , April 25. [ Special Telegram to THIJ
UfiPi ] Tlio process of nmglc city building
fitill goes on licrc , and tlio excitement and
confusion continues. Iwo btinlcs have al
ready started. Ono of them has Its building
up , but tlio other Is doing business over n
counter in front of the building being
erected , The number of restaurants has In
creased to nineteen , with about as many
moro lunch .stands. Two uutchcr shops ,
four barber shops , twenty-eight land and
low offices , three livery stables , twenty
stores , and other business enterprises have
been established In tents. House building
ROCS on as rapidly as carpenters and lumber
can bo procured. Twenty-six houses liavo
liccn built within the past two days.
Tlio greatest Jam Is In front of the land
ofllco , whcro fully flvo hundred men stand
and sit In line outside , awaiting their turn to
fllo on their claims , and people are hurrying
hero from all over Oklahoma to lllo
on claims located at vnrlousj points. The
rush at ttio postofllco Is so great , and such a
Btatd of confusion prevails , that It Is hard to
get mail or send it off. There is only ono de
livery-for about ton thousand people , and In
order to'gnt near the posiofllco tent , It Is
necessary to stand in the line In the hot sun
.for an hour or two , and then perhaps no
malls have been received for two dava , or , if
received , the postmaster has been unable to
gctthom distributed. Poslago stumps are
very scarce and havo.bcen sold as high as 10
cents npieco to persona who were anxious to
got letters off. Tlio poslofllco supply was
exhausted on the first day.
The depot and express ofilcn are tno scenes
of the greatest confusion. People are rush-
ng hither and tbitber , hunting baggage , express -
press and freight , while others arc anxiously
n vnilitig the arrival of trains to leave fore
o her parts. All trains are be-
V.lnd tluio and no confidence can
bo placed In the railroad's schedule , and tno
agent scorns unable to keep track of the
It is strange that more accidents nro not
occurring. Two freight trains collided yes
terday inorning four miles south of hero and
wore pretty badly wrecked , but no ether ac
cident is reported. The passenger train for
the north last evening pulled out with ten
coaches loaded with disgusted and disup
polntC'1 people leaving Oklahoma. The cars
were literally packed , and also the platforms
and stops were crowucd.
Nearly everybody hero is armed , but pence
and quiet prevail , and the reports sent put
from hero of the killing of somi5 claim Jump-
.crs nro all manufactured. The only danger
from firearms is that someone will bo killed
by the reckless shooting that is done all over
the camps by tenderfoot who uro not fa
miliar with the use of weapons , and shoot oft
their pistols and Winchesters ovor.v night
simply because there is no law against it.
( jutltrlo Is full of huckster shops of all
kinds , and presents tbo appearance of the
outside of n 'ountry fair , where peanut , lorn-
onado and sandwich venders ure shouting in
cvor.V direction and selling tholr stuff. A
number of fakirs hnvo boon plying their vo
cation hero , and a few shell games vvcro
broken up by the military to-day. Tlio games
are similar lo three-card muntc , only a llttlo
worse , and several hundred dollars were
won from unsuspecing-"greenlos. "
There Is considerable speculation in town
lots , and exorbitant prices uro offered for
choice- ones , Ono man is said tolmvo refused
mi offer of $1,500 for n corner lot. Heal es
tate agents are busily engaged la soiling
claims , although moat of tlio lots have sov-
ural.clalmaats. Part of the land has been
homcstcaded and part entered as town sites ,
and all has boon squatted upon by
Bottlers ; hcnco endless litigation ti
euro to follow. The whole camp is
being surveyed by several parties , and until
plats have been uuido and accepted by the
land ofllco at Washington , no man can .toll
what lot ho owns or Decuples. Trouble and
strife are likely to result from thi < ; unsettled
Btato of affairs. All hero recognize the im
portance of having some sort of law for
Guthrla , ana ox-Alayor Constantine , of
Springllold , O. , has boon made temporary
police Judge , and has appointed several po
licemen to preserve the peace , for the United
States marshal's force was not to
pcndcd upon.
The thousands of people hero have to put
up with many hardships and inconveniences ,
und many persons who tmvo como in hero
uro loud In tholr denunciation of the news
papers that published such glowing accounts
of Oklahoma to Induce thorn to desert homes
elsewhere to como here. Thcro Is every rea
son to believe that Guthric will bo a live
city , for n while , at least , but the present
boom is not likely to continue very long , for
thnra is nothing now but tbo tush and ex
citement and confusion to sustain it.
Claim Jumping.
ESMOND. Oklahoma ( via Arkansas City ,
Kan. ) , April 5. [ Special Tolecra'n to TUB
Hnn.J Considerable claim Jumping lias been
done here , and this town and the land around
It is claimed by different parties. Several
persons are said to havn been upon the land
long before the tlmo for owning Oklahoma
under the president's proclamation , and are ,
therefore , denied all legal rights to land In
' the torrltory. Hut they toolt possession of
the host part of Edmond , ana but for being
driven off by the Chicago and Missouri colonies
nies , would luwo hold It. Three town sites
have boon located there , and there will bo
seine trouble over the organi/atlon of a pro
visional government , owing to the fact that
several factions are trying to control the af
fairs of the town. All of the laud has linen
taken up , and much of It u.u novoral olr.iui-
nuts. *
Ordered nn lnvoutl atlon.
WASHINGTON , April 25. Immediately upon
receipt h' ro of the press reports that gov
ernment officials and others tomK | > rarily in
Iho government employ In Oklahoma had
used tholr authority as such officials to so *
euro prior rights in land's in the territory ,
in disregard to the rights of. others , the
president und nee-rotary of tho. Interior Imvo
telegraphed the special agents of the depart
ment row in the torrltory to make a
thorough' and prompt investigation of the
facts in the case and report immediately to
tbo secretary the llndings. If the oftlclula
are found to have been implicated in any at
tempted injustice or wrong-doing the action
ot the government in the matter will bo very
prompt und decisive.
r > lsni > | > olntmnnt JJrovo Him Crazy.
WINICM > , Kan , , April S3.An unknown
man , apparently crazy , startled podostriunt
this nftoi noon by di-HWJng a razor across hit
throat , Inllicthig , a slight gash. Later he
hot himself through the head and dlnd this
evening. Prom papers found It was learned
thai ho WAS Silas 1) . Kennedy , of Itmr.a ,
Randolph county. Illinois. Two men In tti <
city to-day said they hod accompanied Kennedy i-
nody from Bt. Louis to Uutlirlo , and all three ia
failed to gut claims. It is supposed that I IK e
dead man's mind was doranned by failure.
KANSAS Cirr , Aprl25. ! AlUnglUher spec
Inl says that throe moro companies of in fan
try Imvo been ordered there. Thcro is DC
disorder and tlio troops are merely sent as i
precautionary iceasure. The Srst baby ww
born , yettcrday , U first saw lua light of Ui <
world in n wagon and was christened Okla
homa Lewis. The parents nro from Texas.
A number of settlers have claimed the north
half of Iho section ivs n townsltc , nnd have
named It Kingfisher. They have elected
a mayor nnd council , and nro running opposi
tion to the original Kingfisher. John A.
Hlnlr. secretary of the Cherokee Live Slock
association , nnd Ihroc others , have entered a
section between there and the strip lino. It
Bald that the Hock Island will build n depot
on the slti * . Ono of the Hlalr party who paid
fciOO for a lot. was chased oft by n sctllcr
who had first taken possession. Thcro are
three or four contesls on nearly every claim ,
nnd land lawyers are preparing for u harvest.
Reports of murders comu in , but nnno of
them have been substantiated.
llnrilHhlps of the Settlors.
KANSAS CITV , April 25. A special from
Gulhrlo , via rail to Arkansas City , says :
Facilities for getting news away from hero
nro no betlor than two days ago. Thcro la
lllllo outside of Incidents. The corps of sur
veyors wus yesterday Increased to four , nud
work was commenced In Iho afternoon.
Provisions eontinuo scarce. Ono man yes
terday sold thirty barrels of bread nt 15
cents a loaf or two for 25 ccnls. The supply
ran out , nnd while the people wcro willing to
pay an exorbitant price , it could not bo had
at all. Crackers found ready sale at $1 per
The inconvenience caused by the blockade
is boyon.l . computation. It gets worse in
stead of bolter. Prolghl , express nnd
bnggago Increases witli oaoh train , and
the lack of help .prevents prompt distribu
The water question continues to bo
a serious ono. Despite the fact that every
train lakes out largo numbers of dissatisfied
Bottlers , every train brings In as many more ;
so there Is little change in Iho actual number
Filing continues slow. It has never reached
n hundred a day , The order hero Is pho-
nomlnnl. No whisky Is to bo had. Tno de
mands of the people in Gulhrlo for railroad
service lo got out are accumulating , and nro
becoming so urgent that trouble Is feared. A
collision north of Stewart has made Iho Santa
Fo very caullous. Bolh engines wcro terri
bly smashed up , and two cars of cuttle getaway
away and wcro lost in the timber land.
It Is reported that the number of settlers
In Iho Cherokee Strip Is exaggerated. Only a
few nro camping moro than two days In tlio
place. It will take Captain Hayes but a
short time lo clear tbo Strip.
Prompt Action Ou Contents.
WASHINGTON , April 25. Commissioner
Stockslagor , of tlio general land olllco , to
day , said that from present indications con
tests over land claims in Oklahoma would ul
timately Involve nearly every quarter st
tlon of land in that terrilory. This being
Iho case , ho thought it probable that the de
partment would make Oklahoma contest
cases a separate class and dispose of
thorn at once ; otherwise , in the or
dinary course of business , it would
likely bo eighteen months or two years be
fore they could bo rcachod. Contest * In
which abandonment Is charged could not bo
passed upon until after the expiration of six
months , as Iho law does not recognize sepa
ration from a claim for a shorter period than
nix months as abandonment. Hut cus's of
fraud , or violation of law or the president's
proclamation , in going Into the territory
prior to April 22 , could be tried and disposed
of at once.
Another Oklahoma "Wire.
ST. Louis , April 25. A dispatch from
Ponca on the Sauta Fo railway In the Ponca
reservation , thirty miles south of Arkansas
Cily , Kan. , says Iho Weslcrn Union Tele
graph company has reached that point with
a second wire and will extend it to Purcoll.
This wire will greatly fucilitalo Iho gelling
of news from Oklahoma.
Mori-It's ' Estimate Too Small.
AUKANSAS CITY , Kan. , April 25. General
Merrit's report of the number of people in incomprehensible. It is esti
mated lhat fully 15,000 people are now In
Guthrlo und moro than 50,000 In Iho terri
tory. Nearly twice as many as ho allows for
the whole torrltory loft this place at onetime
time and uro still pouring in.
Au Emissary Tries to Got a Ransom
For a Stolen Body.
DP.NVKU , Colo. , April 25. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hnu. ] About a year ago James
Groouway was taken 111 nnd after a brio !
sickness died , leaving considerable property
to his wife. Since the death of her husband
Mrs. Groeiuvny was accustomed to keep his
grave in good condition and to dccorato it
with flowers. Yesterday , Mrs. Greenway
Visited Hlvorsido cemetery and was attend
ing to the flowers , when she noticed a
strange woman approaching. Supposing
the latter to bo there on a mission similar lo
her own , Mrs. Greenway paid slight alien-
lion to the stranger. When she finally looked
up nnd their eyes met , the slrangor re
marked :
"Wbal do you plant llowors on that grave
for I"
'Because it Is the grave of my husband , "
was the subdued reply.
"Well , you need not plant any moro or
fivo-tho grave any further attention , us Iho
body of your husband is not thero. "
"What do you mean I" nervously asked
Mrs. Qrcenwny , growing apprehensive nnd
casting a look of anxious inquiry at the
strange woman.
"I menu just what I say , " was the cool
reply "Tlie remains of your husband have
been removed. If you consider them worth
n small ransom I believe I could secure and
return them , provided that you kcop quiet ,
and conditioned upon no questions being
asked. "
Mrs. Greenway hurried to the sexton's
house and Informed htm what she had heard ,
nnd an Investigation proved that the body
had been removed. The officers were noti
fied , but all efforts to find the strange woman
proved futile.
The , Sohnmo Hit Upon Hy the Min
neapolis Worlcingincn.
MiNNHAi' , April 25. At a meeting , lust
night , of worklngmen , chiefly of ox-omploycs
of the Minneapolis Street Hallway company ,
a proposition was- considered to establish a
stock company hero , to run n hordlo system
In competition with Iho motor nnd slrcet car
linos. The Intention is to put fifty herd lea ou
the Ntrocts , and increase tha number 10 100
ai fast as the capital slock is obtained. Over
$13,000 worth of stock has been subscribed.
In addition to these , certain people have
pledged theupjulvos to take $30,000 worth , if
f 100,005 can bo otherwise obtained.
, A Notable Wedding.
CHICAGO , April 25. Miss Snllie G , Porce ,
daughter of Colouol Le Grand W. Porco , and
Lieutenant Gcorgo Wortlungton Ruthcrs , of
the Eighth Infantry , United States army ,
were married Tuesdav evening at thoChuruh
of the Epiphany , the Ilcv. T. N. Morrison
officiating , The ushers were H. Wallace
Purro , A , Martin Dontoy , Charles I-1. Porco ,
Karl Part-ells and II. Wheeler Porco. Misses
liluncho Hollers , Lizzie Tutlull , Can-In Hlg-
gins nnd Ltllas Grimwcro the bndemalds ,
und Mien Frank J. Perco , uiald of honor.
Fol'owing ' the ceremony a reception wus ten-
derud Ml' , and .Mrs Uuthcrs. at the residence
of Colonel Perco , 2 J3 Auhland boulevard.
They loft for Fort Hoblnsoii , Neb. , where the
groom is stationed.
- A Ron ! Eitnttt Dealer Suit-litre.
NEW YOHK , April 23. Andrew W. Bopnrt ,
a real cstuto dealer , committed sulcldo this
morning by shooting himself through the
head. Illness and financial losses ara
thought to have bcon the cause.
Secretary JlUInu's Condition.
WASHINGTON , April 25. Secretary Hlalne ,
\\lio\vas Indisposed yesterday , WCE feeling
much better this morning , but owlr.g to the
Inclement weallicr be did not go to tic state
It la For the Onttlo Thlovoa of
Koya Pahn County.
NamcR or Homo of the Men . Who ,
Under the Leadership of Duo
iMIdu'lcton , Terrorize
tlio Country.
Koya Palm Raiders.
Smixovinw , Nob. , April 2o. [ Special to
Tnu UKB. ] It would not , bo strange if the
names of Koya Palm nnd other counties of
northern Nebraska should become a syno
nym for lawlessness.
For three years n band of thoroughly or
ganized cattle and horse thieves has been
operating in this part of the state. Indeed ,
its organization might bo said to data from
tlio tlmo a former band succumbed to the
radical work of vigilantes , who were forced
to organize for self-protection. The present
band is much stronger than the old ono , and
ndor much better leadership. To verify
Ills , it is enough to sav that Doc MIddlcton
s at the head of It. Ho is know to be keen
, nd sagacious , nnd ono of the most despor-
, to runiati * on the frontier. Following in his
vako nro C. M. Clay , William Powell ,
"Icorgo Habcock and K. T. Gan-
ion. They might all bo called lead-
rs of the gang in their re-
pcctivo localities. The gang has lived under
ho guise of semi-respectability slnco Its or
ganization , nnd contains members who have
ccupicd local posilions of trust nnd honor ,
" 'owell was a former treasurer of Koya
'alia ' county. It Is a known fact that the
ang has sympathizers among the most
romluont and inliucntial citbcns of the
orthcrn portion of the state , and this makes
t very dltllcult to
The shrewdness of the operations of the
gang is In mind when It is stated that they
ire confined to the Sioux reservation. That
ocallty is eschewed that would bring any
; nember of the lawless band within the Jur-
sdiotion of the state or federal courts , and
ivhcn horses or cattle are stolen the thieves
r gang snap tholr lingers at any attempt
made to
It will bo remembered that the Sioux res
ervation is in Dakota. Now , the gang infests
Koya Paha , Hock and other contiguous
counties in this state. Homesteaders and
cattle breeders or crazcrs of the state per
mit their cattle and horses to feed upon the
cscrvation , having arranged for it with the
udlans , and they are loft in charge of
lierders , who round thorn up In largo num
bers during the grazing season , Just as the
herder used to do in the earlier unys In this
part of the state. During the still hours of
the night , or in open day , when a consider
able number of horses or cattle ara obscured
n brake or glen , the thieves cret
n their work , driving thorn into
Dakota territory , thus placing them
beyond the pales of court Jurisdiction in this
stale. Judge Dundy has so decided. It can
now bo seen that I he United Stales district
court of Dakota would bo the olily court of
competent Jurisdiction In such cases. The
law abiding citizens of northern Nebraska
IMVO had this difficulty to bother them from
Iho first , and for solf-proteclion were finally
forced to organize into protcctivo associa
tions or vigilance committees , having tried
redress in the courts rcueatsdly und failed.
The public is already acquainted with the
arrest of Clay , Cannon and Habcock by the
vigilance committee last January. Clay was
held from the Oth to the 15th of the mouth.
The committee hold him u day or two ; but ,
upon receipt of tno lelegram from Governor
Thuyerby Sheriff Cable , stating that ho
would hold Him responsible for the protec
tion of life nnd property , Clay was given
into his hands and subsequently released on
a writ of habeas corpus. Thus a number of
the gang again escaped when positive proof
ivas in hand that hu was guilty of
Wilhin the past ten days the encroach
ments have again been felt by the poor
homesteaders of Koya Paha counly. Nine
head of horses wcro "rounded up" on the
reservation and run off. As yet neither
they nor the thieves have been located ,
and the belief is strong lhat the stock has
bcon safely marketed. This lea
to a meeting of the protective as
sociation. Clay and his pals , since
his release , have assiduously circulated the
rcnort that tno governor had promised him
Iho protection of the state militia , if neces
sary. In fact , the telegram sent by the gov
ernor during the winter has been so griev
ously misinterpreted that the story gained
general credence. This nettled the settlers ,
and many of thorn were loth to act , oven In
self-dofenso , nnd some have been preparing
to quit the country rather than longer sub
mit to the outrages. The mooting called ,
however , resulted In dispatching G. H.
Hogcrs for a conference with the governor.
Ho is now in Lincoln , nnd the news has Just
been received hero that no assurance has
even boon given Clay , or any ono else , that
the governor would prelect lawlessness by
the state soldiery or other armed authorities ;
further , that ho will not Interfere if the law-
abiding citizens take the law Into their own
hands , if domed the protection of the courts.
This news was received hero with domon-
slralions of delight and gratification. It is
needless to say that
of Middloton and his gang If there are any
further "misappropriations" of property.
Hut no advances will bo made by the better
class of citizens hero , unless It becomes nec
essary. They have no desire to war upon
the gang , if they nettle down to honest lives ,
or leave Iho country , Ono or Iho other must
bo done , or there will bo border scenes with
out a parallel in the history of the state.
During the pilgrimage of Tun HEB ropro-
sonlalive through Koya Puha , Hook and adJoining -
Joining counties , a loiter was submitted to
him. written at Springviow , under date of
April 10. It pives a comprehensive history
of the operations of the gang since its or
ganization. The gentleman lo whom It was
addressed , however , doslrcs that his name
and the nauio of the wriler bo suppressed.
Hut Ihoy are known lo Governor Thayer , nnd
he can attest that the sources are genuine
and the ft formation it contains reliable. It
is as folllows :
Dear Sir In answer to your request -
quest for facts regarding the stealing
of slock on or about the line , between
the Sioux reservation and Nebraska ,
will state : Tills trouble began in the sum
mer of 1S87. Horace G. Stewart admits that
ho , O. M. Clay and John Remus , stole thir
teen heaa of marcs and colts and disposed of
them lo a party in Urown county. These
horses were stolen on the reserve near the
Missouri river ut the mouth of Whetstone
creek. A short tlmo after this William
Powell bought ninety-seven head of beef
stcors of Antoina Hurdcaux , of Rosebud
agency , and paid for them with worthless or
fraudulent checks on u bank at Stuart. In
early autumn following the summer , H. G.
Stewart furttior states that Clay , llomus
and himself Btolo about twenty-one head of
beef cattle from K. W. Hnymond of the
Sioux reserve and turned them over to
William Powell , who drove thorn to Hassott.
in Drown county ( near Hock counly ) und
delivered them to u party wbo shipped
them to Omaha. The cattle wcro
branded with a figure Q and
ono of thorn was killed near K F , Gannon's
place , and the hide was found bv ono of his
neighbors who will make aflldavit to the
sumo if necessary , Some fresh beef was
given to this man , whoso name Is James
Dean , by Stewart about the time of the kill
ing."Shortly uftcr this Stewart testifies that
Clay and Uomus stole fifty-live bead of cattle
of all sorts on Oak Creek , Sioux reserve ,
known as Iho 'Oak Crook cattle , ' delivered
them to him inside the Nebraska line , and
that hu and James Morrison drove them
south to Drown county to a brother of
William Powell. From there Stuart drove
a car load of thorn to the railroad and
shipped them , receiving some 550 for thorn.
The remainder are supposed to have been
driven west and disposed of ,
"Daring the summer and fall tbo settlers
In this county lost a grout niany cntilowhich
they could ret no track ofi About vtho Ifith
of June , 1SS3 , A H Warrior lot seventeen
head of beef stcors , whltSlf were being pas
tured on the reserve by'Glover ' Hamblct.
Thco cattle were lost soolrln the possession
of George Habcock nftcr.belng taken from
the herd. About the 1'tliof October , of the
same year , twenty-two head of steers nnd
ono horse disappeared from James Sklr-
vlngs' herd on Ponca creek. Sioux reserve ,
nnd ho has found no trace of them yot. On
the 17th of December following. M.
L. Taylor lost twenty-flvo tinnii of
cow nnd young caltlo , which wcro
also herded by Hamblct on Iho reserve. Six
teen head of these cattle , wcro found on Had
river , on the Choycnno agency. In possession
of Abe Hoar , a squaw man. Ho bought the
cntilo of A. J. Maupln , of Pierre , Dak. Mnu-
pin claimed to have traded horses for them
on the Key Palm river. . These catllo wcro
settled for by Gcorgo linbcock and E. T.
Gannon xvith stock. During the summer of
1883 seine fifteen settlers have lost various
numbers of cattle under' suspicious circum
stances , and Uabcock has been known to
soil a great deal of very cheap meat to
different persons. Ho hauled souio of It-
through Springviow , our county scat , nnd
sold ono quarter to M. O. , of Hrown
county , for comparatively nothing. Falling
lo sell the whole lot , as the weather was
warm , ho threw a quarter.on a. hill by tlio
roadside , where it was found later. Tho.1
papers in your possession will give- you ful
particulars in regard to the horse known as
the Query marc. About the Ikl of January ,
188'J , M. L. Taylor started north to look for
the aforesaid twenty-five head of cattlo.
Uabcoclc and Gannon also started north u
few days before , nnd when Taylor got to the
White river , Sioux reserve , they were on
their return home , nnd worn seen with a
largo bunch of horses nnd euttto. Seine forty-
six head of these calllo were found a short
time afterwards on White Thunder creek.
These cattle belonged ! to W. C. Curtis ,
United States commissioner at Hosobud
agency , nnd were branded with the
initials of the owner's names. Six head or
these cattle wcro brought south to the Keya
Paha river , by Gannon and Habcock , and
driven across Koyn Paha into Hock county ,
and sold bv E. F. Gannon to different par-
tics. Ho traded two cows to the Mushfelt
Hros. , nnd sold four steers to Broatou Uros.
for $50. "
there is lilllo wonder' ' that the sctllers of
Koya Paha and adjoining counties are rising
in their might , over & 00 strong , and propose
lo put a.stop to catllo and horse stealing or
exterminate the gang. Summary work may
"jo expected if the governor's visit Into this
> art of the slate docs not have u salutary in-
luonco. It is expected that ho will reach
lore during Iho early part of next week. The
rotcctivc association will meet him In rank
nd fllo at Springviow. They openlv say
, hat they nro not ashamed of their organiza-
ion , nnd take pride in Iho fact that it Is coni-
> oscd of the best citizen's of the county.
There is also a strong ami-vigilance organ
ization hero. It is composed of some citizens
, vho have evidently bcon" imposed upon , nnd
hey doubtless believe that sonio of the lead-
ng members of the band have been moro
inncd against than sinning. It will
probably number * 10(1uersons ( , half
jf whom have no moro respect for
aw and order than the devil has for the
Some of the ganc's sympathizers are under
very close surveillance. Some are oven sus-
: ) icioncd of having gathered riches from
ialcs and trades of stolen cattle and horses.
Ono lawyer of Springfield , especially. Is
watched by a thousand eyes. Ho bus coun
seled the members of the gang that were
rounded up by the vigilantes and taken into
custody. It is openly stated that ho is too
ntimalo with the loaders of Iho calllo
; hieves. and oven goes out-of the way to aid
them. If the hanging inatlnoo commences ,
his nook would not tvorth a sixpence.
His name can bo given A the proper time.
Clay , Gannon nnd BabcooK
ast January than most people think. Tlio
vote was taken by Iho vigilance committee ,
nnd Ihoir necks were only saved by a vote of
threo. These worthies swore vengeance because -
cause of this. Gannon has made bis boast
that ho will kill every man that voted to
hang him , and bo says bo has them all
The Query mare , referred to in the bistor-
cal letter , was found at Uosobud agency ,
ivhcro it had been sold by ono of the gang ,
said to have been Clay , and was killed by un
known parties the night the owner traced
her down. This was March 4. It is learned
that the mare was killed to prevent
proper appearance against Clay. In
dian agent Sponccr ordered a
post mortem examination the day
after she was killed , and the agency physi
cian says that she had no organic disease ,
but came to her death by being punctured In
Iho jugular veins by some sharp Instrument ,
possibly a lanceor the blade of a sharp
Other Incidents of a fiendish nature might
bo mentioned , but it only prolongs a story of
inhumanity and ruffianism. The allldavit of
Horace G. Stewart , a member ot the gangv
which has been sent to and is in the hands
of the governor , with others , not only estab
lishes guilt , but names the. parties and the
extent to which the thieving has been carried
in Northern Nebraska during the past three
years. The aflldavit relates to the the ft and
sale of the fifty-five head of catllo referred
lo in Iho letter ;
"SpHixaviEW , Nob. , Feb. 15. , 1889. I
first saw the Oak Crock or the P catllo
northeast of Turtle Huttcs , three miles. The
next tim Homus nnd O. M. Clay turned thorn
over lo mo at Kcmus' place. I was to take
them lo Dick Powell's , on Iho Niobrara
river. There wcro fifty-two head alto-
gethor. 1 crossed Iho river at Port-oil's and
loft thorn at Hates' two nights and then
shipped twenty-two head of them to Omalm
lo Clay , Hobinson & Co. I left sixteen head
nt Mr. Hates' , four at Mr. Dick Powell's '
place , three head at Mr. Snyder's , six bond
at E. F. Gannon's nnd ono at Komus' and
Clay's to butcher. My agreement with Clay
and Keuius was , I was to have one-fourth of
what tlio calllo brought.'and Clay , llomus
and Powell , one-fourth each ; was caught
with the cattle at the river , and
Powell would not have anything to do with
them , William Hobb wus to have shipped
the catllo for $75 , but backed out , so I
shipped them nnd secured 5015 and did not
give any ono anything.
"HonAcn G. STKWAUT , "
"Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
15th day of February , A. D. 1689.
"Justice of the Peaco/or Custer precinct.
It seems that after Stewart made this raid
lie left the country and was gene for some
months , but returned to.visit his sweetheart
when bo vvos'rounded' up" by the vlgilant-
crs , und thinking his tlmo had como made a
clean breast of the whole affair. Ho prom
ised to lead a boiler life , and aid in bringing
Iho wbolo gang to justice , and was giveh ills
liberty. j ,
PostoHlco Inspector * Appointed ,
WASHINGTON , April $5. Division inspect
ors of the postofllco department wcro to-day
appointed as follows ; General Warren P.
Edgarton , of New Jersey , assigned to Phila
delphia , vice Timothy' ' O'Lcary , resigned-
George A. Dice , of Illinois , assigned to St.
Louis , vice n. F. Guile , resigned ; Gcorgo L.
Boybolt. of California , assigned to San Fran
cisco , vice L. A. Kirtcwood. resigned , W.
C.Halrd , of Illinois ; j : D. King , of Illinois ,
nnd J , O. Culver , of California , have boon
reinstated as postjftlcQ inspectors on all mall
depredations under civil service rule No. 10 ,
they now having been separated from the
scrvlca moro than a year ,
The Death itocoril.
CHICAGO , April 5. A Dally News \Vau-
kegan , 111. , special uyss Elijah M. Hatncs ,
ex-speaker of 'tho lower house of the state
leclslaturo and for many year * u prominent
figure in state politics , died at bis homo there
this morning of p ralysU.
WAHIIINOTOS. April 25. Ex-Congressman
n. J. Ellis , of Louisiana , died suddenly in
this city to-day.
The Wmithor Indication ) ) .
For Nebraakaand Dakota : Fair , followed
by local rains , lower temperature , westerly
winds. *
For Iowa : Fair , followed | n western portion
tion by light ruins , warmer , southerly winds ,
followed In western portion by colder , west
erly winds.
Fraudulent PrnctlcoB of Ofllclate In
Oklahoma ,
The CltnrccB Will Uo Considered Hy
the Cablnot Tanner's Scheme
For 1'rotcotliifj the
D13 FouitTEi-.NTii STIIEET , }
WASIIINOTOX. D. C. , April 25. I
There is no doubt that the investigation
into Iho alleged fraudulent practices of
Marshal Tom Needles nnd United States of
ficials ia Oklahoma , in securing for them
selves the choicest town lots In Gulhrlo , will
bo pushed lo Iho cxlcnt of ferrotllng out
out every wrong door. LJoth Scerolnry
Noble nnd Iho president are determined to
visit summary punishment upon every official
who can bo proved guilty of the charges
which have been so frequently made against
thorn during the past few days. Tlio in
spector's report , which was ordered , to-day ,
by telegraph , will probably not bn hero for
some llttlo time. When it comes it will bo
carefully considered In a cabinet meeting ,
and If the charges , made by the newspapers ,
are sustained , every man in any way mixed
up in Iho land stealing , will not only bo sum
marily dismissed , but will in all probabil
ity cbo prosecuted criminally. The president
nnd Secrclary Noble nro greatly worried
over tlio reports and will allow no guilty
man lo escape.
ruoTr.cTixa TENSION-BUS.
Commissioner Tanner has adopted a now
schema in Ibo publication of Iho names of
npiilicanls lo whom pensions are granted
eaeh day. Ho still furnishes the complete
"list to the press , but Instead of following the
old plan of giving the postofllco address of
each pensioner ho gives the name and the
state in which the individual lives. This has
boon found necessary owing to the p'enslon
agents printing the pension list In the dally
papers and using this list of pensioners as
directories in order that they may extend
iholf business by Inducing the pensioner to
apply for still moro. This scheme of the
pension agents has caused the depart
ment a great deal of extra labor , und
it frequently costs the pensioner u great
deal of unnecessary anxiety nud the outlay
of money which ho can ill afford to waste. A
pension agent will write to him that bis claim
has been allowed und that ho ( the pension
agent ) can secure an increase , ho thinks , if
ho has nil Iho facls placed before him. Of
course , Iho applicant Is asked for another
fee , and. in the hope of securingmoro money ,
will besiege the pension ofllco through his
attorney for a reopening of his case.
Ex-Governor Stone , of Iowa , was , to-day ,
appointed donuty commissioner of the gen
eral laud office. Senalor Allison called on
Iho president this morning , and urged him
once more to hand the commlssloncrshlp to
Governor Stone , but Secretary Noble , it is
understood , has another candidate for the
place , and , therefore , the ox-governor did
not got It , but wus put into a minor posilion.
While Mr. Slockslogor's successor as com
missioner has not yet been announced , it is
understood that the change will bo made
within a very-few days , although it is possi
ble the nresidcnt may not name any one for
the place until after his return from the fes
tivities in New York.
There is n very decided hitch in the ap
ointment of the first and second deputy
commissioners of pensions. * * The salary is
$3,000 ayoar , and the offices have been eagerly
sought. The two principal candidates now
in Iho field for the two positions are General
Iliram Smith , of Cameron , Mo. , and General
E. W. E. lloss , of Haltlmoro. Twelve days
ago Sccrelury Noble sent General Smith's
name to the president for appointment as
first deputy , and Commissioner Tanner Is
exceedingly anxious to see General Uoss
obtain the second dcputyshlp. Secretary
Noble is also very favorably disposed toward
General Hoss. It seems , however , that Sen
ator Hiscock , of Now York , stands in the
way. The second doputv is General Joseph
.T. Hartlott , of New York. Mr. Hartlett
is a democrat of the most advanced
stripe and ono who has never made any con
cealment of his active partisanship , but ho Is
a warm personal friend of Senator Hiscock ,
nnd the senator has said that no Influence
shall bo powerful enough to remove General
Hartlett. It is understood that ho has gained
Senator Evart's influence , besides n number
of other slrong political friends , and between
them they nro confident that General Hart
lett will remain in his ofllco. Mr. Tanner ,
eager as ho is for General Hartlctt's removal ,
finds hluisolf helpless , and the result is that
there is a deadlock in the appointment of the
deputy commissioner of pensions.
Commissioner of Internal Hovonuo Mason
will very shortly have twenty special agents
of Internal revenue to appoint. These offices
nro very much sought after by congressmen
for active working friends. It appears , how
ever , that of the twenty there are only nine
to bo distributed among the forty senators
and 100 republican representatives. Mr.
Masun st tos that there nro four republican
hold-overs , who will bo rcappolntcd , four
who were dismissed by Mr. Miller , but who
will bo rolnstatcd , nnd lhat three have al
ready been promised to high ofileial person
ages , so that there remains only nine for the
rest of the world. There is nn equally actlvo
scramble for the twenty-eight positions of
special agents of Iho treasury , which uro lo
bo divided among the forty-two states. It is
underntood that the Now York delegation
has demanded und boon promised ut least six
if not cicht of the special treasury agenls.
A friend of Iho family of Iho president soys
that Mrs Harrison is greatly worried ever
Iho condition of tier husband. It is assorted
that the constant demands of ofllco-scckcrs
and the worry which follows the daily hearings -
ings of plaints and complaints of his visitors
has worn upon the president to such , an ex
tent that it has produced insomnia , and his
family are urging him to take a vacation of a
week , at least. It Is probable that this
course will bo adopted soon after the return
of thu presidential party from the centennial
celebration. At present the president takes
his constitutional every day , and is debarred
only by rain from walking several miles
every evening.
' Buck" Taylor will leave with Iho horses ,
buffaloes and seven cowboys for tha Wild
West show to-morrow. The block has been
winlcring at General Hoalo's farm , north of
tlio city. The animals are corraled at the
Union stock yards. The entire party will
Icavo on the steamship Persian Monarch ,
and will go to Paris , whcro they will remain
until fall , when they go to London.
The first assistant secretary of the Interior
haf rendered a decision in the ease of the ap
peal of Melissa J. Gunningliuin from the de
cision of Die commissioner of Iho general
land office , of January 0 , 1883 , holding for
cancelallon her pre-emption cash entry of
April 15 , 1835 , for Jots I and 2 In the south
half of the northwest quarter of section 1.
township ! U ) , range 25 west , Valentine land
district , Nebraska , the commissioner basing
his action on Iho ground that the claimant ,
having been a married woman at thu date of
tha final proof , was not u qualified pro-
omplor. This case Involvcnl uu irregularity
In the claimant's declaratory statement , arid ,
being married shortly after the settlement
on her pre-emption , that Jfaet was urued as a
bar to her submitting her corrected declara
tory statement. The first assistant sec-rotary
reversed the doc.sion of the conimUoloner ,
and penults the clalmunt to submit final
AHMV OltnEK" ,
Tlio superintendent of thu recruiting o r-
vice will cause thirty racruiU to bj assigned
to the Sixteenth infantry -and forwarded
under proper charge to such point or points
in the department of 'tbo Plulto as tbo com
manding general of the department shall
designate. Attar arrival in that department
the recruits will bo distributed as equitably
as possible among the companies of the regi
ment ,
Captain William J , Hood , Seventh Infan
try , having been found by an army retiring
board Incapacitated for actlvo sorvlco on ac
count of dlsaollity which is not incident to
the sorvlco , Is , bv direction of the president ,
retired from active sorvlco from this date ,
under the provisions of socllon 12.V1 revised
statutes. PKIUIY S. HEATH.
HE up or. ion A SQUAW
Ami the Camera Caught Him In the
Act ,
CimmoN , April 24. ISpoclal.l At Gor
don there was a miscellaneous aggregation
of people on the platform to receive us.
Among them were half a dozou squaws ,
ranging In years from early Womanhood to
old nee. They displayed n natural reserve ,
which successfully resisted all the efforts of
Iho mosi engaging hugglsts of the party to
Induce thorn to engage In conversation. The
nttcnllons of some of Iho party brought a
number of mule aborigines to the platform.
These were covered from head to foot in
largo army blankets , n sect Ion of tholr 1m-
mobllo foalurcs oven being cowled from
view. The camera was brought Into action ,
the Indians were grouped nt the end of the
depot , nnd Just as Iho focus was obtained
Max Moycr Jumped inlo position , nnd Just as
the pinto was exposed- extended his arm
around the shoulders of the protllost squaw ,
as ho might Lave done around a
sister's. ' H. G. Clark emulated his
example on the other end , of
tbo line and then Iho plate was obscured
nnd the palofuces and their copper coiorod
brolhorn wcro taken in the picture. The
brass band of the town played a dirge while
the photographer was at work.
At Hushvlllo a number of Indians were
discovered on tlio plnlform. The majority
of thorn wcro women , nnd each of those
bore a papoose In her arms. At a distance
of a quarter of a milo from the dopol were
half a dozen lepoos , from all of which lijjht
curls of pale blue smoke were ascending
Into the evening air. The supply depot of
Iho Uosebud agency is localcd at this place.
The supplies are here received from Iho
train nnd tlron carted away by the Indians
ou orders from the ugout.
At Hay Springs wo mot several loading
citizens while two hundred or moro who
were unknown to fame , stood upon the plat
form nnd cheered the party as it dismn-
barkcd. Here wo met the once famous Doc
Middloton , at ono tluio the alleged terror of
this section of Iho country. As Is pretty well
known , ho long ago became domesticated
and is now residing ut Kushville , the last
place visited. Ho is cultivating n largo
beard , wears the ordinary white hat of the
country , and looks anything but the ideal
border ruffian , which he was once consid
ered to bo. While talking to you ho has a
habit of resting his hands In Ills hip pockets ,
a habit which suggested lo some of our people
plo Iho advisability of giving him a very
wide berth. I could not rests the temptation
to see what kind ot an arsenal hu kept in
those pockets , und satisfied myself that ho
was much inoro lightly armed than some of
our party.
At Chttdron , Tuesday night , wo stopped
for supper. The hotel was thronged to moot
us. I met a numoorot people who had for
merly resided in Omaha , A general shaking
of hands tooir place , after which it was an
nounced that wo would return Wednesday
night , when it was determined that the party
should become their guests for a few hours
before going north to the hills.
At Buffalo Gap.
BUITALO GAP , Dak. , April 25. ( Special
Telegram lo ibo HEC. ] At 3 o'clock this
mornlntcthe board of trade party of Omaha ,
rrlvcd at Huffalo Gap. In the early morning
he visitors started for Hot Springs , where
hey breakfasted , returning to Uuffalo Gap.
A.t 8 o'clock this afternoon they wore mot
t Iho depot by a largo concourse of the oil-
sens , accompanied by the Huffalo Gap cor-
jet band. A pleasant and profitable hour
vas had in discussing the commercial intor-
st that will In the near future exist between
Omaha as a market and the Hlack Hills
ountry as a customer. Many regrets were
voro expressed by Iho Omaha gentlemen
hat they had not boon better advised of Iho
atural resources of Huffalo Gap and vicin-
ty , of its wealth in building , ornamental
tone and marble , its agricultural possibll-
lies , whieli are practically unlimited , in all
if which Omaha must fool moro than : t pass-
ng interest.
An urgent invitation was tendered to stop
jver nt Huffalo Gap a few hours on its return
rom the north und make a bolter acquaint
ance with the country and a people full of
great recourses.
At UnplU City.
KAPIII CITV , Dak. , April 25.--Spcclal | Tel-
3gram to THE Him , ] The Omaha board of
rade's special pulled inlo Unpicl City ut 0 p.
m. . a full hour late , owing lo Iho delay of Iho
) arty on the trip to Hot Springs this fore-
loon. The members wore received by a
: ommitleo of Hapid City's board ot trade ,
numbering tun of the prominent members ,
Deluding the president nnd secretary , and
escorted to Holel Harnoy , where Iho com-
nlttco had supper in waiting. Thirty car
riages were in attendance , and after supper
ho oxcurslonisls were convoyed Ihrough tlio
city until dark. At this time , 0 p. in. , the
visilors are being enlcrlainoil in the parlors
of the Harney. and are having a happy time.
The train will pull out for Whitewood to-
ilghl. Efforts are being made by the local
ward of trade to Induce another slop nnd
ongor slay of the party when en route homo.
All here regret that the present visit can note
> o prolonged. As it is , the city belongs to
the visitors , and all possible Is being done
"or their pleasure.
The EmurcRM of Austria Not So Kick
aH Ronnrtcil.
VIENNA , April 25. [ Special Cablegram
to Tun ( Jr. ) : . I The Abend Post officially
irolcsls against slanderous reports of the
roroign press In regard to the health of the
Empress Elizabeth of Austria. It asserts
; hat she has not suffered soi-lously , although
deeply afflicted at the untimely death of the
lalo Crown Prlnco Hudolph. She hud a se
vere attack of neuralgia , but the trouble is
abating ,
Mooring of Manitoba Director * .
NEW YOKK , April 25. The annual meeting
of the Manitoba road was held hero to-day.
Sir GeorgB Stephen and Sir Donald Smith
wcro uiado members of the board of direc
tors. It is stated that $3,000,01)0 ) of Manitoba
stock , bought by Interests identified with the
Chicago , Uurllngton St Qumcy , two years
ago , liavo been sold to the original holders.
It U believed that the changes just made are
part of a programme by which all extensions
of the t'hii-ngo , Burlington & Qulnuy , In
cluding the Hurllneton ft Northern , will bo
cut off , and a now association formed of
roiidb between Chicago and St. Paul , which
will pool fiom all roads In the north west ,
Fatal CiillinloM In TennoxNce.
GI.BN MAJIT , Tenn. , April 2"i. A collision
occurred yostordcy between two freight
trains about H inllo south of here. Hrnkeimin
Taylor , Conductor Hlnolino und Engineer
Husk were badly crushed. The first two
died soon aster being extricated. Husk's in-
Jqrli'.a mo fatal. Two others worn slightly
injured. The accident was caused by tbo
fwotfulnoss of one of Iho s.-iginciiis.
X Steamship Arrivals.
At Ciu eiistown The Wyoming , from New
At PbllVaclpala The Maine , from Lon
don. \
At GlattjowTliu CynlhU , from Haiti-
At Rotterdam 'Iha Obcid&ru , fu'i" New
At Newcastle Tuo State of
Jrgm New York.
And Hated All the Other Moan nnd
Nnsty Mon.
Seine Rather Spicy Letters Put In
Evidence- the Notorious Dl-
vorco CnHO Now Ou Trial
In Chicago.
From the Uplrttlo of Carter.
CHICAGO , April 83. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : lien. ] Lcsllo Carter was again on tha *
witness stand all day. Ono of his lawyer *
would road n letter from Mrs. Carter to him
and would then question the witness about
circumstances connected with It. Mr. Carter
told how ho had found In his wife's portfolio ,
loiters from Charles Dommlng , of Now
York. Ono was dated September , 18S4. It
commenced : 1I take my text from the opls-
tlo of Carter lo the Uouumlan. " It con
tained a lot of rather unconnected sentences.
"Your last letter to the Hoheinlan Is jusl
like a woman always with n woman's
anxiety for moro. It must bo remembered ,
my heuroi-8 , that It is woman's nnturo to in
sist on full measure , but to glvo sparingly
herself. The Carter says to the Bohemian
that she can not see the H , but she hopes ho
may como to see her. Is the H the employer
of nu army of typewriters and the owner of
a paper mill ! Oh , no ; ho Is only u plain ,
common man , with all the longings , desires ,
and passions of u man. Cartar tolls mo that
if 11 can not talk to her ho can s.iv on paper
what ho would say If ho were with hnr. Are
the feeling * , the passions , satiallcdi Oh , no ,
my dear ncaror.s. With ono long kiss , ona
loving embrace , ono hour of passion , 1
eloso. "
Letters in the same style were rond. A
number of lottora writtou by Mrs. Cm-tor to
Carter during the time ho was treating her
so badly , according to Mrs. Curler , were
next read. They loomed with "Dour Leslie , "
"Uoarost Leslie. " "Uourle , " "Sweetheart , "
nnd nil the lavish nnd extravagant expres
sions. Mrs , Carter said :
"I nm not discontented Indnod I am not.
Please , dearie , bo kind , nice and good. No ,
1 don't say that. You are always that. "
hi another letter Mrs. C.irtor writes :
"Leslie , my dear boy , 1 am awfully , awfully '
tired , " etc. Closing , she said : " 1 love you.
and 1 am your loving Klttio. Thanks for tha
money. "
Mr. Carter started to toll the jury about
what ho found ntthocottagoatCooporstown.
"I leai'ncd that tlio living expenses wora
much higher than she had represented tame
mo ; the rant was higher than she had said it
was. I found that her conduct with Mr.
William Constable "
"No , no , wait ono moment ; that wont
do , " said Airs. Carter's lawyer , and finally it
was brought out that there was no nllogulion
of Impropriety with Mr. Constable , either iu
t/'io answer or cross bill ; so that feature of
the case was erased. In Scutamhor , 1834 ,
Mrs. Carter was in Cooperstown , still long
ing for Leslio. According to hoi- letters , she
wanted to die because of the nagging and
talk , and she hated a mean , nasty man who
was also talked about with her. She ex
pressed regret at having spent so much of
her Leslie's money , and wondered if she
.vould bo forgiven. Aeain , during the sumo
month , nnd also in Cooparstown , Mrs. Car
er acknowledged the receipt of : i letter ho
: iad written in answer to her blue , dlsheart-
med letter. It was a precious , kind-hearted
etior , and she thanked him for it. She
, vunted him to romcmber that she was sonsl-
, ivQ and foolish , nnd she wus sorry she hud
ver bean seen with that misty , mean
'carco , referring to the State Senator
'carco , of Urooklyn.
Thc-lr Ulhcovci-y Rnvnnls the Author )
or an AlrouloiiH Murder.
SAMOSKT , Ky. , April 25. A most impor ,
tiint item of evidence to convict two men4ol
nn atrocious murder committed a year aga
ivas disi-overed yesierdnv by a boy. Two
peddlers were mysteriously missing a yoai
: igo. John and Henry Hill , ut whoso house
.hey were last seen , worn arrested charged
ivith their murder , also a woman who wus
tholr housekeeper. The woman testllled that
the Hills killed the peddlers , but as their could not bu found they wcro 10-
leased. Yesterday a boy found a coffee sack
in which were two skeletons , a tin basin and
ii small basket , rccogni/od as belonging to
ho Hills. Tim Hills were again arrested
and placed : n jail in Jamestown.
and Iowa I'oHt.miiHtors.
WASHINGTON , April 25. [ Special Telegram
to Tun lin.lNebraska : postmasters ap
pointed : Volncy U. SeUur , Urock , Nomnha
county , vice T. M. Self , resigned ; Henry A.
Martin , Grcoly , Greely county , vice T. For ,
resigned ; U. F. Polloy , ICImball , Kimbnll
county , vice W. H. Day , resigned ; Martin
Lookwood , Mnrtlnslmrg , IMxon county , vice
J. C. Schult/ , removed ; Freeman Cary ,
Parncll , Greely county , vice .1. Bishop , re
signed ; Mm. J. Hall , Reynolds. Jefferson
county , vlco C. D. Moore , resigned ; J. E.
.ronoH , Huskin , Nnckolls county , vlco I. N.
Keller , resigned ; John H , lirnnn , St. Helena ,
Cedar county , vice A. Schulter , resigned ;
Herman Myers , Staplehurst , Sowiird county ,
vice F. Pavolku , resigned ; Fred L. Hamble-
Ion , Verdigris , Knox county , vlco C. E.
Juooro , removed.
The following Iowa postmasters have been
appointed : J. G. Thayer , A very , Alonroo
county , viccT. f-cavcnger , removed ; Cbarlei
W. Heading , Hhikcslmrg , Wapollo county ,
vice L. T. Stuart , removed ; John Fox , Dallas
Center , Dallas enmity , vlco C. H. Klngcr , re
signed ; C. F. Arlclcv , Marble Honk , Floyd
eotinty , vice C , K. Wood , removed ; Pete *
Thomiis , Hpringdaio , Cedar county , vioo H.
C. Darner , removed ,
A Lively Klro at Yiuiklon.
YANKTON , Unit. , April 23. [ Spuelnl Tola.
trrarn to TUB Heu. } A burn wan partially
burned on liroadway , ycstot-iitiy nfternnon ,
inul three horses consumed. At ' ! o'clock
thl * morning another tire broke out la a
frame attachment In the rear of the Morri
son hotel , and soon Iho names had reached
the second story , nnd grout consternation ,
prevailed , The guests and occupants , with
liajj und bugcing piled Into the streets In great
disorder. The water was nbi'iuliint and tha
firemen had pluck und dash , und in less than
ilftrcn minutes after the streams wora
turned nn the Urn was nut und a great calam
ity avoided , as llio hotel is tno largest in tha
citv. The loss Is only u few hundred dollars
nnd Is covered by insurance. The property
was recently purchased of J , C. Morrison by
Mr. liolllday , wbo now runs the house ,
CRIIHIIM Olllnorn Uoumiiintmilecl. ;
WASiii.xoroN , April 25. Hobort P , Porter ,
supurlntcndent'Of census , has recommnnded
to the secretary of thn interior the appoint
ment oj G , C , Stoihlurd , as disbursing olluor
of the census , Uuxldard Is at prudent dis
bursing oflleer of tlio department of labor.
HQ ulna recommended the appointment of W.
C , Hunt , as statistical expert , lliu.twas
formerly chief of division of thu rusults of
the MassaobuHi'.t's cnnsus. it1 1 * undijrtitood
that both bis recommendations will bo ap
proved by Secr"tury Noblu ,
Mnlcen a Haul.
NKW YmtK , April M. In view of the op-
prouchlni ; rc.rtcmilil : , and In accordance witb.
an nroer" Issued by Inspector llyrniiB , the do-
tcutlven la t ni'jlit gathered in about fifty
burglars , wienk thieves , pickpoekets , oto ,
The prisoners were arraigned lii wiirt to-
da.v aid led : ! for examination.
Two Killed l > y Drtuiinlte.
DETUOIT , April 25. A Journal sppdul from
Homes suyr , Juuics Connor and .lumen Harris
were U'lvdiy ' \ the premature cxploslcn ot
il.vnamito tills morning wh'le l-lowlng up
clout ; hre isttes t.yo ( Here.